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J. Sleep Res.

(2012) Regular Research Paper

Controlled-release melatonin, singly and combined with cognitive

behavioural therapy, for persistent insomnia in children with
autism spectrum disorders: a randomized placebo-controlled trial
Department of Pediatrics and Developmental Neuropsychiatry, Center of Pediatric Sleep Disorders,
University of Rome La Sapienza, Italy SUMMARY
Although melatonin and cognitive–behavioural therapy have shown efficacy in
treating sleep disorders in children with autism spectrum disorders, little is
known about their relative or combined efficacy. One hundred and sixty
actigraphy, autism spectrum disorders, cognitive–
behavioural therapy, insomnia, melatonin children with autism spectrum disorders, aged 4–10 years, suffering from sleep
onset insomnia and impaired sleep maintenance, were assigned randomly to
Correspondence either (1) combination of controlled-release melatonin and cognitive–
Flavia Cortesi MD, Center of Pediatric Sleep behavioural therapy; (2) controlled-release melatonin; (3) four sessions of
Disorders, Department of Pediatrics and
cognitive–behavioural therapy; or (4) placebo drug treatment condition for 12
Developmental Neuropsychiatry, University of
Rome La Sapienza, via dei Sabelli 108, 00185 Rome, weeks in a 1 : 1 : 1 : 1 ratio. Children were studied at baseline and after 12
Italy. Tel.: +390644712293; fax: +39064957857; e- weeks of treatment. Treatment response was assessed with 1-week
mail: flavia.cortesi@uniroma1.it actigraphic monitoring, sleep diary and sleep questionnaire. Main outcome
measures, derived actigraphically, were sleep latency, total sleep time, wake
Accepted in revised form 5 April 2012; received 9
January 2012
after sleep onset and number of awakenings. The active treatment groups all
resulted in improvements across all outcome measures, with moderate-to-
DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-2869.2012.01021.x large effect sizes from baseline to a 12-week assessment. Melatonin treatment
was mainly effective in reducing insomnia symptoms, while cognitive–
behavioural therapy had a light positive impact mainly on sleep latency,
suggesting that some behavioural aspects might play a role in determining
initial insomnia. The combination treatment group showed a trend to
outperform other active treatment groups, with fewer dropouts and a greater
proportion of treatment responders achieving clinically significant changes
(63.38% normative sleep efficiency criterion of >85% and 84.62%, sleep onset
latency <30 min). This study demonstrates that adding behavioural
intervention to melatonin treatment seems to result in a better treatment
response, at least in the short term.

may predispose children with ASD to intrinsic stressors that

threaten sleep.


Autism spectrum disorders (ASD) are lifelong neurodevelopmental studies, sleep disorders, consisting mainly of problems of
disorders, characterized by markedly abnormal or impaired social sleeplessness, have been reported clinically in an estimated 40–
interaction and communication, restricted interests and 80% of children (Honomichl et al., 2002; Krakowiak et al., 2008;
stereotypical behaviours. Core deficits of ASD and their underlying Souders et al., 2009). Although sleep disorders often remain
neurophysiology and neurochemistry According to available untreated in ASD, the severity and frequency of these disorders

