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Maruti Arena - Balanced - Scorecard - 2019-20 PDF

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Dear Dealer Partners,

Balanced Scorecard represents a balanced dealer evaluation system covering multiple facets of business
and enables execution of organizational strategy with a single view of the Quality of Business. It strives to
enhance Dealership preparedness relative to the dynamic changes happening around & into the future.
Maruti Suzuki is in the midst of Transformation with launch of ARENA Showrooms, Independent True
Value Outlets and success of Commercial Outlets. These experience centers have to become centers of
excellence through focus on delivering highest standards of Quality and efficiency improvements through
use of technology leading to enhancement in Business.
Balanced Scorecard (BSC) represents this transformation in an approach that has been proposed to make
Dealerships future ready & take it to next level by following its values of Dynamism ,Social ,Trendy ,Reliable
& Efficiency and aligning business priorities to enable achievement.
The Four Core Areas of BSC 2019-20 are:
1. Performance & Management Systems
2. Customer Retention
3. Human Capital Development
4. Experience Enhancement, Quality & Enablers

The BSC FY 19-20 Band distributions are as follows:

Band Points
1. Royal Platinum Band >= 900
2. Platinum Band >= 800 & <900
3. Gold Band >= 700 & <800
4. Silver Band >=600 & <700
5. Bronze Band >= 500 & < 600
6. No Band <500

We expect that BSC FY 19-20 would further guide Dealerships in maximizing their efforts in achieving the
highest levels of performance across parameters. Dealership team members are key enablers in the
process of converting the action plans through monitoring & review on monthly basis.

Wish you all the very best to achieve higher levels of performance in all your business functions.
With warm regards,

Team – Dealer Development

1. Introduction.......................................................................................................1

Performance and Management Systems

1. Wholesale Performance...............................................................................2-3
2. Commercial Wholesale Performance..........................................................4-5
3. Service to Sales Ratio ...................................................................................6-7
4. MSGA Retails Performance........................................................................8-10
5. MSGP Performance ............................................................................11-14
6. Dealer Financial Ratio....................................................................................15

Customer Retention
1. First Paid Service Retention.....................................................................16-17
2. Extended Warranty Penetration ...............................................................18-19
3. Maruti Insurance Retention......................................................................20-22
4. Exchange Business Performance............................................................23-24
5. Customer Retention Through Loyalty Program............................................25

Human Capital Development

1. Sales Manpower Certification .......................................................................26
2. POC Manpower Adequacy & Certification ..............................................27-29
3. Availability of SSQS Certified Service Manpower ...................................30-31

Experience Enhancement Quality & Enablers

1. Customer Delight Index (Quality of Sales)....................................................32
2. Reduction in Post Sales Complaints.............................................................33
3. Reduction in Pre Sales Complaints...............................................................34
4. Sales Quality Standards Implementation................................................35-36
5. Customer Engagement Index (Quality of Service).......................................37
6. Customer Complaint Index (Service)............................................................38
7. Customer Experience Enhancement .......................................................39-40
8. Activation of Rural Workshops......................................................................41
The Balanced Scorecard (BSC) 2019-20 consists of 22 parameters across 4 key areas with major focus on
Dealer performance and Quality & Enablers. Each parameter has been designed keeping in mind the
important roles the Dealer is expected to undertake and monitor in the marketplace. The Balanced
Scorecard measures the Dealership on a maximum of 1000 points.
The broad-roles weightages are as follows:
Performance & Management Systems 350 points
Customer Retention 210 points
Human Capital Development 110 points
Experience Enhancement, Quality & Enablers 330 points

The Balanced Scorecard manual is a guide for implementation of the parameters as per the norms. The
manual covers all four business areas: Sales, Service, Spares and Management Systems under the broad
roles as mentioned above.

This manual should be read completely by the Dealer Owner, key Dealership staff and BSC
Coordinators to understand performance criteria and initiate & plan requisite improvements.


A) Score and Data Reports :
MSIL will publish the Provisional BSC 2019-20 Scores on monthly basis which can be viewed on the
Salezapp , using CEO’s ID under the Scorecard tab . Action plan should be drafted right in the
beginning of the evaluation period and performance & status should be monitored with timelines
for each parameter.

B) Action Planning :
Action planning process is a tool to drive improvement actions. This completes the PDCA cycle in the
evaluation process which reinforces the overall objective of Balanced Scorecard
Please share, discuss and review your performance along with the respective Regional Offices to ensure
that it's aligned to MSIL’s Business Objectives.

All rights reserved. No part of this manual should be reproduced in any form without written permission of
Maruti Suzuki India Limited, New Delhi.

Dealer Balanced Scorecard 2019-20

Confidential - For private circulation only 1

Performance & Management Systems
Management Systems

Section Broad Parameters Page No.

1. Wholesale Performance 110 2-3

2. Commercial Wholesale Performance 20 4-5

3. Service to Sales Ratio 50 6-7

4. MSGA Retails Performance 80 8-10

5. MSGP Performance 60 11-14

6. Dealer Financial Ratio 30 15

Total 350
1. Wholesale Performance
Maximum Points: 110


For Dealers in Category A

70, if Growth %>= 8%
40, if Growth % >=5% & <8%
20, if Growth %>=0% & < 5%
Else, 0

For Dealers in Category B

90, if Growth %>= 8%
60, if Growth %>=5% & <8%
40, if Growth %>=0% & < 5%
Else, 0

Dealer New Car

Wholesale For Dealers in Category A
Performance 70, if target achievement >= 100%
Achievement of Wholesale
Targets (only applicable for Else, 0
Region Parent Dealerships
activated on or For Dealers in Category B
after 1st April' 18) 90, if target achievement >= 100%
Else, 0

Consistency of Target 40, if target achievement >=100%

Achievement Else , 0

Dealer Balanced Scorecard 2019-20

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Data Source: Notes:
Central a. Wholesale Target & Achievement of DMS system will be considered
for evaluation.
Data Frequency:
Monthly b. Wholesale done from all Outlets/E-Outlets/R-Outlets activated during
FY 19-20 will be considered for achievement and for targets at the end
of H1 and full year for early bird and final evaluation respectively.
Aggregation Logic:
Cumulative – WS c. For early bird, Wholesale growth/target achievement norms needs to
Growth be met till H1.
d. Dealers in Category A: All Region Parent Dealers not covered in
Quarterly - WS Category B (mentioned below).
Dealers in Category B: All Region Parent Dealers having presence only
in Delhi City as on 31st Mar'19.
Data Capturing:
Region Parent level e. Consistency of Target Achievement is applicable for both categories
of Dealership with maximum score of 40 points.
Rounding off: f. For Consistency of Target Achievement points will be awarded every
1st Decimal Place quarter and average of same will be considered for early bird and for
final evaluation.
g. For early bird evaluation of Consistency of Target Achievement norm:
i. Achievement in both Q1 & Q2: 40 Points
ii. Achievement in either Q1 or Q2: 20 points
iii. Else, 0

