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Ademco Group

Compass Network Downloader

Table of Contents
Section 1. Introduction
Chapter 1: Welcome ..............................................................................1-1
Key Features ........................................................................1-1
System Requirements .........................................................1-2
Using This Manual ................................................................1-2
Windows Basics ...................................................................1-3
DownLoader Menu Structure ...............................................1-4
Chapter 2: Installation...........................................................................2-1
Installation on a Single PC ...................................................2-1
Installation on a Network .....................................................2-2
Log-On Procedure ...............................................................2-3
Chapter 3: Quick Start...........................................................................3-1
Setting Up The Downloader..................................................3-1
Creating A New Account ......................................................3-3
Getting Online With The Control Panel.................................3-3
DOS V-Link Conversion .......................................................3-6

Section 2. Downloader Setup

Chapter 4: Downloader Communications Setup ................................4-1
Modem Setup .......................................................................4-2
Add Modems.........................................................................4-4
Edit Modem...........................................................................4-5
Delete Modem ......................................................................4-5
Central Station I.D. ..............................................................4-5
Chapter 5: Defining System Operators ...............................................5-1
Adding New Operators ........................................................5-2
Changing Operator Names ..................................................5-4
Changing Operator Passwords ............................................5-4
Updating Operator Information ............................................5-5
Deleting Operators ...............................................................5-6
Logging Out .........................................................................5-6

Table of Contents iii

Section 3. Account Setup and Operation
Chapter 6: Customer Information ........................................................6-1
Adding Customer Accounts .................................................6-1
Converting Accounts from the V-Link Downloader ..............6-2
Modifying Customer Accounts ..............................................6-4
Deleting Customer Accounts ................................................6-5
Restoring/Purging Customer Accounts ................................6-5
Sorting Customer Data ........................................................6-6
Searching for Customer Accounts .......................................6-7
User Defined Fields .............................................................6-7
Chapter 7: Control Panel Information..................................................7-1
Programming the Control ..................................................7-1
Alarm Control Programming Overview ........................ 7-1
Programming an Alarm Control ................................... 7-4
Using Templates .................................................................7-6
Creating New Templates ............................................. 7-6
Modifying Templates ................................................... 7-7
Deleting Templates ...................................................... 7-8
Converting Customer Data To Templates ................... 7-8
Using A Template To Create A New Account .............. 7-8
Copying An Account ..........................................................7-9
Chapter 8: Communicating With The Control.....................................8-1
Getting Online .....................................................................8-1
Control Communications ............................................. 8-1
First Communication .................................................... 8-3
Answering Machine Defeat .......................................... 8-4
On-Line Commands ...........................................................8-4
Setting the Time..................................................................8-13
Shutdown ............................................................................8-14
Test Report..........................................................................8-15
Appendix A..........................................................................A-1

iv Table of Contents

Welcome to the ADEMCO Compass Downloader. It
provides everything you need to program and control an
alarm system remotely from the comfort of your office. In
addition, it gives the operator the ability to download and
upload alarm control information, to compare the
uploaded and saved information, and to view the results
either on screen or in a printed report.

By using the Compass Downloader, programming can be

performed at the office prior to installation, or can be
downloaded from a remote location or at the job site using
a PC Laptop with an ADEMCO 4100SM Serial Module
(where the control panel supports it). The control panel at
the subscriber’s premises must be connected to the
existing telephone line to download from a remote

Key Features
The ADEMCO Compass Downloader includes many new
features., such as:
• DOS Downloader Conversion Utility to quickly
convert DOS accounts to the Compass
• Templates for quick and easy programming of
control panels.
• A full search utility to help you quickly find a
programming field.

Welcome 1-1
• Multi-tiered operator levels for full flexibility.
• “View Change” utility to see the changes made
before saving.
• “View History” utility to see what changes in
programming have been made previously.
System Requirements
To run the ADEMCO Group Compass Downloader, you
will need a 486 33MHz PC or better with 30 MB of
available hard disk space and at least 8 MB of RAM
(12MB is preferred). The downloader program will run on
Windows 3.X, Windows 95, or Windows NT.

Using This Manual

This manual will guide you through the many operations
of the Compass Downloader. It is arranged in the order in
which operations should be performed until you become
familiar with the program.

The manual is divided into three sections:

Section 1. Introduction
Section 2. Downloader Setup
Section 3. Account Setup and Operation

Section 1 includes basic information about the Compass

Downloader, such as Key Features, the Downloader Menu
Structure, and Downloader installation.

It also includes a Quick Start guide designed to get the

experienced user up and running quickly.

Section 2 takes you through the Downloader Setup and

covers those items that only need to be performed once,
such as the modem setup.

Section 3 covers the daily activities performed with the

Downloader. This section includes adding and modifying
customer accounts and communicating with the control.
1-2 Welcome
Appendix A, located at the back of this manual, provides a
complete explanation of all programming fields, followed
by an index for easy referencing.

Our goal when writing this manual was to make it as easy

to understand as possible. Occasionally, we include an
important note or technical tip to make your work flow
more smoothly. Find these tips by looking for a boxed note
with a checkmark indication.

This symbol indicates a very important note.

Please read each one carefully.

Where applicable, the actual screens are shown to help

you understand the procedure being explained.

Any information that could not be included in the printed

manual will be available in the on-line manual Release
Any future updates may be acquired through ADEMCO,
or downloaded from our ADEMCO Web Page on the
World Wide Web.

The WEB address is:


Windows Basics
As with most Windows programs, the Downloader
program uses keystrokes as an alternative (or addition) to
the mouse. On many of the screens there is a button that
has a dark border around it. This button is called the
“default” button.

If you press ENTER on the keyboard, the default button’s

Welcome 1-3
action will be performed. For example, when you open the
Downloader, the Customer icon is defaulted (dark border).
If you press the ENTER key you will open the Customer
Modify screen.

The following commands are also available:

TAB Moves to the next field on the
ENTER Performs default button.
SPACE BAR Fills in check boxes.
ALT+DOWN Opens selected drop down choices.
ESC Performs cancel/close button.

DownLoader Menu Structure

Button bars and menu bars are available to make your
selections easy. Selecting the desired option from the
menu bar will display the appropriate screen. If there are
sub-categories for this selection, they will appear on a tab
bar located beneath the button bar.

Selections are made using either the mouse or keyboard.

To make a selection, point at it with the mouse and click
the left mouse button. Notice that as you move the mouse
across the screen, help text appears at the bottom of the
screen describing each field, as well as the programming
field number.

1-4 Welcome
A sample screen follows.

Bar Button

Context Program
Sensitive Field
Descriptors Number

Welcome 1-5
1-6 Welcome

Installation on a Single PC
1. Insert the disk labeled Compass Downloader disk
1 of 6 into your floppy drive, or insert the CD-ROM
into your CD-ROM drive.
2. In Windows 95 or NT, from the Start Bar, click Run.
In Windows 3.X, select Run from the Program
Manager or File menu.

3. Type a:setup (or b:setup if that is your 3.5 floppy

drive). If you are using the CD-ROM, type in the
letter of the CD-ROM drive (i.e., d:\setup) instead.
4. The setup program prompts you through the
installation process. Follow the instructions on the
5. The setup program defaults to the c:\Compass
directory. If desired, you can change the location
and directory name when prompted to do so.
6. Next, it is recommended that setup be allowed to
create a backup directory. This backup is defaulted
to c:\Compass\backup. If desired, you can change
the location and directory name when prompted to
do so.
7. When the Select Components screen displays,
make sure all the boxes are checked.
8. Click FINISH to complete the installation.
Installation 2-1
Installation on a Network
When installing on a network, first, follow the steps for
installing on a single PC, changing the default directory to
one on the main network drive. Second, perform the
following steps to install to each network workstation:

1. Insert the disk labeled Compass Downloader disk

1 of 6 into your floppy drive, or insert the CD-ROM
into your CD-ROM drive.

2. In windows 95 or NT, from the Start Bar, click Run.

In Windows 3.X, select Run from the File menu.

3. Type a:setup (or b:setup if that is your 3.5 floppy

drive). If you are using the CD-ROM, type in the
letter of the CD-ROM drive (i.e., d:\setup) instead.

4. The Setup program prompts you through the

installation process. Follow the instructions on the

5. The setup program defaults to the c:\Compass

directory, when prompted, change the location and
directory to the same one as the network drive.

For a network installation, you must direct the

install program to the network drive where the
original downloader files were installed.

