Insulin 2 PDF
Insulin 2 PDF
Insulin 2 PDF
Glucose Homeostasis
and Insulin Therapy
i n Typ e 1 a nd Typ e 2
Ele Ferrannini, MD
Type 2 diabetes Type 1 diabetes Glucose homeostasis
Insulin therapy
Glucose control can be simplified to an input-output problem (Fig. 1). At any given
time, the glucose concentration in the glucose space (which averages 250 mL/kg of
body weight, of which 70 mL/kg is the intravascular space) represents the balance
Fig. 1. Diagram of the primary hormonal control of plasma glucose concentrations orga-
nized as an input-output system centered on plasma glucose level. (1) stimulation; ( ) inhi-
bition. GLP-1, glucagon-like peptide 1.
Glucose Homeostasis and Insulin Therapy 27
between entry of glucose into, and exit from, the circulation via cellular metabolism or
excretion: excessive release or defective removal (or combinations of the two) will
result in rising glucose levels. After an overnight fast (or in interprandial states), the liver
contributes greater than 90% of endogenous glucose release (the remainder being
released by the kidney), derived in equal parts from breakdown of glycogen and de
novo glucose synthesis from 3-carbon precursors.6 An endogenous glucose input
of 11 mmol/min/kg (extrapolating to 1.1 mmol [5 200 g] per day in a 70-kg adult) main-
tains a fasting plasma concentration of approximately 5 mmol/L (90 mg/dL) in the
glucose space as the same amount of glucose is disposed of by all body tissues.
Glucose output is directly related to fat-free mass (FFM), that is, to the mass of
metabolically active tissues, indicating that the metabolic need is the main factor
driving hepatic glucose release.7 Independently of FFM, glucose output is also directly
related to fasting plasma glucose concentrations even within the nondiabetic range
(ie, 4–7 mmol/L) (Fig. 2).
The dominant hormonal control of the fasting rate of glucose release is the insulin/
glucagon ratio in the prehepatic venous plasma, with insulin inhibiting, and glucagon
stimulating, both glycogenolysis and gluconeogenesis (see Fig. 1).8–11 Eighty percent
of the blood supply to the liver comes from the portal vein, which carries pancreatic
endocrine secretions, while 20% flows from the hepatic artery. Because of this double
vascular connection, in parallel to the left heart and in series with the endocrine
pancreas, the liver is exposed to higher hormone concentrations than are peripheral
tissues.12 Fasting insulin secretion rates can be calculated from fasting C-peptide
concentrations using the deconvolution method.13 In nondiabetic subjects (with
a body mass index [BMI] from lean to very obese), fasting insulin secretion ranges
from 50 to 120 pmol/min/m2; extrapolated over 24 hours, basal insulin output ranges
from 0.35 to 0.56 U/kg per day. The corresponding fasting plasma insulin concentra-
tions also are progressively higher as a function of the degree of obesity (Fig. 3).
Assuming a portal plasma flow of 12 L/min/kg, prehepatic insulin concentrations
Fig. 3. Basal (fasting) insulin release (extrapolated to 24 hours) (blue symbols) and fasting
plasma insulin concentrations (red symbols) by body mass index (BMI). Data (Ferrannini E,
unpublished data, 2012) from 1151 nondiabetic subjects from the RISC Study. Plots are
mean SD. (Data from Ferrannini E, Balkau B, Coppack SW, et al. RISC Investigators. Insulin
resistance, insulin response, and obesity as indicators of metabolic risk. J Clin Endocrinol
Metab 2007;92:2885–92.)
can be estimated from the insulin secretion rate and the relative contribution of hepatic
arterial flow. As shown in Fig. 4, in nondiabetic subjects prehepatic insulin levels are 2-
to 4-fold higher than peripheral insulin concentrations. This portosystemic gradient is
due to insulin being abundantly degraded by the liver, for the most part by receptor-
mediated processes; because its first-pass extraction exceeds 50%, in normal
subjects approximately 80% of the hormone is eventually metabolized in liver tissues,
the remainder being degraded by the kidney.14
Fig. 4. Linear relationship between estimated fasting prehepatic and peripheral plasma
insulin concentrations in the nondiabetic subjects in Fig. 3. The r and P values refer to the
significance of the line of best fit (red line). Data (Ferrannini E, unpublished data, 2012)
from 1151 nondiabetic subjects from the RISC Study. (Data from Ferrannini E, Balkau B,
Coppack SW, et al. RISC Investigators. Insulin resistance, insulin response, and obesity as
indicators of metabolic risk. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 2007;92:2885–92.)
