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DOI: 10.1002/ijgo.



FIGO consensus guidelines on placenta accreta spectrum

disorders: Epidemiology,

Eric Jauniaux1,* | Frederic Chantraine2 | Robert M. Silver3 | Jens Langhoff-Roos4 | 

for the FIGO Placenta Accreta Diagnosis and Management Expert Consensus Panela

EGA Institute for Women’s Health, Faculty of Population Health Sciences, University College London, London, UK
Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, CHR Citadelle, University of Liege, Liege, Belgium
University of Utah School of Medicine, Salt Lake City, UT, USA
Department of Obstetrics, Rigshospitalet, University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark

Eric Jauniaux, EGA Institute for Women’s Health, Faculty of Population Health Sciences, University College London, London, UK.
Email: e.jauniaux@ucl.ac.uk

Developed by the FIGO Safe Motherhood and Newborn Health Committee; coordinated by Eric Jauniaux, lead developer and corresponding author.

The views expressed in this document reflect the opinion of the individuals and not necessarily those of the institutions that they represent.
FIGO Placenta Accreta Diagnosis and Management Expert Consensus Panel members are listed at the end of the paper.

1 |  INTRODUCTION through the uterine serosa.2,3 Placenta increta and percreta are often
referred to as abnormally invasive placenta. More invasive placenta-
Placenta accreta was first described nearly 80 years ago as a clinico- tion is not due to a further invasion of extravillous trophoblast in the
pathological condition in which the placenta fails to separate partially uterine wall, but likely arises from an extended scar defect that allows
or totally from the uterine wall.1 Several concepts have been proposed the development of chorionic villi deep within the uterine wall, includ-
to explain why and how it occurs. In the past, it was thought that a pri- ing within its peripheral circulation.4 The striking rise in the incidence
mary defect of the biological function of the trophoblast would lead of abnormally adherent and invasive placentation in women with a
to excessive invasion of the myometrium by placental tissue beyond prior cesarean delivery supports the latter concept.3
the physiological decidual–myometrial junction zone. The current The challenge in writing this chapter on the epidemiology of
prevailing hypothesis is that a defect of the endometrium–myome- accreta placentation was the heterogeneous definition of the condi-
trial interface, typically at the site of a prior hysterotomy, leads to a tion. Nearly half of the cohort studies published over the last three
failure of normal decidualization in the corresponding uterine area. decades do not provide evidence of correlation between prenatal
This allows extravillous trophoblastic infiltration and villous tissue ultrasound signs, clinical symptoms, and detailed pathologic findings
to develop deeply within the myometrium, including its circulation, at delivery.5 In addition, the recent inclusion of both adherent and
and to sometimes reach the surrounding pelvic organs.3 The cellular invasive forms of accreta placentation into one archaic category i.e.
changes in the trophoblast observed in accreta placentation are prob- “morbidly adherent” makes the interpretation of clinical data more
ably secondary to the unusual myometrial biological environment in difficult. This could explain the wide variability in the prevalence of
which it develops, and not to a primary defect of trophoblast biology the different degree of accreta placentation, in the accuracy of prena-
leading to excessive invasion of the myometrium.2,3 tal diagnosis, and in differences in outcomes, as well as why prenatal
Depending on the depth of trophoblast invasion into the myome- detection rates remain low in recent population studies.6–8 To facili-
trium, three subtypes have been differentiated by pathologists: (1) tate the discussion, we use placenta accreta spectrum (PAS) disorders
superficial placenta accreta (also called placenta creta, vera, or adher- to include both adherent and invasive placental disorders.
enta), where the villi attach directly to the surface of the myometrium Massive obstetric hemorrhage is one of the most severe mor-
without invading it; (2) placenta increta, where the villi penetrate bidities of childbirth and one of the most important and potentially
deeply into the myometrium up to the external layer; and (3) placenta avoidable causes of maternal death. Retained placental tissue and
percreta, where the invasive villous tissue reaches and penetrates secondary uterine atony remains one of the most common causes of

Int J Gynecol Obstet 2018; 140: 265–273 © 2018 International Federation of |  265
Gynecology and Obstetrics
266      | Jauniaux ET AL.