ª 2012 European Sleep Research Society
2 F. Cortesi et al.
associated with high levels of maternal stress, negative attitudes 2000); (iii) mixed sleep onset and maintenance insomnia, defined
to the child and increased rates of child behaviour problems and as a sleep onset latency (SOL) and wake after sleep onset (WASO)
autistic symptoms suggest the need for effective intervention >30 min that occurred on 3 or more nights a week. We chose these
(Williams et al., 2004). criteria because most statements about pathological SOL and sleep
There is increasing evidence that sleep disorders in children with maintenance in children define a cutoff of 20–30 min. As sleep
ASD are associated with disrupted melatonin (MLT) secretion patterns change with age, we recruited subjects in a narrow age
(Kulman et al., 2000; Melke et al., 2008; Tordjman et al., 2005). range, avoiding the pitfall of many studies that included a wide
Thus, several studies suggested the use of melatonin for sleep range of age. These criteria had to be fulfilled 3 months prior to
problems of children with neurodevelopmental disabilities (Braam screening and again during the 14-day run-in period of parental
et al., 2008; Garstang and Wallis, 2006; Giannotti et al., 2006; daily recording of sleep data; and (iv) absence of other serious
Wasdell et al., 2008; Wright et al., 2011). neurological, psychiatric or medical conditions. In order to rule out
However, sleep problems might occur as a result of complex associated pathologies and structural alterations of the central
interactions between biological, psychological, social ⁄ nervous system, high-resolution banding karyotype, brain
environment and family factors, including child-rearing practices magnetic resonance imaging and neurometabolic screening, multi-
that are not conducive to good sleep (Richdale and Schreck, 2009). modal evoked responses and prolonged awake and sleep
It has been reported that ASD children often display a preference electroencephalography (EEG) recordings were performed. No
for unusual bedtime routines which may be maladaptive in terms subjects were obese and parents did not report breathing
of promoting good sleep (Henderson et al., 2011). The increasing disturbances during sleep or periodic limb movement disorders at
recognition of the mediating role of behavioural factors in the time of the study. All subjects were drug-free for at least 6
insomnia has led to the development of non-pharmacological months prior to the beginning of the study and throughout the
interventions for clinical management in this population. study. In order to exclude the associated behaviours and
A recent literature review of behavioural interventions for sleep psychiatric comorbidities seen frequently in ASD children, parents
problems in ASD children concluded that they have been completed the Child Behavior Checklist (CBCL; Achenbach and
considered efficacious in treating sleep onset and maintenance Rescorla, 2000) during the initial screening. Children reporting a T-
problems (Vriend et al., 2011). However, only small studies or case score ±70 on any of the syndrome scales and three composite
reports have been performed, with inclusion of children having a scales were not included in this study. Children currently in
variety of diagnoses, not limited to ASD, and without collection of psychotherapy or receiving other behavioural interventions, as
objective sleep data. well as families currently in family therapy, were not enrolled.
There are efficacious approaches to behavioural interventions in
children with neurodevelopmental disabilities (Moon et al., 2011; Measures
Weiskop et al., 2005), and as suggested by Vriend et al. (2011):
promoting positive sleep hygiene when combined with standard Sleep behaviour was assessed using the Childrens Sleep Habits
extinction is likely to improve problems initiating and maintaining Questionnaire (CSHQ) (Owens et al., 2000) a 33-item parent
sleep in children with ASD. questionnaire. It includes items relating to a number of key sleep
To our knowledge, no studies have compared directly the domains grouped conceptually into subscales reflecting: (i)
efficacy of melatonin and cognitive–behavioural therapy (CBT), bedtime resistance; (ii) sleep onset delay; (iii) sleep duration; (iv)
singly or combined, for sleep disorders in children with ASD. sleep anxiety; (v) night-wakings; (vi) parasomnias; (vii) sleep-
Study objectives were, first, to determine the relative efficacy of disordered breathing; and (viii) daytime sleepiness. A higher score
the three active treatments with placebo, and secondly to is indicative of more disturbed sleep. In the present study, the
compare the combination therapy with either melatonin or CBT CSHQ showed adequate internal consistency (Cronbachs alpha
alone. We hypothesized that all three active treatments would be 0.80).
superior to the placebo, and that combination therapy would be Each child was monitored with an actigraph in the zero crossing
superior to either melatonin or CBT alone. mode from the Ambulatory Monitoring Inc. (Ardsley, NY, USA).
Actigraphy, a non-invasive method used to study sleep–wake
patterns by assessing movement, provides continuous monitoring
METHOD of activity level that can be translated to valid estimates of sleep–
wake measures. Sleep–wake cycles were scored with the Action W
software program. Information is accumulated over a fixed 1-min
Patients were referred from 2007 to 2010 to the Department of time interval, considered as an epoch. Sleep epochs were
Pediatrics and Developmental Neuropsychiatry, University of determined based on the Sadeh algorithm. It was highly
Rome La Sapienza. recommended that parents recorded simultaneously a sleep diary
Inclusion criteria were: (i) age 4–10 years; (ii) DSM-IV-TR to edit the actigraphic data for potential artefacts and failures. If
diagnosis of Autistic Disorder confirmed by the Autistic Diagnostic parents noted on the sleep diary that their child was sick or had an
Interview–revised (ADI-R) (Lord et al., 1994) and the Autism unusual night, the nights data were discarded and a minimum of 7
Diagnostic Observation Schedule–generic ADOSG (Lord et al., nights were necessary to obtain reliable data. Sleep measurements

