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Naqshbandi Center Michigan- Dalailul Khairat

and Your Grace, and make the veil of forgetfulness fall frommy heart and
DALAILU`L-KHAIRAAT SHAREEF make me of Your Righteous slaves. YA Allah, make him more Noble than
ROMANISED ARABIC he already. And make him mightier than he is already. And make his light
DUA BAD ‘I DALAAIL U`L-KHAIRAAT greater than the light from which You created him. And make his station
higher than all the stations of the Messengers. And make his rank higher
BISMILLAH HIRRAHMAAN NIRRAHIIM than all the ranks of the Prophets. And I ask You (Ya Allah) for Your
Pleasure and his pleasure. Ya Allah, the Lord of the worlds and eternal
Al-hamdu lillahi rabbil-‘alamiin, hasbiyallahu wa ni’mal-wakiil, Well-being and a death following The Book and the Sunna and that my
wala haula wala quwwata illa billahil-‘aliyyil-‘aziim, Allahumma witnessing of Faith is truly without modification or innovation. Forgive me,
innii ubarri‘u min hauli wa quwwati ilaa haulika wa quwwatik, through Your Grace, Your Favour Your Generosity and Your Nobility for
Allahumma innii ataqarrabu ilaika bissolaati ‘alaa sayyidinaa what I have done, Ya Allah, the Merciful of the Merciful and the blessings
Muhammad-in ‘abdika wa nabiyyika wa rasuulika sayyidil- and peace of Allah (Subhaanahu wa ta’ala) be upon our master
mursaliina sollallahu ‘alaihi wa aalihii wa sallam wa ‘alaihim Muhammad and his family and Companions
ajma‘iina , imtithala…



In the name of Allah, All-Merciful, the Mercy Giving Qul huwallah hu ahad O Allahus samad O Lam yalid O Wa lam
yulad O Wa lam yakullahu kufuwan ahad O
Praise be to Allah (Subhaanahu wa ta’ala), Lord of the worlds. Allah
(Subhaanahu wa ta’ala) suffices me, and He is the best Protector. There is SURAH FALAQ
no help or power save in Allah (Subhaanahu wa ta’ala) the high, the BISMILLAH HIRRAHMAAN NIRRAHIIM
Mighty. Ya Allah, I rid myself of reliance upon any Help or Power save Your
Help and Your Power Ya Allah, I intend to ask for blessing upon the Kull a'uzu birabbil-falaq O Min shaari ma khalaq O Wa min sharri
Prophets, Allah's blessings and peace be upon him, in obedience ghaasiqin izaa waqab O Wa min sharrin-naffathaati fil-‘uqad O Wa
min sharri haasidin izaa hasad O

..Lli amrika wa tassdiqal lahu wa mahabbatan fiihi wa shauqan TRANSLATION
ilaihi wa ta’ziimal liqadrihi wa likaunihi sollallahu ‘alaihi wa
sallama ahlal lizalika fata qabbalha minni bi fadhlika waj‘alni min SURAH IKHLAAS
‘ibadikas-solihina wa waffiqni liqiraa 'atihaa ‘alad-dawami bijahihii In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful
‘indaka wa sollallahu ‘alaa sayyidinaa Muhammad-inw wa lihii wa Say: “ He is “Allah” the One.Allah is care-free.He begot none and nor was
sahbihi ajma‘iina as-taghfirullahal- 'aziima subhanallahi wal- He begotten.And there is none comparable (equal) to Him.
hamdu lillahi hasbiyallahu wa ni’mal-wakil
In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful
TRANSLATION Say : “ I seek refuge in the Rab of Day-break.From the evil of what He
created( His creatures).And from the evil of darkness when it prevails.And
Your command and with faith in Your Prophet, our master Muhamamd from the evil of those women who blow into the knots.And from the evil of
(Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam), Allah's blessings and peace be upon him, the envier when he envies.
loving him and longing for him, extolling the greatness of his rank and
because is he deserving of this. Accept this from us through Your Favours

Last printed 25 December 2013 1

Naqshbandi Center Michigan- Dalailul Khairat
Kull a'uzu birabbin-naas O Malikin-naas O Ilaahin-nass O Min IN THE NAME OF ALLAH, ALL-MARCIFUL, THE MERCY GIVING
sharril-waswasil- khannas O Allazi yuwaswisu fi sudurin-naas O Allah, the All-Merciful, The Mercy Giving, The king, The Holy, The Saviour, The
Minal-jinnati wan-naas O Guardian of Faith, The Protector, The Mighty, The Compeller, The Victorious, The
Creator, The Inventor, The Designer, The Forgiver, The Suduer, The Bestower, The
SURAH FATIHAH Provider, The Opener, The Knower, The Straitener, The Expander, The Abaser,
Al-hamdu lillahi rabbil ‘alamiin O Ar-rahman nirrahiim O Maaliki
Ar-raafi‘u (Jalla Jalaaluhu) Al-mu ‘izzu (Jalla Jalaaluhu) Al-muzillu (Jalla
yaumiddiin O ‘Iyaka na’budu wa ‘iyaka nasta‘in O ‘Ihdinas-siratal- Jalaaluhu) As-samii‘u (Jalla Jalaaluhu) Al-basiiru (Jalla Jalaaluhu) Al-
mustaqim O Siratallaziina an'amta ‘alaihim ghairil-maghdhubi hakamu (Jalla Jalaaluhu) Al-‘adalu (Jalla Jalaaluhu) Al-latiifu (Jalla
‘alaihim walad-dhoollin O Aamiin O Jalaaluhu) Al-khabiiru (Jalla Jalaaluhu) Al-haliimu (Jalla Jalaaluhu) Al-
‘azzimu (Jalla Jalaaluhu) Al-ghafuuru (Jalla Jalaaluhu) Ash-shakuuru (Jalla
Jalaaluhu) Al-‘aliyu (Jalla Jalaaluhu) Al-kabiiru (Jalla Jalaaluhu) Al-hafiizu
TRANSLATION (Jalla Jalaaluhu) Al-muqiitu (Jalla Jalaaluhu) Al-hasiibu (Jalla Jalaaluhu)
Al-jaliilu (Jalla Jalaaluhu) Al-kariimu (Jalla Jalaaluhu) Ar-Raqiibu (Jalla
Jalaaluhu) Al-mujiibu (Jalla Jalaaluhu) Al-waasi‘u (Jalla Jalaaluhu) Al-
hakiimu (Jalla Jalaaluhu) Al-waduudu (Jalla Jalaaluhu) Al-majiidu (Jalla
In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful Jalaaluhu) Al-baa‘isu (Jalla Jalaaluhu) Ash-shahiidu (Jalla Jalaaluhu) Al-
Say: “ I seek refuge in the Rab of the people.King of the people. haqqu (Jalla Jalaaluhu) Al-wakiilu (Jalla Jalaaluhu) Al-qawiyyu (Jalla
Elah of the people. From the evil of sneeking Khannas (Whisperer). Who Jalaaluhu) Al-matiinu (Jalla Jalaaluhu)
whispers in the hearts of the people. Of the Jinn and the people.


In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful
The Exalter, The Honourer, The Dishonourer, The Allah-Hearing, The Allah-Seeing,
All Praise is for Allah the Rab (Raiser) of the worlds. Rahman, the
The Judge, The Just, The Subtle, The Aware, The Forbearer, The Magnificent, The
Beneficent, Rahim, the Merciful. The Maalik, the Master of the Day of All-Forgiving, The Benefactor, The High, The Greatest, The Preserver, The Norisher,
Judgement. We worship you alone and seek your help only. Conduct us to The Reckoner, The Glorious, The Generous, The Observer, The Responsive, The All-
the right course (path). The course of those who are favoured by You and Embracing, The Wise, The Loving, The Majestic, The Resurrector, The Witness, The
not the course of those who rage nor of those who slip from the right path. Truth, The Provident, The Strong,

Al-waliyu (Jalla jalaaluhu) Al-hamiidu (Jalla Jalaaluhu) Al-muhsi (Jalla
BISMILLAH Al-RAHMAAN Al-RAHIIM Jalaaluhu) Al-mubdi ‘u (Jalla Jalaaluhu) Al-mu‘iidu (Jalla Jalaaluhu) Al-
muhyii (Jalla Jalaaluhu) Al-mumiitu (Jalla Jalaaluhu) Al-haiyu (Jalla
Huwalla-hullazi la ilaaha illa huwar-ramanur-rahiim (Jalla Jalaaluhu) Jalaaluhu) Al-qayyuumu (Jalla Jalaaluhu) Al-waajidu (Jalla Jalaaluhu) Al-
Almaliku (Jalla Jalaaluhu) Al-Quddus (Jalla Jalaaluhu)Al- Salaamu (Jalla maajidu (Jalla Jalaaluhu) Al-waahidu (Jalla Jalaaluhu) Al-ahadu (Jalla
Jalaaluhu)Al-Mu’minu (Jalla Jalaaluhu) Al-Muhaiminu (Jalla Jalaaluhu) Al- Jalaaluhu) As-samadu (Jalla Jalaaluhu) Al-qaadiru (Jalla jalaaluhu) Al-
‘aziizu (Jalla Jalaaluhu)Al-Jabbaaru (Jalla Jalaaluhu) Al-Mutakabbiru (Jalla muqtadiru (Jalla jalaaluhu) Al-muqaddimu (Jalla Jalaaluhu) Al-mu akhiru
Jalaaluhu) Al-khaaliqu (Jalla Jalaaluhu) Al-Baari‘u (Jalla Jalaaluhu)Al- (Jalla Jalaaluhu) Al-awwalu (Jalla Jalaaluhu) Al-aakhiru (Jalla Jalaaluhu)
Musawwiru (Jalla Jalaaluhu) Al-ghaffaaru (Jalla Jalaaluhu) Al-qahhaaru Az-zhohiru (Jalla Jalaaluhu) Al-baatinu (Jalla Jalaaluhu) Al-waali (Jalla
(Jalla Jalaaluhu) Al-wahhaabu (Jalla Jalaaluhu) Ar-razzaaku (Jalla Jalaaluhu) Al-muta’ aali (Jalla Jalaaluhu)Al-barru (Jalla Jalaaluhu) At-
Jalaaluhu) Al-fattaahu(Jalla Jalaaluhu) Al-‘Aliimu (Jalla Jalaaluhu) Al- tawwaabu (Jalla jalaaluhu) Al-muntaqimu (Jalla Jalaaluhu) Al-‘afuwwu
qaabidhu (Jalla Jalaaluhu) Al-baasitu (Jalla Jalaaluhu) Al-khaafidhu (Jalla (Jalla Jalaaluhu) Ar-ra‘uufu (Jalla Jalaaluhu) maalikul-mulki (Jalla
Jalaaluhu) Jalaaluhu) zul jalaali wal-ikhraam (Jalla Jalaaluhu)

Last printed 25 December 2013 2

Naqshbandi Center Michigan- Dalailul Khairat
Ya Allah, bless, sanctify and grant peace to the one named Muhammad (The Praised
The Firm, The Protecting Friend, The Praise worthy, The Calculator, The Originator, One) Allah, s blessing and peace be upon him!
The Renewer, The Life-giver, The Giver of Death, The Living, The Self-Existing, The Ya Allah, bless, sanctify and grant peace to the one named Ahmad (The most
Presence, The Most Glorious, The unique, The one, The Eternal, The Able, The All- Praised), Allah, s blessing and peace be upon him!
Powerful, The Expediter, The Delayer, The First, The Last, The Manifest, The Hidden, Ya Allah, bless, sanctify and grant peace to the one named Hamed (The Praiser),
The Governor, The Supreme, The Good, The Acceptor of Repentance, The Avenger, Allah, s blessing and peace be upon him!
The Pardoner, The Gentle, The Eternal Sovereign, The Lord of Glory and Nobility, Ya Allah, bless, sanctify and grant peace to the one named Muhammad (The most
highly Praised), Allah, s blessing and peace be upon him. Aheed (name of the
Prophet in the Torah) Allah, s blessings and peace be upon him. Waheed (The
ROMANISED ARABIC Unique) Allah, s blessings and peace be upon him. Mah (The effacer), Allah, s
Al-muqsitu (Jalla Jalaaluhu) Al-jaami‘u (Jalla Jalaaluhu) Al-ghaniyyu (Jalla blessings and peace be upon him. Hashir (The Gatherer), Allah, s blessings and
Jalaaluhu) Al-mughni (Jalla Jalaaluhu) Al-mu’ti (Jalla Jalaaluhu) Al- peace be upon him. ‘Aqib (The last in succession), Allah, s blessings and peace be
maani‘u (Jalla Jalaaluhu) Adh-dhaa-ru (Jalla Jalaaluhu) An-naafi‘u (Jalla upon him. Taha (Surah of the Holy Qur‘an), Allah, s blessings and peace be upon
Jalaaluhu) An-nuuru (Jalla Jalaaluhu) Al-haadi (Jalla Jalaaluhu) Al-badii‘u him. Tahir (The Pure) Allah, s blessings and peace be upon him…
(Jalla Jalaaluhu) Al-baaqi (Jalla Jalaaluhu) Al-waarithu (Jalla Jalaaluhu)
Ar-rashiidu (Jalla Jalaaluhu) As-sabuuru (Jalla Jalaaluhu) Allazi laisa ROMANISED ARABIC
kamislihii shai ‘unn-wa huwas-samii ‘u (Jalla Jalaaluhu) Basiir (Jalla ASMAA ‘UN-NABI
Jalaaluhu) ghufraanaka rabbana wa Ilaikal-masiir (Jalla Jalaaluhu) Ni’mal-
maulaa (Jalla Jalaaluhu) wa Ni’man-nasiiru (Jalla Jalaaluhu) samii‘u (Jalla Sayyiduna Mutahharun (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) sayyiduna Toiyibun
Jalaaluhu) Basiiru (Jalla Jalaaluhu) ‘Aliimu (Jalla Jalaaluhu) Qadiirun (Jalla (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) sayyiduna Saiyidun (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi
Jalaaluhu) Muriidun (Jalla Jalaaluhu) Muta kallimu (Jalla Jalaaluhu) Wasallam) sayyiduna Rasuulun (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) sayyiduna
Nabiyyun (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) sayyiduna Rasuulur-rahmat
i(Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) sayyiduna Qayyimu (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi
TRANSLATION Wasallam) sayyiduna Jaami ‘un (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) sayyiduna
Muqtafin (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) sayyiduna Muqaffi (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi
The Equitable, The Gatherer, The Self-Sufficient, The Enricher, The Giver, The Wasallam) sayyiduna Rasuulul-malaahimi (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi
Withholder, The loss-Causer, The Favourer, The Light, The Guide, The Originator, Wasallam)sayyiduna Rasuulur-raaahatun (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam)
The Everlasting, The Inheritor, The Guide to the Right Path, The Most Patient and sayyiduna Kaamilun (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) sayyiduna Ikliilun
great is His Majesty, (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) sayyiduna Mudath-thirun (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi
Wasallam) sayyiduna Muzammilun (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) sayyiduna
‘Abdallahi (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) sayyiduna Habiibillahi (Sollallahu
ROMANISED ARABIC ‘Alaihi Wasallam) sayyiduna Safiyullahi (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam)
ASMAA ‘UN-NABI (SOLLALLAHU TA’AALA ‘ALAIHI WA SALLAM) sayyiduna Najiyyullahi (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) sayyiduna Kaliimullahi
(Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam)sayyiduna Khaatimul-ambiyaa‘i (Sollallahu
Zaalika asmaa ‘u sayyidinaa wa nabiyyinaa wa maulaana Muhammad-in ‘Alaihi Wasallam) sayyiduna Khaatimur-rusuli (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi
sollallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam mia’taani wawaahidun-wahiya haazihii Wasallam) sayyiduna Muhyi (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam)...
Allahumma solli wa sallim wa baarik ‘alaa manis-muhuu sayyiduna
Muhammad-un sollahu ‘alaihi wa sallama TRANSLATION
sayyiduna Ahmadu (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam)
Sayyiduna Haamidun (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) Mathir (the Purifier) Allah, s blessings and peace be upon him. Taiyeb (The Good)
sayyiduna Mahmuudun (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) Allah's blessings and peace be upon him, Saiyed (The Master) Allah’s blessings and
sayyiduna ahiidun (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) peace be upon him, Rasool (The Messenger) Allah’s blessings and peace be upon
sayyiduna wahiidun (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) him, Nabi (The Prophet) Allah’s blessings and peace be upon him, Rasool ur-Rahma
sayyiduna Maahin (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) (The Messenger of Mercy) Allah’s blessings and peace be upon him, Qayim (The
sayyiduna haashirun (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) straight one) Allah’s blessings and peace be upon him, Jami (The collector) Allah’s
sayyiduna ‘aaqibun (Sollallahu Alaihi Wasallam) blessings and peace be upon him, Muqtif (The Selected) Allah’s blessings and peace
sayyiduna toohaa (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) be upon him, Muqfi (The Best Example) Allah’s blessings and peace be upon him,
sayyiduna yaasiin (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) Rasool al-Malahim (The messenger of fierce Battle) Allah’s blessings and peace be
sayyiduna Tohirun (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam).. upon him, Rasool al-Rahan (The messenger of Rest) Allah’s blessings and peace be

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Naqshbandi Center Michigan- Dalailul Khairat
upon him, Kamil (The Perfect) Allah’s blessings and peace be upon him, Iklil (The Shair (The Famous) Allah’s blessings and peace be upon him,
Crown) Allah, blessings and peace be upon him, Mudathir (The Covered One) Allah’s Shahid (The witnesser) Allah’s blessings and peace be upon him,
blessings and peace be upon him, Muzzamil (The One Wrapped Up) Allah’s blessings Shaheed (The Witness) Allah’s blessings and peace be upon him,
and peace be upon him, Bdullah (The Slave of Allah (Subhaanahu wa ta’ala) Allah’s Mashhood (The Attested) Allah’s blessings and peace be upon him,
blessings and peace be upon him, Habibullah (The Beloved of Allah) Allah’s Bashir (The news bringer) Allah's blessings ad peace be upon him,
blessings and peace be upon him, Safiyullah (The Intimate of Allah) Allah’s Mubashir (The Spreader of Good News) Allah’s blessings and peace be upon him,
blessings and peace be upon him, Najiyullah (the Confident of Allah) Allah’s Nathir (The Warner) Allah’s blessing and peace be upon him,
blessings and peace be upon him, Kalimullah (The Speaker with Allah(Subhaanahu Munthir (‘Admonisher) Allah’s blessing and peace be upon him,
wa ta’ala) Allah’s blessings and peace be upon him, Khatim ul-Ambiya (Seal of the Nur (The Light) Allah’s blessings and peace be upon him,
Prophet) Allah’s blessings and peace be upon him, Khatim-ur Rasuul (The seal of Siraj (The Lamp) Allah’s blessings and peace be upon him,
the Messenger) Allah’s blessings and peace be upon him, Muhyi (the Reviver) Misbah (The Lantern) Allah’s blessings and peace be upon him,
Allah’s blessings and peace be upon him, Huda (The Guidence) Allah’s blessings and peace be upon him,
next page>> Mahdi (the Rightly Guided One) Allah's blessings and peace be upon him,
Munir (The Illumined One) Allah's blessings and peace be upon him,
Da’a (the Caller) Allah's blessings and peace be upon him,
DALAILU`L-KHAIRAAT SHAREEF Madu‘u (The Called One) Allah’s blessings and peace be upon him,



Sayyiduna Mujiibun (Sollallahu 'Alaihi Wasallam) sayyiduna Mujaabun
Sayyiduna Munjin (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) sayyiduna Muzakkirun (Sollallahu 'Alaihi Wasallam) sayyiduna Hafiyyu (Sollallahu 'Alaihi
(Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) sayyiduna Naasirun (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) sayyiduna 'Afuwwun (Sollalahu 'Alaihi Wasallam) sayyiduna
Wasallam) sayyiduna Mansuurun (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) sayyiduna Waliyyu (Sollallahu 'Alaihi Wasallam) sayydiduna haqqu (Sollallahu 'Alaihi
Nabiyyur-rahmati (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) sayyiduna Nabiyyut-taubati Waallam) sayyiduna qawiyyu (Sollallahu 'Alaihi Wasallam) sayyiduna
(Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) sayyiduna Hariisun ‘alaikum (Sollallahu Amiinun (Sollallahu 'Alaihi Wasallam) sayyiduna Maa'muunun (Sollallahu
‘Alaihi Wasallam) sayyiduna ma’luumun (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) 'Alaihi Wasallam) sayyiduna kariimun (Sollallahu 'Alaihi Wasallam)
sayyiduna shahiirun (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) sayyiduna Shaahidun sayyiduna Mukarramun (Sollallahu 'Alaihi Wasallam)sayyiduna Makiinun
(Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) sayyiduna Shahiidun (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi (Sollallahu 'Alaihi Wasallam) sayyiduna Matiinun (Sollallahu 'Alaihi
Wasallam) sayyiduna Mashhuudun (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) sayyiduna Wasallam) sayyiduna Mubiinun (Sollallahu 'Alaihi Wasallam) sayyiduna mu
Bashiirun (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) sayyiduna Mubash-shirun 'ammilun (Sollallahu 'Alaihi Wasallam) sayyiduna Wasuulun (Sollallahu
(Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) sayyiduna Naziirun (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi 'Alaihi Wasallam) sayyiduna zuu-quwwatin (Sollallahu 'Alaihi Wasallam)
Wasallam) sayyiduna Munzirun (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) sayyiduna sayyiduna zuu-hurmatin (Sollallahu 'Alaihi Wasallam) sayyiduna Zuu-
Nuurun (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) sayyiduna Siraajun (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi makaanatin (Sollallahu 'Alaihi Wasallam)sayyiduna Zuu-'izzin (Sollalahu
Wasallam) sayyiduna Misbaahun (Sollallahu ‘alaihi Wasallam) sayyiduna 'Alaihi Wasallam) sayyiduna Zuu-fadhlin(Sollallahu 'Alaihi Wasallam)
Hudan (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Waslam) sayyiduna Mahdiyyu (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi sayyiduna Mutaa'un (Sollallahu 'Alaihi Wasallam) sayyiduna Mutii'un
Wasallam) sayyiduna Muniirun (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) sayyiduna (Sollallahu 'Alaihi Wasallam) sayyiduna Qadamun sidqin (Sollalahu 'Alaihi
daa‘in (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) sayyiduna Mad‘uwwun (Sollallahu Wasallam)…
‘Alaihi Wasallam)..
Mujib (the Responsive) Allah's blessings and peace be upon him,
Munji (the Rescuer) Allah's blessings and peace be upon him, Mujab (The One Responded to) Allah's blessings and peace be upon him,
Muthakkir (The Reminder) Allah's blessings and peace be upon him, Hafiy (The Welcoming) Allah's blessing and peace be upon him,
Nasir (The Helper) Allah's blessings and peace be upon him, 'Afw (The over looker of sins) Allah's blessings and peace be upon him,
Mansoor (The Victorious one) Allah's blessings and peace be upon him,
Nabiy ur-Rahman (The Prophet of Mercy) Allah's blessings and peace be upon him, Wali (The Friend) Allah's blessings and peace be upon him,
Nabiy ut-Tauba (The Prophet of Repentance) Allah's blessings and peace be upon Haqq (The Truth) Allah's blessings and peace be upon him,
him, Qawly (The powerful) Allah's blessings and peace be upon him,
Haris Alaykum (The Watchful over you) Allah’s blessings and peace be upon him, Amin (The Trust Worthy) Allah's blessings and peace be upon him,
Ma’lum( The known One) Allah’s blessings and peace be upon him, Ma'mun (The Trusted) Allah's blessings and peace be upon him,

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Naqshbandi Center Michigan- Dalailul Khairat
Karim (The Noble) Allah's blessings and peace be upon him, Hizbullah (The party of Allah) Allah's blessings and peace be upon him,
Mukarram (The Honored) Allah's blessings and peace be upon him, Al Najm ath-Taqib (The Piercing Star) Allah's blessings and peace be upon him,
Makin (The Firm) Allah's blessings and peace be upon him, Mustafa (The chosen One) Allah's blessings and peace be upon him,
Matin (the stable) Allah's blessings and peace be upon him, Mujtaba (The Select) Allah's blessings and peace be upon him,
Mubin (The Evident) Allah's blessings and peace be upon him, Muntaqa (The Eloquent) Allah's blessings and peace be upon him,
Mu'mil (The Hoped for) Allah's blessings and peace be upon him, Umiy (The Unlettered) Allah's blessings and peace be upon him,
Wasul ( The connection) Allah's blessings and peace be upon him, Mukhtar (the chosen) Allah's blessings an peace be upon him,
Dhu Quwa (The Possessor of Power) Allah's blessings and peace be upon him, Ajeer (Allah's worker) Allah's blessings and peace be upon him,
Dhu Quwa (the Possessor of Honor) Allah's blessings and peace be upon him, Jabbar (The Compelling) Allah's blessings and peace be upon him,
Dhu Makana (The possessor of Firmness) Allah's blessings and peace be upon him, Abu Qasim (Father of Qasim) Allah's blessings and peace be upon him,
Dhu 'Azz (The Possessor of Might) Allah's blessings and peace be upon him, Abu at Tahir (The Pure Father) Allah's blessings and peace be upon him,
Dhu Fadhli (The Possessor of Grace) Allah's blessings and peace be upon him, Abu at Taiyeb (The Good Father) Allah's blessings and peace be upon him,
Muta' (The One Obeyed) Allah's blessings and peace be upon him,
Muti' (The Obedient) Allah's blessings and peace be upon him,
Qadim Sidq (The Foot of Sincerity) Allah's blessing and peace be upon him, ROMANISED

ASMAA 'UN-NABI Sayyiduna Abu ibrahiima (Sollallahu 'Alaihi Wasallam) sayyiduna

Mushaffa'un (Sollallahu 'Alaihi Wasallam) sayyiduna Shafi'un (Sollallahu
Sayyiduna Rahmatun (Sollallahu 'Alaihi Wasallam) sayyiduna Bushra 'Alaihi Wasallam) sayyiduna Solihun (Sollallhu 'Alaihi Wasallam) sayyiduna
(Sollallahu 'Alaihi Wasallam) sayyiduna Ghauthun (Sollallahu 'Alaihi Muslihun (Sollallahu 'Alaihi Wasallam) sayyiduna Muhaiminun (Sollallahu
Wasallam) sayyiduna Ghaithun (Sollallahu 'Alaihi Wasallam) sayyiduna 'Alaihi Wasallam) sayyiduna Sodiqun (Sollallahu 'Alaihi Wasallam)
Ghiyaathun (Sollallahu 'Alaihi Wasallam) sayyiduna ni'matulllahi sayyiduna Musaddaqun (Sollallahu 'Alaihi Wasallam) sayyiduna Sidqun
(Sollallahu 'Alaihi Wasallam) sayyiduna Hadiyyatullahi (Sollallahu 'Alaihi (Sollallahu 'Alaihi Wasallam) sayyiduna Sayyidul-mursaliina (Sollallahu
Wasallam) sayyiduna Urwatun-wuthqa (Sollallahu 'Alaihi Wasallam) 'Alaihi Wasallam) sayyiduna Imaamul-muttaqiina (Sollalahu 'Alaihi
sayyiduna Siraatullahi (Sollallahu 'Alaihi Wasallam) sayyiduna Siraatun- Wasallam) sayyiduna Qaa'idul-ghurril-muhajjaliina (Sollallahu 'Alaihi
mustakiimun (Sollallahu 'Alaihi Wasallam) sayyiduna Zikrullahi (Sollallahu Wasallam) sayyiduna Khaliilur-rahmaani (Sollallahu 'Alaihi Wasallam)
'Alaihi Wasallam) sayyiduna Saifullahi (Sollallahu 'Alaihi sayyiduna Barrun (Sollallahu 'Alaihi Wasallam) sayyiduna Mubarrun
Wasallam)sayyiduna Hizbullahi (Sollallahu 'Alaihi Wasallam) sayyiduna (Sollallahu 'Alaihi Wasallam) sayyiduna Wajiihun (Sollallahu 'Alaihi
Annajmuth-thaaqibu (Sollallahu 'Alaihi Wasallam) sayyiduna Mustofa Wasallam) sayyiduna Nasiihun (Sollallahu 'Alaihi Wasallam)sayyiduna
(Sollallahu 'Alaihi Wasallam) sayyiduna Mujtaba (Sollallahu 'Alaihi Naasihun (Sollallahu 'Alaihi Wasallam) sayyiduna Waqiilun (Sollalahu
Wasallam)sayyiduna Muntaqa (Sollallahu 'Alaihi Wasallam) sayyiduna 'Alahi Wasallam) sayyiduna Mutawaqqilun (Sollallahu 'Alaihi Wasallam)
Umiyyu (Sollallahu 'Alaihi Wasallam) sayyiduna Mukhtaarun (Sollallahu sayyiduna Kafiilun (Sollallahu 'Alaihi Wasallam) sayyiduna Shafiiqun
'Alaihi Wasallam) sayyiduna Ajiirun (Sollallahu 'Alaihi Wasallam) sayyiduna (Sollallahu 'Alaihi Wasallam)…
Jabbaarun (Sollallahu 'Alaihi Wasallam) sayyiduna Abuqaasimi (Sollallahu
'Alaihi Wasallam) sayyiduna Abut-taahiru (Sollallahu 'Alaihi Wasallam) TRANSLATION
sayyiduna Abut-tayyib (Sollallahu 'Alaihi Wasallam
Abu Ibraahiim (The Father of Ibraahiim) Allah, s blessings and peace be upon him,
TRANSLATION Mushafa (the one whose intercession is accepted) Allah's blessings and peace be
Rahmah (Mercy) Allah's blessings and peace be upon him, upon him,
Bushra (The Good News) Allah's blessings and peace be upon him, Shafi' (The Interceder) Allah's blessings and peace be upon him,
Ghawth (The Redeemer) Allah's blessings and peace be upon him, Salih (The Righteous) Allah's blessings and peace be upon him,
Ni'matullah (Blessings of Allah) Allah's blessings and peace be upon him, Muslih (The conciliator) Allah's blessings and peace be upon him,
Hatiyatullah (the Gift of Allah) Allah's blessings and peace be upon him, Muhaymin (The Guardian) Allah's blessings and peace be upon him,
'Urwatu Wuthqa (The Trusty Handhold) Allah's blessings and peace be upon him, Sadiq (The Truthful) Allah's blessings and peace be upon him,
Siratullah (The Path of Allah) Allah's blessings and peace be upon him, Musaddaq (The Confirmer) Allah's blessings and peace be upon him,
Siratumustaqim (The straight Path) Allah's blessings and peace be upon, Sidq (Sincerity) Allah's blessings and peace be upon him,
dhikrullah (The Remembrance of Allah) Allah's blessings and peace be upon him, Saiyed ul-Mursalin (The Master of Messenger) Allah's blessings and peace be upon
sayfullah (The sword of Allah) Allah's blessings and peace be upon him,

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Naqshbandi Center Michigan- Dalailul Khairat
Imam ul-Mutaqin (The Leader of the Good Fearing) Allah's blessings and peace be and peace be upon him, Sa'iq (The Driver) Allah's blessings and peace be upon him,
upon him, Had (The Guide) Allah's blessings and peace be upon him, Muhd (The Guided)
Qayid ul-Ghur-il-Muhajjilin (The Guide of the Bright Shinning Ones) Allah's blessings Allah's blessings and peace be upon him, Muqaddam (Oversees) Allah's blessings
and peace be upon him, and peace be upon him, Aziz (The Mighty) Allah's blessings and peace be upon him,
Khalil ur-Rahman (The friend of the Merciful) Allah's blessings and peace be upon Fadil (Outstanding) Allah's blessings and peace be upon him, Mufaddil (the
him, Bar (The Pious) Allah's blessings and peace be upon him, Favoured) Allah's blessings and peace be upon him, Fatih (The Opener) Allah's
Mubirr (The Venerated) Allah's blessings and peace be upon him, blessings and peace be upon him, Miftah (The Key) Allah's blessings and peace be
Wajih (The eminent) Allah's blessings and peace be upon him, upon him,
Naseeh (The Adviser) Allah's blessings and peace be upon him,
Nasih (The Counselor) Allah's blessings and peace be upon him, ROMANISED
Wakeel (The Advocate) Allah's blessings and peace be upon him, ARABIC
Mutawakil (the Reliant on Allah (Subhaanahu wa ta'ala) Allah's blessings and peace
be upon him, ASMAA 'UN-NABI
Kafeel (The Guarantor) Allah's blessings and peace be upon him,
Shafeeq (The tender) Allah's blessings and peace be upon him, Sayyiduna Miftaahur-rahma (Sollallahu 'Alaihi Wasallam) sayyiduna
Miftaahul-janna (Sollallahu 'Alaihi Wasallam) sayyiduna 'Alamul-iimaani
(sollallahu 'alaihi wasallam) sayyiduna 'Alamul-yakiini (Sollallahu 'Alaihi
ROMANISED Wasallam) sayyiduna Daliilul-khairaati (Sollallahu 'Alaihi Wasallam)
ARABIC sayyiduna Musahhihul-hasanaati (Sollallahu 'Alaihi Wasallam) sayyiduna
Mukiilul-atharaati (Sollallahu 'Alaihi Wasallam) sayyiduna Safuuhun
ASMAA 'UN-NABI 'anizzallaati (Sollallahu 'Alaihi Wasallam) sayyiduna Saahibul-shafa'ati
Sayyiduna Muqiimus-sunnati (Sollallahu 'Alaihi Wasallam) sayyiduna (Sollallahu 'Alaihi Wasallam) sayyiduna Saahibul-maqaami (Sollallahu
Muqaddasu (Sollahu 'Alaihi Wasallam) sayyiduna Ruuhul-qudusi (Sollallahu 'Alaihi Wasallam) sayyiduna Saahibul-qadami (Sollallahu 'Alaihi Wasallam)
'Alaihi Wasallam) sayyiduna Ruuhul-haqqi (Sollallahu 'Alaihi Wasallam) sayyiduna Makhsuusun bil-'izzi (Sollallahu 'Alaihi Wasallam) sayyiduna
sayyiduna Ruuhul-qisti (Sollallahu 'Alaihi Wasallam) sayyiduna Kaafin Makhsuusun bil-majdi (Sollallahu 'Alaihi Wasallam) sayyiduna Makhsuusun
(Sollallahu 'Alaihi Wasallam) sayyiduna Muktafin (Sollallahu 'Alaihi bish-sharfi (Sollallahu 'Alaihi Wasallam) sayyiduna saahibul-wasiilati
Wasallam) sayyiduna Baalighun (Sollallahu 'Alaihi Wasallam) sayyiduna (Sollallhu 'Alaihi Wasallam) sayyiduna Saahibus-saifi (Sollallahu 'Alaihi
Muballighun (Sollallahu 'Alaihi Wasallam) sayyiduna Shaafin (Sollallahu Wasallam)
'Alaihi Wasallam) sayyiduna Waasilun (Sollallahu 'Alaihi Wasallam)
sayyiduna Mausuulun (Sollallahu 'Alaihi Wasallam) sayyiduna Saabiqun
(Sollallahu 'Alaihi Wasallam) sayyiduna Saa'iqun (Sollallahu 'Alihi TRANSLATION
Wasallam) sayyiduna Haadin (Sollallahu 'Alaihi Wasallam) sayyiduna
Muhdin (Sollallahu 'Alaihi Wasallam) sayyiduna Faadhilun (Sollallahu Miftah ur-Rahmah (The Key to Mercy (Allah, s blessings and peace be upon him,
'Alaihi Wasallam) sayyiduna Mufaddhalun (Sollallahu 'Alaihi Wasallam) Miftah ul-Jannah (The key to the Garden) Allah, s blessings and Peace be upon him,
sayyiduna Muqaddamu (Sollallahu 'Alaihi Wasallam) sayyiduna 'Aziizun 'Alam ul-Iman (he thaught the Faith) Allah's blessings and peace be upon him,
(Sollallahu 'Alaihi Wasallam) sayyiduna Faatihun (Sollallahu 'Alaihi 'Alam ul-Yaleen (He taught Certainly) Allah's blessings and peace be upon him,
Wasallam) sayyiduna Miftaahun (Sollallahu 'Alaihi Wasallam)… Daleel ul-Khayrat (Guide to Good Things) Allah's blessings and peace be upon him,
Musahih ul-Hasanat (the Verifier of Good Deeds) Allah's blessings and peace be
upon him, Muqeel ul-'Atharat (The Forewarner of False Steps) Allah's blessings and
TRANSLATION peace be upon him, Safooh 'an az-Zallat (the Pardoner of Oppression) Allah's
blessings and peace be upon him, Sahib ush-Shafa'h (the Possessor of intersession)
Muqeem as sunna (The Establisher of the way) Allah, s blessings and peace be upon Allah's blessings and peace be upon him, Sahib ul-Maqam (The Possessor of the
him, Muqaddis (The sacred) Allah, s blessings and peace be upon him, Ruh ul- Honored Station) Allah's blessings and peace be upon him, Sahib ul-Qadam (the
Qudus (the Holy Spirit) Allah, s blessings and peace be upon him, Ruh ul Haqq (The Owner of the Footprint) Allah's blessings and peace be upon him, Makhsoosun bil-
Spirit of Truth) Allah, s blessings and peace be upon him, Ruh ul-Qist (The Spirit of 'Azz (Distinguished with Might) Allah's blessings and peace be upon him,
Justice) Allah, s blessings and peace be upon him, Kaf (The Qualified) Allah's Makhsoosun bil-Majd (Distinguished with Glory) Allah's blessings and peace be upon
blessings and peace be upon him, Muktaf (The board shouldered) Allah's blessings him,Majhsoosun bil-Sharaf (Distinguished with Nobility) Allah's blessings and peace
and peace be upon him, Baligh (The Proclaimer) Allah's blessings and peace be be upon him, Sahib ul-Waseelah (The Possessor of the (Closest Access) Allah's
upon him, Mubaligh (The Informer) Allah's blessings and peace be upon him, Shaf blessings and peace be upon him, Sahib us-Sayf (the Owner of the Sword) Allah's
(The Healing) Allah's blessings and peace be upon him, Wasir (The Inseparable blessings and peace be upon him,
Friend) Allah's blessings and peace be upon him, Mausool (The one Bound to Allah)
Allah's blessings and peace be upon him, Sabiq (The Foremost) Allah's blessings ROMANISED

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Naqshbandi Center Michigan- Dalailul Khairat
ARABIC sayyiduna ‘Ainul-ghurri (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam)
sayyiduna Sa’dullahi (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam)
ASMAA 'UN-NABI sayyiduna sa’dul-khalqi (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam)
sayyiduna Khatiibul-umami (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam)
Sayyiduna Saahibul-fadhiilata (Sollallahu 'Alaihi Wasallam) sayyiduna sayyiduna ‘Alamul-hudaa (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam)
Saahihibul-izaari (Sollallahu 'Alaihi Wasallam) sayyiduna Saahibul-hujjati sayyiduna Kaashiful-kurabi (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam)
(Sollalahu 'Alaihi Wasallam) sayyiduna Saahibus-sutaani (Sollallahu 'Alaihi sayyiduna Raafi‘ur-rutabi (Sollallalhu ‘Alaihi Wasallam)
Wasallam) sayyiduna Saahibur-ridaa'i (Sollallahu 'Alaihi Wasallam) sayyiduna ‘Izzul-‘arabi (Sollallalhu ‘Alaihi Wasallam)
sayyiduna Saahibud-darajatir-rafii'ati (Sollallahu 'Alaihi Wasallam)
sayyiduna Saahibut-taaji (Sollallahu 'Alaihi Wasallam) sayyiduna Saahibul- TRANSLATION
mighfari (Sollallahu 'Alaihi Wasallam) sayyiduna Saahibul-liwaa'i sayiduna
Saahibul-mi'raaji (Sollalahu 'Alaihi Wasallam) sayyiduna Saahibul-qadhiibi Our Master “The Good Communicator” Allah’s blessings and peace be upon him,
(Sollallahu 'Alaihi Wasallam) sayyiduna Saahibul-buraaqi (Sollallahu 'Alaihi Our Master “The Purifier of the Soul” Allah’s blessings and peace be upon him, Our
Wasallam) sayyiduna Saahibul-khaatimi (Sollallahu 'Alaihi Wasallam) Master “the Kind” Allah’s blessings and peace be upon him Our Master “The Mercy
sayyiduna Saahibul-'alaamati (Sollallahu 'Alaihi Wasallam) sayyiduna Giving” Allah’s blessings and peace be upon him, Our Master “The Good Listener”
Saahibul-burhaanu (Sollallahu 'Alaihi Wasallam) sayyiduna Saahibul- Allah’s blessings and peace be upon him, Our Master “The Completer of Islam”
bayaani (Sollallahu 'Alaihi Wasallam)… Allah’s blessings and peace be upon him, Our Master “The Master of Two Universes”
Allah’s blessings and peace be upon him, Our Master “The Spring of Bliss” Allah’s
blessings and peace be upon him, Our Master “The Spring of Beauty” Allah’s
TRANSLATION blessings and peace be upon him, Our Master “The Joy of Allah” Allah’s blessings
and peace be upon him, Our Master “The Joy of the Creator” Allah’s blessings and
Sahib ul-Fadeelaah (the Possessor of Pre-eminence) Allah, s blessings and peace be peace be upon him, Our Master “The Preacher to Nations” Allah’s blessings and
upon him, Sahib ul-izar (The Owner of the Cloth) Allah, s blessings and peace be peace be upon him, Our Master “The teacher of Guidence” Allah’s blessings and
upon him, Sahib ul-Hujjah (the Possessor of Proof) Allah, s blessings and peace be peace be upon him, Our Master “The Remover of Worries” Allah’s blessings and
upon him, Sahib ul-Sultan (Possessor of Authority) Allah, s blessings and peace be peace be upon him, Our Master “The Raiser of Rank” Allah’s blessings and peace be
upon him, Sahib ur-Roda (The Owner of the Robe) Allah, s blessings and peace be upon him, Our Master “The Might of the Arab” Allah’s blessings and peace be upon
upon him, Sahib ud-Darajat ir-Rafi' (The Possessor of the Lofty Rank) Allah, s him,
blessings and peace be upon him,Sahib ut Taj (The Possessor of the Crown) Allah's
blessings and peace be upon him, Sahib ul-Maghfir (The Possessor of Forgiveness) ROMANISED
Allah's blessings and peace be upon him, Sahib ul-Rewa' (The Possessor of the Flag) ARABIC
Allah's blessings and peace be upon him, Sahib ul-Mi'raj (The Master of the Night
Journey) Allah's blessings and peace be upon him, Sahib ul-Qadeeb (The Possessor ASMAA ‘UN-NABI
of the Staff) Sahib ul-Buraq (The Owner of Buraq) Allah, s blessings and peace be
upon him, Sahib ul-Khatam (The Owner of the Ring) Allah's blessings and peace be Sayyiduna Saahibul-faraji (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) sayyiduna kariimul-
upon him, Sahib ul-'Alama (The Owner of the Sing) Allah, s blessings and peace be makhraji (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) O Allahumma ya rabbi bijaahi
upon him, Sahib ul-Burhan (The Possessor of the Evidence) Allah's blessings and nabiyyikal-mustafa O Wa rasuulikal-murtadha O Tahhir quluubana min kulli
peace be upon him, Sahib ul-Bayan (The Possessor of Evident Proof) Allah's wasfin-yuba‘iduna ‘ann mushahadatika wa mahabbatika wa amitna ‘alas-
blessings and peace be upon him… sunnati wal-jama‘ati wash-shauqi ilaa liqaa‘ika ya zaljalaali wal-ikraam O
Wa Sollallahu ‘alaa sayyiduna wa maulaana Muhammad-in wa ‘alaa aalihi
ROMANISED wa sahbihi wa sallama tasliima O wal-hamdu lillahi rabbil-‘alamiin O


Sayyiduna fasiihul-lisaani (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) Sahib ul-Farah (the Possessor of Happiness) Allah, s blessings and peace be upon
sayyiduna mutahharul-janaani (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) him!
sayyiduna Rau’fun (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) Ya Allah, Ya Lord, for the honor of Your Prophet, Al-Mustafa, and Your Messenger,
sayyiduna Rahiimun (Sollalahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) Al-Murtada, purify our hearts from every characteristic which keep us away from
sayiduna Uzunu khairin (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) Your Presence and Your Love, and have us pass away following his way and his
sayyiduna sahiihul-islaami (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) community, longing to meet You, Ya Owner of Majesty and Nobility!
sayyiduna Sayyidul-kaunaini (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam)
sayyiduna ‘Ainun-na ‘iimi (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam)

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Naqshbandi Center Michigan- Dalailul Khairat
And the blessing and abundant peace of Allah (Subhaanahu wa ta’ala) be upon our Ya Allah, bless our master Muhammad (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) and
master Muhammad (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam), his family and his companion and his family just as You (Ya Allah) blessed our master Ibraahiim (‘Alaihis-
praise be to Allah (Subhaanahu wa ta’ala), lord of the Worlds! salaam) and sanctify our master Muhammad (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam)
and the family of Maula Muhammad (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) just as
:: end of Daily Reading:: You (Ya Allah) sanctified Ibraahiim (‘Alaihis-salaam) and the family of
DALAILU`L-KHAIRAAT SHAREEF Ibraahiim (‘Alaihis-salaam) in all the worlds for You (Ya Allah) are the
praiseworthy and Mighty! Ya Allah bless our master Muhammad
ROMANISED ARABIC (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) and the family of our master Muhammad
AL–HIZBUL AWWALU (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) just as You (Ya Allah) blessed our master
Ibraahiim(‘Alaihis-salaam) and sanctify our master Muhammad (Sollallahu
Fadhlun fi kaifiyyatis-solati ‘Alan nabiyyi ‘Alaihi Wasallam) and the family of Muhammad (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi
Wasallam) just as You (Ya Allah) sanctified our master Ibraahiim (‘Alaihis-
Sollallahu ‘alaihi wa alihi wa sallam salaam) for You (Ya Allah) are the praiseworthy, the Mighty! Ya Allah,
bless our master Muhammad (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) and the family
BISMILLA HIRRAHMAAN NIRRAHIM of our master Muhammad (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam.....
Sollallahu ‘alaa sayyidinaa wa-maulana Muhammad-inw-wa ‘alaa
aalihi wa sohbihii wa sallam O Allahumma solli ‘alaa sayyidina ROMANISED ARABIC
Muhammad-inw wa-azwajihii wa-zurriyyatihii kama sollaita ‘alaa Wa maulana Muhammad-in kamaa sollaita ‘alaa sayyidinaa
sayyidinaa wa-maulanaa ibraahiimaa wa-barik ‘alaa sayyidinaa Ibraahiima wa-baarik ‘alaa sayyidinaa Muhammad-inw-wa aali
wa-maulana Muhammad-in… sayyidinaa Muhammad-in kama barakta ‘alaa sayyidinaa
Ibraahiima Innaka hamiidum-majiid O Allahumma solli ‘alaa
TRANSLATION sayyidinaa Muhammadi-nin-nabiyyil-ummiyyi wa 'alaa aali
sayyidinaa Muhammad O Allahumma solli ‘alaa sayyidinaa
Section describing the method of salawa uponThe Holy Prophet (Sollallahu Muhammad-in ‘abdika wa rasulik O Allahumma solli ‘alaa
‘Alaihi Wasallam)In the name of Allah, All-Merciful, the Mercy-Giving Allah sayyidinaa Muhammad-inw- wa 'alaa aali sayyidinaa Muhammad-in
(Subhaanahu wa ta’ala) blessings and peace be upon our master and kamaa sollaita ‘alaa sayyidinaa Ibraahiima wa 'alaa aali sayyidinaa
Maula Muhammad (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) and his family and Ibraahiima innaka…
companion! Ya Allah, bless our master Muhammad (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi
Wasallam) and his wife and his descendants just as You (Ya Allah) blessed
our master Ibraahiim (‘Alaihis-salaam) and sanctify our master TRANSLATION
Muhammad (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam… Ya Allah, bless our master Muhammad (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) and
the family of our master Muhammad (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) just as
ROMANISED ARABIC You (Ya Allah) blessed our master Ibraahiim (‘Alaihis-salam) and sanctify
-Wa-azwajihii wa-zurriyyatihii kama barakta 'alaa aali sayyidinaa Your master Muhammad (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) and the family of
wa-maulanaa Ibraahiima innaka hamidum-majid O Allahumma Muhammad (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) just as You (Ya Allah) sanctified
solli ‘alaa sayyidina wa-maulana Muhammad-inw wa 'alaa alihi our master Ibraahiim (‘Alaihis-salaam) for You (Ya Allah) are the
kama sollaita ‘alaa sayyidinaa wa-maulanaa Ibrahima wa-barik praiseworthy, the Mighty! Ya Allah, bless our master, the Ummi prophet
‘alaa sayyidinaa wa maulana Muhammad-inw wa 'alaa aali and the family of our master Muhammad (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam)! Ya
sayyidinaa wa-maulana Muhammad-in kamaa barakta ‘alaa aali Allah bless our master Muhammad (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) and the
sayyidina wa-maulana Ibrahiima fil ‘alamina Innaka hamidum- family of our master Muhammad (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) just as You
majiid O Allahumma solli ‘alaa sayyidinaa wa maulana Muhammad- (Ya Allah) blessed our master Ibraahiim (‘Alaihis-salaam) and the family of
inw wa aali sayyidinaa... our master Ibraahiim (‘Alaihis-salaam) for You (Ya Allah).

TRANSLATION Hamiidum-majiid O Allahumma baarik ‘alaa sayyidinaa
Muhammad-inw wa 'alaa aali sayyidinaa Muhammad-in kamaa

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Naqshbandi Center Michigan- Dalailul Khairat
barakta ‘alaa sayyidinaa Ibraahiima wa 'alaa aali sayyidinaa praiseworthy, the Merciful! Ya Allah, bless our master Muhammad
Ibraahiima Innaka hamidum-majiid O Allahumma watarah-ham (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) and the family of our master Muhammad
‘alaa sayyidinaa Muhammad-inw wa ‘alaa aali sayyidinaa (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam), and be merciful to our master Muhammad
Muhammad-in kama tarah-hamta ‘alaa sayyidinaa Ibraahiima wa (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) and the family of our master Muhammad
'alaa aali sayyidinaa Ibrahima Innaka hamidum-majiid O (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam), and sanctify our master Muhammad
Allahumma wata-hannan ‘alaa sayyidinaa Muhammad-inw wa ‘alaa (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) and the family of our master Muhammad
aali sayyidinaa Muhammad-in kamaa tahan-nanta ‘alaa sayyidinaa (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) just as You (Ya Allah) blessed, and were
Ibraahiima wa 'alaa aali sayyidinaa... merciful to, and sanctified our master Ibraahiim(‘Alaihis-salaam) and the
family of our master Ibraahiim(‘Alaihis-salaam)


You (Ya Allah) are the praiseworthy, the Mighty! Ya Allah, sanctify our -al ‘alamiina innaka hamiidum-majiid O Allahumma solli ‘alaa
master Muhammad (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) and the family of our sayyidinaa Muhammadi-nin- nabiyyi wa azwajihii ummahatil
master Muhammad (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) just as You (Ya Allah) mu’miniina wa zurriyyatihii wa ahli baitihii kama sollaita ‘alaa
sanctified our master Ibraahiim (‘Alaihis-salaam) and the family of sayyidinaa Ibraahiima innaka hamiidum-majiid O Allahumma barik
Ibraahiim (‘Alaihis-salaam) for You (Ya Allah) is the praiseworthy, the ‘alaa sayyidinaa Muhammad-inw -wa ‘alaa aali sayyidinaa
Mighty! Ya Allah, be merciful to our master Muhammad (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Muhammad-in kamaa barokta ‘alaa sayyidinaa ibraahiima innaka
Wasallam) and the family of our master Muhammad (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi hamiidum-majiid O Allahumma daahiyal-mad- huwwati wa baariy-
Wasallam) just as You (Ya Allah) were the merciful to our master Abraham al-masmukati wa jabbaral-qulubi ‘alaa fitratiha shaqiyyiha
(‘Alaihis-salaam) and the families of Ibraahiim (‘Alaihis-salaam) for You wasa'iidihaj ‘al sharaa'ifa salawatika wana-wamiya…
(Ya Allah) are the praiseworthy, the Mighty!Ya Allah, be kind our master
Muhammad (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) and the family of our master TRANSLATION
Muhammad (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) just as You were kind to our In the worlds for You (Ya Allah) are the Praiseworthy, the Mighty!Ya Allah,
master Ibraahiim (‘Alaihis-salaam) and the family of our master Ibraahiim bless our master Muhammad (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi wa sallam), the Prophet,
(‘Alaihis-salaam)… and his wives, the Mothers of the Believers, and his descendants and the
People of his House just as You (Ya Allah) blessed our master Ibraahiim
ROMANISED ARABIC (‘Alaihis-salaam) for You (Ya Allah) are the Praiseworthy, the Mighty!Ya
Allah, bless our master Muhammad (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) and the
Ibraahiima Innaka hamiidum-majiid O Allahumma wa-sallim ‘alaa family of our master Muhammad (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) just as You
sayyidinaa Muhammad-inw wa ‘alaa ali sayyidinaa Muhammad-in (Ya Allah) blessed our master Ibraahiim (‘Alaihis-salaam) for You (Ya
kama sallamta ‘alaa sayyidinaa Ibraahiima wa ‘alaa aali sayyidinaa Allah) are the Praiseworthy, the Mighty! Ya Allah, the Leveler of the Plains,
Ibraahiima Innaka hamiidum-majiid O Allahumma solli ‘alaa the Maker of the Firmament, and the Moulder of Hearts into the good and
sayyidinaa Muhammad-inw wa ‘alaa aali sayyidinaa Muhammad- the bad, grant Your noblest blessings, most fruitful favors,
inw warham sayyidinaa Muhammad-anw wa ‘aala sayyidinaa
Muhammad-inw wa baarik ‘alaa sayyidinaa Muhammad-inw-wa
‘alaa aali sayyidinaa Muhammad-in kamaa sollaita wa rahimta wa ROMANISED ARABIC
barakta ‘alaa sayyidinaa Ibraahiima wa-‘alaa aali sayyidinaa
ibraahiima fii.... ...barakatika wa ra‘ fata tahannunika ‘alaa sayyidinaa Muhammad-
in 'abdika wa rasulikal- fatihi limaa ughliqa wal khatimi lima
sabaqa wal mu’linil-haqqa bil haqqi waddami ‘i li-jaishatil- abatili
TRANSLATION kamaa hummila fadh-tala‘a bi amrika bito-‘atika mustaufizan fii
For you are the praiseworthy, the Mighty! Ya Allah, grant peace of our mardhotika waa ‘iyanl-liwahyika hafizal-li‘ahdika madhiyan ‘alaa
master Muhammad (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) and the family of our nifazi amrika hattaa auraa qabasan liqaabisin alaa ‘ullahi tasilu bi
master Muhammad (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) just as You (Ya Allah) ahlihii asbabahu bihii hudiyatil qulubu ba’da khaudhatil-fitani wal
granted peace to our master Ibraahiim (‘Alaihis-salaam) and the families ithmi wa abhaja mudhihaati…
of our master Ibraahiim (‘Alaihis-salaam) for You (Ya Allah) are the

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Naqshbandi Center Michigan- Dalailul Khairat
shuhadaa‘i was-saalihiina wama sabbah laka min shay-in-yaa
TRANSLATION rabbal ‘alamiina ‘alaa sayyidina Muhammad-in abdillaahi
khaatamin-nabiyyiina wasayyidina mursaliina
And most loving kindness to our master Muhammad (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi
Wasallam), Your slave and Your Messenger, the Opener of what was
locked and the Seal of what had gone before, the Announcer of Truth with TRANSLATION
Truth, and the Refuter of the forces of falsehood! He took upon himself the
responsibility of Your order in obedience to You (Ya Allah), speedily His light and reward him with Your approval so that his testimony is
seeking Your Pleasure, earnestly heeding Your Revelation, keeping Your accepted and his word is Pleasing to You(Ya Allah), making him the one
promise, carrying out and executing Your command, so that, by kindling a whose utterance is just and whose course is distinct and whose argument
burning brand for the seeker, his family gains access through him to the mighty! Verily, Allah and his angles bless the Prophet! O you, who believe,
blessings of Allah (Subhaanahu wa ta’ala)! Hearts were guided through ask (Allah) to bless him and grant him abundant peace! I am here, Ya
him after having entered into discord and sin, and he gladdened with Allah, at Your service and at Your Command, my Lord! The blessing of
evident signs,…. Allah (subhaanahu wa ta’ala), the good, the Merciful, and of his closest
angles, and of the Prophets and of the sincere ones, and of the martyrs
ROMANISED ARABIC and of the good ones and of whatever else exists which glorifies You (Ya
...al-‘alami wa naa ‘iratil-ahkami wa muniratil-islami fahuwa Allah), O Lord of the worlds, are for our master Muhammad (Sollallahu
aminukal-mamuunu wa khazinu ‘ilmikal-makhzuni wa shahiduka ‘Alaihi Wasallam), son of Abdullah (Radhi allah ta’ala anhu), the seal of the
yaumaddiini wa ba'ii-thuka ni’matan warasuluka bilhaqqi rahmah Prophets and the master of Messenger…
O Allahummaf-sah lahu fii 'adnika wajzihii mudha ‘afatil-khayri
min fadhlika muhannatin-lahu ghaira mukaddaratin-min fauzi ROMANSIED ARABIC
thawabikal-mahluli wajazili ‘ataa ‘ikal-ma’-luul O Allahumma ‘aali
‘alaa binaa-'innaasi binaa-ahu wa aqrim-mathwaahu ladaika wa ...Wa ima mil-muttaqiina warasuuli rabbil-‘alamiinash-shahidil-
nuzulahu wa atmim lahu nuurahu.... bashiirid-daa'ii ilaika bi-iznikas-sirajil-muniri wa ‘alaihis-salam O
Allahummaj‘al salawatika wabarakatika warahmataka ‘alaa
saiyidil-mursaliina wa imamil-muttaqiina wa khatamin-nabiyyina
TRANSLATION sayyidinaa Muhammad-in 'abdika warasulika imamil-khairi
waqaa‘idil-khairi warasulir-rahmah O Allahummab ‘ath-hu
...With enlightening laws and illuminating Islam! And he is Your maqaman-mahmuday- yaghbituhu fiihil-awwaluna wal-akhirun O
Trustworthy One and Safe Custodian of Your Secret knowledge, Your Allahumma solli ‘alaa sayyidina Muhammadin-inw wa ‘alaa...
witness on the Day of judgement and Your Envoy, a Favour for us, and
Your Messenger, in truth, a Mercy of us! Ya Allah, widen for him his place
in Your Eden and reward him doubly with the goodness of Your Favor TRANSLATION
granting him untarnished felicitations from the victory of Your reward, The Leader of the Pious and the Messenger of the Lord of the world, the
which is plentiful and fitting, and from Your Lofty Gift! Ya Allah, raise that witness the Bringer of Good Tidings, the caller to You (Ya Alalh) by Your
which he built up over all that mankind has built up and ennoble his place leave, the Lamp, the Illumined one, on him may there be peace! Ya Allah
and his sojourn with You (Ya Allah), and complete for …… grant Your blessings and Favours and Your Mercy to the master of the
Messengers and the Leader of the pious and Seal of the Prophets, our
ROMANISED master Muhammad (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam), Your slave and Your
ARABIC Messenger, the Pioneer of Goodness and Guide to the Goodness, the
Wajzihi minibti‘a thika lahu maqbuulash-shahaadati wamarziyyal- Messenger of Mercy! Ya Allah send him to the Most Praise Station, the
maqaalati za mantiqin adlin-wa khottatin faslin-waburhaanin aziim envy of those who came first and those who came last)
O Innallaaha wa malaaikatahu yusolluuna ‘alan-nabi O Yaa
ayyuhallaziina aamanu sollu ‘alaihi wa sollimu tasliima O Labbaika
Allahumma rabbi wasaadayka salawaatullahil-barrirrahiimi wal- next page >>
malaaikatil-mukarrabiina wannabiyyena was-siddiqiina wash- DALAILU'L - KHAIRAAT SHAREEF

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Naqshbandi Center Michigan- Dalailul Khairat
ROMANISED You (Ya Allah) like him to blessed! Ya Allah, bless our master Muhammad
ARABIC (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) and the family of our master Muhammad
(Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) as we have been ordered to ask for blessings
..ali sayyidinaa Muhammad-in kama sollaita ‘alaa sayyidina upon him! Ya Allah, bless our master Muhammad (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi
Ibraahiima innaka hamiidum- majiid O Allahumma barik ‘alaa Wasallam) and the family of master Muhammad (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi
sayyidinaa Muhammad-inw wa 'alaa aali sayyidinaa Muhammad-in Wasallam) as he deserves! Ya Allah, bless our master Muhammad
kama barakta ‘alaa sayyidina Ibraahiima innaka hamiidum majiid (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) and the family of master Muhammad
O Allahumma solli ‘alaa sayyidinaa Muhammad-inw wa ‘alaa alihi (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) just as You (Ya Allah) like and just as You (Ya
wa asha bihi wa auladihi wa azwaajihi wa zurriyyatihi wa ahli Allah) pleased with.
baitihii wa as-harihii wa ansarihi wa ashya-‘ihii wa muhibbiihii wa
ummatihii wa ‘alaina ma ‘ahum ajma‘ina yaa arhamar-rahimin O
Allahumma solli ‘alaa sayyidina Muhammad-in... ROMANISED ARABIC
...Lah O Allahumma yaa rabba sayyidinaa Muhammad-inw wa aali
sayyidinaa Muhammad-in solli ‘alaa sayyidinaa Muhammad-inw wa
TRANSLATION aali sayyidinaa Muhammad-inw wa ‘ati sayyidanaa Muhammada-
And the family of our master Muhammad (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) Just niddarajata walwasilata filjannah O Allahumma yaa rabba
as You (Ya Allah) blessed our master Ibraahiim (‘Alaihis-salaam) for You sayyidinaa Muhammad-inw wa aali sayyidinaa Muhammadi nijzi
(Ya Allah) are the Praiseworthy, the Mighty! Ya Allah, sanctify our master sayyidinaa Muhammad-an sollallahu ‘alaihi wa sallama ma huwa
Muhammad (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) and the family of our master ahluh O Allahumma solli ‘alaa sayyidinaa Muhammad-inw-wa ‘alaa
Muhammad (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) as You (Ya Allah) sanctified our aali sayyidinaa Muhammad-inw-wa ‘alaa ahli baiti O Allahumma
master Ibraahiim (‘Alaihis-salaam) for You (Ya Allah) are the Praiseworthy, solli ‘alaa sayyidinaa Muhammad-inw wa ‘alaa aali sayyidinaa
the Mighty! Ya Allah, bless our master Muhammad (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Muhammad-in hatta laa yabqaa mina...
Wasallam), his family, his companions, his children, his wifes, his
descendants, the People of his House, his relations by marriage, his
Helpers, his adherents, his lovers, his nation and all of us along with them, TRANSLATION
Ya Allah Most Merciful of the Merciful! Ya Allah, bless our master Ya Allah O Lord of our master Muhammad (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam)
Muhammad (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam)… and the family of our master Muhammad (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam),
bless our master Muhammad (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) and the family
of our master Muhammad (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) and grant to
ROMANISED ARABIC master Muhammad (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) the rank of the Closest
...'adada man solla ‘alaihi wa solli ‘alaa sayyidinaa Muhammad-in Access in the Garden! Ya Allah O Lord of the mater Muhammad (Sollallahu
‘adada manl-lam yusolli ‘alaihi wa solli ‘alaa sayyidina Muhammad- ‘Alaihi Wasallam) and the family of our master Muhammad (Sollallahu
in kamaa amartana bissolati ‘alaihi wasolli ‘alaihi kama tuhibbu ‘Alaihi Wasallam), reward our master Muhammad (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi
an-yusolla ‘alaih O Allahumma solli ‘alaa sayyidina Muhammad-inw Wasallam), may Allah (subhaanahu wa ta’ala) bless him and give him
wa ‘alaa aali sayyidinaa Muhammad-in kama amartanaa peace, just as he deserving! Ya Allah, bless our master Muhammad
annusolliya ‘alaihi O Allahumma solli ‘alaa sayyidinaa Muhammad- (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) and the family of our master Muhammad
inw wa ‘alaa aali sayyidinaa Muhammad-in kama huwa ahluh O (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) and the People of his house! Ya Allah, bless
Allahumma solli ‘alaa sayyidinaa Muhammad-inw wa ‘alaa aali our master Muhammad (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) and the family of our
sayyidinaa Muhammad-in kamaa tuhibbu watardhohu master Muhammad (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) until there remains not…

TRANSLATION As-solaati sha‘i O War ham sayyidanaa Muhammad-anw wa aala
As many times as those who have asked for blessings upon him and bless sayyidinaa Muhammad-in hatta laa yabqa minarrahmati shai ‘un O
our master Muhammad (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) as many times as Wa barik ‘alaa sayyidinaa Muhammad-inw wa ‘alaa aali sayyidina
those who have not asked for blessings upon him! And bless him as we Muhammad-in hatta laa yabqaa minal-barakati shai-‘un O Wa
have been ordered to ask You(Ya Allah) to bless him and bless him just as sallim ‘alaa sayyidinaa Muhammad-inw wa ‘alaa aali sayyidina

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Naqshbandi Center Michigan- Dalailul Khairat
Muhammad-in hatta laa yabqa minassalami shai‘un O Allahumma blissfully, heartily, a drink after which we will never feel thirst, for You (Ya
solli ‘alaa sayyidinaa Muhammad-in fil-awwalin O Wa solli 'alaa Allah) are the Power of all things!Ya Allah, send to the soul of our master
sayyidina Muhammadin fil-akhirin O Wa solli ‘alaa sayyidina Muhammad (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) my greetings and my salutations!
Muhammad-in fin-nabiyyiin O Wa solli ‘alaa sayyidinaa Ya Allah…

TRANSLATION Wakamaa amantu bisayyidinaa Muhammad-inw-wa lam arahu fala

tahrimni filjinani ru‘uyatah O Allahumma taqabbal shafa‘ata
A single drop of blessings! Ya Allah, favour our master Muhammad sayyidinaa Muhammadi-nil-kubra warfa' darajatahul-‘ulya wa atihii
(Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) and the family of our master! Ya Allah, bless su’lahu fil akhirati wal ula kama ataita sayyidanaa Ibraahiima wa
our master Muhammad (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) until there remains sayyidanaa muusa O Allahumma solli ‘alaa sayyidinaa
not a single drop of favour! Ya Allah, have Mercy on our master Muhammmad-inw-wa ‘alaa aali sayyidinaa Muhammad-in kama
Muhammad (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) and the family of our master sollaita ‘alaa sayyidinaa ibraahiima wa ‘alaa aali sayyidinaa
Muhammad (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) until there remains not a single ibraahiima wa baarik ‘alaa sayyidinaa Muhammad-inw-wa ‘alaa
drop of mercy! Ya Allah, grant peace to our master Muhammad (Sollallahu aali Muhammad-in kama barokta ‘alaa sayyidinaa ibraahiima wa
‘Alaihi Wasallam) and the family of our master Muhammad (Sollallahu ‘alaa aali sayyidinaa...
‘Alaihi Wasallam) until there remains not a single drop of peace! Ya Allah
(Subhaanahu wa ta’ala), bless our master Muhammad (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi
Wasallam) among the First! Ya Allah, bless our master Muhammad TRANSLATION
(Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) among the last! Ya Allah, bless our master Just as I have believed in our master Muhammad (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi
Muhammad (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) among the Prophets… Wasallam) without seeing him, so do not deprive my heart of a vision of
him! Ya Allah, accept the great intercession of our master Muhammad
ROMANISED (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam), raise his rank high and give him that which
ARABIC he asks for in the Hereafter and in this Present life, just as You (Ya Allah)
...Fil mursalin O Wa solli ‘alaa sayyidinaa Muhammad-in filmala-il- gave to our master Ibraahiim (‘Alaihis-salaam) and our Lord Moses
‘alaa ilaa yaumiddiin O Allahumma ‘aati sayyidanaa Muhammada- (‘alaihis-salaam)! Ya Allah, bless our master Muhammad (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi
nil -wasilata wal fadhilata washrafa waddarajatal-kabiirat O Wasallam) and the family of our master Muhammad (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi
Allahumma innii aamantu bisayyidina Muhammad-inw-walam Wasallam) just as You (Ya Allah) blessed our master Ibraahiim (‘Alaihis-
arahu fala tahrimni filjinani ru'-yatahu warzuqni suhbatahu wata salaam) and the family of Ibraahiim (‘Alaihis-salaam) and sanctify our
waffani ‘alaa millatihi wa asqini min haudihi mashrabar-rawiyyan master Muhammad (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) and the family of master
saa ‘ighan haanii‘ann-la nazma‘u ba’dahu abadan innaka ‘alaa kulli Muhammad (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) just as You (Ya Allah) sanctified
shai-in qadiir O Allahumma abligh ruha sayyidinaa Muhammad-im- our master Ibraahiim (‘Alaihis-salaam) and the family of our master…
minni tahiyyatanw-wasalama O Allahumma …
...Ibraahiima innaka hamiidum-majiid O Allahumma solli wa sallim
wa baarik ‘alaa sayyidinaa Muhammad-in-nabiyyika warasulik O
TRANSLATION Wa sayyidinaa Ibraahiima khalilika wa safiyyika wa sayyidinaa
Among the Messengers! Ya Allah, bless our master Muhammad (Sollallahu Musa kaliimika wanajiyyik O Wa sayyidinaa 'isaa ruhika wa
‘Alaihi Wasallam) in the Heavenly Assembly until the day of Resurrection! kalimatika wa ‘alaa jamii‘i malaaikatika warusulika wa ambiyaa
Ya Allah, grant our master Muhammad (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) the ‘ika wa khiyara tika min khalqika wa asfiyaa ‘ika wa khassatika wa
position of the Closest Access, the Pre-eminence and the noblest and the awliyaa ‘ika min ahli ardhika wa samaa‘ik O Wa sollallahu ‘alaa
greatest rank! Ya Allah, I have believe in our master Muhammad sayyidinaa Muhammad-in ‘adada khalqihii waridha‘a nafsihi
(Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) and I have not seen him so do not deprive wazinata arshihii wa...
my heart of a vision of him and provide me with his companionship and
have me die on his way and lead me to drink from his Pool plentifully,

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Naqshbandi Center Michigan- Dalailul Khairat
TRANSLATION solli ‘alaihim solatan tafuqu wa tafdhulu solatal-musollina ‘alaihim
Ibraahiim (‘Alaihis-salaam), for You (Ya Allah) are the Praiseworthy, the minal-khalqi ajma‘ina kafadhlika…
Mighty! Ya Allah (Ya Allah), bless, sanctify and grant peace to our master
Muhammad (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam), Your Prophet, Your Messenger!
And also our master Ibraahiim (‘Alaihis-salaam), Your friend and Pure and TRANSLATION
our Lord Moses, Your Interlocutor and Intimate! And also our Lord Jesus, In the sky and You (Ya Allah) alone there counter!And bless our master
Your Spirit and word, all the angels, Messengers and Prophets, the Muhammad (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) in every breath of every soul
righteous ones from Your creation, the pure ones, the elected ones and from the moment You (Ya Allah) created them! And bless our master
Your saints the folk of Your earth and Your Heaven! And may Allah' s Muhammad (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) in everything You (Ya Allah) have
blessings be for our master Muhammad (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) in all already created and in what You (Ya Allah) will create and in whatever is
of His creation, to the extent of his pleasure, in the decoration of the encompassed by Your knowledge and then double all of that! Ya Allah,
Throne, bless them in all of Your creation and as much as it pleases Yourself, in the
decoration of Your Throne, in the ink of Your words and to the extent of
ROMANISED ARABIC Your knowledge and Signs! Ya Allah, bless them, with blessings excellent,
...Midada kalimatihi wa kama huwa ahluhu wakullama zakarahuz- and more gracious, with blessings equal to all the requests for blessing
zaakiruna waghafala 'an zikrihil-ghafiluna wa ‘alaa ahli baitihii wa ever uttered by the whole of creation just as in like measure.
itratihiit-taahiriina wa sallama taslima O Allahumma solli ‘alaa
sayyidinaa Muhammad-inw wa ‘alaa azwaajihii wa zurriyatihii wa ROMANISED
‘alaa jamii‘in-nabiyyiina wal-mursaliina walmalaaikatil- ARABIC
muqarrabiina wa jami‘i 'ibadillahis-salihina ‘adada maa amtaratis-
samaa‘u munzu banaitaha wa solli ‘alaa sayyidina Muhammad-in -‘Alaa jami‘i khalqik O Allahumma solli ‘alaihim solawatan daa
‘adada maa anbatatil-arudhu munzu dahautah O Wa solli ‘alaa ‘imatan- mustamirratad-dawami ‘alaa marrillayali wal ayyami
sayyidinaa Muhammad-in ‘adadan- nujumi... muttasilatad-dawami lan-qidhaa‘a laha walan-sirama ‘alaa
marrilliyali wal ayyami ‘adada kulli waabil-inw watolli O
Allahumma solli ‘alaa sayyidinaa Muhammad-in nabiyyika wa
TRANSLATION saiyidina ibraahiima khalilika wa ‘alaa jamii‘i anbiya‘ika wa asfiyaa
In the ink of His words, to the measure that he deserves, and whenever ‘ika min ahli ardhika wasamaa ‘ika ‘adada khalqika wa ridhaa ‘a
those who remember him do so and whenever those who neglect to nafsika wazinata ‘arshika wa midada kalimatika wa muntaha
remember him do so, and may these blessings be also for the People of ilmika wazinata jamii‘i makhluqa tika….
His House and the pure perfumed descendants, on whom may there be
peace, over and over again! Ya Allah, bless our master Muhammad
(Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) and his wives and progeny and all the TRANSLATION
Prophets and Messengers and closest angels and all the righteous slaves of The whole of creation enjoys Your favour!Ya Allah, bless them, with
Allah (Subhaanahu wa ta’ala) in all the rain the sky has rained since it was eternal and permanent blessings, for as long as the duration of all future
formed and bless our master Muhammad (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) in nights and days, never ending and perpetual, with blessings equal to the
everything the Earth has produced since it was spread out! And bless our duration of all the days and nights which have already passed, with
master Muhammad (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) as many times as there blessings as copious as the rain contained in every downpour and in every
are star… shower which have ever fallen! Ya Allah, bless our master Muhammad
(Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) Your Prophet, and our master Ibraahiim
ROMANISED ARABIC (‘Alaihis-salaam), Your friend, and all the Prophets and pure ones from the
Fissamaa‘i fa innaka ahsaitah O Wa solli ‘alaa sayyidinaa folk of Your earth and Your Heaven, in all of Your creation and as it pleases
Muhammad-in ‘adada ma tanaffasatil-arwahu munzu khalaqtah O Yourself, in the decoration of Your Throne, in the ink of Your words, to the
Wa solli ‘alaa sayyidinaa Muhammad-in ‘adada ma khalaqta wa ma extent of Your knowledge and Adornment of Your created beings,
takhluqu wa ma ahato bihii ‘ilmuka wa adh ‘afa zalik O Allahumma
solli ‘alaihim ‘adada khalqika waridhaa‘a nafsika wazinata arshika DALAILU`L-KHAIRAAT SHAREEF
wamidada kalimatika wa mablagha’ 'ilmika wa ayatik O Allahumma ROMANISED ARABIC

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Naqshbandi Center Michigan- Dalailul Khairat
Solaatam-mukarratan abadan ‘adada maa ahso ‘ilmuka wa mil ‘a ROMANISED ARABIC
maa ahsoo ‘ilmuka wa adh‘afa ma ahso ‘ilmuka solatan tazidu -alfitani Wa ‘afini min jamii ‘il-mihani wa aslih minni maa zahara
watafuqu watafdhulu solatal-musalliina ‘alaihim minal-khalqi wama batona wanaqqi qalbi minal-hiqdi wal hasadi wala taj‘al
ajma‘iina kafadhlika ‘alaa jamii‘i khalqik O Thumma tad‘u bihzad- ‘alayya tibaa ‘atan-liahad O Allahumma innii as-'alukal-akhza bi
dua‘i fa innahu marjuwwul-lijabati insha ‘allaahu ta‘laa ba’das- ahsani ma ta’lamu watar kalisai ‘i maa ta’lamu wa-as ‘alukat-
solaati ‘alan-nabiyyi sollallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam O Allahummaj ‘alni takaffula birrizqi wazzuhda filkafaafi wal makhraja bilbayani min
mimman-lazima millata nabiyyik sayyidinaa Muhammad-in kulli shubhatinw-walfalaja bis-sowabi fii kulli hujjatinw-wal ‘adla
sallallahu ‘alaihi wasallama wa ‘azzoma hurmatahu wa-a-‘azza fil-ghadhobi warridaa‘i wattasliima limaa yajri bihil qadhoo‘u wal-
kalimatahu wa… iqtisoda fil-faqri wal-ghinaa wat-tawadhu-‘a fil- qauli…

With blessings repeated eternally as much as Your knowledge and to the Of discord and absolve me from all tests and purify me from within and
depth of Your knowledge and then double this! With blessings, Abundant cleanse my heart from hatred and envy and do not allow any one to
and excellent and gracious blessings equal to all the requests for blessings oppress me! Ya Allah, I ask You(Ya Allah) for the good that You(Ya Allah)
ever uttered by all of creation just as in like measure the whole of creation know and to let me pass by the evil that You(Ya Allah) know and I ask
enjoys Your favour!(Then make this supplication, for it is to be hoped it You(Ya Allah) to provide me with provision, for indifference to being
will be answered, Allah (Subhaanahu wa ta’ala) willing, after asking for physically satisfied, a clear way out from every uncertainly, a proper
blessings upon the Prophet, may Allah (subhaanahu wa ta’ala) grant him stance in every argument, justice in anger and pleasure , peace whatever
peace!)Ya Allah, grant me to be from among those who stick close to the fate ordains, providence in thought and wealth, humility in my words and
way of Your Prophet, our master Muhammad (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam), actions.
the blessings of Allah (subhaanahu wa ta’ala) be always upon him!
Strengthen his holiness, empower his words, ROMANISED ARABIC
Wal fi‘li wassidqa fil-jiddi wal-hazl O Allahumma inna lii zunuuban
ROMANISED ARABIC fiima baini wabainaka wazunuban fiima baini wabaina khalqi O
Hafiza ‘ahdahu wa zimmatahu wa nasara hizbahu wada'watahu wa Allahumma maa kana laka minha fagh-firhu wama kana minha
qathara taabi-iihi wafirqatahu wa wafa zumratahu wa lam yukhalif likhalqika fatahammalhu 'anni wa aghnini bifadhlika innaka waasi-
sabilahu wasunnatah O Allahumma innii as‘alukal-istimsaka ‘ul-maghfirah O Allahumma nawwir bil ‘ilmi qalbi O wasta’mil
bisunnatihi wa a‘uzubika minal-inhirafi ‘amma jaa ‘a bih O bitaa-atika badani O Wakhallis minal-fitani sirri O Washghal bil-
Allahumma innii as ‘aluka min khairi maa sa ‘alaka minhu ‘itibari fiqri O Waqini sharra wasawisish-shaitan O Wa ajirni minhu
saiyidunaa Muhammad-un-nabiyyuka warasuluka sollallahu ‘alaihi yaa rahmaanu hatta…
wasallama wa a‘uzubika min sharri mastu'azaka minhu saiyiduna
Muhammad-un-nabiyyuka warasuluka sollallahu ‘alaihi wasallam O TRANSLATION
Allahum-ma’ simni min sharril… And sincerity in my seriousness and in my jesting!Ya Allah, indeed there
area sins between You (Ya Allah) and me and there are sins between Your
TRANSLATION creation and me! Ya Allah, what is this for You (Ya Allah), so forgive me
Protect his promise and security, and give victory to his party and calling my sins and whatever arises from them, bear them for me and enrich me
and increase those who pledge him and his company allegiance! And grant with Your favour, for Your forgiveness spread wide! Ya Allah, enlighten the
that we may die in his company and do not allow us to stray from his path knowledge of my heart and render my body obedient to You (Ya Allah) and
and way! Ya Allah, I ask You(Ya Allah) for loyalty to his way and seek purify me from inner discord and occupy me with contemplation and
refuge in You from all deviation from it!Ya Allah, I ask You (Ya Allah) the protect me from the whisperings of Satan and save me from him, …
good that our master Muhammad (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam), Your
Prophet and Your Messenger, asked of You (Ya Allah), and I seek refuge in ROMANISED ARABIC
You(Ya Allah) from the evil from which our master Muhammad(Sollallahu Laa yaquna lahu ‘alayya sultaan O
‘Alaihi Wasallam), Your Prophet and Your Messenger, sought refuge, may TRANSLATION
Allah (Subhaanahu wa ta’ala) grant him peace and bless himYa Allah, (Ya Allah) the compassionate one, until he no longer has any power over
protect me from the evil… me!

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Naqshbandi Center Michigan- Dalailul Khairat
Tuesday Muhammad (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) with as much blessings as is
fitting for him and bless our master Muhammad (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi
Wasallam) and the family of our master Muhammad (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi
DALAILU'L-KHAIRAAT SHAREEF Wasallam) with as much blessings as is his due! And bless our master
Muhammad (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) and the family of our master
ROMANISED ARABIC Muhammad (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) as You (Ya Allah) have ordered
AL-HIZBUTHANI FIYAUMITH-THALATHA him to be blessed! And bless our master Muhammad (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi
Wasallam) and the family of our master Muhammad (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi
Allahumma innii as-aluka min khairi ma ta‘ lamu wa a‘uzu- bika Wasallam) whose light is from the light of light…
min sharri maa ta’lamu wa astaghfiruka min kulli maa ta’lamu
innaka ta’lamu wala na’lamu wa-anta ‘allamul-ghuyyub O ROMANISED ARABIC
Allahummar-hamni min zamani haza wa-ihdaqil-fitani wata-uli- -al-anwaari wa-ashraqa bi-shu‘a ‘i sirri-hil-asrar O Allahumma solli
ahlil-jur-ati ‘Alaiya wastidh’a fihim iyya O Allahumma aj-‘alni ‘alaa sayyidinaa Muhammad-inw wa-‘alaa aali sayyidinaa
minka fi ‘iyazim-manii‘inw-wa hirzin hasiinim-min jamii‘i khalqika Muhammad-inw wa-‘alaa aahli baitihil-abraari ajma'in O
hatta tubal-lighanii ajali mu‘afa O Allahumma solli ‘alaa sayyidinaa Allahumma solli ‘alaa sayyidinaa Muhammad-inw wa-‘alaa aalihi
bahrii anwarika wa ma’diini asrarika wa lisaani hujjatika wa -‘arusi
TRANSLATION mamlu-katika wa-imami hadhratika wakhatimi ambiya‘ika solatan
Ya Allah , I ask You(Ya Allah) the good of what You(Ya Allah) know and I tadumu bidawamika watabqa bibaqa‘ika solatan turdhika
seek refuge in You (Ya Alalh) from the evil of what You(Ya Alalh) know and waturdihi watardha bihaa ‘anna Ya arhamar-rahimiin O Allahumma
I seek Your forgiveness for everything You(Ya Allah) know,for You(Ya rabbal-hilli wal-harami…
Allah) indeed know and we do not know and indeed You(Ya Allah) are the
knower of the Unsen! Ya Allah,have mercy on me in this time from the . TRANSLATION
encirclement of discord, from the oppression of the insolent and their And who with a ray of his secret illuminated all Secrets! Ya Allah, bless our
deficiencies and all such ill! Ya Allah, give me an unassailable refuge in master Muhammad (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) and the family of our
You(Ya Alalh), an impenetrable protection with You(Ya Alalh) from all of master Muhammad (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) and all the chosen people
Your creation until I come to a virtuous end! Ya Allah, bless our master of his House! Ya Allah, bless our master Muhammad (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi
Muhammad (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) Wasallam) and the family, the sea of Your lights, the mine of Your secrets,
the Tongue of Your proof, the Bridegroom of Your kingdom, the leader of
ROMANISED ARABIC Your presence and the seal of Your prophets, with blessings which last as
Muhammad-inw-wa-‘alaa aali sayyidinaa Muhammad-in ‘adada long as You (Ya Allah) last and remain as long as You (Ya Allah) remain,
man solla ‘alaih O Wa solli ‘alaa sayyidinaa Muhammad-inw-wa- blessings which please You (Ya Allah), which please him, and which make
‘alaa aali sayyidinaa Muhammad-in ‘adada mal-lam yusolli ‘alaihi You Ya Allah) please with us, Ya Allah, Maula (helper) of the worlds!Ya
wa-solli ‘alaa sayyidinaa Muhammad-inw-wa-‘alaa aalihii Allah, Maula(helper) of the Hill and the Haram…
sayyidinaa Muhammad-in kamaa tambaghis-solatu ‘alaihi wa solli
‘alaa sayyidinaa Muhammad-inw- wa-‘alaa aali sayyidinaa ROMANISED ARABIC
Muhammad-in kamaa tajibuss-solatu ‘alaih O Wa-solli ‘alaa ....warabbal-mash ‘aril-harami wa rabbal-baitil harami warabbar-
sayyidinaa Muhammad-inw-wa-‘alaa aali sayyidinaa Muhammad-in rukni walmaqami abligh li-sayyidinaa wa-maulana Muhammad-im-
kama amarta anyusollah ‘alaihi O Wa-solli ‘alaa sayyidinaa minnas-salam O Allahumma solli ‘alaa sayyidinaa wa maulana
Muhammadi-nillazi nuruhu minnuri…… Muhammad-in sayyiddil awwalina wal-akhirin O Allahumma solli
‘alaa sayyidinaa wa maulana Muhammad-in fii kulli waqtinw-wa-
TRANSLATION hiin O Allahumma solli ‘alaa sayyidinaa wa maulana Muhammad-in
And the family of our master Muhammad (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) as filmala ‘il ‘alaa ilaa yaumiddin O Allahumma solli ‘alaa sayyidinaa
many times as those who have asked for blessings upon him! Ya Allah, wa maulana Muhammad-in hatta tarithal-ardha wa man ‘alaiha
bless our master Muhammad (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) and the family wa-anta khairul-warithiin O
of our master Muhammad (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) as many times as
those who have not asked for blessings upon him and bless our master TRANSLATION
Muhammad (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) and the family of our master
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Naqshbandi Center Michigan- Dalailul Khairat
Lord of the Sarctuary, Lord of the Sacred House, and Lord of the corner Wa ihsanika ilaa abadil-abadi abadal-laa nihayata liabadiyyatihi
and the station of Ibraahiim (these are all places connected with wala fana‘a lidaimu miyyatih O Allahumma solli ‘alaa sayyidinaa
pilgrimage to macca), send peace from us to our Maula (helper) and Muhammad-inw-wa ‘alaa aali sayyidinaa Muhammad-in ‘adada
master Muhammad (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam)! Ya Allah bless our Maula maa ahata bihi 'ilmuka wa ahsahu kitabuka washahidat bihii malaa
(helper) and master Muhammad (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) the master ‘ikatuka wardha 'an ashabihi war-ham ummatahu innaka
of the first and the last! Ya Allah bless our lord and master Muhammad hamiidum-majiid O Allahumma solli ‘alaa sayyidina Muhammad-
(Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) at every moment and the instant! Ya Allah, inw-wa ‘ala aali sayyidinaa Muhammad-inw-wa ‘alaa jamii‘i ashabi
bless our Maula (helper) the master Muhammad (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi sayyidinaa Muhammad-in O Allahumma solli ‘alaa sayyidinaa
Wasallam) in the heavenly assembly until the day of judgment! Ya Allah, Muhammad-in wa ‘alaa sayyidinaa Muhammadin ...
bless our Maula (helper) master Muhammad (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam)
until the earth bequeaths itself and what is on it to You (Ya Allah) are the
best of those who inherit! TRANSLATION

ROMANISED ARABIC By Your race and Your Generosity, until the end of eternity, never-ending,
Allahumma solli ‘alaa saiyidinaa Muhammadi-nin-nabiyyil-ummiyyi with no beginning to them, and no disappearing of them, forever and ever!
wa-‘alaa aali sayyidinaa Muhammad-in kama sollaita ‘alaa Ya Allah, bless our master Muhammad (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) and
sayyidinaa Ibraahiima innaka hamiidum majiid O Wa baarik ‘alaa the family of our master Muhammad (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) as much
sayyidinaa Muhammadi-nin-nabiyyil-ummiyyi kamaa barakta ‘alaa as You (Ya Allah) know him, as much as Your Book and as much as the
sayyidinaa Ibraahiima innaka hamiidum majiid O Allahumma solli witnessing of Your angels and be pleased with his companion and be
‘alaa sayyidinaa Muhammad-inw-wa-‘alaa aali sayyidinaa merciful on his nation for You (Ya Allah) are Praiseworthy, the Mighty! Ya
Muhammad-in ‘adada maa ahata bihi ilmuka wajaraa bihii Allah, bless our master Muhammad (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) and the
qalamuka wasaba-qat bihi mashii-‘atuka wa-sollat ‘alaihi family of our Maula (helper) Muhammad (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam), and
mala‘ikatuka solatan daa ‘imatam bidawamika baqiyyatan all the companion of our master Muhammad (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam)!
bifadhlika… Ya Allah, bless our master Muhammad (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) and
the family of our Maula (helper) Muhammad (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam)


Ya Allah, bless our lord and master Muhammad (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi
Wasallam), the Unlettered (not thought to read and write by any human Kama sollaita ‘alaa sayyidinaa Ibraahiima wa barik killahumma
being) Prophet, and the family of Muhammad (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) ‘alaa sayyidinaa Muhamamd-inw-wa ‘alaa aali sayyidinaa
just as You (Ya Allah) blessed our master Ibraahiim (‘Alaihis-salaam), for Muhamamd-in kama barakta ‘alaa sayyidinaa Ibrahiima wa ‘alaa
You(Ya Allah) are praiseworthy, the Mighty! And bless our Maula (helper) aali sayyidinaa Ibraahiima fil-‘alamina innaka hamidum-majiid O
master Muhammad (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam), the Unlettered (not Allahumma solli ‘alaa sayyidinaa wa maulana Muhamamdin ‘adada
thought to read and write by any human being) Prophet, and the family of maa ahata bihi ‘ilmuka O Allahumma solli ‘alaa sayyidinaa wa
Muhammad (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) just as You(Ya Allah) blessed our maulaana Muhamamd-in ‘adada maa ahsahu kitabuk O Allahumma
master Ibraahiim(Alaihis-salaam), for You(Ya Allah) are praiseworthy, the solli ‘alaa sayyidinaa wa maulana Muhammad-in ‘adada ma nafazat
Mighty! Ya Allah, bless our master Muhammad (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi bihi qudratuk O Allahumma solli ‘alaa…
Wasallam) and the family of our master Muhammad (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi
Wasallam) in all that Your knowledge encompasses, in everything that
Your Pen writes, in all that Your will preordains, and as often as Your TRANSLATION
angels have blessed him, with eternal blessings, lasting as long as You (Ya Just as You bless our master Ibrahiim (‘Alaihis-salaam) and bless our
Allah) last, remaining… master Muhammad (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) and the family of our
master Muhammad (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) just as You (Ya Allah)
ROMANISED ARABIC bless our master Ibrahiim (‘Alaihis-salaam) in all the word s for You (Ya
Allah) are the Praise worth the Mighty!Ya Allah, bless our master
Muhamamd (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) as much as You (Ya Allah) know

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Naqshbandi Center Michigan- Dalailul Khairat
of him! Ya Allah bless our Maula (the helper) and master Muhammad wa maulana Muhammad-in bil-ghuduwwi wal-aasal O Allahumma
(Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) as much as Your Book!Ya Allah bless our solli ‘alaa sayyidinaa wa.....
Maula (the helper) and master Muhammad (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) as
much as that would exhaust Your power by doing so!Ya Allah, bless our
Maula (The helper)… TRANSLATION
Ya Allah, bless our master and Maula (helper) Muhammad (Sollallahu
‘Alaihi Wasallam), as many times as there are drops of rain! Ya Allah, bless
ROMANISED our master and Maula (helper) Muhammad (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam),
Sayyidinaa wa maulana Muhammad-in ‘adada ma khassa-sat-hu as many times as there are leaves on the trees! Ya Allah, bless our master
iradatuk O Allahumma solli ‘alaa sayyidinaa wa maulana and Maula (helper) Muhammad (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) as many
Muhammad-in ‘adada ma tawajjaha ilaihi amruka wa nahyuk O times as there are beasts of the desert! Ya Allah, bless our master and
Allahumma solli ‘alaa sayyidinaa wa maulana Muhamamd-in 'adada Maula (helper) Muhammad (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam), as many times as
ma wasi‘ahu sam‘uk O Allahumma solli ‘alaa sayyidinaa wa there are creatures in the sea! Ya Allah, bless our master and Maula
maulana Muhammad-in ‘adada ma ahaata bihi basaruk O (helper) Muhammad (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam), as much as there is
Allahumma solli ‘alaa sayyidinaa wa maulana Muhammad-in ‘adada water in the sea! Ya Allah, bless our master and Maula (helper)
ma zakarahuz-zaakirun O Allahumma solli ‘alaa sayyidinaa Muhammad (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) as much as all that the night has
Muhammad-in ‘adada ma ghafala ‘an zikrihil-ghafilun O covered and the day has illuminated! Ya Allah, bless our master and Maula
Allahumma.... (helper) by morn and by eve! Ya Allah bless our lord and master
Muhammad (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam)…

And master Muhammad (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) as much as he ROMANISED ARABIC
distinguished by Your will! Ya Allah bless our Maula and master ...maulana Muhammad-in ‘adadar-rimal O Allahumma solli ‘alaa
Muhammad (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) as much as he is crowned by sayyidinaa wa maulana Muhammad-in ‘adadan-nisaa‘i warrijal O
Your command and Your prohibition! Ya Allah bless our Maula (the helper) Allahumma solli ‘alaa sayyidinaa wa maulana Muhammad-ir-rida ‘a
and master Muhammad (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) as much as all that is nafsik O Allahumma solli ‘alaa sayyidinaa wa maulana Muhammad-
within range of Your Hearing! Ya Allah bless our Maula (the helper) and im midada kalimatik O Allahumma solli ‘alaa saiyidinaa wa
master Muhammad (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) as much as that is maulaana Muhammad-im mil‘a samawatika wa ardhik O Allhumma
encompassed by Your vision! Ya Allah bless our Maula (the helper) and solli ‘alaa sayyidinaa wa maulaana Muhammad-in zinata ‘arshi O
master Muhammad (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) as many as those who Allahumma solli ‘alaa sayyidinaa wa maulana Muhammad-in ‘adada
remember him do so! Ya Allah bless our Maula (the helper) and master makhluqaatik O Allahumma solli ‘alaa sayyidinaa …
Muhammad (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) as many times as those who
neglect to remember him do so! Ya Allah TRANSLATION
As many times as there are grains of sands! Ya Allah, bless our master
and Maula (helper) Muhammad (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) as many
ROMANISED ARABIC times as there are men and women! Ya Allah, bless our master and Maula
Solli ‘alaa sayyidinaa wa maulana Muhammad-in ‘adada qatril- (helper) Muhammad (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) as much as pleases You
amtar O Allahumma solli ‘alaa sayyidinaa wa maulana Muhammad- (Ya Allah)! Ya Allah, bless our master and Maula (helper) Muhammad
in ‘adada auraqil-ashjar O Allahumma solli ‘alaa sayyidinaa wa (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) as much as the in of Your words! Ya Allah,
maulana Muhammmad-in ‘adada dawaabbil-qifar O Allahumma bless our master amd Maula (helper) Muhammad (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi
solli ‘alaa sayyidinaa wa maulana Muhammad-in ‘adada dawaab- Wasallam) to the fullness of Your heavens and Your earth! Ya Allah, bless
bil-bihar O Allahumma solli ‘alaa sayyidinaa wa maulana our master and Maula (helper) Muhammad (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) in
Muhammad-in ‘adada miyahil-bihar O Allahumma solli ‘alaa the decoration of Your Throne! Ya Allah, bless our master and Maula
sayyidinaa wa maulana Muhammad-in ‘adada ma azlama ‘alaihil- (helper) Muhammad (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) as many times as there
lailu wa adha‘a ‘alaihin-nahar O Allahumma solli ‘alaa sayyidinaa are created beings! Ya Allah, bless our master and Maula (helper)
Muhammad (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam)…

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Naqshbandi Center Michigan- Dalailul Khairat
DALAILU'L-KHAIRAAT SHAREEF Ya Allah, bless the Owner of visited Pool!
ROMANISED Ya Allah, bless the Owner of the Most Praised Station!
ARABIC Ya Allah, bless the Owner of the Flag!
Wa maulana Muhammad-in afdhala salawaatik O Allahumma solli Ya Allah, bless the Owner…
‘alaa nabiyyir-rahmah O Allahumma solli ‘alaa shafii‘il-ummat O
Allahumma solli ‘alaa kashifil-ghummah O Allahumma solli ‘alaa ROMANISED ARABIC
mujlil-zulmah O Allahumma solli ‘alaa mulin-ni’mah O Allahumma ‘Alash-shafii‘il-mushaffa‘i yaumal-qiyamah O Allahumma solli ‘alaa
solli ‘alaa mu’tir-rahmah O Allahumma solli ‘alaa sahibil-hauzil- sohibid-dhora’ah O Allahumma solli ‘alaa sohibish-shafa‘ah O
maurud O Allahumma solli ‘alaa sohibil-maqamil-mahmud O Allahumma solli ‘alaa sohibil-wasilah O Allahumma solli ‘alaa
Allahumma solli ‘alaa saahibil-lilwaa‘il ma‘qud O Allahumma solli sohibil-fadhilah O Allahumma solli ‘alaa sohibid-darajatir-rafi‘ah O
‘alaa sahibi… Allahumma solli ‘alaa sohibil-harawah O Allahumma solli ‘alaa
sohibin-na’ lain O Allahumma solli ‘alaa sohibil-hujjajah O
Allahumma solli ‘alaa sahibil-burhan O Allahumma solli ‘alaa
TRANSLATION sohibis-sultaan O
Of the site of witnessing!
Ya Allah, bless the One dressed in nobility and generosity!
Ya Allah, bless the one called Muhammad (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) in TRANSLATION
Heaven and Muhammad (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi wasallam) On the earth! Bless the One whose intersession is accepted on the Day of Resurrection!
Ya Allah, bless the Possessor of the mole! Ya Allah, bless the Possessor of humanity!
Ya Allah, bless the Possessor of the distinguishing mark! Ya Allah, bless the Possessor of intersession!
Ya Allah, bless the One dress in miracles! Ya Allah, bless the Possessor of closest Access!
Ya Allah, bless the One with special leadership! Ya Allah, bless the Possessor of pre-eminence!
Ya Allah, bless the One shaded by clouds! Ya Allah, bless the Possessor of the Lofty Rank!
Ya Allah, bless the One who can see equally from behind him as before Ya Allah, bless the Owner of the stalwart staff!
him! Ya Allah, bless the Owner of the sandals!
Ya Allah… Ya Allah, bless the Possessor of sound argument!
Ya Allah, bless the Possessor of convincing reason!
ROMANISED ARABIC Ya Allah, bless the Possessor of authority!
Makanil-mash hud O Allahumma solli ‘alal-mausufi bilkarami
waljud O Allahumma solli ‘ala man huwa fissamaa ‘i sayyiduna ROMANISED ARABIC
Mahmuduw-wafil ardhi sayyidunaa Muhammad O Allahumma solli Allahumma solli ‘alaa sohibit-taaj O Allahumma solli ‘alaa sohibil-
‘alaa saahibish-shamah O Allahumma solli ‘alaa sahibil-‘alamah O mi’raj O Allahumma solli ‘alaa sohibil-qadhiib O Allahumma solli
Allahumma solli ‘alal-mausufi bilkaramah O Allahumma solli ‘alal- ‘alaa rakibin-najiib O Allahumma solli ‘alaa rakibil-buraaq O
makhsusi bizza‘amah O Allahumma solli ‘alaa man kana tuzziluhul- Allahumma solli ‘alaa mukhtariqis-sab‘ittibaq O Allahumma solli
ghamamah O Allahumma solli ‘alaa man kana yaraa khalfahu kama ‘alash-shafii’ fii jamii‘il-anam O Allahumma solli ‘alaa mann
yara mann amamah O Allahumma solli… sabbaha fii kaffihit-to’am O Allahumma solli ‘alaa mann baka
ilayhil-jiz‘u wahanna lifiraqih O Allahumma solli ‘alaa man
tawassala bihi tairul-falat O Allahumma solli.....
With the very best of Your blessings!
Ya Allah, bless the Prophet of Mercy! TRANSLATION
Ya Allah, bless the intercessor of his nation! Ya Allah, bless the Owner of the turban!
Ya Allah, bless the Remover of grief! Ya Allah, bless the Master of the night journey!
Ya Allah, bless the clarifier of darkness! Ya Allah, bless the Owner of the scepter!
Ya Allah, bless the Master of happiness Ya Allah, bless the Noble Rider!
Ya Allah, bless the Granter of mercy! Ya Allah, bless the Rider of Buraq!

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Naqshbandi Center Michigan- Dalailul Khairat
Ya Allah, bless the One who traversed the seven heavens! solli ‘alal-mushammiri ‘ann sahidil-jidd O Allahumma solli ‘alal-
Ya Allah, bless the intercessor of all creatures! musta’ aamili fii mardhotika.......
Ya Allah, bless the one who held food in his hand, which glorified Allah
(Subhaanahu wa ta’ala)!
Ya Allah, bless the One for whom a palm trunk wept and sighed at its TRANSLATION
separation from him! Bless the One who was good and did Good!
Ya Allah, bless the One whose mediation was sought by the birds of the Ya Allah, bless the Messenger close to Allah (Subhaanahu wa ta’ala)!
desert! Ya Allah, bless the Breaking Down!
Ya Allah, bless… Ya Allah, bless the Shining Stars!
Ya Allah, bless the Trusty Handhold!
ROMANISED ARABIC Ya Allah, bless the Warner of the folk of the earth!
'Alaa mann sabbahat fii kaffihil-hasoh O Allahumma solli ‘alaa Ya Allah, bless the intercessor of the Day of Petition!
mann tashaffa‘a ilaihiz-zabyu bi-afsahil-kalam O Allahumma solli Ya Allah, bless the One who will give people to drink from the Pool!
‘alaa mann kallamahudh-dhabbu fi majlisihii ma‘a ashaabihil-‘alam Ya Allah, bless the Owner of the Flag of happiness!
O Allahumma solli ‘alal-bashirin-nazir O Allahumma solli ‘alas- Ya Allah, bless the One who was ever ready for Your service!
sirajil-munir O Allahumma solli ‘alaa man shakaa ilaihil-ba'ir O Ya Allah, bless the One who was strived his utmost…
Allahuma solli ‘alaa man tafajjara mim baini asobi ‘ihil-maa’un-
namir O Allahumma solli ‘alat-tahiril-mutahar O Allahumma solli ROMANISED ARABIC
‘alaa nuril-anwaar O Alahahumma solli ‘alaa manin-saqqa lahul- ...ghayatal-juhd O Allahumma solli ‘alan-nabiyyil-khatim O
qamar O Allahumma… Allahumma solli ‘alar-rasulil-khatim O Allahumma solli ‘alal-
mustafal-qaaim O Allahumma solli ‘alaa rasulika abil-qasim O
Allahumma solli ‘alaa sohibil-ayat O Allahumma solli ‘alaa sohibid-
TRANSLATION dalalat O Allahumma solli ‘alaa sohibil-isharat O Allahumma solli
Bless the One who held stones in his hand, which glorified Allah ‘alaa sohibil-karamat O Allahumma solli ‘alaa sohibil alamat O
(Subhaanahu wa ta’ala)! Allahumma solli ‘alaa sohibil-bayyinaat O Allahumma solli ‘alaa…
Ya Allah, bless the One whose intercession the gazelles sought and whose
request were made in human speech!
Ya Allah, bless the One to whom a lizard spoke at an open gathering of the TRANSLATION
most learned companions! For Your Pleasure!
Ya Allah, bless the Bearer of glad tidings and the Warner! Ya Allah, bless the Prophet, the Seal!
Ya Allah, bless the Brilliant Lamp! Ya Allah, bless the Messenger, the Seal!
Ya Allah, bless the One whom a camel made its complaint! Ya Allah, bless the chosen one the Upright one!
Ya Allah, bless the One for whom sparking water burst forth forth from his Ya Allah, bless Your Messenger, the father of Qasim!
fingertips for his companion! Ya Allah, bless the Possessor of signs!
Ya Allah, bless the Pure One, the Purifier! Ya Allah, bless the Possessor of portents!
Ya Allah, bless the Light of Lights1 Ya Allah, bless the Possessor of indicators!
Ya Allah, bless the One for whom the moon was split open! Ya Allah, bless the Possessor of miracles!
Ya Allah… Ya Allah, bless the Possessor of marks!
Ya Allah, bless the Possessor of proofs!
....Solli ‘alat-tayyibil-mutayyab O Allahumma solli ‘alar-rasulil-
muqarrab O Allahumma solli ‘alal-fajris-saati' O Allahumma solli ROMANISED ARABIC
‘alan-najmith-thaaqib O Allahumma solli ‘alal-‘ur-watil-wusqa O Sohibil-mu’jizaat O Allahumma solli ‘alaa sohibi-khawariqil-‘adat O
Allahumma solli ‘alaa naziri ahlil-ardh O Allahumma solli ‘alash- Allahumma solli ‘alaa mun sallamat ‘alaihil-ahjaar O Allahumma
shafii ‘i yaumal-ardh O Allahumma solli ‘alas-saqi linnasi minal- solli ‘alaa man sajadat baina yadaihil-ashjaar O Allahumma solli
haud O Allahumma solli ‘alaa saahibi liwaa‘il-hamd O Allahumma ‘alaa mann tafattaqat min nurihil-azhaar O Allahumma solli ‘alaa

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mann tobat bibarkatihith-thimar O Allahumma solli ‘alaa manikh- IBTIDAA 'UR-RUB 'ITH-THANI
darrat mimm baqiyyati wadhuu ‘i-hil-ashjaar O Allahumma solli Alhamdu lillaahi 'alaa hilmihi ba'da hilmihi wa 'alaa 'af-wihi ba'da
'alaa mann fadhat min-nurihi jami‘ul-anwar O Allahumma solli qudratihi O Allahumma innii 'auzu bika minal-faqri illaa illaik O
‘alaa… Waminaz-zulli illa laka wa minal-kaufi illa minka O Wa 'auzubika
ann aqula zura O au-aghsha fujura O Au

The Possessor of marvels! TRANSLATION
Ya Allah, bless the Possessor of wondrous events! The one who when he walked in the desert wild creatures would cling to
Ya Allah, bless the One who was greeted by rocks! the hem of his cloak! Ya Allah bless and grant abundant peace to him and
Ya Allah, bless the One before whom trees prostrated! his family and companion, and praise be to Allah (Subhaanahu wa ta'ala),
Ya Allah, bless the One from whose light blossom unfolds! Lord of all the worlds!
Ya Allah, bless the One from whose blessing fruit ripens!
Ya Allah, bless the One from whose leftover ablution water trees become (BIGINNING OF THE SECOND QUARTER)
green! Praise be to Allah (subhaanahu wa ta'ala) for His forbearance in spite of
Ya Allah, bless the One… His knowledge and His clemency in spite of His power! Ya Allah, I seek
refuge in You (Ya Allah) all through which is not directed towards You(Ya
ROMANISED ARABIC Alalh)! And from all humility which is not for You (Ya Allah) and from all
Mam bissolati ‘alaihi tuhattul-auzar O Allahumma solli ‘alaa mam fear, which is not fear of You(Ya Allah)! And I seek refuge in You (Ya Allah)
bissalaati ‘alaihi tunalu manazilul-abrar O Allahumma solli ‘alaa from telling lies! Or.
mam bissolati ‘alaihi yurhamul-kibaru wasighar O Allahumma solli
‘alaa mam bissalati ‘alaihi natana' 'amu fii hazihid-dari wa fii
tilkad-dar O Allahumma solli ‘alaa mam bissolati ‘alaihi tunalu DALAILU'L KHAIRAAT SHAREEF
rahmatul-aziizil-ghaffar O Allahumma solli ‘alal-mansuril-mu’aiyad ROMANISED
O Allahumma solli ‘alal-mukhtaril-mumajjad O Allahumma solli ARABIC
‘alaa sayyidinaa wa maulana Muhammad O Allahumma solli … Akuna bika maghrura O Wa ‘auzubika min shamatatil-‘adaa‘i Wa-
'u-dhaalid-daa‘i wa khaibatir-raja‘i wa zawalin-ni’mati wafujaa-
atil-niqmah O Allahumma solli ‘alaa sayyidinaa Muhammad-inw-wa
TRANSLATION sallim ‘alaihi wajzihi ‘anna ma huwa ahluhu habiibuka (thalaatha)
Whose light engulfs all other lights! O Allahumma solli ‘alaa sayyidinaa Ibraahiima wa sallim ‘alaihi
Ya Allah, bless the One, the request for blessings upon whom lightens our wajzihi anna ma huwa ahluhu khaliluka (thalaatha) O Allahumma
every load! solli ‘alaa sayyidinaa Muhammad-inw-wa ‘alaa aali sayyidinaa
Ya Allah, bless the One, the request for blessings upon whom grants Muhammad-in kama sollaita wa rahmita wa barakta ‘alaa
mercy to the Young and Old! sayyidinaa Ibrahiima fil-‘alamina innaka hamiidum-majiid O
Ya Allah, bless the One, the request for blessings upon who bring favor to
his house and that house!
Ya Allah, bless the One, the request for blessings upon whom brings mercy TRANSLATION
fro the All mighty, the Forgiving! From being dishonest and immoral! Or what I be proud in front of You(Ya
Ya Allah, bless the victorious one, the confirmer! Alalh)! And I seek refuge in You (Ya Allah) from gloating over my
Ya Allah, bless the chosen One, the Extoller! enemies, from disease, malady and despair, from the waning of favour
Ya Allah, bless… and from sudden catastrophes! Ya Allah bless our master Muhammad
(Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) and grant him peace and reward him as much
ROMANISED as he deserves, and he is Your Beloved! (Three times) Ya Allah bless our
ARABIC .'Alaa man kana izaa mashaa fil barril-aqfari ta-'allaqatil- master Ibraahiim (‘Alaihis-salaam) and grant him peace and reward him
uhushu bi-azyalih O Allahumma solli 'alaihi wa 'alaa alihii wa as much as he deserves, and he is Your Friend! (Three times) Ya Allah,
sohbihi wa sallim taslii-maw-walhamdu lillaahi rabil-'alamiin O bless our master Muhammad (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) and the family

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Naqshbandi Center Michigan- Dalailul Khairat
of our master Muhammad (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) just as You Ya
Allah) blessed and were merciful to and bless our master Ibraahiim
(‘Alaihis-salaam) in all the worlds, for You (Ya Allah) are the praiseworthy
the Mighty!

'Adada khalqika wa ridhaa nafsika wazinata arshika wa midada
kalimatik O Allahumma solli ‘alaa sayyidinaa Muhammad-in ‘adada
mann solla ‘alaih O Allahumma solli ‘alaa sayyidinaa Muhammad-in
‘adada man-lam yusolli ‘alaih O Allahumma solli ‘alaa sayyidinaa
Muhammad-in ‘adada ma sulliya ‘alaih O Allahumma solli ‘alaa
sayyidinaa Muhammad-in adh-‘aafa ma sulliya ‘alaihi O Allahumma
solli ‘alaa sayyidinaa Muhammad-in kamaa huwa ahluh O
Allahumma solli ‘alaa sayyidinaa Muhammad-in kamaa tuhibbu
watardho lahu O

As much as all of Your creations, to the extent of Your Pleasure, in the
decoration of Your throne and in the ink of Your words! Ya Allah, bless our
master Muhammad (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) as many times as those
who have asked for blessing upon him! Ya Allah, bless our master
Muhammad (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) as many time as those who have
not asked for blessing upon him! Ya Allah, bless our master Muhammad
(Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) as many times as he has been blessed! Ya
Allah, bless our master Muhammad (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) twice as
many times as he has been blessed! Ya Allah, bless our master
Muhammad (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) just as he deserves! Ya Allah,
bless our master Muhammad (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) just as You Ya
Allah) love and You (Ya Allah) desire for him.

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Which are measureless and the grant of which is incessant! Ya Allah, bless
DALAILU'L KHAIRAAT SHAREEF our master Muhammad (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) in all that is
encompassed by Your knowledge, in all that is contain in Your book, with
ROMANISED ARABIC blessings which are a pleasure for You (Ya Allah) and which befit his
AL-HIZBUS-THAALITHU FI YAUMIL-ARBA’AAI legitimate right, and grant him the closest access, the pre-eminence and
Allahumma solli ‘alaa ruhi sayyidinaa Muhammad-in fil-arwahi wa the loftily Rank, and send him Ya Allah to the most praised Station which
‘alaa jasadihi fil-ajsadi wa ‘alaa qabrihi fil quburi wa’alaa ‘alihi You (Ya Allah) promised him, and reward his Brother Prophet, and the
wasahbihi wa-sallim O Allahumma solli ‘alaa sayyidinaa truthful, the martyrs and the righteous ones! Ya Allah bless our master
Muhammad-in kullama zakara-huz-zaakirun O Allahumma solli Muhammad (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) and bestow upon him the nearest
‘alaa sayyidinaa Muhammad-in kullama ghafala ‘ann zikri-hil- position on the day of Resurrection! Ya Allah, bless our master…
ghaafilun O Allahumma solli wa sallim wabarik ‘alaa sayyidinaa
Muhammadi-nin- nabiyyil-ummiyyi wa-azwajihi ummaahatil- ROMANISED ARABIC
Mu’minina wazurriiyatihi wa-ahli baitihii solatan-wa-salamal-la Muhammad-in O Allahumma tawwijhu bitajil-‘izzi warridhaa
walkaramah O Allahumma ‘ati li-sayyidinaa Muhammad-in afdhala
masa-alaka li-nafsihi wa-‘ati li-sayyidinaa Muhammad-in afdhala
TRANSLATION masa-laka lahuuu ahadum-min-khalqika wa‘ati li-sayyidinaa
Ya Allah, more than other soul in existence, bless the soul of our master afdhala maaa anta mas‘u-lun-lahuuu ilaa yaumal-qiyaamah O
Muhammad (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam)! And more than other body in Allahumma solli ‘alaa sayyidinaa Muhammad-inw-wa sayyidinaaa
existence, bless the body of master Muhammad (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi adaama wa sayyidinaa nuhinw-wasayyidinaa Ibrahiimaa wa
Wasallam)! And more than other grave in existence, bless the grave of our sayyidinaa musaa wa sayyidinaa ‘iisaa wamaa bainahum minan-
master Muhammad (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam)! And bless and grant nabiyinaa wal-mursaliina solawatullahi wasalamuhu ‘alaihim
abundan peace to him, his family and his companion! ajma'ina (thalatha) O

Ya Allah, bless our master Muhammad (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam)

whenever those who remember him do so! TRANSLATION
Ya Allah, bless our master Muhammad (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) Muhammad (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam)! Ya Allah, criwn him with the
whenever those who neglect to remember him do so! crown of might, satifection and honour! Ya Allah, grant our master
Ya Allah, bless, grant peace to and sanctify our master Muhammad Muhammad (Sollallahu ’Alaihi Wasallam) better than anyone of Your
(Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam), the Unlettered (not thought to read and write creation has ever asked for himself, and grand our master Muhammad
by any human being) Prophet, and also his wives, the Mother of the (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) better than anyone of Your Creation has ever
Believers, his descendants and the People of his House, such blessings and asked for him, and grant our master better than You (Ya Allah) can be
peace… asked to grant him until the day if Resurrection! Ya Allah bless our master
Muhammad (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam), and Adam (‘Alaihis-salaam), and
ROMANISED ARABIC Ibraahiim (‘Alaihis-salaam), and Moses (‘Alaihis-salaam), and Jesus
Yuhso ‘adadu humaa walaa yuqta‘u mada-duhuma O Allahumma (‘Alaihis-salaam), and all the Prophet and Messengers between them, and
solli ‘alaa sayyidinaa Muhammad-in ‘adada maaa ahata bihii the blessings and peace of Allah (Subhaanahu wa ta’ala) be upon all of
‘ilmuka wa-ahsa‘u kitabuka solatan taqunu laka ridhanw-wali- them! (Three times)
haqqihiii adaaa-‘aw-wa’atihil wasiilata walfadhilata wad-darajatal
rafi‘ata wab-‘ath-hulla hummal maqamal-mahmudal-lazi ROMANISED ARABIC
wa’adtahu wajzihii ‘anna ma huwa ahluhu wa ‘alaa jamii-'i- Allahumma solli ‘alaaa abiina sayyidinaaa adama wa-umminaa
ikhwanihi minan-nabiyiina was-siddiqiina wash-shuhadaaa-‘i was- sayyidatinaa hawwaaa-‘a solata malaaa‘ikatika wa’-‘atihimaa
solihin O Allahumma solli ‘alaa sayyidinaa Muhammad-inw wa- minar-ridhwaani hattaa turdhiyahuma wajzihimalla-humma
anzilhul-manzilal mukarraba yaumal-kiyaamah O Allahumma solli afdhala ma jazaita bihii abanw-wa-umman ‘an-waladai-hima
‘alaa sayyidinaa … (thalatha) O Allahuma solli ‘alaa sayyidinaa jibrila wasayyidinaa
mikaa ‘ilaaa wasayyidinaa israqiila wasayyidinaa 'izraa-‘iilaaa

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wahamalatil-arshi wa‘alal- malaaa‘ikatil-muqarrabinaa wa‘alaa ARABIC
jamii-‘il-ambiyaaa‘i walmursaliina salawatullahi wasalamuhu Wajzihii anna maa huwa ahluh O Allahumma solli ‘alaa sayyidinaa
alaihim ajma‘in (thalatha) O Allahumma solli ‘alaa sayyidinaa Muhammad-im bahri anwarika wama’dini asrarika wa lissani
Muhammad-in. hujjatika wa ‘urusi mamlukatika wa imami hadhratika watirazi
mulkika wa khazzaaa ‘ini rahmatika watoriqi shari‘atikal-
mutalazzizi bitauhidika insani ‘ainil-wujudi wassababi fii kulli
TRANSLATION maujudin ‘aini ‘ayani khalqika- mutaqaddimi minnuri dhiyaaa‘ika
Ya Allah bless our Father Adam (‘Alaihis-salaam) and our Mother Eva solatan tadumu bidawamika wa tabqa bibaqaa ‘ika laa mu'tahaa
(‘Alaihis-salaam), with the blessings of Your angels and grant them Your lahaduna ‘ilmika solatan turdhika waturdhihi watardhaa bihaa
Pleasure until it pleases them and reward them. Ya Allah, better than You 'anna yaa rabba…
(Ya Allah) have rewarded any Father and Mother on behalf of their
children! Ya Allah, bless our master Gabriel (‘Alaihis-salaam), and Mika‘il
(‘Alaihis-salaam), and Israfil (‘Alaihis-salaam), and Azrail (‘Alaihis-salaam), TRANSLATION
and the Bearers of the Throne, and the Angels of Intimacy, and all the And reward him on our behalf as he deserves! Ya Allah, bless our master
Prophet and Messenger, and the blessings and peace of Allah (subhaanahu Muhammad (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam), the ocean of Your Lights, the
wa ta’ala) be upon all of them! (Three time) Ya Allah, bless our master Mine of Your Secrets, the Tongue of Your Proof, the Bridegroom of Your
Muhammad (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) … Kingdom, the Leader of Your Presence, the Embroidery of Your Dominion,
the vault of Your Mercy, the Way of Your Law, the Delight of Your Utility,
ROMANISED ARABIC the Pupil of the Eye of Existence, the Cause of all Existence, the Most
‘Adada maa ‘alimta wamil‘a ‘alimta waziinata ma alimta Eminent of Your Creation, the Representative of the Light of Your
wamidaada kalimaatik O Allahumma solli ‘alaa sayyidinaa Resplendence, with blessings which last for as long as You(Ya Allah) last
Muhammad-in solatan- mausulatan bilmazid O Allahumma solli and remain for as long as remain, blessings which are limitless apart from
‘alaa sayyidinaa Muhammad-in solaatalla tanqati ‘u abadala-abaadi Your knowledge thereof, blessings which please You(Ya Allah), which
walaa tabiid O Allahumma solli ‘alaa sayyidinaa Muhammad-in Please him and by which You(Ya Allah) are pleased with us, Ya Allah, the
solata-kallati sollaita ‘alaiihi wa sallim ‘alaa sayyidinaa Lord …
Muhammad-in salama-kallazi sallamta ‘alaihi wajzihii ‘annaa maa
huwa ahluh O Allahumma solli ‘alaa sayyidinaa Muhammad-in ROMANISED ARABIC
solaatan turdhika waturdhihi watardho bihaq ‘annaa.. -Al 'alamin O Allahumma solli ‘alaa sayyidinaa Muhammad-in
‘adada maa fii ilmillahi solaatan daaa‘imatan bidawami mulkillah O
Allahumma solli ‘alaa sayyidinaa Muhammad-in kama sollaita ‘alaa
TRANSLATION sayyidinaaa Ibraahiimaa wabaarik ‘alaa sayyidinaa Muhammad-
As much as Your knowledge, as much as the depth of Your knowledge, as inw-wa ‘alaaa aali sayyidinaa Muhammad-in kamaa barokta ‘alaaa
much as the weight of Your knowledge and as much as the ink of Your aaali sayyidinaa Ibraahiima fil-‘aalamiina innaka hamiidum-majiid
words! O ‘Adada khalqika waridhaa ‘a nafsika wazinata ‘arshika wamidada
Ya Allah, bless our master Muhammad (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam), with kalimatika wa ‘adada maa zakaraka bihii khalquka fiimaa madho
blessing, which are continuously abundant! Ya Allah, bless our master wa ‘adada maa hum zakirunaka bihii fiima baqiya fii kulli…
Muhammad (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam), with blessings, which are never-
ending and unceasing! TRANSLATION
Ya Allah (Subhaanahu wa ta’ala), bless our master Muhammad (Sollallahu Lord of the worlds! Ya Allah, bless our master Muhammad (Sollallahu
‘Alaihi Wasallam) with as much blessings as all the blessings You (Ya ‘Alaihi Wasallam) as much as all that which within the knowledge of Allah
Allah) have so far bestowed upon him and grant as much peace to our (Subhaanahu wa ta’ala), blessings which are eternal and which last as long
master Muhammad (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) with as much peace as as the duration of the kingdom of Allah (Subhaanahu wa ta’ala)! Ya Allah,
You (Ya Allah) have so far granted him and reward him on our behalf as he bless our master Muhammad (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) just as You (Ya
deserves! Allah) blessed our master Ibraahiim (‘Alaihis-salaam) and sanctify our
master Muhammad (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) and the family of our
ROMANISED master Muhammad (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) just as You (Ya Allah)

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sanctified the family of our master Ibraahiim (‘Alaihis-salaam), in all the blessing of contentment, and be pleased with his companions, a pleasure
worlds, for You (Ya Allah) are the Praise worthy, the Mighty! (And bless of contentment! Ya Allah, bless our master Muhammad (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi
him) as much as all of Your creation, to the extent of Your pleasure, in the Wasallam), whose light preceded all creation, whose appearance is Mercy
decoration of Your Throne, and in the ink of Your words and as often as to all the worlds, as much as all Your creation which has passed and as
Your creation has remembered You (Ya Allah) in the past and as often as much as that which remains, as much as those of Your creation who are
they will remember You (Ya Allah) throughout the rest of time… fortunate and those who are not, blessings which exceed all enumeration


Sanatin-washarinw-wa jumu‘atinw-wa yauminw-wa lailatinw-wa
sa‘atim-minassa‘ati wa shamminw-wa nafsin-wa tarfatinw-wa Al-adda watuhiitu bil-haddi solaatan la ghaayata laha wala
lamhatim-minal-abadi ilal-abadi wa abaadid-dunyaa waa abadil- muntahaa walan-qidhaaa ‘a solaatan dhaaa ‘imatam bidawamika
aakhirati wa akthara min zalika laa yanqati‘u awwaluhu wala wa ‘alaaa aalihi wa sahbihii wasallim tasliiman-mithla zaalik O
yanfadu aakhiruh O Allahumma solli ‘alaa sayyidinaa Muhammad- Allahumma solli ‘alaa sayyidinaa Muhammadi-nillazi mala’ta
in ‘alaa qadri hubbika fiih O Allahumma solli ‘alaa sayyidinaa qalbahu min jalalika wa ‘ainahuu minn jamalika fa-asbaha
Muhammad-in ‘alaa qadrii ‘inayatika bih O Allahumma solli ‘alaa fariham-mu ‘ayyadam-mansuranw-wa ‘alaaa aalihii-wa sohbihii
sayyidinaa Muhammad-in haqqa qadrihii wamiqdarih O Allahumma wasallim tasliman-walhamdu lillaahi ‘alaa zalik O Allahumma solli
solli ‘alaa sayyidinaa Muhammad-in solaatan tunajjina bihaa minn ‘alaa sayyidinaa wa maulaana Muhammad-in ‘adada auraaqiz-
jamii ‘il ahwaali… zaituuni wa jami‘ith-thimaar O Allahumma solli ‘alaa sayyidinaa wa
maulaana Muhammad-in ……
And bless him in every year, in every month, in every week, in every day,
in every night in every hour, in every sniff, in every breath, in every blink TRANSLATION
and in every glance, for ever and ever, for the duration of this world and And which encompass all limits, blessings with no utmost limit, boundless
the duration of the next world, and for longer then this, with a beginning and ceaseless, blessings which are eternal, as long as Your duration, and
that never ends and an end witch never finishes! Ya Allah, bless our like wise bless his family, his companions and grant him and them
master Muhammad (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) as much as Your love for abundant peace in like measure! Ya Allah, bless our master Muhammad
him! Ya Allah, bless our master Muhammad (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam), whose heart is so full with Your Glory, and
as befits his legitimate rank! Ya Allah, bless our master Muhammad whose eyes are so full of Your Beauty that he came to be overjoyed,
(Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam), with blessings, which serve as a sanctuary supported and victorious, and bless likewise his family and companion and
for us from all terrors, and oppression, which settle all our affairs, grant him and them abundant peace, and praise be to Allah (Subhaanahu
wa ta’ala) for all of that! Ya Allah, bless our master Muhammad (Sollallahu
ROMANISED ARABIC ‘Alaihi Wasallam) as many times as there are leaves on an olive tree and
Wal aafaati wataqdhi lana biha jamii‘al-haajaati watutohiruna biha all of its fruit! Ya Allah, bless our master Muhammad (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi
minn jamii‘is-sayyiaati watarfa‘una biha ‘alal-darajaati Wasallam)….
watuballighuna bihaaa aqsol-ghaayaati minn jamii‘il khairaati fil- DALAILU'L KHAIRAT SHAREEF
hayaati wa ba’dal-mamaat O Allahumma solli ‘alaa sayyidinaa ROMANISED ARABIC
Muhammad-in solaatar-ridhaaa war-dha 'anashabihii ridhaa ‘ar- ‘Adada ma kaana wama yakuunu wa ‘adada maaa azlama ‘alaihil-
ridhaaa O Allahuma solli ‘alaa sayyidinaa Muhammadi-nis-saabiqi lailu wa adhaaa ‘a ‘alaihin-nahaar O Allahumma solli ‘alaa
lil khalqi nuruhu warahmatun-lil-‘alaamiina zuhuuruhu ‘adada sayyidina wa maulaana Muhammad-inw wa ‘alaaa aalihii wa
mam-madha min khalqika wamam-baqiya waman sa‘ida minhum azwaajihii wa zurriyatihi ‘adada anfaasi ummati O Allahumma
waman shaqiya solatan tastaghriqu .... bibarakatis-solaati ‘alaihij-alna bissalaati ‘alaihi minal-faaa‘iziina
wa ‘alaa haudihii minal-waaridii nash-shaaribiin O Wabisunnatihii
TRANSLATION wato‘atihii minal-'amiliin O Wala tahul bainana wa bainahu
Which purify us from all sins, which raise our rank in Your Presence, and yaumal-kiyaamati ya rabbal-‘alamiin O Waghfirlana
which allow us to attain ultimate goodness in this life and after death! Ya waliwaalidaina……
Allah, bless our master Muhammad (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam), a

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Bi qaulika wa ashrafi daa-in-lil-‘ihtisaami bi hablika wa khaatimi
TRANSLATION ambiyaaa'ika wa rusulika solaatan-tuballighuna fid-daaraini
Ya Allah, more than other soul in existence, bless the soul of our master 'amiima fadhlika wakaramata ridhwanika wawaslik O Allahumma
Muhammad (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam)! And more than other body in solli wa sallim wa baarik ‘alaa sayyidina Muhammad-inw-wa ‘alaa
existence, bless the body of master Muhammad (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi aali sayyidina Muhammad-in akramil-kuramaaa‘i min 'ibadika wa
Wasallam)! And more than other grave in existence, bless the grave of our ashrafil- munadiina lituruqi rashadika wa siraaji aqtaarika wa
master Muhammad (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam)! And bless and grant bilaadika sallatan la tafna wala tabiidu tuballighuna biha
abundan peace to him, his family and his companion! karaamatal-maziid Allahumma solli wasallim……
Ya Allah, bless our master Muhammad (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam)
whenever those who remember him do so!
Ya Allah, bless our master Muhammad (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) TRANSLATION
whenever those who neglect to remember him do so! To Your Bond, and Seal of Your Prophets and Messengers, with blessings
Ya Allah, bless, grant peace to and sanctify our master Muhammad which permit us to attain both here and hereafter Your general Favour and
(Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam), the Unlettered (not thought to read and write the honour of Your Pleasure and Union! Ya Allah, bless, grant peace to and
by any human being) Prophet, and also his wives, the Mother of the sanctify our master Muhammad (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) and the
Believers, his descendants and the People of his House, such blessings and family of our master Muhammad (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam), the Noblest
peace… of Your Noble slaves, the most Distinguished of the callers to the paths of
Your Guidence and the shining Lamp of all regions and countries, with
blessings which have no end and no beginning and which through them
ROMANISED ARABIC bring us great favours!
Wali jamii ‘il-muslimina walhamdu lillaahi rabbil-‘alamiin O
IBTIDAA ‘UTH-THULUTHI-THAANI Ya Allah, bless, peace grant…
Allahumma solli wa sallim wa barik ‘alaa sayyidina Muhammad-
inw-wa ‘alaaa aali sayyidina Muhammad-in akrami khalqika ROMANISED ARABIC
wasiraji ufuqika wa afdhali qaaa‘imim bi haqqikal-mab’uuthi Wa baarik ‘alaa sayyidina Muhammad-in wa ‘alaa aali sayyidina
bitaisirika warifqika solaatay-yata waala takraruha wataluhu ‘alal- Muhammadi-nirrafii‘i maqaamuhul-wajibi ta’ziimuhu wa-
akwaani anwaaruha O Allahumma solli wasallim wabaarik ‘alaa ihtiraamuhu solaatan-la tanqati‘u abadan-wala tafna sarmadan-
sayyidina Muhammad-inw wa ‘alaaa aali sayyidina Muhammad-in wala tanhasiru ‘adada O Allahumma solli ‘alaa sayyidina
afdhala mamduuhim…. Muhammad-in wa ‘alaa aali sayyidina Muhammad-in kama sollaita
‘alaa sayyidina ibraahiima wa ‘alaa aali sayyidina ibraahiima fil-
‘alamiina innaka hamiidun-majiid O Wa solli ‘alaa sayidina
TRANSLATION Muhammad-in-wa ‘alaa aali sayyidina Muhammad-in kullama
And praise be to Allah, the Lord of the worlds! zakarahuz-zaakiruuna wa ghafala ann zikrihil-ghafiluun O
Ya Allah, bless, grant peace and sanctify our master Muhammad TRANSLATION
(Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) and the family of our master, the Noblest of To the sanctify our master Muhammad (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) and
Your Creation, the shining Lamp of the Horizons, the best Upholder of Your the family of our master Muhammad (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam), whose
Reality, the Envoy of Your Relief and Kindness, with blessings which rank is high, whose exaltation and esteem are incumbent upon us, with
continue the repeat and permeate their light all over the universes! Ya blessing which are never curtailed and never finish, endless blessings
Allah, Allah, s blessings, grant peace and to sanctify our master which are immeasurable!
Muhammad (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) and the family of our master Ya Allah, bless our master Muhammad (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) and
Muhammad (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam), the One praised most by Your the family of our master Muhammad (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) just as
words, the noblest One calling to adherence…. You (Ya Allah) blessed Ibraahiim (‘Alaihis-salaam) and the family of
Ibraahiim (‘Alaihis-salaam) in all the worlds, for You (Ya Allah) are the
Praiseworthy, the Mighty!

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And bless, Ya Allah, our master Muhammad (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) And the intercession!
and the family of our master Muhammad (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) Ya Allah, bless our master and Maula (helper) Muhammad (Sollallaahu
whenever those who remember him do so and whenever those who ‘Alaihi Wasallam), the Prophet of judiciousness and wisdom, the Brilliant
neglect to remember him do so! Lamp, the One destined for the Greatest character, the seal of the
Messengers, the master of the Night journey, and likewise bless his family,
his companions, his Followers, the sincere travelers on the true Path!
ROMANISED ARABIC Magnify, Ya Allah, through him, the Path of the Stars of Islam (i.e. The
...Allahumma solli ‘alaa sayyidina Muhammad-in wa ‘alaa aali companions) and the Lamps(i.e. The Followers),the path signposted by
sayyidina Muhammad-in-warham sayyidina Muhammad-in wa-aali them, the path that dispels the darkness in the murky gloom of the night
sayyidina Muhammad-in-wa baarik ‘alaa sayyidina Muhammadi-in of doubt!
wa ‘alaa aali sayyidina Muhammad-in kama sollaita warahimta And send blessing which are eternal and continuous and which last for as
wabaarakta ‘alaa sayyidina ibraahiima wa ‘alaa aali sayyidinaa long as the waves crash in the oceans….
ibraahiima innaka hamiidun-majiid O Allahumma solli ‘alaa
sayyidina Muhammadi-nin-nabiyyil-ummiyit-taahirih-mutahhir wa ROMANISED ARABIC
‘alaa aalihi wasallim O Allahumma solli ‘alaa mann khatamta bihir- ...al-‘attiiqi minn kulli fajjin 'amiqil-nilhujjaju wa afdhalus-solaati
risaalata wa-ayyadtahu binnasri wal-kauthari…… wattasliimi ‘alaa sayyidinaa Muhammadir-rasulihil-kariimi
wasafwatihi minal-ibadi wa shafii ‘il-khalaaa ‘iqi fil mi’adi sohibil-
maqamil-mahmudi wal haudhil-maurudin-nahidhi bi ‘aaba
TRANSLATION ‘irrisalati wattablighil-‘ammi wal-makhsosi bisharafis-si'ayati
Ya Allah, bless our master Muhammad (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) and fissolahil-‘azam O Sollallahu ‘alaihi wa ‘alaaa aalihi solatan
the family of our master Muhammad (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam), and daaa‘imatam-mustamirratad-dawami ‘alaa marril-layaali wal-
have mercy upon our master Muhammad (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) and ayyaam O Fa huwa sayyidul-auwaliina wal-aakirina…
the family of our master Muhammad (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam), and
sanctify our master Muhammad (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) and the
family of our master Muhammad (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) just as You TRANSLATION
(Ya Allah) blessed, had mercy and sanctified Ibraahiim (‘Alaihis-salaam) And the Ancient House (the Holy kaaba) circumambulated from all sides by
and the family of Ibraahiim (‘Alaihis-salaam), for You(Ya Allah) are the throngs of pilgrims! The best of all blessings and peace be upon our
Praiseworthy, the Mighty! Ya Allah bless and grant peace to our master master Muhammad (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam), the Generous Messenger,
Muhammad (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam), the Unlettered (not thought to His friend among all the slaves, the intercessor for all created beings at
read and write by any human being) Prophet, the Pure, the immaculate, the appointed time, owner of the Most Praised station and the Oft-visited
and his family! Ya Allah, bless the One with t whom You(Ya Allah) sealed Pool, the One who took on the burden of the Message and the
Message, and the One to whom You granted victory, the Pool known as responsibility of spreading it far and wide, the One destined for honor and
kauthar… One who strove for the greatest righteousness!

ROMANISED ARABIC The blessing of Allah (Subhaanahu wa ta’ala) be upon him and upon his
Wash-shafa‘ah O Allahumma solli ‘alaa sayyidinaa wa maulaana family, eternal and continuous blessings, lasting as long as the passing of
Muhammad-in nabiyyil-huqmi wal-hiqmatis-sirajil-wahhajil- all night and all days!
makhsusi bil khuluqil-‘azimi wa khatmur-rusuli zil-mi’raaji wa For he is the master of the first and the last…
‘alaaa aalihi wa ashabihii wa-at ba'ihiis-hissalikina ‘alaa
manhajihil-qawim O Fa ‘azimillahumma bihii minhaja nujumil- ROMANISED ARABIC
islami wa masobihiz-zalamil-muhtada bihim fii zulmatish-shakkid- Wa afdhalul-awwaliina wal-aakhiriin O ‘Alaihi afdhalu solatil-
daaajji solaatan daaa'imatam-mustamirratam-ma talatomat fil- musolliin O Wa azkaa salamil-musallimiin O Wa atyabu zikriz-
abhuril-amwaaju wa tofa bil-baiti… zaakirin O Wa afdholu salawaatillah O Wa ahsanu salawaatillah O
Wa ajallu salawaatillah O Wa ajmalu salawaatillah O Wa akmalu
salawaatillah O Wa asbaghu salawaatillah O Wa atammu
TRANSLATION salawaatillah O Wa azharu salawaatillah O Wa ‘a zamu

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salawaatillah O Wa azkaa salawatillah O Wa atyabu salawatillah O Wa akrami khalqillah O Wa ajmali khalqillah O Wa akmali
Wa abraku…… khalqillah O Wa atammi khalqillah O Wa ‘azomi khalqillahi indallah
O rasulillah O nabiyyillah O Wa habibillah O Wa safiyyillah O Wa
TRANSLATION najiyyillah O Wa khalilillah O Wa waliyyillah O Wa aminillah O Wa
And the better of the first and the last! The best blessings of those who khiyaratillahi min khalqillah O Wa nukhabatillahi min bari ‘atillah
ask for blessing upon him are for him! The purest peace of those who seek O Wa safwatillahi min ambiyaa ‘illaaah O Wa ‘urwatillah O Wa
peace for him is for him! And the finest thought of those who remember ‘ismatillah O Wa ni’matillah O Wa miftahi rahmatillah O Al-
him! And the finest blessings of Allah (Subhaanahu wa ta’ala)! And the mukhtari…
choicest blessings of Allah (Subhaanahu wa ta’ala)! And the greatest
blessings of Allah (Subhaanahu wa ta’ala)! And the fairest blessings of TRANSLATION
Allah (Subhaanahu wa ta’ala)! And the fullest blessings of Allah The noblest of Allah creation! The fairest of Allah, s creation! The most
(Subhaanahu wa ta’ala)! And the most abundant blessings of Allah perfect of Allah, s creation! The most complete of Allah, s creation!
(Subhaanahu wa ta’ala)! And the utmost blessings of Allah (Subhaanahu The mightiest of Allah, screation in the sight of Allah! The Messenger of
wa ta’ala)! And the clearest blessings of Allah (Subhaanahu wa ta’ala)! Allah (Subhaanahu wa ta’ala)! The beloved of Allah (Subhaanahu wa
And the mightiest blessings of Allah (Subhaanahu wa ta’ala)! And the ta’ala)! The intimate of Allah (Subhaanahu wa ta’ala)! The confident of
sweetest blessings of Allah (Subhaanahu wa ta’ala)! And the freshest…… Allah (Subhaanahu wa ta’ala)! The friend of Allah (Subhaanahu wa ta’ala)!
The love One of Allah (Subhaanahu wa ta’ala)! The trustee of Allah
ROMANISED ARABIC (Subhaanahu wa ta’ala)! The Boon of Allah (Subhaanahu wa ta’ala) from
Salawaatillah O Wa azkaa salawaatillah O Wa anmaa salawaatillah the creation of Allah (Subhaanahu wa ta’ala)!
O Wa aufa salawaatillah O Wa asnaa salawaatillah O Wa ‘alaa The choice of Allah (Subhaanahu wa ta’ala) from the innocent of Allah
salawaatillah O Wa aktharu salawaatillah O Wa ajma ‘u (Subhaanahu wa ta’ala)! The confident of Allah (Subhaanahu wa ta’ala)
salawaatillah O Wa ‘ammu salawatillah O wa adwamu salawatillah from the Prophets of Allah (Subhaanahu wa ta’ala)! The handhold of Allah
O Wa labqa solawaatillah O wa ‘a azzu salawaatillah O Wa arfa‘u (Subhaanahu wa ta’ala)! The modesty of Allah (Subhaanahu wa ta’ala)!
salawaatillah O Wa ‘aazamu salawatillah O ’Alaaa afdhali khalqillah The Favour of Allah (Subhaanahu wa ta’ala)! The key to the Mercy of Allah
O Wa ahsani khalqillah O Wa a-ajalli khalqillah O (Subhaanahu wa ta’ala)! The chosen…


Blessings of Allah (Subhaanahu wa ta’ala)! And the holiest blessings of ROMANISED ARABIC
Allah (Subhaanahu wa ta’ala)! Min-rusulillah O Al-muntakhabi min khalkillahil-faaa‘izi bil matlabi
And the purest blessings of Allah (Subhaanahu wa ta’ala)! fil marhabi wal marghab O Al-mukhlasi fii ma wuhib O Akrami
And the richest blessings of Allah (Subhaanahu wa ta’ala)! mab’uth O Assdaqi qaaa'il O Anjahi shaaf'i O Afdholi mushaffa’i nil-
And the most sincere blessings of Allah (Subhaanahu wa ta’ala)! amini fii mastudi ‘as-sodiqi fii ma ballaghas-sodi ‘i bi amri rabbihil-
And the matchless blessing of Allah (Subhaanahu wa ta’ala)! mudtoli ‘i bimaa hummil O Aqrabi rusulillahi ilallahi wasilatanw-wa
And the highest blessings of Allah (Subhaanahu wa ta’ala)! ‘aazamihim ghadan ‘indallahi manzilatanw-wafadhilah O Wa
And the most lavish blessings of Allah (subhaanahu wa ta’ala)! akrami ambiyaaa illahil-kiramis-safwati ‘alallah O
And the myriad blessings of Allah (Subhaanahu wa ta’ala)!
And the universal blessings of Allah (Subhaanahu wa ta’ala)!
And the longest lasting blessings of Allah (Subhaanahu wa ta’ala)! TRANSLATION
And the longest remaining blessings of Allah (Subhaanahu wa ta’ala)!And
the strongest blessings of Allah (Subhaanahu wa ta’ala)! The chosen One from the messengers of Allah (Subhaanahu wa ta’ala)!
And the loftiest blessings of Allah (Subhaanahu wa ta’ala)! The Elected One from the creation of Allah (Subhaanahu wa ta’ala) and the
And the mightiest blessings of Allah (Subhaanahu wa ta’ala)! One who succeeds with the requests at times of fear and dread!
Upon the best of Allah, s creation! The finest of Allah, s creation!The The Sincere One in what he is granted!
greatest of Allah,s creation! Most Honored Envoy!
Truest Speaker most successful intercessor!

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The best intercessor, the One faithful to his pledge, the One true to his arfa‘ihim filmala ‘il 'aala zikranw-wa asdaqihim wa’ danw-wa
mission, the One who complied with the order of his Lord, and the One aktharihim shukranw-wa ‘alaahum amranw-wa ajmalihim
who bore his responsibility! sabranw-wa ahsanihim khairanw-wa aqrabihim yusranw-wa ab
The Messengers of Allah (Subhaanahu wa ta’ala) with the closest access to 'adihim makaananw-wa ‘azamihim shanan…
Allah (Subhaanahu wa ta’ala) and the one whose position and pre-
eminence in the sight of Allah (Subhaanahu wa ta’ala) is greater than that
of all Prophets and Messengers! TRANSLATION
The most Honored of Allah, s Honored Prophets and the Loved one of Allah Then theirs, whose act was purer than theirs, whose descent was more
(Subhaanahu wa ta’ala)! solid than theirs who was more faithful to his pledge than them, whose
distinction was more weighty than theirs, whose disposition was more
ROMANISED ARABIC honored than theirs, whose design was finer than theirs, whose branch
was better than theirs whose obedience and dutifulness were more than
Wa ahabbihim ilallahi wa aqrabihim zulfaa ladaallah O Wa akramil- theirs, whose station was higher than theirs, whose speech was more
khalqi ‘alallah O Wa ahzahum wa ardhahum ladallah O Wa beautiful than theirs, whose peace was purer than theirs, whose rank was
‘alannasi qadra O Wa ‘aazamihim- mahallanw-wa akmalihim- more splendid than theirs, whose glory was greater than theirs, whose
mahasinanw-wa fadlanw-wa afdhalil-ambiyaa ‘i darajatan O Wa glory was more resplended than theirs, whose mention in the Celestial
akmalihim shari’atanw-wa ashrafil-ambiyaaa‘i nisaabanw-wa Realm was loftier than theirs, whose promise was more profuse sincere
abyanihim bayaananw-wa khitaabanw-wa afdhalihim-maulidanw- than theirs, whose gratitude was more profuse than theirs, whose
wa muhajaranw-wa 'itratanw-wa ashabanw-wa akraminnasi authority was higher than theirs, whose patience was more beautiful than
arumatanw-wa ashrafihim jurthumatanw-wa khairihim nafsanw- theirs, whose goodness was finer than theirs, whose ease was …
wa atharihim qalbanw-wa asdaqihim…
TRANSLATION Wa athbatihim burhaananw-wa arjahihim-miizaananw-wa
More in love with Allah (Subhaanahu wa ta’ala) then them and closer to awwalihim iimaananw-wa au dhahihim bayaananw-wa afsahihim
Allah (Subhaanahu wa ta’ala) then them! lisaananw-wa azharihim sultana O
The most Honored creation in the sight of Allah (Subhaanahu wa ta’ala)!
More fortunate and more satisfied then them in the presence of Allah
(Subhaanahu wa ta’ala)! The Highest Ranking of Human Being! TRANSLATION
With a position greater then theirs and a kindness and favor more perfect Whose judgement was more balanced than their, whose faith was more
then theirs, and a rank better then all the Prophets! advanced than their, whose evidence was clearer than theirs, whose
With a low greater then theirs and whose origin is more noble then all tongue was more eloquent than theirs, and whose authority was more
Prophets! obvious than theirs!
Whose Evidence and Preaching were clearer then theirs and whose birth,
migration, perfumed descendants and companions were more gracious
then theirs! The most tender Human beings! << previous page <end of Wednesday reading>
Whose origin was nobler then theirs, whose soul was better than theirs,
whose heart was pure than theirs, whose word was truer than...


Qaulanw-wa azkaahum fi’lanw-wa athbatihim aslanw-wa

awfaahum ahdanw-wa amkanihim majdanw-wa akramihim
tab‘anw-wa ahsanihim sun‘anw wa atyabihim far‘anw wa
aktharihim to‘atanw-wa sam‘anw-wa ‘alaahum maqamanw-wa
‘ahlaahum kalaamanw-wa azkaahum salaamanw-wa ajalihim
qadranw-wa ‘azamihim fakhranw-wa astaahum fajranw-wa

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Thursday him to the Most praised Station, thereby advancing his nearness,
comforting his eyes,
AL-HIZBUR-RAABI ‘U FII YAUMIL-KHAMIIS Tuqirru-bihii ‘ainahu yaghbituhu bihil-auwaaluna wal-aakhiruun O
Allahumma solli ‘alaa sayyidinaa Muhammad-in ‘abdika wa Allahumma ‘aatihil-fadhla wafadhiilata washarafa walwasiilata
rasuulika-nabiyyil-ummiyi wa ‘alaa aali sayyidinaa Muhammad O waddarajatal-rafiiata walmunzilatash-shaamikhah O Allahumma
Allahumma solli ‘alaa sayyidinaa Muhammad-iuw-wa ‘alaa aali ‘aati saiyidinaa Muhammada-nilwasiilata waballig-hu maamuulahu
sayyidinaa Muhammad-in solaatan taqunu laka rizan-walahu waj-alhu auwala shaafi-‘iw-wa-auwala mushaffa’ O Allahumma
jazaa‘aw-walihaqqihii adaa ‘aw-wa atihil-wasiilata walfadhiilata ‘azzim burhaanahu wathaqqil miizaanahu wa ablij hujjatuhu warfa’
wal maqaamal-mahmuuda nillazi wa ‘adtahu wajzihi ‘annaa maa fii ahli ‘illiyiina darajatah O Wafii ‘aalal-muqarrabiina manzilatah O
huwa ahluhu wajzihii afdhola maa jaazaita nabiyyan ‘ann Allahumma ahyina ‘alaa sunnatihi O Watawaffanaa ‘alaa millatihi O
TRANSLATION Of those who came first and those who came last!
Ya Allah, bless our master Muhammad (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam), Your Ya Allah, grant him divine favour, Divine Grace, divine Honour, the closest
slave and Your Messenger, the Unlettered (not thought to read and write Access, the loftly Rank and the High Standing!
by any human beings) Prophet, and the family of our master Muhammad Ya Allah grant our master Muhammad (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) the
(Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam)! closest Access and send him what he hopes for and make him the first
Ya Allah, bless our master Muhammad (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) and intercessor and the first whose intercession is accepted!
the family of our master Muhammad (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam), Ya Allah Strengthens his proof, make his judgement sound, make his
blessings which are pleasing to You (Ya Allah), a reward for him, and argument shine and raise his rank among the dwellers of the Uppermost
which are his dutiful right, and grant him the Closest access, the Pre- Heaven!
eminence and the Most praised Station which You (Ya Allah) promised him, And raised his standing among the heights of those who are closest!
and reward him on our behalf of his people… Ya Allah, cause us to live according to his way!
And Pass us away following his religion!
Wa rasuulan ‘ann ummatihii wa solli ‘alaa jamii ‘I ikhwaanihii ROMANISED ARABIC
minan-nabiyyiina was-solihiina yaa arhamar-raahimiin O Waj-‘alna min ahli shafa‘atih O wah-shurna fi zumratihii wa-
Allahummaj ‘al fadhaaa‘ila solawaatika wa sharaa ‘ifa zakawaatika auridnaa hu-dhoh O wasqinaa min kaa’sihii ghaira khazaayaa
wa nawaamiya barakaatika wa ‘awaatifa ra’fatika wa rahmatika walaa naadimiina walaa shaaqina walaa mubaddiliina walaa
wata hiyyatika wa fhadhaa‘ila ‘aalaa‘ika ‘alaa sayyidinaa mughaiyiriina walaa-faatiniina walaa maftuniina aamiina yaa-
Muhammad-in sayyidil-mursaliina wa rasuuli rabbil-‘aalamiina rabbal-‘aalamiin O Allahumma solli ‘alaa sayyidinaa Muhammad-in
qaa‘idil-khairi wa faatihil-birri wa nabiyyir-rahmati wa sayyidil- wa-‘alaa aali sayyidinaa muhammaddin wa’atihil wasiilata
ummah O Allahummab-‘ath-hu maqaamam- mahmuudan tuzlifu walfadhiilata waddarajatar-rafiiata wab-ath-hul-maqamal-
bihii qurbahu wa… mahmudallazi wa ad tahu ma’a ikhwaanihi-nabiyyiin O sollallahu
Any other Prophet or on behalf of his nation any other Messengers, and TRANSLATION
bless all his brothers, the Prophet and righteous ones, Most Merciful of the And make us among the people of his intercession!
Merciful!Ya Allah, bestow the favors of Your noble blessings and virtues, And resurrect us in his company and make us to be watered from his pool!
and the increase of Your benedictions, and the benevolence of Your And to drink from his drinking bowl with no disgrace, no regrets, no
compassion, and Your Mercy, and Your Salutation, and the favors of Your doubts, and no temptations, amen, Ya Allah the Lord of the worlds!
bounties, upon our master Muhammad, the Master of the Messengers, the Ya Allah bless our master Muhammad (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) and the
Messenger of the lord of the worlds, the Guide to the Goodness, the Opner family of master Muhammad (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) and grant him
of Piety, the Prophet of Mercy and the master of the nation! Ya Allah, send with the closest access. The pre-eminence and Loftly Rank and send him

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to the Most Praised Station which You (Ya Allah) promised him with his adornment of the Messengers, the chosen one, the Most Noble One the
brother Prophets! night has ever clocked and the day has ever bathed in light, in every drop
The blessings of Allah (Subhaanahu wa ta’ala) be upon. of rain which has fallen from the beginning of this world until its end, and
in every plant and in every tree which have grow from the beginning of
ROMANISED ARABIC this world to its end, blessings which are eternal, lasting as long as…
Sayyidinaa Muhammad in-nabiyyil-rahmati wa-sayyidil-ummati
wa’alaa abinaa sayyidinaa aadama wa-umminaa sayyidatina ROMANISED ARABIC
hauwaa ‘a waman-waladaa minan-nabiyyiina wassiddiqiina wash- Allahil-waahidil-qahhaar O Allahumma solli ‘alaa sayyidinaa
shuhada‘i was-soolihiina wasolli ‘alaa malaaikat‘ika ajma‘iina min Muhammad-in solaatan tukrimu bihaa mathwaahu watusharrifu
‘aalis-samaawaati wal-ardhiina wa’alainaa ma’ahum yaa- bihaa uqbaahu watuballighu bihaa yaumal-kiyaamati munaahu
arhamarrahimiin O Allahummagh-firli zunuubi waliwalidayya war- waridhoh O Haazihis-solaatu ta’ziiman-lihaqqika ya sayyidinaa
hamhumaa kamaa rabba-yaani saghiiran-walijami-il-mu’miniina Muhammad O Thalaatha O Allahumma solli ‘alaa sayyidinaa
wal’muminaati walmuslimiina walmuslimaatil-ahyaa‘i minhum Muhammadin haa ‘irrahmati wa miimayil-mulki wa daalid-
wal-amwaati wataabi’ bainanaa dawaamis-sayyidil-kaamilil-faatihil-khaatimi ‘adada maa fi ‘ilmika
kaa‘inun auqad kaana kullamaa zakara wazakarahuz-zaakiruuna
TRANSLATION wa kullamaa ghafala ann zikrika wa zikrihil-ghaafiluun O
Our master Muhammad (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam), the Prophet of Mercy
and the master of the nation, and upon our Father, our master Adam TRANSLATION
(‘Alaihis-salaam), and upon our Mother, our lady Eve, and upon all the The Dominion of Allah, the One, the Powerful!
offspring of the Prophets, the truthful ones, the martyrs and all the Ya Allah, bless our master Muhammad (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam),
righteous ones, and bless all Your angels among the folk of the heavens blessings which ennoble his Place of Rest, his final destination, and on the
and the Earths and upon us along with them, Ya Allah the Most Merciful of day of Resurrection bring him his heart’s desire and contentment!
the Merciful! These great blessings are You right, Ya Our master Muhammad (Sollallahu
Ya Allah forgive me my sins and my parents, and bestow mercy upon them ‘Alaihi Wasallam), (three times)
even as they cherished me in childhood, and all the believing men and Ya Allah, bless our master Muhammad (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam), the
women, the living and the dead, and many blessings ensure for us, Ya ‘Ha’ (the middle letter of Raman) of Mercy, the ‘Mim’ (the first letter of
Allah the Lord, forgive, bestow, mercy, and You (Ya Allah) are the best of Mulk) of Sovereignty, and the ‘Dal’ (the first letter of Da ‘im) of Eternity,
merciful! the perfect master, the Opener, the Seal, as much as Your knowledge,
now or before, and whenever You (Ya Allah) are remembered and he is
ROMANISED ARABIC remember by those who remember and whenever You (Ya Allah) are
Wa bainahum bil khairaati rabbigh fir warham wa anta khairur- forgotten and he is forgotten by those who forget!
rahimiin O wala haula wala quwwata illa billahil-aliyyil-aziim O
Allahumma solli ‘alaa sayyidinaa Muhammad-in nuuril-anwaari ROMANISED ARABIC
wasirril-asraari wa sayyidil-abraari wa zainil-mursalinal-akhyaari Solaatan daa‘imatam bidawaamika baaqiyatann bibaqaa ‘ika la
wa akrami man azlama ‘alaihil-lailu wa ashraqa ‘alaihin-nahaaru muntahalahaa duuna ‘ilmika innaka ‘alaa kulli shai‘in qadiir
‘adada maa nazala min auwalid-dunyaa ilaa aakhirihaa minn qatril- (thalaatha) O Allahumma solli ‘alaa sayyidinaa Muhammadi-nin-
amtoori wa ‘adada maa nabata min auwalid-dunya ilaa aakhirihaa nabiyyil-ummiyi wa ‘alaa aali sayyidinaa Muhammadi nillazi huwa
minan-nabaati wal ashjaari solaatan daa’imatan bidawaami abhaa shumuusil-hudaa nuuran-wa abharuha O Wa asyarul-
mulki… ambiyaa‘i fakhraw-wa ashharu O Wa nuuruhuu azharu anwaaril-
ambiyaa ‘i wa ashrafuhaa wa audhahuhaa wa azkal-khaliiqati
TRANSLATION akhlaaqan-wa ath haruha wa akramuhaa khalqaw-wa ‘aadalu O
Lord, forgive, bestow mercy, and You are the Best of Merciful!
And there is no help or power save through Allah (Subhaanahu wa ta’ala), TRANSLATION
the High, and the Great! Blessings which are eternal, lasting as long as You (Ya Allah) last, enduring
Ya Allah, bless our master Muhammad (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam), the as long as You (Ya Allah) endure, and without end without Your
Light of Light, the Secret of Secret, the master of the pious, the knowledge, for You (Ya Allah) are the Power over all things! (Three Times)

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Ya Allah, bless our master Muhammad (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam), the Muhamamd O Allahumma solli ‘alaa sayyidinaa Muhammad-in-wa
Unlettered (not thought to read and write by any human being) Prophet, ‘alaa aali sayyidinaa Muhamamd-in mil‘ad-dunya wamil‘al aakhirat
and the family of our master Muhammad (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam), him O Wa baarik ‘alaa sayyidinaaa Muhamamd-in-wa ‘aala aali
whose light is the most beautiful and most dazzling of all the suns of sayyidinaa Muhamamd-in mil‘ad-dunya wamil‘al aakhira O
Guidence! And whose conduct and glory are the best and most renowed Warham sayyidanaa Muhammad-aw-wa aali sayyidinaa
of all the Prophets! And whose light is more radiant, nobler and more Muhammad-im-mil‘ad-dunya wa..
brilliant than the lights of the Prophets, and who has the purest and most
immaculate in creation, and who is the most just and generous creature! TRANSLATION
Ya Allah, bless our master Muhammad (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam), the Just as You blessed, bestow grace and bestowed mercy upon our master
Unlettered (not thought to read and write by any human being) Prophet, Ibraahiim (‘Alaihis-salaam) and the family of our master Ibraahiim
and the… (‘Alaihis-salaam), for You(Ya Allah) are the Praiseworthy, the Mighty! Ya
Allah, bless our master Muhammad (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam), Your
ROMANISED ARABIC slave, Your Prophet and Your Messenger, the Unlettered (not thought to
Sayyidinaa Muhammadi- nillazi huwa abhaa minal-qamarit-taa- read and write by any human being) Prophet, and the family of our master
ammi wa akramu minas-saahhabil-mursalati wal bahril-khidham O Muhammad(Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam)! Ya Allah, bless our master
Allahumma solli ‘alaa sayyidinaa Muhammadi-nin-nabiyyil-ummiyyi Muhammad (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) and the family of our master
wa ‘alaa aali sayyidinaa Muhammadi-nillazi qurinatil-barakatu Muhammad (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) to the fullness of this world and
bizaatihii wa muhayyaahu wata ‘attaratil-awaalimu bitiibi zikrihii to the fullness of the next world! Ya Allah, bestow grace upon our master
warayya O Allahumma solli ‘alaa sayyidinaa Muhammad-iuw-wa Muhammad(Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) and the family of our master
‘alaa aalihi wa sallim O Allahumma solli ‘alaa sayyidinaa Muhammad (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) to the fullness of this world and
Muhammad-in-wa ‘alaa aali sayyidinaa Muhammad-iuw-wa baarik the fullness of the next world! Ya Allah, bestow mercy upon our master
‘alaa sayyidinaa Muhammad-iuw-wa ‘alaa aali sayyidinaa Muhammad (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) and the family of our master
Muhamamd-iuw-warham sayyidinaa Muhammad-an…… Muhammad(Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) to the fullness of this world…


The family of our master Muhammad (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam), him
who is more beautiful than the full moon, more noble than the following ROMANISED ARABIC
clouds and the raging sea! Ya Allah, bless our master Muhammad Mil‘al aakhira O Wajzi sayyidanaa Muhamamd-aw-wa aala
(Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam), the Unlettered (not thought to read and write sayyidinaa Muhammad-in-mil ‘ad-dunyaa wamil ‘al aakhira O
by any human being) Prophet, and the family of our master Muhammad wasallim ‘alaa sayyidinaaa Muhammad-in-wa ‘alaa aali sayyidinaa
(Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam), him who face the essence are diffused with Muhammad-in-mil ‘ad-dunya wamil ‘al aakhira O Allahumma solli
benediction, and the remembrance of whom perfumes and sweetens all ‘alaa sayyidinaa Muhamamd-in kamaa amartanaa ann nusolliya
the world! Ya Allah bless and grant peace to our master Muhammad ‘alaih O Wa solli ‘alaa sayyidinaa Muhamamd-in kamaa yambaghi
(Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) and his family! Ya Allah, bless our master ayyusollaa ‘alaih O Allahumma solli ‘alaa nabiyyikal-mustafaa
Muhammad (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) and the family of our master warasuulikal-murtadhoo wa waliyikal-mujtabaa wa amiinika ‘alaa
Muhammad (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam), and bestow grace upon our wahyis-samaa O Allahumma solli ‘alaa sayyidinaa Muhammad-in
master Muhammad (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) and the family of master akramil-aslaafil-qaa‘imi..
Muhammad (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam), and bestow mercy upon our
master Muhammad (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) and the family of our Translation
master Muhammad (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam)… And to the fullness of the next world! Ya Allah, reward our master
Muhammad (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) and the family of our master
ROMANISED ARABIC Muhammad (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) to the fullness of this world and
Kamaa sollaita wa baarakta watarahhamta ‘alaa sayyidinaa to the fullness of the next world! Ya Allah, grant peace to our master
Ibraahiima wa ‘alaa aali sayyidinaa Ibraahiima innaka hamiidun- Muhammad (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) and the family of our master
majiid O Allahumma solli ‘alaa sayyidinaa Muhammad-in abdika wa Muhammad (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) to the fullness of this world and
nabiyyika wa rasuulikan-nabiyyil-ummiyyi wa ‘alaa aali sayyidinaa to the fullness of the next world! Ya Allah, bless our master Muhammad

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(Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) as You (Ya Allah) ordered to ask for blessings You, exalting Your command, following Your instruction and fulfilling Your
upon him! And bless our master Muhammad (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) Promise, to render unto our Prophet, our master Muhammad (Sollallahu
as he should be blessed! Ya Allah, bless Your Prophet, the chosen One, ‘Alaihi Wasallam), the blessings and peace of Allah (subhaanahu wa ta'ala)
Your Messenger, the Satisfied One, Your Friend, the Elected One, and Your be upon him, what is his due from us, for we have faith in him and we
Custodian of the celestial Revelation! Ya Allah, bless our master believe in him and we follow the light which came down with him and
Muhammad (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam), the most noble ancestor, You(Ya Allah) said, and Your word is the Truth, Allah(Subhaanahu wa
ta’ala) and His angels bless the Prophet. Ya Allah You who believe, ask
ROMANISED ARABIC (Allah)(Subhaanahu wa ta’ala) to bless and grant him abundant peace!
Bil ‘adli wal inssaafil-man‘uuti fi suuratil-aaraafil-muntakhabi min And for the sake of the fact that You (Ya Allah) made obligatory for the
asslaabish-shiraafi wal butuuniz-zhiraafil-musaffaa mim- slaves to ask for blessings upon their Prophet…
mussaassi ‘abdil-muttalibib-ni ‘abdi manaafi nillazi hadaita bihii
minal-khilaafi wabayyanta bihii sabiilal-afaaf O Allahumma innii ROMANISED ARABIC
as-aluka bi afdhali mas-alatika wabi ahabbi asmaa’ ika ilaika wa Fariidhata niftaradhtahaa wa amratahum bihaa fanas-aluka
akramihaa ‘alaika wa bimaa mananta ‘alainaa bisayyidinaa bijalaali wajhika wanuuri ‘izmatika wabimaa aujabta ‘alaa nafsika
Muhammad-in-nabiyyiinaa sollallahu ‘alaihi wa sallama lil-muhsiniina ann tusolliya anta wamalaa‘ikatuka ‘alaa saiyidinaa
fastanqaztanaa bihii minad-dhoolaalati wa amartana bissolaati… Muhamamd-in ‘abdika warasuulika wanabiyyika wasafiyyika
wakhiyaratika minn khalqika afdhala ma sollaita ‘alaa ahadin-min
TRANSLATION khalqika innaka hamiidun-majiid O Allahummar fakh darajatahu
The upholder of justice and Equity, the one describe in surah Al-Araf, the wa akrim maqaamahuu wathaqqil mizaanahu wa ablij hujjatahuu
one chosen from the noble loins and refined wombs and the one purified wa azhir millatahuu wa ajzil thawaabahuu wa azii’ nuurahu wa
by sucking, from Abdul Muttalib (Radhi allah ta’ala anhu), son of Abdul adim karaamatahuu wa alhiq bihii
Manaf (Radhi Allah ta’ala anhu), through whom You (Ya Allah) guided from
deviation and through whom You made clear the path of forgiveness! TRANSLATION
Making it an obligation and making it binding on them, I ask You (Ya Allah)
Ya Allah, I beseech You (Ya Allah) by most superior beseeching, in the for the sake of the Majesty of Your Face and the Light of Your Greatness,
most loved of Your Names, in the most noble of Your Names, and for the and for the sake of that which You (Ya Allah) have made binding on You
sake of the fact that You (Ya Allah) blessed us with our master Muhammad (Ya Allah) in respect of the virtuous, that You (Ya Allah) and Your angels
(Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam), and blessing and peace of Allah (Subhaanahu bless our master Muhammad (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam), Your slaves,
wa ta’ala) upon him, saving us through him from error! And for the sake of Your Messenger, Your Prophet, Your Pure One and Your Treasure from
the fact that You(Ya Allah) ordered us to ask for blessing upon him. Your creation, the Best blessing ever bestowed upon any one of Your
creation, for You (Ya Allah) are the Praiseworthy, the Mighty!
ROMANISED ARABIC Ya Allah, raised his rank, ennoble his station, make his judgement sound,
‘Alaihi waja‘alta salaatanaa darajataw-wa kaffaarataw-wa lutfaw- refine his proof, make his religion trump, in crease his reward, make his
wa manna minn ‘itoo ‘ika fa ad ‘uuka ta’ziiman-liam rika wattiba light radiant, and perpetuate his nobility.
‘an-li wasiyyatika wa muntajizal-li mu’ uudika limaa yajibu
linabiyyinaaa sayyidinaa Muhamad-in sollallahu ‘alaihi wasallama ROMANISED ARABIC
fii adaa‘i haqqihi qibalanaa izz aamanna bihii wasaddaqnaahu Min zurriyyatihii wa ahli baitihii ma taqirru bihii ‘ainuhu wa
wattaba’nan-nuurallazii unzila maa’hu wa qulta wa qaulukal-haqqu ‘azzimhu finnabiyyiinal-laziina khalau qablahuu O Allahummaj ‘al
innallah-ha wa malaa ‘ikatahu yusolluuna ‘alannabi O Yaa sayyidanaa Muhammad-an aktharan-nabiyyiina taba‘aann wa
ayyuhallaziina aamanu sollu ‘alaihi wa sallimu tasliima O Wa aktharahum wuzaraa‘a wa afdhalahum karaamataw-wanuura O
amartal-‘ibaada bissolaah ‘alaa nabiyyihim…… Wa ‘aalaahum darajah O Wa afsahahum fil jannati manzila O
Allahummaj‘al fissaabiqiina ghaayatahuu wafil-muntakhaabiina
TRANSLATION manzila O Wafil muqarrabiina daarahu wafil mustofaina manzilahu
And for the sake of the fact that You (Ya Allah) made our asking for O Allahummaj‘alhu akramal akramiina ‘indaka manzilaw -wa
blessings upon him a means of raising our rank, a expiation for our sins, afdhalahum thawaabaw-wa aqrabahum…
and grace and favor for us, Out of obedience to You (Ya Alalh), I call on

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TRANSLATION tudkhilanaa madkhalahuu waturidanaa haudhahu wataj‘alanaa
Join him with his descendants and the People of his House, which will be a min-rufaqaa‘ihii ma‘al-mun‘ami ‘alaihim-minan-nabiyyiina
comfort for his eyes, and exalt him among all the Prophets who lack his wassiddiqiina wash-shuhadaa‘i…
Ya Allah, of all the Prophets make our master Muhammad (Sollallahu TRANSLATION
‘Alaihi Wasallam) have the greatest number of followers, increase them in Of Truth, the Doers of Goods, and the Guides to the Path!
strength, and give them the most perfect nobility and light! And raise Ya Allah, grant our Prophet to excess and make his Pool a promise for the
their Ranks! And widen their abodes in the Garden! Ya Allah, make their first of us and the last of us!
goal be among the foremost in faith and their abode among the elite! Ya Allah, resurrect us in his company, established us on his way, cause us
And their dwelling place among those who are close and their abode to die following his tradition, acquaint us with face and make us among his
among the chosen ones! Ya Allah, make their abode the most Noble of the company and party!
Noble in Your Presence and favor them with Your reward, make them… Ya Allah, unite us with him for we have believe in him without seeing him,
do not separate us from him until the day You (Ya Allah) cause us to enter
ROMANISED ARABIC into his entrance hall, water us at his Pool, and put us in his company
Majilisaw-wa athbatahum-maqaamaw-wa asswabahum kalaamaw- along with those favored from among the Prophets, the truthful ones, the
wa anjahahum mas ‘aslataw-wa afdhalahum ladaika nasiiban- martyrs,
‘azamahum fiimaa indaka raghbataw-wa anzilhu fi ghuruufaatil-
fildausi minad-darajaatil-‘ullal-lati laa darajata fauqaha O ROMANISED ARABIC
Allahummaj ‘al sayyidanaa Muhammad-an ashdaqa qaa‘ilin-wa Wassolihiina wahasuna ulaa ‘ika rafiiqa O Walhamdu lillahi rabbil-
anjaha saa‘ilin-wa auwala shaafi‘iw-wa afdhala mushaffa‘iw-wa ‘alamiin O
shaffi’u fii ummatihii bi-shafaa‘atin-yaghbituhu bihal- IBTIDAA ‘UR-RUB ‘ITH-THAALITHI
auwaluunawal-aakhiruuna waa izaa mayyazta ibaadaka fifadhlin Allahumma solli ‘alaa sayyidinaa Muhammad-in nuuril-hudaa wal
qadha ‘ika faj‘al sayyidanaa Muhammad-an fi…. qaa ‘idi ilal-khairi waddaa‘ii ilar-rushdi nabiyyir-rahmati wa
imaamil-muttaqiina warasuuli rabbil-‘aalamiina laa nabiyya
TRANSLATION ba’dahu kamaa ballagha risaalataka wanasoha li ‘ibaadika watala
Sit close to You (Ya Allah), strengthen their Stations, reward them with aiyatika wa aqama hududaka wawaffa bi’ ahdika wa anfaza
Your word, give their entries success, favor their share in Your Presence, hukmaka wa amara
strengthen their longing for what is with You (Ya Allah) and bring them in
to the chambers of Fibrous in high rank s above which there is no other TRANSLATION
rank! And the righteous ones, and what a beautiful company that is!
Ya Allah, grant our master Muhammad (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) the And praise be to Allah, the Lord of the worlds!
truest word, the most successful petitioning, the first intercession, the (BEGINNING OF THE THIRD QUARTER)
most intercession, and intercede on his behalf for his nation, and Ya Allah, bless our master Muhammad (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam), the
intercession that will be the envy of those who came first and those who Light of Guidence, the Guide to Goodness, the caller to Spiritual Direction,
came last, and distinguish Your slave in the discharge Of Your Decree, and the Prophet of Mercy, the Leader of the Pious, the Messenger of the Lord
make our master Muhammad (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) among the of the worlds, there being no prophet after him, just as he conveyed Your
speakers… Message, advised Your slaves, recited Your verses, upheld Your Divine
Statutes, faithfully discharged Your Covenant, carried out Your judgement,
ROMANISED ARABIC enjoyed Obedience to You (Ya Allah), forbid disobedience to You(Ya Allah),
Asdaqiina qiilaw-wa fil-ahsaniina ‘amalaw-wa fil-mahdiyiina sabiila befriended…
O Allahummaj‘al nabiyyanaa lanaa fara tann waj’al haudhahu
lanaa mau’idan-li auwaliinaa waa aakhirina O Allahummah- ROMANISED ARABIC
shurnaa fi zumratihii wasta’milnaa bisunnatihii watawaffana ‘alaa Bi too-a‘atika wanahaa ‘ann maghsiyatika wawaalaa waliyyakallazi
millatihii wa ‘arrifnaa wajhahu waj‘alnaa fii zumratihii wahizbii O tuhibbu ann tuwaliyahuu wa ‘aada aduwwakallazi tuhibbu ann tu
Allahummajma’ bainanaa wa bainahuu kamaa aamannaa bihii ‘a, diyahuu wasallallahu ‘alaa sayyidinaa Muhammad-in O
walam narahu walaa tufarriq bainana wa bainahu hattaa Allahumma solli ‘alaa jasadihii fil ajsaadi wa ‘alaa ruuhihi fil

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arwaahii wa ‘alaa qabrihi fil qubuuri wa ‘alaa mauqifihi fil amwaat O Waghfirlanaa wali ikhwaaninal-laziina sabaquunaa bil
mawaaqifii wa ‘alaa mashhadihii fil mashaahidi wa ‘alaa zikrihii iza iimaani walaa taj‘al fi quluubinaa ghillan-lillaziina aamanu
zukira solaatan minna ‘alaa nabiyyinaaa O Allahumma abligh hu rabbanaa innaka ra ‘ufur-rahiim O Allahumma solli ‘alan-nabiyyil-
minas-salaama kamaa zukiras-salaamu wassalaamu ‘alan-nabiyyi haashimyii sayyidinaa Muhammad-in-wa ‘alaa aalihii wasohbihii
warahmatullahi ta’la wabakaatu O wasallim tasliima O Allahumma solli ‘alaa sayyidinaa Muhammad-
in khairil-bariyyati solaatan turdhiika...
Your friend whom You (Ya Allah) chose to befriend, and opposed Your TRANSLATION
enemy whom You (Ya Allah) chose to oppose and the blessings and peace And reward the companions of Your Prophets the best ever given to any of
of Allah (Subhaanahu wa ta’ala) be upon him! the companions of the Messengers!
Ya Allah, all of the bodies in existence, bless his body! Of all the souls in Ya Allah, forgive the believing men and women and the surrendering men
existence, bless his soul! Of the entire place in existence, bless his place! and women, the living among them and the dead!
Of all tombs in existence bless his tomb, and bless his memory whenever And forgive us and our brothers who came before us in faith and leave not
he is remembered, blessings from us on our Prophet! in our hearts, any rancor against those who believe, our Lord, You(Ya
Ya Allah, convey to him from us peace just as he invoked peace, and Allah) are full of Kindness, Most Merciful!
peace, mercy and the benediction of Allah (Subhaanahu wa ta’ala) be Ya Allah bless and grant abundant peace to the Hashimi Prophet, our
upon the Prophet! master Muhammad (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam), and to his family and
Ya Allah, bless our master Muhammad (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam), the
ROMANISED ARABIC Best of Creations, blessings which are pleasing to You (Ya Allah), pleasing
Allahumma solli ‘alaa malaa ‘ikatikal-muqarrabiina wa ‘alaa to him,
anbiyaa ‘ikal-mutohhariina wa ‘alaa rusulikal-mursaliina wa ‘alaa
hamalati arshika wa ‘alaa sayyidinaa jibriila wasayyidinaaa mikaa ROMANISED ARABIC
‘ala wa sayyidinaa israfiila wasaiyidina malakil-mauti Waturdhiihi watardhaa bihaa ‘anna yaa arhamar-rahimiin O
wasayyidinaa ridh waana khaazini jannatika wasayyidinaaa Allahumma solli ‘alaa sayyidinaa Muhammad-in-wa ‘alaa aalihii
maalikin-wa solli ‘alal-kiraamil-kaatibiina wa solli ‘alaa ahli to wasahbihi wasallim tasliiman kathiiran toiyiban mubaarakan fiihi
‘atika ajma ‘iina min ahlis-samaawaati wal ardhiin O Allahumma jaziilan jamiilan daa ‘iman bidawaami mulkillah O Allahumma solli
tiahla baiti nabiyyika afdhoola maa aataita ahadan min ahli ‘alaa sayyidinaaa Muhammad-in wa ‘alaa aalihi mil ‘al fadhaa‘i wa
buyuuti… ‘adadan-najuumi fissamaa‘i solaatan tuwaazinus-samaawaati wal
ardha wa ‘adada ma khalaqta wamaa anta khaaliquhu ilaa yaumil-
TRANSLATION qiyaama O Allahumma solli ‘alaa sayyidinaa Muhammad-in-wa
Ya Allah, bless Your closest angels, Your Purest Prophets, Your Divine ‘alaa aali sayyidinaa Muhammad-in kamaa sollaita ‘alaa sayyidinaa
Messengers, the Bearers of Your Throne, our master Gabriel (‘Alaihis- Ibraahiima…
salaam), our master Mika‘il (‘Alaihis-salaam), our master Israfil (‘Alaihis-
salaam), our master the Angel of Death, our master Ridwam (‘Alaihis- TRANSLATION
salaam), the Guardian of Your Garden, our master Malek (‘Alaihis-salaam), And by which You (Ya Allah) are pleased with us, Ya Allah the Most
and bless the noble recording angels, and those in the Heavens! Merciful of the Merciful! Ya Allah, bless our master Muhammad (Sollallahu
‘Alaihi Wasallam) and his family, and companions, and grant them peace,
Ya Allah, give the people of the House of Your Prophet the best ever given abundantly, profusely, agreeably, graciously, beautifully, and eternally for
to any of the People of the Houses of the Messengers, as long as the sovereignty of Allah (Subhaanahu wa ta’ala)! Ya Allah,
bless our master Muhammad (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) and the family
DALAILU'L KHAIRAT SHAREEF of our master Muhammad (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam), to the fullness of
ROMANISED ARABIC the cosmic space, and as many times as there are stars in the sky,
Mursaliina wajzi ashaabaa nabiyyika afdhola maa jaazaita ahadan- blessings which outweigh the heavens and the earth, as much as You (Ya
min as-haabil-mursaliin O Allahummaghfir lil mu’miniina wal Allah) have created and as much as You (Ya Allah) will create until the day
mu’minaati wal muslimiina wal muslimaatil-ahyaa‘i minhum wal of Resurrection! Ya Allah, bless our master Muhammad (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi

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Naqshbandi Center Michigan- Dalailul Khairat
Wasallam) and the family of our master Muhammad (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Ya Allah, I ask You(Ya Allah) in the Name which when laid upon the night,
Wasallam) just as You (Ya Allah) blessed our master Ibraahiim (‘Alaihis- darkness falls, and when laid upon the day, light appears, and when laid
salaam) upon the Heavens, they are raised on high! And when laid upon the Earth,
it becomes firm! And when laid upon the mountain, they become fixed and
ROMANISED ARABIC when laid upon Oceans and the rivers, they begin to flow!
Wa baarik ‘alaa sayyidinaa Muhammad-iuw-wa ‘alaa aali And when laid upon the springs, they burst forth! And when laid upon the
sayyidinaa Muhammad-in kamaa baarakta ‘alaa sayyidinaa clouds, they shed their rain!
Ibraahiima wa ‘alaa aali sayyidinaa Ibraahiima fil ‘alamiina innaka And I ask You, Ya Allah, in the Names written upon the forehead…
hamiidun-majiid O Allahumma innii as-alukal-aaf wawal ghafit
yata iyata fil lazi niwaldunya wal aakhira O Thalaatha O ROMANISED ARABIC
Allahumma innii as-aluka bihaqqikal-‘aziimi wabihaqqinuuri Wabil asmaa ‘il-maktuubati fi jabhati sayyidinaa jibriila ‘alaihis-
wajhikal-kariimi wabihaqqi arshikal-aziimi wabimaa hamala salaamu wa ‘alal-malaa‘ikatil-muqarrabiin O Wa as-alukallahumma
kursiyyuka minn ‘aghmatikaa wajalaalika wajamalika wabahaa ‘ika bil asmaail-maktuubati haulal-arshi wa bil asmaa ‘il-
waqudratika… maktuubatihaulal-kursiyyi O Wa as-alukallahumma bil asmil-
maktuubi ‘alaa waraqiz-zaituun O (Wa as-alukallahumma bil
TRANSLATION asmaa ‘il- ‘izaa millati sammaita bihaa nafsaka maa ‘alimtu minha
And favor our master Muhammad (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) and the wama lam ‘aalam)
family of our master Muhammad (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) just as
favored Ibraahiim and the family of Ibraahiim (‘Alaihis-salaam) in the
worlds, for You (Ya Allah) are the Praiseworthy, the Mighty! TRANSLATION
Ya Allah, I beg You (Ya Allah) for forgiveness and well being in my religion, Of Israfil (‘Alaihis-salaam), peace be upon him, and in the Names written
in this life and the next! (Three times) on the forehead of Gabriel (‘Alaihis-salaam), peace be upon him. And upon
Ya Allah, over my fault with a beautiful covering! (Three times) all the angels of intimacy!
Ya Allah, I ask You (Ya Allah) for the sake of Great Truth and for the sake And I ask You, Ya Allah (Subhaanahu wa ta’ala), in the Names written
of the Truth of the light of the Noble Face and for the sake of the Truth of around the Throne and in the Names written around the Throne and in the
Your Great throne and for the sake of which bears Your Chair from Your Names around the Footstools!
strength Oceans, Your Glory Oceans, Your Beauty Oceans, Your light And I ask You, Ya Allah, in the name written on the olive leaf!
Oceans, Your Might Ocean… And I ask You (Ya Allah), in the Greatest Names, which You (Ya Allah)
have named Yourself knowledge of which I have not and which I will never
Wasultoonika wabihaqqi asmaa ‘ikal-makhzuunatil-maknuuna-
tillati lam yattali ‘alaihaa ahadun-min khalqi O Allahumma as-aluka
bil-ismillazi wadho’ tahu ‘alal-laili faaz lama wa ‘alan-nahaari
fastanaara rawa ‘alas-samaawaati fastaqallat O Wa ‘alal-ardhi
fastaqarrat wa ‘alal-jibaali fa arsat wa ‘alal-bihaari wal audiyati
fajarat O Wa ‘alal-uyuuni fanaba‘at O Wa ‘alas-sohaabi fa amtarat
O Wa as-alukallahumma bil asmaa ‘il-maktuubati fi jabhati
sayyidinaa israafiila ‘alaihis-salaamu…

And Your Power Oceans and for the sake of the Truth of Your Preserved
and Hidden Names which no one from Your Creation will ever come to

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Naqshbandi Center Michigan- Dalailul Khairat
Friday And I ask You, Ya Allah, in the name in which our master Job (‘Alaihis-
* Before reading today's "Manzil" please read Daily Reading. salaam), peace be upon him, called You (Ya Allah)!
And I ask You, Ya Allah in the name in which our master Jacob (‘Alaihis-
DALAILUL KHAIRAT SHAREEF salaam), peace be upon him, called You (Ya Allah)!
ROMANISED ARABIC And I ask You, Ya Allah, in the name in our master Joseph (‘Alaihis-
salaam), peace be upon him, called You (Ya Allah)!
AL-HIZBUL-KHAAMISU FII YAUMIL JUMU ‘A And I ask You, Ya Allah) in the name in which our master Moses (‘Alaihis-
As-alukalla-humma bil-asmaa‘il-izaamillati sammaita biha nafsaka salaam), peace be upon him, called You (Ya Allah)!
maa ‘alimta minha wama lam ‘a lam O Wa as-alukalla-humma bil - And I ask You, Ya Allah, in the name in our master Aaron (‘Alaihis-
asmaa-‘illati da‘aka biha sayyidunaa ‘adamu ‘alaihis-salaam O salaam), peace be upon him. Called You (Ya Allah)!
Wabil-asmaa‘illati da‘aka biha sayyidunaa nuhun alaihis-salaam O And I ask You, Ya Allah, in the name in which…
Wabil-asmaa‘illati da‘aka biha sayyidunaa hudun ‘alaihis-salaam O
Wabil-asmaa‘illati da‘aka biha sayyidunaa Ibraahimu ‘alaihis-
salaam O Wabil-asmaa‘illati da‘aka biha... ROMANISED ARABIC
Shua‘ibunn ‘alaihis-salaam O Wabil asmaa‘illati da‘aka biha
TRANSLATION sayyidunaa Isma ‘iilu ‘alaihis-salaam O Wabil asmaa‘illati da‘aka
Ya Allah, I ask You(Ya Allah) in the majestic names with which You(Ya biha sayyidunaa Daudu ‘alaihis-salaam O Wabil asmaa ‘illati da‘aka
Allah) have named Yourself, those of which I am aware and those of which biha sayyidunaa Sulaimanu ‘alaihis-salaam O Wabil asmaa‘illati
I am not aware! da‘aka biha sayyidunaa Zakariyya alaihis-salaam O Wabil
And I ask You, Ya Allah, in the name in which our master Adam (‘Alaihis- asmaa‘illati da‘aka biha sayyidunaa Yahya alaihis-salaam O Wabil
salaam), peace be upon him, called You (Ya Allah)! asmaa‘illati da ‘aka biha sayyidunaa armiyaa‘u ‘alaihis-salaam O
And I ask You, Ya Allah, in the name in which our master Noah (‘Alaihis- Wabil asmaa‘illati da ‘aka biha sayyidunaa shayaa ‘u ‘alaihis-
salaam), peace be upon him, called You (Ya Allah)! salaam O
And I ask You, Ya Allah, in the name in which our master Hood (‘Alaihis-
salaam), peace be upon him, called You (Ya Allah)! TRANSLATION
And I ask You, Ya Allah, in the name in which our master Ibraahiim Which our master Suaib, peace be upon him, called You (Ya Allah)!
(‘Alaihis-salaam), peace be upon him, called You (Ya Allah)! And I ask You, Ya Allah, in the name in which our master Ismael (‘Alaihis-
And I ask You, Ya Allah, in the name in which our master Salih (‘Alaihis- salaam), peace be upon him, called You (Ya Allah)!
salaam), And I ask You, Ya Allah, in the name in which our master Dau’ud (‘Alaihis-
salaam), peace be upon him, called You (Ya Allah)!
ROMANISED ARABIC And I ask You, Ya Allah in the name in which our master Soloman, peace
Sayyidunaa saalihun Alaihis-salaam O Wabil-asmaa‘illati da‘aka be upon him, called You (Ya Allah)!
biha Sayyidunaa yunusu Alaihis-salaam O Wabil-asmaa‘illati da‘aka And I ask You, Ya Allah, in the name in which our master Zechariah
biha Sayyidunaa ayyubu Alaihis-salaam O Wabil-asmaa‘illati da‘aka (‘Alaihis-salaam), peace be upon him, called You (Ya Allah)!
biha Sayyidunaa yaquubu Alaihis-salaam O Wabil-asmaa‘illati da And I ask You, Ya Allah, in the name in which our master Yuunus (‘Alaihis-
‘aka biha Sayyidunaa yusufu Alaihis-salaam O Wabil-asmaa‘illati salaam), peace be upon him, called You (Ya Allah)!
da‘aka biha Sayyidunaa musa Alaihis-salaam O Wabil-asmaa‘illati
da‘aka biha Sayyidunaa haruuna Alaihis-salaam O Wabil- And i ask You, Ya Allah, in the name in which out master Jeremiah
asmaa‘illati da‘aka biha Sayyidunaa… (‘Alaihis-salaam), peace be upon him, called You (Ya Allah)!
And I ask You, Ya Allah, in the name in which our master Shaiya (‘Alaihis-
salaam), peace be upon him, called You (Ya Allah)!
Peace be upon him, called You(Ya Allah)!
And I ask You, Ya Allah in the name in which our master Junah (‘Alaihis- ROMANISED ARABIC
salaam), peace be upon him, called You (Ya Allah)! Wabil asmaa ‘illati da‘aka biha sayyidunaa Ilyaasu ‘alaihis-salaam
O Wabil asmaa ‘illati da‘aka biha sayyidunaa-yasa‘u ‘alaihis-salaam

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O Wabil asmaa‘illati da‘aka biha sayyidunaa Zulkifli ‘alaihis-salaam Ya Allah, bless our master Muhammad (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) to the
O Wabil asmaa ‘illati da‘aka biha sayyidunaa Yusha‘u ‘alaihis- extent of Your knowledge!
salaam O Wabil asmaa ‘illati da‘aka biha sayyidunaa iisabnu Ya Allah, bless our master Muhammad (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) as
maryama ‘alaihis-salaam O Wabil asma ‘illati da‘aka biha many times as Your words!
sayyidunaa Muhammad-un sollallahu alaihis-salaam O Wa ‘alaa Ya Allah, bless our master Muhammad (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam).
jami’il nabiyina walmursalina antusolliyya ‘alaa sayyidinaa
Muhammad-in nabiyyika ‘adada ma khalaqtahu min…
‘Adada ni’mati O Wa solli ‘alaa sayyidina Muhammad-in mil ‘a
TRANSLATION samawaati O Wa solli ‘alaa sayyidina Muhammad-in mil‘a ardhi O
And I ask You, Ya Allah, in the name in which our master Elias (‘Alaihis- Wa solli ‘alaa sayyidina Muhamamd-in mil‘a arshi O Wa solli ‘alaa
salaam), peace be upon him, called You (Ya Allah)! sayyidina Muhammad-in zinata arshi O Wa solli ‘alaa sayyidina
And I ask You, Ya Allah, in the name in which our master Esau (‘Alaihis- Muhammad-in ‘adada ma jaraa bihil-qalamu fii ummil-kitaab O Wa
salaam), peace be upon him, called You (Ya Allah)! solli ‘alaa sayyidina Muhammad-in ‘adada ma khalaqta fi sab‘i
And I ask You, Ya Allah, in the name in which our master Dhu Kifl (‘Alaihis- samaawaat O Wa solli ‘alaa sayyidina Muhammad-in ‘adaad maa
salaam), peace be upon him, called You (Ya Allah)! anta khaaliqun fiihinna ilaa yaumil-kiyaamati fi kulli yaumin alfa
And I ask You, Ya Allah, in the name in which our master Joshua (‘Alaihis- marra O Allahumma solli ‘alaa sayyidina Muhammad-in
salaam), peace be upon him, called You (Ya Allah)!
And I ask You, Ya Allah, in the name in which our master Jesus (‘Alaihis-
salaam), peace be upon him, called You (Ya Allah)! TRANSLATION
And I ask You, Ya Allah, in the name in which our master Muhammad To the extent of Your favor! Ya Allah, bless our master Muhammad
(Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam), the blessings and peace of Allah (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) to the fullness Your skies! Ya Allah, bless our
(subhaanahu wa ta’ala) be upon him and all the Prophets and Messengers, master Muhammad (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) to the fullness of Your
called You (Ya Allah)! That You (Ya Allah) bless our master Muhammad earth! Ya Allah, bless our master Muhammad (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam)
(Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam), Your Prophet, in all that You (Ya Allah). to the fullness of Your Throne! Ya Allah, bless our master Muhammad
(Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) in the decoration of Your Throne! Ya Allah,
ROMANISED ARABIC bless our master Muhammad (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) in all The Pen
Qabli antakuunas-samaa‘u mabniyyatan wal-jibalu mur tann has written in the Mother of the Book! Ya Allah, bless our master
waljibaaru mujraatan-wal ‘uyunu munfajiratan wal-anhaaru Muhammad (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) as much as You (Ya Allah) have
munhamiratan-wash-shamsu mudh-hiyatan wal-qamaru created in Your Seven Heavens! Ya Allah, bless our master Muhammad
mudhii‘an-wal-kawakibu mustaniiratan kunta haithu kunta laa (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) as much as You (Ya Allah) will create in them
ya‘lamu ahadun haithun kunta illaa anta wahdaka laa shariika until the Day of Resurrection and every day a thousand times! Ya Allah,
laaka O Allahumma solli ‘alaa sayyidinaa Muhammad-in ‘adada ilmi bless our master Muhammad (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam)
O Wa solli ‘alaa sayyidinaa Muhammad-in ‘adada ‘ilmikai O Wa solli
‘alaa sayyidinaa Muhammad-in ‘adadaka lima tika O Wa solli ‘alaa ROMANISED ARABIC
sayyidinaa Muhammad-in ‘Adada kulli qatratin qatarat min samaawaatika ilaa ardhika min-
yaumi khalaqtad-dunyaa ilaa yaumil-kiyaamati fi kulli yaumin alfa
TRANSLATION marra O Allahumma solli ‘alaa sayyidinaa Muhammad-in ‘adada
Before the sky was built, the earth was spread out, the mountains were man-yusabbihuka wayuhalliluka wayukabbiruka wayu-‘azzimuka
made stable, the seas began there flow, the springs burst forth, the rivers min-yaumi khalaqtad-dunyaa ilaa yaumil-kiyaamati fi kulli yaumin
streamed out, the sun shine forth, the moon beamed and the planets were alfa marra O Allahumma solli ‘alaa sayyidinaa Muhammad-in
lit up and there where You (Ya Allah) were, You (Ya Allah) were, and no ‘adada anfaasihim wa alfaazihim O Wa solli ‘alaa sayyidinaa
one know where You (Ya Allah) were except You(Ya Allah) alone, Ya Allah Muhammad-in ‘adada kulli nasamatin khalaqtaha fiihim min-yaumi
You(Ya Allah) have no partner! khalaqtad-dunyaa ilaa yaumil-kiyaama…
Ya Allah, bless our mater Muhammad (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) to the
extent of Your forbearance!

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Naqshbandi Center Michigan- Dalailul Khairat
TRANSLATION mimma la ya’lamu ilmaha illa anta wamaa anta khaaliquhu fiihaa
In every drop of rain that has fallen from Your heavens to Your earth from ilaa yaumil-kiyaamati fi kulliyau mil alfa marra O Allahumma solli
the day You (Ya Allah) created the world to the Day of Resurrection and ‘alaa sayyidinaa Muhamamd-in ‘adada mil ‘a sab‘i bihaarika O
every day a thousand! Wasolli ‘alaa sayyidinaa Muhammad-in zinata sab‘i bihaarika
Ya Allah, bless our master Muhammad (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) as mimma hamalat…
many times as those who have glorified You (Ya Allah), declared Your
unity, magnified You (Ya Allah) and extolled You (Ya Allah) the day You
(Ya Allah) created the world to the Day of Resurrection and every day a Translation
thousand times! Our master Muhammad (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) in every star in the
Ya Allah, bless our maser Muhammad (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) in sky from the day You (Ya Allah) created the world to the Day of
every one of their breaths and their utterance! Resurrection and every day a thousand times!
Ya Allah, bless our master Muhammad (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) in Ya Allah, bless our master Muhammad (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) as
every one of their fragrant out breathing from the day You (Ya Allah) much as the entire earth and what it holds and what it bears of Your
created the world to the Day of Resurrection… Creation!
Ya Allah bless our master Muhammad (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) in
ROMANISED ARABIC every thing You (Ya Allah) have Created the seven seas knowledge of
Fi kulli yaumin alfa marra O Allahumma solli ‘alaa sayyidinaa which is Your alones and in and in everything You (Ya Allah) created in
Muhammad-in ‘adadas-sahaabil-jaariyati wa solli ‘alaa sayyidinaa them until the Day of Resurrection and every day a thousand times! Ya
Muhammad-in ‘adadar-riyaahiz-zaariyati min-yaumin khalaqtad- Allah, bless our master Muhammad (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) to the
dunyaa ilaa yaumil-kiyaamati fi kulli yaumin alfa marra O fullness of Your Seven Seas! Ya Allah, bless our master Muhammad
Allahumma solli ‘alaa sayyidinaa Muhammad-in ‘adaad ma habbat (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) in the adornment of Your Seven Seas in that
‘alaihir-riyaahu wa harrakat hu minal-akhsaani wal ashjaari wal which they hold…
auraaqi wath-thimaari wajamii‘i ma khalaqta ‘alaa ardhika
wabaina samaawaatika min-yaumin khalaqtad-dunyaa ilaa yaumil-
kiyaamati fi kulli yaumin alfa marra O Allahumma solli ‘alaa … Roman ARABIC
Wa aqqalat minn qudrati O Allahumma wasolli ‘alaa sayyidinaa
TRANSLATION Muhammad-in ‘adada amwaaja bihaarika min-yaumi khalaqtad-
And every day a thousand times! dunyaa ilaa yaumil-kiyaamati fi kulli yaumin alfa marra O
Ya Allah bless our master Muhammad (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) in Allahumma wasolla ‘alaa sayyidinaa Muhammad-in ‘adadar-ramli
every rolling cloud and bless our master Muhammad (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi wal hasoo fi mustaqarril-ardhaini wasahliha wajibaaliha minn-
Wasallam) in every sweeping wind from the day You (Ya Allah) created the yaumi khalaqtad-dunyaa ilaa yaumil-kiyaamati fi kulli alfa marra O
world the Day of Resurrection and every day a thousand times! Allahumma wa solli ‘alaa sayyidinaa Muhammad-in ‘adada
Ya Allah, bless our master Muhammad (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) in the idhtiraabil-miyaahil-azbati wal milhati min-yaumi khalaqtad-
movement of every branch, every tree, every leaf and every fruit stirred dunyaa ilaa yaumil-kiyaamati fi kulli yaumi alfa marra O
by the wind and in every wind-stirred movement of all else that You (Ya
Allah) have created on your earth and between Your Heavens from the day
You (Ya Allah) created the world to the Day of Resurrection and every day TRANSLATION
a thousand times! And bear of Your creation!
Ya Allah, bless… Ya Allah, bless our master Muhammad (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) in
every wave on Your seas from the day You (Ya Allah) created the world to
ROMANISED ARABIC the Day of Resurrection and every day a thousand times!
Sayyidinaa Muhammad-in ‘adada najuumis-samaa‘i min yaumi Ya Allah, bless our maste Muhammad (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) in
khalaqtad-dunyaa ilaa yaumil-kiyaamati fi kulli yaumin alfa marra every grain of sand in every pebble on the solid ground of the earth, the
O Allahumma solli ‘alaa sayyidinaa Muhammad-in mil‘a ardhika soft ground of the earth and the mountains of the earth from the day You
mimma hamalat wa aqallat min qudrati O Allahumma solli ‘alaa (Ya Allah) created the world to the Day of Resurrection and every day a
sayyidinaa Muhammad-in ‘adada ma khalaqta fi sab‘i bihaarika thousand times!

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Naqshbandi Center Michigan- Dalailul Khairat
Ya Allah, bless our master Muhammad (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) in the In every plant, and I other vegetation or verdure that grows from the day
turbulence existing between salt water and fresh water from the day You You (Ya Allah) created the world to the Day of Resurrection and every day
(Ya Allah) created the world to the Day of Resurrection and every day a a thousand times!
thousand times! Ya Allah bless our master Muhammad (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam), in
every Jinn human and devil You (Ya Allah) have created and every one of
them You (Ya Allah) will create until the Day of Resurrection and every day
ROMANISED ARABIC Ya Allah bless our master Muhammad (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam), in
Wasolli ‘alaa sayyidinaa Muhammad-in ‘adada ma khalaqtahu ‘alaa every follicle of hair on their bodies, on their faces, and on their heads
jadiidi ardhika fi mustaqarril-ardhiina sharqiha wagharbiha from the movement You (Ya Allah) created the world to the Day of
wasahliha wajibaaliha wa audiyatiha watariiqiha wa‘aamiriha wa Resurrection and every day a thousand times!
ghaamirihaa ilaa saa‘iri ma khalaqtahu ‘alaiha wama fiiha minn Ya Allah,
hasaatin-wamadarin-wahajarin-min yaumin khalaaqta dunya ilaa
yaumil kiyamati fi kulliyau mill al fa marra O Allahumma solli ‘alaa ROMANISED ARABIC
sayyidinaa Muhammad-ininin-nabiyyi ‘adada nabaa til-ardhi Wa solli ‘alaa sayyidinaa Muhammad-in ‘adada khafaqaaniht-toiri
qiblatiha washarqiha wagharbiha wasahliha wajibaaliha wa wa tairaanil-jinni wash-shayatiini min-yaumi khalaqtad-dunyaa
audiyatiha wa ashjaariha wa thimaariha wa auraaqiha… ilaa yaumil-kiyaamati fi kulli yaumi alfa marra O Allahumma wa
solli ‘alaa sayyidinaa Muhammad-in ‘adada kulli bahiimatin
khalaqtaha ‘alaa jadiidi ardhika min saghiirin au-kabiirin fi
TRANSLATION mashaariqil-ardhi wa maghaaribiha min insiha wa jinniha wa
Ya Allah, bless our master Muhammad (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) in mimma la ya’lamu ilmahuu illa anta min-yaumi khalaqtad-dunyaa
everything which You (Ya Allah) have created on the face of Your earth on ilaa yaumil-kiyaamati fi kulli yaumin alfa marra O Allahumma wa
solid land, in the West and in the East, on soft ground on the mountains, solli ‘alaa sayyidinaa Muhammad-in ‘adada khutaahum ‘alaa
in the streets and on the ways, in populated areas and in waste lands, and wajhi…
in what You (Ya Allah) have created on it and in it every pebble, in every
lump of mud and in every stone, from the day You (Ya Allah) created the
world to the Day of Resurrection and every day a thousand times! TRANSLATION
Ya Allah, bless our master Muhammad (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam), the Bless our master Muhammad (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) in the flapping
Prophet, in every plant on the earth in the direction of the East and the of birds, wings, in the flying of the jinn and devils from the day You (Ya
West, on sift ground, on mountains and in the valleys, and may there be Allah) created the world to the Day of Resurrection and every day a
blessings in every tree, in every fruit, in every leaf, thousand times!
Ya Allah, bless our master Muhammad (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) in all
the cattle You (Ya Allah) have created on the surface of Your earth, both
ROMANISED ARABIC big and small, in the East of the earth and in the West, in all the men and
Wa zuruu‘iha wa jamii‘i ma yakhruju min-nabaatiha wa the jinn and in all that of which there is no knowledge expect Yours from
barakaatiha min-yaumi khalaqtad-dunyaa ilaa yaumil-kiyaamati fi the day You (Ya Allah) created the world to the Day of Resurrection and
kulli yaumin alfa marra O Allahumma wa solli ‘alaa sayyidinaa every day a thousand times!
Muhammad-in ‘adada ma khalaqta minal-jinni wal-insi wash- Ya Allah, bless our master Muhammad (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) in
shayatiini wamaa anta khaaliquhu minhum ilaa yaumil-kiyaamati fi every ridge on the face of the earth…
kulli yaumin alfa marra O Allahumma wa solli ‘alaa sayyidinaa
Muhammad-in ‘adada kulli sha’ratin fii abdaanihim wa fi ROMANISED ARABIC
wujuuhihim wa ‘alaa ru ‘sihim munzu khalaqtad-dunyaa ilaa ardhi min-yaumi khalaqtad-dunyaa ilaa yaumil-kiyaamati fi kulli
yaumil-kiyaamati fi kulli alfa marra O Allahumma… yaumin alfa marra O Allahumma wa solli ‘alaa sayyidinaa
Muhammad-in ‘adada man-yusolli ‘alaih O Wa solli ‘alaa sayyidinaa
Muhamamd-in ‘adadal-qatri wal matori wannabaat O Wa solli ‘alaa
TRANSLATION sayyidinaa Muhammad-in ‘adada kulli sha’in O Allahumma wa solli

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Naqshbandi Center Michigan- Dalailul Khairat
‘alaa sayyidinaa Muhamamd-in fil-laili izaa yaghsha O Wa solli Ya Allah, grant our master Muhammad (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) the
‘alaa sayyidinaa Muhammad-in finnahaari izaa tajallaa O Wa solli most Praised Station, which You (Ya Allah) promised to him, the place
‘alaa sayyidinaa Muhamamd-in fil aakhirati… where when he speaks, You (Ya Allah) vindicate him and when he ask, You
give to him!
Ya Allah, accept his intercession for his nation!
From the day You (Ya Allah) created the world to the Day of Resurrection
and every day a thousand times! Ya Allah, bless our master Muhammad ROMANISED ARABIC
(Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) as many times as those who ask for blessings Wasta’milna bisunnatihi watawaffana ‘alaa millatihi wahshurna fi
upon him! zumratihi wa tahta liwaa ‘ihi waj‘alna min-rufaqaa ‘ihi wa auridna
And bless our master Muhammad (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam), as many haudhohu wasqina bikaasihi wanfa’na bimahabbathii O Allahumma
times who do not ask for blessings upon him! aamiin O Wa as-aluka bi asmaaikallati dautuka bihaa ann tusolliya
And bless our master Muhammad (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) in every ‘alaa sayyidinaa Muhammad-in ‘adada ma wasaftu a mimma la
raindrop, in every rainfall and in every plant! ya’lamu ‘ilmahuu illaa anta wa ana tarhamani watatuuba ‘alaiya
And bless our master Muhammad (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) in every watua’ fiyani min jami ‘i ‘il-balaa‘i wal balwaa‘i wa ann taghfirali
which exists! waliwalidayya watarhamal-mu’miniina wal mu’minaati wal
And bless our maste Muhammad (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) at night muslimiina wal muslimaati…
when it grows dark!
And bless our master Muhammad (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) in the day
when it grows light! TRANSLATION
And bless our master Muhammad (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) in the end… And establish us on his way, allow us to die in his manner, resurrect us in
his company beneath his flag, and make us among his associates, water
us at his pool, allow us to drink from his drinking bowl, and enjoy his love!
Wal uula O Wa solli ‘alaa sayyidinaa Muhammad-in shaa‘abban And I ask You (Ya Allah), in the names in which I have called on You (Ya
zakiyya O Wa solli ‘alaa sayyidinaa Muhamamd-in khalan- Allah) to bless our master Muhammad (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam), as
mardhiyya O Wa solli ‘alaa sayyidinaa Muhammad-in munzu kaana much as I have outlined and as much as that of which You (Ya Allah) alone
fil-mahdi sobiyya O Wa solli ‘alaa sayyidinaa Muhammad-in hatta have knowledge, to have mercy on me and accept my repentance, absolve
la yabqaa minas-solaati sha ‘i O Allahumma wa ‘aati sayyidinaa me of all trials tribulation, forgive me and my parents and have mercy on
Muhammada-nil-maqaamal-mahmuudallazi wa adtahullazii izaa the believing men and women, the submitted men and women….
qaala saddaqtahu wa izaa saala ‘aatoita O Allahumma wa ‘aazim
burhaanahu wa sharrif bunyaanahu wa ablij hujjatahu wa bayyin
fadhiilata O Allahumma wa taqabbal shafa ‘atahu fii ummati O ROMANISED ARABIC
Ahyaa‘i minhum wal amwaati wa ann taghfira li ‘abdika fulaanib-ni
fulaanil-muznibil-khaati ‘idh-dhogh fi wa ann tatuuba ‘alaihi
TRANSLATION innaka ghafuurur-rahiim O Allahumma aamiina ya rabbal-‘alamiin
And at the beginning! O qaala rasulillahi sollallahu ‘alaihi wa sallama man qara ‘a
And bless our master Muhammad (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) in his haazihis-solaati marratan-wahhidatan kataballahu lahu thawaaba
youth, in his purity! hajjatin-maqbuulatin-wa thawaaba man aataqa raqabatan min-
And bless our master Muhammad (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) in his wuldi ismaiila ‘alaihis-salaamu fayaquulullahu ta’ala ya malaa‘ikati
middle age! haaza abdun-min ibaadii akthas-solaata ‘alaa habiibi Muhamamd-
And bless our master Muhammad (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) even in the in fawa…
And bless our master Muhammad (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) until there TRANSLATION
remains naught from blessings!

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The living among them and dead, and forgive the reader of this book, the Wa‘alal-jibaali farasat O Wa ‘alal-sa’bati fazallat O Wa ‘alaa
sincere, the erroneous one the weak one, and accept his repentance, for maa‘issamaa ‘i fasakabat O Wa alas-sahaabi…
You (Ya Allah) are the forgiver, the Merciful!
Ya Allah, Amen, Ya Allah the Lord of the worlds! TRANSLATION
The Messenger of Allah (Subhaanahu wa ta’ala), Allah, s blessings and which You (Ya Allah) named Yourself and which You (Ya Allah) sent down
peace be upon him, says, “whoever read this blessing once, Allah in Your Book and which You (Ya Allah) alone took for Yourself in the
(Subhaanahu wa ta’ala) will write for him the reward of an accepted unseen world, that You (Ya Allah) bless our master Muhammad (Sollallahu
pilgrimage and the reward of feeling a slave from the descendants of ‘Alaihi Wasallam) Your slave and Your Messenger, and I ask You (Ya Allah)
Isma‘il (‘Alaihis-salaam), peace be upon him. And Allah (Subhaanahu wa in the name in which were one to call upon You (Ya Allah), You (Ya Allah)
ta’ala) the Exalted says, “O My angels, this is one of my slaves who has would answer, and in which were one to ask You(Ya Allah) something, You
asked for abundant blessings upon my Beloved Muhammad (Sollallahu (Ya Allah) would grant it!
‘Alaihi Wasallam), so through
And I ask You (Ya Allah) in Your name which when Laid upon the night
darkness falls! And when laid upon the Day light arises and when laid upon
ROMANISED ARABIC the heavens they are raised up! And when laid upon the earth it becomes
‘Izzati wa jalaali wa juudi wa majdi wartifa ‘i la ‘uutiyannahu solid and firm! And when laid upon the mountains they form summits! And
bikulli harfin solla bihi qasran fil jannati wala yatiyanni yaumil- when laid upon difficulties they are overcome! And when laid upon the
qiyaamati tahta liwaa‘il-hamdi wa nuuru wajhihi kalqamari lailatil- water of the sky it pours forth! And when laid upon the clouds…
badri wa kaffuhu fi kaffi habiibi Muhammad O Haaza liman qaalaha
fi kulli yaumil-jumu‘ati lahu haazal-fadhlu wallahu zul-fadhlil-aziim
O Wafi riwaaya O Allahumma innii as-aluka bihaqqi ma hamala ROMANISED ARABIC
kursiyyuka min azmatika wa qudratika wa jalaalika wa bahaaika Fa amtarat O Wa as-aluka bima sa‘alaka bihi sayyidunaa
wa sultaanika wa bihaqqismikal-makhzuunil-maknuun-nillazi Muhammad-un-nabiyyu O Wa as-aluka bima sa‘alaka bihi
sayyidunaa aadamu nabiyyu O Wa as-aluka bima sa‘alaka bihii
ambiyaa‘uka wa rusulika wa malaaikatukal-muqarrabuun O
TRANSLATION Sollallahu ‘alaihim ajmaiin O Wa as-aluka bima sa‘alaka bihii ahlu
My Power, My Glory, My Generosity, My splendor and My Sublimity, I grant to’atika ajmaiin O Ann tusolliya ‘alaa sayyidinaa Muhammad-in-wa
him for every letter of the words asking for blessings a castle in the ‘alaa aali sayyidinaa Muhammad-in ‘adada ma khalaqta min qabli
Garden and I will make him come to me on the Day of Resurrection ann takuunas-samaa‘u mabniyyatan-wal ardhu mut-hiyyatan-wal
beneath the Flag of praise, and the light of his face will be like the full jibaalu mursiyatan-wa uyuunu munfajiratan-wal anhaaru
moon and he will be hand with My Beloved Muhammad (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi munhamiratan…
And in other relation: TRANSLATION
Ya Allah, I ask You (Ya Allah) for the sake of the truth that carries Your They rain! And I ask You (Ya Allah) for the sake of what our master
throne from Your Might Oceans, Your Power Oceans, Your Glory Oceans, Muhammad (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam), Your Prophet, asked You (Ya
Your Splendor Oceans and Your Authority Oceans, and for the sake of the Allah) for the sake of! And I ask You (Ya Allah), for the sake of what our
truth of Your name, secret and hidden, master Adam (‘Alaihis-salaam), Your Prophet, asked You for the sake of!
And I ask You (Ya Allah), for the sake of what Your Prophet and Your
Messenger and Your Closest Angels asked You (Ya Allah) for the fake of!
ROMANISED ARABIC Allah, s blessings upon them all! And I ask You (YA Allah), Of what Your
Sammaita bihii nafsaka wa anzaltahu fi kitaabika wasta-tharta bihi Prophet and Your Messenger and Your Closest Angels asked You (Ya Allah)
fi ilmil-ghaibi indaka ann tusolliya ‘alaa sayyidinaa Muhammad-in for the sake of! Allah, s blessings upon them all! And I ask You (Ya Allah),
abdika wa rasuulika wa as-aluka bismikallazii izaa du‘iita bihii for the sake of what all the Folk of Your obedience asked for, that You (Ya
ajabta wa izaa su‘ilta bihii aatait O Wa as-aluka bismikallazi Allah) bless our master Muhammad (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) and the
waza’tahu ‘alal-laili fa azlam O Wa ‘alan-nahaari fastanaara wa family of our master Muhammad (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) in all that
alas-samaawaati fastaqallat O Wa ‘alal-ardhi fastaqarrat O You (Ya Allah) created before the sky was built, the earth was spread out,

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the mountains were made stable, the seas began to flow, the springs burst
open, the rivers poured forth,
DALAILUL KHAIRAT SHAREEF Of Your heavens! And bless our master Muhammad (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi
ROMANISED Wasallam) and the family of our master Muhammad (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi
ARABIC Wasallam) to the fullness of Your earth! And bless our master Muhammad
Wash-shamsu mudhhiyatan-wal qamaru mudhii‘an wal kawaakibu (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) and the family of our master Muhammad
muniira O Allahumma solli ‘alaa sayyidinaa Muhammad-in-wa ‘alaa (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) in all that You (Ya Allah) have created from
aali sayyidinaa Muhammad-in ‘adada ilmi O Wa solli ‘alaa the day You (Ya Allah) created this world until the Day of Resurrection!
sayyidinaa Muhammad-in-wa ‘alaa aali sayyidinaa Muhammad-in Ya Allah, bless our master Muhammad (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) and
‘adada hilmi O Wa solli ‘alaa sayyidinaa Muhamamd-in-wa ‘alaa the family of our master Muhammad (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) as many
aali sayyidinaa Muhammad-in ‘adada maa ahsaahul-lauhul- times as the ranks of angels, their glorifications, their sanctifications, their
mahfuuzu min ilmi O Allahumma solli ‘alaa sayyidinaa Muhamamd- praises, their magnifications, their declaration of Your greatness and Your
in-wa ‘alaa aali sayyidinaa Muhamamd-in ‘adada ma jaraa bihil- unity from the day You (Ya Allah) created this world until the Day of
qalamu fii ummil-kitaabi inda O Wa solli ‘alaa sayyidinaa Resurrection!
Muhamamd-in-wa ‘alaa aali sayyidinaa Muhamamd-in-mil‘a... Ya Allah, bless our master Muhammad (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) and
the family of our master Muhammad (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam)

The sun shone forth, the moon beamed and the planets were illuminated! ROMANISED ARABIC
Ya Allah, bless our master Muhammad (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) and Adadas-sahaabil-jaariyati warriyaahiz-zaariyati min-yaumi
the family of our master Muhammad (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) as much khalaqtad-dunyaa ilaa yaumil-kiyaama O Allahumma solli ‘alaa
as Your knowledge! Ya Allah, bless our master Muhammad (Sollallahu sayyidinaa Muhammad-in-wa ‘alaa aali sayyidinaa Muhammad-in
‘Alaihi Wasallam) and the family of our master Muhammad (Sollallahu ‘adada kulli qatratin taqturu min samaawaatika ilaa ardhika wama
‘Alaihi Wasallam) as much as Your forbearance! Ya Allah, bless our master taqturu ilaa yaumil-kiyaama O Allahumma solli ‘alaa sayyidinaa
Muhammad (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) and the family of our master Muhammad-in-wa ‘alaa aali sayyidinaa Muhammad-in ‘adada ma
Muhammad (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) as much as Your knowledge is habbatir-riyaahu wa ‘adada ma taharrakatil-ashjaaru wal auraaqu
registered on the Preserved Table! Ya Allah, bless our master Muhammad wazzuruu‘u wa jamii‘i ma khalaqta fi qaraaril-hifzi min yaumi
(Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) and the family of our master Muhammad khalaqtad-dunyaa ilaa yaumil-kiyaama O Allahumma solli ‘alaa
(Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) as much as the Pen has flowed in the mother sayyidinaa
of the Book lodged with You (Ya Allah)! And bless our master Muhammad
(Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) and the family of our master Muhammad
(Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) to the fullness… TRANSLATION
In every rolling cloud and sweeping wind from the day You (Ya Allah)
created this world until the Day of Resurrection!
ROMANISED ARABIC Ya Allah, bless our master Muhammad (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) and
Samaawaati O Wa solli ‘alaa sayyidinaa Muhammad-in-wa ‘alaa the family of our master Muhammad (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) in every
aali sayyidinaa Muhammad-in mil‘a ardhi O Wa solli ‘alaa drop of rain falling from the Your heavens to Your earth and in all the rain
sayyidinaa Muhammad-in-wa ‘alaa aali sayyidinaa Muhammad-in- that will fall until the Day of Resurrection!
mil‘a maa anta khaaliquhu min-yaumi khalaqtad-dunyaa ilaa Ya Allah, bless our master Muhammad (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) in the
yaumil-kiyaama O Allahumma solli ‘alaa sayyidinaa Muhammad-in- movement of every branch, every tree, every leaf and every plant stirred
wa ‘alaa aali sayyidinaa Muhammad-in ‘adada sufuufil-malaaikati by the wind and in the wind-stirred movement of everything else that You
wa tasbiihihim wa taqdiisihim wa tamjiidihim wa takbiirihim wa (Ya Allah) have created in the abode of Safety from the day You (Ya Allah)
tahliihim-min-yaumi-khalaqtad-dunyaa ilaa yaumil-kiyaama O created the world to the Day of Resurrection!
Allahumma solli ‘alaa sayyidinaa Muhammad-wa ‘alaa aali Ya Allah, bless our master Muhammad (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam)…
sayyidinaa Muhammad-in…

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ROMANISED ARABIC Ya Allah, bless our master Muhammad (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) and
Muhammad-in wa ‘alaa aali sayyidinaa Muhammad-in ‘adadal-qatri the family of our master Muhammad (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) in every
wal matari wannabaati min-yaumi khalaqtad-dunyaa yaumil- Jinn and human being You (Ya Allah) have created and in every one of
kiyaama O Allahumma solli ‘alaa sayyidinaa Muhammad-in-wa them that You (Ya Allah) will create until the Day of Resurrection!
‘alaa aali sayyidinaa Muhammad-in ‘adadan-najuumu fissamaa‘i Ya Allah, bless our master Muhammad (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) and
min-yaumi khalaqtad-dunyaa ilaa yaumil-kiyaama O Allahumma the family of our master Muhammad (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) in every
solli ‘alaa sayyidinaa Muhammad-in-wa ‘alaa aali sayyidinaa one of their breaths, their utterance and their glances from the day You
Muhammad-in ‘adada ma khalaqta fi bihaarikas-sab‘ati mimma la (Ya Allah) created this world until the Day of Resurrection!
ya’lamu ilmahuu illaa anta wamaa anta khaaliquhuu ilaa yaumil- Ya Allah bless our master Muhammad (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) and the
kiyaama O Allahumma solli ‘alaa sayyidinaa Muhammad-in-wa family of our master Muhammad (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) in the flying
‘alaa aali sayyidinaa Muhammad-in ‘adadar-ramli wal hasaa fi… of the Jinn and the angels from the day You (Ya Allah) created this world
until the Day of Resurrection!
Ya Allah, bless …
And the family of our master Muhammad (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) in
every bead of dew, in every drop of rain and in every plant from the day ROMANISED ARABIC
You (Ya Allah) created this world until the Day of Resurrection! ‘Alaa sayyidinaa Muhammad-in-wa ‘alaa aali sayyidinaa
Muhamamd-in ‘adadat-tuyuuri wal hawaa‘ammi wa ‘adadal-
Ya Allah bless our master Muhammad (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) and the wuhushi wal aakaami fi mashaariqil-ardhi wa maghaaribi O
family of our master Muhammad (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) in every star Allahumma solli ‘alaa sayyidinaa Muhammad-in-wa ‘alaa aali
in the sky from the day You (Ya Allah) created this world until the Day of sayyidinaa Muhamamd-in ‘adadal-ahyaa’i wal amwaat O
Resurrection! Ya Allah, bless our master Muhammad (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Allahumma solli ‘alaa sayyidinaa Muhammad-in-wa ‘alaa aali
Wasallam) and the family of our master Muhammad (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi sayyidinaa Muhammad-in ‘adada maa azlama ‘alaihil-lailu wa
Wasallam) as much as You (Ya Allah) have created in Your Seven Seas, ashraqa ‘alaihin-nahaaru min-yaumi khalaqtad-duyaa ilaa yaumil-
knowledge which is Yours alone, and as much as that which You (Ya Allah) kiyaama O Allahumma solli ‘alaa sayyidinaa Muhammad-in-wa
will create until the Day of Resurrection! Ya Allah, bless our master ‘alaa aali sayyidinaa Muhammad-in ‘adada man-yamshi ‘alaa
Muhammad (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) and the family of our master rijlaini waman-yamshi…
Muhammad (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) in every grain of sand and in
every pebble.
Our master Muhammad (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) and the family of our
ROMANISED ARABIC master Muhammad (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) in every bird and pest, in
Mashaariqil-ardhi wa magharibiha O Allahumma solli ‘alaa every wild beast and in every hill on the earth, East and West!
sayyidinaa Muhammad-in-wa ‘alaa aali sayyidinaa Muhammad-in Ya Allah, bless our master Muhammad (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) and
‘adada ma khlaqta minal-jinni wal insi wamaa anta khaaliquhuu the family of our master Muhammad (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) in the
ilaa yaumil-kiyaama O Allahumma solli ‘alaa sayyidinaa living and the dead! Ya Allah, bless our master Muhammad (Sollallahu
Muhammad-in-wa ‘alaa aali sayyidinaa Muhammad-in ‘adada ‘Alaihi Wasallam) as much as all the night has covered in darkness and the
anfaasihim wa alfaazihim wa alhaazihim-min-yaumi khalaqtad- day has illuminated from the day You (Ya Allah) created this world until
dunyaa yaumil-kiyaama O Allahumma solli ‘alaa sayyidinaa the Day of Resurrection! Ya Allah, bless our master Muhammad
Muhammad-in-wa ‘alaa aali sayyidinaa Muhammad-in ‘adada (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) and the family of our master Muhammad
tairaanil-jinni wal malaaikati min-yaumi khalaqtad-dunyaa ilaa (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) in every two-legged creature…
yaumil-kiyaama O Allahumma solli…
TRANSLATION ‘Alaa araba‘in min-yaumi khalaqtad-dunyaa ilaa yaumil-kiyaama O
On the earth, East and West! Allahumma solli ‘alaa sayyidinaa Muhammad-iuw-wa ‘alaa aali
sayyidinaa Muhammad-in ‘adada man solla ‘alaihi minal-jinni wal

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insi wal malaa ‘ikati min-yaumi khalaqtad-dunya ilaa yaumil- Ya Allah, bless our master Muhammad (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) and
kiyaama O Allahumma solli ‘alaa sayyidinaa Muhammad-iuw-wa the family of our master Muhammad (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) until all
‘alaa aali sayyidinaa Muhammad-in ‘adada man-yusolli ‘alaih O blessings are exhausted!
Allahuma solli ‘alaa sayyidinaa Muhammad-iuw-wa ‘alaa aali Ya Allah, bless our master Muhammad (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) among
sayyidinaa Muhamamd-in ‘adada man-lam yusolli ‘alaih O the first!
Allahumma solli ‘alaa sayyidinaa Muhammad-iuw-wa ‘alaa aali Ya Allah, bless our master Muhammad (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) among
sayyidinaa Muhammad-in kama yajibu ann… the last!
Ya Allah, bless our master Muhammad (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) in the
Heavenly Assembly until the Day of Reckoning!
TRANSLATION And what Allah (Subhaanahu wa ta’ala) wills! There is no power save
And in every four-legged creature from the day You (Ya Allah) created this through Allah (Subhaanahu wa ta’ala), the High, and the Great…
world until the Day of Resurrection! Ya Allah, bless our master Muhammad
(Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) and the family of our master Muhammad
(Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) as many times as the jinn, the human beings
and the angels have ask You (Ya Allah) to bless him from the day You (Ya
Allah) created this world until the Day of Resurrection!

Ya Allah, bless our master Muhammad (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) and

the family of our master Muhammad (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) as many
times those who have asked for blessings upon him! Ya Allah, bless our
master Muhammad (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) and the family of our
master Muhammad (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) as many times those who
have not asked for blessings upon him! Ya Allah, bless our master
Muhammad (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) and the family of our master
Muhammad (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) as it is incumbent upon us to

Yusolla ‘alaih O Allahumma solli ‘alaa sayyidinaa Muhammad-iuw-
wa ‘alaa aali sayyidinaa Muhammad-in kama yambaghii an-yusolla
‘alaih O Allahumma solli ‘alaa sayyidinaa Muhammad-iuw-wa ‘alaa
aali sayyidinaa Muhammad-in hatta la yabqa shia‘un-minas-solaata
‘alaih O Allahumma solli ‘alaa sayyidinaa Muhammad-in fil-
awwaliin O Wa solli ‘alaa sayyidinaa Muhammad-in fil-aakhiriin O
Allahumma solli ‘alaa sayyidinaa Muhammad-in fil-mala‘il-aala ilaa
yaumid-diin O Ma shaa‘allahu la quwwata illa billahil-aliyyil-aziim

You to bless him! Ya Allah, bless our master Muhammad (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi
Wasallam) and the family of our master Muhammad (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi
Wasallam) as it is fitting for him to be blessed!

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Saturday Ya Allah, the Lord, bestow upon him, on our behalf, better than You (Ya
Allah) have rewarded any Prophet on behalf of his Nation, Ya Allah the
* Before reading today's "Manzil" please read Daily Reading. Lord of the worlds!
Ya Allah, the Lord, I beseech You (Ya Allah) to forgive me, have mercy on
DALAILU'L KHAIRAT SHAREEF me, accept my repentance and remove from me all earthly and heavenly
ROMANISED ARABIC trials and tribulations, for You (Ya Allah) are the power of all things!
AL-HIZBUS-SAADISU FI YUMIS-SABT Through Your Mercy forgive the believing men and women and the
Allahumma solli ‘alaa sayyidinaa Muhammad-iuw-wa ‘alaa aali submitted men and women, the living and the dead, and the Pleasure of
sayyidinaa Muhammad-iuw-wa aatihil wasiilata wal-fadhiilata Allah (Subhaanahu wa ta’ala) be with his pure wives,
waddarajatar-rafii’ata wab-athu maqaman-Mahmuudan-nillazii
wa-adhtahuu innaka laa tukhliful-miaad O Allahumma ‘azzim
shaanahu wa bayyin burhanahu wa ablij hujjatuhu wa bayyin ROMANISED ARABIC
fadhiilatahu wataqabbal shafa-‘atuhu fii ummatihi wasta’milna Tohiraati ummahatil-mu’miniina waradhi yallaahu an as-haabihil
bisunnatihi yaa rabbal-‘alamiin O Wa yaa rabbal-arshil-‘aziim O ‘aalami ‘a immatil hudaa wama sabiihid-dunya wa-anittabi‘iina
Allahumma yaa rabbih-shurna zumratihi watahta liwaa ‘ihi watabi’ittabi-iina lahum bi-ihsaanin ilaa yaumiddiini walhamdu
wasqina biqasihi O lillahi rabil-‘alalimiin O
Allahumma rabbal-arwaahi wal-ajsaadil baliyyati as-aluka bita‘atil-
TRANSLATION arwaahir-raji‘ati ilaa ajsaadiha wabita‘atil ajsaadil-multa‘imati bi-
Ya Allah, bless our Maula (helper) Muhammad (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) uruuqiha bikalimaatika- naafizati fiihim wa-akhzika….
and the family of lord Muhammad (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam), and grant
him with the closest Access, the Pre-eminence, the Lofty Rank, and send
him to the most Praised Station which You (Ya Allah) promised him for You TRANSLATION
(Ya Allah) do not renege on a promise! The Mothers of the believers, and the pleasure of Allah (Subhaanahu wa
Ya Allah, magnified his value, Clarifies his argument, embellishes his proof, ta’ala) be with his companions, the Eminent Leaders of Guidence and
makes evident his excellence and accepts his intercession for his Nation Lamp of his Lower Life, and also with the Flowers and the Flowers of the
and established us on his way, Ya Allah the lord of the worlds! Followers, salutations upon them until the Day of Resurrection, and praise
lord of Mighty throne! be Allah (Subhaanahu wa ta’ala) the Lord of Worlds!
Ya Allah, the lord, Gathers us in his company and beneath his flag, has us BEGINNIG OF THE THIRD PART
drink from his drinking bowl, Ya Allah, Lord of souls and mortal flesh, I ask You (Ya Allah) for the sake
of the obedience of souls returning to their bodies (on the Day for
Resurrection), and for the sake of the obedience of bodies becoming whole
ROMANISED ARABIC once again, and for the sake of Your words which will order this for the
Wanfa’na bima-habbatihi aamiina ya rabbal-‘alamiin O Allahumma sake of Your exacting of Your rights over them,
ya rabbi ballighu annaa afdhalas-salaami wajzihii ‘annaa afdhola
maa jazaita bihi nabiyyan ‘an ummatihii ya rabbal-‘alamiin O
Allahumma yaa rabbi innii as-aluka ann taghfirali watarhamani wa ROMANISED ARABIC
tatuba ‘alayya watu‘afiyani min jamii‘il-balaa‘i walbalwaa‘il Alhaqqa minhum wal-khalaa ‘iqu baina yadaika yantaziruna fasla
khaariji minal ardhi wannazili minas-samaa‘i innaka ‘alaa kulli qadho ‘ika wa yarjuna rahmataka wa-yakhafuna ‘iqabaka an-
sha‘in qadiir O Birahmatika wa antaghfira lilmu’miniina wal- taj‘ala-nura fii basari wazikraka billaili wannahari ‘alaa lisaani wa
mauminaati wal muslimiina wal muslimaatil-ahyaa‘i minhum wal ‘amalan saalihan farzuqni O Allahumma solli ‘alaa sayyidinaa
amwaati waradhi-yallaahu ‘ann azwajihi- Muhammad-in kama sollaita ‘alaa sayyidinaa Ibrahiima
wabarik‘alaa sayyidinaa Muhammad-in kamma baarokta ‘alaa
sayyidinaa Ibraahiim O Allahummaj-al salawaatika wabarakaatika
TRANSLATION ‘alaa sayyidinaa Muhammad-in-wa ‘alaa aali sayyidinaa
And avail us of his love, Amen Ya Allah the Lord of the worlds!

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Muhammad-in kamaa ja-al’taha ‘alaa sayyidinaa Ibraahiima blessings which are eternal and which as long as the kingdom of Allah
wa’alaa aali sayyidinaa (Subhaanahu wa ta’ala) lasts!
Ya Allah, I beseech You (Ya Allah)

And for the sake of Your creatures who are before You waiting for the ROMANISED ARABIC
apportioning of Your decree, hoping for Your Mercy and fearing Your As-aluka bi asmaaikal-‘izaami ma alimtu minha wama lam aalam
punishment, I ask You (Ya Allah) that bestow light in my eyes, wa bil-asmaaillati sammaita biha nafsaka ma alimtu minha wama
remembrance of You (Ya Allah) during the day and the light upon my lam ‘aalam O Ann tusolliya ‘alaa sayyidinaa Muhammad-in abdika
tongue, and provide me with good actions! wa nabiyyika wa rasuulika ‘adada ma khalaqta min qabla ann
Ya Allah, bless our master Muhammad (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) just as takuunas-samaa‘u mabniyyatan-wal ardhu mad hiyyata-wal
You blessed our master Ibraahiim (‘Alaihis-salaam) and sanctify our jibaalu mursiyatan wal uyyunu munfajiratan-wal anhaaru
master Muhammad (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) just as You sanctified our munhamiratan-wash-shamsu mushriqatan-wal qamaru mudhii‘an-
master Ibraahiim (‘Alaihis-salaam)! wal kawaakibu mustaniiratan-wal bihaaru mujriyatan-wal ashjaaru
Ya Allah, grant Your blessings and Your favors to our master Muhammad muthmiratan O Allahumma solli ‘alaa sayyidinaa Muhamamd-in
(Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) and the family of our master Muhammad ‘adaada…
(Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) just as You (Ya Allah) granted them to our
master Ibraahiim (‘Alaihis-salaam) and the family of our master Ibraahiim
(‘Alaihis-salaam), TRANSLATION
I beseech You (Ya Allah) in Your Greatest Names, those, which I know,
and those, which I don’t know, ad in the Names that You (Ya Allah) have
ROMANISED ARABIC named Yourself, names I know not and names I shall never know!
Ibraahiima innaka hamiidun majiid O Wabaarik ‘alaa sayyidinaa That You (Ya Allah) bless our master Muhammad (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi
Muhammad-in-wa ‘alaa aali sayyidinaa Muhammad-in kama Wasallam), Your slave, Your Prophet, and Your Messenger, in all that You
baarakta ‘alaa sayyidinaa Ibrahiima wa ‘aala aali sayyidinaa (Ya Allah) created before the sky was built, the earth was spread out, the
ibrahiima innaka hamiidun majiid O Allahumma solli ‘alaa mountains were anchored down, the spring springs burst forth, the river
sayyidinaa Muhammad-in abdika warasuulika wasolli ‘alal- flowed out, the sun blazed forth, the moor, shone out, the planets
mu’mininnina walmu’minaati walmuslimiina walmuslimaat O illuminated the sky, the oceans began to flow and trees gave their fruit!
Allahumma solli ‘alaa sayyidinaa Muhammad-iuw-wa ‘alaa aalihi Ya Allah, bless our master Muhammad (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) to the
‘adada maa ahaato bihi ‘ilmuka wa aahsaa‘u kitaabuka washahidat extent…
bihi malaa ‘ikatuka solaatan daa‘imatan daduumu bidawami
mulkillah O Allahumma innii… ROMANISED ARABIC
‘Ilmi O Wa solli ‘alaa sayyidinaa Muhammad-in ‘adada hiimika O
TRANSLATION Wa solli ‘alaa sayyidinaa Muhammad-in ‘adada kalimaatika O Wa
For You(Ya Allah) are the Praiseworthy, the Mighty! solli ‘alaa sayyidinaa Muhammad-in ‘adada ni’mati O Wa solli ‘alaa
And sanctify our master Muhammad (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) and the sayyidinaa Muhammad-in ‘adada juudi O Wa solli ‘alaa sayyidinaa
family of our master Muhammad (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) just as You Muhammad-in ‘adada samaawaati O Wa solli ‘alaa sayyidinaa
(Ya Allah) sanctified our master Ibraahiim (‘Alaihis-salaam) and the family Muhammad-in ‘adada ardhika O Wa solli ‘alaa sayyidinaa
of our master Ibraahiim (‘Alaihis-salaam), for You (Ya Allah) is the Muhammad-in ‘adada ma khalaqta fi sab ‘I samaawaattika min-
Praiseworthy, the Mighty! malaa 'ikati O Wa solli ‘alaa sayyidinaa Muhammad-in ‘adada ma
Ya Allah, bless our master Muhammad (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam), Your khalaqta fii ardhika minal-…
slave and Your Messenger, and bless the believing men and women and
submitted men and women!
Ya Allah, bless our master Muhammad (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) and TRANSLATION
his family as much as all that is encompassed by Your knowledge, all that Of Your knowledge! Ya Allah, bless our master Muhammad (Sollallahu
is contained in Your Book and all that is witnessed by Your angels, ‘Alaihi Wasallam) to the extent of Your forbearance! Ya Allah, bless our

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Naqshbandi Center Michigan- Dalailul Khairat
master Muhammad (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) to the number of Your 'Adada man lam yusolli ‘alaihi min khalqi O Wa solli ‘alaa
words! Ya Allah, bless our master Muhammad (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) sayyidinaa Muhammad-in ‘adadal-jibaali wazzimaali wal hasoo O
to the number of Your Favors! Ya Allah, bless our master Muhammad wa solli ‘alaa sayyidinaa Muhammad-in ‘adadash-shajari wa
(Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) to the extent of Your Grace! auraaqiha wal madari wa athqaaliha O Wa solli ‘alaa sayyidinaa
Ya Allah, bless our master Muhammad (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) to the Muhammad-in ‘adada kulli sanatin-wama takhluku fiiha wama
extent of Your Generosity! Ya Allah, bless our master Muhammad yamuutu fiiha O Wa solli ‘alaa sayyidinaa Muhammad-in ‘adada ma
(Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) to the extent of Your Heavens! takhluku kulla yaumin-wama yamuutu fiihi ilaa yaumil-kiyaama O
Ya Allah, bless our master Muhammad (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) to the Allahumma wa solli ‘alaa sayyidinaa Muhammad-in ‘adadas-
extent of Your Earth! Ya Allah, bless our master Muhammad (Sollallahu sahaabil-jaariyati ma bainas-samaa‘i wal-ardhi wama tamturu
‘Alaihi Wasallam) as many times as all the angels You have created in Your minal-miyah O Wa solli ‘alaa sayyidinaa Muhammad-in ‘adada……
Seven Heavens! Ya Allah, bless our master Muhammad (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi
Wasallam) as many times as all the…
Him! And as many times as all those from Your creation who have not
ROMANISED ARABIC asked for blessings upon him! And bless our master Muhammad
-Jinni wal insi wa ghairi hima minal-wahshi wattoiri wa ghairi hima (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) in every mountain, in every grain of sand and
O Wa solli ‘alaa sayyidinaa Muhammad-in ‘adada ma jaraa bihil- in every stone! And bless our master Muhammad (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi
qalamu fi ilmi ghaibika wama yajri bihii ilaa yaumil-kiyaamati wa Wasallam) in every tree and in every one of their leaves and in the soil
solli ‘alaa sayyidinaa Muhammad-in ‘adadal-qatri wal matari wa and in its weight! And bless our master Muhammad (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi
solli ‘alaa sayyidinaa Muhammad-in ‘adada man-yahmaduka wa Wasallam) as many times as there have been years and that which You
yashkuruka wa yuhalliluka wa yumajjiduka wa yashhadu annaka (Ya Allah) have created in them and that which dies in them! And bless
antallahu wasolli ‘alaa sayyidinaa Muhammad-in ‘adada ma sollaita our master Muhammad (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) in all that You (Ya
‘alaihi anta wamalaa ‘ikatu O Wa solli ‘alaa sayyidinaa Muhammad- Allah) create every day and in all that dies every day until the Day of
in ‘adada man solla ‘alaihi min khalqika wa solli ‘alaa sayyidinaa Resurrection! And bless our master Muhammad (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi
Muhammad-in… Wasallam) in every clouds sailing between the Heavens and the Earth and
in every drop of their rain! And bless our master Muhammad (Sollallahu
‘Alaihi Wasallam) in every….
Jinn and humans, and being other than them, and beast and the birds, ROMANISED ARABIC
and beings other then them, That You (Ya Allah) have Created in Your ‘Iir-riyaahir-musakh-kharaati fi mashaariqil-ardhi wa
earth! And bless our master Muhammad (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) in all maghaaribiha wa jaufiha wa qiblati O Wa solli ‘alaa sayyidinaa
that the Pen has written in the knowledge of the Unseen and in all that the Muhammad-in ‘adada najuumis-samaa O Wa solli ‘alaa sayyidinaa
Pen will write until the Day of Resurrection and bless our master Muhammad-in ‘adada ma khalaqta fi bihaarika minal-hiitaani
Muhammad (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) in every dewdrop and in every waddawaa‘abi wal miyaahi warrimaali wa ghairi zaali O Wa solli
raindrop and bless our master Muhammad (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) as ‘alaa sayyidinaa Muhammad-in ‘adadan-nabaati wal-hasaa O Wa
often as You (Ya Allah) are praised, as often as You (Ya Allah) are solli ‘alaa sayyidinaa Muhammad-in ‘adadan-namli O Wa solli ‘alaa
thanked, as often as Your Utility is declared, as often as You (Ya Allah) are sayyidinaa Muhamamd-in ‘adadal-miyaahil-azba O Wa solli ‘alaa
magnified, as often as it is witnessed that You(Ya Allah) are indeed sayyidinaa Muhammad-in ‘adadal-miyahil-milha O Wa solli ‘alaa
Allah(Subhaanahu wa ta’ala), and bless our master Muhammad (Sollallahu sayyidinaa …
‘Alaihi Wasallam) as many time as You(Ya Allah) and Your angels have
already blessed him! And bless our master Muhammad (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi TRANSLATION
Wasallam) as many times as all those from Your creation You (Ya Allah) Swirling wind in the East of the Earth and in the West, in the North and in
have already ask for blessings upon, the South!
And bless our master Muhammad (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) as many
times as there are stars in the sky!

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And bless our master Muhammad (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) as many warajaa ‘i as-aluka bihurmatish-sharil-haraami wal baladil-
times as all the fish, all the sea-creatures, all the water and all the grains haraami walmash ‘aril-haraa miwaqabri nabiyyika ‘alaihis-salaamu
of sand and whatever else there is! an tahaba li minal-khairi maala ya’ lamu ilmahuu illaa anta
And bless our master Muhammad (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) in every watasrifa anni minas-suu‘i maala ya’lamu ilmahuu illaa…
plant and in every stone!
And bless our master Muhammad (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) as
abundantly as there is fresh water! And bless our master Muhammad TRANSLATION
(Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) as abundantly as there is saltwater! And bless Forever and ever and award him the closest Position in Your Presence and
our master Muhammad (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) grant him the closest Access, the Pre-eminence, the intercession and the
Lofty Rank and send him to the Most Praised Station which You(Ya Allah)
promised him, for You(Ya Allah) do not renege a promised! Ya Allah, I
DALAILU'L KHAIRAT SHAREEF beseech You (Ya Allah), for the sake of the fact that You (Ya Allah) are my
ROMANISED ARABIC King, my Lord, my Master, my Trust, and my Hope, I beseech You (Ya
Muhammad-in ‘adada ni’matika ‘alaa jamii ‘i khalqi O Wa solli ‘alaa Allah) for the honor of the Holy Month, the Holy Land, the Holy Sanctuary,
sayyidinaa Muhammad-In ‘adada niqmatika wa azaabika ‘alaa man and the tomb of the Prophet, peace be upon him, that You (Ya Allah)
kafara bisayyidinaa Muhammad-in ‘adada ma daamatid-dunya wal bestow upon me Good, knowledge of which is Your alone and that You (Ya
aakhira O Wa solli ‘alaa sayyidinaa Muhammad-in ‘adada ma Allah) remove from me Evil, knowledge of which is…
daamatil-khalaa ‘iqu fil-janna O Wa solli ‘alaa sayyidinaa
Muhammad-in ‘adada ma daamatil-khalaa ‘iqu finnar O Wa solli ROMANISED ARABIC
‘alaa sayyidinaa Muhammad-in ‘alaa qadri ma tuhibbuhu wa Anta O Allahumma yaaman-wahaba lisaiyidinaa aadama sayyidinaa
tardhaahu O Wa solli ‘alaa sayyidinaa Muhammad-in ‘alaa qadri ma shiitq O Wali sayyidinaa Ibraahiima saiyidanaa Isma ‘iila wa
yuhibbuka wa yardhaaka wa solli ‘alaa… sayyidinaa Ishaaq O Wa rodda sayyidinaa yusufa ‘alaa sayyidinaa
ya’quuba wayaa man kashafal-balaa‘a ann sayyidinaa ayyub O
Wayaa man rodda Muusaa ila ummihi wayaa zaa‘ida sayyidinaal-
TRANSLATION kadhiri fi ‘ilmi O Wayaa man-wahaba lisayyidinaa da‘uda saiyidina
As much as the entire Favour shown to the whole of Your creation! And sulaimaana wali sayyidinaa zakariyya sayyidinaa yahya O Wali
bless our master Muhammad (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) as much as Your sayyidatina maryama sayyidana ‘iisa wayaa haafizhoabnati
vengeance and Your punishment on those who deny our master sayyidinaa shughaibin as-‘aluka an tusolli ‘aala sayyidinaa
Muhammad (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam), Allah, s blessings and peace be Muhammad-in-wa ‘alaa jamii‘i…
upon him! And bless our master Muhammad (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam)
as long as the duration of this world and the next! And bless our master
Muhammad (Sollallahu Alaihi Wasallam for as long as Your creatures will TRANSLATION
stay in the Garden! And bless our master Muhammad (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Yours alone! Ya Allah, who gave to our master Adam (‘Alaihis-salaam) our
Wasallam) as long as Your creatures will stay in the Fire! And bless our mater Seth! And to our master Ibraahiim (‘Alaihis-salaam) our master
master Muhammad (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) equal to Your love for him Ismail (‘aalihis-slaam) and our master Isaac (‘Alaihis-salaam)! And who
and Your satisfaction with him! And bless our master Muhammad return our master Yusuf (‘Alaihis-salaam) to our master Yacuub (‘Alaihis-
(Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) equal to his love for You (Ya Allah) and his salaam) and who removed the trials from our master Ayyuub (‘Alaihis-
satisfaction with You (Ya Allah) and bless our master Muhammad salaam)! And who return our master Moses (‘Alaihis-salaam) to his nation
(Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam)…. and who increased our master Khidr (‘Alaihis-salaam) in knowledge! And
who gave to our master Dau‘ud (‘Alaihis-salaam) our master Sulaiman
ROMANISED ARABIC (‘Alaihis-salaam) and to our master Zechariah (‘Alaihis-salaam) our master
Sayyidinaa Muhammad-in abadal-aabidiina wa anzilhul-manzalal- Yahya (‘Alaihis-salaam) the Baptist! And who gave to our lady Mariam
muqarraba indaka wa aatihil-wasiilata wal fadhiilata wash- (‘Alaihis-salaam) our master Iisa (‘Alaihis-salaam) and who protected the
shafa‘ata waddarajatar-rafiiata wab-athul-maqaamal- daughter of Shua‘ib (‘Alaihis-salaam)! I ask You (Ya Allah) to bless our
mahmuudallazi wa adtahuu innaka tukhliful-miaad O Allahumma master Muhammad (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) and all…
inni as-aluka bi annaka maaliki wa sayyidi wa maulaaya wathiqati

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ROMANISED ARABIC Allah, I ask You (Ya Allah) and turn my face to You (Ya Allah), for the sake
Nabiyyiina wal mursaliina wayaa man-wahaba lisayyidinaa of Your Beloved Mustafa (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) in Your Presence, O
Muhammad-in sollallahu ‘alaihi wa sallamash-shafa‘ata Our beloved, Our master Muhammad (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam), I seek
waddarajatar-rafii ‘ata an taghfira li zunuubi watasturali ‘uyuubi Your mediation to Your Lord of intercede for us with the Great master, O
kullaha watujiirani minan-naari watujiba li ridhwaanaka wa what a Pure Messenger!
amaanaka wa ghufraanaka wa ihsaanaka wa tumatti‘aniya fi Ya Allah, grant us his intercession!
jannatika ma‘allaziina an‘amta ‘alaihim minan-nabiyyiina
wassiddiqiina wash-shuhadaa ‘i wassolihiina innaka ‘alaa kulli ROMANISED ARABIC
sha‘in qadiir O Wa sollallahu ‘alaa sayyidinaa Muhammad-in-wa Indaka O Thalaatha O Wal ‘alna mi khairil-mussolliina wal-
‘alaa aalihi ma az‘ajatir-riyaahu sahaaban-rukaaman-wazaaqa musallimmina ‘alaih O Wa min khairil-muqarrabiina minhu
kullu zi ruuhin himaaman-wa ausil.. walwaaridiina ‘alaihi wa min akhyaaril-muhibbiina fiihi wal
mahbubiina ladahi O Wa farrihna bihi fi arasaatil-qiyaama O Waj
‘alhu lana daliilan ilaa jannatin-na‘iimi bila mau’natin-wala
TRANSLATION mashaqqatin-wala munaaqalshatil-hisaabi waj‘alhu muqbilan
The Prophets, and Messengers! And You (Ya Allah) who gave to our master ‘alaina wala taj‘alhu ghaadhiban ‘alaina O Waghfirlana
Muhammad (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam), Allah (Subhaanahu wa ta’ala), waliwaalidaina wali jamii‘il-muslimiinal-ahyaa ‘i minhum wal
blessings and peace be upon him, the Great intercession and the Lofty maiyitiina wa aakhiru da’waanaa anil-hamdu lillahi rabbil-‘alamiin
Rank, I ask You (Ya Allah) to forgive my sins, conceal all my failings, give O
me sanctuary from the Fire, grant me Your Pleasure and Your Safety and
Your Forgiveness and Your Beneficence, and admit me into Your Garden TRANSLATION
along with those who have Favored, the Prophets, the true ones, the The sake of his honor in Presence! (Three time) and make us the best that
martyrs and the righteous, for You(Ya Allah) are the Power of all ask for blessings and peace upon him! And the best of those who are near
existence! And blessing of Allah (Subhaanahu wa ta’ala) be upon our to him and who are received by him! And the best of those who are in love
master Muhammad (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) and upon his family as with him and are loved I hid presence! And have mercy on us because of
often as the wind has stirred the gathered clouds and as often as every him the courtyard of the Day of Resurrection! And make him a sign for us
thing possessed of soul has tasted… to the Garden of delights, burden less, troublefree, unopposed and make
him our welcome! Let him not be angry with us!
ROMANISED ARABIC And forgive us and our parents and all the submitted ones (the Muslims),
Salaama li ahlissalaami fi daaris-salaami tahiyyatan wa salaama living and dead, and our final prayer is praise be to Allah (Subhaanahu wa
(Alalhumma afridni lima khalaqtani lahu wala tashghalni bima ta’ala), the Lord of the worlds!
takaffalta li bihi wala tahrimni wa ana as-aluka wala tu-azzibni wa
ana astaghfiru) O Thalaatha O Allahumma solli ‘alaa sayyidinaa
Muhammad-iuw-wa ‘alaa aalihi wa sallim O Allahumma innii as- ROMANISED ARABIC
aluka wa aatawajjahu ilayka bihabiibikal-mustafa indaka ya (IBTIDAA‘UR-RUB‘IR-RAABI ‘I)
habiibana ya sayyidinaa Muhammadu inna natawassalu bika ilaa Fa as-aluka yaa Allahu yaa Allahu ya hayyu yaa qayyuumu ya
rabbika fashfa’ lana indal-maulal-aziimi ya ni’mar-rasuulut-toohir zaljalaali wal ikraami laa ilaaha illa anta subhaanaka inni kuntu
O Allahumma shaffi’ hu fiina bijaahihi … minaz-zolimiin O As-aluka bima hamala kursiyyuka mi azmatika wa
jalaalika wa bahaa ‘ika wa qudratika wa sultaanika wa bihaqqi
asmaa ‘ikal-makhzuunatil-maknuunatil-mutahara-tillati lam yatli
TRANSLATION ‘alaiha ahadun-min khalqika wa bihaqqil-ismillazi wa dha’atahu
Death and send abundant peace and salutation to the People and peace in ‘alal-laili fazlama wa ‘alan-nahaari fastanaara
the Abode of Peace! Ya Allah, keep me for what You (Ya Allah) created me
for and do not let me be occupied with what You (Ya Allah) provide me
with and do not deprive me and I ask You (Ya Allah) not to punish me and TRANSLATION
I seek Your forgiveness! (Three times) Ya Allah, bless ad grant peace to (BEGINNING OF THE FORTH QUARTER )
our master Muhammad (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) and his family! Ya

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So I ask You, Ya Allah, Ya Allah, O life, O Everlasting, O Master of Majesty
and Honor, there is no god but You (Ya Allah), Glory to You (Ya Allah) I am TRANSLATION
one lost in the darkness! Named Your self, and in the reality of all Your Names those of which I am
I ask You for the sake of that which shoulders Your Throne fro Your Might aware and those of which I am not aware! And I ask You (Ya Allah), Ya
Oceans, Your Majesty Oceans, Your Beauty Oceans, Your Power Oceans, Allah, in the name in our master Adam (’Alaihis-salaam) peace be upon
Your Strength Oceans, and for the sake of reality of Your guarded and him called You (Ya Allah)! And I ask You (Ya Allah), Ya Allah, in the name
hidden and pure Names, which no created being can attain to, and for the in which our master Noah (‘Alaihis-salaam), peace be upon him, called You
sake of reality of the Name which when laid upon the night it darkens, (Ya Allah)! And I ask You, Ya Allah, in the name in which our master Salih
when laid upon the day it lightens, (‘Alaihis-salaam), peace be upon him, called You (Ya Allah)! And I ask You
(Ya Allah), Ya Allah, in the name in which our master Yaquub (‘Alaihis-
ROMANISED ARABIC salaam), peace be upon him, called You (Ya Allah)! And I ask You (Ya
Wa alas-samaawaati fastaqallat O Wa ‘alal-ardhi fastaqarrat. O Wa Allah), Ya Allah, in the name in which our master Yusuf (‘Alaihis-salaam),
‘alal-bihaari fanfajarat O Wa ‘alal-uyuuni fanaba‘at O Wa ‘alas- peace be upon him, called You (Ya Allah)! And I ask You (Ya Allah), Ya
sahaabi fa amtarat O Wa as-aluka bil asmaa ‘il-maktuubati fi Allah, in the name in which our master Yunus (‘Alaihis-salaam), peace be
jabhati sayyidinaa ‘alaihis-salaam O Wa bil-asmaa‘il-maktuubati fi upon him, called You (Ya Allah)!
jabhati sayyidinaa Israfiila ‘alaihis-salaam O Wa ‘alaa jamii ‘il- And I ask You (Ya Allah), Ya Allah, in the name…
malaa ‘ikati wa as-aluka bil-asmaa il-maktuubati haulal-arshi wa
bil-asama‘il-maktuubati haulal-kursiyyi O Wa as-aluka bismikal- ROMANISED ARABIC
azzmil-aazamillazi Da‘aka biha sayyiduna Musa ‘Alaihis-salaam O Wa bil-asmaa ‘illati
da ‘aka biha sayyiduna haaruuna ‘Alaihis-salaam O Wa bil-asmaa
‘illati da’aka biha sayyiduna sha’ibun ‘Alaihis-salaam O Wa bil-
TRANSLATION asmaa ‘illati da’aka biha sayyiduna Ibraahiima ‘Alaihis-salaam O
When laid upon the heavens they rise, when laid upon the earth it made Wa bil-asmaa ‘illati da’aka biha sayyiduna Ismaiilu ‘Alaihis-salaam
firm, when laid upon the seas they roll, when laid upon the springs they O Wa bil-asmaaillati da ‘aka biha sayyiduna da uudu ‘Alahis-
burst forth and when laid upon the clouds they rain! salaam O Wa bil-asmaa ‘illati da’aka biha sayyiduna Sulaimaanu
I ask You (Ya Allah) in the Names written in the forehead of our master ‘Alahis-salaam O Wa bil-asmaa ‘illati da’aka biha sayyiduna
Gabriel (‘Alaihis-salaam), peace be upon him! Zakariyya ‘Alahis-salaam O Wa bil-asmaa ‘illati …
I ask You (Ya Allah) in the Names of the forehead of our master Israfil
(‘Alaihis-salaam), peace be upon him!
And upon all the angels, and I ask You (Ya Allah) in the Names written TRANSLATION
around the Throne and in the Names written around the Footstool! Which our master Moses, pace be upon him, called You (Ya Allah)! And I
Ya Allah, I ask You (Ya Allah) in the most majestic names with which You ask You, Ya Allah, in the name in which our master Haruun (‘Alaihis-
(Ya Allah) have… salaam), peace be upon him, called You (Ya Allah)! And I ask You (Ya
Allah), Ya Allah, in the name in our master Shua’ib (‘Alaihis-salaam) peace
be upon him, called You (Ya Allah)! And I ask You (Ya Allah), Ya Allah, In
ROMANISED ARABIC the name in our master Ibraahiim (‘Alaihis-salaam), peace be upon him,
Sammai ta bihi nafsaka wa as-aluka bihaqqi asmaa ‘ika kulliha ma called You (Ya Allah), and I ask You (Ya Allah), Ya Allah, in the name in
alimtu minha wama lam ‘aalam O Wa as-aluka bil-asmaa ‘illati our master Ismael (‘Alaihis-salaam), peace be upon him, called You (Ya
da‘aka biha sayyiduna adamu ‘aalaihis-salaam O Wa bil-asmaa Allah)! And I ask You (Ya Allah), Ya Allah, in the name in which our master
‘illati da‘aka biha sayyiduna nuhun ‘Alaihis-salaam O Wa bil-asmaa Dau‘ud (‘Alaihis-salaam), peace be upon him, called You (Ya Allah)! And I
‘illati da‘aka biha sayyiduna soolihun ‘Alaihis-salaam O Wa bil- ask You (Ya Allah), Ya Allah, in the name in which our master Sulaiman
asmaa ‘illati da‘aka biha sayyiduna ya’ qubuhu ‘Alaihis-salaam O (‘Alaihis-salaam), peace be upon him, called You (Ya Allah)! And I ask You
Wa bil-asmaa ‘illati da’aka biha sayyiduna yusufu ‘Alaihis-salaam O (Ya Allah), Ya Allah, in the name in which our master Zechariah (‘Alaihis-
Wa bil-asmaa ‘illati da’aka biha sayyiduna yunusu ‘Alaihis-salaam salaam), peace be upon him, called You (Ya Allah)! And I ask You (Ya
O Wa bil-asmaa ‘illati... Allah), Ya Allah, in the name in …

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Naqshbandi Center Michigan- Dalailul Khairat
DALAILU'L KHAIRAT SHAREEF He who said, and his word is true, And Allah (Subhaanahu wa ta’ala)
ROMANISED ARABIC created You (Ya Allah) and what You (Ya Allah) do! There is no action, no
Da ‘aka biha sayyiduna yahya ‘Alaihis-salaam O Wa bil-asmaa ‘illati word, no movement and no inactivity, which originates from His slaves,
da ‘aka biha sayyiduna yuusha‘u ‘Alaihis-salaam O Wa bil-asmaa but that it has already been preordained in His knowledge, His destiny and
‘illati da ‘aka biha sayyiduna -khadhiru ‘Alaihis-salaam O Wa bil- His Decree!
asmaa ‘illati da ‘aka biha sayyiduna nilyaasu ‘Alahis-salaam O Wa As I was inspired and destined to compile this book and the method and
bil-asmaa ‘illati da ‘aka biha sayyiduna -yasa‘u ‘Alaihis-salaam O means were facilitated for me, and all doubts, and misgiving about this
Wa bil-asmaa ‘illati da’aka biha sayyiduna zul-kifli ‘Alaihis-slaam O noble Prophet were removed from my heart and love for me overcame the
Wa bil-asmaa ‘illati da’aka biha sayyiduna ‘isa ‘Alaihis-salaam O love for all relation and love ones,
Wa bil-asmaa ‘illati da’aka biha sayyiduna Muhammad-un
sollallahu ‘alahi wa sallama nabiyyuka…
Ya Allahu ya Allahu ann tarzuqani wakulla man ahabbahu wattaba
TRANSLATION ‘ahu shafa ‘atahu wa murafaqatahu yaumal-hisaabi min ghairi
Which our master Yahya (‘Alaihis-salaam) the Baptist, peace be upon him, munaqashatiw-wala azaabin-wala taubiighin-wala itaabin- wa ann
called You (Ya Allah)! And I ask You (Ya Allah), Ya Allah, in the name in taghfirali zunuubi wa tastura uyuubi ya wahhaabu ta ghaffaar O
which our master Yusha‘u, peace be upon him, called! And I ask You (Ya Wa an tuna’ imani binnazri ilaa wajhikal-kariimi fi jumlatil-ahbaabi
Allah), Ya Allah, in the name in our master Khidar (‘Alaihis-salaam), peace yaumal-maziidi wath-thawaab O Wa ann tataqabbala minni amali
be upon him, called You (Ya Allah)! And I ask You (Ya Allah), Ya Allah, in wa ann ta’fuwa ammaa ahaata ilmuka bihi min khatii ‘ati
the name in our master Elias (‘Alaihis-salaam), peace be upon him, called wanisyaani wazalali wa ann tuballighani min ziyaarati qabrihi
You (Ya Allah)! And I ask You (Ya Allah), Ya Allah, in the name in which wattasliimi…
our master Esau (Alaihis-salaam), peace be upon him, called You (Ya
Allah)! And I ask You (Ya Allah), Ya Allah, in the name in which our mastre
Dhu kifll (Alaihis-salaam), peace be upon him, called You (Ya Allah)! And I TRANSLATION
ask You (Ya Allah), Ya Allah, in the name in which our master Jesus I ask You, Ya Allah, Ya Allah, Ya Allah, that You (Ya Allah) grant me, and
(‘Alaihis-salaam) son of Mary, peace be upon him, called You (Ya Allah)! all who love him and follow him, his intercession and his company on the
And I ask You (Ya Allah), Ya Allah, in the name in which our master Day of Account without any disputing, any punishment, any reproach, any
Muhammad (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam), the blessings and peace of Allah censure, and forgive me my sins ad conceal my failings, Ya Allah, the
(subhaanahu wa ta’ala) be upon him, Granter, Ya Allah, the Forgiver!
And favor me with a glance at Your Noble ace among the dear ones on the
Day of Excess and Reward!
ROMANISED ARABIC And accept fro me my action and annual all of my failings lapses and
Wa rasuuluka wa habiibuka wa safiyyuka yaa man qaala wa mistakes, which You (Ya Allah) have knowledge of and grant me a visit to
qauluhul-haqqu wallahu khalaqakum wama ta’maluuna wala his tomb…
yasduru ann ahadin-min abiidihi qaulun-wala fi’lun-wala
harakatun-wala sukuunun illa waqad fi ilmihi wa qadhaaihi
waqadrihi kaifa yakunu kamaa alhamtani wa qadhaitu li bijam ‘i ROMANISED ARABIC
haazal-kitaabi wa yassarta ‘alaiya fiihit-tariiqa wal asbaaba wa ‘Alaihi wa ‘alaa soohibaihi ghaayata amali bimannika wa fadhlika
nafaita ann qalbi fi haazan-nabiyyil-kariimish-shakka wal irtiyaaba wa juudika wa karamika ya ra‘ufu ya rahiimu ya walii O Wa ann
wa ghallabta hubbahu ‘indi ‘alaa hubbi jamii ‘il-aqribaa ‘i wal tujaaziyuhu ‘anni wa ‘ann kulli man aamana bihii wattaba’ahu
ahibbaa‘i as-aluka … minal-muslimiina wal muslimaatil-ahyaa ‘i minhum wal amwaati
afdhala wa atamma wa a ‘amma ma jaazaita bihii ahadan-min
khalqika yaqawiyyu yaa ‘aziizu ya ‘aliyyu wa as-‘alukal-allahumma
TRANSLATION bihaqqi maa aqsamtu bihii ‘alaika an tusolliya ‘alaa sayyidinaa
Called You (Ya Allah), Your Prophet, Your Messenger, Your Friend! O Muhammad-iuw-wa ‘alaa aali sayyidinaa Muhammad-in ‘adada
maa khalaqta min qabli ann takuunas-samaa ‘u…

