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Make a determined attempt to: cố gắng làm gì

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Limiting choices might also help kids develop longer attention spans.

Make a determined attempt to : cố gắng làm gì

The primary reason (main/ chief/ key/ prime)
A wealth of A large amount of (uncountable)
A multitude of A large number of people, thing..
In an attempt to= In efforts to Try …
Curb (v) Limit
Ex: The police are trying to curb the under-age drinking.
Ordeal (n) Difficulty
Peril (n) Danger
Ex: My life is in peril
Repercussion (n) Bad effects
Excel in (v) Be good at
Chivalry (n) Tinh thần hào hiệp, polite, kind, honest ..
Eventuate (v) Happen
 Discussion (+Opinion )
In conclusion, there are convincing arguments both for and against (topic), but I believe that …(IF

 Advantages and disadvantages

In conclusion, I would argue that the benefits of (topic) outweighs the drawbacks.
 Problem and solution
In conclusion, it is clear that there are various reasons for ..(topic), and steps need taking to tackle this
Related to = in relation to
Everchanging (a) luôn thay đổi
Bold proposal (n) kế hoạch táo bạo
Formulate (v) tạo ra , đề xuất
AMENDMENT (n) sự thay đổi (về luật, văn bản. báo)
Be associated with …. Có liên quan
Cram for (v) nhồi nhét
Give rise to sth : cause sth to happen/ exist
On a par with sth/sb = the same as /equal to ..
escalate (v) làm thứ gì to lớn, mạnh hơn
Ex: the escalation of crime
provide an incentive for: cung cấp động lực
slowdown (n): a reduction in speed or activity (sự sụt giảm)
plausible (adj); reasonable and likely to be true (hợp lý, đáng tin cậy)
have a pronounced effect: có những ảnh hưởng đáng kể, rõ rệt
subsidize (v): trợ cấp
ameliorate (v): make sth better; make sth less severe làm đỡ tệ đi
Erect (v) build = construct : xây dựng
Installation (n) sự thiết lập, thêm vào
Ex: the installation of new facilities
Repurpose (v) tái sử dụng với mục đích khác
Ex: the old building was repurposed into a museum
Remodel (v) tu sửa
Supplant (v) thay thế
To stay/remain intact/ unchanged : không thay đổi
Adopt/ take/ develop an approach : đưa ra, tiến hành một cách thức phương pháp
Behave = run vận hành (máy móc)
Overall standard of living
Consent to = side with: agree to do sth
Prohibitively expensive: cao đến mức k mua nổi
Create a shining image : tạọ ra hình ảnh cá nhân
An aura of confidence… (character)
A meagre income/ diet
A frugal lifestyle: phong cách sống đạm bạc
The masses : the ordinary people
children should be disciplined, not punished
pose a threat/ challenge
The general consensus in that …. Is
Scarcity/ deficiency of sth
Furnish sb with sth EX: Job seekers should furnish themselves with solid social skills.
Enlighten sb on sth = get more knowledge
Resort to sth as a final solution
More and more web-based courses are established by means of technological advancements ,
thereby benefiting learners in terms of saving their time and money .
Social class = social hierarchy: tầng lớp xã hội
Rear = bring up a child
Eminent (a) famous and respected
Mortality: the number of deaths
Eg: the number of infant deaths is 100.000 this year.
The infant mortality is 100.000 this year.
In essence = most importantly
Be at odds with sb = disagree with sb
Give rise to = cause
Be attributive to = be caused by
In the light of / by virtue of = because of
Cash in (v) tận dụng
Revenue (n) thu nhập
Capital (n) doanh thu, tiền
Runners-up : những thứ xếp sau
Task 1 :
Register a upward/downward trend
Drop (number) places to the …. 12th

Words/ phrases Definition

Stale Not fresh /new
Ex: the bread has gone stale
The stale jokes/news
They has worked together for 5 years and became a little stale (
describe sb who has lost interest in what he’s doing because of being
bored or working too hard )

