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Sao Maths Plan STD 2 and 3

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SAO cover page template - Rich Evidence Set

Name: Carmen Pinker School: _____________________________ Yr. Level/Subject Area: Mathematics Year 2/3

Situation: Briefly outline the circumstances surrounding Action: describe the skills/knowledge/competencies Outcome: Describes the results of your action.-
the example of a situation that had a positive outcome or one required to address the situation- outline the steps you took summarise the results of the action and/or the Professional
in which professional growth occurred. to complete the task. Growth that occurred.

In a Year 2/3 class with a very diverse range of learning The challenge of the two-year curricula  I believe that I have successfully organised the
abilities and a significant portion of students with a variety of  Closely scrutinised both textbooks and rearranged content into a series of lessons that are appropriate
special needs I needed to program a Measurement Unit the order of lessons to make them align more for the year levels covered and follow coherently to
combining the Year 2 and 3 curricula for Shape and Angles closely for efficiency. build on the developing understanding of the
with the restriction of a textbook where the lessons did not  Expose both year groups to the other content. students.
line up neatly. This situation was made more complex as Choice to expose Year 2 students to Year 3 content  An engagement audit conducted by my In-Class
many of my Year 3 students, the older cohort, found learning provides part of their extension opportunities. This Coach revealed 100% task engagement which is
quite difficult and were unable to work at a Year 3 level strategy also supports students with learning evidence that the variety of strategies employed
independently, requiring significant support. difficulties as Year 2 content is revised for them. were effective in ensuring productive use of
 Utilised the classroom EA for provide support Mathematics learning time. This was further
My question was: How do I program efficiently to cover both during some textbook activities for more able Year supported when viewing confidential video of the
Year level content while supporting students with learning 2’s while I worked closely with Year 3’s. class.
difficulties, also differentiating for students with special  Utilised the online mathematics program, Prodigy,  Majority of students report that they enjoyed their
needs and providing extension opportunities for my more to provide further, individually levelled practice on learning experience. (Thumbs up/Thumbs down)
able Year 2 students? Mathematics content.  Students appear to be engaging with the content
Differentiation covered well. Evidence – exit ticket questions, first
 Employed a range of teaching strategies and assessment results, teacher observations.
competencies to ensure the lessons ran smoothly
and made efficient and productive use of Forward Planning
Mathematics learning time. This also  When special needs student returns from extended
accommodates the variety of ways students in this holiday look to put in place some micro-goals to
class learn. These included: explicit instruction, support more independent engagement during
small group instruction, supported independent learning activities. On video observed going off-task
work, cooperative learning opportunities, visual as soon as EA was not working with him
aids, concrete materials, open-ended tasks, routines individually.
and explicit instructions/expectations,  Goal to become more explicit with success criteria
incorporation of ICT. at the beginning of mathematics lessons to ensure
 Chose to expose Year 2 students to Year 3 content focus on learning outcome and to support students
as part of their extension opportunities. to be more reflective about their learning.
 Access to the online Mathematics program, Prodigy,
provides levelled support for both students with
learning challenges and students ready for
extension opportunities.
 Students with special needs accommodated more
flexibly by either working at differentiated tasks or
working with EA or myself in addition to the other
Year Group.
Supporting Evidence: e.g. Planning Documents- Short Mid & Long term /IEPs/IBMPs/ Data/ Work samples/ Emails/ Photographs/Certificates
Planning Documents, Photographs, Professional Conversation Log
Professional Knowledge Professional Practice Professional Engagement
Standard 1 Standard 2 Standard 3 Standard 4 Standard 5 Standard 6 Standard 7
Know students and how they Know content and how to teach Plan for and implement Create and maintain supportive Assess, provide feedback and Engage in professional Engage professionally with
learn it effective teaching and learning and safe learning environments report on student learning learning colleagues, parents/carers and
 Physical, social and the community
intellectual development  Content and teaching  Establish challenging  Support student  Assess student learning  Identify and plan
and characteristics of strategies of the teaching learning goals participation  Provide feedback to students professional learning needs  Meet professional ethics and
students area  Plan, structure and  Manage classroom activities on their learning  Engage in professional responsibilities
 Understand how students  Content selection and sequence learning  Manage challenging  Make consistent and learning and improve  Comply with legislative,
learn organisation programs behaviour comparable judgements practice administrative and
 Students with linguistic,  Curriculum, assessment and  Use teaching strategies  Maintain student safety  Interpret student data  Engage with colleagues and organisational requirements
cultural, religious and reporting  Select and use resources  Use ICT safely, responsibly  Report on student improve practice  Engage with the
socioeconomic  Understand and respect  Use effective classroom and ethically achievement  Apply professional learning parents/carers
backgrounds Aboriginal and Torres Strait communication and improve student  Engage with professional
 Strategies for teaching Islander people to promote  Evaluate and improve learning teaching networks and
Aboriginal and Torres reconciliation between teaching programs broader communities
Strait Islander students Indigenous and non-  Engage parents/carers in
 Differentiate teaching to Indigenous Australians the educative process
meet the specific learning  Literacy and numeracy
needs of students across strategies
the full range of abilities.  Information and
 Strategies to support full Communication Technology
participation of students (ICT)
with disability

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