6. Next, it is recommended that setup be allowed to

create a backup directory. This backup is defaulted
to c:\Compass\backup. If desired, you can change
the location and directory name when prompted to
do so.

2-2 Installation
7. When the Select Components screen displays,
make sure that only the VBX, DLL and ICON
boxes are checked.

8. Click FINISH to complete the installation.

All network workstation installations must be

directed to the same network drive.

Log-On Procedure
After a successful installation, a Compass Downloader
group is created including an icon titled “Download.”

Double click on this icon to open the program. The log-on


Enter an operator name and password. The default

operator name and password is “master.” Anyone with a
valid operator name and password can log on. The
operator who is currently logged on is displayed in the
upper right-hand side of the Customer Information screen.

Installation 2-3
Click on the DATABASE button and select the database
desired. If a different database needs to be accessed,
navigate to it and then select it.

It is recommended that you change the

defaulted operator name and password.
(See Chapter 5: Defining System Operators)

2-4 Installation

Quick Start
Quick start is intended for users who would like to get the
downloader up and running quickly. To take full advantage
of the many fine features of the Compass Downloader, it is
recommended that you read the rest of this manual.

Setting Up the Downloader

1. Click on the Compass Downloader icon from the
Downloader program group.

2. Enter the operator name and password (master is

the default for both) and select the OK button.

Quick Start 3-1

3. Select Station Data from the file menu. The
following screen appears:

4. Enter your Central Station Identification (C.S.I.D.)

number and select OK.

5. Click on the MODEMS button.

The following screen appears:

3-2 Quick Start

6. In the modem section, select the port being

7. Select the type of modem being used from the

modem pulldown menu.

8. Click APPLY.

9. Select the Active Comm. Port that the Downloader

will be using.

10. Select Touch-Tone if using Touch-Tone service and

select the modem speaker options.

11. Click OK.

Creating a New Account

1. Click on the CUSTOMER button.

2. Click on the ADD button in the Customer

Information screen.

Quick Start 3-3

3. Enter the account information (i.e., name, address,

4. Click OK.

5. Click on the MODIFY button in the Customer

Information screen.

6. Enter the account control panel information. For

complete definitions of all the programming fields,
refer to Appendix A.

7. Click on CLOSE and then select SAVE to save the

programming. You will be returned to the Customer
Information screen. Repeat these steps to continue
adding customer accounts or go to the next section
to download to the control panel.

Getting On-line With The Control Panel

For this procedure to work you must use a new or newly
defaulted alarm control panel.

Control Panel Preparation

1. Program a Ring Count of any number higher then
“0” (1-15) in the control panel.

2. Program a Callback Number to the PC modem into

the control panel.

3. Connect the control panel to a phone line that is

different than the PC modem’s phone line.

4. Make sure the control panel is no longer in the

program mode.
See the specific control panel installation
instructions on how the above steps are

3-4 Quick Start

Communicating with the Downloader
1. Click on the MODIFY button to access the
programming fields for the selected control panel.

2. Select Panel Communications from the

Communications pulldown menu.

3. Click on the CONNECT button. The following screen


Initiate From

4. Select PC from the “Initiate From box”.

5. Select First Communication.

6. Make sure “NO ACCT. # IN PANEL” is checked.

7. Enter the control panel phone number.

8. Click on the CONNECT button.

Quick Start 3-5

9. The PC will call the control panel. A series of
SEND and RECEIVE arrows at the bottom of the
screen will appear. The modem will disconnect and
wait for the control panel to call back.

10. When the control panel calls back and gets on-line,
select the action you wish to perform from the On-
line Commands (Download, Upload, etc.).

11. When you are done communicating, click on the


DOS V-Link Conversion

This section describes the steps needed to convert
existing DOS V-Link accounts to Compass Downloader
1. Select Convert DOS V-Link Accounts from the
Tools pull down menu. The following screen


2. Enter the DOS Downloader Master Code.

3. Navigate to the directory where the V-Link

accounts are located.

3-6 Quick Start

4. Highlight the appropriate DOS VST file to be
converted. The following screen appears:

5. Enter the Receiver Group that the new accounts

will be assigned to.

6. Select the account numbers of the DOS files to be

converted and click on the SELECTED button to
convert the file(s). If all the fields are to be
converted, click on the ALL button and all the files
will be converted. If only certain control panel types
are to be converted, select those panel types from
the pulldown menu and click on the SELECT button.
Only accounts using those types of controls will

7. The files have been converted when they appear

on the right side of the screen. When all selected
files are converted, select CLOSE from the File
pulldown menu.

If you want to convert additional DOS accounts, repeat

steps 1-7.

Quick Start 3-7

3-8 Quick Start

Communications Setup
Downloader Communications Setup
To set up downloader communications, click on the
MODEMS button.

The following screen appears:

Communications Setup 4-1

9. In the modem section, select the port being

10. Select the type of modem being used from the

modem pulldown menu.

11. Click APPLY. To setup an additional modem on

another port, repeat steps 1-4.

12. Select Touch-Tone if using Touch-Tone service and

select the modem speaker options.

13. Click OK.

Modem Setup

The following modems are supported and need no


BizComp Intellimodem 1200 w/volume

BizComp Intellimodem 2400
Hayes Optima 336
Hayes Smartmodem 2400
Hayes Smartmodem Optima 2400 Fax96

The following modems are supported and need to be

configured (DIP Switches):

Hayes Smartmodem 1200 External Modem

Hayes Smartmodem 1200B Internal Modem
(Rev.1.2 or higher)

Only the external Hayes Smartmodem

Optima 24 Plus FAX96 model modems are
compatible with the Windows Downloader.
The internal Hayes Optima 24 Plus FAX 96
models are not compatible.

4-2 Communications Setup

Each modem type must be configured differently for
communications to be successful. The following defines
the requirements for each model.

Hayes Smartmodem 1200 External Modem

Configure the DIP switches behind the modem’s front
panel in the following manner:

Hayes 1200 Smartmodem (front)

DIP Switches

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Exploded View

Smartmodem 1200 External Modem

Hayes Smartmodem 1200(B) Internal Modem

DIP switches:
SW3 - ON
SW1 - ON= Comport #2
OFF= Comport #3
(rear view)



3 Switches

Smartmodem 1200 (B) Internal Modem

Communications Setup 4-3

Add Modems

This button is for future use and will be used to add

modems as they are approved by ADEMCO. We strongly
recommend using the modems documented in this
chapter, as they are the only modems currently supported.
To add a new modem, proceed as follows:
1. Click the ADD button. The following screen appears:

2. Enter modem commands as directed by ADEMCO.

3. Click OK.

Edit Modem
This button is used to edit the modem commands only for
those modems that are added to the downloader. Modems
settings that were shipped with the downloader are not
editable. To edit a modem’s settings:
1. Select the modem from the modem pulldown

2. Click on the EDIT button.

4-4 Communications Setup

3. Enter modem commands.

4. Click on OK to save the new commands or CANCEL

to exit without saving.

Delete Modem
This button is used to delete modems that have been
entered in by an operator. Modems that were shipped with
the downloader cannot be deleted. To delete an operator
installed modem:
1. Select the modem from the modem pulldown

2. Click on the DELETE button.

3. Click OK to confirm the deletion.

Central Station I.D.

The Central Station Identification number is used as a

means of identifying the alarm installing company to the
control panel. This number is transmitted by the computer
and is verified by the control panel when attempting to get
on-line for downloading.

The C.S.I.D. number is assigned by the

alarm installing company, not by the
central station.

To enter your Central Station I.D. (C.S.I.D.), select File

from the menu bar at the top of the Customer screen. In
the pulldown menu, select Station Data. Then locate the
C.S.I.D. field. Enter your C.S.I.D. number. Select OK to
save and exit, or CANCEL to exit without saving.

Communications Setup 4-5


An operator (when given the authority) can view or

change the C.S.I.D. in the Dialer screen when modifying
an alarm control panel.

4-6 Communications Setup


Defining System Operators
After setting up your communications options, the next
step is to define downloader system operators. Operators
can be assigned different levels of authority, which allow
them access to various system and control panel

Once you have logged on, click on the CUSTOMERS icon,

then the Customer Information screen is displayed.



Log out

Look for the icon marked Operators. Clicking on this icon

will bring you to the Operator screen.

Only an operator with “Administrator” level

authority can access the Operator screen.

Defining System Operators 5-1

Operator User
Names Screen


Buttons Other

This screen defines the security level of all operators of the

system. You will not be allowed to exit the screen unless at
least one operator is defined as an “Administrator.”

