All Important Act
All Important Act
All Important Act
Payment for
every hour or
for part of an
hour so worked
in excess at the
overtime rate
double of the
ordinary rate of
(1½ times or
for agriculture
labour) {Section
Wages for two class of work: Where an employee does two or more classes of work to each of which a
different minimum rate of wages is applicable, wages at not less than the minimum rate in respect of each
such class. {Section 16}
Maintenance of registers and records Minimum time rate wages for
← Register of Fines - Form 1 Rule 21(4) piece work
← Annual Returns - Form III Rule 21(4-A) Not less than minimum rates
← Register for Overtime - Form IV Rule 25 wages as fixed {Section 17}
← Register of Wages - Form X, Wages Slip - Form XI,
Muster Roll - Form V Rule 26
← Representation of Register - for three year Rule 26-A
{Section 18}
Claims by employees
← To be filled by before authority constituted under the Act within 6 months.
← Compensation upto 10 times on under or non-payment of wages {Section 16}
II Concepts
II(a)Minimum Wage
The Act under section 2(h) defines wages, but does not define “minimum wages”. As it is
not possible to bring down a uniform minimum wage for all the industries throughout
the country.
Section 2(h)"wages" means all remuneration capable of being expressed in terms of money which
would if the terms of the contract of employment express or implied were fulfilled be payable to a
person employed in respect of his employment or of work done in such employment and includes
house rent allowance but does not include -
(i) the value of -
(a) any house accommodation supply of light water medical attendance or
(b) any other amenity or any service excluded by general or special order of the appropriate
(ii) any contribution paid by the employer to any person fund or provident fund or under any scheme
of social insurance;
(iii) any traveling allowance or the value of any traveling concession;
(iv) any sum paid to the person employed to defray special expenses entailed on him by the nature of
his employment; or
(v) any gratuity payable on discharge;
II(a)(i)Essential Ingredient
1. Wage should be by way of remuneration
2. It should be capable of being expressed in terms of money.
3. It should be payable to a person employed in respect of his employment or of work
done in such employment.
4. It should be payable to a workmen.
5. It should be payable if the terms of employment, express or implied, are fulfilled.
6. It includes house rent allowance.
7. It does not include house accommodation, supply of light, water, medical attendance,
traveling allowance, contribution of employer towards provident fund, gratuity , any
scheme of social insurance etc.
II(b)Classification of Wages
The Supreme Court has classified “Wages” into three categories. They are:
1. The Living Wage ( highest standard of wage)
2. The Fair Wage (between living and minimum wage)
3. The Minimum Wage.( it is the lowest standard of wage)
The living and fair wages are acquired by workers with their “collective bargaining”.
When the workers have no unions and who have no capacity of collective bargain could
not demand the employers for their just and genuine wage. The State come to rescue
them through such legislations.
Object of the Act
The Employees' Provident Funds and Miscellaneous Provisions Act extends to whole of
India except State of Jammu and Kashmir.
The Act Applies to industries specified in Schedule I employing 20 or more persons and
any other class of establishments employing 20 or more persons notified by the
The Government may apply the Act to establishments employing less than 20 people.
Employees covered under the act include contract labour but exclude apprentices,
trainees, directors, working partners, domestic servants and contractors.
Establishments can seek exemption from any or all the provisions of the act.
The contribution which shall be paid by the employer to the fund shall be
eight and one-third per cent of the basic wages, dearness allowances and
retaining allowance (if any) for the time being payable to each of the
employees. While, the employees' contribution shall be equal to the
contribution payable by the employer in respect of him and may if any
employee so desires and if the Scheme makes provision therefore be an
amount not exceeding eight and one-third per cent of his basic wages,
dearness allowances and retaining allowance (if any), subject to the
condition that the employer shall not be under an obligation to pay any
contribution over and above his contribution payable under the Act.
Establishments are covered by the Act: The Act applies to (1) every establishment being
a factory, mine, plantation or circus; (2) every shop in which 10 or more persons are
employed; (3) any other establishment to which the Act is applied by the State
Government under the proviso to Section 2(1)
Note: (1) The Act applies to a factory, mine or plantation belonging to Government. (2)
The Act does not apply to any factory or other establishment to which the provisions of
the Employees' State Insurance Act apply. {Section 2}
Is there any justification for denying the benefits of the Maternity Benefit Act to women
workers on the ground that they are not regular employees but they are on the muster
roll?: The Supreme Court, in Municipal Corporation of Delhi v. Female workers (Muster
Roll) & Anr. (2000 I C.I.R. 879) has said; "We have scanned the different provisions of the
Act, but we do not find anything contained in the Act which entitles only regular woman
employees to the benefit of maternity leave and not those who are engaged on casual
basis or on muster roll on daily wage basis."
