Unified AC/DC Power Flow For Traction Systems: A New Concept
Unified AC/DC Power Flow For Traction Systems: A New Concept
Unified AC/DC Power Flow For Traction Systems: A New Concept
RPSS Railway power supply system.
T HE RPSS represents an important part of the whole
traction system infrastructure. Light direct current (dc)
traction systems, such as the system modeled and analyzed
KCL Kirchhoff’s current law. in this paper, are based on a dc network (where the trains
are connected), coupled with the main alternating current (ac)
power grid through alternating current/direct current (ac/dc)
Variables conversion devices. The most common situation nowadays is
the use of noncontrolled six- or 12-pulse rectifiers combined
Λ Adjacency matrix.
with power transformers. However, the number of bidirectional
Γ Incidence matrix.
substations installed, permitting power flows in both ways, has
ω Synchronous reference frame rotational speed.
increased during the last years. With the use of this kind of
L, R Inductance and resistance.
devices, a more efficient energy management strategy can be
R, X Resistance and reactance matrix.
developed in the dc network, allowing the regenerated energy
v, i Voltage and current vector.
of the trains to be injected in the ac grid. To make a correct
I, S Identity and block diagonal matrix.
dimensioning, take correct decisions about future investments,
M Linear equations matrix.
or simply make an accurate estimate of the operation costs, a
z Current and voltage solution vector.
good estimation of energy consumption and peak power at each
Reqi Converter-equivalent resistance.
line and substation is needed.
P, Q Active and reactive power matrix.
The most used tool for this purpose is the power-flow
n Number of.
approach [1]–[3]. Based on this concept, there are different
tools that can work out the estimate. In [4], a neural-network-
based tool was used. Inputs such as power flows, power system
Manuscript received September 5, 2011; revised November 22, 2011, configuration, the distance between substations, average values
January 11, 2012, March 12, 2012, and April 2, 2012; accepted April 9, 2012. and standard deviations of the railway inclinations, and the
Date of publication April 25, 2012; date of current version July 10, 2012. This average number of trains and its average velocity, were used
work was supported in part by the Spanish Ministry of Science under Grant
MICINN-10-IPT-370000-2010-15. The review of this paper was coordinated to train the network.
by Dr. C. Chunting. As aforementioned, a number of dc traction systems are
The authors are with the Department of Electrical Engineering, University connected to the public grid through power transformers, and
of Oviedo, Campus de Viesques, 33204 Gijón, Spain (e-mail: arboleyapablo@
uniovi.es). many of the RPSS are dc systems that are connected to the
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TVT.2012.2196298 main power system through ac/dc converters. In this case, the
0018-9545/$31.00 © 2012 IEEE
power-flow problem cannot directly be solved by conventional into stage or exits the system. In addition, the order of the
methods used in ac networks, and two main methodologies have variables in the solution vector is kept; therefore, different
been developed. instants can directly be compared. Second, the development of
The first approach is to consider only the dc subsystem a matrix formulation reduces the implementation complexity of
problem, considering the ac/dc substations as a dc voltage or these unified methods, overcoming the main drawback of the
current source, with a series or parallel connected resistance, extended variable methods. The use of matrices that describe
respectively. Most of the authors who use this simplification power flows in electrical networks is a widely accepted method
use linear and direct methods based on the Zollenkopf bifactor- of showing the final results [11], [12], and in this paper, we
ization [5] or the incomplete Cholesky conjugate gradient [1]. propose, as a minor contribution, a new method of computing
The use of this approach, however, does not consider the effect these matrices using the aforementioned matrix formulation.
of the ac grid voltage drops in the dc subsystem. Thus, in a In Section II, we will explain the proposed method to de-
real scenario, two identical ac/dc converters with the same load scribe the dc topology. The description complexity of this part
level and different voltage outputs can be found [6], but with the of the problem is higher, and we will explain how the topology
aforementioned methods, such a situation cannot be modeled. is kept constant even when the train motion is simulated. Sec-
Therefore, to get a more accurate solution, a combined tion III describes all linear and nonlinear expressions needed to
power-flow computation, including ac and dc subsystems, must solve the ac/dc combined power flow. In Section IV, we specify
be solved. Combined ac/dc power-flow methods are not new and explain the method used to solve the problem and the
[7], [8], and the following two representative trends have been proposed procedure for calculating the active and the reactive
adopted to solve ac/dc power flows: 1) the sequential method power. In Section V, a specific case of study is defined, stated,
and 2) the unified method. and solved using the proposed method, and the commercial
Sequential methods apply an iterative procedure between ac software (DIgSILENT). The obtained results are analyzed and
and dc systems [2], [3], [6]. These methods consider ac/dc compared to test the method accuracy. Finally, in Section VI, a
converters as voltage or current sources from the dc subsystem set of conclusions will be stated.
point of view and loads from the ac point of view. In most of
the cases, a plain voltage profile in the dc subsystem is adopted
for the first iteration in the dc part. Under this assumption, II. DC P OWER S YSTEM T OPOLOGY D ESCRIPTION
the power demanded by each substation from the ac system is
To properly analyze the dc traction network, two main prob-
computed. Thereafter, the ac power flow is solved to correct the
lems must be settled. The first problem refers to the number
initial dc voltage profile.
