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David Macaulay
Houghton Mifflin Company Boston 2003
Walter Lorraine (Q Books
For my children and their children's children
The building complex in this story is fictional, as are its Uluengin, Professor Hasan-Uddin Khan, and my guide
patron and architect. The individual structures, however, and connection to almost all those listed above, fixer and
are modeled directly on existing examples built between friend Akif Ergulec. Closer to home, my thanks to our
1540 and 1580 in and around Istanbul, Turkey, by Sinan. neighbor Kathryn Swanson who was always willing to
the most famous architect of the Ottoman Empire. put down her trowel or hat boxes for an on-demand
In piecing together the various construction details objective comment. And last but not least, here in the
I was introduced to a number of books on a subject trenches with me, thanks to my long suffering wife,
I quickly realized I knew very little about. I was con- Ruthie, who managed to maintain her critical eye long
vinced, however, that the time had come to find out after mine was of dubious reliability. Without her steady
where these extraordinary buildings came from, who support this book would still be on the drawing board.
built them, why, and of course how. Those looking for It seems to me that the best examples of religious
more information on Sinan, mosques, or Ottoman archi- architecture are among humankind's proudest accom-
tecture should treat themselves to books either written or plishments. When working in the service of some higher
edited by Dogan Kuban, Aptulla Kuran, Godfrey entity, we humans seem capable of surpassing our reach
Goodwin, Hans G. Egli, the family Uluengin, Martin and perhaps even our expectations. Motivated by faith,
Frishman and Hasan-Uddin Khan, John Freely, Marcus but guided ultimately by common sense, these builders
Hattstein and Peter Delius, Rowland J. Mainstone, and created constructions that reveal a level of ingenuity,
Reha Gunay. ambition, and craftsmanship rarely found in secular
For their personal contributions to this journey, I would architecture. The greatest achievement of these build-
particularly like to thank the filmmaker Suha Arin, ings, however, as well as the ultimate indication of their
Professors Suphi Saatchi, architect M.Sc, Gulsun success, lies in their ability to impress and move even
Tanyeli, and Ilknur Kolay at the Istanbul Technical those whose personal beliefs they do not necessarily
University, architects Bulent and Mehmet Bengu serve.
NA4670.M33 2003
Printed in the United States of America 726\2—dc21
DOW 10 987654321 2003000177
By the middle of the sixteenth century, the Ottomans had of the sixteenth century either were mosques or belonged
built the largest Muslim empire in the world. With to their adjacent kulliyes. Remarkably, most of these
superior forces on land and sea, a series of sultans had buildings were the work of one man, an engineer and
extended its borders from Algiers in the west to Baghdad architect named Sinan. As chief court architect for almost
in the east, from the outskirts of Vienna in the north to fifty years, Sinan, along with his assistants, designed and
beyond Mecca in the south. With the establishment of oversaw the construction of buildings, bridges, and aque-
military dominance came the inevitable building of trade ducts all across the empire. By the time of his death at the
and cultural links, and with these spread the message of age of one hundred, he had personally served as architect
Islam and its five pillars — faith, prayer, charity, fasting, for some three hundred structures in Istanbul alone.
and pilgrimage. By Sinan's time, the basic form of the Ottoman
One indication of the empire's unrivaled power was the mosque was well established. It consisted of an
phenomenal wealth that found its way into the sultans' open prayer hall — ideally a perfect cube covered by an
treasury as well as into the pockets of Istanbul's most equally perfect hemisphere-shaped dome, a covered
influential citizens. For these individuals, however, portico, an arcaded courtyard similar in area to the prayer
adherence to the principle of charity was further encour- hall itself, a fountain, and a slender minaret (usually
aged by laws that prevented the bequeathing of one's more than one if the mosque was built by royalty). Over
entire fortune to one's children. It became a well- time the domed cube became the standard form for all the
established practice, therefore, for the richest members buildings of a kulliye, regardless of their function.
of society to endow charitable foundations to While the high domes and minarets of the various
channel their personal wealth into a variety of religious, mosques of Istanbul served as beacons for those wishing
educational, social, and civic activities. In addition to a to pray or simply to find temporary refuge from the chaos
new mosque, these foundations would require a number of city life, the countless rows of smaller domes belong-
of specific buildings all grouped into an architectural ing to the kulliyes must have provided a reassuring sense
complex called a kulliye. of order in the midst of an often disorienting maze of
All of the great Ottoman buildings of the second half crooked streets and disappearing alleys.
