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Pressure Dam Bearings USEFUL

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Technical Notes by Dr.

June 2016


Why were pressure dam and elliptical bore bearings

developed from circular bore bearings? To control or
suppress rotor instability.

P.O. Box 454

212 Welsh Pool Rd.
Lionville, PA 19353

Tel: 610-363-8570
Fax: 610-524-6326

TRI designs, analyzes, and manufactures circular bore, pressure -dam, and
elliptical bore bearings for users, as well as for other OEMs. TRI will
manufacture bearings to existing specs or will analyze applications to
provide upgraded designs that will improve bearing performance and
control rotor stability. If appropriate for specific applications, TRI offers
TRI Align-A-Pad ® Bearings. Over 55,000 MW of electrical generation
depend upon TRI Journal Bearings.

Sub-synchronous rotor vibrations in rotating machinery have long

been the source of many vibration and bearing damage problems.
Initially, circular bore bearings were used, and then as higher speeds were
introduced, sub-synchronous rotor vibrations occurred with seriously
damaging results. To suppress sub-synchronous rotor vibrations, that is, to

Call TRI at (800) 363-8571 for more information about bearings.

June 2016
increase rotor stability, changes were made to the
bearing designs. In the early 1900s, pressure
dam bearings were introduced with success.
Later, in the 1930s, as designers made machines
with even more challenging rotor stability issues,
elliptical bore bearings were developed for the
same reasons. This Tech Note will explain the
fundamentals of how sub-synchronous rotor
vibrations occur for rotors supported by simple
circular bore bearings and then address the
differences in the designs and stability
characteristics of circular bore bearings, pressure
dam bearings, and elliptical bore bearings.

Circular Bore Journal Bearing Sketch 1: Circular Bore Cross Section

Designs and Associated Rotor-
“converging” section of the oil film. This
Bearing Stability Characteristics : wedge of oil creates a pressure capable of
lifting the journal off the bearing surface. In
To understand the advantages of pressure typical service, there is no contact between
dam and elliptical bore bearings, one must first the journal and the bearing bore.
understand the principals of circular bore
bearings. Circular bore bearings are the simplest With the journal rotating in the
form of film bearing. Such a bearing with the counter-clockwise direction, the pressure
journal rotating in the counter-clockwise distribution in the axial center-plane of a
direction is shown in Sketch 1. The lube oil circular bore journal bearing and going 360
flow rate and the viscosity of the lubricate are degrees around the bearing is depicted in
sufficient to create a “wedge film” in the Sketch 2. A wedge film with positive

Sketch 3: Axial Pressure Distribution

Sketch 2: Circumferential Pressure Distribution

Page 2
area of a bearing is the axial length of the
bearing surface multiplied by the diameter of
the bearing bore.
Circular bore journal bearings work well
for very heavily loaded bearings that never
become unloaded or shafts that rotate very
slowly, but these are not the subject of this
Tech Note.
This Tech Note focuses on circular bore
bearings that have a more reasonable loading,
that is, when the specific loading is in the
range of 100 to 175 pounds per square inch,
and when the rotational speeds are slow to
Sketch 4: 3D Pressure Distribution moderate. However, as the rotational speed
increases, or the diameters become larger, or
pressure (up to 800 psia or higher) occurs in the specific loads become smaller, the journal
the “converging” section and terminates at the tends to experience sub-synchronous
“line of centers”. The pressure distribution is vibration, that is, the frequency of rotor
parabolic, from end to end in the axial vibration is at or below half of the rotational
direction within the converging wedge, Section frequency of the rotor. This phenomenon
A-A, as shown in Sketch 3. In the divergent can happen when the rotor is well balanced
portion of the film, the pressure is sub-ambient or not well balanced. In other words, sub-
(between 14.7 psia and near zero psia) and synchronous rotor vibration has very little to
actually cavitates forming circumferential do with whether the rotor is balanced or
streams of oil vapor bubbles. A 3-D image unbalanced. Rotor vibration due to
showing the film pressure is shown in Sketch 4. unbalance occurs at the rotational frequency
The red area is the high oil pressure or oil of the rotor, not a sub-synchronous frequency
wedge. phenomenon. In very unique situations, high
The “specific loading” of a bearing is a levels of rotor unbalance can lead to sub-
critical parameter for determining the load synchronous rotor vibration in circular bore
carrying capabilities of a bearing. The specific bearings, but this very specific circumstance
loading of a bearing is the ratio of the is not a part of this Tech Note.
downward force to the cross sectional area of
S-Omega Stability Chart
the bearing. In a simple case, the downward
force is equal to the rotor weight that is
Sub-synchronous rotor vibration, or
supported by the bearing. The cross-sectional
“rotor instability” characteristics of rotors
using circular bore bearings are generally
related to two principal parameters of the
journal bearing designs: The Sommerfeld
Equation 1: Specific Loading
Page 3
number (dimensionless) and the Omega-
frequency parameter (dimensionless) as defined
by Equation 2 and Equation 3.