Adding New Operators

To add new operators:

1. Click on the ADD button on the bottom of the

Operators Screen.

2. The screen will change slightly allowing you to type

in an operator’s name and password. The
password must be typed twice to confirm it.

3. Select the properties for that operator (steps are

continued after the properties definitions).

5-2 Defining System Operators

The following describes access selections for system

User Screen Access Definitions

User Screen Access: Allows operator to view control

panel User screen when
modifying control panel
View user code: Allows operator to view control
panel user codes.
Add Users: Allows operator to add control
panel user codes.
Modify Users: Allows operator to edit or
delete control panel user

Subscriber Access Definitions

Add: Allows operator to add new

customers to database.
Edit: Allows operator to edit existing
customer information.
Delete: Allows operator to delete
customers from database.
Access Control: Allows operator to access and
change alarm control

If you do not want an operator to have

access to the operators screen, disable the
“Administrator” option for that operator.

Defining System Operators 5-3

Other Access Definitions

Administrator: Allows the operator full access

to the Operator screen.
Without this option, the
operator cannot view the
Operator or Station data
Convert Accounts: Allows operator access to the
Convert DOS Accounts
Restore/Purge Customers: Allows operator to restore or
completely purge customer
Print Data: Allows operator to print all
alarm control information.
Zone Screen Enabled: Allows operator access to the
Zone Information screen for
the control.
History Screen Enabled: Allows operator access to the
History Screen for the control.
Template Screen Enabled: Allows operator access to the
Create Templates screen.
View C.S.I.D. in Panels: Allows operator to view the
Central Station Identification
Change C.S.I.D. in Panels:Allows operator to change the
Central Station Identification
4. Click on the OK button to save the addition.

5. To continue adding operators repeat steps 1-4.

When you have finished, click on CLOSE.

5-4 Defining System Operators

Changing Operator Names
If you want to change an operator’s name, highlight it in
the Name box and type in the new name, then click the
UPDATE button.

Changing Operator Passwords

Only an operator with administrator level can change an
operator’s password. If an operator forgets or wants to
change their password:

1. Select the operator’s name from the Current

Operator List.

2. Click on the CHANGE PASSWORD button.

3. Assign the new password and verify it by entering it


4. Click on the OK button.


Defining System Operators 5-5

Updating Operator Information
At anytime, you can update or change an operator’s
access status by doing the following:

1. Select the operator from the Current Operator list.

2. Modify the characteristics for the operator.

3. Click on UPDATE.

Deleting Operators
To delete an operator, click on the operator’s name from
the Current Operators box and click on the DELETE button.

Logging out
To log out, simply click on the Log-out icon. This will bring
you back to the log-in screen.

To exit the program completely, click on the EXIT button.

5-6 Defining System Operators


Customer Information
The first step in defining account information is to set up
your customer database. This is performed on the
Customer Information screen.

Sort By



Adding Customer Accounts

To add a new customer account:

1. Log on to the system.
2. Click on the ADD button from the Customer
Options box.

Customer Information 6-1

3. The screen displayed allows you to add customer

4. Tab through the screen to move from field to field.

You must fill in the Receiver Group number, a 3 or
4 digit Subscriber Account Number, Panel Type,
and Revision Number.

The revision determines which programming

fields the downloader displays. If you are
uncertain of the revision, select the highest
available, but keep in mind that the control
panel may not have all the listed fields.

5. Click on the OK button to save the new account.

The CANCEL button will exit the screen without
saving the information.

6-2 Customer Information

Converting Accounts from the V-Link Downloader
This section describes the steps needed to convert
existing DOS VLink accounts to Compass Downloader
1. Start the downloader by double clicking on the
Downloader Icon in the Downloader group.

2. Logon to the Downloader.

3. Select Convert DOS VLink Accounts from the

Tools pull down menu. The following screen


4. Select the Panel Type and enter the DOS

Downloader Master Code.

5. Navigate to the directory where the VLink accounts

are located.

6. Select the appropriate DOS VST file to be

converted. The following screen appears:

Customer Information 6-3

Files Windows

7. Highlight the DOS files to be converted and click

on the SELECT button to convert the file. If all the
files are to be converted, click on the ALL button
and all the files will be converted. If only certain
control panel types are to be converted, select
those panel types from the pulldown menu. Only
those type of controls appears.

8. The converted files will be listed on the right-hand

side of the screen above.

9. When all selected files are converted select Close

from the File pulldown menu.

The original DOS V-Link accounts are only

copied to the Compass Downloader when
converted and remain intact with the original
DOS VST files.

Modifying Customer Accounts

At any time, you can change customer account

information as follows:

6-4 Customer Information

1. Click on the customer you would like to change
from the Customer Accounts box.
2. Then click on the DETAIL button in the Customer
Option box. The Customer Detail screen appears
with a button at the bottom marked EDIT.
3. Click on the EDIT button to access the customer’s
4. Make the necessary changes.
5. Click on the OK button, or CANCEL to exit without
saving the changes.

Deleting Customer Accounts

Deleting a customer is a two step process. To delete a


1. Click on the customer’s name from the Customer

Account box.

2. Click on the DELETE button. A confirmation box will


3. Select either OK to delete or CANCEL to keep it.

See Restoring/Purging Customers below to complete the

deletion process.
An account must be purged before that
account number and receiver number can
be used again.

Restoring/Purging Customer Accounts

This is step two in the deletion process. When you delete
a customer as described above, the information is not
completely lost. You must then “Purge” the account to
completely delete it. Whether you want to restore or purge
Customer Information 6-5
an account, the first step is the same:

1. From the Tools pulldown menu (at the top of the

Customer Information screen) select Restore/
Purge Customer. The following screen appears:


2. To purge an account, select the account and click

on the PURGE CUSTOMER button.

3. To restore an account, select the account and click

on the RESTORE button.

4. Click OK to confirm your selection.

Sorting Customer Data

There are several different ways to sort customer

information for display. When you click on the Sort By box,
you are presented different options. You can sort by:
1. Receiver-Account number
2. Last Name
3. First Name
4. Zip Code

6-6 Customer Information

5. Business
6. Panel Name
7. User_Defined_Field 1
8. User_Defined _Field 2

To select the sort method, you can either click on the

selection from the pulldown box or type the corresponding
number. As a reminder, the field that you selected to sort
by is italicized on the screen.

Searching for Customer Accounts

The Search feature works with the Sort feature. When a

sort method is chosen (Acct.Num, Last Name, etc.), that
method also available in the search box.

1. Enter the Receiver Number or the beginning of the

sort method chosen.

2. Then click on the SEARCH button. The result of your

search appears.

3. To display all the customer accounts again, click on

the ALL ACCOUNTS button.

User Defined Fields

There are two fields on the Customer Information screen
that you can define in any way and can be used to help
organize your accounts (i.e., residential, commercial,

Customer Information 6-7

1. Select Station Data from the File pulldown menu
(at the top of the Customer Information screen).
The following screen appears:

2. Type the field name you wish to use into the two
boxes marked User_Defined_Fields.

3. Click OK.

When you rename these fields, the new name will also
appear in the Sort By box. You have now created a
custom sort feature.

Only an operator with Administrator

privileges can access the User Defined Fields.

6-8 Customer Information


Control Panel Information
Programming The Control

Alarm Control Programming Overview

To access the alarm control programming screens, either

double-click on the highlighted customer account in the
Customer Screen or highlight the customer and click on
the MODIFY button.



Control Panel Information 7-1

The following screen is displayed:

Bar Title Bar

Tabs Bar

At the top of the screen is the title bar. It contains the

control panel type and the account number of the
customer you selected. The status of the data you are
looking at, such as current or uploaded, is also displayed.
Below this is the menu bar. The options in the menu bar
are not control panel specific, they are downloader
operations. These options are as follows:


Save: Allows an operator to save the

alarm control settings.

Printer Setup: Allows an operator to select and

setup the printer.

Diagnostic Print: (future use)

7-2 Control Panel Information

Print Programming Allows an operator to print a
Form: programming form with the
fields filled in to match the
downloader settings.

Exit: Allows an operator to exit the

alarm control programming


Panel Communications: Allows an operator to set up the

initial modem commands and
communicate with the alarm
control (see Communications,
Chapter 4).

The following view modes give the operator the ability to

see three different versions of a control’s programming.
This allows the user to compare the values saved in the
downloader to values uploaded from the control, or a
current edit not yet saved. The screen being viewed is
indicated in the upper right corner of the Title Bar.

