JN Qu 7 HJRR AYog AXWp Qhgakii IO91
JN Qu 7 HJRR AYog AXWp Qhgakii IO91
JN Qu 7 HJRR AYog AXWp Qhgakii IO91
The paper focuses on the mechanisms behind shrinkages in cast iron and
how they can be avoided. Grey and ductile iron are unique casting alloys
due to their solidification behaviour. During solidification the alloys initially
contract when the temperature drops from the pouring temperature to the
liquidus temperature. This contraction must always be compensated for by
supply of feed metal from the gating system and often also from a feeder
(riser). The paper will demonstrate that this type of feeding can only be
functional until the amount of solid phase reaches a certain level. This
usually happens slightly after reaching the low grey eutectic temperature.
When this stage has been reached a balanced precipitation rate and
amount of graphite will make it possible to compensate for contraction of
remaining liquid and the eutectic austenite. The proper balance is crucial
as the precipitation of graphite is associated with a volume expansion,
which if too high will cause mould wall movement and increase shrinkage
tendency. Too low precipitation will lead to micro-shrinkages. The paper
describes how optimization of the gating system in many cases makes it
possible to eliminate feeders for supply of the initial feed metal. After the
low eutectic temperature is reached the contraction can be eliminated by
careful control of graphite precipitation using a combination of chemical
and adaptive thermal analysis. Through proper control of the feeding
sequences it is possible to produce certain ductile iron castings in green
sand moulds without feeders!
Key words
Feederless ductile iron, green sand
Shrinkages are one of the most common casting defects. The main cause
of shrinkage cavities is that all commercial alloys contract when a casting
cools from the pouring temperature to solidus. The contraction is usually
between 1-5 % depending on the type of alloy and the pouring
temperature. The main contraction occurs between the pouring
temperature and the liquidus temperature. If the contraction is not
compensated for by feed metal, either by supplying feed metal or by
forming a depression on the outer surface, a shrinkage cavity will occur.
Cast iron alloys, which solidify with a precipitation of graphite, represent a
more complex behaviour, the reason being that the dissolved carbon
partly precipitates as graphite with a lower density than the base iron. The
precipitation is therefore associated with an increase in volume, which in
some cases partly might offset the contraction of the liquid and the
austenite. By careful control of the mould filling and the precipitation of
graphite it should be possible to produce ductile iron castings in green
sand moulds without the use of feeders. In this paper we will study what
happens during solidification, as well as the mechanisms behind
shrinkages and how to avoid them.
When a casting cavity has been filled with liquid cast iron the temperature
is reduced until the liquidus temperature (TL) is reached, then austenite
crystals start to form if the alloy is hypoeutectic. If the alloy is eutectic both
austenite and graphite are precipitated from the melt. If the alloy is
hypereutectic then the initial phase is graphite. The latent heat for
austenite is fairly low, about 200 KJ/kg. Therefore almost no recalescence
(R) occurs at TL. The latent heat for graphite is very high, about 3600
KJ/kg. Thus when graphite precipitates, heat is released, which causes
the temperature to increase and causes recalescence. Precipitation of
graphite is also associated with a volume expansion as the density of
graphite is about 2.2 g/cm3 versus about 6.9 for the liquid melt.
Let us study the progression of solidification using a hypereutectic alloy as
an example. The cooling curve shows what happens at each moment in
the centre of the sample cup. A typical cooling curve and its first derivative
looks as follows:
indicates the effect of the eutectic at the very end of freezing. During the
eutectic phases (S2 and S3) the liquid can expand its volume provided a
sufficient amount of eutectic graphite is precipitated. The available
amount of eutectic graphite can be estimated using the formula:
The illustrations show the situation in a section through a cup used for
thermal analysis. Figure A shows the melt at position 1 when the cup has
just been filled. At position 2 the temperature has reached liquidus. The
temperature gradient is then zero due to thermal currents. The zone with
metal at the liquidus temperature is gradually reduced, which is shown in
positions 2 to 4. Note that the temperature in the liquidus zone is constant.