ª 2012 European Sleep Research Society

Efficacy of melatonin singly or with CBT in ASD 3
obtained through actigraphy were SOL (time from the parents note attitudes about sleep. The behavioural and educational
of lights out to the actigraphically measured first sleep onset), total components consisted of a set of oral instructions about
duration of sleep (actual sleep time, excluding sleep latency and management of a childs sleep, identification of patient-specific
wakening after sleep onset), number of night-wakings and WASO. maladaptive sleep condition and implementation of methods for
The number of night-wakings was scored manually and defined as replacing poor sleep habits with more appropriate behaviours
at least 5 min in duration per episode. Sleep efficiency [SE, the ratio (Table 1).
of total sleep time (TST) to total time in bed · 100] was also CBT sessions were led by experienced clinical psychologists, and
calculated. all sessions were audiotaped and reviewed with principal
The sleep diary is a standardized weekly form that asks the investigators to ensure adherence to protocol. Treatment
parents to note specific sleep-related events on a daily basis. At completion was defined using a minimum adequate trial cutoff
bedtime, and during night-wakings of which parents were aware, (baseline and at least two treatment sessions).
the parents were instructed to check on the child every 5 min to
track whether he or she was awake or asleep, otherwise they
noted their childs sleep in 30-min time blocks.
Participants assigned to the melatonin group were given orally a 3-
mg controlled-release (CR) dose of melatonin and administered at
Trial design
approximately 21:00 h. Dose changes were not permitted. In Italy
After baseline assessment, participants were assigned randomly to melatonin is not a licensed drug, and it is sold as a food supplement
one of four conditions. Randomization was performed using a in a variety of preparations.
computer-generated schedule independent of treatment However, the product used in this study contains a highpurity
personnel. Subjects in the melatonin and placebo groups did not melatonin preparation (99.9%), formulated to provide
know they were receiving active therapy, nor did their clinicians.
Participants underwent 7 consecutive nights of actigraphic Table 1 Cognitive–behavioural therapy (CBT)
evaluations at baseline and at 12-week reassessment. Similarly,
CSHQ and sleep diary were completed at baseline and
Session 1 Provided general information about nature, function
readministered after 12 weeks of treatment. For safety reasons, and regulation of sleep, sleep need and the
haematological parameters were monitored exclusively at differentiation of normal and pathological sleep
baseline and at 12-week assessment. changes. The importance of sleep, good sleep habits
Sample size was determined on the basis of the ability to detect and sleep as a learned behaviour were
explained to parents
a difference of at least 30 min [standard deviation (SD) 45] in
Session 2 Parents were instructed to create a consistent sleep
actigraphically recorded total sleep time between four treatment schedule, to avoid long and late napping, to establish a
groups from baseline to the 12-week assessment. A sample size of positive bedtime routine, including parent and child
32 subjects in each group (yielding a total number of 128) provided engaging in enjoyable activities before the child went
90% power to detect an effect size of 0.6667 among the four to bed; to allow the child to fall asleep alone in his ⁄ her
bed (awake but drowsy); to allow the child to sleep in
groups. These calculations were based on an alpha of 0.05. his ⁄ her bed for the whole night. Parents were
Assuming a 25% dropout rate, we planned to recruit 160 children. instructed to limit their involvement in the sleep
They were enrolled and assigned randomly to melatonin (40), CBT initiation process gradually, to avoid physical contact
(40), combined melatonin and CBT (40) or placebo (40). and gradually increase the interval length of their
The treatment protocol was described in detail and written
Session 3 Entailed reviewing instructions, identification of
informed consent was obtained. individual difficulties, implementation of methods for
replacing the remaining maladaptive sleep behaviours
with more appropriate sleep habits
Intervention Session 4 Reviewed therapy instructions and provided
information on prevention of insomnia relapse
Cognitive–behavioural therapy

