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The following text is for question 1 to 3. 7. Who is Astia?

A. A manager.
Visiting hours
B. Joe's niece.
9 a.m. - 11 a.m.
C. Joe's cousin.
4 p.m. - 8 p.m.
D. The writer's mother.
Children under 10 are forbidden
The following text is for question 8 to 10.
1. Where can you read such a text? To students of SMPN 1 Cimaung,
A. At school C. At a course
B. In a bank D. In a hospital To celebrate school anniversary, we will hold
2. From the text we know that .... a ceremony on Wednesday, 23 March and a choir
A. people can do a visit in the morning competition right after the ceremony.
B. people from all ages are welcome to visit Each class may send one team consisting of
C. security guard will open the gate for visitors at 12 15 students for the competition. Three winning
p.m. teams will be awarded cash prize and trophies.
D. visiting hours in the morning are longer than For more info, meet Mrs. Elis Herna.
that of in the afternoon Principal
3. Children under 10 are ....
A. allowed to enter the hospital
8. According to the text, 23 March is commemorated as ....
B. permitted to enter the hospital
A. Choir Day anniversary
C. prohibited to enter the hospital
B. the school's principal birthday
D. granted to enter the hospital
C. the school anniversary
The following text is for question 4 and 5. D. Mrs. Elis Herna's special day
9. To whom should we meet to get the detailed
My dear Ifa,
Sorry that we have to cancel our trip to Bunaken A. The principal.
next month. I have to go to Kupang and Surabaya for B. Mrs. Elis Herna.
teachers conferences. Dad is going to have a C. The winning team.
seminar in Bandung. You will meet him there. I hope D. The students of SMPN 1 Cimaung.
we can go to Bunaken next year. 10. "Three winning teams will be awarded cash prize
and trophies."
Love, The underlined word is closest meaning to ....
A. given
B. asked
4. Where did Ifa and her mother plan to go? C. covered
A. Bandung. C. Surabaya. D. delivered
B. Bunaken. D. Kupang. The following text is for question 11 and 13.
5. "Sorry that we have to cancel our trip to Bunaken Golden Bird Oriental Restaurant
next month." Jl. Nilem 150 Bandung
The underlined word is closest meaning to ....
A. expedition C. cruise Weekdays : 10 a.m. to 9 p.m.
B. adventure D. tour Weekends : 11 a.m. to 11 p.m.
The following text is for question 6 and 7. Student Price : Show your valid student card
Uncle Joe, congratulations! Best wishes from Astia to get a 20% discount
and me on your success. You're really skillful, for certain foods and drinks
patient, wise and kind that make you deserve a Information about our special packages
position as a manager. We wish you good luck! for lunch and dinner
please contact 0879 2251 104
6. What is the writer's intention to write the text?
11. What is the writer's intention to write the text?
A. To show his care for his uncle.
A. To invite students to come to the restaurant.
B. To tell his uncle about his new position.
B. To advertise the restaurant.
C. To ask his uncle to celebrate his success.
C. To entertain the readers.
D. To show his happiness on his uncle's success.
D. To inform ho to get the discount.
12. Why do students need to show their student The following text is for question 19 to 22.
cards? I'm so happy to have a close friend. She is my
A. To reserve a table during the weekends. beloved classmate, Fafa. We've known each other
B. To order food for oriental people. since we were in grade 8. We were in the same
C. To find out the special menu. class, and we still are in grade 9 until now.
D. To get a special price. Fafa is very kind and friendly girl. She is always
13. On weekends, Golden Bird Oriental Restaurant ready to help other people. Although she comes
serves customers .... than on weekdays. from a rich family, she never looks down on other
A. worse C. earlier people. She is very sociable and has a lot of friends.
B. longer D. better She can interact easily with people from different
The following text is for question 14 and 15. ages. Therefore, she is also popular among teachers
and parents.
Friends and family
19. What is the text about?
Join us to celebrate
A. The writer's sister.
Casey's 15th Birthday! B. The writer's Family.
Saturday, 21 May 2016 C. The writer's deskmate.
2:00 p.m. D. The writer's best friend.
123 Main Street Perth 20. What is the main idea of paragraph two?
A. Fafa has good characters.
B. Fafa comes from a rich family.
RSVP to Lisa at 123-456-7891
C. Fafa is an eighth grader student.
14. When will Casey's birthday be held? D. Fafa is popular among neighbors.
A. At night. C. In the morning. 21. The underlined word in "she can interact easily
B. In the evening. D. In the afternoon. with people ..." is closest meaning to ....
15. What can we conclude from the invitation? A. react C. influence
A. The invitation is written by Lisa. B. introduce D. communicate
B. For confirmation, we can contact Lisa. 22. "She can interact easily..."
C. Charlotte and Lisa are Casey's cousins. The underlined word refers to ...
D. Lisa is the owner of the house at 123 main street A. The writer
Perth. B. Neighbor
C. Parents
The following text is for question 16 and 18.
