Unless otherwise identified, all Scripture references are from the New American Stan-
dard Bible, © The Lockman Foundation 1960, 1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975,
1977. Used by permission.
Scripture taken from the Holy Bible, New International Version, Copyright © 1973,
1978, 1984 International Bible Society, used by permission of Zondervan Bible Publishers.
Scripture marked [Kjv] is taken from the King James Version of the Bible.
© 1990 Charles R. Swindoll. All rights reserved.
Previous guides:
© 1981, 1984 Charles R. Swindoll. All rights reserved.
Outlines and transcripts:
© 1980 Charles R. Swindoll. All rights reserved.
An effort has been made to locate sources and obtain permission where necessary for
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ISBN 0-8499-8421-1
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I can still hear one of my favorite seminary profs saying that. And
I have repeated it on numerous occasions myself. It is a helpful
and accurate statement. Abstract truth seems sterile and difficult
to grasp if it stands alone—but when we see it illustrated in a life,
it's amazing how clearly it emerges and how attainable it becomes.
This, of course, is the genius behind any biography.
Joseph is a classic example. He embodies some of the most
significant truths in all of Scripture. Although a man just like us,
Joseph blazes a new trail through a jungle of mistreatment, false ac-
cusations, undeserved punishment, and gross misunderstanding. He
exemplifies forgiveness, freedom from bitterness, and an unbelievably
positive attitude toward those who had done him harm. From one
episode to the next, you will literally shake your head in amazement.
That's the way it is when mere humanity incarnates divine
truth. My prayer is that this principle will not stop with Joseph.
Chuck Swindoll
K nowledge apart from application falls short of God's desire for
. His children. He wants us to apply what we learn so that we
will change and grow. This study guide was prepared with these
goals in mind. As you go through the following pages, we hope
your desire to discover biblical truth will grow as your understanding
of God's Word increases, and that you will be encouraged to apply
what you've learned.
To assist you in your study, we've included a section called
«£S|j> Living Insights at the end of each lesson. These exercises will
W challenge you to study further and to think of specific ways
to put your discoveries into action.
There are many ways to use this guide—in personal devotions,
group studies, discussions with friends and family, and Sunday school
classes. And, of course, it's an ideal study aid when you're listening
to its corresponding "Insight for Living" radio series.
To benefit most from this study guide, we would encourage you
to consider it a spiritual journal. That's why we've included space
in the Living Insights for recording your thoughts and discoveries.
We hope you'll return to those sections often for review and en-
couragement as you continue to grow in your walk with Christ.
Lee Hough
Coauthor of Text
Chapter 1
Genesis 37
would instruct you on how to live, offer you encouragement, and
provide you with warnings and timely reproofs (compare Rom. 15:4,
ICor. 10:11, 2 Tim. 3:16-17).
If you're ready, let's walk down the street and meet this young
man who was the favorite of his father but the hated brother of
his siblings.
A Brief Overview
Before we are formally introduced to Joseph, let's gather some
brief background information, looking specifically at three distinct
segments of his biography.
Birth to age seventeen (Gen. 30:24-37:2): If Joseph's life were a
storm, this period would be the clouds swelling up to eclipse the
sun. The family is in transition, unsettled, moving. A growing sense
of agitation is in the wind. You can hear the low rumblings of pain
and discontent building as his family clashes over jealousies, lust,
and hatred.
Seventeen to age thirty (37:2-41:46): As Joseph enters into young
manhood, the brewing storm finally bursts and rejection, enslave-
ment, and imprisonment rain down on him.
Thirty to death (41:46-50:26): The last eighty years of Joseph's
life are years of prosperity under God's blessing. It was a perfect op-
portunity for Joseph to exact revenge on his brothers, to blot out the
sun from their lives, but he blesses and brightens their lives instead.
Jacob: The Aging Father
From his earliest years Jacob had a knack for living up to his
first name. He cheated and lied his way along, and except for a few
brief interludes of piety, he couldn't be trusted.
Another unstable area that plagued Jacob's family were his mar-
riages. He had two wives who were sisters, Leah and Rachel, but
Rachel was the one he loved. This set up a rivalry that resulted in
a childbearing competition.
Leah was the first to have children, and she eventually produced
seven, six boys and a girl named Dinah. Rachel, however, was
barren—a disgrace for a woman in those times. So she had her
handmaiden, Bilhah, sleep with Jacob so that she might have chil-
dren through her. Bilhah eventually bore Jacob two sons. Not to
be outdone, Leah retaliated by having her handmaiden, Zilpah, lay
with Jacob, and she bore him two sons also (Gen. 29-30). Finally,
Rachel herself bore a child, and she named him Joseph (30:22-24).'
Add all this up and you've got one husband, two wives, two
concubines, four mothers, eleven sons, and one daughter—which
did not equal marital bliss. Instead, there were jealousy, strife,
anger, lust, deceit, competition, and secrecy.
By this time Jacob was no longer a young man. He'd worked
for his father-in-law, Laban, a total of twenty years, and there had
been a lot of family infighting and deception on the part of both
father-in-law and son-in-law. So Jacob decided to move his family
back to Canaan, his homeland (v. 25).
Canaan: Trie Promised Land
The trip home came to an abrupt halt, however, when the
family reached the land of the Hivites and the city of Shechem.
There Jacob and Leah's daughter was raped (34:1-2).
Incredibly, when Jacob heard of the despicable act, he did noth-
ing. But her brothers did. They quickly devised a way to deceive
the Hivites and then proceeded to kill every male and loot their
city (vv. 4-29). When Jacob finally did voice a concern over the
situation, it wasn't about the welfare of his daughter. He was con-
cerned about his public image among the surrounding peoples
(vv. 30-31).
1. Joseph means "May He add." It was an expression of Rachel's hope that God would give
her another son.
So the family moved on, but it wasn't long before a second
tragedy struck. While en route to the next city, Jacob's beloved
Rachel died giving birth to their second child, Joseph's brother
Benjamin (35:16-18).
Jacob had worked fourteen years to marry Rachel. They had
waited long for Joseph to be born. And now, after another long
wait, Benjamin was born, but at the expense of the one woman
whom Jacob had truly loved.
After the funeral the family moved on again—right into a third
tragic situation: Reuben, the oldest son, committed incest with one
of his father's concubines (v. 22a).
The text clearly states that Jacob heard about it. But, just as
when his daughter was raped, he did nothing. Jacob just let things
go on as if nothing had happened.2
What started out as an exciting trip home ended up being a
gauntlet of grief. The final blow came after Jacob reached Canaan,
when his father, Isaac, died (35:27-29).
Joseph: The Favorite Son
Jacob's arrival in Canaan brings us back to Genesis 37 and the
front door of Joseph's biography. The clouds hanging over Joseph's
family at this juncture in his life were like dark bruises, swollen
with the pain of years of unresolved conflicts. Yet in the midst of
all this, Jacob discovered an oasis, a shelter against the turbulence
he felt within the rest of his family.
Now Israel [Jacob] loved Joseph more than all his
sons, because he was the son of his old age. (v. 3a)
Doting on Joseph may have brightened Jacob's world, but it
brought only dark clouds into Joseph's. And Joseph's own tattling
on his brothers in verse 2 did nothing to dispel those clouds.
Then there was the matter of a certain coat.
The Brothers: Jealous Conflict
And Israel made [Joseph] a varicolored tunic. And
his brothers saw that their father loved him more
than all his brothers; and so they hated him and
could not speak to him on friendly terms, (vv. 3b-4)
2. Jacob may have acted as if nothing had happened, but he knew his son had committed
a great sin and he never forgot it. Years later, when this passive father lay on his deathbed,
he finally did address the evil that had been done (see Gen. 49:1-4).
This tunic was more than a simple gift from a loving father. It
was a long-sleeved garment worn by the nobility of the day, a
symbol of authority and favored position within the family.3 And
the rest of the boys jealously hated Joseph for it.
That hatred dug in a little deeper when Joseph related a dream
to his brothers in which he became their ruler (vv. 5-8). Then
Joseph told another dream, this time with Jacob listening, where
again everyone in the family was bowing down to him (vv. 9-11).
Jacob wasn't too fond of Joseph's words, but still he did nothing to
assuage the ill feelings that were driving a wedge between Joseph
and his brothers. He simply "kept the saying in mind" (v. 11) and
ignored the thundering signs of the oncoming storm.
3. "Jacob presented Joseph with a coat of many colours (KJV), or a coat with long sleeves,
which set him in a class apart and exempted him from the menial tasks of farming." Joyce
G. Baldwin, The Message of Genesis 12-50: From Abraham to Joseph, The Bible Speaks Today
series (Downers Grove, 111.: InterVarsity Press, 1986), p. 159.
When the brothers saw Joseph coming, they immediately held
a family council. The time had come to vent their wrath again,
just as they had done in Shechem. The only question to be settled
was how.
When they saw him from a distance and before
he came close to them, they plotted against him to
put him to death. . . . "Now then, come and let us
kill him and throw him into one of the pits; and we
will say, A wild beast devoured him.'" (vv. 18, 20a)
Reuben, however, interceded on Joseph's behalf and persuaded
the others to put him in a pit instead of killing him outright. When
Joseph arrived, they stripped him of the coat Jacob had given him,
threw him in a pit, and coolly sat down to eat (vv. 21-25a).
A Caravan to Egypt
While they were eating, the brothers decided to sell him to a
passing caravan of Ishmaelites. Next, they poured goat's blood on
Joseph's tunic, and when they got home they deceived their father
into thinking Joseph was killed by a wild animal. Jacob wept bitterly
(vv. 25b-35).
In a way, all the things Jacob had been too passive and preoc-
cupied to deal with in the past finally crashed in on him. Behind
the cruel and deceitful actions of his sons lay many accusing ques-
tions. Where were you, Jacob, when Dinah was raped? when your
sons slaughtered the men in Shechem? when Reuben committed
incest? when the whole family was being torn apart by jealousy and
As the shepherd of a large family, Jacob had refused to see or
do anything about the red sky warnings that had spread over his
flock. He had let his children sow the wind, until they reaped a
whirlwind (see Hos. 8:7).
Meanwhile, Joseph was taken into Egypt and sold as a slave to
the captain of the guard in Pharaoh's court (Gen. 37:36).
All we can do is imagine. However, there are four lessons we
can glean from Joseph's experience that can be just as important
and real for us today as they were for Joseph.
First: No family is exempt from adversity. There is no place of
refuge in this fallen world where one can escape trials. There is
only One who can give you the refuge and strength to endure and
grow through them (see Ps. 46).
Second: No enemy is more subtle than passivity. Do you know how
passive parents tend to discipline? Usually in anger. For weeks,
months, even years, these individuals try to avoid dealing with
problems until one day they explode. And in a brutal moment
they'll come down on someone with both feet. But that isn't dis-
cipline. The child they leave behind after one of these scorching
sessions will be no more disciplined than before. We've got to
realize that giving in to the subtle urge to avoid problems now only
creates more in the future.
Third: No response is more cruel than jealousy. Solomon was right
when he said that jealousy is as cruel as the grave (Song of Sol.
8:6, Kjv). If you let the seed of jealousy take root in your children,
it will destroy the family's unity and harmony. As a parent, you
must learn to recognize and weed out bad attitudes as well as actions.
And in addition to your weeding responsibilities, don't forget to
water your children with praise when they display the right attitudes.
Fourth: No condition is more unfair than slavery. In one day Joseph
went from a favored son to a faceless slave, from luxury's pillows to
Egypt's bonds. No one in Joseph's family knew where he ended up,
not even the brothers who sold him. But God knew where he was.
And no amount of unfair circumstances could thwart His plan to
raise Joseph from pit to pinnacle.
I found that when I wrote my first book,
it was about a mentally disabled boy.
When I did volunteer work,
it was with the handicapped.
And every time I encounter those who are
in some way bent or broken,
my heart softens.
I send up a little prayer—
that the load they carry
may be made easier to bear,
that they may be protected
from the cruelties of this world,
and that they may experience as much
as they can of the goodness
life has to offer.4
From our study today, what pictures of their father do you think
Jacob's sons and daughter carried with them throughout their lives?
In the time that it will take to finish this study on Joseph's life,
what lasting, good memories can you give to your children or to
other children you know?
4. Ken Gire, The Gift of Remembrance (Grand Rapids, Mich.: Zondervan Publishing House,
Daybreak Books, 1990), p. 23.
What pictures will my son remember
when he comes to the plain granite marker
over his father's grave?
What will my daughters remember?
Or my wife?
What pictures will be left behind
for them to thumb through
in the nostalgic, late afternoons
of their lives?
Will the pictures strengthen them for the journey?
Or send them hobbling through life, crippled.5
In his book How to Really Love Your Child, Dr. Ross Campbell
The husband who will take full, total, overall re-
sponsibility for his family, and take the initiative in
conveying his love to his wife and children, will
experience unbelievable rewards: a loving, apprecia-
tive, helping wife who will be her loveliest for him;
children who are safe, secure, content and able to
grow to be their best. I personally have never seen
marriage fail if these priorities are met. Every failing
marriage I have seen has somehow missed these pri-
orities. Fathers, the initiative must be ours.6
Jacob didn't take the initiative with his family—and it showed.
Instead of providing an atmosphere where his children could grow
to do and be their best, Jacob's passivity fostered a family environ-
ment that all but guaranteed they would turn out reckless, insecure,
and discontented.
Dads, are you taking the initiative to convey to your children, in
ways they can understand, that they are loved unconditionally? Pause
Now spend some time with your spouse brainstorming some new
ways for you to effectively convey your love.
If you need help, try reading How to Really Love Your Child by
Dr. Ross Campbell, or Traits of a Healthy Family by Dolores Curran,
or How Do You Say, "1 Love You"? by Judson J. Swihart.
Chapter 2
Genesis 39
I n one of his best writings, a small booklet fewer than fifty pages
long titled Temptation, Dietrich Bonhoeffer gave perhaps the
single most descriptive explanation of temptation anywhere outside
the Scriptures.
