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Job Safety Analysis

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Contractor Name: Project Plant Location:

Sub-Tier Contractor Name:
Prepared By:
Project: Project No.: Contract/PO No.:
Location (e.g., building, area, etc.):
Work Scope/Description: Excavate to a depth greater than five feet
Specific Work Location(s):
 Name Primary/Phone # Secondary/Phone #
Contractor Contact Person(s):
Alcoa SPA:
Plant Emergency No.:
Prejob Walkthrough Conducted: Yes No
Yes No Reference Yes No Reference
1. Hazardous Waste
• 29 CFR 1910.120 17. Noise Exposure  ASP.653.3002
2. Confined Space •  ASP.653.3010 18. Temperature Extremes
3. Hot Work • ASP.653.2308 19. Hoisting & Rigging  ASP.653.2202
20. Ergonomics:
Repetitive Motion /
4. Roof Work •   ASP.653.2321 ASP.653.3011
Awkward Positions /
Same Position (s)
5. Fall Hazards (> 6 ft)
ft) •  ASP.653.2001 21. Biological ASP.653.2102
22. Insects / Varmints /
6. Excavation/Trenching •   ASP.653.2311 ASP.653.2102
7. Scaffolds / Ladders •  ASP.653.2302/2303 23. Signs and Barricades ASP.653.2300
24. Location Specific
8. Aerial Lifts •  ASP.653.2205 Emergency ASP.653.1007
Response Plan
9. Heavy Equipment  ASP.653.2200 Series 25. Air Effluent Discharges • ASP.653.4003
26. Water/Liquid Effluent
10. Lock and Tag •   ASP.653.2315 • ASP.653.4004
11. Site/Vehicle Traffic ASP.653.1005/.2300 27. Fatality Prevention ASP.653.1400
12. Electrical Hazards •  ASP.653.2309/.2310 28. Associated w/Significant ASP.653.4000
13. Asbestos Work •   ASP.653.3001 Environmental Aspects? Series
14. Lead Work •  ASP.653.3005 = Requires formal/special
formal/special training
15. Hazardous
ASP.653.2100/.3007 • = Requires a permit/form/report
16. Respiratory Hazards ASP.653.3008  = Requires certification
certification or Competent/Qualified
Competent/Qualified Person
Known and/or potential hazards are further evaluated,
evaluated, and specific measures are identified
identified on subsequent pages. This discussion must include
identification of the work activity, the specific hazards present, and the safe work requirements/controls (including
(including a hazards assessment for PPE)
to be used to alleviate/control the hazard(s).
MINIMUM DRESS/PPE REQUIREMENTS: hard hats, safety glasses, electrical electrical hazard-rated metatarsal boots with hard toes, and long pants
and shirt with sleeves made of 100% cotton or wool (or cotton/blend).

Project Engineer Date Alcoa Single Point Accountable Date

Contractor Supervision Date (Optional) Date

S-AF-059 19 Aug 04
(Continuation Page) Contract/P.O./Release No.:

Work Activity Hazards Present Required Safety Measures/PPE

Excavations requires a competent person be
appointed. This competent person is
responsible for proper execution of the
excavation process. (ASP.653.2311)

Complete all site required forms and

notifications. Obtain prints and notify utilities
companies or owners of intended excavation.
Use "Call Before You Dig" agency or provide
for alternative methods of underground
obstruction location. This process must be as
 positive as feasible. Area scanning or hand
 probing and hand digging until utilities are
visibly located is required. All underground
utilities and obstructions should be surface
marked per standard marking codes listed in

1. Locating underground utilities and Slips trips and falls walking in general area of Review general terrain and identified surface
obstructions prior to digging intended excavation. conditions. Look for ruts, larges rocks and
uneven terrain.

A. Scanning with electronic equipment. Trips and falls, strain from lifting heavy If focus on instrument distracts excessivly from
instruments. attension to terrain, have an assistant help spot
various hazards in area. If lifting or pushing
scanning instruments of heavier weights, get
help with movements to avoid strains.

B. Probing with metal tipped fiberglass rods. Slips trips and falls walking in general area of Review general terrain and identified surface
intended excavation. conditions. Look for ruts, larges rocks and
uneven terrain.

Back strains, hand injury from probing rod Avoid excessive force attempting to penetrate
deeper with rods. Wear leather gloves to avoid
 blisters and other hand injuries.

2. Mobilizing digging equipment.

(9) Heavy Equipment - competent person Struck by mobile equipment All workers are to wear reflective traffic vests
required as appropriate. The competent person is
responsible for determining need. Barricade
work area and permit only excavation
 personnel in the area.

Struck by site vehicles. Restrict outside vehicular traffic in the job site.
(11) Site Vehicle Traffic Use flaggers and a specific traffic route if

Reminder: visually confirm proper clearances

from electrical lines in the area.

S-AF-059 19 Aug 04
(Continuation Page) Contract/P.O./Release No.:

Work Activity Hazards Present Required Safety Measures/PPE

3. Dig trench.
(6) Begin digging. Striking underground utilities or other Observe marked locations of underground
significant obstructions. utilities if marked. Excavate by hand when
within five (5) feet in any direction of known
underground obstructions.
 NOTE: Follow attached matrix to determine
exact methods of safe excation according to
extent of utility location.