Glucose Homeostasis and Insulin Therapy 29
Fig. 5. Power function linking fasting endogenous glucose output and the estimated prehe-
patic insulin-to-glucagon ratio in the nondiabetic subjects in Fig. 2. The P value refers to the
significance of the partial correlation coefficient of the line of best fit (blue line) and its 95%
confidence intervals (dotted red lines) from a general linear regression model also adjusting
for sex, age, and body mass index. Note the log transformation of both axes.
30 Ferrannini
Fig. 6. Reciprocal relationship between the liver Insulin Resistance (IR) index (calculated as
the product of fasting endogenous glucose output and estimated prehepatic plasma insulin
concentration) and whole-body insulin sensitivity (M/I, calculated as the M value from the
euglycemic insulin clamp normalized by the steady-state plasma insulin concentrations
during the clamp) in the nondiabetic subjects in Fig. 2. The r and P values refer to the signif-
icance of the partial correlation coefficient of the line of best fit (red line) and its 95% confi-
dence intervals (dotted red lines) from a general linear regression model also adjusting for
sex, age, and body mass index. Note the log transformation of both axes.
rate would have to range between 0.08 and 0.11 U/kg per day. In the latter case,
however, peripheral tissues would be normally insulinized, whereas the liver would
be exposed to hypoinsulinemia; hepatic glucose output would be insufficiently
restrained by insulin, thereby contributing to hyperglycemia. Conversely, adequate
insulinization of the liver by peripheral insulin administration would create peripheral
hyperinsulinemia, with the attendant risk of hypoglycemia. The difficulty in achieving
and maintaining normoglycemia in insulin-treated type 1 diabetes largely originates
from the obligate peripheral route of insulin administration. Because of erratic absorp-
tion and bioavailability, delivery of oral insulin is not feasible at present.
In summary, short-term control of glucose homeostasis in the fasting or interpran-
dial state is delegated mostly to the liver, with a marginal contribution of peripheral
tissues, in which glucose uptake is either independent of insulin or only slightly stim-
ulated by fasting insulin levels. It is nevertheless important to consider that in the
longer term the setpoint of fasting glucose release is dictated by the tissue metabolic
requirements (see the strong relation of fasting glucose output to FFM in Fig. 2).7 This
fact implies that signals expressing the energy status of bodily tissues reach the liver
and modulate its delivery of glucose to the periphery. Although the nature of these
signals is incompletely understood, it is clear that glucose occupies a dominant posi-
tion among energy-rich substrates in metabolic control.
The pharmacokinetics of insulin outlined here do not readily translate into an insulin
effect because of the different dose-response relationships of insulin action on the
liver (inhibition of glucose release) and peripheral tissues (enhancement of glucose
disposal), and the sizeable activation and deactivation times of the hormone. In
fact, the dose-response curve for hepatic insulin action is shifted to the left relative
to the dose-response curve of peripheral insulin action (Fig. 7).19 Thus, the half-
maximal portal insulin concentration for glucose output is approximately 300 pmol/L
(w50 mU/mL), whereas the half-maximal peripheral insulin concentration for glucose
Glucose Homeostasis and Insulin Therapy 31
Fig. 7. Dose-response curves for the effect of insulin on fasting endogenous glucose output
(red line) and clamp-derived whole-body glucose disposal (blue line) in normal individuals.
The plasma insulin concentrations on the horizontal axis are peripheral insulin levels for
glucose disposal and estimated prehepatic plasma insulin concentrations for glucose output.