massive obstetric hemorrhage globally, and postpartum hemorrhage

2.1 | Cesarean scar
in particular.9 Any attempt to manually remove a PAS disorder typi-
cally provokes heavy bleeding and is associated with high maternal The increase in prevalence of PAS disorders has been directly linked
morbidity and mortality.10 The clinical symptoms of PAS disorders—in to the increase in cesarean delivery rates in most middle-­ and high-­
particular in cases of a partially adherent placenta—can be very similar income countries, and is supported by strong epidemiologic data.6,8,15–26
to those of placental retention, and some authors have amalgamated There are currently no epidemiological data on the prevalence of PAS
the two conditions together.11 However, a retained placenta, which is disorders in low-­income countries.
merely entrapped in the uterus after childbirth owing to constriction In their original study published in 1937, Irving and Hertig1 esti-
of the cervix, should not be included in the category of PAS disorders; mated the incidence of placenta accreta to be 1 in 30 000 deliveries
nor should cases where a retained placenta is easily removed within in the USA. Their cohort study of 18 cases included only one woman
30 minutes after birth. This suggests that the prevalence of PAS dis- with a prior cesarean delivery. By contrast, a matched case–control
orders and in particular of invasive accreta placentation is likely to be study published in 2005, including 111 cases of PAS disorders identi-
lower than that reported by many previous clinical studies. fied using strong clinical criteria or histopathologic examination, found
In many medical conditions, histopathologic findings are essential the incidence of PAS disorders to be 1 in 533 births.15 This incidence
and often provide a gold standard for the definition of the condition. corresponds with an 8-­fold and a 5-­fold increase compared with the
However, myometrial fibers can sometimes be found in the basal plate 1970s and 1980s, respectively, and is linked with cesarean delivery
of normal placentas,12 the decidua is not a continuous layer and it rates in the USA increasing from 12.5% in 1982 to 23.5% in 2002.
becomes thinner with advancing gestation, and in many cases of pla- The increase in cesarean delivery rates in Europe occurred about
centa percreta the extended damage to the uterine wall, with no decidual a decade later than in the USA (Table 2). An Irish institutional cohort
and myometrial tissue left at the site of placentation, makes histopatho- study of 157 162 multiparous women delivered over a 36-­year period
logic examination impossible.3 This leaves the clinical description as the found that the cesarean delivery rates increased from 4.1% in 1975
most important criteria for definition and stratification of PAS disorders to 20.7% in 2010, and that the incidence of PAS disorders increased
(Table 1). In the present chapter, we review the available epidemiologic from 1.65 per 1000 women to 2.37 per 1000 women with prior cesar-
evidence on PAS disorders and discuss their etiopathology. ean delivery between 2003 and 2010 (OR 2.2, 95% CI 1.05–5.1).20 An
Italian cohort study of cases of PAS disorders diagnosed at birth over
four decades found that the incidence increased from 0.12% during the
2 |  UTERINE SCAR AND 1970s to 0.31% during the 2000s.18 During the same period, cesarean
ACCRETA PLACENTATION delivery rates increased from 17% to 64%. Prior cesarean delivery was
the only risk factor, showing a significant concomitant rise. A recent
Theoretically, any primary uterine anomaly or secondary damage to study from Hong Kong found that the prevalence of PAS disorders
the uterine wall structure can lead to PAS disorders, including the increased from 0.17 per 1000 births in the period 1999–2003 to 0.79
invasive forms.2,3,13 PAS disorders have been reported in primigravid per 1000 births in the period 2009–2013.24 None of the above studies
women with no obvious uterine disorders. However, these cases are provide data on the depth of placental invasion. In addition, the rate of
extremely rare and past surgical history, in particular regarding preg- PAS disorders increased in women with previous cesarean deliveries
nancy termination, may not always be accurate.14 and those with an unscarred uterus,24 which suggests that the authors

T A B L E   1   A clinical grading system to assess and categorize placental adherence or invasion at delivery.a

Grade Definition

1 At cesarean or vaginal delivery: Complete placental separation at third stage. Normal adherence of placenta
2 (A) Cesarean/laparotomy: No placental tissue seen invading through the surface of the uterus. Incomplete separation with uterotonics and
gentle cord traction, and manual removal of placenta required for remaining tissue and parts of placenta thought to be abnormally adherent
(B) Vaginal delivery: Manual removal of placenta required and parts of placenta thought to be abnormally adherent
3 (A) Cesarean/laparotomy: No placental tissue seen invading through the surface of the uterus. No separation with uterotonics and gentle
cord traction with manual removal of placenta required and the whole placental bed thought to be abnormally adherent
(B) Vaginal delivery: Manual removal of placenta required and the whole placental bed thought to be abnormally adherent
4 Cesarean/laparotomy: Placental tissue seen to have invaded through the serosa of the uterus but a clear surgical plane can be identified
between the bladder and uterus to allow nontraumatic reflection of the urinary bladder at surgery
5 Cesarean/laparotomy: Placental tissue seen to have invaded through the serosa of the uterus and a clear surgical plane cannot be identified
between the bladder and uterus to allow nontraumatic reflection of the urinary bladder at surgery
6 Cesarean/laparotomy: Placental tissue seen to have invaded through the serosa of the uterus and infiltrating the parametrium or any organ
other than the urinary bladder
Modified from Collins et al.71
Jauniaux ET AL. |