Current Edit: Allows an operator to view the

changes just made (not saved
yet) to the control programming.

Upload: Allows an operator to view the

uploaded alarm control data.

Saved: Allows an operator to view the

saved (in the downloader) data.

DOS: Allows an operator to view the

original DOS downloader
programming information on a
Control Panel Information 7-3
converted account.

Defaults: Allows an operator to view the

programming defaults for a
control panel.


Allows an operator to search for a specific programming

field number. To do this, proceed as follows:

1. Enter the programming field number that you are

looking for.
2. Click on the FIND FIRST button.
3. If you want to go to the field in the programming
screens, click on the GO TO button.


This menu displays the same options as those on the

Button Bar, as well as the available hotkeys.


Presents normal windows features such as cascading

and arrange icons, and displays forms currently open.


Pulls down the Help menu. Select ABOUT to view the

release date of your Downloader.

Programming an Alarm Control

1. Either double-click on the account in the Customer

screen or select the account using the mouse, and
then click on the EDIT button.

7-4 Control Panel Information

2. The following screen appears. This screen will vary
according to the control panel selected.

3. Select from the button bar which section (Partition,

Dialer, Zones) to program.
4. Enter the control panel programming information.
For complete definitions of all the programming
fields, see Appendix A.
5. When done programming, Select the CLOSE button.
This screen appears:

6. Select the SAVE button to save the programming

Control Panel Information 7-5
information, or UNDO to close without saving.

Using Templates

Templates are used to create “master” files for copying

control panel programming data to speed programming a
new account. A template gives you a very quick and easy
way to add a customer’s alarm control programming

To access the Template screen, click on the Template icon

on the top of the Customer Information screen.

The following screen appears:



Creating New Templates

To create a new template:

1. Click on the ADD button. The screen displayed

allows you to enter the control panel type, the

7-6 Control Panel Information

Revision, and a name for this template.

2. Click on OK to save, or CANCEL to exit without


3. Then click on the MODIFY button to program the

alarm control panel.

4. When you are done programming the control

panel, select CLOSE and then SAVE to save the

Modifying Templates

To modify an existing template:

1. Click on TEMPLATE in the Customer Information


2. Select the template from the Templates list.

3. Click on the MODIFY button. You will be brought into

the selected alarm control to program the template

4. When you are done programming the control

panel, select CLOSE and then SAVE to save the

Control Panel Information 7-7

Deleting Templates

To delete a template:

1. Click on TEMPLATE in the Customer Information


2. Highlight the Template on the list.

3. Click on the DELETE button.

4. Click on OK to delete, or CANCEL to exit without


Converting Customer Data to Templates

To use another customer’s account data as a template:

1. Follow steps 1 and 2 from “Creating New

Templates” above.

2. Then select the CUSTOMER DATA button. A form will

appear with a list of current customers using that
type of control.

3. Select the customer to use as a template and click

on OK.

Using A Template To Create A New Account

Templates are used to speed the process of programming

a control panel. To use a template to program a control:

1. Create a new account or, highlight the account on

Customer Information screen that the template is
to be applied to.

7-8 Control Panel Information

2. Click on the TEMPLATE button.

The following screen appears:

3. Highlight the template that will be applied to the

account. Click OK.

4. Confirm the template selection by clicking OK. The

control panel will now be programmed to match the

Copying an Account

The Copy command can be used in place of Templates for

quickly copying programming information from one control
to another. To Copy an account:

Control Panel Information 7-9

1. Click on the COPY button. The following screen

2. Enter the receiver and account number of the

control panel to be copied from or click on the
BROWSE button to locate the account.

3. Enter the receiver and account number of the panel

to be copied to or check the Create New Panel box.

4. Click OK. The new account will now be copied from

the source account.

An account can only be copied to another

account using the same control panel type
and revision.

7-10 Control Panel Information


Communicating With The Control
Getting On-line

Control Communications
1. Click on the MODIFY button to access the
programming fields for the selected control panel.

2. Select Panel Communications from the

Communications pulldown menu.

3. Click on the CONNECT button. The following screen


Initiate From

4. In the Connect From box, select the origin of the

remote call (PC, Control) or, if your control is

Communicating With The Contol 8-1

directly connected to your computer’s serial port,
select Direct. To determine whether you should
select the First Communication and Answering
Machine Defeat options, see the descriptions of
both to follow.

5. Select First Communication.

6. Make sure NO ACCT. # IN PANEL is checked.

7. Enter the control phone number and select the

CONNECT button. To save the phone number, select
SAVE under the control panel phone number. This
number will now be the default number used to call
this particular control.

If you need to change the number, enter the new

number and select SAVE again. The old number will
be overwritten. If you want to temporarily use
another number, enter it, and after the session,
select UNDO. You will be asked if you want to
restore the prior number. Select OK.
8. Click on the CONNECT button.

9. The PC will call the control panel. A series of

SEND and RECEIVE arrows at the bottom of the
screen will be displayed. The modem will
disconnect and wait for the control to call back.

If you need to modify the control panel programming while

on-line, click on the MODIFY button.

The control panel programming screen appears. See

Chapter 7: Control Panel Information for programming

8-2 Communicating With The Control

First Communication

To get on-line with an unprogrammed control as a First


1. Select First Time Communication in the


2. Default the control.

3. The control must have a Ring Detect and

Download Callback Number programmed. If
callback is disabled at the control you must also
enable Download Without Callback in the

To get on-line with a control that has already been


1. Leave First Time Communication unselected in

the downloader.

2. The control must have a Ring Detect and

Download Callback Number programmed. If
callback is disabled at the control you must also
enable Download Without Callback in the

3. The subscriber’s account number and C.S.I.D.

have to be programmed into the control and
have to match what is in the downloader. If
either of these fields do not match, the control
will not get on-line with the downloader.

Answering Machine Defeat

The downloader allows remote operation to be initiated to

sites that have an answering machine. The modem

Communicating With The Control 8-3

speaker must be enabled in the downloader
Communications Screen so you can hear the phone at the
site ringing. Also, Answering Machine Defeat must be
enabled in the downloader Dialer screen for the control
you are communicating with and the control must be
programmed for “15” rings.
1. Select Answering Machine Defeat on the
downloader Communications Screen.
2. Initiate a call from the PC. The PC will display
“Answering Machine Mode.” Listen for the phone to
ring at the site.
3. After the first ring, press the ESCAPE key to
disconnect the call. The PC will automatically hang
up, wait 3 seconds, and re-dial the number. The
message “hanging up and calling again” is
4. The control should answer the second call on the
first ring.
5. The control will iniate a callback to your PC.

After the initial exchange and verification of the C.S.I.D.

number, a Control Status Information screen is displayed.
This screen displays the current status of the alarm
control. Whenever you make a request or send a
command, a Panel Status box is displayed. The Status
box displays the status of communications between the
control and the downloader. At the bottom of the Status
Box is a status bar that shows the progress of the
information transfer:

8-4 Communicating With The Control

Button Menu Bar

Control Information

If you are using a Vista-100 control, a special option will

be listed under the File pulldown menu called “View
Logs.” This option allows you to upload the following
• Event logs: Provides the same function as the
Event Log button.
• ECP Reports: Lists all the addressable devices
connected to the system (i.e.,
keypads, voice module, etc.).
• Fire Test Reports: Uploads the results of the Fire
Walk Tests that have been logged
into the control panel.
• Unsolicited Alarms: Lists all alarms that have
occurred while on-line with the
control panel.

When you are on-line with a control, the following

commands are available:

Communicating With The Control 8-5

On-Line Commands

To download programming information to the alarm

control, click on the DOWNLOAD button. The following
screen will appear:

Select the information you want to download from the

available options and click OK.

To upload programming information from the control to the

downloader, select the UPLOAD button. The following
screen will appear:

Select the information you want to upload from the

available options and click OK.
8-6 Communicating With The Control
To determine the status of the control that is on-line with
the downloader, select the STATUS button. The following
screen will appear:

Select which status the downloader should inquire about.

To arm the control from the downloader, select the ARM

button. The following screen will appear:

Select OK to confirm that you want to arm the alarm

control. If the control cannot be armed, the downloader
will display a warning stating that the control cannot be
armed and a status screen will show the faulted zones.

Communicating With The Control 8-7


To bypass faulted zones via the downloader, select the

BYPASS button. The following screen will appear:

Select the zone number to be bypassed and the partition

to which it belongs (if applicable). Then click on OK.