Equation 2: Sommerfeld Number

Equation 3: Omega Frequency Photo 1: Circular Bore Bearing with lift oil for a
very heavy turbine rotor

Bearing Parameters:
D = Db = Diameter of the Bearing, in A demonstration of the sub-synchronous
Dj = Diameter of the Journal, in vibration of an unstable rotor is shown in
rb = Radius of Bearing = Db/2, in
Sketch 5. The journal center moves in an
unstable orbit, or trajectory, with the
r j = Radius of the Journal = Dj/2, in
position of the journal center marked
Cd = Db – Dj = Diametral Clearance, in sequentially at points 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5.
µ= Absolute viscosity of the lubricant, lb-sec/in2 There is one full rotation of the rotor
f = Rotational frequency, hz = Nrpm/60 between each successive pair of points as
L = Axial length of the bearing, in depicted by the key phasor notch. The notch
is always on top at the end of every journal
W = Weight carried by the Bearing, lbf
rotation, while the journal center is in
g= Gravitational constant, 386.04 in/sec2
different locations along the unstable
e = eccentricity, in trajectory at the end of every journal
rotation. For instance, at 3600 rpm, or 60
hertz, there is 16.667 sec between successive

Page 4
Sketch 5: Unstable Orbit

Page 5
Sketch 6: Stable Operating Point

Page 6
circular bore bearing designs, a stability chart
is drawn with the Sommerfeld number
(dimensionless) on the y-axis and the Omega
frequency parameter (dimensionless) on the
x-axis. On this chart, a stability boundary is
drawn which separates the region within
which the journal bearing will be stable from
the region where it will be unstable. Journal
Bearing designs that lie to the left or below
the boundary are stable. Journal Bearing
designs that lie to the right or above the
Sketch 7: Circular Bore
Increasing Rotation Frequency
boundary are unstable.
This stability chart is developed using
numerical computer programs to solve the
many equations related to the mathematical
models of film bearings for the bearing
design being analyzed along with the basic
equation of motion of the journal mass to
which the film pressure distributions and
resulting film forces are applied. A very
successful technique to solve these equations
is to use a time-transient process to create a
trajectory, or orbit, of the motion of the
journal center through a sequence of small
Sketch 8: Circular Bore
Decreasing Specific Load time increments. At the end of every time
or Increasing Viscosity increment, the solution of the hydro-dynamic
film model produces forces on the journal
One example that may be used to stabilize from which the next location of the journal
this rotor-bearing system as shown in Sketch 6, center along the trajectory is predicted.
is to add a heavier weight, Wadd, to the rotor, Changing the parameters of the bearing
that is, to the journal. With this additional model (enumerated after Equation 3 above)
weight, the Sommerfeld number becomes and making many computer runs provides
smaller and the rotor becomes stable as the data to generate the stability boundary
evidenced by the journal center staying at one for the bearing model. This data can be
“Steady-State” location, SS, with a higher verified by actual tests, including operation
eccentricity in the bearing than exists for the of real machinery, as well.
unstable trajectory in Sketch 5.
Using the chart shown in Sketches 7 and
In order to generalize the predictability of 8, let's examine a few scenarios:
the rotor stability characteristics of a range of

Page 7
Consider a circular bore
bearing operating in the stable
region and then increase the
speed of the rotor. As the rotor
speed increases, both the
Sommerfeld number and the
Omega frequency parameter
increase linearly. Eventually,
the bearing will cross the
stability boundary and go from
the stable region to the unstable
region resulting in unstable sub-
synchronous rotor vibration.
Another typical scenario
m a chi ne d e s i g n e r s a nd
developers often face is
increased power or torque for a
new machine that is generally
the same size as a previous
machine in that product line.
If a design is required to handle
more torque, a larger diameter Photo 2: Pressure Dam Bearing for Fluid Drives
shaft may be required, for
instance, to keep the shaft surface stress at a nozzle steam forces lift the rotor upward
safe limit, say, 6,000 psi. Keeping the rotor unloading one or both bearings. On the S-
weight constant and keeping the clearance Omega chart, the Sommerfeld number
ratio (cr /r) or (Cd /D) constant, both of which increases with decreased loading, while the
are common, an examination of the stability Omega frequency parameter is not affected.
chart shows that increasing the diameter This causes the operating point to move
increases the Sommerfeld number, and the vertically upward and the rotor becomes
Omega frequency parameter changes by (cr) . unstable.
The conclusion is that increasing the shaft
diameter can be a source of rotor instability. Lube oil viscosity is dependent on the
temperature of the oil. Hotter oil is less
External forces that lift the rotor, and viscous. The rotating shaft causes shearing
simultaneously decrease loading on a bearing which heats up the oil. As the operating
can drive a rotor from stability to instability. temperature increases and the viscosity
An excellent example is a steam turbine under decreases, the operating point tends to move
certain operating conditions for which inlet downward to a more stable position.

Page 8
Similarly, an increase in the temperature of the for the basic phenomena because, apparently,
supply of oil flowing to a bearing causes the oil they wish to invent new names for this old
temperature to rise, which reduces the lube oil and well recognized problem, presumably to
viscosity, and this moves the journal bearing “show original thought”, though, in reality,
toward the stable region of the stability chart. most of these names are forms of rotor
instability induced by the bearing design
Making the bearing shorter will indeed
reduce the Sommerfeld number and this can
lead to stabilizing a rotor-bearing system, but On the other hand, there are other more
this can only be done when it is certain that complex versions of sub-synchronous rotor
loading in every operating condition will not vibration that are induced by rotor flexibility,
overload and damage the bearing. Conditions fluid flow forces along a rotor, or magnetic
such as wear on turning gear, thermally forces, that are not involved with the simple
induced misalignment during start-up, high forms being discussed here. In addition, the
amplitude vibration forces when going through most complex forms of rotor instability
critical speeds, and shutdowns with very high involve a combination of rotor natural
temperature oil, for example, may dictate that frequencies that match the frequencies
the bearing length cannot be shortened induced by the journal bearing design itself,
sufficiently to create adequate rotor-bearing and these usually are solved only by the use
stability at normal operating conditions. In this of tilting pad bearings of sophisticated
situation, another method must be used to design, not discussed here.
create stable rotor bearing operation.
Rotor instability is often considered to be
The reason for so much concern about the most prominent factor in limiting the
rotor stability is this: If rotor instability is not “power density” (hp per lb) of rotating
controlled, it can be very dangerous, even machinery. Due to the highly destructible
totally destructive to a rotating machine of any results of “oil whip” (or use any other name
size, small, medium or gigantic, because the you wish for sub-synchronous rotor
amplitude of the orbit of vibration can increase vibration), great efforts have been made to
until the journal rubs the bearing wall with suppress this phenomenon since it first
great force, destroying the bearing, and then appeared approximately a century ago.
the vibration amplitude can get even larger,
One of the earliest methods to suppress
resulting in catastrophic failure. There are
“oil whip” was the “pressure dam” bearing,
examples where large steam turbine-generators
and later, the “elliptical bearing” was
with circular bore bearings became unstable
developed. Since perhaps the late 1940s /
and destroyed themselves within only a few
early 1950s, “tilting pad” bearings have been
rotations of the rotor. This is indeed a very
developed and used with great success for
serious matter.
controlling rotor instability in the most
In its simplest form, this form of rotor difficult cases.
vibration is called “oil whip”, “oil whirl”,
While other Tech Notes have focused on
“rotor instability”, or “bearing instability”.
TRI Tilting Pad Bearings, this Tech Note is
There are many euphemisms that people use

Page 9
focused on Pressure Dam Bearings and Pressure Dam Bearings:
Elliptical Bearings primarily for these reasons:
Consider this example: A 3600 rpm
1. These bearing designs are created from a application with a high transmitted torque
circular bore bearing via small changes in and a journal diameter of 7 inches might
bearing bore geometry that achieves substantial have a diametral clearance on the order of
increased downward loading, Wadd ; 0.007 inches to 0.010 inches. If the weight of
the rotor is low or moderate, the values of
2. The increased downward loading decreases specific loadings W/(LxD) for these bearings
the Sommerfeld number, which stabilizes the might be in the range of 50 psi to 150 psi.
rotor bearing design; That is, the bearing is not heavily loaded,
3. In many cases, using pressure dam or leading to rotor instability.
elliptical bearings instead of circular bore A solution providing for a stable design
bearings produces stable operation, and then might be obtained by the use of a pressure-
there is no need to change the rotor design or to dam bearing. A pressure dam bearing differs
change the axial length of the bearing; and from a circular bore bearing by the addition
of a shallow groove in the upper half and the
4. The modified bearing bore geometry for
axial length of this groove is usually over half
either design is relatively easy to manufacture.
of the axial length of the bearing. The
Consequently, for certain applications groove starts at the horizontal joint on the
where pressure dam or elliptical bore bearing up-coming side and terminates about
designs can be properly applied, they are still in 30 degrees past top dead center as shown
substantial use today, and will be for the upside down in the right hand side of
foreseeable future. Sketch 9. This groove creates a pressure

Sketch 9: Disassembled Pressure Dam Bearing

Page 10
distribution in the oil film of the top half that became available at that time in history was
produces a significant downward force on the not the mathematics, models, or
journal. computational techniques, because they were
known. However, simply before that time the
The downward force created by the pressure
data storage capabilities of the commercially
dam adds to the rotor weight supported by the
available digital computers were insufficient
lower half of the bearing. If this total
to handle the very large data storage
downward force is sufficient to move the
requirements for modeling film bearings
operating condition on the Sommerfeld -
using time-transient solutions with any
Omega chart from a point in the unstable
degree of efficiency.
region to a point within the stable region, the
sub-synchronous vibration is suppressed, and What are the limitations of the Pressure Dam
the rotor-bearing system operates stably, that is, bearing design?
operates successfully without sub-synchronous There are many legitimate reasons for
rotor vibration. high amplitude rotor vibrations to occur,
such as a crank in a coupling between
The actual dimensions of the bearings can
adjacent shafts or a pressure dam pressure
be optimized for each application using
distribution that is not well developed at low
computer programing techniques that have
speed permitting the journal to rub the
been well understood since the mid-1960s
bearing; thermally induced misalignment can
when computers with very large memory
cause a journal to rub the top of a low-
became available. In other words, the reason
clearance bearing; a rotor may become highly
why these computer-based analytical methods
unbalanced with a corresponding high
for solving rotor-bearing instability problems
synchronous vibration which can lead to rubs

