Várady, Géza
Zaválnij, Bogdán
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Introduction to MPI by examples
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Introduction to MPI by examples
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Introduction to MPI by examples
1. 1 Introduction
In this book we deal with the paradigm of message passing, the standard of our days: MPI. In high performance
computing the programming languages are the still used Fortran, the C and the C++ - and these are the
languages, which can be used for MPI programming. Our programs will be in C++, as it is the most versatile
programming language of the three but we try to constrain ourselves to the minimum of the language
possibilities, to be more useful for those who would like to use MPI in C. We will also use the C flavour of MPI,
although it has a C++ notation, because we feel that this is more useful. The C++ program can use the C
notation freely, while it is not true the other way round.
As on most supercomputers there is some Linux or Unix system used we will present and explain our program
in Linux environment and OpenMPI - and present test-runs in different supercomputing environments. Actually
MPI is not really supported under windows, so for those who use windows only systems we propose to try out a
Linux if not other way than in virtualized environment. One can also use Cygwin for which OpenMPI is
The book can be used for courses relating to parallelization at different level of education. Chapter 1-4, 14 and
some of Chapter 5 are recommended at BSc level courses. Part II includes practical examples, where different
levels of programming and engineering skills are required. Most of these chapters are meant for MSc level
courses (E.g. the Raytracing program or the FFT and Graph coloring) or even could be used as part of a PhD
semester. For this latter, the project works are strongly suggested, which give new problems and new ideas to
the implemented examples. All basic, moderate and independent examples include examples from the field of
engineering and science. Although the book makes references, it could be a good starter material by itself as
There is an increasing demand for computational power. One core could not manage this need for over a decade.
The speed of one core is limited. The computers of today reached a maximum frequency of 3-5GHz, which is
quite flat in the last 10 years. Intel introduced its 3.8GHz Pentium4 processor exactly 10 years ago.
There is a need of parallel computing, for multiprocessor systems. Later we used multi core processors and
distributed systems. Today, we use literally millions of computing cores ( We can see, that we
can have exponentially increasing computational capacities.
Our modern problems are: Heat dissipation and energy cost of supercomputers. The 3-5 years cost of energy
supersedes the cost of the system itself.
We have also the problem of too many cores. Many algorithms do not scale properly over hundred thousands of
Today's computer architectures vary in many ways. After we have seen the urge of computer power for large
computations, we shall show the classification of nowadays' computers.
The PCs, the standalone computers at home or at the office are multi-core machines now. They have one CPU,
but the CPU has more cores, typically 2 or 4, but there are processors with 10-12 cores, as well.
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Introduction to MPI by examples
The next scale are bigger computers - these are the servers, usually multiprocessor systems. This later means
they have more processors, usually 2 or 4. (Obviously these processors are multi-core, so such systems can have
even 48 cores present.)
For HPC, High Performance Computing much much bigger computers or computer systems are used. These
provide thousands or millions of cores to their users. The SMP (Symmetric Multiprocessor) systems are shared
memory systems, where the programs can access the whole memory. These systems nowadays are so called
ccNUMA systems, which means that only part of the memory is close to the processor, while other - bigger -
part of the memory is further away. This means more memory latency which is balanced by the usage of cache,
that is why the system is cc, cache coherent. The programming of such systems is usually made by openMP
programs, but bigger systems can run MPI as well.
The biggest supercomputers of our time are distributed systems or clustered computers. They consist of separate
computers connected by a fast interconnect system, These are programed with MPI language extensions. In this
book the reader is being introduced to the MPI programming with C++.
Other architectures of today's computers are video cards, which can be programed for different purposes and
even used in supercomputers. This paradigm is called the General Programming GPU, the GPGPU, and
programed with languages of for example CUDA or OpenCL.
When we need to construct a parallel algorithm we usually want to decompose the problem into sub-problems.
For some cases this can be done straightforward, as the main problem itself consists of independent tasks or the
algorithm deals with a set of data which can be split and processed independently. While there are still some
interesting questions of submitting the split problems to different processes - an interesting one of these
questions is the example of Mandelbrot set parallelization in chapter 12 -, this case counts as a good example for
But this is not always possible. In case of quite a few problems we cannot divide the whole problem into
independent sub-problems, as they would not be independent. Many discrete algorithms fall into this category.
With some luck we can still deal with this case if we assign sub-problems to parallel tasks, and combine the
solution of sub-problems by a sequential thread. One clear example can be the problem of sorting. We can
assign a sub-domain of the elements to the parallel threads for sorting, and at the end combine these already
sorted subsets into the final solution. This can be done by merging, so this scheme would be the parallel merge
sort. By other means we can first divide the whole set into subsets such as the value of elements in each set is
greater than in the previous set. In other words divide roughly the elements by value into baskets of different
magnitude. After sorting these elements parallelly and routing back the solution to the master thread we are
done, as each subset follows the previous one, and is sorted by itself. This scheme could be called the parallel
Quicksort. We will see, that dividing the whole set into subsets raises a special problem, so a tuned version of
subdivision is needed. By this subdivision is called this algorithm Samplesort.
When we write a parallel program we obviously would like to achive faster computation. But apart from being
fast it is an interesting question how fast it is. One would like to measure the goodness of the parallelization.
Obviously, for different purposes different measures can be done. For some cases even the slightes reduction in
running time may be important as a problem may be of a kind that it must be solved in some time limit. Others
may look at the question from economical point of view and compare the income from faster computation with
the invested money (and perhaps time). There cannot be an overall perfect measurement, but still there is one
which is accepted the widest. This is called the speed-up, and it is calculated the following way. For a given
problem we measure the running time of the best known sequential program and the running time of our parallel
program. The ratio of them will give us the speed-up number, which by this definition will be dependent of
processors or computers we use. One would like to develop and use a parallel program, that will achive a speed-
up of with processors, or in other words with twice as many processors half the running time.
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Introduction to MPI by examples
In most cases, because the problem cannot be divided into independent sub-problems, we should find an
alternative algorithm, which is more complex than the original one. This algorithm would run on one thread
slower than the original one. So adding more processors we speed up the modified algorithm, which means we
are far from reaching speed-up of number of processors compared to the original algorithm, namely we are
unable to reach linear speed-up. Still, there can be a good usage of such algorithms, as even with sub-linear
speed-up and with the aim of many computers (or a bigger cluster or supercomputer) we can solve much bigger
problems than with the original sequential program. One may say, that gaining speed-up of with twice as
many processors is a satisfying result.
At this point we need to mention two historical notes on the problem of speed-up and its limits. These notes
called the Amdahl's law and the Gustavson's law.
The law by Gene Amdahl was formed in the late 60's, and states, that every parallel program has a limit in
speed-up independently of the number of processors used. This phenomena is caused by the fact, that every
program has a part which cannot be done in parallel. This usually includes the start-up of the program and
reading the initial values; the starting of parallelization; the collecting the data by the main thread; and the
ending of parallelization. These parts cannot be done in parallel, so no matter how many processors we use, and
speed-up the parallelizable part, this part will run the same time. Say of the program is like this, and we use
infinite number of processors to speed up the remaining , which will finish so immediately. The running
time of the whole program will be -th of the original time, the running time of the non-parallelizable part,
so we gain a total speed-up of 100. No bigger speed-up is possible in this case.
We also should note, that in real problems we need communication between the different threads or processes.
The 'cost' of this communication is not independent of the size of the cluster or the supercomputer. Namely, if
we use more and more processors the communication will take more and more time. Also, the load balancing
between different processors may be unequal causing longer execution time as some processors may be
unoccupied for some time. So in real world the problem is even more pronounced, as adding more and more
processors the program cannot even reach the theoretical speed-up, but will produce slower running time
because of the communication taking more and more time and unbalanced problems becoming more and more
unbalanced. We will show real world running time examples in our chapter 12 about the Mandelbrot set
Although not denying the law of Amdahl John L. Gustafson and Edwin H. Barsis noted that the fraction which
cannot be parallelized becoming less and less if we increase the size of the problem itself. Because the main
interest is always solving problems and not finding theoretical speed-up limits, this means that with bigger
computers and computer clusters we can assign them and solve bigger problems because we can achieve greater
speed-up in the end. With the case of communication overhead and unbalanced decomposition we can assume
mostly the same.
The theoretical expected speed-up of a parallel program is the number of processors we use. But there can be an
exception, where we gain more speed than the added number of processors. This phenomenon is called the
super-linear speed-up, which occurs rarely, but not extremely rarely. There may be two causes for such speed-
up. One is the accumulation of the cache or memory in the system. If the whole problem cannot fit into memory
(or cache) it slows down. But using so many processors that the chunk of the data can fit into the memory (or
cache) the problem will speed up extremely. So the speed-up at this very point will be super-linear. The reader
may see an example of such behaviour in the chapter 7 about finding the shortest paths in a graph.
Other possible occurrence of super-linear speed-up may be observed in backtracking algorithms, where the
result of one branch may give information to cut other branches.
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Introduction to MPI by examples
We can divide the set of problems in two main groups. Problems which cannot be solved by computers and
problems which can. The first group includes typical problems involving feelings, subjective parameters and all
sorts of matters impossible to model or describe. The second group includes problems which can be described in
a way that computers can handle. This means typically, that the informal description of the problem can be
converted to an algorithm. An algorithm is a finite, step-by-step set of instructions what represents a function. It
has well defined inputs and outputs. If a problem can be solved by such algorithms, we say, it is solvable by a
computer. By using algorithms, it is a basic expectation that the algorithm not only gives a solution, but
preferably, gives it fast. Since speed depends on the amount of inputs, it's better to classify algorithms according
to their response to input size. This classification is noted by Big- (Landau’s symbol, part of the Landau
notation) and symbolizes the order of the function. For given functions and , we say that
if and only if there exists a positive real number and a real number , where
for all . Hence, after a given point, will not grow faster than . Let c
be a constant. If, for example, is , the order is linear. If is , the order is polynomial. This latter
order is confine. Until this order, step numbers of algorithms are acceptable in general. If is , required
steps for an algorithm increase fast with inputs, and it is a very long time to wait until a solution. Thus, we say
that exponential algorithms are bad algorithms.
Problems connected to these or to one of the circumstances are hard to solve. The big data problem can be
handled by linear scaling parallelism. The more data, the more computing power. The exponential time solution
problem could be handled by exponential scaling parallelism what is, in practice, unmanageable.
Computational engineering problems are most commonly simulation tasks. Aerospace engineering uses
simulation in spacecraft and aircraft design, where forces between components and environment,the movement
of air (aerodynamics) and the mechanism of the engine are examined. Extending this to other transportation
crafts, we talk about transportation design.
Building and structure design deals with similar problems, but use different materials, forces and has different
objectives. Buildings are measured according to being made high and beautiful or made robust and safe. In case
of structures like bridges, tunnels and other ossatures, again, different qualities are praised.
Most of the problems are modelling problems, where simulation and visualization play the main role. We want
to see whether a structure is capable of holding some weight, or capable of withstanding impacts like wind or
earthquakes. We have to make a lot of calculations with lots of parameters, we have to visualize the results, we
might want to change different parameters to see whether it has an effect or not. We can wait for the results for a
while, but the most effective design is real-time, where we get an instant feedback to our actions.
Calculating the physics of the problems above involves numerical methods, like solving non-linear equations,
curve fitting, interpolation, differentiation, integration and other computationally intensive tasks.
Mathematical problems in their complete form are hard to handle. It is common to reduce the problem to a
sequence of linear and less complex problems. Numerical methods are also called approximate methods. The
main simplification in numerical methods is that one searches for a plausible approximate solution in reasonable
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Introduction to MPI by examples
time. The process often involves iteration, where the number of iterations, and thus the time it takes, depends on
the required precision. Let us examine the simple problem of finding the roots of a polynomial equation
A graphical solution would be to plot the graph and look where the function crosses the -axle. This is an
approximation as well, since the crossing is not exactly at a given whole number.
A simple example of numerical solution would be to search within a range. The possible solution should be
within this. It involves some analytical pre-processing, since we have to guess the initial and end values between
which a simple iteration should run. Let’s take a look at the figure and say, we are searching between and .
The is a trivial solution for the above equation. A simple, albeit ineffective iterative solution would be to go
through this interval with a given resolution. Let’s take the resolution of . Since zero is a trivial solution, we
can start at . Let’s substitute with and check whether the equation is sufficed. If not, let’s go further
and check , and so on. If the result changes the sign, we run over the solution, so let’s go back one step and
refine the resolution, hence, go ahead with smaller steps. The resolution could be then e.g. . We could do
this for a very long time, theoretically forever, and we would approximate the solution slowly. However, there
could be an approximate solution, where a given precision is enough for our purpose. This is a key fact among
numerical methods – most of the time, we are searching for a close enough solution. This saves us time and
effort. Still we do have to define "close enough". One definition could be given by the maximum number of
steps of the iteration. This could prevent us from staying in an infinite loop. The other definition would be the
order of error, thus, how close the real solution is. But how could we define the latter, if we don't know the
solution itself? One trick could be to monitor the order of change between iteration steps. If the change is under
a predefined value, we can consider the actual solution "close enough".
One method is The Bisection Method (binary search method). If our polynomial function is continuous and the
signs of the value in the starting point and in the ending point of our interval are the opposites, we can use the
method of bisection. The basic idea is simple: we divide the interval in two and choose one half to investigate
further. We choose the part with opposite starting and end points and divide it into two again. The dividing goes
on until we narrow our interval where the starting point value and end value of the function are closer than a
given value.
One further method is The Newton Method (Newton-Raphson Method or Newton-Fourier Method). If the above
conditions are met, an other method could lead to a faster solution. The idea of the Newton Method is to
improve an arbitrary solution in the next step, by setting the value of with the help of the
derivative function of . This method gives a fast approximation if started not too far away from the
solution. It is a good idea to use the more robust method of bisection at the beginning and to switch to the
Newton method after a certain precision for faster convergence.
The method benefits from the derivative of a function being at a certain point equal to the tangent of the
function. Based on this, . This can be rearranged to the form:
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Introduction to MPI by examples
. By calculating the new intersection point of the tangent line and -axis,
we can have a new value to calculate a new tangent line. Iterating this process until a given error value is
achieved leads to an acceptable solution.
One other common task in applied mathematics is to calculate the integral of a definite function. This can be
done in some cases analytically, but there are several cases where the analytical solution is not possible or would
take too much time to find.
An obvious solution would be to do it numerically, in other words, using a method where we approximate the
The basic problem can be formulated as follows. We have to find the area covered by a function at a given
interval. One method is to split the interval into several sub-intervals and substitute the function in this sub-
intervals with a constant. This constant should be the center value of the function of this sub-interval. With this
method, one can approximate the area of function with rectangular columns. The approximate integral value will
be the sum of the areas of these rectangles. The more narrow the sub-intervals are, the more precise the
approximation will be. This simple method is called the rectangle rule, also considered the basic quadrature rule.
A more complex method would be to use trapezoids instead of rectangles (trapezoidal rule).
For these methods, we can refine the sub-intervals on the cost of required computational power.
A more sophisticated approximation is to use interpolation of higher degree polynomials. This yields the
Newton-Cotes formulas and rises some problems of oscillation. One solution is to stay at quadrature rules with
fine sub-intervals.
The main reason for using parallel systems is to share big amount of work among processing units and let them
work separately. With this method, we can save time, hence, the work will be done faster. Since the size and -
consequently - the execution time of the work units are decrease as we increase the number of processors,
parallel computation gets more and more cost effective. Some trivial uses of parallel systems deal with a big
amount of independent data, where the share of work is straightforward. Depending on the task, we can partition
the data rather easily, although we have to pay attention to possible asymmetric load (e.g. searching for prime
numbers in a given range). Parallel computing is a handy tool for modelling and solving complex problems in
engineering and science, where data is dependent and several conditions are to be tested during work. In nature,
there are phenomena which involve several interrelated events. Some examples for this could be the movement
and orbits of planets, comets and moons. This latter can be calculated according to Kepler's laws and each
element has an effect on all the other elements. In this complex system, the movement of artificial objects like
rockets and satellites with actuation is a further step towards complexity, and because of the nature of the
problem, workload is getting higher and higher. Further good examples are climate calculations, traffic
modelling, electronic structure modelling, plasma dynamics.
By speeding up, we can achieve calculations on data in less time. This time can be so short that the reaction
could seem prompt. One impact of the speed-up is to be able to create real-time systems. Real-time, by
definition is not exactly prompt, but reactions on actions are done in a preliminary guaranteed time period. This
has several effects. The system will most likely to be interactive, with no lags and delays, the interface will work
and react, the actions we indicate will happen in a short time. This indicates better visualization, "real-time"
change of output, by changing input parameters. There are, of course, other advantages of a real-time system.
Such systems can control live, real-time procedures, can interfere, moreover, predictions and preventive actions
can be taken. Real-time parallelism can occur at operating system or even hardware level.
One standard of real-time operations is the MPI/RT (Message Passing Interface / Real-Time). With this
standard, platform independency and better porting potential is supported. The standard adds quality of service
(QoS) to the MPI functionality. Many High-Performance (HPC) applications require timing guarantees.
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Introduction to MPI by examples
First, the reader must understand how an MPI program runs, as it is different from the usual programs. There are
minor differences between the program itself and a usual C++ program. There is an included mpi.h in the front,
and some really few function calls in the program itself, all of them starting with MPI_. (The C++ notation uses
name-space MPI:: to differentiate the MPI function calls from others. As C notation can be easily used in any
programs, to avoid confusion the MPI version 3.0 declared this notation obsolete.)
The program should be compiled for which a compiler wrapper is used. For C++ one usually use mpic++ or
mpicxx wrapper program - depending on the MPI programs installed, which will initiate the compiler that is
present in the system: for example the g++ or other compiler like icc or pgc++. Obviously we can use the same
switches for the compiler, for instance the -O3 for biggest optimization, or the -o for naming the output runnable
program. To give the reader an example a "Hello World" program compilation would be like this:
After we compiled successfully our program, we need to run it with another wrapper program the mpirun with a
switch -np of the number of instances we want the program to be runned. The mpirun does nothing more, than
runs the same program in multiple instances. You can try it out with running some usual Linux system programs
as date or hostname - the later is quite useful for testing the actual working of the mpirun in case of multiple
computers. To give an example of the previous program to be runned:
With more computers we need to set up ssh communication between them and insted of -np switch use the -
hostfile switch to tell the names of the separate computers we would use. In case of a supercomputer where
some queueing system is presented, after compiling the program with mpic++ one must use the queue
submission system, for which you need to consult with the actual documentation of the system. We give
examples of these usage in the Appendix.
If you're new to MPI and want to try it out first without much installation, than usually a few packages whose
name start with openmpi for your Linux distribution is sufficient (usually the openmpi and the openmpi-dev),
and you can use the -np switch with an integer parameter to tell the mpirun the number of instances the program
must run. In this case the same program will run on your local computer in multiple instances, as many of them
as you gave the -np switch. Detailed installation description can be found in the Appendix.
After our program started in multiple instances with the use of the MPI function calls we can get information
about our MPI 'world', and complete information exchanges between the program instances. Let us see our first
MPI program example, which is the usual version of the famous "Hello World!" program in other languages.
#include <iostream>
#include <mpi.h>
using namespace std;
int main (int argc, char **argv) {
int id, nproc;
// Initialize MPI:
MPI_Init(&argc, &argv);
// Get my rank:
MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &id);
// Get the total number of processors:
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Introduction to MPI by examples
MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &nproc);
One can see a little difference from a tradicional sequential program. Obviously we need the mpi.h header
included. Then, the most important functions are the MPI_Init and the MPI_Finalize which denote the start of
the cooperating parts and the end of it. As a rule of the thumb, we must begin our program (the main function)
with the first, and end it with the second. The arguments of the MPI_Init are usually the pointers to the
arguments of the main function, so that all the program instances will know exactly the same starting
parameters. The formal definition of this function is:
int MPI_Init(
int *argc,
char ***argv
The MPI_Comm_rank and the MPI_Comm_size functions used to get informations about the running programs.
The size is the number of program instances running, and the rank is a non-negative number unique for all the
instances from 0 to . The formal definition of these functions are:
int MPI_Comm_rank(
MPI_Comm comm,
//the MPI communicator
int *rank
//the return value of the unique id
int MPI_Comm_size(
MPI_Comm comm,
//the MPI communicator
int *size
//the return value of the MPI world size
The MPI communicator is a unique identifier, which is present in almost all MPI functions. The default
communicator we used here is 'created' by the MPI_Init, and denoted by MPI_COMM_WORLD. It allows the
MPI program to call the other instances of the program. It is possible to construct different communicators as
well for narrowing the set of processes which would like to communicate for special algorithmic use. An examle
of this method will be presented for the parallelization of the FFT problem.
These are essential functions to gain information otherwise not presented in the program, as running can be
different from case to case, and usually managed by the user starting the program. For example, if the user
started the program as mpirun -np 4 ./hello, the size (variable nproc) will be equal to 4, and the variable id will
be equal to 0, 1, 2 and 3 through the running program instances. One possible outcome of this program could be:
The reader must note, that the sequence is arbitrary (process 3 preceeding 2), and must remember that one can
never be assured of the running sequence of the programs. We must prepare our algorithms so that any running
sequence can occur, and if we specifically need synchronization, we must put it into our program.
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Introduction to MPI by examples
To demonstrate a little more complex program, we show some communications between the running program
instances, modifying the previous program:
#include <iostream>
#include <mpi.h>
using namespace std;
int main (int argc, char **argv) {
int id, nproc, id_from;
MPI_Status status;
// Initialize MPI:
MPI_Init(&argc, &argv);
// Get my rank:
MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &id);
// Get the total number of processors:
MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &nproc);
if(id != 0){
// Slave processes sending greetings:
cout<<"Process id="<<id<<" sending greetings!"<<endl;
MPI_Send(&id, 1, MPI_INT, 0, 1, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
// Master process receiving greetings:
cout<<"Master process (id=0) receving greetings"<<endl;
for(int i=1;i<nproc;++i){
cout<<"Greetings from process "<<id_from<<"!"<<endl;
// Terminate MPI:
Here the program instances are divided to a master (the program which id is equal to 0), and the slaves (all other
instances). The division is made through a simple if-else statement, setting apart the program code for the master
from the program code for the slaves. The slaves send their greetings to the master, and the master receives the
greetings - in this example the id of the sending process, which is stored in the variable id_from. The
communication functions are the MPI_Send and the MPI_Recv which we will describe later in detail. The
master receives greetings in a for loop, as it does not receive a greeting from himself.
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Introduction to MPI by examples
Again you can see the strange sequence of the output. We can only be sure that the sending of the message
precedes the receiving of that very message, but even the output before sending may arrive after the output of
the receiving. The only certainty is that the line "Master process..." is preceding the lines "Greetings...", because
these lines are the output of the master process, and this program on itself is a serial program. So the outputs of
one particular program will follow each other as this program would run in the usual sequential way.
The MPI_Send and MPI_Recv are the two most comonly used functions. The first one sends one ore more
values while the other recieves them.
int MPI_Send(
void *buffer,
//Address of send buffer
int count,
//Number of elements in send-recieve buffer
MPI_Datatype datatype,
//Data type of elements of send-recieve buffer
int dest,
//Rank of destination
int tag,
//Message tag
MPI_Comm comm
We give a pointer of the variable that will be sent (the addres of one single variable or an adress of an array), the
number of elements, the data type. The later is one of the MPI datatypes (described in details in the Appendix)
for compatibility reason, usually MPI_INT or MPI_DOUBLE. We must provide the exact destination, as this is
point-to-point communication. The message tag is the label of the envelope, and serves the purpose to
differentiate among similar messages. The communicator is denoting the MPI world.
int MPI_Recv(
void *buffer,
//Address of recieve buffer
int count,
//Number of elements in send-recieve buffer
MPI_Datatype datatype,
//Data type of elements of send-recieve buffer
int source,
//Rank of source
int tag,
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Introduction to MPI by examples
//Message tag
MPI_Comm comm,
MPI_Status *status
//Status object
The pointer is showing the variable or array where the message data will be stored. The count and data type is
the same as in the case of sending. The source indicates the exact rank of the sending process, although here we
can recieve message from an unknown sender by using the wildcard MPI_ANY_SOURCE. The tag must mach
the tag of the sended message, or again, a wildcard MPI_ANY_TAG can be used, although we do not
recommend it, as in our opinion the message should always be definite. The communicator is indicating the MPI
world. The status object is a structure that contains the following fields:
It also contains other informations as well, which can be requested by MPI_Get_count and MPI_Probe or
The usual MPI_Send() and MPI_Recv() functions are blocking point-to-point functions. This means that the
sending function will return to the program only after the sending of all data was completed, and recieving
returns when all data recieved. This can cause some problems if we are not cautious enough, namely a deadlock
problem. Let us see a simple example program, where both processes set value to a variable and send it over to
the other process.
Although the program seams to be well formed it can lead to a deadlock situation. As sending is blocking, the
process of will send the value of a, and wait to it be recieved. It will not initiate the recieving until the
sending is complete. The other process of also initiates a sending the variable b, and waits for it to be
recieved, but not starts the recieving. It is clear, that these processes will hang at this point, and this situation is
called the deadlock.
A correct message passing program should always consider the sequence of sending and recieving at both
parties. It should be ordered like this:
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Introduction to MPI by examples
Actually there are different send and recieving functions in MPI, of which the reader may read about more in the
Appendix. The usual MPI_Send() and MPI_Recv() functions are mixed mode ones. They try to buffer the
sending, and so the send function is returned after the buffering is complete. So if the message is short - as in
previous example - the deadlock may not occur at all. But this is not ensured, so we must alert the reader to
always think through the deadlock problem. It is considered as a good practice to ensure that there is no possible
deadlock situation even if the functions may not blocking, and reorganize the send/recieve functions in
apropriate sequence.
We need to mention one special send-recieve function in addition to the previous, the broadcasting function. It is
a quite usual need to send a certain data to all of the processes from one master process. In other words in this
case all the processes will work on the same dataset. The most common place is the initialization of the
algorithms in the beginning of the program. For this a special function of broadcasting stands in MPI.
int MPI_Bcast(
void *buffer,
//Address of send-recieve buffer
int count,
//Number of elements in send-recieve buffer
MPI_Datatype datatype,
//Data type of elements of send-recieve buffer
int root,
//Rank of root process
MPI_Comm comm
It is a symmetric function, which means all the processes, the sending one and the recieving ones are calling this
function the same mode exactly at the same time. The rank of the root indicates the sender. The reader will see
detailed usage in the examples of the second part of the book.
We start with a simple problem. We would like to sum the numbers from 1 to 10 000. The sequential program,
which needs no explanation would be:
using namespace std;
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If we want to parallelize this procedure, we have to divide the process into sub-processes, in this case we assign
different numbers to be summed to different processes, and sum the sub-sums.
using namespace std;
In our book we would like to present not only programming examples, but some useful hints for algoritmization
as well. So our next example will present a good and useful technique for parallelization. It is a technique which
uses a randomization approach, the Monte Carlo method. It can be used where we look for some approximation
and do not need the exact result. It divides the field of the problem to very small partitions and randomly
"measures" some but not all of them. By the means of "measuring" more and more points, we hope to get a
more precise answer to the problem in question. This is a useful method for many problems including
engineering and scientific problem solving.
Also, we must note, that although we hope to get more precise answer by the means of more measurement
points, it is not so simple. The answer first converges fast, but then it will slow down. Actually this method
displays convergence, so quadrupling the number of sampled points halves the error. And then, after
some point, we won't be able to get more precise answer by adding more points simply because of the used
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Introduction to MPI by examples
number precision, the round-off errors and that fact that we use a pseudo random number generator instead of
real random numbers. The parallelization of the Monte Carlo method is straightforward: we can assign different
"measure points" to the parallelly running programs and add up the results in the end in one master program.
The second example is a program which calculates the value of . The Monte Carlo method is the following.
Imagine a dart board of size meter, and a circle of 1 meter diameter on it. Then imagine that we throw
numerous darts in the board. Now, we ask, what is the possibility that a dart hitting the square dartboard is also
hitting the circle. (This is the same as one minus the probability that the dart hitting the dartboard not hitting the
circle.) The answer is easy: as the dart hitting is proportional to the surface, we should calculate the ratio of the
dart board ( ) and the circle ( ). We can also get the answer in the empirical way, calculating
the actual hits of the dartboard and the circle. These two values should be close enough.
If we calculate the red and the blue dots on the Figure 2 in the smaller square, we would get 140 and 40 - by our
calculation. So altogether 180 darts was thrown at the smaller square, from which 140 hit the quoter circle. The
calculated value would be quite close to the actual value of :
So the Monte Carlo method for calculating the value of generates "dart shoots", and calculates the ratio of
hits in the circle. For easier programming we usually use a quarter board of a board with a quarter circle
with a radius of 1. Then two coordinates are generated ( and of values from 0 to 1), and the distance of the
origo is calculated ( ). If the distance is smaller or equal than 1, it is a hit in the circle, if the distance
is bigger, than it is not a hit in the circle.
The main part of the program is self explanatory. We make random and values - do not forget to cast to
double, as integer division is different from floating point division! -, and calculate the (square) distance from
the origin, and see if it is smaller than . We need not use squere root, as taking the square of both sides the
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Introduction to MPI by examples
calculation is more easy. Counting those value pairs that closer to the origo than and dividing it with the value
of all pairs we get .
for(long long i=0;i<iternum;++i){
if(x*x+y*y<1) ++sum;
The parallel version of the previous program is quite simple. As generating random number pairs and counting
those, which represent points on the circle totally independent tasks, we can assign them independently to
different processes. At the end the slave processes send their local sum value to the master process, which
collects these local sums and sum them up. We need to be cautious only at the last calculation of itself: insted
of iternum we must use iternum*nproc, as each process made iternum number of value pairs.
#include <cstdlib>
#include <ctime>
#include <iostream>
#include <math.h>
#include <mpi.h>
using namespace std;
// Initialize MPI:
MPI_Init(&argc, &argv);
// Get my rank:
MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &id);
// Get the total number of processors:
MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &nproc);
MPI_Send(&sum, 1, MPI_LONG_LONG, 0, 1, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
for(int i=1;i<nproc;++i){
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// Terminate MPI:
return 0;
As collecting some partially ready data is more than quite common in parallel programming there also exists a
special reduction function in MPI for this. Reduction means that we collect the data and perform on it some
operation (reduce it). Similarly to the broadcast function we name the root process, which collects the data, and
we name the operator, which will be performed by this root on all data.
int MPI_Reduce(
void *sendbuf,
//Address of send buffer
void *recvbuf,
//Address of receive buffer (significant only at root)
int count,
//Number of elements in send buffer
MPI_Datatype datatype,
//Data type of elements of send buffer
MPI_Op op,
//Reduce operation
int root,
//Rank of root process
MPI_Comm comm
As the data collected may be in conflict with the sending data on the root process we must provide different
buffers for sending and recieving, although only for the root the recieve buffer is used. The rank of the root, the
count of the send buffer, the MPI data type, and the communicator are all the same as in the previously
described dending, recieving and broadcasting functions. As reduction is performed the recieve buffer count is
always , so it is not needed to be named. The only new parameter is the operator of the reduction. Again, as
with data types, for compatibility reasons MPI defines its own operators. The detailed operator list is:
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A variant of reduction operator is MPI_Allreduce which - after the reduction of the local elements - sends back
the result to all processes. The syntax is almost the same as MPI_Reduce except we do not need to name the
root process. An example of usage will be shown below.
With the described reduction operation we can simplify the previously showed example. The sum variable is the
local sum of the in-circle dartshots, the allsum variable is the collected and summed value of the local sums. The
MPI operator we use is the MPI_SUM.
#include <cstdlib>
#include <ctime>
#include <iostream>
#include <math.h>
#include <mpi.h>
using namespace std;
// Initialize MPI:
MPI_Init(&argc, &argv);
// Get my rank:
MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &id);
// Get the total number of processors:
MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &nproc);
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// Terminate MPI:
return 0;
There are two special reduction operators which perform on double values. The MPI_MAXLOC and
MPI_MINLOC The firs value is treated as values which should be compared through the distributed processes.
The second value is treated as an index. The function chooses the minimum (or the maximum) value, and
returns this value with its index.
where , and
where , and
For the above desribed MPI_MAXLOC and MPI_MINLOC functions one should use double values. The table
below shows the built in double value types of MPI.