T A B L E   2   Changes in cesarean delivery rate and placenta accreta spectrum (PAS) disorder prevalence over time.

Country of Cesarean delivery Cesarean delivery PAS disorders period A PAS disorders period B
Author Type of study origin rate period A (years) rate period B (years) (years) (years)

Wu et al.15 Matched USA 12.5% (1982) 23.5% (2002) 0.38 per 1000 1.88 per 1000 births
(2005)a case–control births (1982) (2002)
Higgins et al.20 Cohort study Ireland 4.1% (1975) 20.7% (2010) 1.65 per 1000 births after 2.37 per 1000 births
(2013)b prior cesarean (2003) after prior cesarean
Morlando Cohort study Italy 17% (1970s) 64% (2000s) 1.20 per 1000 births after 3.11 per 1000 births
et al.18 (2013)c prior cesarean after prior cesarean
(1976–1978) (2000s)
Cheng and Cohort study Hong Kong 19.5% (1999–2003) 27.1% (2009–2013) 0.17 per 1000 births after 0.79 per 1000 births
Lee24 (2015)d prior cesarean after prior cesarean
(1999–2003) (2009–2013)
Total prevalence 0.19% (121 cases of PAS disorders out of 64 359 deliveries during the study period).
Total prevalence 0.01% (36 cases of PAS disorders out of 275 121 deliveries during the study period).
Total prevalence 0.16% (50 cases of PAS disorders out of 30 491 deliveries during the study period).
Total prevalence 0.05% (39 cases of PAS disorders out of 81 497 deliveries during the study period).

included abnormally adherent and invasive placenta cases as well as women who underwent a repeat cesarean were 2.13 times more likely
cases of difficult removal of a retained placenta in their data. to have PAS disorders (95% CI 1.98–2.29).
The Nordic Obstetric Surveillance Study (NOSS) using direct clinical
reports validated by national registers found that the rate of PAS disor-
2.2 | Other etiologies of accreta placentation
ders at cesarean delivery or laparotomy was 3.4 per 10 000 deliveries.
When vaginal deliveries with difficult removal of the placenta and blood PAS disorders are not exclusively a consequence of cesarean deliv-
transfusion were included the rate was 4.6 per 10 000 deliveries.8,27 ery.29 Procedures causing less surgical damage to the integrity of
A recent meta-­analysis of five cohorts and 11 case–control studies the uterine lining, such as uterine curettage, manual delivery of the
reported a summary OR of 1.96 (95% CI 1.41–2.74) for PAS disorders placenta, postpartum endometritis and, more recently, hysteroscopic
after a cesarean delivery.26 The corresponding data were not stratified surgery, endometrial ablation, and uterine artery embolization have all
for the number of prior cesarean deliveries. When stratified by the been associated with PAS disorders in subsequent pregnancies.2,3,12
number of previous cesarean deliveries, the ORs for PAS disorders in a Development of PAS disorders has also been reported in women
subsequent pregnancy increased from 8.6 (95% CI 3.5–21.1) after one with no prior uterine surgery, but with uterine pathology such as
prior cesarean to 17.4 (95% CI 9.0–31.4) after two previous cesareans, bicornuate uterus, adenomyosis, submucous fibroids, and myotonic
and to 55.9 (95% CI 25.0–110.3) after three or more prior cesarean dystrophy (Table 3). These rare cases suggest that intramyometrial
deliveries.8,9,15 A multicenter study of 30 132 women who underwent implantation of villous tissue is not always secondary to major uterine
elective cesarean delivery (without prior labor) in 19 academic hospitals surgery and may explain the sporadic cases of PAS disorders observed
in the USA between 1999 and 2002 found that 143 had PAS disor- before the 20th century. The prevalence of these uterine conditions in
ders and that the risk increased from 0.24% after one prior cesarean to the general population, in particular fibroids and adenomyosis, and the
6.74% after six or more previous cesarean deliveries.16 lack of clear evidence of their association with invasive placentation
A decision-­analytic model built using data on national birthing suggest that they are probably not a major risk factor for PAS disorders.
order trends after cesarean delivery in the USA between 1995 and PAS disorders have been exceptionally reported in women with no pre-
2005 estimated that if the number of primary and secondary cesar- vious pregnancies and no obvious uterine pathologies13 but the etiology
eans continues to rise, by 2020 the cesarean delivery rate will be in these cases is impossible to evaluate. Overall, with the rapid increase
56.2% and that, as a consequence, there will be an additional 6236 in cesarean delivery rates worldwide, most of these other risk factors
cases of placenta previa, 4504 PAS disorder cases, and 130 mater- are now responsible for a relatively small proportion of PAS disorders.
nal deaths annually.28 The study also calculated that the rise in these The Nordic Obstetric Surveillance Study, which investigated severe
complications will lag behind the rise in cesarean deliveries by around obstetric complications between 2009 and 2012,8 found that mater-
6 years. Poisson regression models were recently used to assess the nal age greater than 35 years increases the odds of PAS disorders by
relative incidence of morbidity among repeat versus primary cesarean 4.5 (absolute risk: 7.5 per 10 000), confirming the results of a previous
delivery patients in the 2000–2011 US Nationwide Inpatient Sample case–control cohort study15 and retrospective cohort study.21 This
dataset.23 Overall, the study found that the unadjusted rate of PAS association is most likely due to confounding factors such as multi-
disorders increased by 30.8% among women with a repeat cesarean parity, risk of previa, and the risks of prior uterine surgery rather than
delivery. Compared with women with a primary cesarean delivery, advanced maternal age itself.
268       Jauniaux ET AL.

