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Study of Different Cropping Pattern Followed by The Farmers of Punjab

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Study of different cropping pattern followed by the farmers of Punjab.

Gurloveleen Kaur, Navdeep Gandhi, Karampal Singh and Jyotmaninder Singh

Department of Agriculture, D.A.V. College, Abohar, Fazilka
Agriculture plays a pivotal role in the Indian economy. The paper presents preliminary results from a
study of the economics and adoption of various cropping pattern followed by farmer. During this survey
different characters such as age, family size, cropping pattern, total input/output and total income
etc are taken into considerations. The results shows that income obtained by farmers who
adopted the cropping pattern rice-wheat was Rs 49,190 with cotton-wheat was Rs -18,667 with
both (RW+CW) Rs 30,000 and the farmers who followed cropping pattern other than this
obtained an income of Rs 29,500.

1. Introduction
Agricultural Census data shows that there were about 121 million agricultural holdings in
India in 2000-01. Around 99 million were small and marginal farmers. Average size has declined
from 2.3 ha in 1970-71 to 1.37 ha in 2000-01.Small and marginal farmers account for more than
80% of total farms. But their share in operated area is around 44%. Thus, there are significant
land inequalities in India.
The role of small farms in development and poverty reduction is well recognized. The global
experience of growth and poverty reduction shows that GDP growth originating in agriculture is
at least twice as effective in reducing poverty as GDP growth outside agriculture. Small holdings
play important role in raising agricultural development and poverty reduction.
The objective of this paper is to study the different cropping patterns of farmers in achieving
agricultural growth, food security and livelihoods in India. It is known that small farmers face
several challenges in the access to inputs and marketing. They need a level playing field with
large farms in terms of accessing land, water, inputs, credit, technology and markets.
About 98 million out of total 120 million farm holdings are small and marginal farmers.
The sustainability of these farmers is crucial for livelihoods in rural areas and for the entire
country. It is true that small holdings have higher productivity than medium and large farms. But,
as our discussion below shows that it is not enough to compensate for the disadvantage of the
small area of holdings is higher than large holdings. The data at state level shows that in 9 out of
20 states, the reverse is true- net farm income per hectare is in large holdings than small
However, the monthly income and consumption figures across different size class of land
holdings show that marginal and small farmers have dis-savings compared to medium and large
farmers. The average monthly income of farmer households is comprised of income from wages.
Net receipts from cultivation, net receipts from farming of animals and income from non-farm
business. The average monthly consumption of farmer households is comprised of total food and
non-food expenditure.
2. Materials and Methods:
The quality of any research is judged on the basis of its methodological approach. It is the
way to systematically solve the research problem. It explains not only the steps adopted by a
researcher in studying the research problem but also the logic behind them. The methodological
frame work adopted for the study has been discussed under the following headings:

2.1 Location of work

In order to achieve the stipulated objectives, present study was conducted in Punjab
state. As farmers with different social characters were scattered over as many districts of the
state, a required sample of different farmers with different social behavior was selected from the
areas around the fazilka district.

2.2 Sampling procedure

A purposive sampling technique was adopted for the selection of the sample. As the
farmers with different social behavior were scattered over many villages, thus villages around
fazilka districts became the sample for the present study.

2.3 Collection of data

The primary data were collected from the respondent farmers with the help of specially
designed and pre-tested schedule through personal interview method. The information so
collected related to the operational holding, cropping pattern , no. of crops sown and area under
each crops, rotation, method of sowing, fertilizer application, plant protection method, source of
irrigation, yield obtained, production, total input used and total output were obtained from the

Table 2.3.1 Sampling design of the study

District Block Villages Respondents


Fazilka Abohar Tootanwala 4

Gobindgarh 4

Gidderanwali 2

Kandhwalaamarkot 1

Bhawalwasi 2

Kabul shah hither 3

Roherianwali 4
Grand Total 7 20

3 Results and discussion:

In this study different social characters of different farmers were evaluated. This chapter deals
with the examination of the results obtained through the analysis of data collected and were
classified into different sections as follows:

3.1 Socio economic profile of the sample farmers

3.2 Cropping pattern of the sample farmers

3.1 Socio economic profile of the sample farmers

This section includes the socio-economic profile of the sample households such as age,
education, size of holding, family size, occupation etc. The socio-economic characteristics may
have direct or indirect bearing on the decision-making process in farming. Therefore, it is relevant
here, to have an overview of socio-economic characteristics of the different farmers of the region
under study.

3.1.1 Age
Table 3.1.1: Age-wise distribution of the sample farmers, Punjab, 2015-16

Age of the respondent Number Percentage (%)

20-30 7 35
30-40 7 35
40-50 4 20
50-60 2 10
Total 20 100

The perusal of table 4.1.1 revealed that the highest proportion i.e. 35% of farmers
belonged to the age group of 20-30 years and 30-40years, followed by 20% in the age group of
20-45 years and 10% in the age group of 50-60 years. This showed that more than 90% of the
farmers belonged to the age group of 20-50 years. Only 10% of them were in the age group of
above 50 years. This clearly revealed that the majority of the farmers were almost in the young
age group.

3.1.2 Family Size

It was evident from the results that 45% of farmers belonged to the large families having
6 to 7 and 8 or above members respectively. About 55% of the selected farmers had small sized
families with 4 to 5 members. The details were described in Table 4.1.3.