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To use them one should first construct a structure as in the example in the Dijkstras's Algorithm for shortest path
in a graph. The p will be the send buffer, the p_tmp the recieve buffer for the MPI_Allreduce function.
int dd;
int xx;
} p, tmp_p;
p.dd=tmp; p.xx=x;
In the followings we present some simple exercises for students. They can be done as class work or homework
as well. The presented material should be enough for solving these problems. First try to solve these problems in
parallel without any efficiency questions in mind. Always compare the output with a sequential program to
check whether the parallel program did any miscalculations. It is extremely usual to fail at first even with the
simplest programs, as parallel programming needs a completely different thinking scheme.
The reader may try to parallelize the matrix-vector multiplication. We suggest to create a simple sequential
program first, with a small sized matrix and vector. Then try to write a parallel program distributing the
elements of the vector like in the element summation problem.
The second programming excercise will be the implementation of a parallel matrix-matrix multiplication
For multiplying matrices, the elements of the rows in the first matrix are to multiplied with the corresponding
columns in the second matrix.
where the number of columns in A necessarily equals the number of rows in B, in this case . The matrix
product is to be the matrix:
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A useful exercise may be the programming of the numerical integration with different methods. Again, we
propose to first create a sequential program and try it with different inputs. Look out for the good distribution of
inputs, starting from a constant function, for example , moving to more complex functions. Try out
different endpoints and number of inner points. If the results seems to be good, then try to parallelize the
program. Parallellization should be quite straightforward, as each method sums independently calculated values,
so the only problem is to distribute the sections evenly.
The described methods can be used for calculating the definite integral of one dimensional functions.
In this method, we partition the integration interval of the function to sections, and substitute the function
with a rectangle of height of the function value at the beginning of this subinterval. The figure 3 shows this
where and .
This method is like the previous one, but instead of rectangles we use trapezoids, where the beginning height is
the value of the function in the beginning of the section, and the end height is the value of the function at the end
of the section. The figure 4 shows this method.
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Again, we partition the function to sections, but it calculates with polynomials with an order of . The figure 5
shows this method. The Simpson's rule for a section is:
The main challenge of problem parallelization is not exactly the algorithm part, but first, the decomposition of
the problem into sub-problems. There are several methods and principles regading this question, but in our book
we will be able to discuss this topic only briefly. Our goal is to present the reader with an introduction to MPI
programming. For more information and deeper discussion of this truly large topic one may read the books in
our bibliography, especially [Gram2003] and [Matt2005]. All in all, there is no royal road to this problem, but
each and every case must be dealt differently and with precaution.
The main goals of the parallelization is to achieve more speed-up. In order to achieve this we need to take care
of three separate problems.
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The first one is to distribute the work among the processes (running on different processors) more evenly. If the
distribution is uneven, then this will cause some processes run shorter time while the whole running time will be
dominated by the slower processes. Let us look at an example. Take a problem which is decomposed into 100
sub-problems, and we will use 10 processors and so 10 processes. If the sub-problems are even and we give
each process 10 sub-problems, that is one tenth of the whole problem, then each process will finish its work in
one tenth of the original time. (We do not consider here other tasks connected to parallelization yet.) The speed-
up is 10. Now, if we give one process 20 sub-problems and the others only 9 or 8, then the processes given less
tasks will roughly finish in less then half time as the one given 20 sub-problems. The whole system will have a
running time of the longest process, and that would lead to a speed-up of 5, which is clearly a worse case.
Obviously, if we know that the sub-problems are equal we will assign them to processes evenly. But in case of
uneven sub-problems we cannot do so, and we either must correctly guess the size of the sub-problems to assign
them evenly, or still end at an uneven distribution. In this chapter we deal with this question in details.
The second problem is the locality of the data. For shared memory systems this question is a serious one, as the
possibility of reading any data at any time hides away the real problem of how far the data is. Failing to notice
this problem may cause a shared memory algorithm run slower by magnitudes! Also, there is a huge problem of
cache usage, as nowadays multiprocessor computers are cache coherent, but achieving cache coherency may
take quite a good time from the computation. For detailed analysis on cache coherency the reader may see the
book [Sima1997]. For the question of algorithmic design considering cache usage of the book [Braw1989]
produces very good examples.
In the case of distributed systems with message passing communication this problem is easier and harder at the
same time. It is easier, because there is no possible way of directly reading data from the other computer, so the
algorithmic design must always take this into consideration. But it is a harder problem, for the same reason, as
there is no easy way of getting the data. One must always design it, consider it, and reconsider several times.
And the main drawback is not the hardness of writing correct programs, but the communication overhead. If we
are sending back and forth data many times, our program may be slower than the sequential version! At the end,
we will always face a special problem, when adding more processors does not make the program faster, but
even slows it down. In this case the execution time of the program is dominated by the communication time. So,
when designing our problem decomposition we must take care of data locality, hence minimising the
intercommunication between different processes and make them work mostly on their local data.
The third problem is the overhead of the algorithm. This one consists of that part which must be done in serial
way and the cost of the parallelization itself. The serial part cannot be overridden. There will be always some
parts - mostly setting up the problem, distributing the original data, collecting the sub-results, making tests on
correctness -, which cannot be distributed. Moreover, we may add to these the changed start-up time of an MPI
system. Starting several hundreds of processes on a distributed supercomputer may take some seconds. If the
problem itself is solvable on a PC in some minutes, there is no reason for using a supercomputer, which will be
slower, clumsier and overloaded most of the time.
As we have seen one of the main components of parallel algorithm design is the decomposition of the problem.
We are given a large problem and our task is to split it up into parts so that these parts can be assigned to
different computing resources. This task is not straightforward, and we can only outline some methods that can
be helpful.
First, we should note, that one problem of the decomposition is the actual number of parts we would like to split
the problem into. Actually we do not know the actual number of processes in advance, as algorithms can be
applied to different cases. It seems that choosing the same number of parts as processes available is desired, but
it is not so. If the parts cannot be constructed in equally computational expensive way then using the same
number of parts will lead to unequal load balance. So actually using more sub-problems as processes is more
useful, as we can deal better with inequalities. Obviously using much-much more sub-problems is also
undesirable, as accounting them will cost us resources comparable to those we use to do useful work. This
means that using more sub-problems as processes but not too much more is usually the goal.
When we divide the problem, sometimes the problem itself consists of independent tasks. In this case we can
speak about task parallelism, and use it as the base of our parallelization. Ray-trace or molecular dynamics
problems are the examples of these kinds, where a ray or a molecule is an independent task we calculate.
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Another case arises, when the sequential algorithm itself decomposes the problem during run. This is the divide-
and-conquer case, as for example in merge sort or quick sort algorithms. If this is the case we can try to assign
these sub-tasks to different processes.
In case of some problems the structure of input data itself can help us to find a method to split it up. In the case
of many engineering or scientific modelling problems the data is bound to real world topology, so geometric
decomposition is possible. In these cases usually computing is made at local points and some communication
between neighbouring points will be accomplished. These tasks do the work on different input data
independently, at least for a while, so we can speak about decomposition by data.
Sometimes decomposition can be made not on spatial but temporal base. It means that we need to do some tasks
on the data in sequence. Then we can assign different tasks to processes and traverse the data from one process
to another to be the next task made on it. This is a pipeline structure. Signal processing or batch graphical
processing are good examples of this kind.
The reader can see examples in the second part of our book. The shortest path problem, graph coloring and ray-
trace are good examples of task parallelism. The plain heating is a geometric decomposition, and the linear
equality is a decomposition by data.
After we made the decision about the decomposition itself in theory, we still have to implement it. The next few
sections will show some possible methods for doing so. Also we need to decide whether the task assignment
will be made statically a priori, or dynamically during the run of the program. There can be advantages in both
The possible simplest method of decomposing the data is the loop splitting method. The data is considered as an
array, and each process out of nproc takes every nproc-th data item out of the array. Namely:
Here each process starts to process the elements of the array at the point noted by its rank, the id, and takes steps
of nproc magnitude.
To demonstrate this method with a complete and small program we show the problem of summation of elements
from the previous chapter. The program with loop splitting would be:
using namespace std;
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for(int j=1;j<nproc;j=j+1){
//MPI_Recv(&accum,1,MPI_INT,j,1,MPI_COMM_WORLD, &status);
// we do not wait for particular slave: recieve answer from anybody
sum = sum + accum;
cout<<"The sum yet is: "<<sum<<endl;
if(id == 0)
cout << "The sum is: " << sum << endl;
The usage of loops splitting is highly encouraged. First, it is simple to write the loop, so usually minimal
modification is needed to the program. Second, as it takes every nproc-th data element it often makes more even
distribution. Usually the decomposed sub-problems differ in complexity more in different parts of the
decomposition. Let's say, at the beginning there are easier problems present, which become more and more
complex at the end. In this case the loop splitting makes quite a good job. But be aware, there can be counter
examples as well, say, if even numbered problems are much harder as the odd ones, then in case of an even
number of processors the work distribution will be very uneven.
In contrast to loop splitting there is another method, more natural for most programmers, the block scheduling.
In this case we separate the problem in blocks. For elements and processes the first
elements will be assigned to the first process, the second part to the second and so on. With loops we first must
assign a startvalue and an endvalue. The partial program would be like:
To demonstrate the method with a complete program we show again the summation of elements problem:
using namespace std;
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The difference between the loop splitting and block scheduling is an interesting question. We already noted, that
loop splitting may produce more even distribution. On the other hand, the loop which increment one by one may
run a bit faster. However, this will be unnoticeable in case of most problems.
Still, there is a case when block scheduling is a must. If the sub-problems are connected to each other and there
is some necessary communication between the sub-problems in order to maintain consecutive numbering, than
we cannot use loop splitting without making too much communication overhead. The geometric decomposition
of many engineering problems fall into this category. In our later examples the heating of a plate will show this
problem in details.
In contrast to the previous work assigning methods, where the assignment was done statically a priori, we can
assign the work to processes dynamically as well.
One best known method to do this is the master-slave work processing or in other words post office
There is a Master process, who takes care of and accounts for the work to be done. The Slave processes ask for a
job to do, and report back when they are ready. After sending the results, they ask for another job. When the job
pool is empty, in other words no job (to be done) has been left, the Master process tells the Slaves to terminate.
The basic - but yet incomplete - program part would be like this:
if(id==0){//Master process
int id_from;
unit_result_t ANSWER;
for(int i=0;i<N;++i){
//recive from anybody, tag=1:
MPI_Rec(&id_from, 1, MPI_INT, MPI_ANY_SOURCE, 1,...);
//recieve answer, tag=2:
MPI_Rec(&ANSWER, 1, MPI_datatype, id_from, 2,...);
//send to slave who asked for job, tag=3:
MPI_Send(&a[i], 1, MPI_datatype, id_from, 3, ...);
}else{//Slave process
unit_result_t ANSWER;
unit_of_work_t QUESTION;
//send our id
MPI_Send(&id, 1, MPI_INT, 0, 1, ...);
//send the answer
MPI_Send(&ANSWER, 1, MPI_datatype, 0, 2, ...);
//calculate the answer and ask for the next question
MPI_Rec(&QUESTION, 1, MPI_datatype, 0, 3,...);
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We can notice the incompleteness, as there is no start and no end in this question-answer conversation. These
parts must be written separately. Also the reader must note the strict ordering of send and receive commands. If
they would be in other order deadlock may occur, as discussed earlier in chapter three.
It is also important to make distinction between the different message types, and this is done by assigning
different tags to different types of messages. It is also important in order to make the program error free.
To demonstrate the method completely, we will show a simple but complete frame program that performes this
master-slave job distribution without the actual jobs.
The header of the program. We define the communication tags, which means the work tag commands the slaves
to do the job, the die tag tells them to terminate. We also declare the functions we use.
1: //
2: #include <iosream>
3: #include <mpi.h>
5: using namespace std;
7: const int WORKTAG=1;
8: const int DIETAG=2;
9: typedef double unit_result_t;
10: typedef double unit_of_work_t;
12: /* Local functions */
14: void master(void);
15: void slave(void);
16: unit_of_work_t get_next_work_item(void);
17: void process_results(unit_result_t result);
18: unit_result_t do_work(unit_of_work_t work);
Te actual main() function, which starts and finishes at the end the MPI_COMM_WORLD, and makes the
distinction of the Master and Slave processes. The Master process calls the master() function, the Slave calls the
slave() function.
21: int main(int argc, char **argv){
22: int myrank;
24: /* Initialize MPI */
26: MPI_Init(&argc, &argv);
28: /* Find out my identity in the default communicator */
30: MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &myrank);
31: if (myrank == 0) {
32: master();
33: } else {
34: slave();
35: }
37: /* Shut down MPI */
39: MPI_Finalize();
40: return 0;
41: }
The master() function is rather a long one, so we decided to present it in three pieces. In the first part the Master
asks for the size of the MPI_COMM_WORLD, that is how many jobs are running altogether. After, he
calculates the next job: work=get_next_work_item();, and sends the first jobs to each of the Slaves.
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The main circle of the Master process is first to receive the answers from the slaves after they finished with the
assigned job. And then calculate the next job (while there is a job in the job pool), and send it to the Slave who
just sent an answer.
73: /* Loop over getting new work requests until there is no more work
74: to be done */
76: work = get_next_work_item();
77: while (work != NULL) {
79: /* Receive results from a slave */
81: MPI_Recv(&result, /* message buffer */
82: 1, /* one data item */
83: MPI_DOUBLE, /* of type double real */
84: MPI_ANY_SOURCE, /* receive from any sender */
85: MPI_ANY_TAG, /* any type of message */
86: MPI_COMM_WORLD, /* default communicator */
87: &status); /* info about the received message */
89: /* Send the slave a new work unit */
91: MPI_Send(&work, /* message buffer */
92: 1, /* one data item */
93: MPI_INT, /* data item is an integer */
94: status.MPI_SOURCE, /* to who we just received from */
95: WORKTAG, /* user chosen message tag */
96: MPI_COMM_WORLD); /* default communicator */
98: /* Get the next unit of work to be done */
100: work = get_next_work_item();
101: }
If there is no job left in the job pool, the Master receives the last answer from the Slave, and then sends him a
message with a die tag, which is a request of termination.
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The Slave function is simple. In an infinite loop the Slave receives the next job, calculates it, and sends back the
answer. On the other hand, if the Slave receives a die tag it terminates, which means, it returns to the calling
120: void slave(void){
121: unit_of_work_t work;
122: unit_result_t result;
123: MPI_Status status;
125: while (1) {
127: /* Receive a message from the master */
129: MPI_Recv(&work, 1, MPI_INT, 0, MPI_ANY_TAG,
130: MPI_COMM_WORLD, &status);
132: /* Check the tag of the received message. */
134: if (status.MPI_TAG == DIETAG) {
135: return;
136: }
138: /* Do the work */
140: result = do_work(work);
142: /* Send the result back */
144: MPI_Send(&result, 1, MPI_DOUBLE, 0, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
145: }
146: }
149: unit_of_work_t get_next_work_item(void){
150: /* Fill in with whatever is relevant to obtain a new unit of work
151: suitable to be given to a slave. */
152: }
155: void process_results(unit_result_t result){
156: /* Fill in with whatever is relevant to process the results returned
157: by the slave */
158: }
161: unit_result_t do_work(unit_of_work_t work){
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In our opinion the work sharing by self scheduling is a good dynamic method. Other literature give other
examples as well. On of them is called Work Stealing. It propose a static distribution in the beginning. When a
process runs out of its assigned jobs, then it steals unstarted jobs from other, more occupied processes.
While the static distribution is the beginning may have real advantages, the more complex programing of the
stealing makes this method harder to program. For learning purposes we strongly suggest the self scheduling
At many problems, computational partition is already given (E.g. matrices). For some problems, this is not
given, we have to partition the objects into structures for ourselves. The main idea is to decompose complex
surfaces, shapes and volumes to small parts, thus, we can build a complex equation system with the help of
many small and simple equations. Science today is unimaginable without massive calculations. These
calculations often involve partial differential equations. The analytical methods for exact solutions of these
equations are not very usable for real-life problems. The most common way is to approximate the solution with
numerical methods. In case of differential equations, the finite element method is a good numerical
approximation. The finite element method (FEM) is useful to simulate fluid flow, heat transfer, mechanical
force simulation or even electromagnetic wave propagation. The main concern of this method is still a huge
topic: how to do the decomposition? One obvious but rather ineffective way would be the point-wise
decomposition, where a large group of n-dimensional points represent the whole scene. In this case, several
questions would arise: resolution, infinite element number and necessity. We would cause an overwhelming and
mostly needless computational load by doing this. A better idea is to decompose the given object to a finite
number of sub-objects with given size or extent. We can do this also with varying sizes, so the more interesting
parts could stand for smaller elements, while parts of no interest can stand for some or only one element.
The partitioning is done by creating sub-meshes that construct the form of our original object. Our mesh or grid
in 2D consists of triangles or rectangles, or in 3D tetrahedra or rectangular prisms. Let's stay at 2D in further.
According to the basic problem, the triangles have to have special geometry which can be achieved by different
mesh generating algorithms. The generating procedure can be way more time consuming than the solution of the
FEM modelling itself, so it's obvious, that parallelism would help the most at this stage.
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There are several mesh generating strategies. We can separate two types based on the starting state. One kind of
meshing starts from a set of points, where these points have to be connected in a way that uniformly spread
triangles or rectangles build up a mesh, including every starting point. A typical algorithm for doing this is the
Delaunay-triangulation. Another kind of meshing is without any inner points. Our starting geometry is a
silhouette, a boundary form, which we would like to fill up with triangles with given size and parameters. A
simple meshing strategy for that would be the "Advancing Front" method.
The method starts with a set of points. These points have to be connected with edges in a way, that the result
will be a mesh with non-intersecting faces and more-or-less similar triangles. The exact rule is that for every
triangle no other point can be inside the circumcircle of that triangle. This rule maximizes the triangle's
minimum angles, thus gives a computationally suitable form.
The method starts with only a boundary form consisting of points and connecting lines. This form should be
filled with triangles generating a mesh on the inner side of the boundary form. The idea of this method is to
place triangles on the inner side of the bounding faces, connect the far end edge of them with each other and
start the procedure over on these new connecting edges. This will generate stripes in the inside of the form and
finally, the stripes will knit and we can finish the procedure with some final connecting edges in the middle.
The FEM (Finite Element Method) also suggests the possibility of effective parallelization, since we have to
deal with a high number of elements. We can distribute the constituent elements amongst working nodes and by
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this, we can gain speed-up. Using meshes and the FEM is suitable for parallelization, though the problem is not
trivial. For effective work, proper partition is needed first. After the sub-meshes are generated, they have to be
merged. At this stage, inappropriate triangles or polynomials can arise which have to be handled. That often
affect surrounding nodes as well and makes the procedure complex.
For further details on mesh generation, partition and preparing parallel mesh calculations, the reader is referred
to the book by P. Iványi and J. Radó - "Előfeldolgozás párhuzamos számí tásokhoz" [Ivanyi2013] suggested.
There are several problems for which a closed-form expression or a deterministic algorithm cannot be
constructed or is not practical. For these cases, there could be a good idea to use repeatedly gathered samples
with which a statistically approached numerical approximation can be done. These methods construct a set of
results based on random probes, imitating a casino situation, hence the name. We can presume that these kinds
of approximations will tend to have less and less errors with increasing number of probes. Since we need mostly
exponentially growing computing power for more accurate calculations, here, parallelization seems appropriate
again. A big advantage of the method is that the probes are independent from each other, hence,
intercommunication of computing nodes in a parallel solution will be minimal.
For discrete problems sometimes the Las Vegas probabilistic method can be used. In this method we always get
the right answer, but we do not know the running time. This method can be used for more complex problems of
NP-hard type, but that is beyond the scope of this book.
One good example for the Monte-Carlo method would be a graphical calculation of the value of . This could
happen by using a square and an inscribed circle of radius 1. By throwing virtual darts to this table,
assuming that every throw will be a random hit, we can generate hits inside and outside the circle. The ratio of
the number of points inside the circle and inside the square is proportional to their surface: and
, so it will approximate the value of . We showed an exapmle program of this calculation in the
previuos chapter.
The reader may go back to the previous chapter's exercises, and think it over, if the solution is efficient or not.
What are the main problems with those solutions if any, and can they be improved? What is the expected speed-
up of the programs?
The reader also can try out to measure running times of different implementations and compare them with the
expected ones.
6. 6 Practical Examples
6.1. Introduction
In this part we would like to show some practical problems. These problems usually considered hard problems,
and the solution takes a long time even using today's computers. So it is clear, that parallelization will be useful.
Obviously we try to make our examples more readable and so we made some simplifications to the programs
and sometimes to the problems itself. But still, the presented examples can show the usefulness of the
parallelization, and can demonstrate a few tricks for designing parallel programmes with MPI.
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Our examples will demonstrate the possibilities of parallel programming with MPI on some discrete
mathematical problems, as finding shortest paths in graphs, graph colouring and sorting of numbers. Also we
will demonstrate some engineering problems as solving linear equations, Fast Fourier Transformation and a
practical example of simulating the heat distribution in time. Also we will show examples more picturesque as
calculating the Mandelbrot set and a parallel version of a simple raytrace program.
In our demonstration we tried to make the examples more vivid. In our opinion this should include the
demonstration of the speed-up of the algorithms and implementations. So for some problems we demonstrate
the running times in different HPC computing environments - two supercomputers in Hungary. Both of them
allows the researchers to run programs up to 512 processes, so our examples will scale up to that point. Also,
because of the architecture of the second computer we chose to scale up from 12 processes by multiplying the
number of processes by 2. So our examples will (in some cases) demonstrate processors together with
512 processes runs, which means usage of 1, 12, 24, 48, 96, 192, 384 or 512 cores.
One of them - to which we will refer later in our book as computer A - is an SMP computer, which means that
the interprocess communication is fast. This computer is part of the Hungarian supercomputer infrastructure and
located at the University of Pecs. It is an SGI UltraViolet 1000 computer, which is a ccNUMA architecture. The
peak performance of this 1152 core computer is 10 TFlops.
The second one - to which we will refer later in our book as computer B - is a clustered supercomputer, with
more processors, but slower fat tree intercommunication. It is located at the University of Szeged, and consists
of 24 core node blades. The peak performance of this 2304 core computer is 14 TFlops.
The reason we choose these very computers is to demonstrate the effect of the interconnect itself on the running
time of the algorithms. Actually the cores of the computer A are faster than the cores in the computer B, so the
"ratio" of the computing power and the cost of communication is much better for the computer A, the SMP
computer, as in the case of the clustered computer B. On the other hand the computer B has more computing
power if the algorithm can explore its capabilities. Also, we should note, that there exist quite big problems for
building large SMP computers, so our example computer is nearly the biggest available nowadays. In contrast
clustered supercomputers are able to scale up to much bigger sizes, so our clustered example should be
considered as a smaller type. Which means that for bigger computing capacity an SMP computer is not an
The test runs produced some interesting timing results, so the authors note, that the numbers presented here
should only point at some interesting phenomenon, and show trends for comparison. First, the problems are too
small for real testing. Second, the timings varied greatly from one run to an other. Sometimes differences of a
double ratio in time were noticed. We did not made several runs and computed averages. In real life one does
not calculate the same problem several times, so it is unrealistic. With bigger problems the variation of runs
would disappear. And we could still see those points we would like to emphasise.
7. 7 Shortest path
The shortest path problem is widely used to solve different optimization problems. In this problem we construct
a directed weighted graph where the nodes of the graph connect to directed edges if there is a path in that
direction, and we also indicate the weight of this path. Given two nodes: and , we are looking for the
shortest path between these two nodes.
Edsger W. Dijkstra constructed a simple but powerful algorithm to solve the problem indicated in the case
where the weights are non-negative.[Dijk1959] It is a greedy algorithm, which finds the shortest path from a
given ( ) node to all other nodes (algorithmically this will cost us the same). The algorithm uses a
(distance) array, where the yet shortest paths are saved from . It takes the closest node to from the not ready
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nodes, and marks it as ready. Then looks for alternative paths through this node, and if finds one, then upgrades
the appropriate array value. Formally we show it in Algorithm 7.1.
If we construct a program from this algorithm, the main stress point is to find the minimum of the array.
There are different methods depending on the structure of the graph - whether it is dense or not. For non dense
graphs some heap structure is the best method (binary, binomial, Fibonacci), for dense graphs a simple loop can
be used. As we are concentrating later on parallelization, we will use the more simple approach. Also we
consider that the adjacency matrix of the graph is given ( ), so the distance can be read from it.
The sequential program for Dijkstra's shortest path algorithm is:
//initial values:
//alternating paths:
if(!OK[i] && D[i]>D[x]+G[x][i]){
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The parallelization of the program should start with a decomposition of the problem space into sub-problems. It
is not trivial to do it in this case, as no clear independent parts can be noted. First, we make the division between
the nodes. This means, that in each part of our program where a loop for all nodes is given, we rewrite it to
consider only a subset of the nodes. We can use a block scheduling or even a loop splitting. We used the latter ,
so in our program each loop looks like:
As there is a part where the closest of the nodes is searched, and there is a part where the alternating paths are
calculated for each node. The latter can be clearly calculated independently on all the nodes. But the former is
problematic: we search for global minimum, not for a minimum between some nodes.
This can be done in a parallel way as follows. We search for the minimum distance of a subset of nodes, then
collect the minimums by the master, which calculates the global minimum, and sends it back to the slaves.
Thus, after calculating the local x and D[x] we construct a pair (pair[2]) of these two. The slaves send their pair
to the master. The master receives the pair, and by each receiving calculates if the received value is smaller than
the saved one. If so, the master interchanges the saved value with the received one. At the end the minimum
values are broadcasted back, and each process updates the x and D[x] value by the global minimum:
}else{ // id==0
MPI_Recv(tmp_pair,2,MPI_INT,i,1,MPI_COMM_WORLD, &status);
We could have used the MPI_ANY_SOURCE at the receiving, but it would not speed up the program. In any
case, we must wait for all the slaves to send their values, and the broadcast will act as a barrier.
Was it a good idea, to split the nodes by loop splitting? In any case, there will be inequalities in the sub-parts of
the nodes, as the nodes will be ready one by one and we ignore them in the future computation. But it is
impossible to predict how this will act during the execution, so we can split the nodes by our will, as no better
method is possible.
To see the strength of our little example, we run the parallel program on two different supercomputers. One of
them (A) is an SMP computer with a fast interprocess communication. The second one (B) is a clustered
supercomputer with more processors but slower communication. We constructed an artificial graph of 30 000
and 300 000 nodes (denoted by 30k and 300k) and run the program with different numbers of active processors.
In the table below we indicate the running time of the sequential program and the running time of the parallel
program with different numbers of processors. We also indicate the speed-up from the sequential program.
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As one can see, the presented program served its purpose. We can notice quite good speed-up times, while the
problem itself is not an easily parallelizable one. We managed it by carefully distributing the work. This meant
that we assigned a part of the nodes of a graph to the distributed processes . They took care of calculating the
partial minimum, and the update of their part with alternating paths if there are better ones than previously
The communication left is only the synchronization of the minimum nodes. It consists of the collection of partial
minimums, calculating the global minimum, and sending it back to every process.
The speed-up is limited by the ratio of the work done by each process and the frequency of the communication.
Carefully examining the presented table we can find out some interesting consequences. By these we can point
to some well known phenomena as well.
First, we can clearly see, that the speed-up is somehow limited. At first as we add more and more processes the
program accelerates rapidly. Then, as we add more, the acceleration slows down, and even stops. At the end we
can even see some points where adding more processors slows down the computation.
Remember Amhdahl's law, which states that every parallel computation has its limit of speed-up. Amhdal
pointed out that every program has a sequential part (at least the initialization), so we cannot shorten the running
time below the time of running of the sequential part. We can add even more. The communication overhead can
also dominate the problem, if the communication part takes more time as the actual calculation. So the running
time will decline after some point where too many processes are added, which makes the sub-problems too
small and the communication too frequent. The reader should check the table to find this point! Note, that it is
different for the two computers, as their interconnects are quite different.
Second, we can observe that Amhdal's law starts to dominate the problem at different points for different
problem sizes. This observation leads us to Gustavson's law. It states, that for bigger problems we can achieve
better speed-up even if we do not reject Amhdal's low. The reader should check the table to see!
And third, there is an interesting point, where doubling the number of processes reduces the running time more
than a factor of 2! The reader again should check the table to find this point! This is not a wrong measurement
(we checked and rechecked it several times.) This moment is called the super-linearity. At such cases we can see
more than twice of the speed-up for twice as many processors. We suspect that this speed-up depends on the
actual architecture. In our case the problem size, the part of the adjacency matrix and the distance array fits into
the cache of one processor after this point. This means, that the memory accesses will be much faster, so the
speed-up of our algorithm gains more than the awaited factor of two.
At the end, we would like to present the complete program code of the parallel version. In the first part the
constants and the global variables are presented. Global variables are used for two purposes. First, this way they
are accessible from the main function and also from all the other functiona. Second, the actual adjacency matrix
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is kept on the heap this way, and with big matrices one can avoid memory problems. (Obviously dynamically
allocated memory would serve the same purpose.)
Note, that variables id and nproc are also global, as the initialization takes place in main, while the
communication is done by the void dijk(int) function.
The int Read_G_Adjacency_Matrix() functions here as a dummy one. The reader should replace it with one
which reads in the actual adjacency matrix. Other possibility can be, when the matrix is not stored but calculated
for each edge one by one. This method is used when the matrix would be too big and wouldn't fit into memory.
Actually our test-runs were made this way. In this case the G[][] should be exchanged to a function in each
1: #include <iostream>
2: #include <mpi.h>
3: using namespace std;
5: const int SIZE=30000; //maximum size of the graph
6: char G[SIZE][SIZE]; //adjacency matrix
7: bool OK[SIZE]; //nodes done
8: int D[SIZE]; //distance
9: int path[SIZE]; //we came to this node from
10: const int INFINITY=9999; //big enough number, bigger than any possible path
12: int nproc, id;
13: MPI_Status status;
14: int N;
16: int Read_G_Adjacency_Matrix(){
17: //actual G[][] adjacency matrix read in
18: }
20: void dijk(int s){
The second part is the actual function which calculates the distances from one node. We already explained the
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52: pair[1]=tmp_pair[1];
53: }
54: }
55: }
56: MPI_Bcast(pair,2,MPI_INT,0,MPI_COMM_WORLD);
57: x=pair[0];
58: D[x]=pair[1];
59: OK[x]=true;
60: for(i=id;i<N;i+=nproc){
61: if(!OK[i] && D[i]>D[x]+G[x][i]){
62: D[i]=D[x]+G[x][i];
63: path[i]=x;
64: }
65: }
66: }
67: }
69: main(int argc, char** argv){
The third part is the int main() function itself. It produces the G[][] adjacency matrix, initializes the MPI
communicator and measures the running time.
We saw that MPI has reduction functions, and we can use one appropriately here as well. This is the
MPI_Reduce and its variants. We need to find a global maximum, not only the value but the index of it as well.
As we need to know which node is to be moved to the ready set, and to find alternate paths through. For this
purpose we can use the MPI_MINLOC operator for the reduction, which finds the smallest value and its index.
(The reader may find the detailed specification in the Appendix.) Also, we would like the output of the
reduction to be presented in all processes, so we may use the MPI_Allreduce function. The part of our code
involved is presented, and we can see the simplification of it.
int dd;
int xx;
} p, tmp_p;
p.dd=tmp; p.xx=x;
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Obviously we make the test-runs with this version as well, but no significant difference in running time was
observed. The reduction functions are easier to write and the program is easier to read, but in most cases there
will be no speed gain.
We present here only the void dijk(int) function, as the other parts are unchanged.
The presented algorithm prescribes two special steps: finding the minimum of all distance values for node that
are not yet done, and decreasing these values if better alternating path is found. These two steps are greatly
dependent on the data structure behind the scenes.[Corm2009] With dense graphs simple array of distance
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values can be used effectively. Our presented solution showed this approach, and our test-runs used dense
graphs. Also for teaching, this solution is the best, as it is the most simple one.
With less dense graphs other data structures should be used, as binary heap (in other name the priority queue),
binomial heap or Fibonacci heap. These data structures have a Extract-Min and a Decrease-Key functions,
which one would use in the implementation of the algorithm in the above mentioned places. The reader should
consult the cited book for more details.
Still, a question arises. If we used an other implementation with, for example, Fibonacci heap, how would the
parallel program differ from the presented one? The answer is simple: not too much. We distributed the nodes to
the processes, so these processes would store only a subset of all nodes. The storage would be the same, in our
case, in a Fibonacci heap. The Extract-Min algorithm obviously should be modified slightly not to extract, but to
look up the minimum value first. Then the reduction to find the overall minimum element would take place the
same way as in our example. The actual extraction should be made only after this. The second part of finding
alternate paths would take place again on the subset of nodes given to each process, and the Decrease-Key
operation will be performed on the nodes where the value of distance was needed to be changed.