1. Non-energized obstruction 1. Hand digging not required. May machine

e.g. foundation, rock excavate.

2. Abandoned utilities / process lines. 2. Hand digging not required (upon

Verification required. verification) Machine digging per competent
[ Unless verified, must be treated as energized ]  person evaluation and JSA/STA.

3. Active utilities 3.Hand digging required to visually establish

e.g. storm water lines, sanitary lines location. Machine digging per competent
 person evaluation and JSA/STA.

4. Electrical duct bank 4. Hand digging required to visually establish

location. Machine digging allowed after visual
location based upon JSA/STA.

5. Active, energized utilities. 5. Hand digging required when within 5 ft. of

e.g. air, gas, steam, process line, electrical utility. Machine digging allowed within two
(conduit and direct bury cable) feet after visual identification and deenergized
 based upon competent person evaluation and

Excavate trench to proper depth. Cave ins from unsupported sides of trench After reaching a depth of five feet, a certified
and inspected trench box shall be in place in the
excavation prior to anyone working in the
trench. The trench box must rest within two
feet of the bottom of the trench. All work shall
 be performed within the confines of the
 protective shield (trench box). All access and
egress to and from the trench shall also be
accomplished within the confines of the trench
 box. Ladders used for access must be tied off.
At no time will anyone be permitted to be in an
unprotected area of the excavation.
The competent person shall inspect the
installation of the protective barrier and the
conditions of the trench prior to enterg and
daily before each shift thereafter or after a rain
storm. Any water accumulation in the trench
shall be kept at a minimum by portable pumps.
Competent person shall monitor the water level
and determine when safe limits have been

Barricade the swing radius of the excavator to

 prevent struck by or crushed between injuries at
the rear of the equipment.
Spoil pile shall be placed at least two feet from
the edge of the trench. Operator shall place
spoils as far back from the edge as possible and
slope the pile away from the excavation.

Site traffic shall be prohibited from entering the

excavation area. If traffic canS-AF-059 19 Aug
not be kept a 04
significant distance from the site, flaggers,
Jersey barriers or stop logs shall be placed to
 prevent approach.
(Continuation Page) Contract/P.O./Release No.:

Work Activity Hazards Present Required Safety Measures/PPE

Falling into eight foot depth trench Anyone working within six feet of the edge of
the trench if exposed to a fall >6 ft. Protection
from falling into trench must be provided. At a
minimum, barricades shall be erected six feet
from the edge of the trench. Anyone within the
six foot boundary must be protected. Methods
of fall protection can be: OSHA approved
railing or fall restraint by tethering workers so
that they cannot approach the trench close
enough to fall in. Attachment must only be
withstand four times the anticipated load a
 person would exert walking to the trench or
leaning to see in.

The trench must be barricaded with substantial,

highly visible methods when left unattended.

Provide a walkway or bridge with standard

guardrails if employees must cross over the

5. Noise exposure Hearing loss from constant exposure to sound Wear ear plugs whenever close to operating
levels above 85 db. heavy equipment.

Site emergency response  Need for trench rescue or EMS Call plant emergency number for all emergency
response needs. Plant protection is coverage
for trench rescue, they must be contacted daily
to advise of trenching activities.

6. Hazardous chemicals Chemical burns, poisoning, dermatitus and All chemicals brought on site must have a
other injuries from exposure. MSDS readily accessable to all workers on the
 job. Workers must be trained on the hazards
and how to protect against them.

7. General PPE requirements. Hard hat, ANSI Z87.1 approved safety glasses,
steel toed safety boots, long trousers and shirts
with a minimum five inch sleeve.

8. Fatality prevention Fatality Prevention: Workers are instructed to be aware of their

While performing all construction activities, surroundings. Report any and all concerns to
 personnel could be struck by falling objects, their immediate supervisor. Workers are
moving crane loads, vehicle and mobile trained to recognize hazards and coordinate the
equipment traffic, fall from heights, use of administrative controls, engineering
electrocution, drowning, loss of oxygen in controls, PPE, or evaluate another way to
confined space causing fatal injuries.  perform the task which will lesson or eliminate
the hazards and potential for fatality. All
conmtractors have received Alcoa Fatality
Prevention Orientation.
Thoroughly review all JSA's, STA's and
associated work plans with all crew members.

S-AF-059 19 Aug 04
(Continuation Page) Contract/P.O./Release No.:

Work Activity Hazards Present Required Safety Measures/PPE

S-AF-059 19 Aug 04

I have read the attached Prejob plan, (and attachments) and understand the hazards and controls associated with this job.

Job Safety Analysis JSA review Task Specific JSA review Employee Safety and Health
Energized Electrical Work Fall Protection Work Plan Respiratory/Lead work plan
Hoisting & Rigging Prelift Confined Space Pre-Entry Meeting Lead Compliance Plan

Other (specify):
Company Name:
Project Number: Project Location:

Date ID No. (optional) Name (Print) Signature

Person Conducting Briefing

Print Name Title Signature

S-AF-073 21 Jun 07

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