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To Identify the Various Constraints for
Delays in Construction Work and
Suggesting Remedial Measures for the
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Mr. Rajmane Harish R , Dr. Gupta. A. K & Prof. Desai. D. B
1PG Student, Civil Engineering Department, Dr.J.J.Magdum College of
Engineering, Jaysingpur, Maharashtra, India.
2 Principal & Prof., Dr.J.J.Magdum College of Engineering, Jaysingpur, Maharashtra, India.
Associate Prof., Dr.J.J.Magdum College of Engineering, Jaysingpur, Maharashtra, India.
limitations causes in everywhere throughout the
world and gathering of information to set up a
ABSTRACT: A constraint is defined as anything that survey. Utilizing this questionnaire, a review will be
limits an organization or entity from moving toward done among contractual workers, experts and
or achieving its goal. Needs and constraints in a designers. The outcome got from this questionnaire
multiparty working situation bring complications in will give us extreme reasons for development delay,
project management. The aim and scope of this so we can discover the answer for limit them in
project is to identify the constraints in construction future development projects. The aim of this
project working environment. If constraints are dissertation is to identify the various constraints in
better understood at the outset, it is believed that construction industry& analyze them on the basis of
better performance can be assured. Recognizing and
expelling constraints from bottleneck exercises help
to lessen instabilities in development procedures and
builds the straight forwardness of project
management. This study was carried out based on
literature review and a questionnaire survey. The
data for this study will be gathering through a
detailed questionnaire survey. The questionnaire
form is forwarded to various construction industries
through email and in personal. The objectives of the
study are to successfully reduce the constraints
which will help to decrease the unnecessary wastage
and loss of both money and time because of
inadequate planning. Postponement in development
project would cause for additional cost and
misfortune in budgetary return or different
advantages from extend. In this way, delay is
expensive for both proprietor and temporary worker.
The overview discoveries showed that the main
drivers of monetary related deferrals are a result
poor cash flow management followed by late
payment, insufficient financial resources and
financial market instability. The methodology of this
thesis work incorporates an itemized investigation of
worldwide writing identified with development
attaining higher performance towards its goal (Chua
and Shen, 2003). Identifying and removing
discussion carried out with experts in locality. The constraints from bottleneck activities help to reduce
expandfocus principles & techniques will be uncertainties in construction processes and increases
applied for gathering the various causes from the transparency of project management (Feng, Lei,
professional literature & also from local experts. Yang, Hong, Pang, Yao and Wang, 2011). Needs
This investigation will give a solution for delay in and constraints in a multiparty working situation
development project by limiting the constraints in bring complications in project management. Needs
development industry. are diversified when the client is a large organization
such as a public client or a corporate client.
1. INTRODUCTION However, constraints in construction projects limit
their achievement of high performance that we are
Nowadays, companies struggle to survive unaware of the existence of the constraints, or, we
in a global competition. Every company tries to find tend to put more emphasis on the project goals. The
the best philosophy which is suitable with their construction working environment involves multi
strategy to gain any and every advantage among their party participation. Needs and constraints in a multi
rivals. Companies should be more focused on party working situation bring complications in
understanding their own structure in terms of project management(Lau and Kong 2006).These can
processes whether they are in the production or further develop into conflicts and disputes, which
service sector (Simsit, Gunay and Vayvay, 2014). bring cost consequences, direct and indirect, to
Constraints become important factors which focus on clients and contractors. The project team members
the weakest rings in the chain. Constraints are have to meet client’s needs on one hand and to
defined as anything that limits a system from
Imperial Journal of Interdisciplinary Research (IJIR) PAGE 333
Imperial Journal of Interdisciplinary Research (IJIR)
Vol-3, Issue-8, 2017
ISSN: 2454-1362, http://www.onlinejournal.in
Collection of information through literature
overcome constraints on the other hand. With the review and preliminary study of the factors are
limited literature for the constraints in the causing constraints in delay of construction work.
construction working environment, it is important to The collected data will be the base for the further
progress of the study. In our study, we firstly
identify the potential constraints in the construction
project, which will help to decrease the unnecessary
wastage and loss of both money and time because of
inadequate planning(Jacob and McClelland, 2001).
Controlling the constraints is thus a precondition for
high performance of the project. Constraints is based
on the idea that every system has at least one
bottleneck which can be defined as any kind of
situation that impedes the system to reach high
performance level in terms of its purposes. A
constraint is defined as anything that limits an
organization or entity from moving toward or
achieving its goal. Constraints logic forms major
portions of the organization's philosophy of
continuous improvement. It is applied to identify
what factors limit an organization from achieving its
goals, developing a solution to the problem, and
getting the individuals in the process to invent the
requisite changes for themselves. It has been realized
that reducing and eliminating critical constraints
through better means of look ahead planning are the
keys to achieving reliable workflow and,
consequently, increased productivity. Constraint
modeling is an indispensable step in construction
planning. Reliable planning depends on effective
identification, formulation, and satisfaction of key
constraints in production processes. Reducing
uncertainties in the workflow requires new
methodologies and tools that can deal with other
types of constraints rather than only the process
constraints. Construction projects are facing a greater
number of uncertainties and more severe risks, which
could cause much bigger losses than in the past.
Construction projects are subject to numerous
constraints of various types, including contractual
due dates, resource limitations, and safety, financial,
and managerial constraints (Mirzaei and Mabin,
2014). Construction projects are characterized by
their complexity, uniqueness, and the fact that there
are various types of constraints imposed by
stakeholders. If constraints are better understood at
the outset, it is believed that better performance can
be assured.