8. 8 Graph coloring
Let be a finite simple graph, where is the finite set of nodes and is the set of undirected
edges. There is exactly either one undirected edge or none between two nodes. The edges are not weighted.
We color the nodes of so that each node receives exactly one color and that two nodes cannot have the same
color if they are connected by an edge. This coloring is sometimes called legal or well coloring. A coloring of
the nodes of with colors can be described more formally as a surjective map . Here
we identify the colors with the numbers , respectively.
The level sets of are the so-called color classes of the coloring. The -th color class
consists of all the nodes of that are colored with color . The color classes
form a partition of . Obviously, the coloring is uniquely determined by the color classes
. These partitions are also independent sets of the graph, as the rule of coloring forbids any
adjacent nodes to be in the same color class.
Coloring itself is an NP-hard problem, but there exist some good greedy algorithms. These algorithms may not
find a best coloring, by which we mean coloring with the least possible colors, but can color a graph with colors
close to this number. These greedy algorithms are used as auxiliary algorithms for other problems such as
maximum clique problem. Also some problems are directly solved by a coloring, as some scheduling problems
for example.
For clique search a coloring gives us an upper bound for the clique size, as any node in a clique in the graph
must be colored by different colors, as the nodes of a clique are pairwise adjacent. So any coloring by colors
gives the upper bound for maximum clique size of . Clearly the better the coloring is, so the less colors we
use, the better the upper bound will be. Also, it will speed up the clique search by many-fold times.
As a good coloring is useful in many cases, these greedy algorithms are quite useful. Because of their
usefulness, different types of these algorithms are known, and mostly differ in their running time and goodness
in terms of how many colors they use. Obviously one must choose between fast running time and the better
coloring with less colors. All these algorithms are of good use. For example, for scheduling a much slower
algorithm witch produces less color classes may be useful. For clique problems as auxiliary algorithms the faster
ones are better as they may be called literally million times during a clique search.
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One well known coloring algorithm is the DSATUR algorithm of Daniel Brélaz. This greedy algorithm
produces quite good coloring with moderate color classes while it runs quite fast. Not the fastest one, but close
to it. Because of these properties this algorithm is used in clique search as well as for big scheduling problems of
such size as other algorithms may be not feasible.
• has minimal freedom - that we can put this node into less suitable color classes;
• for equal freedom nodes has maximum saturation - has many neighbours. (This step is debated in the
• open a new class if none is free. (Opening a new color class will increase the freedom of all nodes by one!)
Let us see the program. Beside the main() function we have a couple of other functions assigned to different
The function read_clq reads in the graph form a clq file. This type of file is the edge representation of a graph,
stating the number of nodes and edges in the header, and enumerating the edges as pair of nodes. This type of
file is described by the homepage of DIMACS Implementation Challenges:, and widely used by the scientific graph community.
The write_pbm is a non-standard output form for graph adjacency matrix, as it uses the PBM image format. This
format uses a simplified text to describe the picture. It can be black and white where '1'-s and '0'-s indicate the
white and the black dots - we use this one in this example, which makes the picture format explicitly equivalent
to the adjacency matrix of the graph. The grayscale PBM uses a number between '0' and '255' for gray shade -
and we will use it in the plate heating example. The color PMB format uses triplets of '0' to '255' numbers as
colors - we will use this format for Mandelbrot set pictures.
The reason we would like to use a PBM picture for the colored graph, is that we reorder the nodes by color
classes, so nodes from the same color-class will be next to each other. In this case the coloring may be checked
with eye, as in the adjacency matrix - the picture - we will see boxes without '1'-s around the main diagonal, this
will mean independent sets as no edge will run inside that set. We may even count the boxes and check the
number of colors the coloring used! We cannot stress enough, how important it is to check the results for high
performance computation, as usually the output is also so big, that checking is a problem by itself.
For the above described reorder we use the permutation_color function, which constructs the permutation order
of the nodes according to color classes. The perm vector of ints is used for this purpose, and the testperm
function checks whether the permutation is a correct permutation, e.g. each number appears once and only once.
The permto function is building the adjacency matrix according to these permutations.
Last, the initialize function sets the initial values of the data structures. These data structures we use are the
adjacency matrix (adj[][]); the color classes where for each color class for each node we work out that the node
is in that color class (colors[][]); the free colors where for each node for each color class we work out that the
node can be put in that color class (free_color[][]); the saturation of a node where we collect the number of
neighbours for each node (sat[]); the number of yet free color classes for each node (free[]); the fact if the node
has been already colored (OK[]); and the number of color classes we used (colors). The global variable N
indicates the number of nodes.
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The beginning of the program is the declaration of the global variables and the functions. The main prints out
the usage, or reads in the adjacency matrix from the .clq file if given as a parameter, then it initializes the data
1: #include <iostream>
2: #include <fstream>
3: #include <vector>
4: #include <algorithm>
5: using namespace std;
7: int N;
8: string comment="";
10: bool **adj; // adjacency matrix
11: bool **colors; // color classes
12: bool **free_color; // free color classes of nodes
13: int *sat; // saturation of a node
14: int *free_num; // number of free color classes for nodes
15: bool *OK; // is the node ready
16: int num_color=0;
18: void read_clq(string);
19: void write_pbm(string);
20: void initialize();
21: void permutation_color();
22: void permto();
23: vector<int> perm; // the node list of permutation
24: void testperm();
26: int main(int argc, char **argv){
27: if(argc<2){
28: cerr<<"Usage: "<<argv[0]<<" file.clq"<<endl;
29: exit (1);
30: }
31: int i,j,c,min_free, min_sat, min_id;
32: string file_name(argv[1]);
33: read_clq(file_name);
35: initialize();
The coloring itself is a loop for assign color to each node, so it is executed times. In the loop we first find the
node of smallest freedom, and from those the maximal saturated one. This node, which has the index of min_id
will be colored, so we note this fact in the OK[] array.
The next part is the actual coloring and the updating of the data structures where we count the freedom of a
node, and save the color classes it can be put into. This falls into two categories. The node we color may be of
non freedom, so it cannot be put into any existing color class. In this case, we make a new color class (actually
they were made in the initializing part, we just use it), and put the node into it. Then we increase the freedom for
all not yet colored nodes, and next decrease this freedom for those which are connected. (It can be made in one
step, but we chose to do it in two for a reason to be more clear. It does not effect the running time complexity.)
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In the last step we update the number of color classes. (The num_color variable gives us the number of color
classes while we number the color classes starting with 0. So when we point to the num_color-th color class it
means the next then the last one we yet used. That is why we increase this variable only at the end.)
The other category is when there is a color class into which the node can be put freely. First we find a suitable
color class simply by finding the first free one (denoted by the variable c). We put the node into this color class,
and again, for each neighbour we decrease the freedom of those nodes. decrease the freedom for those nodes
that we have not yet colored, can be put into this color class, and adjacent to the node just been colored.
69: }else{
70: //We put node into an old color class.
71: //find the class:
72: for(c=0;!free_color[min_id][c];++c);
73: colors[c][min_id]=1;
74: //the connected nodes' freedom decreases:
75: for(i=0;i<N;++i){
76: if(!OK[i] && free_color[i][c] && adj[i][min_id]){
77: free_color[i][c]=0;
78: --free_num[i];
79: }
80: }
81: }
82: }
At the end we print out the number of colors we used, construct the permutation according to color classes and
check it, rearrange the adjacency matrix and write out the PBM picture file.
The initialize function sets the number of used colors to 0, the free color classes of all nodes to 0, the nodes
uncolored (OK[]), and zeroes out the color classes and the possible color classes of the nodes. It also counts the
neighbours of all the nodes to use the saturation number later.
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99: sat[i]=sum;
100: free_num[i]=0;
101: OK[i]=0;
102: }
103: for(int i=0;i<N/6;++i)
104: for(int j=0;j<N;++j){
105: colors[i][j]=0;
106: free_color[j][i]=0;
107: }
108: }
The read_clq function apart from reading in the adjacency matrix from the given file also dynamically allocates
memory for all arrays. We cannot do this in other place, as the clq file gives us the value of N, and we have to
allocate memory at least for the adjacency matrix after it but before reading in the values. For color classes we
hope that there will be maximum of of them.
The clq file numerates the edges from number 1, while we index the arrays from 0, hence the shifts x-1 and y-1
in the end.
The function write_pbm simply writes out the adjacency matrix' '0'-s and '1'-s to the pbm file.
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The permutation_colors function sums the number of nodes in all color classes, and then finds the biggest
number, pushes it into a vector and zeroes it out till all color classes are done.
The permto function constructs a new adjacency matrix from a given permutation (the vector perm).
And the last function, test_perm, checks whether a permutation is correct, which means that each number occurs
in it once and only once.
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Introduction to MPI by examples
217: sum=0;
218: for(int j=0;j<N;++j)
219: if(perm[j]==i) ++sum;
220: if(sum!=1){
221: cerr<<"Wrong permutation!!"<<endl;
222: exit (1);
223: }
224: }
225: }
The problem of parallelization is quite similar to the previous chapter's Dijkstra's algorithm. There is no clear
parallelization, but again we can do a task parallelization distributing the nodes between the processes. The
coloring of the nodes will be done by every process for each node, but the administration of the free colors and
the freedom of colors will be done by each process only to a partition of the nodes that are assigned to them.
The first step, finding the node of minimal freedom, first made locally from those nodes that assigned, and for
which the process have right information. Then by reducing local minimums we get a global minimum. This
node is to be colored, this step is to be made by all processes. Then only the assigned nodes' information is
We will use block scheduling for which we have two reasons. First, the distribution of nodes is quite indifferent
for a graph as the nodes can be enumerated in any order, so we are free to chose any distribution. As in the
previous example we used loop splitting, here we will use block scheduling. Dynamic scheduling cannot be
really used in this example. Second, there are two aims of parallelizing such an algorithm: reduction of running
time and to be able to deal with bigger problems as a distributed algorithm can be constructed to use only a
fraction of memory, as it may store only part of the information. Graph algorithms can be used for really huge
graph instances, where memory limit can be a question. In this case we only need to send a part of a graph to a
process, where block scheduling is quite useful, as sending by blocks is much easier.
Actually our program is not built this way to simplify it and differentiate it from the sequential program as little
as possible. But for huge graphs one perhaps need to rewrite the program according to the previous notes.
Most of the functions and data are the same with two exceptions. The adjacency matrix is constructed in a bit
tricky way. For being sent in one block the matrix needs to be in continuous memory space, so it is allocated in
one big array and pointers of the adj array will point to different parts. Thus we have a one dimensional array to
which we still can refer as a two dimensional array. The second difference is a new function, the memory_init,
which we need for the following reason: The master process which reads in the clq file, must allocate memory at
points different from the other processes, which can allocate memory only after they notified about the value of
N. The other functions remain the same, so we will not show them again here.
The program starts the same way, in the main function the MPI framework is started, and the master process (
) reads in the clq file.
1: #include <iostream>
2: #include <fstream>
3: #include <vector>
4: #include <algorithm>
5: #include <mpi.h>
6: using namespace std;
8: int N;
9: string comment="";
11: char **adj; // adjacency matrix
12: char *adj_matrix; // actual store
13: bool **colors; // color classes
14: bool **free_color; // free color classes of nodes
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Introduction to MPI by examples
After the master process reads in the clq file he will know the value of , so it can be broadcast to all other
processes. Only after this point, the memory allocation can be made by the slaves, so for all slave processes
(id!=0) we call the memory_init function. As we are going to construct a block scheduling, we need to calculate
the startval and the endval, which two variables will define the block of nodes for each process. The whole
adjacency matrix is broadcast and the initialization function is called. Note that the broadcast of the adjacency
matrix is done through the actual one dimensional array. We also need to mention here that instead of bool
values we used char-s because of the openmpi framework we use. The present openmpi program supports only
MPI 2.2 version and no bool data type is available yet for MPI communication.
For more complex program we only need to send the matrix for a block or rather band between the startval and
endval nodes. As the program is rather complicated we decided to skip this part and broadcast the whole matrix
for the sake of simplicity.
The actual coloring starts. Similarly to the sequential program in loop we color all the nodes. First we find
the node with minimal freedom and among similar ones the one with biggest saturation.
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Introduction to MPI by examples
66: for(i=startval;i<endval;++i)
67: if(!OK[i] && (min_free>free_num[i] ||
68: min_free==free_num[i] && sat[i]<min_sat)){
69: min_free=free_num[i];
70: min_sat=sat[i];
71: min_id=i;
72: }
As for the previous problem of shortest paths we make a minimum location reduction of the local minimums.
We construct a structure of the node number (min_id) and of its freedom value (min_free). Then we perform an
Allreduce for minimum location, so all the processes will be given the and the of the global
minimum . Actually we cheat a little, as for equal freedom values we should look for the maximum
saturation by the original algorithm. We do it for the local minimums, but not so for the global one. So it is
performed partially. It could have been done the way we did for the first version of shortest paths with sending
to the master alongside the local -s and local the saturation values as well, and let the master
choose 'manually' from them according exactly to the algorithm. That would complicate the program slightly,
and we aim for simplicity. Apart from this we already mentioned that the choosing of maximal saturation is
debated to have real impact for the result of the algorithm. So choosing this minimum location seemed a good
74: struct{
75: int free;
76: int id;
77: } p, tmp_p;
80: //not optimal,
81: //we would've need to look for minimum of free and sat together
82: MPI_Allreduce(&p, &tmp_p, 1, MPI_2INT, MPI_MINLOC, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
The update of the information we store about nodes (freedom, and which color class they can be put into) is
quite similar to the sequential program. First if the node we color cannot be put into any color class (its freedom
is zero), then we open a new color class, and put the node into it. Note that the fact of the freedom being zero is
known by all processes, so all the processes will put the node into a new color class. Again we increase the
freedom number of all nodes and then decrease them if they are neighbours. The difference from the sequential
program is that the loops run from to as we do block scheduling, and update only
information of those nodes that assigned to this process.
The other case is when the node to be colored can be placed into an existing color class. This case is a little
more complex, as only the process to which this node is assigned can know the exact color class the node will
be placed into. So first we must find the process which 'has' the node - we run a simple loop and use the same
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Introduction to MPI by examples
equation as we counted the and . The resulting process number will be stored in the variable
id_from and it is known by every process because of the parallel computation by the loop. Then only the process
in charge of this node (id==id_from) calculates the color class, which value (c)is broadcast to all processes. The
following program code is the same as the sequential one except from the block scheduling of the loops that run
from to .
106: }else{
107: //We put node into an old color class.
108: //find the class:
109: int id_from;
110: for(id_from=0;id_from<nproc;++id_from)
111: if(N*id_from/nproc<=min_id && min_id<N*(id_from+1)/nproc) break;
112: if(id==id_from)
113: for(c=0;!free_color[min_id][c];++c);
114: MPI_Bcast(&c, 1, MPI_INT, id_from, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
115: colors[c][min_id]=1;
116: //the connected nodes' freedom decreases:
117: for(i=startval;i<endval;++i){
118: if(!OK[i] && free_color[i][c] && adj[i][min_id]){
119: free_color[i][c]=0;
120: --free_num[i];
121: }
122: }
123: }
124: }
In the end of the main we print out the number of color classes (we do it with all processes for testing purposes
to see whether they did it all right), and the master process does the permutation by color classes and calls the
write_pbm function to write out the PMB picture. The Finalize is called at the end to close the MPI framework.
The the new memory_init function we wrote, will allocate the memory for data structures. It also makes the
trick of allocating one dimensional array for the storage of adjacency matrix (adj_matrix) and making the
pointers of the adj point to the proper parts of it to make it accessible through the adj matrix as a two
dimensional array.
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Introduction to MPI by examples
The read_clq differs only in that we take out the memory allocation from it to be placed in the memory_init, so
we call that function instead of the memory allocations.
1: #include <iostream>
2: #include <fstream>
3: #include <vector>
4: #include <algorithm>
5: #include <mpi.h>
6: using namespace std;
8: int N;
9: string comment="";
11: char **adj; // adjacency matrix
12: char *adj_matrix; // actual store
13: bool **colors; // color classes
14: bool **free_color; // free color classes of nodes
15: int *sat; // saturation of a node
16: int *free_num; // number of free color classes for nodes
17: bool *OK; // is the node ready
18: int num_color=0;
20: void read_clq(string);
21: void write_pbm(string);
22: void initialize();
23: void memory_init();
24: void permutation_color();
25: void permto();
26: vector<int> perm; // the node list of permutation
27: void testperm();
29: int main(int argc, char **argv){
30: int i,j,c,min_free, min_sat, min_id;
31: int id, nproc, id_from;
32: int startval, endval, sv, ev;
33: if(argc<2){
34: cerr<<"Usage: "<<argv[0]<<" file.clq"<<endl;
35: exit (1);
36: }
37: string file_name(argv[1]);
39: MPI_Status status;
40: // Initialize MPI:
41: MPI_Init(&argc, &argv);
42: // Get my rank:
43: MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &id);
44: // Get the total number of processors:
45: MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &nproc);
47: if(id == 0){
48: read_clq(file_name);
49: }
50: MPI_Bcast(&N, 1, MPI_INT, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
51: if(id!=0)
52: memory_init();
53: startval = N*id/nproc;
54: endval = N*(id+1)/nproc;
56: MPI_Bcast(adj_matrix, N*N, MPI_CHAR, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
58: initialize();
60: //we color N nodes each after other:
61: for(int v=0;v<N;++v){
62: min_free=N;
63: min_sat=N;
64: min_id=-1;
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Introduction to MPI by examples
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Introduction to MPI by examples
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Introduction to MPI by examples
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Introduction to MPI by examples
We would like to demonstrate our ptogram with two examples. We conwerted the original clq file to a picture
file of the adjacency matrix and we show the reordered by color classes picture of the same graphs. The two
graphs are from the above mentioned DIMACS challenge graph set, and represent the problem of Keller's
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In this section we would like to point out the advantages of the presented solution. As we already mentioned
with the help of parallel programs we can overcome two barriers: memory and time limits.
Such parallel programs that use distributed memory can be used to color much larger graphs. The parallel
program will be able to use literally hundred gigabytes of memory even if one uses a classroom of PCs. One
such example would be edge coloring as proposed in the article by Sandor Szabo.[Szab2012a] Edge coloring of
this type is equvivalent of node coloring of a derived graph, where each edge is represented by a node. The
parallel program is able to color edges of graphs where there are 200 000-2 000 000 (two million) nodes in the
derived graph. This method of DSATUR coloring of edges resulted better optimum than node coloring of the
same graph. Computations of this size can only be performed with parallel computation in reasonable time
limits, as the coloring of biggest graphs take hours even with 100 processors.
The other aim is obviously faster computation. Some type of node colorings require much more computation for
decision if a node can be put into a color class or not. An example of this coloring is the -clique free coloring
presented in the article of Sandor Szabo and Bogdan Zavalnij.[Szab2012b] Again, with beeing bigger and
bigger the computational demand of this problem quickly becomes infeasible a stand alone computer. So only
parallel programs can solve the problem.
In this chapter we will discuss the possibilities of solving system of linear equations with the aim of parallel
programming. Systems of linear equations are used in several scientific and engineering problems, and
numerical algorithms are used most frequently to solve these problems. They are used in differential equation
solvers and for optimization problems as well. One of the possible solution for this problem is the Gaussian
elimination, or as sometimes referred, the Gauss-Jordan elimination. We will use this algorithm in this chapter.
The modern era high performance computing quite usually concentrate on this problem. Actually, the nowadays
de facto standard for supercomputing is the LINPACK Benchmark, whose aim is "to solve a dense system of
linear equations". This very benchmark is used by the most famous supercomputer site, the TOP500 list
In our book we do not wish to compete with the modern serial and parallel implementations of this problem but,
nevertheless, would like to show, as a good example, the possibilities of the parallelization of the Gaussian
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The problem is to solve a set of simultaneous algebraic equations. We will present a basic algorithm and
describe a simple parallelization. The set of simultaneous equations is:
We know initially the values of and , and the problem is to solve the equations for .
where is the matrix with elements , is the vector of unknowns with elements
and is the vector of known constants . We will first describe the general
algorithm for solving the set of equations and provide an illustrative example. Then we will present a serial
program for the algorithm and a parallel version.
To simplify the problem it is most efficient to incorporate the vector into the array , so that has rows
and columns. Let
We will discuss the reason for writing the equations in this manner after the algorithm is described.
There are two steps in the algorithm: first is the elimination step, and the second is the back-substitution step. To
illustrate the elimination step, consider the set of three simultaneous equations:
In matrix form:
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First, we eliminate from two of the equations. We choose the second equation to remain in it, because the
coefficient of has the biggest absolute magnitude in it. For the purpose of elimination the coefficients
of that equation from which is not eliminated should be divided by the coefficient of in that equation.
The equations are usually reordered, so the equation from which is not eliminated appear at the top. The
reordered equations are:
In matrix form:
Now eliminate from all but equation (9.2). Equation (9.2) called the pivot equation and the coefficient of
in it called the pivot element. We must multiply the first equation by , that is the negative of the ratio of
coefficients of in that equation, and add this equation to the equation (9.2). So after multiplying these
equations become:
In matrix form:
We repeat the procedure, this time multiplying (9.2) by and adding the result to (9.2). The resulting set of
In matrix form:
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Next we would like to eliminate from one of the equations (9.2) or (9.2). As equation (9.2) has the larger
absolute coefficient of we will eliminate from the equation (9.2), and equation (9.2) will be the pivot
equation. We multiply this equation by and add the resulting equation to (9.2). This gives
In matrix form:
This completes the elimination phase. The last equation (9.2) has only one unknown.
At the end of the elimination step, the set of equations can be written in the form
where for row all if . Thus for equation (row ) all variables have been
eliminated. It is this elimination step which accounts for the name of the algorithm: Gaussian elimination.
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In the second phase we solve the equations 9.2. As the last, th row has only one unknown, namely , it can
be directly computed. Afterwards, the calculated value of can be substituted into the previous equations in
the st- th rows. Then, since we substituted the value of into the equation of the th row,
there is only one unknown left, the . So now, we can directly calculate the value of from the
equation of the th row. And we do so with all the equations from the bottom to the top. This phase is
called the back substitution because we are calculating a value of an unknown and substituting it back to the
remaining equations above.
The back substitution can be demonstrated by solving the equations 9.2-9.2 in our example. First, we calculate
from 9.2, which gives
In the back substitution step we substitute the calculated value of into these equations, and get
The equation 9.3 has only one unknown left, the , which gives
In the header part we declare the matrix and the solution vector x. The constant N specifies the size of the
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Introduction to MPI by examples
1: #include <iostream>
2: #include <algorithm>
3: #include <math.h>
4: #include <iomanip>
5: using namespace std;
7: const int N=8;
8: double Ab[N][N+1];
9: //the A matrix and the b column
10: //the N-th column is the -b values
12: double oriAb[N][N+1]; //original Matrix Ab for testing the solution
13: double x[N]={0}; //the solution vector
15: void PrintMatrix();
16: void SetMatrix();
17: void TestSolution();
19: int main(){
The int main() function, which does the calculation itself. The first part sets up the problem, the last part
substitutes back the solution to the original problem. The three steps are the pivoting, the elimination - these are
done in a for loop; and the back substitution. The actual matrix with the elements are displayed at each
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Introduction to MPI by examples
63: for(jrow=0;jrow<irow;++jrow){
64: Ab[jrow][N] += x[irow] * Ab[jrow][irow];
65: Ab[jrow][irow]=0;
66: }
67: }
69: te=clock();
70: cout<<"time elapsed: "<<difftime(te,ts)/CLOCKS_PER_SEC<<endl;
72: //the solution matrix:
73: PrintMatrix();
74: TestSolution();
75: }
77: void SetMatrix(){
The function of setting up fills in the matrix with random elements. In this case positive values from 0 to 9 is
chosen. For a realistic case one would better use something like: (double)rand()/rand() which would give us
floating point numbers with uneven distribution more likely to be in the range 0 to 1. As we will see small
absolute values could cause problem to the algorithm if no pivoting is used.
The printing function prints the matrix and the values of x. If the matrix is too big we would not like it to be
The testing function tests the solution by substiting back the values of to the original problem. We display the
difference of the sum of the row and the value of in 20 digit precision, to see the round off errors as well. The
function alerts us if the difference is too big, which would mean a possible error in the algorithm.
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The problem is especially problematic and calculation intense. It can be seen that the three nested for-loops will
cause the running time be the magnitude of . In fact a decent modern computer will solve a dense
equation system of size , that means 10 000 equations and variables in about 10-30 minutes
depending on the computer. This demonstrates the need for parallelization.
For the purpose of parallelization we need to distribute the work between more processes. The two steps of the
algorithm - the elimination with pivoting and the back substitution - are clearly not equivalent in time
complexity. The back substitution has , while the elimination has complexity. This means that
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there is little use in writing a parallel program for the back substitution as the other part dominates the running
The distribution of the work may be done by assigning each process to some of the rows, as elimination will be
made between the pivot row and all the other rows. So the processes will make the elimination on some of the
rows, which are assigned to them. This leads us to four problems.
First, when we need to interchange the 'next' row with the pivot row - the pivoting step. In some cases the
interchange will be done between rows assigned to the same process, in other cases between rows assigned to
different processes. In both cases we will need to find the maximum pivot element and the process to which it is
assigned. Also, in the latter case we will need some interprocess communication for interchanging where we can
use the just calculated process ids.
Second, we need to distribute the pivot row. This can be done easyly with an MPI_Bcast.
Third, we need to distribute the rows for even work. This problem is a little tricky. If we use block scheduling,
then from the processes the process to which the first, say part of the rows assigned will finish its work
very soon, in time, and will have no work in the future. This scheduling is clearly unefficient. We cannot
either use dynamic scheduling, as the rows from which the pivot row should be substracted must be present at
the process memory, that means scheduling the rows in prior. The third option is the loop splitting. Let us
remind of the main loop of the elimination:
48: t=-1.0/Ab[irow][irow];
49: for(jrow=irow+1;jrow<N;++jrow){
50: amul=Ab[jrow][irow] * t;
51: //elimination of the row
52: for(j=irow;j<N+1;++j)
53: Ab[jrow][j] += amul * Ab[irow][j];
54: }
for(jrow=irow+1+id;jrow<N;jrow += nproc){
amul=Ab[jrow][irow] * t;
//elimination of the row
Ab[jrow][j] += amul * Ab[irow][j];
But actually this will lead us to a problem. Depending on the value of irow there will be different rows assigned
to one process. We can show it in a small table, where and the number of rows is . We indicate
the row numbers assigned to different processes:
Although the distribution is even, the rows assigned to one process differ from one loop to another. Which
means interchanging the values of the rows at the beginning of each loop, that would cause intolerable time
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delay. (The same problem arises with the implementation of Gaussian elimination on shared memory systems,
where this loop splitting scheme would lead to inefficient cache usage, and one needs to deal with it the same
way as described below.)
In order to make the loop assign the same rows to the same process in different runs we reorder the inner loop
This is the same loop, just in decreasing order. This one can be loop split in usual way:
98: for(jrow=N-1-id;jrow>=irow+1;jrow-=nproc){
99: amul=Ab[jrow][irow] * t;
100: //elimination of the row
101: for(j=irow;j<N+1;++j)
102: Ab[jrow][j] += amul * Ab[irow][j];
103: }
104: }
The main difference is the assigned rows. Let us show the previous table with this scheduling. The gain is
obvious, as we assign the same rows to the same processes at each loop:
The fourth and last problem is to collect the 'ready' rows by the master process that will perform the back
substitution. Note, that during the elimination step in the beginning of each loop the pivot row was broadcasted,
and this pivot row at that time was already 'ready'. So if the master process do not throw out the broadcasted
pivot rows, but instead saves them, at the end it will have the upper triangular matrix ready. Obviously this
means more intensive memory usage, as if the processes - including the master - save only the rows assigned to
them. In that case at the end the master would need to collect this data. We, in our example, followed the
simpler way, and let all the processes save the whole matrix, and update only those rows, that assigned to that
very process. Also, this version is closer to the original program, as we will store the broadcasted pivot row in
its own place, and can modify the program as little as possible. It does not only help to understand the parallel
program better, but also helps us to construct a correct program. Do not forget that constructing a correct
program is more important than gaining a few percent of running time even in High Performance Computing.
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After the previous considerations we present the program itself. As the called functions are absolutely the same
as in the serial program, we will not show them again, but only the main function. In the beginning we have the
declaration of variables, the usual starting of MPI framework, and for the master process (id==0) we start the
measurement of time, construct the matrix, print it, and broadcast it to all other processes.
Next, in the main loop for irow we first must do the pivoting. For this purpose we need to find out which
process has the pivot row, and store this in variable id_from. Before this process broadcasts the pivot row, we
need to find and interchange the right pivot row with the next row. For this purpose the, id_from process
broadcasts the absolute value of the pivot element.
43: for(irow=0;irow<N-1;++irow){
45: //the thread who has the next row to eliminate
46: //he will broadcast this row to all others
47: id_from=(N-1-irow)%nproc;
49: //pivoting step
50: jmax=irow;
51: item_max=fabs(Ab[irow][irow]);
52: MPI_Bcast(&item_max, 1, MPI_DOUBLE, id_from, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
Then the processes find the local maximum, and with MAXLOC reduction, already described in previous
chapters, we find the global maximum absolute value pivot element, and the number of its row, and the ID of
the process which have this row that will be stored in variable id_to.
54: for(jrow=N-1-id;jrow>=irow+1;jrow-=nproc)
55: if(fabs(Ab[jrow][irow])>item_max){
56: jmax=jrow;
57: item_max=fabs(Ab[jrow][irow]);
58: }
59: //interchange the rows, if necessary
60: struct{
61: double item;
62: int row;
63: } p, tmp_p;
64: p.item=item_max; p.row=jmax;
65: MPI_Allreduce(&p, &tmp_p, 1, MPI_DOUBLE_INT, MPI_MAXLOC, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
66: jmax=tmp_p.row;
67: //the rank of the other slave with whom the pivot must be exchanged:
68: id_to=(N-1-jmax)%nproc;
If the two rows must be interchanged at the same process, we do the same as in the sequential program:
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If the two rows in question reside at different processes, then we need to interchange them by message passing.
The process id_to copies the pivot row to row irow, then sends it to the other process. The process id_from
saves the irow row to the place of the found pivot row, receives the irow-th row from the other process, and
sends back the saved row. Thus the two rows interchanged at both processes.
After the necessary interchange the pivot row is broadcasted to all processes, and the processes perform the
elimination on rows assigned to them. This ends the elimination loop.
At the end the master process prints the upper triangular matrix and performes the back substitution the same
way as in the sequential program. Finaly, the measured execution time is printed with the substituted matrix. We
also check the solution here. The MPI_Finalize() call ends the MPI framework.
106: if(id==0){
107: cout<<"The upper triangular matrix:"<<endl;
108: PrintMatrix();
110: //back substitution step
111: for(irow=N-1;irow>=0;--irow){
112: x[irow]= - Ab[irow][N]/Ab[irow][irow];
113: for(jrow=0;jrow<irow;++jrow){
114: Ab[jrow][N] += x[irow] * Ab[jrow][irow];
115: Ab[jrow][irow]=0;
116: }
117: }
118: te=MPI_Wtime();
119: cout<<"time elapsed: "<<te-ts<<endl;
121: cout<<"The solution matrix:"<<endl;
122: PrintMatrix();
123: TestSolution();
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124: }
126: // Terminate MPI:
127: MPI_Finalize();
128: }
1: #include <iostream>
2: #include <algorithm>
3: #include <math.h>
4: #include <iomanip>
5: #include <mpi.h>
6: using namespace std;
8: const int N=8000;
9: double Ab[N][N+1];
10: //the A matrix and the b column
11: //the N-th column is the -b values
13: double oriAb[N][N+1]; //original Matrix Ab for testing the solution
14: double x[N]={0}; //the solution vector
16: void PrintMatrix();
17: void SetMatrix();
18: void TestSolution();
20: int main(int argc, char **argv){
21: int id, nproc, id_from, id_to;
22: MPI_Status status;
23: // Initialize MPI:
24: MPI_Init(&argc, &argv);
25: // Get my rank:
26: MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &id);
27: // Get the total number of processors:
28: MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &nproc);
30: int irow,jrow, i,j, jmax;
31: double t, amul, item, item_max;
32: time_t ts, te;
34: if(id==0){
35: SetMatrix();
36: cout<<"The original matrix:"<<endl;
37: PrintMatrix();
39: ts=MPI_Wtime();
40: }
41: MPI_Bcast(Ab, N*(N+1), MPI_DOUBLE, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
43: for(irow=0;irow<N-1;++irow){
45: //the thread who has the next row to eliminate
46: //he will broadcast this row to all others
47: id_from=(N-1-irow)%nproc;
49: //pivoting step
50: jmax=irow;
51: item_max=fabs(Ab[irow][irow]);
52: MPI_Bcast(&item_max, 1, MPI_DOUBLE, id_from, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
54: for(jrow=N-1-id;jrow>=irow+1;jrow-=nproc)
55: if(fabs(Ab[jrow][irow])>item_max){
56: jmax=jrow;
57: item_max=fabs(Ab[jrow][irow]);
58: }
59: //interchange the rows, if necessary
60: struct{
61: double item;
62: int row;
63: } p, tmp_p;
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Introduction to MPI by examples
136: }
138: void PrintMatrix(){
139: //Beware, the precision is set to one digit!