Table 3.1.2: Family size of the sample farmers, Punjab, 2015-16

Family Size Number Percentage (%)

4-5 11 55

6-7 4 20

≥8 5 25

Total 20 100

3.2 Cropping pattern of the sample farmers

The cropping pattern of the sample farmers has been depicted in Table 4.1.5. Paddy was
the predominant crop over cotton crop.
Rice-wheat crop rotation occupies highest i.e. 45% of the total area Cotton-wheat
occupies 40% area whereas as 10% of the sample growers covers 10% area and 5% sample
farmers had grown other crops which includes kinnow, sugarcane and fodder.

Table 3.2 : Cropping pattern of the sample farmers, Punjab, 2015-16

Cropping pattern No. of growers Percentage (%)

Rice- wheat (RW) 8 40

Cotton-wheat (CW) 9 45

Both (RW+CW) 2 10

Others 1 5

Total 20 100

3.2.1 Input-output relation between different crop cultivars

Table 3.2.1 Input-output relation between different crop cultivars

Average Input-output relation between different crop cultivars in rupees
Cotton-wheat Rice-wheat Both (CW+RW) Others
(CW) (RW)
Input Output Input Output Input Output Input Output

Small(<1 12,667 10,000 10,667 32,077 - - 65,00 36,000

0 acres)

Large(>1 11,667 8,334 15,800 43,580 17,500 47,500 - -

0 acres)

Total 24,334 18,334 26,467 75,657 17,500 47,500 65,00 36,000

Output of the farm resources per acre or a particular crop on a farm firm is a function of
different inputs used. The elasticity of crop productivity with respect to use of important inputs
was studied and results obtained for input- output relation for Cotton- wheat, Rice- wheat, Both
and other crop rotation in table 4.1.6 shows that maximum input is used in cotton- wheat cycle
whereas maximum output has been obtained in kinnow (others).

Average input in rupees

14,000 12,667
12,000 10,667
8,000 6500
6,000 Both(CW+RW)
4,000 Others
< 10 acre ≥ 10 acre
Farm size in acres

Fig. 1 shows input relation between different growers.

50,000 47,500
Average output in rupees
35,000 32,077
10,000 8,334 Others

< 10 acre ≥ 10 acre
Farm size in acres

Fig. 2 shows output relation between different growers.

3.2.2 Income
Income is the factor which describes the social character of farmers. Maximum income was
obtained by the famers with rice-wheat cropping pattern i.e. Rs 49,190 per acre followed by the
farmers with rice and cotton based cropping pattern i.e. Rs 30,000 per acre followed by kinnow
(others) growers i.e. Rs 29,500 per acre and farmers with cropping pattern cotton-wheat doesn’t
obtains any income instead spent money from their own pockets which shows the least income
i.e. Rs -18,667 per acre. (Table 4.1.7)
Table 3.2.2 Income relation between different crop cultivars in rupees.

Income relation between different crop cultivars in rupees

Farm Cotton- Rice-wheat Both (CW+RW) Others
wheat (RW)

Small(<1 -2,667 21,410 - 29,500

0 acres)

Large(>1 -16,000 27,780 30,000 -

0 acres)

Total -18,667 49,190 30,000 29,500

29,500 30,000
30000 27,780

25000 21,410
Income in rupees

20000 Cotton-wheat(CW)
15000 Rice-wheat(RW)
10000 Both(CW+RW)
5000 Others
< 10 acres ≥ 10 acres
-5000 -2667 -3,333
Farm size in acres

Fig. 2 Shows income relation between different growers

4. Conclusions

Results concluded that -:

 35% of the sample farmers belonged to the age group of 20-30 years and also 35%
belonged to age group of 30-40 years. Whereas, 20% belonged to 40-50 years and
remaining 10% belonged to 50-60 years. This showed that 70% of the sample
growers were young.
 On the basis of family size, 55% of farmers belongs to family size with 4-5
members in their family, 20% with 6-7 family members whereas 25% with more
than 8 family members.
 According to the cropping pattern farmers with 40% followed the rice-wheat
cropping pattern, 45% with cotton-wheat, 10% with both (RW+CW) whereas 5%
with farmers who followed the cropping pattern other than rice-wheat and cotton-
 On the basis of income maximum income was obtained by the farmers with rice-
wheat cropping pattern i.e. Rs 49,190 per acre followed by farmers with rice and
cotton based cropping pattern i.e. Rs 30,000 per acre whereas 5% of the other
growers i.e. Rs 29,500 per acre and farmers with cotton-wheat cropping pattern
does not obtains any income whereas suffers the loss and gets the least income i.e.
Rs -18,667 per acre.
Hence, farmers which adopt rice-wheat cropping system have get
maximum output and thus gets maximum income. While the farmers which adopt
cotton-wheat cropping system have get lower output and thus gets lesser income.
Output was low in cotton-wheat based cropping system due to severe attack of
white fly and more expenditure on fertilizers and other resources used during
cultivation practices which clearly reveals the social characters of different
farmers and thus directly affects the standard of living of farmers.
From the above project study, it would be recommended that farmers
should grow horticultural crops instead of following cotton-wheat cropping pattern
which improves the social characters of the farmers
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