Low Power Upf Notes
Low Power Upf Notes
Low Power Upf Notes
Provides the power-regions, power behavior & associated cells involved.
1. Power & Ground nets.
2. Power switches --> the ones which controls the on/off of a region, there would be multiple power
switches across the entire voltage area just like vias & the count depends on area & IR numbers.
Comes from APR, generally in Floorplan.
The syn stage requires the upf to pass, in case control & ack ports not defined in rtl, create_ports
in syn stage where the rtl is read in.
3. Various Power domains - switching domain, Always ON, different voltages levels, (diff voltages
come in through bumps)
4. Level shifters - connections & locations, needed for the signal/data lines. Comes from synthesis,
only when different voltages exists.
The Isolation Cells hence used the Level Shifters are needed in order to Clamp the output of
powered down voltage going to the
Difference between Retention flops & Isolation cells are that iso cells are of two types always 1 or
always 0 no other type, whereas retention flops should be based on the rtl logic.
Tie cells are different, as gates are not connected directly with the Power - ground supply to
protect the gate from fluctuations, hence through tie-low or tie high cells which ideally should
have diodes or other protections.
1. Retention flops - Are such data holders which hold the data even when the power supply is off,
how is it Done ? The flop sits in power switching domain but has vcc from always ON domain.
Another important point is the retention flop Is for the logic sitting in the switching domain, as this
retains the logic.
This has to come from rtl as which ever signals are important needs to have this, based on the
This is a Register.
7. There are other power buffer cells which are like always on needed for supporting any other
feedthrough signals passing through the power domain.
At floorplan stage-->
power switches
Power Domain:
Level shifters Not needed
Power Domain vs voltage Domain --> Power domain is when the some regions exists which has a
switching supply.
# Power Domains
# Supply Ports & Supply Nets
# vcc always-on supply
create_supply_port vcc -domain PD_TOP
create_supply_net vcc -domain PD_TOP
create_supply_net vcc -domain PD_ADV -reuse
connect_supply_net vcc -ports {vcc}
# svcc_adv switchable supply
create_supply_net svcc_adv -domain PD_ADV -resolve parallel
# vss always-on supply
create_supply_port vss -domain PD_TOP
create_supply_net vss -domain PD_TOP
#create_supply_port vss -domain PD_ADV
create_supply_net vss -domain PD_ADV -reuse
# Primary Power and Ground Supplies
# Power Switches
# Power State Table
# Voltages of port states must match those of operating conditions in libraries.
# Legend: Rv = regular voltage, Lv = low voltage, Wc = worst case opcond, Bc = best case opcond.
add_port_state vcc -state {Rv_Wc 0.900} -state {Rv_Bc 0.900} // This number signifies the Best
corner & the Worst corner voltages.
add_port_state psw_adv/out -state {Off off} -state {Rv_Wc 0.900} -state {Rv_Bc 0.900}
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## End of file
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Files to update the voltages in LP runs:
1. Set voltage --> apr & syn
2. Upf --> apr & syn
3. Mcmm.tcl --> only in apr