140: //Remember this when checkning visually.
141: int i,j;
142: if(N>20){cout<<"Too big to display!"<<endl;return;}
143: cout.precision(1);
144: for(i=0;i<N+1;++i)cout<<"------";
145: cout<<fixed<<"-----"<<endl;
146: for(i=0;i<N;++i){
147: cout<<"| ";
148: for(j=0;j<N;++j)
149: cout<<setw(5)<<Ab[i][j]<<" ";
150: cout<<"| "<<setw(5)<<Ab[i][j];
151: cout<<" | x["<<setw(2)<<i<<"] = "<<setw(5)<<x[i]<<endl;
152: }
153: for(i=0;i<N+1;++i)cout<<"------";
154: cout<<"-----"<<endl;
155: }
157: void TestSolution(){
158: int i,j;
159: double diff, sum;
160: cout.precision(20);
161: for(i=0;i<N;++i){
162: sum=0;
163: for(j=0;j<N;++j)
164: sum += x[j] * oriAb[i][j];
165: diff=sum+oriAb[i][N];
166: if(diff>0.0001 || diff<-0.0001)
167: cout<<"ERROR! "<<sum<<" ~ "<<oriAb[i][N]<<", diff:"<<diff<<endl;
168: if(N<50){
169: cout<<setw(4)<<sum<<" ~ "<<setw(4)<<oriAb[i][N];
170: cout<<", diff:"<<setw(4)<<fixed<<diff<<endl;
171: }
172: }
173: }
We measured the running times for 10 000 variables and equations on the two supercomputers.
As one can see there is a moderate speed-up, which has its limits. For larger problems the speed-up would be
greater, as elimination would take up more time than communication. Though we make too much
communication altogether. One may think that the interchanging step at the beginning of each loop is taking too
long time, so we measured the same program without the pivot interchanging step as well.
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Clearly the speed-ups are a little better, but still not too bright. Clearly, broadcasting the entire row at the
beginning of each loop takes up too much time.
It is possible to reconstruct the the program, that way much less message exchanges are required. In this case we
need to assign the processes not rows but columns, as elimination is always done between elements of the same
column. There still must be some communication, as for the interchange of the pivot row one process must tell
the others which rows must be interchanged, but after this all work can be done locally. Obviously we also need
to deal with the fourth problem of collecting the data to the master process. Such modification of the program
can be a good assignment for learning purposes.
When we chose the pivot element, we always chose from the coefficients the one with the biggest absolute
value. This equation we called the pivot equation and we called this coefficient the pivot element. Then we
interchanged the equations, so that the pivot equation should be the next one in the procedure.
There are two reasons for choosing such pivot element. First reason is that we must multiply the pivot ( th)
equation before adding it to the th equation with the constant . This constant can be
calculated only if is not equal to zero. There are two possibilities. If there is at least one co-efficient of
which is not zero, than choosing the pivot being the biggest absolute value will choose a co-efficient
different from zero, and save us from division by zero. If there is no such co-efficient, than the system of
equations cannot be solved explicitly, because there are less equations defining than there should be.
(Because of this phenomenon and aim of simplicity we didn't check this possibility in our program. Obviously
the proper program should deal with such case.)
The second reason is that in the Gaussian elimination one would desire to improve the numerical stability. The
following system is dramatically affected by round-off error when Gaussian elimination and backwards
substitution are performed.
In matrix form:
This system has the exact solution of and , but when the elimination algorithm and
backwards substitution are performed using four-digit arithmetic, the small value of causes small round-
off errors to be propagated. The algorithm without pivoting yields the approximation of and
. In this case it is desirable that we interchange the two rows so that is in the pivot position, as it
has the bigger absolute value.
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In matrix form:
Considering this system, the elimination algorithm and backwards substitution using four-digit arithmetic yield
the correct values and .
A further good example for parallelization is the heated plate model. Let's consider a plate of a certain
size. We would like to model the thermal energy propagation in a time when we heat one edge of the plate. For
our example, ideal assumptions can be made, so the density of the plate is uniform, the heat propagation
parameters of the material are also uniform, the insulation at the edges is perfect, etc.. An analytical solution
would be to solve the two dimensional heat equation, where the new temperature is calculated with the help of
the Laplacian operator and the current temperature. According to our ideal assumptions and the basic model, we
can give a numerical solution to this problem as well. This solution is an iterative calculation, where actual heat
values are used for calculating new heat values. The main idea is very simple. We can model the heat
propagation by going through all points and averaging the heat value of surrounding points. This average will be
the new heat value for the actual point.
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If we talk about an image, this method would give some sort of blur effect. Since one edge (or some pixels at the
edge) is heated, its value will be constant, thus, this input energy will propagate inside the plate. If we run the
iteration long enough, the value of the heated edge would reach all points of the plate. Under real conditions we
should consider the leaking of the heat to the environment, but in our model we ignore this. We don't need to get
too many surrounding points to get good results. Actually, it is enough to use the upper, lower, right and left
neighbours of all points (at the edges, we leave out the corresponding non-existing neighbours). We have to run
the iteration until we reach the appropriate condition. This could be a given small measure of change, thus we
stop when change decreases below a given level. The condition could be also a given heat value at a given
position. For our example, we will use a simple fixed length iteration so we won't loose focus on our
parallelization problem.
For the averaging calculation we have to go through all points of the array. At every point, we have to use its
neighbours. For that we have to define two arrays with the dimensions of and . One array stores the actual
point-wise heat values of the plate, and the other will store the new, calculated values. This is necessary,
because in every time-step, we need more of the original values to be able to calculate several of the new ones,
so we are not allowed to overwrite actual values during calculation. After we are done with all points, we can
copy the new values to the actual array and begin a new iteration. Special cases are the edges, where only three
neighbours are present, and the corners, where only two neighbours have to be considered.
The high number of points we work with suggests that parallelization would speed up the calculation. Since
every point needs values from its small neighbourhood, it seems to be appropriate to share the work between
parallelly working nodes.
The parallel version seems to be straightforward. We have to cut our plate into slices. Every slice will be
processed by a dedicated working node. However, there are some issues we need to consider before we start.
The first question could be: how should we split the data between working nodes? We should give continuous
blocks, since we have to work with horizontal and vertical neighbours. It is also evident, that we should give
only whole lines to the workers, otherwise data exchange would become pretty complicated. But how many
lines should one node work on? If the number of lines is divisible by working nodes, we just have to hand out
equal numbers of lines to each node. If it is not, then we have further options. One option could be, that we do
not use all of our free nodes, just as many as we need to divide the number of lines without a residual. It can be a
big waste, if we have some nodes, e.g. 7 and we have to drop out 2 or 3. But why should we drop any nodes?
We could hand out the residual lines for nodes, to make the extra work. The speed will depend on the slowest
node, so we have to try for an equal distribution of workload. In general, mapping should be carefully planned
depending on the characteristics of the work. Mapping can affect speed, so at parallelization, it is a key question
of efficiency. Static mapping techniques do the mapping before the main algorithm runs. Dynamic mapping
techniques do this during the execution of the main algorithm. For this example, we choose a static mapping
technique, where static sets of data are distributed between working nodes.
For every point, we need its neighbours to calculate the new heat value. Since we distributed whole lines for the
working nodes, the right and left neighbours are at hand for any working node. However, the upper neighbours
of our first line or the bottom neighbours of our last line are at different nodes, so we have to collect them after
every iteration step to get the new heat values required for the next iteration step. If one working node has the
first lines of all, it has to collect the line for the next calculation from it's bottom neighbour node.
Middle position working nodes need to do the same with the line before their first lines too. These lines gathered
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from neighbour nodes are often called "ghost lines", because they are only virtually present and have to be
updated through inter-nodal communication.
This section shows a simple plate heating simulation code implemented in C++ according the above guidelines
and ideas.
The first lines are libraries which are necessary for functions for I/O operations, mathematical calculations and
for being able to use the vector type. This latter adds the convenience of dynamic length over normal arrays.
After this section we define some constant values. X, Y are the dimensions of our plate in points, thus in our
model we use an array to represent the plate. The heatp value represents the temperature level of our heated
points. The iter_n constant shows how many iterations will be made and the speed constant tunes the speed of
the heat propagation, thus representing a multiplying parameter at the averaging.
The actual and new heat values are stored in the old_array and new_array arrays.
1: #include <iostream>
2: #include <fstream>
3: #include <sstream>
4: #include <math.h>
5: #include <vector>
7: using namespace std;
8: const int X=60;
9: const int Y=60;
10: const double heatp=100;
11: const int iter_n=300;
12: const double speed=1;
14: double old_array[X][Y] = {0};
15: double new_array[X][Y] = {0};
The iteration() function calculates the the new values of the new_array() array from the old_array() values for
every point. The calculation runs in an embedded iteration between 0- and 0- .
After calculating the new values, they are copied back to the old_array() To keep the heating value at a constant
rate, we change the heat value of three of the upper left points to the constant value heatp.
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39: {
40: new_array[i][j] = ( old_array[i][j-1] + old_array[i][j+1] +
old_array[i+1][j] ) / 3 * speed;
41: }
42: // if at bottom edge
43: if( j==Y-1 && i>0 && i<X-1 )
44: {
45: new_array[i][j] = ( old_array[i-1][j] + old_array[i+1][j] + old_array[i][j-
1] ) / 3 * speed;
46: }
47: // if at left edge
48: if( i==X-1 && j>0 && j<Y-1 )
49: {
50: new_array[i][j] = ( old_array[i][j-1] + old_array[i][j+1] + old_array[i-
1][j] ) / 3 * speed;
51: }
52: // we have to handle the four squares
53: if( i==0 && j==0)
54: {
55: new_array[i][j]=(old_array[i+1][j]+old_array[i][j+1] ) / 2 * speed;
56: }
57: if( i==0 && j==Y-1)
58: {
59: new_array[i][j]=(old_array[i+1][j]+old_array[i][j-1] ) / 2 * speed;
60: }
61: if( i==X-1 && j==0)
62: {
63: new_array[i][j]=(old_array[i-1][j]+old_array[i][j+1] ) / 2 * speed;
64: }
65: if( i==X-1 && j==Y-1)
66: {
67: new_array[i][j]=(old_array[i-1][j]+old_array[i][j-1] ) / 2 * speed;
68: }
69: }
70: }
72: for(i=0;i<X;i++)
73: {
74: for(j=0;j<Y;j++)
75: {
76: old_array[i][j]=new_array[i][j];
77: }
78: }
79: old_array[0][0] = heatp; // heated points
80: old_array[0][1] = heatp;
81: old_array[1][0] = heatp;
83: }
The main() function consists of file output and is running the iteration() function. First, we open a file handle
(myfile) for writing the output to a PPM file. At the start, we add some preliminary heat value to the plate points
and a heated value to the left corner.
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The iteration will run from 0 to . At every step, we run the iteration() function to calculate the whole
surface of the plate. After every iteration, we write the actual heat state out into a file to be able to investigate
the heat propagation. The file-name will be "plate_XXX" where XXX are numbers from 0 to .
Since the PPM format needs the RGB pixel data to be written as triads of decimal numbers, we have to go
through the new_array array (at this state, the two arrays are the same) to get the actual heat value. This heat
value has to be written to all the R,G,B components, resulting in a grey-scale PPM image at the end.
The result will be a series of PPM files with the transient states of the heat propagation.
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In this section we will show a parallelized version of the plate heating model. As discussed above, the
parallelization is done by sharing the array, representing the plate, between working nodes. For this, we have to
count our working nodes and distribute the data among them.
The first include lines are similar to the serial code, we have only one extra line, the mpi.h library, which we
need for the mpi functions. The constants are also the same, though we had to define some extra variables. The
FROM and TO variables will define the unique starting and ending lines to be worked with for every working
node. The world_rank and world_size variables will contain the serial number and the number of working
1: #include <mpi.h>
2: #include <iostream>
3: #include <fstream>
4: #include <sstream>
5: #include <math.h>
6: #include <vector>
8: using namespace std;
9: const int X=800; //683;
10: const int Y=800; //384;
11: const double heatp=400;
12: const int iter_n=1600;
13: int FROM=0;
14: int TO=0;
16: double old_array[X][Y] = {0};
17: double new_array[X][Y] = {0};
19: int world_rank;
20: int world_size;
The iteration() function is very similar to the serial one, except for that this time, we need some extra
parameters. The i_from and i_to parameters will adjust which lines to process. This is necessary, because
different working nodes will work on different set of lines.
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23: {
24: int i=0;
25: int j=0;
27: for(i=i_from;i<i_to;i++)
28: {
29: for(j=0;j<Y;j++)
30: {
31: // If its not at an edge
32: if( i>0 && i<X-1 && j>0 && j<Y-1)
33: {
34: new_array[i][j] = (old_array[i-1][j] + old_array[i+1][j] + old_array[i][j-
1] + old_array[i][j+1] ) / 4;
35: }
36: // At upper edge
37: if( j==0 && i>0 && i<X-1 )
38: {
39: new_array[i][j] = ( old_array[i-1][j] + old_array[i+1][j] +
old_array[i][j+1] ) / 3;
40: }
41: // At right edge
42: if( i==0 && j>0 && j<Y-1 )
43: {
44: new_array[i][j] = ( old_array[i][j-1] + old_array[i][j+1] +
old_array[i+1][j] ) / 3;
45: }
46: // At bottom edge
47: if( j==Y-1 && i>0 && i<X-1 )
48: {
49: new_array[i][j] = ( old_array[i-1][j] + old_array[i+1][j] + old_array[i][j-
1] ) / 3;
50: }
51: // At left edge
52: if( i==X-1 && j>0 && j<Y-1 )
53: {
54: new_array[i][j] = ( old_array[i][j-1] + old_array[i][j+1] + old_array[i-
1][j] ) / 3;
55: }
56: // Four corners
57: if( i==0 && j==0)
58: {
59: new_array[i][j]=(old_array[i+1][j]+old_array[i][j+1] ) / 2;
60: }
61: if( i==0 && j==Y-1)
62: {
63: new_array[i][j]=(old_array[i+1][j]+old_array[i][j-1] ) / 2;
64: }
65: if( i==X-1 && j==0)
66: {
67: new_array[i][j]=(old_array[i-1][j]+old_array[i][j+1] ) / 2;
68: }
69: if( i==X-1 && j==Y-1)
70: {
71: new_array[i][j]=(old_array[i-1][j]+old_array[i][j-1] ) / 2;
72: }
73: }
74: }
The parameters also appear when copying the new data on the old one.
72: }
73: }
74: }
75: // Lets copy the new data to the old one
76: for(i=i_from;i<i_to;i++)
77: {
78: for(j=0;j<Y;j++)
79: {
80: old_array[i][j]=new_array[i][j];
81: }
82: }
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84: // we let the corners hot spots at a constant value
85: old_array[0][0] = heatp; // heated point
86: old_array[0][1] = heatp;
87: old_array[1][0] = heatp;
89: }
The main() function starts the same way as the previous with defining a file handle to write the result to a PPM
file at the end. After this, we need to initialize the MPI environment with the MPI_Init() line. With the
MPI_Comm_size() function, we get the number of nodes accessible for work. This number will be accessible in
the second parameter world_size. The MPI_Comm_rank() function will give the rank the number of the actual
process. From this point, dedicated actions can run on different nodes according to the rank of the worker.
In the next steps, we have to share the tasks between nodes. According to the above, we just equally divide the
lines to work on amongst the workers. If there should be some residuals left, we give it to the last worker. This
method is somewhat unbalanced, but it is a very simple and fast way to share the work. With an increasing
number of lines, the difference between a normal worker and the last one will decrease. The variable p_row will
contain the number of lines every worker has to work with, except the last worker. The variable p_row_last will
contain the number of lines to be processed by the last worker node.
178: // we have to hand out the work for different workers
179: // we do a simple sharing, we hand out equal work for everyone, and the last has
to do some residual extra work (that could be in worse case near the double of a normal
workers work!
181: double p_row = (double)X / world_size; // we divide the number of rows (X) by
the number of workers
182: double p_row_last = 0; // who will be the last? If no others, then the first will
be the last as well..
183: if(floor(p_row) != p_row) // there is a residual from line 179
184: {
185: p_row = floor(p_row); // whole number of lines a worker will get
186: p_row_last = X - ((world_size-1)*p_row); // and the number of lines for the last
worker (normal number + residual lines)
187: }
188: else // there is no residual, everyone get equal work
189: {
190: p_row = floor(p_row);
191: p_row_last = p_row;
192: }
193: // if we are not the last ones
194: if(world_rank < world_size-1)
195: {
196: cout << "Normal workers work: " << p_row << " lines.. \r\n";
197: }
198: else
199: {
200: cout << "Last workers work: " << p_row_last << " lines.. \r\n";
201: }
203: // lets calculate what FROM, TO values do we have to work with
Some feedback is given by the nodes by a simple cout on the console. Now, we know the number of lines a
worker has to work with. We have to calculate the starting (FROM) and ending (TO) line numbers to work with.
If we are last, we might have to do some extra work.
203: // lets calculate what FROM, TO values do we have to work with
204: if(world_rank < world_size-1) // if I'm not the last one
205: {
206: FROM = world_rank*p_row;
207: TO = FROM+p_row;
208: }
209: else // I'm the last one
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210: {
211: FROM = world_rank*p_row;
212: TO = FROM + p_row_last;
213: }
215: // every worker reports their scope
216: cout << "FROM: " << FROM << " -- TO: " << TO << " \r\n";
218: // we start the outer iteration - every worker runs this iteration on their own
set of lines
In the outer iteration, at every step, we calculate every point value for the heated plate and start over. Every
worker does this whole iteration, but only on their own set of lines. We can use the FROM and TO values to
indicate the set. If we are not the only worker, we have to interchange our borders, or ghost lines. We use the
interchange_borders() function for this purpose.
218: // we start the outer iteration - every worker runs this iteration on their own
set of lines
219: for(int x=0;x<iter_n;x++)
220: {
221: // the inner loop is a good object for parallelization
222: iteration(FROM, TO); // the FROM , TO values are already calculated for every
worker based on their rank
223: if(world_size>1) {interchange_borders(FROM,TO);} // we have to interchange
border values between workers, except we are alone
224: }
226: // at this point, every process worked on their own data-slice and we are ready
227: // the data-slices are at different nodes, so we have to collect the data to the
first one, to write out into a file
228: //
At this point, we skip back to the interchange_borders() function we left out before. This function is also an
addition to the serial code. Since the nodes need neighbour line data to calculate their line data, the borders have
to be communicated between the nodes. This inter-nodal communication will go through the MPI environment
with the help of MPI_Send() and MPI_Recv(). Every node reaches this point at about the same time. According
to the nodes position, some nodes have to get and send ghost lines from and to both neighbours, some need to
communicate only in one direction. We also have to know whether we are the only node in the MPI world.
Since every MPI_Send needs to communicate with an MPI_Recv and vice-versa, we have to carefully construct
the communication. We will create communication pairs. At first, every even node will pass data up to their odd
neighbours. At the same time, every odd node has to receive this data. After this, odd ones pass data upwards to
even ones and they receive this.
91: void interchange_borders(int FROM, int TO)
92: {
93: // passing borders UP
95: // even ones pass data up.
96: if( !(world_rank % 2) && world_rank < world_size-1 )
97: {
98: MPI_Send(&old_array[TO-1][0], Y, MPI_DOUBLE, world_rank + 1, 222 ,
MPI_COMM_WORLD); // 222 - unique tag
99: //cout << world_rank << " sending to " << world_rank + 1 << " \r\n";
100: }
101: // odd ones get data from beneath (except if lowest)
102: if( (world_rank % 2) && world_size>1 )
103: {
104: MPI_Recv(&old_array[FROM-1][0], Y, MPI_DOUBLE, world_rank - 1, 222 ,
MPI_COMM_WORLD , MPI_STATUS_IGNORE); // 222 - unique tag
105: //cout << world_rank << " receiving from " << world_rank - 1 << " \r\n";
106: }
107: // odd ones pass data up (except if on top)
108: if( (world_rank % 2) && world_rank < (world_size-1) )
109: {
110: MPI_Send(&old_array[TO-1][0], Y, MPI_DOUBLE, world_rank + 1, 333 ,
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After all necessary data are passed upwards, we have to pass data downwards in a similar way: even nodes pass
the ghost lines down, odd ones get them and after that, odd ones pass data up and even ones get it.
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166: {
167: for(int j=0;j<Y;j++)
168: {
169: old_array[i][j]=5;
170: }
171: }
173: // setting heated point at the plate
174: old_array[0][0] = heatp; // heated point
175: old_array[0][1] = heatp;
176: old_array[1][0] = heatp;
After all the calculations are done, every working node has a portion of the final result. To be able to write it to a
file at the first node, it has to collect all data from the other nodes. Since every node knows only its own starting
and ending line numbers (FROM, TO), the first node has to calculate these data for every receiver. These values
will be stored in rFROM and rTO. First, we have to check, whether there are more than one working nodes in
our MPI world. If there are more workers, all of them have to send their data to the first one. Since every node
runs the same code, we have to arrange that every node sends their data once and the first node receives it
several times. This is done by a simple for cycle, where every node sends its data according to the cycle variable
p. In every cycle step, the first node receives these data.
233: // the first node has to collect data from others
235: if(world_size>1) // are we alone? If not, then we do some collecting
236: {
238: // for every worker id (world_rank) we do some send or receive
239: for(int p=1;p<world_size;p++)
240: {
242: if(world_rank == p) // if I'm a sender
243: {
244: cout << "I'm (" << world_rank << ") sending lines from: " << FROM << " to:
" << TO << " \r\n";
245: for(int r=FROM;r<TO;r++) // I send my own lines
246: {
247: MPI_Send(&old_array[r][0], Y, MPI_DOUBLE, 0 , p*1000+r , MPI_COMM_WORLD); //
999 - unique tag // itt az unique tag ne legyen a for " R "je? megelozik egymast?
248: }
249: }
250: else if ( world_rank == 0) // I'm not "p" and not the others, I'm worker one (0)
251: {
252: // what FROM, TO values should I read from? From every worker (p value) once.
receive_from is rFROM and receive_to is rTO
253: if(p<world_size-1) // not the last (the last has some extra work)
254: {
255: rFROM = p_row*p;
256: rTO = p_row*(p+1);
257: }
258: else // the last ones work
259: {
260: rFROM = p_row*p;
261: rTO = X;
262: }
263: // cout << "receiving (" << world_rank << ") lines from: " << p << " interval:
" << rFROM << " - " << rTO << " \r\n";
264: for(int r=rFROM;r<rTO;r++)
265: {
266: MPI_Recv(&new_array[r][0], Y, MPI_DOUBLE, p , p*1000+r , MPI_COMM_WORLD,
MPI_STATUS_IGNORE); // 999 - unique tag
267: }
268: }
269: }
271: }
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After receiving all the data fragments, the whole array is at the first node. At this point the file output is exactly
the same as in the serial code, only we have to write one file with the final result.
271: }
274: if(world_rank==0)
275: {
277: // we will write a file at the very end only
278: string filename1;
279: filename1 = "plate_par.ppm";
280: char *fileName = (char*)filename1.c_str();
282: cout << " irom a fajlt: " << fileName << "\r\n";
285: myfile << "P3\r\n";
286: myfile << X;
287: myfile << " ";
288: myfile << Y;
289: myfile << "\r\n";
290: myfile << "255\r\n";
293: for(int i=0;i<Y;i++)
294: {
295: for(int j=0;j<X;j++)
296: {
298: myfile << min( (int)round(new_array[i][j]*255/heatp*6), 255);
299: myfile << " ";
300: myfile << min( (int)round(new_array[i][j]*255/heatp*6), 255);
301: myfile << " ";
302: myfile << min( (int)round(new_array[i][j]*255/heatp*6), 255);
303: myfile << " ";
304: }
305: myfile << "\r\n";
306: }
308: myfile.close();
309: }
311: MPI_Finalize();
312: return 0;
313: }
If we look at the interchange_borders() function, we can see that the implementation of this usual job seems to
be a bit complicated. With the help of the MPI_Sendrecv() function, we can make this code more compact, thus
cleaner. The MPI_Sendrecv() function is able to send data to a given node and receive data from a given node at
the same time (more precisely, it will handle the send and receive operations in the background at the MPI
layer). As such, we have to do the data exchange in three blocks. From bottom to top, one block is the
interchange of upper border of the first and the bottom border of the second worker. The second block is for the
inner workers, who have to exchange their two borders in both directions. The third block is the communication
between the last and the next to last workers.
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The Fourier transformation ((1)) is a mathematical tool, with which we can switch from a function of time to a
function of frequency. The method is named after Joseph Fourier, who showed that any periodic function can be
constructed as a sum of simple sine and cosine waves (Fourier series). The Fourier transformation extends this
idea by allowing the period of the function to approach infinity.
How can we take advantage of this? According to this, we can consider functions as mixtures of more simple
functions. If we know the components of this mixture, we can deal with them separately or even disable
arbitrary sets of them, changing the form and behaviour of the original function. We can analyse the original
function better by decomposing it to several simple sinusoidal functions.
In practice, we can filter off special frequencies of the signal (noise, or too high, or too low frequencies), we can
visualize a given frequency spectrum (e.g. spectrum analyser of sound software). A further, widespread
application of the Fourier transformation is image processing. Several image compression techniques rely on
this concept.
Since most of the engineering and computing applications work with discrete values, we need to look at the
Discrete Fourier Transformation (DFT).
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Digital computers can work with discrete values, so in this case, the Fourier Transformation has to be simplified
to work with discrete values, thus we use the Discrete Fourier Transformation (DFT). We get these discrete
values from the analogue signal, where we sample the analogue signal at a given frequency and represent the
signal with them. If we choose the right sampling frequency, we can fully reconstruct the original analogue
signal from the discrete values. The work of Shannon and Nyquist showed that the sampling frequency should
be greater than the twice of the maximum frequency of the sampled signal. This also suggests that we should
choose the minimal sufficient sampling frequency to be able to work with as small data as possible to increase
speed. Further on, we assume that we made the appropriate sampling and look at the data series as such. The
discrete version of the Fourier transformation is very similar to the original form.
Original form:
For a set of given discrete values, the form of the integral would be the summation of these discrete values:
where we have samples of the signals with sampling times. For a finite number of data points, the DFT
assumes that this dataset is periodic. As such, the fundamental frequency and its harmonics have to be
evaluated. According to this,
formulating in general:
Although, the values of the input series are mostly , note, that the values are complex. The
inverse transform is:
The DFT calculation involves addition and multiplication operations. Multiplication is the slowest operation of
them, thus, speed of the calculation depends on the number of multiplications. If we look at the DFT equation,
we can see, that for every
discrete value, we have to sum number of multiplications. This implies a time dependence of ( ).
Since transformations are mostly required real-time, and real world applications work with several ten or
hundred thousands or even more input data points, computational speed is a major question.
There are several methods developed to exploit the properties and estimate the DFT. The ideas are based on
simplifying redundant calculations and on dividing the sums into one-element-components. It is said, that Gauss
was aware of such a method and he was able to reduce the time factor of a DFT from to .
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The method able to make the DFT in was rediscovered and published by the creators of The
Cooley-Tukey Algorithm[Cool1965] which was selected in 1999 into the Top 10 Algorithms of 20th Century.
The Danielson-Lanczos Lemma states, that a DFT of points can be decomposed into two DFTs of
points. One for every first and one for every second, thus, for even and odd members of the original inputs.
where denotes the even input data and denotes the odd input data and denotes the Twiddle
Since the even and odd parts have half-half of the original input, the summation of them goes from to .
This idea can be used again on the and sets, getting a sum of four components:
This decomposition can go on until we can't split any further (expansion of the Danielson-Lanczos lemma), thus
we get one element summations. A one element summation is itself, so we need only to deal with the
appropriate values. One prerequisite for that is, that we always have to be able to halve the input, thus, the
number of the inputs should be a power of two (other strategies are also known). If this is the case, then we have
to do steps for all elements. Hence the speed-up from to . This latter
splitting method is also referred to as the Radix-2 method.
A widespread technique for input number different from power of two, is to pad zeros to the end of the data
series, filling them to the number of the next power of two [Hilb2013a] [Lyons2004]. This won't affect the result
technically, just make the frequency resolution more dense. Although, this won't give any new data, besides the
possibility to use the Radix-2 FFT method, it has the advantage of representing the corresponding frequencies
more scenic. In our example later on, we will use this kind of padding technique as well.
for it is
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If we closely look at the equations , we can see some strange order of the components. This order is the
outcome of the repeated odd - even separation of the input values. For 8 values, we have to split (divide into
two) three times to get the appropriate one element sums. Let's suppose we have the values
as inputs. We choose these values, so the values also represent their original positions in the series. If we split
them to odd-even parts (DL lemma), we get two four-member-parts: and . If we split them
further, we get: , , , . For the last split, we get the order we showed in (14). This order can be
achieved by a little trick, by sorting the positions binary-reverse. Hence the name reverse binary order.
By reverting the binary order of the index values of the original inputs (5), we get exactly the above order.
Implementing a reverse binary function can come handy at the algorithmic solution of the FFT. According to the
Danielson-Lanczos lemma, our FFT algorithm has to recombine pairs of odd and even inputs, where the even
part is multiplied by a value. After this recombination, we have a new series, with the half of the original
length ( ). We have to start again on it and recombine the odd and even parts with a multiplication of
at the even part. We have to do this until we get one value. This will be the outcome of the FTT. With a
reverse binary function, we can directly choose the appropriate pairs from the input to mix at the first step and
use this reverse binary order later on for calculating further values.
Let's summarize the above. We want to calculate the Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT) in a fast way (FFT). We
have sampled input values from the time domain and we have to use them for the calculation. If we extend the
Danielson-Lanczos lemma, we can separate the input values always into two parts (odd, even) recursively. That
could be thought of like a tree. The input values are from left to right the leaves of the tree, in a special order
(reverse binary). We only have to go from left to right and recombine two adjacent leaves. It is not enough to
add them, we have to multiply the second ones (even) with a special Twiddle Factor. The value of this
factor depends on the actual level (of the tree) we are at. For input points, we will have levels. After
adding the two parts, we get a new series of data, with which we have to do the same as before, using a new
factor. Since we had input data (Radix-2), we will get only one value at the end. This value will be
the th value of our output, thus the th value of our frequency domain data. The above procedure has to be
done for every of the time-domain sampled inputs, thus giving an part output.
This subsection will show a serial FFT implementation. The code uses the above methods. Since the FFT works
with complex numbers, where we have a real and an imaginary part, we have chosen to represent the real and
imaginary parts in two different arrays.
The first part of the code has the usual include lines and some variable definitions.
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1: #include <iostream>
2: #include <fstream>
3: #include <sstream>
4: #include <math.h>
5: #include <vector>
6: #include <time.h>
7: #include <cstdlib>
8: #include <bitset> // we require it for special binary representation
10: using namespace std;
11: // input data
12: double * data_in_r;
13: double * data_in_i;
15: //output data
16: double * data_out_r;
17: double * data_out_i;
19: //working buffer
20: double * buffer_r;
21: double * buffer_i;
23: //reverse binary input data
24: double * rb_buffer_r;
25: double * rb_buffer_i;
27: int p_length=32380;
28: int p2_length=0;
29: int bitlength;
30: int what_power=0;
31: unsigned int mask=0x00000001;
33: unsigned int revbit(unsigned int val)
The eighth row has an include file named bitset. With the help of this include, we will be able to output binary
numbers easily. This functionality is commented out, but left in for possible monitoring purposes. The
data_in_r[] and data_in_i[] arrays will contain the real and imaginary parts of the input data. Similarly the
data_out_r[] and data_out_i[] arrays will hold the spectral output data. The algorithm will need a temporary
buffer (buffer_r[], buffer_i[]), where the temporary results are stored for further calculations. During the
calculation, we will need a special order of the input data (reverse binary). Since the reverse binary calculation
is somewhat time consuming, it is a good idea to store it in an array (rb_buffer_r[], rb_buffer_i[]) and only copy
it to the buffer when we need it.