Example for Consistency of Target achievement:

Total Points Total Points

Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 for FY 19-20 for H1
Dealer A 100% 99% 100% 100%
Dealer B 100% 100% 90% 100%
Dealer C 100% 100% 100% 100%
Dealer A 40 0 40 40 30 20
Points Dealer B 40 40 0 40 30 40
Dealer C 40 40 40 40 40 40

Dealer Balanced Scorecard 2019-20

3 Confidential - For private circulation only

2. Commercial Wholesale Performance
Maximum Points: 20


For Region Parent Commercial Dealers activated

before 1stApr’ 19

(Wholesale Growth over Q4’18-19 Monthly

20, if Wholesale Growth >=20%
10, if Wholesale Growth >=10% & <20%
Else, 0

For Region Parent Commercial Dealers activated on

or between1st Apr’19 & 30th Sep’19
Dealer Commercial Wholesale
Outlet Wholesale Performance (WS from month of activation)
Performance of Super Carry 20, if Wholesale achievement >= 120
10, if Wholesale achievement >=60 & <120
Else, 0

For Region Parent Commercial Dealers activated on

or between 1st Oct ’19 & 31st Mar’20

(WS from month of activation)

10, if Wholesale achievement >=70
5, if Wholesale achievement >=35 & <70
Else, 0

Dealer Balanced Scorecard 2019-20

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Data Source: Access Condition:
Central Average offtake of >=8 vehicles/month from commercial outlet for
Commercial Region Parent Dealers activated on or before 1st Apr’19
Data Frequency:
a. Wholesale performance would be based on the wholesales achieved
Aggregation Logic: at Region Parent level in FY 19-20.
Cumulative b. For Region Parent having presence only in Delhi City as on
31st Mar'19, the weightage of 'Commercial Wholesale Performance'
Data Capturing: would shift to 'Wholesale Performance'.
Region Parent Level
c. Evaluation Period for Early Bird:
Rounding off: • Region Parent Commercial Dealers activated before 1st Apr’19:
1st Decimal Place '1st Apr’19 –30th Sep’19'
• Region Parent Commercial Dealers activated on or after 1st Apr'19:
d. Base calculation for Region Parent activated before 1st Apr'19:
• Early Bird: (Wholesale in Q4 FY 18-19) x 2
• Full Year: (Wholesale in Q4 FY 18-19) x 4

Dealer Balanced Scorecard 2019-20

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3. Service to Sales Ratio
Maximum Points: 50


For Region Parent Dealers activated

before 1st Apr'18
50, if Ratio >= 6:1
40, if Ratio >=5.25:1 & <6:1
25, if Ratio >=4.5:1 & <5.25:1
Service to Sales Ratio (Free
& Paid Service Load done) / 10, if Ratio >=3.5:1 & <4.5:1
Service to Sales Ratio
Retails done Else, 0

For Region Parent Dealer activated on

or after 1st Apr'18
Please Refer Notes point 'a'

Data Source: Access Condition:

Central Achievement of minimum 5% growth in Free & Paid Service Load in FY
19-20 over FY 18-19 including ARENA & NEXA Workshop Load.
Data Frequency: Notes:
Period for Evaluation:
Aggregation Logic: Early Bird :
Cumulative Service Period: 1stApr' 19 - 30th Sep' 19
Retail Period: 1stJan' 19 - 30th Jun' 19
Data Capturing:
Full Year :
Region Parent Level
Service Period: 1st Apr' 19 - 31st Mar' 20
Rounding off: Retail Period: 1st Jan' 19- 31st Dec' 19
2nd Decimal Place
a. For Region Parent Dealer activated on or after 1st Apr'18, the
weightage of 'Service to Sales Ratio' will be transferred to
'Extended Warranty Penetration'.
b. Free Service with Barcode scanned free service coupons or
RFID scanned vehicle will only be considered.

Dealer Balanced Scorecard 2019-20

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c. Paid Service Load with QR scan job cards or RFID scanned vehicle
or Paid Service bill value >= Rs. 2000 will only be considered. Bill
value would consist only of Labour, Oil & Oil Filter including tax.
d. CSD/CPC, GeM (DGS&D) cases will be excluded from retail &
service base both for performance and for access condition.
e. Service load & Retail of ARENA & NEXA channel will be considered
at Region Parent level. (Commercial Channel will not be
f. Data for new Workshop/Showroom activated in FY 19-20 will be
mapped at the end of every quarter to Region Parent Dealer for
BSC evaluation.
g. Performance impacted due to disruption in workshop operations
because of negligence & non-adherence of system /
process/guidelines will not be considered.

Dealer Balanced Scorecard 2019-20

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4. MSGA Retails Performance
Maximum Points: 80


Norm A1: 40, if >=Rs. 14000
MSGA Retails per car (Rs.) 20, if >=Rs.12500 & < Rs.14000
at Dealer Landing Price
10, if >=Rs.11500 & < Rs. 12500
(DDL) excluding MSGA
retailed from True Value Else , 0

For Dealers with MSGA/Vehicle in FY 19-20

>= Rs. 14000
20, if MSGA/Vehicle growth over FY 18-19 >=5%

MSGA Retails For Dealers with MSGA/Vehicle in FY 19-20

Norm A2: >= Rs. 11500 & < Rs. 14000
Performance MSGA/Vehicle Growth
20, if MSGA/Vehicle growth over FY18-19>=10%

For Dealers with MSGA/Vehicle in FY 19-20

< Rs. 11500
20, if MSGA/Vehicle growth over FY 18-19>=15%

Norm B: 20, if >= Rs. 5000

MSGA retailed from True
10, if >= Rs. 3000 & < Rs. 5000
Value Outlet per TV sales
(MSGA/TV Sales) Else, 0

Dealer Balanced Scorecard 2019-20

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Data Source: Access Condition:
Central Norm A1& A2
1. Dealer to achieve MSGA Wholesale (offtake) >= 85% of MSGA retailed
Data Frequency: in FY 19-20. Wholesale & Retails will be based on Dealer Landing Price
Monthly (DDL). Wholesale offtake condition would be based on cumulative
retails of MSGA (All sources)
Aggregation Logic:
2. No de-growth in MSGA Retails per car in FY 19-20 over FY 18-19
Additional Access Condition for Norm A1:
Data Capturing: 3. Points will be rewarded only for the quarters where MSGA Retails per
Region Parent Level car>= Rs. 11,500 (Only for Norm A1)
Notes for Norm A1, A2
Rounding off: a. For MSGA Retail per car for the month, the MSGA retails will be
Nearest Integer considered for the period 1st to 30th/31st of the current month and the
th th
vehicle retails for the period 26 of previous month to 25 of current
th th
b. For FY 19-20, Vehicle retail to be calculated from 26 Mar'19 to 25