D. Fafa
To = rendy@gmail.com
The following text is for question 23 and 24.
From = tyas@gmail.com
Subject = Re-visit plan Nutrition Facts
Serving Size 1 pack (41g)
Hi Rendy, Amount per Serving
I'm happy that you are coming next week. Calories Calories from Fat 0
By the way, you wrote ETA in your last email. I'm (DV) %*
wondering what you mean. Could you explain it, Total Fat 0g 0%
please? Sodium 50mg 2%
I'll pick you up at the airport. Just give me details of Potassium 50mg 1%
your flight. Total carbohydrates 27g 9%
Cheers, Sugar 3g
Protein 0G
Tyas Adopted from: http://www.carbboom.com/images/facts/ apple_cinnamon (15th
October 2017)

16. What is the conclusion taken from the text? 23. What is the purpose of the text?
A. Tyas does not open Rendy's email. A. To describe a particular product.
B. Rendy has given the details of his flight. B. To inform of the use of a certain product.
C. He explain about 'ETA' in his email. C. To describe kinds of useful substances for our
D. She will meet with Rendy at the airport. health.
17. How does Tyas feel to know that Rendy is coming? D. To explain the nutrition value of a product in detail.
A. Sad. C. Joyful. 24. Which of the substance does the product contain
B. Weak. D. Angry mostly?
18. From the text we know that Rendy will come by A. Fat.
.... B. Sodium.
A. ship C. train C. Sugar.
B. airplane D. bus D. Carbohydrates.
The following text is for question 25 to 27. C. To move away from the bomb.
How to Make Magnets D. To explain everything to the police.
You need: 30. Why was the bomb dangerous?
 card stock or any other heavy paper A. It was big and made of metal.
 magnetic tape B. It had a high explosive power.
 markers or crayons C. It had been blown by the police.
Steps: D. It was in the sand for over sixty years.
1. Cut a shape out of the card stock and colour it 31. "...I explained everything to them."
with markers or crayons. The underlined word refers to ...
2. Place a small piece of magnetic tape onto the back A. the children C. the police
of the magnet. Make sure to pull off the backing! B. the bomb D. the writer
3. Use them to hold papers on your fridge or any The following text is for question 32 to 35.
other metal surface. WHAT DO ANTS LOOK LIKE?
Adopted from: http://www.kidsgen.com/crafts/make_magnets.htm (18 October 2017)
Ants are small insects. Like all insects, ant have
25. The purpose of the writer to write the text is to .... six legs. The smallest ants are 0,7 millimeters long.
A. give instructions on how to keep magnets Therefore they are hard to see. The biggest ants are
B. give instructions on how to make magnets almost 1 inch (3 centimeters) long.
C. describe what a magnet is Ant's body seems to have a very thin waist. The
D. tell the readers how to use magnets narrow waist lets the ants bend when it goes around
26. What will happen if we forget to pull of the turns in underground tunnels. Male ants and young
backing? queen ants have wings. The workers of many species
A. The tape won't attach on the magnet. of ants have a stinger for fighting against enemies.
B. We can use the paper to hold the magnet. An ants has a mouth with three parts. The most
C. The markers or crayons won't colour the magnet. important part is jaws. The jaws can be used for
D. The magnet won't attach on the metal surface. carrying things, collecting food, fighting, and cutting.
27. "Cut a shape out of the card stock and colour it Ants use their lower jaws for chewing and their
with markers or crayons." (Step 1) tongues for sucking up liquids.
The word 'it' refers to .... Adult ants can swallow only liquid foods, but
A. a shape some ants can chew solid foods by making the foods
B. the card stock into liquid form.
C. magnetic tape
D. a marker or crayon
The following text is for question 28 to 31. 32. What is the text about?
A month ago after finishing all my homework, I A. Physical appearance of ants.
wanted to relax. While I was walking on the beach B. The way of differ ants.
on a warm evening, I saw two small children playing C. How ants grow.
with the sand. They found something. It was big, D. Ant habits.
reddish-brown, and made of metal. When I looked 33. Ants can move easily in underground tunnel
at it, I knew immediately it was an old bomb. because ....
First, I told the children to move away from the A. they have a slim waist
bomb. Fortunately, I had my mobile phone with me, B. they can chew liquids
so I called the police and told them what we had C. they have strong wings
found. Fifteen minutes later, the police arrived and I D. they are hard to see
explained everything to them. Then I went home 34. What do ants use their lower jaws for?
again. A. Chewing. C. Sucking.