Tumble falling quickly and without control

Accord (n) Formal agreement (nghị định thư)
IDM: do sth of your own accord : do without being asked about
With one accord : people doing sth together and in complete
Thereby Bằng cách đó
Perpetrator Thủ phạm
Disparaging comments Bình luận miệt thị
Jump to death Die
Prevalence rate Mức độ xảy ra
Truce A short interruption in a argument or war (lệnh ngừng bắn)
Counterpart A person/thing has the same position purpose with another one in a
different place/ organization (người cùng cấp)
Belated (a) Coming later than expected
Entity (n) = object (sth that independently exist apart from other objects)
Peculiar (a) Strange, unusual in an unpleasant way
Nebulous (a) Not clear (idea) ~ uncertainty Ex: a nebulous concept
Premise (n) Theory : giả thuyết
Obliterate (v) Remove
Credibility (n) The fact that sb can be trusted or believed ( sự tín nhiệm)
Arachnid (n) Động vật thuộc lớp nhện
Superfluous (a) More than needed ( k cần thiết)
Embody (v) Prove
Linear (a) Continuous
Correlate (v) Involve
Inaugural (a) First in a series or plans (mở đầu, khai trương)
Sanction (n) Đồng ý, phê chuẩn
Plea (n) Emotional and urgent request (thỉnh cầu). ,lời bào chữa
Heighten tensions Gia tăng căng thẳng
Provenance (n) The place of origin of something
On the brink of sth On the verge of sth = at the threshold (ngưỡng): sẽ làm or trải nghiệm
điều gì
Intermittently (adv) Not happening continuously, stopped ( ngắt quãng, k thường xuyên)
Persecute (v) Treat human or animals unfairly .(ngược đãi)
Persecution (n)
Proscribe (v) Ban or not allow sth (cấm)
Discreet (a) Unobtrusive (thận trọng, dè dặt)
Discrete (a) Separate / independent (riêng rẻ, rời rạc)
Credulous (a) Gullible : nhẹ dạ cả tin
Tortuous (a) Winding : xoắn ốc
Bewilder (v) Hoang mang
Bemused (a) Gượng gạo, khó hiểu
Effect a change
Pore over (v) Nghiền ngẫm
A novel idea Novel : different
Tinker (v) Hàn
Tinkerer (n)
Enabler (n) Sth or sb can make sth possible
Corrugated (a) Dạng lượn sóng
~ pleated
Loath (a) Reluctant (a)
Headlong (a), adv With great speed or without thinking
Tart (a) = sour Chua. Unpleasant (comment, reply)
Stealth (n) A hidden movement, ~ secret
Starter Món khai vị ,(a dish eaten first)
Prefecture Quận trưởng (đơn vị hành chính ở Nhật)
Calligraphy /kəˈlɪɡ.rə.fi/ Thư pháp
Squid Con mực ống
readiness Willingness sự sẵn long
Swindle (v) Deceive sb (usually money)
Full-fledged (a) Have completely developed or trained .
In existence Có thật
Insulator (n) Vật cách điện
Substitute X for Y Using X instead of Y
To the full Đến hết mức
Extreme (a) Dangerous (extreme situation), exciting (extreme sport)

Intense (a) Strong, extreme about feelings, emotions

Immoderate (a) Too much, many more than usual
Immoderate drinking
Apply for a job
Apply to an organization / a
Hype (n) Cường điệu, thổi phòng
Hype than reality
Coating (n) Lớp phủ lớp bọc

Pull sth off Succeed in managing sth difficult

Versatile (a) Flexible, used for many purposes
Dwell on the past = live in
the past


-Come by (v): obtain sth
-Logger (n) person who cuts down trees for wood
-Eden (n) thiên đường
-Confine (v) limit an activity/person in some way