In our members there is a slumbering inclination
towards desire which is both sudden and fierce. With
irresistible power, desire seizes mastery over the flesh.
All at once a secret, smouldering fire is kindled. The
flesh burns and is in flames. It makes no difference
whether it is sexual desire, or ambition, or vanity,
or desire for revenge, or love of fame and power, or
greed for money or, finally, that strange desire for
the beauty of the world, of nature. Joy in God is in
course of being extinguished in us and we seek all
our joy in the creature. At this moment God is quite
unreal to us, he loses all reality, and only desire for
the creature is real; the only reality is the devil.
Satan does not here fill us with hatred of God, but
with forgetfulness of God. . . . The lust thus aroused
envelops the mind and will of man in deepest dark-
ness. The powers of clear discrimination and of deci-
sion are taken from us. . . .
It is here that everything within me rises up against
the Word of God.1
Temptation is the oldest of all the inner conflicts in the heart
of man. There is not one person, including Christ, who hasn't
struggled with it. And, except for Christ, there is not one person
who hasn't suffered the consequences of yielding to it.
1. Dietrich Bonhoeffer, Creation and Fall and Temptation (New York, N.Y.: Macmillan Pub-
lishing Co., Collier Books, 1959), pp. 116-17.
Three Types of Temptation
Whenever the subject of temptation comes up, people tend to
assume that we're talking about sexual lust. But there are other
ways we can be tempted.
Materia! temptation. This is a lust for things. It can be something
as large as a house or as small as a ring. Something as bright and
dazzling as a new car or as faded and nicked as an antique bureau.
Personal temptation. This is a lust for status. Some people expend
all their energies trying to gain special recognition, fame, or power.
They sacrifice friends, family—whatever gets in their way—to pos-
sess a title or a position.
Sensual temptation. This is the lust for another person. It's the
desire to enjoy the body of another individual when such pleasure
is not legally or morally permissible.
Regardless of the kind of temptation, all of us know the frustra-
tion of trying to stop a Gulliver lust with a Lilliputian will.
In our lesson today we're going to look at Joseph's memorable
example and see how he resisted the seductive enticements of a
sensual temptation.
Now his master saw that the Lord was with him and
how the Lord caused all that he did to prosper in
his hand. So Joseph found favor in his sight, and
became his personal servant; and he made him over-
seer over his house, and all that he owned he put
in his charge, (vv. 3-4)
Notice that Joseph didn't tell Potiphar that the Lord was with
him; verse 3 says, "his master saw" that God was with him. And
verse 4 says, "Joseph found favor in his [Potiphar's] sight," not
"Joseph requested favors from Potiphar." Joseph earned the right to
be respected and trusted.
And it came about that from the time he made him
overseer in his house, and over all that he owned,
the Lord blessed the Egyptian's house on account of
Joseph; thus the Lord's blessing was upon all that he
owned, in the house and in the field. So he left
everything he owned in Joseph's charge; and with
him there he did not concern himself with anything
except the food which he ate. (vv. 5-6a)
By now, Joseph's Midas touch and personal integrity had inspired
Potiphar's absolute confidence and trust. And along with that had
come greater measures of responsibility and freedom for Joseph. But
sneaking up behind these benefits also came a greater measure of
vulnerability. F. B. Meyer warns,
We may expect temptation in days of prosperity and
ease rather than in those of privation and toil . . .
not where men frown, but where they smile sweet,
exquisite smiles of flattery—it is there, it is there,
that the temptress lies in wait! Beware! If thou goest
armed anywhere, thou must, above all, go armed
The writer of Genesis finished this brief narrative of Joseph's
professional life with a personal aside: "Now Joseph was handsome
in form and appearance" (v. 6b).
The Sensual Temptation
While Mr. Potiphar is appreciating Joseph's reliable business
sense and trustworthy nature, Mrs. Potiphar is becoming increas-
ingly preoccupied with Joseph's good build and looks.
And it came about after these events that his
master's wife looked with desire at Joseph, and she
said, "Lie with me." (v. 7)
Joseph immediately but politely refuses. He tries to appeal first
to her reason and second to her conscience.
But he refused and said to his master's wife, "Behold,
with me here, my master does not concern himself
with anything in the house, and he has put all that
he owns in my charge. There is no one greater in
this house than I, and he has withheld nothing from
me except you, because you are his wife. How then
could I do this great evil, and sin against God?"
(vv. 8-9)
But Mrs. Potiphar isn't moved a bit. She isn't interested in the
sanctity of her marriage or the trust between her husband and
Joseph. She's interested only in gratifying her physical lust—now.
Nothing else. It's no wonder, then, that Joseph's spiritual concern
could not penetrate the darkness that shrouded her mind and will.
Peculiar Elements in Joseph's Temptation
Let's pause for just a moment to clarify some of the specifics in
Joseph's situation. First, Joseph faced a difficult dilemma. The very
place in which he lived and worked, Potiphar's household, brought
him face'to-face with one very seductive temptation, Mrs. Potiphar.
Second, her advances surely must have flattered Joseph's ego and
aroused a powerful sensual temptation. Third, the source of tempta-
tion was persistent—she pursued him day after day (v. 10). Fourth,
this woman pursued Joseph when they were alone, when there
wouldn't be any fear of detection (v. 11).
It was a vulnerable time for Joseph. No doubt his own lust was
working overtime trying to erode, as Bonhoeffer said, his powers of
clear discrimination and decision (see also James 1:13-15).
The final test for Joseph came when Mrs. Potiphar resorted to
more than just words to lure him to lie with her.
And she caught him by his garment, saying, "Lie
with me!" And he left his garment in her hand and
fled, and went outside. (Gen. 39:12)
In almost every instance where the issue of sexual lust is dealt
with in the New Testament, we're told to flee, to get up and run
(see 1 Cor. 6:18). Some temptations we're to stand and resist. But
when it comes to sensual lust, we're told to do exactly as Joseph
did—get out of there. If we stay, we're likely to give in.
3. Bartktt's Familiar Quotations, 15th ed., rev. and enl., ed. Emily Morison Beck (Boston,
Mass.: Little, Brown and Co., 1980), p. 324.
4. At first glance, Potiphar's reaction to his wife's story seems to indicate that he believed
her. But when you read of Joseph's punishment, it suggests that his Egyptian master wasn't
completely convinced. The normal sentence for a slave guilty of attempted rape was instant
death. But Pharaoh's chief executioner kept his sword sheathed and put Joseph in prison
Practical Application for Today
Here are four important insights to help you say no when your
lust says yes.
Do not be weakened by your situation. Several aspects of Joseph's
position could easily have undercut his resolve to say no to lust.
He was handsome and alone. He enjoyed a secure and trusted po-
sition. His integrity and accomplishments made him the object of
much praise. And, perhaps, most dangerously, he had complete
autonomy. He was accountable to no one. No one, that is, except
God. Joseph did not allow his eyes to wander from his holy God
to the sinful seductions of his situation.
Do not be deceived by persuasion. Mrs. Potiphar was bold, calcu-
lating, and her proposition was tantalizing. No doubt her verbal
enticements were as loosely clad and suggestive as she probably was.
Day after day she tried to lure Joseph with just the right combination
of tempting words, such as, "My husband doesn't meet my needs."
Or "Who will ever find out? We're completely safe!" Or perhaps
"Just this once. Never, never again." But her words were in vain.
Joseph's commitment to God completely shut her out.
Do not be gentle with your emotions. F. B. Meyer said, "Resist the
first tiny thrill of temptation, lest it widen a breach big enough to
admit the ocean. Remember that no temptation can master you
unless you admit it within."5 Our emotions will beg and plead for
us to open the door to that first tiny thrill of temptation, but we've
got to learn to keep the door closed like Joseph did. In verse 8 "he
refused." In verse 9 he calls her words "this great evil, and a sin
against God." In verse 10 he didn't even listen to her or be with
her. And in verse 12 he fled from her!
Do not be confused by the immediate results. Don't be confused
when your "Mrs. Potiphars" keep coming back to tempt you after
you've said no. Saying no to temptation, whatever kind it may be,
doesn't banish it forever. Lust doesn't give up that easily. Be pre-
pared to say no again the next day—or even the next minute.
One day as I was studying this chapter I realized that
my personal life's objective regarding holiness was
less than that of John's. He was saying, in effect,
"Make it your aim not to sin." As I thought about
this, I realized that deep within my heart my real
aim was not to sin very much. . . ,
Can you imagine a soldier going into battle with
the aim of "not getting hit very much" ? . . . We can
be sure if that is our aim, we will be hit—not with
bullets, but with temptation over and over again 6
The battle of saying no to lust is really won or lost in our attitude
toward sin. Before you walk onto the spiritual battlefield today, do
two things. First, be sure to equip yourself with the four helpful
insights given above. And second, think through the three categor-
ies of temptation listed and ask yourself this one, decisive question,
Has my battle plan been not to sin very much . . . or not to sin at
all, in the area of:
material temptations?
personal temptations?
sensual temptations?
6. Jerry Bridges, The Pursuit of Holiness (Colorado Springs, Colo.: NavPress, 1978), p. 96.
tion. We may think we merely respond to outward
temptations that are presented to us. But the truth
is, our evil desires are constantly searching out temp-
tations to satisfy their insatiable lusts.7
All of us have weaknesses that allow certain temptations to get
through our defenses and take control of our hearts. Fortunately for
Joseph, none of his circumstances were able to overcome his com-
mitment to saying no. Are any of the circumstances that he faced
difficult for you?
Chapter 3
Genesis 39:20-41:1
1. Elie Wiesel, Night, trans. Stella Rodway (New York, N.Y.: Bantam Books, 1960), p. 32.
The greatest test in this kind of suffering is our attitude toward
it. Viktor Frankl wrote,
Everything can be taken from a man but one thing:
the last of the human freedoms—to choose one's
attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose
one's own way.2
We cannot control whether today or tomorrow we will be treated
fairly. But we can choose how we will respond. Our attitude is some-
thing we can control. Resentment, hostility, bitterness, revenge—
these are the common attitudes people choose when they're mis-
treated. God, however, has a different choice in mind for His children.
For what credit is there if, when you sin and are
harshly treated, you endure it with patience? But
if when you do what is right and suffer for it you
patiently endure it, this finds favor with God.
(1 Pet. 2:20)
Joseph did what was right and he suffered for it. He refused
Mrs. Potiphar's advances, so she concocted a lie that sent him to
prison. From free man to slave to prisoner, Joseph's freedom was
progressively stripped away. Everything about his circumstances
seemed to indicate that he had been forgotten by both God and
man. Now Joseph faced the most difficult part of being mistreated
unfairly. Now he had to exercise the only freedom left to him—the
freedom to choose his attitude.
Before we see how Joseph responded, let's take a brief look at
the different ways we all suffer unjustly.
2. Viktor E. Frankl, Man's Search for Meaning, rev. and updated (New York, N.Y.: Pocket
Books, 1984), p. 86.
Untrue accusations from people. James aptly describes the tongue
as a fire (James 3:5-6). In one day its careless, untrue statements
can completely incinerate a reputation that has taken years to build.
proached his new restriction as another opportunity for God to
work in his life. Because of that, God was able to use him strate-
gically in the lives of two men.
Then it came about after these things the cup-
bearer and the baker for the king of Egypt offended
their lord, the king of Egypt. And Pharaoh was furi-
ous with his two officials, the chief cupbearer and
the chief baker. So he put them in confinement in
the house of the captain of the bodyguard, in the
jail, the same place where Joseph was imprisoned.
And the captain of the bodyguard put Joseph in
charge of them, and he took care of them; and they
were in confinement for some time. (40:1-4)
We're not told what these men did to offend Pharaoh, but
chances are, given their former job titles, it had something to do
with Pharaoh's food. The baker obviously prepared his meals and
it was the cupbearer's job to taste Pharaoh's food and wine to
prevent him from being poisoned.
Then the cupbearer and the baker for the king of
Egypt, who were confined in jail, both had a dream
the same night, each man with his own dream and
each dream with its own interpretation. When Joseph
came to them in the morning and observed them,
behold, they were dejected. And he asked Pharaoh's
officials who were with him in confinement in his
master's house, "Why are your faces so sad today?"
(vv. 5-7)
Even though the bottom had dropped out of his life, Joseph's
attitude of patient endurance enabled him to be sensitive to the
needs of others. And it was this concern for others that started a
chain of events that would eventually lead to his release, beginning
with the interpretation of the king's servants' dreams.
Then they said to him, "We have had a dream and
there is no one to interpret it." Then Joseph said to
them, "Do not interpretations belong to God? Tell
it to me, please." (v. 8)
If you'll remember, Joseph had had some experience with dreams
before (37:5-11), and all it did was create problems for him. Yet
when he hears that these men are upset because no one can inter-
pret their dreams, he still offers to help.
The First Dream
So the chief cupbearer told his dream to Joseph,
and said to him, "In my dream, behold, there was
a vine in front of me; and on the vine were three
branches. And as it was budding, its blossoms came
out, and its clusters produced ripe grapes. Now
Pharaoh's cup was in my hand; so I took the grapes
and squeezed them into Pharaoh's cup, and I put the
cup into Pharaoh's hand." Then Joseph said to him,
"This is the interpretation of it: the three branches
are three days; within three more days Pharaoh will
lift up your head and restore you to your office; and
you will put Pharaoh's cup into his hand according
to your former custom when you were his cupbearer."
(vv. 9-13)
No doubt this was exciting news for the cupbearer. And Joseph
saw the possibility of something good in it for himself too. The next
two verses remind us that Joseph was a real flesh-and-blood human
being, not some pristine saint whose feet never touched the ground.
