Greene 2018
Greene 2018
Greene 2018
Forward-looking and innovative, Elgar Research Agendas are an essential resource for PhD
students, scholars and anybody who wants to be at the forefront of research.
A Research Agenda for Management and A Research Agenda for Human Resource
Organization Studies Management
Edited by Barbara Czarniawska Edited by Cary L. Cooper, CBE and
Paul Sparrow
A Research Agenda for Entrepreneurship
and Context A Research Agenda for Shrinking Cities
Edited by Friederike Welter and Justin B. Hollander
William B. Gartner
A Research Agenda for Women and
A Research Agenda for Cities Entrepreneurship
Edited by John Rennie Short Edited by Patricia G. Greene and
Candida G. Brush
A Research Agenda for Neoliberalism
Kean Birch
Paul T. Babson Chair in Entrepreneurial Studies, Babson College, USA
Franklin W. Olin Distinguished Chair of Entrepreneurship and Vice Provost of Global
Entrepreneurial Leadership, Babson College, USA
Published by
Edward Elgar Publishing Limited
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List of contributorsix
Patricia G. Greene and Candida G. Brush - 9781785365362
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Alan L. Carsrud, PhD, EcD (HC), is Visiting Research Professor at Åbo Akademi
School of Business and Economics of Åbo Akademi University in Finland. He was
previously the Loretta Rogers Chaired Professor of Entrepreneurship at Ryerson
University in Toronto, Canada. He has published more than a dozen books in
entrepreneurship and family business and more than 200 articles on entrepreneur-
ship, family business, social and clinical psychology.
Patricia G. Greene and Candida G. Brush - 9781785365362
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via University of Durham
I am not one and simple, but complex and many. (Virginia Woolf, 1992: The Waves)
Our goal for this book is to use a concept of identity to explore ideas related to
entrepreneurial identity for women and their businesses. We believe this is impor-
tant for two reasons. First, the concept of an entrepreneur has historically been that
of a male, and in essence the role and identity are masculine in image and expected
behavior (Bird and Brush, 2002). Second, the bulk of current research on entrepre-
neurship generally, and on the topic of identity and individual aspects of entrepre-
neurs, focuses predominantly on male samples. Some estimate that only 10 percent
of all research in entrepreneurship includes or studies women (Jennings and Brush,
2013). This suggests that both practically and theoretically there is reason to exam-
ine entrepreneurial identity for women and their businesses.
However, given the very broad nature and long history of investigation of iden-
tity, we overlay another set of entrepreneurial concepts to provide insight into
women’s entrepreneurship. We focus this volume (and associated articles) on three
concepts ‒ aspirations, behaviors and confidence ‒ each related to identity in that
they provide insights into our understanding of women entrepreneurs, their ven-
tures and experiences. We consider aspirations to explore what women want to
create or achieve, behaviors to look at how they create and grow businesses, and
confidence to relate to the ‘why’, considered as their trust in themselves and their
degree of self-assurance. Together, these concepts shape and enhance a woman’s
Patricia G. Greene and Candida G. Brush - 9781785365362
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via University of Durham
The pathway for our exploratory journey is to first quite briefly review the notion
of identity in general, what it is and how it is constructed, and then consider the
linkages between identity, aspirations, behavior and confidence. We then move
to entrepreneurial identity and its particular construction, and finally we explore
women’s entrepreneurial identity. This chapter then provides an overview of each
of the chapters in this volume regarding women’s entrepreneurial identity and aspi-
rations, behaviors and confidence. We conclude with thoughts on what we have
learned through this process, and suggestions for future research.
Identity as a topic of inquiry is found in many social science disciplines, with con-
ceptual differences readily evident both across and within these disciplines (Stryker
and Burke, 2000). However, the main approaches include personal identity, social
identity theory (SIT) (Tajfel, 1982) and identity theory (Stryker and Serpe, 2012).
Personal identity
Personal identity generally includes an individual’s attributes and traits, values,
beliefs and bodily attributes, and in some considerations, also their interests
and competencies (Ashforth and Mael, 1989). While it would seem that the
personal at this level would be the starting point for an identity, it can also be
considered as more of an end, or integrative mechanism, coalescing aspects of
group memberships and/or roles (Markus and Nurius, 1986). Personal identity
is also described as under-researched and, we propose more specifically, under-
theorized in entrepreneurship. When thinking of the relationship to the field of
entrepreneurship in which attributes and traits were an early point of fascina-
tion, we have seen the field largely move beyond these two concepts to other
types of questions.
The purpose of the group classification is primarily to cognitively segment and thus
provide order to one’s social environment, thereby providing a means of adopting a
self-definition while also providing a systematic means of defining others (Ashforth
and Mael, 1989). Personal attributes are often more consistent, while social iden-
tities can be more dynamic as people move in and out of different groups; for
example, move into a different age bracket or stage of life, or change political party.
How social identities are perceived can also be dynamic, changing positively or
negatively in relation or reaction to any particular group (Hogg et al., 1995; Brush
and Gale, 2014).
Identity theory
Role-based identities (mother, architect, entrepreneur, and so on) are at the core
of identity theory (Hogg et al., 1995; Stryker, 1987; Brush and Gale, 2014), a focus
which perhaps more readily accounts for changes in identities (for example, bache-
lor to husband, or manager to entrepreneur) as individuals change personal identity
characteristics (such as competencies) and also make decisions about relationships,
behaviors, occupations, and so on. Given that we all hold many roles, and therefore
we all belong to a number of groups, each of us has multiple, and potentially over-
lapping, identities, related to those roles we enact (Meister et al., 2014; Burke and
Reitzes, 1991). This approach again presents identities as cognitive schemas, built
from comparisons with expectations, specifically the perception of expectations
held for each role (Stryker and Burke, 2000). People generally try to enact their
roles in modes and behaviors deemed socially appropriate for specific roles, while
valuing different roles in potentially different ways and for situationally different
contexts (Adler and Adler, 1987; Schneider et al., 1971; Brush and Gale, 2014).
through a complex interplay of cognitive, affective and social interactions that are
contextualized (Marková, 1987); identity motives, pressures that move us toward
certain identity states and away from others, help to guide identity construction
(Breakwell, 1988). The motives themselves may vary through time or situation and
may include things such as affinities for self-esteem, continuity, distinctiveness,
as well as belonging or a sense of meaningfulness (Vignoles et al., 2006). Identity
might be considered both as category-based and role-based (for example, a woman
entrepreneur or an African-American student). However, one identity might be
more salient in different situations, such as a classroom, a social group meeting
or other context (Ashforth et al., 2000) such as a professional environment. While
identity construction might start with personal aspects and group membership, the
identity outcome is also largely dependent on the prioritization of those identity
inputs, or the saliency of each individual part, which is considered to be both muta-
ble and dynamic in reaction to social environments (Meister et al., 2014).
Overall, ongoing ‘identity work’, indeed ‘conscious identity work’, will include
not only forming, but also maintaining upkeep through repairs and revisions
(Svengingsson and Alvesson, 2003: 1165). The development of narrative has been
presented as a tool for identity construction (Ibarra and Barbulescu, 2010). The
approach views identity as ‘the internalized and evolving story that results from a
person’s selective appropriate of past, present, and future’ (McAdams, 1999: 486,
in Ibarra and Barbulescu, 2010: 135). As such, narratives are the means of captur-
ing self-schemas and meanings associated with individuals as they interact with
Entrepreneurial identity
In one of the earliest specific works on entrepreneurial identity, Stanworth and
Curran (1976) explicitly drew forth the difference between their analysis of entre-
preneurial roles as related to self-definition and the ubiquitous earlier perspective
of an indelible personality type in place before the undertaking of any entrepre-
neurial roles. Instead, Stanworth and Curran acknowledge the contribution of
social aspects in building the identity, and posit three latent social identities as role
components: artisan, classical entrepreneur and the manager. Since then a variety
of different types of entrepreneurial identities and typologies have been proposed
in the entrepreneurship literature (Woo et al., 1991; Westhead and Wright, 1998;
Vesalainen and Pihkala, 2000; Fauchart and Gruber, 2011), along with a variety of
definitions for the overarching entrepreneurial identity (for a summary see Crosina,
Chapter 5 in this volume).
This body of research has grown significantly and has evolved from the idea of
typologies and the investigation of stereotypes to a deeper, and also broader, study
of entrepreneurial identity, including the contribution of discourse and narrative
as a methodology (Fletcher, 2007; Foss, 2004; Johansson, 2004; Warren, 2004;
Downing, 2005; Berglund, 2008; Down and Warren, 2008; Phillips et al., 2013), pas-
sion (Cardon et al., 2009; Chen et al., 2009; Murnieks et al., 2014) and persistence
(Hoang and Gimeno, 2010), industry (Vesala et al., 2007; Lindgren and Packendorff,
2008; Jain et al., 2009), family business (Shepherd and Haynie, 2009; Watson, 2009),
type of company (Miller et al., 2011) and geographic region and/or culture (Erogul
and McCrohan, 2008; Farmer and Kung-Mcintyre, 2008; Kikooma, 2011; Gill and
Larson, 2014). Two more recent compelling paths have included the pursuit of
understanding any potential differences related to identities within a defined arena
of social entrepreneurship (Light, 2005; Jones et al., 2008), and the role of entre-
preneurship education in shaping entrepreneurial identities (Edwards and Muir,
2012; Vanevenhoven and Liguori, 2013; Hytti and Heinonen, 2013; Donnellon et
al., 2014).
In looking across the existing research in entrepreneurial identity, we see that there
are connections to organizational identity in three ways: distinctiveness, or what is
meant by a specifically entrepreneurial identity; centrality, which we connect with
salience; and endurance, which we connect with construction and/or durability
(Kreiner et al., 2015).
The idea that entrepreneurs are somehow distinct and different represents a cen-
tral theme in the entrepreneurship literature (e.g., Baker and Nelson, 2005), and
to identify oneself as an entrepreneur provides individuals with the opportunity
to satisfy their need for distinctiveness, while recognizing a potential imbalance
with a need for belonging (Shepherd and Haynie, 2009; Tajfel and Turner, 1986;
Turner, 1985). In much of the work related to identity, this is generally ascribed
to be through membership in an organization, one which provides an identity that
is intended to have positive effects for both the individual and the organization
(Brown, 1969; Hall et al., 1970; Lee, 1971, in Ashforth and Mael, 1989: 20). We posit
that the business organization itself is of interest in a quite different way to those
acting as entrepreneurs, especially those in the process of creating an organization.
Not only may the organization not yet exist, but also other groups potentially
contributing to the work identity, such as ‘work group, department, union, lunch
group, age cohort, fast-track group, and so on’ (Ashforth and Mael, 1989: 22), also
either do not exist or at best are emerging. Further, the entrepreneur is often in the
process of creating the new organization, and therefore simultaneously creating a
role identity as the entrepreneur, and the organizational identity, which is often
manifested in the culture of the emerging venture (Gartner and Brush, 2007). More
specifically, the entrepreneurs rely on their tacit knowledge, experience and social
contacts to build the systems, boundaries and overall identity of the emerging
organization. In this process the entrepreneur may actually try on different identi-
ties, as the organizational and entrepreneurial identities are shaped simultaneously.
The issue of centrality is also critical, raising the question of the saliency of the
entrepreneurial identity in the personal identity hierarchy. This question will be
particularly relevant as we later move into the question of women’s entrepreneurial
identity (Kreiner et al., 2015). Recognizing that there is not an entrepreneurial
identity (Stanworth and Curran, 1976), we are intrigued by the situation of the
entrepreneurial identity as one of the multiple and overlapping identities that make
up any person, as well as the effect of social interactions in that process (Meister et
al., 2014). Like Meister et al. (2014), we are especially intrigued by the saliency ques-
tion, including the movement from affirmation or self-acceptance to validation (the
need for others to recognize that identity).
The question of aspirations is one that is also too often missed in economic devel-
opment programs. Policy approaches generally adopt ‘three stylized facts’ (Hessels
et al., 2008):
1. The entrepreneur (as business owner) enhances economic growth (Carree and
Thurik, 2003).
2. ‘[H]i-growth firms contribute more to economic growth than small, new
firms’ (Hessels et al., 2008).
3. There is currently little research on growth aspirations within the diversity of
In fact, the use of the term ‘aspiration’ itself is in question. While the term ‘aspira-
tion’ is occasionally used interchangeably with ‘goal’, ‘growth ambitions’ (Krueger
and Carsrud, 1993) or ‘objective’, as a cognitive measure it can also be seen as
having possible ties to entrepreneurial motivation, achievement motivation, as well
as Ajzen’s (1991) theory of planned behavior (Krueger and Carsrud, 1993). Simply
put, aspirations relate to what you want to accomplish; motivations put forth why
you want to accomplish something. We also differentiate between aspirations
(what you want to happen) and expectations (what you think is going to happen)
(Manolova et al., 2012; Hessels et al., 2008).
The stage of business creation and development does play a role in the relation-
ship between identity and entrepreneurial aspirations. At the nascent stage, the
desired entrepreneurial identity (possible self) serving as the foundation for the
work identity can be seen to guide both thoughts and behaviors (Cross and Markus,
1994; Markus and Nurius, 1986; Farmer et al., 2011). The identity aspired to as
an entrepreneur would depend on the individuals’ perspectives on the definition
and required roles of an entrepreneur. One way to consider this is to look at the
relationship between business accomplishments and entrepreneurial self-image
(Verheul et al., 2005). (These authors also added a consideration of gender which
Source: Adapted from K.H. Vesper, in Verheul et al. (2005), Neck et al. (2009), Nel et al. (2010).
will be reviewed in the next section of this chapter.) We added to these authors’ use
of Vesper’s (1999) entrepreneurial typology to include additional potential entre-
preneurial identities which may impact aspirations, and vice versa. Table 1.1 sum-
marizes a typology of entrepreneurial identities.
One helpful exception is seen in the work of Kolvereid (1992), where he recognizes
that ‘most firms are born small and stay small’ and finds only a weak relationship
between motives to start the business and growth aspirations. Patterns in his find-
ings suggest that ‘entrepreneurs with no growth aspirations have a tendency to
be driven by independence and opportunism, entrepreneurs with revenue growth
aspirations by welfare and tax considerations, and entrepreneurs with both revenue
and employment growth aspirations by their achievement motive’. However, he
declares these findings to be weak, concluding that overall aspirations are not found
to be significantly affected by ‘experience, sex, location, or firm size by employee’.
Other work finds that nascent entrepreneurs will be motivated to grow if they
believe that the efforts expended will lead to the outcome they seek (Douglas and
Shepherd, 2000; Krueger and Carsrud, 1993). Growth is a choice, even though it is
often a measure of firm success (Delmar et al., 2003).
Kahn, 1978; all in Ashforth and Mael, 1989: 22). They define situations by providing
an increased sensitivity and receptiveness for behavior cues, therefore providing
guidance on how to act (Stryker and Burke, 2000). They can be motivational and
aspirational as to their desired identity for the future; identity can serve to support,
or debilitate feelings of authenticity, especially in times of transition (Ibarra and
Barbulescu, 2010).
Mead (1934, in Stryker and Burke, 2000) situates the study of identity as creating
a framework to analyze sociological and social psychological issues, providing a
conceptual pathway from identity to behavior. Later, Burke and Reitzes (1981) con-
cluded that the link between identity and behavior was a sense of shared meanings,
with Stryker and Burke (2000) eventually proposing an identity theory model: (1)
recognizing the identity standard as a ‘set of culturally prescribed meanings which
are held by the individual to define the role identity in a particular situation’ (ibid.:
287), in other words, what is expected, or what should be; (2) taking the percep-
tion of meanings in a situation and matching them to the meanings in the identity
standard for that situation; (3) acknowledging the mechanisms that provide the
comparison between the standard and the perception of the existing; and then (4)
concluding with the differences that prompt behaviors to address the differences
between the two (Stryker and Burke, 2000).
And then there is the question of identity symmetry, essentially the difference
between the actual and the perceived identity. Meister et al. (2014) report that there
is actually little research on any positive effects of identity symmetry. However, as
lack of that perceived validity can potentially lead to a lack of confidence, including
self-questioning, and uncertainty regarding behaviors (Meister et al., 2014), lack of
symmetry (internal and external identity alignment) may exacerbate relationship
issues, particularly at work.
has the potential to affect both the start and the persistence of a particular behavior
(Bandura, 1977).
Over the course of Bandura’s work in this area he suggests several relevant compo-
nents to the theory. First, the dimensions of self-efficacy include magnitude (simple
to difficult), generality (circumscribed to more general), and strength (weak to
strong) (Bandura, 1977), emphasizing that an assessment of these dimensions must
match the precision of the measurement of the efficacy. Second, the four major
sources of efficacy information, or the ways one obtains information about one’s
own capability, are performance accomplishments, vicarious experience, verbal
persuasion and emotional arousal (Bandura, 1977). Third, enhanced self-efficacy
may be transferable to substantially different activities; however, the most predict-
able transfers are to more similar activities (Bandura, 1977; Bandura et al., 1969).
And finally, one of Bandura’s more recent yet less-discussed works includes the
consideration of an agentic perspective: ‘To be an agent is to influence intentionally
one’s functioning and life circumstances’ (Bandura, 2006: 164).
‘A central premise of SIT is that people identify with groups that contribute to a
positive sense of self, such as high-status or high-power groups (Ellemers, 1993;
Haslam et al., 2000)’ (Justo et al., Chapter 3 in this volume). The perception of
entrepreneurs as traditionally men, independent and risk-takers is mostly a myth,
which is perpetuated by the media, our teaching cases, classroom materials, and
in general conversation (Bird and Brush, 2002). This role stereotype may fit some
entrepreneurs, but not all. Traditional entrepreneurs are thought of in the ideal
as those who brilliantly conceive of a new technology innovation, capture a giant
market, take a company public and make millions of dollars. These entrepreneurs
are financially motivated, take big risks, have networks that are male-dominated,
and start businesses in traditional product and market sectors, hoping to generate
jobs and personal wealth (Kirzner, 1973; Schumpeter, 1935; Delmar et al., 2003;
Aldrich et al., 1989; Fairlie and Robb, 2009; Shane and Venkataraman, 2000).
These stereotypes of entrepreneurs being male refer to the traits and behaviors
that are culturally deemed appropriate for men and women, and whether these
relate to the individual’s role or occupation (Heilman, 2001; Meuhlenhard and
Peterson, 2011). For example, jobs can become stereotyped as masculine or femi-
nine (Heilman, 1983), and therefore success in these gendered occupations is then
believed to require correspondingly stereotypical characteristics (Heilman, 1997).
Stereotypical characteristics are quite common as they pertain to dichotomous, vis-
ible behaviors typically labelled as ‘masculine’ and ‘feminine’ (Gupta and Turban,
The same is true for aspirations. The very practice of pursuing high-growth
entrepreneurship ‒ with its aggressive funding goals and interest in pursuing
venture capital funding ‒ has been consistently considered a masculine behavior
(Gupta et al., 2009; Gupta and Turban, 2012). Gupta et al. (2009) found that most
entrepreneurs, and in particular those who created high-performing, high-growth
ventures, are perceived as more stereotypically masculine than feminine.
On the one hand, several scholars have highlighted the importance of women’s
non-monetary expectations from the business as a key to understand gender dif-
ferences in business ownership patterns (e.g., MacNabb et al., 1993; Buttner and
Moore, 1997; Fenwick and Hutton, 2000; Walker and Brown, 2004). Others, how-
ever, have found little gender-based variance in values and attitudes toward success
(e.g., Catley and Hamilton, 1998; Kalleberg and Leicht, 1991; Shane et al., 1991).
Either way, the general social expectation that entrepreneurs should hold high aspi-
rations for growth may create internal identity conflict for women entrepreneurs
who may wish to grow more steadily, slowly, or not at all. In fact, one study of nas-
cent entrepreneurs finds that growth aspirations for men were motivated only by
financial success, while women were motivated by status or role, financial success
and self-realization (Manolova et al., 2012).
Not only do masculine stereotypes and identity influence aspirations and behav-
iors, but these also have an impact on confidence. To be an entrepreneur, one
has to believe one has the necessary skills and capabilities to pursue a particular
career generally, or to be an entrepreneur (Bandura, 1989; Chen et al., 1998). More
specifically, individuals with high entrepreneurial self-efficacy have higher entre-
preneurial intentions (Chen et al., 1998; Krueger et al., 2000). Career literature
shows that, not surprisingly, women have lower self-efficacy in careers perceived
as ‘non-traditional’, and that societal expectations for women in a particular career
shape their self-confidence (Eddleston et al., 2006). As a consequence, women
entrepreneurs may have less self-efficacy in performing entrepreneurial tasks such
as creating and growing a business, or more specifically, in building a team, seeking
resources or interacting with stakeholders (Mueller and Dato-On, 2008).
The next section presents an overview of the chapters in this volume in Part I:
Aspirations, Part II: Behaviors and Part III: Confidence.
touch on issues related to personal, social and work identities. Building on a rela-
tively thin thread in the entrepreneurship literature, the authors use a social iden-
tity framework to investigate identity construction, focusing first on identifying and
examining elements that contribute to women building an entrepreneurial identity,
and subsequently sharing conclusions on the constraints and obstacles faced during
this process. This is a qualitative study, based upon the ubiquitous Berglund (2008)
approach in search of theory development. One of the notable questions addressed
in this chapter concerns a woman’s degree of agency to contribute to the construc-
tion of her entrepreneurial identity, particularly within specific social contexts, in
this case from an industry perspective, the entrepreneurial ecosystem supporting
technological ventures, and geographically: Latin America (largely Chile).
The chapters in Part II connect and explore the relationship between women’s
social identity and behaviors. It is posited that identity, especially gender identity,
influences behaviors. More specifically:
Social identity theory (SIT) is utilized to examine when entrepreneurs are more likely
to act consistently with their gender-stereotypic role and when they are more likely to
adopt attitudes more congruent with traditional entrepreneurial archetypes. The central
assumption underlying social identity theory (Tajfel, 1974, 1978) is that while there are
elements of self-identity that are derived from individual traits and interpersonal relation-
ships (personal identity), there are many social settings in which people do not act as
independent individuals. (Justo et al., Chapter 3 in this volume)
The next chapter in Part II, Chapter 6 by Catherine Elliott and Barbara Orser,
‘Feminist entrepreneurial identity: reproducing gender through founder decision-
making’, examines how feminist entrepreneurial identity is expressed through
founder decision-making. The authors examine how feminist entrepreneurial iden-
tity is expressed through entrepreneurial actions. Beginning with a review of litera-
ture that covers adult learning theory, they point out that being female may conflict
with one’s entrepreneurial self-image. To examine their research question, 15
self-identified ‘feminist entrepreneurs’ were recruited through Canadian Women’s
Enterprise Centers. They were interviewed in semi-structured phone calls, where
verbatim transcripts were analyzed using an interpretive inductive methodology.
Results showed that their feminist entrepreneurial identity was articulated through
their acquisition of human and financial resources, strategic compromises, market
positioning, governance structures, and relationships. The results yield insight into
the gendered nature of venture creation, and in particular, entrepreneurial identity.
The investigation yields a conceptual model and future research directions.
The final chapter in Part II, Chapter 7 by Richard Harrison and Claire Leitch,
‘Identity and identity work in constructing the woman entrepreneur’, examines
the organizational context and how the identity construction processes take place.
Taking a feminist perspective, they ask what is the nature of the identity work
undertaken by women in the process of identity formation, identity activation and
resultant behavior in an entrepreneurial context. The authors use an ethnographic
case study of a female entrepreneur involved in the start-up and growth of her
family business. Data collection took place over 18 months and utilized a combina-
tion of observation, conversations, interviews and documentary materials. Three
overarching themes about identity and identity construction emerged, as well as
two others related to gender. The three overarching themes were identity repre-
sentation, identity construction as an unconscious process, and the influence of life
history. For women in particular, the issue of attaining and gaining credibility and
issue of invisibility for women in family business were important findings.
First is Chapter 8 by Malin Brännback, Shahrokh Nikou, Alan Carsrud and Diana
Hechavarria, entitled ‘Context, cognition and female entrepreneurial intentions: it
is all about perceived behavioral control’. The authors explore the concept of per-
ceived behavioral control, which is a person’s subjective belief about their capac-
ity to carry out a task. This subjective belief over the behavior, not the outcome,
is significantly influenced by the context of the entrepreneurial activity and the
self-efficacy of the individual. For their study, the authors explore family business
background and compare male and female entrepreneurs. The study of 2282 stu-
dents, representing universities in eight countries, includes previously used reliable
measures. Their results show that family business does not influence the subjective
belief as to whether women think they will become entrepreneurs, but it does influ-
ence whether they think they will succeed in doing so. They find that perceived
behavioral control and self-efficacy are distinct concepts, and that their impact is
The third chapter in Part III is Chapter 10, ‘Kickstart or jumpstart? Understanding
women entrepreneurs’ crowdfunding performance’, by Smita Srivastava, Pyayt
Oo, Arvin Sahaym and Thomas Allison. The authors examine factors that influ-
ence women entrepreneurs’ seeking funds from crowdfunding lenders through
online platforms. They explore the relationship between social identity, passion,
self-efficacy and prior business knowledge as this relates to crowdfunding per-
formance. Using data from Kickstarter, a large crowdfunding site, they selected a
random sample of female-led projects from three categories ‒ gaming, technology
and product design ‒ and analyzed the videos created by these entrepreneurs. Their
analysis of 197 projects shows that women entrepreneurs with high self-efficacy
will engender more support from potential backers through their strong self-belief.
Passion reflects preparedness and commitment, which also influences backers to
believe in the entrepreneur’s idea.
Our call for papers set forth this premise and the authors included in this volume
provide new insights into women’s entrepreneurship. But at the same time, new
research questions are raised. The chapters examining entrepreneurial identity and
aspirations point out that women face contradictions depending on the expecta-
tions or norms in an industry, and therefore they may adopt provisional identities
(Kuschel and Labra, Chapter 2). In addition, parenthood is experienced differently,
which in turn influences personal values as these relate to entrepreneurship (Justo,
Cruz and De Castro, Chapter 3). Further, we learned that socio-economic context,
or a drive for livelihood, also influences identity construction (Trivedi, Chapter 4).
Together, these suggest future research questions:
● What is the nature of provisional identities ‒ how are they conceived? Are
they shaped to become enduring identities?
● What are the contextual factors that influence provisional identities?
● How does parenthood influence the construction of entrepreneurial identity?
Finally, Part III of this book examines the relationship between entrepreneurial
identity and confidence. Resource acquisition, in the form of crowdfunding, was
significantly related to success in crowdfunding (Srivastava, Oo, Sahaym and
Allison, Chapter 10). Brännback, Nikou, Carsrud and Hechavarria (Chapter 8) find
gender differences in perceived behavioral control, and confidence in ability to
complete tasks associated with entrepreneurship. Markowska (Chapter 9) argues
that tasks or behaviors associated with entrepreneurial activity are similar to those
gained in child-rearing and motherhood, and should be considered as a resource.
Questions for future consideration related to these findings are:
● Is there a difference between male and female entrepreneurs and their entre-
preneurial self-efficacy in the venture creation process based on experience in
parenting or child-rearing tasks?
● How is perceived behavioral control and self-efficacy similar and different for
entrepreneurs in other contexts (for instance, high-technology? Consumer
● What are the educational and training interventions that would support the
development of higher levels of entrepreneurial self-efficacy?