The next day, I read in the newspaper that the B. Carrying. D. Cutting.
police had blown up the bomb. It was highly 35. The underlined word in "Ants body seems to have
explosive. It had been in the sand on the beach for a very thin waist," is similar meaning to ....
over sixty years. It was from the Second World War, A. big C. slim
and it was very dangerous. B. skinny D. long
28. What is the main idea of paragraph one? The following text is for question 36 to 40.
A. The bomb was very old. Long ago, at the foot of a mountain, lived a crab.
B. Two children found a bomb. On a warm spring day, the crab walked leisurely along
C. The bomb was made of metal. a nearby river. Suddenly a big rice ball dropped in front
D. The children avoided the bomb. of her. "Oh my God! What a good thing I found", she
29. What did the writer ask the children? said to herself.
A. To call the police. Then a greedy monkey came. He wanted to have
B. To play around with the sand. the rice ball, so he said, "Hey, let's trade the rice ball
with my fruit seed. This seed is better than that rice 41. A. examination C. holiday
ball. When you eat the rice ball, it disappears, but if B. meeting D. party
you put this seed on the ground, it will grow and 42. A. took C. sold
produce a lot of fruits." The crab agreed to exchange the B. paid D. ran
rice ball. Then she took the seed home and planted it. 43. A. delicious C. attractive
Soon the seed grew into a small bud and became a B. cheap D. colorful
big tree. It made a lot of red fruits. The crab wanted to 44. A. dangerous C. friendly
eat the fruit, but she could not climb the tree. Then the B. cute D. funny
monkey came again, climbing the tree and eating the 45. A. and C. although
fruits. The crab begged the monkey to pick some for B. because D. therefore
her and her kind. Yet, the selfish monkey took a hard
For questions 46 and 47 arrange the sentences into
green fruit and threw it to the crab. She was smashed
the correct order
very hard.
The crabs kids started to cry and their noise 46. How to use a photo copy machine
attracted other animals. They soon found out what 1. Then, put the paper that you want to copy on the
happened. The king of animals decided to give the top
monkey a punishment. 2. First, plug in the copier
3. Finally, wait for the pages to come out
4. Second, turn it on
5. Next, pres the copy button
The best arrangement is ....
A. 2 - 4 - 3 - 1 - 5 C. 2 - 3 - 5 - 4 - 1
(Adapted from : life.or.edu/stories/sarukani.html)
B. 2 - 4 - 1 - 5 - 3 D. 2 - 1 - 3 - 5 - 4
36. What does the text tell us about? 47. 1. He is a nurse.
A. The greedy monkey. 2. He often helps sick people in my neighborhood.
B. The stupid crab. 3. I have a new neighbor.
C. The king of the animal. 4. His name is Mr. Prasetya.
D. The monkey and the crab. 5. He works in a hospital near my house.
37. Why did the crab beg the monkey for some fruits? 6. He is very humble, friendly and helpful.
A. She was greedy.
Which one is the best arrangement to make a
B. She couldn't climb the tree.
sequential text?
C. The monkey was a kind animal.
A. 4 - 1 - 2 - 6 - 5 - 3
D. The monkey had not eaten a lot of fruits.
B. 3 - 4 - 6 - 1 - 5 - 2
38. What did the monkey offer to trade with the rice ball?
C. 6 - 4 - 1 - 5 - 3 - 2
A. Fruits. C. Fruit seed.
D. 1 - 5 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 6
B. Plant. D. Seed ball.
For questions 48 to 50, arrange the following words
39. What important lesson can be taken from the text?
into the correct order.
A. Nobody is perfect.
B. Honestly is everything. 48. came - when - we - Dodi - were - tickets - for - queuing - train
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
C. Bad deeds are punished.
D. Good deeds never help you. A. 4 - 5 - 8 - 7 - 9 - 6 - 2 - 3 - 1
40. "They soon found out what happened." B. 4 - 5 - 8 - 7 - 9 - 6 - 3 - 1 - 2
The underlined word refers to .... C. 3 - 5 - 8 - 7 - 9 - 6 - 2 - 4 - 1
A. The other animals. D. 3 - 5 - 8 - 7 - 9 - 6 - 4 - 1 - 2
49. is - she - manner - but - the girl - has - bad - beautiful - a
B. The Crab. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
C. The king of the animal. A. 5-6-7-3-4-1-9-2-8
D. The Monkey. B. 2-1-8-4-5-6-9-7-3
For question 41 to 45 choose the correct words to C. 5-1-8-4-2-6-9-7-3
complete the text below. D. 2-6-8-3-4-5-9-1-7
50. built - Talun - SMPN 2 - be - Cimaung - in - will
My family and I went to Bandar Lampung last school 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
(41) .... We went by car and we left our home in Jakarta A. 3-5-7-4-1-6-2
at 6.0 a.m. It (42) .... about eight hours to get to the city B. 3-5-4-1-7-6-2
center. We stayed in a hotel. It is a small hotel. On the C. 3-5-1-4-7-6-2
first day, we had a city tour. We enjoyed some (43) .... D. 3-5-7-1-4-6-2
food of the city. On the second day, we went to
Pahawang Island and stayed there for two days. We
went swimming and sailing to other smaller islands. The
view was amazing and the local people were very (44)
.... We really had a good time (45) .... we felt very tired.

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