Mayans004 PDF
Mayans004 PDF
Mayans004 PDF
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Rev. 4: P2: G:.tu 6. 78
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As Mind IS the manifestation of God the Universal, then Mind is Universal.
As Mind is in us, so God is in us. And as God is Universal, therefore, ~ ~ in
God - ~ ~ !a infinitely small PARI' OF GOD. Do you begin to see now, why Man
£!!!. do things that seem superhuman? They are not "supernatural 11 , - they are the
natural manifestation of ~ Power 2[ The Father within ~·
A READY It doesn't matter whether you are a Day Laborer, or a Millionaire, a
SERVANT Banker, or a Butcher, or a Baker, a Business Man, a La~er, a Doctor,
or a Clerk. The Revelation Principle, when properly applied, makes no
distinction. The greater your need, the more instantly it responds to your call7
Wherever there is poverty~ or hardship~ or sickness or despair - there is this
Servant of your Mind, ready and willing to help, asking only that you call upon
In the 2Jrd Chapter of Matthew, the eleventh verse, we find this statement:
"But he that is greatest among you shall be your servant." This is also trans-
lated - "But that which is greatest within you, shall be your servant." Mind, the
manifestation of Universal God, is that which is greatest within you. It has
served you - let it serve you ~ - for that is its Action according to the Law.
The resources o£ this Servant are beyond limit. It i5 ready, willing and
~to help. It has ingenuity beyond belief. It is Mind. Its action is Thought.
It is the telepathy that carries influence without the spoken or written word. It
is the strange sense that warns you of impending danger - that tells you what is
good and what is evil. No matter how gigantic or complicated your problem may be
- the solution of it is somewhere in Mind, in Thought.
The solution does exist, and since it does, Mind can find it for you.
Whatever it is necessary for you to know, whatever it is necessary for you to do
- you ~know and you ~do, if you will just use this part of God Within You -
and the Revelation Principle is the way.
Mind is the product of Spirit impressed on Substance - the product of
Energy impressed upon Soul. Mind is the only ethereal part o£ us o£ which we are/
really directly conscious. This page was once blank substance. The ink imprinted
upon it can be likened to the action of Spirit impressed on it. The result is
Rev. 4: P3: G:ltr 6.78
something that can be seen - that follows a definite design - that transmits this
thought to you.
It will assist your thought processes if you will perform this
experiment: Place some iron £ilings on a piece o£ paper. In your
mind, the filings are to represent Substance or Soul. Now place a
magnet beneath the paper. The magnetic force represents Spirit.
You will see the force of the magnet (Spirit) affect the filings
(Soul). Definite lines are formed and the appearance of the fil-
ings is entirely changed. The tiny particles unite and express a
unity of theirown. This unity is to,represent consciousness
Physical Being
ENTERING A Whether you realize it or not - we, the inhabitants of this Earth,
MENTAL AGE are just entering a new age. It is a Mental Age - where mind counts
and is recognized ae more valuable than muscle - where the intangi-
ble, invisible processes of Mind are accepted as more worthwhile, ~ real ~
the visible work of muscle. The time is coming when man will be his own master,
. n
Rev. 4: P4: G:lra 6. 78
when poverty and lack will no longer hold sway. This is just as sure as we are
sure that slavery and the Stone Age are things of the past among enlightened
The person who does not realize the resources of Mind will think that
these sound like rash statements. Know then, that science proves beyond question
that in the realm of the deeper mind, called the Sub-conscious Mind, are abilities
even now unsuspected. Every man possesses a mind that is at least dual in its
works. Psychology usually refers to it as the Conscious Mind and the Sub-con-
scious Mind. This is slightly mis~eading, as these terms, while usually spoken
as though of separate minds, are really one mind and refer to its dual manifesta-
AN A further truth, suspected by science but not actually accepted,
IMPORTANT although long known to metaphy::dcians 1 is that there is actually
FURTHER One Mind in all the Universe. Just as your brain is made up of
TRUTH countless millions of cells - so is your Mind like a single cell
in the vast extent of God's Mind or Universal Mind. Only in this
way can we arrive at a reasonable basis for such feats of mind as Telepathy,
Clairvoyance 1 etc.
LOOKING Man's mind has dissected the Atom and found it to be made up of
INTO AN mostly empty space. Looking into the interior of an Atom is some-
ATOM what like looking up into the arch of the heavens above us. Flying
through this vast "emptiness" within the tiny Atom, are infinitesi-
mal specks of pure energy which have been named Electrons, Protons and Neutrons.
They are, in relation to the Atom in which they exist, much like the Stars of
Heaven are to the Universe. And they move through the apace within the Atom much
as the Stars move through the skies, in fixed relationship to each other. I~ it
were possible for you to see clearly within the Atom, you would see a sight that
could only remind you of a view of the sky on a clear night~ with its stars and
its meteors, etc. "As above, so below", said the ancient scientists. All things
are reflections of each other. There is One God - There is One Mind - There is
One Soul - There is One Principle. God is All. All is God. All we have that is
ours is our Being, and our consciousness. And the reflections of these things are
in it. We are a veritable part of God.