"Only keep me in mind when it goes well with you,
and please do me a kindness by mentioning me to
Pharaoh, and get me out of this house. For I was in
fact kidnapped from the land of the Hebrews, and
even here I have done nothing that they should
have put me into the dungeon." (vv. 14-15)
The Second Dream
After hearing the cupbearer's good fortune, the baker immediately
launched into his dream. And Joseph faced the unpleasant task of
having to tell him that his wasn't a dream—it was a nightmare.
When the chief baker saw that he had interpreted
favorably, he said to Joseph, "I also saw in my dream,
and behold, there were three baskets of white bread
on my head; and in the top basket there were some
of all sorts of baked food for Pharaoh, and the birds
were eating them out of the basket on my head."
Then Joseph answered and said, "This is its interpre-
tation: the three baskets are three days; within three
more days Pharaoh will lift up your head from you
and will hang you on a tree; and the birds will eat
your flesh off you." (vv. 16-19)
Three days later everything happened just as Joseph had said.
The cupbearer went back to serving Pharaoh, and the baker became
food for the birds (vv. 20-22). While he must have hated to see
such a dire interpretation come true, all of this must also have raised
some hopeful expectations in Joseph. In his daydreams he could
probably see the cupbearer convincing Pharaoh to free him. Men-
tally, Joseph had his bags packed and was ready to go.
God. If we allow that feeling to fester long enough, it begins to
turn into cynicism and our heart hardens with bitterness.
through a valley of pain turned away and forgot you? Describe
the situation.
Do not trust in princes,
In mortal man, in whom there is no salvation.
His spirit departs, he returns to the earth;
In that very day his thoughts perish.
How blessed is he whose help is the God of Jacob,
Whose hope is in the Lord his God; . . .
Who executes justice for the oppressed;
Who gives food to the hungry.
The Lord sets the prisoners free.
(Ps. 146:3-5, 7)
The next time you are feeling forgotten, forsaken, abandoned, and
disillusioned, remember that there is One who is unfailingly trust-
worthy. Here are some Scriptures that will help bring this to mind.
The Trustworthiness of God
Deuteronomy 31:6 Psalm 118:5-9
Psalm 25 Psalm 146
Psalm 27:10 Proverbs 3:5-6
Psalm 37:3-6, 28 Isaiah 42:16
Psalm 94:14 Matthew 28:20b
Psalm 98:3 Hebrews 13:5
Chapter 4
Genesis 41:1-46
1. Herbert Lockyer, All the Promises of the Bible (Grand Rapids, Mich.: Zondervan Publishing
House, 1962), p. 10. Lockyer records the story of a man named Everet R. Storms who,
during his twenty-seventh reading of the Bible, broke down the promises of Scripture as
follows: "7,487 promises by God to man, 2 by God the Father to God the Son, 991 by one
man to another . . . , 290 by man to God. 21 promises were made by angels, one by man
to an angel, and two were made by an evil spirit to the Lord. Satan made nine. . . . Storms
then gives us the grand total of 8,810 promises."
ease, grief, and misguided friends. In chapter 23 Job vents some of
his frustration over God's seeming silence and hiddenness.
"Oh that I knew where I might find Him,
That I might come to His seat!
I would present my case before Him
And fill my mouth with arguments. . . .
Behold, I go forward but He is not there,
And backward, but I cannot perceive Him;
When He acts on the left, I cannot behold Him;
He turns on the right, I cannot see Him."
(Job 23:3-4, 8-9)
Job wants the why and how long questions concerning his suffer-
ing answered. He wants an opportunity to argue his innocence
before God and end his pain and suffering. But he cannot present
his case because he cannot find the Judge.
In the midst of this long, dark night of suffering, Job reminds
himself of a fact, a promise, a hope.
"But He knows the way I take;
When He has tried me, I shall come forth as
gold." (v. 10)
Notice Job said, "When He has tried me," which implies the
passage of time. There's no such thing as a quick way to refine gold.
The process of refining, purifying, and perfecting gold is a lengthy,
painstaking process. In the same way, God uses the painstaking
process of our afflictions and sufferings to refine and perfect His
goldlike qualities in us.2
Over in the New Testament the same kind of promise is anchored
amidst some intense affliction in 1 Peter 5. According to verse 6,
something was happening that prompted Peter to remind his readers
to humble themselves and not resist God. Verse 7 addresses feelings
of anxiety. Verse 8 talks about the enemy, the devil, wanting to de-
vour them. And verse 9 plainly states that they were going through
some kind of suffering, though what it is isn't explicitly stated.
Finally, in verse 10 comes the promise that can keep all our lives
from being capsized by troubles.
2. Keep in mind that all this has nothing to do with externals. Job does not say, "When
He has tried me He'll double the wealth he took away," or, "When he has tried me my wife
will turn around and say she's sorry, and our relationship will be better than before." No.
He's saying "I'll come forth as gold; I'll be wiser, purer, more like Him."
And after you have suffered for a little while, the
God of all grace, who called you to His eternal glory
in Christ, will Himself perfect, confirm, strengthen
and establish you. (v. 10)
When the testing has ended, when the flames have surfaced and
consumed the dross of self-centeredness, you'll come forth as gold.
Don't resist trials and afflictions as intruders. Rather, submit to God
in the midst of them, allowing Him to perfect, confirm, strengthen,
and establish your character for His purposes. A. W Tozer said,
It is necessary for God to use the hammer, the file
and the furnace in His holy work of preparing a saint
for true sainthood. It is doubtful whether God can
bless a man greatly until He has hurt him deeply.3
Joseph had been hurt deeply. God allowed him to be put through
the refining fires of misunderstanding, slavery, false accusations,
imprisonment, abandonment, and more. But there was gold in the
making—a purified character that God could use to greatly bless
the lives of many.
3. A. W. Tozer, The Root of the Righteous (Camp Hill, Pa.: Christian Publications, 1986),
p. 137.
The Turning Point: Pharaoh's Dream
Ironically, the turning point in Joseph's life came as a result of
another dream.
The Dream Declared
Pharaoh woke up one morning disturbed over two strange dreams.
He had first dreamed that there were seven sleek, fat cows who
came up out of the Nile and were followed by seven ugly, gaunt
cows who devoured them. After this, he dreamed of seven good,
plump ears of grain growing on a single stalk, which were then
swallowed up by seven thin, scorched ears (vv. 1-7). When Pharaoh
awoke, he called for all his magicians and wise men to interpret
these dreams for him (v. 8). But none of them could. Suddenly,
the cupbearer remembers another interpreter of dreams and immedi-
ately begins to pour out a long-forgotten favor.
Then the chief cupbearer spoke to Pharaoh, say-
ing, "I would make mention today of my own of-
fenses. Pharaoh was furious with his servants, and
he put me in confinement in the house of the cap-
tain of the bodyguard, both me and the chief baker.
And we had a dream on the same night, he and I;
each of us dreamed according to the interpretation
of his own dream. Now a Hebrew youth was with
us there, a servant of the captain of the bodyguard,
and we related them to him, and he interpreted our
dreams for us. To each one he interpreted according
to his own dream. And it came about that just as
he interpreted for us, so it happened; he restored me
in my office, but he hanged him." (vv. 9-13)
The Dream Interpreted
Pharaoh immediately calls to have Joseph brought up from prison
and hurriedly made to shave and change clothes (v. 14).
Just for a moment, put yourself in Joseph's sandals. Why has he
been down in that furnace called a dungeon for the past two years?
Humanly speaking, it was because the cupbearer forgot him. Now
he's suddenly released and standing in front of Pharaoh, the cup-
bearer's boss. But you won't hear one word of resentment spoken
against the cupbearer. Why? Because Joseph kept his eyes on the
Lord, not the cupbearer.
And Pharaoh said to Joseph, "I have had a dream,
but no one can interpret it; and I have heard it said
about you, that when you hear a dream you can
interpret it." Joseph then answered Pharaoh, saying,
"It is not in me; God will give Pharaoh a favorable
answer." (vv. 15-16)
The New International Version says, "I cannot do it." Joseph
isn't nitpicking over terms here. He wants it clearly understood that
if truth comes, it will come from God and He alone deserves the
glory. The years of suffering have purged him and now he has come
forth as gold—the kind of gold that refuses even the temptation to
use God's gift of interpreting dreams as a bargaining tool to secure
his freedom.
Pharaoh then tells Joseph his dreams (vv. 17-24), and Joseph
explains that God was telling Pharaoh what He is about to do. The
seven sleek, fat cows and the seven plump ears of grain represent
seven years of great abundance throughout Egypt. This bumper crop
will then be followed by seven years of famine, which in the dream
were represented by the gaunt cows and thin grain swallowing up
the good. This famine will be so intense that the people will forget
there were ever days of plenty (vv. 25-31). Even to the end of the
interpretation, Joseph keeps Pharaoh's focus on the Lord and off
"Now as for the repeating of the dream to Pharaoh
twice, it means that the matter is determined by
God, and God will quickly bring it about." (v. 32)
Pharaoh was powerful, but even the world's greatest army was
defenseless against the onslaught of a famine. At this moment of
weakness, Joseph provided Pharaoh with the strong counsel he
needed to be able to save the Egyptian empire from ruin.
'And now let Pharaoh look for a man discerning and
wise, and set him over the land of Egypt. Let Pharaoh
take action to appoint overseers in charge of the
land, and let him exact a fifth of the produce of the
land of Egypt in the seven years of abundance. Then
let them gather all the food of these good years that
are coming, and store up the grain for food in the
cities under Pharaoh's authority, and let them guard
it. And let the food become as a reserve for the land
for the seven years of famine which will occur in the
land of Egypt, so that the land may not perish during
the famine." (vv. 33-36)
monarch of his time, welcomes him. . . . The hands
that were hard with the toils of a slave are adorned
with a signet ring. The feet are no longer tormented
by fetters; a chain of gold is linked around his neck.
The coat of many colours torn from him by violence
and defiled by blood, and the garment left in the
hand of the adulteress, are exchanged for vestures
of fine linen drawn from the royal wardrobe. He was
once trampled upon as the offscouring of all things;
now all Egypt is commanded to bow before him, as
he rides forth in the second chariot, prime minister
of Egypt, and second only to the king.4
Picture a blazing hot forge and a piece of gold
thrust into it to be heated until all that is impure
and false is burnt out. As it is heated, it is also
softened and shaped by the metalworker. Our faith
is the gold; our suffering is the fire. The forge is the
waiting: it is the tension and longing and, at times,
anguish of waiting for God to keep his promises.
It is also the way God makes our character pure
and shapes us into the people he wants us to be.5
Are you in the crucible of waiting right now? Have you been
there long?
It's true that we must learn to trust God without panic, but just
because it's true doesn't mean it's easy. What types of things do you
panic over?
Isaiah 40:29-31
5. Ben Patterson, Waiting: Finding Hope When God Seems Silent (Downers Grove, 111.: Inter-
Varsity Press, 1989), pp. 11-12.
Isaiah 30:18
Jeremiah 29:11
1 Peter 1:6-7
6. The agony of Gethsemane was Jesus' crucible of waiting—see Luke 22:39-46 and Mark
Chapter 5
perity. As a result, we tend to be more affirming of those living
with humble means and suffering need than we are with those who
live in prosperity and have an abundance.
A Brief Review
Today, as we travel back to Joseph's biography in Genesis, let's
add to the relevance of our study by imagining Joseph as a contem-
porary Christian friend. Now, so far, this friend has been through
some very difficult days. He was hated and rejected by his own
brothers, who sold him to a passing caravan. Later, he was sold
again on the slave's auction block in Egypt. Removed from and
forgotten by his family, Joseph was forced to learn a new language
and culture under the command of Potiphar, the captain of Pharaoh's
bodyguard. Meanwhile, Mrs. Potiphar tried repeatedly to seduce
Joseph, and when she finally saw that he wouldn't succumb, she
falsely accused him of attempted rape. This charge landed him in
prison, where he was forgotten by a friend who could possibly have
secured his release two years earlier.
Joseph had suffered deeply. And most of us would have rallied
around him and given him all the encouragement and support we
could. Especially since he continued to walk with God through all
this. "I'm praying for you, Joseph." "Don't get discouraged, you did
the right thing, Joseph." "Keep trusting in the Lord, Joseph; He
hasn't forgotten you!"
In the last seventeen verses of Genesis 41, however, Joseph's
life is going to be radically reversed, and we will face the difficult
test of success. How supportive will we be when our friend Joseph
is suddenly promoted? Let's find out.
A Man Restored
As we saw in our last lesson, Joseph was unexpectedly brought be-
fore Pharaoh to interpret two dreams that had troubled the king. In
addition, Joseph offered Pharaoh some invaluable counsel that would
save the Egyptian empire from ruin. Because of Joseph's discernment
and wisdom, Pharaoh immediately promoted him from prisoner to
prime minister. And with that promotion came many rewards.
A Position of Qreat Authority
One by one, Pharaoh bestowed upon Joseph several kinds of
authority. First, Joseph received an unlimited territorial authority,
"I have set you over all the land of Egypt" (Gen. 41:41b). The
whole land was to be under his control—a land richly nourished
by the Nile and covered with cities, stately temples, pyramids, and
colossal figures towering over one hundred feet in height.
Pharaoh also gave Joseph carte blanche financial authority, "Then
Pharaoh took off his signet ring from his hand, and put it on
Joseph's hand" (v. 42a). The term signet ring comes from the Hebrew
verb that means "to sink down." The ring was used for sinking the
Pharaoh's emblem into soft clay. It was like the MasterCard of that
day, with all the wealth of Egypt behind it. And now it belonged
to Joseph, to make any transaction he deemed necessary.
Joseph also received a whole new wardrobe to match the new
royal authority given to him. The prison garments were quickly
thrown away and replaced with "garments of fine linen" and a
necklace made of gold (v. 42b).
Next, Joseph was given his own company car, Pharaoh's "second
chariot," to be driven throughout Egypt to proclaim the new prime
minister's public authority.