While we believe that this volume answers some questions, others raised, like
those above, merit continued research, especially recognizing that the question
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Entrepreneurial identity
Social identity is a component of the personal identity associated with the mem-
bership in social cohorts (Alvesson and Due Billing, 2009; Ashforth, 2001).
‘Entrepreneur’ may be a category or social identity. A review of the literature
on entrepreneurial identity conducted by Ollila and Williams-Middleton (2012)
reported that many of the articles reviewed present identity as a fixed state of
existence, resulting in categorizations of entrepreneurial identities (e.g., Vesalainen
and Pihkala, 2000). These categories include entrepreneurial identity as it relates
to ethnicity, gender, career path and family framework, rather than as a method
or process of construction and growth. A small portion of the literature reviewed
discusses themes such as narrative and storytelling as a means towards shaping an
entrepreneurial identity (Jones et al., 2008). Of this selection, some authors also
propose entrepreneurial identity as being constructed in a situation (Down and
Warren, 2008; Hytti, 2003; Johansson, 2004) and through socialization (Falck et al.,
2012; Rigg and O’Dwyer, 2012).
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via University of Durham
Morris et al. (2006) pointed out the relevance of identity studies on female entre-
preneurs. They found that modest- and high-growth entrepreneurs differ in how
they view themselves, their families, their ventures and the larger environment.
Their results suggest that growth is a deliberate choice and that women know the
costs and benefits of growth and make cautious trade-off decisions.
effects of women leadership (that is, women investors, executive women in tech
companies, women leading networks). At the same time, this solution can also
deal with the need to increase the proportion of women leaders in global and fast-
growing industries by providing role models and access to meaningful education
(Lepeley et al., 2016).
In Chile in 2010, the government created the Start-Up Chile program. It is a public
acceleration endeavor intended to expand the entrepreneurial ecosystem and pro-
mote a pro-entrepreneurship culture by ‘importing entrepreneurs’ (Leatherbee
and Eesley, 2014). Today Chile is considered one of the main innovation hubs in
Latin America and around the world, often referred to as ‘Chilecon Valley’ (The
Economist, 2012; Washington Post, 2014).
The aim of this chapter is to identify and examine the elements that contribute to
building identity among female entrepreneurs in the technology industry. Results will
show the constraints and obstacles female entrepreneurs face when attempting to
build their entrepreneurial identity and we expect that these may help policy-makers
to design and implement new reforms that facilitate female participation in entrepre-
neurship. Higher women’s entrepreneurship rate will serve as an important compo-
nent of economic development supporting high growth among women entrepreneurs.
Specifically, this study is based on start-ups that participated in the Start-Up Chile
acceleration program (SUP), a public grant of US$33,000 per project. The grant is
‘equity-free’, meaning that the government is not taking business participation.
Normally, three batches of 80 start-ups have been selected each year since 2010.
A start-up is a temporary organization designed to search for a repeatable and
scalable business model (Blank, 2010). We have used data from the Start-Up Chile
program because of its viability and ease of access and also because it may serve as
a proxy of the total population of female founders in tech.
Sample design
Our dataset consisted of 11 participants: (1) eight interviews conducted with
female founders in technology who are participating or have participated in the
Start-Up Chile acceleration program (therefore, from different ‘batches’, genera-
tions, or cohorts); (2) two interviews with female founders whose start-up was not
accelerated; and (3) one venture capital investor (Table 2.1). By this procedure, we
were able to identify the present and missing elements that are contributing to the
identity-building of female founders. All interviews were conducted during 2015.
Some of the results are illustrated by the data of Start-Up Chile applicants and
beneficiaries, provided by the organization. This was an anonymized database con-
taining the demographic information for each start-up team participating in the
acceleration program during five years between March 2010 and March 2015.
The female entrepreneurs included in the sample were contacted by e-mail and
invited to participate in an interview. Before the interview, signature of an informed
consent form was required. It contained a full explanation of the objectives and
scope of the study in compliance with established ethical policies. Researchers and
the participants signed the consent form and a copy was provided to participants.
All participants agreed to participate in audio-recorded interviews.
each audio recording was transcribed verbatim and entered into the Atlas.ti v.7.0
software for qualitative analysis.
We have applied a grounded theory approach to our data, defined as ‘the discov-
ery of theory from data systematically obtained from social research’ (Glaser and
Strauss, 1967: 2). Briefly, a grounded theory approach consists in simultaneous col-
lection and analysis of data, a creation of analytic codes and categories developed
from data and not by pre-existing conceptualizations, inductive construction of
abstract categories, theoretical sampling to refine categories, and writing analytical
memos as the stage between coding and writing.
We observed that the first wave of female entrepreneurs in technology from Latin
American countries shared some common characteristics as they responded to an
underdeveloped entrepreneurial ecosystem.
Female participation
Being a woman as being part of a minority
Table 2.2 shows female participation in the Start-Up Chile program. In the first 13
funding rounds, 445 women out of 2,765 participants were selected for Start-Up
Chile, meaning that 16 percent of the participants were female. We include these
data as they may serve as a proxy for the total female participation in the technol-
ogy industry in Chile.
Table 2.3 shows the number of selected start-ups per funding round and the gender
of the start-ups’ leaders. There is a strong correlation with the results presented in
Table 2.2, as 15 percent of the projects were led by women.
Moreover, the staff of Start-Up Chile (SUP) were proud to grant more opportuni-
ties to women (15 percent on average) than other accelerators do. Other accelera-
tors such as Y Combinator in Silicon Valley did not ask applicants to specify gender
on their application for many years. Although 19.5 percent of the start-ups funded
by YC during 2014 had women on the founding team (Altman, 2014), we do not
have information about start-ups actually led by women. The estimation is 2‒3
percent (Munguia, 2015).
Table 2.4 shows that, despite the lower number of female participants, there was
no significant difference between genders when comparing the number of female
chief executive officers (CEOs) versus the total number of female participants.
Women who held CEO positions represented 44 percent of the total number of
women who participated in the program, versus 46 percent in the case of male
These numbers were apparent in every meeting, seminar with visiting consultants,
networking event, meeting with investors, or demo day. 1 The evident low participa-
tion of women in the accelerator program was taken for granted, as it was similar to
the situation of other accelerators and companies of the technology industry.
Somebody from the audience came to me and said, ‘I loved seeing a woman at a demo
day.’ Then I realized that although there were more women as members of the teams that
participated in the competition, the one who pitched was always a man. (CM, Argentina,
SUP Gen 11)
Beyond the fact that our start-up is about women’s clothing, thinking strategically, when
we had to decide who was going to remain as the public face of our project I said, ‘It’s
better for us that I’ll be the leader, there are only a few women in this field (tech entrepre-
neurship).’ I do all of the pitches. (CM, Argentina, SUP Gen 11)
Female founders had two different attitudes regarding gender, but it was difficult
to find female founders who were neutral to gender. At the very beginning, many if
not all female founders were gender-blind. Then they started to experience obsta-
cles with clients, suppliers and potential investors in Chile; then they began to real-
ize that they had experienced gender discrimination in Chile. They first decided to
react aggressively to this type of discrimination by defending feminism, gathering
themselves to build a women’s group, and building their own networks. Although
some women understood that there were more benefits to being ‘the only woman
in the room’, the majority tended to victimize themselves. For those women who
decided to use gender as a differentiator, they gained several benefits for the com-
pany, for the team and for themselves (that is, self-confidence):
As there are not many women in this field, I am easily remembered everywhere. (LF,
United States, SUP Gen 1)
I never felt less for being a woman, in fact, I never felt any issues for being a woman.
Instead, I always tried to it use it as an advantage to me. (LC, Argentina, SUP Gen 6)
Some female and male teachers did serve the role of motivator, enhancing women’s
careers. For many women, the real role model came from their families: the entre-
preneurial activity of the romantic partner or the father and the multiple roles of
the mother.
No network
For the first wave of female founders, there were no professional networks avail-
able. In the US, there are some networks in the Silicon Valley area, for example
Women 2.0, Women Who Tech, Women Tech Founders, Girls in Tech, Women
Who Code. Girls in Tech and Women Who Code were foreign networks, born in
the US, that initiated activities in Chile in 2013 and gained traction and visibility in
the media over the last few years.
In Estonia, we have an organization called Big Sisters. I participate in almost every event
they have. But most of our activities aren’t exclusively female focused. Most of them are
focused in start-ups, or in marketing topics . . . topics that don’t have a gender. So, I haven’t
actually been part of a network intended only for women. (GV, Estonia, not-accelerated)
I started to get closer to other female colleagues at Start-Up Chile . . . We have a group
and we get together to speak about a bunch of things, not only personal stuff but about
also the entrepreneurship process that we are going through as female entrepreneurs and
it’s very helpful . . . I think that we have reached a stage where what female empowering
communities should do is to provide more down-to-earth tools, right? Mentorship, access
to investors, technical knowledge, don’t you think? If I want to participate in a funding
round, what kind of paperwork do I need? And I think that many of these female empow-
ering communities are still in the stage of ‘don’t be afraid, you can do it, we’re here to help
you,’ right? More as motivators, and as emotional helpers than as providers of resources
that will really help you get through with your business idea. (CN, Mexico, SUP Gen 6)
I see a trend among all of my friends from the tech and start-ups environment, they have
a strong commitment to motivate other female entrepreneurs, to tell their story to make
themselves more visible, to inspire and help others to actively participate in this genera-
tion of female entrepreneurs. (SC, Argentina, SUP Gen 6)
At the same time, networks are not always perceived as ‘helpful’ for venture
I believe that there is a very negative system of false help. That you have to go through
accelerators that are going to help, that you have to have a mentor, and that every-
one is willing to help you . . . I didn’t receive help from anybody. The guy that started
Mercadolibre didn’t receive any help. The Groupon guys didn’t receive any help. (VK,
Argentina, Angel Investor)
Small teams
Start-up Chile application limits the number of team members to a maximum of
three people. Table 2.5 shows that participants of the first 13 financing rounds
Table 2.6a Team leadership by gender and team size: one-member teams
Table 2.6b Team leadership by gender and team size: two and three-member teams
grouped in 1,273 teams that had one, two and three members in 24 percent, 35
percent and 41 percent of the sample, respectively.
Tables 2.6a and 2.6b show that team leadership by gender closely follows the
gender participation presented in Table 2.2. Men are leaders of 84 percent of two
and three-member teams.
Table 2.7 shows an analysis of gender composition of two and three-member teams:
65 percent of teams have male-only members, 3 percent of teams have female-only
members, 32 percent of teams are mixed-gender.
Table 2.8 Leadership by gender composition within mixed-gender teams of two and three
Summarizing, Start-up Chile teams show that women prefer to work either indi-
vidually or in mixed-gender groups. In these teams, females adopt the CEO posi-
tion in 42 percent of cases.
Trust-based teams
The female founders who were interviewed built their teams based on trust. At
the beginning, they formed a small team with friends with whom they had long
I met my business partner in high school. Since back then he is somebody who I trust very
much. Trust is key. He knows my bank account password. That level of trust, for sure.
(MA, Chile, SUP Gen 10)
It’s not easy to have a business partner in entrepreneurship. You have to trust and get to
know the other person so much as to get along on a journey that will have highs and lows.
To be able to delegate, know about strengths and weaknesses, and say, ‘okay, you take
care of this . . . or how do we complement each other. It’s not an easy job to start work-
ing right away in an entrepreneurship with somebody that you don’t know. (PC, Chile,
For some of them, their romantic partner or best friend seems to fit the business
partner’s requirement of trust:
I started with my husband. He is still co-owner of the company, but in the day-to-day
activities, it’s only me as full time. He has another job. They told us that being copreneurs
is a red flag for investors. (CM, Argentina, SUP Gen 11)
My partner and I, we both quitted Groupon and started our own business. (DG, Chile,
SUP Gen 9)
The criterion for team-building was not specialization in another area of the com-
pany, as experts recommend. This was not considered as a handicap, because later
on they include developers as business partners:
My business partner and I have been friends since we were 5 years old . . . our first com-
pany was a software development company. My partner did the sales and I did project
management, and we met our new partners outsourcing part of our work as they were
our vendors. And we said, ‘why don’t we work as partners? In order to scale up in a much
more solid way.’ (SC, Argentina, SUP Gen 6)
Building self-confidence
Female founders who were interviewed for this study acknowledge that their male
counterparts are far more confident than they are. Part of their challenge is to
become, or at least ‘act’, as a confident founder:
We started without fear, empowered. You have to believe in yourself. My business part-
ners are the two individuals that believe more in themselves in the world. That’s not the
problem. I am the one who stays behind saying, ‘hey, what if this or that happens?’ But the
courage that we’ve had with our website has been great. I get infected by my partner’s level
of trust. They have an incredible courage. If they believe too much in something, I can’t be
a naysayer. (DG, Chile, SUP Gen 9)
You have to believe in yourself and get out there to make things happen. There will be
times when you will not have a clue, and therefore, the idea is to have a solid support
system, with good suppliers, good consultants, and good employees. (VK, Argentina,
Angel Investor)
At the end of the day, your gender doesn’t matter, the road of innovation and entrepre-
neurship is a hard road intended for those who have high levels of self-confidence and
self-esteem. For those who wish to find opportunities. There are limits, for sure, the ones
that you impose upon yourself. (AS, Venezuela, SUP Gen 11)
Identity of the first wave of female techpreneurs
These women have created entirely original ventures. The start-up founders lack
awareness of who they are (for example, business women, innovators, saleswomen),
what they want to do (business model), or how they will do it (business plan or exe-
cution). Female founders are working on something they have never been taught to
do (as well as male founders). The tech industry is, by definition, an uncertain path.
Our study revealed five elements that contribute to the female founder identity:
female participation in the tech industry, role models, network, team and attitude,
as shown in Figure 2.1.
Second, identity of the first wave of female founders in Latin America was ‘self-
made’, highlighting attributes and virtues of many people they admired. Although
most of their role models were not female founders, in order to illustrate and
negotiate an entrepreneurial identity they often established provisional identities
(Ibarra, 1999) through the early stages of the venture’s formation. The cultural
factor can also play a role. Peus et al. (2015) found in a sample of 76 mid- to upper-
level female managers from China, India, Singapore and the US that a role model is
a critical factor for career advancement and success. Although they were managers,
and not entrepreneurs as in our sample, the finding is relevant for our discussion on
role models for women. Peus et al. (2015) compared the female employees in those
countries. In their results, while U.S. managers generally referred to role models
from their professional lives, in China and India role models were usually taken
from the private sphere (that is, the mother). Our Latin American data confirmed
Woman as a
No appropriate
Role Models
role models
Small Teams
Builidng Self-
the results of Asian data, whose culture is family-oriented and not individualistic as
in the U.S.
Third, female founders did not have emotional or business support from a net-
work. The lack of network affected their socialization and adjustment to their
role. On the other hand, they preferred to trust their own team instead of being
distracted by actively participating in a network that was only just beginning at
that time.
Fourth, contrary to the current academic advice of building an effective and func-
tional team based on the specialization of each member, female founders pre-
ferred to build small and trust-based teams. Some female founders work with their
romantic partner in the management team (Kuschel and Lepeley, 2016b). Although
this type of team may seem to be a disadvantage at the onset of their entrepreneur-
ial venture, it ultimately allowed them to leverage their self-confidence. The female
founders worked to both gain legitimacy (through storytelling) and then maintain
legitimacy (through feedback from their team) in the desired role of ‘entrepreneur’
(Somers, 1994; Kuschel and Lepeley, 2016b; Williams-Middleton, 2013).
Lastly, female founders reported that the struggles and challenges they have faced
in building a successful company have, at the same time, enabled them to build
self-confidence, which is a required asset to navigate through the uncertainties
of the technology industry. We conclude that these five elements help women to
construct their identity, which is an unstable result of these beliefs, people, and
reinterpretation of facts (failures and successes).
We have characterized the elements that female founders of technology ventures
utilize to build their identity in the Chilean context. An understanding of entre-
preneurial identity and identity construction will allow policy development and
accelerating growth.
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selected) presents their business model in a ‘pitch’ format (a two- to five-minute presentation).
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Using social identity theory (SIT) and insights drawn from the literature on women
entrepreneurs, we contend that parenthood, and especially the presence of depend-
ent children, is a powerful driver of change in entrepreneurs’ perceptions of success
for both men and women entrepreneurs, yet those effects are stronger for women
We provide four main contributions to the literature. First, we bring SIT into the
entrepreneurship literature and to the examination of gender in entrepreneurship.
SIT provides a useful approach to analyze sex differences in entrepreneurs’ percep-
tions of success, one that allows us to decouple the analysis from approaches that
rely on stereotypical examinations.
Patricia G. Greene and Candida G. Brush - 9781785365362
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via University of Durham
values (Catley and Hamilton, 1998; Eagly, 1995; Fagenson, 1993; Kalleberg and
Leight, 1991; Shane et al., 1991).
In assessing feminine and masculine categories we follow the research of Bird and
Brush (2002), who define traditional entrepreneurial values as including ‘financial
success (survival, profits and wealth), power in demonstrations of personal efficacy
and business competitive advantage, personal or ego gratification seen in auton-
omy accorded to the self-employed’ (ibid.: 53). In this chapter we argue that these
aspects are consistent with Bem’s (1981) index of what is culturally accepted as
masculine in nature. Bem’s (1981) study shows indeed that concepts such as com-
petitive advantage, ego or autonomy are considered to be masculine attributes. This
contrasts with feminine values as described by Bird and Brush, who consider them
as ‘more existential than driven towards definable goals, reflective of the personal
values of the founder and oriented toward well-being, cooperation and caring, self-
determinations and preservation of relationships’ (Bird and Brush, 1992: 53). This
definition also coincides with Bem’s femininity scale attributes.
On the other hand, the independence dimension of success stresses the values of
autonomy and self-achievement as primary criteria for assessing success. Previous
studies on reasons for start-up have also used a similar construct to describe an
individual’s desire for freedom and control over their career and time (Carter et al.,
2003; Birley and Westhead, 1994; Blaise et al., 1990).
2006). Advocates of this view argue that gender-stereotypic values do not always
correspond to entrepreneurs according to their biological sex. In particular, they
claim that men and women entrepreneurs have a mix of masculine and feminine
values. The extent to which they will display one more than the other will depend
on a variety of situational factors.
Among these factors, we focus on the effect of parenthood, given its central role in
shaping personal values and its increasingly recognized influence on work–family
interface. Therefore, we follow a family embeddedness perspective of entrepre-
neurship (Aldrich and Cliff, 2003), which recognizes a relationship between the
entrepreneur’s family value systems and the new venture’s outcome, including per-
formance and the subjective perception of success.
A central premise of SIT is that people identify with groups that contribute to a
positive sense of self, such as high-status or high-power groups (Ellemers, 1993;
Haslam et al., 2000). In the case of competing social identities, people will use cul-
tural associations of status-worthiness and competence as cues for self-definition.
Thus, because of the positive cultural association of masculine entrepreneurial
attributes, and the negative or neutral association attached to feminine subjective
criteria (Ahl, 2006; Bruni et al., 2004), entrepreneurs will generally tend to identify
primarily with masculine, extrinsic attitudes. Because of this, and due to the higher
status attached to masculine entrepreneurial values, we expect women entrepre-
neurs to report masculine values, that is, ones that are similar to those of their male
However, people’s identification with higher-status groups is not the only operat-
ing mechanism, nor is it immutable. Changes in context can affect the content of
group prototypes to which people refer, and hence lead to a change in self-concept
and attitudes. In order to predict when certain group memberships will tend to
become more powerful determinants of behavior than others, SIT also refers to
salience mechanisms as a basis for self-conceptualization in a given context (Hogg
and Terry, 2000).
people are ready to identify with groups that compare unfavorably to other groups (e.g.,
low-status groups), to the extent that they believe in the potential of the group to improve
its plight . . . or perceive their group’s disadvantage as unjust ‒ that is, where inter-group
differences are illegitimate (ibid.: 463)
The authors specify that such behavior may be prompted by ‘a work situation in
which people are systematically excluded from certain rewards or opportunities
on the basis of their category membership (e.g., their age, gender or ethnic back-
ground)’. In other words, people who endure work discrimination are induced to
think of themselves in terms of low-status groups, and adhere to their beliefs and
H1: The intrinsic dimension of success will be more important for entrepreneurs with
dependent children than for entrepreneurs without dependent children.
H2: The independence dimension of success will be more important for female entre-
preneurs than for male entrepreneurs.
This salience will not be as strong for men as parents, since our cultural presump-
tions about mothers as primary caretakers are still firmly entrenched and fathers
are mostly expected to provide financially for their children (Bernhardt, 1994;
Deutsch and Saxon, 1998). Consequently, we hypothesize that woman entrepre-
neurs will not necessarily prioritize the intrinsic dimension of success unless there
is a salient context ‒ that is, motherhood ‒ which pushes them to conform to what
is socially expected from them.
Thus, the foregoing arguments suggest that there is a motherhood effect on both
the intrinsic and the independence measures of entrepreneurs’ success, and we
hypothesize that:
H3: The intrinsic dimension of success will be more important for women entrepre-
neurs with dependent children than for men entrepreneurs with dependent children.
H4: The independence dimension of success will be more important for women
entrepreneurs with dependent children than for men entrepreneurs with dependent
Data for our study came from the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM) survey
conducted in Spain in April 2005. The GEM study tracks entrepreneurship in more
than 40 countries, including Spain, based on a representative telephone survey
of the adult population. The GEM survey requests a broad array of information
related to individuals’ demographics, and business characteristics as well as atti-
tudes and awareness of entrepreneurship in the different countries. Additional
questions were included in the 2005 survey in order to capture perceived entrepre-
neurial success as well as parenthood characteristics.
where non-monetary subjective values are assessed in opposition to profit and eco-
nomic motivations. Indeed, Pfeffer and Salancik (1978: 246) explain that ‘pay is a
complex aspect of work, serving not only to justify the activity but also to convey
worth, status and competence, as well as to provide for various goods and services
obtained outside work’. Since people engage in social comparisons, pushing them
to choose between monetary and non-monetary aspects of work might produce
confusing answers and muddled results. For that reason, and instead of pushing
entrepreneurs to choose between adopting or discarding extrinsic values, we asked
them to assess the relative importance of non-monetary ones with respect to the
Woman: sex was measured as a dummy variable that takes the values of 1 if the
entrepreneur is a woman, 0 otherwise.
Control variables: To better isolate the effect of gender and parenthood on per-
ception of success, we controlled for several potential confounding variables.
Entrepreneurs’ characteristics include owner Age (continuous variable), Education
(a three-category variable coded 0 = no education, 1 = at least secondary educa-
tion, 2 = post-secondary education) and Personal income (1 = low, 2 = medium, 3 =
high). Entrepreneur’s dedication to the business, Full-time entrepreneur, was meas-
ured as a dummy variable that takes the value of 1 if she works full-time in the busi-
ness, 0 otherwise. Firm characteristics included Employment size, as represented by
the number of employees at the time that the survey was conducted.
Additionally, four dummy variables were introduced to control for industry effects,
since previous research has shown that industry characteristics may push entre-
preneurs to develop strategies that are inconsistent with their personal values (Bird
and Brush, 2002; Cliff, 2004; Olson and Currie, 1992). Following Bates (2002), we
grouped industries into five categories: construction, consumer goods, retailing, per-
sonal services and skilled services.
New business: following GEM methodology, we create a dummy variable that indi-
cates the stage of development of a venture, and takes the value of 1 if the firm
owned by the entrepreneur is less than 42 months old, and 0 otherwise. In GEM
terminology, this categorization differentiates between nascent and baby busi-
nesses, rated with a 1; and established businesses, those with 0. We group nascent
and baby businesses under a single category labelled ‘new businesses’.
Moreover, given that previous research has showed that self-reported motivations
for start-up correlate with measures of success (Buttner and Moore, 1997; Carter et
al., 2003), we included the motivation to start the business as a control variable in
the analysis. Following the GEM classification, we distinguish between ‘push’ and
‘pull’ motivators. Push factors drive individuals towards business ownership out
of necessity and are originally linked with dissatisfaction with one’s current posi-
tion (necessity entrepreneur). Pull factors attract individuals into entrepreneurship
because of the future value behind the business opportunity (Ohran, 2004). The vari-
able takes the value of 1 if the entrepreneur was motivated by pull factors (opportu-
nity entrepreneur), 0 if motivated by push reasons (necessity entrepreneur). Lastly,
Overall satisfaction with the job is taken into account, since previous research has
shown that differences in job attitudes may be affected by satisfaction levels and
that women entrepreneurs are consistently more satisfied than men entrepreneurs
(Cooper and Artz, 1995). Specifically, to measure overall satisfaction, we asked
respondents to specify their level of agreement or disagreement (based on a five-
point Likert scale) with the statement ‘I am satisfied with my job’ (Appendix 3A.1).
Descriptive statistics and correlations appear in Table 3.1. The table indicates that
the intrinsic dimension of success is correlated with opportunity entrepreneurship
and with overall job satisfaction (positive). However, it shows no relationship with
any of the variables measuring entrepreneur, firm or sector characteristics. On the
other hand, the independence dimension shows significant correlation with the bio-
logical sex of the entrepreneur. The positive sign indicates that women rate higher
than men on the independence dimension of success, in line with Hypothesis 2. The
only other significant correlation related to the gender variable can be found with
age. This result is consistent with previous studies on women entrepreneurs which
show that women tend to start ventures at a later age than males, indicating a prob-
able effect of pregnancy and early motherhood as a barrier to venture creation at a
younger age.
N = 1234
+ p ≤ 0.10, * p ≤ 0.05, ** p ≤ 0.01.
In general, the rest of the bivariate correlations are consistent with our expec-
tations. Higher family income is associated with firms of bigger size. Moreover,
highly educated entrepreneurs are younger and have the higher family income
levels. In the same vein, belonging to industries that provide skill services is posi-
tively associated with both high income and education levels. No problem with
multicollinearity seems to exist.
7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
0.03 −0.12***
−0.06+ −0.10*** 0.00
0.02 0.04 −0.06* −0.01
−0.03 −0.02 0.05+ 0.01 0.04
−0.12*** 0.07** −0.09*** −0.05+ 0.17*** 0.01
−0.04 −0.01 0.07* −0.03 0.01 0.06 −0.04
0.00 0.11*** −0.86*** −0.02 0.05 −0.03 0.08 −0.10***
0.05 0.02 0.00 −0.05* 0.09*** 0.36*** 0.02 0.04 0.05
0.00 0.03 −0.02 −0.04 0.02 0.01 −0.06+ 0.07* 0.04 0.15*** 1.00
ance inflation factor (VIF) after each regression to make sure the results were not
subject to the threat of multicollinearity. Values were within acceptable limits for
Hypotheses 1 to 4.
Table 3.2 shows the results for the determinants of the intrinsic dimension of suc-
cess using the full sample. Model 1 is the base model that includes only control
variables. This model shows that entrepreneurs who work part-time tend to attach
higher value to the intrinsic aspects of success, when compared to those committed
full-time to their business. This result is consistent with our arguments, since part-
time entrepreneurs, having their financial needs covered by their actual jobs, look
for different aspirations than just earning money when deciding to create their own
business. In the same line, those entrepreneurs who decide to start a new business
because of the attractiveness of the business idea, and not due to necessity, place
a higher value on the intrinsic measure of success. Lastly, it is interesting to note
that the coefficient for the overall job satisfaction is positive and highly significant.