T A B L E   3   Primary and secondary uterine pathologies reported to and uterine curettages for miscarriage.34 Myometrial fibers have also
be associated with placenta accreta spectrum (PAS) disorders.a been noted in the basal plate in placenta from previous deliveries in
women presenting with PAS disorders and greater quantities of myo-
Classification Type of uterine pathologies
metrial fibers in a delivered placenta have been associated with the
Direct surgical scar Cesarean delivery
development of PAS disorders in a subsequent pregnancy.35 A small
Surgical termination of pregnancy
case–control study of 25 cases of PAS disorders found that 76% had
Dilatation and curettage
myometrial fibers attached to the placental basal plate compared with
Myomectomy 41% of controls (OR 4.8, 95% CI 1.8–13.0).36 Overall, the trauma to
Endometrial resection the myometrium and the surface of the endometrium is often limited in
Asherman’s syndrome a curettage procedure and should not be associated with the absence
Nonsurgical scar IVF procedures of re-­epithelialization of the scar area by endometrial cells compared
Uterine artery embolization with the larger and deeper scars resulting from cesarean delivery. Thus,
Chemotherapy and radiation this small trauma to the uterine wall is less likely to lead to the devel-

Endometritis opment of extended invasive placentation such as placenta precreta.

Intra-­uterine device
Manual removal of placenta
Previous accreta
Uterine anomalies Bicornuate uterus
The single most important risk factor, reported in around half of all
Submucous fibroids cases of PAS disorders, is placenta previa.8 The risk of previa increases
Myotonic dystrophy with higher numbers of prior cesarean deliveries.15,16,26–28,37–44 Overall,
a 1 2 3
Source: Irving and Hertig, Jauniaux and Jurkovic, Jauniaux et al., Parra-­ ­following a single cesarean, there is a 50% increase in risk of placenta
Herran and Djordjevic,4 Jauniaux E, et al.,14 Wu et al.15 previa, and after two cesareans there is a two-­fold increase in risk com-
pared with women with a history of two vaginal deliveries.38 The risk
The NOSS also found an OR of 3.1 for PAS disorders (absolute risk: of placenta previa in the USA is 40% higher in twin pregnancies and
8.2 per 10 000) in pregnancies resulting from in-­vitro fertilization (IVF).8 increases by age and parity in both singleton and twin pregnancies.39 A
The UK national case–control study using the UK Obstetric Surveillance retrospective cohort study of 399 674 women who gave birth to a sin-
System (UKOSS) found an adjusted OR (aOR) for PAS disorders of 32.1 gleton first and second baby between 2000 and 2009 in England found
(95% CI 2.0–509) for IVF pregnancies.17 These data were confirmed by a an OR for placenta previa after one cesarean delivery of 1.60 compared
recent case–control study of 1571 pregnancies resulting from IVF and/ with vaginal birth (95% CI 1.44–1.76).40 Their meta-­analysis of 37 pre-
or intracytoplasmic sperm injection with autologous or donor oocytes, viously published studies from 21 countries showed an overall pooled
undergoing fresh or cryopreserved transfer (CET).30 The multivariate random effect OR of 2.20 (95% CI 1.96–2.46) and an additional placenta
analysis indicated an association between CET and PAS disorders (aOR previa in the next pregnancy for 259 cesarean deliveries at first birth.40
3.2, 95% CI 1.1–9.0). A case–control study of deliveries in a single ter- These results were confirmed by two other systematic reviews.26,41
tiary care center also found a rate of PAS disorders of 1.6% after IVF In 1997, a meta-­analysis of the association between placenta previa
compared with 0.12% in spontaneous pregnancies (OR 13.2, 95% CI and prior cesarean delivery found a “dose-­response” pattern for the RR
6.7–25.8) but parity, rate of cesarean delivery in the index pregnancy, of previa.37 The authors found a RR for previa of 4.5 (95% CI 3.6–5.5) for
and birth weight differed significantly suggesting an impact of confound- one, 7.4 (95% CI 7.1–7.7) for two, 6.5 (95% CI 3.6–11.6) for three, and
ing factors in the analysis.31 A Japanese nationwide registry of assisted 44.9 (95% CI 13.5–149.5) for four or more prior cesarean deliveries com-
reproductive technology (ART) including 277 042 single embryo transfer pared with vaginal delivery. A more recent systematic review of 22 studies
cycles between 2008 and 2010 reported an OR 3.16 for PAS disorders.32 (including over 2 million deliveries) reported that the incidence of placenta
A recent meta-­analysis of cohort studies including 161 370 pregnancies previa increased from 10 per 1000 deliveries with one previous cesarean
resulting from ART compared with 2 280 241 spontaneous singleton to 28 per 1000 deliveries with three or more previous cesareans.41 A large
pregnancies found no difference in the relative risk (RR) for PAS disor- retrospective cohort study of 26 987 women comparing prior to onset of
ders.33 Thus, more data are required to determine the impact of different labor cesarean delivery and intrapartum cesarean delivery found that prior
ART on PAS disorders and other placental and cord anomalies. pre-­labor cesarean is associated with a more than a two-­fold increased
The UK national case–control study reported an aOR for PAS dis- risk of previa in the second delivery (aOR 2.62, 95% CI 1.24–5.56).43 By
orders of 3.4 (95% CI 1.3–8.9) after previous minor uterine surgery.17 contrast, the 20% increased risk of previa associated with prior intrapar-
Surgical termination of pregnancy and uterine curettages are common tum cesarean delivery is not significant (aOR 1.22, 95% CI 0.68–2.19).
procedures and have been associated with PAS disorders in subsequent The UKOSS study found that the incidence of PAS disorders
pregnancies.2,3,12,13 Fragments of myometrium are often found in the including increta and percreta increases from 1.7 per 10 000 preg-
products of conception in around one-­third of surgical terminations nancies overall to 577 per 10 000 pregnancies in women with both
Jauniaux ET AL. |