Within your physical body are countless billions of cells. Within you now
the law of' Change is working. Millions of cells are "dying" within you as you
read th;ese lines -they are being used up. Other millions are being "born". You
feel 'that these cells have no "personality" of their own. Perhaps, they in turn
are like miniature Universes. These cells within you live by the benefit of your
organization. The substance of which they are made was found within you. The
material that feeds them and gives them what they need~ they find within you. Are
you their "Heavenly" Father? Does the reflection of God in You continue beyond
the understanding of man? If these cells that make up "You" have a consciousness
of selfhood, ~ !! their conception of you?
THE NATURE I told you a moment ago that science has "dissected" the Atom, and
OJ' MATERIAL found it to be mostly a vast emptiness. The only solid found
THINGS within it is solid energy. Whirling vortexes and "bullets" o'£
nothing but energy. ·Now we know that all material things are made
up of atoms. If an Atom is made up of a Universe of nothingness, specked with a
Rev: 4: p·5: G:O. 78
few plunging spots of energy, then what is material? You are perhaps sitting in
a chair as you read these lines, or perchance lying on a couch. It seems very
material, doesn't it? Yet - it, too, is made up of these Atoms of 11 nothingness 11 •
"Nothingness" seems very unreal, doesn't it? You begin to perceive, then, the
unreality of the real.
A diamond is composed of carbon. So is a lump of sugar, or a lump of
coal. The only difference between them, science tells us, is the arrangement of
the AtomB compoBing them. And that is also the only physical difference in
material living things. Yes, there is life in the diamond, the sugar, and the
coal, just as there is in the rose bush that grows in your garden, just as there
is in You.
Smash the diamond, dissolve the sugar, burn the coal - does the life that
.~s in them go out of existence? Nol It merely leaves the form it was in. The
Law of Change operates, that is all. You cannot destroy life. You merely de-
stroyed the material form that the life was in.
WHY Suppose I were to hand you a piece of paper and ask you to write on
"THOUGHTS it a beautiful thought. Now I ask you to light a match, ignite the
ARE THINGS" paper, burn every last bit of it - until it is all consumed. Now,
iB the beautiful thought you wrote deBtroyed? lB it gone? Or does
it still exist? Is it still a thought? Is it not as beautiful as before? All
you destroyed was the physical paper holding the symbols, the written words that
embodied that thought. The beautiful thought that You created will exist in your
mind long after the recording machine of your brain is "crumbled in dust away".
You created something when you conceived the beautiful thought. Whatever is creat-
ed in the department of the Mind - exists forever. Good or Wrong - it is IiDin~.
THE WEALTH Bring to your consciousness and understanding the undiscovered
OF energy, wisdom and ability of Mind - and you gain an astounding, a
YOUR MIND miraculous wealth - a wealth greater than ten world wars could
destroy. Riches - riches of Your Mind -worth a hundred oil wells
or a thousand gold mines.
Realize this - the only difference between you and the savage races still
on earth today is the difference in mental development. From the war canoe of
ten thousand years ago to the gigantic luxury liners o£ today is only a step in
the development of Mind as reflected in Man. From the troglodyte man living in
slimy holes in the ground, to cliff dwellers, to tremendous and wonderful modern
cities built by man today, is only another step in Mind development. From the
medicine man and his strange ceremonies to the modern physician and his magical
drugs is only a short step. The time is at hand when the healing power of Mind
is being directed to overcome many physical ills.
MIND Man, because of his superior mind, learned to make fire to keep
DEVELOPMENT himself warm, and weapons with which to defend himself, and dwell-
ing places to protect himself from the elements. He has come a
long way since "The Fall" described in Genesis - but all this is as nothing. Man
is on the edge of things undreamed of. He is at the threshold of new understand-
ing - new understanding of the miraculous functioning of Mind, and the science o£
applying its tremendous power to overcome the problems of life and to attain those
things that are essential to happiness and economic progress.
Rev. '4: P6: G:06. 7A
Mind is the power by which every good is brought into life - but it does
not automatically work in that direction. It is a God-given instrument, which
every man can develop and use according to his own wish and will. A limited stage
of development can be attained by simple exposure to other minds, a stage of de-
velopment that has little to offer beyond hand-to~outh living. Advanced develop-
ment is attained only by conscious efforts toward development with proper under-
standing of and consideration for the principles and methods involved.
Mind development is a process by which positive and creative thought is
-red to the Sub-conscious Mind through the Conscious Mind. Without proper control,
the Mind is much like a delicate machine being fed improper fuel - its operation
is discordant and its power is dissipated, deyeloping only a small part of life's
abundances of which it is capable. With proper thought control, the Mind becomes
a powerful force that can lay low every barrier to social and economic progress.
It can bring wealth. prestige. peace of mind and better health.
THE Man has unlimited mental power - yet he uses only a small part of
GREATEST it. Science has proved that the average man uses only about 2% of
WASTE his mental power - 98% of his power, his ability for greater attain-
OF ALL ment, a reckless waste. We worry about our diminishing oil and
coal supply or dwindling forests and other resources. It is true
that stern competition and sinful carelessness have resulted in overwhelming
waste in these fields. But, you seldom hear a word about the greatest waste of
all - the waste of the most valuable resources we possess - our Mind Power. The
potential resources of Mind are beyond estimating. With God's power within them,
people are content to continue plodding through existence - eating - sleeping -
working - an existence little more eventful than an animal's; while all of Life
- all the world - all the Universe calls them to AWAKEN and to bestir themselves.