Admiral Suha Mehmet Pasa had done well by war. For
more than thirty years his successful naval campaigns
had made him a highly respected member of the Ottoman
aristocracy, a favorite of two sultans, and a very rich man.
For most of his life his eyes were firmly fixed on the
borders of the empire he worked so valiantly to protect.
But as another decade slipped away, he found himself
confronting less familiar boundaries — those of his own
mortality. As a devout Muslim, the admiral understood
that all the blessings and riches that had been showered
upon him were not due to his own efforts as much as to
in turn the holy city and its most important shrine, the around the perimeter of the square, and the arches tied
Kaaba. At floor level in the center of the kibla wall them together. Not only did this arrangement create a
was the mihrab — a niche symbolizing the entrance to suitable base for the dome above, but the space below the
paradise. It was from in front of the mihrab that the imam arches remained open and unobstructed.
would lead the congregation in prayer. The kibla itself is The second problem was one of structure. Because of
an imaginary line that points toward and radiates from the dome's hemispherical shape, there are hidden forces
Mecca. The kibla wall was placed perpendicular to the within it trying to push the sides outward. While piers
kibla, and the mihrab stood right on top of it. and arches could easily be designed to support the great
Directly opposite the mihrab was the portal — the main weight of a masonry dome, they could not, on their own,
entrance to the prayer hall. Protecting the portal outside counteract its self-destructive tendencies.
and providing covered space for latecomers to Friday Architects reduced some of these forces by strengthen-
services was a high portico, and beyond it an arcaded ing the sides of the dome, where it was most vulnerable.
courtyard. In the center of the courtyard stood the Then, to channel the remaining forces safely down
sadirvan — the fountain at which the faithful would wash through the piers and walls to the foundations below,
their hands and feet before entering the prayer hall. Like they added extra weight to the tops of the piers and but-
the mihrab, the main portal and the sadirvan also stood tressed the arches with a symmetrical arrangement of
on the kibla. semidomes.
weight tower
floor pitan Mosque of Suha Mehmet Pasa
Much of the design of the admiral's mosque was based the most important religious gathering of the week and
on tradition, and all of it was heavily influenced by the probably the most important secular one too. The
work of the late Sinan — once Agha's teacher as well as sermons at these services would be delivered from the
the former head of the Corps of Court Architects. No second to last step of a high pulpit called a minber. The
matter what shape the perimeter of the prayer hall traditional placement of the minber was to one side of the
ultimately took, the space at its center would remain an mihrab or. in this case, the mihrab bay.
open square defined by the eight piers supporting the The design Agha finally presented to the admiral in
dome. To draw more attention to the mihrab, Agha set it January of 1596 called for a prayer hall seventy feet wide
into its own bay, which he pushed out from the central and fifty-six feet deep. The dome would be forty-two feet
space. Then, to give as many worshipers as possible in diameter and its crest would stand sixty-three feet
access to the kibla wall, he extended it beyond both sides above the floor. The open courtyard space within the
of the central square. He provided raised galleries along colonnade was roughly equal to the area of the prayer
both sidewalls — one of them for women — and a third at hall, and the minaret would rise to a height of one hun-
the rear of the prayer hall for the muezzins who would dred ten feet. With their patron's enthusiastic approval
chant the words of the Koran. This mosque was to be and encouragement, Agha and his staff immediately
large enough to accommodate Friday services, certainly began the detailed planning.
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By early spring, negotiations had been concluded for a
site that fulfilled all of the admiral's wishes. In addition
to being obtained for a good price, it was blessed with an
excellent view of the harbor and benefited from the
steady breezes on which his ships had so often set sail.