And he had him ride in his second chariot; and they
proclaimed before him, "Bow the knee!" And he set
him over all the land of Egypt. Moreover, Pharaoh
said to Joseph, "Though I am Pharaoh, yet without
your permission no one shall raise his hand or foot
in all the land of Egypt." (vv. 43-44)
Now if Joseph's newly acquired territorial and financial authority
didn't bother you, seeing him surrounded by soldiers shouting for
everyone to bow the knee and show respect probably does. It's hard
to be affirming of that kind of success. We tend to look with a
jaundiced eye and ask, "Who does he think he is?"
But the Scriptures never once say that Joseph commanded any-
one to bow the knee. In fact, Joseph was probably embarrassed by
all the hoopla and overwhelmed by the incredible irony of the
situation. For there he was, a Hebrew as Egypt's new prime minister,
riding in Pharaoh's chariot with the scars of slavery still on him.
New Name, New Wife
In addition to his new authority, Joseph was also given a new
name—Zaphenath-paneah (v. 45a). The small syllable nath is a
reference to a goddess worshiped in Egypt named Neith. Translated,
Pharaoh's new name for Joseph meant "the god speaks and lives."
Certainly this is not the kind of name Joseph would have chosen
for himself. But, as Joseph was quickly finding out, there are some
things that aren't yours to determine when someone else promotes
you to a position of authority.
To promote his social standing in Egypt, Joseph was also given
a wife: 'Asenath, the daughter of Potiphera priest of On" (v. 45b).
Her name, which also includes the syllable nath, meant "belonging
to Neith." We're not told whether she was bright or dull, attractive
or plain, sympathetic to Joseph's faith or antagonistic. Only that
she was the daughter of an Egyptian priest.
Youth and a Bright Future
The writer pauses in verse 46 to tell us a significant personal
fact about Joseph. This former Hebrew slave who now rules Egypt
is only thirty years old.
So often we think God blesses and uses only older men and
women in leadership positions. The Bible, however, is filled with
examples of young people in leadership positions. Do you know how
old David was when Samuel anointed him to be Israel's next king?
Not even twenty. When Nebuchadnezzar picked Daniel to serve in
his court, he was still in his teens. And Josiah, in 2 Chronicles 34,
was only eight years old when he began his reign in Jerusalem.1
Joseph was a young man with a very promising future. He had
been assured by God that, for the next seven years, Egypt would
be blessed with unprecedented bumper crops. And it was.
Thus Joseph stored up grain in great abundance like
the sand of the sea, until he stopped measuring it,
for it was beyond measure, (v. 49)
Now, on a scale of one to ten, would you still be praying for
Joseph? Would you still affirm this richly adorned young man who
rode in Pharaoh's chariot? Would you still believe in someone who
was named "the god speaks and lives" and who was married to the
daughter of a pagan priest? To be honest, many of us would probably
score only about a one or two on the scale. But we are looking only
at the surface. Let's find out what Joseph was like on the inside at
this time.
1. There is no lack of evidence outside the Bible, either. Charles Haddon Spurgeon took
the pulpit of New Park Street Chapel while still in his teens; before he was thirty, six
thousand people were coming each week to the famed London Tabernacle to hear him
preach. And another famous preacher, G. Campbell Morgan, was only twelve when he gave
his first sermon.
Two Sons and a Clear Conscience
In the next few verses, Joseph uses a play on words that reveals
his heart attitude toward God.
Now before the year of famine came, two sons
were born to Joseph, whom Asenath, the daughter
of Potiphera priest of On, bore to him. And Joseph
named the first-born Manasseh, "For," he said, "God
has made me forget all my trouble and all my father's
household." And he named the second Ephraim,
"For," he said, "God has made me fruitful in the
land of my affliction." (vv. 50-52)
The latter part of verse 51 actually reads, God "manassehed"
me of all my troubles and all my father's household. What does this
mean? The root of the name Manasseh is nashah, meaning "to for-
get. " But in the Hebrew construction of this word, Manasseh means
"to take the sting out of a memory." Joseph had many painful memo-
ries from his troublesome past. But with the birth of his first son,
God removed the sting, so Joseph named his firstborn Manasseh.
Ephraim comes from the verb meaning "to be fruitful." The name
of this second son was to be a living reminder and testimony that it
was God who "ephraimed" Joseph, made him fruitful in the land of
his affliction. Underneath the exterior trappings of Egyptian royalty
beat a heart that was committed to "bowing the knee" to Jehovah.
Food amidst Famine
The integrity of Joseph's faith and character is also revealed in
verses 53-57.
When the seven years of plenty which had been
in the land of Egypt came to an end, and the seven
years of famine began to come, just as Joseph had
said, then there was famine in all the lands; but in
all the land of Egypt there was bread. So when all
the land of Egypt was famished, the people cried out
to Pharaoh for bread; and Pharaoh said to all the
Egyptians, "Go to Joseph; whatever he says to you,
you shall do." When the famine was spread over all
the face of the earth, then Joseph opened all the
storehouses, and sold to the Egyptians; and the fam-
ine was severe in the land of Egypt. And the people of
all the earth came to Egypt to buy grain from Joseph,
because the famine was severe in all the earth.
Because Joseph believed God's prediction and was faithful in
the execution of his job, Egypt and all the world benefited. Untold
thousands survived the famine who otherwise would have perished.
A Word of Hope
On the surface, it wouldn't appear as if many of us have much
in common with the Joseph of Genesis 41:41-57. You'll probably
never be given the kind of territorial, financial, or public authority
he received. It's likely you'll drive to work each day in your own
car instead of being picked up by a presidential chariot. No one,
not even your best friend, is going to run out in front of you telling
people, "Bow the knee!" because you're coming. And what about
the clothes Joseph wore? They were designer-royalty linens and gold
from Pharaoh's own private haberdashery. And yours?
Don't be too concerned, however, if you don't share all the
same exterior trappings as Joseph. The clothes, the chariot—they're
all dust anyway. Focus instead on these timeless interior lessons
from Joseph's heart.
First: Lengthy afflictions need not discourage us. So much of our
attention has been focused on what happened to Joseph that many
of you may have missed the timing involved. Remember that Joseph
was only seventeen when the bottom fell out of his life, and it
wasn't until he was thirty that his circumstances significantly im-
proved. Thirteen years of unrelenting affliction! And yet, Joseph
didn't allow discouragement to enslave or imprison his heart. How
did he do it? The only way possible—he focused on loving God
with all his heart, soul, mind, and strength.
Second: Bad memories need not defeat us. The past is still present
within us in the form of memories. And for many, painful memories
are still what's controlling and defeating our attempts to love God
and others. But we can free ourselves from them. By God's grace,
we have the power to choose whom we will serve—a bad memory
or a loving God. You may need some help at first, maybe a friend, a
close-knit fellowship group, or even a professional counselor. But if
you're willing, God can turn that painful wound into a stingless scar.
Third: Great blessings need not disqualify us. Often when God
promotes a believer, the Christian community tends to be suspicious
rather than supportive. Instead, why don't we thank God for the
Josephs He's raising up in our generation? Why don't we get excited
about all the ways God is going to use this believer's authority and
success in ways we never could? Perhaps if we were more affirming
and supportive, there would be fewer who succumb to temptations
and fall into ruin.
• Why do you think it's easier for some to affirm the afflicted than
support the successful?
• How has this prosperity affected the needs that you have?
• Are these needs that different from when you weren't prosperous?
• OK, you can take off those Gucci loafers now and slip back into
your Payless specials. Has your imaginary walk in prosperity's
shoes helped you understand the need to be more supportive
and affirming toward those whom God has blessed?
• Have you prayed for God to take the sting out of these memo-
ries, or are you trying to push them away and forget them
yourself—before the poison has been let out?
• Have you let trust and forgiveness play their role in removing
the sting from the painful memories you listed above?
Genesis 41:52 tells us that Joseph named his second son Ephraim,
" 'For,' he said, 'God has made me fruitful in the land of my afflic-
tion. '" We've seen how God made Joseph prosper materially. Now
let's take a look at the spiritual fruit.
Why don't you pause right now and thank God for the hope
He has given you—that your land of affliction doesn't have to
be a barren and desolate place, but by His grace, it can bloom
with tender fruit and fragrant blossoms.
Chapter 6
Genesis 42:1-28
O nce upon a time there lived a king and queen who wept every
day because they had no children. One day, however, the
queen received a prophecy that within a year she would have a
child. A year passed, and happily, the prophecy came true. Im-
mediately, a great celebration was planned in honor of the favored
child. The guests included friends, relatives, and twelve kind, wise
women who could endow the child with fairy gifts.
On the day of the great feast, however, the celebrations were
interrupted by the sudden appearance of an uninvited guest—a
thirteenth wise woman, a very sinister fairy. In a jealous rage over
not being invited, she cast an evil spell on the royal couple's
daughter, prophesying that on her fifteenth birthday she would
prick her finger with a spindle and die. When the foul intruder
left, there was one wise woman who had not yet bestowed her fairy
gift. Though she could not undo the wicked decree, she could
soften it. Instead of dying, the king's daughter would fall into an
enchanted sleep.
The king didn't want to take any chances, however, and com-
manded that all the spindles in the kingdom be burned. But despite
all his efforts, his beautiful daughter pricked her finger with a spin-
dle on her fifteenth birthday and slept for a hundred years. On the
very day that the hundred years ended, a prince found his way into
the castle, wandered into the room where the beautiful princess lay
sleeping, woke her with a kiss, and they lived happily ever after.
Recognize the story? If you guessed Sleeping Beauty, you're right
—partly. This Brothers Grimm tale also closely parallels the real
events in Joseph's story.
Remember how Jacob and Rachel, Joseph's father and mother,
had lamented a long time before having their firstborn, Joseph.
And how, like the daughter, Joseph was also a favored and gifted
child. But because of his brothers' jealous anger, he too was threat-
ened with death. This great evil was "softened," however, by the
oldest brother who intervened on Joseph's behalf. Instead of being
cast into a deep sleep at fifteen as the princess was, Joseph was cast
into a pit when he was seventeen. And, as we have already seen,
it was the Prince of Peace who rescued Joseph by enabling him to
patiently endure his sufferings and by later promoting him to prince
of Egypt.
But everything is not yet "happily ever after" in Joseph's life. In
an ironic twist, the prince of Egypt is about to come to the rescue of
the very brothers who rejected him. In his commentary on Joseph,
F. B. Meyer describes what has happened to the brothers since they
sold Joseph so many years ago.
Meanwhile, the sons had become middle-aged
men, with families of their own. They probably never
mentioned that deed of violence to each other. They
did their best to banish the thought from their minds.
Sometimes in their dreams they may have caught a
glimpse of that young face in its agony, or heard the
beseechings of his anguished soul; but they sought to
drown such painful memories by deep draughts of the
Lethe-stream1 of forgetfulness. Conscience slept.2
For approximately twenty-five years conscience has slept. But,
as we shall see in our study today, Joseph's brothers are about to
meet the prince whom God will use to wake their slumbering con-
sciences and reunite a divided house.
Famine in Canaan
For the past several chapters and years in Joseph's biography,
our focus has been on Joseph's plight in Egypt. And in the latter
part of Genesis 41 we were told that the severe famine which struck
Egypt also spread "over all the face of the earth." Now, beginning
in Genesis 42, our focus suddenly shifts from the well-stocked gra-
naries of Egypt to the empty cupboards of Canaan, from Joseph to
Joseph's father and brothers.
Now Jacob saw that there was grain in Egypt,
and Jacob said to his sons, "Why are you staring at
1. 'A river in Hades whose waters cause drinkers to forget their past." Webster's Ninth New
Collegiate Dictionary, see "lethe."
2. F B. Meyer, Joseph: Beloved—Hated—Exalted (Fort Washington, Pa.: Christian Literature
Crusade, n.d.), p. 69.
one another?" And he said, "Behold, I have heard
that there is grain in Egypt; go down there and buy
some for us from that place, so that we may live and
not die." Then ten brothers of Joseph went down to
buy grain from Egypt. But Jacob did not send Joseph's
brother Benjamin with his brothers, for he said, "I
am afraid that harm may befall him." So the sons
of Israel came to buy grain among those who were
coming, for the famine was in the land of Canaan
also. (vv. 1-5)
As we follow the brothers on their journey to Egypt, remember
that none of them had any idea where Joseph had ended up or even
if he was still alive. Nor did Joseph know anything about what had
become of his family or that he was about to encounter his brothers
in Egypt.
Encounter in Egypt
Egypt became the soup kitchen for a starving world. Each week
thousands came to buy food from the wise prime minister who had
faithfully prepared for the wintry seven-year famine.
Dialogue with Joseph
When Jacob's sons finally did reach Egypt, they stood in line
with the rest of the gaunt-faced foreigners to buy grain.
Now Joseph was the ruler over the land; he was the
one who sold to all the people of the land. And
Joseph's brothers came and bowed down to him with
their faces to the ground. When Joseph saw his
brothers he recognized them, but he disguised him-
self to them and spoke to them harshly. And he said
to them, "Where have you come from?" And they
said, "From the land of Canaan, to buy food."
But Joseph had recognized his brothers, although
they did not recognize him. (vv. 6-8)
There's a play on words here in the Hebrew. Using the same
root word with different verb stems it says, in verse 7, that Joseph
recognized his brothers but he made himself unrecognizable.
To help us gain a deeper appreciation of this scene, let's look
at some of the reasons why it would've been difficult for Joseph's
brothers to recognize him.
First, remember that more than twenty years have passed. The
teenager the brothers had known was now a mature man in his
forties. Joseph's voice has matured, and he is also fluently speaking
a foreign language as if it were his native tongue. Also, the Joseph
they had known could speak Hebrew, but this individual uses an
interpreter to carry on their conversation (v. 23). They also didn't
recognize him because Hebrews wear beards, and Joseph's face is
clean-shaven in the manner of the Egyptians. Everything Joseph is
wearing, from his headdress on down, has an Egyptian designer
label, not Jewish. And even if the brothers had anticipated the
remote possibility of seeing Joseph, they would have been search-
ing the faces of Hebrew slaves, not Egyptian royalty. On top of all
this, Joseph disguised his kinship even further by speaking harshly
to them.
