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21 Century Literature From The Philippines and The World

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21st Century Literature from the Philippines and the World

Subject: 21st Century Literature from the Philippines and the World
Module: 4 Quarter 2
Week: 14

Lesson: Use of literary and non-literary language and the formal features and
conventions of literature
Content Standard: The learner will be able to understand and appreciate literary texts in
various genres across national literature and cultures.
Performance Standard: The learner will be able to demonstrate understanding and
appreciation of 21st century literature of the world through critical paper that
analyzes the texts in relation to the context of the reader and the writer or a critical
paper that interprets literary texts using any of the critical approaches and an
adaptation of a text into other creative forms using multimedia.
Learning Competencies:
1. Distinguish the literary uses of language from the non-literary and understand
their use as well as the formal features and conventions of literature.

Literary Text: The Good Body (Excerpt)by Eve Ensler

Reference: Uychoco, Marikit Tara A., 21st Century Literature from the Philippines and
the World, Quezon City: Rex Printing Company (2O16)

Suggested Tasks Activities Other Suggested

Clash of Beauties
Pre-Reading The teacher will divide the The teacher will show a
class into two groups. video clip of commercial
ads promoting beauty
Each group will take side on products. The students will
the standards of ‘beautiful’ give their opinions on how
in the society by defending the ads affect the standard
the picture assigned to them of beautiful in the society
through an informal debate. and how it changes the
The picture of the following outlook of women on their
will be the basis of the bodies.
a. Slender vs. Chubby
b. Black vs. white
c. Tall vs. short
d. Straight hair vs. curly

Ernesto D. Doloso, Jr., Arman V. Ludana, Regina Floresa V. Bas-Condes, Marlo V. Mercado
21st Century Literature from the Philippines and the World

The teacher will discuss

about the literary and non-
literary use of language.

The teacher will allow the

Reading and discussion students to read the excerpt
of the Good Body for 1O
minutes and will be guided
by the following questions:
1. Who is the persona in the
2. How does the narrator feel
about her body?
3. Why does the narrator feel
that way about her body?
4. What is Cosmo? Why
does she feel haunted by
5. What does Cosmo
6. Explain the line, “She’s
the American Dream, my
personal nightmare.”
7. What does she mean when
she says, “My stomach is
8. What does she mean when
we juxtapose her
perception of “the
American Dream” and
that her stomach is
9. Do you think that this
body shaming is
applicable to women
only? Is it also applicable
to men?
10. Are her concerns
similar to yours? Is this a
problem in the
Philippines, too?

Ernesto D. Doloso, Jr., Arman V. Ludana, Regina Floresa V. Bas-Condes, Marlo V. Mercado
21st Century Literature from the Philippines and the World

Using a Venn Diagram, the The teacher may ask the

students will provide literary students to create an
and non-literary meanings to infomercial about body
Post Reading the words/phrases found in shaming and love for one’s
the text “The Good Body”. natural beauty.

1. Bread is Satan Creativity – 50%

2. American Dream Concept – 40%
3. Cosmo Overall impact – 10%
4. Testosterone Total - 100%
5. Chocolate as poison
6. Pasta as self-punishment
7.Personal Nightmare
8. My stomach is America
9. Holy zones
10. Serial Killer

Ernesto D. Doloso, Jr., Arman V. Ludana, Regina Floresa V. Bas-Condes, Marlo V. Mercado
21st Century Literature from the Philippines and the World

Module: 4 Quarter 2
Week: 15
Lesson: Figures of speech and other literary techniques and devices in the text
Content Standard: The learner will be able to understand and appreciate literary texts in
various genres across national literature and cultures.
Performance Standard: The learner will be able to demonstrate understanding and
appreciation of 21st century literature of the world through critical paper that
analyzes the texts in relation to the context of the reader and the writer or a critical
paper that interprets literary texts using any of the critical approaches and an
adaptation of a text into other creative forms using multimedia.
Learning Competencies: Identify the figures of speech and other literary techniques and
devices in the text. ENLit12-II-27

Literary text: The End and the Beginning by Wislawa Szymborska


Reference: Santos, Paz Verdades M., Borja-Prado, Marifa), Lipwas 21st Century
Literature, Quezon City:Graphics and Literacy Exponent(2016)

Suggested Tasks Activities Other Suggested Activities

Pre-Reading The teacher will ask the Think and React!
students about their prior The teacher may play video
knowledge on figures of clip of war in Marawi.
speech. The teacher will ask the
students to imagine that
Reading and discussion The teacher will give a short they are in the war zone and
recap of the figures of will share how they feel
speech, literary devices and about it.
The students will be given
10 minutes to read and
analyze the poem “The End
and the Beginning” by
Wislawa Szymborska. They
will be guided with the
following questions:
1. What does ‘beginning’
and ‘end’ mean in the
2. Identify and describe the
persona in the poem.