Building upon previous research (Montgomery et al., 2004; Additionally, parents attended twice-monthly individually tailored
Weiskop et al., 2005), a treatment program was designed to CBT sessions. The focus of maintenance sessions was on consolidating
reduce insomnia in ASD. After the baseline evaluation, each family treatment strategies learned during initial therapy and developing
receiving CBT attended four weekly individual treatment sessions, methods for coping for residual insomnia.
each lasting approximately 50 min, and administered at the 1-mg fast-release and 2-mg controlled-release (CR)-melatonin
outpatient university clinic. Treatment consisted of a sleep- over a prolonged 6-h period after ingestion (Armonia Retard 3 mg;
focused multi-factorial intervention that involved cognitive, Nathura, Montecchio Emilia, Italy). This product has been regularly
behavioural and educational components. The cognitive registered in the list of food supplements of the Italian Ministry of
component was focused to help recognize distorted sleep Health (cod. 08 29284 Y).
cognition, and aimed at changing dysfunctional beliefs and We used CR-melatonin because of its advantage for
multidisabled patients who experienced sleep maintenance
ª 2012 European Sleep Research Society
4 F. Cortesi et al.
problems (Garstang and Wallis, 2006; Giannotti et al., 2006; (alpha level of significance set to 0.05) were performed due to the
Wasdell et al., 2008). No behavioural recommendations regarding multiple comparisons. The Bonferroni adjustments were as
sleep were given during these short meetings and the main focus follows: nine component measures of both CSHQ 0.05 ⁄ 9 = 0.005,
was on encouraging participation. Participants met at the and four actigraphically derived variables 0.05 ⁄ 4 = 0.01.
outpatient clinic every 2 weeks for a 15-min meeting to report Before analysis, log-transformations were performed on
adverse effects and to obtain the dosage pills for the following 2 variables to normalize distribution. To reduce the likelihood of type
weeks. 1 error, Greenhouse–Geisser correction, which adjusts the
numerator and denominator degrees of freedom in repeated-
measures designs, was applied.
A repeated-measure analysis of variance (rm-anova), adjusted
Participants in this group were treated according to a protocol for baseline mean values, was performed to determine whether or
identical to those receiving active medication. As with melatonin, not there was a difference in response among treatments, using
the placebo was made in the identical formulation, and there were time and treatment (as a predictor of outcome) using the groups
no differences in appearance, smell or flavour between the active as the between-subject factors comprising four levels and the time
and inactive pills. An active treatment was offered after the12- as the within-subject factors comprising two levels to determine
week assessment. differences over time for the principal outcome measures. Because
of developmental changes, we included also age and sex as
Combined CBT and melatonin covariates. Post-hoc comparisons between groups were
performed using the Sheffe´ test. Effect sizes were judged
Participants in this group received both melatonin and CBT. according to the following commonly used cutoffs: r = 0.10 small
effect, r = 0.30 medium effect and r = 0.50 large effect. We also
Parent-reported adherence examined group differences in rates of clinically significant
improvement as assessed by the percentage of participants
To assess compliance with CBT recommendations, parents were
achieving a normal sleep status at the 12-week assessment on
asked how many days per week they followed elements of the CBT
actigraphic data using the two-tailed Fishers exact test.
regimen. Children who missed taking more than 20% of the
medication and who did not follow the CBT recommendation were
considered non-compliant. In all groups, an 80% compliance rate RESULTS
was required for continued participation in the study. More than 185 children met inclusion criteria. One hundred and
The study protocol was approved by the ethics committee of the sixty patients were randomized; of these, 144 completed the
University La Sapienza of Rome. study, but only 134 were suitable for analyses (Fig. 1). Thus, the
results are based on the following subjects: 35 in the combined
Outcome measures and clinical significance of changes therapy, 34 in MLT, 33 in CBT and 32 in the placebo condition.
Notably, there were no significant differences in the demographic
The primary outcomes were the between-group differences in the
or clinical variables between subjects who completed the study
mean change from baseline to endpoint, including TST, SOL, SE and
and those who dropped out.
WASO, as inferred from the actigraph data.
The average reported duration of insomnia was 2.4 years (SD =
These variables were averaged over 7 nights for each
1.7) and 72% of the patients had had symptoms for longer than 2
assessment phase. Furthermore, to assess the clinical significance
years. Analyses of sleep diaries show a significant correlation with
of these changes, we utilized Morin et al. criteria (1999) examining
actigraph measures of total sleep time (r = 0.75), sleep latency (r =
group differences in rates of percentage of patients achieving a
0.83) and WASO
SOL of 30 min or less, or a reduction of SOL by 50% and a SE in the
(r = 0.70).
normative level of >85%.