( (
Net Retail (DDL) of MSGA from the Dealership using
DMS excluding MSGA Sales considered for NORM B
c. MSGA Retails/car =
Total no. of new cars retailed during the period

d. Cases of fleet operators (All Tour variants & Non Tour variants having
commercial Maruti Insurance) , GeM (DGS&D) sales & bulk deal
(>=10 vehicles in 30 days period billed to same customer including
cross deliveries) would be excluded from evaluation based on data
shared by ISL at end of the year
e. All outlets/e-outlets activated during FY19-20 would also be
considered for evaluating cumulative achievement
f. New Dealer with zero base in FY 18-19 can qualify for 20 points in
Norm A2, if Dealer achieves MSGA/Veh>=Rs.11,500 in FY 19-20
g. MSGA/Veh. for FY 18-19 taken as reference base for Norm A2 &
access condition 2, is at Dealer landing price (DDL) excluding MSGA
retailed from True Value Outlets.
Notes for Norm A1, A2 & B:
a. DDL Price = Billing Price from MSIL minus tax
b. Only DMS users (i.e. Dealers generating MSGA invoice using DMS) will
be eligible for points in both the parameters.
c. All MSGA retailed through True Value Outlets & Refurbishment Sales
from Workshop belonging to same Region Parent Dealer will be
considered for Norm B.
d. All new True Value Outlets activated during FY19-20 would be
considered for calculation of MSGA retailed & TV Sales (Norm B).
e. Commercial channel will be excluded from this parameter.

Dealer Balanced Scorecard 2019-20

9 Confidential - For private circulation only


Dealer A B C

For Norm A1 & A2

Overall MSGA Retails (All Source) (Rs. Lacs) 140 170 110

MSGA Offtake (Rs. Lacs) 122 153 94

MSGA/Veh (Excluding TV Sales) (Rs.) FY 19-20 13625 16750 10800

% Offtake 87% 90% 85%

Offtake Access Condition - (1) Y Y Y

MSGA/Veh (Excluding TV Sales) (Rs.) FY 18-19 12100 15900 9400

Growth Access Condition - (2) Y Y Y

Access Condition Met (1 & 2) Y Y Y

Norm A1

MSGA/Veh (Excluding TV Sales) (Rs.) - Quarterly Performance

Q1 10000 16000 10200

Q2 13500 18500 11000

Q3 15000 15000 10500

Q4 16000 17500 11500

BSC Point Slab 20 40 0

Quarters with MSGA/Veh>= Rs.11500 3 4 1

BSC Points for Dealer 15 40 0

Norm A2

MSGA/Veh Growth over FY 18-19 (Excluding TV Sales) 13% 5% 15%

BSC Points for Dealer 20 20 20

Norm B

MSGA/TV Sales (Rs.) 3500 5500 5100

BSC Points for Dealer 10 20 20

Total Points For Dealer (Norm A1+A2+B) 45 80 40

Dealer Balanced Scorecard 2019-20

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5. MSGP Performance
Maximum Points: 60


For Region Parent Dealers Activated Before

1st Apr’18
45, if MSGP Consumable Usage Score > 75
30, if MSGP Consumable Usage Score > 60 & <= 75
15, if MSGP Consumable Usage Score > 50 & <=60
Performance in Usage of MSGP Else, 0
MSGP Consumables as
Consumables per defined criteria
For Region Parent Dealers Activated on or after
1st Apr’18
60, if MSGP Consumable Usage Score > 75
45, if MSGP Consumable Usage Score > 60 & <= 75
30, if MSGP Consumable Usage Score > 50 & <=60
Else, 0

Data Source: Access Condition:

Central Total Periodic Maintenance Schedule replacement of 7 parts (i.e. Oil Filter, Air
Filter, Fuel Filter, Spark Plug, Engine Coolant, Brake Fluid, Belt Water Pump)
Data Frequency: should be more than 95% (Including ARENA & NEXA Channel Workshop). Refer
Monthly the example for details.
Notes for MSGP Consumables:
Logic: a. Performance in both parameters would be measured on basis of the
Cumulative ARENA & NEXA workshop & following scoring criteria

Data MSGP consumable usage scoring criteria

Capturing: Usage Criteria MSGP usage
Region Parent MSGP Consumables Minimum Qty per 1000 Load* score
Masking Tape 550 nos. per 1000 Body Repair Load 15
Masking Paper 25 nos. per 1000 Body Repair Load 10
Rounding off:
N/A Over Protective Sheet 2 nos. per 1000 Body Repair Load 10
Air Drying Sealer 45 nos. per 1000 Body Repair Load 15
Body Filler 50 nos. per 1000 Body Repair Load 10
100 nos. per 1000 (Body Repair Load+
Rust Smash Running Repair Load + Paid Service Load) 10

20 nos. per 1000 (Body Repair Load+ Paid

Hinge Relief Wax 10
Service Load)

Dealer Balanced Scorecard 2019-20

11 Confidential - For private circulation only

Usage Criteria MSGP usage
MSGP Consumables Minimum Qty per 1000 Load* score
Premium Foam Wash 10 nos. per 1000 (Free Service Load + Body Repair
Liquid/Dry Wash-Liquid Load + Paid Service Load + Washing Load) 10

Interior Protection 150 nos. per 1000 (Body Repair Load + Paid Service
Load + Running Repair Load + Washing Load) 10

Total Usage Score 100

* Load for FY 19-20 as defined for each Consumables

b. Target & usage of consumables would be calculated upto two decimal values
and Target vs Actual usage must be >= 100%
c. MSGP consumables consumption should be registered in DMS i.e. consumption
against Workshop issue, Internal consumption, goodwill issue and counter sales
to Bodyshop contractors only.
d. Only MSGP consumables to be stocked and used in Dealer Workshops /parts
e. Data for all new Workshops & Bodyshops activated during FY 19-20 to be
f. MSGP Consumables are mentioned below:

Part No.* Description

Masking Tape ( 24 MM*30 MTRS)

Masking Paper ( L 200M* W 45CM)
Masking Paper (L 200M* W90 CM)
Over Protective Sheet ( 4M*150 M)
Air Drying Sealer

99000M24120-958 Body Filler (3KG Lightweight)

99000M24121-052 Premium Foam Wash Liquid

99000M24121-114 Dry Wash - Liquid

99000M24121-085 Hinge Relief Wax

99000M24121-110 Interior Protection Covers- ARENA/NEXA
*All alternative part nos. if introduced in FY 19-20 for the above mentioned workshop
consumables will be considered for the calculations.