a previous cesarean delivery and placenta previa.17 The estimated 0.13%–0.27%) in a control group of 13 273 women with a prior low-­
ORs of PAS disorders in cases of placenta previa diagnosed prenatally segmentf transverse cesarean delivery.46 For those with placenta previa,
15 8
range between 51.4 (95% CI 10.6–248) and 614 (95% CI 372–844) the OR for PAS disorders in the classical cesarean delivery group was
and aORs between 34.9 (95% CI 22.4–54.3)42 and 65.0 (95% CI 2.09 (95% CI 0.27–15.33) and when adjusted for maternal age and ges-
16.6–255.0).17 A large multicenter US cohort study16 found that for tational age at delivery the OR was 0.82 (95% CI 0.10%–6.49%) when
women presenting with placenta previa and prior cesarean deliveries, compared with the prior low-­segment transverse cesarean group.
the risk of accreta was 3%, 11%, 40%, 61%, and 67% for first, second, These results suggest that elective cesarean deliveries may be
third, fourth, and fifth or more cesareans, respectively (Table 4). These associated with a higher risk of PAS disorders than emergent cesarean
risks are independent of other maternal characteristics, such as parity, delivery and that a prior myomectomy is associated with a very low risk
body mass index, tobacco use, and coexisting hypertension or dia- of PAS disorders in subsequent pregnancies. Possible confounding fac-
betes.15,37,42 A systematic review and meta-­analysis of observational tors include the surgical techniques used for both the cesarean deliv-
studies found that compared with women with previa and no previous eries and myomectomies. In addition, in cases of myomectomy, entry
cesarean delivery, women presenting with a previa and three or more into the uterine cavity during the procedure and size of the myometrial
prior cesareans have a 15–20-­fold increase (3.3%–4% vs 50%–67%) scar may influence the risk of PAS disorders in subsequent pregnancies.
in their risk for PAS disorders.41 A recent systematic review and meta-­ Since the first publication by Ben-­Nagi et al.47 of a case of cesarean
analysis of 3889 women with one or more prior cesarean deliveries scar pregnancy diagnosed in the first-­trimester, which subsequently
presenting with placenta previa or low-­lying placenta on ultrasound developed into placenta previa accreta, there has been mounting
confirmed at delivery found that the incidence of placenta previa evidence that this condition can be a precursor for PAS disorders.
accreta was 4.1% in women with one previous cesarean and 13.3% in Epidemiologic evidence remains limited to a few retrospective cohort
women with two or more previous cesareans.44 In general, however, studies.48–50 Not all scar pregnancies require major surgery or lifesav-
these estimates probably underestimate the risk of recurrence since ing hysterectomy at the time of delivery,51 which suggests that in an
the invasive forms of PAS disorders will often lead to hysterectomy, undetermined number of cases the scar defect can be large enough
and thus prevent subsequent pregnancy. to host an entire gestational sac without the villi of the definitive pla-
An Australian case–control study, including 65 cases of PAS dis- centa invading into the remaining myometrium or the uterine serosa.