Restrictions placed by the Act on the employment of women: The restrictions placed by
the Act on the employment of women are as follows:
i. The employer is prohibited from knowingly employing a woman in any
establishment during the six weeks immediately following the day of her delivery
or her miscarriage;
ii. A woman also, on her part, is required to abstain from working in any
establishment during the said period;
iii. A pregnant woman can also request her employer not to give her any work which
is of an arduous nature or which involves long hours of standing, etc. during the
period of one month immediately preceding the period of six weeks, before the
date of her expected delivery or any period during the said period of six weeks
for which the pregnant woman does not avail of leave of absence, under the Act.
On such a request being made by her, the employer shall not give her such work
during such period. {Section 4}
To whom maternity benefit is payable in case of death of a woman?: If a woman entitled
to maternity benefit dies before receiving such benefit, the employer shall pay such
benefit to the person nominated by the woman and in case there is no such nominee, to
her legal representative. {Section 7}
Time for payment of maternity benefit: The amount of maternity benefit for the period
preceding the date of her expected delivery shall be paid in advance to the woman on
production of proof that the woman is pregnant and the amount due for the subsequent
period shall be paid to the woman within 48 hours of production of proof that the
woman has been delivered of a child. {Section 6}
Period for which a woman is entitled to maternity benefit and the rate of the benefit: (i)
The maximum period for which any woman shall be entitled to maternity benefit shall
be 12 weeks of which not more than 6 weeks shall precede the date of her expected
delivery. If a woman dies during this period, the maternity benefit shall be payable only
for the days up to and including the day of her death. If a woman, having been delivered
of a child, dies during her delivery or during the period immediately following the date
of her delivery for which she is entitled for the maternity benefit, leaving behind in
either case the child, the employer shall be liable to the maternity benefit for the entire
period but if the child also dies during the said period, then, for the days up to and
including the date of the death of the child.
(ii) But no woman shall be entitled to maternity benefit unless she has actually worked
in an establishment of the employer from whom she claims maternity benefit, for a
period of not less than 80 days in the 12 months immediately proceeding the date of her
expected delivery.
For the purpose of calculating the days on which a woman has actually worked in the
establishment, the days for which she has been laid off or was on holidays declared
under any law to be holidays with wages during the period of 12 months immediately
preceding the day of her delivery, the actual day of her delivery and any period
immediately following that day. For the purpose of this provision, 'the average daily
wage' means the average of the woman's wages payable to her for the days on which
she has worked during the period of 3 calendar months immediately preceding the date
from which she absents herself on account of maternity, or the minimum rate of wage
fixed or revised or under the Minimum Wages Act, 1948 or 10 rupees, whichever is the
highest. {Section 5}
Is a woman entitled to maternity benefit, also entitled to any medical bonus?: A woman
entitled to maternity benefit under the Act shall also be entitled to receive from her
employer a medical bonus of 250 rupees, if no pre-natal confinement and postnatal care
is provided for by the employer free of charge. The medical bonus shall be paid along
with the second installment of the maternity benefit. {Section 8 & Rule 5}
Can a woman claim the maternity benefit from her employer if she works elsewhere
during the period for which she has been permitted to absent herself under the
provisions of the Act?: If a woman works in any establishment after she has been
permitted by her employer to absent herself under the provisions of the Act for any
period during such authorized absence, she shall forfeit her claim to the maternity
benefit for such period. {Section 18}
Is it permissible under the Act to exempt any establishment for the provisions of the
Act?: The appropriate Government can exempt any establishment from the operation of
all or any of the provisions of the Act or of any rule made under the Act if the benefits
provided by the establishment are not less favourable that those provided in the Act.
{Section 26}
Is a woman entitled to any leave with wages for illness in addition to the period of
absence allowed to her under the provisions of the Act?: A woman suffering from illness
arising out of pregnancy delivery, premature birth of child or miscarriage shall be
entitled, in addition to the period of absence allowed to her under the provisions of the
Act, to leave with wages at the rate of maternity benefit for a maximum period of one
month. {Section 10}
Is a woman entitled to any leave with wages for miscarriage?: In case of miscarriage, a
woman shall be entitled to leave with wages at the rage of maternity benefit, for a
period of 6 weeks immediately following the day of her miscarriage. {Section 9}
Is it necessary for a woman claiming leave with wages for miscarriage to satisfy the
condition that she had worked for a period of not less than 80 days in the 12 months
immediately preceding the date of miscarriage?: Such condition has to be satisfied for
claiming Maternity Benefit under Section 5 of the Act. There is no condition of any sort
to be satisfied for claiming leave wages for miscarriage under Section 9 of the Act.