of trains within the system at a given simulation instant, which
Differently, unified methods simultaneously solve the whole
is not constant and implies a change in the problem dimension
system of equations. These methods have also been called the
over different simulation instants. The other problem that we
extended variable method, because the dc variables are added
have to deal with resides in the train motion, which produces
to the ac solution vector [7], [8].
changes in the relative position of the network nodes during the
The main advantage of sequential methods lies in their
simulation. Traditionally, to overcome these difficulties a new
simplicity of implementation. They present, however, some
problem is stated at every simulation step.
convergence problems under particular situations that were
No major inconveniences appear when a small system and a
derived from the discontinuities that emerged in the rectifier
short time interval are analyzed. However, the drawbacks that
interface quantities between successive ac/dc iterations and the
are derived from the traditional way of setting up the problem
nonlinear complexity of the rectifier model [3], [7]–[9]. Note
arise when a real system must be studied over a significant
that, in a particular case of dividing the track into a number of
period of time, causing a set of serious disadvantages, which
equal-length finite cells, as done in [6], the number of nodes
are summarized as follows.
drastically increased, and the impedances of the ac and dc
lines are spread too wide of a range. Under these particular • A procedure for determining which trains are in the system
circumstances, it could be preferable to use sequential methods. and their position must be developed. We need to define a
Conventionally, the stationary equivalent method for moving new topology at every simulation step, varying the number
loads, as proposed in [10], is assumed. This method assumes of nodes, their position, and the lines that connect such
that the speed of the trains is not very high to induce pro- nodes.
nounced electrical transients and the dc traction network slowly • Enumeration criteria must be designed to identify each
moves from one state to another as the locations and the network element (node/line) at every simulation instant.
input power of the trains vary. Using this stationary equivalent, Because the same criteria are applied to different instants,
temporal analysis of RPSS is computed by solving successive different numbers may be assigned to the same element at
instants. two different instants.
This paper contributes to existing unified ac/dc power-flow • Due to these last points, the solution vector changes in
methods, adding two main features. First, a graph-theory-based its dimension and its components, making it very hard
technique allows, in an easy way, space–time variation in to compare different instants. Although vectors that cor-
loads to simulate the motion of the trains. With the proposed respond to two different instants have the same dimen-
approach, train motion can be modeled, keeping the system sions, the same vector position could belong to different
topology and dimension constant, even if a new train comes variables.
• A tracking subroutine must be developed to search within Λdc = Λtt + Λts + Λss
the solution vector a determined variable to be compared tt ts ss
with the same one at a different instant. Λ11 Λtt12 Λ11 Λts
12 Λ11 Λss
= + +
One of the key features of the proposed approach is the use Λtt tt
21 Λ22 Λts ts
21 Λ22 Λss ss
21 Λ22
of a graph-theory-based method to define the system to over- tt
Λ11 Λts12
come the aforementioned difficulties that were derived from = (1)
the changing topology. Our method considers the trains and dc 0 Λss22
nodes as vertices and the catenaries as edges of a graph. To
keep the problem dimension constant, all the trains that appear where the following conditions hold.
in the temporal interval of study will be represented in the
• Λdc is the dc system adjacency matrix.
graph, regardless of whether they are physically in the system.
• Λtt is the adjacency matrix that represents the first sub-
The enumeration criterion for vertices starts with the trains and
graph (for connections between trains, see Fig. 1(a)).
follows with the dc nodes. With this system, a determined node
• Λts is the adjacency matrix that represents the second
always represents the same train or dc node, independent of the
subgraph [for connections between trains and dc nodes,
simulation instant.
see Fig. 1(b)].
Nevertheless, the train motion still causes changes in the
• Λss is the adjacency matrix that represents the third sub-
system topology. To construct an invariant dimension system,
graph [for real connections between nodes, see Fig. 1(c)].
we consider that all trains are connected among them and with
all dc nodes. The graph that represents the whole dc system is The matrices construction is simple. Due to the use of the
composed of three subgraphs that represent connections among proposed vertex enumeration criteria and the use of oriented-
trains, connections between trains and dc nodes, and the real dc type graphs, Λdc will be upper triangular; therefore, Λss tt
21 , Λ21 ,
topology, respectively (see Fig. 1). and Λ21 are null matrices. Furthermore, Λ11 , Λ22 , and Λ∗∗
ts ∗∗ ∗∗
In Fig. 1(a), the first subgraph is depicted. It represents all represent connections between trains, dc nodes, and train–dc
possible connections between trains. Note that the case where nodes, respectively, which means that only Λtt ss
11 , Λ22 , and Λ12
all trains run between two dc nodes can exist. To cover all can be not null matrices.
possibilities, this graph is a complete-type graph, i.e., a simple Λtt
11 (nt , nt ) is pure upper triangular, because connections
graph in which every pair of distinct vertices is connected by a among trains are represented by a complete-type graph. A pure
unique edge. In this case, the number of edges can be calculated upper triangular matrix is an upper triangular with nonnull
using the following expression: nt (nt − 1)/2. elements above the diagonal. Λts 12 (nt , ns ) will be filled with
The second subgraph shows the possible connections be- ones (it represents a complete bipartite graph, with all trains
tween the trains and the dc nodes. Note that every train can connected with all dc nodes). Λtt 22 (ns , ns ) represents the real
be connected at different simulation steps with every dc node. topology of the dc network and, in this particular case of
In this case, the subgraph that symbolizes these connections study, is a pure upper triangular matrix, because we only have
three dc nodes (substations in this case) connected each other; the implementation procedure. The second group of equations
otherwise, it would be an upper triangular matrix. is formed by the nonlinear equations.
