Admission Certificate: Roll Number: Seat / Ticket No.: Candidate Name: Date of Birth
Admission Certificate: Roll Number: Seat / Ticket No.: Candidate Name: Date of Birth
Admission Certificate: Roll Number: Seat / Ticket No.: Candidate Name: Date of Birth
Date of Examination : Timings :
Subject : Part-I : General Intelligence Part-III : Quantitative Aptitude (Basic Arithmetic Skills)
Part-II : English Language (Basic Knowledge) Part-IV : General Awareness
NOTE: Your admission is provisional. If it is found later on that you do not fulfill any of the conditions of the eligibility, your candidature will be cancelled and no appeal
against such cancellation will be entertained. You are therefore advised to check carefully and satisfy yourself that you fulfill all the conditions of eligibility.
1. The candidate will be admitted to take the examination at the centre specified in the Admission Certificate only and at no other Centre. They are advised
to report at the examination centre one hour before the commencement of the examination.
2. No candidate will be admitted to the Examination unless he holds a valid Admission Certificate issued by the Commission.
3. No candidate will be admitted to the Examination Hall after the commencement of the Examination.
4. The candidate should not bring any other paper except the Admission Certificate to the Examination Hall. Candidate found using or attempting to use any unfair means
shall be liable to such punishment as the Commission may decide to impose.
5. No candidate would be allowed to leave the Examination Hall before expiry of the prescribed time of the paper.
6. The use of calculating devices including logarithm-table, calculator or electronic calculator etc. is not allowed inside the exam-hall.
7. Candidates must abide by the instructions given by the Supervisor/Invigilator. Candidature of candidates found obstructing the work of invigilators or representatives
of the Commission will be summarily cancelled.
8. Candidate who are found in possession of any incriminating articles/materials such as reading materials like books, magazines etc. and any electronic
gadgets such as mobile phones, ear-phones, blue-tooth devices, pen-camera, button-hole camera, scanner, calculator, electronic-calculator etc.
whether in use or not will be deemed to have been using unfair means and accordingly be liable to penal action as deemed fit, including cancellation
of their candidature and their debarment from future examinations conducted by the Commission for a period of three years.
These items must not be brought to Examination Centre.
9. Candidates should bring with him/her four copies of his/her four copies of his/her passport size photograph and any of his/her photo-bearing identity proof
in original as Voter’s I.D., Passport, Driving License, PAN Card, Aadhaar Card etc. failing which he/she will not be allowed to appear in the examination.
10. Candidates will have to darken the braces by Blue or Black Ball Point Pen in the specified space on both sides of OMR sheet while filling up their particulars
and also answering the questions.
11. Candidates who have submitted online applications and whose names appear in the list of incomplete applications in the website must submit
copies of bank challan/bank statement to the invigilator as proof of payment of fees.
12. Candidates will have to spend 5 to 10 seconds with the videographers for taking videos during the examination, if the Commission desires to carry out
videography in that centre. This is being done to confirm the identity of the candidate, deter impersonation and also to ensure fairness and impartiality
in the conduct of the examination.