What are the other obligations of the employer under the Act?: Under the Act the
employer is required: (a) to exhibit the abstract of the provisions of the Act and the rules
made thereunder in a conspicuous place in every part of the establishment in which
women are employed {Section 19 & Rule 5}; (b) to maintain a muster roll in the
prescribed form {Rule 3}; (c) to submit annual returns in the four prescribed forms. {Rule
What is the punishment for the contravention of the provisions of the Act?: (1) If any
employer fails to pay any amount of maternity benefit to a woman entitled under the
Act or discharges or dismisses such woman during or on account of her absence from
work in accordance with the provisions of the Act, he shall be punishable with
imprisonment which shall not be less than three months but which may extend to one
year and with fine which shall not be less than two thousand rupees but which may
extend to five thousand rupees. The Court may, however, for sufficient reasons to be
recorded in writing, impose a sentence of imprisonment for a lesser term or fine only in
lieu of imprisonment. (2) If any employer contravenes the provisions of the Act or the
rules made thereunder, he shall, if no other penalty is elsewhere provided by or under
the Act for such contravention, be punishable with imprisonment which may extend to
one year, or with fine which may extend to five thousand rupees, or with both. Where
the contravention is of any provision regarding maternity benefit or regarding payment
of any other amount and such maternity benefit or amount has not already been
recovered, the Court shall, in addition, recover such maternity benefit or amount as if it
were a fine and pay the same to the person entitled hereto. {Section 21}
Wage Ceiling: Every employee drawing wages upto Rs. 15000.00 per month is required
to be insured under the Act.
Objective of the Act: The object of the Act is to secure sickness, maternity, disablement
and medical benefits to employees of factories and establishments and dependents’
benefits to the dependents of such employees.
CHECK LIST:Applicability of the Act & Scheme: Is extended in area-wise to factories using power and employing
10 or more persons and to non-power using manufacturing units and establishments employing 20 or more person upto
Rs.15,000/- per month with effect from 01-May-2010. It has also been extend-ed upon shops, hotels, restaurants, roads
motor transport undertakings, equipment maintenance staff in the hospitals.
WAGES FOR ESI CONTRIBUTIONS Manner and Time Limit for making
Registers / Files to be maintained by the employers Payment of Contribution
To be deemed as wages Not to be deemed as Wages The total amount of contribution (employee's
← Basic pay ← Contribution paid by the share and employer's share) is to be deposited
employer to any pension / with the authorised bank through a challan in
← Dearness Allowance
provident of under ESI the prescribed form in quadruplicate on or
← House Rent Allowance before 21st of month following the calendar
← City Compensatory ← Sum paid to defray special month in which the wages fall due.
Allowance expenses entailed by the
Contribution Period
Cash benefits are disbursed by the Corporation through its Local Offices (Los) / Mini
Local Offices (MLOs) / Sub Local Offices SLOs) / pay offices, subject to certain
contributory conditions.
1. Medical Benefit:
Medical benefit consists of "full medical care" including hospitalisation, free of cost, to
the Insured Persons in case of sickness, employment injury and maternity.
2. Sickness benefit:
Sickness Benefit represents periodical cash payments made to an IP during the period of
certified sickness occurring in a benefit period when IP requires medical treatment and
attendance with abstention from work on medical grounds. Prescribed certificates are
Forms 8,9,10,11 & ESIC-Med.13. Sickness benefit is roughly 50% of the average daily
wages and is payable for 91 days during 2 consecutive benefit periods.
Sickness Benefit represents periodical cash payments made to an IP during the period of
certified sickness occurring in a benefit period when IP requires medical treatment and
attendance with abstention from work on medical grounds.
ii) Extended sickness Benefit:
In addition to 91 days of sickness benefit, insured persons suffering from certain long-
term diseases are entitled to extended sickness benefit for 34 diseases. The list of
diseases are enclosed in the Annexure.
iii) Enhanced Sickness Benefit:
The ESI Corporation has also extended additional cash incentive to insured persons to
promote acceptance of sterilization method by providing sickness cash benefit equal to
full wage for a period of 7 days for vasectomy and 14 days for tubectomy. The period for
which cash benefit is admissible is extended beyond the above limits in the event of any
complications after Family Planning operations.