~ power ~ 2! what you want to be, to get whatever you desire, to accomplish
whatever you are striving for - !§.. 2 Power of ~ within YOU. It rests with
YOU to bring it forth and put it to work. You are now ready to receive the first
of the deeper Revelations of this - Power of God Within IQ[.
YOU JOIN All the world over - Thinkers, Scholars, Psychologists and Meta-
THE DOERS physicians agree on this - Mind is All that counts. for ~ ~
2 manifestation 2! ~· Mind is in, on and about every part of
your Being. You need not be ill. You need not be in want. You need not be un-
successful. You need not be poor. You are not just flesh and bone, You are not
doomed to spend all your days in a round of labor, just to be able to get food and
a place to sleep. You are a part of God - made in His image. You have unlimited
possibilities. Within you is ~ ~· Direct it properly and it will lift you
out o£ the rut o£ barely existing, and place you among the leaders in the race or
man. The big business men, the great law.yers and doctors, the famous statesmen,
the inventors, are no different from you - except that they, in some way, acci-
den~ally or otherwise, ran onto some part of the same laws that are now laid be-
fore you fully developed, ready~de, worked out for you, in the REVELATION PRIN-
CIPLE. The only difference between them and you !.!!. you ~been, is that they
are DOERS!
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If you have desired success in the past and have not been an outstanding
success, it is because you have not been a purposeful Thinker - A Doer. When you
took the first action that eventually led you to this point, you joined the Doers.
Continue in this Path and you can start thinking purposefully and be successful
and happy, too. It rests with you -you alone are the one to decide. Learn to
USE this Power - which is yours to use - this Power of Mind - this Power of God.
Copy this Poem of Berton Braley 1 s - you will enjoy "Things As They Are"
- Geo. Doran Company, New York.
"If you want a thing bad enough
To go out and fight for it,
Work day and night for it,
Give up your time and your peace and your sleep for it,
I£ only desire o£ it
Makes you mad enough never to tire of it,
Makes you hold all other things tawdry and cheap for it -
If life seems all empty and useless without it
And all that you scheme and you dream is about i~,
If gladly you'll sweat for it,
Fret for it, plan for it,
Lose all your terror of God or man for it,
If you'll simply go after that thing that you want,
With all your capacity, strength and sagacity,
Faith, hope and confidence, stern pertinacity,
If neither cold, poverty, famished and gaunt,
Nor sickness nor pain, of body or brain
Can turn you away £rom the thing that you want 1
If dogged and grim you besiege and,
(When you retire at night perform the following exercise.)
1st.. Lie on your bed, stretched out, full length.
2nd. Breathe deeply with a slow rhythm as you count ••• one, inhale ••• two, exhale
••• three, inhale ••• £our 1 exhale. Continue this while you count to ten.
3rd. Now, continuing this rhythmic breathing, let your entire body relax. Give
attention to each part o£ your body~ starting with the feet~ relax the
muscles of your lower leg, the upper leg, the muscles of your back, your
arms, your shoulders, your neck and your face. Do this slowly in rhythm
with your breathing, so that you can really feel the tension leaving you.
Picture, in your imagination, a football that has the valve open, letting
the air £low out. Picture all tension flowing out o£ yourself in the same
manner, with !!2!!, exhalation. ·
4th. With each !!!,halation, say to yourself, "I am thankfully receiving God's good
air which contains the Substance of which all things are made. I am receiv-
1!!&· •• I !!!! receiving •• ·l am receiving. 11 (Emphasize the words underlined).
5th. Continue breathing naturally, but rhythmically ••• and as you removed the
tension £rom your body ••• in the same manner~ remove the active thoughts £rom
your mind. Feel your brain relaxing as your Mind makes fewer and fewer de-
mands upon it. Free yourself of all mental effort ••• all fear of worry •••
relax ••• breathe deeply ••• and let yourself pass into sleep.
Follow these five points as a nightly program. Memorize the fourth point. Learn
to emphasize in your mind the underlined words, in the order in which they are
marked. This is one of a series of psycho-spiritual Truth-Affirmations that will
be given to you.
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1st. Write a short letter stating whether you find your instruction difficult or
easy, giving your comments.
2nd. Please state whether you have had any unusual experience in connection with
your studies.
3rd, Enclose a list of the three principle desires which you wish to materialize
and with which you desire aid in concentration.
Please send this to Headquarters as soon as possible after receipt of this Revela-
headings are: Mind's Duality; How Your Mind Works; Mind Control; The First
Demonstration Exercise; The Second Demonstration Exercise; The Third Demon-
stration Exercise; The Fourth Demonstration Exercise (with diagrams);
Mastery of Mind; What Fear Can Do. ALSO THE KEY FOR THE MAYAN SECRET WRIT-
transmit the Mayan Passwords to you when the time comes to give them to you.