Statistical analysis

We coded and computerized all data and performed statistical

analysis using the statistica version 10 package for Windows
(StatSoft Inc., Tulsa, OK, USA).We calculated descriptive statistics
(mean ± SD) for all continuous variables and frequencies which
were generated for non-continuous variables. Pearsons
correlation was calculated to determine the baseline level of
association between parent-completed somnologues and
actigraph-generated sleep measures. Analysis of variance or
Pearsons v2 tests were used to examine demographic and clinical
variables at pre-treatment. Bonferroni adjustments of the P-values
ª 2012 European Sleep Research Society
Efficacy of melatonin singly or with CBT in ASD 5
Analyses of variance were conducted on the baselinedependent The same pattern of results were obtained for CSHQ scores,

Figure 1. Consort diagram showing participant

flow through the study and reasons for dropout.

actigraphic and CSHQ measures. anovas were not significant, and which showed all treated children as more improved in most of the
reflected that all the dependent measures were similar across the CSHQ subdomains, except for parasomnias and sleep-disordered
conditions at pre-treatment. In addition, demographic variables breathing scales, than those in the placebo condition (Table 4).
were examined with anova and chi-square tests. Again, the four Similarly to the actigraphic results, post-hoc tests confirmed
groups did not vary significantly, indicating that the groups were further that those in the combination group generally improved
equivalent at entry into the study (Table 2). more than did those in the melatonin group, followed by the CBT
Using SOL, total sleep time, WASO and sleep efficiency as group.
dependent measures, rm-anovas yielded significant time effects However, it should be noted that melatonin therapy alone was
and significant group · time interaction effects for all measures more effective than CBT alone in improving bedtime resistance,
(Table 3). Post-hoc comparisons revealed that subjects in all three sleep onset delay, night-wakings and sleep duration subscales. CBT
active groups were more improved than those in the placebo alone seemed to be slightly more effective in reducing sleep
condition at the 12-week assessment (P > 0.01). However, the data anxiety subscale. The effect sizes for all significant comparisons fell
suggest a trend for the combination group to yield greater into the medium–high range. From covariance analysis, it
improvement rates than either of its single components (Table 3, appeared that neither gender nor age influenced sleep
Fig. 2). significantly.