8-8 Communicating With The Control

To disarm an alarm control, select the DISARM Button. The
following screen will appear:

Select OK to confirm disarming.

When using the Vista 100

To upload the control panel’s event log:

1. Click on the EVENT LOG button. The following

screen will appear:

2. Select the type of events to upload.

3. From the Upload Log pulldown menu select

partial or full. If you select Partial, only those
events since the last event log reset will be
uploaded. If you select Full, all events will be
Communicating With The Control 8-9
4. Select how the records are to be displayed,
either from oldest or newest from the Record
Order box.

5. Click OK. The following screen appears:

6. When the Event Log details have been

uploaded the following screen appears:

7. To change the sort order, select an option from

the Sort Order options box.

8-10 Communicating With The Control

8. To view the events in a 24 hour format, click on
the 24HR button.

9. To print the Event Log, click on PRINT.

Saving the Event Log

With the Event Log screen displayed:

1. Click on SAVE. The following screen appears:

2. Select the Save options. If you want to save the

log in the downloader only, select Save In
Database Log and de-select Save In Text File.

3. If this is a new Event Log, select New Event

Communicating With The Control 8-11

Log. If you would like to append an old event
log with this new information, select Append To

4. When Append To Log is selected, the available

event logs are displayed.

Event Logs

5. Highlight the event log to be appended.

6. Click on SAVE.

7. If you chose to save the Event Log in a text file,

enter a name and saving location in the next

To display a message on the alarm control keypads,

select the MESSAGE button. The following screen will

8-12 Communicating With The Control

The screen will display an area for four different keypad
messages. Type in up to four standard messages (one in
each display window). Select the message that you want
displayed at the system’s keypads. If this is a multiple
partition system, but the message is only supposed to be
displayed on a particular partition, select Send This
Message To This Partition. Select the amount of time the
message is to be displayed from the Message Duration
pulldown menu. Then click on SEND to download the

Setting the Time

To set the time in the alarm control panel:
1. From the Command pulldown menu, select TIME-

Communicating With The Control 8-13

The following screen appears:

2. The control will be set to match the PC or you

can change the time to whatever you wish.


To shutdown a control panel:

1. Select Shutdown from the Command pulldown

2. Select either Dialer or System. Dialer shuts

down only the dialer portion of the system.
System shuts down the entire alarm system.

8-14 Communicating With The Control

3. Choose ON or OFF for the selected system.

4. Confirm your selection.

Test Report

If you would like the alarm control panel to send a Test

Report immediately after the downloader session:
1. Select Test Report from the Command
pulldown menu.

The following screen appears:

Communicating With The Control 8-15

2. Select OK. The following screen appears to
confirm the command:

8-16 Communicating With The Control

Appendix A
Appendix A is an explanation of all the programming fields
in the ADEMCO Group Compass Downloader.

The fields have been listed in alphabetical order under the

particular button they fall under. For example, if you want
to find a definition for the “Enable Low Battery Report”
field that is under the Globals button, first go to the
Globals Button section. Then go through the listing until
you get to the “Enable Low Battery Report” field’s

To aid you further, screen shots of the buttons (see

example below) have been used to show the start of each
section and each section starts at the top of a new page.

Appendix A A-1
The following view modes give the operator the ability to
see different versions of a control’s programming. This
allows the operator to compare the values saved in the
downloader to values uploaded from the control, or a
current edit not yet saved.

Base Values

Saved: This mode displays the data that has just

been changed and saved.

Upload: This mode displays the uploaded alarm

control data.

DOS: This mode displays the DOS downloader

programming information on a converted

Default: This mode displays the programming

defaults for a control panel.

Compare Values

Screen: This mode displays what has just been

changed in the modify screens, but not
yet saved.

Saved: This mode displays the data that has just

been changed and saved.

A-2 Appendix A
Uploaded: This mode displays what has just been
uploaded from the control.

The REFRESH button must be clicked

whenever a compare option is changed.

Appendix A A-3
Device Addr
A device address is used for devices connected to the
system’s keypad terminals. The address you physically
set in a device must match its programmed address. No
entry required.

Device Type
Click in this field to access the pulldown menu to choose
the type of device that is used on this address.

Value (Parameter 1- Master Partition or House ID)

Select the partition that the device is assigned to if a
console was selected or a house ID if an RF receiver was

Value (Parameter 2- Sounder Options)

Select the sounder options for the selected console.

A-4 Appendix A
Answering Machine Defeat
Enable this field to defeat an answering machine on site.
When in the answering machine mode, the caller should
let the phone ring once, then hit escape, then the control
will call back immediately. The control, hearing one ring
followed by nothing, will not answer the first call but will
ready itself to pick up on the first ring of the next incoming
call received within 30 seconds.

Auxiliary Output Enable

Select an option from the pulldown menu if:
• ground start output is required.
• the auxiliary output will be used to produce an
open/close trigger.
• the auxiliary output will be used to produce keypad-
like sounding at an auxiliary sounder.
• a two-way audio module is being used.

Call Waiting Defeat

Enable this field for the control to disable the telephone
company’s Call Waiting feature when dialing. Do not
enable unless Call Waiting is being used.

Central Station on WATS Line

Select this field if the control is communicating on an 800
telephone number. When selected, this field tells the
control to extend the time it waits for a handshake from
the receiver.

Appendix A A-5
Checksum Verify- Primary
Select this field to enable the control to send a verification
digit to validate the message at the receiver without
having to send two message rounds on the primary
format. Selection is valid for 3+1, 4+1, and 4+2 reports.

Checksum Verify -Secondary

Select this field to enable the control to send a verification
digit to validate the message at the receiver without
having to send two message rounds on the secondary
format. Selection is valid for 3+1, 4+1, and 4+2 reports.

Dial Tone Detection

This field determines whether the control will wait for a
true dial tone before dialing, or if it will wait for a pre-
determined delay before dialing (see Dial Tone Pause).
Dial tone detection may be necessary in a high telco noise
environment where noise may be mistaken for a dial tone.

Dial Tone Pause

This field sets the time the control will pause before
dialing. This applies only if true dial tone is not selected in
the Dial Tone Detection field.

Dialing Method
Select the method of dialing for the control, either touch-
tone or rotary.

Disable Station Initiated Download

Selecting this field prohibits an installer from initiating a
download from the computer.

Download Phone
Enter the telephone number that the control will use to call
the download computer. This number is used when
Download Without Callback feature is disabled.

A-6 Appendix A
Download Without Callback
Selecting this field allows the control to get on-line with
the computer without requiring the control to call back.

Enable Dual Reporting

This field allows all reports to be sent to both the primary
and secondary telephone numbers.

Enable Intelligent Test Reporting

Selecting this field tells the control not to send a test
report if any other type of report has been sent since the
last test report.

Initiation Day
Select the day that the first test report will be sent.

Initiation Time
Enter the time the first test report will be sent.

Load Transmission Default Values

This field is used to load the communications defaults for
the selected format.

No. Reports/Armed Period

Select “10” to limit the number of reports that will be sent
to the central station during an armed period. Select
“unlimited” to allow all reports to be sent to the central

Non Alarm Dialer Report Codes to Central Station

Select from the pulldown menu or enter in the codes that
are to be sent to the central station for the system non-
alarm codes.

Appendix A A-7
Number of Rings
Enter the number of rings that the control should wait
before answering the call for downloading and/or phone
module activation. If there is an answering machine on the
premises, see Answering Machine Defeat.

PABX Access Code

If a prefix is needed to gain access to an outside
telephone line or a call waiting defeat sequence, enter it
here. Up to four digits may be entered.

Periodic Test
From the pulldown menu, select the how often test reporst
are sent.

Primary Phone
Enter the primary central station receiver telephone

Primary Speed
Select either Ademco or Sescoa/Radionics if low speed
has been chosen for the primary low speed format.

Primary Transmission Format

Select the reporting format to be used on the primary
receiver telephone number.

Radionics or Sescoa Transmission

This field determines the inter-digit time in the
transmission format. Check with your central station to
determine the appropriate format.

Randomize AC Loss Reports

If selected, this will cause the system to report AC loss at
a random time between 10-40 minutes after losing AC
power. Selecting this option helps prevent an overload of

A-8 Appendix A
AC power loss messages at the central station during a
community blackout.

Report Codes
Enter the central station report codes.

Report Format
Select the transmission format for reports to the central

Restore Report Timing

Select Instant for a report to be initiated immediately upon
a zone restoring, At Bell Timeout to have the restore
report initiated after the bell times out if the zone has
restored, or At Disarm if the report should be initiated
when the control is disarmed.