The dashed vertical lines plot to the respective half-maximal plasma insulin concentrations
of glucose output and disposal. (Data from DeFronzo RA, Ferrannini E, Hendler R, et al.
Regulation of splanchnic and peripheral glucose uptake by insulin and hyperglycemia in
man. Diabetes 1983;32:35–45.)
disposal is approximately 860 pmol/L (w150 mU/mL), 3 times higher. For example, at
plasma insulin levels at which glucose output is halved, peripheral glucose disposal is
hardly enhanced at all. As a consequence, dose and route of delivery determine which
tissues, in what order, will respond to insulin. In addition, the activation times of insulin
action are much shorter for liver than for peripheral tissues, both being inversely
related to the insulin dose (Fig. 8).20 Significantly longer activation times at the
level of both liver and peripheral tissues characterize insulin action in obese,
insulin-resistant subjects. Conversely, deactivation times are longer for liver than for
peripheral tissues, and progressively longer with increasing insulin dose. Moreover,
deactivation is faster in obese, insulin-resistant subjects than in lean individuals.
Thus, progressively higher levels of insulin engage the intracellular glucose effector
pathway more rapidly than do lower levels, particularly in the liver and peripheral
tissues, but action persists longer at both sites. These pharmacodynamic character-
istics account for the clinical observations of a delay in insulin action when levels are
raised (by stimulation of b-cell release or exogenous administration) and the pro-
tracted hypoglycemic action when secretion is turned off (or exogenous administra-
tion stopped). Such characteristics also highlight the role of the liver in whole-body
insulin action, and predict that a strong insulinization enhances the risk of prolonged
hypoglycemia, predominantly on account of a protracted inability of the liver to
respond to falling glucose levels. In insulin-resistant individuals, activation is delayed
and liver deactivation is anticipated; thus not only do insulin-resistant subjects need
more insulin than do insulin-sensitive subjects to attain a given glucose-lowering
effect, but the effect itself is manifested in a time pattern that suggests reduced
In patients with type 2 diabetes, fasting insulin secretion rates are generally normal or
higher, because of the persistent stimulus of fasting hyperglycemia, and glucose
32 Ferrannini
Fig. 8. Half-maximum times of activation (top panels) and deactivation (bottom panels) for
glucose disposal and glucose output as a function of exogenous insulin infusion rates during
euglycemic clamps in lean subjects (blue lines) and obese subjects (red lines). Data are mean
SEM. (Data from Prager R, Wallace P, Olefsky JM. In vivo kinetics of insulin action on
peripheral glucose disposal and hepatic glucose output in normal and obese subjects. J Clin
Invest 1986;78:472–81.)
output is not elevated in absolute terms until fasting glucose exceeds 10 to 15 mmol/L
(180–270 mg/dL).18,21 Plasma glucagon concentrations are generally higher than
normal.15 When the maximal absorptive capacity for glucose of the proximal renal
tubule is exceeded, glycosuria provides an additional sink for plasma glucose. As
shown by numerous studies,22 marked insulin resistance is typically present both at
the level of peripheral tissues (ie, the M value on an insulin clamp) and in the liver
(eg, the hepatic insulin resistance index). Subjects with impaired fasting glycemia
and/or impaired glucose tolerance exhibit intermediate patterns between those of nor-
motolerant subjects and type 2 patients for all the parameters of the input-output
system shown in Fig. 1. In other words, for all the quantitative relationships described
so far, subjects with preserved glucose tolerance and individuals with various degrees
of dysglycemia/hyperglycemia are essentially part of the same continuum.23
In type 1 diabetes, fasting insulin secretion is absent or profoundly decreased,
glucagon is elevated, and endogenous glucose output may be elevated in absolute
terms.24 A similar, if less severe, picture may also be found in patients with advanced,
decompensated type 2 diabetes.