2.1. Introduction
The public concern and regulations require
classified the constraints into five categories based the environment to be protected such as air
on literature review they are as follows protection, tree preservation, traffic limit, noise
control and so on. In the planning and design stage
2.1.1 Economic Constraints
of the project, the responsible people need to go to
The economic constraints mainly happened the “Environmental Department” to apply for the
with budget limit and allocation of the money. Due approval justification for the project. This takes time
to the budget limit, the adopted construction system and will affect the project progress. If the approval is
may not be the best option for achieving the project not obtained on time, the whole project will be
goal and quality. It will affect the proceeding of the delayed, or could not be carried out. There are also
project. As for the allocation of money to be used in other technical constraints arising from air
the project, if the money is not effectively allocated, protection, tree preservation, traffic limit, limit due
it will affect the progress of the project. The effect to excavation permit for works, etc(Lau and Kong,
on the project is the product quality and performance 2006).
of the project (Muhwezi, Acai and Otim, 2014). 2.1.4 Technical Constraints
2.1.2 Legal Constraints
There are quite a few technical constraints
The legal constraints exist because there are arising from restrictive site area and congested
many regulations that are ruling the construction surroundings which are particularly applied to the
project. The legal constraints are mainly related to site environment in India. On one hand, building
work law, safety regulations, and supervision plan. projects in India are usually constrained wither
For example, as prohibited by law, certain types of strictive site area where storage space, transportation
construction work could not be carried out during and temporary works require input of careful
Sunday and public holidays. As for the impact of the planning by design engineers, while the design and
legal constraints, from one side, it may affect the construction of the building works itself can be fairly
schedule and lead to project delay (Lau and Kong, certain at the outset. On the other hand, coordination
2006). of services works also poses technical constraints in
construction. While having electrical wiring,
2.1.3 Environmental Constraints ventilation duct work, fire services and plumber
works with further complication of broadband
3. RESEARCH STRATEGY 3.1.2 Activities Conducted
2) To achieve the study objectives, several research
techniques have been reviewed and the questionnaire
technique has been selected due to the applicability
to this research.
3) The questionnaire is developed based on
literature findings and preliminary
discussions with
some parties involved in public projects.
4) Toensure
respondents (ranging from 1 to 5),
questionnaires were sent to major projects,
A is the highest weight (i.e. 5 in this
and their contractors and consultants.
5) The data collected were presented, tabulated
6) A discussion of the results is
analyzed using suitable statistical techniques. with the
findings of the literature and delay causes
identified and ranked based on their severity.
3.1.3 Weightage for Effect of Delay
It is important to identify the degree
much the respondents agree or disagree on
severity of these causes based on their
experience and knowledge. To achieve this, a
scale was designed which consists of 5 point
Table 3.1 shows the guidelines for causes
to their severity weightage.
Table 3.1: Weightage for Effect o
is not affected by these No.
factors at all.
2 significant
having effect in total
3 significant
.However, delay could
4 significant
5 significant
completion time as
4.1 Late Payment
4.2 Poor Cash Flow Management
4.3 Insufficient Financial Resources
One of the most important factors causing
delays in high rise projects is the shortage of
resources. Main causes of delays are the insufficient
resources of an organization. Lack of funds may
affect the project’s cash flow and lead to delay in site
3. All working drawings must be clearly drawn
significantly give impact to project’s cash flow and indicating all the dimensions and labels to scale
hence affect the timely performance of the project. so as to avoid confusion during construction.
Figure 3.2 shows the financial related delays and their 4. Site management and supervision should be
categories. done correctly. Administrative staff should be
assigned to make necessary arrangements to
5. RECOMMENDATIONS TO complete projects within the specified time
while meeting quality and cost requirements.
5. Owners may demand design changes during
construction, but only to the extent that no
Delays can be avoided or minimized when their
adverse effects occur with respect to mission
causes are clearly identified. According to the
critical activities.
preceding findings, the following recommendations
can be made as ways to minimize and control delays in 6. Delivery of construction materials to a site
construction projects: should not be late so that work may be
executed in the planned order.
1. Contractors should not be rewarded jobs for 7. Generally, large projects may entail having
which they lack sufficient expertise. They should many subcontractors working under main
gain necessary experience before the bidding contractors. If a subcontractor is capable and
stage. Inadequate experience of contractors is the reliable, the project can be completed on time
most important factor in causing delays. as planned. If the subcontractor underperforms
Contractors with inadequate experience cannot because of inadequate experience or capability,
plan and manage projects properly, and this may the project may face delays. The use of many
result in deleterious consequences. subcontractors may lead to a high risk of
2. Contractors should pay more attention to
preparing effective planning and scheduling. 8. Inspection and testing by consultants is an
During construction, planning and scheduling important activity during construction since
may be revised if necessary conditions occur. poor quality inspection may result in lower
Only a project that is well planned and scheduled quality of work.
can be well executed.
Jacob D.B and McClelland W.T.,(2001),“Theory of
Constraints Project Management” Manual of the
Goldratt Institute, pp 112.
Simsit Z. T. ,Gunay N. S. and Vayvay O.,(2014),
“Theory of Constraints: A Literature
Review”Proceedings of 10 International Strategic
Management Conference, pp 930936.