But Joseph immediately recognized his brothers, and certain
dreams he'd had long ago began replaying in his mind when he saw
them bowing before him (v. 9a). He had dreamed that his brother's
harvested sheaves bowed down before him, and here they were, all
except the youngest, Benjamin. And he had also dreamed that the
sun, moon, and twelve stars—Joseph's whole family—bowed down
before him. Finally, the puzzling pieces of his youthful dreams were
coming together (37:6-7, 9).
But they were bowing down and showing respect to the prime
minister of Egypt, not their brother Joseph. Somehow he had to
find out, without revealing who he was, whether they still hated
him, whether they had since felt any sorrow or guilt over what they
had done to him. One commentator said, "When the test of severe
trouble is applied, and when men are thrown out of all conventional
modes of thinking and speaking," that is when the true character
of the heart is revealed.3 And this is exactly the kind of test we see
Joseph apply to his brothers.
Plan of Joseph
"You are spies; you have come to look at the unde-
fended parts of our land." Then they said to him,
"No, my lord, but your servants have come to buy
food. We are all sons of one man; we are honest
men, your servants are not spies." Yet he said to
them, "No, but you have come to look at the un-
defended parts of our land!" But they said, "Your
servants are twelve brothers in all, the sons of one
man in the land of Canaan; and behold, the young-
est is with our father today, and one is no more."
"One is no more"? But what if he isn't? Joseph thought. What if
he's alive and standing here in front of you? Will you rejoice and embrace
him, or remain bedfellows with your seared consciences? So Joseph
applies even more pressure.
And Joseph said to them, "It is as I said to you, you
are spies; by this you will be tested: by the life of
Pharaoh, you shall not go from this place unless your
youngest brother comes here!" (vv. 14-15)
"In all this," F. B. Meyer comments,
I believe he repeated exactly the scene at the pit's mouth;
and indeed we may perhaps see what really happened
there [twenty years before], reflected in the mirror
of this scene. It is not unlikely that when they saw
him coming towards them, in his princelike dress,
they had rushed at him, accusing him of having
come to spy out their corrupt behaviour, and take
back an evil report to their father, as he had done
before: if so, this will explain why he now suddenly
accused them of being spies. No doubt the lad pro-
tested that he was no spy—that he had only come
to inquire after their welfare; but they had met his
protestations with rude violence in much the same
way as the rough-speaking governor now treated
them. . . . If this were the case—and it seems most
credible—it is obvious that it was a powerful appeal
to their conscience and memory, and one that could
not fail to awaken both.4
Then, without warning, Joseph decided to imprison them all
(v. 17). Why? Probably to give them time to reflect, time to awaken
their consciences to the way they had sinned against the brother
who was "no more," and time for himself to carefully plan his next
move. At the end of three days, Joseph altered his original plan.
Instead of keeping all of them except one, he decided to keep one
and release the others to go and bring the youngest brother back
(vv. 18-20).
At this moment the brothers began speaking in Hebrew, think-
ing that Pharaoh's prime minister wouldn't understand any of it.
But Joseph did understand (v. 23).
Then they said to one another, "Truly we are guilty
concerning our brother, because we saw the distress
of his soul when he pleaded with us, yet we would
not listen; therefore this distress has come upon us."
And Reuben answered them, saying, "Did I not tell
you, 'Do not sin against the boy'; and you would not
listen? Now comes the reckoning for his blood."
(vv. 21-22)
To fully appreciate the intensity of this conversation, it's helpful
to know that the word we used here in the Hebrew is extremely
emphatic. "We are guilty"; "we saw the distress of his soul"; "we
would not listen." In his Exposition of Genesis, H. C. Leupold notes,
Whatever they may have said in prison, now at
least they speak in terms of their guilt in the matter
of Joseph. Their conscience has awakened mightily
during these three days. They feel that a just retri-
bution has come upon them, and are apparently all
of one mind in regard to the matter. They admit
guilt, the "only acknowledgment of sin in the book
of Genesis. "5
One of the first signs of a conscience wakening is the admission
of personal guilt. Notice that the brothers didn't blame their father
for being passive; they didn't blame Joseph for being proud in his
mid-teen years; they simply confessed their own guilt.
The brothers also talked about a transfer of distress (v. 21). The
distress that Joseph had felt in his soul the day they sold him had
now entered their own souls via ten fully roused consciences.
How did all these emotions and words affect Joseph? The prime
minister left the room—so he could weep tears of relief and joy
(v. 24a). For years he had waited, hoping he could be reconciled
to his brothers and be part of his family again. Now that day was
When he regained his composure, Joseph had Simeon bound
(v. 24b) and ordered the provisions for his brothers' trip home
(v. 25). What his brothers didn't know is that he had given them
back all the money they paid for the grain they were carrying. Once
they discovered the money, it says they "turned trembling to one an-
other, saying, 'What is this that God has done to us?'" (v. 28). Not
only have their awakened consciences led them to admit their guilt,
now they're beginning to sense God's hand in their strange events.
God in Circumstances
"Once upon a time . . . " Perhaps no other four words, in any
language, carry such power to awaken our slumbering imaginations
for a Peter Pan flight from reality to fantasy. Today, however, we
have flown from fantasy to reality to help us see and remember how
God used the prince of Egypt to awaken the sleeping consciences
of his brothers.
Before we leave Joseph's world to reenter our own, here are two
important lessons to remember. First, God activates our seared con*
sciences when we are victims of unfair treatment similar to what we once
gave someone else. God used the distress of being falsely accused and
imprisoned to rouse the brothers' consciences, bringing to mind the
distress they had caused Joseph.
Second, God activates our seared consciences when we are recipients
of undeserved expressions of grace. His brothers deserved imprison-
ment or even worse for what they had done to Joseph. But what
they received instead was their money back for the grain they were
carrying home to Canaan. It was an act of grace from Joseph that
God used to further convict his brothers and draw their attention
toward Him.
and walk in the light of truth. And every day of those twenty-plus
years they had chosen to lie. Bit by bit, they had seared their
consciences, until they were so mentally impotent that all they
could do at the threshold of a life-or-death situation was stand
"staring at one another" (Gen. 42:1).
Have you ever stood where Joseph's brothers did, trapped in a pit
of denial that robbed you of the ability to think and to be truly alive ?
Every time you make a choice you are turning the
central part of you, the part of you that chooses,
into something a little different from what it was
before. And taking your life as a whole, with all your
innumerable choices, all your life long you are slowly
turning this central thing either into a heavenly
creature or into a hellish creature: either into a crea-
ture that is in harmony with God, and with other
creatures, and with itself, or else into one that is in
a state of war and hatred with God, and with its
fellow-creatures, and with itself. To be the one kind
of creature is . . .joy and peace and knowledge and
power. To be the other means madness, horror, idi-
ocy, rage, impotence, and eternal loneliness. Each
of us at each moment is progressing to the one state
or the other.
That explains what always used to puzzle me about
Christian writers; they seem to be so very strict at
one moment and so very free and easy at another.
They talk about mere sins of thought as if they were
immensely important: and then they talk about the
most frightful murders and treacheries as if you had
only got to repent and all would be forgiven. But I
have come to see that they are right. What they are
always thinking of is the mark which the action
leaves on that tiny central self which no one sees in
this life but which each of us will have to endure—or
enjoy—for ever. One man may be so placed that his
anger sheds the blood of thousands, and another so
placed that however angry he gets he will only be
laughed at. But the little mark on the soul may be
much the same in both. Each has done something
to himself which, unless he repents, will make it
harder for him to keep out of the rage next time he
is tempted, and will make the rage worse when he
does fall into it. Each of them, if he seriously turns
to God, can have that twist in the central man
straightened out again: each is, in the long run,
doomed if he will not.6
6. C. S. Lewis, Mere Christianity, rev. and enl. (New York, N. Y.: Macmillan Publishing Co.,
Collier Books, 1952), pp. 72-73.
Chapter 7
1. Judith Viorst, Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day (New York,
N.Y.: Atheneum, 1972).
Usually, it's only after we've made things worse by trying to solve
a problem on our own that we begin to look at things from His
Third, we all tend to resist rather than tolerate new ideas—
especially if they seem to offer something for nothing! "Nothing's
free in this world," we're told, so we condition ourselves to be sus-
picious and closed toward anything unexpected that doesn't carry
a price tag in plain view.
If not dealt with, all three of these natural tendencies will grow
stronger as we grow older. Joseph's father, Jacob, could testify to
that. Even though he had known God for well over a hundred years,
Jacob's faith was constantly being undermined by his negativism,
horizontal viewpoint, and closed-mindedness.
Did you notice the two important details the sons left out about
their trip? They avoided mentioning the three days they spent in
prison (42:17), and nothing was said about the money they dis-
covered in one of their grain sacks on the trip home (v. 27).
We don't know exactly what Jacob is thinking while he listens
to his sons' incredible tale. But remember, his entire background
has been filled with deceit and manipulation, so it's deeply in-
grained in his nature to think the worst. And it wasn't long before
things did go from bad to worse, and Jacob's natural tendencies
began to show.
Discovery and Discussion
Now it came about as they were emptying their
sacks, that behold, every man's bundle of money was
in his sack; and when they and their father saw their
bundles of money, they were dismayed, (v. 35)
Here they are in the midst of a desperate famine with no crops
and no way to earn a living from the soil, and they find all this
money. But their reaction isn't, "Praise God, He has provided," or,
"Thank the Lord for prompting that prince in Egypt to be generous
toward us." Instead, it says they were "dismayed," which in Hebrew
means "they were afraid."2
Immediately, Jacob's fear flips open the lid on his Pandora's box
of natural tendencies, and his negativism, horizontal viewpoint,
and resistant attitude come pouring out.
And their father Jacob said to them, "You have be-
reaved me of my children: Joseph is no more, and
Simeon is no more, and you would take Benjamin;
all these things are against me." (v. 36)
'All these things are against me." Sounds pretty paranoid, doesn't
it? In all of this Jacob never once stops to think or ask what God
might be doing. The oldest son, Reuben, senses that his father's
mind is quickly closing and becoming resistant to letting Benjamin
go, so he makes a last-ditch offer.
Then Reuben spoke to his father, saying, "You may
put my two sons to death if I do not bring him back
2. This is the same word Adam used to describe his feelings toward God after he had sinned,
"I heard the sound of Thee in the garden, and I was afraid . . . " (Gen. 3:10a).
to you; put him in my care, and I will return him
to you." But Jacob said, "My son shall not go down
with you; for his brother is dead, and he alone is
left. If harm should befall him on the journey you
are taking, then you will bring my gray hair down
to Sheol in sorrow." (vv. 37-38)
But Reuben is too late. Jacob is emphatic and the door is shut—
for a while.
But they said, "The man questioned particularly about
us and our relatives, saying, 'Is your father still alive?
Have you another brother?' So we answered his ques-
tions. Could we possibly know that he would say,
'Bring your brother down'?" And Judah said to his
father Israel, "Send the lad with me, and we will
arise and go, that we may live and not die, we as
well as you and our little ones. I myself will be surety
for him; you may hold me responsible for him. If I
do not bring him back to you and set him before
you, then let me bear the blame before you forever.
For if we had not delayed, surely by now we could
have returned twice." (vv. 6-10)
Instead of dealing with the real issues, Jacob digresses into blaming
his sons for all his troubles. He also clearly suggests, true to his char-
acter, that it would have been better if they had deceived the Egyptian
official. Again Judah speaks, this time offering a solution to the prob-
lem, and Jacob's resolve against the inevitable begins to weaken.
Tolerance and Uncertainty
Then their father Israel said to them, "If it must
be so, then do this: take some of the best products
of the land in your bags, and carry down to the man
as a present, a little balm and a little honey, aromatic
gum and myrrh, pistachio nuts and almonds. And
take double the money in your hand, and take back
in your hand the money that was returned in the
mouth of your sacks; perhaps it was a mistake."
(vv. 11-12)
Grim-faced, Jacob agrees to let Benjamin go, but not without
gifts and money to assuage the suspicion of the Egyptian official.
This same ploy had worked for Jacob once before when he took
presents to his brother Esau whom he had cheated (see 32:3-33:11).
It's the best horizontal plan Jacob can think of to help ensure
Benjamin's safety. Up till now, there are no vertical plans of hoping
and trusting in the Lord, only a feeble hope in the horizontal,
"perhaps it was a mistake."
Quarded Faith and Abandonment
"Take your brother also, and arise, return to the man;
and may God Almighty grant you compassion in the
sight of the man, that he may release to you your
other brother and Benjamin. And as for me, if I am
bereaved of my children, I am bereaved." So the
men took this present, and they took double the
money in their hand, and Benjamin; then they arose
and went down to Egypt and stood before Joseph,
(vv. 13-15)
Finally, in this last phase, Jacob at least offers a prayer. Perfunc-
tory though it may be, the words still show a glimmer of faith. A
glimmer that is quickly obscured, however, by Jacob's stoic resigna-
tion, "If I am bereaved of my children, I am bereaved." This is not
awe-inspiring faith.
But haven't we all had terrible, horrible, no good, very bad days
like his? Days where our faith lost its struggle against the undercur-
rents of negativism, a horizontal viewpoint, and resistance to new
ideas? Let's not be too hard on Jacob just because we've seen him
warts and all today. Rather, let's focus on three techniques for help-
ing ourselves learn to swim against the tide of our natural tendencies.
Third: Stay open to a new idea for at least five minutes. Try holding
off five minutes before you decide whether to accept or reject a new
thought or development. Because once you've made a hasty decision,
your pride will do everything it can to keep you from backing down.
None of us can escape having terrible, horrible, no good, very
bad days in a fallen world. And it's not just what happens to us
that makes life hard, it's also our response to those problems and
surprises we encounter that often makes life even harder. Are your
responses making your life harder?