This result is indeed consistent with studies indicating that intrinsic motivation
for employees maximizes heuristic performance, trust, satisfaction and well-being
(Gagné and Deci, 2005).
Models 2 and 3 introduce sex and parenthood effects. As expected, women and
men do not differ in terms of their evaluation of the intrinsic aspects of success,
but parents with dependent children do. The positive significant coefficient for the
dependent children variables indicates that parenthood makes a difference, with
Table 3.2 Effect of gender and parenthood on the intrinsic dimension of success
N = 1234. Standardized regression coefficients are shown in the table
+ p ≤ 0.10, * p ≤ 0.05, ** p ≤ 0.01.
parent entrepreneurs with dependent children placing a higher value on the intrin-
sic dimension of success, providing support for Hypothesis 1. For Hypothesis 3,
Model 3 provides clear support for it: the effect of parenthood is higher for women
than for men entrepreneurs, confirming the hypothesized ‘motherhood’ effect.
Table 3.3 shows the results for Hypotheses 2 and 4, which relate to the inde-
pendence dimension of success. As predicted, the ‘desire to be one’s own boss’
(as opposed to earning money) is higher for women entrepreneurs, confirming
Hypothesis 2. However, the interaction effect of sex and dependents is not signifi-
cant in this case, so Hypothesis 4 is rejected.
N = 1234. Standardized regression coefficients are shown in the table.
+ p ≤ 0.10, * p ≤ 0.05, ** p ≤ 0.01, *** p ≤ 0.001.
In this chapter we have analyzed how men and women entrepreneurs shift in
their perceptions of two dimensions of success, the intrinsic dimension, which
is more related to feminine values, and the independence dimension, which is
more masculine in nature, as a consequence of parenthood. Our research pro-
vides evidence that these two dimensions, intrinsic and independence, respond
to different logics and are related in different ways to social identity theory. In
doing so we provide both a theoretical and an empirical examination of the logic
behind non-monetary perceptions of success in the context of gender and entre-
preneurship. In our research we take as given the centrality of wealth generation
for entrepreneurs (both male and female), and the relative importance of each
of these subjective criteria is assessed in this research with respect to economic
(extrinsic) success.
A corollary of this finding is that men entrepreneurs are not inevitably oriented
against the principle of giving to others as the literature has suggested (Adler, 1999;
Miller, 1976). As entrepreneurs, they exhibit work expectations and values that are
similar to those of their female counterparts. Once they become parents, both men
and women reveal altruistic values such as the desire to help others and to achieve
a work and family balance. Nevertheless, our findings indicate that parenthood is
experienced differently by women and men entrepreneurs, the former exhibiting
intrinsic values to a greater extent than the latter. Following SIT we contend that
the differences are attributable to the diverse expectations that society places on
the entrepreneur as the saliency of parenthood appears: for fathers, to be the eco-
nomic provider; for mothers, to be the primary caretaker and nurturer.
These results are consistent with research by Cliff et al. (2004), which attempts
to reconcile both perspectives by suggesting that female and male entrepreneurs
differ in their rhetoric, but not in their inherent values and actual practices. While
we agree with this argument, we add that the need to conform to social and cul-
tural expectations, be this through simple speech or through real implementation,
emerges when gender becomes salient. Thus by controlling for parenthood, our
chapter helps to explain previous contradictions found between the studies that
attach gender-stereotypic goals to entrepreneurs according to their sex, and those
which reject this view.
In contrast, we found that gender had a direct impact on the independence dimen-
sion of success. As a result of the glass ceiling effect and discrimination experienced
in the labor market, women entrepreneurs are more likely than men to value free-
dom and control over monetary rewards. What is interesting about these findings is
that they clarify part of the existing confusion regarding women’s expectations from
self-employment. The characterization of entrepreneurship as a panacea for bal-
ancing work and family role responsibilities for women is a case in point. Scholars
have indeed recently been calling this claim into question, and have proposed that
although the self-employed experience higher freedom and job satisfaction than
organizationally employed workers, the drive for economic security may also imply
higher levels of work‒family conflict and lower family satisfaction (Moore, 2005;
Parasuraman and Simmers, 2001).
Why, then, are women increasingly entering self-employment? Our findings pro-
vide evidence that gaining balance in their professional career and personal rela-
tionship is not necessarily women’s main expectation from business ownership.
Instead, they seem to value above all career autonomy and self-reliance. In this
sense, women seem willing to ‘forgo . . . both the traditional, male-based career
path and the “Mommy track” and are instead building new paths by using entrepre-
neurial activities to expand their careers and relationships’ (Sullivan and Mainiero,
2002: 8).
The results of our study provide a link back to the works of Goffee and Scase (1983)
and Cromie and Hayes (1988) which classify women business owners’ trajectories
according to their orientations towards business performance and their families.
While these studies suggested the existence of a ‘Mummy track’ for entrepreneur-
ial women, their findings have not been validated by subsequent research, and
researchers have not built on them to understand how parenthood affects male and
female entrepreneurs’ perceptions of success (Ohran, 2004).
We believe that our research provides empirical support for these typologies of
women entrepreneurs, allows for the comparison of entrepreneurs of both sexes
according to parenthood, and provides links to the different expectations that these
groups may have from entrepreneurship. A number of questions regarding gender,
perceptions of success and entrepreneurship remain to be examined. In particu-
lar, future research might try to analyze the formation of distinct entrepreneurial
careers based on an individual’s perceptions of life and their roles. Scholars might
also study the implications of those perceptions for career stages and patterns
for women and men entrepreneurs. Finally, and more importantly, future studies
might want to examine the effect of modern family structure and dual-career fami-
lies on entrepreneurial performance.
Our results could also provide interesting theoretical insights about the organiza-
tional policies and practices established by entrepreneurs. These will indeed tend to
create work situations consistent with their own values. For example, motherhood
and the higher value attached to the intrinsic dimension of success could help to
explain why women more often than men will provide environments that allow
employees to balance family and business life, or establish organizational cultures
that minimize conflicts among employees (Robinson, 2001).
Our results also provide interesting insights on management practice. First, pro-
spective entrepreneurs’ work aspirations and values should be put into the broader
perspective of their present and future family life, acknowledging that people’s
commitment to a specific role (be it work- or family-related) reflects only a transi-
tory set of priorities. Understanding which role prevails at each moment of their
career development is important, because the different commitment to work and
family spheres will affect the possibility of experiencing inter-role conflict. The
latter has indeed been related positively to stress, and negatively to financial success
and satisfaction (Rogers, 2005).
Second, the fact that gender, per se, does not distract entrepreneurs from focusing
on financial profits also has important implications for bank loan officers, venture
capitalists and informal investors. Indeed, the traditional view of women as seek-
ing mainly non-monetary rewards from their business could have placed them at
a disadvantage for receiving financial support. Our chapter shows that this is not
necessarily true, and that all other factors held constant, women and men are ‘made
from the same cloth’.
Lastly, the results of our chapter point to the need for business owners’ advisors
and policy-makers to acknowledge entrepreneurs’ changing requirements during
their lives, and the unique challenges they face when they become parents. Help
could be directed towards identifying coping strategies and sources of support
to address work and family conflict. The issue is not only important for actual
entrepreneurs; it also has implications in terms of future generations of busi-
nesspersons. As suggested by Schindehutte et al. (2003) the entrepreneurial par-
ent’s discontent or satisfaction with their career will later influence the extent
to which their children consider entrepreneurship as a desirable professional
option or not. Public and private agents should, however, avoid actions directed
exclusively towards women and also involve men entrepreneurs, since our results
indicate that for both the presence of dependents is a cause of changes in their
perceptions of success. By concentrating solely on women entrepreneurs, they
might otherwise perpetuate stereotypes of women as the only ones responsible for
childcare (Ahl, 2006).
Finally, in studies of this nature, social desirability bias is always a concern. Like
most previous research in this area, a limitation of our study is the possibility that
entrepreneurs’ answers have been affected by this bias. Further research should
include alternative approaches towards gathering these sensitive and bias-prone
data. Possibilities include more observational techniques (Helgesen, 1990), longi-
* Professor Justo acknowledges support received from the Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad de España
through research project ECO2015-66146-R: El emprendimiento social desde un enfoque configuracional: Los
determinantes individuales y contextuales de la acción estratégica y persistencia de los emprendedores sociales.
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Appendix 3A.1
This is a follow-up survey to the GEM survey regarding your business activity.
Please indicate your level of agreement or disagreement with the following state-
ments (from 1 = Completely disagree, to 5 = Completely agree):
Smita K. Trivedi
At 16, Palak1 was betrothed to a man in a Gujarati (a large state in western India)
village outside of Ahmedabad, different than her own. She was forced to drop out of
school because her father believed her education was just taking money away from
educational opportunities for her brothers. Two years later she had still never met
her betrothed, but she had started to sell the clothes she had embroidered for years.
This way, she was able to put one of her brothers through school with the money
she made and she was quite proud of this. When asked about her dreams, she asked
first why she should have them when they were not going to come true. After some
prodding, Palak said her dream was to go back to school, become a model and
never get married. But she said she knew none of that would ever happen so she
was content and proud to be putting her brother through school with the money
she made as an embroiderer.
Palak’s world may seem foreign and distant enough that it does not concern you,
such that you may neglect to think about her ever again. But Palak’s story does
matter to you; in fact, this chapter proposes that her story matters to the world.
The world is interconnected as it has never been before, and the global economy
is truly just that: global. Poverty, because of its effects on population, disease and
pollution, affects us all whether we choose to think about it or not. While there
may not be consensus on the best way to handle it, the fact that poverty is a grave,
vast problem is not really under debate (Karlan and Appel, 2011). Scholars as
well as society need to figure out how to address poverty and create a sustain-
able world for us all (Karlan and Appel, 2011: 3). This chapter is about poverty
alleviation led by those living in poverty. It is about women – who have been
identified by the outside world as impoverished – lifting themselves and their
families out of poverty, using their already developed skills and strengths to build
their own enterprises, and therefore helping the world. The chapter attempts to
explain these women entrepreneurs’ lives through the study of a well-established
community-based enterprise based in India, and identifies them as livelihood
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The author intends to contribute a new definition of ‘entrepreneur’ that has been
largely overlooked in the current literature; one that is somewhere on a continuum
between the concepts of social entrepreneurship and traditional entrepreneurship.
An entrepreneur must first meet her family’s basic needs before she can dream
about expanding or helping others. But because the entrepreneurs are living in
poverty themselves, they are helping the world just by helping themselves. Thus
these entrepreneurs have a dual purpose of both achieving poverty reduction (for
the entrepreneur herself and her family) as well as building broader opportunities
in impoverished communities for the future.
In this chapter the author first introduces and develops this type of entrepreneur,
called the livelihood entrepreneur, and explains how it differs from other forms of
entrepreneurship due to the entrepreneur’s goals in the context of poverty. The
concept proposes that the livelihood entrepreneur herself has the opportunity to
participate in the actions that affect her life and the lives of her family and commu-
nity; and in this context is able to bring herself and her community out of poverty.
The concept is developed by a series of propositions to differentiate livelihood
entrepreneurs from other entrepreneurs. It seeks to examine women entrepre-
neurs’ aspirations in a distinct context: that of poverty. Thus, the research question
driving this study is: What are the distinguishing characteristics of women entre-
preneurs living in the context of poverty?
Overall ‘any attempt at new business or new venture creation, Women’s businesses are becoming more commonplace
such as self-employment, a new business organization, or throughout the world (Anthias and Mehta, 2003; Carter and
GREENE_9781785365362_t.indd 68
the expansion of an existing business, by an individual, a Cannon, 1992; Heemskerk, 2003; Marlow, 1997; Serdedakis
team of individuals, or an established business’ (Reynolds et al., 2003).
et al., 1999: 3); ‘the combination of a context in which an
opportunity is situated, a set of personal characteristics
required to identify and pursue this opportunity and the
creation of a particular outcome’ (Martin and Osberg,
Motivation Social entre- ‘combines the passion of a social mission with an image May be an intervention from outside the community such as
preneurship of business-like discipline, innovation, and determination the Self-Employed Women’s Association (SEWA), a women’s
commonly associated with, for instance, the high-tech co-operative in India (Datta and Gailey, 2012); or may be
pioneers of Silicon Valley’ (Dees, 1998). from within the community, ‘a process involving the innova-
tive use and combination of resources to pursue opportuni-
ties to catalyze social change and/or address social needs’
(Mair and Marti, 2006: 2006: 37).
Opportunity- Where they have many options and they choose this one Less evident in women in developing countries (Hernandez et
based (Thurik and Wennekers, 2001; Wennekers et al., 2005; al., 2012).
Wennekers et al., 2010); ‘the pursuit of unexploited or
underexploited business opportunities’ (Acs, 2006).
Necessity- Individuals in developing countries who start small enter- Women entrepreneurs’ motivation is necessity (Buttner,
based prises out of necessity (Brewer and Gibson, 2014); last 1993; Hisrich and Brush, 1983; Schrier, 1975), particularly if
resort where there are no other options left (Acs, 2006). they are members of ethnic minorities (Smith-Hunter and
Boyd, 2004).
15/12/2017 07:53
Livelihood ‘a study of entrepreneurs living in poverty who create Self-Employed Women’s Association (SEWA) entrepreneurs
value for the world by sustaining their own family liveli- in India (Trivedi, 2014).
hoods and thus lift themselves out of poverty . . . Because
GREENE_9781785365362_t.indd 69
these entrepreneurs are living in poverty themselves, they
are helping the world just by helping themselves. Thus
these entrepreneurs have a dual purpose of both achieving
poverty reduction (for the entrepreneur herself and her
family) as well as building broader opportunities in impov-
erished communities for the future’ (Trivedi, 2014).
Ownership Family busi- Business governed and/or managed with the intention Women not usually chosen to head up family business
or opera- ness to shape and pursue the vision of the business held by a (Sharma et al., 1996: 22). Yet, ‘globally, family-owned and
tions dominant coalition controlled by members of the same family-controlled businesses have higher percentages of
family or a small number of families in a manner that is women in the c-suite – as well as in top management posi-
potentially sustainable across generations of the family or tions and on the board – than other types of companies’
families (Chua et al., 1999). (Moran, 2015).
Community- ‘a community acting cooperatively as both entrepre- Study of intrapersonal resources and success in women’s
based neur and enterprise of the common good’ (Peredo and community-based enterprises (Katongole et al., 2015); there
Chrisman, 2006: 310). is much need for studies about gender in community entre-
preneurship (Vestrum, 2016).
Size Micro- ‘Characteristics are: owner-operator with 10 employees Can help women out of poverty and gender constraints
enterprise or less, no separation of household and business finances, (Apitzsch, 2003; Wahid, 1994); does not necessarily alleviate
high percentage of women owners, fixed assets of poverty for low-income women (Strier, 2010).
US$20, 000 or less, heavy reliance on family labor, limited
access to the formal financial sector, little management
and technical training, limited access to business support
15/12/2017 07:53
The author attempts to shed light on the aforementioned research question through
an in-depth qualitative study of 134 women livelihood entrepreneurs associated
with the education and training intervention SEWA (the Self-Employed Women’s
Association) in the context of impoverished communities in urban and rural com-
munities around Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India. Conducted verbally and through a
combination of semi-structured interviews, and a study of panel data, this research
is about what hopes and dreams the women livelihood entrepreneurs have for
themselves and their families, as well as their goals for the businesses they have
Business in the twenty-first century is not just about making profit, but also about
creating shared value, innovation and social cooperation (Freeman et al., 2007;
Porter, 2011). Value may be created in many ways, but this chapter is most con-
cerned with co-creating value for mutual benefit both for entrepreneurs living
in poverty and thus also for society through poverty alleviation (Griffin, 2016;
Prahalad and Ramaswamy, 2004; Simanis et al., 2008). However, to understand how
entrepreneurs can help to alleviate poverty, we must first understand the context of
poverty (Peredo and Chrisman, 2006; Peterson, 1988).
What is poverty?
There are many definitions of both poverty and poverty alleviation. While most
believe that poverty is only about economic means, some believe it is more than
that: it is ‘a deprivation of basic capabilities’ (Anand et al., 2006; Drèze et al., 1997;
Sen, 1999, 1997, 1973). The United Nations High Commission on Human Rights
(UNHCHR) has a comprehensive definition: ‘Poverty: a human condition char-
acterized by the sustained or chronic deprivation of the resources, capabilities,
choices, security and power necessary for the enjoyment of an adequate standard
of living and other civil, cultural, economic, political and social rights’ (UNHCHR,
2001). As of the twenty-first century, more than 2 billion people cannot meet their
basic needs of food, shelter, clothing, access to health care, clean water, sanitation
and education (Sachs, 2005). To humanize it further, approximately 27,000 chil-
dren die every day from poverty, from absolutely preventable disease and starvation
(Singer, 2009).
income of between US$1‒US$2 per day (ppp) are considered to live in moderate
poverty (ibid.). Those with a household income less than the national average in
their country, and who lack resources that would be taken for granted on the aver-
age income in their country, are considered to be living in relative poverty (ibid.).
While basic needs are certainly necessary in the direst conditions, the endless
amount of money that has been sent down the ‘aid’ tube has not ended the problem
of poverty (Karlan and Appel, 2011). Global humanitarian aid agencies began to get
used to the idea of empowerment and ‘teaching to fish’ so as to create longer-term
solutions. Academic definitions of empowerment are varied, meaning: the free-
dom to spend, and ability to share household responsibilities (Devi, 1982), taking
responsibility, achieving self-confidence (Gielnik and Warren, 1995), enhancing
power to make decisions (Devi, 1982; Gielnik and Warren, 1995), to achieve recog-
nition, involvement and a sense of worth in jobs (Vogt and Murrell, 1990).
It is rare that those empowered would give back to their own communities of
poverty, because education may be viewed as a ‘way out’, not a way to continue to
build and create value, yet it still did produce the result of poverty alleviation within
a community (Trivedi, 2005). In order to have a more macro poverty alleviation
result, there should be a feedback loop of empowerment that would filter into the
communities that need poverty alleviation most. There are interventions which do
just this, and this chapter will explore one of them in more depth.
Even William Easterly, a well-known anti-aid economist, has praised the ground-
up solutions to poverty problems via ‘searchers’ who find the reality at the ‘bottom’
and find things that work (Easterly, 2006). This chapter explains some realities in
this context, and highlights some that work by demonstrating when people find
solutions from the bottom up. Thus, it begins with women living in poverty who are
able to create livelihoods for themselves and their families.
Insights from the entrepreneurship literature are lacking when it comes to uncer-
tain environments, and more specifically in the context of poverty. Since uncer-
tainty is at the heart of entrepreneurship, there are studies on how and when
entrepreneurs bear uncertainty (McMullen and Shepherd, 2006), but these disre-
gard those who lack basic needs such as food security and choice. Entrepreneurs
are defined as those who create value by identifying and seizing opportunities in a
particular context, and also hold certain personal attributes such as entrepreneurial
spirit, are inspired, creative, courageous, possess fortitude, and take direct action
(Dees et al., 2001; Drucker, 1995; Low and MacMillan, 1988; Martin and Osberg,
2007; Schumpeter, 1975).
However, there are clear differences between CBEs and livelihood entrepreneurs
as well. While CBEs offer a multiplicity of goals for the entrepreneur, livelihood
entrepreneurship is more specific: stability and survival of the family, creation of
a livelihood for the family, is the aspiration. It is a CBE, but specific to subsistence
marketplaces (Sridharan and Viswanathan, 2008; Viswanathan and Rosa, 2007;
Viswanathan et al., 2010). There have been qualitative studies to further differ-
entiate the contexts and cultures of subsistence consumer-merchants (SCMs) in
South India that give some insight in unstable environments (Viswanathan et al.,
Livelihood creation
While studying poverty alleviation in more depth, the author sat with students in
India who would be classified as ‘street’ or ‘slum’ children, discussing power, and
those students explained that for their families (who are living in poverty), family
livelihood is the goal. This means that making sure that their families have a steady
stream of basic needs (not just for today and tomorrow) was most important, and
was prioritized above all else. Furthermore, poverty alleviation is about people who
are trying to make changes in their lives on a daily basis: it is not just a theoretical
notion, it is about real individuals, their families and their daily lives:
Proposition 1: For the livelihood entrepreneur, the goal of her business is to create a
livelihood for herself and her family.
fore imperative that furthering economic progress be studied in all parts of society,
especially among the most downtrodden. The new concept of livelihood entrepre-
neurship could fill the gap in the literature about entrepreneurs who are living in
poverty and lifting themselves out of it.
Social entrepreneurship, in particular, goes beyond the initial stages and thus sets
itself apart because it is where the basic needs of that entrepreneur most likely
have already been met. Social entrepreneurship may not apply to livelihood entre-
preneurs, because only a person who has met their most basic needs may choose
to explicitly help society with their mission (Martin and Osberg, 2007). While
some social entrepreneurs do come from the ‘Other 90%’ (Gupta, 2013) most social
entrepreneurs come from social and economic wealth (Zahra et al., 2009). This
chapter therefore proposes that entrepreneurs living in the context of poverty do
not intend to help broader society in the way a social entrepreneur does:
The livelihood entrepreneur herself has the opportunity to participate in the actions
that affect her life and the lives of her family and surrounding community, and in
this context it means being able to bring herself and her community out of poverty:
Proposition 4: The livelihood entrepreneur aspires to help herself, her family, and her
immediate surrounding community.
Because the CBE is so deeply connected to the livelihood entrepreneur, this chapter
explains livelihood entrepreneurship through the study of a well-established CBE.
In this particular study, the author does not examine the specific CBEs (micro-
enterprises) of the livelihood entrepreneurs themselves, but rather an overarching
CBE that has intervened to help these livelihood entrepreneurs establish their own
The ‘new commons’ approach to development (Hawken, 2007) provides that since
people who live at base of the pyramid (BoP) do not have the resources to lift
themselves out of poverty, the ‘top of the pyramid’, those with the resources, can
improve BoP access through both consumption and production. However, the top
of the pyramid does not know exactly how to help.
In this chapter the author makes the assumption that improving the quality of
livelihood by giving people access to choices, opportunity and social capital is the
essence of poverty alleviation (Sen, 1985). Social capital is the ability to use one’s
relationships as well as the network of the relationships (Granovetter, 1985; Levin,
2008; Nahapiet and Ghoshal, 1998). In a previous study by the author, through
careful examination of a few networks in which a trade union in India called SEWA
has been an intervention, it seems that women have gained skills and social capital
because of the organization (Trivedi, 2014). This study therefore assumes that the
social capital of a women entrepreneur in the context of poverty affects her ability
to lift herself out of poverty, since this is one of the primary advantages that the
SEWA intervention gives women (Trivedi, 2014).
New approaches in BoP strategy are appealing, and include business co-ventures,
which create shared value for those in poverty and those who are at the top of the
pyramid as well (Porter, 2011; Simanis et al., 2008). These new business co-ventures
are when those at the BoP are not just consumers or producers, but partners in the
co-creation of value (Griffin, 2016; Hawken, 2007; Simanis et al., 2008). In order to
co-create, the top of the pyramid must understand the context of poverty and how
there have been successes, to sustain livelihoods. The top of the pyramid must also
understand that those living in poverty do not identify themselves as impoverished,
but rather identify themselves as change-makers. The intention for this qualitative
study is to aid that better understanding of livelihood entrepreneurs’ experiences,
and to help explain what these successful women actually want.
Research setting
As a foreigner traveling the world from the United States, poverty always seems
shocking and apparent when first seen in Asia, Latin America and Africa. For
many, poverty is particularly overwhelming in India, due to the concentration of
poverty as well as dense overpopulation throughout the country. For this reason,
this study is based in India. Additionally, this research focuses on women because,
while the gender gap is narrowing, there are still more men than women glob-
ally who are active entrepreneurs (Kelley et al., 2014: 7). However, the likelihood
of entrepreneurs being female is close to equal or higher than that of being male
in ten countries, all of which are developing (Kelley et al., 2014: 8). The type of
entrepreneurship that exists in these countries must be significantly different for
this to occur. Since India is not one of these nations where the ratio of female to
male entrepreneurs is high, it makes sense to study women entrepreneurs with
low incomes in India, to gain more knowledge about Indian women entrepreneurs
(Kelley et al., 2014: 83).
As most economies in the world began, the history of India’s economy began
with small businesses. More specifically, in modern South Asian history, Gujarati
and Marwadi merchants, entrepreneurs and bankers (Hindu, Jain and Muslim)
traded and established businesses throughout India, and they without a doubt
helped India’s economy extensively (Leonard, 2011). Gujarat or Rajasthan would
therefore be an ideal place to start when beginning a research study on Indian
Using women as the primary participants is justified because India has a lower
percentage of necessity-based early-stage male entrepreneurs than female, when on
average there is a higher percentage of early-stage female entrepreneurs through-
out the rest of the world (Singer et al., 2014: 85). Historically, research has dem-
onstrated that women have not had equal access to financial resources (Brush et
al., 2002; Kelley et al., 2014). While this inequality is also historically accurate for
Indian women, there is in addition a distinct history of resilience and civil disobedi-
ence as well (for example, the Chipko movement). Hindus worship female forms of
their Ultimate Being and the Indian government has had female prime ministers
and heads of party. There are parts of India where a matriarchal society has existed
and still does (for example, Hindus in Kerala). For all of these reasons, Indian
women would be a unique and interesting set of respondents for this particular
entrepreneurship study.
In Indian women’s studies literature, it is discussed that the best strategy to empower
women is through organizing and strengthening their roles in community-based
women’s groups (Gulati, 1993). In fact, in the particular case of women living in
poverty, the group approach has proven to be most effective for income genera-
tion (Nair, 1996). Thus, this is a study of female livelihood entrepreneurs, using the
Self-Employed Women’s Association (SEWA) network intervention located in and
around Ahmedabad, Gujarat.
SEWA is a trade union of female laborers and entrepreneurs who are living in
poverty (SEWA, 2012). The organization is a well-known bounded network. The
women who are a part of the SEWA union receive training, subsidies and loans
from SEWA. Most importantly, they meet other women in their same line of work
in different villages, and get to talk about what different techniques are success-
ful and those that are not for their particular area. They build their weak ties, and
this is most helpful for their success (Granovetter, 1983; Trivedi, 2014). There are
special circumstances where SEWA also gives the women goods, and even ameni-
ties such as shelter or bathrooms. SEWA field workers are mostly women and men
from the local communities themselves, so the trust is built-in from the very begin-
ning. Women in the SEWA network have equal access to the financial resources
that historically have not been available to them (SEWA, 2012).
The targets of the survey are female adults, currently or previously a part of the
SEWA network or trade union. Women entrepreneurs in the SEWA network are
involved in many different types of work, primarily what their villages specialize in.
SEWA helps to build their capacity and helps to build their networks, so that they
may learn how to turn their work into thriving businesses. Different types of work
that SEWA helps with include fabric embroidery and other fabric artisans, animal
husbandry, salt production (through labor), street vending (selling vegetables, food
and some miscellaneous tourist items) and farming.