 Be confined to somewhere/sth : exist in a particular area or group of



-Submerge (v) make sth below the surface of lake / river/ sea , hide or cover
sth: làm ngập, che giấu điều gì
-Deluge /ˈdel.juːdʒ/ a large amount of water/rain
a deluge of sth : a lot of sth
-Harpoon : a weapon used to hunt whales : cây lao móc
-Mammoth (a) extremely big
-Tusk (n) ngà voi
-Pinpoint (v) xác định , định vị
-Aggregate (n) total : tổng cộng, tổng quát
-Dredge (v) remove
-Verdant (a) covered with healthy plants or grass : phủ cây xanh
-Yield (v) supply or produce sth positive (such as profit) tạo ra
-Resigned (a) accept sth since you can’t change it ( chấp nhận)
-Pedantic (a) giving too much attention on formal rules ( ra vẻ mô phạm)
-Evasive (a) lãng tránh
-Diffident (a) shy and not confident about your ability

* PART 1:
- medieval + N (a): connected with the Middle Ages (liên quan tới thời trung
- subdue sb/sth (v): to bring somebody/something under control, especially by
using force; defeat (đánh bại)
- the Renaissance: thời kỳ phục hưng
- desert (v) = abandon
+ desert sb: to leave somebody without help or support (bỏ ai)
E.g: She was deserted by her husband.
+ desert sth: to go away from a place and leave it empty (rời bỏ nơi nào)
E.g: The villages had been deserted.
- rectify sth (v: formal): correct
- ravage sth (passive verb): damage sth badly; devastate
- plague (n): epidemic (bệnh dịch)
Monday, 2nd April 2018

- terror (n: uncountable): fear

(n: countable): something or someone that makes you very frightened

- the Inquisition = Holy Office: tòa án dị giáo

- cast a shadow over/ on sth: spoil a good situation with sth unpleasant
E.g: Her father's illness had cast a shadow over the birth of her baby.
- appalling (a: informal): very bad
- peasant (n): farmer (nông dân)
- feudal system: chế độ phong kiến
- pursuit of sth (n): the act of looking for or trying to find something
- quest for sth (n) = in quest of sth: in search of
- clergy (n): tăng lữ
- forge sth (v): to make an illegal copy of something in order to cheat people
(giả mạo)

* PART 2:
- be in motion: be moving/ operating
- regulate sth (v): to control the speed, pressure, temperature, etc. in a machine
or system (điều chỉnh)
- number plate: biển số xe
- put sth in place: to exist and be capable of being used
E.g: We need to put safeguards in place to prevent this type of accident
occurring again.
* PART 3:
- at the mercy of sb/sth (C2): to be in a situation where someone or something
has complete power over you
E.g: Poor people are increasingly at the mercy of money-lenders.

- glaze a window: lắp kính cửa sổ
- ventilation (n): sự thông gió
 ventilation system: hệ thống thông gió
 fans for ventilation: quạt đề thông gió
- feed B into A: to push B into A through a machine
- conservatories: nhà kính trồng cây
- patch (n): a small piece of land, especially one used for growing vegetables or
fruit (miếng đất)
E.g: vegetable patch
- at/in/to the forefront of sth: In a position of highest importance or priority
+ We are at the forefront of efforts to tackle inequality.
+ The company has always been at the forefront of science and technology.
- tax breaks: sự giảm thuế
- duct systems: hệ thống ống dẫn
- synergy (n): sự hiệp lực

- cast/ shed/ throw light on sth: to make a problem, etc. easier to understand
E.g: Recent research has thrown new light on the causes of the disease.
- anatomical (a): relating to the physical structure of an animal or plant
 anatomical features: đặc điểm kết cấu cơ thể
- antelope (n): loài linh dương
- outperform sb/sth (v): to achieve better results than somebody/something
(làm tốt hơn)
E.g: The company has consistently outperformed its larger rivals.
- nuchal ligament: dây chằng ở sau ót/ gáy
- primate (n): linh trưởng
- Achilles tendon (n): gân nối bắp chân với gót chân
- scavenger (n): động vật ăn xác thối
- marrow (n): tủy
- predator (n): động vật ăn thịt
- carcass (n): the body of a dead animal (xác động vật)
- locomotion (n: formal): movement