ª 2012 European Sleep Research Society

6 F. Cortesi et al.
Finally, the percentage of children who met a standard sleep maintenance. However, combining CBT and CRmelatonin produce
criterion of SOL 30 min or less or reduction of SOL by 50% at the additional improvement.
12-week assessment was at 84.62% for the combination group, Because the choice of treatment should be based on the childs
39.29% for the MLT group and 10.34% for the CBT group. As sleep disorders, it is important to identify the causes underlying
expected, none of the children in the placebo group met this the problem. There are multiple hypotheses for intrinsic causes of
criterion. There were significantly more patients in the sleep disorders in children with ASD. The most robust evidence is
combination group versus the MLT group (P < 0.01) and versus the related to abnormal melatonin rhythms and peaks (Bourgeron,
CBT group (P < 0.001) who met this criterion, and there were 2007). Several investigators have identified abnormal melatonin
significantly more participants in the MLT group than in the CBT levels in individuals with ASD (Kulman et al., 2000; Melke et al.,
group (P < 0.01) that also met the same criterion. 2008; Tordjman et al., 2005). According to other studies (Doyen et
Moreover, the percentage of participants who obtained 85% or al., 2011; Giannotti et al., 2006; Wasdell et al., 2008; Wright et al.,
more on SE at post-treatment was 63.38% for the combination 2011), our results confirm the efficacy of exogenous melatonin in
group, 46.43% for the MLT group and10.34% for the CBT alone treatment of sleep disorders in ASD children.
group (respectively, <0.001 and <0.01). None of the children in the No consensus on the optimal doses of melatonin to promote
placebo group met this criterion. sleep in children has been established. In a recent open-label
Melatonin was well tolerated, and no adverse effects were escalation study, Malow et al. (2011) reported that in most ASD
reported or observed; blood tests and urinanalysis showed no children 1–3 mg of supplemental melatonin was well tolerated and
abnormalities and no one had to discontinue the study because of also improved sleep latency.
side effects. Moreover, none of the parents reported a loss of In our study, a dose of 3 mg was effective and safe and no
response of the child during the treatment period. adverse effect were reported. It is important to note that we used
a CR formulation, which promotes sleep for 6–8 h and was thus
also effective in maintaining sleep. Consistent with previous
studies (Garstang and Wallis, 2006; Giannotti et al., 2006; Wasdell
The results of this large, randomized placebo-controlled 12week et al., 2008), our results showed that in all cases melatonin
trial show effectiveness of both CR-melatonin and CBT in the improved sleep and children showed a more regular and
treatment of sleep insomnia in ASD children. Those who received appropriate bedtime and a longer sleep duration with a significant
active treatment were able to maintain sleep more efficiently than reduction of night-wakings.
those in the placebo group. However, of the three active However, sleep insomnia, which represents the most
treatments, melatonin in combination with CBT was the most predominant sleep disorder in children with ASD (Richdale and
effective in reducing insomnia symptoms, followed by the MLT Schreck, 2009; Williams et al., 2004), may also be due to
alone and then the CBT group compared to the placebo group.

Table 2 Summary of demographic characteristics for the 160 patients assigned randomly to treatment
v2 ⁄ anova


Age, years (SD) 6.4 (1.1) 6.8 (0.9) 7.1 (0.7) 6.3 (1.2) 0.82

Male sex (%) 80 82 83 84 0.99

White Causasian (%) 100 100 100 96 0.34
Low SES* (%) 24 25 23 26 0.84
Primary caregiver sex (female) (%) 96 92 93 91 0.82
Age, years (SD) 33.7 (6.6) 32.9(4.9) 35.7 (6.3) 34.8 (5.7) 0.79
Marital status (married %) 92 86 93 88 0.76
Education, years (SD) 13 (4) 14 (7) 13 (6) 13 (5) 0.91
Low socioeconomic status (SES) was defined as an index of 3 or less on the Hollingshead Two-Factor Index of Social Position, which ranges from 1 to
5, based on the education and occupation of the head of the household. anova, analysis of variance; COMB, combination; MLT, melatonin; PL, placebo;
SD, standard deviation.
Our findings report the efficacy of CR-melatonin in initiating and inadequate sleep practices and behavioural aspects (Wiggs and
maintaining sleep. In this study CBT improved sleep latency Stores, 2004). In this clinical population, long-standing sleep
slightly, but it was less effective in reducing impaired sleep problems of settling and night-wakings often become