The p_length variable contains the number of input data points. For real life usage, this should be read and
calculated from the actual data from arbitrary input (a file, or some streamed real-time data). For our test
purpose, we will generate some input data. Should the size of the data not be a power of two, we have to pad it
with zeros. The padded length (next power of two) will be stored in p2_length. The bitlength variable will be
used for monitoring purposes, to see the original bit length of the inputs. The variable what_power will contain
the exponent of where we have inputs (stored in p2_length). Thus, it will be used by the next_2pow()
function and will store the minimal bit length on which the inputs number (p2_length) can be represented (e.g.
for 8 inputs it will be 3). The mask variable will be used by the revbit() function. This function will produce the
reverse binary value of it's input.
The next lines in the code include some short function definitions.
33: unsigned int revbit(unsigned int val)
34: {
35: unsigned int rval=0;
36: unsigned int fval=0;
37: for(int i=0;i<what_power;i++)
38: {
39: rval = (val >> i) & mask;
40: fval = fval | (rval << (what_power-i-1));
41: }
42: return fval;
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43: }
The revbit() function returns the reverse binary value of the given input val. There are several tricky solutions
for this to do, but one of the most compact and straightforward method is to get the binary values from the right
bit by bit, and put them to the other side. This reverses the order of the bits. It's important to note, that this
reverse binary method works with dynamic lengths, thus, we need to know the minimum number of bits
required, to represent the index of the inputs. If we have 8 input data, this number is 3, if we have 16 input data,
this number is 4, if we have 1024 input data, this number is 10. The rval gets the first right, second right, and so
on.. -bits of the input, we shift them one position further to the left and do a logical OR with them and fval.
After what_power steps, fval has the final reverse binary value and we return it.
The gen_data() function generates a sawtooth form input signal by putting increasing values from 0 to ,
where size is the input parameter of the function. After a short check to avoid wrong writes, we put the
increasing data into data_in_r[] and data_in_i[]. Although we usually work with real numbers as input, it could
be possible to work with complex numbers. For our example, we simply zero out the imaginary part of the
input. If the size parameter is less than the upper next power of two, we have to pad the remaining input
positions with zeros.
64: // this function gives the next power of two
65: int next_2pow(int input)
66: {
67: what_power = ceil(log((double)input)/log(2.0));
68: return (int)pow(2.0, what_power);
69: }
The next_2pow() function will return the upper next power of two, which is above the parameter. This function
is necessary for the zero padding function, which ensures that the number of the inputs is a power of two. First,
we get the two based logarithm of the input ( ) and round it to the next whole number (ceil()).
This value is stored in the global variable what_power and the function returns the upper next power of two.
71: // W Twiddle factor - real part
72: //
73: double WLn_r(unsigned int L, unsigned int n) // W is complex, we handle it with a
real (_r) and with an imaginary (_i) part
74: {
75: return( (double)cos( 2*M_PI*n /L ));
76: }
78: // W Twiddle factor - imaginary part
79: double WLn_i(unsigned int L, unsigned int n)
80: {
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The next two functions, WLn_r() and WLn_i() are the real and imaginary part of the Twiddle Factor
defined previously. Since the Twiddle Factor is a complex number
and calculate the real (cos()) and imaginary (sin()) parts separately.
The main() function starts with calculating the p2_length value which will be an optionally zero padded input
series with a length of power of two, closest to the original input length. After some monitoring outputs to the
console, we allocate memory for our input data (data_in_r[], data_in_i[]), output data (data_out_r[],
data_out_r[]), temporary buffer (buffer_r[], buffer_r[]) and for the reverse binary sorted data (rb_buffer_r[],
84: int main()
85: {
86: p2_length=next_2pow(p_length); // next power 2 length
88: bitlength = log(p2_length) / log(2); // bit length
90: // information about calculated values
91: cout << "p_length " << p_length << endl;;
92: cout << "p2_length " << p2_length << endl;;
93: cout << "bitlength " << bitlength << endl;;
94: cout << "what_power " << what_power << endl;;
96: // allocate memory for input data REAL
97: data_in_r = new double[p2_length];
99: // allocate memory for input data IMAGINARY
100: data_in_i = new double[p2_length];
102: // allocate memory for output data (real)
103: data_out_r = new double[p2_length];
105: // allocate memory for output data (im)
106: data_out_i = new double[p2_length];
108: // allocate memory for buffer data (working buffer)
109: buffer_r = new double[p2_length];
111: buffer_i = new double[p2_length];
113: // allocate memory for reverse binary sorted data (working buffer)
114: rb_buffer_r = new double[p2_length];
116: rb_buffer_i = new double[p2_length];
118: // generate input data as a saw form
119: gen_data(p_length); // we generate data of p_length length, if it's not a power
of two, it will be padded with zeros in the function
120: // put data in index-bit reverse order to data_out
122: /* only a short debug to look at the reverse
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The next few lines are commented out, but left in the example.
This code could be uncommented and used to monitor the binary representation of the values and the reverse
binary ordered values. It is not needed for the calculation, though.
Since we have to deal with p2_length number of data input, we will have to make an outer loop of this size. As
mentioned before, we will recursively compose new array elements from pairs. To book the size of the
intermediate array, we will use the puf_l variable. The divider variable will be of use to calculate the actual
Twiddle Factor (WLn_r and WLn_i). The ind variable will contain the reverse binary index value. Before the
outer loop, we reorder the input data according to the reverse binary scheme. Since we will need this reverse
binary order for the calculation at every input data, it is a good idea to do it only once and just copy it again and
again. This reordered input value list will be stored in the rb_buffer_r[] and rb_buffer_i[] arrays. Prepared the
outer loop, we can start with that.
149: for(unsigned int n=0;n<p2_length;n++) // F(n)
150: {
151: // copy reverse binary pre-ordered buffer into working buffer, we have to start
from this state at every "n"-step
152: for(unsigned int i=0;i<p2_length;i++)
153: {
154: buffer_r[i]=rb_buffer_r[i];
155: buffer_i[i]=rb_buffer_i[i];
156: }
157: divider=1; // we will use this variable to indicate "N"
158: puf_l = p2_length; // length starts always from the input length and will
change inside the next loop
159: for(unsigned int b=0;b<what_power;b++) // b is running from 0 to logN levels
160: {
161: divider = divider*2; // as we step forward, we have to double the value of N
162: for(unsigned int k=0;k<puf_l;k++)
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163: {
164: buffer_r[k] = buffer_r[2*k] + buffer_r[2*k+1]*WLn_r(divider ,n) -
buffer_i[2*k+1]*WLn_i(divider, n);
165: // a+bi x c+di = (ac - bd) + i(ad + bc)
166: buffer_i[k] = buffer_i[2*k] + buffer_r[2*k+1]*WLn_i(divider ,n) +
buffer_i[2*k+1]*WLn_r(divider, n);
167: // m+ni + (a+bi x c+di) even + odd * w --> r: m+(ac - bd)
i: n+(ad + bc)
168: }
169: puf_l = puf_l / 2;
170: }
171: data_out_r[n]=buffer_r[0];
172: data_out_i[n]=buffer_i[0];
174: // we can look at the input and output data
175: cout << "-- Input " << n << ": " << data_in_r[n] << "," << data_in_i[n] << " --
output: " << data_out_r[n] << "," << data_out_i[n] << endl;;
176: }
For inputs, we will calculate outputs during the FFT, so we have to make an outer loop that runs from 0
to . At every step, we start from the specially reordered input values, so we have to copy the
previously generated reverse binary ordered input data from rb_buffer_r[] and rb_buffer_i[] to our temporary
buffer buffer_r[] and buffer_i[]. The next loop goes from 0 to , thus we define here, how many
pairing steps do we have to make. If we consider, that the inputs are power of two, we can easily make out that
we have to make steps. And that is exactly the value in what_power. At every step, we have to pair
adjacent values in the reverse binary ordered list. Besides adding these pairs, we have to deal with the special
complex Twiddle Factor WLn_r and WLn_i. The even part of the pair (the second) has to be multiplied by the
Twiddle Factor before adding it to the odd part. The Twiddle Factor has two changing parameters. One of them
is connected to the pairing level or step level. This parameter has been referenced as previously. We
reverence it in the Twiddle Factor functions as not to mix it with which has it's own meaning. The value
of indicates the number of input parameters. At the top level, it is the number of and it is always
divided into two at each sub-levels. At the lowest level, at the leaves of our tree, the value of is 2. Going
from bottom to top, this value has to double itself at every step. The variable divider acts like this and is the first
parameter for the Twiddle Factor. The second parameter is n which indicates the actual index of the input
values. This comes from the outer loop. The third loop which runs from 0 to handles the pairing
procedure. At every level, we have to choose the first (odd) and second (even) value from the buffer. After one
pairing, the length of the new dataset will be only the half, and again the half, until it is only one element. The
puf_l variable changes accordingly. At this point we have to remember that the algorithm works with complex
numbers. Although, our typical input data has only real part, the calculations must be done with complex
numbers. Adding two complex numbers is quite easy, we have to add the real parts together and the imaginary
parts together. Multiplying is more tricky: . In our loop, the
first element of the pairs is indexed as and the second element is indexed as . If we denote the first
element of the pair with , the second element with and the Twiddle Factor with , then
we have to calculate this: . This will result in
. Substituting the arrays, we calculate the real and imaginary parts in two
After going through every pair of every level, we gain one complex value for the actual n input. We have to put
this data into the data_out_r[] and data_out_i[] result arrays. For monitoring reasons, we can get some feedback
to the console, comparing the input and output values for different n-s.
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176: }
178: // we loose data after this lines, any output should be done here
179: delete[] data_out_i; // free up memory
180: delete[] data_out_r;
181: delete[] data_in_i;
182: delete[] data_in_r;
183: delete[] buffer_r;
184: delete[] buffer_i;
185: delete[] rb_buffer_r;
186: delete[] rb_buffer_i;
188: return 0;
189: }
After calculating the FFT for the n inputs, we have our frequency data. This can now be written out to a file or
directly drawn in some graphical applications.
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As we can see, the FFT speeds up the DFT process and gives us a handy tool. Although, calculating huge data-
blocks is still a lengthy process. The implementation has some potential for further optimization, but the
running time can't be decreased. If we look at the algorithm, we can notice, that parallelization
could help to gain further speed-up.
The FFT algorithm previously dealt with, has the potential for parallelization. According to the serial algorithm,
the huge amount of input data is processed one by one running an outer loop. Although every calculation
involves the whole input series, our input is known at the very beginning. This yields to a possible
parallelization, where working nodes could calculate with arbitrary amount of input data, parallel.
The first include and definition block differs only in some extra lines from the serial version.
1: #include <mpi.h>
2: #include <iostream>
3: #include <fstream>
4: #include <sstream>
5: #include <math.h>
6: #include <vector>
7: #include <time.h>
8: #include <cstdlib>
9: #include <bitset> // we require it for special binary representation
11: using namespace std;
12: // input data
13: double * data_in_r;
14: double * data_in_i;
16: //output data
17: double * data_out_r;
18: double * data_out_i;
20: //working buffer
21: double * buffer_r;
22: double * buffer_i;
24: //reverse binary input data
25: double * rb_buffer_r;
26: double * rb_buffer_i;
28: int p_length=240;
29: int p2_length=0;
30: int bitlength;
31: int what_power=0;
32: unsigned int mask=0x00000001;
34: // MPI variables
35: int world_rank; // the rank of this process
36: int world_size; // size of world, thus number of processors in this world
37: int FROM;
38: int TO;
39: int rFROM;
40: int rTO;
First, we have to include again the mpi.h include file to be able to use the MPI environment. For the
communication, we need some variables. As before, the world_rank and world_size variables will contain the
number of the actual working node and the number of all nodes. For data partition, we define some variables,
with which we can follow up the data range for different nodes (FROM, TO, rFROM, rTO).
Since the parallel solution will use the same functions as the serial one, we define them the same way.
42: unsigned int revbit(unsigned int val)
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43: {
44: unsigned int rval=0;
45: unsigned int fval=0;
46: for(int i=0;i<what_power;i++)
47: {
48: rval = (val >> i) & mask;
49: fval = fval | (rval << (what_power-i-1));
50: }
51: return fval;
52: }
54: // this function generates the input values
55: // in this case, this will be some sawtooth wave
56: void gen_data(int size)
57: {
58: for(int i=0;i<size;i++)
59: {
60: data_in_r[i] = (double)i;
61: data_in_i[i] = 0;
62: }
64: for(int i=size;i<p2_length;i++) // padding with zeros, if necessary
65: {
66: data_in_r[i] = 0;
67: data_in_i[i] = 0;
68: }
70: }
72: // this function gives the next power of two
73: int next_2pow(int input)
74: {
75: what_power = ceil(log((double)input)/log(2.0));
76: return (int)pow(2.0, what_power);
77: }
79: // this function gives the last power of two
80: int last_2pow(int input)
81: {
82: return (int)pow(2.0, floor(log((double)input)/log(2.0)));
83: }
85: // W Twiddle factor - real part
86: //
87: double WLn_r(unsigned int L, unsigned int n) // W is complex, we handle it with a
real (_r) and with an imaginary (_i)
88: {
89: return ( (double)cos( 2*M_PI*n /L ));
90: }
92: // W Twiddle factor - imaginary part
93: double WLn_i(unsigned int L, unsigned int n)
94: {
95: return ( (double)sin( 2*M_PI*n /L ));
96: }
These functions are not affected by parallelizing the code, except one function which we will use for
determining the number of workers. This function is the last_2pow() function and it calculates the lower
neighbouring power of two of the input. We will get back to this later on.
96: }
98: int main()
99: {
100: double s_time; // MPI timing
101: // Initialize the MPI environment - we can use the MPI functions and world until
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We define a double variable named s_time and use it for MPI timing with the MPI_Wtime() function. This later
gives a time in seconds elapsed since an arbitrary time in the past. For us, differences between such values will
be of use. After initializing the MPI environment (MPI_Init()), we enumerate the workers in our default MPI
communicator with MPI_Comm_size() and put the number into world_size. The next step is to identify
ourselves and get our rank with the MPI_Comm_rank() function and store it to world_rank. The next two lines
are familiar from the serial version, we set the input number to power of two and set some monitoring
114: // we have to split the work among workers
115: // we wan't power of 2 workers
116: int ws_temp = world_size;
117: // should we have less data than workers..
118: if ( p2_length < world_size )
119: {
120: ws_temp = p2_length;
121: // this will be always power of two, since our p2_length is such
122: }
123: else
124: {
125: ws_temp = last_2pow(world_size); // we use power of 2 number of workers
126: }
128: // unnecessary workers check
129: if(world_rank > ws_temp-1)
130: {
131: // we are not needed, so we quit
132: cout << world_rank << ": ---- Bye! ---- " << endl;
133: MPI_Finalize();
134: exit(1);
135: }
At this point, we have to prepare the data distribution. In this example, we will hand out equal portions of data
to every working node. If the amount of data is less than the number of workers, we select data number of
workers active, thus we set the variable ws_temp to p2_length. If we have more data than workers, which is
mostly the case, we limit the number of workers to the maximal power of two possible. For example, if we have
5 workers and 32 input data, we use only 4 workers. Why do we want to use power of two number of workers?
Because we can't do anything else. If we have power of two number of input data and we want to divide it to
equal parts, the number of parts will be power of two and the number of data in one part will be a power of two
as well. Since we don't need the unnecessary workers, we just let them say "Bye", finalize the MPI environment
and exit the program. Although this move works in our example, we have to pay attention to one issue regarding
this. If some of the initial members exit, we will loose all MPI functionality regarding collective
communication. A workaround for that will be discussed at the end of this subsection.
The next block is similar to the serial version, except some data range calculations at the beginning.
135: }
137: // we divide the number of input data with the number of workers
138: unsigned int dataslice = p2_length / ws_temp;
139: FROM = dataslice*world_rank;
140: TO = FROM + dataslice;
142: // information about calculated values
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143: if (world_rank == 0)
144: {
145: cout << "p_length " << p_length << endl;
146: cout << "p2_length " << p2_length << endl;
147: cout << "bitlength " << bitlength << endl;
148: cout << "what_power " << what_power << endl;
149: cout << "No. of workers: " << ws_temp << endl;
150: }
152: // allocate memory for input data REAL
153: data_in_r = new double[p2_length];
155: // allocate memory for input data IMAGINARY
156: data_in_i = new double[p2_length];
158: // allocate memory for output data (real)
159: data_out_r = new double[p2_length];
161: // allocate memory for output data (im)
162: data_out_i = new double[p2_length];
164: // allocate memory for buffer data (working buffer)
165: buffer_r = new double[p2_length];
167: buffer_i = new double[p2_length];
169: // allocate memory for reverse binary sorted data (working buffer)
170: rb_buffer_r = new double[p2_length];
172: rb_buffer_i = new double[p2_length];
174: // generate input data as a saw form
175: gen_data(p_length); // we generate data of p_length length, if it's not a power
of two, it will be padded with zeros in the function
176: // put data in index-bit reverse order to data_out
179: /* only a short debug to look at the reverse
180: for(int i=0;i<p2_length;i++)
181: {
182: std::bitset<32> x(i);
183: unsigned int rev = revbit(i);
184: std::bitset<32> y(rev);
185: // cout << "szam: " << i << " (" << x << ") reverse: " << rev << " (" << y << ")
186: }
187: */
189: // we will start the loops here.
190: // we work with complex numbers, so we have a real (_r) and an imaginary (_i)
part as well
192: unsigned int puf_l = p2_length; // working variable - starting length of input
data - it will be changed during the algorithm (halved and halved..)
193: unsigned int divider = 0; // divider variable, it will be doubled as we step
forward with the series of Even Odd recombination levels
194: unsigned int ind=0 ; // temp variable for copying data
196: // at first, we generate a reverse binary ordered working buffer from the input.
It's worth to do it once and just copy it into the working buffer whenever it's
197: // copy input data into buffer in reverse binary order
198: // input data is complex, hence the real and imaginary part
199: for(unsigned int i=0;i<p2_length;i++)
200: {
201: ind = revbit(i);
202: rb_buffer_r[i]=data_in_r[ind];
203: rb_buffer_i[i]=data_in_i[ind];
204: }
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First, we set the amount of data for one worker in dataslice and every worker determines its range of work
(FROM, TO). In the next few lines, we define some variables, allocate memory for our lists, generate the input
data and the reverse binary order data series just as in the serial version.
204: }
206: // the FROM and TO variables are set for every worker different
207: for(unsigned int n=FROM;n<TO;n++) // F(n)
208: {
209: // copy reverse binary pre-ordered buffer into working buffer, we have to start
from this state at every "n"-step
210: for(unsigned int i=0;i<p2_length;i++)
211: {
212: buffer_r[i]=rb_buffer_r[i];
213: buffer_i[i]=rb_buffer_i[i];
214: }
215: divider=1; // we will use this variable to indicate "N"
216: puf_l = p2_length; // length starts always from the input length and will
change inside the next loop
217: for(unsigned int b=0;b<what_power;b++) // b is running from 0 to logN levels
218: {
219: divider = divider*2; // as we step forward, we have to double the value of N
220: for(unsigned int k=0;k<puf_l;k++)
221: {
222: buffer_r[k] = buffer_r[2*k] + buffer_r[2*k+1]*WLn_r(divider ,n) -
buffer_i[2*k+1]*WLn_i(divider, n);
223: // a+bi x c+di = (ac - bd) + i(ad + bc)
224: buffer_i[k] = buffer_i[2*k] + buffer_r[2*k+1]*WLn_i(divider ,n) +
buffer_i[2*k+1]*WLn_r(divider, n);
225: // m+ni + (a+bi x c+di) even + odd * w --> r: m+(ac - bd)
i: n+(ad + bc)
226: }
227: puf_l = puf_l / 2;
228: }
229: data_out_r[n]=buffer_r[0];
230: data_out_i[n]=buffer_i[0];
232: // we look at the input and output data
233: // cout << "-- Input " << n << ": " << data_in_r[n] << "," << data_in_i[n] << " -
- output: " << data_out_r[n] << "," << data_out_i[n] << endl;
234: }
The outer loop, which processes the input data is running on a definite interval for every worker. The inside of
this loop doesn't change compared to the serial code. Since every worker has the whole dataset at the beginning
and the algorithm doesn't rely on previous results, we can run the algorithm on every worker parallel. After
doing the FFT on the given input range, every worker has its own result chunk. This has to be collected to get
the whole result at one process.
234: }
236: // we have to collect all data
237: if(ws_temp>1) // we collect only, if there are more than one processes
238: {
239: for(int p=1;p<ws_temp;p++) // we have to collect ws_temp-1 slices
240: {
241: if(world_rank == p) // if it's my turn, as sender, I send.
242: {
243: // cout << "I'm sending (me: " << world_rank << ") data from " << FROM << "
to " << TO << ". dataslice: " << dataslice << endl;
244: MPI_Send(&data_out_r[FROM], dataslice, MPI_DOUBLE, 0 , 900 , MPI_COMM_WORLD);
245: MPI_Send(&data_out_i[FROM], dataslice, MPI_DOUBLE, 0 , 900 , MPI_COMM_WORLD);
247: }
248: else if ( world_rank == 0) // if we are process 0, we collect the sended data
249: {
250: // what shall rFROM and rTO be? What lines do we have to collect. We have to
calculate it from the remote process' rank (p)
251: rFROM = dataslice*p;
252: rTO = dataslice*(p+1);
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254: // cout << "I receive (me: " << world_rank << ") the lines from: " << p << ".
Interval: " << rFROM << " - " << rTO << endl;
255: MPI_Recv(&data_out_r[rFROM], dataslice, MPI_DOUBLE, p , 900 , MPI_COMM_WORLD,
256: MPI_Recv(&data_out_i[rFROM], dataslice, MPI_DOUBLE, p , 900 , MPI_COMM_WORLD,
257: }
258: }
259: }
260: if(world_rank == 0)
261: {
262: cout << world_rank << " collecting done! - MPI_time: " << MPI_Wtime()-s_time <<
263: }
First, we check whether more than one workers are running. If yes, we have to collect data from ws_temp-1 co-
workers. It is always a good idea to collect data at the first worker with rank zero. This rank is always present. If
there are more workers, then every worker with a greater rank than zero has to send (MPI_Send()) the real
(data_out_r[]) and imaginary (data_out_i[]) part of its data chunk to process 0. Parallel to this, the zero rank
worker has to receive (MPI_Recv()) these data chunks (dataslice) into the right place of the real and imaginary
arrays. Although the right place has to be calculated before. Since we know the rank of the other workers we are
waiting data from, we can easily calculate the starting (rFROM) and ending (rTO) points of the data chunks we
are getting from the remote processes.
265: // some Monitoring output to look what data did we calculate and collect
266: if(world_rank == 0)
267: {
268: for(int n=0;n<p2_length;n++)
269: cout << "-- Input " << n << ": " << data_in_r[n] << "," << data_in_i[n] << " --
output: " << data_out_r[n] << "," << data_out_i[n] << endl;
270: }
272: // we loose data after this lines, any output should be done here
273: delete[] data_out_i; // free up memory
274: delete[] data_out_r;
275: delete[] data_in_i;
276: delete[] data_in_r;
277: delete[] buffer_r;
278: delete[] buffer_i;
279: delete[] rb_buffer_r;
280: delete[] rb_buffer_i;
282: // MPI end - we loose contact with the other nodes at this point
283: MPI_Finalize();
285: return 0;
286: }
At the end, we output our original inputs and the calculated FFT in a list. This can be saved and processed on.
At the end, we have to free up our buffers in memory (delete[] some buffer). At this point, our data is erased
from memory. We close the MPI environment for our active workers as well and from this point, no
communication can be done between workers. The different processes can still work on and do arbitrary duties,
but the MPI environment can't be initialized again.
As we mentioned, after starting with workers and needing only where , we can let the unneeded
workers to quit. In our example, we just did an MPI_Finalize() and exit() on them, which did the trick in this
case. What we have to be aware of, is that with closing some of the workers dynamically, they will be acting as
dead at collective communications. This can lead to wrong behaviour, even to the freezing of the program (e.g.
MPI_Barrier() would cause such a hang). Fortunately there is an easy workaround for this matter. Before letting
the unwanted workers stop, we can define a new communicator with the wanted workers list and use this
communicator after the quitting of the unwanted processes. Thus, in our example, we switch from the
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1: // MPI_Finalize() megoldas
3: int world_size;
4: int world_rank;
6: // Az MPI kornyezet inditasa - az MPI_Finalize fuggvenyig hasznalhatjuk az MPI
7: MPI_Init(NULL, NULL);
9: s_time=MPI_Wtime();
10: // processzusok szama
11: MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &world_size);
12: // processzusunk rangja
13: MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &world_rank);
15: // hanyan vannak a csoportban
16: MPI_Group wgroup;
17: MPI_Comm_group(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &wgroup);
19: // vagjuk le a szuksegtelen munkasokat
20: MPI_Group newgroup;
21: MPI_Group_range_excl(wgroup, 1, { last_active_worker, world_size-1, 1},
23: // we create a new communicator
25: MPI_Comm_create(MPI_COMM_WORLD, newgroup, &MPI_COMM_ANYTHING);
28: {
29: // we are unwanted workers
30: MPI_Finalize();
31: exit(0);
32: }
The first rows are already familiar, we initialize the MPI environment, enumerate the active workers and get our
rank. We do get the group of processes in our MPI world and store it into an MPI_Group structure. An MPI
group is an ordered list of processes. Because it's ordered, processes have a in the group. A
consists of a and some rules regarding communication. Our default communicator is
MPI_COMM_WORLD, it is our communication world, hence the name. After we have our group of processes,
we have to chop unwanted workers and copy the wanted ones into a new group. This is done by the
MPI_Group_range_excl() function. Its first input is the original group (wgroup). The second input is the number
of ranges (triplets) coming in the third parameter. The third parameter is a set of triplets (ranges), with the
meaning of 'start of range' (last_active_worker), 'end of range' (world_size-1) and 'step size in range' (1). The
output of the function is the new, tailored group (new_group). With this new group, we can create a new
communicator with the help of the MPI_Comm_create() function. The function returns MPI_COMM_NULL if
such a process is calling it that is not the part of the new group. We can use this fact for selecting who has to
leave the MPI world.
Another, rather rough method could be to check the number of workers at the beginning, and if it doesn't fit our
idea, simply quit the program with a short message about the required process number.
12. 12 Mandelbrot
The Mandelbrot set is a set of points, where a special property holds. To this property colors can be assigned,
thus representing the set in colorful and spectacular images.
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This special set is named after the Polish-born, French and American mathematician, Benoit Mandelbrot, who
made extensive studies on the field of fractal geometry. Fractals are mathematical sets, where an extra fractal
dimension is present. This dimension is a statistical index of complexity, thus, a ratio of detail change with the
change of the measuring scale.
The Mandelbrot set is a never-ending fractal shape, which can be zoomed in an arbitrary scale and its special
forms are always repeating themselves in it. This is also referred as self-similarity.
According to this, the Mandelbrot set is the set of complex numbers, where the recursive function for the
number is not infinite, when approaches infinity. Infinity is now the attractor of this function, as used in
context of fractals.
Regarding the picture above (17), the Mandelbrot set is the black region in the middle. The colored points are
outside the set and have different colors set by their iteration values.
To be able to calculate such sets, we have to make some practical, yet inevitable moves. Our first problem is to
handle the question of infinity. We can't test in finite time whether a function approaches infinity or not. It is not
practical to test whether it approaches a very-very big number either. Fortunately, it can be proven that if the
absolute value of gets bigger than 2, thus, its distance from is more than 2, it will run to infinity.
That's a big help to check this in our program code.
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The maximum iteration number has to be more than a few tens, to be able to check whether a is going over 2
or not. However, this value should be tuned to the given resolution we work with. At a given resolution, it
doesn't make sense to raise this iteration count, since we will loose data because of the resolution. If we want to
make a very big resolution (practically zoomable) image, we have to raise the maximum iteration count as well.
This will, of course, take more time to compute.
If we have our data and coloring scheme, we have to choose some good looking palette for this operation.
In our example, we simply take the values and assign the following values to them:
This color scheme is going from black to red, then from red to yellow and from yellow to white. This has a
fancy impression of flames, depicted in a zoomed in image generated by our example program (18).
In this subsection, the serial code for generating Mandelbrot sets will be discussed.
As usual, the first lines of the code start with include lines and constant definitions.
1: #include <cstdlib>
2: #include <iostream>
3: #include <fstream>
4: #include <sstream>
5: #include <math.h>
6: #include <vector>
7: #include <time.h>
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The actual resolution of our output image is set in imgX and imgY to 3000. The iter_n value declares the
maximum iteration count at different points in our investigated complex plane. The actual complex plane is set
with two ranges between yMin and yMax, and xMin and xMax. This later plane will be walked through point by
point with the previous image resolution. The img_array[imgX] will store the calculated values.
20: // convergation function - base of the Mandelbrot set value generation
21: // it will get two parameters (x and y coordinates) and will give an iteration
count in return
22: int converges(double cx,double cy)
23: {
24: int n=0;
25: double zx=0;
26: double new_zx=0;
27: double zy=0;
28: // we iterate until max. iteration count iter_n, or until z^2 (complex!) runs over
4 - this means, our series will run to infinity, so it's not part of the set
29: while( (n<iter_n) && (zx*zx + zy*zy)<4 )
30: {
31: // z * z => new_zx = (zx*zx - zy*zy) new_zy = (zx*zy + zx*zy) // we work
with complex numbers
32: // z*z + c = zx^2 - zy^2 +cx + i(zx*zy*2 + cy)
33: new_zx = zx*zx - zy*zy + cx;
34: zy = 2*zx*zy + cy;
35: zx = new_zx;
36: n++;
37: }
38: return n;
39: }
The converges() function has two parameters, cx and cy which are the -coordinates on our complex plane
and returns the iteration number, . Inside the function we define the missing necessary variables for the
calculation. The loop in the converges() function runs from zero until we reach the maximum
iteration number (iter_n) or we exceed the 2 unit boundary of . Since has to be calculated, we
can simplify it to and check whether it is larger than .
42: int main(int argc, char **argv)
43: {
44: if(argc<2)
45: {
46: cout << "Usage:" <<endl;
47: cout<<argv[0]<<" out_file.ppm"<<endl;
48: exit(1);
49: }
50: double resX=0; // Resolution of our iteration steps
51: double resY=0; // this will be calculated by (yMax-yMin) / imgY later..
52: double cx=xMin; // calculation will start at this point and we will change this
53: double cy=yMin;
54: time_t mytime1,mytime2; // we will show some timing data
56: ofstream myfile; // we will write to this file
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The main() function starts with processing the necessary arguments. If the argument count (argc) is less than ,
we print what it should have been. We wait for an output name. We defined the Mandelbrot set plane in yMin,
yMax, xMin, xMax and our graphical resolution in imgX and imgY . From these, we can calculate our step size
(resX and resY) by which we move on our set plane. The starting point will be xMin and yMin and we handle
the actual position in cx and cy. We also define some time_t variables for timing and prepare our output file
with the name given in our argument.
66: time(&mytime1); // we get a time value at this point
68: // we do the calculation for every point of our complex plane, thus on our 2D
image with appropriate steps
69: for(int i=0;i<imgX;i++)
70: {
71: cy=yMin; // at every new step in X direction, we start at the first Y value
72: for(int j=0;j<imgY;j++)
73: {
74: img_array[i][j]=converges(cx,cy); // we get the number of convergation steps
or the maximum value (iter_n)
75: // cout << img_array[i][j] << endl;
76: cy=cy+resY;
77: }
78: cx=cx+resX;
79: }
80: // we get another time at this point, so we can calculate the elapsed time for the
81: time(&mytime2);
83: cout << "Time elapsed during calculation: " << mytime2-mytime1 << " secs." <<
After getting a current time into mytime1 we start with our main embedded loops. We calculate the appropriate
value for every point of our image (going from 0 to imgX and from 0 to imgY). Every new line starts from yMin
so we have to assign this value to cy. In the inner loop, we calculate the convergence value of the given cx, cy
point and put it into the img_array[] array. At the end, we get the new current time into mytime2 and output the
difference of them, that is the required running time for the embedded loops.