- on the payroll: employed by a particular company
E.g: They have approximately 100 employees on the payroll.
- have a mortgage on one’s house: thế chấp nhà
- outlay on sth (n): the money that you have to spend in order to start a new
project (kinh phí)
E.g: The business quickly repaid the initial outlay on advertising.
- branch out: to start doing something new or different (mở chi nhánh)
 branch out on my own: tự mở chi nhánh
- look around for sth: to try to find something (that you want or need)
E.g: Jason’s going to start looking around for a new job.
- have had enough of sth: want sth to stop because it’s annoying you
E.g: I’m leaving. I’ve had enough of all this nonsense.
- pottery business: kinh doanh đồ gốm
- glassware (n): objects made of glass (hàng thủy tinh)
- go bust (informal): phá sản
- be better off doing sth: to be in a better situation, if or after
something happens (sẽ tốt hơn nếu)
E.g: He'd be better off working for a bigger company. (Anh ấy sẽ tốt hơn ếu
làm việc cho một công ti lớn hơn)

* PART 1:
- come as a surprise to sb/ toV
- crops (n): cây trồng
- native (n): an animal or a plant that lives or grows naturally in a particular
- a bouquet of flowers: a bunch of flower (1 bó hoa)
+ bouquet (n): a bunch of flowers arranged in an attractive way so that it can
be carried in a ceremony or presented as a gift
+ bunch (n): a number of things of the same type which are growing or
fastened together
Monday, March 26th 2018

- pollinate (v): to put pollen into a flower or plant so that it produces seeds (thụ
E.g: flowers pollinated by bees/the wind

- hummingbird (n): chim ruồi

- distinctive (a): having a quality or characteristic that makes something
different and easily noticed
- spice (n): one of the various types of powder or seed that come from plants
and are used in cooking. Spices have a strong taste and smell (gia vị)
- meet with sth: to be received or treated by somebody in a particular way
 meet with failure: gặp thất bại
- get underway (v: C2): begin
- culinary (a): connected with cooking or kitchens (liên quan tới nấu nướng,
bếp núc)
 culinary skills: kỹ năng nấu nướng
 culinary delights: good food
E.g: savour of culinary of Vietnam (thưởng thức những món ăn ngon của VN)
- ingredient (n): one of the things from which something is made, especially
one of the foods that are used together to make a particular dish (thành phần)
- pudding (n): dessert (món tráng miệng)
- Amenity (n) things considered to be necessary for live comfortably
- hone (v) make sth sharp
Prodigy (n) : sb show great ability since young age
- Gig (n ) a single performance by a musician
- Clientele (n) group of customers in business
- Distinguished (a): respected + admired (lỗi lạc)
- Audition (v) thử giọng
- Flute :sáo
- Flautist : people who playing flute
- Abrasive (a) rude , not friendly
- precarious (a): (of a situation) not safe or certain; dangerous
- Grab one’s attention (v) get sb attention
- Petrified (a) frightened, terrified
- Make a radical change : thay đổi hoàn toàn
- Paradoxically enough (adv) nghịch lý là
- Ironically enough :trớ trêu thay
- Throw oneself into sth : do sth enthusiastically : đắm chìm vào cái gì

- Vulture (n): condor (con kền kền)
- Fluff (n) feather
- Take flight (v) fly
- Rear (v) breed
- Coyote (n) chó sói Bắc Mĩ
- an effective range of only about 4 four meters
- blunt (a) not sharp (cùn)
- talon (n) a sharp nail on a bird’s foot used when hunting animals (móng, vuốt)
- wingspan (n) the distance between the ends of a bird’s wing (sải cánh)
- soar (v) fly high in the sky (bay vút lên)
- incubate (v) warm the eggs so that it can hatch (ấp)
- bicker (v) argue about sth not important
- saunter (v) = stroll : walk without hurrying
- perforate (v) make a hole in sth
- glide (v) fly through air without power