Kulliye ofSuha Mehmet Pasa
Since relatively few large building projects were under ferred Agha's plan from the paper on which it was drawn
way at the time, Agha had little trouble finding the nec- to the ground itself. Less than a week later, excavation of
essary workers. At least half of them would be skilled the deep trenches for the foundations of the prayer
craftsmen and artists, and half of this group, particularly hall was begun. Although the admiral would occasional-
the bricklayers and blacksmiths, would most likely be ly express frustration with the length of time being spent
Christians. Most of the stonemasons, carpenters, roofers, on foundations that no one would ever see. Agha assured
and window makers would be Muslims. Hundreds of him that in a city such as Istanbul, with its long history of
additional skilled and unskilled laborers, boatmen, earthquakes, the quality of these buried walls was every
wagon drivers, night watchmen, storekeepers, and bit as important as that of the walls they would support
porters, would also be hired. More than a thousand aboveground. If the admiral couldn't refute the logic of
workers would be employed on and around the site at any Agha's preparations, he could at least speed them up. He
given time and, to take advantage of the long summer assigned several hundred galley slaves from a nearby
days, thatnumber would most certainly increase. garrison to help dig the trenches. Once a reliable surface
Early on the morning of June 5, 1596. surveyors estab- had been reached, a thick level base of rubble and cement
lished the placement of the kibla wall and marked it on was then created, upon which the foundation walls would
the site with wooden stakes. They then carefully trans- be built.
Two blocks away from the main site, near an existing
well, another group of workers was digging the founda-
tions for the hamam. The admiral had decided that the
to hypocaust
furnace and boiler room
During the months it would take to complete both sets The most important building material was high-quality
of foundations, Agha and his assistants spent much of stone, much of which would come from a large quarry
their time estimating the quantities of the various build- near the western city of Edirne. Gangs of quarrymen first
ing materials required, locating adequate sources, and pried great slabs off the cliff face and then divided them
establishing firm and acceptable prices. Only by careful into smaller pieces. Stonecutters next chiseled these
planning early on could they hope to stay within the high irregular lumps into rough rectangular blocks that were
but not infinite budget the admiral had set aside or avoid then loaded on carts for the 140-mile-long journey to
running out of a particular material at any point in Istanbul. Once they reached the site, these blocks would
process. be cut to their final dimensions and dressed by master
masons and their apprentices.
Another important building material was brick, much
of which came from the nearby brickyard at Haskoy.
There groups of men carefully mixed precise quantities
of washed sand and clay, which was then carted over to
tree trunks from the forests around the Black Sea. and
lime from local kilns for makina mortar and cement.
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In December, traffic throughout the city was consider-
ably hampered by layers of snow and ice. Construction
of the foundations came to a complete standstill as
below-freezing temperatures made it impossible to mix
reliable concrete or mortar. Throughout the winter
months work continued in the sheds and workshops as
masons prepared thousands of square-cut stone blocks
for the walls as well as marble capitals and bases for the
tops and bottoms of various columns.
Jewish merchants, whose shops and offices were secure the window openings around the lower levels of
located along the narrow streets near the harbor, main- the prayer hall. Sturdy rods were fastened together using
tained a steady supply of ore from the provinces beyond specially made connectors called knots.
Edirne. Blacksmiths working all around the city turned It wasn't until early March that work resumed on the
this ore into the thousands of connectors that would be foundations. But by that time. Bey had things so well
needed to strengthen the masonry walls. organized that no sooner did a shipment of stone arrive
In a factory behind one such forge, workers assembled on the site than it was quickly swallowed up by the wait-
pieces of cut wrought iron into the grilles that would ing trenches.
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By June 24 the foundations were finished. To the admi-
ral's great delight, the future locations of each wall, pier,
Over the summer, the walls of the prayer hall rose in
one continuous ring, climbing steadily toward the base of
the great dome. They were faced inside and out with
carefully cut stone, which the masons tied together with
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A carved marble capital was secured to the top of each
column by a short iron rod. The connection between each
column and capital was cushioned by a lead sheet and
surrounded by a bronze ring. Once the capitals had been
fastened to one another and to the walls with heavy iron
tie rods, wooden centerings were hoisted into position,
bronze ring
and the connecting arches were then built over them.