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khalaqta fii-sab ‘i samaawaatik O Wa ann tusolliya ‘alaihi wa ‘alaa
aalihii ‘adada maa anta khaaliquhu fiihinna ilaa yaumil-kiyaamati fi
TRANSLATION kulli yaumin alfa marrah O Wa ann tusolliya ‘alaihi wa ‘alaa aalihi
And peace be upon him and his companions to the utmost limit of my hope ‘adada qatril-matori wa kulli qatratin qatarat mi samaa ‘ika ilaa
from Your Favor, Your grace, Your generosity, Your Nobility, Ya Allah the ardhika min-yaumi khalaqtad-dunyaa ilaa yaumil-kiyaamati fi kulli
Gracious, Ya Allah the Merciful, Ya Allah the Sovereignty! yaumin alfa marrah O

And reward him on my behalf of every Muslim man and women, living and
dead, who believe in him and follow him, better than, more perfect than TRANSLATION
and more extensively than You (Ya Allah) have reward anyone from Your And bless him and his family as much as the Pen has written the Mother of
creation, Ya Allah the Powerful, Ya Allah the Mighty, Ya Allah the Sublime! the Book!
And I ask You (Ya Allah), Ya Allah, by the reality of my swearing by You And bless him and his family as much as You (Ya Allah) have created in
(Ya Allah), that You (Ya Allah) bless our master Muhammad (Sollallahu Your Seven Heavens!
‘Alaihi Wasallam) and the family of our master Muhammad (Sollallahu And bless him and is family as much as You (Ya Allah) will create in them
‘Alaihi Wasallam) in all that You (Ya Allah) created before the sky was until the Day of Resurrection and every day a thousand times!
built, And bless him and his family in every single Drop of rain and I the total of
all the rain which has fallen from Your sky the earth from the Day You (Ya
ROMANISED ARABIC Allah) created this world until the Day of Resurrection and every day a
Mabniyatan-wa ardhu madhhiyyatan-wal jibaalu ‘ulwiyyataw-wal thousand times!
‘uyuunu munfajirataw-wal bihaaru musakharataw-wal anhaaru
munhamirataw-wash-shamsu mudhiyataw-wal qamaru mudii‘aw-
wannajmu muniiraw-wala ya’lamu ahadun haithu takuunu illa anta
O Wa ann tusolliya ‘alaihi wa ‘alaa aalihi ‘adada kalaami O Wa ann
tusolliya ‘alaihi wa ‘alaa aalihi ‘adada ‘aayaatil-qur‘aani
wahuruufihi wa ann tusolliya ‘alaihi wa ‘alaa aalihi ‘adada man
yusolli ‘alaihi wa ann tusolliya ‘alaihi wa ‘alaa aalihi ‘adada man-
lam-yusolli ‘alaihi wa ann tusolliya ‘alaihi wa ‘alaa aalihi mil‘a
ardhika wa ann…

The earth was spread out, the mountains were raised, the spring burst
forth, the Oceans were subdued, the rivers streamed out, the sun shone
forth, the moon beamed and the stars illuminated the sky and no one
knew where You wee but You (Ya Allah)!
And bless him and his family as many times as there are verses and
letters in the Qur‘an!
And bless him and his family as many times as those who ask You (Ya
Allah) to bless him and bless him and his family as many time as those
who neglect to ask You (Ya Allah) to bless him!
And bless him and his family as much as the earth…

Tusolliya ‘alaihi wa ‘alaa aalihii ‘adada maa jaraa bihil-qalamu fii
umil-kitaab O Wa ann tusolliya ‘alaihi wa ‘alaa aalihi ‘adada ma

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Sunday from the day You(Ya Allah) created this world until the Day of Resurrection
every day a thousand times!
* Before reading today's "Manzil" please read Daily Reading. And bless him and his family in every ocean wave from the day You(Ya
DALAILU'L KHAIRAAT SHAREEF Allah) created this world until the Day of Resurrection every day a
ROMANISED ARABIC thousand times!
Wa ann tusolliya ‘alaihi wa ‘alaa aalihii ‘adada man sabbahaka
waqaddasaka wasajada laka ‘azzamaka min-yaumi khalaqtad-
dunya ilaa yaumil-qiyaamati fi qulli yaumin alfa marrah O Wa ann ROMANISED ARABIC
tusolliya ‘alaihi wa ‘alaa aalihii ‘adada kulli sanatin khalaqtahum Wa ‘alaa aalihi ‘adadar-ramli wal-hasoo waqulli hajrin-wamadarin
fiiha min-yaumi khalaqtad-dunyaa ilaa yaumil-qiyaamati fi kulli khalaqtahu fi mashaariqil-ardhi wamaghaaribiha sahliha
yaumin alfa marrah O Wa ann tusolliya ‘alaihi wa ‘alaa ‘alihi wajibaaliha wa-audiyatiha min-yaumi khalaqtad-dunyaa ilaa
‘adadas-sahabil-jaariya O wa ann tusolliya ‘alaihi wa ‘alaa aalihi yaumil-qiyaamati fi kulli yaumin alfa marrah O Wa ann tusolliya
‘adada…… ‘alaihi wa ‘alaa aalihi ‘adada nabaatil-ardhi fi qiblatiha wajaufiha
washarqiha wagharbiha wasaaliha wajibaalihaa min shajarin-wa-
thamariw-wa auraaqiw-wa zar‘in-wa jamii‘i maa akhrajat wa maa
TRANSLATION yakhruju minhaa min-nabaatiha wabarakaatiha min-yaumi
And bless him and his family as many times as Your glorifires, Your (Ya khlaqtad-dunyaa ilaa yaumil-qiyaamati fi kulli alfa marrah O Wa
Allah) worshippers, Your prostrated slave and Your magnifiers, from the ann tusolliya ‘alaihi ...
day You (Ya Allah) created this world until the Day of Resurrectoin every
day a thousand times,
And bless him and his family as many times as the years in which You (Ya TRANSLATION
Allah) created them, from the day You (Ya Allah) created this world until And his family in every grain of sand, in every stone, in every rock and
the Day of resurrection every day a thousand times, every cloud You (Ya Allah) created in the East and in the West, on lowland
And bless him and his family in every sweeping cloud! and on highland, and in the valleys from the day You (Ya Alalh) created
And bless him and his family… this world until the Day of Resurrection every day a thousand times!
And bless him and his family in every tree, every fruit, every leaf and
ROMANISED ARABIC every plant of the earth, in the South and in the West, on the plains and in
Arriyaahiz-zaariyati min-yaumi khalaqtad-dunyaa ilaa yaumil- the hills, and in everything You (Ya Allah) have prodused from it and in
qiyaamati fi kulli yaumin alfa marrah O Wa ann tusolliya ‘alaihi wa everything You (Ya Allah) will prodused from it from the day You (Ya Allah)
‘alaa aalihi ‘adada maa habbatir-riyaahu ‘alaihi waharraq kathu created this world until the Day of Resurrection every day a thousand
minal-aghsooni wal-ashjaari wa-auraaqith-thimari wal-azhaari wa times!
‘adada maa khalaqta ‘alaa qaraari ardhika wama baina And bless him…
samaawaatika min-yaumi khalaqtad-dunya ilaa yaumil-qiyaamati
fi kulli yaumin alfa marra O Wa ann tusolliya ‘alaihi wa ‘alaa aalihi ROMANISED ARABIC
‘adada amwaaji min-yaumi khalaqtad-dunya ilaa yaumil-qiyaamati Wa ‘alaa aalihi ‘adada maa khalaqta minal-insi wal-jinni wash-
fi kulli yaumin alfa marrah O wa ann tusolliya ‘alaihi…… shayaatini wamaa anta khaaliquhu minhum ilaa yaumil-qiyaamati
fi kulli yaumin alfa marrah O Wa ann tusolliya ‘alaihi wa ‘alaa aalihi
‘adada kulli sha’ratin fi abdaanihim wa ujuunihim wa ‘alaa ru-
TRANSLATION ‘usihim munzu khalaqtad-dunyaa ilaa yaumil-qiyaamati fi kulli
In every gusting wind from the day You(Ya Allah) created this world until yaumin alfa marrah O Wa ann tusloliya ‘alaihi wa ‘alaa aalihi
the Day of Resurrection every day a thousand times! ‘adada an-faasihim waal-faazihim waal-hazihim min-yaumi
And bless him and his family in the movement of every branch, every tree, khalaqtad-dunyaa ilaa yaumil-qiyaamati fi kulli yaumin alfa marrah
every leaf, every fruit and every follower stirred by the wind, and in every O Wa ‘ann tusolliya ‘alaihi wa ‘alaa aalihi ‘adada tairaanil-jinni
wind stirred movement of all created no the earth and within Your heavens wakhafaqaani…

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Naqshbandi Center Michigan- Dalailul Khairat
Wal amwaati wa ‘adada ma khalaqta minn hitaaniw-wa toiriw-wa
TRANSLATION namliw-wa nahliw-wa hasharaat O Wa ann tusolliya ‘alaihi wa
And his family in every human being, every jinn and every devil You(Ya ‘alaa aalihi fillaili izaa yaghsha wannahaari izaa tajallaa O Wa ann
Allah) have created from the day You(Ya Allah) created this world until the tusolliya ‘alaihi wa ‘alaa aalihi fil-aakhirati wal uula O Wa ann
Day of Resurrection every day a thousand times! tusolliya ‘alaihi wa ‘alaa aalihi munzu kaana fil-mahdi sabiyyan ilaa
And bless him and his family in every hair on their bodies, on their faces, ann sora kahlam-mahdiyyan faqabaztahu ilaika ‘adlam-
and on their heads since the time You (Ya Allah) created this world until mardhiyyal-litab ‘athahu shafi‘ann hafiyya O Wa ann tusolliya
the Day of Resurrection every day a thousand times! ‘alaihi wa ‘alaa alihi ‘adada khalqika wa ridhaa nafsika wazinata
And bless him and his family in every one of their breaths, in every one of arshika wamidaada kalimaatika wa ann tu’tiyahul-wasiilata…
their utterances and in everyone in their glances, from the day You(Ya
Allah) created this world until the Day of Resurrection every day a
thousand times! TRANSLATION
And bless him and his family in every flight of Jinn and in every human… Alive and dead, in every insect, in every bird, in every ant, an every bee
and in every beast You (Ya Allah) have created! And bless him and his
family in every darkening night and in every brightening day! And bless
ROMANISED ARABIC him and his family in the end and in the beginning! And bless him and his
All-insi miw-yaumin khalaqtad-dunya ilaa yaumil-qiyaamati fi family from the time he was in the cradle until his time of maturity when
kulli yaumin alfa marrah O Wa ‘ann tusolliya ‘alaihi wa ‘alaa You(Ya Allah) took him to Yourself, justly satisfied, and until You (Ya Allah)
aalihi’adada kulli bahiimatin khalaqtaha ‘alaa ardhika saghiirataw- finally send him as a welcome intercessor! And bless him and his family in
wa qabiiratan fi mashaariqil-ardhi wa magharibiha mimma ‘ulima all of Your creation, to the extent of Your Pleasure, in the decoration of
wa mimma la ya’lamu ‘ilmahu illaa anta miw yaumin khalaqtad- Your Throne, in the ink of Your words, and grant him the closest access,
dunya ilaa yaumil-qiyaamati fi kulli yaumin alfa marrah O Wa ‘ann
tusolliya ‘alaihi wa ‘alaa aalihi ‘adada man-lam solli ‘alaihi wa
‘adaad man lam yusolli ‘alaihi ‘adada man yusolli ‘alaihi ilaa ROMANISED ARABIC
yaumil-qiyaamati fi kulli yaumin alfa marrah O Wa ann tusolliya Wal fadhiilata waddarajatar-rafii ‘ata wal haudhal-mauruuda
‘alaihi wa ‘alaa aalihi ‘adadal-ahyaa‘i… walmaqaamal-mahmuuda wal ‘izzal-mamduuda wa ann tu‘azzima
burhaanahu wa ann tusharrifa bunyaanahu wa ann tarfa‘a
makaanuhu wa ann tasta’milana yaa maulaana bisunnatihii wa ann
TRANSLATION tumiitana ‘alaa millatih O Wa ann tahshurana fi zumratihi watahta
Human heartbeat from the day You (Ya Allah) created this world until the liwaa‘ihii wa ann taj‘alana min-rufaqaa‘ihi wa ann turidana
Day of Resurrection every day a thousand times! haudhahu wa ann tasqiyanaa bika’sihii wa ann tanfa’anaa
And bless him and his family in every large and every small creature bimahabbatihii wa ann tatuuba ‘alaina wa ann tu ‘afiyanaa minn
created by You (Ya Allah) in the West and in the East of Your, those which jamii‘il-balaa‘i walbalwaa‘i wal fitani ma zohara minha wamaa
are known and those which knowledge is Yours, alone from the day You botana wa ann tarhamanaa wa ann ta’fuwa ‘anna…
(Ya Allah) created this world until the Day of Resurrection every day a
thousand times!
And bless him and his family as many times as those who have ask for TRANSLATION
blessings upon him and as many times as those who have not and as The Pre-eminence, the Lofty Rank, the Oft-visited Pool, the Most Praised
many times as those who will ask until the Day of Resurrection every day Station, and the Greatest standing, and enhance his proof, ennoble his
a thousand times! stature, raise his station, and have us, O lord, follow his way and have us
And bless him and his family in every soul, die following his religion!

And resurrect us in his company, beneath his flag, put us in his assembly,
ROMANISED ARABIC water us at his Pool, have us drink from his drinking bowl, grant us his
love, accept our repentance, remove from us all trials and tribulations,

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inner and outer discord, and have mercy on us, pardon us and forgive us TRANSLATION
along…… In the blowing winds, in the creeping shades, in the succeeding morns and
eves, in the girding of amour, in the impounding of lances, and in the
healing of bodies and souls!
ROMANISED ARABIC Ya Allah, bless our master Muhammad (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) and
Watagh-firalanaa wali jamii‘il mu’miniina wal mu’minaati wal the family of our master Muhammad (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) in the
muslimiina wal muslimaatil-ahyaa‘i minhum wal amwaati wal rotation of the celestial bodies, in the overshadowing of darkness and in
hamdu lillahi rabbil-‘aalalamiin O Wahuwa hasbi wani’malwakiilu the glorifying of angels!
walaa haula walaa quwwata illaa billahil-‘aliyyil-‘aziim O Ya Allah, bless our master Muhammad (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) and
Allahumma solli ‘alaa sayyidinaa Muhammad-in-wa ‘alaa aali the family of our master Muhammad (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) just as
sayyidinaa Muhammad-in-maa saja‘atil-hamaa ‘imu wahamatil- You (Ya Allah) blessed our master Ibraahiim (‘Alaihis-salaam), and sanctify
hawaa ‘imu wasarahatil-bahaa ‘imu wanafa atit-tamaa ‘imu our master Muhammad (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) and the family just as
washuddatil-‘amaa ‘imu wanamatil-nawaa ‘imu O Allahumma solli You (Ya Allah) sanctified our master Ibraahiim (‘Alaihis-salaam) in all the
‘alaa sayyidinaa Muhammad-in-wa ‘alaa aali sayyidinaa worlds, for You (Ya Allah) are the Praiseworthy, the Mighty!
Muhammad-in-maa ablajal-isbaahu …

TRANSLATION Allahumma solli ‘alaa sayyidinaa Muhammad-iuw-wa ‘alaa aali
Men and women and submitted men and women, the living and the dead, sayyidinaa Muhammad-im-ma tola-‘atish-shamsu wama sulliyatil-
and praise be to Allah (Subhaanahu wa ta’ala), Lord of the worlds! khamsu wama ta-allaqa barqun-wa tadaffaqa wadquw-wama
And He suffices me and He (Ya Allah) is the best of Protectors and there is sabbaha ra’du O Allahumma solli ‘alaa sayyidinaa Muhammad-iuw-
no help and power save in Allah (Subhaanahu wa ta’ala), the High, and the wa ‘alaa aali sayyidinaa Muhammad-im-mil‘assamaawaati wal
Mighty! ardhi wamil‘a maa bainahuma wamil‘a maa shi’ta minn shai‘inn
Ya Allah, bless our master Muhammad (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) and ba’du O Allahumma kamaaa qaama bi-‘aabaa ‘irrisaalati
the family of our Master Muhammad (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) in the wastanqazal-khalqa minal-jahaalati wa jaahada ahlal-kufri
cooing of coves, in the circling of beast around waterholes, in the grazing waddhalaalati wada‘aa ilaa tauhiidika waqaasash-shadaa ‘ida fii
of cattle, in the wearing of amulets, in the winding of turbans and in the irshaadi ‘abiidika fa‘aatihilla-humma …
sleeping of slumbers!
Ya Allah, bless our master Muhammad (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) and
the family of our master Muhammad (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) in the TRANSLATION
breaking dawns… Ya Allah, bless our master Muhammad (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) and
the family of our master Muhammad (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) in the
rising sun, in the performing of the five daily prayers, in lighting which
ROMANISED ARABIC strikes, in the falling rain and in the pealing of thunder!
Wa habbatir-riyaahu wa dabbatil-ashbaahu wa ta ‘aqabal-ghuduw- Ya Allah bless our master Muhammad (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) and the
wu warrawaahu watuqullidatis-sifaahu wa’tuqilatir-rimaahu wa family of our master Muhammad (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) to the
sahhatil-ajsadu wal-arwah O Allahumma solli ‘alaa sayyidinaa fullness of the heavens and the earth and to the fullness of whatever is
Muhammad-iuw-wa ‘alaa aali sayyidinaa Muhammad-im-ma between them and to the fullness of whatever You (Ya Allah) may have
daaratil-aflaaku wa darajatil-ahlaaku wa sabbahtil-amlaak O created elsewhere!
Allahumma solli ‘alaa sayyidinaa Muhammad-iuw-wa ‘alaa aali Ya Allah, as he bore the responsibility of the Message, delivered creation
sayyidinaa Muhammad-in kamaa sollaita ‘alaa sayyidinaaa from ignorance, struggle against the people of unbelief and error, call to
Ibraahiima wa baarik ‘alaa sayyidinaa Muhammad-in-wa ‘alaa aali Your Unity, endured hardships, in guiding Your slaves, then grant him, Ya
sayyidinaa Muhammad-in kamaaa baarakta ‘alaa sayyidinaa Allah…
Ibraahiima fil-‘alamiina innaka hamiidun-majiid O


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ROMANISED ARABIC and the Lofty Rank which You (Ya Allah) have Promised him on the great
Su’lahu waballighu mamuulahu wa aatihil-wasiilata wal-fadhiilata Day of Standing!
waddarajatar-rafii ‘ata wab-ath-hul-maqaamal mahmuudallazi wa And bless him, Ya Allah, with blessing eternal, continual, continuous and
‘adtahuu innaka la tukhliful-miaad O Allahumma waj ‘alna minal- everlasting!
muttabi’iina lishariiatihil-muttasifiina bima-habbatihil-muhtadiina
bihadyihii wasiiratihii watawaffana ‘alaa sunnatihii wala tahrimna ROMANISED ARABIC
fadhla shafa‘atihii wahshurna fii atbaa ‘ihil-ghurril-muhajjaliina wa Allhumma solli ‘alaihi wa ‘alaa aalihi ma laaha baariquw-wa zarra
ashyaa‘ihis-saabiqiina wa ashaabil-yamiini yaa arhamar-raahimiin shaariqun-wa waqaba ghaasiquw-wanhamara waadiq O Wa solli
O Allahumma solli ‘alaa malaa ‘ikatika wal-mukarrabiina wa ‘alaa ‘alaihi wa ‘alaa aalihii mil ‘allauhi wal fadhaa ‘i wamithla nujuumis-
ambiyaa‘ika wal mursaliina wa ‘alaa… samaa ‘i wa ‘adadal-fathri wal hasoo wa solli ‘alaihi wa ‘alaa aalihii
solaatal-la tu ‘addu wala tuhsaa O Allahumma soli ‘alaihi zinata
arshika wa mablagha ridhaaka wamidaada kalimaatika wa
TRANSLATION muntahaa rahmati O Allahumma solli ‘alaihi wa ‘alaa aalihii wa
Ya Allah, his wishes, fulfill his hopes, and give him the Closest Access, the azwaajihii wa zurriyyatihii wa baarik ‘alaihi wa ‘alaa aalihi wa
Pre-eminence, the Lofty Rank, and send him to the most praised Station azwaajihii wa zurriyyatihii kamaa sollaita wa baarakta ‘alaa
which You (Ya Allah) promised him, for You (Ya Allah) never renege on a sayyidinaa Ibraahiima wa…
Ya Allah, make us the followers of his law, those know for their love for
him, those guided by his guidance and life, and have us die following his TRANSLATION
way, do not deny the favour of his intercession, and resurrect us among Ya Allah, bless him and his family in the lightening which strikes, in the
his followers, those shinning with light, his foremost companions, the day which dawns, in the night which obscures and in the rain which pours!
companions of the right hand, Ya Allah the most Merciful of the Merciful! And bless him and his family to the fullness of the Table and the cosmos
Ya Allah, bless Your angels, Your archangels, Your Prophets and Your and in every star and sky and in every raindrop and in every stone, and
Messengers, and all the People obedient to You (Ya Allah), bless him and his family with blessings innumerable and incalculable!
Ya Allah, bless him in the decoration of Your Throne, to the full extent of
ROMANISED ARABIC Your Pleasure, in the ink of Your words and to the bounds of Your Mercy!
Ahli toa‘atika ajmaiina waj ‘alna bissolaati ‘alaihim minal- Ya Allah, bless him and his family, his wives and his descendants, and
marhumiin O Allahumma solli ‘alaa sayyidinaa Muhammadi-nil- sanctify him and his family, his wives and his descendants just as You (Ya
mab‘uuthi minn tihaamata wal aamiri bil ma’ruufi wal istaqaamati Allah) blessed and sanctified our master Ibraahiim (‘Alaihis-salaam)…
wash-shafii‘i la ahlizzunuubi fi ‘arasotil-qiyaama O Allahumma
abligh anna nabiyana washafii ‘ana wahabiibanaa afdhalas-solaati ROMANISED ARABIC
wattas-liimi wab athhul-maqaamal-mahmuudal-kariima wa aatihil- Wa ‘alaa aali sayyidinaa Ibraahiima innaka hamiidun-majiid O Wa
fadhiilata wal wasiilata waddarajatar-rafiia ‘tallati wa ‘adtahu fil jaazihi ‘anna afdhala ma jaazai-ta nabiyyan ‘ann ummatihii waj
mauqifil-‘aziim O Wa sollillaahumma ‘alaihi solaatan daa ‘imatan- ‘alna minal-muhtadiina biminhaaji shari ‘atihii wahdina bihadyihii
muttasilatan tatawaalaa wataduum O watawaffana ‘alaa millatihi wahshurna yaumal-faza‘il-akbari
minal-aaminiina fi zumratihii wa amitnaa ‘alaa hubbihii wa hubbi
aalihii wa ashoobihii wa zurriyyatih O Allahumma solli ‘alaa
TRANSLATION sayyidinaa Muhamamd-in afdhala ammbiyaa ‘ika wa akrami
And may our asking for such blessings be a mercy for us! asfiyaa ‘ika wa imaami auliyaa ‘ika wa khaatimi ambiyaa ‘ika wa
Ya Allah, bless our master Muhammad (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam), the habiibi…
Envoy from Tihama, the Commander and Upholder of justice, the
intercessor for the people of sin on the courtyard of the Day of
Resurrection! TRANSLATION
Ya Allah, send to our Prophet, our advocate and our Beloved, on our And the families of our master Ibraahiim (‘Alaihis-salaam) for You (Ya
behalf, the finest blessings and peace, and send him to the Most Praised Allah) are indeed Praiseworthy, the Mighty!
and Noble Station, and grant him the Pre-eminence, the Closest Access

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And reward him, on our behalf, better than You (Ya Allah) have rewarded The One announced in the Torah and in the Gospel, the chosen One, the
any Prophet on behalf of his nation, and place us among those guided by Elected One, the Selected One, Father of Qasim, our master Muhammad
following his religion, ad resurrect us on the Day of Greatest! (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam), son of Abdullah, son of AbdulMuttalib, son of
Terror among the faithful in his company and have us die loving him and Hashim!
loving his family, his companions and his descendants! Ya Allah, bless Your highest angels who glorify You (Ya Allah) ceaselessly,
Ya Allah, bless our master Muhammad (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam), the night and day, and who never disobey Allah (subhaanahu wa ta’ala) in
Finest of Your Prophets, the Noblest of Your Friends, the Leader of Your what He has ordered and who carry out what they have been ordered to
Saint, the Seal of Your Prophets, the Beloved of the Lord of the worlds, the do!
witness for the Messengers, Ya Allah, just as You (Ya Allah) have chosen them to be envoys to Your
Messengers, Guardians of Your Revelation and Witnesses over Your
ROMANISED ARABIC Creation, and have allowed them to pass the folds of Your Veils, and have
Rabbil-'alamiina washahiidil-mursaliina washafii 'il-muznibiina wa given them access to Your hidden unseen Realms,
sayyidi uldi aadama ajma'inal-marfuu 'izzikri fil malaa 'ikatil-
mukarrabiinal-bashhirin-naziiris-siraajil- muniiris-sodikil-amiinil- ROMANISED ARABIC
haqqil-mubiinir-ra 'ufir-rahiimi alhaadii ilassiraatil-mustaqiimillazi Ghaibika wakhtarta minhum khazanatan-lijannatika wahamalatan-
aataitatu sab'ann minal-mathaani wal quraanal-aziima nabiyyir- liarshika waja‘altahum minn akthari junuudika wa faddaltahum
rahmati wahaadil-ummati auwali mann tanshaqqu anhul-ardhu wa ‘alal-waraa waskantahumus-samaawaatil-ulaa wanazzahtahum
yadkhulul-jannata wal mu'ayyadi bisayyidinaa jibriila wa anil-ma‘asi waddanaa‘aati waqaddastahum anil-naqaaissi wal
sayyidinaa mikaa'ilal-mubashari… aafaati fasolli ‘alaihim solaatan daa‘imatan taziiduhum biha
fadhlaw-wataj‘aluna li istighfaarihim bihaa ahla O Allahumma wa
solli ‘alaa jamii‘i anbiyaa ‘ika warusulikallaziina sharahta
TRANSLATION suduurahum wa auda’tahum hikmataka watawwaq tahum
The advocate of the sinners, the master of all the children of Adam nubuwwataka wa anzalta…
('Alaihis-salaam), the One mentioned highly among the Highest Angels,
the news bringer, the Warner, the shinning Lamp, the truthful One, the
trustworthy One, the clear Truth, the compassionate and Merciful One, the TRANSLATION
guide to the straight Path, and to whom You (Ya Allah) granted the Seven And have chosen them to be the Guardians of Your Garden and Bearers of
oft-mentioned verses and the Mighty Qur 'an, the Prophet of Mercy, the Your throne, and have made them the most numerous of Your Soldiers
guide of the Nation, the first upon whom the earth breathed and the First and have favored them over mortal men, and have populated the High
to enter the Garden, the one supported by our master Gabriel ('Alaihis- Heavens with them, and have freed them from disobedience and
salaam) and our master Michael ('Alaihis-salaam), baseness, and have sanctified them from short coming and misfortunes, so
bless them eternally and may this request serve as a means of increasing
their favour and a means of their asking forgiveness for us!
ROMANSIED ARABIC Ya Allah, bless al of Your Prophets and Messengers whose hearts You(Ya
Bihi fit-tauraati wal injiilil-mustafal-mujtabal-muntakhabi abil- Allah) have opened, to whom You(Ya Allah) have entrusted Your wisdom,
qaasimi sayyidinaa Muhammadib-ni Abdillahib-ni abdil-muttalibib- whom You(Ya Allah) have empowered with Your Prophet hood,
ni haashim O Allahumma solli ‘alaa malaa‘ikatika wal
mukarrabiinal-laziina yusabbihuunal-laila wannahaara laa
yafturuuna wala ya’suunallaha maa amarahum wayaf‘aluuna ma ROMANISED ARABIC
yu’maruun O Allahumma wa kamaas-tofaitahum sufaraa‘a ilaa ‘alaihim kutubaka wahadaita bihim khalqaka wa da ‘au ilaa
rusulika wa umanaa ‘a ‘alaa wahyika washuhadaa ‘a ‘alaa khalqika tauhiidika wa shauwaqu ilaa wa’dika wa khauwafu min-wa ‘iidika
wakharaqtalahum kunufa hujuka wa atla’tahum ‘alaa maknuuni wa arshadu ilaa sabiilika wa qaamu bihujjatika wadaliilika
wasallimil-laahumma ‘alaihim tasliimaw-wahab lana bissolaati
‘alaihim ajran aziimaa O Allahumma solli ‘alaa sayyidinaa
TRANSLATION Muhammad-iuw-wa ‘alaa aali sayyidinaa Muhamamd-in solaatan
daa‘imatan-maqbuulatan-tu’addi biha ‘anna haqqahul-‘aziim O

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Allahumma solli ‘alaa sayyidinaa Muhammad-in saahibil-husni mann ato‘ahu faqad ato‘allahi wa mann asoohu faqad ‘asallaha-an-
waljamaali wal bahjati wal kamaaali wal bahaa ‘i… nabiyyil-‘arabiyyil-qurashiyiz
-zamzamiyyil-makiyyit-tihaami soohibil-wajhil-jamiili wattarfil-
kahiili wal khaddil-assiili wal kauthari wassal-sabiili qaahiril-
TRANSLATION mudhaa-adiina mubiidil-kaafirina wa qaatilil-mushrikiina qaa‘idil-
To whom You (Ya Allah) have revealed Your Books, by whom Your creation ghurril-muhajjaliina ilaa jannaatin-maiimi wajawaaril-kariimi
have been guided, who have to Your Utility, who have looked forward to soohibi sayyidinaa jibriila…
Your promise and feared Your Threat, who have guided to Your Path, who
have up head Your Proof and Your Evidence, and grant them abundant
peace, Ya Allah, and through this request for them bestow upon us a TRANSLATION
mighty reward! Ya Allah, bless our master Muhammad (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Of the scepter, the Prophet of Return, the speaker with Reward, the One
Wasallam) and the family of our master Muhammad (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi mentioned in the Book, the Prophet of Allah (Subhaanahu wa ta’ala), the
Wasallam) blessing eternally acceptable and which discharge us of his Prophet-Treasure of Allah (Subhaanahu wa ta’ala), the Prophet-Proof of
overwhelming rights over us! Ya Allah, bless our master Muhammad Allah (Subhaanahu wa ta’ala), the Prophet obedience to whom is the same
(Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam), the Possessor of beauty and handsomeness, as obedience to Allah (Subhaanahu wa ta’ala), and to whom disobedience
of splendor and perfection, of radiance and light…. to Allah (Subhaanahu wa ta’ala), the Arabian Prophet, the Quraishi
Prophet, the zamzami Prophet, the Mecca, Prophet the Tihami Prophet, the
possessor of the handsome face, the naturally mascared eyebrows, the
ROMANISED ARABIC noble cheeks, and the Springs of Kawthar and Salsabil, the conqueror of
Wannuuri walwildaani wal huuri wal ghurafiwalqusuri the Arabic speaking peoples, the Destroyer of the unbelievers, the slayer
wallisaanish-shakuuri wal qalbil-mashquuri wal ‘ilmil-mashhuuri of the polytheists, the Guide to the Divine Garden and Vicinity of the
wal jaishil-mansuuri wal baniina wal banaati wal azwaajit-tohiraati Benevolent (Allah Subhaanahu wa ta’ala) for those with shining faces and
wal uluwwi ‘alad-darajaati wazzamzami wal maqaami wal shining limbs, the companion of our master Gabriel (‘Alaihis-salaam),
mash‘aril-haraami wajtinaabil-aathaami watarbiyatil-aitaami wal peace be upon him,…
hajji watilaawatil-qur-aani watasbiihir-rahmaani wasiyaami
ramadhaana walliwaa‘ il-ma’quudi wal karami wal juudi walwafaa DALAILU'L KHAIRAAT SHAREEF
‘i bil uhuudi saahibir-raghbati wattarghiibi wal baghlati wal najiibi ROMANISED ARABIC
wal haudhi wal qadhiibi… ‘Alaihis-salaamu warasuuli rabbil-‘aalamiina washafii‘il-
muznibiina waghaayatil-ghamaam O Wa misbaahiz-zhalaami
waqamarit-tamaami sollallahu’alaihi wa ‘alaa aalihil-mustofaina
TRANSLATION minn athari jibillatin solaatan daa ‘imatan ‘alal-abadi ghaira
Of youthful servants and houris, of chambers and palaces, of a grateful mudhmahillatin sollallahu ‘alaihi wa ‘alaa aalihi solaatay-
tongue and a praiseworthy heart, of renowned knowledge and the yatajaddadu biha hubuuruhu wayusharrafu biha fil mi ‘aadi
victorious army, of sons and daughters, of pure wives, of the highest of ba’thuhu wanushuuruhu fasollallahu ‘alaihi wa ‘alaa aalihil-
ranks, of the spring of Zamzam, of the maqam Ibraahiim, of the holy anjumit-towali ‘i solaatan tajuudu ‘alaihim ajwadal-ghuyuuthil-
sanctuary, of infallibility, of an orphan’s upbringing, of the Hajj, of the hawaami ‘i arsalahu minn arjahil-arabi miizaanan-wa audhahiiha
qur‘anic recitation, of glorification of the All-Merciful, of the Ramadan fast, …
of the Flag, of nobility and generosity, the Fulfiller of promises, the
possessor of longing for Allah (Subhaanahu wa ta’ala), the one who TRANSLATION
kindled such longing in others, the Owner of the mule, of noble birth, of The Messenger of the lord of the worlds, the advocate for sinners even
the Pool… though their sins reach the limits of the clouds, the Lamp of the Darkness
and the full moon, may Allah, s blessings be upon him and his more purely
ROMANISED ARABIC chosen family blessings eternal and everlasting, never diminishing, the
Nabiyyil-auwabin-naatiqi bissowaabil-man‘uuti fil kitaabin-nabiyyi blessings of Allah (Subhaanahu wa ta’ala) be upon him and his family!
abdillallahin-nabiyyi kanzillallahin-nabiyyi hujjatillallahin-nabiyyi Blessing by means of which his happiness is renewed, his sending and his
resurrection on the Promised day are honored!

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Bless him and his family, the Rising Stars, blessings more generous than illuminated! And the generosity of hid right hand illuminated the clouds
abundant pouring rains! and seas, our master and Prophet Muhammad (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi
Send them to the one who of all the Arabs is more just, more eloquent, Wasallam), who by the splendor of his signs illuminated the highlands and
the lowlands, and by the miracles of his signs the Book was enunciated
ROMANISED ARABIC and the Good news was transmitted, the blessings of Allah (Subhaanahu
Bayaanaw-wa afsoohiha lisaanaw-wa ashmakhihaa iimaanaw-wa wa ta’ala) be upon him and his family, and his companions who emigrated
‘aalaaha maqaamaw-wa ahlaaha kalaamaw-wa aufaaha to help him and help him to emigrate, and blessed be the Emigrants and
zimaamaw-wa asfaaha raghaama O Fa au dhohat-tariikhota blessed be the Helpers…
wanasohal-khaliiqota wa shahharal-islaama wa kassaral-asnaama
wa azharal-ahkaama wahazoral-haraama wa ‘amma bil-in‘aami ROMANISED ARABIC
sollallahu ‘alaihi wa ‘alaa aalihi fi kulli mahfilin-wa maqaamin naamiyatan daa‘iamatan-ma saja‘at fii aikihal-atyaaru wa hama‘at
afdhalas-solaati wassalaami sollallahu ‘alaihi wa ‘alaa aalihi biwablihad-diimatul-midraaru dhoo ‘afallaahu ‘alahi daa‘ima
‘audan-wa ba‘a O Solaatan taquunu zakhiiratan-wa wirdan solaati O Allahumma solli ‘alaa sayyidinaa Muhammad-iuw-wa
sollallahu ‘alaihi wa ‘alaa aalihi solaatan taa ‘ammatan zaakiyataw- ‘alaa aalihit-toiyibiinal-kiraami solaatam-mausuulatan daa ‘imatal-
wa sallallahu ‘alaihi wa ‘alaa aalihi solaatan-yatba ‘uha… ittisooli bidawaami ziljilaali wal ikraam O Allahumma solli ‘alaa
sayyidinaa Muhammadi-nillazi huwa qutbul-jalaalati wash-
TRANSLATION shamsun-nubuwwati warrisaalati walhaadi minadh-dholaalati
Greater in faith, higher in station, more articulate in words, more careful of walmunqizu minal-jahaalati sollallahu…
the rights of others and purer in his aversion for others.
For the enlightened the Path and advised creation, made Islam known and TRANSLATION
smashed the idols, made justice appear and forbid the prohibited, and Blessings with grow and are the eternal for as long as birds cool in the
spread favours to the whole worlds, the blessings of Allah (Subhaanahu wa forests, rain streams down in abundance, and multiply the eternal
ta’ala) be upon him and his family at every gathering and every spot, the blessings upon him!
best of Allah, s blessings and peace be upon him and his family over and Ya Allah, bless our master Muhammad (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) and
over again! Blessings, which are a source of treasure, the blessings of his good and noble family with blessing which are perpetual and eternally
Allah (Subhaanahu wa ta’ala) be upon him and his family, complete and bound up with the duration of the Owner of Majesty and Nobility!
pure blessings, and the blessings of Allah (Subhaanahu wa ta’ala) be upon Ya Allah, bless our master Muhammad (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) who is
him and his family, blessings ensued by fragrances and scent, the Pole of Majesty, the sun if Prophet hood (‘Alaihis-salaam) and the
Message, the Guide away from error and the critic of ignorance,
Ruuhun-wa rihaanuw-wa ya’qubuha maghfiratuw-wa ridhwaan O
Wa sallallahu ‘alaa afdhala mann toba minhun-nijaaru wasama ROMANISED ARABIC
bihil-fakhaaru wastanaarat binuuri jabiinihil-aqmaar O ‘Alaihi wasallama solaatan daa‘imatal-ittisooli wattawaali
Watadhaa‘alat ‘inda juudi yamiinihil-ghamaa ‘imu wal bihaaru muta‘aaqibatan bita‘aqubil-ayyaami wallayaali O
sayyidinaa wanabiyyinaa Muhammadi-nillazi bibaahirii aayaatihii
adhoaa‘atil-anjaadu wal aghwaaru wabimu’jizaati aayytihi TRANSLATION
nataqal-kitaabu watawaa taratil-akhbaaru sallallahu ‘alaihi wa The blessings and peace of Allah (Subhaanahu wa ta’ala) be upon him,
‘alaa aalihi wa ashaabihil-laziina haajaru linusratihii wanasoruuhu eternal blessings bound up with, and successively repeating in
fi hijratihii fani’mal-muhaajiruuna wa ni’mal-ansooru solaatan… accorandancewith, the alternation of days and nights!