Sketch 10: Leading Edge Erosion of Pressure Dam Bearing

Page 11
on the side or top of a bearing. Babbitt chunks can enter the thin film of the
lower half leading to a smeared or wiped
For instance, as shown in Sketch 10, in a
bearing. At 3600 rpm, it does not take many
high amplitude synchronous orbit in a circular
minutes of this contact before severe damage
bore bearing, including a pressure-dam bearing,
due to unbalance, the journal is likely to
approach or contact the wall of the bearing on There must be other bearings that are less
either the upcoming side (the right hand side sensitive to damage at the leading edge or
in these sketches) or downcoming side (the left adjacent to the oil supply groove, such as
hand side). There is only 30 to 40 psig discussed just above. Indeed, there are:
pressure in the axial oil feed groove at the elliptical bearings are much more robust than
horizontal joints, relative to a normal film circular bore or pressure dam bearings, and
pressure of 400 psi to 800 psi, and this low they will be discussed in the next section:
pressure region permits the journal to move
outward with no significant restraint. For Elliptical Bearings:
pressure-dam bearings, if the journal surface
hits the leading edge of the seals of the top Elliptical bearings are made by installing a
half, the seals along the pressure dam groove shim in the horizontal joint on each side of
will become damaged or eroded. the bearing before the bearing is bored with a
circular bore. The shim on each side is the
This is a degrading process wherein, at first, same thickness. After being bored, the bore
a small amount of damage occurs opening up diameter is measured and recorded. If bored
the clearance between the journal and the correctly, i.e., no taper, the bore will have the
bearing, and this reduces the effectiveness of same diameter at every location that a
the pressure dam to produce a downward force measurement is taken: near the horizontal
on the journal. As the wear increases, the joint, on either side of the horizontal joint,
downward force reduces, and at some point, and in the direction perpendicular to the
there is insufficient downward force to horizontal joint, or at 45 degrees from the
suppress oil whip, and as oil whip begins to horizontal joint.
occur, real destruction of the bearing begins.
After the seals are partially damaged, the Then, the bearing is disassembled and the
bearing becomes useless in performing its shim is removed.
intended duty, and the machine must be shut The bearing is then reassembled and the
down to replace the bearing(s). If the issue that bearing bore is measured. There is only one
caused the initial damage is not eliminated, the measurement that is useful: the measurement
same damage cycle will repeat. in the direction perpendicular to the
Regarding the bottom half, if the journal horizontal joint, and it should be the same at
hits the leading edge of the bottom half of any both ends with a minor tolerance for
circular bore or pressure dam bearing, the variations in shim thickness, taper of the
Babbitt can be damaged and spalled, and bore, and surface finishes of the joint.

Page 12
Sketch 11

What is important to note is that while it is thickness, and finding that the bore is not
common to measure the bore diameter just round, then repeating the process with
above and below the horizontal joint, it is a another shim thickness. In a few steps, the
totally useless dimension because this bore bore will be round, or nearly round, perhaps
dimension will be less than the bore measured with the exception of where a wear pattern in
with the shim in place and will be more than the bore exists, and the previous machined
the vertical diameter. This dimension that is bore diameter will be known with certainty.
measured near the horizontal joint cannot and It should also be noted that the bore
definitely should not be used as the dimension diameter that was found with this process
to bore this bearing again at a later date may not be the correct bore diameter for that
because it will be too small and may lead to application. Nevertheless, the previous bore
overheating. The only reason that I have diameter will be revealed and a decision can
found for a mechanical technician to take this then be made with proper information, not
measurement is, “I am doing what I was told: guessed.
take the ‘horizontal bore’ measurements and
The ellipticity ratio is a parameter that is
fill in the blanks”. A waste of precious time.
helpful for ascertaining the stability
If the real diameter that was used to characteristics of a journal bearing.
machine the bore is wanted, do not take the
bore dimensions near the horizontal joint, but
install the shims of the proper thickness used
in the manufacturing of the bearing. Then the
bore measurements in multiple directions may
be taken and, if the bore is round, these
measurements will be the same and will be the
previous diameter of the bore. Sometimes this
may be a process of installing a first shim

Page 13
Sketch 12: Elliptical Bore Bearing Showing Non-contact Areas At The Joints

Different bearing manufacturers use that the ellipticity ratio directly affects the
different values for Cdm and Cda(Cdv). They stability of the rotor very significantly, as
depend upon their own experience with their shown in the Stability Chart of Sketch 13.
machines as to what values they wish to use for
Typical stability boundaries for circular
these parameters.
bore bearings and for elliptical bore bearings
Different manufacturers also tend to use with a particular ellipticity ratio are shown in
different arc lengths for oil supply grooves, and this chart. The stability boundary for the
whether they wish to supply oil on only one circular bore bearing is on the left and the
side or both sides. All of these factors do have one for the elliptical bore bearing of the
influence on the stability characteristics of the same length has moved to the right and up.
rotor-bearing system. From this chart, it is clear that ellipticity
greatly enhances the stability characteristics.
As shown in Sketch 12, one of the great
The fact that ellipticity moves the stability
advantages that elliptical bearings enjoy is that
boundary to the right as well as upwards is
when properly designed, it is not possible for
very helpful because it means that the use of
the journal to contact either the leading edge
elliptical bearings permits a rotating machine
or the trailing edge of the top arc or the
to operate with higher speeds, larger
bottom arc.
clearances, lighter loads, larger diameter
Another advantage of elliptical bearings is