Each bay of the portico would support a dome, the cen-
connecting rod
termost being raised slightly over the portal. Since each
dome had to rest on a continuous circular base, triangu- lead sheet cushion
lar supports called pendentives were built out from each
corner of all seven bays. The precise curvature of these column
pendentives was determined by using a straight wooden
pole that could pivot freely from the top of a post at the
pendentive —
Lead sheets that would eventually cover each dome into a tray at one end of the bench. The tray was then
were made in a number of different workshops around upended, spilling out its silvery contents. With a few
the city. The master sheet maker first sprinkled a little precise movements of his board, the master carefully
sand over the surface of his specially built masonry spread the lead to achieve a uniform thickness before it
bench while an assistant stirred the molten lead. When all solidified. The finished sheet was still hot as it was peeled
was ready, the assistant ladled a predetermined amount from the bench.
Each dome was first covered with a layer of specially
prepared mud. Once hardened, this coating not only
helped protect the bricks but also provided an ideal base
for the lead sheets. Using a string attached to the top of
the dome, the roofers scratched lines on the mud to deter-
mine the exact shape of each sheet. Beginning around the
base of the dome, each sheet was nailed into place and
their sides bent upward. This process was repeated until
the entire dome was covered. Once all the sheets were in
While the prayer hall grew steadily within its man-
By December 25, the tops of most of the piers and
together by a network of made forest of scaffolding, the slender minaret, still
workers who specialized in such construction and shaped steps piled one on top of the other. The narrow
traveled together from one site to another — took great end of each wedge was cut into a cylindrical shape. As
care in fitting and clamping one stone to the next. The the staircase rose, these stacked cylinders created a
spiral staircase itself was constructed of flat, wedge- continuous central core. The wide end of each step was
set into the wall, further strengthening the tower.
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The first months of 1598 were unusually mild, allow-
ing work to proceed without interruption. By March, the
simpler, mostly solid walls of the hamam were almost
ready to receive their domes. Agha had designed a high
arch into each corner of the cold room. This increased the
number of pendentives that would be required, but more
importantly it reduced their size and weight. Each arch
was buttressed by a small semidome.
The large domes of the cold and hot rooms were built
was going on, Akif Agha and Huseyin Bey often passed
each other on the stairway. Occasionally His Excellency
himself would make the long climb.
Muezzins' balcony
ornate panel
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The ring of long poles that would give the roof its dis-
the sadirvan and the cistern within it were dug and a pipe
was laid from the nearest water tower. A second water
pipe extended to the toilets at the northwest corner of the
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precinct. A covered channel would carry the waste and
overflow out into the street drains.
By the end of September 1 598, the main arches and
stood like sentries at each corner of the great
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Since all the openings above the first and second level
of the prayer hall were for light alone, and not ventila-
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N and several smaller windows contained in the cupola on
top of the dome. In order to contain the heat in the hot
room, no windows had been inserted into the walls. The
only natural light entering this space came through small
clear glass bubbles set into the dome. With the furnace
up and the appropriate temperature reached,
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the admiral led his entourage into the hamam for its
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The basic layout of both the medrese and the imaret rooms in the medrese were for student accommodation.
were quite similar — rows of dome -covered rooms The exception was the dershane, a large lecture hall that
enclosing large open courtyards. Since most of the teach- would also house His Excellency's fine collection of
ing at the school would take place either in the prayer books.
hall or, weather permitting, outside, all but one of the
Imaret ofSuha Mehmet Pasa
While the mosque would join the hearts and minds of staff and students of the complex would be fed, along
the faithful through their devotion to God, the imaret with the poor and needy of the neighborhood. At the rear
would link the community within the kulliye to the com- of the building, farthest away from the mosque, Agha had
munity outside through their stomachs. All the rooms placed the large kitchen, complete with its own bakery.
leading off the courtyard were dining rooms in which the
High above the prayer hall, Agha employed a third considerably wider. Not only did it have to resist the
method for determining the shape and proportion of the outward-pushing forces within the dome, but it also had
great dome. Rather than using a single pole, which might to compensate for weight sacrificed to window openings.
prove less reliable at this scale, or having to build and An interconnected ring of heavy iron bars was embedded
support a heavy wooden form high up in the scaffolding, near the tops of these windows to provide additional
he instructed his carpenters to create a flat semicircular strength.
arch that would be rigid enough to maintain its shape and Bricklayers working at both ends of the wooden form
yet light enough to rotate easily on a fixed iron support. carefully set each brick on a thick bed of mortar. To
The form was first assembled on the ground and checked prevent the bricks from slipping, small wedges of brick
for accuracy. It was then taken apart and hoisted piece by were inserted between them. When a complete ring of
piece to the top of the central scaffolding, where it was bricks was in place and its mortar had sufficiently hard-
carefully reassembled and set onto its pivot. ened any temporary supports could be removed. At this
While the thickness of the upper half of the dome point, the finished course was capable of supporting itself
would be established by the dimensions of the bricks and the next course could be safely built on top of it.