Thus there is no contraction in this zone! In position 3 austenite has
started to grow inwards. In position 3+ the low eutectic temperature has
been reached at the walls and a zone which is expanding has been
created. In position 4 also secondary eutectic is formed and expanding. In
positions 5 - 7 a solid phase also appears. In a casting several of these
zones appear at the same time. If an initial amount of feed metal can be
supplied until position 3+ is reached then it is likely that the casting can be
made without any feeders.
The challenge is to be able to supply the initial need for feed metal from
the gating system and to control the nucleation and thereby the
precipitation rate of graphite so that it can balance the contraction of
austenite and remaining liquid. Accodring to the author this is possible by
means of simulation systems for optimizing gating systems and by using a
combination of chemical and advanced thermal analysis for controlling the
solidification process.
Shrinkage mechanisms
In the following we have classified shrinkages in four basic types. We will
discuss how they occur and how they can be avoided. The four basic
types are Outer sunks (pull downs), Macro shrinkages, Micro shrinkages
and Porosities.
A. Outer Sunks
Outer sunks (pull downs, sinks) can be seen on the
outside of the casting, usually as a smooth
depression in the casting surface. They are normally
located on thick sections of the casting and on
surfaces located on the top of the casting during pouring. Outer sunks are
also referred to as ”pull downs” and they can occur not only on horizontal
top faces of the casting but sometimes also on vertical surfaces.
B. Macro shrinkages
atmosphere, has then been established. If no more feed metal is available
at that point in time then the contraction of the liquid and semi liquid metal
as well as contraction of the already solidified parts result in a cavity. Gas
dissolved in the metal might also diffuse into the shrinkage cavity.
C. Micro shrinkages
The first and most common mechanism behind micro shrinkages is that
the contraction of the austenite (primary and eutectic) at the end of
freezing can not be fully compensated for by the precipitation of carbon
into graphite, which is associated with an increase in volume. The
precipitation pattern of graphite from the start of eutectic freezing until the
end of freezing is therefore very important.
8. Too high amount of phases that exhibit solidus temperatures below
1100 C. e.g. Fe3P.
9. Too high recalescence and recalescence rate causes expansion too
early and consumes a high amount of the carbon so that the expansion
at the end of freezing is unsufficient.
10. Too low eutectic temperature might cause some primary carbides to
form. A low eutectic temperature also means that the contraction in
liquid state increases.
11. Too small Graphite Factor 1 (GRF1) indicating too low amounts of
eutectic graphite during the second part of the eutectic.
12. Too high Graphite Factor 2 (GRF2) indicating too little eutectic graphite
precipitation at the end of freezing.
13. Too low solidus (TS) which may induce carbides at the last portions to
freeze. Too high levels of Mg, Nb, V or similar elements tend to
segregate to the grain boundaries and form carbides that contract
during their solidification. For ductile iron TS should be above 1100 C.
14. Too high silicon will increase segregation of carbide forming elements,
which increases the tendency for micro shrinkage.
D. Porosities
feeding system (unless a very steep temperature gradient is maintained).
Porosities are a metallurgical problem mainly depending on the chemical
composition. The main mechanism is that due to the composition of the
iron, one or more phases solidify at a lower temperature than the
austenite-graphite eutectic. In ductile iron too high magnesium levels can
cause similar problems as magnesium segregates to the rest melt and can
induce formation of carbides which contracts and creates porosity.
By applying the principles outlined in this paper the author believes that
ductile iron castings even with high modulus can be produced in green
sand mould without feeders. The first condition is that the mould is
sufficiently compressed and that that the sand properties are optimized.
The second condition is that the modulus of all parts of the gating system
must be higher than about 40% of the dominating modulus of the casting.
This ensures that most of the feed metal needed to compensate for
contraction of the metal between the pouring temperatures down to
liquidus can be supplied from the pouring cup. The third condition is that
the metal expands sufficiently during solidification in order to match the
contraction of austenite and remaining liquid phase in all parts of the
casting. The expansion that comes from precipitated graphite must not
only be sufficient in volume, the precipitation must also be balanced in
order to avoid mould wall movement and exhibit an expansion pattern until
the end of freezing. The control of the solidification progression can be
achieved by using a combination of chemical and thermal analysis of grey
samples. The essential metallurgical factors to consider are: