TDC in Chemistry (Major) 22
TDC in Chemistry (Major) 22
TDC in Chemistry (Major) 22
First Year
Semester II
Second Year
Semester III
PAPER M 301 Structure and Bonding (Total Marks 75)
Unit 3.1 Atomic Structure (Marks 40)
Learning Structure of hydrogen-like atoms and their representation in quantum
mechanical terms. Basic quantum mechanical ideas and principles leading to atomic
structure (outline only without details) :
a) Particle character of radiation - black body radiation phenomenon - Planck’s
hypothesis : Postulates and explanation for black body radiation.
b) Wave character of particles-electron diffraction.
c) Discrete nature of energy levels of atomic and molecular systems, line spectra
of atoms (e.g., hydrogen) and molecules (e.g.N2O).matter-de Broglie hypothesis.
d) Dual nature of matter-de Broglie hypothesis. e) The defining limit of classical
mechanics-the uncertainty principle.
f) Definition of micro and macro particles.
g) Necessity of quantum mechanical equation.
h) Schrodinger equation-statement and identity of terms. Energy eigenvalues-
expression alone. Energy eigenfunctions: Setting up of expressions of radial( R)
and angular( Y) parts for 1s,2s,2po,2p+1,2p-1,2px,2py,2pz orbital, Born
interpretation of the wave functions, Orbital concept-one electron wave functions,
Plots of and ψ2 for 1s,2s,2p,2px,2py,2pz,3dxy,3dzx orbital. n,l,m quantum numbers-
origin and significance(outline only).
i) The concept of spin and spin quantum numbers (outline only).Many electron
atoms. Electron repulsion in the He atom. Pauli’s exclusion principle. Aufbau
principle and electron configuration of many electron atoms.
j) Effective nuclear charge-shielding and penetration effects. Electron Configuration of
Unit 3. 2 Chemical Bonding I
(Marks 25)
Lewis electron pair bond. Valence bond approach to bonding in diatomic molecules-
outline of concept of overlap ( HF and H2 ). Resonance and resonance energy in HF and
benzene. Bond moments and dipole moments (outline with simple pictorial
representation). Percent ionic character of HCl and HF bonds. Formal charges on atoms
in molecules. Concept of electro negativity -explanation of molecular properties on the
basis of electro negativity.
Internal Assessment (Marks 10)
(Any one of the above mixtures will be given for estimation in examination.
Determination of marks: Preparation of standard solution and standardization 10 marks.
Separation of components 5 marks, Completion of the experiment 10 marks, and Results
25 marks.)
B. Chromatographic separation of cations by paper/TLC (Marks 15)
Semester VI
Marks 50)
Unit 4.1 Aliphatic and aromatic hydroxyl compounds and ethers (Marks 10)
Classification of alcohols, 10, 20, 30 alcohols and their distinguishing reactions. General
methods of preparation, properties and general reactions of primary alcohols, glycols and
glycerol. Basic concept of hydrogen bonding and their influence on properties of organic
compounds. Willamson’s ether synthesis and hydrolysis of ethers.
Benzyl alcohol-preparation and reaction. Synthesis and reactions of phenols. Acidity of
phenols and substituted phenols. Electrophilic aromatic substitution ofphenols. Synthesis
of Bakelite.
Unit 4.2 Aliphatic amines and aniline (
Marks 4)
10, 20, 30 amines. Basicity of amines. Preparation , properties and reactions of 10 amines.
Synthesis, properties and reactions of aniline. Basicity of aniline and substituted aniline.
Electrophilic aromatic substitution. Diazonium ions and their synthetic utility.
Unit 4.3 Aliphatic and aromatic carbonyl compounds
(Marks 5)
General methods of preparation and reactions of carbonyl compounds(formaldehyde,
acetaldehyde, acetone and 2-butanone as example). Difference in reactivity of aldehyde
and ketones. Polarization of carbonyl group. Nucleophilic addition of aldehydes and
ketons, mechanism with examples. Preparation and reactions of benzaldehyde and