At the initial stage, SEWA identified five different trades to study from the many
different types of entrepreneurs that SEWA worked with: the professions chosen
were animal husbandry, farming, salt working, fabric embroidery and street vend-
ing. The trades decided upon were based on villages that had not been evaluated,
researched or visited by foreigners, in order to convey their value to SEWA. The
desired sample size of participants was determined to be 125, therefore as a next
step the author pre-determined 25 participants per profession. First, the author
looked at SEWA’s panel data for each of those five types of entrepreneurs in the
specific regions. Then the author conducted a personal interview with each partici-
pant between October 2013 and December 2013. Each interview lasted between 15
and 60 minutes long.
The total sample size for this study was 134 respondents in the SEWA network.
While the population size is unknown, the number of women in the SEWA net-
work in urban Ahmedabad alone (not including surrounding villages which were
part of the sample) was more than 179 000. The sample was approximately evenly
distributed between the five different trades (animal husbandry, farming, salt pro-
duction, street vending and fabric embroidery). Each village the author went to
specialized in one or more of the different entrepreneurial trades identified. Each
participant had attended meetings at SEWA, the trade union and co-operative that
had either trained them in skills or built their networks through meeting with other
village women who were in the same line of work. The mean education level of all
participants in the study was two years of school, and 68 percent of the population
sampled had no schooling at all.
The mean family income for all of the respondents at the time of the survey was
166 rupees per day, which is approximately US$2.75. The mean income for all
respondents before they joined SEWA was 61.4 rupees per day, which is approxi-
mately US$1. The number of people living under one roof with the respondent was
an average and median of six people, and the maximum was 15 people, while the
minimum was one person.
Table 4.2 displays some of the characteristics of the study sample. Also, it is impor-
tant to note that 80 percent of the participants were from rural geographic areas,
and only 20 percent were from urban areas.
Age 41.9 40 65 18
Education 2.07 years 0 11 0
None 67.9
1–4 years 6.59
5–6 years 8.95
7–8 years 10.4
9–12 years 5.97
Tenure at SEWA 11.22 12 26 1
Work tenure 21.27 20 60 2
Single 2.2
Engaged to be married 0.75
Married 86
Widow 11.1
Number living under one roof 6.044 6 15 1
Family income per day 226.4 166.66 2000 0
Income before SEWA 61.444 41.666 555.567 0
Rural 79.85
Urban 20.15
Street vendors 20
Animal husbandry 20
Fabric workers 20
Salt workers 18.66
Farmers 19.4
Retired 1.5
Research design
The author asked SEWA to supply panel data to validate family income differences
before and after joining SEWA, but the qualitative study is the primary mode of
inquiry via entrepreneur experiences. The author used survey method with the
respondents to collect qualitative data about their basic attributes as well as those
related to the research question. Since the research question was about distin-
guishing characteristics, and the author proposed that livelihood entrepreneurs are
distinct because of their goals and personal dreams and aspirations, the questions
specifically asked were: ‘What goals do you have for your business?’ and ‘What are
your personal hopes and dreams for yourself?’ Additionally, the author asked about
the SEWA intervention itself and wanted to know what it gave these women. The
author asked, ‘What did SEWA give you?’ and coded the answers.
The author received Institutional Review Board (IRB) approval after creating a
set of questions that indicated constructs and then translated the questions into
Gujarati and back to English to cross-check. While quantitative studies help to
demonstrate theoretical models, a qualitative study can give deeper insight as to
what is necessary for the particular groups studied to succeed. This qualitative
study addresses some (very few) characteristics of the entrepreneurs who have been
successful in the context of poverty. The SEWA intervention may or may not be
directly involved in this success, but asking livelihood entrepreneurs to explain it
in their own words was insightful. From the sample characteristics (see Table 4.2),
we see that the mean income of the sample data respondents went from ~US$1 a
day to ~US$2.75 per day after joining SEWA, so participation in the union seems to
possibly have some effect on their success.
For goals, they were coded based on content: money, expansion, another business
in the future, the idea of moving forward (coming ahead in Gujarati), wanting more
things (anything material), infrastructure, things personally, things more specific to
the future of the business, more work, comfort while working, livelihood-related,
and none. The results are in Table 4.4.
m = money 11 0.082089552 8
e = expansion 18 0.134328358 13
se = another business in future 1 0.007462687 <1
a = come ahead 8 0.059701493 6
t = things 13 0.097014925 10
i = infrastructure 3 0.02238806 2
p = personal things 3 0.02238806 2
sp = future things specific to business 19 0.141791045 14
w = more work 9 0.067164179 7
c = comfort while working 1 0.007462687 <1
L = livelihood 4 0.029850746 3
N = None 68 0.507462687 >50
business goals being about livelihoods for these entrepreneurs (see Table 4.4). Only
49 percent of participants articulated goals for their businesses, and only 14 percent
said they would be interested in expansion. Proposition 2 proposed that expansion
was not yet part of livelihood entrepreneurs’ aspirations, and this was true for most
(but not all). If we delve deeper, this means that more than 50 percent of participants
did not reply with aspirations for their businesses. One even said specifically that
she would prefer to only have the business that she has now, and would not like any
more (that it was ‘enough’). Approximately 3 percent of participants replied that the
goal they had was just to maintain their livelihoods. One of those four respondents
said that she just wanted to be able to put food on the table every day. While this is
not a large number who explicitly stated that livelihoods were their goals, the fact
that less than 15 percent mentioned expansion and more than 50 percent did not
have goals for their businesses implies that both hypotheses are worth exploring
further. The third proposition was about the livelihood entrepreneur not explicitly
stating she wanted to help society. This was not mentioned in any of the participants’
goals or hopes and dreams, except for one, who mentioned peace but only for her
surrounding community. While certainty cannot be claimed about these entrepre-
neurs’ goals, this gives deeper insight into the goals of livelihood entrepreneurs.
The fourth proposition was about who exactly the entrepreneurs intend to help.
When asked about personal hopes and dreams (see Table 4.3), 57 percent of par-
ticipants spoke about their hopes and dreams for their children (even when asked
repeatedly about themselves). Thirty-three percent of all participants spoke only
of others, and said nothing about themselves at all; and 22 percent spoke of a mix
between their own personal hopes and dreams and those of others, who were in
every case specifically their family and community members. Approximately 15
percent spoke of their business in combination with their own personal hopes and
dreams (that sometimes included others as well). Thirteen percent either would
not answer this question or actually stated that they had no hopes or dreams. This
indicates that while we cannot be certain that livelihood entrepreneurs aspire to
help themselves, their family and their immediate community members, it seems to
have held true within this dataset.
These findings imply that aspirations are culturally and perhaps even socio-
economically contextual, because while these women had been successful and able
to lift themselves out of poverty, very few women (14 percent) spoke of expanding
their businesses, and many did not speak about dreams for their own futures. The
study also clearly outlined how respondents felt that SEWA had helped them build
their livelihoods (four of the respondents even mentioned the translation for ‘liveli-
hoods’ when asked what SEWA had given them). Since 48 percent of participants
in this study credited SEWA for their education or training for work, it seems the
SEWA intervention was an education intervention. The livelihood entrepreneur
may need this type of intervention in order to succeed.
What happened? Did they change their behavior? Was there an increase in social
capital? Was there an increase in access to basic needs? Or was the increase primar-
ily in economic status?
In this chapter, the goals and aspirations of these successful women livelihood
entrepreneurs are evaluated in an attempt to explain how they may be distin-
guished from other entrepreneurs, and identified as change-makers rather than
women living in poverty. The author concludes that they are different in that they
do not have the same goals for their businesses as other entrepreneurs do, and their
intention is only to help themselves and their families, not to help the world. In this
way, the proposed distinction between traditional and social entrepreneurs appears
to be valid. Since the women in this study were all part of a thriving network of
SEWA women, it is important to note that this may be an integral aspect of suc-
cessful entrepreneurship at the base of the pyramid.
The study of livelihood entrepreneurs is just beginning. For now, we may recognize
there is a new type of woman entrepreneur: one who lifts herself and her family
from poverty and stimulates her developing-country economy. This, in turn, has
many positive effects on development and the world.
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Eliana Crosina*
entrepreneurial identities serve as powerful entities that propel entrepreneurial actions . . .
the study of entrepreneurial roles and identities offers tremendous potential for research
in our field
Taken together, a better appreciation for the identities (and their construction)
among male and female entrepreneurs constitutes an important and promising
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via University of Durham
Second, it addresses how entrepreneurial identity may come to be. Insights from
the identity work literature in particular – a growing body of work that focuses on
‘individuals’ active construction of identity in social contexts’ (Pratt et al., 2006:
237) ‒ offer a promising start to make sense of how entrepreneurial identity might
form. Because this literature has largely focused on what professionals do to gain,
maintain or de-emphasize their work identities, this chapter compares identity
work dynamics among professionals with identity work dynamics among entre-
preneurs, highlighting those features of identity and its construction that may be
distinctive for women entrepreneurs. Finally, it suggests avenues for, and chal-
lenges associated with, future research, including aspects that may be of particular
significance when studying entrepreneurial identity among women entrepreneurs.
in the identity literature scarce attention has been paid to entrepreneurship as a site of
identity creation and interpretation. This is ironic because entrepreneurship may offer one
of the most visible instances of identity
Existing literature that addresses entrepreneurial identity has, over the years,
advanced various definitions of it. For example, Stanworth and Curran (1976: 104)
described entrepreneurial identity as the ‘several possible constellations of mean-
ings which may form the core of the entrepreneur’s self-definition of the entre-
preneurial role’; while Vesalainen and Pihkala (2000: 113) noted ‘entrepreneurial
identity . . . as a person’s inclination to adopt a certain type of occupational entre-
preneurial role’.
Unlike Stanworth and Curran (1976) and Vesalainen and Pihkala (2000), who
respectively focused on individuals’ meanings around, and on their propensity to
take on, an entrepreneurial role, Watson (2009) and Nadin (2007) portrayed entre-
preneurial identity as a social resource, discursive and symbolic, that entrepre-
neurs strategically deploy primarily to gain legitimacy. Watson (2009), specifically,
showed how entrepreneurial identity may be dynamically negotiated as family
members engage in conversations about their roles in the future of their business;
while Nadin (2007) discussed how female business owners in the care sector play
up their gender to convey their identities as thoughtful entrepreneurs.
More recently, Powell and Baker (2014: 1406) talked about founder1 identity as
encompassing multiple sub-identities that are ‘chronically salient’ to entrepreneurs
in their daily work. They also argued that founder identities entail a combination
of role and social identities, and that congruence (or lack thereof) between how
founders see themselves, and who they aspire to be, influences their behaviors. At
the core of their conceptualization of founder identity is the idea that entrepre-
neurs carefully devise ‘role identities to express their social identities’ (Powell and
Baker, 2014: 1408).
Kašperová and Kitching (2014: 438) cast ‘entrepreneurial identity as a set of con-
cerns emergent from the embodied practices of agents committed to new venture
creation and management in relation to their natural, practical, and social environ-
ments’. In their theorizing, entrepreneurs need to show commitment to their role
to obtain validation from external stakeholders (including their customers, inves-
tors and collaborators.) In elaborating what founder role identities can do, Hoang
and Gimeno (2010) showed how different combinations of founder role centrality
and role complexity shape individuals’ capacity to engage in founding activities, as
well as their responses to negative feedback (Hoang and Gimeno, 2010: 41). Finally,
Navis and Glynn (2011) offered a broader definition of entrepreneurial identity,
also accounting for entrepreneurs’ claims around their organizations and markets.
Table 5.1 summarizes these various, as well as other, definitions.2
Stanworth & Curran ‘…the several possible constellations of meanings which may form the
(1976: 104) core of the entrepreneur’s self definition of the entrepreneurial role…’
Vesalainen & Pihkala ‘…entrepreneurial identity can be defined as a person’s inclination to
(2000: 113) adopt a certain type of occupational entrepreneurial role.’
Nadin (2007: 465) [Entrepreneurial identity is framed as the constellation of] ‘...symbolic
spaces through the occupation of which they [entrepreneurs] seek
legitimacy and acceptance…’
Watson (2009: 255) ‘‘Entrepreneurial identity’ can thus be conceptualized as something
like a cultural stereotype – a characterization of a ‘persona’ that a par-
ticular individual may, for example, have attached to them by others...
or may embrace as part of their notion of self… We thus treat the
idea of an entrepreneurial identity as a discursive resource, something
that is part of the ‘linguistic repertoire’ (Potter and Wetherall, 1987)
of contemporary society that people, in different ways, in different
circumstances and with different degrees of emphasis make use of in
their social interactions…’
Shepherd & Haynie ‘…we define the business owner identity as the set of behavioral
(2009: 1251) expectations associated with the business owner role…’
Hoang & Gimeno ‘…an individual’s thoughts, feelings, and beliefs about oneself in the
(2010: 42) founder role...’
Navis & Glynn ‘…the constellation of claims around the founder, new venture, and
(2011: 480) market opportunity as to ‘who we are’ and ‘what we do’’
Powell & Baker ‘...we broadly define founder identity as ‘the set of identities that is
(2014: 1409) chronically salient to a founder in her or his day-today work.’’
Kašperová & Kitching [Entrepreneurial identity is cast as] ‘… a set of concerns emergent from
(2014: 438) the embodied practices of agents committed to new venture crea-
tion and management in relation to their natural, practical, and social
action. To this end, Vesalainen and Pihkala (2000: 124) noted that when considering
‘the promotion of entrepreneurship, the development of entrepreneurial identities
becomes one of the most important areas of action’.
The first two of these bases – that is, pre-existing social groups (e.g., Tajfel, 1978,
1982a, 1982b; Tajfel and Turner, 1979) and roles (e.g., Stryker, 1980; Stryker and
Serpe, 1982) ‒ at least on the face of it, appear problematic to account for the
experiences of entrepreneurs because no clearly defined groups and/or roles are
available for them to join or to take on, especially at the beginning of their journeys.
Thus, with no or limited supporting systems to rely on, they must craft their work
identities while at the same time building their respective work contexts (see also
Weick, 1979). This leaves us with symbols and artifacts as possible ‘bases’ of identity
These matters become even more complex when we consider the role of gender
alongside entrepreneurial identity. To this end, several scholars (e.g., Bruni et al.,
2004; Díaz García and Welter, 2013; Lewis, 2013; Marlow and McAdam, 2015)
have cast entrepreneurial identity as something that entrepreneurs may stress or
de-emphasize, together with their gender, to gain legitimacy for themselves and for
their ventures. This research frames gender as a socially constructed category that
women in particular selectively draw upon when setting up and running their busi-
nesses. Further, it portrays ‘identity work’ (or the process of identity construction)
and ‘gender work’ (‘doing’ and ‘redoing’ gender) as inextricably connected (Díaz
García and Welter, 2013).
Existing research that has begun to address identity work among women entrepre-
neurs has highlighted three primary motives as driving the construction of their
identities: (1) gaining legitimacy and acceptance from their stakeholders (in part to
secure the resources they need to set up and run their businesses; see Bruni et al.,
2004); (2) securing and maintaining self-coherence and authenticity in expressing
‘who they are’ through their organizations (see Lewis, 2013); and (3) managing the
‘gender gap’ (see Díaz García and Welter, 2013) .
With respect to legitimacy, Marlow and McAdam (2015: 792) noted that: ‘For
women, claiming entrepreneurial legitimacy is particularly challenging given the
ethos of masculinity which informs this discourse and the associated identity
work it prompts.’ As this quote implies, entrepreneurship is not a ‘gender-neutral
phenomenon’ (e.g., Jennings and Brush, 2013: 679). To the contrary, entrepre-
neurial activity is shaped by the broader social systems in which entrepreneurs
are embedded. Thus, shared beliefs with respect to appropriate behaviors for men
and women influence both how and what entrepreneurs may do to build positive
Verbal strategies, as the term suggests, involve the purposeful deployment of dis-
course. To this end, Ibarra and Barbulescu (2010: 135) described how individuals in
transition leverage different ‘narratives and other rhetorical strategies’ to preserve a
sense of coherence and continuity during destabilizing phases of their careers (see
also Fine, 1996; Alvesson and Willmott, 2002; Sveningsson and Alvesson, 2003;
Watson, 2008).
Physical tactics entail the use of artifacts as well as performances. For instance,
Elsbach (2003) noted organizational members’ different responses to non-territorial
work arrangements,5 and specifically their actions to assert and maintain positive
distinctiveness; and Pratt and Rafaeli (1997) brought to the fore the role of dress
in expressing nurses’ deeply held beliefs regarding their work roles and identities.
A final feature that sets entrepreneurs’ and professionals’ careers apart is the
absence of shared and established paths to advancement, marked by public mile-
stones and coronated via ceremonies of various sorts (see Greenwood et al., 2002).
This is, at least in part, because entrepreneurs set their own goals and objectives,
and infuse words such as ‘advancement’ or ‘progress’ with ther own meanings. As
such, ‘advancement’ and ‘progress’ may hold different understandings, and evoke
different sets of actions for different people.
Taken together, we may infer broad heterogeneity in the factors that may contrib-
ute to bolster, or conversely to challenge, entrepreneurs’ identities, based on: (1)
why they became entrepreneurs in the first place; and (2) a range of other aspects
(including their specific family situations) that may weigh (positively or negatively)
on their ability to dedicate themselves to their businesses. Given such heterogene-
ity and overall equivocality, traditional identity perspectives (social identity theory
and identity theory), and the ‘bases’ of identity they espouse (pre-existing social
groups and roles, respectively), may not account well for issues of identity forma-
tion and upkeep among entrepreneurs.
Social identity theory, in particular, deals with the structure of identity as related
to people’s group membership (e.g., Tajfel, 1978, 1982a, 1982b; Tajfel and Turner
1979). Because social identity theory speaks to how individuals relate to one or
more collectives, this identity perspective inherently emphasizes the role of imper-
sonal relationships based on group membership, as ‘bases’ of identity construction
(Cardador and Pratt, 2006).
At the core of social identity theory is the idea that a given social group ‒ such as,
for instance, one’s nationality or political affiliation ‒ provides a definition for one’s
identity (Tajfel and Turner, 1979). As such, according to social identity theory,
people draw selectively upon their membership in different groups to define them-
selves, and ultimately to achieve identities that are self-enhancing.
groups for nascent entrepreneurs to join at the start of their careers, social iden-
tity theory appears problematic to account for their experiences. Moreover, insights
from research on minimal groups (e.g., Tajfel et al., 1971) suggest that the mere adop-
tion of a label (such as ‘entrepreneur’) may suffice for individuals to self-categorize
as members of a given collective. It is unclear, however, whether this may apply to
entrepreneurs, partly because their respective circumstances may or may not allow
for evaluative intergroup comparisons, making the label ‘entrepreneur’ equivocal.
While these consideration apply to both men and women entrepreneurs, female
founders, unlike their male counterparts, have been described as relying on their
families and on their gender as additional ‘bases’ for self-categorization. Family,
specifically, has been depicted as a group from which women entrepreneurs draw
the resources and/or the support they may need to establish and sustain their busi-
nesses; as well as, conversely, something that may constrain their initiative and
the development of their entrepreneurial identity (see Bruni et al., 2004; Jennings
and Brush, 2013). Gender has also been cast as an important social category that
brings women together, and that they differentially engage with (for instance, by
emphasizing or downplaying their femininity) based on the circumstances and/or
the sectors they operate in (see Ahl, 2006).
When it comes to women entrepreneurs, the study of role identities is further com-
plicated by the fact that some women entrepreneurs must also juggle their roles as
mothers as they establish and grow their organizations (see Bruni et al., 2004). The
salience of their identities as mothers may influence not only how they see them-
selves as entrepreneurs, but also the extent to which they ‘take family considera-
tions into account when making work decisions’ and thus in how they may set up
and run their businesses (Powell and Greenhaus, 2012: 325).
Taken together, due to the high equivocality that launching and running a new
organization entails, traditional ‘identity bases’ (Cardador and Pratt, 2006) ‒
e stablished groups and roles ‒ may not account well for how entrepreneurs con-
struct their identities, especially at the outset of their careers (Gartner et al., 1992).
Moreover, a focus on women entrepreneurs raises additional questions with respect
to how social categories such as family and gender, as well as their possible roles as
mothers, may shape the construction and development of their entrepreneurial
These ideas invite reflection around specific features (physical and social) of the
work environments that female and male entrepreneurs may find helpful (or not)
while figuring out what it means to be entrepreneurs, launching and running their
organizations. The respective salience of their various role identities (including, for
example, their possible role identities as parents and/or spouses) will likely shape
what they may deem supporting or inhibiting of their efforts (see also Ahl, 2006;
Powell and Greenhaus, 2012).
Figure 5.1 depicts visually the five key sources of entrepreneurial identity this
chapter has introduced so far; that is, the five building blocks entrepreneurs may
differentially deploy to construct, maintain or de-emphasize their identities as
entrepreneurs. They are: entrepreneurs’ gender; their new ventures; their respec-
tive work environments (where they do their work and surrounded by whom);
the behaviors they engage in to set up and run their organizations; as well as their
occupational meaning (or the meanings they ascribe to ‘being entrepreneurs’).
These five sources are represented in the figure as overlapping and linked by
double-sided arrows to denote their interconnectedness and mutual influence, and
are arranged in a circle to portray their fluidity. For example, at the outset of their
entrepreneurial journeys, nascent entrepreneurs may wish to play up or conceal
facets of their identities (such as their gender) in efforts to gain legitimacy for their
emerging businesses. The environment in which they are embedded is likely to play
a role in what exactly they may do, when and how. Differently, more experienced
entrepreneurs may rely on the connections they have developed in their respec-
tive fields (part of their social work environments) to claim positive identities. Thus,
depending on a range of contextual and individual factors (such as environmental
stimuli and experience), one or more of the circles in Figure 5.1 may become salient,
and guide entrepreneurs’ actions. As these examples allude to, the activation of one
(or more) of these five sources is influenced by, and at the same time shapes, the
While the circles in Figure 5.1 as building blocks of entrepreneurial identity are
unlikely to vary across individuals, there may be differences within and across
genders, in the specific content of and emphasis given to each. For example, there
may be variation in what entrepreneurs believe it means to be entrepreneurs (their
occupational meanings) based on their career goals and objectives, as well as on
the salience of their broader entrepreneurial identity relative to the other identities
they may hold (for example, being a parent). Likewise, their behaviors as entrepre-
neurs will partly depend on the set of resources and constraints they may perceive
and/or face in their respective personal and work contexts. This way, the unique
This way, entrepreneurial identity may be seen as the host of self-referential claims
and actions that are associated with launching and running new organizations. As
this working definition suggests, entrepreneurial identity is closely coupled with
the development of entrepreneurs’ firms. Howorth et al. (2005: 38) support this
idea. In summarizing the findings of their research, they noted, specifically, that:
‘Entrepreneurs’ identities were wrapped up with those of their organisation and
they also found it difficult to separate what they are from what they do’.
Thus, contextual and individual factors that influence one’s business develop-
ment have the potential to shape one’s self-understandings and actions as an
New Venture Environment
(Social & Physical)
Entrepreneurial Occupational
Behavior Meaning
e ntrepreneur. Examples of such factors include the various social and/or profes-
sional groups one may belong to, the broader institutional context one is embedded
in, as well as one’s expertise – to mention just a few. Of particular importance in
order to advance current research on women entrepreneurs (and their identities)
is to shed light on such factors; what Ahl (2006) referred to as the ‘invisible’ social
structures that shape behavior. Surfacing the values, assumptions and expecta-
tions underlying the systems in which entrepreneurs are embedded will help us
to gain a more contextualized understanding of why entrepreneurs (women and
men) construct their identities as they do, as well as the specific content of their
Similarly, Gartner (1989: 64) recognized the need to embrace research meth-
odologies that ‘will do justice to the complexity of entrepreneurship’, particu-
larly because ‘The creation of an organization is a very complicated and intricate
process, influenced by many factors [and] . . . The entrepreneur is not a fixed
state of existence’ (Gartner, 1989: 64). Specifically, he pleaded with scholars to
engage in fieldwork to better understand founders as they create and launch their
More recently, Hamilton (2014) advocated for moving beyond the study of narra-
tives, by embracing methodologies that may help to capture entrepreneurs’ actions.
Kašperová and Kitching (2014: 447), specifically, advanced that we should ‘explore
physical capabilities, including the use of artefacts, and the consequences for iden-
tity and action’ through ‘ethnographic methods’. This approach may ultimately help
scholars to understand ‘how entrepreneurs, as embodied agents, interact with their
natural, practical and social environments’. Taken together, to better understand
entrepreneurial identity we may consider engaging in in-depth longitudinal field
work, focusing on aspects such as entrepreneurs’ work practices, their attitudes,
environments and relationships. Differently put, promising future research may
shed light on the sources of identity construction highlighted in Figure 5.1 and,
specifically, how entrepreneurs may emphasize them as their experiences evolve.
To capture them as thoroughly as possible, scholars should plan to collect multiple
sources of data. To this end, Gartner et al. (1992: 21) noted that ‘more diverse data
collection methods, particularly qualitative and ethnographic methods, would add
valuable and unique insights to understanding entrepreneurship’. And, further,
that ‘theories on entrepreneurial behavior would benefit from more studies that
utilize a variety of data-collection methods that describe what entrepreneurs do’.
As far as interviews are concerned, they have frequently been deployed to study
and explain how individuals, across occupations, develop and maintain their work
identities (e.g., Ibarra, 1999; Pratt et al., 2006). This is largely because interviews
can lend additional insights into people’s thoughts, opinions and feelings that may
otherwise be difficult to see and capture. Combined with observations, they may
provide a more complete account of how entrepreneurs think, and of how they
feel, as they engage in a host of activities to transform their business ideas into
There is no shortage of possibilities when it comes to entrepreneurial identity,
particularly because focused research on the topic is still at an early stage. Along
with opportunities, however, also come some difficulties, ranging from conceptual
to more practical.
Because focused research on entrepreneurial identity is at an early stage, there are
many opportunities for new conceptual and empirical work. Conceptually, scholars
who embrace entrepreneurial identity as a process might be interested in teasing
out how exactly the process unfolds, or the specific steps that comprise it. This may
involve, for example, examining the range of individual and environmental condi-
tions under which certain events, activities and self-views are likely to emerge. To
illustrate, looking at both entrepreneurs’ personal and professional relationships
may shed light on how the social milieu surrounding entrepreneurs shapes their
identities. Because no one single model is likely to account for the experiences of
different entrepreneurs, there will be ample room for theoretical elaboration.
Empirically, scholars may design their studies to look at the role of specific influ-
ences on each entrepreneurial identity creation, maintenance and/or elimination.
Moreover, scholars may compare and contrast how men and women work on
building their entrepreneurial identities, exploring the resources they leverage, and
the steps they take to gain an understanding of what being an entrepreneur entails.
This may involve specifying different models of entrepreneurial identity formation
and upkeep for male and female entrepreneurs: a particularly promising area for
future research. Indeed, despite a growing interest in issues of gender and entrepre-
neurial identity co-construction, we still know relatively little about it. Particularly,
we do not know much about how, during their new venture creation journeys,
women and men entrepreneurs leverage their gender to gather the resources they
need; and how, confronted with challenges, they may maintain positive identities.
In conducting such comparative work, we should not assume however that all
women and all men are similar in their intentions and approaches. To gain a solid
understanding of entrepreneurial identity, thus, we should equally attend to both
within- and across-gender differences (Eddleston and Powell, 2012). This may favor
the discovery of finer-grained differences or, potentially, enable us to report on
non-differences which rarely seem to have been the subject of scholars’ attention.