Secondary Phone
This field is used to enter the secondary phone number. It
is used if communication on the primary number is
unsuccessful, or if split/dual reporting is desired. If this
field is programmed, a secondary subscriber account
number must also be programmed (can be the same as
the primary account number).

Secondary Speed
Select either Ademco Low Speed or Sescoa/Radionics.

Secondary Subscriber Acct Number

Enter the secondary subscriber account number.

Secondary Transmission Format

Select the reporting format to be used on the secondary
receiver telephone number.

Select Expanded Reports for Primary

Select the reports that are to be sent to central station in
Appendix A A-9
an expanded format.

Select Expanded Reports for Secondary

Select the reports that are to be sent to central station in
an expanded format.

Split Reporting
This field allows certain reports to be directed to either the
primary or secondary telephone number.

Split/Dual Reports
Select a reporting format based upon which reports
should be sent to both the primary and secondary
telephone numbers.

Test Interval In Hours

Enter the number of hours between each test report.

Touch tone with Rotary Backup

Select this field to enable Rotary backup dialing if the
communicator is not successful on dialing using touch-
tone on the first attempt.

Zone Types Reporting Restore

Select the zone types for which restore reports will be

A-10 Appendix A
15 Second Delay Burglary Report
Enable this option for a 15 second delay on all burglary
alarm reports except those sent for 24 hour zones.

4285 Voice Phone Codes

Select the first and second digits that will be used to gain
access to the control using the 4285 Phone Module.

Audible Exit Warning

When selected, provides keypad sounding during exit
delay when arming AWAY or MAXIMUM. The keypad will
beep slowly during the exit time, turning into rapid beeping
during the last 5 seconds.

Confirmation Of Arming Ding

Selecting this option enables the external sounder to
momentarily sound when the system is Armed Away. One
ding from the external sounder will occur at the end of the
exit delay time or at kissoff from the central station
receiver if closing reports are being sent.

Console Programming Mode

When selected, this field allows the installer to use his/her
code to enter programming mode through the keypad.

Enable 5800 RF Button Force Bypass

Select this field to allow the RF button user to force
bypass all faulted zones. When attempting to arm the
system, the keypad will beep once after pressing the
button if any zones are faulted. If this feature is enabled,
the user should then press the button again within 4
seconds to force bypass those zones and arm the system.
Appendix A A-11
Enable 5800 RF button Global Arm
Enable this field to have the system arm/disarm in
accordance with the button user’s global arming features.

Enable AC Power Loss Alarm

Select to sound the external siren after AC power has
been out for an extended period of time (see control II for
specific amount of time).

Enable Beeping Sound on AC Loss

Select to enable sounding at the keypad (rapid beeping)
when AC power is lost.

Enable Low Battery Report

Select this field if a trouble message from an RF
transmitter is to be sent to the central station.

Enable Power Up in Previous State

Select this field for the control to power up in the state it
was in before the power failure. If disabled, the control will
power up in the disarmed state.

Enable Supervision for LRR

Select the response types to be supervised. This option
causes the control to send periodic short pulses on the J7
radio triggers. These pulses are used by the long range
radio to determine that its connection to the control is still

Enable Wireless Keypad Tamper Detection

This field enables supervision on wireless keypad
tampers. If more then 40 key depressions are received
without a valid sequence (arm, disarm, etc.), the control
will disable the wireless keypad. The keypad is enabled
again once a valid sequence is entered.

A-12 Appendix A
Entry/Exit Delay
Select from the pulldown menu the amount of delay time
for entry and exit.

Event Log Types

Select the type of events the control should save to the
event log.

Exit Delay Reset

Select this field to reset the Exit Delay to 60 seconds after
door is closed.

Exit Error Logic

Selecting this field enables the Exit Error Logic which will
cause an exit error if an entry/exit or interior zone is
tripped within two minutes of arming.

Forced Bypass
When enabled, this field allows the user to use the Quick
Bypass sequence to bypass all the faulted zones.

Ignore Expansion Zone Tamper

This option is used to disable tamper detection on certain
polling loop sensors with tamper switches or 5800 series

Keyswitch Partition Assignment

Select the partition to which the keyswitch is assigned.
The keyswitch can operate only one partition. If assigned,
zone 7 can no longer be used as a protection zone
(exception Vista-20).

Local Programming Lockout

When selected, this field prohibits entering the
programming mode through the keypad. This field is a
read only field, and is programmed through the keypad.

Appendix A A-13
Low Battery Annunciation
Select when a low RF transmitter battery should be
annunciated at the keypad, either at disarmed state only
or any time.

LRR Burg. Trigger for Zone Type 8

When selected, this field allows triggering of the voltage
output on pin 7 of the J7 header to include zone response
type 8 (24hr. auxiliary).

LRR Output
When selected, any dialer report programmed to report to
the primary phone number will also be sent via long range

Open/Close Reports for Keyswitch

Select if open/close reports for the keyswitch are desired.

Printer Baud Rate

If there is a printer hooked up to the control, select the
baud rate at which it is set.

Quick Arm
Enables the system to be Quick Armed using the # and
Away [2] or # and Stay [3] keys.

Read Only Panel Remote Access Enables

De-selecting a function means that you will not be able to
perform that function with respect to the system.

RF Expansion
Select from the pulldown menu the type of Rf receiver that
is being used.

A-14 Appendix A
RF Monitoring Interval (Hours)
Select the RF receiver monitoring interval in 2 hour

RF Point Supervision in Hours

Select the RF transmitter monitoring interval in 2 hour

RF Supervision Audible
Select this field to enable trouble sounding for transmitter
check-in failure.

Single Alarm Sounding Per Zone

When this field is selected, the zones will sound the
outside sounder only once for an alarm condition during
an armed period.

Time Format
Select either 12 or 24-hr time format for logging system

Use Partition Descriptors

This field allows a four-character descriptor to be
displayed on the keypad.

Wireless Keypad Partition Assignment

Select the partition to which the wireless keypad is

Zone 5 Audio Alarm Verification

Select if 2-way audio (AAV) is used. If selected, zone 5
can no longer be used as a protection point.

Appendix A A-15
Select this button to have the report sorted by date in
ascending order.

Select from the pulldown box the date the history report
will end.

Feature Description
Select this button to have the report sorted by the Feature
Description in alphabetical order.

Operator Name
Select this button to have the report sorted by the
Operator Names in alphabetical order.

Select from the pulldown box the date the history report
will start from.

A-16 Appendix A
Affects Lobby
Enabling this option for a specific partition causes that
partition to affect the operation of the common lobby as
• When the first partition that affects the lobby is dis-
armed, the lobby will also be disarmed.

• The common lobby cannot be armed unless every

partition selected to affect the lobby is armed.

Allow GOTO From Other Partitions

Allows this partition to be accessed from another partition
using the GOTO command.

Alpha 1
This field reflects the first line of the default message
appearing on keypads in the highlighted partition. To
change the message, double click on the message in the
ALPHA 1 column, type the message you want and press

Alpha 2
This field reflects the second line of the default message
appearing on keypads in the highlighted partition. To
change the message, double click on the message in the
ALPHA 2 column, type the message you want and press

Appendix A A-17
Arms Lobby
Enabling this option for a specific partition causes that
partition to attempt to arm the common lobby.

Burglar Alarm Comm Delay

Enable this option for a 16 second delay on all burglary
alarm reports except those sent for 24 hour zones.

Cancel Report After Disarm

If enabled, a cancel report will be sent if an alarm was
triggered and then CODE+OFF is entered. If disabled,
cancel will only be sent within bell timeout.

Chime on External Siren

Enables the external sounder to mimic the keypad when
in the Chime Mode.

Common Lobby
This field determines the partition designated as the
“Common Lobby.”

A-18 Appendix A
Confirmation of Arming Ding
Selecting this option enables the external sounder to
momentarily sound when the system is Armed Away. One
ding from the external sounder will occur at the end of the
exit delay time or at kissoff from the central station
receiver if closing reports are being sent.

Console Annunciation During Entry

This option allows you to choose the type of sound the
keypad will make during the entry delay.

Console Annunciation During Exit

Selecting this option enables the console to beep during
the exit delay.

Console Panic for Keys (* and #) or (B key) Zone 99 Enable

Enables the console Panic for the * and # keys (zone 99)
for the selected partition.

Console Panic for Keys (* and 1) or (A key) Zone 95 Enable

Enables the console Panic for the *and 1 keys (zone 95)
for the selected partition.

