Full Paper Trapped Penis Maria Yustina
Full Paper Trapped Penis Maria Yustina
Full Paper Trapped Penis Maria Yustina
Bali, Indonesia
2 Department of Urology School of Medicine Udayana University, Sanglah General Hospital Denpasar,
Bali, Indonesia
Introduction: Reconstruction for trapped penis with histories of surgical repair failures
is very challenging. It involves steps of the surgery, the outcome, patient’s psychologic
aspect, parents’ satisfaction and complication of the surgery.
Case: A 10-year-old boy complained of concealed penis. The patient was born with his
penis base below the pubic bone and scrotal bifida, the urine came out from below the
gland of the penis when urinating. He underwent first surgical repair when he was one
year old, he got repair for scrotal bifida. He underwent second surgery to restore the
base of the penis anteriorly to pubic bone and circumcised when he was three years
old. Following the second surgery, the penis has been trapped in the scrotal skin. The
patient had to retract the scrotal skin when he urinates. We evaluated the penis, it was
about 4 centimeters length and trapped under the scrotal skin. The penis’ base was
below the pubic bone, unlikely normal penis. The orifice of the urethra was below the
gland. We reconstructed the penis in 3 steps. First, we degloved the corpora, we made
circular incision 1 cm under the gland, we undermined the skin and released the penis
from inelastic tunica dartos. Then we did urethroplasty. Third, we made rotational flap of
the skin to cover the penis and made an anchor at the pubic area. We maintained the
silicone catheter for 10 days and the penis bandage for 5 days. Post operative, the
penis is prominent and the orifice of urethra at the glan penis.
Conclusion: Reconstruction of trapped penis need a high skilled surgeon, good post
operative treatment and patient’s factor
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dr. Maria Yustina
General Surgery Resident School of Medicine Udayana University, Sanglah General
Hospital Denpasar, Bali, Indonesia
+62 8125 11 99928
Pulau Adi VIII no. 3 Denpasar, Bali 80113
Dr. dr. Gede Wirya Duarsa, M. Kes, Sp.U(K)
Department of Urology Division of Medicine Udayana University, Sanglah General
Hospital Denpasar, Bali, Indonesia