Name: Fahd Nadeem Roll#: 20-10797 Submitted To: Ms Irtifa Class Code: BUSN160
Name: Fahd Nadeem Roll#: 20-10797 Submitted To: Ms Irtifa Class Code: BUSN160
Name: Fahd Nadeem Roll#: 20-10797 Submitted To: Ms Irtifa Class Code: BUSN160
Roll#: 20-10797
Submitted to: Ms Irtifa
Class code: BUSN160
Literature review.
According to Barber in A Season of Service: Introducing Service Learning into the Liberal
Arts Curriculum. There are various issues which need to be discussed before the
implementation of such a system. First point he bring up is the kind of service learning
which should be used in the universities. Should it be educational based or extra-curricular?
In his opinion student will best benefit and will gain most from deviating from formal
curricula hence gaining a completely new perspective and outlook. It also give hands on
experience on various fields the likes of which one is unlikely to gain in the classroom. He
goes on to discuss whether the service provided should be philanthropic or civic. The civic
approach can nurture a better relation between universities and their student bodies. Finding
your place in society and understanding your responsibility towards it. A philanthropic
approach instead will look to help the less fortunate and help share the burden they often
carry alone. Both noble conquests which feed in to each other. Hence either one will work in
achieving the goals set but it works best if both are combined. Barber talks about while it is
true that service especially in the philanthropic sense cant be coerced or mandated as it is
based on volunteering, if put in learning context and integrated within the curriculum as
serious academic work it can be required just as much as any other academia subjects. This
however can also be attacked on the bases of “forced volunteerism” hence creating a rift
between the institution and the student body. Hence making community service mandatory
can be slightly more complicated. It would require a variety of courses to be tested, revised
and evaluated to be viable. Letting the student body have a say within these decisions will not
only take away from the backlash one might face but instead create more enthusiasm within
the students.
When accomplished the question arises should there be credit hours allocated to service?
Students are there with a purpose in mind and can perhaps find it unfair to have to provide
community service to get their respective degrees however as mentioned earlier if the kinks
have been worked out this will no longer be an issue. Having credit hours to go with will
allow instructors to make serious academic demand form their students and better enforce
participation. Offering credit hours will sit well with students if they know community
service to be mandatory and ensures there aren’t clashes within their schedules. Providing
extra credit can also be a great motivator for children to go above and beyond in-service
learning. Barber than addresses whether we should have multiple courses or a single course
for service learning. Should there be a variety offered? He found at Rutgers that offering a
variety was more appealing to the students and the faculty. All courses teach the same core
values and have similar themes, but each variation is designed to reflect the needs of
respective departments students may belong to. Students can also be divided into teams
serving different agencies hence teaching them about teamwork and leadership qualities all
good universities should strive to instill in their students. Another great motivator according
to Barber is having the faculty itself participate in community service at the very least the
teachers teaching them should be doing so by setting an example for their students to earn
their respect.
Implementation in FCC
Barber speaks from experience as they have already implemented mandatory community
service at Rutgers university. It would be wise of FCC to follow suit. Implementing such a
program is no easy job and will require time and dedication elsewise it is not likely to sit well
with the student body. The course of action I propose is to implement at first, a 3-credit
mandatory course to be taught in FCC. Teacher instructing would also participate and at first
these are going to be team based. Once students grow accustomed to the idea changes can
come next year. More diverse courses should be added allowing children more of a say in to
what kind of work they would like to do. The data collected can help shortlist and refine the
courses which will best aid students. At this point FCC should make it so that students need 6
credits in community service divided between 2 classes. A basic level course not unlike what
we start with which is the same for everyone and then one which may pique their interest.
Partnerships will need to be formed with various institution where the children may work so
that students can get and join the classes reliably and there is less hassle. A major step to
incentivize students can be allowing them perform community service at a place of their own
choosing, as long as it is approved by the university hence giving them more choices to work
with. Students contribution to their respective programs and enthusiasm can and should be
measures to further refine the progress and determine how successful the implementation of
mandatory community work has been.
While implementing mandatory community service can have certain drawbacks such as
having the student body be against an implementation of such a system and lash out against
the administration or students may not really invest themselves in the program hence
defeating the purpose However the benefits far outweigh the cons. If the program is
integrated within the curriculum effectively not only will the issues mentioned above not be a
occurring but it shall teach children how to be leaders and team players. They will better be
ready for the real world and shall have practice dealing with practical problems. The chances
of students earning a scholarship will shoot up for further studies. Such a program is likely to
shape them in to a well-rounded human beings. Hence FCC should start working on
introducing mandatory community service at once in the university as implementing is
effectively will take its time.
Reference list
Barber. (1993) A Season of Service: Introducing Service Learning into the Liberal Arts