In addition, given that existing research has highlighted three central motives –
gaining legitimacy, securing and/or maintaining self-coherence and authenticity,
and managing the gender gap – as driving the constructions of women entrepre-
neurs’ identities, scholars may wish to map how, if at all, women’s identity work
strategies and the content of their entrepreneurial identities vary in conjunction
with the motive(s) that activated their identity work in the first place.
We may also wish to compare the identity work tactics and practices of nas-
cent and more seasoned entrepreneurs, or those of first-time and serial entre-
preneurs, to grasp the role of experience in entrepreneurial identity development
and m aintenance – both within and across genders. Finally, exploring the role of
business failure and success in entrepreneurial identity development appears to
be another germane avenue for future research. Questions that seem particularly
promising include: When, if at all, may failure serve as a positive catalyst for the
development of men and women entrepreneurs’ identities (and for that of their
organizations)? How, if at all, may success become detrimental to the advancement
of people’s entrepreneurial projects and identities?
* I am very grateful to Candy Brush, Patti Greene, Mike Pratt, Jean Bartunek, Katherina Kuschel and Juan Pablo Labra
for their helpful comments on earlier drafts of this chapter.
1 In their extant conceptualizations of entrepreneurial identity, scholars have on occasion used the words ‘founder’
and ‘entrepreneur’ interchangeably.
2 The purpose of this table is to selectively showcase definitions of entrepreneurial identity to illustrate the breadth of
existing conceptualizations.
3 Following Schein (1990: 111), my definition of artifacts includes ‘everything from the physical layout, the dress
code, the manner in which people address each other, the smell and feel of the place . . . to the more permanent
archival manifestations such as company records, products, statements of philosophy, and annual reports’.
4 This does not discount the possibility of personal relationships and non-role behaviors as contributing to the
development of entrepreneurial identity.
5 By ‘non-territorial work arrangements’ I refer to workspaces in which employees do not have a dedicated seat, but
rather take over space on a ‘first come, first served’ basis (see Elsbach, 2003).
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Scholars have reported the need to build explanatory theory with respect to the
influence of gender in the venture creation process (Marlow et al., 2009; Henry
et al., 2015; Warren, 2004). Some argue that feminist theory is a robust perspec-
tive from which to examine the experiences of entrepreneurs (Ahl, 2004; Bird
and Brush, 2002; Fischer et al., 1993; Mirchandani, 1999). However, there are few
empirical studies that have explicitly drawn on feminism or feminist experiences
to inform the entrepreneurship literature (Ahl and Marlow, 2012). As such, there
remains a need to further develop theory that is informed through systematic,
empirical research (Orser and Elliott, 2015; Ahl and Marlow, 2012; Ahl, 2004).
In response, this chapter examines how feminist entrepreneurial identity (FEI) is
expressed through founder decision-making. Recommendations for future research
are advanced. The relevance of the study objectives and theoretical underpinnings
are demonstrated in several ways.
First, the chapter contributes to an emerging area of academic inquiry about how
gender is constructed within entrepreneurial identity (Bruni et al., 2004; Down
and Warren, 2008; Eddleston and Powell, 2008; Fenwick and Hutton, 2000;
Warren, 2004). Identity theory explains the ways in which individuals concep-
tualize ‘Who am I?’ within social and institutional settings (Pratt and Foreman,
2000: 18). Given the centrality of founders within the venture creation process,
identity theory is applicable in linking individual (founder or owner) identity and
organizational (the enterprise) identity, a relationship that has been described as
reciprocal (Pratt and Foreman, 2000) and socially constructed (García and Welter,
2011; Fauchart and Gruber, 2011). Identity theory complements the principles of
feminist theory and research, work that strives to ‘understand women in their
social context’ (Bourne, 2007: 121) documenting their lived experiences. Identity
theory responds to criticism of research about women entrepreneurs predicated
on neoliberal economic theory (Ahl, 2004, 2006), theory that emphasizes the value
of pecuniary outcomes without consideration of gender inequalities and alterna-
tive (non-pecuniary) motives for enterprise creation (Warren, 2004). Neoliberal
entrepreneurship theory has also tended to ‘silence’ the feminine within entre-
Patricia G. Greene and Candida G. Brush - 9781785365362
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preneurial identity (Nadin, 2007: 456), viewing the masculine entrepreneur as the
norm against which all entrepreneurial activity is judged (Ahl and Marlow, 2012).
Identity theory responds to the call for dynamic approaches that provide insight
into how gender is produced, and reproduced, rather than what it is (García and
Welter, 2011; Deaux and Major, 1987; Marlow et al., 2009; Orser and Leck, 2010).
Second, while feminist criticism of the entrepreneurship literature has been instru-
mental in highlighting the marginalization of women by mainstream economic and
entrepreneurship research (Walker et al., 2004; Yohn, 2006) and the inequitable
impact of capitalism for women (Mirchandani, 1999; Yohn, 2006), certain tenets
of feminist criticism are dated. For example, scholars of socialist feminism have
typically ignored the significant engagement of women in entrepreneurship and the
associated socio-economic benefits that have been afforded to some through busi-
ness ownership (Orser and Elliott, 2015). The chapter considers how entrepreneur-
ship might inform feminist theory and practice.
Third, documenting feminist values and how ‘being female’ is constructed within
entrepreneurial identity may assist some founders in recognizing and validating
their own ‘identity work’; the personal synergies, tensions and conflicts that they
experience (for example, within themselves and among family, employees, suppli-
ers and clients) (Ahl and Marlow, 2012; García and Welter, 2011). It may also assist
in illuminating those feminine assets or ‘feminine capital’ that contribute in a posi-
tive way to entrepreneurial success (Orser and Elliott, 2015).
The chapter presents findings from a research program that examines feminist
entrepreneurs (FEs) and how their feminist values are expressed through entre-
preneurial action. As the founders engage in entrepreneurial sense-making, they
construct their feminist entrepreneurial identity. In this chapter, we build on pub-
lished findings that have reported on how entrepreneurs express feminist values in
governance structures and relationships (respectively, Orser et al., 2013; Orser and
Elliott, 2015) to examine how feminist entrepreneurial identity (FEI) is constructed
through founder decision-making associated with resource acquisition and market
positioning. A conceptual model that captures the consolidated research findings
is presented.
To do so, this chapter is organized in the following manner. The literature review
opens with a description of definitions and assumptions employed within the study
framework. Identity theory and studies that have empirically examined the associa-
tion among gender, ‘being female’, and entrepreneurial identity are described. We
then present the fieldwork and results. Finally, a synthesis of observations, concep-
tual model, study limitations and conclusions are presented.
Literature review
Definitions and assumptions
For the purpose of this chapter, ‘identity’ is defined as how one perceives ‘self’
(Burke, 2006; Pratt and Foreman, 2000). Entrepreneurial identity refers to how
one perceives self within the venture creation process. It is assumed that gender
is a social construction (Ahl, 2004, 2006), and that gender is recognized as a sali-
ent identity category (Burke, 2006; Limerick and O’Leary, 2006; Ridgeway, 2006).
Gender is therefore ‘enacted through the individual’s own process of identity for-
mation, as well as her interaction with the world’ (Welch et al., 2008: 116). In this
research, we are applying a social constructivist lens, which emphasizes the process
of social interaction in all human cognition and knowledge production (Vygotsky,
1978). Following this subjectivist epistemology, all meaning-making activities
(including entrepreneurial actions and identity construction and reconstruction)
are viewed to be inherently socio-cultural, continuous and relational.1
Entrepreneurial identity
Identity theory suggests that identities create ‘sets of meaning’ or ‘standards’ that
link to patterns of behavior within a social environment (Burke, 2006: 82). The con-
struction of identity is purposeful, sometimes contradictory, inherently linked to
organizational identity, and situated in a social context (Pratt and Foreman, 2000;
Priola, 2004; Ridgeway, 2006). Entrepreneurship scholars have suggested that there
are identity connections among the entrepreneur, her idea or opportunity, and the
resulting business (Cardon et al., 2005), including her management style, organi-
zational structure and governance (Orser et al., 2013). For example, ‘when people
are involved in entrepreneurship, they are also involved in identity construction,
where social categories such as gender and ethnicity are implicated’ (Essers and
Benschop, 2009: 406). Entrepreneurial identity, therefore, is dynamic, multilayered
and relational, as individuals make sense of their social and economic environment
and culture (Down and Warren, 2008; Warren, 2004). Focused on the early stages
of enterprise development, Down and Warren (2008) suggest that entrepreneurial
identity is used to establish organizational and self-legitimacy; entrepreneurs are
skilled at managing and manipulating perceptions of identity in order to achieve
desired outcomes. As noted by Fauchart and Gruber (2011: 936), founders’ social
identity affects new firm creation, whereby strategic decisions have important
‘imprinting effects’.
The above studies are consistent with reports that describe conflict between ‘being
female’ and one’s entrepreneurial self-image. For example, within the private health-
care sector, Nadin (2007) reports that entrepreneurial identity clashed with other
identities such as being female and a caregiver. Verheul et al. (2005: 511) report
that gender has a direct effect on business owners’ perceptions of entrepreneurial
self-image, such that ‘Women were less likely than men to perceive themselves as
entrepreneurs.’ The authors also observed that women were less likely to attribute
enterprise success to themselves compared to men; and the term ‘entrepreneur’
itself had male connotations for some women. Essers and Benschop (2009: 403)
document similar results, whereby female Muslims experienced conflict among
faith, gender and entrepreneurial identity. As Ahl (2004, 2006) points out, dis-
courses around entrepreneurship and archetypes of the ‘heroic entrepreneur’ are
inherently masculine. The masculine becomes a normative construct against which
all entrepreneurial activity is judged: women are seen as ‘other’, and their activity,
by comparison, needs ‘fixing’ (Ahl and Marlow, 2012: 544). García and Welter
(2011) used an interpretive analysis to study how women entrepreneurs interact
with these normative expectations in the construction and reconstruction of their
gendered identities. They identified a variety of experiences in which respondents
perceived dissonance between the discourse of womanhood and that of entre-
preneurship. Women entrepreneurs were continually ‘doing identity work’ to
negotiate their entrepreneurial identities within a context of conflicting discourses
(womanhood versus entrepreneurship), cultural norms and power structures. To
reconcile such differences, the interviewees used two main types of identity work:
‘doing gender’ (that is, supporting the status quo of gender differences) and ‘redo-
ing gender’ (that is, ‘challenging gender differences’) (García and Welter, 2011:
394). For some, entrepreneurship was a strategic tool used to assist in this ‘work’.
In a related study, Orser et al. (2013: 248) explored the nature of being female and
entrepreneurial. Respondents’ narratives described how women were required to
reconcile opposing identities, as they experienced both negative and positive out-
comes from ‘being female’:
Advantages included the ability to share and connect with other women and an ability
to build relationships and learn through others’ experiences. Being female also helped to
foster relationships with potential customers, as ‘female’ was associated with being trust-
worthy and being able to ‘walk the talk’ . . . ‘negative’ included perceptions about difficult
relationships with male suppliers or partners; old boys’ networks; limited access to capital;
lack of female role models; and self-limiting perceptions about growth (e.g., ‘limits my
ability to obtain financing through conventional methods’, ‘locker room mentality’, ‘lack
of trust in women’, ‘feeling like an ‘outsider’, ‘no sounding board’).
These findings are consistent with Fauchart and Gruber’s (2011) research which
explored founder identities and entrepreneurial decision-making in the European
sporting goods sector. In a mixed-gender study of entrepreneurs, they observed
three distinct dimensions of meanings or ‘pure identity types’: Darwinians, com-
munitarians and missionary. The missionary identity is similar to the feminist
entrepreneurial identity described by Orser et al. (2013) and Orser and Elliott
(2015). While founders in the Fauchart and Gruber study did not self-identify as
feminists (and furthermore, no gender influences or biological sex attributes were
reported), both the missionary cohort and Orser et al.’s ‘feminist’ entrepreneurial
cohorts articulated that their ventures affect social change: the founders were
‘doing entrepreneurship’ to ‘pursue their political visions and advance particu-
lar causes, generally of a social or environmental nature’ (Fauchart and Gruber,
2011: 944). Missionary entrepreneurs were making business decisions that were
values-based and ‘exemplary’, to inspire others to use socially responsible prac-
tices. Their decisions were predicated on meanings such as: ‘advancing a cause’,
‘being responsible for contributing to a better world’ and ‘demonstrating that
alternative practices are feasible’ (ibid.: 942). This body of literature leads us to
the research question: how is feminist entrepreneurial identity expressed through
founder decision-making?
Research approach
Fifteen self-identified ‘feminist entrepreneurs’ were recruited through three
Canadian Women’s Enterprise Centres to participate in this study. All responded
to a call for participation with the following definition of feminist entrepreneur:
‘female entrepreneurs who own and operate firms targeting female clients, with
a double bottom line, one that includes helping women overcome subordination
(e.g., for, by, and with women enterprises)’. The sample included entrepreneurs in
the private (n = 12) and not-for-profit (n = 3) sectors, across a variety of sectors.
Consistent with the profile of Canadian small and medium-sized enterprises, all
but one enterprise (a diamond extraction operation) employed fewer than five
employees.2 See Orser et al. (2013) for more details about the recruitment approach
and sampling methods. The sample profile is presented in Table 6.1.
GREENE_9781785365362_t.indd 121
C2 Mining/exploration: all female board Investors; resource-based companies 3 staff; ≈50 contractors Public share offering(s)
C3 MFG/retail clothing Women in trades ‘Tight’ structure; 2 directors/investors; Self and one equity partner
offshore production
C4 Professional network Women in business ‘Lean and mean’ founder + 1 staff + Self
6 associates + 3 chapters
C5 Career/life coaching Women in business Australia, United Kingdom, Canada; very Self
flat, entrepreneurial structure
C6 MFG/retail clothing Professional women Flat, collaboration, consensus Self
C7 Consultant Women in developing countries Sole proprietor; periodically Self
contracts with associates
C8 Real estate: leased office space for Start-up female entrepreneurs 8 sharing office space: ‘collaborative Self
start-ups individualism’
C9 Social networking Female professional mothers; 30−40 3000 direct members; 6 part-time contact Owner and partner
years staff
C10 Education and training: beauty and Female students at school 7 locations Self (debt); franchise opportunities
aesthetics retail
C11 Social networking Women professionals Founder + 10 staff; national advisory boards Self
15/12/2017 07:53
transcripts were analyzed with the aid of a data analysis tool, NVivo8. Following
an interpretive, inductive methodology (Miles and Huberman, 1994; Glaser and
Strauss, 2006), data were coded according to emergent themes and validated by
members of the research team. Participant websites were also reviewed; this pro-
vided additional information about the organization’s mission, vision, products
and/or services, marketing, branding, and so on. The summary results of the analy-
ses are presented and discussed below.
Resource acquisition
FEI was articulated in decisions about the acquisition of human and financial (start-
up) resources and in securing market intelligence and advice. With respect to the
recruitment of employees and contractors, feminist values were evidenced in selec-
tion criteria. FEs described hiring like-minded feminists who shared their values.
It’s what we do. We breathe those values because that’s our mission. So, in this case, my
business is directly focused on feminist values, the right of women to be paid for work of
equal value, the right to advancement, all those things key to feminist ideology.
One respondent explicitly sought to support women who were ‘financially strug-
gling’. Two sought to hire men who ascribed to feminist values. However, as one
FE explained, it was important to ‘screen out’ those who ‘masquerade’ as feminists:
I’m not interested in two types of men who are not feminists. One is those who say that
they are [a feminist] and pretend that they are, and the others who are just outright clear
that they’re not . . . I think that the ones who pretend that they are, are more dangerous
than the ones who are outright that they’re not because at least you know where they’re
coming from and you know where you stand.
After 10 years, a few of us who are largely A-type personalities, women who have been
successful but always sort of been in the shadows of men, decided we’re going to start our
own company for us. So, one of my co-partners is a lawyer, (was a securities lawyer – she
doesn’t currently practice because she’s involved in public companies) . . . and our board
of directors is all women. So we decided that it was time to create a company where we
owned the lion’s share of the stock and it was based on our structure and our model.
With respect to the acquisition of expert knowledge, only two enterprises reported
having a board of directors or advisors. Again, members were selected based on
feminist values, expertise, and affiliation with other members and actors in the
Another critical resource for FEs to acquire is reputational capital. ‘While difficult
to measure, reputation is one of the most valuable, intangible assets an enter-
prise possesses. ‘Reputation is a set of beliefs and evaluation about the enterprise
Market positioning
For many, the founder’s feminist entrepreneurial identity (FEI) was reproduced
through the organization’s brand and market positioning. Being a feminist organi-
zation was the enterprise’s key value proposition, embedded in the firm’s branding
strategy. Two examples follow. The Women’s Executive Network (WXN) positions
itself as a feminist, for-profit firm that empowers and supports women’s leader-
ship. The WXN web page articulates the WXN brand, differentiating it from other
women’s networking organizations. The founder pursued an internationalization
strategy predicated on her own FEI. As the web page describes:
At WXN, we inspire smart women to lead. WXN creates and delivers innovative network-
ing, mentoring, professional and personal development to inform, inspire, connect and
recognise our community of more than 22,000 smart women, their male counterparts and
organisations. WXN enables our Partners and Corporate Members to become and to be
recognised as employers of choice and leaders in the advancement of women. Founded in
1997, WXN is Canada’s leading organisation dedicated to the advancement and recogni-
tion of women in management, executive, professional and board roles. In 2008, WXN
launched in Ireland, followed by London, UK in 2015, creating an international commu-
nity of female leaders. (Women’s Executive Network, 2016)
During the study period, the WXN was sold. The news release emphasized that the
new owner shared the founder’s values and commitment to a feminist cause: ‘as a
life-long advocate for diversity and a female CEO [chief executive officer] champi-
oning HR [human resources] excellence in male-dominated industries (manufac-
turing and automotive), Sherri is no stranger to adversity’ (Jeffry, 2016).
In the case of Moxie Trades, a manufacturer of women’s work wear, the founder’s
commitment to support girls and women is expressed through the company’s
brand: the logo, the firm’s messaging, activities highlighted on the website, and the
content of the owner’s blog posts. Her own story is featured, where the founder
expresses her struggles in a male-dominated field, personal attachment to her
product, and how she wants others to ‘find their moxie’. The organization’s brand
is an expression of her FEI: buying work boots is positioned as being more than just
products, as customers buy into self-determination. As stated on the firm’s website:
The Moxie Trades story is about making the best products with the best brand with
the best customer service. Not only do we sell work boots but also we share moxie with
women everywhere. Moxie Trades is not about the work boots, it’s about the women who
wear them. Moxie is the ability to face fear with spirit and courage. Find Your MOXIE . . .
We Dare YOU!
Strategic compromises
As founders negotiated some of their key strategic decisions, several expressed dis-
sonance in how they prefer to operate as FEs, and how they feel that they are forced
to operate in order to achieve their mission and/or attain acceptable margins, to
ensure that the enterprise is financially viable. They felt compelled to compromise.
For instance, two FEs found supplier solutions that were not ‘ideal’ in terms of their
feminist values and identity. When working with Chinese factory owners, one FE
spoke about the need to adjust her expectations regarding equality in the workplace.
Another mentioned having to deal with male buyers who have a ‘locker room men-
tality’ and chauvinist attitudes. Compromises were also described in the o perations
Governance structures
Orser et al. (2013) report on how feminist entrepreneurs express their feminist
values and ethics through governance structures. When asked, ‘How would you
describe the organizational and management structure of your business?’, par-
ticipants described structures that are ‘flexible’, have ‘open communication’,
‘collaborative’ (with equal participation of members of the team), ‘informal’ and
‘non-hierarchical (flat) structure and relationships’ (ibid.: 251). The descriptors
aligned with their feminist values of equality, empowerment, mutual respect and
Similar alignment was evident when participants spoke about their relationships
with employees, suppliers, customers and competitors Orser et al. (2013). Infused
with words like ‘collaborative’, ‘win‒win’, ‘cooperative’, ‘friendly’, ‘open communi-
cations’, ‘constructive’ and ‘respectful’, their narratives suggest that FEs are consist-
ently producing and reproducing their FEI through their social interactions with
others, as they forge relationships; both internal and external. These meaning-
making activities were consistently aligned with their values. See Table 6.2 for
a summary of these findings from Orser et al. (2013) that have been highlighted
GREENE_9781785365362_t.indd 127
C1 ‘If I see an imbalance somewhere, Could not find equipment for daughter: Collaborative; Good rapport Cooperative,
about something not being fair and ‘My passion is to support females in fluid; community flexible
equal, I’m very verbal and I speak out.’ sports’ oriented
C2 ‘I think we’re all feminists but not in ‘We decided that it was time to create All-female board Lots of commu- Cooperative; easy-
the feminist, crazy feminist mode . . . a company where we owned the lion’s of directors nication going
I think the best person to get the job share of the stock . . . it was based on our
should get the job.’ structure and our model.’
C3 ‘I absolutely feel that [women] are ‘I look to be the one stop destination for ‘Lean’, 2 direc- Cooperative, Cooperative,
under-utilized and not respected in women’s work wear and really promote tors, advisors as friendly, honest; friendly, honest
business as much as they could be.’ women in the trades’ needed feels like home
C4 ‘For some women they need more ‘Offering women a community, a com- Lean Respectful, sup- Team approach;
support in having an equal chance and munity where they could connect.’ portive build alliances
we do go about things differently and
so I think it’s trying to build stronger
C5 ‘People should do what they’re good ‘[I’m] very passionate about getting Flat and flexible Creative, entre- Alliances, honest,
at and what they’re naturally suited women to succeed in businesses, not structure; partici- preneurial open communica-
to, regardless of gender; I just firmly giving their power away.’ pative tion
believed that there were no limits for
C6 ‘I think that women and men should ‘It is really about empowering women, Flat organization; Familial, infor- Win–win, share
15/12/2017 07:53
Table 6.2 (continued)
C7 ‘A feminist basically is a person who ‘Unless women . . . had real equality in Small; 2 employ- Persistent, polite
GREENE_9781785365362_t.indd 128
believes in equality of rights for men very practical ways that nations could ees
and women.’ not change’
C8 Post-structural feminist: ‘collabora- ‘So the vision and purpose of my Collaborative Personal, Collaborative,
tive individualism’, ‘I’m open to where business is very much community individualism collaborative sharing
feminism is going and I’m not sure. So development on entrepreneurship
I’m not imposing any type of structure.’ and collaborative individualism in
C9 ‘Mild feminist’, ‘there’s still a lot of ‘Our mission, we say, is very simple. It’s Community- Informal, home- Win–win, work
work that needs to be done to have just to connect and inspire women.’ building; loose, based together, nurture
women equal . . .I definitely want flexible structure relationship over
to support the initiatives of women time
and I still want to see a lot of change
C10 Stated she was not a feminist but ‘I mean I am always, number one, want- Small company, Professional Professional, fair,
agreed with feminist principles ing to improve the quality of life of professional give the best
defined by the interviewer: ‘In busi- women.’ advice
ness, I’m equal. In personal relation-
ships I become a female, I want to be
respected as one.’
C11 ‘I think a feminist is basically someone ‘My vision was to create a community Lean and entre- Communication, Friendly, share best
who believes in equality. It’s a woman for female professionals across the public, preneurial; small teamwork, shar- practices, learning
who believes that men and women private and non-profit sectors.’ management ing, collabora-
15/12/2017 07:53
GREENE_9781785365362_t.indd 129
C12 Agreed with feminist principles defined ‘To provide a voice for small and micro Small consulting Family Only work with
by the interviewer: ‘I don’t like the enterprises and many of those were firm environment people I like;
term’ women.’ kindred spirits
C13 Liberal feminist but prefers the term ‘Our mission is the advancement of Diversity of Relaxed, non- Positive, respectful,
humanist: ‘I prefer humanist . . . where women in the communications industry board leadership; hierarchical, constructive, not
there are specific issues, there’s a very and I mean career advancement.’ non-hierarchical pleasant demanding, focus
important role for feminism, because it on results
is an ongoing issue for women to have
the opportunities that they need . . .
want . . . and frankly, deserve to have.’
C14 ‘I think a feminist is someone who pro- ‘There was a disconnect, a gap in the Small staff Collaborative, Collaborative,
motes women’s opportunity . . . I pro- communication between entrepreneurs win–win, win–win
mote everybody’s opportunity.’ and investors.’ exploration
C15 ‘It means to recognize the full potential ‘We want to be the premiere private Small company Clear, hard- Clear, hard-working
of being a woman and we want to be equity company that helps successful working bring bring out the best
women.’ female entrepreneurs go to their next out the best
level of significant growth.’
15/12/2017 07:53
from like-minded feminists, and seeking guidance and advice, market intelligence,
and referrals through assembly on boards of directors and councils of advisors.
Many advisors shared feminist values. Market positioning was enhanced through
feminist branding, brands predicated on commitment to empower consumers,
members and other women and girls.5
Several FEs articulated the need to compromise their feminist aspirations in order
to deal with masculine ideologies and male-dominated power structures (for exam-
ple, suppliers, manufacturers, senior administrators). The need to ‘redo’ gender
identity in order to grow their enterprise was evidenced in both non-traditional
sectors (for example, mining, construction, manufacturing) and female-dominated
sectors (healthcare, education). These observations are consistent with those
reported by Ahl and Marlow (2012): in order to be ‘credible actors’ in the entre-
preneurial domain, women construct social identities that reflect dominant mas-
culinized norms (as cited in Eriksson-Zetterqvist, 2002). A delicate balancing act,
the process of discarding and reclaiming feminine identity in order to adhere
to masculine norms, is described by an FE in the diamond extraction (mining)
Many of the women that we work with, the [female] entrepreneurs, don’t self-define as
women. As a matter of fact, they’ve had so many years in the technical fields that being a
woman was not an issue for them. It could be a detriment; sometimes they were excluded
from things.
OK, I see the way things are, some of them I’m going to be able to change and some
of them I’m not. For many of our women, the way that they chose to change things is
by working harder and being more successful. I think that many times, they don’t even
think about it. They just do it. They won’t allow themselves to think about it during the
process . . . you push through.
Many of the FEs had become extremely adept at reconciling different identities (for
example, entrepreneur, miner, woman, mother, wife, friend, board member). Pratt
and Foreman (2000) suggest that negotiating multiple identities can, for some, be
manageable and enabling. Consciously retaining multiple identities allows indi-
viduals to draw on a range of self-referential frames in order to respond to a variety
of situations. Conversely, multiple identities can produce psychological distress,
conflict and overload. Pratt and Foreman (2000) describe how multiple identities
relate to each other, and how this helps to explain whether individuals experience
positive or negative outcomes. For example, organizational conditions (such as the
support of powerful stakeholders) influence the intensity, legitimacy of and tension
among identities. This was evidenced in the current study. Influential boards of
advisors were seen to enhance the entrepreneur’s legitimacy with other decision-
Values Identity
Resource Acquisition
Market Positioning
makers, such as prospective investors. Warren (2004) also observed the important
role of women’s networks in constructing and legitimizing (nascent) female busi-
ness owners’ identities.