Dealer Balanced Scorecard 2019-20

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Example: For Dealer ABC (Data Registered in DMS before 1st Apr'18)

Usage of Total PMS* of
MSGP Usage Criteria Total Required Actual Points BSC
Min Qty per MSGP 7 parts
Consumables Min. Qty per 1000 Load Load Consumption Consumption Achieved > 95% Points
1000 Load Points

550 nos. per 1000 Body

Masking Tape 3000 1650 1700 Yes 10
Repair Load

25 nos. per 1000 Body

Masking Paper 3000 75 80 Yes 10
Repair Load
Over Protective 2 nos. per 1000 Body
Repair Load 3000 6 7 Yes 10

45 nos. per 1000 Body

Air Drying Sealer 3000 135 138 Yes 15
Repair Load

50 nos. per 1000 Body

Body Filler 3000 150 155 Yes 10
Repair Load 90 Y 45
100 nos. per 1000 (Body
Repair Load+ Running
Rust Smash 8500 850 870 Yes 10
Repair Load+ Paid
Service Load)

20 nos. per 1000 (Body

Hinge Relief Wax Repair Load+ Paid 5500 110 105 No 0
Service Load)

Premium Foam 10 nos. per 1000 (Free

Wash Liquid Service Load + Body
/ Dry Wash - Repair Load + Paid Service 8400 84 87 Yes 10
Liquid Load + Washing Load)

150 nos. per 1000 (Body

Repair Load + Paid Service
protection Load + Running Repair 9400 1410 1465 Yes 10
covers Load + Washing Load)

*Periodic Maintenance Schedule Replacement

Dealerships activated on or after 1st Apr'18 would qualify for 60 points based on above example

Example: Total PMS Calculation for Access Condition

PMS Parts Required Changed PMS%

Air Filter 3088 2985 96.66%

Belt Water Pump 660 615 93.18%
Brake Fluid 6480 6474 99.91%
Coolant 6478 6452 99.60%
Fuel Filter 3348 3298 98.51%
Oil Filter 11625 11610 99.87%
Spark Plug 2635 2621 99.47%
Total 34314 34055 99.25%

Dealer Balanced Scorecard 2019-20

13 Confidential - For private circulation only

For Dealers Activated Before 1stApr’18
15, if ratio > 90%
Parts Consumption Ratio of Growth in Parts 10, if ratio >80% & <=90%
Growth should be in Consumption as a % of 5, if ratio > 70% & <=80%
line with Service Service Load Growth Else, 0
Load Growth
For dealers activated on or after 1st Apr’18
Please Refer Notes point ‘a’

Data Source: Access Condition:

Central Total Periodic Maintenance Schedule replacement of 7 parts (i.e. Oil Filter,
Air Filter, Fuel Filter, Spark Plug, Engine Coolant, Brake Fluid, Belt Water
Data Frequency: Pump) should be more than 95% (Including ARENA & NEXA Channel
Monthly Workshop).
Notes for Growth in Parts Consumption:
Aggregation Logic:
Cumulative a. Weightage for dealers activated on or after 1stApr’18 to be shifted
to ‘Performance in MSGP Consumables’.
Data Capturing: b. Service types considered for both MSGP parts consumption &
Region Parent Level Service Load are Paid Service, Running Repair, Body Repair and Free
Service of ARENA & NEXA Channel.
Rounding off: c. Data for all new Workshops & Bodyshops activated during FY 19-20
N/A to be considered.

Example: For Dealer ABC (Data Registered in DMS before 1st Apr'18)

Example Parts Service Load 90% of 80% of 70% of Points as per

Number Consumption Growth Service Service Service BSC norms
Load Growth Load Growth Load Growth

Example 1 2.60% 2.80% 2.52% 2.24% 1.96% 15

Example 2 2.60% 4.20% 3.78% 3.36% 2.94% 0

Example 3 -1.30% -1.00% -1.11% -1.25% -1.43% 5

Example 4 -24.00% -20.00% -22.22% -25.00% -28.57% 10

Example 5 1.00% -2.60% 0.90% 0.80% 0.70% 0

Example 6 2.60% -1.00% -1.11% -1.25% -1.43% 15

Dealer Balanced Scorecard 2019-20

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6. Dealer Financial Ratio
Maximum Points: 30


30, if D:E is >=0 & <= 2
Debt Equity (D:E) Ratio =
Dealer Financial Ratio Total Borrowings / Equity 15, if D:E is >2 & <= 3
Else, 0

Data Source: Notes:

Central a. Debt = All borrowings (including long term loans, current maturities of
long term loans, short term loans, working capital including trade
Data Frequency: advance, unsecured loans including loan from Directors & other
Yearly concerns).
b. Equity = Share Capital, Reserves & Surplus and Share application money
Aggregation Logic:
(if any). For Partnership / Proprietorship Companies, equity consists
of Partners / Proprietors Capital.
Data Capturing: c. In case of Partnership/Proprietorship companies, Partner’s Capital and
Region Parent level Profit & Loss account (if any) would be considered as equity.
d. Terminal value would be considered for early bird as well as full year
Rounding off: evaluation.
1st Decimal Place e. Dealership with multiple companies (having separate balance s h e e t s )
must submit all balance sheets. D:E ratio will be calculated after adding
corresponding debt and equity of all balance sheets.
f. Public and Private Limited companies need to submit audited Balance
Sheet for FY 18-19 along with RoC filing and LLP, Partnership
and Proprietorship companies need to submit IT filing along with
audited Balance Sheet for FY 18-19.
g. Partnership companies must clearly mention the tax deducted in
financial year along with supporting documents and s u b m i s s i o n o f
Balance sheet for consideration.
h. In order to improve D:E ratio, the Dealership can infuse additional funds
in form of Equity in FY 19-20. However for calculation of D:E Ratio, debt
as on 31st Mar’19 (as per submitted balance sheet) will be considered.
Infusion of Equity will be considered for calculating D:E Ratio after
following documents are received at MSIL HO before 1st Mar'20 :
CA certified provisional balance sheet along with filing at MCA f o r
Public and Pvt. Ltd. companies.
CA certified provisional balance sheet along with Bank Account
statements of Dealership and Partner (s) /Proprietors highlighting
the transaction made for increase in capital account.

Dealer Balanced Scorecard 2019-20

15 Confidential - For private circulation only


Customer Retention
Section Broad Parameters Page No.