Let's turn to Study Two to find a way to change these responses
and make your life a little easier.
• Stay open to a new idea for at least five minutes. In the space
provided, make a list of areas you typically approach with a
closed mind. For example, maybe you are resistant to new ideas
from your children, an employee, your spouse, or maybe even
from your own creative self. Whatever they may be, list these
areas so that you know what you are dealing with.
Now, for at least the next two days, consciously try to allow
new ideas at least five minutes' time to come to life. You may
be surprised at how creative you and those around you really are!
Chapter 8
. . . ALMOST
Genesis 43.15-34
En Route from Canaan to Egypt
As we saw in our last lesson, Joseph's brothers returned to Canaan
with the disconcerting news that Simeon had been left bound in
Egypt and that they couldn't return for him or more grain without
their youngest brother, Benjamin. Jacob flatly refused, however, to
send Benjamin. He had already lost Benjamin's mother, Rachel,
and their favored firstborn, Joseph. He wasn't about to risk losing
their only other son. But when the grain they brought from Egypt
was depleted, Jacob relented and Benjamin is allowed to go with
his brothers to buy more.
In addition to Benjamin, the brothers also take with them the
best products from the land of Canaan as a present and double the
amount of money they had found in their grain sacks when they
returned from Egypt (Gen. 43:15).
But besides the money, the present, and Benjamin, the brothers
also carry back to Egypt a guilty conscience over what they had
done to Joseph. Added to that guilt are also feelings of apprehension
and uncertainty about the intentions of the suspicious Egyptian
prime minister. Will he release Simeon? Will he let them return?
Or will he use the money they found in their sacks as an excuse to
imprison them?
Not only is Joseph immensely relieved to finally behold Benja-
min, he is also, in that same moment, reassured that his brothers
spoke the truth to him on their first trip.
Uneasy Explanation
Shakespeare once wrote, "Suspicion always haunts the guilty
mind."3 So when Joseph's steward escorted the brothers to the
prime minister's home instead of the public grain mart, the guilt-
ridden brothers immediately became suspicious.
Now the men were afraid, because they were brought
to Joseph's house; and they said, "It is because of
the money that was returned in our sacks the first
time that we are being brought in, that he may seek
occasion against us and fall upon us, and take us for
slaves with our donkeys." (v. 18)
Hounded by insecurities, Joseph's brothers feel the need to as-
suage their guilt by explaining themselves, by setting the record
straight. Even if it means telling everything to a perfect stranger
who can do nothing about it.
So they came near to Joseph's house steward, and
spoke to him at the entrance of the house, and said,
"Oh, my lord, we indeed came down the first time
to buy food, and it came about when we came to the
lodging place, that we opened our sacks, and behold,
each man's money was in the mouth of his sack, our
money in full. So we have brought it back in our
hand. We have also brought down other money in
our hand to buy food; we do not know who put our
money in our sacks." (vv. 19-22)
Calming Response
The brothers, uneasy and afraid, fear the worst and look at the
situation from a totally horizontal perspective . . . just like their
father. Interestingly, it's the Egyptian steward who speaks of their
God and makes them aware of His provision.
3. Quoted in Bartlett's Familiar Quotations, 15th ed., rev. and enl., ed. Emily Morison Beck
(Boston, Mass.: Little, Brown and Co., 1980), p. 186.
And he said, "Be at ease, do not be afraid. Your God
and the God of your father has given you treasure
in your sacks; I had your money." (v. 23a)
To help calm the brothers, the steward not only offers them
encouragement, he communicates it in Hebrew, the brothers' own
language. He says, "Shalom to you," be at ease, and, "Elohim," your
God, the God of your father has given you treasure. It's the first
time anyone has suggested seeing the money they found in their
sacks from a divine perspective.
The brothers have barely finished hearing the steward's astonish-
ing words when they are hit with a second unexpected surprise.
"Then he brought Simeon out to them" (v. 23b). Now they are
really confused. Here they are, standing at the entrance of the
prime minister's home, whom they haven't even seen yet, and
already their brother is being released to them. What can possibly
happen next? Well,
then the man brought the men into Joseph's house
and gave them water, and they washed their feet;
and he gave their donkeys fodder, (v. 24)
Joseph appears to be calm and casual as he inquires about the
brothers and their father. But the moment the conversation shifts
to Benjamin, he can barely contain his love and excitement.
As he lifted his eyes and saw his brother Benjamin,
his mother's son, he said, "Is this your youngest
brother, of whom you spoke to me?" And he said,
"May God be gracious to you, my son." (v. 29)
Without even waiting for a reply, Joseph blurts out a blessing
on his younger brother. And the dam holding back Joseph's emo-
tions cracks and quickly collapses.
And Joseph hurried out for he was deeply stirred
over his brother, and he sought a place to weep; and
he entered his chamber and wept there, (v. 30)
Later, when Joseph is finally able to control his emotions, he
returns and orders the promised meal to be served (v. 31).
So they served him by himself, and them by them-
selves, and the Egyptians, who ate with him, by
themselves; because the Egyptians could not eat bread
with the Hebrews, for that is loathsome to the Egyp-
tians. Now they were seated before him, the first-
born according to his birthright and the youngest
according to his youth, and the men looked at one
another in astonishment, (vv. 32-33)
In his commentary on Genesis, Henry Morris describes their
After they were assigned to seats at their table,
the eleven brothers noted a remarkable thing. They
had been seated in order of age, from the eldest
through the youngest. If this were a mere coinci-
dence, it was indeed marvelous. One can easily show
. . . that there are no less than 39,917,000 different
orders in which eleven individuals could have been
seated! . . .
Evidently, this man knew a great deal more about
their family than they had realized; or else he had
some kind of supernatural power. They had no answer,
and could only wonder about it.4
Then the food is served and another odd thing happens that
the brothers cannot explain.
And he took portions to them from his own table;
but Benjamin's portion was five times as much as
any of theirs. So they feasted and drank freely with
him. (v. 34)
Everyone knew that it was taboo for an Egyptian to share a table
with a Hebrew. And yet here was the prime minister of Egypt shar-
ing the food from his privileged table with eleven of them. And to
one, Benjamin, he bestows an even greater honor by giving him
five times as much as the rest. Apparently, none of the brothers
resent Joseph's attention to Benjamin, and they all relax and enjoy
the meal together. One big happy family—almost.
4. Henry M. Morris, The Genesis Record (Grand Rapids, Mich.: Baker Book House, 1976),
p. 610.
5. The Hebrew word for flag in Isaiah 30:17 literally means "a pole" or "a stake."
to fall on his life. Surprisingly, however, it isn't God's wrath that
rains down on this person.
Therefore the Lord longs to be gracious to you,
And therefore He waits on high to have compas-
sion on you.
For the Lord is a God of justice;
How blessed are all those who long for Him.
(v. 18)
The Lord waits for us to quit running so He can show us His
grace. In the same way, it wasn't Joseph's wrath that his brothers
received, it was his love poured out in a gracious feast he had longed
to give them.
From Isaiah's words and Joseph's example there are two things
for us to remember. First, waiting allows time for repentance. Joseph
could have revealed his identity the moment he first saw his brothers.
But by waiting he has given his brothers the time they needed to
have their consciences activated. Second, waiting results in learning
how to rest. God waits for us to stop running so He can show us His
grace. And we must learn that it's only when we stop running and
wait on Him that we find rest.6
• Fortunately, the Bible never denies the depth and range of the
human heart. Take a moment now to examine the different emo-
tional states of a few of God's greatest leaders.
Psalm 34:17-18
Psalm 56:8
1 Peter 5:7
TAving Jnsights
f*In Study One we focused on Joseph's expression of profound
emotion. Next, let's take a look at the situation from his brothers'
As [Joseph] lifted his eyes and saw his brother Benja-
min, his mother's son, he said, "Is this your youngest
brother, of whom you spoke to me?" And he said,
"May God be gracious to you, my son." And Joseph
hurried out for he was deeply stirred over his brother,
and he sought a place to weep; and he entered his
chamber and wept there. Then he washed his face,
and came out; and he controlled himself and said,
"Serve the meal." (Gen. 43:29-31)
Describe how Joseph's actions must have appeared to his brothers.
How do you think we can be more like God and look closer at
a person's heart rather than the outward appearance?
Perhaps empathy is the key to unlocking another's heart. Webster
defines empathy as "the action of understanding, being aware of, be-
ing sensitive to, and vicariously experiencing the feelings, thoughts,
and experience of another of either the past or present without
having the feelings, thoughts, and experience fully communicated
in an objectively explicit manner."7 How good are you at showing
this tenderhearted trait to others?
Chapter 9
Genesis 44:1-45:15
N o one who does a serious study of Joseph's life would deny that
he was a great man. And yet he never accomplished any of
the things we normally associate with biblical greatness. He never
slew a giant. He never wrote a line of Scripture or made any vast
prophetic predictions like Daniel. Come to think of it, Joseph never
even performed a single miracle. He was just your typical boy next
door, who grew up in a very troubled family.
So what made Joseph great? Why does God devote more space
in Genesis to his story than to any other individual's? Because of
Joseph's attitude, how he responded to difficult circumstances. That
was the most remarkable thing about him.
American author Elbert Hubbard once wrote, "The final proof
of greatness lies in being able to endure [contemptuous treatment]
without resentment."1 Joseph spent a good deal of his life enduring
harsh, hateful treatment, and his attitude during those years offers
indisputable proof of his greatness.
The jury is still out on his brothers, though. Thus far in the
narrative, they haven't presented much evidence to prove that they
share Joseph's great attitude. In Genesis 44:1-45:15, however, the
brothers are about to exhibit the final proof of a great attitude—
with a little help from Joseph.
1. Elbert Hubbard, "Get Out or Get In Line," in Pamphlets, Selected Writings of Elbert
Hubbard, 14 vols. (New York, N.Y.: William H. Wise and Co., 1922), vol. 1, p. 58.
Why? Because he wanted to know if his brothers still saw life from
a human perspective or if they had begun to develop a divine one
that would enable them to see God at work even in difficult cir-
At dawn the next day, Joseph's brothers exchanged thanks and
happily set out for home. However, just as they got outside the city,
Joseph's steward overtook them and sternly accused them of stealing
(vv. 3-7). The brothers were dumbfounded by the accusation and
vehemently denied any wrongdoing (v. 7). In their overanxiousness
to prove their innocence, though, the brothers unwittingly handed
their lives over to the steward on a silver platter.
"Behold, the money which we found in the mouth
of our sacks we have brought back to you from the
land of Canaan. How then could we steal silver or
gold from your lord's house? With whomever of your
servants it is found, let him die, and we also will be
my lord's slaves." (vv. 8-9)
After adjusting the brother's promise to fit Joseph's wishes, the
steward began his preplanned inspection. The cup, of course, was
eventually pulled from Benjamin's sack, and the horror-stricken
brothers immediately tore their clothes in an extreme gesture of
grief. After reloading their grain, they sadly followed the steward
back to the city (vv. 10-13).
According to the steward's bargain, however, only Benjamin
had to return to Egypt. But, and note this, all the brothers returned
to offer what help and defense they could. Commentator Henry
Morris writes,
This decision on their part speaks volumes about the
change in character that had taken place in their
lives the past twenty years, and especially in the
recent period associated with the famine and their
experiences in Egypt.2
The brothers returned to Joseph's house and immediately pros-
trated themselves before him (v. 14). The trap was sprung and the
brothers were now caught in the jaws of an unfair circumstance.
2. Henry M. Morris, The Genesis Record (Grand Rapids, Mich.: Baker Book House, 1976),
p. 615.
With a simple question, "What is this deed that you have done?"
Joseph judiciously probes his brothers' attitude toward God (v. 15).
Judah answered,
"What can we say to my lord? What can we speak?
And how can we justify ourselves? God has found
out the iniquity of your servants." (v. 16)3
There it is! There's the divine perspective, the proof Joseph was
looking for which would convince any jury that his brothers had
become sensitive to God's hand in their daily lives.
But this was only part one of Joseph's two-part test. Now that
he had tried his brothers' attitude toward God, Joseph wants to
examine his brothers' care and compassion for others.
3. This is not a contrived confession about the cup. Rather, it's a genuine admission of
guilt concerning what the brothers had done to Joseph years ago.
vants, saying, 'Have you a father or a brother?' And
we said to my lord, 'We have an old father and a
little child of his old age. Now his brother is dead,
so he alone is left of his mother, and his father loves
him.' Then you said to your servants, 'Bring him
down to me, that I may set my eyes on him.' But
we said to my lord, 'The lad cannot leave his father,
for if he should leave his father, his father would
die.' You said to your servants, however, 'Unless your
youngest brother comes down with you, you shall
not see my face again.' Thus it came about when we
went up to your servant my father, we told him the
words of my lord. And our father said, 'Go back,
buy us a little food.' But we said, 'We cannot go
down. If our youngest brother is with us, then we
will go down; for we cannot see the man's face unless
our youngest brother is with us.' And your servant
my father said to us, 'You know that my wife bore
me two sons; and the one went out from me, and I
said, "Surely he is torn in pieces," and I have not
seen him since. And if you take this one also from
me, and harm befalls him, you will bring my gray
hair down to Sheol in sorrow.'" (vv. 18-29)
Twenty years ago these same brothers had broken their father's
heart with a bloodstained lie they used to cloak the truth. Now,
their hearts are the ones that are breaking at the thought of causing
their father any more grief. Judah continues,
"Now, therefore, when I come to your servant my
father, and the lad is not with us, since his life is
bound up in the lad's life, it will come about when
he sees that the lad is not with us, that he will die.
Thus your servants will bring the gray hair of your
servant our father down to Sheol in sorrow. For your
servant became surety for the lad to my father, say-
ing, 'If I do not bring him back to you, then let me
bear the blame before my father forever.' Now, there-
fore, please let your servant remain instead of the
lad a slave to my lord, and let the lad go up with
his brothers. For how shall I go up to my father if
the lad is not with me, lest I see the evil that would
overtake my father?" (vv. 30-34)
These are transformed men! The godly attitude of care and
compassion for others is there. They have laid their hearts bare,
they're deeply committed to each other, they're sorry for their pre-
vious actions, and they're passionately concerned for their father.
In addition, Joseph's heart is pierced by Judah's own integrity and
willingness to sacrifice his life for Benjamin's.
(v. 4). Outside of his brothers, no one but Joseph could have pos-
sibly known that terrible truth.4
4. The Hebrew term used here, na-gash, is an intimate term frequently used to indicate
kissing or embracing. It's not the standard word for coming near or coming close. So why
did Joseph use this term? It's possible he wanted to show his brothers that he was circumcised,
which would have been irrefutable proof that he was a Jew.
which is speaking to you. Now you must tell my
father of all my splendor in Egypt, and all that you
have seen; and you must hurry and bring my father
down here." (vv. 9-13)
When there is a lack of forgiveness between two people, the
last thing either one wants is to be together, physically or emo-
tionally. In a stirring scene of complete forgiveness, Joseph
fell on his brother Benjamin's neck and wept; and
Benjamin wept on his neck. And he kissed all his
brothers and wept on them, and afterward his broth-
ers talked with him. (vv. 14-15)
We're not told what the brothers talked about, but there can
be little doubt that the centerpiece of attention must have been
Joseph's attitude. Throughout history many great feats have been
accomplished but none can surpass the glory and wonder of Joseph's
godly attitude at this moment.
Like the lake's surface, Joseph is merely the lovely reflection of
a more splendid reality, Jesus Christ. Let's use our time today to
see how Joseph's life reflected that of our Lord Jesus. Look up the
following passages and write down the similarities you find between
the two men as well as any insights you discover along the way.
Genesis 37:3
Matthew 3:17
Genesis 39:7-12
Luke 4:1-13, Hebrews 4:15
Genesis 45:5, 7
John 3:16, 11:49-52
Genesis 50:15-21
Ephesians 1:7, John 3:17, 1 John 1:9
Chapter 10
Genesis 45:16-46:7, 28-30
1. Judy Gould, "What Happens When Three Young Men Find Out They're Triplets? It's
Not as Simple as 1-2-3," People, October 13, 1980, p. 86.
In our last lesson we saw Joseph's brothers experience an un-
planned, unannounced, and unexpected reunion of their own.
Today, these same brothers are going to travel back to their father
in Canaan with news of this incredible event and with Joseph's
offer to host a permanent family reunion in Egypt (Gen. 45:9-13).
"Dad, you're not going to believe this," you can almost hear them
say—and, indeed, only the evidence of the goods Joseph sends with
his brothers will make their story credible.
sent as follows: ten donkeys loaded with the best
things of Egypt, and ten female donkeys loaded with
grain and bread and sustenance for his father on the
journey. So he sent his brothers away, and as they
departed, he said to them, "Do not quarrel on the
journey." (vv. 22-24)
"Do not quarrel." The Hebrew term Joseph uses is ragaz, mean-
ing "to be agitated or perturbed," and it is often the last step before
a fight breaks out. Joseph knows his brothers. Even though they
have just repented and feel close to one another, he also knows
that sudden wealth can do terrible things to a family. And he also
knows the awful power of jealousy firsthand.
Jacob's Response
Fortunately, the brothers' trip to Canaan isn't marred by any
squabbles over possessions. Their minds are probably too frenzied
trying to figure out how they will explain Joseph to their father.
"Dad, you're not going to believe this," they plan to say—and poor
old Jacob doesn't.
Then they went up from Egypt, and came to the
land of Canaan to their father Jacob. And they told
him, saying, "Joseph is still alive, and indeed he is
ruler over all the land of Egypt." But he was stunned,
for he did not believe them. (vv. 25-26)
The Hebrew literally says, "his heart grew numb." His sons want
him to exhume a hope he had buried in his mind years ago. "Joseph,
alive?" Jacob remembers the bloody coat and feels the weight of all
the years of missing and mourning his precious son. "Joseph, alive?
No, it's impossible!"
Jacob's sons sense their mistake. They have given their father
too much information too fast. So they back up and begin again,
this time carefully bringing forth every proof they can think of to
support their fantastic claims.
When they told him all the words of Joseph that he
had spoken to them, and when he saw the wagons
that Joseph had sent to carry him, the spirit of their
father Jacob revived, (v. 27)
With the hope he had buried long ago now resurrected, Jacob
catches his breath and tells his anxious sons,
"It is enough; my son Joseph is still alive. I will go
and see him before I die." (v. 28)
2. First the Lord revealed Himself to Jacob, "I am God" (v. 3a). Next, He relieved Jacob's
fears, "Do not be afraid to go" (v. 3b). Then He promised to make Jacob into a great nation
and assured him that He would go with them (v. 3c-4a). And, finally, God promised to
bring Jacob's ancestors out of Egypt (v. 4b)—a direct prophecy concerning the exodus Moses
would lead four hundred years later.
awakens the next morning, he is confident and eager to get under-
way. "God is with us; He's going to make us into a great nation;
I'm going to see Joseph!"
Now step out of the shadows and peer into the heavenlies
through the windows of 1 Thessalonians 4:13 -18 and Revelation
21. Isn't it nice to know that this reunion will never end but
last throughout all eternity?
How does God respond to Jacob's fear?
How are we to respond to God when we are afraid (see Ps. 46)?
Chapter 11
Genesis 46:31-47:26
1. C. S. Lewis, The Screwtape Letters (New York, N.Y.: Macmillan Publishing Co., 1961), p. 10.
First: The way we do our work is a revealing display of character.
It's not what we wear or how we act on Sundays that demonstrates
to the world our credibility as Christians; it's the way we behave
on the job. If you were to ask others who work with you to critique
your character, they aren't going to talk about the Sunday you;
they're going to evaluate the nine-to-five you.
What kind of character traits do you display at work? Are you
diligent or lazy? Truthful or dishonest? Do you gossip and sow dis-
cord or are you loyal and enthusiastic? Would your coworkers say
you're patient and cooperative or impatient and cantankerous?
Second: Work is a demanding arena of pressure. Every job has its
own unique set of pressures. In some jobs it's a demanding boss or
a relentless deadline. In others it's the pressures of cutthroat inter-
office jealousies, competition, or too much work and not enough
people. In these pressure-cooker situations our true character, not
just what we say we believe, is paraded in front of everyone. When
the heat in the kitchen gets unbearable, do you let off steam like
everyone else around you, or do you let in a breeze of fresh air?
Third: Work is an exacting test of our efficiency. It helps us see
how organized and decisive we are, how thorough we are when it
comes to the tasks before us, how willing we are to be accountable,
how perceptive we are in spotting and correcting potential prob-
lems, and how resourceful we are in correcting them. How would
you rate your efficiency at work? How organized are you? How
decisive? How thorough?
For the past several lessons we have focused on Joseph's relation-
ship with his family. We have seen his divine perspective and many
godly qualities. But what about the nine-to-five Joseph? What kind
of character traits does this top executive reflect Monday through
Friday? Does Joseph use the pressures of Egypt's food crisis as an
excuse for becoming an occupational Mr. Hyde?
A Specific Example
Let's observe Joseph's example as he handles Egypt's famine and
Israel's resettlement.
And Joseph said to his brothers and to his father's
household, "I will go up and tell Pharaoh, and will
say to him, 'My brothers and my father's household,
who were in the land of Canaan, have come to me;
and the men are shepherds, for they have been keep-
ers of livestock; and they have brought their flocks
and their herds and all that they have.' And it shall
come about when Pharaoh calls you and says, 'What
is your occupation?' that you shall say, 'Your servants
have been keepers of livestock from our youth even
until now, both we and our fathers,' that you may
live in the land of Goshen; for every shepherd is
loathsome to the Egyptians." (vv. 31-34)
It would be easy for Joseph to assume that Pharaoh will give his
family whichever tract of land he requests. 'After all," Joseph could
think, "Pharaoh owes me. I'm the one who saved Egypt from wither-
ing away in this famine." But Joseph doesn't attempt to secure a
place for his family by presuming upon his relationship with Pharaoh
or his position as prime minister. Instead, he employs the first of
several efficient business principles.
He Planned Ahead with Wise Objectivity
As a slave, a prisoner, and prime minister, Joseph has studied
the Egyptian mind. He has learned how to live and work in a cul-
ture different from his own. And when it comes to integrating his
family into this society, Joseph uses this understanding to imple-
ment some wise and objective plans. He discusses with his family
his plan to report to Pharaoh (v. 31). He thinks objectively about
how Jewish shepherds will be viewed by Egyptians (v. 34b). He even
has his family rehearse what they will say when questioned (v. 34).
In his book Excellence in Leadership, Frank Goble notes,
Excellent leaders have the ability to see things
realistically. They are not easily deceived by others,
nor do they practice self-deception.2
Joseph saw things realistically. He didn't indulge in any decep-
tions about the differences between his father's culture and Pharaoh's.
On the contrary, his objective appraisal enabled him to safely navi-
gate his family's passage into the peaceful harbor of Goshen.
Before the family finally meets Pharaoh, however, Joseph dem-
onstrates a second desirable trait of an efficient prime minister.
He Submitted to Authority with Loyal Accountability
According to Genesis 47:1-2, Joseph updates Pharaoh on his
family's arrival and introduces five of his brothers. Pharaoh discusses
the brothers' future and concludes their interview by saying, "The
land of Egypt is at your disposal" (v. 6). Joseph then sets up another
appointment in which his father meets and blesses Pharaoh (v. 7).
The outcome couldn't have been more favorable.
Joseph settled his father and his brothers, and gave
them a possession in the land of Egypt, in the best
of the land, in the land of Rameses. (v. 11)
Through all of this, Joseph reflects a beautiful blend of humility
and integrity. He is a competent and disciplined leader who works
cooperatively with his boss. Nowhere does Joseph give the slightest
hint that he resists being accountable to Pharaoh. In fact, Joseph
wants Pharaoh to know what is going on. Everything is done com-
pletely aboveboard so there will be no surprises, no after-the-fact
revelations, that will cause Pharaoh to doubt Joseph's loyalty.
In verse 13, the focus shifts from his family to the famine.
Now there was no food in all the land, because
the famine was very severe, so that the land of Egypt
and the land of Canaan languished because of the
famine. And Joseph gathered all the money that was
found in the land of Egypt and in the land of Canaan
for the grain which they bought, and Joseph brought
the money into Pharaoh's house. And when the
money was all spent in the land of Egypt and in the
land of Canaan, all the Egyptians came to Joseph
and said, "Give us food, for why should we die in
your presence? For our money is gone." (vv. 13-15)
The people are caught in a vise-like grip of starvation and des-
peration. Joseph has the power to tighten that grip or loosen it
since he carries the key to the granaries. It would be so easy for
him to take advantage of the people. Yet he chooses to demonstrate
a third characteristic of an efficient businessman.
He Arranged for Survival with Personal Integrity
Joseph brings all the money into Pharaoh's house (v. 14). He
doesn't pilfer, falsify any records, or extort a little extra on the side
for himself. He turns it all in. That's integrity.
Year after year businessmen study college records,
screen applicants, and offer special inducement to
proven people. What are they after, really? Brains?
Energy? Know-how? These things are desirable, sure.
But they will carry a man so far. If he is to move to
the top and be entrusted with command decisions,
there must be a plus factor, something that takes
mere ability and doubles or trebles its effectiveness.
To describe this magic characteristic there is only
one word: integrity.3
Undergirding Joseph's integrity are the same two qualities he
had once advised Pharaoh that a man in his position should possess
(see Gen. 41:33-35). Joseph is discerning, perceptive of what is
going to happen before the fact; and he is wise, a builder who uses
his knowledge for constructive purposes. Because of this, the people
are not hesitant to come to him for food when they exhaust all
their money.
Then Joseph said, "Give up your livestock, and I will
give you food for your livestock, since your money
is gone." So they brought their livestock to Joseph,
and Joseph . . . fed them with food in exchange for
all their livestock that year. And when that year was
ended, they came to him the next year and said to
him, "We will not hide from my lord that our money
is all spent, and the cattle are my lord's. There is
nothing left for my lord except our bodies and our
lands. Why should we die before your eyes, both we
and our land? Buy us and our land for food, and we
and our land will be slaves to Pharaoh. So give us
seed, that we may live and not die, and that the
land may not be desolate." (47:16-19)
Joseph does everything he can to uphold the people's dignity.
When their monetary system collapses, he opens the door for them
to trade their livestock for food. Even so, it isn't long before this
means of payment becomes exhausted and Joseph's character is
tested again. But just when many might have thought about aban-
doning ship, Joseph sets his mind to reconstructing a better boat.
He Accepted the Challenge with Innovative Creativity
So Joseph bought all the land of Egypt for
Pharaoh, for every Egyptian sold his field, because
the famine was severe upon them. Thus the land
became Pharaoh's. And as for the people, he re-
moved them to the cities from one end of Egypt's
border to the other. Only the land of the priests he
did not buy, for the priests had an allotment from
Pharaoh, and they lived off the allotment which
Pharaoh gave them. Therefore, they did not sell
their land. Then Joseph said to the people, "Behold,
I have today bought you and your land for Pharaoh;
now, here is seed for you, and you may sow the
land." (vv. 20-23)
Every challenge in leadership is a call to arms of innovative
thinking. In Joseph's case, he paid the people for their lands, stra-
tegically moved them to cities for their survival, and gave them
seed to sow. Again the people were allowed to work, thus preserving
their personal integrity and national unity. Next, Joseph devises a
one-fifth levy for Pharaoh and allows the people to keep the rest for
their survival (v. 24). The people's response gushes with gratitude.
"You have saved our lives! Let us find favor in the
sight of my lord, and we will be Pharaoh's slaves."
(v. 25)
What started out as simply a creative idea became a successful
statute that safely navigated the Egyptian empire through the tur-
bulence of famine (v. 26).4
4. Joseph is a great model of efficiency, but there is one even greater. All four principles
from Joseph's life can be found at the Cross. First, God the Father planned ahead with wise
objectivity. He-saw us as we were—lost, sinful, and undone. Next, Jesus Christ submitted
to the Father's authority with loyal accountability and took on human flesh to bring us the
good news of salvation. Throughout the years that Jesus lived and arranged for our survival,
He was the paragon of personal integrity. And lastly, God met the challenge of saving
mankind with the creative and innovative plan of a virgin birth, a sinless life, a sinless
sacrifice, an unexpected resurrection, and the promise of a joyous second coming.
your religious Dr. Jekyll who takes on a Mr. Hyde personality when
he dons official robes. If we're to avoid the Jekyll-and-Hyde syn-
drome and live more like Joseph, we must cling to character even
in the most famishing of circumstances.
Of utmost importance to every believer must be a commitment
to Christian principles. Compromising over matters of basic strategy
may be wise. But compromising over biblical principles is not. It
can lead only to a bankrupt life.
Another priority for the Christian is the careful investment of
time. Peter Drucker writes,
Nothing else perhaps distinguishes effective execu-
tives as much as their tender loving care of time. . . .
[Without this] no amount of ability, skill, experi-
ence, or knowledge will make an executive effective.5
Lastly, we must seek to maintain the purest motives behind our
dealings with people. A constant vigil must be kept over our hearts
by asking ourselves, "Why am I saying or doing this?
In Stevenson's science fiction story, a potion changed Dr. Jekyll
into the hideous Mr. Hyde. In reality, all it takes is a mixture of
impure motives and improper priorities.
Our lesson today shows that our behavior at work puts not only
our character on display but also Christianity itself. How are you
doing in this important realm of your life? Take some time now to
give yourself a checkup by answering the following questions.
What are some of the pressures and demands you face at work?
What kind of character traits do you display in dealing with
these pressures?
For just a moment, step out of your shoes and into your cowork'
ers'. How do you think they would describe what it's like to work
with you?
In his book Decision Making and the Will of God, Garry Friesen
devotes an entire section to giving scriptural explanation for God's
will and the Christian's work. Here are some of his conclusions.
Our work should be marked by: sincerity of heart (Eph. 6:5),
enthusiasm and diligence (Eph. 6:6), reverence and devotion to
Christ (Col. 3:22-23), good will (Eph. 6:7), discipline (2 Thess.
3:11), quietness (2 Thess. 3:12), cooperation (Titus 2:9), honesty
(Titus 2:10), integrity (Eph. 6:6), efficiency (Eph. 5:16), gratitude
(Col. 3:17), and generosity (Eph. 4:28).
Our goal should be: to earn our own food (2 Thess. 3:10), to
provide adequately for our own family (1 Tim. 5:8), to behave
properly toward outsiders (1 Thess. 4:11-12), to avoid being a bur-
den to others (2 Thess. 3:8), to earn enough to meet our needs
and to contribute toward others' needs (Eph. 4:28), to set a good
example for others (2 Thess. 3:9), to preserve God's reputation
(1 Tim. 6:1), and to adorn the doctrine of God so that there is no
discrepancy between profession and practice (Titus 2:10).
In relationshiptoour employer, we should: be submissive and obedi-
ent, as unto the Lord (Eph. 6:5, Col. 3:22); be diligent in our
work, with the idea that our ultimate superior is the Lord (Eph.
6:6-8); work as hard when no one is watching as we do under direct
supervision (Eph. 6:6); regard our employer as worthy of all honor
(1 Tim. 6:1); show respect even to those supervisors who are un-
reasonable (1 Pet. 2:18); and not take advantage of a Christian
employer, but serve all the more out of love (1 Tim. 6:2).
In relation to our employees, we should: not abuse our workers
(Eph. 6:9); treat our employees with justice and fairness (Col. 4:1);
apply the golden rule, treating our workers as we would wish to be
treated (Eph. 6:9); be fair and prompt in the payment of wages
(James 5:4); and remember that we are accountable to God, the
Master of all, for the treatment of our workers (Col. 4:1)-6
What is your work marked by?
What are your goals at work? (List in real, not theoretical order
of importance.)
6. Garry Friesen, Decision Making and the Will of God (Portland, Oreg.: Multnomah Press,
1980), pp. 337-38.
How pure are your motives and how right are your means for
achieving those goals?
How would you evaluate your relationships with those who work
under you?
Chapter 12
Genesis 47:29-31; 50:15-21
Joseph where God wants him to be, and his tiny nation is having
a baby boom (Gen. 47:27-28).
their children. These tools communicate acceptance
and affirmation and still apply to men and women
While the theological aspects of patriarchal blessing are not
being passed on anymore, the need to pass on unconditional accep-
tance and approval is just as important a blessing today as it was then.
Jacob with His Sons
Crossing over into Genesis 49, we see the dying patriarch gather-
ing his sons to make specific predictions concerning each one
(vv. 1-27). In conclusion, Jacob charges them with his funeral
arrangements (vv. 29-32), then breathes his last (v. 33).
Jacob's Death and Joseph's Mourning
Jacob was with Joseph the first seventeen years of his son's life.
And by God's grace, Joseph was able to be with his father for the last
seventeen years of his. Now, however, for the second time in his
life, Joseph experiences the wrenching pain of separation and loss.
Then Joseph fell on his father's face, and wept
over him and kissed him. And Joseph commanded
his servants the physicians to embalm his father. So
the physicians embalmed Israel. Now forty days were
required for it, for such is the period required for
embalming. And the Egyptians wept for him seventy
days.2 (50:1-3)
1. Gary Smalley and John Trent, The Blessing (Nashville, Tenn.: Thomas Nelson Publishers,
1986), pp. 22-23.
2. In her commentary The Message of Genesis 12-50, Joyce Baldwin explains that "public
mourning for a Pharaoh did not last longer than seventy-two days, so Jacob/Israel was greatly
honoured." (Downers Grove, 111.: InterVarsity Press, 1986), p. 215.
Despite the prominence of Joseph in the government
of Egypt, the family would never consider its inheri-
tance to be in Egypt. The legitimacy of their claim
to Canaan lay with the divine gift of the land to
Abraham, the first forefather of Israel. . . . The re-
turn of the funeral cortege from Egypt for Jacob's
burial there renewed the family's claim to the cave,
and also to the land. It was a pledge that they would
one day return to occupy what had in fact been be-
stowed on Abraham and Sarah, Isaac and Rebekah.
Leah too was buried there (but not Rachel), and
Jacob would take his place in the family mausoleum,
as one of the three great names for ever associated
with God's promise of the land: Abraham, Isaac and
Forgiveness of His Brothers
In the wake of Jacob's death, Joseph's brothers feel something
more than loss, they begin to feel the prickling stings of fear.
When Joseph's brothers saw that their father was
dead, they said, "What if Joseph should bear a grudge
against us and pay us back in full for all the wrong
which we did to him!" So they sent a message to
Joseph, saying, "Your father charged before he died,
saying, 'Thus you shall say to Joseph, "Please forgive,
I beg you, the transgression of your brothers and
their sin, for they did you wrong."' And now, please
forgive the transgression of the servants of the God
of your father." (vv. 15-17a)
The brothers fear Joseph's wrath. According to verse 18, they
even go so far as to throw themselves at Joseph's feet, promising to
be his servants in order to win his mercy. But the brothers' groveling
doesn't appeal to Joseph; it just makes him weep (v. 17b).
At this moment, the brothers aren't sure whether or not their
lives are about to take a dive into a dungeon. But Joseph quickly
assuages their fears with these words of forgiveness and grace.
But Joseph said to them, "Do not be afraid, for am
I in God's place? And as for you, you meant evil
against me, but God meant it for good in order to
bring about this present result, to preserve many
people alive. So therefore, do not be afraid; I will
provide for you and your little ones." So he com-
forted them and spoke kindly to them. (vv. 19-21)
Completion of His Life
How Joseph's family and friends must have enjoyed the pleasure
of his company! Instead of nursing old, bitter wounds, Joseph freely
extended grace from an open hand. He led . . . remembered . . .
spoke . . . and forgave by grace. Grace enabled Joseph to enjoy his
twilight years as a granddad and a great granddad (vv. 22-23). And
Joseph's last recorded words imparted grace and encouragement to
his brothers, reminding them of God's tender faithfulness.
And Joseph said to his brothers, "I am about to die,
but God will surely take care of you, and bring you
up from this land to the land which He promised
on oath to Abraham, to Isaac and to Jacob. Then
Joseph made the sons of Israel swear, saying, "God
will surely take care of you, and you shall carry my
bones up from here." So Joseph died at the age of
one hundred and ten years; and he was embalmed
and placed in a coffin in Egypt, (vv. 24-26).
Chances are, if your relationship with God is out of kilter, so are
your relationships with others (read 1 John 2:9-11, 4:20).
Joseph left his loved ones the fragrant legacy of a life lived in
grace. Have you thought about the legacy you will leave behind?
Quiet your heart now, and ponder the words of one author who has
considered what a precious gift remembrances can be.
What pictures will my son . . . my daughters
remember? . . .
I've resolved to give fewer lectures,
to send fewer platitudes rolling their way,
to give less criticism,
to offer fewer opinions. . . .
From now on, I'll give them pictures they can
live by,
pictures that can comfort them,
encourage them,
and keep them warm
in my absence.
Because when I'm gone, there will only be
And memories. . . .
Of all
I could give
to make their lives a little fuller,
a little richer,
a little more prepared
for the journey ahead of them,
nothing compares to the gift of
pictures that show they are special
and that they are loved.
Pictures that will be there
when I am not.
Pictures that have within them
a redemption all their own.4
Describe a few pictures your children will have of you in their
mental scrapbooks after you are gone.
2. Resisting Temptation
4- Ken Gire, The Gift of Remembrance (Grand Rapids, Mich.: Zondervan Publishing House,
1990), pp. 51, 53, 57.
6. Activating a Seared Conscience
9. "I Am Joseph!"
^ t the beginning of this study, we extended an invitation for
X I you to meet someone—Joseph. In chapter 1 we formally in-
troduced you, and then Joseph's life story quickly took over. You
were immediately escorted beyond the acquaintance level, past the
casual "How's work?" stage, and into the intensity and openness
of intimacy.
It is our hope that you have not simply finished another Bible
study but rather gained an invaluable friend, someone whom God
can use throughout the rest of your life to tutor you in His sover-
eignty, grace, and forgiveness.
For those of you who want to continue mining your new rela-
tionship with Joseph or some of the issues that our study raised,
here are some books we recommend.
Bridges, Jerry. Trusting God. Colorado Springs, Colo.: NavPress,
1988. Based on the author's lengthy Bible study on God's sover-
eignty, this book addresses our Lord's trustworthiness in times
of pain. The author's goal is for us to know God better and
therefore be able to trust Him more completely—even when
life hurts.
Meyer, F. B. Joseph. Fort Washington, Pa.: Christian Literature
Crusade. In this book, Meyer does a fine job of capturing the
emotional nuances of Joseph's pit-to-pinnacle story. Not only
do Joseph and his family come alive in these eloquent pages,
but the scriptural account shines forth with fresh insight as well.
The Minirth-Meier Clinic West. Forgiveness: The Foundation of
Recovery. Newport Beach, Calif.: Minirth-Meier Clinic. Sound
cassette series. This series explores the barriers we face in experi-
encing forgiveness and also explains the practical steps we can
take in resolving much of our pain. For a Minirth-Meier tape
catalog and order form, write: Minirth-Meier Clinic West, 260
Newport Center Drive, Suite 430, Newport Beach, CA 92660.
Patterson, Ben. Waiting: Finding Hope When God Seems Silent.
Downers Grove, 111.: InterVarsity Press, 1989. Ben Patterson
writes with compassion and forthrightness about the difficult,
sometimes agonizing, experience of waiting. Using the biblical
examples of Job and Abraham, he shows us how humility and
hope are the keys to enduring these painful times.
Seamands, David A. Healing of Memories. Wheaton, 111.: SP Pub-
lications, Victor Books, 1985. In naming his firstborn son
Manasseh, Joseph testified to God's graciousness in taking the
sting out of his painful memories. In this book, Seamands shows
that God's power to heal soul-scarring memories is still available
to us today.
Smalley, Gary, and John Trent. The Blessing. Nashville, Tenn.:
Thomas Nelson Publishers, 1986. In our last lesson we caught
only a glimpse of Jacob blessing his grandsons, but this was
enough to show that giving a blessing was a significant and
meaningful Middle Eastern custom. The life-changing power of
this ancient custom is not something limited to biblical times,
however. It has the power to alter the course of our lives today,
and Gary Smalley and John Trent ably explain how we can
successfully apply it.
Smedes, Lewis B. Forgive and Forget. New York, N.Y.: Pocket Books,
1984. Smedes writes, "Forgiving seems almost unnatural. Our
sense of fairness tells us people should pay for the wrong they
do. But forgiving is love's power to break nature's rule." If you
would like to model the kind of forgiveness Joseph was able to
show his brothers, this book can teach you how.
Swindoll, Charles R. The Grace Awakening. Dallas, Tex.: Word
Publishing, 1990. It took a supernatural empowering of God's
grace for Joseph to forgive his brothers of the terrible things
they did to him. If hurts from your past still haunt you, and
you look on those relationships with an eye-for-eye, tooth-for-
tooth type of vengeance, you need a grace awakening in your
life. This latest book by Chuck Swindoll may be just the catalyst
you need.
Yancey, Philip. Disappointment with God. Grand Rapids, Mich.:
Zondervan Publishing House, 1988. As honest, human Chris-
tians who do not shrink from the truth, how can we handle
those times when we are disappointed by God? Is it irreverent
to feel this way, or is it merely being real? In this book, Yancey
thoroughly and poignantly explores these issues.