Albumin Gen.2
Order information
Analyzer(s) on which cobas c pack(s) can be used
03183688 122 Albumin Gen.2 300 tests System‑ID 07 6592 9 Roche/Hitachi cobas c 311, cobas c 501/502
10759350 190 Calibrator f.a.s. (12 x 3 mL) Code 401
10759350 360 Calibrator f.a.s. (12 x 3 mL, for USA) Code 401
12149435 122 Precinorm U plus (10 x 3 mL) Code 300
12149435 160 Precinorm U plus (10 x 3 mL, for USA) Code 300
12149443 122 Precipath U plus (10 x 3 mL) Code 301
12149443 160 Precipath U plus (10 x 3 mL, for USA) Code 301
10171743 122 Precinorm U (20 x 5 mL) Code 300
10171735 122 Precinorm U (4 x 5 mL) Code 300
10171778 122 Precipath U (20 x 5 mL) Code 301
10171760 122 Precipath U (4 x 5 mL) Code 301
05117003 190 PreciControl ClinChem Multi 1 (20 x 5 mL) Code 391
05947626 190 PreciControl ClinChem Multi 1 (4 x 5 mL) Code 391
05947626 160 PreciControl ClinChem Multi 1 (4 x 5 mL, for USA) Code 391
05117216 190 PreciControl ClinChem Multi 2 (20 x 5 mL) Code 392
05947774 190 PreciControl ClinChem Multi 2 (4 x 5 mL) Code 392
05947774 160 PreciControl ClinChem Multi 2 (4 x 5 mL, for USA) Code 392
04489357 190 Diluent NaCl 9 % (50 mL) System‑ID 07 6869 3
English The color intensity of the blue‑green color is directly proportional to the
albumin concentration in the sample and is measured photometrically.
System information
For cobas c 311/501 analyzers: Reagents - working solutions
ALB2: ACN 413 R1 Citrate buffer: 95 mmol/L, pH 4.1; preservatives, stabilizers
For cobas c 502 analyzer: R2 Citrate buffer: 95 mmol/L, pH 4.1; bromcresol green: 0.66 mmol/L;
ALB2: ACN 8413 preservatives, stabilizers
Intended use R1 is in position B and R2 is in position C.
In vitro test for the quantitative determination of albumin in human serum
and plasma on Roche/Hitachi cobas c systems. Precautions and warnings
Summary1,2 For in vitro diagnostic use.
Exercise the normal precautions required for handling all laboratory
Albumin is a carbohydrate‑free protein, which constitutes 55‑65 % of total reagents.
plasma protein. It maintains plasma oncotic pressure, and is also involved Disposal of all waste material should be in accordance with local guidelines.
in the transport and storage of a wide variety of ligands and is a source of Safety data sheet available for professional user on request.
endogenous amino acids. Albumin binds and solubilizes various
compounds, e.g. bilirubin, calcium and long‑chain fatty acids. Furthermore, For USA: For prescription use only.
albumin is capable of binding toxic heavy metal ions as well as numerous Reagent handling
pharmaceuticals, which is the reason why lower albumin concentrations in Ready for use
blood have a significant effect on pharmacokinetics.
Hyperalbuminemia is of little diagnostic significance except in the case of Storage and stability
dehydration. Hypoalbuminemia occurs during many illnesses and is caused ALB2
by several factors: compromised synthesis due either to liver disease or as
a consequence of reduced protein uptake; elevated catabolism due to Shelf life at 15‑25 °C: See expiration date
tissue damage (severe burns) or inflammation; malabsorption of amino on cobas c pack
acids (Crohn’s disease); proteinuria as a consequence of nephrotic label.
syndrome; protein loss via the stool (neoplastic disease). In severe cases of
hypoalbuminemia, the maximum albumin concentration of plasma is On‑board in use and refrigerated on the analyzer: 12 weeks
2.5 g/dL (380 µmol/L). Due to the low osmotic pressure of the plasma, Diluent NaCl 9 %
water permeates through blood capillaries into tissue (edema). The
determination of albumin allows monitoring of a controlled patient dietary Shelf life at 2‑8 °C: See expiration date
supplementation and serves also as an excellent test of liver function. on cobas c pack
Test principle3 label.