ª 2012 European Sleep Research Society

Efficacy of melatonin singly or with CBT in ASD

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8 F. Cortesi et al.
greatest number and percentage of responders in the
combination treatment group achieve a clinically significant
change (63.38% of children with normative SE criterion of >85%
and 84.62% of children with a SOL <30 min). In addition, this group
produced fewer treatment dropouts than under other treatment
The results achieved after short-term melatonin treatment
singly or in combination are notable because of the baseline
severity and chronicity of insomnia in the current study group.
Obtaining these remission rates for combination and MLT alone
groups within 3 months is remarkable.
In conclusion, our results extend those of previous
investigations, which studied the efficacy of melatonin alone,
either in fast or in the CR formulation (Garstang and Wallis, 2006;
Giannotti et al., 2006; Wasdell et al., 2008) or CBT alone
Figure 2. Sleep onset latency at baseline and at 12-week assessment (Montgomery et al., 2004; Moon et al., 2011; Weiskop et al., 2005)
repeated-measure analysis of variance (F(3, 109) = 59.632, P = 0.001. Vertical in the treatment of sleep insomnia in children with ASD. The
bars represent 95% confidence intervals.
observed advantage of combination therapy over either CBT or
melatonin alone suggests that among these effective therapies,
engrained habits. The presence of unusual and non-functional
combination therapy provides the best chance for a positive
routines common in children with ASD may result in bedtime
outcome. Thus, in agreement with Wirojanan et al. (2009), our
resistance and settling difficulties (Richdale and Schreck, 2009;
results suggest that melatonin can be considered a safe and
Richdale and Wiggs, 2005).
effective treatment in combination with behavioural therapies
Healthy sleep practices also promote sleep and enhance sleep
and sleep hygiene practices for the management of sleep
regulation by reducing environment stimulation and behavioural
disorders in children with ASD. The superiority of combination
sleep conditioning, which reinforce the association of certain
therapy is due most probably to additive or synergistic effects of
activities and environments with sleep, limit wake-promoting
the two treatments.
activities and may play a crucial role in sleep promotion.
Some limitations of this study should be taken into account.
Consistent with previous studies (Montgomery et al., 2004; Moon
First, this trial assessed only the effects of the 12-week treatment,
et al., 2011; Weiskop et al., 2005), our results show that
failing to assess mid- and long-term efficacy and treatment gain
behavioural intervention alone, even though less effective than
after withdrawal. Therefore, we do not know exactly when the
melatonin, improved sleep mainly by reducing SOL. As already
positive response to treatments appeared and whether or not it
reported, the action of behavioural treatment seems to be mainly
would persist during a long-term period. However, in order to
on the behavioural components of sleep disorders rather than on
obtain better compliance in this population, which may display
the sleep pattern itself. CBT seems to promote good sleep, as
non-compliant or avoidant behaviour, and whose parents
suggested by Jan et al. (2008), entraining intrinsic circadian
experienced more stress, we decided to conduct just one post-
rhythms to the external environmental and 24h day ⁄ night cycle,
baseline evaluation. In fact, this study had a low discontinuation
reducing environmental stimulation and decreasing anxiety by
rate of 10%. Moreover, we did not measure melatonin salivary and
means of appropriate bedtime routine activities.
plasma level or its urinary metabolite before and during the
Recently, Henderson et al. (2011) investigated the relationship
treatment; thus, in this study we cannot correlate the efficacy of
between consistent bedtime routine and sleep quality in children
melatonin with the presence of an eventual melatonin deficit.
with ASD and showed that the ASD group had less consistent
Secondly, the findings cannot be generalized to patients who have
general routines, lower sleep quality and higher levels of
disorders that were excluded from our protocol. Thirdly, parents
externalizing behaviour.
had agreed to comply with the treatment regimen, which implies
A consistent sleep ⁄ wake schedule may be particularly
a motivation that may not be present in all cases. Therefore, the
important for ASD children, as they are vulnerable to both sleep
present results may be biased and could over- or underestimate
and circadian rhythm disruptions. However, sleep hygiene
the efficacy of the treatments. Finally, sleep disorders such as
practices and CBT by themselves are not sufficient enough to treat
obstructive sleep apnoea syndrome or periodic limb movements
insomnia adequately in these children.
were ruled out clinically, but no pre-screening with gold standard
In our study, there was a significant trend for the combination
polysomnography was performed, so we cannot exclude that
group to produce higher improvement on sleep continuity and
some of these patients may have been enrolled into the study.
efficiency than in either melatonin or CBT groups with the
Limitations notwithstanding, this study confirms that melatonin
strongest treatment response. Our results indicate that the
and CBT in combination or as monotherapies appear

ª 2012 European Sleep Research Society

Efficacy of melatonin singly or with CBT in ASD

ª 2012 European Sleep Research Society


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ª 2012 European Sleep Research Society

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