- come to grief (v) fail; be unsuccessful
- plumage (n) a bird’s covering of feathers
- viewfinder (n) kính ngắm
- FALL prey to : victim of
- Built-in (a) forming part of something, and not separate from it (gắn liền)
- Gloss (n) smooth
- Gloss over (v): to ignore or avoid unpleasant facts = push sth aside
+ He could no longer gloss over his failures.
+ She pushed her doubts aside and carried on.
- Venture (n) a new business or activity (dự án hoặc là công việc kinh doanh)
 a new/ profitable venture
- Unawares (adv: formal): without noticing or realizing
E.g: He slipped unawares into sleep.

* PART 1:
- dispose of sth (v: formal): get rid of sth
- call on sb (v): ask sb in a formal way to do sth
- as a matter of course: là một chuyện hiển nhiên
- inconvenience sb (v): cause problems or difficulties for sb (quấy rầy, gây
phiền phức cho ai)
- complicated (a): involving a lot of different parts, in a way that
is difficult to understand (phức tạp)
- prompt sb to do sth (v): to make someone decide to say or do something
(thúc giục ai đó làm gì)
- quirky (a): (of an aspect of somebody's personality or behaviour) a little
- gimmick (n): mẹo/ mánh quảng cáo để thu hút sự chú ý

- mundane (a):very ordinary  boring

Monday, March 19th 2018

- a cosmopolitan city: 1 thành phố quốc tế

- do the trick (informal): If something does the trick, it has the necessary or
wanted effect
E.g: This sauce needs more flavour - I know, some lemon juice should/ought
to do the trick.
- play a joke/ trick on sb: to confuse someone or cause problem for them
E.g: Fate played a cruel trick on him when he was injured in his first game.

* PART 2:
- at passport control: ở nơi kiểm tra hộ chiếu
- keep sth to a minimum: to make something as small, few, or little as possible
E.g: Do what you can to keep construction dust to a minimum. The dust
should be kept to a minimum.

- notorious (a): khét tiếng
 notoriety (n): sự tai tiếng

- venom (n): nọc độc (của rắn, bò cạp, nhện…)

 venomous (a)

- solitude (n): the state of being alone, especially when you find this pleasant
E.g: live in solitude (sống trong cảnh cô đơn)
 solitary (a)
E.g: lead a solitary life

- occurrence (n): sth that happens  occur (v)

E.g: an everyday occurrence (sự việc diễn ra hằng ngày)

- estimate (v)
 underestimate (v/n) >< overestimate (v/n)
 underestimated (a) >< overestimated (a)
 estimation (n)

- caution (n/v)
 cautious (a)  cautiously (adv)
 precaution (n): sự đề phòng, phòng ngừa
 precautionary (a)
 cautionary (a: formal): giving a warning

- resist (v)
 resistance (n)
 resistant (a)
 irresistible (a)
 irresistibility/ irresistibleness (n)