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bronze alem
Over the following months, the circle of sky at the top
of the dome continued to shrink. The last bit of light was
finally snuffed out with the insertion of the keystone. By
early spring, the entire hemisphere stood sheathed and
waiting for the ceremony accompanying the installation
of its bronze alem. There was great excitement as each
piece was slipped carefully over the iron rod set into the
Cheers rose from every comer of the site when the teachers, muezzins, clerks, caretakers, gardeners, lamp-
was finally added. The admiral had a lighters, and even a librarian. With its staff now
gilded crescent
time had accompanied him, assembled, the foundation's official deed was finally
number of sons, who this
After the ceremony, the admiral paid a brief visit to the carved into plaster, stone, or wood. Akif Agha gave
site of his turbe, the foundations of which were already instructions about the general placement of decoration
rising on the kibla behind the prayer hall. In accordance and the materials to be used, as well as the choices of text
with his client's wishes, Agha had designed an octagonal to be included. He left such decisions as specific patterns,
building of great simplicity. shapes, and colors to the experienced craftsmen who
Now that the prayer hall was completely sealed against would carry out the work.
the elements, full attention could be given to the adorn- Once the size and shape of a calligraphic panel had
ment of its interior surfaces. By tradition, all the decora- been determined, the selected text was written full size in
tion was to be drawn from three sources — the words Arabic. The finished sheets of paper were then passed
of the Koran, natural vegetation, and the order and along to an artisan who carefully traced the outline of
complexity of geometry. each stroke with a row of pinholes. Coal dust pressed
Much of this decoration was painted and baked onto through the pinholes would leave a precise outline to
ceramic tiles. The rest would either be painted on or guide each craftsman in his work.
Most of the ceramic tiles were imported from
the famous kilns of Iznik in Anatolia. In addition to the
In the painted decoration of the central dome, floral
At another workshop, a pattern had been drawn on the and below a gilded stone pediment. The stalactite
floor to serve as a guide for the fabrication of the great carvings with which the mihrab culminated were also
chandelier that would eventually hang over the center of covered in gold. A collection of the finest floral and
the prayer hall. This large iron frame would support a calligraphic tiles filled the entire space up to and
constellation of oil lamps above the heads of the wor- surrounding the three stained-glass windows, which
shipers. appeared to float below the semidome.
Since the mihrab was the primary focus of attention When the prayer hall was at last free of scaffolding, the
during prayer, it and the wall around it naturally received ground was compacted, covered with a bed of cement,
the greatest concentration of decoration. The marble- and finished with a layer of tiles.
lined mihrab was recessed between two false columns
On July 27, 1600, almost three years after the ceremo-
nial placement of the mihrab, the completed mosque was
dedicated. Joining the admiral and his family were repre-
sentatives of the court, the military, and the ulema. Also
in attendance were members of the various guilds that
had worked on the buildings, including Huseyin Bey and
all nine of his sons, several of Akif Agha's assistants
from the office of the Court Architect, and assorted mem-
bers of the local community.
Following ablutions, the entire entourage moved from
the sadirvan to the portico, where they removed their
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give his speech. After thanking all those who had, with
God's help, transformed his vision into reality, the proud
yet humbled admiral returned to his place facing the
kibla wall. Then as the imam lead the congregation in
prayer, something both remarkable and unexpected hap-
pened. The splendor of the architecture in which they
were gathered temporarily faded as each worshiper now
entered a more intimate space — a space defined entirely
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The imaret, on the other hand, had proven to be more
of a challenge. Due to the slope of the site and the insta-
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On his way back to the office, a well-fed Akif Agha Two weeks later, as Agha was overseeing the installa-
walked past the cesme, which he had set into the tion of the doors to the recently completed turbe. word
prescinct wall facing the imaret. From the moment the reached him that the admiral had been stricken
first cool water had flowed into the stone basin, it had — apparently as he reached for figs in his cherished
become one of the most popular gathering places in the garden — and had departed this earth for the rewards
neighborhood — a sight that gave the architect particular of an even greater paradise. The admiral's remains were
pleasure. soon resting in the ground beneath his empty cloth-
draped coffin.