As observed in Fig. 1, we first enumerate the edges whose
tail (lower indexed node) is vertex 1 following an ascending
order as a function of their head (higher indexed node), and then A. Linear Equations
edges whose tail is vertex 2, and so on. With these criteria, the To model the whole power system, the ac lines and the dc
dc element node incidence matrix (Γdc ) [13], [14] can easily catenaries have been considered as RL branches. In the ac part
be obtained using the adjacency matrix Λdc with the following of the problem, the complex vector theory has been used. The
procedure. The nonzero Λdc elements are extracted row by row, voltage drop (Δvdq ) in a resistor–inductor (RL) circuit can dy-
obtaining their indices (i, j). For each pair of values (i, j), a namically be expressed using this theory as follows [17], [18]:
new row in the Γdc matrix will be added. The column i will be
filled with 1, and the column j will be filled with −1. Therefore, d
Δvdq = R idq + + jω L idq (3)
the Γdc rows and columns will represent, respectively, the dc dt
subsystem graph edges and vertices, and its element Γij is
given as follows. where
• Γij = 1 when the tail of the edge i is vertex j. vdq = vd + jvq (4)
• Γij = −1 when the head of the edge i is vertex j.
• Otherwise, Γij = 0. idq = id + jiq . (5)
Γdc will be used in the following sections to set out a set Equation (3) is generic; it serves for either transient or steady-
of linear equations that correspond to the KCL and Kirchhoff’s state analysis, and it gives us insight to proceed to decoupling
voltage laws of the dc subsystem. Γdc could directly be con- the system into dq components. The system will be analyzed
structed without the use of Λdc . However, we first construct in steady state, and therefore, the derivative term is null. The
Λdc to simplify the data input. The construction of an upper presence of (3) is intended only to give support to (6)–(9),
triangular Λdc is easier than the construction of Γdc directly. which are (3) but particularized to the steady state.
The traditional formulation allows us to express in vector According to the aforementioned, in case of the ac lines, (3)
form the power-flow equations as follows: in steady state can be written as follows:
converter. Equations (22) and (23), shown below, represent an incidence node matrix (Γ) is constructed by joining Γdc , Γac ,
ideal lossless converter, and (24), also shown below, represents and ΓL , where ΓL is the node incidence matrix of the links, and
the voltage drop that was derived from the commutation and its structure can be observed in the following expression:
conduction losses ⎛ dc ⎞
Γ 0
⎜ ⎟
di iBdi + vN qi iBqi − vN i LBi = 0
vN (22) Γ=⎝ ΓL ⎠. (25)
qi iBdi − vN di iBqi = 0
vN (23) 0 Γac
Fig. 3. Proposed ac/dc system. The upper part of the system corresponds to
the ac subsystem, and the lower part corresponds to the dc subsystem. Trains 1
and 2 are located between nodes 4 and 5, whereas train 3 is located between
nodes 4 and 6.
method can be compared with the voltages and currents ob- VI. C ONCLUSION
tained using commercial software. In this case, the selected This paper has proposed a new approach for solving the
software used to validate the results was DIgSILENT Power- combined ac/dc power flow using an extended variable method.
Factory. The voltage error is limited to 0.3%, and the cur- Historically, extended variable methods have presented bet-
rent error is limited to 1.7%. The source of these errors can ter convergence properties; however, they are hard to imple-
be derived from the differences in power transformer and ment compared with the combined ac/dc power-flow sequential
power converter models used by the proposed method and methods. Moreover, the train motion increases the complexity
DIgSILENT. For example, in our case, the parallel impedance of setting out this problem using conventional extended variable
in the power transformer model and the power losses in the methods.
diodes are neglected, even when voltage drops were considered. In this paper, we have presented some contributions to over-
Tables VII and VIII represent the active and reactive power come these drawbacks and developed a procedure for setting
matrices described in (29) and (30), respectively, for the specific out, solving, and analyzing the problem in a really easy way.
case of study. As aforementioned, these matrices can easily be The first contribution is the use of the graph theory applied
obtained using the node incidence matrix, and they allow us to to the network description, making it possible to introduce
make a rapid power-flow analysis. space–time variation in loads in an easy way. The train move-
Note that special cases, considering trains in the same loca- ment is simulated by activating or deactivating edges or the
tion and nonactive trains, were simulated to test the reliability graph, but the dimension of the problem remains constant. As
of the method. Such cases were also validated using the same a consequence, solution vectors of two different instants can
aforementioned procedure. easily be created and directly compared without the need for a
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