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Modal and Fatigue Analysis of Decanter Centrifuge Rotor Using ANSYS

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IJSART - Volume 2 Issue 5 –MAY 2016 ISSN [ONLINE]: 2395-1052

Modal and Fatigue Analysis of Decanter Centrifuge

Rotor using ANSYS
Meet D. Bakotia1, Pritesh Prajapati2
1, 2
Department of Mechanical Engineering
1, 2
Kalol Institute of Technology & Research Centre, Kalol, Gujarat Technological University, India

Abstract- The functioning of a decanter centrifuge is of component. If the natural frequency of the scroll is nearer to
separating solid materials from liquids in slurry. Within few the excitation frequency, the machine part goes into resonance
seconds the liquid gets separated from solid. At high RPM of and fails. Modal Analysis of decanter centrifuge rotor is as
vane drum i.e. 2000 rpm of centrifuge decanter rotor, there under:
are chances of damage and they must be verified as rotary
parts are restricted to a certain rpm. Beyond certain limit,
they cause destruction to machine. Hence to select the
appropriate centrifuge decanter is important. Modal and
fatigue analysis of decanter centrifuge rotor is done with the
obtained data to find if design is safe and results are

Keywords- Decanter Centrifuge Rotor, solid liquid separation, Rotor

speed rpm, Modal Analysis, Fatigue Analysis.
Figure 3: Geometry of rotor in modal analysis

A decanter centrifuge rotor has high rotational speed

which separates components of different densities. Due to the
gravity separation, component with a higher density falls to
the bottom of a mixture, and the less dense component is
suspended above it. Separation takes place in a horizontal
cylindrical bowl equipped with a screw conveyor
Figure 4: Meshed model of rotor in modal analysis
The solid - liquid mixture enters the decanter bowl
through a stationary inlet tube and it is accelerated smoothly Quality of mesh was not fine around circular regions
by an inlet distributor. The centrifugal force which results in the model, the next step was to discretize the model in such
from the rotation then causes sedimentation of the solids on a manner that a smooth transition was achieved around
the wall of the bowl. The conveyor and bowl rotate in the circular edges. By expanding the Sizing node in the details of
same direction and moves the solids towards the conical end “Mesh” window, and finishing the procedure for fine meshing
of the bowl. Separation takes place throughout the entire the total element count with the optimized model was 881970.



Modal Analysis helps in finding out the vibration

characteristics like the natural frequency as well as the mode
shape also called as the deformed shape of a structure or a
machine component. When the rotor of decanter centrifuge
machine vibrates, the various deformed shapes are found at
certain frequencies. The actual objective behind performing
the modal analysis is to find whether the natural frequency of
component is nearer to the vibrations induced in the Figure 5: Fine meshing of rotor in modal analysis
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IJSART - Volume 2 Issue 5 –MAY 2016 ISSN [ONLINE]: 2395-1052

Applying boundary conditions means to select the The next step is to apply moment. Moment is the
modal node in the Tree outline and give Supports>Fixed product of force into radius and the magnitude received is
Support. applied on the end of the decanter centrifuge rotor.

Figure 9: Apply Boundary conditions i.e Moment in Fatigue

Figure 6: Applying boundary conditions
CENTRIFUGE ROTOR There were total 10 modes selected while doing the
modal analysis of decanter centrifuge rotor machine. After the
Machine parts do work properly while the initial model is solved, the mode shapes are found. The frequencies
phase of life but they fail in service due to fatigue failure and the total deformation of all the 10 mode shapes are
caused by repeated cyclic loading. If the load is repeated illustrated in the following figures.
sufficient number of times, in actual practice, loads
significantly below static limits can cause failure. The aim of
fatigue analysis is finding the capability of a material to
survive the many cycles a component may experience during
its lifetime. Strain can be directly measured and is an excellent
quantity for characterizing low-cycle fatigue. Strain Life is
typically concerned with crack initiation. In terms of cycles,
Strain Life typically deals with a relatively low number of
cycles and therefore addresses Low Cycle Fatigue (LCF), but
works with high numbers of cycles as well. Low Cycle
Fatigue usually refers to fewer than 105 (100,000) cycles. The
Strain Life approach is widely used at present. Fatiuge
analysis is done below:
Figure 10 Graph of frequency at modes in modal analysis

By selecting the total deformation under the Solution

node in the Tree outline; the results of mode shapes are
displayed in the Graphics screen. The mode shapes 3 was
found critical i.e. Near to the natural frequency hence their
chance of getting near to resonance is more.

Figure 7: Fine Meshing in Fatigue Analysis

Figure 11: Mode shape 3 of modal analysis

Figure 8: Apply constraints i.e. Fixed Support in
Fatigue Analysis
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IJSART - Volume 2 Issue 5 –MAY 2016 ISSN [ONLINE]: 2395-1052

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