Colorimetric assay On‑board in use and refrigerated on the analyzer: 12 weeks
At a pH value of 4.1, albumin displays a sufficiently cationic character to be
able to bind with bromcresol green (BCG), an anionic dye, to form a Specimen collection and preparation
blue‑green complex. For specimen collection and preparation only use suitable tubes or
collection containers.
Only the specimens listed below were tested and found acceptable.
pH 4.1
Plasma: Li‑heparin and K2‑EDTA plasma
Albumin + BCG albumin‑BCG complex Do not use fluoride plasma.
Albumin Gen.2
The sample types listed were tested with a selection of sample collection Decreased 2 µL 35 µL 70 µL
tubes that were commercially available at the time of testing, i.e. not all
available tubes of all manufacturers were tested. Sample collection systems Increased 2 µL – –
from various manufacturers may contain differing materials which could
affect the test results in some cases. When processing samples in primary cobas c 502 test definition
tubes (sample collection systems), follow the instructions of the tube Assay type 2‑Point End
Reaction time / Assay 10 / 10‑14
Centrifuge samples containing precipitates before performing the assay.
Stability:4 2.5 months at 20‑25 °C Wavelength (sub/main) 505/570 nm
5 months at 4‑8 °C Reaction direction Increase
4 months at -20 °C Units g/L (µmol/L, g/dL)
Materials provided Reagent pipetting Diluent (H2O)
See “Reagents – working solutions” section for reagents. R1 100 µL –
Materials required (but not provided) R2 20 µL 30 µL
▪ See “Order information” section
▪ General laboratory equipment
Sample volumes Sample Sample dilution
For optimum performance of the assay follow the directions given in this Sample Diluent (NaCl)
document for the analyzer concerned. Refer to the appropriate operator’s Normal 2 µL – –
manual for analyzer‑specific assay instructions.
Decreased 2 µL 35 µL 70 µL
The performance of applications not validated by Roche is not warranted
and must be defined by the user. Increased 4 µL – –
Application for serum and plasma Calibration
cobas c 311 test definition Calibrators S1: H2O
Assay type 2‑Point End S2: C.f.a.s.
Reaction time / Assay 10 / 6‑9 Calibration mode Linear
Calibration frequency 2‑point calibration
Wavelength (sub/main) 505/570 nm • after 4 weeks on board
Reaction direction Increase • after reagent lot change
• as required following quality control
Units g/L (µmol/L, g/dL)
Reagent pipetting Diluent (H2O)
Traceability: This method has been standardized against the reference
R1 100 µL – preparation of the IRMM (Institute for Reference Materials and
R2 20 µL 30 µL Measurements) BCR470/CRM470 (RPPHS ‑ Reference Preparation for
Proteins in Human Serum).5
Quality control
Sample volumes Sample Sample dilution For quality control, use control materials as listed in the "Order information"
Sample Diluent (NaCl) section.
In addition, other suitable control material can be used.
Normal 2 µL – –
The control intervals and limits should be adapted to each laboratory’s
Decreased 2 µL 35 µL 70 µL individual requirements. Values obtained should fall within the defined
Increased 2 µL – – limits. Each laboratory should establish corrective measures to be taken if
values fall outside the defined limits.
cobas c 501 test definition Follow the applicable government regulations and local guidelines for
quality control.
Assay type 2‑Point End
Reaction time / Assay 10 / 10‑14
Roche/Hitachi cobas c systems automatically calculate the analyte
points concentration of each sample.
Wavelength (sub/main) 505/570 nm
Conversion factors: g/L x 15.2 = µmol/L
Reaction direction Increase
µmol/L x 0.0658 = g/L
Units g/L (µmol/L, g/dL)
g/L x 0.1 = g/dL
Reagent pipetting Diluent (H2O)
Limitations - interference
R1 100 µL –
Criterion: Recovery within ± 10 % of initial values at an albumin
R2 20 µL 30 µL concentration of 35 g/L (532 µmol/L).
Icterus:6 No significant interference up to an I index of 60 for conjugated
and unconjugated bilirubin (approximate conjugated and unconjugated
Sample volumes Sample Sample dilution bilirubin concentration: 1026 μmol/L or 60 mg/dL).
Sample Diluent (NaCl) Hemolysis:6 No significant interference up to an H index of 1000
Normal 2 µL – – (approximate hemoglobin concentration: 621 µmol/L or 1000 mg/dL).
Albumin Gen.2
Albumin Gen.2