1. First Paid Service Retention 60 16-17

2. Extended Warranty Penetration 40 18-19

3. Maruti Insurance Retention 70 20-22

4. Exchange Business Performance 40 23-24

5. Customer Retention Through Loyalty Program 10 25

Total 220
1. First Paid Service Retention
Maximum Points: 50


For Dealers Activated Before 1stJan'17

Vin-to-Vin Retention growth over FY 18-19

Dealers with <60% Retention in FY 18-19

50, if retention growth >=6%
30, If retention growth >=4% & <6%
15, If retention growth >=2% & <4%
Else, 0
(Paid Service from due
First Paid Service
VINs)/ (Retail VINs Dealers with >=60% Retention in FY 18-19
Jan-Dec’17) 50, if retention growth >=4%
30, If retention growth >=2% & <4%
15, If retention growth >=1% & <2%
Else, 0

For Dealers Activated on or After 1stJan'17

Please refer notes point 'a'

Data Source: Access condition:

Central Dealership to achieve minimum 5% growth in Paid Service Load in FY
19-20 over FY 18-19 including ARENA & NEXA workshop.
Data Frequency:
Monthly Notes:
Period for Evaluation:
Aggregation Logic: a. Early Bird:
Retail (Retail VINs ) Period:- 1stJan' 17- 30th Jun' 17
Data Capturing: Service Period (Paid Service from due VINs):- Upto 30th Sep' 19
Region Parent Level b. Full Year:
Retail (Retail VINs )Period:- 1st Jan' 17- 31st Dec' 17
Rounding off :
1st Decimal Place Service Period (Paid Service from due VINs):- Upto 31st Mar' 20

Dealer Balanced Scorecard 2019-20

Confidential - For private circulation only 16

Data Source: a. For Parent Dealer activated on or after 1stJan'17, the weightage of ‘First
Central Paid Service Retention' will be transferred to 'Extended Warranty
Data Frequency:
Monthly b. PMS20 load with QR scan job cards or RFID scanned vehicle or bill value
>= Rs. 2000 will be considered. Bill value consists only of Labour, Oil & Oil
Aggregation Logic: Filter including tax.
c. CSD/CPC & GeM (DGS&D) cases will be excluded from retail & service
Data Capturing: base.
Region Parent Level d. First Paid Service Retention will be considered for ARENA & NEXA
Rounding off:
1st Decimal Place e. Service load & Retail of ARENA & NEXA channel at Region Parent level will
be considered. Commercial channel vehicles will not be considered.
f. New workshops activated in FY 19-20 will be mapped in every quarter to
Parent Dealer at Region level for BSC evaluation.
g. Performance impacted due to disruption in workshop operations
because of negligence & non-adherence of system/process/guidelines
will not be considered.
h. Cumulative First Paid Service Retention achieved in FY18-19 ( Derived
from below mentioned calculation) will be used in early bird as well as full
year evaluation.

Example for Calculation:

VIN-to-VIN Retention
Method of Calculation:
A. VIN Sold by Dealer X from Jan'17 to Dec'17 :160
B. VIN Due* for PMS20 sold by other dealer from Jan'17 to Dec'17 :60
(* VIN Free done at Dealers X)
C. VIN serviced (PMS20) by Dealer X in FY 19-20 (VIN from his own sale, from A) :85
D. VIN serviced (PMS20) by Dealer X in FY 19-20 (VIN from his own sale, from B) :35

% VIN Retention = x 100 = 75%
PMS20 Retention Retail Period PMS20 Period
st st
FY 18-19 (Base calculation) 1st Jan'16 to 31 Dec'16 Up to 31 Mar'19
FY 19-20 1st Jan'17 to 31st Dec'17 Up to 31 Mar'20

Dealer Balanced Scorecard 2019-20

17 Confidential - For private circulation only

2. Extended Warranty Penetration
Maximum Points: 40


Category 1
For Dealer activated before 1stJan'17
40, if EW Platinum & Royal Platinum Penetration>= 80%
25, if EW Platinum & Royal Platinum Penetration>=75% & <80%
15, if EW Platinum & Royal Platinum Penetration>=65% & <75%
10, if EW Platinum & Royal Platinum Penetration>=60% & <65%
Else, 0

Category 2 (Exempted from First Paid Service Retention)

For Dealer activated on or between 1stJan'17 & 31stMar'18.
Extended Warranty 90, if EW Platinum & Royal Platinum Penetration > =80 %
Platinum & 60, if EW Platinum & Royal Platinum Penetration >=75% & <80%
Royal Platinum 35, if EW Platinum & Royal Platinum Penetration>=65% & <75%
Penetration 25, if EW Platinum & Royal Platinum Penetration >=60% & <65%
Else, 0

Category 3 (Category 2 + exempted from Service to Sales Ratio)

For Dealer activated on or after 1stApr'18.
140, if EW Platinum & Royal Platinum Penetration > =80 %
100, if EW Platinum & Royal Platinum Penetration >=75% & <80%
60, if EW Platinum & Royal Platinum Penetration>=65% & <75%
35, if EW Platinum & Royal Platinum Penetration >=60% & <65%
Else, 0

Dealer Balanced Scorecard 2019-20

Confidential - For private circulation only 18

Data Source: Access Condition:
Minimum 50% contribution of Royal Platinum extended warranty
Data Frequency: Notes:
a. Extended Warranty Platinum & Royal Platinum penetration will be
Aggregation Logic: calculated as
Cumulative Total no of net EW Platinum + Net EW Royal platinum
EW Penetration = x100
Total Net Retails (Apr'18 to Mar'20)
Data Capturing:
Region Parent Level EW Platinum: 3rd& 4th Year
EW Royal Platinum: 3rd , 4th& 5th Year
Rounding off :
1st Decimal Place Period for Early Bird Evaluation:
Retails Period: 1stApr'18 to 30thSep'18 + 1stApr'19 to 30thSep'19
EW Period: 1stApr'18 to 30thSep'18 + 1stApr'19 to 30thSep'19
Period for Full Year Evaluation:
Retail Period: 1st Apr'18 to 31stMar'20
EW Sale Period: 1st Apr'18 to 31st Mar'20
b. Extended Warranty Policies sold for ARENA channel models from
ARENA showroom & workshop (ARENA & NEXA) will be considered at
Region Parent level.
c. Gold Policies sold after 1stApr'18 and converted to Platinum/Royal
Platinum will also be considered for EW penetration (only applicable in
case of Dealership being same in both cases).
d. Cases of fleet operators (All Tour variants & Non Tour variants having
commercial Maruti Insurance) & GeM (DGS&D) sales would be
excluded from evaluation based on data shared by ISL at end of the
e. Dealership must ensure that Extended Warranty is invoiced from live
code only.
f. Commercial channel data would be excluded from evaluation in this
g. EW policies net of cancellation would be considered.