orders and 102 controls matched for coexisting placenta previa, num- As the cervical wall is essentially made up of connective tissue with
ber of previous cesareans, and maternal age found that women with only 10% of smooth muscle fibers,12 a cervical scar pregnancy almost
a primary elective cesarean delivery without labor are more likely to always presents with bleeding early in pregnancy and the symptoms of
develop a PAS disorder in a subsequent pregnancy presenting with an accreta and non-­accreta scar pregnancy are therefore very similar.
placenta previa compared with those undergoing primary emergency The diagnosis of PAS disorders can only be confirmed by histopathol-
cesarean delivery with labor (OR 3.0, 95% CI 1.5–6.1). This is in line ogy, and thus, in case of successful conservative management, it is
with the results of the NOSS study that report an OR of 4.1 (95% CI difficult to be certain that a scar pregnancy is truly accreta.
2.0–8.1) of having PAS disorders after a first elective cesarean delivery
compared with a first emergency cesarean delivery.45
A multicenter observational study of 176 women with prior myomec- 4 | DEPTH OF VILLOUS INVASION
tomy and 455 women with prior classical cesarean delivery showed that DISTRIBUTION IN PAS DISORDERS
no PAS disorders (0%, 95% CI 0%–1.98%) occurred in the prior myomec-
tomy group whereas the incidence was 0.88% (95% CI 0.30%–2.19%) Prenatal evaluation of the depth of placental invasion is essential for
in the classical cesarean delivery group compared with 0.19% (95% CI planning individual management of women diagnosed with PAS disor-
ders.52 Despite the fact that around 90% of women diagnosed prena-
tally with placenta previa accreta in the last 30 years have undergone
T A B L E   4   Rates of placenta accreta spectrum (PAS) disorders,
placenta previa, and hysterectomy by number of previous an elective or emergent cesarean hysterectomy,44 there are limited
cesarean deliveries.a data on the depth of villous invasion in these cases. In a recent sys-
tematic review of 1078 cases of PAS disorders diagnosed prenatally,
No. of Incidence Rate of PAS
previous No. of of PAS disorders if No. of
fewer than 40% of cohort and case–control prenatal ultrasound stud-
cesareans women disorders placenta previa hysterectomies ies provide information on the depth of villous invasion.5 This may be
due to limited access to trained perinatal pathologists in most cent-
0 6201 15 (0.24%) 3% 40 (0.65%)
ers delivering women with PAS disorders and the confusion around
1 15 808 49 (0.31%) 11% 67 (0.42%)
simple placental retention reported by both clinicians10 and patholo-
2 6324 36 (0.57%) 40% 57 (0.9%)
gists53 as mild forms of PAS disorders, and clinical descriptions of pla-
3 1452 31 (2.13%) 61% 35 (2.4%)
cental tissue appearing under the serosa of an old scar dehiscence at
4 258 6 (2.33%) 67% 9 (3.49%)
cesarean delivery3 as abnormally adherent placenta.
5 89 6 (6.74%) 67% 9 (8.99%) Dannheim et al.54 recently proposed methods of gross dissection,
Modified from Silver et al.16 microscopic examination, and reporting of hysterectomy specimens
270       Jauniaux ET AL.