Console Panic for Keys (# and 3) or (C key) Zone 96 Enable

Enables the console Panic for the # and 3 keys (zone 96)
for the selected partition.

Current Partition
From the pulldown menu, select the partition number you
are programming.

Default Console Message

Displays the combined message from the ALPHA 1 and
ALPHA 2 columns. The message can be modified directly
in the Default Console Message box or in the ALPHA 1
and ALPHA 2 columns.

Appendix A A-19
Select this field to enter a descriptor for any of the
available partitions.

Dialer Reports For:

Panic [*] and [1] or [A]

Enables a report sent to the central station when the [*]
and [1] keys on the system keypad are pressed at the
same time, or when the [A] key on the keypad is pressed.

Panic [#] and [3] or [C]

Enables a report sent to the central station when the [#]
and [3] keys on the system keypad are pressed at the
same time, or when the [C] key on the keypad is pressed.

Panic [*] and [#] or [B]

Enables a report sent to the central station when the [*]
and [#] keys on the system keypad are pressed at the
same time, or when the [B] key on the keypad is pressed.

Enables a report sent to the central station when the
duress code is entered at the system keypad.

Entry Delay #1 (seconds)

Enter or select from the pulldown menu how long the
Entry Delay #1 should be.

Entry Delay #2 (seconds)

Enter or select from the pulldown menu how long the
Entry Delay #2 should be.

A-20 Appendix A
Exit Delay #1 (seconds)
Enter or select from the pulldown menu how long the Exit
Delay #1 should be.

Exit Delay #2 (seconds)

Enter or select from the pulldown menu how long the Exit
Delay #2 should be.

J7 Trigger Outputs
Assigns the J7 trigger outputs to this partition.

Multiple Alarms Per Arming Enable

Allows more than one alarm on a given zone during an
armed period. However, multiple alarm soundings will not
occur more frequently than allowed by the programmed
alarm sounder duration. This selection is local only and
does not affect the number of communications reported to
central station. Refer to Swinger Suppression to limit
communication messages.

This field is used to further identify the descriptor field but
it is displayed only in the downloader. Enter a description
of the selected partition.

Non-Bypassable Zone Select

Entering a zone number prevents that zone from being
bypassed by the user. Enter 00 if this feature is not
desired (all zones can be bypassed). This does not affect
fire zones, which the control prevents from being

This field reflects the number of partitions in the alarm
system. This field requires no entry.

Appendix A A-21
Permanent Backlight Enable
Enable to have the backlight for the keypad displays lit

Primary Sub ID
Select (by double-clicking the field); then enter the 3 or 4
digit primary central station account number for that

Quick Arm Enable

Enables the selected partition to be Quick Armed using
the # and Away [2] or # and Stay [3] keys.

Secondary Sub ID
Select (by double-clicking the field); then enter the 3 or 4
digit secondary central station account number for that

Sounder Timeout Duration

Type in or select how long the external sounder will ring
before it times out.

A-22 Appendix A
Speed Key Macro
The “D” key (on the keypad) can be used to activate a
string of up to 16 keystrokes. These keystrokes are known
as a macro and are stored in the system’s memory. Each
partition may have its own macro. Typical Speed Key
functions include:
• Arming sequences that involve bypassing certain
zones and then arming.
• Seldom used but repeatable sequences.
• Relay activation sequences.
Enter up to 16 keystrokes. A speed key sequence can
include different commands such as:

Desired Function Entry

GOTO partition 2 *2
Bypass Zones 10 & 11 6, 10, 11
Arm in maximum mode 4
Return to partition 1 *1

A space must be entered between each command.

To program the speed key sequence, enter
*2[D]61011[D]4[D]*1[D][D] in the Speed Key Macro field.

Swing Suppress Count

This option limits the number of messages (Alarms or
Troubles) sent for a specific channel in an armed period.
Select 1-15 or 00, which allows an unlimited number of
reports to be sent.

Appendix A A-23
Access Control Relay
The system can be programmed to provide user activated
access control. When a relay is assigned, it will pulse for 2
seconds when the user enters his/her code followed by

Select the action this relay is to perform when activated.

Current Relay
Select the relay for which the relay descriptor is being

Type in a description of this relay. This description is for
operator reference only.

If this relay is assigned to a zone list, an event (alarm,
fault, etc.) from any zone on that list can activate the relay.

Group #
Enter the group number if this relay is to be grouped with
other relays for common activation.

Long (x 2 minutes)
This field is used to program the amount of time (00-127
minutes) relay commands 04/09 will be activated. The
selection is multiplied 2 times (e.g. 10 x 2 = 20 minutes).

A-24 Appendix A
New Version
This field displays the words that are being programmed.
To select words for the new descriptor, double click on the
words from the list.

Output #
Select the output (relay) number to be programmed.

If this relay is to be activated by one particular partition,
select that partition. If it can be activated by any partition,
select Any Partition.

Present Version
This field displays what is currently programmed for the
selected relay.

Relay Zone Lists

A zone list is used to group zones so that if any of those
zones are tripped, they can trigger a device.

Select this field if the end user will be restricted from
accessing this relay. The system may have some devices
which are not intended to be under end user control, such
as relays activating fire doors or machinery.

Short (Seconds)
This field is used to program the amount of time (00-127
seconds) relay commands 05/10 will be activated.

Type (Device)
Select the relay type you are using, either 4204 or X-10.

Appendix A A-25
Type (Start and Stop Parameters)
If this relay can be activated or deactivated by a particular
zone response type (entry/exit, fire, 24 hour panic, etc.) or
system operation (chime, kissoff, etc.), select that type.

Select the word in the descriptor to program (One, Two, or
Three). Then double click on the word desired. If
programming the entire descriptor, you may simply select
(double-click) on each word, and the word number will be
reflected by your selections. If words are large, only two
words may be allowed for the descriptor.

Zone List
Select the zone list number each zone belongs to if this
relay can be started or stopped by multiple zones.

A-26 Appendix A
Select the action to be performed from the pulldown list.

Activation Time
Select the point at which the event will occur with
reference to the assigned time window (i.e. at the start of
the window).

Daylight Savings Time

Enter or select the month and day for the beginning and
end of daylight savings time.

Disarm Only During Disarm Window

Select this field if disarming of the system should be
allowed only during the arming/disarming windows, or if
the system is in alarm (if Disarm Outside Window if Alarm
is selected). This applies only to operator level users.
Installer, Master, and Manager level users can disarm the
system at any time.

Disarm Outside Window if Alarm

Select this field to allow the system to be disarmed
outside the programmed disarm (opening) window if an
alarm has occurred. This field is applicable only if Disarm
Only During Disarm Window is selected.

Event #
Select the event number to be programmed.

Event Active Days

Select the days this scheduled event is to be active.

Appendix A A-27
Event Description
Enter the description for the selected event. This
description will also appear on the USER TIMERS

Force Arm for Auto-Arm

Selecting this field causes the control to attempt to bypass
any faulted zones prior to auto-arming.

Holiday Schedule
This screen is used to setup the holiday schedule and
apply it to the partitions. Decide the holiday number to
edit, then click on the DATE box and select the month and
date of the holiday. Click on APPLY to have that date
entered for the selected holiday. If the holiday already has
a date selected, clicking on the UNUSED button will clear
the date. The arrows that point up and down let you move
through the holiday list. When done, select the CLOSE

Open/Close Reports by Exception

This option allows a means of reporting openings and
closings by exception (sent only if arming or disarming
occurs outside of the predetermined opening/closing time
windows). The system also sends missed open/close
reports if no opening/closing occurs by the end of the
corresponding window.

Select the partition to be programmed.

A-28 Appendix A
Partition Auto Arm Times (Minutes)
Delay- Select the time between the end of the arming
window and the start of the auto arm warning time.
Warning- Enter the time the user is warned by a keypad
sounding and display to exit the premises prior to auto
arming of the system.
Disarm- Enter the time between the end of the disarming
window and the start of auto disarming of the system.

Partition Temporary Schedule

Each partition can be assigned a Temporary Schedule
which will override the regular open/close schedule (and
the holiday schedule). This schedule takes effect as soon
as it is programmed and remains active for up to one

Partition Open/Close Schedule

Select the Time Windows that apply to each partition for
opening and closing.

Report Codes
Select from the pulldown menu or enter the report codes
to be sent to central station.