Dealer Balanced Scorecard 2019-20

19 Confidential - For private circulation only

3. Maruti Insurance Retention
Maximum Points: 70


25, if Retention is >= 76%

1st Year Retention 15, if Retention is >= 72% & < 76%
MI Retention Else, 0
(For Region Parent
Dealers activated
before 1st Oct'17) 25, if Retention is >= 86%
2nd Year Onwards Retention 15, if Retention is >= 83% & < 86%
Else, 0

25, if Retention is >= 76%

1st Year Retention 15, if Retention is >= 72% & < 76%
MI Retention Else, 0
(For Region Parent
Dealers activated on
or between 25, if Net Winback achievement
1st Oct'17 and is >= 20%
Net Winback as % of Net
30th Sep'18) 15, if Net Winback achievement
Retails done in FY 19-20
is >= 15% & < 20%
Else, 0

50, if Net Winback achievement

MI Retention is >= 20% of Net Retails
(For Region Parent Net Winback as % of Net 30, if Net Winback achievement
Dealers activated on Retails done in FY 19-20 is >= 15% & < 20% of Net Retails
or after 1st Oct'18)
Else, 0

Long term policy

Long Term policy penetration (LTCP) as 20, if penetration >= 40%
penetration (LTCP) percentage of Total new Else , 0
car policies

Dealer Balanced Scorecard 2019-20

Confidential - For private circulation only 20

Data Source: Notes:
Central a. Winback Policies: Policies renewed in current year where
previous policy was not in MI.
Data Frequency:
Total Policy retained in MI from Dealer's Renewal base
(Renewal done by any Dealer)
Aggregation Logic: b. Retention= X100
Dealer's Renewal base
Cumulative c. Period for evaluation for early bird is 1stApr'19 to 30th Sep'19.
Data Capturing: d. Any First Year expiring policy renewed as a Third Party policy,
Region Parent Level will not be considered in 1st Year Retention.
e. All Break-in policies (till 31stMar'20) will be counted in retention.
Rounding off :
Nearest Integer f. All Policies of ARENA & NEXA models would be considered for
Retention and Winback.
g. Retention and Winback of Super Carry will be excluded.
h. Vehicle more than 15 years old will not be considered for BSC
I. All long term policies made in FY 18-19 will be considered for
BSC for 1st and 2nd Year retention.
j. Only live policies (Not cancelled), expiring from 1stApr'19 to
31st Mar'20 and renewed till 31st Mar'20 will be counted with
following data excluded.
I. Cases of fleet operators (All Tour variants & Non Tour
variants having commercial Maruti Insurance) , GeM
(DGS&D) sales & Bulk deal (>=10 vehicles in 30 days period
billed to same customer including cross deliveries) would be
excluded from evaluation based on data shared by ISL at end
of the year.
II. CSD/CPC cases & GeM sales (DGS&D) will be excluded
from evaluation as per the data provided by ISL
III. Policies done on vehicles excluded from evaluation would
also be excluded from calculation

Dealer Balanced Scorecard 2019-20

21 Confidential - For private circulation only

First Year Retention (ARENA+NEXA)
Dealer A Dealer B
Base 100 Base 100
Expiring Renewal Done Own Base (A1) 70 Expiring Renewal Done Own Base (B1) 80
Expiring Renewal Done 'Dealer B' Base (B2) 10 Expiring Renewal Done 'Dealer A' Base (A2) 3
Retention A (A1+A2) 73 Retention B (B1+B2) 90
Percentage Retention 73% Percentage Retention 90%
Points 15 Points 25

Second Year Retention (ARENA+NEXA)

Dealer A Dealer B
Base 100 Base 100
Expiring Renewal Done Own Base (A1) 80 Expiring Renewal Done Own Base (B1) 84
Expiring Renewal Done 'Dealer B' Base (B2) 10 Expiring Renewal Done 'Dealer A' Base (A2) 4
Retention A (A1+A2) 84 Retention B (B1+B2) 94
Percentage Retention 84% Percentage Retention 94%
Points 15 Points 25

Winback as % of Net Retails done (ARENA+NEXA)

Dealer A (Activated on or between 1st Oct'17 & before 30th Sep'18)
Net Retails in FY 19-20 100
Winback Policies 21
Percentage Winback 21%
Points 25

Winback as % of Net Retails done (ARENA+NEXA)

Dealer B (Activated on or after 01st Oct'18)
Net Retails in FY 19-20 100
Winback Policies 21
Percentage Winback 21%
Points 50

Long Term Policy Penetration

Dealer A
Total Number of New Car Policy (Private Car) 100
Long Term Policies (Private Car) 40
Long Term Policy (LTCP) % 40%
Points 20

Dealer Balanced Scorecard 2019-20

Confidential - For private circulation only 22

4. Exchange Business Performance
Maximum Points: 40


For Region Parent Dealer True Value Outlets activated
before 1st Apr'18
20, if Growth >= 8%
10, if Growth >= 4% & < 8%
Else, 0
(All calculation is on accepted exchange cases)
Growth in
Growth in Exchange
For Region Parent Dealer True Value Outlets activated on
or between 1st Apr'18 & 30thSep'19
20, if exchange penetration >= 20%
10, if exchange penetration >= 15% &< 20%
(All calculation is on accepted exchange cases)

For Region Parent Dealer True Value Outlets activated

before 1st Apr'18
20, if Growth >= 8%
10, if Growth >= 4% & < 8%
Else, 0
(All calculation is on Net TV sales)
Certified Sales Growth in TV sales
For Region Parent Dealer True Value Outlets activated on
or between 1st Apr'18 & 30thSep'19
20, if TV sales ratio(as % of POC sales)>= 25%
10, if TV sales ratio(as % of POC sales)>= 20% & < 25%
Else, 0
(All calculation is on Net TV sales and Net POC sales)

Dealer Balanced Scorecard 2019-20

23 Confidential - For private circulation only

Data Source: Notes:
Central a. In case of dealership activating its first True Value outlet at Region
Parent level till 30th Sep'19, the evaluation would be done on pro
Data Frequency: rata basis (Dealer activated in "N" month, parameter will be
Monthly calculated from "N+1"th month ).
b. Dealers activating first True Value outlet beyond 30th Sep'19 would
Aggregation Logic: not qualify for any points in this parameter
Cumulative c. Calculation of base & achievement will be on all accepted cases
Data Capturing:

( (
Region Parent Level ( All Accepted cases of Exchange in FY 19-20)
(ARENA Channel)
Exchange Growth % = X 100 - 100
Rounding off: ( All Accepted cases of Exchange in FY 18-19)
(ARENA Channel)
1st Decimal Place

TV Sales Growth % =
( (Net TV Sales in FY 19-20)

(Net TV Sales in FY 18-19)

X 100
All Accepted Cases of Exchange
- 100

(ARENA Channel)
Exchange Penetration % = X 100
Net New Car retail (ARENA Channel

Net TV Sales
TV Sales Ratio = X 100
Net POC Sales

d. Data of outlets activated during FY 19-20 would be considered.

e. TV sales done through vehicles sourced from All MSIL Sales
Channels & direct sourcing would be considered (Includes
companies operating under different name and mapped to same
Region Parent).
f. Exchange done through Commercial & NEXA outlets would not
be considered for growth in exchange.