3. What is the mood of the

Ernesto D. Doloso, Jr., Arman V. Ludana, Regina Floresa V. Bas-Condes, Marlo V. Mercado
21st Century Literature from the Philippines and the World

4. What is the theme of the
5. If you are to give
message to the war
casualties, what would it

The teacher will call

Post Reading students randomly to share Paper Cup Session
their answers to the class. The students will create
Spoken Poetry subjecting
The students will be asked the kind of war they are
to identify the figures of battling every day.
speech or poetic devices They will present their
present in the poem and output in the class
explain its meaning. simulating a recital in a
(refer to worksheet below) coffee shop.


Creativity – 30%
Dramatic Effect – 30%
Mastery – 30%
Audience Impact – 10%
Total – 100%

Line/s from the poem Poetic device/s used Meaning of the lines
Someone has to push the
rubble to the side of the
Photogenic it’s not,
and takes years.
We’ll need the bridges
and new railway stations.
someone must be stretched
blade of grass in his mouth
gazing at the clouds
Someone has to get mired
in scum and ashes,
sofa springs,
splintered glass,
and bloody rags.

Ernesto D. Doloso, Jr., Arman V. Ludana, Regina Floresa V. Bas-Condes, Marlo V. Mercado
21st Century Literature from the Philippines and the World

Module: 4 Quarter 2
Week: 16
Lesson: Biographical, Linguistic and Sociocultural Contexts of a text
Content Standard: The learner will be able to understand and appreciate literary texts in
various genres across national literature and cultures.
Performance Standard: The learner will be able to demonstrate understanding and
appreciation of 21st century literature of the world through critical paper that
analyzes the texts in relation to the context of the reader and the writer or a critical
paper that interprets literary texts using any of the critical approaches and an
adaptation of a text into other creative forms using multimedia.

Learning Competencies:
1. Explain the biographical, linguistic and sociocultural contexts and discuss how
they enhance the text’s meaning and the reader’s understanding. EN12Lit-IIf-28
2. Examine the relationship between text and context. EN12Lit-IIh-36

Literary text: Pegao by Martin Espada

Reference: Santos, Paz Verdades M., Borja-Prado, Marifa), Lipwas 21st Century
Literature, Quezon City:Graphics and Literacy Exponent(2016)

Suggested Tasks Activities Other Suggested Activities

Pre-Reading Image Analysis
1. The teacher will post a
picture of rice and ‘crusty The teacher may post
rice’. pictures of food and will ask
the students of
2. The teacher will ask the people/nationalities whom
students to compare the they relate the food to.
feeling of eating rice and
crusty rice.

3. The teacher will also ask

the question “Why do you
think ‘tutong’ or crusty rice
is always found at the
bottom of the pan’?

Reading and Discussion The teacher will discuss

biographical, linguistic, and
sociocultural contexts.

He/she will also give a brief

Ernesto D. Doloso, Jr., Arman V. Ludana, Regina Floresa V. Bas-Condes, Marlo V. Mercado
21st Century Literature from the Philippines and the World

background about the

author of the poem “Pegao”.

The students will be given

10 minutes to read the poem
and will be guided with the
following questions:

1. Why are there

people who love
eating crusty rice?
2. Can crusty rice be a
form of status

Post Reading The teacher will play the

documentary film

After the group discussion, The students will write a

the students will be asked to food blog accounting the
produce a picture essay food of the people as a
showing how a food can be symbol for national
a symbol for national situation. It should be posted
condition. in their facebook account
Rubrics: using #FoodofthePeople.
The output will be rated
Creativity – 40% using the following rubrics:
Dramatic Impact – 30%
Relevance to the topic–30% Creativity – 25%
Total - 100% Content- 25%
Organization- 2o%
Mechanics- 20%
Overall impact – 1o%
Total - 1oo%

Ernesto D. Doloso, Jr., Arman V. Ludana, Regina Floresa V. Bas-Condes, Marlo V. Mercado
21st Century Literature from the Philippines and the World

Module: 4 Quarter 2
Week 17
Learner: Literary meanings in context and the use of critical reading strategies
Content Standard: The learner will be able to understand and appreciate literary texts in
various genres across national literature and cultures.
Performance Standard: The learner will be able to demonstrate understanding and
appreciation of 21st century literature of the world through critical paper that
analyzes the texts in relation to the context of the reader and the writer or a critical
paper that interprets literary texts using any of the critical approaches and an
adaptation of a text into other creative forms using multimedia.

Learning Competencies:
1. Understand literary meanings in context and the use of critical reading strategies

Literary text: Closed for Reasons of Joy by Ingrid de Kok


Literary Text: The Valley of Amazement

Reference: Uychoco, Marikit Tara A., 21st Century Literature from the Philippines and
the World, Quezon City: Rex Printing Company (2O16)

Suggested Tasks Activities Other Suggested Activities

Ask the students to recall a 1. The teacher will facilitate
memory about the simple recapitulation of lessons on
grudges they hold from their literary meaning in context
parents and its effect to their and reading strategies.
growing-up years.
Reading and Discussion
The teacher may ask the The teacher will allow the
students to read the students to read the poem
selection ‘The Valley of “Closed for Reasons of Joy”
Amazement’ by Amy Tan. by Ingrid de Kok.
The students will be asked
to answer the following:

1. What was Lulu’s reaction

when she found out about
the operation? Do you think
her reaction is normal? Why
or why not?
2. Do you think the parents
made a mistake in operating

Ernesto D. Doloso, Jr., Arman V. Ludana, Regina Floresa V. Bas-Condes, Marlo V. Mercado
21st Century Literature from the Philippines and the World

on Lulu’s fingers?
3. What is the narrator’s
4. Why did the narrator
dislike the way her mother
described reproduction?
5. What do you think is its
effect on the narrator?
6. What does it mean by the
narrator wanting to be true
to her Self?
7. Have you ever felt the
same way? Why or why
8. Do you think the narrator
is selfish? Why or why not?
9. Is the narrator expressing
an inherently Asian or
American value?
10. Do childhood
revelations have lasting
impact on one’s life?

Post Reading
A music video of the song The students will be asked
“Fireworks” by Katy Perry to write an analysis of the
will be played. And a copy poem.
of the lyrics will be given to
the students. The students Rubrics:
will be asked to write a
reader-response critical Content – 30%
paper on the song . Mechanics – 25%
Guide questions to Organization- 25%
formulate a reader-response Relevance to the topic -2o%
paper should be provided by Total - 1oo%
the teacher.


Content – 30%
Mechanics – 25%
Organization- 25%
Relevance to the topic -2o%
Total - 1oo%

Ernesto D. Doloso, Jr., Arman V. Ludana, Regina Floresa V. Bas-Condes, Marlo V. Mercado
21st Century Literature from the Philippines and the World

Module: 4 Quarter 2
Weeks 18-20

Topic: Creative Representation of a literary text applying ICT skills

Content Standard: The learner will be able to understand and appreciate literary texts in
various genres across national literature and cultures.
Performance Standard:
Learning Competencies: Produce a creative representation of a literary text by applying
multimedia skills
1. Choose appropriate multimedia form of interpreting a literary text (EN12Lit-IIij-31.1)
2. Apply ICT skills in crafting an adaptation of a literary text (EN12Lit-IIij-31.2)
3. Do self-and/or peer- assessment of the creative adaptation of a literary text, based on
rationalized criteria, prior to presentation (EN12Lit-IIij-31.3)

Suggested Tasks Activities Other Suggested

Task 1

1.The students will play the

Initial Task game “4 lines, 1 film”. The teacher may show
pictures or video clips of
2. The class will be divided the scenes of the movies for
into two groups. Each group students to guess.
will send two representatives
for reading of lines from
local and international films.
The rest of the group should
guess the title of the movie.
Each will be given one minute
to finish the task.

“Pangit ba ko?
“Kapalit-palit ba ako?”
“Then, why?!”
-from the movie My Ex and

2. After the preliminary A professional local script

activity, the teacher will give a writer and director can be
short discussion about the invited to conduct a
elements of films and film workshop.

Ernesto D. Doloso, Jr., Arman V. Ludana, Regina Floresa V. Bas-Condes, Marlo V. Mercado
21st Century Literature from the Philippines and the World

Lights, Camera, Action! The teacher may opt to ask

The students will perform the the students to produce
scenes coming from a selected radio drama broadcasting.
literary text.

Dramatic Technique and
Delivery – 30% Voice Quality —30%
Expressive Aspects and Sound Effects —25%
Characterization – 30% Dynamics —20%
Delivery (appropriate voice or Total - 100%
action) – 20%
Use of Space (gesture,
movement, props) – 20%
Total – 100%

Task 2

1. The class will be divided

into five groups. Each group The students can create a
will be given one continent recital showcasing different
(Asia, North America, Europe, creative adaptation of the
Latin America, and Africa) assigned text. To cater
where they can choose one multiple intelligences, it
literary text to adapt. can be multifaceted
performance like short film,
2. Each group will create a song rendition, musical
script for a 10-minute film. show, spoken poetry, news
report, animated film, and
3. The script created will be the like. All should be
criticized through group presented through
evaluation. cinematic approach.


Creativity – 50%
Relevance – 20%
Craftsmanship – 20%
Overall Impact – 10%

Ernesto D. Doloso, Jr., Arman V. Ludana, Regina Floresa V. Bas-Condes, Marlo V. Mercado
21st Century Literature from the Philippines and the World

Total – 100%

Task 3
Final Task The students can create a
1. The teacher will engage the poster of characters in their
students to story conference to chosen text.
confirm the editing of the

The students are expected to Creativity —40%

come up with a simulation of Aesthetic Appeal—40%
Film Festival featuring their Over-all Impact —20%
ten-minute film as creative 100%
adaptation of their chosen text
from Asia, North America, The students can also create
Europe, Latin America, and documentary film related to
Africa. the texts assigned to their

Cinematography – 50% Creativity – 50%

Creativity- 50% Relevance – 30%
Total - 100% Concept- 20%
Total- 100%

Ernesto D. Doloso, Jr., Arman V. Ludana, Regina Floresa V. Bas-Condes, Marlo V. Mercado

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