83: cout << "Time elapsed during calculation: " << mytime2-mytime1 << " secs." <<
85: // file IO
87: myfile << "P3\r\n";
88: myfile << imgX;
89: myfile << " ";
90: myfile << imgY;
91: myfile << "\r\n";
92: myfile << "255\r\n";
94: // we have to colour our dataset. Actually, the members of the Mandelbrot set
are used to be the same colour (black?) and have from point of visualisations view no
95: // the outer points are represented by assigning colours to their iteration steps
and this generates vivid forms and colors
96: for(int i=0;i<imgX;i++)
97: {
98: for(int j=0;j<imgY;j++)
99: {
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101: if( (img_array[i][j] < 256) ) // we go from black to red in this range
102: {
103: myfile << img_array[i][j] << " 0 0"; // (int)(84*pow(img_array[i][j],0.2)) << "
0 0"; //myfile << img_array[i][j] << " 0 0";
104: }
105: else if( img_array[i][j] < 512) // we go from red to yellow in this range
106: {
107: myfile << "255 " << img_array[i][j]-256 << " 0";
108: }
109: else if( img_array[i][j] < 768) // we go from yellow to white in this range
110: {
111: myfile << "255 255 " << img_array[i][j]-512;
112: }
113: /* // we could refine our palette for more resolution, more iteration-step
114: else if( img_array[i][j] < 1024)
115: {
116: myfile << 1024-img_array[i][j] << " 255 255";
117: }
118: else if( img_array[i][j] < 1280)
119: {
120: myfile << "0 " << 1280-img_array[i][j] << " 255";
121: }
122: else if( img_array[i][j] < 1536)
123: {
124: myfile << "0 0 " << 1536-img_array[i][j];
125: }
126: */
127: else // everything else is black
128: {
129: myfile << "0 0 0 ";
130: }
132: myfile << " ";
134: }
135: myfile << "\r\n";
136: }
138: myfile.close(); // we close our file
140: time(&mytime2); // and give another elapsed time info (IO included)
142: cout << "Time elapsed total: " << mytime2-mytime1 << " secs \r\n";
143: return 0;
Our output will be an .PPM file, again. After setting the filename and the image parameters, we have to output
our data into our image file. Since the image file consists of R,G,B triplets, we have to convert our Mandelbrot
set data into this range. To be more precise, our dataset in the img_array[] array contains the Mandelbrot set and
all other points not belonging to the set. If the convergence values of the set don't reach the maximum iteration
number, the given coordinates of the dataset don't belong to the Mandelbrot set. We will color it to different
colors. The values below will set the R (red) channel from zero to maximum with a zero G (green) and B
(blue) channel. This means a color gradient from black to red. Similarly, the next values ( )
are colored from to and the next values are going from to . Raising the
resolution and defining further colors (commented out) generate additional gradients to the palette.
At the end, we close our .PPM file and output some running time for that.
By adjusting the yMin, yMax, xMin and xMax values, we can "zoom in" on the plane.
Since one of the spectacular property of the Mandelbrot set is that its borderline is definable to infinity, an
arbitrary zoom can be applied on the generated image of the set. However, this needs to generate images real-
time or generate very high resolution images, or both. Since every point of an image needs to run an
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Introduction to MPI by examples
approximation function, the whole procedure needs a lot of computing power. This is a case of parallelization
again. In the next few examples, we show some work sharing strategies, their advantages and drawbacks.
In our first example, we show a master-slave communication model of the working nodes. The basic concept is
to set a master node, practically the node with the lowest rank, and let all other nodes be slaves. Slaves ask the
master for work, which in turn gives the slaves one point on the complex plane to make the approaching
calculation and collects data from them. The idea is simple. Every process can work at its own speed, according
to the complexity of its task. If the task is done, data is sent back to the master and new data is obtained. The
master does only the data sharing and collecting task, and at the end, it shuts down all the slaves. Slaves work in
an infinite loop and will stop only when the master shuts them down.
The first lines of the code are similar to the serial version.
1: #include <cstdlib>
2: #include <iostream>
3: #include <fstream>
4: #include <sstream>
5: #include <math.h>
6: #include <vector>
7: #include <time.h>
8: #include <mpi.h>
10: using namespace std;
11: const int imgX=3000; // horizontal image resolution
12: const int imgY=3000; // vertical image resolution
13: const int iter_n=3000; // max. iteration number
14: const double yMin= -0.135; // Mandelbrot scene y - range
15: const double yMax= -0.115;
16: const double xMin= -0.79; // Mandelbrot scene x -range
17: const double xMax= -0.77;
18: int img_array[imgX][imgY] = {0}; // our MAndelbrot set values array
20: // convergation function - base of the Mandelbrot set value generation
21: // it will get two parameters (x and y coordinates) and will give an iteration
count in return
22: int converges(double cx,double cy)
23: {
24: int n=0;
25: double zx=0;
26: double new_zx=0;
27: double zy=0;
28: // we iterate until max. iteration count iter_n, or until z^2 (complex!) runs over
4 - this means, our series will run to infinity, so it's not part of the set
29: while( (n<iter_n) && (zx*zx + zy*zy)<4 )
30: {
31: // z * z => new_zx = (zx*zx - zy*zy) new_zy = (zx*zy + zx*zy) // we work
with complex numbers
32: // z*z + c = zx^2 - zy^2 +cx + i(zx*zy*2 + cy)
33: new_zx = zx*zx - zy*zy + cx;
34: zy = 2*zx*zy + cy;
35: zx = new_zx;
36: n++;
37: }
38: return n;
39: }
42: int main(int argc, char **argv)
The only new line is the mpi.h inlcude file. The main() function starts with some variable definitions already
familiar. We define here a MPI_Status variable named status to be able to get the status (sender, message tag,
error status) of an MPI message later. The answer[4] array will hold the result structure of a message (id of
sender, iteration count0 or for first request, coordinate, coordinate). The coordinates[2] structure will
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Introduction to MPI by examples
hold the coordinates of our image processed and the structure question[2] will hold the real and imaginary part
of the processed point in our complex plane.
After the variable definitions we initialize the MPI environment. We get our rank into id and the size of the MPI
World we see into nproc. With the MPI_Barrier() function, we synchronize all workers to this point, everyone
has to reach this point to go on in any process. This is necessary now for the precise measurement of elapsed
time during distributed work.
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Introduction to MPI by examples
If the rank our process (id) is then we are the master process. If our argument count is ok, we open a file for
output and set the step resolution and get an actual time into s_time. At this point, we start the embedded loop
where we go through the image points. For every image point, we wait for a message from any of the slaves. At
first, this is only a request for some work, but later, this is both an answer and a request for work. If it is an
answer as well, we put the received data to the appropriate coordinate. The id (answer(1)), the iteration number
(answer[1]) and the coordinates of the calculated image point (answer[2], answer[3]) are part of the answer. The
slave indicates that this is the first answer, thus, it is only a request for work by setting the iteration number to -
1. After receiving an answer, the master sends out a new point for processing. This consists of an MPI_Send() of
the new image coordinates ("where") and the questioned , values. We hand out all the points one-by-one
until no coordinates remain. After the last sends, we have to collect the last answer as well, and send out a
termination request to the slaves. This is done by sending a coordinate.
The next few lines do tasks similarly to the serial version. We output the elapsed time of the above procedure,
and output the collected whole dataset into an image file. We also show the elapsed time for the I/O operation.
If the rank of the process is greater than zero, the actual process is a slave. Slaves request work, do their jobs and
send results back to the master. Every slave starts with a special message, with that it indicates a request for
work only (answer[0] is the rank , answer[1] is ), then starts an infinite loop of work. In this loop, we
receive the new coordinates to process. If we receive a termination request, thus coordinates[0] < , the
"infinite" loop will be breaked and after finalizing the MPI environment, the program will stop. Until
termination, the slaves receive the image coordinates (coordinates), the set coordinates (question) and according
to them, generate an iteration count with the converges() function. The 4-element-answer is constructed and will
be sent back to the master.
The above example is called an initial example. Although the idea to share small portions to slaves on request is
good, the calculation of one point is too small a problem compared to the communication overhead.
The program is tested on two different architectures. As mentioned in the introduction of Part II, A is an SMP
machine and B is a cluster machine. The table shows the job times on both machines with different number of
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As can be seen in the table, the speed-up trend with raising number of cores is much more a slow-down on both
architectures. However, even with the communication overhead, there is a speed-up compared to a one core run.
A better idea would be to give a bigger portion of work for one node, as done in the next example.
The second example code works very similarly to the first one, except for that we hand out bigger parts, whole
lines to the slaves for processing. The first lines of the program are very similar to the ones in the first version.
We introduce a new array, img_line[imgY] with which we will communicate the lines between master and
1: #include <cstdlib>
2: #include <iostream>
3: #include <fstream>
4: #include <sstream>
5: #include <math.h>
6: #include <vector>
7: #include <time.h>
8: #include <mpi.h>
10: using namespace std;
11: const int imgX=3000; // horizontal image resolution
12: const int imgY=3000; // vertical image resolution
13: const int iter_n=3000; // max. iteration number
14: const double yMin= -0.135; // Mandelbrot scene y - range
15: const double yMax= -0.115;
16: const double xMin= -0.79; // Mandelbrot scene x -range
17: const double xMax= -0.77;
18: int img_array[imgX][imgY] = {0}; // our MAndelbrot set values array
19: int img_line[imgY] = {0};
21: // convergation function - base of the Mandelbrot set value generation
22: // it will get two parameters (x and y coordinates) and will give an iteration
count in return
23: int converges(double cx,double cy)
24: {
25: int n=0;
26: double zx=0;
27: double new_zx=0;
28: double zy=0;
29: // we iterate until max. iteration count iter_n, or until z^2 (complex!) runs over
4 - this means, our series will run to infinity, so it's not part of the set
30: while( (n<iter_n) && (zx*zx + zy*zy)<4 )
31: {
32: // z * z => new_zx = (zx*zx - zy*zy) new_zy = (zx*zy + zx*zy) // we work
with complex numbers
33: // z*z + c = zx^2 - zy^2 +cx + i(zx*zy*2 + cy)
34: new_zx = zx*zx - zy*zy + cx;
35: zy = 2*zx*zy + cy;
36: zx = new_zx;
37: n++;
38: }
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39: return n;
40: }
43: int main(int argc, char **argv)
The main() function starts also similarly to the first example, we just omit the coordinates[] variable, since we
work with whole lines.
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Introduction to MPI by examples
103: cx=cx+resX;
104: }
As a master we will receive a whole line in img_array[answer[1]][0] where answer[1] is the X coordinate, the
number of the processed line.
106: //the remaining answers:
107: int term=-1;
108: for(int i=1;i<nproc;++i){
109: MPI_Recv(answer, 2, MPI_INT, MPI_ANY_SOURCE, 1, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &status);
110: MPI_Recv(&img_array[answer[1]][0], imgY, MPI_INT, answer[0],
111: 2, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &status);
113: //sending the termination signal
114: MPI_Send(&term, 1, MPI_INT, answer[0], 3, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
115: }
117: // we get another time at this point, so we can calculate the elapsed time for
the calculation
118: e_time=MPI_Wtime();
120: cout << "Time elapsed during calculation: " << e_time-s_time << " secs." <<
122: // file IO
124: myfile << "P3\r\n";
125: myfile << imgX;
126: myfile << " ";
127: myfile << imgY;
128: myfile << "\r\n";
129: myfile << "255\r\n";
131: // we have to colour our dataset. Actually, the members of the Mandelbrot set
are used to be the same colour (black?) and have from point of visualisations view no
132: // the outer points are represented by assigning colours to their iteration
steps and this generates vivid forms and colors
133: for(int i=0;i<imgX;i++)
134: {
135: for(int j=0;j<imgY;j++)
136: {
138: if( (img_array[i][j] < 256) ) // we go from black to red in this range
139: {
140: myfile << img_array[i][j] << " 0 0"; // (int)(84*pow(img_array[i][j],0.2))
<< " 0 0"; //myfile << img_array[i][j] << " 0 0";
141: }
142: else if( img_array[i][j] < 512) // we go from red to yellow in this range
143: {
144: myfile << "255 " << img_array[i][j]-256 << " 0";
145: }
146: else if( img_array[i][j] < 768) // we go from yellow to white in this range
147: {
148: myfile << "255 255 " << img_array[i][j]-512;
149: }
150: /* // we could refine our palette for more resolution, more iteration-step
151: else if( img_array[i][j] < 1024)
152: {
153: myfile << 1024-img_array[i][j] << " 255 255";
154: }
155: else if( img_array[i][j] < 1280)
156: {
157: myfile << "0 " << 1280-img_array[i][j] << " 255";
158: }
159: else if( img_array[i][j] < 1536)
160: {
161: myfile << "0 0 " << 1536-img_array[i][j];
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Introduction to MPI by examples
162: }
163: */
164: else // everything else is black
165: {
166: myfile << "0 0 0 ";
167: }
169: myfile << " ";
171: }
172: myfile << "\r\n";
173: }
175: myfile.close(); // we close our file
177: e_time=MPI_Wtime(); // and give another elapsed time info (IO included)
179: cout << "Time elapsed total: " << e_time-s_time << " secs \r\n";
180: }
After the iteration, we have to collect the remaining, last lines and write the whole data into a .PPM file again.
If we are slaves, we have to send out a first message in which we indicate that we are ready to work. After this
first message, we will get into a loop, where we get a row number and send the whole row back.
180: }
181: else{ //Slave
182: //prepare the step resolution
183: resX = (xMax-xMin) / imgX;
184: resY = (yMax-yMin) / imgY;
186: int i;
187: answer[0]=id;
188: answer[1]=-1;
189: MPI_Send(answer, 2, MPI_INT, 0, 1, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
191: while(1){
192: MPI_Recv(&i, 1, MPI_INT, 0, 3, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &status);
193: if(i<0) break; //got termination command!
194: answer[1]=i;
196: MPI_Recv(&question, 1, MPI_DOUBLE, 0, 4, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &status);
198: cy=yMin; // at every new step in X direction, we start at the first Y value
200: for(int j=0;j<imgY;j++)
201: {
202: img_line[j]=converges(question,cy);
203: cy=cy+resY;
204: }
205: MPI_Send(answer, 2, MPI_INT, 0, 1, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
206: MPI_Send(img_line, imgY, MPI_INT, 0, 2, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
207: }
209: }
211: // Terminate MPI:
212: MPI_Finalize();
214: return 0;
215: }
The received cx value in question indicates the line number, and we go through this line and calculate the
iteration count for every cx, cy position. The series of these positions will get into the img_line[] array.
This amount of work seems to be big enough, the communication overhead is not a big issue any more, as can
be seen in table 8. The speed-up is much better on both architectures. This method brings almost a linear scale
up until 192 processors.
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Introduction to MPI by examples
In the third example, we change our work distribution strategy. The so called loop splitting technique distributes
various iterations of a loop to different workers. Since we do not hand out blocks, but different fragments from
different positions in our set, some balancing is done. In this example, the master only distributes and collects
work and results. The code is similar except the work distribution step.
1: #include <cstdlib>
2: #include <iostream>
3: #include <fstream>
4: #include <sstream>
5: #include <math.h>
6: #include <vector>
7: #include <time.h>
8: #include <mpi.h>
10: using namespace std;
11: const int imgX=3000; // horizontal image resolution
12: const int imgY=3000; // vertical image resolution
13: const int iter_n=3000; // max. iteration number
14: const double yMin= -0.135; // Mandelbrot scene y - range
15: const double yMax= -0.115;
16: const double xMin= -0.79; // Mandelbrot scene x -range
17: const double xMax= -0.77;
18: int img_array[imgX][imgY] = {0}; // our MAndelbrot set values array
20: // convergation function - base of the Mandelbrot set value generation
21: // it will get two parameters (x and y coordinates) and will give an iteration
count in return
22: int converges(double cx,double cy)
23: {
24: int n=0;
25: double zx=0;
26: double new_zx=0;
27: double zy=0;
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Introduction to MPI by examples
28: // we iterate until max. iteration count iter_n, or until z^2 (complex!) runs over
4 - this means, our series will run to infinity, so it's not part of the set
29: while( (n<iter_n) && (zx*zx + zy*zy)<4 )
30: {
31: // z * z => new_zx = (zx*zx - zy*zy) new_zy = (zx*zy + zx*zy) // we work
with complex numbers
32: // z*z + c = zx^2 - zy^2 +cx + i(zx*zy*2 + cy)
33: new_zx = zx*zx - zy*zy + cx;
34: zy = 2*zx*zy + cy;
35: zx = new_zx;
36: n++;
37: }
38: return n;
39: }
42: int main(int argc, char **argv)
43: {
44: //variables for MPI communication:
45: int id, nproc;
46: MPI_Status status;
47: int id_from;
49: double resX=0; // Resolution of our iteration steps
50: double resY=0; // this will be calculated by (yMax-yMin) / imgY later..
51: double cx=xMin; // calculation will start at this point and we will change this
52: double cy=yMin;
53: double s_time, e_time; // we will show some timing data
55: // Initialize MPI:
56: MPI_Init(&argc, &argv);
57: // Get my rank:
58: MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &id);
59: // Get the total number of processors:
60: MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &nproc);
62: MPI_Barrier(MPI_COMM_WORLD); //for precize timing
65: if(id == 0){ //Master
67: if(argc<2)
68: {
69: cout << "Usage:" <<endl;
70: cout<<argv[0]<<" out_file.ppm"<<endl;
71: MPI_Abort(MPI_COMM_WORLD, 1);
72: exit(1);
73: }
75: ofstream myfile; // we will write to this file
76: string filename1(argv[1]);
77: // filename1 = "mandel.ppm";
78: char *fileName1 = (char*)filename1.c_str();
80: s_time=MPI_Wtime(); // we get a time value at this point
82: //recieve
83: for(int j=1;j<nproc;++j){
84: MPI_Recv(&id_from, 1, MPI_INT, MPI_ANY_SOURCE, 1,
85: MPI_COMM_WORLD, &status);
86: //it is important to recive from ANY_SOURCE,
87: //as process execution may differ greatly
89: for(int i=id_from-1;i<imgX;i += (nproc-1))
90: MPI_Recv(&img_array[i][0], imgY, MPI_INT, id_from,
91: 2, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &status);
92: }
94: // we get another time at this point, so we can calculate the elapsed time for
the calculation
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If we are masters, we receive answers in a loop. The first slave to answer, will give us its rank, id_from.
Working with this value, we can get every value starting from . Doing this for every
worker (the order of incoming id-s vary) we get the fragments of the result.
94: // we get another time at this point, so we can calculate the elapsed time for
the calculation
95: e_time=MPI_Wtime();
97: cout << "Time elapsed during calculation: " << e_time-s_time << " secs." <<
99: // file IO
101: myfile << "P3\r\n";
102: myfile << imgX;
103: myfile << " ";
104: myfile << imgY;
105: myfile << "\r\n";
106: myfile << "255\r\n";
108: // we have to colour our dataset. Actually, the members of the Mandelbrot set
are used to be the same colour (black?) and have from point of visualisations view no
109: // the outer points are represented by assigning colours to their iteration
steps and this generates vivid forms and colors
110: for(int i=0;i<imgX;i++)
111: {
112: for(int j=0;j<imgY;j++)
113: {
115: if( (img_array[i][j] < 256) ) // we go from black to red in this range
116: {
117: myfile << img_array[i][j] << " 0 0"; // (int)(84*pow(img_array[i][j],0.2))
<< " 0 0"; //myfile << img_array[i][j] << " 0 0";
118: }
119: else if( img_array[i][j] < 512) // we go from red to yellow in this range
120: {
121: myfile << "255 " << img_array[i][j]-256 << " 0";
122: }
123: else if( img_array[i][j] < 768) // we go from yellow to white in this range
124: {
125: myfile << "255 255 " << img_array[i][j]-512;
126: }
127: /* // we could refine our palette for more resolution, more iteration-step
128: else if( img_array[i][j] < 1024)
129: {
130: myfile << 1024-img_array[i][j] << " 255 255";
131: }
132: else if( img_array[i][j] < 1280)
133: {
134: myfile << "0 " << 1280-img_array[i][j] << " 255";
135: }
136: else if( img_array[i][j] < 1536)
137: {
138: myfile << "0 0 " << 1536-img_array[i][j];
139: }
140: */
141: else // everything else is black
142: {
143: myfile << "0 0 0 ";
144: }
146: myfile << " ";
148: }
149: myfile << "\r\n";
150: }
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Introduction to MPI by examples
152: myfile.close(); // we close our file
154: e_time=MPI_Wtime(); // and give another elapsed time info (IO included)
156: cout << "Time elapsed total: " << e_time-s_time << " secs \r\n";
157: }
If we are a slave, we have to serve these arbitrary data fragments the same way as the master.
157: }
158: else{ //Slave
159: //because the slaves numbered 1..nproc:
160: //id -> id-1
161: //nproc -> nproc-1
163: //prepare the step resolution
164: resX = (xMax-xMin) / imgX;
165: resY = (yMax-yMin) / imgY;
167: //because of the Master-Slave execution process 0 does no work!
169: cx=cx+resX*(id-1); //jump to the right cx
170: //beware, round-off error!
171: //this value is slightly different from
172: //adding resX startval times to cx
173: //this will cause unspottable difference to the picture
175: for(int i=id-1;i<imgX;i += (nproc-1))
176: {
177: cy=yMin; // at every new step in X direction,
178: //we start at the first Y value
179: for(int j=0;j<imgY;j++)
180: {
181: img_array[i][j]=converges(cx,cy);
182: cy=cy+resY;
183: }
185: cx=cx+resX*(nproc-1); //the steps are by nproc!
186: //beware, round-off error!
188: }
190: MPI_Send(&id, 1, MPI_INT, 0, 1, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
191: for(int i=id-1;i<imgX;i += (nproc-1))
192: {
193: MPI_Send(&img_array[i][0], imgY, MPI_INT, 0, 2, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
194: }
196: }
198: // Terminate MPI:
199: MPI_Finalize();
201: return 0;
202: }
As a slave, we have to calculate the starting line (cx) where we have to start the calculation. This will be the
cx=cx+resX*(id-1) value. This value will be slightly different from the cx value used in our previous examples.
It is a round-off error, where adding resX id-1 times to cx is id-1 rounding at the addition, while adding
resX*(id-1) is only one addition and a multiplication. This will slightly modify our image. To avoid this, we
could change back to a loop of additions, to get the same rounding as in our previous examples.
After setting up the right cx and calculating the right lines, we have to send our id and the data to the master.
As shown in the following table, speed up is still very good, running times show that this method is also viable
for this problem. However, the speed up is not as good as before.
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Introduction to MPI by examples
The fourth example is a variant of the loop splitting technique. What makes it different from the previous one is
that the master will also perform some calculations. First, this sounds better, since more worker should do the
job faster. In fact, it is true until some number of processes. After a while, the administrative overhead of the
master process will make him the slowest process among the others and all the slaves have to wait for the
master, that collects data only after it has done its job. The master has to receive results from all slaves in a row.
In the previous example, the master process did the file name administration parallel to the slaves who began the
work. Now, the master as worker has to do this extra.
The code is similar to the previous ones except where we check whether we are master or slave.
1: #include <cstdlib>
2: #include <iostream>
3: #include <fstream>
4: #include <sstream>
5: #include <math.h>
6: #include <vector>
7: #include <time.h>
8: #include <mpi.h>
10: using namespace std;
11: const int imgX=3000; // horizontal image resolution
12: const int imgY=3000; // vertical image resolution
13: const int iter_n=3000; // max. iteration number
14: const double yMin= -0.135; // Mandelbrot scene y - range
15: const double yMax= -0.115;
16: const double xMin= -0.79; // Mandelbrot scene x -range
17: const double xMax= -0.77;
18: int img_array[imgX][imgY] = {0}; // our MAndelbrot set values array
20: // convergation function - base of the Mandelbrot set value generation
21: // it will get two parameters (x and y coordinates) and will give an iteration
count in return
22: int converges(double cx,double cy)
23: {
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If we are the master, we have to do some extra work by checking the arguments, preparing the output file and
getting a time value. After this, all processes do the same: they calculate their part of work with the help of their
rank (id) and calculate the starting cx value. Knowing the starting cx value, every process works on its
cx+nproc*resX lines. After doing all the calculation and building the individual img_array[i][j] blocks, we have
to send/receive them.
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Introduction to MPI by examples
85: //prepare the step resolution
86: resX = (xMax-xMin) / imgX;
87: resY = (yMax-yMin) / imgY;
89: cx=cx+resX*id; //jump to the right cx
90: //beware, round-off error!
91: //this value is slightly different from
92: //adding resX startval times to cx
93: //this will cause unspottable difference to the picture
95: for(int i=id;i<imgX;i += nproc)
96: {
97: cy=yMin; // at every new step in X direction,
98: //we start at the first Y value
99: for(int j=0;j<imgY;j++)
100: {
101: img_array[i][j]=converges(cx,cy);
102: cy=cy+resY;
103: }
105: cx=cx+resX*nproc; //the steps are by nproc!
106: //beware, round-off error!
107: }
109: if(id != 0){ //Slaves sending
110: MPI_Send(&id, 1, MPI_INT, 0, 1, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
111: for(int i=id;i<imgX;i += nproc)
112: {
113: MPI_Send(&img_array[i][0], imgY, MPI_INT, 0, 2, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
114: }
116: }else{//Master recieving
117: for(int j=1;j<nproc;++j){
118: MPI_Recv(&id_from, 1, MPI_INT, MPI_ANY_SOURCE, 1,
119: MPI_COMM_WORLD, &status);
120: //it is important to recive from ANY_SOURCE,
121: //as process execution may differ greatly
123: for(int i=id_from;i<imgX;i += nproc)
124: MPI_Recv(&img_array[i][0], imgY, MPI_INT, id_from,
125: 2, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &status);
126: }
128: // we get another time at this point, so we can calculate the elapsed time for
the calculation
129: e_time=MPI_Wtime();
131: cout << "Time elapsed during calculation: " << e_time-s_time << " secs." <<
133: // file IO
135: myfile << "P3\r\n";
136: myfile << imgX;
137: myfile << " ";
138: myfile << imgY;
139: myfile << "\r\n";
140: myfile << "255\r\n";
142: // we have to colour our dataset. Actually, the members of the Mandelbrot set
are used to be the same colour (black?) and have from point of visualisations view no
143: // the outer points are represented by assigning colours to their iteration
steps and this generates vivid forms and colors
144: for(int i=0;i<imgX;i++)
145: {
146: for(int j=0;j<imgY;j++)
147: {
149: if( (img_array[i][j] < 256) ) // we go from black to red in this range
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150: {
151: myfile << img_array[i][j] << " 0 0"; // (int)(84*pow(img_array[i][j],0.2))
<< " 0 0"; //myfile << img_array[i][j] << " 0 0";
152: }
153: else if( img_array[i][j] < 512) // we go from red to yellow in this range
154: {
155: myfile << "255 " << img_array[i][j]-256 << " 0";
156: }
157: else if( img_array[i][j] < 768) // we go from yellow to white in this range
158: {
159: myfile << "255 255 " << img_array[i][j]-512;
160: }
161: /* // we could refine our palette for more resolution, more iteration-step
162: else if( img_array[i][j] < 1024)
163: {
164: myfile << 1024-img_array[i][j] << " 255 255";
165: }
166: else if( img_array[i][j] < 1280)
167: {
168: myfile << "0 " << 1280-img_array[i][j] << " 255";
169: }
170: else if( img_array[i][j] < 1536)
171: {
172: myfile << "0 0 " << 1536-img_array[i][j];
173: }
174: */
175: else // everything else is black
176: {
177: myfile << "0 0 0 ";
178: }
180: myfile << " ";
182: }
183: myfile << "\r\n";
184: }
186: myfile.close(); // we close our file
188: e_time=MPI_Wtime(); // and give another elapsed time info (IO included)
190: cout << "Time elapsed total: " << e_time-s_time << " secs \r\n";
191: }
193: // Terminate MPI:
194: MPI_Finalize();
196: return 0;
197: }
If we are slaves (rank is not zero), we have to do several MPI_Send()s. The first will send our id and the
followings will contain our part of data lines. If we are masters, we have to receive these lines by doing the
iteration parametrised by the first received rank value. As masters, we have to do some file output as well. Table
10 shows the speed-up on both machines.
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The Block scheduling is our next, well known strategy. In this method, we just split the dataset into consecutive
blocks and hand out them for the working nodes. In our first block scheduling example, the master won't work
again, it will only collect data from other workers, slaves. The code is unchanged until splitting the data.
1: #include <cstdlib>
2: #include <iostream>
3: #include <fstream>
4: #include <sstream>
5: #include <math.h>
6: #include <vector>
7: #include <time.h>
8: #include <mpi.h>
10: using namespace std;
11: const int imgX=3000; // horizontal image resolution
12: const int imgY=3000; // vertical image resolution
13: const int iter_n=3000; // max. iteration number
14: const double yMin= -0.135; // Mandelbrot scene y - range
15: const double yMax= -0.115;
16: const double xMin= -0.79; // Mandelbrot scene x -range
17: const double xMax= -0.77;
18: int img_array[imgX][imgY] = {0}; // our MAndelbrot set values array
20: // convergation function - base of the Mandelbrot set value generation
21: // it will get two parameters (x and y coordinates) and will give an iteration
count in return
22: int converges(double cx,double cy)
23: {
24: int n=0;
25: double zx=0;
26: double new_zx=0;
27: double zy=0;
28: // we iterate until max. iteration count iter_n, or until z^2 (complex!) runs over
4 - this means, our series will run to infinity, so it's not part of the set
29: while( (n<iter_n) && (zx*zx + zy*zy)<4 )
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30: {
31: // z * z => new_zx = (zx*zx - zy*zy) new_zy = (zx*zy + zx*zy) // we work
with complex numbers
32: // z*z + c = zx^2 - zy^2 +cx + i(zx*zy*2 + cy)
33: new_zx = zx*zx - zy*zy + cx;
34: zy = 2*zx*zy + cy;
35: zx = new_zx;
36: n++;
37: }
38: return n;
39: }
42: int main(int argc, char **argv)
43: {
44: //variables for MPI communication:
45: int id, nproc;
46: MPI_Status status;
47: int id_from;
48: int startval;
49: int endval;
51: double resX=0; // Resolution of our iteration steps
52: double resY=0; // this will be calculated by (yMax-yMin) / imgY later..
53: double cx=xMin; // calculation will start at this point and we will change this
54: double cy=yMin;
55: double s_time, e_time; // we will show some timing data
56: ofstream myfile; // we will write to this file
57: char *fileName1;
59: // Initialize MPI:
60: MPI_Init(&argc, &argv);
61: // Get my rank:
62: MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &id);
63: // Get the total number of processors:
64: MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &nproc);
66: MPI_Barrier(MPI_COMM_WORLD); //for precize timing
69: if(id == 0){ //Master
71: if(argc<2)
72: {
73: cout << "Usage:" <<endl;
74: cout<<argv[0]<<" out_file.ppm"<<endl;
75: MPI_Abort(MPI_COMM_WORLD, 1);
76: exit(1);
77: }
79: string filename1(argv[1]);
80: // filename1 = "mandel.ppm";
81: fileName1 = (char*)filename1.c_str();
83: s_time=MPI_Wtime(); // we get a time value at this point
85: //recieving
86: for(int j=1;j<nproc;++j){
If we are master we start with collecting data as usual. The difference here is the block definition of the data to
be received. In the first message, we got the id_from rank data and using this, we can calulate the starting
position and size of the data block (endval - startval). We will receive a datablock of
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Introduction to MPI by examples
92: startval = imgX*(id_from-1)/(nproc-1);
93: endval = imgX*id_from/(nproc-1);
95: //for(int i=startval;i<endval; ++i)
96: MPI_Recv(&img_array[startval][0], (endval-startval)*imgY, MPI_INT, id_from,
97: 2, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &status);
98: }
100: // we get another time at this point, so we can calculate the elapsed time for
the calculation
101: e_time=MPI_Wtime();
103: cout << "Time elapsed during calculation: " << e_time-s_time << " secs." <<
105: // file IO
107: myfile << "P3\r\n";
108: myfile << imgX;
109: myfile << " ";
110: myfile << imgY;
111: myfile << "\r\n";
112: myfile << "255\r\n";
114: // we have to colour our dataset. Actually, the members of the Mandelbrot set
are used to be the same colour (black?) and have from point of visualisations view no
115: // the outer points are represented by assigning colours to their iteration
steps and this generates vivid forms and colors
116: for(int i=0;i<imgX;i++)
117: {
118: for(int j=0;j<imgY;j++)
119: {
121: if( (img_array[i][j] < 256) ) // we go from black to red in this range
122: {
123: myfile << img_array[i][j] << " 0 0"; // (int)(84*pow(img_array[i][j],0.2))
<< " 0 0"; //myfile << img_array[i][j] << " 0 0";
124: }
125: else if( img_array[i][j] < 512) // we go from red to yellow in this range
126: {
127: myfile << "255 " << img_array[i][j]-256 << " 0";
128: }
129: else if( img_array[i][j] < 768) // we go from yellow to white in this range
130: {
131: myfile << "255 255 " << img_array[i][j]-512;
132: }
133: /* // we could refine our palette for more resolution, more iteration-step
134: else if( img_array[i][j] < 1024)
135: {
136: myfile << 1024-img_array[i][j] << " 255 255";
137: }
138: else if( img_array[i][j] < 1280)
139: {
140: myfile << "0 " << 1280-img_array[i][j] << " 255";
141: }
142: else if( img_array[i][j] < 1536)
143: {
144: myfile << "0 0 " << 1536-img_array[i][j];
145: }
146: */
147: else // everything else is black
148: {
149: myfile << "0 0 0 ";
150: }
152: myfile << " ";
154: }
155: myfile << "\r\n";
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156: }
158: myfile.close(); // we close our file
160: e_time=MPI_Wtime(); // and give another elapsed time info (IO included)
162: cout << "Time elapsed total: " << e_time-s_time << " secs \r\n";
164: }else{//Slave
166: //because the slaves numbered 1..nproc:
167: //id -> id-1
168: //nproc -> nproc-1
170: //prepare the step resolution
171: resX = (xMax-xMin) / imgX;
172: resY = (yMax-yMin) / imgY;
174: startval = imgX*(id-1)/(nproc-1);
The code is again the same as before, except the slaves data block calculation. This goes the same way as by the
master side. We have to calculate the startval and endval values and to send the datalines accordingly.
