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Sop For Precious Metal

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and stack of height as prescribed by the concerned SPCB

8. Blast Furnace (in case of captive utilisation)

9. Bag filter House connected to GCP of Blast Furnace (in case of captive

10. Stack (attached to Bag filter house of the Blast Furnace) of adequate height as
prescribed by the concerned SPCB (in case of captive utilisation)

4. 3 Utilization of Spent Catalyst and Chemical Sludge containing precious


This SoP is applicable only for utilization of Spent Catalyst and Chemical Sludge containing
precious metals as described below:

Type of HW Source of generation Recovery/Product

Spent catalyst Petrochemical process and Recovery of Platinum,
pyrolytic operation, petroleum Iridium, Osmium, Palladium,
refining, production of acids, Rhodium, Ruthium,
production of nitrogenous and Rhenium, Gold & Silver to
complex fertilizers and produce electrical contacts
production/formulation of and non-ferrous strips
Chemical /ETP Effluent treatment plant Platinum to produce electrical
Sludge containing contacts and non-ferrous
platinum strips

The utilization process shall adopt hydrometallurgical processes involving, leaching,

filtration and washing to obtain metal compound in solution form. Heat treatment in
furnace, prior to hydrometallurgical processes, may be given to alumina/carbon/silica
based catalysts as applicable. The metal from its compound form is recovered
through replacement reaction.

The recovery of precious metals shall involve the following steps:

In case of Carbon based spent catalyst, burning in the furnace at a temperature

of 850°C, and leaching of the residue with HCl/ HNO3 or aqua regia followed by
filtration and residue washing to recover precious metals.

In case of Spent alumina based catalyst, direct leaching as above followed by

filtration and residue washing to recover precious metals. If carbon soot is
present, burning in furnace followed by chemical leaching as above.
A. Standard Operating Procedure

(1) Minimum temperature of 850°C shall be maintained with residence time of about
02 seconds in the furnace in cases where Spent Catalyst/Spent Carbon is
subjected to heat in furnace. The flue gases from furnace shall be treated in air
pollution control devices so as to meet standards prescribed for PM by the
concerned SPCB.

(2) The height of the stack attached to furnaces shall be 30 meters from ground or
as prescribed by the concerned SPCB, whichever is higher.

(3) All the reaction vessels (where acids are used or expected to be liberated) shall
be connected with hood over them to suck acid fumes/vapours. The hood shall
be maintained under suction followed by treatment in scrubber using alkaline
medium. The treated gases from scrubber shall be dispersed into atmosphere
through stack by complying with emission norms for HCl, Acid mist and NOx.

(4) There shall be no manual handling of the hazardous wastes, acids, water,
residues, chemicals etc. The same shall be handled mechanically and it shall be
ensured that there is no spillage or pilferages around the process area. The
transit material shall be kept or handled in acid-proof containers.

(5) The entire process area shall have leak-proof and acid proof tiles with adequate
slope to collect spillages if any into collection pit.

(6) The waste water generated from the process shall be treated in Effluent
Treatment Plant to meet standards and treated water be discharged or utilized
as prescribed by the concerned SPCB under the Consent to Operate issued
under the Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1974.

(7) The washed alumina after recovery of precious metals may be sent to refractory
brick manufacturer. However, rest of the solid residues from process and ETP
sludge shall be packaged and temporarily stored in a dedicated hazardous waste
storage area within the unit premise and disposed in common hazardous waste
treatment, storage and disposal facility within 90 days.

(8) The unit shall ensure that all personnel involved in the plant operation shall wear
proper personal protective equipment such as masks, safety gloves, goggles,
safety shoes etc.

(9) The unit shall comply with following standards:

Stack emission standards for stacks attached to Furnace-

Particulate Matter - as stipulated by the concerned SPCB

Stack emission standards for stacks attached to Reaction Vessels-

Hydrochloric Acid Vapour & Mist - 35 mg/Nm3
Sulphuric Acid Mist - 50 mg/Nm3
Nitrogen Dioxide - 400 mg/Nm3
Work Zone standards
Sulphuric acid 0.1 mg/m3 TWA*, 3 mg/m3 STEL*
Hydrochloric acid- 7 mg/m3 Ceiling limit
Nitrogen Dioxide - 9 mg/m3 Ceiling limit
* Time-weighted average (TWA), Short-term exposure limits (STEL).
The Permissible Exposure Limit is 8-hour TWA.
A short-term exposure limit (STEL) is the acceptable average exposure over a short
period of time, usually 15 minutes as long as the Time weighted average is not
A ceiling limit is one that may not be exceeded for any period of time, and is applied
to irritants and other materials that have immediate effects.

(10) Monitoring of the specified parameters for source and work zone emissions as
well as aforesaid effluent shall be carried out by NABL/EPA accredited
laboratories quarterly and the results shall be submitted to the concerned SPCB

(11) Transportation of the Spent Catalyst/Chemical Sludge and residues generated

from utilisation process shall be carried out by sender or receiver (utilizer/TSDF
operator) after obtaining authorization from the concerned SPCB as per the
provisions under the Hazardous and Other Wastes (Management & Transboundary
Movement) Rules, 2016.