Dealer Balanced Scorecard 2019-20

Confidential - For private circulation only 24

5. Customer Retention Through Loyalty Program
Maximum Points: 10


Total Processed Autocard 10, if Penetration >= 70%
Autocard Penetration from New Car Customers/ 5, if Penetration > 50% & < 70%
Net Retail for FY 19-20 0, if Penetration <= 50%

Data Source: Notes:

Central a. Autocard Penetration will be calculated as:
Autocard application processed during FY 19-20
Data Frequency: Autocard Penetration =
Net Retails done during FY 19-20 (only ARENA Channel)
b. All Autocard applications processed in FY 19-20 against the Net
Aggregation Logic: Retail done in FY 19-20 will be considered irrespective of source
Cumulative of enrollment such as Showroom, Workshop, True Value & MDS.
Data Capturing: c. Existing Autocard Members (enrolled through MDS & True
Region Parent Level Value) buying new car or repurchase by Existing Members
enrolled through New Car Showroom in FY19-20 would also be
Rounding off: considered for calculation of penetration.
Nearest Integer d. In case dealer activates Autocard enrollment before 30th Sep'19
(H1), prorata calculation will be done on net retails. Incase of
activation beyond 30th Sep'19, Net Retail done in full year
FY19-20 will be considered for evaluation of Autocard
e. Cases of fleet operators (All Tour variants & non tour variants
having commercial Maruti Insurance)& Bulk deal >=10 vehicles in
a 30 day period billed to same customer (including cross
deliveries) ,CSD/CPC, GeM (DGS&D)sales would be excluded
from evaluation based on data shared by ISL at end of the year
f. All enrollments form received till 31st Oct'19 & till 10th Apr'20
would be considered for early bird & full year evaluation
g. Enrollments done through new outlets activated during FY19-20
would be considered along with retail for calculation of
h. Parameter is applicable for ARENA Channel outlets only.

Dealer Balanced Scorecard 2019-20

25 Confidential - For private circulation only

Human Capital

Section Broad Parameters Page No.

Human Capital Development

1. Sales Manpower Certification 40 26

2. POC Manpower Adequacy & Certification 20 27-29

3. Availability of SSQS Certified Service Manpower 50 30-31

Total 110
1. Sales Manpower Certification
Maximum Points: 40


For Region Parent Dealer activated before 1st Apr'18
40, if certified manpower >= 30%
20, if certified manpower >= 25% &< 30%
Certified Sales Else, 0
Sales Manpower
Certification Manpower %
For Region Parent Dealer activated on or after 1st Apr'18
40, if certified manpower >= 15%
Else, 0

Data Source: Access Condition:

Central 1. Availability of sales manpower as per target by 31stAug'19. Manpower
availability to be ensured throughout the remaining period (1st Sep’19 – 31st
Data Frequency: Mar’20).
Half-Yearly 2. Emerging Star: DSE/RM with retail of 3 cars/month for the last 6 months.
Sales Expert: DSE/RM with retail of 5 cars/month for the last 1 year
Sales Captain: Team Leader /SR. RM for the last 1 year.
Aggregation Logic:
3. Completion of L1,L2 & L3 trainings are mandatory for all existing manpower
except for manpower previously certified (Till FY 18-19).
Data Capturing:
a. All sales manpower certified (Emerging Stars + Sales Experts + Sales Idol Sales
Region Parent Level Captains) before FY 19-20 will not be counted for calculation of certified
manpower in FY 19-20.
Rounding off: b. Customer Care Manpower (Quality Care Advocates and Customer Care
Nearest Integer Advocates) certified in FY 18-19 would be counted as certified manpower in FY
19-20 also.
c. Targets would be communicated at the beginning of the year.
d. Total certified sales manpower = Total number of Emerging Stars + Sales
Experts + Sales Captains + Customer Care Advocates + Quality Care Advocates.
e. Calculation of certified manpower for evaluation:

Certified sales manpower available at the end of

evaluation period
Certified Sales Manpower = x 100
Target manpower for FY 19-20

f. Certified manpower of new outlets activated during FY19-20 would be

considered in overall calculation at Region Parent level.
g. Commercial outlet manpower is excluded from target as well as certification.
h. Terminal value would be considered for early bird as well as for full year

Dealer Balanced Scorecard 2019-20

Confidential - For private circulation only 20

2. POC Manpower Adequacy & Certification
Maximum Points: 20


For Region Parent True Value Outlet

Activated Before 30th Sep'19
10, if manpower is as per target in all 4
POC Manpower Adequacy Quarters
5, if manpower is as per target in any 3
POC Manpower of 4 Quarters
Adequacy and
Certification Else, 0

10, if Certified Manpower is >= 40%

Evaluator & POC DSE
5, if Certified Manpower is >= 30% & < 40%
0, if Certified Manpower is < 30%

Data Source: For POC Manpower Adequacy

Central Access Condition:

Data Frequency: 1 Manpower Target for Evaluator (including TL Buying) and POC
Quarterly DSE (including TL Sales) needs to be achieved individually.
Notes :
Aggregation Logic: a. For early bird qualification, the Dealer needs to meet manpower
Quarterly adequacy target in both Quarter1 & Quarter2.
Data Capturing: b. POC Manpower = Evaluators (existing & visiting) + POC DSEs +
Region Parent level Team Leader (Buying & Sales).
c. Manpower target will be communicated at the beginning of year.
Rounding off: d. Only those evaluators that are mapped to ARENA Showrooms
NA would be considered for adequacy.
e. Dealers activating their 1st True Value Outlet after 30thSep'19 at
Region Parent Level would not qualify for any points in this
f. Manpower of all outlets activated during FY19-20 would be
considered for adequacy & certification.
g. For Region Parent True Value Outlet Activated after 31st Mar'19
points would only be considered for quarters during which the
Region Parent Dealer True Value Outlet was active.

Dealer Balanced Scorecard 2019-20

27 Confidential - For private circulation only

Data Source: For Manpower Certification
Central Notes:
a. Certified manpower availability calculation for FY 19-20 would be
Data Frequency:
based on target manpower for FY 19-20.
Half Yearly
Certified manpower available at the end of
Aggregation Logic: evaluation period
Terminal Percentage Certified Manpower = X 100
Target manpower for FY 19-20

Data Capturing:
Region Parent level b. The requirement of certified manpower would be rounded off to
upper value (i.e. the requirement of certified manpower as per
target 2.1 would be rounded upwards to 3)
Rounding off :
Higher Nearest Integer c. Manpower of all outlets activated during FY19-20 would be
considered for adequacy & certification.