As exogenous glucose is absorbed (from an oral glucose load or a mixed meal), the
splanchnic area retains a quota for its own metabolic use (in humans, a small
Glucose Homeostasis and Insulin Therapy 33
extraction fraction, mostly insulin independent25,26), and passes the remainder to the
post-hepatic veins and on to the arterial circulation. Intestinal glucose absorption is
a rapid and high-capacity phenomenon27; therefore, arterial plasma glucose concen-
trations (Fig. 9) and the appearance of oral glucose (Fig. 10) rise and fall over a time
course that is dictated essentially by the rate of gastric emptying. Typically an early
peak in glucose absorption and plasma glucose occurs 30 to 40 minutes following
ingestion, and a second, flatter peak is frequently evident at 120 to 150 minutes
(see Fig. 10). Of note is that at the time when plasma glucose levels have returned
to baseline, the metabolic perturbation is far from extinguished (eg, absorption of
oral glucose is still ongoing 5 hours after ingesting a mixed meal at rates different
from zero) (see Fig. 10).
The increments in plasma glucose and, in the case of a mixed meal, also in circu-
lating amino acids, signal to b-cells to augment insulin release. In normal subjects,
insulin secretion rises promptly, and tailgates glucose levels closely (see Fig. 9).
The portosystemic insulin gradient is maintained at the levels obtained during the fast-
ing state, but starts to attenuate at prehepatic insulin concentrations of 800 to 1000
pmol/L (130–170 mU/mL) because of the saturation of hepatic clearance capacity.14
Fig. 9. Mean plasma glucose concentration, plasma glucagon concentration, and insulin
secretion profiles in patients with type 2 diabetes (T2D) and age- and weight-matched non-
diabetic controls following the ingestion of a mixed meal (Ferrannini E, unpublished data,
34 Ferrannini
Fig. 10. Time course of appearance of oral and endogenous glucose in patients with type 2
diabetes (T2D) and age- and weight-matched nondiabetic controls (shaded areas are mean
SEM) following the ingestion of a mixed meal (Ferrannini E, unpublished data, 2012).
Fig. 11. Nonlinear relationship between estimated prehepatic and peripheral plasma insulin
concentrations in the nondiabetic subjects in Fig. 3. The r and P values refer to the signifi-
cance of the partial correlation coefficient of the line of best fit (green line) and its 95% con-
fidence intervals (dotted green lines). Data (Ferrannini E, unpublished data, 2012) from 1151
nondiabetic subjects from the RISC Study. (Data from Ferrannini E, Balkau B, Coppack SW,
et al. RISC Investigators. Insulin resistance, insulin response, and obesity as indicators of
metabolic risk. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 2007;92:2885–92.)
In typical type 2 diabetes, the response to a mixed meal features higher plasma
glucose and glucagon concentrations (see Fig. 9). The meal GLP-1 response may
be sluggish,35 but potentiation of glucose-induced insulin secretion and inhibition
of glucagon release are definitely impaired.36,37 However, rates of oral glucose
36 Ferrannini
Insulin resistance and b-cell dysfunction are the main defects of type 2 diabetes; they
also predict45 and precede overt hyperglycemia in individuals at risk.46,47 b-Cell mass
is likely to be variably reduced48 (and a-cell mass relatively increased49) in long-
standing type 2 diabetes, and is virtually lost at onset in type 1 diabetes. Regardless
of the pathophysiological basis of these abnormalities, an input-output schematiza-
tion of plasma glucose homeostasis provides quantitative information on glucose
fluxes and their control by insulin. In a nutshell, insulin action is dependent on target
tissue (liver vs peripheral tissues), dose-response characteristics, route of delivery
(intraportal vs peripheral), and kinetics of activation and deactivation. Under normal
conditions, the closed-loop control of minute-by-minute insulin release by arterial
glucose levels protects against both hyperglycemia and hypoglycemia. Open-loop
insulin therapy faces the complexities of insulin pharmacokinetics and pharmacody-
namics outlined in this article. Thus, despite the science of the glucose-insulin system
being arguably the most precisely known in physiology, insulin therapy remains defi-
antly empiric, and an engrossing challenge to both the patient and physician.
Glucose Homeostasis and Insulin Therapy 37
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