(12) It shall be ensured that the aforesaid hazardous wastes is procured from the
industries who have valid authorization for the same from the concerned SPCB as
required under Hazardous and Other Wastes (Management and Transboundary
Movement) Rules, 2016.

(13) The unit shall submit quarterly and annual information on hazardous wastes
consumed, its source, products generated or resources conserved (specifying
the details like type and quantity of resources conserved.) to concerned SPCB.

(14) The unit shall maintain a passbook issued by concerned SPCB wherein the
following details of each procurement of Spent Catalyst and Chemical Sludge
shall be entered:

Address of the sender

Date of dispatch
Quantity procured
Seal and signature of the sender
Date of receipt in the premises

(15) The unit shall maintain record of hazardous waste utilised, residues generated and
disposed as per Form 3 & shall file annual returns in Form 4 as per Rule 20 (1) and
(2) of the Hazardous and Other Wastes (Management and Transboundary
Movement) Rules, 2016, to SPCB.

(16) A log book with information on source and date of procurement of each type of the
said hazardous wastes, quantity, date wise utilization of the same, quantity of other
raw material used, quantity of products manufactured, hazardous waste generation
and its disposal etc. shall be maintained including analysis report of emission
monitoring & effluent discharged, as applicable.

(17) In case of environmental damages arising due to improper handling of hazardous

wastes including accidental spillage during generation, storage, processing,
transportation and disposal, the unit shall be liable to implement immediate response
measures, environmental site assessment and remediation of contaminated
soil/groundwater/sediment etc. as per the lities for
Environmental Damages due to Handling & Disposal of Hazardous Wastes and
published by CPCB.

(18) During the process of utilization and handling of hazardous waste, the unit shall
comply with the requirements in accordance with the Public Liability Insurance Act,
1991 as amended, wherever applicable.

B. Checklist of Minimal Requisite Facilities

S.No Requisite Facilities

Storage shed for storage of Spent Catalyst and Chemical Sludge. The shed shall
be covered so as to eliminate rain water intrusion. Cemented flooring or any
other impervious flooring shall also be made under the storage shed.

Size of the said storage shed to be adequate to store at least one week
2. requirement of the said hazardous wastes to be used as raw material

Furnaces of adequate capacity along with air pollution control devices like
cyclone and alkali scrubber or other adequate system followed by stack of height
30 meters from ground level. Stack with easy access to port hole, for conducting
stack monitoring

4. Acid/aqua regia storage vessels

Mechanical means for transferring of acids/liquid chemicals to the reaction

5. vessels

Jacketed Reactor Vessels (Lined with stainless steel or glass or suitable

6. material)

Centrifuge/filter press or other suitable equipment for filtration (to separate

7. leached solution and solid residue), washing and dewatering

The entire process area shall have leak-proof and acid proof tiles with adequate
8. slope to collect spillages if any into collection pit.

Boiler to supply heat to jacketed reactor vessel


Reaction vessel to recover metal from its compound form


Hood over all reaction vessels with proper acid proof ducting material
11. maintaining suction and attached to scrubber and stack

Effluent treatment plant to meet the prescribed treated water standards

Properly covered hazardous waste storage area to store packaged process
residues and ETP sludge. Size of the same shall be sufficient to store the said
wastes for 90 days.

4. 4 Utilization of Spent Sulphuric Acid generated from pickling

This SoP is applicable only for utilization of Spent H2SO4 as described below:

Type of HW Source of generation Recovery/Product

Spent H2SO4 Pickling operations of MS rods / Ferrous Sulphate

The utilization process shall involve addition of iron scrap/powder to Spent H2SO4
(fresh sulphuric acid may be added, as per the requirement to maintain desired
specific gravity) in a reaction tank followed by filtration of reacted liquor in a filter
press to separate residues; the mother liquor is then crystallized. The product
Ferrous Sulphate (FeSO4.7 H2O) is separated from mother liquor in a centrifuge and
A. Standard Operating Procedure

(1) The Spent acid containing H2SO4 shall be procured only in rubber lined
tankers/HDPE drums.

(2) There should be designated space for unloading Spent H2SO4 into rubber lined
storage tank.

(3) The receiving storage tank shall be placed above the ground and contained with
low raise bund wall & acid proof floor with slope to collect spillages, if any to
collection pit.

(4) There shall be no manual handling of the spent acid. Chemical process pump
shall be used for transfer of spent acid to the process units.

(5) The entire process area shall have leak-proof and acid proof floor tiles with
adequate slope to collect spillages, if any, into a collection pit.

(6) The spillages from collection pit shall be transferred to ETP or reaction tank, as
the cases may be, through chemical process pump.

(7) The reaction vessel shall be connected with suction hood above the feeding
point (of iron scrap) to control acid fume/vapour liberated from the reaction
vessel. The suction hood shall be connected with alkali scrubber and stack.

(8) The treated acid fume/vapour shall comply with emission norms and shall be
dispersed through stack of minimum height of 06 m above the roof top or as
prescribed by the concerned SPCB, whichever is higher.

(9) Sources of wastewater generation may be

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