3. Maternity benefit:
The benefit is payable in cash to an insured woman for confinement / miscarriage or
sickness arising out of pregnancy / confinement or premature birth of child or
miscarriage. For confinement, the duration of benefit is 12 weeks, for miscarriage 6
weeks and for sickness arising out of confinement etc. 30 days. The benefit is allowed at
about full wages.
4. Disablement benefit:
The Act provides for cash payment, besides free medical treatment, in the event of
temporary or permanent disablement as a result of employment injury as well as
occupational diseases. The rate of temporary disablement benefit is about 72% of the
wages as long as the temporary disablement lasts. In case of total permanent
disablement, the insured person will be given life pension at full rate i.e., about 72% of
his wages, while in cases of partial permanent disablement a portion of it will be granted
as life pension. Cases where daily pension is upto Rs.1.50, it is commutable.
5. Dependant’s benefit
In case of death, as a result of employment injury, the dependants of an insured person
are eligible for periodical payments. Pension at the rate of 40% more than the Standard
Benefit Rate will be paid periodically to widow (s) and children in accordance with the
prescribed share. An eligible son or daughter is entitled to dependant’s benefit up to the
age of 18 without any proof of education; the benefit is withdrawn if the daughter
marries earlier.
6. Funeral Expenses:
Funeral benefit is a cash payment payable on the death of an insured person towards
the expenses on his funeral, the amount not exceeding Rs.2,500/-.
i) Rehabilitation allowance:
Disabled IPs who remain admitted in an Artificial Limb Centre for fixation or repair or
replacement of the artificial limb are entitled to a rehabilitation allowance for each day
on which they remain admitted at Artificial Limb Centre at double the Standard Benefit
rate. This is not subject to any contributory condition.
ii) Vocational Rehabilitation:
This scheme has been designed to provide financial assistance to IPs who are referred to
Vocational Rehabilitation Centre for training. Under the scheme, IPs aged not more than
45 years who are permanently disabled as a result of an employment injury (EI) with loss
of earning capacity of not less than 40% and are not in gainful employment subsequent
to EI are entitled to receive cash allowance equal to the expenditure charged by the
Vocational Rehabilitation Centre or Rs.45/- per day whichever is more during his stay at
the Vocational Rehabilitation Centre. Such IPs are also paid conveyance charges for the
journey undertaken by them from their normal residence to the centre and back.
iii) Medical Benefit to Retired IP’s and Permanent Disabled IP’s
On payment of Rs.10/- P.M. or Rs. 100/- Per annum in limp sum for one year in advance,
Medical Benefit can be provided to:
An Insured Person and his or her spouse who leaves insurable employment on attaining
the age of superannuation after being insured for not less than five years, till the period
for which contribution is paid.
ii) An Insured Person and his/her spouse who ceases to be in insurable employment on
account of permanent disablement due to employment injury shall be entitled to
medical benefit.
The Act enables the employees to get a minimum bonus equivalent to one month's
salary or wages (8.33% of annual earnings) whether the employer makes any profit or
not. But the Act also puts a ceiling on the bonus and the maximum bonus payable under
the Act is equivalent to about 2 1/2 months' salary or wage (20% of annual earnings).
It is to be noted that employees drawing salary or wage exceeding Rs. 10000.00 per
month are not entitled to get any bonus under the Act. (w.e.f. 1 April 2006)
Applicability of Act
Every factory where in 10 or more persons are employed with the aid
Establishment includes
of power or an establishment in which 20 or more persons are
Departments, undertakings and
employed without the aid of power on any day during an accounting
branches, etc.
Computation of available
Separate establishment
Components of Bonus
If profit and loss accounts are
a. Income taxes and direct
prepared and maintained in respect
taxes as payable. Salary or wages includes dearness
of any such department or
b. Depreciation as per section allowance but no other allowances
undertaking or branch, then such
32 of Income Tax Act. e.g. overtime, house rent, incentive
department or undertaking or
c. Development rebate, or commission. {Section 2(21)}
branch is treated as a separate
investment or development
establishment. {Section 3}
allowance. {Section 5}
Act not applicable to certain employees of Life Insurance Corporation, General Insurance, Dockyards, Red Cross,
Universities & Educational Institutions, Chambers of Commerce, Social Welfare Institutions, Building Contractors, etc.
{Section 32}
For contravention of any provision of the Act or the Rule, imprisonment upto 6 months or with fine upto Rs.1000