containing PAS disorders. Previous studies have indicated that PAS attributed these differences in prevalence to higher unplanned preg-
disorders can be focal or partial and heterogeneous, mixing adherent nancies and surgical termination of pregnancies in coastal cities than in
and invasive accreta villous tissue.55–58 In addition, the histopatho- central rural areas.69 This could also be due to higher demand for elec-
logic diagnosis of PAS disorders can be very difficult if the surgeon tive cesarean deliveries and advanced maternal age in urban areas.70
has attempted to remove the placenta during delivery or impossible in A standardized clinical classification (Table 1) describing and catego-
cases of conservative management with the placenta left in situ. rizing the different forms of PAS disorders at delivery has recently been
Table 5 presents the data from pathologic studies and prenatal proposed.71 It focuses mainly on the severe forms and it has not been
diagnosis series of PAS disorders with detailed clinical and histopatho- tested prospectively but it provides a good starting point for further
logic data on depth of villous invasion.55–68 In pathologic studies, the prospective epidemiologic studies. Ultrasound imaging is a promising
distribution of placenta creta, increta, and percreta is 69.5%, 23.7%, screening tool for PAS disorders44 and a combination of well-­defined
and 6.8%, respectively. In prenatal diagnosis series, the incidence of ultrasound features and standardized clinical criteria with detailed histo-
placenta creta is lower (50.7%) and placenta previa higher (25.1%). This pathologic correlation should also be used in future ­clinical research.3,5,71
observation may be due to the different populations studied, as well as
changes in cesarean delivery rates between the 1970s and 2000s. Two
studies58,63 have provided detailed data on the relationship between 5 | THE IMPACT OF
the depth of villous invasion and the number of previous cesarean SURGICAL TECHNIQUES
deliveries. They noted five placenta creta, one placenta increta, and
two placenta previa after one cesarean delivery; seven placenta creta, It has been suggested that surgical techniques used for entering and
seven placenta increta, and 11 placenta previa after two cesarean closing the uterus during cesarean delivery could play a role in the
deliveries; and six placenta creta, three placenta increta, and eight etiology of PAS disorders.12 For example, single-­layer uterine closure
placenta previa after more than two cesarean deliveries. A recent sys- versus a multiple overlapping layer type of closure, or locked versus
tematic review and meta-­analysis of 23 cohort studies including a pop- interrupted suturing, or different suture materials could influence the
ulation of 350 939 women from mainland China found a prevalence risk of developing PAS disorders in subsequent pregnancies. Overall,
of placenta creta and placenta increta of 0.48% and 0.23%, respec- single-­layer closure compared with double-­layer closure of the uterine
tively. Surprisingly, no cases of placenta previa accreta were reported incision is associated with a reduction in mean blood loss and duration
in that population which suggest issues around the clinical definition of operative procedure.29 However, a systematic review72 has indicated
of PAS. The prevalence of placenta increta increased with time from that single continuous locked suture of the cesarean incision may be
0.3% in 1970–1979 to 0.48% in 2010–2016, and was lower in cen- associated with thinner residual myometrium thickness as evaluated by
tral geographic regions than in north and south regions and in women postoperative ultrasound. A recent systematic review and meta-­analysis
living inland compared with those living in coastal areas. The authors of nine randomized controlled trials including 3696 participants found a

T A B L E   5   Distribution of the different grades of placenta accreta spectrum (PAS) disorders in older case series and more recent cohorts of
women with a prenatal diagnosis.

No. of placenta No. of placenta No. of placenta

Author (year) Total no. of cases creta increta percreta

Luke et al.55 (1966) 21 14 7 0

Weekes et al.56 (1972) 7 6 0 1
Breen et al.57 (1977) 40 31 7 2
Morison et al.58 (1978) 50 31 14 5
Total case series (%) 118 82 (69.5%) 28 (23.7%) 8 (6.8%)
Twickler et al.59 (2000) 9 3 2 4
Comstock et al. (2004) 15 8 3 4
Woodring et al.61 (2011) 10 8 1 1
Lim et al. (2011) 9 5 3 1
Cali et al.63 (2013) 41 15 9 17
Maher et al. (2013) 42 28 13 1
Riteau et al.65 (2014) 26 16 0 10
Algebally et al.66 (2014) 32 16 12 4
Satija et al.67 (2015) 10 3 4 3
Kumar et al. (2016) 9 1 2 6
Total cohorts with a prenatal diagnosis (%) 203 103 (50.7%) 49 (24.2%) 51 (25.1%)
Jauniaux ET AL. |

T A B L E   6   Recommendations for the evaluation of epidemiological data on placenta accreta spectrum (PAS) disorders.

Quality of evidence
Resource and strength of
Recommendations settings recommendation

The recent increase in the incidence and prevalence of PAS disorders is a consequence of the rise in cesarean All High and Strong
deliveries over the last two decades
A cesarean delivery scar increases the risk of placenta previa in subsequent pregnancies All High and Strong
A myomectomy scar increases the risk of PAS disorders in subsequent pregnancies High Low and Weak
Minor surgical procedures such as uterine curettage can lead to PAS disorders in subsequent pregnancies All Low and Weak
Women with a previous history of cesarean delivery presenting with a low-­lying placenta or placenta previa All High and Strong
in the second trimester of pregnancy have become the largest group of women with the highest risk of
PAS disorders
Women should be informed that their risk of PAS disorders increases with each cesarean delivery All High and Strong
Women who request a pre-­labor elective cesarean delivery should be informed that their risk of developing High Low and Weak
PAS disorders is higher than after emergency/emergent cesarean delivery
Women presenting with cesarean scar pregnancy in the first trimester of pregnancy should be informed of High Moderate and
the high risk of invasive placentation and/or major placenta previa later in pregnancy and should be offered Strong
the option of terminating the pregnancy
The use of standardized protocol and terminology for both the clinical diagnosis and histopathological All High and Strong
confirmation of PAS disorders is essential to obtaining new and more accurate epidemiological data

similar incidence of uterine scar defects in women who had a single-­layer Lene Grønbeck (Denmark), Kristiina Rull (Estonia), Balkachew
compared with double-­layer closure (RR 0.77, 95% CI 0.36–1.64).73 Nigatu (Ethiopia), Minna Tikkanen (Finland), Loïc Sentilhes (France),
Outcomes were considered inaccurate because the studies reviewed Tengiz Asatiani (Georgia), Wing-­Cheong Leung (Hong Kong),
had included relatively few patients and events (five trials with 350 par- Taghreed AIhaidari (Iraq), Donal Brennan (Ireland), Eiji Kondoh
ticipants). Nonetheless, these data suggest that type of uterine closure (Japan), Jeong-­In Yang (South Korea), Muhieddine Seoud (Lebanon),
has little influence on uterine scar healing and thus less impact on PAS Ravindran Jegasothy (Malaysia), Salvador Espino y Sosa (Mexico),
disorders than emergent versus elective cesarean delivery.22 Benoit Jacod (Netherlands), Francesco D’Antonio (Norway), Nusrat
A case–control study of 98 women with one or more prior cesar- Shah (Pakistan), Dorota Bomba-­Opon (Poland), Diogo Ayres-­
ean deliveries presenting with placenta previa including 38 PAS disor- de-­Campos (Portugal), Katarina Jeremic (Serbia), Tan Lay Kok
ders found no difference in single-­layer versus double-­layer closure in (Singapore), Priya Soma-­Pillay (South Africa), Nataša Tul Mandić
the incidence of PAS disorders.74 Multivariate logistic regression anal- (Slovenia), Pelle Lindqvist (Sweden), Thora Berglind Arnadottir
ysis showed that continuous suture was associated with a higher risk (Sweden), Irene Hoesli (Switzerland), Unnop Jaisamrarn (Thailand),
of PAS disorders than interrupted sutures (aOR 6.0, 95% CI 1.4–25.2). Amal Al Mulla (United Arab Emirates), Stephen Robson (UK), Rafael
A retrospective case–control study of 53 cases and 157 controls also Cortez (Venezuela).
found that the use of monofilament suture for hysterotomy closure
in prior cesarean delivery reduces the risks of having placenta previa
(aOR 0.26, 95% CI 0.08–0.80) and thus PAS disorders in future preg-
nancies. More prospective multicenter studies are required to evalu- The authors have no conflicts of interest.
ate the impact of surgical techniques used during cesarean delivery on
the risks of PAS disorders in subsequent pregnancies.

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