Figure 6.1 integrates the current findings with published observations about the
interrelationships among feminist values, feminist entrepreneurial identity and
entrepreneurial decision-making (Orser et al., 2013; Orser and Elliott, 2015). This
process model depicts, graphically, how feminist entrepreneurial identity is socially
constructed through entrepreneurial decision-making, in an ongoing, reflexive
manner. The arrows are bi-directional, between ‘identity’ and the four types of
decision-making processes. These signify the ongoing interplay between FEI that
is enacted through decision-making and FEI that is continually reproduced, as FEs
reflect on the outcomes of these decisions and social interactions. While a diagram
does not do justice to the complexity and ‘social embeddedness’ of the venture
creation process – enacted in contexts that are gendered, economic, historical and
cultural –it is useful in collating insights from our larger research program, and
hence for framing future research propositions about the feminist identity con-
struction process.
Through their interactions, the FEs continually engaged in identity work, aligning
their values and attempting to resolve tensions surrounding decisions which did
not fit perceptions of ‘self’. Hence, the model illustrates how decisions are interre-
lated, shifting back and forth. The FEs described how they consciously reflected on
their entrepreneurial identities and ways to ensure that decisions were consistent
with their sense of ‘self’. Several FEs described difficult compromises they made
to acquire resources needed to fuel enterprise growth. FEs were also continually
renegotiating their FEIs within the context of conflicting discourses around wom-
anhood and entrepreneurship; actions that were often situated in masculine hierar-
chy, cultural norms and power structures.
Study limitations
Investigating feminist entrepreneurs ‘doing identity work’ offers the opportunity
to examine further the intersection between gender, identity and entrepreneurial
activity. However, the limitations of the study are notable. First, the sample does
not represent the larger population of female business owners. Second, the poten-
tial bias of retrospective data is acknowledged. Third, cross-sectional data did not
enable the research team to examine the ways in which gender and feminist entre-
preneurial identity change in time, place and context.
Building on identity and feminist theory, this study examined the association among
feminist values, feminist entrepreneurial identity and decision-making. Empirical
observations were based on 15 semi-structured interviews, an interpretive analysis
was conducted and several themes emerged: resource acquisition through alliances
and networking with like-minded partners (feminists), market positioning through
feminist branding, and strategic compromises to reconcile business objectives and
feminist values. Building on previously reported work (Orser et al., 2013), a con-
ceptual model was developed which highlighted the research findings. This chapter
provides new insights into the gendered nature of the venture creation process, and
specifically the association among feminist entrepreneurial identity and founder
decision-making. The work further refines an emerging praxis: entrepreneurial
feminism (Orser and Elliott, 2015). In so doing, it extends the understanding of
how female entrepreneurs negotiate meaning and express feminist values through
entrepreneurial decision-making and action.
1 Given that identity construction is an inherently social endeavor, we do not make distinctions between different
types of identity ‘work’: individual, role or social identity. Similarly, we do not make distinctions between individual
or organizational levels of analysis.
2 Respondents granted permission for publication of identifying information, as per the University of Ottawa
Research Ethics Board protocol.
3 Following Fauchart and Gruber (2011) the first two influences are strategic (acquisition of resources, market
positioning), decisions that have important ‘imprinting’ effects on an emerging enterprise. Both were of particular
interest in the expression of FEI.
4 Table 6.2 includes two columns on the left (feminist identity and entrepreneurial motives) which constitute inter-
related meaning-making structures for FEI. As the FEs pursue entrepreneurial action, they express FEI through
strategic decisions around governance, relationships, resource acquisition and market positioning.
5 Feminist branding appears as a subset of entrepreneurial empowerment marketing. A large-scale example
is Walmart’s ‘Women-Owned’ initiative. Partnering with women’s organizations (for example, WEConnect
International, Women’s Business Enterprise National Council), Walmart has positioned the logo project as an
‘ongoing commitment to empowering women around the world and helping women-owned businesses succeed
and grow’ (Walmart, 2015).
6 The missionary type was among the minority of Fauchart and Gruber’s sample: ‘pure’ missionary entrepreneurs
represented 9 of 49 respondents.
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structures and influence processes which constitute the social context . . . identity
resides in psychological processes but is manifested through thought, action and
affect’ (Breakwell, 2010: 63). This reflects Erikson’s (1968: 22) argument that in
identity ‘we deal with a process “located” in the core of the individual and yet also
in the core of his [sic] communal culture . . . identity formation employs a process
of simultaneous reflection and observation’. It also acknowledges more recent pro-
cessual arguments that the identity phenomenon comprises the three processes
of identity formation, identity activation and resultant behavior (Bothma et al.,
2015). As such, identities provide a meaning-making anchor: choices (decisions,
outcomes) are identity-based and identity-congruent (Oyserman et al., 2012).
Identities are, therefore, ‘the traits and characteristics, social relations, roles, and
social groups that define who one is . . . Identities are orienting, they provide a
meaning-making lens and focus one’s attention on some but not other features of
the immediate context’ (Oyserman et al., 2012: 69).
and specifically to the communicative practices that shape gender identity forma-
tion (Duveen and Lloyd, 1990). This entails three shifts of emphasis. First, we focus
on identity as a social as well as a personal construct (Fearon, 1999; Watson, 2009a).
Second, we draw attention to the importance of considering identity as dynamic
and fluid rather than as a (relatively) fixed and unchanging feature. Third, on the
basis of this, we concentrate on the process through which entrepreneurial identi-
ties are formed and shaped. Specifically, we argue that only by understanding the
dynamics of identity formation is it possible to relate identity to entrepreneurial
outcomes. By exploring how a female entrepreneur performs identity work within
different entrepreneurial contexts we provide increased insights into the historical,
social and cultural influences on identity work (Hamilton, 2013a; Bruni et al., 2005).
We also demonstrate how identity is co-constituted over time and in relation to
others, highlighting that is inextricable from context. By taking a feminist perspec-
tive on the identity work performed by the female entrepreneur we shed light on
how she shapes her identity, and how it is shaped to fit with an entrepreneurial
Identity theory
The search for identity is a central symptom of individualism (Ybema et al., 2009:
299). Identity is not something which we can objectify as an observable entity, but
that which we can construct or articulate in an ongoing interaction with our social
environment: ‘that work of art which we want to mould out of the friable stuff of life
is called “identity”’ (Bauman, 2000: 82). In discussions of identity there is a tension
between the image of harmony, logic and consistency, and everyday experience. If
identity is a negotiation between self and society, between what is within us and
what lies outside, it is at the same time both that which is perceived by others and
Accordingly, within the various discourses of, for instance, enterprise, manage-
ment and leadership, there are one or more social identities of the ‘entrepreneur’,
‘manager’ and ‘leader’. In other words, ‘elements of discourse are personified in the
form of “social-identities” in a way which makes them meaningful, accessible and
appealing or unappealing to the individual, and in a way that the abstractions of a
“discourse” could not’ (Watson, 2008: 129). Given that in liquid modernity there
are multiplicities of diverse, competing and contradictory discursive pressures on
text’ (Marlow and McAdam, 2015: 793; Butler, 1993). In other words, constructing
and reconstructing identity occurs in everyday lives and settings. In the research
reported in this chapter we pose the following research question: how and to what
extent is female entrepreneurial identity shaped by historical life-events and their
contemporary embeddedness in and experience of social situations and networks?
Fundamental to the research reported in this chapter are three transitions in per-
spective in entrepreneurial identity research (Leitch and Harrison, 2016): first, there
is a move from the static analysis of identity per se to the process of identity con-
struction, in which identity work as the means by which this emerges is important;
second, there is a resultant shift from social identity to the concept of self-identity;
and third, in entrepreneurship, as in organization studies more generally, there is
growing interest in the situational nature of identity construction, which has not
yet been empirically and systematically investigated (Soekijad and Skovgard Smith,
2012). As such, this research responds to Hjorth et al.’s (2008) call for work which
goes beyond the uncreative and decontextualized research currently dominant in
entrepreneurship (see Welter, 2011; Wright et al., 2014), and sees individuals as
creative and emergent beings who continuously exchange with others to shape
their identities and life-orientations (Watson, 2013a). Given that ‘identity issues
call for considerable depth and richness’ (Svenningsson and Alvesson, 2003: 1170),
a single case study research design (Watson, 2008, 2009b; Perren and Ram, 2004;
Svenningsson and Alvesson, 2003) using ethnographic techniques was adopted
which allowed insights, experiences, meanings and interpretations in a particular
context to be uncovered.
There is an emerging research agenda focused on exploring identity work and for-
mation as a fluid, complex, multifaceted and context-specific process in which both
the external (representation of self) and internal (biographical, lived experience)
perspectives are important. Given that gender is a social construction, our choice
of an interpretivist ethnographic research design and methodology was informed
by three specific considerations (Svennigssson and Alvesson, 2003; Watson, 2008).
First, the research focus is on identity work as a process of emergence (Chia and
Holt, 2006) rather than on the static representation of identity. Second, self-identity
is socially constructed and, thus, is not meaningful in isolation from the social
world of other people (Jenkins, 1996; Oyserman et al., 2012). That means that the
identity work individuals engage in is not primarily or exclusively an internal, self-
oriented process. Rather, through talk and action the inwardly directed process of
internal self-reflection and the outwardly oriented process of external engagement
with various social identities are integrated (Watson, 2008: 130). Third, although
there are some empirical studies of the role of context in entrepreneurial identity
formation, in particular (Down and Reveley, 2009; Miller and Le Breton-Miller,
2011), there remains little formal investigation of the situational nature of iden-
tity construction by individuals facing change, where the process of identity work
depends on the situation they are in and on the interests that are at stake in those
specific concrete situations (Soekijad and Skovgard Smith, 2012).
Research context
Our research is nested within a more extensive, longitudinal case study investi-
gation into the process of leader and leadership development in entrepreneurial
ventures, all of which were focused on opportunity recognition, exploitation and
venture growth (Shane and Venkataraman, 2000; Morris et al., 2015). We followed
leaders from 22 companies drawn from several cohorts of a leadership development
program (Leitch et al., 2012).1 Mary, the subject of this case study, was one of these
owners. When she started the venture with her husband (Sam) and father-in-law
(James) she was 54 years old and had no prior entrepreneurial experience, having
previously worked in a number of shopfloor and office roles in large companies in
the textile and consumer electronics assembly industries. However, when James
indicated that he wished to establish an engineering business in a sector in which
he had over 30 years’ experience, and Sam over 25 years, she was persuaded to join
the venture. Although Mary acknowledges that she knew nothing about founding
a business, having provided the majority of the start-up capital she became a direc-
tor alongside James and Sam. James, as father and founder, was initially managing
director, ostensibly with responsibility for the overall direction and management of
the business. Sam was production manager, and on his father’s retirement became
managing director. At the outset, Mary was focused on managing the administra-
tive functions, though gradually took on the leadership role, albeit not formally
Data collection
The authors, together with a researcher2 trained in ethnographic field research
methods, collected data over approximately an 18-month period using a combina-
tion of overt observation, conversations, interviews and documentary materials,
and regularly compared field notes and experiences for consistency (see Appendix).
This is consistent with the distinctive nature of ethnographic research, which is
predicated on a commitment to methodological holism (Gellner and Hirsch, 2001)
in which researchers ‘observe closely the actions, meanings, artefacts and outcomes
that constitute the field’ (Watson and Watson, 2012: 685). Given that anything in
the research context is potentially relevant, it is the combination of material from
diverse sources that forms the ‘ethnographic record’ (Kuper, 1994: 17), which is the
basis for deepening our understanding of the aspect of modern life under consid-
eration (Watson and Watson, 2012).
Given the volume of material we are obviously not in a position to provide a com-
prehensive analysis of everything this might tell us about the formation of entre-
preneurial identity. As is common in ethnographic research, we have to exercise
selectivity as researchers in the choice of data to present and the manner in which
it is presented. Our approach to this has been to use the longitudinal single case
study – drawing in particular on the interviews and conversations with Mary,
informed by the relevant portions of the field notes and observational data – to
shine a light on entrepreneurial identity construction.
The interviews were unstructured and open-ended and no specific reference was
made to identity. Our intention was to open the possibility of ‘gaining an insight
into the experiences, concerns, interests, beliefs, values, knowledge and ways of
seeing, thinking and acting’ of the participant (Schostak, 2006: 10). As such, the
focus is on the interview as an interactive process where both the interviewer
and interviewee are co-constructing meaning and interpreting this process (Cassel,
2005; Denzin, 2001). In this respect the approach differs from that of the conven-
tional qualitative interviewer, for whom the semi-structured interview is designed
as a purposive exploration of the phenomenon of interest. All interviews were
recorded and transcribed verbatim and field observations from each session were
also written up to provide a text for analysis. In line with assurances given to partic-
ipants, their names and business identities have been changed to ensure anonymity.
Data analysis
The analysis reported here relates specifically to data pertaining to Mary and her
business. Data analysis has been informed by recent discussions of interpretivist
research in entrepreneurship (Leitch et al., 2010; Leitch and Hill, 2015), and fol-
lowed the protocols of the grounded theory framework (Strauss and Corbin, 1998;
Glaser and Strauss, 1967). Specifically, this uses three basic elements: concepts/
codes (basic units of analysis), categories (more abstract than concepts) and
propositions/themes (relationships among categories). Coding was carried out
in three stages: first, open coding, the identification of relevant concepts/codes;
second, axial coding, the refinement of these concepts into categories; and third,
selective coding, the process of relating one category to another to generate themes.
At the open coding stage, familiarity was gained through close reading and re-
reading of the text that supported early coding of the transcriptions. Data were
broken down into codes by asking simple questions, such as ‘Who?’, ‘What?’,
‘When?’, ‘Where?’, ‘Why?’ and ‘How?’ These codes were then compared and similar
occurrences ‒ that is, duplication ‒ were placed under the same concept/code, to
provide a list of unique codes for further analysis. Axial coding was conducted to
refine, reclassify and group each concept/code into categories. Finally, selective
coding occurred which consisted of making connections between the different cat-
egories to develop theoretical interpretations. Throughout the analysis, constant
comparison was made between existing data and emerging categories until data
saturation was obtained. In the present study, the case analysis of the emergence of
Mary’s identity, this was not achieved at the end of the data collection process for
the leadership development program and, therefore, it was decided to carry out the
further interviews as specified above after its completion.
While ‘pure’ grounded theory sees conceptual sense-making, that is, theory emerg-
ing from the data (Glaser, 1999), our approach was to work iteratively, switching
back and forth between the inductive and the deductive (Watson, 2012). Thus, the
research process involved ongoing iteration across the data collection, analysis and
interpretation phases. Nevertheless, relying on the coding protocols of grounded
theory allowed the data to be organized and structured ‘according to the issues and
topics identified by participants as being important for the phenomenon of interest’
(Leitch and Hill, 2015: 6). In essence, themes were ‘derived from the concepts and
categories which social actors use to interpret and understand their worlds’ (Jones,
1985: 25).
Table 7.1 Inductive analysis and data coding: the case of Mary
Table 7.1 (continued)
Leadership Leadership
Developing awareness of being a business owner
Relationship between leader and business
Role and leadership
Contingency of entrepreneurial leader role
Partnership roles and mutual dependence
Nature versus nurture (born not made)
Formal title versus role played
This narrative is based on Mary’s reflections on, and interpretations of, her evolving
role in the business that allows the identification of dimensions of the construction
of her identity. In presenting this story we continue to exert the selectivity central
to the ethnographic research process and, accordingly, draw on all of the material
available to us to provide a holistic account of Mary’s identity construction (van
Mannen, 1988; Cunliffe, 2010). We do so as a contribution to the still relatively
sparse literature of empirical studies addressing in-depth identity construction on
the personal level (Svenningsson and Alvesson, 2003). As the identities of individu-
als in contemporary organizational contexts are frequently fluid and fragmented,
and that ‘identity lacks sufficient substance and discreteness to be captured in ques-
tionnaires or single interviews and to be measured and counted’ (Svenningsson and
Alvesson, 2003: 1165), our aim was to produce a thick rich case account of identity
By the end of the research she was able to reflect on what had changed in her: ‘Belief
in myself. I think I can quite honestly hold my head up now and say I’m a business
woman. I would never have done that before.’
As reflected in the shift embodied in these two quotations, we explore Mary’s jour-
ney and discuss the nature of the identity work in which she engaged in this process
of identity construction.
Personal attributes
Mary’s initial concern about her lack of knowledge, expertise and experience is
associated with her personal attributes and, in particular, the negative dimensions
of lack of confidence, fear and naivety. These, together with the more positive per-
sonal attributes ‒ for example, initiative, adaptability and influencing skills ‒ in turn
underlie the commitment she has shown to learning. This is reflected in a rapid
expansion in her technical knowledge of the business and in her broader under-
standing of its commercial dynamics and competitive context.
Within this there is an increase in her appreciation of the tensions and implications
of being in a family business. A further manifestation of learning as an emergent
category in this narrative is the importance of leadership and leadership develop-
ment, which is also stimulated by both her negative and positive personal attributes
as well as her developing knowledge of the business. Collectively these six catego-
ries interrelate to construct Mary’s identity.
Given that Mary made it clear that establishing this business, becoming an d irector/
owner and playing a significant part in the day-to-day running of the enterprise
was alien to her, it is clear that she perceived that she lacked relevant knowledge,
experience and expertise. This is in the context of a wider absence of significant
managerial and leadership experience in her co-founders. This meant that Mary did
not have access within the business to the sort of coaching and mentoring expertise
that would help her grow into the role of director/owner. The narrative of her iden-
tity construction, therefore, is set within the context of the absence of meaningful
support. Mary is explicit about Sam and James’s limitations, notwithstanding their
knowledge of and experience in the production technology involved:
James was the only one that had any management experience, he had no business experi-
ence, he still doesn’t but he had a bit of management experience, so it was him and I that
did the [initial shopfloor recruitment] interviews and we picked all the wrong people, you
know, we just didn’t have a clue, we sort of went on a wing and prayer.
For the first year and a half I would say, Sam worked on the shopfloor, until his back was
that bad that he couldn’t do any more and he had to start on lighter duties.
Mary acknowledges that initially she was not comfortable in this new venture
which is displayed in her frequent allusions to a lack of confidence, fear and con-
cerns about her ability to effectively carry out her role: ‘No, I was frightened. I’m
still the same, it feels that I’ve been frightened all my life and I’m thinking: no, I’m
going to do it now.’
Much of this fear and lack of confidence appears to be situational. In our first
interview with Mary she reflected on her earlier shift from the shopfloor, working
as a machinist in the textile industry, to being an engineer’s assistant in electronics
assembly: ‘I loved that job, it was very interesting. So, I suppose that gave me a wee
bit of confidence in myself that I was capable of doing an awful lot more than what
I had done in the past.’
However, this confidence did not translate into the new venture. Mary did not
identify herself as a director, owner or leader of the company; indeed, she did not
even consider herself capable of being a competent book-keeper. From the outset
the company experienced significant problems. Within the first year James made
a costly error in materials ordering which almost put them out of business. To
address this issue their new investors had to refinance to a larger extent than had
been anticipated, and as a result their ownership share was raised to 50 percent.
Around this time also, James started to indicate that he would like to retire, as it
became increasingly clear that the commitment required to launch and grow a suc-
cessful business far exceeded his expectations. This was compounded by his poor
managerial skills, particularly in supervising the shopfloor workforce. Together
these brought about a crisis in Mary’s mind: ‘we thought, he’s [James] the only one
that’s got any management experience here, what on earth are we going to do? . . .
[so] we started looking into what training we needed to take the company forward
if James left.’
This suggests that Mary, to a much greater extent than Sam, was developing a
strong sense of what was needed to be done to secure the future of the business.
However, she made it clear that it was only on the suggestion of an external business
development advisor that she decided to attend a development program targeted at
leaders/owners of new and growing businesses. In other words, the opportunity for
learning emerged more as an enforced response to circumstances than as a mani-
festation of a growing awareness of entrepreneurial identity. Indeed, Mary’s initial
reaction reflected both her lack of confidence and her non-articulation of an iden-
tity as a director, owner or leader: ‘When [programme director] was here telling me
about the course, I was very enthusiastic about it and then I got cold feet with the
price of the course and I thought “am I worth spending that kind of money?”’.
This relates back to Mary’s discovery that events in her formative years had shaped
her self-awareness. In particular, she recalled a specific incident from her school
years. She tells of how at the age of ten her teacher split the class into two groups:
The grammar3 group who were all her favourites and she wanted to teach them because
she thought that they would go far and . . . the group where she couldn’t be bothered with
the pupils . . . So we were left at one side of the room with a book to read, you know, left
to get on with it ourselves.
The ten-year-old Mary was not happy about this and asked to be moved into the
grammar group, an aspiration that was dashed by her teacher: ‘She went, you must
be joking, she said you think I’m going to waste my time teaching you, she said you
will never amount to anything in your life. And that has stuck with me forever.’
This illustrates the importance and impact of even quite early events in an indi-
vidual’s life history as antecedents to identity construction: while the negative con-
sequences of this stigmatization continue to show in Mary’s lack of confidence, as
in her response to the program director, she recognizes that this drove her, and
continues to drive her, to achieve. In the context of the current narrative her deci-
sion to participate in the development program was Mary’s response to what she
saw as another challenge: ‘We had a bit of a discussion about it and we decided that
yes, I should do it anyway . . . I need to do something to get me to the level I need to
be at. It’s something that needs to be done.’
For Mary this level was to become confident in making decisions. It is not that she
did not make decisions, nor that they were not the correct ones, but that she was
not always assured that they were right because, as she put it on the first day of the
leadership program: ‘I don’t have business experience, I don’t have role models to
learn from, I’ve not been brought up in business, I’ve just been flung in – I need to
know that I’m doing the right things.’
By the end of the first day on the program she had discovered that she was not the
only person who did not have much confidence in their capabilities. More specifi-
cally, she began to appreciate that problem-solving and decision-making abilities
do not come naturally to many people, including those she saw as successful busi-
ness leaders. This prompted a realization that she has natural capabilities to do
these. By the end of the program she was able to reflect more expansively on what
she had learned:
It was finding out that I wasn’t a million miles away from where I needed to be, that I
was instinctively doing the right things. Before that I had been very, very doubtful about
whether I was doing things right or not . . . [Now] I know I’ve got something about me
that a lot of people don’t have. I don’t even think its ambition, so I don’t know what it is.
I call it initiative, I’ve got a lot of initiative, I can go into a situation and I can see what
needs to be done and I can get on with it . . . there’s not an awful lot of people that have
For Mary this structured learning and development process played a central role in
the construction of her identity. Not only did it stimulate her to re-evaluate inci-
dents in her formative years and their impact on her sense of self, but it also pro-
vided a framework for conversations with her peers, coaches and program faculty,
which led her to reconsider who she was. Reflecting on the program a year after its
completion, she summarized this change as follows:
I thought I would feel like an interloper when I went there, I was absolutely terrified . . . I
can remember thinking before I went there they’re going to see right through me, they’re
going to know that I am no good at anything and that there’s no way that I am a business
person and I shouldn’t be there.
By the end of the course she had discovered that everybody else had the same kind
of problems as herself, and as a result she reported that not only had her confidence
been built, but that she really felt that she had a right to be there. In other words,
she had arrived at a position where in answer to the question ‘What do you consider
yourself to be?’ she could unequivocally answer, ‘Definitely a business woman’.
Mary has not incorporated a sense of being a leader into her emerging identity, not-
withstanding the fact that she participated in a leadership development program,
which she found to be of enormous benefit. Indeed, it is quite the opposite:
I’m saying I don’t see myself as a leader . . . maybe I’ve lost my definition of what a leader
is . . . because the more I’m talking about it the more I’m thinking I probably make an
awful lot of decisions and not force a lot of things to be done . . . [for example] if we’re
needing to cut costs and things like that, the initial ideas or the initial thing would be for
me to say this is what the state of the company is and we need to do something about it.
investors sought to move Mary and Sam into new, non-core operational roles and
to bring someone else in to run the company. For Mary this was anathema, and
she presents one of the clearest expressions of her emerging identity as a business
owner, one which drew more on a nurturing familial interpretation than a conven-
tional entrepreneurial one:
This is our baby . . . this is our child, this is for us to nurture and bring it up. I think if
Sam had retired instead of James, I don’t think the business would have survived, if I had
retired and either of them had stayed I don’t think the business would have survived. I
think it needed what happened to happen.
This strengthened her resolve and sense of identity as a legitimate business owner.
Although she did not, and still does not, have the designation of managing direc-
tor (reflecting the primogeniture characteristic in the family business; Hamilton,
2013a), Mary acknowledges that in this instance it was she who drove the negotia-
tions to exit the investors and restore full control of the business to the family.
From Mary’s story three overarching themes about identity construction in general
emerge, as well as two that are specifically related to gender. While these are at
one level specific to a particular case, the selective coding process allows for the
identification of themes that are of wider applicability to the analysis of the social
process of interest. It is important to note that even though Mary was specifically
asked if she felt being a woman impacted on her experiences of being either an
entrepreneur or leader, she stated that she felt this was irrelevant. Nevertheless,
in the analysis of the themes we draw attention to the role gender plays in the
The analysis of identity and identity construction we have presented in this chapter
is consistent with Acker’s (1990) model for the study of gendering, which i dentifies
as she progressed on the program and discovered that the problems she faced and
the solutions she derived were not radically different from those of her peers, it is
evident that Mary’s identification with the group grew, which demonstrates nicely
the self-reinforcing aspect of identity work. Attaining legitimacy not only requires
contextualized recognition and approval for the self as a credible subject within a
particular setting (Lounsbury and Glynn, 2001: 546), but also by self-confirmation
leads to an increased sense of belonging (Hogg, 2006).
At the outset Mary’s role in the business was as office manager, focused on the
commercial aspects and managing the administrative functions; while James, as
father and founder, was managing director, ostensibly with responsibility for the
overall direction and management of the business; and Sam, as his son, was pro-
duction manager, in charge of the shopfloor. The ways in which these titles were
assigned did not accurately reflect the actual allocation of responsibilities and tasks,
and as the findings highlight, increasingly Mary more explicitly demonstrated lead-
ership capabilities and strategic oversight. While internally Mary’s role was explic-
itly acknowledged by the workforce, the rewards generated by her were subsumed
into Sam’s rewards, via the title of managing director, which he assumed on his
father’s retirement. The title confers a certain status and is associated with particu-
lar behaviors and responsibilities, and thus, from an external perspective at least,
Sam is assumed to be the owner-manager and lead entrepreneur. This potentially
downplays the role carried out in the business by Mary and diminishes our under-
standing of the everyday entrepreneurial practice of women (Hamilton, 2013b).
Even though, to all intents and purposes, Mary is the entrepreneurial leader of the
business, which Sam himself acknowledges, the fact that he succeeded his father
demonstrates the dominance of primogeniture, whereby the eldest son, irrespec-
tive of his skills and capabilities, becomes the business’s natural successor (Hoy and
Sharma, 2006).