This kind of data split is simple, the consecutive blocks can be sent at once. However, the workload could be
more imbalanced, since we take contiguous parts of the dataset. Calculating the Mandelbrot set, contiguous
parts can be fully inside the borderline, thus every point has to iterate till the maximum, and some parts could be
fully out of the set. The running times scale quite well on both machines, though (11).
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Our last parallel Mandelbrot set generator example is a variant of the block scheduling. In this variant, the
master is also working. This case is similar to the loop splitting variant (12.2.4). The consecutive data blocks are
handed out, and the master gets one as well. This is on one hand good, more workers are working. On the other
hand, if the master is slower than some of the slaves, they all have to wait for the master and after one can send,
the others have to wait for each other, causing a jam, which can be shown at the test runs as well.
1: #include <cstdlib>
2: #include <iostream>
3: #include <fstream>
4: #include <sstream>
5: #include <math.h>
6: #include <vector>
7: #include <time.h>
8: #include <mpi.h>
10: using namespace std;
11: const int imgX=3000; // horizontal image resolution
12: const int imgY=3000; // vertical image resolution
13: const int iter_n=3000; // max. iteration number
14: const double yMin= -0.135; // Mandelbrot scene y - range
15: const double yMax= -0.115;
16: const double xMin= -0.79; // Mandelbrot scene x -range
17: const double xMax= -0.77;
18: int img_array[imgX][imgY] = {0}; // our MAndelbrot set values array
20: // convergation function - base of the Mandelbrot set value generation
21: // it will get two parameters (x and y coordinates) and will give an iteration
count in return
22: int converges(double cx,double cy)
23: {
24: int n=0;
25: double zx=0;
26: double new_zx=0;
27: double zy=0;
28: // we iterate until max. iteration count iter_n, or until z^2 (complex!) runs over
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4 - this means, our series will run to infinity, so it's not part of the set
29: while( (n<iter_n) && (zx*zx + zy*zy)<4 )
30: {
31: // z * z => new_zx = (zx*zx - zy*zy) new_zy = (zx*zy + zx*zy) // we work
with complex numbers
32: // z*z + c = zx^2 - zy^2 +cx + i(zx*zy*2 + cy)
33: new_zx = zx*zx - zy*zy + cx;
34: zy = 2*zx*zy + cy;
35: zx = new_zx;
36: n++;
37: }
38: return n;
39: }
42: int main(int argc, char **argv)
43: {
44: //variables for MPI communication:
45: int id, nproc;
46: MPI_Status status;
47: int id_from;
48: int startval;
49: int endval;
51: double resX=0; // Resolution of our iteration steps
52: double resY=0; // this will be calculated by (yMax-yMin) / imgY later..
53: double cx=xMin; // calculation will start at this point and we will change this
54: double cy=yMin;
55: double s_time, e_time; // we will show some timing data
56: ofstream myfile; // we will write to this file
57: char *fileName1;
59: // Initialize MPI:
60: MPI_Init(&argc, &argv);
61: // Get my rank:
62: MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &id);
63: // Get the total number of processors:
64: MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &nproc);
66: MPI_Barrier(MPI_COMM_WORLD); //for precize timing
69: if(id == 0){ //Master
71: if(argc<2)
72: {
73: cout << "Usage:" <<endl;
74: cout<<argv[0]<<" out_file.ppm"<<endl;
75: MPI_Abort(MPI_COMM_WORLD, 1);
76: exit(1);
77: }
79: string filename1(argv[1]);
80: // filename1 = "mandel.ppm";
81: fileName1 = (char*)filename1.c_str();
83: //prepare the step resolution
84: s_time=MPI_Wtime(); // we get a time value at this point
85: }
87: //prepare the step resolution
88: resX = (xMax-xMin) / imgX;
89: resY = (yMax-yMin) / imgY;
91: //because of the Master-Slave execution process 0 does no work!
93: startval = imgX*id/nproc;
94: endval = imgX*(id+1)/nproc;
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The code is different at the calculation of startval and endval. The master gets also a part, so we divide work into
nproc parts.
96: cx=cx+resX*startval; //jump to the right cx
97: //beware, round-off error!
98: //this value is slightly different from
99: //adding resX startval times to cx
100: //this will cause unspottable difference to the picture
102: for(int i=startval;i<endval;++i)
103: {
104: cy=yMin; // at every new step in X direction,
105: //we start at the first Y value
106: for(int j=0;j<imgY;j++)
107: {
108: img_array[i][j]=converges(cx,cy);
109: cy=cy+resY;
110: }
112: cx=cx+resX;
113: }
115: if(id != 0){ //Slaves sending
116: MPI_Send(&id, 1, MPI_INT, 0, 1, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
117: //for(int i=startval;i<endval; ++i)
118: //{
119: MPI_Send(&img_array[startval][0], (endval-startval)*imgY, MPI_INT, 0, 2,
120: //}
122: }else{//Master recieving
123: for(int j=1;j<nproc;++j){
124: MPI_Recv(&id_from, 1, MPI_INT, MPI_ANY_SOURCE, 1,
125: MPI_COMM_WORLD, &status);
126: //it is important to recive from ANY_SOURCE,
127: //as process execution may differ greatly
129: startval = imgX*id_from/nproc;
130: endval = imgX*(id_from+1)/nproc;
132: //for(int i=startval;i<endval; ++i)
133: MPI_Recv(&img_array[startval][0], (endval-startval)*imgY, MPI_INT, id_from,
134: 2, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &status);
135: }
137: // we get another time at this point, so we can calculate the elapsed time for
the calculation
138: e_time=MPI_Wtime();
140: cout << "Time elapsed during calculation: " << e_time-s_time << " secs." <<
142: // file IO
144: myfile << "P3\r\n";
145: myfile << imgX;
146: myfile << " ";
147: myfile << imgY;
148: myfile << "\r\n";
149: myfile << "255\r\n";
151: // we have to colour our dataset. Actually, the members of the Mandelbrot set
are used to be the same colour (black?) and have from point of visualisations view no
152: // the outer points are represented by assigning colours to their iteration
steps and this generates vivid forms and colors
153: for(int i=0;i<imgX;i++)
154: {
155: for(int j=0;j<imgY;j++)
156: {
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158: if( (img_array[i][j] < 256) ) // we go from black to red in this range
159: {
160: myfile << img_array[i][j] << " 0 0"; // (int)(84*pow(img_array[i][j],0.2))
<< " 0 0"; //myfile << img_array[i][j] << " 0 0";
161: }
162: else if( img_array[i][j] < 512) // we go from red to yellow in this range
163: {
164: myfile << "255 " << img_array[i][j]-256 << " 0";
165: }
166: else if( img_array[i][j] < 768) // we go from yellow to white in this range
167: {
168: myfile << "255 255 " << img_array[i][j]-512;
169: }
170: /* // we could refine our palette for more resolution, more iteration-step
171: else if( img_array[i][j] < 1024)
172: {
173: myfile << 1024-img_array[i][j] << " 255 255";
174: }
175: else if( img_array[i][j] < 1280)
176: {
177: myfile << "0 " << 1280-img_array[i][j] << " 255";
178: }
179: else if( img_array[i][j] < 1536)
180: {
181: myfile << "0 0 " << 1536-img_array[i][j];
182: }
183: */
184: else // everything else is black
185: {
186: myfile << "0 0 0 ";
187: }
189: myfile << " ";
191: }
192: myfile << "\r\n";
193: }
195: myfile.close(); // we close our file
197: e_time=MPI_Wtime(); // and give another elapsed time info (IO included)
199: cout << "Time elapsed total: " << e_time-s_time << " secs \r\n";
200: }
202: // Terminate MPI:
203: MPI_Finalize();
205: return 0;
206: }
The rest of the code is similar, everyone is calculating, then the master is collecting data. The slaves may wait
for that and that is an increasing problem with increasing process numbers. The run times on the (SMP
ccNUMA) and (Fat-node tree cluster) machines are shown in table 12. The speed-up seems to break down at
higher number of working nodes, this is likely due to the jam effect because of the working master node. This
has an effect earlier on the architecture due the communication delay.
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The first thing to think about at parallelization is the strategy of work sharing. This has to be designed carefully
since hidden delays, unsynchronized work can greatly decrease the gain of some processes coupled power. We
must analyse the algorithm we want to use according to its need for communication size and structure. The final
set-up should consider the underlying architecture (SMP, cluster) and network properties (throughput, latency)
to reach desired speed. Communication has always had an overhead. It is not a good idea to send and receive too
small chunks of data. However, by using big data chunks, we take the risk of making the work of nodes
unbalanced. Depending on the algorithm and architecture, we have to find the optimal configuration for best
run. It is always a good idea to make some benchmarks and test runs with smaller data to speed up the
configuration process.
In our Mandelbrot set generation example, we have taken a part of the set for investigation, which is imbalanced
in the sense of complexity. As shown in the picture 18, some lines include big portions of the set itself (black),
some lines have almost no inner points. This means, that different lines need different computational time, thus
every process works with a different speed. A Master-Slave algorithm variant, with whole line sharing is proved
to be the best solution for this problem. The comparison of the six different work share variants run on an SMP
machine (A) and a Fat Node Cluster (B) are shown in table X and Y.
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13. 13 Raytracing
One large group of computational problems is visualization. Everyone has seen modern computer games and
cinema tricks. The main objective of this type of graphics is to render a 3D scene to the 2D monitor as close to
reality as possible. Computer graphics has a long and diversified history. There are many different 3D rendering
procedures suited for the actual demand. In interactive 3D games speed is a key factor, so objects are commonly
simplified and represented by planes and textures; and different tricks are used to mime effects. Where real-time
rendering is not necessary, slower but more complex procedures can be used.
The most realistic but the most resource intense rendering method is raytracing. This method doesn't use tricks,
it models the whole physical phenomena of the spread of light. Raytracing means tracing the path of rays
entering our eyes. Our eye is sensitive to an interval of the optical spectrum (ca. between 380 nm - 780 nm).
Electromagnetic waves of this spectrum are propagating straight and are reflected by surfaces. The reflection is
different for every wavelength, so light, which is in general a composite of several waves with different
wavelengths, will change according to the properties of the surface. This effect influences the perceived color of
the light. Some materials absorb light, some materials guide light and the geometric structure of the surface
causes reflection of light in different ways. This and further phenomena can be described and modelled
mathematically, and as such, very realistic 2D images of a 3D scene can be made.
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The basic idea is to follow the way of photons in every direction from light-sources and track their reflections,
dispersions or possible loss. This method would need tremendous computing power and most of the calculations
would be done unnecessary. To avoid such unwanted work, the raytracing technique reverses the direction and
counts only with rays, which have an effect on the observer, thus we start observing the way of rays from our
eye and follow up backwards to the light-sources. Using this reverse method, we eliminate all unnecessary
calculations, but still, we need a lot of computational power.
In our example we show the power of parallel computing on a raytraced scene by sharing the work among
processors. Since the scene is already defined for every worker and rendered pixels are independent, the parallel
work will be quite effective. Calculating the path of one ray is, however, a resource intensive task since several
reflections will occur and we have to process the ray for every pixel for every light-source. Two raytraced scene
is shown in figure 27. One is with five spheres, visualising reflections, ambient and diffuse lighting and one
with a 512 sphere block, as a sample setup for big number of reflections for heavy workload. This later is not so
spectacular any more, since a lot of reflections occur on the inner sphere surfaces.
First let us concentrate on the raytracer functionality itself. Secondly we will discuss the parallelization.
The raytracing code is based on the documentation of POV-Ray (Persistence of Vision Ray-Tracer [PovRay])
and on the PHP script of Darren Abbey.
Our example code will implement some basic functionality of a raytracer. It will render five coloured spheres on
a black background with three light-sources. There will be ambient lighting, diffuse lighting, specular
(mirroring) lighting. These together give the Phong reflection model. The surfaces will provide a mirroring
The 2D image will be calculated pixel-by-pixel. We can look at this 2D image as a viewing plane in our 3D
scene, or as a window, through which we see the 3D world. Our rendering will use this abstraction, too. We will
define a special point,from where we observe the 3D scene (camera). We will cast a ray from our view point to
every coordinate of the viewing plane. This defines a line which will intersect a sphere or point out to nowhere.
If the latter occurs, our actual pixel on the image will be of background colour (black in our example). If we
intersect a sphere, we have to calculate the lighting parameters of that point and get a colour. These calculations
will include
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• , which is perpendicular to the surface and will be needed to calculate diffuse lighting and the reflected ray,
• , to get the specular (mirroring) component of lighting and the colour of the reflection.
In the example, we have to initialize some values for the calculation. We define a class Point, which represents a
vector in our 3D world. Since we will work with these vectors, it is appropriate to define some methods for this
class. The base of this class is a three element array of the type double ( p[3] ). We can set values to this array by
the set() method and get values from it with the get() method. We can get the length of such a vector with the
length() method.
The class has also a method to give the normalized vector ( norm() ), vector operators +, -, *, scalar operators *,
/ and a friend function point_dot(), with which we can calculate the dot-product of two Point objects.
Point(double x, double y, double z){
void set(double x, double y, double z){
double get(int i){
return p[i];
double length() const {
return( sqrt( p[0]*p[0] + p[1]*p[1] + p[2]*p[2] ) );
Point norm() const { // normalizing
double l=length(); // we know the length of the vector
Point normalized;
normalized.p[0] = p[0] / l;
normalized.p[1] = p[1] / l;
normalized.p[2] = p[2] / l;
return normalized;
Point operator+(const Point& a) const{ // output: vector
Point output;
return output;
Point operator-(const Point& a) const{ // output: vector
Point output;
return output;
Point operator*(double scal) const {
Point output;
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return output;
Point operator/(double scal) const {
Point output;
return output;
Point operator*(const Point& a) const {
Point output;
return output;
friend double point_dot(const Point&, const Point&);
// scene definition
// Lightsources (direction(x,y,z),color(r,g,b))
// three lightsources
double lights[3][6] =
{-1, 0,-0.5,0.8,0.4,0.1},
{ 1,-1,-0.5,1, 1, 1},
{ 0,-1, 0,0.1,0.2,0.5}
// Spheres
// center 3, radius 1, reflection 1, color(rgb) 3, phongsize 1, amount 1
double spheres[5][10] =
{-1.05, 0 ,4,1 ,0.5,1 , 0.5,0.25, 40,0.8},
{ 1.05, 0 ,4,1 ,0.5,0.5 , 1 ,0.5 , 40,0.8},
{0 , 3 ,5,2 ,0.5,0.25, 0.5,1 ,30,0.4},
{-1 ,-2.3,9,2 ,0.5 ,0.5 , 0.3,0.1 ,30,0.4},
{ 1.3 ,-2.6,9, 1.8,0.5,0.1 , 0.3,0.5,30,0.4}
// MPI
// we have to define a temporary array to store values in
double t_frame[X][Y][3] = {0};
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In the first lines we will use further temporary and global variables in the code. The variable T is used for
storing a distance value. It will be used at the ray-sphere intersection calculation and will be discussed there in
detail. The obj_Amnt and light_Amnt variables will store the number of objects (spheres) and the number of
light-sources in the scene. We define an ambient lighting into the scene stored in ambient(r,g,b) and we give the
camera position in our 3D space in camera(x,y,z).
1: #include <iostream>
2: #include <fstream>
3: #include <math.h>
4: #include <vector>
6: #include "ray6v7.h"
8: using namespace std;
10: Point Trace(Point &P_vv, Point &D_vv, int recLev);
12: double T = -1; // ray - sphere intersection result - this will be a distance, if -
1, then no intersection occurs..
13: int obj_Amnt;
14: int light_Amnt;
16: // ambient and camera values
17: double ddd = 0.2;
18: Point ambient(ddd,0.2,0.2); // diffuse lighting in RGB - not 8bit, yet (some grey
- 0.2,0.2,0.2)
19: Point camera(-4,0,-16); // camera position - 0,0,-3
There are three functions in our example. The main() function as the standard main function in C++ programs,
the calcRaySphereIntersection() function, which calculates the intersection point of a given ray and a sphere,
and the Trace() function, which calculates the color of a given point on the viewing plane.
After defining some temporary and global variables, we start our main() function with the counting of our
objects and lightsources in the scene. Since we defined them in arrays, we can use the sizeof() function to get
the array size in bytes. If we get the element size in bytes as well, we easily can calculate the number of objects
in our arrays.
For our further use, we have to normalize the lightsource direction vectors. We will need unit vectors for our
light calculations later. Since we need only the direction, which doesn't change during normalization, we are
free to do so. After some initialization of our PPM output file, we declare some variables necessary for the
forthcoming main loop. The variables coordX and coordY are used to store the ratio revised cooridnates
we look at from our camera position. This coordinates and a constant value (3) will be put into the
temp_coord variable.
38: // we have to normalize the light vectors. We will need this to be able to get
positions as multiples of unit vectors - more detail at povray example
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The main loop in the main() function is a nested loop with variables i and j . These variables run from 0 to X and
from 0 to Y . X and Y represents the resolution of our viewing plane, thus the resolution of the output image of
the 3D scene. Actually, the inner loop will run between FROM and TO later - this will be discussed further at
the parallel part. After we do some aspect ratio correction, we have the inputs of our Trace() function. We need
the camera position (camera), the coordinates we look at (through) from the camera position (temp_coord) and a
value indicating our recursion level of tracing. This starts from 1 and goes until max_recLev. After tracing we
get a colour for the actual pixel of our plane. We convert its R,G,B coordinates to the 0-255 scale and write it to
our PPM file. After we did all the raytracing task for all of our rays (going from our viewpoint through all
coordinates), we are done, we only have to close our file and exit.
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92: c2=c2+1;
93: }
94: c2=0;
95: myfile << "\r\n";
96: c=c+1;
97: }
99: myfile.close();
101: return 0;
102: }
We can see that the difficult task is dealt with in the Trace() function. Let's investigate it in detail.
The Trace() function calculates the colour of a given point in our viewing plane. We can imagine our viewing
plane as a window through which we look at the 3D scene. What we really see is the group of various colours at
various coordinates of this window. According to the reverse technique of ray tracing, we will cast a ray from
our viewing point (camera) toward every pixel of our viewing plane. If the ray hits something, we will see some
colour, if not, we will see only the background at the particular coordinates of the image. The inputs of the
function are the camera position P_vv, the direction D_vv and a value for preventing infinite recursive calls,
recLev. In the while function we iterate through every sphere and search for the nearest intersection point. For
every iteration the index closest will contain the index of the closest sphere. To calculate the distance from our
starting point(camera), we utilize the calcRaySphereIntersection() function. We will discuss this function later.
If the actual T is less than minT thus, we've found a closer intersection, we assign T to minT.
142: // Trace function, it needs a starting point, a direction and a recursion level. It
will give a Pixel color
143: Point Trace(Point &P_vv, Point &D_vv, int recLev) // we need a local recLev, since
we call it recursively
144: {
145: Point Pixel;
147: // input P, D, reclev - P starting point, D ray direction, reclev - recursion
148: double minT = max_Dist; // this is the maximum distance (defines our worlds size)
149: int closest = obj_Amnt; // this will be the index of our closest object (sphere),
we start from the number of objects
151: // we get the closest intersection
152: int ind = 0;
153: while(ind<obj_Amnt)
154: {
155: // we get a distance
156: T = calcRaySphereIntersection(P_vv,D_vv,ind);
157: if ((T>0) && (T<minT)) // if closer than previous, this will be the new
158: {
159: minT = T;
160: closest = ind;
161: // cout << "BINGO - ";
162: }
163: ind++;
164: // cout << closest;
165: // cout << " ";
166: }
167: ind=0;
If we find an intersection point (ie. closest has a valid value, obj_Amnt is invalid), we have to put it in variable
IP. At this point, we calculate a normal vector for the sphere from the intersection point, from the center of the
sphere and from the radius of the sphere. The vector, pointing from the sphere center to the intersection point,
divided by the radius is equal to the normal vector. We use this normal vector for several purposes. First we can
calculate a reflected ray by mirroring the incoming ray to the normal vector. Later on we will need the normal
vector also for calculating diffuse lighting.
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170: {
171: Pixel.set(bg_Color[0],bg_Color[1],bg_Color[2]);
172: // global variable with 3 int value for - RGB
173: }
174: else
175: {
176: // if there is an iintersection, we have to start a ray from that intersection,
and again, and again, until the maximum recursion level reached
177: // the pixel color will be calculated from reflected light colors (and object
colors that modifies the light colors)
178: Point IP = P_vv + (D_vv * minT); // intersection point
180: // we need the radius of the sphere our ray intersects with - for normal
vector calculation
181: double R_sp = spheres[closest][3];
183: Point normal;
184: Point SP_cent(spheres[closest][0],
185: spheres[closest][1],
186: spheres[closest][2]);
188: // intersec point - sp_center -> normal vect..
189: SP_cent = IP - SP_cent;
191: normal = SP_cent / R_sp;
193: Point V = P_vv - IP;
194: Point Refl = (normal * (2 * point_dot(normal, V))) - V; // we can get the
reflected ray by mirroring the incoming ray to the normal vector at the intersection
195: // if reflections are switched on, we will use this reflected ray later
At this point, we start dealing with the construction of the compound color of the actual pixel of the viewing
plane. First we have an ambient color value to which we do add further components. The ambient color is like a
mask of the 3D scene - if we hit something with our first ray it has an ambient lighting value, if not, then it is
coloured as the background (black). Every further colour of different effects will be added to this basic ambient
value. To take every further effect into account, we have to check whether a light-source is illuminating the
intersection point or not. Accordingly, we have to iterate through every light-source ( while(ind<light_Amnt ) )
and check this. For every light-source, we put the direction of the light-source into Light, the colour of the light-
source into Light_col and the colour of the sphere that the ray intersects into sphere_col .
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For every light-source, we have to check whether the intersection point is shadowed by an object (between the
light-source and the intersection point) or not. If it is shadowed, we do not take that light-source's effect into
account. If not, then we calculate a diffuse lighting component (this can be switched off by the diffuse_test
constant). This component is calculated from the light-source's colour, the sphere's color and a variable Factor
that is the cosine of the normal vector and the vector light-source's incoming ray. This factor affects the intensity
of the color.
If the variable Specular_test is true, we add a similar component, what mimes the shining, flare like mirroring of
the light-source on the surface. This component is the specular reflection component. The ambient, diffuse and
specular components together are also referred as the Phong reflection model.
After calculating the effects of all the light-sources, we have to calculate the reflections on the surfaces of the
spheres. This part can be switched off as well with the Reflection_test constant. If it is switched on, every pixel
will get its value calculating the reflection on other spheres. Since we have to calculate the reflections of the
reflections, and so on, this method is recursive and uses the Trace() function to calculate the colors from
reflected objects and light-sources. This procedure could run forever, so we need a maximum recursion level (
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max_RecLev ) which we cannot exceed. Every recursive call to the Trace() function increases its recLev
parameter, so we will reach max_RecLev at once. If we didn't reach this limit yet, and the sphere had a
reflection component (5th parameter of a sphere), we should calculate a color and weight it with the reflection
We have to go back to our last function which we didn't observe closely. The calcRaySphereIntersection()
function calculates whether a ray intersects with a sphere or not. The function returns -1 if there is no
intersection and a factor T with some positive or zero value if there is. This T value is a distance and if we
multiply the direction vector of our ray with this factor, we get the vector pointing to the intersection point. The
inputs of the function are:
With the help of the sphere index, we can assign the sphere center coordinates to C_sp and the spheres's radius
to R_sp. The main idea is that the following equation holds:
Thus, if an intersection occurs, the intersecting ray turns into a vector, pointing to the intersection point
(T*D_ray). This vector can be constructed by summing the vector pointing to the spheres center (C_sp) and the
radius vector ( actually, we need only the length of this vector: R_sp ).
From this formula we get T by solving the following 2nd order polynomial:
If the determinant is non-zero, we have one or two solutions. We need the smaller one, thus the closer one. The
function returns with this T factor.
104: // this function will check, whether a given ray intersects with a sphere. If yes,
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it will give a "T" distance from the starting point of the ray and we can calculate the
closest intersection coordinate in 3D (and we can use that as a new initial coordinate )
105: double calcRaySphereIntersection(Point& P_ray, Point& D_ray, int sp_index) // The
start point and ray direction are given by reference, the index is dynamic and we will
get a distance returned
106: {
107: Point C_sp (spheres[sp_index][0], // We get the center of the sphere -
108: spheres[sp_index][1],
109: spheres[sp_index][2]);
111: // to get the intersection point, we will use a distance "T" (we know the
direction of the ray)
112: // P - starting point, D - direction, C - center, R - radius, vlength(P+T*D-C)=R,
V=P-C, vlength(v+T*D)=R
113: // (T*Dx+Vx)2 + (T*Dy+Vy)2 + (T*Dz+Vz)2 - R2 = 0
114: // T = (-D·V +/- sqrt((D·V)2 - D2(V2-R2))) / D2 // solution of the quadratic
equation (we get two intersection points, we need the closer one)
115: //
116: // P_ray - C_sp
118: Point V = P_ray - C_sp;
119: double R_sp = spheres[sp_index][3]; // the 3 index shows the radius
120: // D*V
121: double DV = point_dot(D_ray, V);
122: // D*D
123: double D2 = point_dot(D_ray,D_ray);
125: double SQ = DV*DV - D2*(point_dot(V,V)-R_sp*R_sp);
127: if (SQ <= 0) // if negative, no square root exists - no intersection
128: {
129: T = -1;
130: }
131: else
132: {
133: SQ = sqrt(SQ);
134: double T1 = (-DV+SQ)/D2;
135: double T2 = (-DV-SQ)/D2;
136: T = min(T1, T2); // the first intersection is what we search for (closer one)
137: }
138: // if (T>0) {cout << "T: " << T << " ! ";}
139: return T; // this is the distance from the starting point P in direction D, where
the intersection occur
140: }
The raytracer part of the code is discussed. We see that the method, however simplified, is resource intense. We
have to make several recursive calculations for several positions of our viewing plane. If we have a complex
scene with mirrors and light-sources, with a large resolution, the rendering of only one frame could last for
seconds or minutes. How could we improve performance by adding parallel workers to the task?
We can see that the pixels of the viewing plane are independent. Therefore, theoretically, every single pixel
could be calculated by independent workers parallelly. We will see that communication overhead prevents us
from making such a move, although for a sophisticated calculation, this could be a realistic way as well. Some
parallelization is very helpful at this level of complexity, too.
The above raytracing example needs computational power to run. The serial code runs between 10 and 20
seconds on a dual-core system (Intel Xeon 2,5GHZ). This generates a 4800x4800 resolution frame with 5
spheres, all mirrorings switched on and with three light-sources. To be able to generate more frames per second,
we will need to speed up the process. There could be some programming techniques to speed up the run, but
these won't help significantly. We need more power and we could achieve it by splitting up the work to several
processors. A trial run of the same code with parallelization with 256 cores results the calculation jumping down
to 0.3 seconds. Unfortunately the data collecting and I/O part still remain around 6 seconds, since the output file
is around 150 MBs. We can easily get over this problem because the work can be split up to independent
procedures, thus we don't need to communicate between cores while the calculations run. Every pixel of our
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viewing plane is independent of the other one and dependent only on the 3D scene. The 3D scene is defined by
geometrical data, is static and every worker has it at the beginning. Our only task is to split the 2D plane
between cores. We use the same simple method as in our heated plate example - we divide the lines of our plane
by the number of cores and the final core gets some residual lines to deal with.
Since we have to split the points of our plane, we simply have to run the Trace() function from a given point to
another given point. In our main() function, the inner loop is going from FROM to TO. Every working core has
its own rank and every worker will have a unique interval defined by its own FROM,TO values.
The include file (ray6v7.h) is the same as at the serial implementation with the exception of one definition.
This temporary array will serve as a container for every worker to put rendered data in. Since nodes are working
in a 3D world, where object and lightsource definitions are present and render a part of a 2D image, we need this
temporary array. The X,Y array contains triplets of the RGB pixel values.
The parallel program starts with similar lines to the serial one. The first difference is the MPI include line at the
beginning (mpi.h). We also have to declare some MPI related variables as before (world_rank, world_size,
The Main() function includes some extra lines at the beginning compared to the serial version. After initializing
the MPI world, we read some arbitrary time into s_time with the MPI_Wtime() function. We also list the
working nodes into world_size and the rank of the actual node into world_rank. After these lines, the code is
very similar to the serial one, up to line 98.
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At this point, every worker calculates his portion of work. Every node works with the lines between FROM and
TO. As seen before, we leave the extra work for the last worker.
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91: else // we have luck, we can divide the task equally, the last gets the same work
to do
92: {
93: p_row = floor(p_row);
94: p_row_last = p_row;
95: }
97: // we have to calculate the first (FROM) and last (TO-1) rows we have to deal with
98: if(world_rank < world_size-1) // we are not the last worker
99: {
100: FROM = world_rank*p_row;
101: TO = FROM+p_row;
102: }
103: else // we are the last worker
104: {
105: FROM = world_rank*p_row;
106: TO = FROM + p_row_last;
107: }
108: // MPI END
After printing out some information, we go on preparing and starting the double loop with which we step from
point to point for rendering the 2D image of the 3D scene. Since this code runs parallelly on every worker, every
worker will calculate their own set of lines.
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150: t_frame[j][i][0] = Pixel.get(0); // we convert our analogue color value to the 0-
255 scale, so we can give a true pixel color
151: t_frame[j][i][1] = Pixel.get(1);
152: t_frame[j][i][2] = Pixel.get(2);
154: c2=c2+1;
155: }
156: c2=0;
157: c=c+1;
158: }
After every worker has calculated their multiple points of the scene, we have to collect these data fragments.
Every node renders to a temporary container t_frame to the accordant lines of this container. As the first node
surely exists, it is a good idea to assign the task of collecting results to that one.
After the elapsed time (MPI_Wtime()-s_time) fed back to the console ("work done!"), the first node has to
receive data fragments from every other node (p<world_size). If we are a sender node, we use the MPI_Send()
function. At this point, we use a trick which will work in this C++ environment now. C++ array is contiguous on
this architecture by definition. Actually, it would be worth to make a dynamic array or structure contiguous in
an MPI environment to minimalize communication overhead. It is worth in most of the cases even with some
extra code at the node. The trick is that we don't send n times the lines, but we send the whole block once:
n*line (line 181). If we are the first node, we do the same with MPI_Recv() Before this, we have to do some
calculations to put exactly the right lines to the right places received from different nodes. At this point, we
could make a mistake putting the received lines to a wrong position. The code would still work but the final
result would be wrong. When the data collection is done, we can write out the rendered image to a PPM file. For
benchmarking purposes, we give a final running time value, so we can compare the real parallel calculation time
interval with the I/O overhead.
159: // MPI calculation is ready, we have to collect data from other workers
160: cout << world_rank << " work done! MPI_time: " << MPI_Wtime()-s_time << "\r\n";
161: // work is done at his point..
162: // ..but we have the different slices at different processes. We have to collect
them, to have it at one process, practically at process 0
164: // these variables will serve process 0 to hold the remote process' FROM TO
values (rFROM rTO)
165: int rFROM;
166: int rTO;
168: if(world_size>1) // we collect only, if there are more than one processes
169: {
170: for(int p=1;p<world_size;p++) // we have to collect world_size-1 slices
171: {
172: if(world_rank == p) // if it's my turn, as sender, I send.