Succeeded by forgiveness and satisfaction!
And the blessing of Allah (Subhaanahu wa ta’ala) be upon the One through
whom are lineage was most permeated with goodness, and because of
whom was exalted, and through the light of whose cheeks the moons were

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Monday Again Ya Allah, bless our master Muhammad (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam), the
DALAILU'L KHAIRAAT SHAREEF Prophet of noble origin, the highbred master, who came with inspiration
revelation, and who clarified the meaning of interpretation, and to whom
ROMANISED ARABIC came the faithful one, our master Gabriel (‘Alaihis-salaam), peace be upon
him, with honour and dignity, and who journeyed with him to the King, the
Al-hizbuth-tha minu fi yaumil lith nainii Allahumma solli ‘alaa Glorious one, on the long dark Night and revealed to him the Heights of
sayyidinaa Muhammadi-nin-nabiyyiz-zaahidi rasuulil-malkis- the kingdoms of Heavens, and showed him the supremacy of the
soomadil-waahidi sollallahu ‘alaihi wassallama solaatan daa omnipotence of the Heavens, and who saw the Power of Living, the
‘imatan ilaa muntahal-abadi bilan-qitoo ‘in-wala nafaadin salaatan Eternal, the abiding, the one who never dies!
tunjeenaa bihaa min harri jahannama wabai’sal-mihaad O
Allahumma solli ‘alaa sayyidinaa Muhammidi-nin-nabiyyil-ummiyi
wa ‘alaa alihi wasallim solaatan-la yuhsoo lahaa ‘adadun-walaa ROMANISED ARABIC
yu‘addu lahaa madad O Alalahumma solli ‘alaa sayyidinaa Sollallahu ‘alaihi wasallama solaatam-maqruunatam-biljamaali
Muhammadin solaatan…. wal-husni wal-kamaaali wal-khairi wal-ifdhool O Alalhumma solli
‘alaa sayyidinaa Muhammad-in wa ‘alaa aali sayyidinaa
Muhammad-in ‘adadal-aqtaar O Wa solli ‘alaa sayyidinaa
TRANSLATION Muhammad-iuw-wa‘alaa sayyidinaa Muhammad-in ‘adada waraqil-
Ya Allah, bless our master Muhammad (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam), the ashjaar O Wa solli ‘alaa sayyidinaa Muhammad-iuw-wa ‘alaa aali
aesthetic Prophet, the Messenger of only Eternal King, and Allah sayyidinaa Muhammad-in ‘adada zabadil-bihaar O Wa solli ‘alaa
(Subhaanahu wa ta’ala), s blessing and peace be upon him, blessings Muhammad-iuw ‘adadal-anhaar O Wa solli ‘aala sayyidinaa
which are eternal, and which reach the farthest limit of eternity, with no Muhammad-iuw-wa ‘alaa sayyidinaa Muhammad-in ‘adada ramlis-
break and depletion, blessings which save us from the heat of Helfire, an sohaaraa…
evil resting place!
Ya Allah, bless and grant peace to our master Muhammad (Sollallahu
‘Alaihi Wasallam), the Unlettered (not thought to read and write by any TRANSLATION
human being) Prophet, and his family, blessing which are uncountable and Allah,s blessing and peace be upon him, blessings which are permeated
blessing whose supply is not impeded! with beauty, with perfection, with goodness and with favour! Ya Allah,
Ya Allah, bless our master Muhammad (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam), bless our master Muhammad (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) and the family
blessing which… of our master Muhammad (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) as many times as
there are drops of rain! Ya Allah bless our master Muhammad (Sollallahu
‘Alaihi Wasallam) and the family of master Muhammad (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi
ROMANISED ARABIC Wasallam) as many times as they are leaves of rain! And bless our master
Tukrimu bihaa mathwaahu watuballighu bihaa yaumal-qiyaamati Muhammad (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) and the family of master
minash-shafaa-‘ati ridhaah O Allahumma solli ‘alaa sayyidinaa Muhammad (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) in as much abundance as there is
Muhammadi-nin-nabiyil-aseelis-sayyidin-nabilillazi jaa‘a bil-wahyi foam upon the sea! And bless our master Muhammad (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi
watanziili wa-audhoha bayaanat-taaviili wa jaa‘ahul-amiinu Wasallam) and the family of master Muhammad (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi
saiyidunaa Jibriilu alaihis-salaamu bilkaraamati wat-tafdhiili wa Wasallam) as many times as there are rivers! And bless our master
asraa bihil-malikul-jaliilu fillailil-bahiimit-toviili fakashafa lahu Muhammad (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) and family of our master
‘ann ‘alal-malakuuti wa araahu sanaa‘al jabaruuti wanazhoro ilaa Muhammad (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) as there are grains of send in the
qudratil-hayyid-daa ‘imil-baaqillazi laa yamuut O desert and in the…


Which enable his abode and blessings, which procure on the Day of Wal qifaar O Wa solli ‘alaa sayyidinaa Muhammad-iuw-wa ‘alaa aali
judgement pleasure from his intercession! sayyidinaa Muhammad-in ‘adada thiqlil-jibaali wa ahjaar O Wa solli
‘alaa sayyidinaa Muhammad-in-wa ‘alaa aali sayyidinaa

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Muhammad-in ‘adada ahlil-jannati wa ahlinnar O Wa solli ‘alaa Ya Allah, bless the master of righteous, the adornment of the Messengers,
sayyidinaa Muhammad-iuw-wa ‘alaa aali sayyidinaa Muhammad-in the Choicest and Noblest ever to have been cloaked in the darkness of the
‘adadal-abraari wal fujjaar O Wa solli ‘alaa sayyidinaa Muhammad- night or bathed in the light of the day! (Three Times)
in-wa ‘alaa aali sayyidinaa Muhammad-in ‘adada maa yakhtalifu Ya Allah, The Master of Favour, Whose strength and might are unequalled,
bihil-lailu wannahar O Waj ‘alilla-humma solaatana ‘alahi and whose favour and virtue are beyond compare, we ask You (Ya Allah)
hijaabam-min azaabinnaari wa sababal-li‘ibbaahati daaril qaraari and nobody else but You (Ya Allah), ...
innaka antal aziizul-ghaffaar O

TRANSLATION Alsinatanaa ‘I-nassu‘aali watuwaffiqanaa lisolihil-‘aamaali
Wilderness! And bless our master Muhammad (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) wataj‘alanaa minal-aaminiina yaumar-rajfi wazzalaazili yaa zal-
and the family of master Muhammad (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) as much ‘izzati waljalaal O As-‘aluka ya nuuran-nuuri qablal-azminati
as the weight of all mountains and all rocks! And bless our master wadduhuur O Antal-baaqi bilazawaali nil-ghaniyyu bilamithaalinil-
Muhammad (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) and the family of master qudduusut-toohirul-‘aliyyul-qaahirul-lazi la yuhiitu bihi makaanuw-
Muhammad (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam), as many times as there are wala yashtamilu ‘alaihizamaan O As‘aluka bi-asmaa ‘ikal-husnaa
dwellers of The gardens and dwellers of The Fire! And bless our master kulliha wabi‘aazami asmaa ‘ika ilayka wa ashrafiha ‘indaka
Muhammad (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) and the family of master manzilataw-wa ajzaliha ‘indaka thawaaban-wa asra‘iha minka
Muhammad (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) as many times as there are ijaabatan wabismikal-makhzuunil-maknuuni…
righteous and as many times there are corrupt ones! And bless our
master Muhammad (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) and the family of master
Muhammad (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) as many times as the right has TRANSLATION
alternated with the day! And make, Ya Allah, our asking for blessings To loosen our tongue in blessing You(Ya Allah), and grant us success in
upon him a shield which give us protection from the punishment of The doing good works, and make us among the trustworthy ones on the Day of
Fire and a means of us gaining permission to enter the abode of convulsions and Earthquakes, Ya Allah the Master of Might and Glory!I ask
Permanence, for You are the Mighty, the forgiving! You (Ya Allah), The Light of the Light, which was before Time and
Eternity!You(Ya Allah) are the abiding with no ending, the Rich with no
equal, the Holy, the Pure, the High, the Powerful, the One who is neither
ROMANISED ARABIC encompassed by space nor contained by time!I ask You (Ya Allah) in all of
Wa sollallahu ‘alaa sayyidinaa Muhammad-iuw-wa ‘alaa aalihit- Your most beautiful names and in the Greatest of Your names, and for the
toiyibiina wa zurriyatihil-mubaarakiina wasohabatihil-akramiina sake of the rank most noble to You (Ya Allah), and for the sake the reward
wa azwaajihii ummahaatil-mu’miniina solaatan-mausuulatan tata most plentiful with You (Ya Allah), and for the sake of the promptest
–rad-dadu ilaa yaumiddiin O Alalhumma solli ‘alaa sayyidil abraari response from You (Ya Allah), and in Your protected and Hidden Name,
wa zainil mursaliinal akhyaari wal akrami man azlama ‘alahil lailu
wa ashraqa ‘alaihin nihaar O Thalaatha O Allahumma yaazal- ROMANISED ARABIC
mannillazi la yukaafam-tinaanuhu wattau-lillazi la yujaazaa Al-jaliilil-ajallil-kabiiril-akbaril-aziimil-‘aazamillazi tuhibbuhu
in‘aamuhu wa ihsaanuhu nas‘aluka bika walanas aluka bihaa watardha ‘amman da‘aka bihii watastajiibu lahuu duaa‘ah O As
ahadin ghairika ‘ann tutliqa… alukallahumma bilaa ilaahi illah antal-hannaanul-munnaanu
badii‘ussamaawaati wal ardhi zuljilaali wal ikraami ‘alimul-ghaibi
wash-shahaadatil-kabiirul-muta’al O Wa as-‘aluka bi ismikal-
TRANSLATION azzimil-‘aazamillazii izaa du‘iita bihii ajabta wa izaa su‘ilta bihii
And Allah, s blessing and peace be upon him our master Muhammad aatoita wa as‘aluka bi-ismikallazii yazillu li‘azamatihil-‘uzamaa‘u
(Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) and upon his virtuous family, his blessed wal muluuku wassibaa‘u wal hawaa-ammu wakullu shaiin
descendants, his Honoured companions and his wives, Mother of the khaqtahu
Believers, blessings which are continual and frequent until the Day of

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The Most Exalted o the Exalted, the Greatest of the Great, the Most lamyalid walam yulad walam yakullahu kufwan ahad O Ya huwa ya
Magnificent of the Magnificent, the One who responds to and satisfies him man la huwa illa huwa ya man laa ilaaha ilaaha illa huwa yaa
who calls upon You (Ya Allah) in them and whose prayer is accepted!I ask azaliyyu yaa abadiyyu ya dahriyyu ya daimumiyyu ya man huwal-
You, Ya Allah, there is no god but You (Ya Allah), the compassionate the hayyullazi laa yamuutu yaa ilaahana wa ilaaha kulli sha‘in ilaahaw-
Benefactor, creator of the Heavens and the Earth, Master of Glory and wahidal-laa ilaaha illaa anta O allahumma
Honor, the knower of the Unseen and the Seen, the Great, the Exalted!I
ask You (Ya Allah) in Your Greatest Name in which when we pray, our
prayer is granted, and in which when we make a request, our request is TRANSLATION
granted, and I ask You (Ya Allah) in the name in which we humble with its An envious man, the weak among Your creation, the oppressive one, the
might the mighty ones the kings, the lions, the reptiles and everything You ruinous one, the corrupt one, the enslaved one, or the willful one!Ya Allah,
(Ya Allah) have created I ask You (Ya Allah) and I bear witness that You (Ya Allah) are Allah, and
there is no god but You (Ya Allah), the One, the Only, the Eternal, the One
who neither begets nor is begotten, and there is nothing like Him! O He!
ROMANISED ARABIC (Ya Allah) the One who there is no other he but He! (Ya Allah) the One
Yaa Allahu ya rabbis-tajib da’wati yaa man-lahul-‘izzatu there is no god but He! (Ya Allah) my infinity! (Ya Allah) my Eternity! (Ya
waljabaruutu yaa zalmulki wal malakuuti ya mann huwa hayyul-la Allah) My Everlasting! (Ya Allah) The One who is the Living who does not
yamuutu subhaanaka rabbi maa ‘aazama shaanaka wa arfa‘a die! (Ya Allah) Our God and God of every thing, God, Alone, there is no
makaanaka anta rabbi ya mutaqaddisan fi jabaruutihii ilaika god but You (Ya Allah)!Ya Allah,
arghabu wa iyyaaka arhabu ya ‘azzimu yaa kabiiru yaa jabbaaru
yaa qaadiru yaa qawwiyun tabarakta yaa ‘aziimu ta‘a laita ya
‘aliimu subhaanaka yaa ‘aziimu subhaanaka yaa jaliilu as-aluka bi- ROMANISED ARABIC
ismikal-‘aziimit-taa‘ammil-kabiiri anl-la tusollito ‘alaina jabbaaran Faateros-samaawaati wal ardhi ‘ aalimal-ghaibi wash-shahadatir-
‘ aniidaw-wala shaitaanan… rahmaanir-rahiimal-haiyal-qayuumad
-daiyaanal-hannaanal mannaanal-baa ‘I-thal-waaritha zaljalaali
wal ikraam O Quluubul-khalaa‘iki biyadika nawaasiihim ilaika fa
TRANSLATION anta tazra‘ul-khaira fi quluubihim watamhush-sharra izaa shi’ta
Ya Allah, Ya Allah the Lord, accept my prayer! Ya Allah You (Ya Allah) to minhum O Fa as-‘alukallahumma ann tamhu minn qalbi qulla shain
whom is the majesty and omnipotence, Ya Allah the Master of Sovereignty takrahuhuu wa ann tahshuwa qalbi minn khashyatika
and Kingdoms, Ya Allah You (Ya Allah) who are the living who never dies, wama’rifatika warahbatika warragh-bata fiimaa ‘indaka wal ‘amna
glory to You (Ya Allah)! Lord, what is greater than Your Rank, higher than wal ‘ aafiyata wa’tif
Your Position? You (Ya Allah) are my Lord! Ya Allah the Holy One in His
omnipotence, I beseech You (Ya Allah) and I fear You (Ya Allah)! Ya Allah
the Great, Ya Allah the Majestic, Ya Allah the Powerful, Ya Allah the TRANSLATION
Almighty, Ya Allah the Strong, You (Ya Allah) have blessed Yourself! Ya Creator of the Heavens and Earth, knower of the unseen and the Seen, the
Allah the Great One, You (Ya Allah) have exalted Yourself! Ya Allah the compassionate, the Merciful, the Living, the Everlasting, the Judge, the
knowing One, glory to You (Ya Allah), Ya Allah the Great One, glory to You Benefactor, the Munificence, the Reviver, the Inheritor, the master of
(Ya Allah)! Ya Allah Splendid One, I ask You (Ya Allah) in Your great, Glory and Honor!
perfect and majestic name, not to give dominion over me to the tyrant, The hearts of all creatures are between Your hands, we entrust them to
the stubborn one, rebellious Satan, You (Ya Allah), for You (Ya Allah) cause goodness to grow in their hearts
and You (Ya Allah) erase the evil from them As You (Ya Allah) like! So I
ask You (Ya Allah), Ya Allah, that You (Ya Allah) erase from my hearts
ROMANISED ARABIC everything’s that You (Ya Allah) hate and fill my heart with fear of You (Ya
Mariidaw-walaa insaanan hasuudan-wala dho‘iifan-minn khalqika Allah), knowledge of You (Ya Allah), awe of You (Ya Allah), longing for
walaa shadiidan-walaa baa‘arran-walaa fajiranw-wala ‘abiidaw- what is with You (Ya Allah), and security and Well-being, and have pity on
wala ‘aniidaa O Allahumma innii as-‘aluka fa innii ashhadu annaka us…
antalla-hullazi laa ilaaha illaa antal-waahidul-ahaduss-samadullazi

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DALAILU'L KHAIRAAT SHAREEF truthful ones, and martyrs and righteous ones, through Your favor, Ya
ROMANISED ARABIC Allah the compassionate One!
Alaina bir-rahmati wal barakati minka wa alhimnaas-sawaaba wal And forgive us, Ya Allah, and our parents, our masters, our sheikhs, and
hikmah O Fanas ‘alukallahumma ‘ilmal-khaa ‘ifiina wa inaabatal- all the believing men and women, and surrounding men and women, alive
mukhbitiina wa ikhlaasol-muqiniina wa shukros-sobiriina and dead,
wataubatos-siddiqiin O Wanas alukallahumma binuuri wajhikallazi
malaa arkaana arshika ann tazra‘a fi qalbi ma’rifatika hatta
‘aarifaka haqqa ma’rifataka kamaaa yambaghii ann tu’rafa bihii ROMANISED ARABIC
wasallallahu ‘alaa saiyidinaa Muhammad-iuw-wa nabiyyinaaa wa Wal amwaati bi rahmatika yaa arhamar-rahimiin O Thumma
maulaana Muhammad-in khaatimin-nabiyyiina wa imaamil- tuqra‘u haazihil-kalimaatu arba‘ata ‘ashara marrataw-wahiya
mursaliina wa ‘alaa… haaza O Allahumma solli ‘alaa badrit-tamam O Allahumma solli
‘alaa nuuriz-zholaam O Allahumma solli ‘alaa miftaahi daaris-salam
O Allahumma solli ‘alash-shafii‘i fil jamii‘il-anaam O Thumma
TRANSLATION tuqra‘u haazihil-abyaatul-mansuubatu lilmu‘allifi ya rahmatallahi
With Mercy and blessings from You (Ya Allah), and inspire in us that which inni khaaifuw-wajilun ya ni’matallahi inni muflisun ‘aani……
is proper and wise!

And I ask You(Ya Allah) , Ya Allah, for the knowledge for those who fear, TRANSLATION
the repentance of the humble, the sincerity of those who are certain, the Through Your mercy, Ya Allah the Most Merciful of the Merciful!
gratitude of the patient, and the penitence of all the truthful ones! And accept his repentance for You (Ya Allah) are the Forgiving, the
And I ask You (Ya Allah), Ya Allah by the light of Your Face which fill every Merciful!
corners of Your Throne, that You (Ya Allah) cause to grow in my heart Ya Allah, Amen, Ya Allah the Lord of the Worlds!
knowledge of You (Ya Allah) until I know You (Ya Allah), Your true (Then Read the Following Phrases Fourteen Times Each)
knowledge, in a what that You (Ya Allah) should be known, and the Ya Allah, bless the Perfect full Moon! Ya Allah, bless the Light of the
blessings and abundant peace of Allah (Subhaanahu wa ta’ala) be upon Darkness!
our master Muhammad (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam), the Seal of the Ya Allah, bless the Key to the Abode of Peace!
Prophets and Leader of Messengers, Ya Allah, bless the intercessor of all creation!!
Then read the following verses ascribe to the author
O Mercy of Allah (Subhaanahu wa ta’ala)! I am afraid, filled with dread,
ROMANISED ARABIC O Grace of Allah (Subhaanahu wa ta’ala) I am ruined Help me !
Aalihii wa sahbihii wasallama tasliimaw-walhamdu lillahi rabbil-
‘aalamiin O Wa huwa hasbuna wa ni’mal-wakiilu walaa haula
walaa quwwata illa billahil-aliyyil-‘aziim O Allahummagh-fir limu ROMANISED ARABIC
‘allifihii waliqaari‘ihi walikaatibihii warhamhum waj‘alhum minal- Wa laisa li ‘amlun alqal-‘aliima bihii
mahshuriina fi zumratin-nabiyyiinaa wassiddiqiina wash- siwaa muhabbatikal-‘uzmaa wa iimaani
shuhadaa‘i wassolihiina yaumal-qiyaamati bifadhlika yarahmaanu faqun amaani minn sharril-hayaati wa minn
ya rahiim O Waghfi-rillahumma lana waliwaalidainaa wali- shaaril-mamaati wa minn ihraaqi juthmaani
ustaaziina wali mashaa‘ikhina wali jamii‘il mu’miniina wal waqun ghinayallazi ma ba’dahu falasun
mu’minaati wal muslimiina wal muslimaatil-ahyaa‘i minhum wakun fakaakiya minn aghlaali issyaani
tahiyyatus-samadil-maulaa warahmatuhu
ma ghannatil-wurqu fii auraaqi aghsaanii
And upon the family and his companions, and praise be to Allah
(Subhaanahu wa ta’ala), the Lord of the worlds! TRANSLATION
Ya Allah, forgive the author and have mercy upon him and make him And I have no goods acts with which to All knowing! But great love for You
among those who are gather together in the company of the Prophets and (Ya Allah) and my faith!Be my protection from the evil of life and from The

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evil of death and from the burning of my mortal frame!And fulfill my every thaqqil bihaa mawaaziina hasanatin O Wa -adim barakaatihaa
need saving me from ruin! And be my release from the fetters of ‘alainaa hatta nalqaa nabiyyinaaa wa sayyidinaa Muhammad-in
disobedience!As abundant as the leave in the leafiness of the boughs, sollallahu ‘alahi wa ‘alaa ‘alihii wasallama wa nahnu aaminuuna
mutma ‘innuuna farihuuna mustab shiruun O Wala tuqarriq
‘Alaika ya ‘urwatiyal-uthqa waya sanadi
al-aufaa wa mam-mad-huhu rauhi waraihani
And purify our tongues! And end our loneliness!
Upon You (Ya Allah), Ya Allah the Trusty handhold, Ya Allah the My And thereby relieve our separation! And make it a light in front of us and
support! behind us! To our right! And to our left! And about us and beneath us! And
The Faithful One and whomever praise him spiritually and fragrantly! in our lives and in our deaths! And in our graves and in our gathering and
in our resurrection and shade for us on the Day of Judgement over our
ROMANISED ARABIC heads! And weight down the scales thereby with good actions! And repeat
THUMMA TUQRA ‘UL FATIHATU LIL MU‘ALLIFI WA HAAZAD DUAA‘U its blessing on us until we meet with our Prophet our master Muhammad
YUQRA’U AQIIBA KHATMI DALAAIL I`LIL KHAIRAT (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam), Allah, s blessing and peace be upon him and
BISMILLA HIRRAHMAN NIRRAHIM his family and we are believing, we are certain, we are overjoyed and we
are the receivers of good news!
Alalhumma ashrah bissolaati ‘alaihi suduuronaa O Wa yassir bihaa And do not separate us…
umuurana O Wa farrij bihaa humumana O Wakshif bihaa
ghumumana O Wagh-fir bihaa zunuubana O Waqzi biha duyunana
O Wa asslih bihaa ahwaalana O Wa balligh bihaa aamaalana O ROMANISED ARABIC
Wata qabbal biha taubatana O Waghsil biha hubatana O Wa bainahu hattaa tudkhilanaa madkhalahu watu’wiyanaa ‘alaa
Wansurbihaa hujjatana O Wa tahhir bihaa… jawaarihil kariimi ma‘allaziina an ‘amta ‘alaihim minan-nabiyyiinaa
was-siddiqiinaa wash-shuhadaa‘i was-soolihiina wa-hasuna
‘ulaa‘ika rafiiqa O Allahumma innaa aamanna bihii sollallahu ‘alaihi
TRANSLATION wa sallama walam narahu famattai’na O Allahumma fiddaaraini
Then read the Fatihah for the author and the following supplication which biru’ yatihii wathabbit qulubanaa ‘alaa mahabbatihi O
is the seal of (The index of Good things) Wasta’milnaa ‘alaa sunnatihi O Watawaffanaa ‘alaa millatihi O
In the name of Allah (Subhaanahu wa ta’ala), all-merciful, the Mercy Waashurna fi zumratihin-naajiyati wahizbihil muflihiin O Wanfa’na
giving biman-towat ‘alaihi quluubunaa mim mahabbatihi sollallahu...
Ya Allah, through our asking for blessings upon him expands our hearts!
And thereby ease our affairs! And dispel our anxieties!
And remove our sorrow! And thereby forgive our sins! TRANSLATION
And relieve our debts! And improve our states! From him until you make us enter through his entrance hall accommodate
And thereby fulfill our hopes! And accept our repentance! us in his noble neighbourhood with those You (Ya Allah) have favoured
And cleans ours misdeeds! And thereby help our pleas! among the Prophets, the Truthful Ones, the Martyrs and the Righteous
Ones, and what a fine company they are! Ya Allah, we have believed in
him, the blessings and peace of Allah (Subhaanahu wa ta’ala) be upon
ROMANISED ARABIC him, without seeing him, so make us enjoy, Ya Allah, a vision of him in the
Alsinata O wa anisi bihaa wahshatana O Warham bihaa two realms and keep our hearts always in love with him! And establish us
ghurbatana O Waj ‘alha nuran baina aidiina wamin khalfina O Wa upon his way!
ann aimaanina O Wa ‘ann shamaa‘ilina O Wamin fauqina wamin And cause us to die following his religion! And resurrect us in his secure
tahtina O Wa fi hayaatinaa wa mautinaa wa fi qubuurinaa wa company and party of success! And avail us of that love of him, and
hashrinaa wa nashrina wa zillan fil-qiaamati ‘alaa ru‘usina O Wa

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blessings and peace of Allah (Subhaanahu wa ta’ala) be upon him, which is TRANSLATION
locked away in our hearts… We complain to You (Ya Allah), Ya Allah the Lord, about the hardness of
our hearts!
And the abundance of our sins!
ROMANISED ARABIC And the extent of our hopes!
‘Alaihi wa sallama yauma laa jadda walaa maala walaa baniin O And the imperfection of our actions!
Wa auridnaa haudhahul asfa O Wasqinaa biqaasihil aufa O Wa And our laziness to do good deeds!
yassir ‘alaina ziyaarata haramika wa haramihii min qabli ‘ann And our haste to commit bad deeds! Bestow upon this plaintiff, You (Ya
tumiitana O Wa adim ‘alainal-li-aqaamata biharaamika wa Allah), Ya Allah the Lord of victory over our enemies!
haramihi sollallahu ‘alaihi wa sallama ilaa ann natawaffa O And help our souls!
Allahumma inna nastashfi‘u bihii ‘alaika iz hauwa aujahush And through Your Grace make us rely solely on Your good acts and not
shufa’aa ‘alaik O Wanata-wassalu bihii ilaiki iz huawa ‘azamu man upon any thing else, Ya our Lord!
uqsima bihaq-qihii ‘alaika O wanata was bihii ilaika izhua aqrabul Ya Allah, we associate ourselves with the honour of Your Messenger the
wasaaili ilaik O blessing and peace of Allah (Subhaanahu wa ta’ala) be upon him, so do
not distance us! And we stop at Your Door so do not turn us away!
And we ask You (Ya Allah) alone so do…
On the day when there will be no ancestors, no wealth and no sons (that
is, to speak up for us) DALAILU'L KHAIRAT SHAREEF
And have us drink at his Purest pools! ROMANISED ARABIC
To drink from his Fullest chalice! Tukhaiyibna O Allahummar ham tadharru ‘ anaa waa aamin
And Facilitate for us a visit to Your Sacred place (Mecca) and his Sacred khaufana O Wata qabbal ‘aamaalanaa wa asslih ahwalana O
Place (Medina Shareef) before cause us to die! Waj‘al bito-‘atika ishtighalana O Wa ilal khairi ma‘alana O
And make our stay at Your Sacred Place and His Sacred Place, the blessing wahaqqiq biziyaadati aamaalana O Wakhtim bis-sa ‘adati
and peace of Allah (Subhaanahu wa ta’ala) be upon him, last until we pass aajaalana O Haaza zullunaa zhahirum baina yadaika wahaalunaa
away! laa yahfaa ‘alaik O Amartanaa fataraqna O Wanahaitana
Ya Allah, we seek his intercession with You (Ya Allah), for he is the most fartaqabna O Walaa yasa‘unaa illa afwuuk O Fa’fu anna yaa khaira
lauded intercession with You (Ya Allah)! maamuul O Wa akrama mas‘uul O Innaka ghafuwun ghafuurun-
And we entreat You (Ya Allah) though him for he is the greatest one to rahiimuy-yaa arhamar-raahimiin O
entreat You (Ya Allah)!
We seek access to You (Ya Allah) through him for he is the closest access
to You (Ya Allah)! TRANSLATION
Do not disappoint us!
Ya Allah, have mercy upon our imploring and allay our fear!
ROMANISED ARABIC Accept our actions and make us righteous!
Nashku ilaika yaa rabbi qaswata qulubina O Wa qathrata zunubina Make obedience to You(Ya Allah) our main occupation!
O Wa toula aamaalina O Wafasaada ‘aamaali O Wataka sulanaa And make us use our wealth only for good!
anit to‘aat O Wahujuumanaa ‘alal mukhaalifaat O Fani’mal And fulfill our hopes and more!
mushtakaa ilaihi anta ya rabbi bika nastanssiru ‘alaa ‘aadaa ‘ina O And seal our final destinations with happiness!
Wa ‘ann fusinaa fansurna O Wa ‘alaa fadhlika nata waqqalu fi Thus is our loneliness made clear before You(Ya Allah) and our condition is
solaahinaa fala taqilnaa ilaa ghairika yaa rabbana O Allahumma wa not hidden from You(Allah)!
ilaa janaabi rasuulika sollallahu ‘alaihi wa sallama nantasibu fala You(Ya Allah) have commanded us and we have been remiss!
tuba‘idna O Wa bibaabika naqifu fala totrut O Wa iyyaaka nas‘alu You(Ya Allah) have forbidden us and we have transgressed!
falaa… Nothing is wider then Your clemency!
So pardon us, O Best Fulfiller of Hopes!
And Most Generous Requestee!

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For You(Ya Allah) are the pardoner, the forgiver, the merciful, O Most

Wa sollallahu ‘alaa sayyidinaa Muhammad-in-wa ‘alaa aalihi wa
sohbihi wa sallama tasliiman-walhamdu lillaahi rabbil ‘alamiin O

Ya Allah the Most Merciful of the Merciful!
And the blessings and abundant peace of Allah (Subhaanahu wa ta’ala) be
upon our master Muhammad (Sollallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam) and upon his
family and companions and praise be to Allah (Subhaanahu wa ta’ala),
Lord of the worlds!

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Dua: Muhammad-in solaatan tarzuqunaa bihaa ittiba‘as-sunnati wal
jama‘ati Allahumma solli ‘alaa …
ROMANISED READING (Needs help for English translation)
Nahmaduhu wa nusolli 'alaa rasuulihil-kariim O Allahumma solli ARABIC
'alaa sayyidinaa wa nabiyyinaa Muhammad-in solaatan taqbalu sayyidinaa wa nabiyyinaa Muhammad-in solaatan tuba’iduna bihaa
bihaa duaa 'ana Allahumma solli 'alaa sayyidinaa wa nabiyina min iqtiraanil-aafaati Allahumma solli ‘alaa sayyidinaa wa
Muhamamd-in solaatan tasma'u bihaa istagha thatana wa nabiyyinaa Muhamamd-in solaatan takla‘unaa bihaa ‘aniz-zallaati
nidaa'anaa Allahumma solli 'alaa sayyidinaa wa nabiyyinaa wal hafwaati Allahumma solli ‘alaa sayyidinaa wa nabiyyinaa
Muhammad-in solaatan tusallimu bihaa imaanana Allahumma solli Muhammad-in solaatan tuhassilu bihaa aamaalana Allahumma solli
'alaa sayyidinaa wa nabiyinaa Muhammad-in solaatan tuqawwi ‘alaa sayyidinaa wa nabiyyinaa Muhammad-in solaatan tukhallisu
biha iqaanana Allahumma... bihaa laka ‘amaalana Allahumma solli ‘alaa sayyidinaa wa
nabiyyinaa Muhammad-in sollatan taj‘alu bihat-taqwaa zaadana
ENGLISH TRANSLATION Allahumma solli ‘alaa sayyidinaa wa nabiyyinaa Muhammad-in
(Needs help for English translation) solaatan taziidu bihaa fi diinika ijtihaadanaa Allahumma…


ARABIC (Needs help for English translation)
Solli ‘alaa sayyidinaa wa nabiyyinaa Muhammad-in solaatan
taghfiru biha zunubana Allahumma solli ‘alaa sayyidinaa wa ROMANISED READING
nabiyyinaa Muhammad-in solaatan tasturu biha uyuubana ARABIC
Allahumma solli ‘alaa sayyidinaa wa nabiyyinaa Muhammad-in Solli ‘alaa sayyidinaa wa nabiyyinaa Muhamad-in solaatan
solaatan tahfazuna bihaa min iktisaabis-sayyia ‘ati Allahumma solli tarzuqunaa bihal-istiqaamata fi too‘atika Allahumma solli ‘alaa
‘alaa sayyidinaa wa nabiyyinaa Muhammad-in solaatan sayyidinaa wa nabiyyinaa Muhammad-in sollatan tamnahunaa
tuwaffiquna bihaa li ‘amalis-solihaati Allahumma solli ‘alaa bihal-unsa bi-‘ibaadatika Alahumma solli ‘alaa sayyidinaa wa
sayyidinaa wa nabiyyinaa Muhammad-in solaatan tuflihu bihaa nabiyyinaa Muhamamd-in solaatan tuhassinu bihaa niyyatana
‘amma yurdiina Allahumma solli ‘alaa sayyidinaa wa nabiyyinaa Allahumma solli ‘alaa sayyidinaa wa nabiyyinaa Muhammad-in
Muhammad-in solaatan taksibu biha ma yunjiinaa Allahumma solli solaatan tuhassinu bihaa ikhlaasona Allahumma solli ‘alaa
‘alaa sayyidinaa wa nabiyyinaa… sayyidinaa wa nabiyyinaa Muhamamd-in sollatan tamnahuna biha
umniyyatana Allahumma solli ‘alaa sayyidinaa wa nabiyyinaa
ENGLISH TRANSLATION Muhamamd-in tujiiruna biha min sharril-insi wal jaa‘anni
(Needs help for English translation) Allahumma solli ‘alaa sayyidinaa wa nabiyyinaa Muhammad-in
Muhammad-in solaatan tujannibu bihaa ‘annash-sharra kullahu (Needs help for English translation)
Alahumma solli ‘alaa sayyidinaa wa nabiyyinaa Muhammad-in
solaatan tamnahunaa bihal-khaira kullahu Allahumma solli ‘alaa ROMANISED READING
sayyidinaa wa nabiyyinaa Muhammad-in solaatan tusslihu bihaa ARABIC
ahwalana Allahumma solli ‘alaa sayyidinaa wa nabiyyinaa Tu‘iizunaa bihaa min sharrin-nafsi wash-shaitooni Allahumma solli
Muhammad-in solaatan ta’simuna bihaa anil-ma’siyati wal ‘alaa sayyidinaa wa nabiyyinaa Muhammad-in solaatan tahfazunaa
ghawaayati Allahumma solli ‘alaa sayyidinaa wa nabiyyinaa bihaa minaz-zillati wal-qillati Allahumma solli ‘alaa sayyidinaa wa
nabiyyinaa Muhammad-in solaatan tu‘iizunaa bihaa minal-qaswati

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wal ghaflati Allahumma solli ‘alaa sayyidinaa wa nabiyyinaa ARABIC
Muhammad-in solaatan tahfazunaa bihaa ‘amma yashghaluna Muhammad-in solaatan tamnahunaa bihar-ridho‘a bimaa aataina
‘anka Allahumma sollai ‘alaa sayyidinaa wa nabiyyinaa Allahumma solli ‘alaa sayyidinaa wa nabiyyinaa Muhammad-in
Muhammad-in solaatan tuwaffiquna biha limaa tuqarribunaa minka solaatan tuzakki biha anil-hawaa ha nufuusanaa Allahumma solli
Allahumma solli ‘alaa sayyidinaa wa nabiyyinaa Muhamamd-in ‘alaa sayyidinaa wa nabiyyinaa solaatan tutohhiru bihaa ‘amman
solaatan taj‘alu bihaa sa’yana mashkuuraw-wa ‘amalanaa siwaaka quluubanaa Allahumma solli ‘alaa sayyidinaa wa
maqbuulan Allahumma solli ‘alaa sayyidinaa… nabiyyinaa Muhammad-in solaatan tusogh-ghiru bihad-dunya fi
‘uyuunina Allahumma solli ‘alaa sayyidinaa wa nabiyyinaa
ENGLISH TRANSLATION Muhammad-in solaatan tu‘azzimu bihaa jalaalaka fi quluubanaa
(Needs help for English translation) Allahumma solli ‘alaa sayyidinaa wa nabiyyinaa Muhammad-in
solaatan turdhiinaa bihaa bi qadho‘ika Allahumma solli ‘alaa
ROMANISED READING sayyidinaa wa nabiyyinaa Muhammad-in solaatan tuzi‘una bihaa…
Wa nabiyyinaa Muhammad-in solaatan tamnahunaa bihaa ‘izzan- ENGLISH TRANSLATION
wa qubuulan Allahumma solli ‘alaa sayyidinaa wa nabiyyinaa (Needs help for English translation)
Muhammad-in solaatan taqto‘u bihaa ‘amman siwaaka
ihtiyaajanaa Allahumma solli ‘alaa sayyidinaa wa nabiyyinaa ROMANISED READING
Muhammad-in solaatan tudiimu bihaa bina’maa‘ika ibtihaajanaa ARABIC
Allahumma solli ‘alaa sayyidinaa wa nabiyyinaa Muhammad-in Shukra na’maa‘ka Allahumma solli ‘alaa sayyidinaa wa nabiyyinaa
solaatan takuunu bihaa fi jamii‘i umuurinaa wakiilan Allahumma Muhammad-in solaatan tusohhihu bihaa tawakkulanaa
solli ‘alaa sayyidinaa wa nabiyyinaa Muhammad-in solaatan wa’timaadana ‘alaika Allahumma solli ‘alaa sayyidinaa wa
takuunu bihaa liqadho‘i hawaa‘ijina kafiilann Allahumma solli ‘alaa nabiyyinaa Muhammad-in solaatan tuhaqqiqu bihaa wa uthuqana
sayyidinaa wa nabiyinaa Muhammd-in solaatan tu‘iizunaa bihaa wa iltijaa‘anaa ilaika Allahumma solli ‘alaa sayyidinaa wa
jamii‘il-balaaya Allahumma solli ‘alaa… nabiyyinaa Muhamamd-in solaatan turdhiika wa turdhiihi wa
tardhoo bihaa ‘anna Allahumma solli ‘alaa sayyidinaa wa
ENGLISH TRANSLATION nabiyyinaa Muhammad-in solaatan tajiiruna bihaa maafaata minna
(Needs help for English translation) Allahumma solli ‘alaa sayyidinaa wa nabiyyinaa Muhammad-in
solaatan tu‘iizuna bihaa minal-ujbi warriyaa‘i Allahumma solli
ROMANISED READING ‘alaa sayyidinaa wa nabiyyinaa Muhammad-in solaatan tahfazuna
ARABIC bihaa…
Sayyidinaa wa nabiyyinaa Muhammad-in solaatan tamnahunaa
bihaa jaziilal-‘atooya Allahumma solli ‘alaa sayyidinaa wa Dua Cont
nabiyyinaa Muhamamd-in solaatan tarzuqunaa bihaa ‘aishar- DARUUD IKSIIRIL-AAZAM LISAYYIDINAA GAUTHIL-AAZAM
rughadaa‘i Allahumma solli ‘alaa sayyidinaa wa nabiyyinaa ROMANISED READING
Muhammad-in solaatan tamnahunaa bihaa ‘aishas-su‘adaa ‘i ARABIC
Allahumma solli ‘alaa sayyidinaa wa nabiyyinaa Muhammad-in Minal-hasadi wal-kibriyaa ‘i Allahumma solli ‘alaa sayyidinaa wa
solaatan tusahhilu bihaa ‘alainaa jami‘al-umuuri Allahumma solli nabiyyinaa Muhammad-in solaatan tukassiru bihaa shahwaatinaa
‘alaa sayyidinaa wa nabiyyinaa Muhammad-in solaatan tudiimu Allahumma solli ‘alaa sayyidinaa wa nabiyyinaa Muhammad-in
bihaa bardal-‘aishi wassuruuri Allahumma solli ‘alaa sayyidinaa wa solaatan tujzi ‘u bihaa ‘aadaatanaa Allahumma solli ‘alaa
nabiyyinaa Muhamamd-in solaatan tubaariku bihaa fimaa sayyidinaa wa nabiyyinaa Muhamamd-in solaatan tasrifu bihaa
‘aataitana Allahumma solli ‘alaa sayyidinaa wa nabiyyinaa… aniddunya wa lazzaatihaa quluubanaa Allahumma solli ‘alaa
sayyidinaa wa nabiyyinaa Muhammad-in solaatan tajma‘u biha fil-
ENGLISH TRANSLATION ishtiyaaqi ilaika humuumanaa Allahumma solli ‘alaa sayyidinaa wa
(Needs help for English translation) nabiyyinaa Muhammad-in solaatan tuhishunaa bihaa ‘amman
siwaaka Allahumma solli ‘alaa sayyidinaa wa nabiyyinaa
ROMANISED READING Muhammd-in solaatan tunisuna biqurbi wilaa‘ika…

Last printed 25 December 2013 68

Naqshbandi Center Michigan- Dalailul Khairat
sayyidinaa wa nabiyyinaa Muhammad-in solaatan tamhu bihaa fi
ENGLISH TRANSLATION zaatika zawaatinaa Allahumma solli ‘alaa sayyidinaa wa nabiyyinaa
(Needs help for English translation) Muhamad-in solaatan tuhaqqiqu bihaa ilaika liqaa‘ana Allahumma
solli ‘alaa sayyidinaa wa nabiyyinaa Muhammad-in solaatan
ROMANISED READING tudiimu bihaa bitawaturi anwaarika sofaa‘ana Allahumma solli
ARABIC ‘alaa...
Allahumma solli ‘alaa sayyidinaa wa nabiyyinaa Muhamamd-in
solaatan tuqirru bihaa fi munaajaatika ‘uyuunana Allahumma solli ENGLISH TRANSLATION
‘alaa sayyidinaa wa nabiyyinaa Muhamamd-in solaatan tuhassinu (Needs help for English translation)
bihaa bika zunuunana Allahumma solli ‘alaa sayyidinaa wa
nabiyyinaa Muhamamd-in solaatan tashrahu bihaa bima’rifatika ROMANISED READING
suduurana Allahumma solli ‘alaa sayyidinaa wa nabiyyinaa ARABIC
Muhammad-in solaatan tudiimu bihaa fi zikrika wa fikrika sayyidinaa wa nabiyyinaa Muhammad-in solaatan taslukunaa
suruurana Allahumma solli ‘alaa sayyidinaa wa nabiyyinaa bihaa maslaka au- auliyaa‘iaka Allahumma solli ‘alaa sayyidinaa
Muhammad-in solaatan tarfa‘u bihaa ‘an quluubinal-hujuba wal wa nabiyyinaa Muhammad-insolaatan turwiinaa bihaa min
astaara Allahumma solli ‘alaa sayyidinaa wa nabiyyinaa sharaabi assfiyaa‘ika Allahumma solli ‘alaa sayyidinaa wa
Muhamamd-in solaatan tamnahunaa bihaa shuhuudaka fi… nabiyyinaa Muhammad-in solaatan tusilunaa bihaa ilaika
Allahumma solli ‘alaa sayyidinaa wa nabiyyinaa Muhammad-in
ENGLISH TRANSLATION solaatan tudiimu bihaa hu-dhuuranaa ilaika Allahumma soli ‘alaa
(Needs help for English translation) sayyidinaa wa nabiyyinaa Muhammad-in solaatan tuhauwinu
bihaa ‘alainaa sakaraatil-mauti wa ghamaraatihii Allahumma solli
ROMANISED READING ‘alaa sayyidinaa wa nabiyyinaa Muhammad-in solaatan tujiirunaa
ARABIC biha min-waashatil-qabri wakurbatihii Allahumma solli ‘alaa
Jamii ‘il-aathaari Allahumma solli ‘alaa sayyidinaa wa nabiyyinaa
Muhammad-in solaatan taqta‘u bihaa hadiitha nufuusinaa bi- ENGLISH TRANSLATION
‘alaamika Allahumma solli ‘alaa sayyidinaa wa nabiyyinaa (Needs help for English translation)
Muhammad-in solaatan tubaddilu bihaa hawaajisa quluubinaa bi-
ilhaamika Allahumma solli ‘alaa sayyidinaa wa nabiyyinaa ROMANISED READING
Muhammad-in solaatan tufiidhu bihaa ‘alaina jazabaatika ARABIC
Allahumma solli ‘alaa sayyidinaa wa nabiyyinaa Muhammad-in ‘alaa sayyidinaa wa nabiyyinaa Muhammad-in solaatan tamla‘u
solaatan tashmilunaa biha binaf-haatika Allahumma solli ‘alaa bihaa qubuuranaa bi-anwaarir-rahmati Allahumma solli ‘alaa
sayyidinaa wa nabiyyinaa Muhammad-in solaatan tuhillunaa bihaa sayyidinaa wa nabiyyinaa Muhammad-in solaatan taj‘alu biha
manaazilas-saariina Allahumma solli ‘alaa sayyidinaa wa qubuuranaa raudhatam-min-riyaadhil-jannati Allahumma solli
nabiyyinaa Muhammad-in solaatan tarfa‘u biha manzilatanaa… ‘alaa sayyidinaa wa nabiyyinaa Muhammad-in solaatan
tahshurunaa bihaa ma‘an nabiyyiinaa wassiddiqiina Allahumma
ENGLISH TRANSLATION solli ‘alaa sayyidinaa wa nabiyyinaa Muhamamd-in solaatan
(Needs help for English translation) tab‘athuna bihaa ma‘ash-shuhadaa ‘i wassolihiina Allahumma
solli’alaa sayyidinaa wa nabiyyinaa Muhammad-in solaatan
ROMANISED READING tamnahunaa bihaa qurbahu washafa‘atahu Allahumma solli ‘alaa
ARABIC sayyidinaa wa nabiyyinaa Muhammad-in solaatan tufiidhu bihaa…
Wa makaanatanaa ladaika Allahumma solli ‘alaa sayyidinaa wa
nabiyyinaa Muhammad-in solaatan tas-haqu bihaa fii iraadatika ENGLISH TRANSLATION
aamaalanaa Allahumma solli ‘alaa sayyidinaa wa nabiyyinaa (Needs help for English translation)
Muhammad-in solaatan tamhaqu biha fii af‘aalika af’aalana
Allahumma solli ‘alaa sayyidinaa wa nabiyyinaa Muhammad-in ROMANISED READING
solaatan tafni bihaa fii sifaatika sifaatina Allahumma solli ‘alaa ARABIC

Last printed 25 December 2013 69

Naqshbandi Center Michigan- Dalailul Khairat
‘alainaa barakaatihii Allahumma solli ‘alaa sayyidinaa wa (Needs help for English translation)
nabiyyinaa Muhammad-in solaatan tahfazuna bihaa min kulli
suu‘iiy-yaumal-qiyaamati Allahumma solli ‘alaa sayyidinaa wa ROMANISED READING
nabiyyinaa Muhammad-in solaatan tashmalunaa yaumal-jazaa‘i ARABIC
birrahmati wal-karaamati Allahumma solli ‘alaa sayyidinaa wa Rabbil-izzati ‘amma yasifuuna wa salaamun ‘alal-mursaliina wal-
nabiyyinaa Muhammad-in solaatan tuthaqqilu bihaa mizaananaa hamdu lillahi rabbil-‘alamiin O
Allahumma solli ‘alaa sayyidinaa wa abiyyinaa Muhammad-in
solaatan tuthabbitu bihaa ‘alas-siroti aqdaamanaa Allahumma solli previous page end of Salawat Ikseer
‘alaa sayyidinaa wa nabiyyinaa Muhammd-in solaatan tudkhilunaa
bihaa jannaatin-na‘iimi bilaa hisaabin Allahumma solli ‘alaa
sayyidinaa wa nabiyyinaa Muhammad-in solaatan tubiihu lanaa
bihannazra ilaa wajhikal-kariimi…


(Needs help for English translation)

Ma‘al-ahbaabi Allahumma solli ‘alaa sayyidinaa wa nabiyyinaa
Muhamamd-in solaatan tanhalunaa bihaa hubba aalihi wa ass-
haabihii ajma‘iina Allahumma natawassalu ilaika bisayyidil-
mursaliina wa shafii‘il-muznibiina nabiyyir-rahmati wa shafii‘il-
ummati Allahumma bihurmatihii ‘indaka wabiqadrihi ladaika nas-
‘alukal-fauza ‘indal-qadhaa‘i wa nuzuulash-shuhadaa‘i wa
‘aishas-suadaa‘i wannasra ‘alal-‘aadaa‘i wa muraafaqatal-
ambiyaa‘i wa nahnu ibaadukad-dhuafaa‘u la na’budu siwaaka
walaa natlubu izaa massanad-dhurru illaa iyyaaka faa aamin rau
‘aatina wa ajib da’waatinaa waqdhi haajaatinaa…


(Needs help for English translation)

Faghfir zunuubanaa wastur ‘uyuubanaa yaa rahiimu yaa kariimu ya
haliimu warhamnaa innaka ‘ala kulli shai‘in qadiiru O Wabil-
ijaabati jadiiru O Ni’man-nasiir O Ya aliyu yaa ‘aziimu ya ‘aliimu
yaa hakiimu Allahumma innaa ‘abiiduka wa jundum min junuudika
muta‘alliquuna bijanaabi nabiyyika mutashaffi‘uuna ilaika
bihabiibika ya rabbal-‘alamiina wa sollallahu ‘alaa sayyidinaa wa
nabiyyinaa Muhammad-in khaatamin-nabiyiinaa wa imaamil-
mursaliina wardha ‘ann aalihii wasahbihii ajma ‘iin O Subhaana


Last printed 25 December 2013 70

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