Page 14
Sketch 13: Stability Chart

shafts, longer bearings, and lubricants with models and associated numerical computer
higher viscosities. All of these trends make it programs that can simultaneously handle the
much easier to design machinery with influences of all of these parameters as well
increased power densities. as variable viscosity and variable turbulence
throughout the films. TRI has such computer
There are factors that complicate these
programs and a great deal of successful
trends, and sometimes the complications are
experience applying them.
very substantial. For instance, increasing the
clearance usually increases the lube oil flow From a separate viewpoint, a principal
through the film, and this causes a reduction reason that elliptical bore bearings have
of temperature which increases the effective improved stability characteristics is that there
viscosity, a destabilizing influence and an is a separate wedge oil film in the top arc in
unintended consequence. Furthermore, with addition to the usual wedge oil film in the
increased surface velocity due to increased bottom arc. This wedge film in the top arc is
diameter, the Reynolds number for the film very important because it produces a
increases and the turbulence in the film significant downward film force that is
increases in a non-linear manner. Increased stabilizing. With two wedge films in a
turbulence dramatically increases the effective bearing, when the viscosity of the oil film in
viscosity in the film, leading to an increased the bottom half is increased, the viscosity in
tendency for rotor instability and, incidentally, the oil film in the top half is also increased in
to much higher power loss. The only method a similar manner, and these tend to offset or
for accurately modeling film bearings, balance each other to some degree. Other
particularly for large diameter, high speed parameters have similar offsetting
bearings, is to use very complex mathematical characteristics: they affect the film force of
Page 15
Please contact TRI with your journal bearing
stabilize the rotor-bearing system, whereas,
requirements and/or bearing issues.
for an elliptical bore bearing with bottom
and top films, increasing the lube oil
temperature reduces the film viscosity in
both bottom and top wedge films and this
does not always assure improved rotor
stability: The offsetting effects are not always
fully predictable. Nevertheless, on balance,
elliptical bore bearings are a great
improvement over both circular bore
bearings and pressure-dam bearings.
While TRI uses pressure dam bearings in
Photo 3: 30” Elliptical Generator Bearing specific applications, TRI prefers elliptical
bore bearings over pressure dam bearings for
most applications because, in almost every
case, elliptical bore bearings keep the journal
from contacting and damaging the leading
edges of the arcs. Further, without having
the narrow seals alongside the pressure dam
groove, and having an upper arc with a much
longer axial length, the wedge film of the top
arc of an elliptical bearing produces a larger
downward force than a pressure dam bearing,
Photo 4: 16” Elliptical Bearing particularly as the journal approaches the
for an LP Turbine Rotor bearing surface and the film gets thin, and
for this reason, an elliptical bearing is more
the bottom half and also affect the film force difficult to damage or erode than is a
in the top half in a corresponding manner pressure dam bearing.
though perhaps not with the same magnitude.
Because elliptical bearings have a top arc
For a circular bore bearing which has only a with a stronger downward force than can be
single film on the bottom, there is no achieved with a pressure dam bearing,
offsetting downward force from the top half, elliptical bearings have greater stability over a
and therefore, increasing the lube oil supply wider range of design parameters, and
temperature reduces the viscosity of the film in therefore, they are preferred.
the bottom half and this almost always tends to

This Technical Note was written by Dr. Melbourne F. Giberson, P.E., President of TRI Transmission & Bearing Corp., Turbo Research, Inc. The objectives of Technical
Notes are to disseminate information and experience on understanding problems and how to solve them. We attempt to send this Technical Note only to those people for
whom the information might be useful. Over the years, many people have asked to be added to the distribution list (see our website). Occasionally, a few individuals inform us
that they do not wish to receive the information. Should you desire not to receive future Technical Notes, please advise TRI by info@turboresearch.com or click visit the
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