- discard (v): get rid of it or throw sth away because you no longer want or
need it
- spur sb on: encourage sb
- on tap: available for use at any time
- on offer: available to be bought or used
- ornithologist (n): nhà nghiên cứu chim
- go a long way towards doing sth: be very helpful to do sth
E.g: The money raised will go a long way towards providing essential food
and medicine.
- go a long way = go far (informal): be successful in the future
- a win – win situation: tình huống đôi bên tham gia đều có lợi
- be in/at/on the front line: doing the hardest or most important work
E.g: These dedicated people are on the front line of health care.
- exotic (a): ngoại lai
- on one’s doorstep (informal): very close to where someone is or lives
E.g: There's a lovely park right on our doorstep.
- in place (a: C2): organized
E.g: The arrangements are all in place for the concert next Thursday.
- osteopath (n): người nắn xương
- sort out = deal with
- slouch (v): to stand, sit, or walk with the shoulders hanging forward and
the head bent slightly over so that you look tired and bored (rũ xuống)
- lean (v): dựa
 lean against the wall: dựa vào tường
- engine bay (n): khoang động cơ
- slump (v): to sit or fall heavily and suddenly
E.g: slump into the chair (ngồi sụp xuống)
- tilt (v): to (cause to) move into a sloping position (nghiên)
- let go of sb/ sth: stop holding sb/sth
- misalignment (n): the state of being in the wrong position in relation to
something else (lệch)
- clock sth up (v: infml): to win or achieve a large number of similar things
E.g: The Australians have clocked up three gold medals and two silvers in
the swimming events.
- theatrical orator (n): người hung biện trên sân khấu
- work on sth: improve sth
- feel weighed down by sth: feel worried by sth
- not have the faintest idea (C2: infml): used to emphasize that you do not
know something
E.g: I don't have the faintest idea what you're talking about!

- cost – effective (a) = cost – efficient = profitable (sinh lãi, sinh lời)
- internal combustion engine: động cơ đốt trong
- refuel (v): tiếp nhiên liệu
- bulky (a): too big
- off – putting (a: C2): slightly unpleasant or worrying so that you do
not want to get involved in any way (khó chịu)
- stationary (a): immobile
- by – product (n): sản phẩm phụ
- alternator (n): máy phát điện sinh ra dòng điện 2 chiều
- cumbersome (a): awkward because of being large, heavy, or not effective
(cồng kềnh)

 Landing (n) cảnh đáp xuống của máy bay

 Runway (n) đường băng
 Terminal (n) ga tàu, xe, máy bay
 Stoppage (n) đình công
 Deflect (v) đổi hướng
 Revert (v) reply
 Premonition (n) điềm báo, linh cảm
 Indigence (a) deep poverty
 Indigenous (a) native

Chủ đề phật giáo Metallurgy (n) luyện kim

Buddhist monk (n) sư thầy Genocide (N) diệt chủng

Buddhist nun (n) sư cô Reverberation (n) âm vang, chấn động

Buddhist monastery /ˈbʊdɪst ˈmɑːnəsteri/ : tu Indigenous ~ to (a) native

viện Homicide (n) murder
Buddhist temple (n) chùa
Repudiate (v)refuse to accept
Draw a fortune stick (n) xin xăm
Discern (v) being conscious about sth (nhận
Help interpret the fortune stick (n) giải xăm thức)
Give offerings (n) dâng đồ cúng Postulate (v) suggest
Incense stick (n) nhang Procure food
Kowtow (v) lạy Trigger (v) cause an automatic response
Meditate (v) thiền Setting (n) khung cảnh một cuốn sách, bộ phim
Wai (v) vái, khấn
Tie with sb/sth
Buddhist robe (n) áo cà sa
Give thought to
Indolent (a) lazy
Ask sb’s thought about sth
Inquisitive (a) eager to study
Apprehensive (a) anxious about sth
Emanate (v) toát ra
Divert (v) change direction Diversion (N)
Emanating charisma (v) toát ra sự thu hút, tín
nhiệm Master (v) be good at sth mastery (n)
complete control of sth
Unfold (C1) open
Come to a decision = make up one’s mind
Subjugate (v) govern, administrate
Fashion (v) make sth with your hands
Encompass (v) include
Play out (v) happen and develop
Incipient (a) initial, starting
At will : bất cứ lúc nào muốn
Tongue in cheek (a) Intend to be joking but
actually serious about sth Hearth (n) lò sưởi

Exterminate (v) kill Shack (n) lều

Cast shadow on/over sth : gieo rắc điềm xấu Opportune moment (n) a moment in which sth
happen at appropriate time
Insatiable (a) too great to be satisfied
A wide circle of acquaintances: nhiều người Deviate (v) làm điều gì trái với đạo lí bt
quen (bạn)
deviation (n)
Broaden one’s circle of friends/ connections
Norm (n) quy tắc đạo đức chuẩn mực
Give sb a cold shoulder = be indifferent to sb
Deviate the norm, social norm
Understand sb well = read sb like a book
Conceive (v) nhận thức, tưởng tượng, thai
Perennial (a) lasting a very long time, nghén
happening repeatedly Ex: perennial problem
misconceived (a) nhận thức sai
Insurmountable (a) difficult and complicated
Imposing (a) attractive
to do
A shaft of light : tia sáng
Search for sth but search “without for” is
followed by a place. Eg: Search the house for Trench (n) rãnh , mương , hào (nông nghiệp)
stolen goods
Recede (v) rút xuống (khoảng cách) , mờ dần
Archaic /ɑːrˈkeɪ.ɪk/ (a) of an ancient period in Eg: The tide recedes or memories recede
Glamor (n) sức quyến rũ
Outgoing (a) 1. Leaving a job/place 2. Friendly
 Glamourous (a)
Drive change = cause the change to happen  Glamourize (v)
Replica / duplicate (n) exact copy of sth Stand sb in good stead (v) give good and useful
Far from = not at all eg: this ship is far from
big enough to transport thousands of people. In sb’s stead (v) in place of sb: thay mặt ai
Interbreed (v) ~ with: lai giống Inward feelings: cảm xúc bên trong
Marginal (a) very small amount or effect In retrospect: Nghĩ lại
 Marginalize (v) treat sb/sth as if they are Solicit (v) ask for: yêu cầu
not important
 Solicitation (n)
Comply (v) tuân theo  Solicited (a)
 Unsolicited (a)
compliance (n)
 Solicitous (a) quan tâm, giúp đỡ
Consult (v) tư vấn  Solicitor (n) cố vấn luật pháp (in Britain
and Australia)
 Consultant (n) cố vấn
 Consultancy (n) cơ quan tư vấn Unbeknown/unbeknownst: (a) without being
known by a person
Expert (n) chuyên gia
Eg: Unbeknownst to me, he left the apartment
 Expertise (n) chuyên môn
without paying rent.
Empower (v) trao quyền cho ai
 Scare / frighten sb out of their wits (làm
Comply with principles : tuân thủ kỷ luật ai sợ )
 Or Scare/ frighten the wits out of sb
Come to terms with : chấp nhận điều gì k thể
thay đổi Anesthetic (n) thuốc mê
Daze (v) làm choáng Accessories and jewelry
Elude (v) if sth elude you, you do not succeed in Lipstick (n) son môi
achieving it
Walking stick (n) gậy chống
Defy (v) refuse to obey sb: k tuân theo
Bracelet (n) vòng tay
Baffle (v) make sb confused làm bối rối, khó
Hairbrush (n) lược chùm
hiểu ai
Necklace /ˈnekləs/ (n) vòng cổ
Crave sth (V) want sth very much
Piercing (n) khuyên
Entice/ engage sb/sth = appeal to sb/sth
Engagement ring: nhẫn đính hôn
Memories and strong feelings often fade with
age Button (n) nút áo
Be/ get in tough (v) contact sb Lighter (n) hột quẹt
Reveal (v) tiết lộ cufflinks [ˈkʌflɪŋk] : đeo bông cài
 Revelation (n) sự tiết lộ bowtie: nơ thắt cổ nam
Contrary to popular belief, opinion , NOT….. tights: quần tất
Country/ place of origin: stilettos /stɪˈletoʊ/: Giày gót nhọn
On land: trên đất liền blazer: áo khoát dạng vét
Install (v) dressing gown: Áo choàng tắm
 Installing/ installation (n) tracksuit: đồ thể thao
 Installment (n) trả góp
slippers: dép đi trong nhà
Maintain (v)
anorak: áo khoát có mủ
 Maintenance (n)
‘Relish FM : like / enjoy
Gestation (n) sự thai nghén ex: gestation period
Replete (a) fully-equipped
Have a heavy foot (inf) : drive a car too fast
EX the car was replete with modern facility
Have a yen for = have a thirst for sth
Verbose (a) talkative
Bandwagon (n) trào lưu
Censure (v) criticize
IDM jump/climb on the bandwagon
Scrutinize (v) nhìn chăm chú
The bandwagon effect
Scrutiny (n) sự xem xét kỹ
Excessively (adv) quá đáng
Reciprocate (v) đáp lại cảm xúc
Vocab Family
Navigate a website
second cousin(n) anh em họ (có cha mẹ cũng là
anh em họ) Innocuous (A) harmless

half-sister (n) chị em cùng cha khác mẹ/ cùng Aspire (v) desire
mẹ khác cha
Scrumptious (a) delectable Surfeit (a) exorbitant = excessive


Deter/ dissuade Prevent sb from doing sth The animal’s arrogance deterred his attempt to
move it into the enormous cage.

Veto Power to refuse A stunning goal has put a veto on our effort to
win the vital match.

Onus Responsibility/ A leader wolf’s onus is to guide the smart way

obligation for the whole pack.

Egalitarian Equals People nowadays tend to dwell in egalitarian


stream Categorize Teachers stream students into groups of 5.

Incremental Small amount Despite early-stage ordeal, our project of

rearranging bones of dinosaur has made
successive incremental changes.
Deputation Delegate A group of deputations has been sent to the
architect annual meeting held in Tokyo, Japan.

Discern sth See, recognize He immediately discerned the urgency in their

&understand voices.

In lieu of Instead of

Legitimate Reasonable His actions are considered legitimate according

to the judges.

In conjunction with Together with

At liberty to do sth Be allowed to do sth

Albeit Despite
Irreparable (a) Unable to make right or The government’s irreparable policy made
repair again negative changes towards local authorities.

forebear ancient Human today seem to be less active than their

forebear in the past.

Connoisseur Specialist and expert


Distill Come out the most

important part

Conspiracy Âm mưu Conspiracy of silence

Amid Among

Firearm Súng cầm tay

Starkly Obviously

Carnage/ butchery Killing

Scant (a) Little/ not enough

Remuneration : money paid for work or services

A remuneration package
A company’s profitability and scalability : the ability to grow larger and make profits
Ameliorate (V) make sth better (FM)
Municipal (a) belonging to the city or town
Ex: municipal authority # provincial authority : tỉnh lẻ
Organise a transnational smuggling ring
Communication breaks down : fail to talk to each other
Communication : letter or message  the communication industry:
Destabilize (v) make an area unstable
Espionage : spy
On a less positive note : on a more nagative aspect
Eligible (a) qualified enough ( for a person to vote or for a law to be enacted )
Nighttime restriction of alcolholic beverage , sexual molestation, surrogacy rings: carry baby for
another woman who cant, loan shark : borrow money with high interest
Issue a warning/ sound a warning/ serve as a warning for ….
Exemplary :good to be copied
Field pointed questions : answer questions which are central.
Hãng hàng không quôc gia National flag carrier
Voice concern: show a concern about something
National Administration of tourism : tổng cục du lịch
Adopt the appropriate solution to a problem
Profiteer : kẻ đầu cơ trục lợi
Ex: American acts a role as profiteers during World war 2
Impede progress of sth # accelerate/facilitate progress of sth : cản trở or thúc đẩy sự tiến triển
Take a lead in = be the first to carry out something
Hội đồng bảo an LHQ – UN security council
Foreign Affair : quan hệ đối ngoại
Prevail over – more powerful than ….
Finesse – great skill / style of an athlete
Spain – spanish (language) – spaniard (people) –swiss
Sugarcane is an ubiquitous and perennial beverage among Vietnam’s localities.
Litchi – lychees vải

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