The adoption of an ethnographic approach allowed us to highlight the fluidity
of identity construction arising from, contributing to and being shaped, either
Foci of
identity conscious
formation Ascribed
Life spheres
Dynamic identity formation through identity work
Life roles
Our approach in this chapter has been to locate the interplay between identity,
identity work and gender in the social domain: ‘Theorizing gender exclusively at
the level of the subject risks letting social relations disappear . . . allowing gender
to be seen as located primarily in the individual . . . Gender is not only the psy-
chic ordering of biological difference, it is the social ordering of that difference’
(Marshall, 1994: 112). In so doing we eschew essentialist notions of identity and
view identity construction as an ongoing process that is dynamic and fluid, not
stable or fixed. We follow Bradley (2007: 90) in believing that employment and
family relationships are important locations of the social ordering of gender, not
least when they are bound up in issues of ownership and leadership in the family
business. Accordingly, we bring a feminist perspective to interrogate the data in
terms of both entrepreneurship more broadly and family business more specifi-
cally. Entrepreneurship, specifically business ownership, we see as a manifestation
of the gendered segregation of work (Hakim, 2000) and reflected in the continued
existence of ‘gendered niches’ (Crompton, 1997) which reflect beliefs that women
are more suited for some activities, men for others: androcentrism and the domina-
tion of masculine norms perpetuate the idea that business ownership itself is ‘male’;
but even within the ownership of a business the gendered niches occupied by
women are c ommonly of lower status (‘office manager’) and reward, with accompa-
nying challenges for identity.
The search for identity in the construction of the woman entrepreneur involves
challenging the prevailing discourse of masculinity and ‘fit work’ as represented
in the discourse of entrepreneurship. In so doing, as Mary’s case demonstrates, it
requires confronting the symbols and stereotypes of maleness as reflected in atti-
tudes and patterns of behavior. In this, stepping outside the workplace, for example
by participating in a leadership development program, can act as an ‘identity work
crucible’, helping the woman entrepreneur overcome negative workplace-based
interactions. Thus, it becomes possible to transcend the internalization and accept-
ance of traditional views of gender-appropriateness and begin the process of shap-
ing and accepting an entrepreneurial identity.
1 All participants were founders, owners or chief executive officers of growth-oriented ventures engaged in a nine-
month executive education program focused on personal leadership assessment and development and business
development and growth. Participants were required to pay at least 50 percent of the costs of the program (the
remainder coming from the regional economic development agency). The authors of this chapter were not involved
in the development and delivery of the program, but did undertake an assessment of its effectiveness (Leitch et al.,
2 We would like to thank Dr Christel McMullan for her contribution to the data collection for this project.
3 At this time in the United Kingdom there was a process of educational selection at the age of 11: the grammar
school stream, representing about 30 percent of the age cohort, followed an academic curriculum designed to pre-
pare them for university entrance; the remainder followed a more vocational programme aimed at preparing them
for direct entry to the labor market.
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The most frequently used theoretical model for studying intentions, and especially
entrepreneurial intentions is based on the ‘theory of planned behavior’ (TPB)
(Ajzen, 1991). This model in turn was derived from the ‘theory of reasoned action’
(TRA) (Fishbein and Ajzen, 1975). While the TPB has proven robust in numerous
studies and contexts, even when researchers took considerable liberties with alter-
ing the variables (Brännback et al., 2007; Krueger et al., 2000), there has been con-
siderable critique with respect to assumed volitional control in particular (Bagozzi
and Warshaw, 1990; Brännback et al., 2007). The original model, the TRA, assumed
that the intentions to act were under volitional control of the actor. As a response
to this critique, the TPB was introduced. This model included perceived behavioral
control (PBC) to accommodate for situations where the intender was potentially
limited in carrying out the intention. PCB is a measure of perceived ease or dif-
ficulty of performing the intended behavior. That is, a measure of the actual control
over the behavioral intention a person has to carry out the behavior when the
opportunity arises. Bagozzi and Warshaw (1990) were not content with the TPB
either, and argued that the TPB only applied to partially volitional behavior, and
that before the actual behavior occurred the intention was only a series of attempts
or trials. Hence their introduction of the ‘theory of trying’ (TT).
The concept of perceived behavioral control (PBC) in turn was strongly influenced
by Bandura’s concept of self-efficacy (Bandura, 1986). While the concepts are clearly
related, according to Ajzen (2002) they are distinct. Perceived self-efficacy is a per-
son’s subjective belief (not an objective measure) over their capability to carry out a
task. It is a subjective belief of control over behavior, but not over the outcome:
Perceived behavioral control simply denotes subjective degree of control over perfor-
mance of the behavior itself. The distinction here is the same as that between efficacy
expectation (that is, the perceived ability to perform a behavior) and outcome expecta-
tion (that is, the perceived likelihood that performing the behavior will produce a given
outcome (Ajzen, 2002: 668).
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Ajzen continues to point out that the term really should be ‘perceived control over
performance of behavior’.
If these two constructs are separate, we should be able to find empirical support
for this. The study we report on below is part of a larger set of studies where we
included a variety of cognitive factors impacting entrepreneurial intentions. Here
we are specifically concerned with self-efficacy and perceived behavioral control.
The scales we used for self-efficacy were from Chen et al. (2001) and Liñán and
Chen (2009) for perceived behavioral control. At face value the scales seem almost
identical. The latter includes the word ‘control’ among the items, and our fear was
whether respondents would be sensitive to this. Our concern was that we tend to
use scales and measures that are similar for measuring quite different things. To
be blunt: do we know what we are measuring? It seems that we do. The results
show that there are no convergent validity or reliability issues. In entrepreneurship
research ‘self-efficacy’ and ‘perceived behavioral control’ are sometimes used as
synonyms and interchangeably and sometimes as distinct constructs. We treated
them as separate constructs, and discovered something interesting.
The importance of context in understanding the success and failure of any business
is not new, but this understanding remains incomplete. Context is not only a careful
description of a social setting, but spans everything from spatial to institutional and
even temporal settings. For example, we know from the field of strategy that critical
success factors are firm-specific (context) factors enabling a firm to create a compet-
itive advantage in a market (context) which they are serving. Interestingly, the role of
context in entrepreneurship research has frequently been neglected (Gartner, 1985;
Welter, 2011). But there are instances when context – within entrepreneurship –
becomes everything, and a valid excuse to define and describe that specific type of
entrepreneurship as special, and all phenomena within that particular area as not
general. Therefore, it sometimes seems as if the requirement of generalizability has
to be disregarded, or at least treated differently (Brännback and Carsrud, 2016).
Such an area would be biotechnology, distinguished as a special case of technology
entrepreneurship. Take, for example, two reports written for the Finnish National
Technology Agency (TEKES) in 2001 and 2005, and a book chapter in 2008. These
were titled ‘Finnish Pharma Cluster ‒Vision 2010’ (Brännback et al., 2001) ‘Pharma
development in Finland today and 2015’ (Brännback et al., 2004), and ‘Strategy and
strategic thinking in biotechnology entrepreneurship’ (Carsrud et al., 2008). Another
area is obviously female entrepreneurship, where ‘female’ is not just to signify gender
but also to state differences from male entrepreneurship. Thus, gender can and
should also be seen as a ‘gender context’ that exists in other contexts (Welter, 2011).
To us, social activities occur in multiple contexts, where gender is one such context.
Obviously, we argue that context influences the cognitions and behaviors of both
male and female entrepreneurs, not only in the start-up process but also in sub-
sequent decisions to grow the venture. Context offers deeper insights into how
individuals interact with situations, and how situations influence individuals, which
allows us to explain seemingly anomalous results (Johns, 2006). Contextual factors
set boundaries for theoretical generalizations, thus indicating how we can improve
the theory lens by contextualizing entrepreneurship theory (Whetten, 1989).
Accordingly, cognitive embeddedness informs us on the ‘ways in which the struc-
tured regularities of mental processes limit the exercise of economic reasoning’
among founders (Zukin and DiMaggio, 1990: 15‒16). Yet, research on the impact of
context on entrepreneurial cognitions and behaviors remains in its infancy (Welter,
2011). Our greatest concern is over the usual assumption that the impact of context
is the same for both men and women, hence gender as such is not recognized as a
context in itself but merely reduced to a control variable. However, there are, as we
know, notable examples in women’s entrepreneurship research that identify con-
textual factors unique to the female founder experience (Brush et al., 2009) and in
ethnic entrepreneurs (Kloosterman et al., 1999). This line of research offers useful
theoretical perspectives by proposing multilayered embeddedness concepts which
recognize the diverse institutional and socio-spatial contexts in which human
agency is embedded.
The reason why context is often ignored is that context is difficult to describe
and explain. As we have shown above, many researchers assume that context is
equal in its impact for all involved (female and male). Clearly, to assume that the
effects of society are the same for women as for men, even at a superficial level, is
naive. We have seen studies on entrepreneurial passion which assumed that all
the entrepreneurs were male, and their investors were male. The context of pas-
sion for male entrepreneurs most likely is very different both physiologically and
cognitively from the context for female entrepreneurs. Perception of an investment
opportunity will differ based on the gender of the investors as well. Thus, differ-
ent contexts could have differential impacts of passion on investment decisions of
investors (Brännback and Carsrud, 2016).
One of the more subtle reasons that context is often ignored is because the empiri-
cal research in entrepreneurship uses statistical analysis and quantitative mod-
eling. While there are certainly valid reasons for this, it does make it hard, if not
impossible, to translate a complex context into a set of easily measured variables
to plug into some structured equation models. Therefore, researchers take the
easy way out by controlling for simple demographic factors such as age, firm size,
industry, income level and marital status. Gender is not always considered as a
factor to control for, but it ought to be. Rarely do you see discussions about reli-
gious beliefs impacting cognitions and behaviors, but obviously they do. It would
help in understanding context to include a short section describing the known
context, and then in the discussion section to take in the implications of context
on the results.
nimportant, irrelevant, or the same for both genders (Brännback and Carsrud,
2016). As we will show here, there are differences in how males and females per-
ceive behavioral control, and we suggest that part of the explanation for this can
be found in contexts and, obviously, cognition – and that it is indeed gendered
too. As Welter (2011: 173) rightly argues, ‘a first challenge in contextualizing
entrepreneurship is to make entrepreneurship theory more context sensitive, that
is, to contextualize theory’. Frequently, context is taken for granted, and its impact
is underappreciated or it is controlled away (Johns, 2006). All said, we propose the
following hypotheses.
H1: Family business background has a direct positive effect on female entrepre-
neurial intentions.
H1a: Family business background has a direct positive effect on male entrepre-
neurial intentions.
H2: Perceived behavioral control mediates the relationships between family business
background and entrepreneurial intentions for females.
H2a: Perceived behavioral control mediates the relationships between family busi-
ness background and entrepreneurial intentions for males.
H3: Self-efficacy mediates the relationships between family business background and
entrepreneurial intentions for females.
Rarely do we see context studied with respect to how context impacts self-efficacy,
perceived behavioral control, social norms, intentions and, much less, the actual
entrepreneurial behaviors of either males or females. Some researchers assume
social norms are contextual factors. Worse yet, they often assume that norms have
equal impact on males and females.
But anyone conversant with social norms knows that there are different norms for
the two genders. For example, in most cultures first-born males inherit the family
firm, while girls are expected to marry and have children rather than run the family
firm (even anno 2016). Likewise, personal attitudes towards entrepreneurship are
not evenly distributed aming males and females, but most researchers ignore this
reality. Others view environmental factors as context, which on the surface may
seem to impact equally on each gender, but women are often the ones who have to
deal with those factors such as gathering firewood or water if in a subsistence exist-
ence (Brännback and Carsrud, 2016).
H4: Social norms have a direct positive effect on female entrepreneurial intentions.
H4a: Social norms have a direct positive effect on male entrepreneurial intentions.
H5: Perceived behavioral control mediates the relationships between social norms
and entrepreneurial intentions for females.
H5a: Perceived behavioral control mediates the relationships between social norms
and entrepreneurial intentions for males.
H6: Self-efficacy mediates the relationships between social norms and entrepreneur-
ial intentions for females.
H6a: Self-efficacy mediates the relationships between social norms and entrepre-
neurial intentions for males.
H7: Personal attitude towards entrepreneurship has a direct positive effect on female
entrepreneurial intentions.
H7a: Personal attitude towards entrepreneurship has a direct positive effect on male
entrepreneurial intentions.
H9: Self-efficacy mediates the relationships between personal attitude towards and
entrepreneurial intentions for females.
H9a: Self-efficacy mediates the relationships between personal attitude towards and
entrepreneurial intentions for males.
H10: Perceived behavioral control has a direct positive effect on female entrepre-
neurial intentions.
For this study we once again used the dominant model of entrepreneurial inten-
tions ‒ the theory of planned behavior ‒ as the theoretical basis (Figure 8.1).
Subjects were 2282 students participating in a study on the cognitive factors impact-
ing entrepreneurial intentions. They represented urban universities in Canada,
Chile, China, Finland, Germany, Spain, Turkey and the United States of America.
15/12/2017 07:53
Family business Does a member of your family own (greater than 5 per- Mathews and
background cent) and operate a business? Moser (1995),
Have you worked in a business owned by a member of Schröder et
your family? al. (2011),
When you graduate, do you intend to work for the family Zellweger et
business? al. (2011)
Perceived To start a firm and keep it working would be easy for me. Liñán and
behavioral I am prepared to start a viable firm. Chen (2009)
control I can control the creation process of a new firm.
I know the necessary practical details to start a firm.
I know how to develop an entrepreneurial project.
If I tried to start a firm, I would have a high probability of
Social norms My family would see it as very positive if I would start my Kautonen et al.
own business. (2010)
My friends would see it as very positive if I would start my
own business.
Self-efficacy I will be able to achieve most of the goals that I have set Chen et al.
for myself. (2001), Wilson
When facing difficult tasks, I am certain that I will et al. (2007)
accomplish them.
In general, I think that I can obtain outcomes that are
important to me.
I believe I can succeed at most any endeavor to which I set
my mind.
I will be able to successfully overcome many challenges.
I am confident that I can perform effectively on many
different tasks.
Compared to other people, I can do most tasks very well.
Even when things are tough, I can perform quite well.
Personal atti- Being an entrepreneur implies more advantages than Liñán and
tude disadvantages to me. Chen (2009)
A career as entrepreneur is attractive for me.
I had the opportunity and resources, I’d like to start a firm.
Being an entrepreneur would entail great satisfactions for
Among various options, I would rather be an entrepreneur.
Entrepreneurial I am ready to do anything to be an entrepreneur. Liñán and
intentions My professional goal is to become an entrepreneur. Chen (2009)
Table 8.1 (continued)
We received 2038 complete questionnaires ‒ 797 females (39.1 percent) and 1241
males (60.9 percent) ‒ which included several well-established and validated scales
including those on self-efficacy, social norms, perceived behavioral control, family
business background, personal attitudes towards entrepreneurship, and entrepre-
neurial intentions. We specifically wanted to understand the role of context of
family business background and social norms on entrepreneurial intentions. We
used personal attitude to assess personally perceived desirability.
The respondent average age was 25 years old. More than 31 percent of the respond-
ents (N = 635) had a job in addition to going to school; 136 respondents (6.7
percent) operated their own businesses at the time of the survey, and 748 (36.7
percent) indicated that they had worked in a business owned by a member of
their family. Of female respondents, 404 (~50 percent) mentioned that a member
of their family owned or operated a business. Interestingly, when asked whether
they had ever worked in a business owned by a family member, only 276 (36 per-
cent) replied in the affirmative. Moreover, when asked to indicate if their inten-
tion after graduation was to become an entrepreneur, 316 (40 percent) responded
in the affirmative. This shows that having the experience of working in a family
business positively influenced their intention to become an entrepreneur after
Table 8.2 Descriptive statistics, convergent validity, internal consistency and reliability
Family business FB5 0.53 3.49 1.51 0.542 0.752 0.28 0.723
FB5B 0.83 3.37 1.48 0.69
FB5C 0.47 3.38 1.49 0.22
Social norms SN66 0.89 5.01 1.69 0.775 0.873 0.81 0.871
SN67 0.86 5.23 1.53 0.74
Perceived PBC30 0.69 3.76 1.48 0.564 0.855 0.47 0.886
behavioral PBC31 0.76 3.53 1.63 0.65
control PBC32 0.81 3.92 1.54 0.69
PBC33 0.83 3.57 1.62 0.58
PBC34 0.76 3.73 1.61 0.58
PBC35 0.64 4.22 1.55 0.41
Self-efficacy S-EFC88 0.70 5.40 1.21 0.585 0.918 0.49 0.924
S-EFC89 0.77 5.29 1.2 0.60
S-EFC90 0.80 5.57 1.14 0.63
S-EFC91 0.78 5.46 1.26 0.61
S-EFC92 0.82 5.52 1.15 0.67
S-EFC93 0.81 5.55 1.18 0.65
S-EFC94 0.70 5.27 1.23 0.49
S-EFC95 0.73 5.34 1.8 0.53
Personal attitude PA25 0.66 4.95 1.56 0.660 0.906 0.43 0.905
PA26 0.82 5.15 1.62 0.67
PA27 0.81 5.24 1.71 0.66
PA28 0.86 5.18 1.60 0.74
PA29 0.90 4.77 1.78 0.79
Entrepreneurial EIN36 0.73 3.49 1.75 0.741 0.945 0.53 0.942
intentions EIN37 0.84 3.96 1.92 0.71
EIN38 0.84 4.30 1.96 0.70
EIN39 0.93 4.21 1.93 0.88
EIN40 0.88 4.16 2.01 0.78
EIN41 0.64 4.36 2.03 0.84
Average variance extracted.
Scale composite reliability.
IBM AMOS 21 and IBM SPSS 21 software were used to test the reliability and
validity of the measurement model. To examine the reliability of the data, we first
computed the Cronbach’s alpha test. The recommended threshold for Cronbach’s
alpha (α) requires a reliability of 0.6 or higher; in the current measurement model
the Cronbach’s alpha values are all above the recommended values, indicating that
the measures all have acceptable reliability with respect to their respective con-
structs; see Table 8.2.
In the next step we executed the convergent validity and discriminant validity tests
to examine how the establishment of the latent constructs performed within the
conceptual model and the data. Convergent validity indicates the extent to which
each measurement item loads within the corresponding construct. The convergent
validity test shows that the constructs are not affected by this issue. The psycho-
metric properties of the measures are tested through the average variance extracted
(AVE) index (Fornell and Larcker, 1981) and the composite reliability (CR) index
(Bagozzi and Edwards, 1998). Both indices are above the recommended values of
0.50 and 0.70, respectively, and thus we did not find any issues regarding to these
tests; see Table 8.3. The values for R-squared, the measure of how close the data are
associated with the regression line, are shown in Table 8.2. The R-squared values
show the percentage of the response variables variations, which are explained by a
linear regression line. Moreover, discriminant validity indicates the extent to which
items within a construct are distinct from other items of those other constructs in
the model. Previous scholars stated that the square roots of the AVE of the con-
struct should be greater than the correlation estimates with the other constructs
(Bagozzi and Edwards, 1998; Campbell and Fiske, 1959; Fornell and Larcker, 1981).
The results show that the square root of AVEs of all constructs are greater than
those of other constructs. Therefore, all correlation values have met the recom-
mended threshold values (see Table 8.3).
We used the structural equation modelling (SEM) technique to test the research
conceptual model as well as the postulated hypotheses. The results show that
we have obtained a good model fit, χ2 (1104) = 4287.145 and CMIN/DF = 3.883.
The entrepreneurial intentions is explained by a variance of 69 percent, self-
efficacy is explained by variance of 19 percent, and PCB is explained by variance
of 42 percent. The model fit indices show acceptable values and satisfy the cut-
off values, and thus our research model presents a good fit with the data (see
Table 8.4).
Hypotheses testing
The model for the male respondents differs from the female model. Figure 8.2
shows the conceptual model for females and Figure 8.3 for males. Results show that
PBC and SE mediate the relationship between the family business, social norms and
personal attitude to entrepreneurial intentions. However, in the female group SE
did not mediate the relationship between the family business and entrepreneurial
intention, thus H3 is not supported. For the male group this path H3a (β = 0.10,
p < 0.005) is fully mediated by SE. However, with respect to social norms and per-
sonal attitude towards entrepreneurship we found that both factors have a positive
and direct effect on entrepreneurial intentions among female respondents (social
norms H4: β = 0.12, p < 0.001; personal attitude towards entrepreneurship H7: β =
0.54, p < 0.001) as well as male respondents (social norms H4a: β = 0.12, p < 0.001;
personal attitude towards entrepreneurship H7a: β = 0.58, p < 0.001). Thus these
hypotheses are accepted in the model. Results also show that perceived behavioral
control mediates the relationship between social norms and entrepreneurial inten-
tions for both female and male respondents (H5: β = 0.18, p < 0.001; and H5a: β =
0.14, p < 0.001).
Notes: *** p-value < 0.001, ** p-value < 0.005, * p-value < 0.01.
15/12/2017 07:53
GREENE_9781785365362_t.indd 182
Family Business
Background .1 .14***
0** Perceived Behavioural
Control (R2 = 27%)
** ** ***
.14* 0*
.4 .12*** Entrepreneurial
Social Norms
Intention (R2 = 69%)
* *
Self-Efficacy (R2 = 18%)
Personal Attitude 22***
Notes: *** p-value < 0.001, ** p-value < 0.005, * p-value < 0.01.
15/12/2017 07:53
Similarly, we found support for H6 (β = 0.21, p < 0.001) and H6a (β = 0.21, p <
0.001), where we assumed that self-efficacy mediates the relationships between
the social norms and entrepreneurial intentions. Again, there was no difference
between genders. The results show that there is a positive relationship between
the perceived behavioral control and entrepreneurial intentions for female H10
(β = 0.33, p < 0.001) and male H10 (β = 0.30, p < 0.001), but the results do not sup-
port H11 and H11, where we postulated that there is a direct positive relationship
between the self-efficacy and entrepreneurial intentions.
Given the theoretical foundation and given the results shown in Figures 8.2 and
8.3, we conducted one additional analysis. We tested whether PCB alone mediates
entrepreneurial intentions when self-efficacy is considered as an independent vari-
able as well. This test was conducted in the female group, and the results are shown
in Figure 8.4.
The really interesting thing here is that family business does not impact the subjec-
tive belief of women of whether they think they will become entrepreneurs (Figure
8.2), but does indeed impact whether they think they will actually succeed in doing
so. From Figure 8.4 we then find that all four factors ‒ family business, social
norms, personal attitudes and self-efficacy ‒ create a sense of understanding that
it is ‘do-able’ and that the outcome is real. As we know from theory, self-efficacy is
merely a subjective belief in one’s capacity. This belief may be true, or just a fantasy.
Women seem to take their intentions far more seriously. Unless they believe in
Social Norms .16***
.34*** Entrepreneurial
PBControl (R2 = 42%)
Intention (R2 = 69%)
Personal Attitude
*** .53*** ns
Notes: *** p-value < 0.001, ** p-value < 0.005, * p-value < 0.01.
15/12/2017 07:53
what they intend to do, and that they believe they will succeed in what they set
out to do, they will most likely not engage in the task. In Figure 8.2 we see that
self-efficacy does not influence entrepreneurial intentions, and family business has
no influence on self-efficacy. Intending to create a venture seems to be a real thing
for women. Ajzen also argued that PBC was a better predictor of subsequent activ-
ity. Our study clearly shows that perceived behavioral control and self-efficacy are
distinct concepts, and we also find that their impact is gendered.
Finally, we feel we must acknowledge that women are generally older than men
when creating their own ventures. While our data contain responses from eight
countries, we have yet to analyze thoroughly how the responses differ across these
countries, as we have some indication that the variation is substantial. We find
initial indications that the factors driving entrepreneurial intentions are very differ-
ent across countries; in some countries there are clear differences between genders;
and in a few countries there are no differences whatsoever. Much to our surprise,
Chile appears to be a country where men and women are alike. In fact, our initial
analysis suggests that in no country are men and women alike. Our study also
shows that while we think we know everything about entrepreneurial intentions,
there is still a need for further studies. However, at this point we would strongly
suggest the use of novel research methods and to strongly challenge the TBP model
with respect to dependent and dependent variables. What is driving what? Do we
have the right research design? Do we have the right measures? Are we asking the
right questions?
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Magdalena Markowska
Given the changes to life goals and values, mothers often see an entrepreneurial
career – a career involving all relevant experiences related to the individual’s
creation of a new economic activity that forms a unique pattern over her lifespan
(Markowska, forthcoming) – as an attractive option (Parker, 2010). For example,
a 2013 study in the United Kingdom (UK) reported that close to 90 percent of
British mothers would like to start their own venture and become a mumpre-
neur (Morrison, 2013). Regardless of whether a woman is pushed or pulled into
entrepreneurship, a mumpreneur is a mother who decides to start her venture
and develops an identity of a mother entrepreneur. Becoming a mumpreneur
allows a woman to create new economic value, often related to the mother’s
role or child-raising, to combine the identity of a mother with the identity of
an entrepreneur, and to balance her family and work (Richomme-Huet et al.,
Patricia G. Greene and Candida G. Brush - 9781785365362
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via University of Durham
Therefore, given the evidence of the rising number of mumpreneurs, two questions
gain particular urgency: (1) Why are women prone to developing into entrepre-
neurs after becoming mothers? (2) Can motherhood be considered a springboard
for women’s entrepreneurial action? In an attempt to answer these two questions,
I use Albert Bandura’s social cognitive theory to develop an argument and propose
that the experience of motherhood is likely to act as a springboard that provides a
boost for women’s self-confidence in general, and entrepreneurial self-efficacy in
particular, as well as contributing to increased interest in entrepreneurial action.
More specifically, I argue that motherhood has potential to be a practice and a
resource and a source of very strong maternal identity; taking care of and raising
children provides women with vast and relevant experience that in many ways
resembles entrepreneurial experience, giving women the necessary encouragement
and feedback regarding their capabilities.
Consequently, the chapter makes three contributions. First, it proposes that moth-
erhood is a resource, an identity and a practice. This is achieved by arguing that the
experience of motherhood provides women with the necessary boost of self-efficacy
and self-confidence, and consequently increases their interest and willingness to
engage in entrepreneurship. Also, the adoption of the mother identity contributes
to the perception of motherhood as a valuable resource for an entrepreneurial
action. Second, while it is clear that the context of motherhood differs from that
of starting and running a venture, the nature of many of the tasks is similar, and
hence, mastery experience in one translates into higher perceived self-efficacy in
the other. Finally, I suggest that women entrepreneurs should not be treated as a
homogenous group. The mumpreneurs, and the remaining women entrepreneurs,
are likely to be driven by different factors, have different motivations and (self-)
beliefs, and have different needs. As such, the chapter contributes to both women’s
entrepreneurship and self-efficacy literature.
Intentionality, goals and foresight drive individuals’ actions (Bandura, 1986; Frese
and Sabini, 1985). More specifically, action is influenced by intentions that are
formed in deep cognitive structures. Intentions are viewed as the strongest predic-
tors of action, because they are formed from an individual’s deep beliefs; that is,
deeply held strong assumptions underpinning an individual’s sense-making and
decision-making (Krueger, 2007; Krueger and Brazeal, 1994).
Acting on beliefs about oneself, one’s own values and desires helps an individual to
express their individuality and give purpose to their life (Bandura, 1999). Perception
of self – or self-identity – and beliefs about action control are key in this pro-
cess (Bandura, 1986, 1999; Skinner et al., 1988). While self-identity directs which
courses of action are deemed attractive, coinciding with the beliefs and values one
holds (Bandura, 1999), the action control beliefs help make sense of whether an
individual is capable and willing to engage in a particular action that they consider
to lead to the desired goal (Skinner et al., 1988). In other words, how one perceives
one’s self influences what one wants to do with one’s life, and how one perceives
one’s own efficacy influences whether one feels in control of performing the action
successfully (Bandura, 1977, 1999).