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Han and Caravanserai ofSuha Mehmet Pasa
With his patron's passing, Akif Agha had naturally The ground floor of the han would be rented out to
assumed that his work on the old man's behalf was com- local businessmen and artisans. The second level would
plete. Several months after Suha Mehmet Pasa's death, offer accommodations to out-of-town guests and bache-
however, he was informed that the admiral's favorite lors. The second level of the caravanserai would also
wife, who was also one of the sultan's many cousins, offer accommodations, but this time to caravan drivers.
wished to ensure her late husband's legacy by adding a Their beasts were to be housed in a large vaulted stable
han and a caravanserai to the kulliye. Over the years below. Whereas the han was placed next to the imaret,
these two buildings would generate income to help sup- Agha located the caravanserai farther from the prayer
port the activities of the foundation. hall and along a busy street close to the harbor. The
rooms of both buildings were once again laid out around
courtyards. Not only would this arrangement provide a
secure outdoor gathering place, but it would ensure that
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Leaving the project in Bey's reliable hands, Akif Agha
spent most of the next two years away from the city. Part
of that time was spent participating in the hajj, the great
By the time Agha settled back into city life, the han and
the caravanserai were not only finished but flourishing.
The finial placed on top of a dome or minaret. The complex of buildings associated with a charitable foundation
and its mosque.
The crowning piece that sits directly on top of a column. MECCA
The birthplace of the prophet Muhammad.
An overnight stopping place for caravans that provided sate MEDRESE
accommodation for both the drivers and the animals. A college for Muslim education.
The temporary' wooden support over which the stones of an arch The niche in the center of the kibla wall indicating the
were laid. direction of Mecca, from in front of which the imam
leads the prayers.
A public drinking fountain. MINARET
The tower from which Muslims are called to prayer five times
a day.
A tank for storing water.
CUPOLA The high, stepped pulpit used for sermons at Friday services.
A small domed structure crowning a larger dome or roof and often
filled with windows.
A cantor who calls the faithful to prayer from the minaret.
An arched ceiling of even curvature built on a circular base.
A person who believes in and practices the faith of Islam.
A structure with the form of a dome on the outside but supported
on the inside with wood or masonry. A concave support built out from a corner to help form a circular
base for the dome above.
Both the furnace in w hich metal is heated to a high temperature and
the workshop in which heated metal is shaped into various objects A vertical support built up of stone or brick.
by hammering. PORTICO
HAMAM A high covered entry area.
A public bathhouse containing cold, warm, and hot rooms.
HAN A fountain associated with a mosque and usually located in the
A two-story building in which space could be rented for center of the courtyard. It contains a cistern in which water is stored
conducting business and for accommodation. for ablutions — the ritual washing of the hands and feet or entire
The man who leads the congregation in prayer.
Haifa dome.
Soup kitchen and public dining rooms. STALACTITE
A style of ornate decoration in which rows of ornamentation are, or
appear to be. supported upon another from the narrow est at the bot
The religion of Muslims based on the teachings of Muhammad. torn to the widest at the top.
The great shrine in Mecca that all Muslims face when praying. The supreme ruler of a Muslim country, head of the Ottoman
The sacred text of Islam.
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A Cm D0T1 ..
Winner 01 rn German Jugendbuchfrfji
VV ism k of Hoi i ami's Sn \ I h Si \ii Pi W ii Aw \k\>
unusual book."
—Horn Book
"Page after page of monumental overviews in extraor-
A Caldecott Honor Book
New York Academy of Sciences. Honorable Mention
"What David Macaulay can draw ... he does better
—Publishers Weekly
"A highly entertaining, instructive glimpse at