Schedule Access Limitations

A user’s access can be limited to a certain time period,
during which he can perform system functions. Outside
this time, that user’s code will be inactive. The system
provides up to 8 Access Schedules, each consisting of 2
Time Windows (one for opening, one for closing) for each
day of the week and 2 time windows for holidays. If a user
tries to operate the system outside the schedule, the
alpha keypad will display “Access Denied.” The Access
Limitations are assigned to users in the Users screen.

Appendix A A-29
Time Window
From the pulldown menu, select the time window this
programmed event will follow. To view the programmed
time windows, click on the VIEW TIME WINDOWS button.

Time Window Schedule

Enter the start and stop time for each time window.
Scheduled events are based on time windows, which are
simply periods of time during which an event may take
place. Time windows are defined by a start time and stop
time. The system supports up to 20 Time Windows. The
windows are shared by all the partitions, and the windows
are used for open/close schedules as well as for time
driven event control.

User Timers
This screen is used to program the timers. The timers can
be programmed by the user through the keypad or by a
technician through the downloader.

Select the times and days for each timer and device. If
any timer is to be used on a permanent basis, select the
PERM box.

View Time Windows

Click on this button to view or program the time windows.

A-30 Appendix A
Access Code
Enter the 4-digit user access code for this user.

Access Group
Users assigned to an Access Group number will follow the
Access Schedule of the same number (i.e., Access Group
1 follows Access Schedule 1). If no corresponding Access
Schedule is defined, the users’ access will not be limited.

Enter any comments that pertain to this user.

Current Users
This screen is used to view and enter the user
information. To edit a user, select the user from the list
and click on the EDIT button. To add a user, click on the
next available slot or, any blank slot, and click on ADD. The
user’s information is added to the next screen displayed.

Master Part.
Select the master partition to which the code is assigned.

Partition Options
This field is used to assign the authority levels to this user
for each applicable partition, whether open/close reports
or Global Arming is desired, and for which partitions.

Appendix A A-31
RF Information
Utilize this field for assigning an RF button device to this
user. Enter only 1 zone number from the button device.

User Name
Enter the name of the person to which this code is
assigned. This information is for reference only and is not
resident in the control panel.

A-32 Appendix A
Activate Reporting Zones
This button becomes active when Contact ID has been
selected as the reporting format and a central station
telephone number is programmed in the Dialer screen.

Select this button to have all the words displayed.

Alpha 1
Select, then type in the first word of the message to be
displayed on the keypads for that partition.

Alpha 2
Select, then type in the second word of the message to be
displayed on the keypads for that partition.

Alpha 3
Select, then type in the third word of the message to be
displayed on the keypads for that partition.

Cross Zoning Pairs

Enter two zones that need to be faulted within five minutes
of each other to cause an alarm. Up to four pairs of zones
can be selected.

Current Zone
Select the zone to be edited from the pulldown menu or
using the (+) or (-) buttons.

Select this button to display custom words.

Appendix A A-33
Custom Words
Select the ADD button to enter a new custom word.

Type in a description for this zone. This description will be
shown in other screens for reference.

Edit Alpha
Click on this button to edit the alpha descriptors for the

Input Type
Select the input type for the zone being used from the
pulldown menu.
The choices are:
0 Not used
3 Supervised RF
4 Unsupervised RF
5 RF Button type
6 Serial # Polling Loop
7 Dip Switch Type Polling
8 Right Loop/Dip Switch Type Polling

Note: All zones must be programmed with a

zone type, input type, and loop number.

A-34 Appendix A
Loop #
All expansion devices have a designated loop number or
loop numbers. Devices with only one input are always
designated as loop one. Devices with up to four inputs are
designated as loops 1-4.

Note: All zones must be programmed with a

zone type, input type, and loop number.

Enter the number of the home partition to which this
keypad is assigned.

Select the response type for the corresponding zone.
Some zone response types listed may not be available on
all controls. Zone response types are:
• 00= Not Used
• 01= Entry/Exit #1, Burglary
• 02= Entry/Exit #2, Burglary
• 03= Perimeter, Burglary
• 04= Interior Follower, Burglary
• 05= Trouble by Day/Alarm by Night
• 06= 24 Hour Silent Alarm
• 07= 24 Hour Audible Alarm
• 08= 24 Hour Auxiliary
• 09= Fire
• 10= Interior Delay, Burglary
• 16= Fire with Verification
• 17= Fire Waterflow
• 18= Fire Supervisory
• 19= 24-Hour Trouble
• 20= Armed Stay
• 21= Armed Away
• 22= Disarmed
• 23= No Alarm Response (used for relay activation)

Appendix A A-35
This field is a read only field. This field reflects what is
programmed in the Dialer fields where the report codes
are programmed.

Serial #
Enter the serial number for the corresponding serial
number device.

Select this button to display the words that can be spoken
by the VIP module.

Select this button to substitute a word that can be spoken
for a custom word that can not.

Select the word to be edited (One, Two, Three). The word
that corresponds to the number will appear next to the
button marked DELETE. If no word has been programmed
yet, then DELETE will be alone. If the word selected needs
to be pluralized, click on the ADD SUFFIX button.

Zone #3 Response Time

Select normal (400ms) or fast (10ms) response time for
zone 3. Select fast response for devices that have a very
fast trigger such as glass break detectors.

Zone 2-8 EOLR

Select this field if zones 2-8 are end of line resistor

A-36 Appendix A
Zone 9 Response
Select normal (350ms) or fast (10ms) response time for
zone 9. Select fast response for devices that have a very
fast trigger such as glass break detectors.

Zone 1-8 Response Time

Select the appropriate response time (10, 350, 700
milliseconds) for the protection devices being used.

Appendix A A-37
A-38 Appendix A
4100sm 1-1 Control Communications 8-1
4100sm Serial Module 1-1 Convert Accounts 5-4
Convert Dos Vlink Accounts 6-3
A Converting Accounts From The V-link
Access Control 5-3 Downloader 6-3
Add 5-3 Customer Options Box 6-1
Add Modems 4-4
Add Users 5-3
Adding Customer Accounts 6-1
Adding New Operators 5-2 Default Operator And Password 2-9
Administrator 5-2, 5-4 Default Operator Name 2-9
Answering Machine Defeat 8-3, 8-4 Delete 4-5, 5-3
Answering Machine Mode 8-4 Deleting Customer Accounts 6-5
Appendix A 1-3 Deleting Operators 5-6
Arm 8-6 Disarm 8-8
Dos Vlink 6-3
Download 8-5
B Downloader Communications Setup
Bizcomp Intellimodem 1200 W/volume 4-1
4-2 Downloader Menu Structure 1-4
Bizcomp Intellimodem 2400 4-2
Button Bars 1-4
Bypass 8-7
Edit 5-3
Edit Modem 4-4
C Event Log 8-8
C.s.i.d. Number 4-5
Central Station I.d. 4-5
Changing Operator Names 5-5
Changing Operator Passwords 5-5 First Communication 8-3
Communications 7-3
Features 7-4
Modem Setup 4-5 G
Search! 7-4 Getting Online 8-1
Window 7-4
Communications 4-1

Index I-1
Adding New Operators 5-2
Defining Operators 5-1
H Operators 5-1
Hayes Optima 2400 Fax96 4-2 Other Access Definitions 5-4
Hayes Optima 336 4-2
Hayes Smartmodem 1200 External
Modem 4-2
Hayes Smartmodem 1200b Internal Print Data 5-4
Modem 4-2
Hayes Smartmodem Optima 2400 4-2
Help 7-4 R
History Screen Enabled 5-4 Release Notes 1-3
Restore/purge Customers 5-4
Restoring/purging Customer Accounts
Installation On A Network 2-8
Installation On A Single Pc 2-7
Saving The Event Log 8-10
Searching For Customer Accounts 6-7
Log 2-9 Setting The Time 8-12
Logging Out 5-6 Shutdown 8-13
Log-on 2-9 Sorting Customer Data 6-7
Log-on Procedure 2-9 Status 8-6
Subscriber Access Definitions 5-3
System Requirements 1-2
Menu Bars 1-4
Message 8-11
Modem Setup 4-2 Template Screen Enabled 5-4
Modify Users 5-3 Templates 6-8
Modifying Customer Accounts 6-4 Test Report 8-14

On-line Commands 8-4 Updates 1-3
Operator Updating Operator Information 5-6

I-2 Index
Upload 8-6
User Defined Fields 6-7
User Screen Access 5-3 W
User Screen Access Definitions 5-3 Web Address 1-3
World Wide Web Address ,1-3
View User Code 5-3 Z
Zone Screen Enabled 5-4

Index I-3
I-4 Index

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