Vicarious modelling, on the other hand, presumes that new skills and perceptions
are acquired through indirect experience; that is to say, through the observation of
others engaging in the task. For example, Davidsson and Honig (2003) found that
being exposed to entrepreneurial family members results in individuals forming
higher perceptions of their own capacity to deal with similar entrepreneurial tasks.
Also, Zellweger et al. (2011) found that coming from a family business background
had a positive effect on individuals’ efficacy in pursuing an entrepreneurial career.
Similarly, Greene et al. (2013) found that the example of mothers has a strong
impact on the career decisions of their daughters. The impact of modelling on the
strengthening of self-efficacy depends on the subject’s similarity to the person being
observed (the model); the more similar they are, the more impactful the behavior.
Finally, psychological states, including mood, are likely to influence how individu-
als think and feel about their capabilities and skills. As argued by Bandura (1986), it
is not the kind and extent of emotions and moods, but rather how these emotions
are interpreted, that influences whether self-efficacy beliefs will change or not.
Research shows that women have neither a strong positive nor a strong negative
affect with respect to entrepreneurship (Dempsey and Jennings, 2014). In other
words, women are less emotional, and less afraid of the possibility of an entrepre-
neurial career.
Furthermore, differences in self-efficacy stem not only from the source (that is,
how they were acquired), but also occur in terms of scope, level of specificity and
strength (Bandura, 1977, 1986). The scope of self-efficacy describes the breadth of
beliefs, from broad generic beliefs to the domain, or even task-specific. For exam-
ple, individuals may feel very confident in general, but not very efficacious when
engaging in entrepreneurship (Boyd and Vozikis, 1994). The level of specificity
depends on the complexity of performance criteria, how detailed those are. Finally,
the strength of self-efficacy beliefs influences whether individuals perceive them as
strong or weak. This research area observes the most differences between men and
women entrepreneurs. For instance, research has found that young women (pre-
dominantly MBA students) do not believe in their own capacities, especially those
related to entrepreneurship; they focus on what they lack in terms of the requisite
skills and abilities, and as a consequence, often limit or lower their career aspira-
tions, even though objectively they possess the same capabilities as men (Wilson
et al., 2007). Similarly, research comparing the pre-entrepreneurship skills and
knowledge of women and men found that women reported a higher perceived lack
of competencies and greater need for training than men, even though the evalua-
tors assessed that the skills and competencies of women were higher than those of
men (Jones and Tullous, 2002).
Motherhood as a resource
Motherhood is being considered more and more as a resource (Ellison, 2005;
Leung, 2011). In the past, motherhood often led women to stay at home, or for
those vocationally active was considered as an obstacle to furthering their careers
(Heilman, 2012; Heilman and Okimoto, 2008; Jean and Forbes, 2012). Such a
view e mphasized the assumed blurriness of a woman’s brain during the time of
pregnancy and maternity, which was considered rather detrimental to performance
outcomes. Additionally, becoming a mother was often considered to decrease a
woman’s commitment to work, and subsequently women were made to pay the
penalty for motherhood (Benard and Correll, 2010; Glauber, 2007).
It has been argued that motherhood can actually boost women’s brainpower
(through biological and social processes), provided that it is experienced with eager-
ness and enthusiasm (Thornton, 2014). In her essay, Thornton (2014: 273) argues
that the ‘mommy economicus’ (the term she adopted from Bourdieu) is ‘agile,
flexible, and adept at directly leveraging the customary practices of m otherhood –
including caring for both her home and her children – for corporate profit and
personal empowerment’. This means that the increased brain capacity becomes
a valuable resource that can be used to create economic value, but also leads to
changes in perceptions and beliefs about what a woman is capable of. Simply put,
the changes in the brain resulting from the motherhood experience can lead to
changes in self-efficacy beliefs.
Motherhood as identity
Motherhood is accompanied by changes in a woman’s family and work life and in
her sense of identity (Innamorati, Sarracino and Dazzi, 2010). Becoming a mother
is important for most women, and the majority actively engage in crafting such an
identity. This comes with a number of expectations regarding a woman’s behavior,
both internally and externally, which is driven by the social context. This is why
many women often face contradictory or incongruent societal expectations about
their roles as a woman, a mother and an individual when they construct their iden-
tity (Douglas and Michaels, 2004).
Although being a good mother is paramount to the majority of women, how women
choose to enact their identity differs a lot, and depends on whether they have a choice
or are forced by situational circumstances (that is, single mother, unexpected moth-
erhood, and so on). For example, a ‘choosing’ mother decides whether she wants a
career, children or both, based on what fits her best and what coincides with her
values (Sandberg, 2013); the ‘have it all’ mother does not want to choose and engages
in both (Ekinsmyth, 2013). There are of course also mothers who have no other choice
than to engage in both work and the rearing of children. Among those mothers who
have a choice, some women choose to reject the identity of a ‘stay-at-home mother’ in
order not to be considered boring and uninteresting (Ekinsmyth, 2011). Many of those
women take the first step into entrepreneurship and ‘explicitly seek to merge crea-
tively the “specialties of mothering with those of business practice” in order to accom-
modate and prioritize the former’ (Ekinsmyth, 2011: 105). Simply put, women engage
in crafting the identity of a mother that best fits their expectations, values and needs.
The women who choose the entrepreneurship path begin to craft their identity as
a mumpreneur, combining entrepreneurship and family (Duberley and Carrigan,
2013; Ekinsmyth, 2013). Mother entrepreneurs combine and use two identities
to craft the desired image of themselves, often building the idea and concept of
their venture within their identity and values as a mother. Interestingly, being a
mumpreneur offers women the possibility to combine the feminine characteristics
common for a mother with those masculine ones which are considered essential for
business, including independence, aggressiveness, risk-taking, autonomy and cour-
age (Gupta et al., 2009). This means that motherhood as identity can help a woman
to craft a desired image and identity, help her focus on the important values and
needs, and subsequently shape her behavior as a mumpreneur. Hence, motherhood
as identity is about self-identification and self-definition as a person.
Motherhood as practice
Motherhood is about action and practice (Ellison, 2005). It is similar to entrepre-
neurship, because it is not about who you are and what characteristics you have,
but rather about what you do (Gartner, 1988). Practicing nurturing a child offers
women feedback on their capabilities and offers them the possibility to engage in
action and to test different approaches. As argued by Ellison (2005), exposure to a
new experience – here, motherhood – results in changes in behavior, and women
becoming better at what they do. More specifically, she says: ‘not only is the brain
altered with new experiences but . . . positive, emotionally charged and challenging
experience can improve and help preserve its functioning’ (ibid.: 29). Engaging in
the practice of nurturing a child provides women with experiences that can help
them to grow and feel more efficacious.
Engaging in the mother’s role both results in the crafting of a strong mothering
identity and develops numerous competencies and skills. It also provides women
with positive reinforcement and the conviction that if they are able to perform this
role well and execute the role tasks successfully, they may also be capable of starting
up and growing a company. As shown above, many of the skills required for raising
Table 9.1 (continued)
a child – which include, but are not limited to, multitasking, creativity, managing
and/or operating on a budget, scheduling, time management and problem s olving –
resemble the skills required when starting and running an entrepreneurial venture
(McGee et al., 2009; Wilson et al., 2007).
Having developed various skills while bringing up a child and being exposed to
various unexpected situations, mothers are more prepared to deal with and accept
the uncertainty of an entrepreneurial action. They have learned that it is possible to
acquire new competencies through direct experience. Often they have created new
products, arrived at new solutions to problems encountered on the way, and had
ideas about what else they could do to solve their own and others’ problems. Many
women create their own networks of mothers to help each other when needed
by making better and more efficient use of time and resources. For example, it is
common for mothers to share picking up and dropping off their children at school
with other mothers to save time and increase their own flexibility.
Consequently, I argue that the reason why more and more women are engaging in
entrepreneurship after becoming a mother stems from the increased level of self-
efficacy and the positive feedback they receive on their capabilities and capacities
as mothers (Suzuki, 2010). The direct experience and/or vicarious observation of
managing a budget or time, of making others follow your leadership, provides the
necessary social persuasion for women and gives them the required affirmation
about the level and strength of their capability, concurrently strengthening their
self-efficacy. Also, acquiring the identity of a mumpreneur – that is, combining
the role identity of a mother with that of an entrepreneur – potentially changes
how women think and feel about their own capabilities as entrepreneur. As argued
above, the competencies of a mother show many similarities to those of entrepre-
neurs; therefore, it may be that once women realize this and start believing in their
capabilities as mothers, they may begin to consider an entrepreneurial career as
both possible and attractive for themselves.
The basic premise of this chapter is that motherhood is a resource and can act as
a springboard for women’s entrepreneurial action. While extant research focuses
on and argues that motherhood often forces mothers to start ventures in order
to balance their work with family life, or the need for a double income in the
family (Duberley and Carrigan, 2013; Ekinsmyth, 2011; Jean and Forbes, 2012),
this chapter highlights the positive effect that motherhood can have on women’s
self-efficacy, and consequently on their intention and willingness to engage in an
entrepreneurship endeavor.
In answering the two research questions, the chapter has built on Albert Bandura’s
(1986) social cognitive theory to theorize that the nature of a mother’s experi-
ence of child-rearing resembles in many ways the experience of starting and run-
ning a venture. More specifically, it has been argued that both ‘projects’ – child
and venture – require the capability of arriving at new ideas and new opportuni-
ties, being innovative, taking risks, being a leader, and managing time, people and
budgets. Women may acquire these capabilities as a direct experience of being a
mother, and through feedback and encouragement on how well they perform in the
mother’s role (Bandura, 1977). The realization that competencies developed when
raising a child can successfully be used in a context of entrepreneurship provides a
boost to women’s entrepreneurial self-efficacy. Consequently, this chapter argues
that this insight is the reason why more and more women decide to enter into
entrepreneurship after becoming mothers. These women have strengthened their
self-efficacy and become convinced that they possess the required competencies to
succeed in entrepreneurial endeavors.
experience, can be transferred and made use of in other, not directly related,
domains of life, such as entrepreneurship. Consequently, this chapter contributes
to social cognitive theory by suggesting that a direct experience in one context can
be translated into a direct experience in another if the content and nature of the
experiences are similar. For example, managing a budget for a household is similar
to managing a budget for a venture. Furthermore, learning to be a leader, and get-
ting your child to participate in different activities and/or chores, is in some sense
similar to getting stakeholders on board a new venture. In doing so, the chapter
details that direct experience can be considered not only as domain-specific, but
can be transferred when the nature and content of the experiences, skills and
capabilities are similar.
There are two other important implications for the argument developed in this
chapter. First, motherhood is a source of rich experiences and skills, and e ducators –
especially those in the vocational training centers – should build more on these
experiences when educating women (mothers) about their potential entrepreneur-
ship careers. On the one hand, making the mumpreneurs and/or potential mum-
preneurs reflect on their competencies as mothers may help them to draw a parallel
between raising a child and starting a venture. On the other hand, educators should
help women entrepreneurs realize their full entrepreneurial potential by strength-
ening their self-efficacy and making them aware that building their venture on
their identity can help them to increase their self-efficacy. The more salient the
role of identity, the more the woman will be invested in performing the skills and
competencies needed, and hence strengthen her belief in her capabilities. In other
words, designing tools for women requires an additional focus on providing women
with direct experience and strengthening their self-efficacy by awakening their
awareness of the competencies they already possess. Furthermore, the specificity
of the mumpreneurs requires that the educational offer is contextualized to their
needs and their expectations. Second, while it is recognized that there are differ-
ences between men and women in their confidence levels and their motivation, this
chapter suggests that neither women entrepreneurs nor mothers are a homogene-
ous group; their motivations, beliefs and needs differ, and require further clustering
in order to provide effective policy tools for the respective clusters (for example,
opportunity mumpreneurs, necessity mumpreneurs and childless women entre-
preneurs). Simply said, taking into consideration the different needs and beliefs
of the different subgroups of women entrepreneurs would help to create more
effective policy tools.
This chapter has dealt with two important questions related to the emerging phe-
nomenon of mumpreneurship: why women who are mothers are more prone to
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We have just about seven years of experience now in crowdfunding [in the United
States], including equity and debt, and about four years in the United Kingdom. And we
have, by some estimates, $33 billion worth of funding across equity, debt, and rewards
(Jason Best, Principal of Crowdfund Capital Advisors, CCA, 2016, quoted in Assenova et
al., 2016)
Female-owned businesses and their survival prospects have been a topic of discus-
sion for a considerable number of researchers (Jennings and Brush, 2013; Justo et
al., 2015; Klapper and Parker, 2011). Prior research has identified several possibili-
ties for the disproportionate failure of female-founded ventures: lack of access to
financial resources (for example, funding) (Fairlie and Robb, 2009), prior manage-
rial and employment experience (Boden and Nucci, 2000; DeTienne and Chandler,
2007), founding strategy (Carter et al., 1997) and entrepreneurial confidence (that
is, self-efficacy) (Bandura, 1997; Wilson et al., 2007). While it is possible that lack
of prior managerial and employment experience can be compensated by train-
ing, confidence and financial resources have fewer obvious solutions (Honig, 1998;
Wilson et al., 2007). The recent revolution in funding new ventures embodied by
crowdfunding is one potential remedy. In this chapter, we focus on how confidence
plays a role in fundraising attempts by women entrepreneurs on a crowdfunding
Patricia G. Greene and Candida G. Brush - 9781785365362
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in exchange for the future product or some form of reward’ (Belleflamme et al.,
Colombo et al. (2015) note that prior research has mostly discussed the nature,
characteristics and success factors of crowdfunding. For example, scholars have
tried to discern this phenomenon from other lending mechanisms such as online
charity donations, peer-to-peer lending and microlending (Afuah and Tucci, 2012;
Hildebrand et al., 2016; Zhang and Liu, 2012). As with microlending, a particular
appeal of crowdfunding is the access to capital it provides women seeking to start
or grow a venture (Bruton et al., 2011; Marom et al., 2014). As such, a growing set of
research is examining how women-led crowdfunding projects perform (Greenberg
and Mollick, 2017; Marom et al., 2014).
Entrepreneurial Crowdfunding
Passion Performance
Prior Industry
Prior research has shown that traditional financers ‒ that is, angels, VCs and
financial institutions ‒ make their funding decisions based on a venture’s ideas
and opportunities, founder and team characteristics, market conditions, venture
resource endowments, and their intuition (Chen et al., 2009; Robinson, 1988).
Entrepreneurial self-efficacy not only reflects self-belief and confidence but also
helps in the improvisation of ideas and strategies that influence venture perfor-
mance (Hmieleski and Corbett, 2008). As such, there is ample reason to expect
entrepreneurial self-efficacy to influence fundraising outcomes. Some research has
reported that women have lower levels of self-efficacy (Gatewood et al., 1995). This
makes examining women crowdfunders’ entrepreneurial self-efficacy even more
important since, though there is a theoretical basis for expecting an effect, it is
unknown whether a women-only study context will yield results at variance with
established theory.
Prior research has shown that lenders such as venture capitalists often base a part
of their funding decision on the technical, personal and interpersonal characteris-
tics of the entrepreneur. Passion is one of key attributes they look for (Cardon et
al., 2009; Chen et al., 2009). A key reason is that passionate entrepreneurs are more
committed, better prepared and more knowledgeable about their projects (Chen
et al., 2009). They are strongly inclined toward the activities they like and find
important, and will invest their time and energy to make these activities successful
(Vallerand et al., 2003). Entrepreneurs who are passionate about their project signal
that they are intensely committed to their project; that they are motivated to build
the venture (Chen et al., 2009). For these reasons, prior work has associated passion
with overall performance (Cardon et al., 2009; Lerner et al., 1997). We extend this
logic and propose that the same effects will also impact fundraising performance on
crowdfunding platforms:
and first-hand learning about the technology, stakeholders and product market
(Davidsson and Honig, 2003). Delmar and Shane (2006) note that:
much of the relevant knowledge about creating a new company is learned by doing . . .
experience provides tacit knowledge of organizing routines and skills that have already
been learned from their prior activities, and which can be transferred to the new
venture . . . it provides tacit knowledge about how to run a new firm that has been learned
from prior mistakes [and] previously encountered the problems. (ibid.: 222)
We believe that women entrepreneurs’ prior industry experience will help them in
identifying both core and peripheral needs of customers. This will lead to discover-
ing associated opportunities (Kotha and George, 2012).
Although findings are robust about entrepreneurs’ prior industry experience and
investment from formal sources, research has yet to examine the role of prior indus-
try experience in the context of women entrepreneurs’ crowdfunding performance.
Prior research has demonstrated that traditional investors such as VCs use prior
industry experience as a key consideration in their funding decisions (Franke et
al., 2008). We build on the findings that ventures founded by entrepreneurs with
prior industry experience are more likely to secure VC funding as they show higher
growth rate and overall performance (Rauch et al., 2005; Shane and Stuart, 2002).
We believe that potential backers’ decision-making behavior will parallel that of tra-
ditional investors. We expect that crowdfunding backers will also react positively to
prior industry experience, as it is associated with knowledge, capabilities, legitimacy,
access to social networks and higher venture quality. As such, we hypothesize the
Sample and data collection
We drew our sample from Kickstarter, the largest crowdfunding site in the world.
We selected a random sample of female-led projects from three categories: gaming,
technology and product design. These industry categories were chosen because
most projects in these categories are similar to traditional new ventures (Mollick
and Kuppuswamy, 2014). There were two additional sampling criteria. First, we
only included crowdfunding projects on behalf of individual entrepreneurs, rather
than organizations. Second, we only included projects which had videos in which
the entrepreneur was clearly shown. These criteria allow us to develop a sample
of only woman-led crowdfunding projects, while also providing the data neces-
sary to code entrepreneurial passion. The final sample consisted of 197 women-led
crowdfunding projects.
Among the three product categories, 108 projects (54 percent) were from prod-
uct design, 51 (20 percent) were from gaming, and 38 (26 percent) were from
technology. The campaigns occurred during the period 2009‒2013. The projects
requested a mean funding amount of US$21,576. The overall success rate is 78
percent, which is relatively high compared to the Kickstarter average reported by
Mollick (2014): 48 percent. This higher average success rate likely reflects the posi-
tive effect on crowdfunding performance of having a video (Mollick, 2014), and the
higher chance of succeeding in crowdfunding that women have compared to men
(Marom et al., 2015).
Following prior studies (Colombo et al., 2015; Mollick, 2014), we measured crowd-
funding performance dichotomously. If a campaign meets or exceeds its goal, it is
coded 1, and 0 otherwise. Our study includes three independent variables: entre-
preneurial self-efficacy, entrepreneurial passion and prior industry experience. We
adapted McGee et al.’s (2009) established entrepreneurial self-efficacy scale. Each
item was coded on a five-point Likert scale (ranging from 1 = ‘low confidence’ to
5 = ‘high confidence’). Where necessary, scales were modified to fit the crowd-
funding context (Chen et al., 1998; McGee et al., 2009). The last two items of the
existing ten-item scale for entrepreneurial self-efficacy were not applicable in our
crowdfunding context; as a result, we dropped these items. Given this change, we
then checked construct validity. First, we conducted an exploratory factor analysis
with 50 projects. The results supported a one-factor solution: all eight items (items
are shown in Table 10A.1) had loadings greater than 0.60 on the factor. Internal
consistency was also achieved with α = 0.85. Second, once all data were collected,
we performed confirmatory factor analysis. The analysis indicated that we have a
sufficient overall fit for the one-factor model (χ² = 24.46, df = 14, p = 0.04, CFI =
0.97, TLI = 0.95, RMSEA = 0.09, SRMR = 0.04).
prior findings showing that internal social capital has an effect on the outcome
of the campaign (Colombo et al., 2015), we controlled for internal social capital.
Fourth, because some projects were featured as ‘staff picks’, which might give such
projects greater exposure, we controlled for whether a given project had this desig-
nation (dummy coded, featured on Kickstarter = 1, 0 otherwise). Fifth, since media
coverage can be a signal of quality, can bring more attention and can provide legiti-
macy (Deephouse, 2000), we controlled for this by examining whether a campaign
had such coverage, as reflected on their crowdfunding page (dummy coded, media
coverage = 1, 0 otherwise). Sixth and finally, consistent with prior studies (Mollick,
2014), we controlled for the duration and funding goal (log transformation) of each
Table 10.1 shows means, standard deviations and a correlation matrix for the vari-
ables included in the statistical models. We checked for multicollinearity with vari-
ance inflation factors (VIFs). The results indicated that the maximum value is 1.46
and the mean value is 1.18. Both are within accepted limits. Table 10.2 presents our
logistic regression models. Model 1 is limited to controls, Model 2 adds all predic-
tors. In Hypothesis 1, we predicted that entrepreneurial self-efficacy is positively
related to crowdfunding performance. Consistent with our theory, we found that
the coefficient estimate is positive and statistically significant (β = 1.029; p = 0.004).
Thus, Hypothesis 1 is supported. Hypothesis 2 predicted that high entrepreneurial
passion is positively related to crowdfunding performance. We also find support
for this hypothesis (β = 0.853; p = 0.027). Finally, Hypothesis 3 predicted that prior
industry experience helps women entrepreneurs in succeeding with their cam-
paigns. This, too, was supported (β = 1.123; p = 0.046).
GREENE_9781785365362_t.indd 214
Variables Mean s.d. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Dependent variable
1. Crowdfunding Performance 0.78 0.41
Control variables
2. Prior Crowdfunding Experience 0.12 0.43 0.12
3. Individual/Team 0.36 0.49 0.13 −0.05
4. Internal Social Capital 2.93 4.54 0.21 0.12 −0.08
5. Featured on Kickstarter 0.23 0.42 0.26 0.02 0.02 0.18
6. Media Coverage 0.07 0.26 0.10 −0.03 0.08 0.15 0.08
7. Duration of Campaign 36.40 13.84 −0.19 −0.09 −0.05 −0.08 −0.04 −0.01
8. Goal of Campaign (Logged) 8.90 1.38 −0.35 −0.09 0.09 −0.02 −0.05 0.24 0.17
Independent variables
9. Entrepreneurial Self-Efficacy 3.38 0.88 0.23 0.02 0.24 0.05 0.18 0.19 −0.08 0.31
10. Entrepreneurial Passion 3.34 0.74 0.28 0.11 0.15 0.16 0.13 0.08 −0.05 0.08 0.42
11. Prior Industry Experience 2.67 30.96 0.04 −0.02 0.10 −0.01 0.13 −0.02 −0.03 0.04 0.07 −0.02
Note: N = 197. Correlations with absolute greater than 0.16 are significant at p < 0.05.
15/12/2017 07:53
Control Variables
Prior Crowdfunding Experience 1.334 0.640
Individual/Team 1.452*** 1.012*
Internal Social Capital 0.307*** 0.332***
Featured on Kickstarter 3.875*** 3.350**
Media Coverage 2.523** 2.488*
Duration of Campaign −0.025 −0.024
Goal of Campaign (Logged) −1.005*** −1.453***
Industry Dummies
Independent Variables
Entrepreneurial Self-Efficacy 1.029***
Entrepreneurial Passion 0.853**
Prior Industry Experience 1.123**
N 197 197
Chi-square 82.909 105.688
*** p < 0.01, ** p < 0.05, * p < 0.1
Industry controls (dummy variables) included in analysis but not reported.
* All authors contributed equally.
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Table 10A.1 Entrepreneurial self-efficacy rating scale
Items Scale*
How much confidence does the speaker have in her ability to come up with a new 12345
idea for a product or service?
How much confidence does the speaker have in her ability to design a product or 12345
service that will satisfy customer needs and wants?
How much confidence does the speaker have in her ability to estimate customer 12345
demand for a new product or service?
How much confidence does the speaker have in her ability to determine a 12345
competitive price for a new product or service?
How much confidence does the speaker have in her ability to estimate the amount 12345
of start-up funds and working capital necessary to start the business?
How much confidence does the speaker have in her ability to design an effective 12345
marketing/advertising campaign for a new product or service
How much confidence does the speaker have in her ability to get others to identify 12345
with and believe in the vision and plans for a new business?
How much confidence does the speaker have in her ability to clearly and concisely 12345
explain verbally/in writing the business idea in everyday terms?
Items Scale*
Patricia G. Greene and Candida G. Brush - 9781785365362
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comparing careers of professionals and FEI see feminist entrepreneurial identity (FEI)
entrepreneurs 100–103 female entrepreneurial intentions 170–74
construction of 103–5, 146–8 female founders
business and family business dynamics attitudes 33
152–3 building self-confidence 38–9
knowledge, expertise and experience 148–9 as element of differentiation 33–4
leadership and identity 153 no appropriate role models 34
learning 150–52 no professional networks 34–5
personal attributes 149–50 small teams 35–7
process of 153–7 struggles and challenges 41
as unconscious process 155 team building 40
data analysis 146 in technology industry 28–9
data collection, ethnographic field research 145 trust-based teams 37–8
definitions of 94–8, 116 female techpreneurs, identity of 39–41
development of 155–6 feminism
ethnographic case study research 143–4 definitions of 116
feature of 106 and entrepreneurial identity 119–20
feminism and 119–20 feminist entrepreneurial identity (FEI)
gender and 117–18 feminist values and 122, 127–9
and identity work 98–100 governance 119, 126
overview of existing literature 94–8 implications 132–3
self and the social 154 limitations 133
study 106–7 market positioning 124–6, 130
typology of 8 resource acquisition 122–3
women’s invisibility in family businesses 157 strategic compromises 125–6
entrepreneurial intentions 180, 183 feminist entrepreneurs (FEs)
entrepreneurial passion 171, 210, 212 data collection and analysis 120–21
entrepreneurial self-efficacy (ESE) 209–10, 212 definitions of 116
in men and women 201–2 research approach 120
and women 192 strategic decision making 126, 131
entrepreneurship Fenwick, T. 117
different forms of 68–9 FEs see feminist entrepreneurs (FEs)
ethnographic methods in 143–4 Finnish National Technology Agency (TEKES)
and identity 141–2 170
nexus of person and 189 Foreman, P. 130
entrepreneurial self-efficacy and women 192
perceived self-efficacy in 190–92 García, M.-C.D. 118
poverty, purpose of 72–4 Gartner, W.B. 106
entrepreneurs’ perceptions of success 48–50 GEM survey see Global Entrepreneurship
ESE see entrepreneurial self-efficacy (ESE) Monitor (GEM) survey
Essers, C. 118 gender 48–50, 60, 171
ethnic entrepreneurship, and social networks 77 discrimination 33, 51, 58
ethnographic case study research 143–4 effect 56, 57
experience 148–9 and entrepreneurial identity 117–18
expertise 148–9 moderating effect of 50–51
exploratory factor analyses (EFA) 177 gender-stereotypic values 48
extreme poverty 67, 70 Girls in Tech 34, 35
extrinsic dimension of success 46–8, 52, 57 glass ceiling 49, 58
Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM) survey
family business dynamics 152–3 51–3
‘family of existential motives’ 8 Glynn, M.A. 95
Fauchart, E. 96, 117, 120, 131 governance 119