173: {
174: cout << "I'm sending (me: " << world_rank << ") data from " << FROM << " to
" << TO << ". Y: " << Y << "\r\n";
175: /*
176: for(int r=FROM;r<TO;r++) // I'm sending my lines -- possible simplifications
177: {
178: MPI_Send(&t_frame[r][0][0], Y*3, MPI_DOUBLE, 0 , 999 , MPI_COMM_WORLD); // 999
- unique tag
179: }*/
180: // Since c++ arrays like t_frame are contiguous in programs memory, we can use
a little trick here:
181: MPI_Send(&t_frame[FROM][0], Y*3*(TO-FROM), MPI_DOUBLE, 0 , 999 ,
MPI_COMM_WORLD); // we assume, rows are consecutive in memory.
182: }
183: else if ( world_rank == 0) // if we are process 0, we collect the sended data
184: {
185: // what shall rFROM and rTO be? What lines do we have to collect. We have to
calculate it from the remote process' rank (p)
186: if(p<world_size-1) // not the last slice is comming. The last one could be
longer than normal (normal + residual!)
187: {
188: rFROM = p_row*p;
189: rTO = p_row*(p+1);
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190: }
191: else // last one is coming
192: {
193: rFROM = p_row*p;
194: rTO = X;
195: }
196: cout << "I receive (me: " << world_rank << ") the lines from: " << p << ".
Interval: " << rFROM << " - " << rTO << " \r\n";
197: /*
198: for(int r=rFROM;r<rTO;r++) // we send all the lines - possible simplification!
199: {
200: MPI_Recv(&t_frame[r][0][0], Y*3, MPI_DOUBLE, p , 999 , MPI_COMM_WORLD,
MPI_STATUS_IGNORE); // 999 - unique tag
201: }*/
202: MPI_Recv(&t_frame[rFROM][0], Y*3*(rTO-rFROM), MPI_DOUBLE, p , 999 ,
MPI_COMM_WORLD, MPI_STATUS_IGNORE); // we assume the lines are consecutive in memory.
203: }
204: }
205: }
207: cout << world_rank << " collecting done! - MPI_time: " << MPI_Wtime()-s_time <<
209: // MPI_Barrier(MPI_COMM_WORLD);
210: // MPI
211: // we are done, we have to collect data
212: // data is at process 0
213: // we write it to a file
214: if(world_rank==0) // if we are process 0, we have to write out data
215: {
217: string filename1;
218: filename1 = "raytrace_par.ppm";
219: char *fileName = (char*)filename1.c_str();
221: cout << " I will write the file: " << fileName << ". \r\n";
224: myfile << "P3\r\n";
225: myfile << X;
226: myfile << " ";
227: myfile << Y;
228: myfile << "\r\n";
229: myfile << "255\r\n";
231: for(int i=0;i<Y;i++)
232: {
233: for(int j=0;j<X;j++)
234: {
236: myfile << min( (int)round(t_frame[j][i][0]*255), 255); // we convert real values
to the 0-255 RGB plane to generate the PPM file
237: myfile << " ";
238: myfile << min( (int)round(t_frame[j][i][1]*255), 255);
239: myfile << " ";
240: myfile << min( (int)round(t_frame[j][i][2]*255), 255);
241: myfile << " ";
242: }
243: myfile << "\r\n";
244: }
246: myfile.close();
247: cout << world_rank << " writing done! - MPI_time: " << MPI_Wtime()-s_time <<
248: }
250: /*
251: // File
253: myfile << "P3\r\n";
254: myfile << X;
255: myfile << " ";
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The Trace() and calcRaySphereIntersection() functions are the same as in the serial code, they are not affected
by the parallelization.
In this chapter we will provide some exercises in connection with topics of our work. These exercises are of
bigger size, and can be assigned to students for homework project. Some of them can be accomplished in a few
weeks time, but some of them are bigger tasks, and can be processed as a BSc thesis work, as a one term task.
Sorting is a well known example of basic complex algorithms. The parallel sorting algorithms also help a lot to
understand the problem of parallelization.[Akl1985] We would like to propose some project works, that can be
accomplished in MPI environments. These tasks require a little more work, for students we propose these as
homework for a few weeks term.
The task of sorting is to sort a given array of numbers in increasing (or decreasing) order. Although sorting of
other kind (radix sort is a good example)also exists, here we speak about sorting based on comparison. This
means that we are allowed to compare two elements of an array and interchange them or sort one of them out to
another array or alike. The complexity bound of such sorting is . We propose a simple C++ program
which uses the STL sort() algorithm to be the base comparison. The parameters of this function are two pointers,
in our case the beginning of the array to be sorted and the next-to-last element pointer of this array. So the null
version of the program would be:
using namespace std;
const long long SIZE=1ll<<25;
// 2^25 with use of shifting operators
// 1ll is "1" for long long
for(int i=0;i<SIZE;i++)a[i]=(double)rand()/rand();
cout<<endl<<"first 40:"<<endl;
for(int i=0;i<40;i++)cout<<a[i]<<", ";
cout<<endl<<"middle 40:"<<endl;
for(int i=SIZE/2;i<SIZE/2+40;i++)cout<<a[i]<<", ";
cout<<endl<<"last 40:"<<endl;
for(int i=SIZE-40;i<SIZE;i++)cout<<a[i]<<", ";
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We would like to make some notes. First, the use of doubles: it makes the comparison and data movement more
problematic, which is important to construct a harder problem. Second, the use of (double)rand()/rand() as the
generator of random numbers. It will lead to uneven distribution as many values will be around , with less and
less frequency towards and RAND_MAX. It is well known, that the problem is easier if we know the
distribution of the numbers, and an even distribution like (double)rand()/RAND_MAX would lead to such
Our first proposal is based on merge sort. The original sequential algorithm [Corm2009] is a divide-and-conquer
algorithm. We can use it as the base for our parallel version. The master process (where ) divides the
array and sends one half to process . Then process divides its remaining half array and sends the quarter of
the array to process , while the process also divides its half array and sends a quarter to process . And so
on each process divides the sub-array and sends to another process.
When no more processes are left to receive a part of the array, the processes sort the sub-array they are left with.
We propose to do the sorting just with the STL algorithm sort() as it is a good sequential sorting algorithm.
Next, when local sorting is done, each process routes back the sorted sub-array to the exact processor they
received it from. That processor will merge the sub-arrays into a sorted sub-array, and next will route it to the
previous processor. This will virtually draw a tree like communication structure, where the master process of
rank will collect the whole array at the end .
A variant of the previous project would be an external sorting, where the numbers to be sorted reside on some
storage - hard drive for example -, and are of such magnitude, that they cannot be read at once into one
computer memory.
The sorting of this kind could be implemented the following way. Different processes read in a part of the array
to be sorted independently and sort it locally. Obviously this part should be able to reside in memory, so either
you should use enough computers to split up the array as such, or the processes must do the reading and sorting
multiple times on chunks of sub-memory size. The sorted sub-sequences are written back to the storage system.
When the processes are ready, the master process reads in chunks of sorted arrays and merges them while
writing out the merged and sorted output to storage again.
Another example of sorting is the quick sort algorithm.[Corm2009] Again, this is a divide-and-conquer
algorithm, so the parallelization could be done the same way as we described previously in merge sort. The
difference is that the division of the elements is made prior to sending them to be sorted, so no merging is
needed in the end. This means that the sorted sub-arrays can be sent back right to the master process.
The parallelization of quick sort we proposed before is not the best way for message passing clusters. It consists
of too much data movement. So there is a variant of quick sort for clustered architectures and alike, which is
called sample sort.
1. The master process makes a sampling of the array. It takes out random elements of the array to be sorted in a
magnitude just over the number of processes. For processes it can use a hundred times more, so
samples. It sorts the samples, and then takes out every -th (in our case). These elements will represent
boundaries. The array of boundaries is distributed by broadcast. (With good sampled boundaries we will sort
out the original array to nearly equal sized sub-arrays.)
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Introduction to MPI by examples
2. The whole array is distributed by broadcast, and every process takes out those elements that fall between the
boundaries assigned to that process. If the boundaries are for processes, than the
-th process will have the boundaries , and sort out those elements, where .
3. The processes sort the elements within their boundaries locally and independently.
4. The sorted sub-sequences are routed back to the root process, which places them after each other and so get
the final result.
• The sub-sequences will be of different size, so the slave processes must first send the size of their array, and
only next the array itself.
• Because of many send-receive calls be aware of using the right ordering to avoid deadlock, and using
different tags for different messages in order to not confuse them.
• Actually the sizes of the sub-arrays are known right after sorting out elements by boundaries, and this
information can be sent back to the root right away. With this information from all processes the root can
calculate the exact position of each sub-array that it will receive in the end. So receiving the sorted sub-arrays
can be done in any order, as long as the processes end with sorting.
• The root can receive the sub-arrays right in place of the original array. In this case the pointer of the receive
buffer, instead of the name of the array, say a will be the -th element of it, a pointer of form a+k. With this
we can assign the receive buffer to be in the middle of our array.
A present problem concerning tasks of data management is the clustering problem. In this problem we have a
huge number of data represented by points on a high-dimensional plane, and we would like to cluster them, so
grouping them in clusters where points in one cluster are closer to each other than to the points of other clusters.
One possible algorithm for this problem is the k-means algorithm, which groups the points into clusters. The
main steps of the algorithm are the following:
1. We choose arbitrary points in the plain, these will be the centres of our clusters.
2. We calculate the distance of each point to the centers and assign each point to a cluster represented by a
center to which the point is closest.
3. After the construction of the clusters, for each cluster we calculate the means of the points fall into this
cluster, that is the middle point of the cluster. (We can do it easily by calculating the mean of each dimension
parameter for all points.)
4. These mean points will give us the new cluster centres and we shall begin from step 2. again, till when no
point moves between the clusters from one loop to the other, so the clustering is relaxed.
The parallelization of such problem can be done like Dijkstra's shortest paths problem parallelization. We assign
a part of the points to different processes. The calculation of the distance to the centres can be done
independently. Obviously each process then will have only sub-clusters. The means or the center of the clusters
can be calculated in the following way. Each process calculates the means of its sub-clusters locally, and then
these local centres are grouped together by a master process, the global means should be calculated from them
so the new centres are routed back. Do not forget to send, not only the local means, but the number of points it
represents, as considering global means we must take into account this number as well as a weight.
For testing purposes one may download and compile the GraphLab package, which have a KMeans++ algorithm
implemented. The program can generate the input of dimensional
points around given cluster centres, that is several lines of real numbers. This input can be used for the
project. Also the GraphLab software package implements a variation of the KMeans algorithm (the KMeans++),
which is good for comparing the results.
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A good k-means algorithm (or the improved k-means++) is a practical and useful program. We see the main
advantage of its parallelization in the fact that the parallel version is keeping only a fraction of the whole data
set in memory. This means that problems which cannot fit into the memory of one computer can be solved by
this method. This program can be assigned as part of a BSc thesis work.
The project aim is to make a better parallelization that we presented in out book. As we have seen that method
uses too much communication, so we try to do it with less. The parallelization presented used loop splitting of
rows. We propose to make loop splitting of columns, es eliminations always done between elements of the same
column. So if we distribute the data by columns, then the elimination step can be done independently on each
The communication needed for pivoting only, where the process in charge of the pivoting element finds the
maximum absolute value in that row. This information, namely which rows must be changed then may be
broadcasted and so every process can make this interchange within those columns they assigned. No other
communication is needed apart from the gathering the upper triangular matrix in the end by the master process.
The complexity of this project lays in the unusual data representation. We propose to rotate the whole matrix by
, so columns will be rows in our matrix. You should double check the correctness of the program!
In our FFT example, we choose a straightforward parallelization. We send the input data to processors and
let them work on different outputs. Having all the input data at all processors, we can calculate output
chunks at every worker. Again, for this, we have to hand out the whole input to all the processors. Let's consider
a different way of parallelization. If we hand out amount of input data (not all!) for the processors, we could
let them work until a some level of steps. At this point we have to pass these data to one processor which goes
on with the recombination of these data until the very last number, our output. This multi-level work could
be done not only at two levels, but also at more, thus, at the first data interchange, several (but not all)
processors work on the next steps in the recombination. Could this method improve performance by not sharing
all the input data with all the processors? Can we spare on the communication when we have to interchange
(much less) data later on?
This new version of the implementation could be a good example to solve the same problem with a different
logic. The extra communication during the calculation could be frightening, but we shouldn't forget that we
spare the communication of the whole input series at the beginning (in our example, the static input is available
for every worker at start, but in many cases, it is the first step to hand data out to every worker).
Before modelling the Raytracer example showed the propagation of light in a 3D environment. A similar
problem is the propagation of sound in a 3D environment. We simplified the spectrum of the light with three
components (R,G,B) and supposed that the output of the light-sources is constant in time. Let's consider a sound
source, which gives a sound, composed of different wavelengths, changing in time. This later is not necessary,
but would give a more realistic scenario. We could simplify by splitting the whole spectrum into some
narrowband components (Ex. 16 parts). We could give a reflecting factor for every object (material) for every
narrowband spectrum chunk. We could count the distance of the waves to get the right super-positioned sound
at a given time in the scene. With this simplified model, we could calculate acoustic wave propagation in a 3D
This task could build on the Raytracer example with modifications changing colors to sound and counting with
propagation delays in the scene.
Of course, this model works as if we could hear sound through a window. One further step could be to create a
sphere-like (cube, tetrahedron, dodecahedron or a more complex) 3D object, where we can calculate the
incoming sound from every direction, through summing the calculations for every plane of the object.
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15. 1 Appendix
Because our book is a textbook for those who would like to know the Message Passing Interface programming,
we should not give long and detailed installation notes. Those, who would like to set up a system and optimize
it, should consult a professional. Still, if one would like to "play" with the presented techniques, or even set-up a
medium size environment, we need to help a little.
First, we should note, that the de facto standard of High Performance Computations is the Unix world, often a
Linux. It is quite hard to manage windows PCs to give each other distant commands of starting programs. Not to
speak about security issues. (Although for really small test reasons a windows computer may be used.) We urge
the readers to get familiar with Linux not only because it is fun, but because if they find the subject presented
interesting and would like to get more deeply involved in it, they may use a supercomputer in the future. A
supercomputer, which will run a Linux or a Unix certainly.
So the reader will need a Linux computer or rather a couple of Linux computers to try out MPI. On a modern
Linux one will need a compiler suite, usually the gcc is good enough, which can be installed by the package
manager. On some systems one may need to install the g++ package as well if she or he uses the C++ language.
The MPI programs, libraries and headers should be installed by the openmpi package. If the reader wants to use
mpi over several machines she or he needs to set up the ssh as well, which means the installation of the
packeges openssh-client and openssh-server, and possibly (not always) configurating the later by editing the
system wide configuration files at /etc/ssh/.
If one has no access to a Linux (although it can be installed even on a virtual machine) then in Windows
environment they may use the Cygwyn Unix system. It is a program package installed in Windows and
providing a Linux environment. Still we think that a proper Linux installation would be a better idea.
The rsh protocol is unsecured, and if you set up your own environment, you should never think of it as an
option. (Of course if a special High Performance Computing environment is set up by a professional system
administrator and the computers are unaccessible from outside, this possibility may be used with precautions.)
The usage of ssh may cause a little problem at first. The protocol is asking for a password each and every time.
To override this behaviour we need to set up our ssh using secure keys.
First, we need to generate the keys (answer yes to all questions and leave the presented parameters unchanged):
shell$ cd $HOME/.ssh
shell$ cp authorized_keys
Note that the above example is valid in the case of a common file system, like in a computer class room. If the
computers have different file systems for home (the usual case at home for example), than the of the
master system (on which we will run the mpirun program) should be copied to the authorized_keys file of each
machines in the home directory of the user. (The user-name of the user must be the same!)
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The best way to test the ssh is to ssh over the other machine, and look, whether it is asking a password or not.
(The first attempt will ask for a yes/no acknowledgement!) To test the mpirun program, one may start a
command like
which will run the hostname Linux command and tell the host-names (we should see different names), and the
time and date of the remote machine. The -hostfile switch is detailed later in this chapter.
In details:
The compilation of the programs always should be done with the mpi compiler wrapper. This is a program
which calls the actual compiler (gcc, icc or other) and links it with the appropriate libraries. There are different
wrappers for each language, in the case of C++ code, as in our book, the name of the wrapper is usually mpic++
or mpicxx. For C code it is usually mpicc, for Fortran code it may be mpif77 or mpif90. The switches are the
same as for the compiler itself, for g++ it is usually the -O3 for optimization, and -o for naming the output
On a single computer there is no need to bother with the communication. We can run our program on a single
machine with the mpirun command. With the -np switch we can define the number of processes it should start.
For example running 4 instances of our program one should type: mpirun -np 4 ./test_program.out.
For program testing purposes the actual number of cores in the computer is not really important. One can easily
start 51 processes on a 2 core machine. It is useless in terms of speed, and actually will slow down the running.
On the other hand, sometimes exhausting testing is needed, and this feature of the mpirun command is quite
useful in such cases.
If the user has more computers, like a classroom of computers, than after setting up the communication as
described above, she or he must tell the mpirun command which computers it should use. For this purpose a
simple text hostfile should be written, which has a computer name on each line, and alternatively telling the
number of CPUs presented in that machine. A possible hostfile may look like this:
lab-201b-1 cpu=2
lab-201b-2 cpu=2
lab-201b-3 cpu=2
lab-201b-4 cpu=2
lab-201b-5 cpu=2
lab-201b-6 cpu=2
So we will use 6 machines, and each has 2 CPU cores in it. The command will be: mpirun -hostfile hostfile.txt
./test_program.out. The mpirun will find out the number of processes from the hostfile. The usage of the -np and
-hostfile switches together is meaningless, so the user should use only one of them.
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If the user is using a supercomputer, then she or he must consult the documentation of the actual supercomputer,
which will describe the actual usage. Usually the programs are compiled with the same wrapper, say mpic++.
The executing of the programs is different, as supercomputers may use accounting and batch processing queues.
So the user usually should write a simple shell script - example scripts are usually presented in the
documentation -, and send the script to the processing queue with a special command. Examples are usually
given as well.
In our example (for the second version of our Mandelbrot program on 192 cores) we used a shell script named
mpi-2sh. like this:
#$ -N Mandel-2-192
mpirun -np $NSLOTS ./mandel2 mandel-2-192.ppm
The name of our executable is mandel2, the job will get the name Mandel-2-192. The output file generated was
Mandel-2-192.o57979 - as in a supercomputer environment the direct output to the console display is not
telling the system to start a 192 process mpi job with 5 minutes time limit.
This section will shortly summarize the basic communication functions of the OpenMPI implementation of
There are two basic methods of the communication in MPI, the Blocking and the Non-blocking. The blocking
versions will not return until the communication is done, thus, they are blocking the running. This is a safe
method, we can be sure that the data will be sent or received after these instructions. In most of the cases, this
method is used. However, the non-blocking method has its advantage as well. Although, the non-blocking
methods will not guarantee successful sends and receives and we will have to check it with MPI functions, the
sending procedure and program running can be overlapped. We can initiate a communication, calculate
something and check whether the communication is done or not. With this method, we have to deal with
checking ourselves, but because of overlapping, efficiency could be raised.
This function does a blocking send of a message. It will wait until the message is sent (until the send buffer can
be used), hence the name blocking.
int MPI_Send(
void *buffer,
//Address of send buffer
int count,
//Number of elements in send-recieve buffer
MPI_Datatype datatype,
//Data type of elements of send-recieve buffer
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int dest,
//Rank of destination
int tag,
//Message tag
MPI_Comm comm
This is the buffered send. An user-supplied buffer space is used to buffer the message. Because of that, at
sending time, it is hundred percent sure, that the application buffer is copied to the MPI buffer space. The user-
specified buffer should be given by the MPI_Buffer_Attach() function We should avoid buffered sends,
they bring in latency in almost all MPI implementations.
int MPI_Bsend(
void *buffer,
//Address of send buffer
int count,
//Number of elements in send-recieve buffer
MPI_Datatype datatype,
//Data type of elements of send-recieve buffer
int dest,
//Rank of destination
int tag,
//Message tag
MPI_Comm comm
This sending method won't complete until a matching receive has been posted. That makes this method a
pairwise synchronization event.
int MPI_Send(
void *buffer,
//Address of send buffer
int count,
//Number of elements in send-recieve buffer
MPI_Datatype datatype,
//Data type of elements of send-recieve buffer
int dest,
//Rank of destination
int tag,
//Message tag
MPI_Comm comm
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The instant send will prepare and start the sending, and returns immediately. We get back control fast and can
go on with work, but we also have to test whether the send is done or not. This later could be done by an
MPI_Wait. The MPI_Isend followed by an MPI_Wait immediately equals to an MPI_Send. If we separate them,
we can do in our code some work parallel to the sending. At a certain point, we should be sure that the send
occurred - so we test it with an MPI_Wait. With this method, we can overlap sending and working, speeding up
the whole process.
int MPI_ISend(
void *buffer,
//Address of send buffer
int count,
//Number of elements in send-recieve buffer
MPI_Datatype datatype,
//Data type of elements of send-recieve buffer
int dest,
//Rank of destination
int tag,
//Message tag
MPI_Comm comm
MPI_Request *request
//Communication request
With the communication request handle, we can track the communication status or wait to complete.
The ready mode send. The message will be immediately transmitted under the assumption that a matching
receive has already been executed. The code has to be written such, that the receive buffer is ready at the time of
int MPI_Rsend(
void *buffer,
//Address of send buffer
int count,
//Number of elements in send-recieve buffer
MPI_Datatype datatype,
//Data type of elements of send-recieve buffer
int dest,
//Rank of destination
int tag,
//Message tag
MPI_Comm comm
For non-blocking communication, a user defined buffer space is needed. After allocating such a buffer, the
sender can attach it to MPI environment for use. This is done by the MPI_Buffer_attach() function and used by
the sender in the communication.
int MPI_Buffer_attach(
void *buffer,
//Address of send buffer
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int size,
//Buffer size in bytes
With this function, we can detach a previously attached buffer from the MPI environment.
int MPI_Buffer_detach(
void *buffer,
//Address of send buffer
int *size,
//Buffer size in bytes
Waits for an MPI request to complete. This request was sent by ISend() Execution of caller will stop at
this call until it returns.
int MPI_Wait(
MPI_Request *request
//Communication request
MPI_Status *status
//Status object
Tests for the completion of a specific send or receive. We can do some work and sometimes check whether a
communication is ready or not.
int MPI_Test(
MPI_Request *request
//Communication request handle
int *flag
//True if operation completed
MPI_Status *status
//Status object
Cancels a previously initialized MPI communication request. E.g. This can be useful if we are sending a longer
range of data with MPI_Isend and the master doesn't need it any more (it received it from an other process).
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int MPI_Wait(
MPI_Request *request
//Communication request
The MPI_Recv function is the counterpart of MPI_Send. Its function is the blocking receive of a message. It
will wait until the message is received, hence the name blocking. The outputs are the address of the receive
buffer buffer and the status object status, which is a structure which contains the following fields:
int MPI_Recv(
void *buffer,
//Address of receive buffer
int count,
//Number of elements in send-recieve buffer
MPI_Datatype datatype,
//Data type of elements of send-recieve buffer
int source,
//Rank of source
int tag,
//Message tag
MPI_Comm comm,
MPI_Status *status
//Status object
The MPI_Irecv function is the counterpart of MPI_Isend. Its function is the indicating of readiness receiving a
message. The returning status object is a structure which contains the following fields:
int MPI_Irecv(
void *buffer,
//Address of recieve buffer
int count,
//Number of elements in send-recieve buffer
MPI_Datatype datatype,
//Data type of elements of send-recieve buffer
int source,
//Rank of source
int tag,
//Message tag
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MPI_Comm comm,
MPI_Status *status
//Status object
MPI_Request *request
//Communicatin request
The MPI_Sendrecv function sends and receives messages at the same time. This function is useful for executing
a shift operation across a chain of processes. In contrary to MPI_Send and MPI_Recv, we don't have to care
about correct order of and pairs. The MPI communication subsystem will handle this issue. The
function can communicate with MPI_Send and MPI_Recv functions, though.
int MPI_Sendrecv(
void *sendbuf,
//Address of send buffer
int sendcount,
//Number of elements in send buffer
MPI_Datatype sendtype,
//Data type of elements of send buffer
int dest,
//Rank of destination
int sendtag,
//Message tag
void *recvbuf,
//Address of receive buffer
int recvcount,
//Number of elements in receive buffer
MPI_Datatype recvtype,
//Data type of elements of receive buffer
int source,
//Rank of source
int recvtag,
//Message tag
MPI_Comm comm
MPI_Status *status
//Status object
The function MPI_Bcast() sends out count number of datatype from buffer from process root to every other
processes in the comm communicator. With this function, we can send the same data to all other processes at
once. Since the implementation uses a tree-based network communication, it's more effective than sending the
same data in a loop to every other processes.
int MPI_Bcast(
void *buffer,
//Address of send-recieve buffer
int count,
//Number of elements in send-recieve buffer
MPI_Datatype datatype,
//Data type of elements of send-recieve buffer
int root,
//Rank of root process
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MPI_Comm comm
The term reduction refers to changing a set of numbers into a smaller set of numbers, often one value, by the
help of a function. E.g. summation is a reduction by adding. Reducing across distributed data, could be a big
effort from scratch, but luckily MPI offers this functionality as a service.
The MPI_Reduce() function gives the basic reduce functionality. From the sendbuf local buffer, it uses count
number of datatypes to do the global reduce operation given by op and sends output to the roots recvbuf.
int MPI_Reduce(
void *sendbuf,
//Address of send buffer
void *recvbuf,
//Address of receive buffer (significant only at root)
int count,
//Number of elements in send buffer
MPI_Datatype datatype,
//Data type of elements of send buffer
MPI_Op op,
//Reduce operation
int root,
//Rank of root process
MPI_Comm comm
The MPI_Allreduce() function works similarly to the previous one, but every worker gets the results back. From
the sendbuf local buffer, it uses count number of datatypes to do the global reduce operation given by op and
sends output back to every worker recvbuf.
int MPI_Allreduce(
void *sendbuf,
//Address of send buffer
void *recvbuf,
//Address of receive buffer (significant only at root)
int count,
//Number of elements in send buffer
MPI_Datatype datatype,
//Data type of elements of send buffer
MPI_Op op,
//Reduce operation
MPI_Comm comm
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The MPI_Scan() performs an inclusive prefix reduction. If we have ... processes, and the process is
between and , then this means that the process with rank gets the result of the reduction of data in
processes ... . In other words, the operation defined in Op will be done on processes ... and the result will
be stored in the receive buffer of process .
int MPI_Scan(
void *sendbuf,
//Send buffer
void *recvbuf,
//Receive buffer
int count,
//Number of elements in input buffer
MPI_Datatype datatype,
//Data types of elements in input buffer
MPI_Op op,
MPI_Comm comm
The next operators can be used as op parameter in the reduction functions of MPI.
There are two special reduction operators which perform on double values. The MPI_MAXLOC and the
MPI_MINLOC The first value of the pair is treated as the value which should be compared with the others
through the distributed processes. The second value is treated as an index, thus, it will indicate the position of
the returned value.
where , and
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where , and
For the above described MPI_MAXLOC and MPI_MINLOC functions one should use double values. The table
below shows the built in double value types of MPI.
To use them, one should first construct a structure as in the example in the Dijkstras's Algorithm of Shortest
Paths. The send buffer will be p, the receive buffer will be p_tmp for the MPI_Allreduce function.
int dd;
int xx;
} p, tmp_p;
p.dd=tmp; p.xx=x;
In some cases, like in our FFT example ( we wish to use special number of processors, or special
groups of processors. For this purpose, we can use some MPI and functions from
which we used the followings.
This function returns the group associated with the comm communicator.
int MPI_Comm_group(
MPI_Comm comm,
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MPI_Group *group
//Group associated to communicator
This function creates a new group (newgroup) of ranks by excluding n number of ranges of ranks (triplets: first
rank, last rank, stride) from an existing group (group)2.3.1. Stride is the step value we step in the given interval.
In other words, we create a new group of processes by kicking out some.
int MPI_Group_range_excl(
MPI_Group group,
//Group handle
int n,
//Number of triplets in array ranges
int ranges[][3],
//Array of triplets
MPI_Group *newgroup
//New group derived from a present one
This function creates a new communicator (newcomm) from the group (group) from the old communicator
(comm). The group could have been created by the MPI_Group_range_excl function (2.3.2). If a process is
member of the group, it receives the new communicator (newcomm), if not, this value will be
int MPI_Comm_create(
MPI_Comm comm,
MPI_Group group,
//Group, which is a subset of the group of comm
MPI_Comm *newcomm
//The new communicator
To be able to use MPI functionality, first, we have to initialize the MPI environment with the MPI_Init()
function. The argc and argv are the pointer to the number of arguments and the argument vector of main()
int MPI_Init(
int *argc,
//Argc of main()
char **argv
//Argv of main().
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All running processes have a rank in the group of the particular communicator. This rank could be used as a
unique identification number of the process in the communicator.
int MPI_Comm_rank(
MPI_Comm comm,
int *rank
//Rank of the calling process in group of comm
The MPI_Comm_size() function returns the group size of the associated communicator. It is practical to know
the size of our group, thus, the number of workers we can count on.
int MPI_Comm_size(
MPI_Comm comm,
int *size
//Number of processes in the group of comm
The MPI_Finalize() function terminates the MPI execution environment. The running of processes after this is
not defined, the best way is to return and exit after this call. However, it is possible to run processes on and carry
out non-MPI actions. No MPI functions are allowed to call after finalizing the MPI environment.
int MPI_Finalize()
Terminates all processes associated with the communiator comm. The function doesn't return. This is an
emergency stop, MPI_Finalize() should be used instead.
int MPI_Abort(
MPI_Comm comm
int errorcode
//Error code to return to invoking environment
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The MPI_Barrier function blocks until all processes in the communicator have called this routine, thus, are at
this given point in the execution.
int MPI_Barrier(
MPI_Comm comm
Actually barriers are widely used in shared memory environment, as reading of shared variables can be error
prone if some partial computation by an other thread is not ready at that point. In a distributed environment the
Send-Receive functions will synchronize the different processes, so in our examples the MPI_Barrier function
can or should be used rarely if ever. Sometimes it is used for testing purposes, e.g. before starting to measure
running time, we can sync administrative activities and start a clean run from this point. It is worth considering
to avoid the usage of this function. There is a good article according to this at in
Hungarian with the title "Miért lassulnak le az MPI programok? - Why do MPI programs slow down?".
The MPI_WTime gives the time elapsed in seconds, since arbitrary point in the past. This point of start is
guaranteed not to be change during running of the process. Thus, we can use the difference of two such values
to measure elapsed time for some operations.
double MPI_Wtime()
The standard MPI predefines some basic data types for C like int (MPI_INT), signed long int (MPI_LONG),
and all the basic datatypes of C. If we want to send different data types, we have several options. The most
simple way is to send different types in different messages. One other option is to MPI_Pack different types into
a buffer and send it at once. A further option would be MPI_BYTE where data is sent byte wise. However these
two later might make our program not portable. For further options (not scope of this book) refer to derived
datatypes in MPI. This advanced method will allow to construct special data structures at runtime. This can be
thought as a template for mixed datatypes. The basic MPI datatypes are shown in table 15. 1
Note, that this is version 3.0 standard, and some of the datatypes may not be present in your MPI implementation yet.
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15.3. References
• [Corm2009] Cormen, T.H., Leiserson, C.E., Rivest, R.L. and Stein, C. Introduction to Algorithms. 3rd ed.
MIT Press and McGraw-Hill. 2009.
• [Cool1965] Cooley, J.W. and Tukey, J.W. An algorithm for the machine calculation of complex Fourier
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• [Dijk1959] Dijkstra, E.W. A note on two problems in connexion with graphs. In: Numerische Mathematik 1.
pp. 269-271. 1959.
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Introduction to MPI by examples
• [Gram2003] Grama, A., Gupta, A., Karypis, G. and Kumar, V. Introduction to Parallel Computing. 2nd ed.
Addison Wesley. 2003.
• [Hilb2013a] Hilbert, S. FFT Zero Padding. BitWeenie, DSP resource page. 2013.
• [Hilb2013b] Hilbert, S. A DFT and FFT TUTORIAL. Alwayslearn, SoundAnalyser Project page. 2013.
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Comb., 9, No. 2 (2012), pp. 169-186.
• [Weisst] Weisstein, E.W. Discrete Fourier Transform. From MathWorld-A Wolfram Web Resource.
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