Example of Manpower Adequacy

Scenario 1 Scenario 2 Scenario 3
Manpower Actual Actual Actual
Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4
Evaluator & TL 20 20 20 21 21 20 21 20 21 20 21 19 21
POC DSE & TL 20 20 21 20 22 20 19 20 22 20 19 21 22
Total 40 40 41 41 43 40 40 40 43 40 40 40 43
Evaluator & TL
availability Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y N Y
condition met
availability Y Y Y Y Y N Y Y Y N Y Y
condition met
Overall Condition Y Y Y Y Y N Y Y Y N N Y
No. of Qtr condition met 4 3 2
Points Earned 10 5 0

Dealer Balanced Scorecard 2019-20

Confidential - For private circulation only 28

Example of Manpower Certification
Target FY Scenario 1 Scenario 2 Scenario 3
19-20 Actual Actual Actual
Evaluator & TL 20 18 18 21
POC DSE & TL 20 15 15 21
Total 40 33 33 42
Certified Manpower
16 6 12 16
target (at 40%)
Certified Manpower as % 40% 15% 30% 40%
of target manpower (16/40) (6/40) (12/40) (16/40)
Certified Manpower (%) 0 < 30% >= 30% & < 40% >= 40%
Points for Certified manpower 0 0 5 10

Dealer Balanced Scorecard 2019-20

29 Confidential - For private circulation only

3. Availability of SSQS Certified Service Manpower
Maximum Points: 50


For achievement by 30th Sep'19

50, if target achievement >=100%
25, if target achievement >= 80% & < 100%
10, if target achievement >= 70% & < 80%
One Certified Manpower Else, 0
Availability of SSQS*
for every 100 Free &
Bronze Certified
Paid Service Load per For achievement between 1st Oct'19 &
Manpower in Workshop
Month per Workshop 31st Mar'20
40, if target achievement> =100%
20, if target achievement >= 80% & < 100%
8, if target achievement >= 70% & < 80%
Else, 0

*Suzuki Service Qualification System

Data Source: Access Condition:

Central 1. Each workshop (>=100 free & paid average monthly service load
in FY 18-19) should have minimum one SSQS certified
Data Frequency: manpower by 30th Sep'19 for early bird and 31st Mar'20 for full
Monthly year evaluation.

Aggregation Logic: Notes:

Terminal a. Certified manpower requirement will be calculated based on
Free and Paid Service load of FY 18-19 plus 10% growth.
Data Capturing: b. All the (ARENA and NEXA) Region Parent Dealers activated on
Region Parent Level or before 31st Mar'19 are eligible for points on Availability of
SSQS Bronze Certified Manpower parameter.
Rounding off :
c. All available workshop technical manpower with advance
Nearest Integer
training qualification will be eligible for SSQS Certification.
Ÿ Technical Manpower: Includes Service Advisors / Service
Managers, Technicians, Electricians, Supervisors/Floor
Controllers/ Floor Mangers, Final Inspectors, In-house Trainers,
Technical Advisors/Technical Experts and Warranty Coordinators.

Dealer Balanced Scorecard 2019-20

Confidential - For private circulation only 30


Level XYZ-North1

Total Load Monthly Target Load Monthly SSQS SSQS Certified

(Fr+Paid) Avg Load (Fr+Paid) Avg Load Certified Manpower
Manpower target to
Target qualify access
FY 18-19 FY 18-19 FY 19-20 FY 19-20
condition by Q4
(Fr+Paid) (Fr+Paid)

A 6300 525 6930 578 1

B 2960 247 3630 271 1
C 1140 95 880 105 NA
XYZ-North1 10400 867 11440 953

Achievement Scenario 1
Achievement Achievement
Workshop Marks Remarks
by H1 by H2
A 5 7
B 5 8 Access condition met
50 Target achieved in H1
C 0 0
XYZ-North1 10 15

Achievement Scenario 2
Achievement Achievement
Workshop Marks Remarks
by H1 by H2
A 3 7
B 5 8 Access condition met
40 Target achieved in H2
C - 0
XYZ-North1 8 15

Achievement Scenario 3
Achievement Achievement
Workshop Marks Remarks
by H1 by H2
A 4 7
B - -
0 Access condition not met
C 2 1
XYZ-North1 6 8
Requirement of SSQS Certified Manpower will be round off to nearest integer.

Dealer Balanced Scorecard 2019-20

31 Confidential - For private circulation only

Quality & Enablers

Section Broad Parameters Page No.

1. Customer Delight Index (Quality of Sales) 60 32

2. Reduction in Post Sales Complaints 40 33

3. Reduction in Pre Sales Complaints 20 34

4. Sales Quality Standards Implementation 20 35-36

5. Customer Engagement Index (Quality of Service) 40 37

6. Customer Complaint Index (Service) 40 38

7. Customer Experience Enhancement 70 39-40

8. Activation of Rural Workshops 40 41

Experience Enhancement, Quality & Enablers

Total 330
1. Customer Delight Index (Quality of Sales)
Maximum Points: 60


For Dealers in Category 1
60, if CDI score >= 110
0, if CDI score < 95
(Proportionate Points for scores
between 110 & 95)
Customer Delight Score Based On Customer
Index (CDI) Feedback Surveys
For Dealers in Category 2
95, if CDI Score >= 110
0, if CDI Score < 95
(Proportionate points for score
between 110 & 95)

Data Source: Notes:

a. In case of low sample in any quarter, the average score of quarters
Data Frequency: where the scores are available would be considered.
Monthly b. Score generated in Q1 and Q2 would be considered for early bird.

Aggregation Logic: c. Only ARENA Channel will be considered for evaluation of this
Quarterly parameter.
d. Dealers in Category 1: Dealers with ARENA Showroom activation
Data Capturing:
Region Parent Level targets.
Dealers in Category 2: All dealers with exemption from ARENA
Rounding off: Showroom activation target.
1stDecimal Place

Dealer Balanced Scorecard 2019-20

Confidential - For private circulation only 32

2. Reduction in Post Sales Complaints
Maximum Points: 40


40, if CC/1000 <=3

30, If Reduction in Complaints over
Reduction in Post
Post Sales Complaints FY 18-19 >=30%
Sales Complaints 0, If Reduction in Complaints over
FY 18-19 < 10%
(Proportionate score between 30 & 0 if
Reduction in inflow <30% & >=10%)

Data Source: Notes:

Central a. All complaints and retails would be taken at Region Parent level
including E & R Outlets (including outlets activated during the
Data Frequency: year).
b. Calculation of post sales CC/1000 and post sales complaint
Aggregation Logic: reduction will be based on inflow of post sales complaints.
Cumulative c. Following complaints would be excluded:
Complaints eligible for Transfer to other departments.
Data Capturing:
Region Parent Level Duplicate & repeat complaints.
d. Only ARENA Channel models will be considered for evaluation of
Rounding off: this parameter.
1st Decimal Place
e. Dealer will be awarded points either as per CC/1000 or as per
complaint reduction, wherever the points achieved are higher.
f. Complaints dump of 1st Oct'19 would be considered for early bird
and Complaints dump of 1st Apr'20 would be considered
for full year for evaluation.
g. Commercial Outlet complaints and retails would not be

Dealer Balanced Scorecard 2019-20

33 Confidential - For private circulation only

3. Reduction in Pre Sales Complaints
Maximum Points: 20


20, if CC/1000 <=3

15, If Reduction in Complaints over
Reduction in Pre
Pre Sales Complaints FY 18-19>=30%
Sales Complaints
0, If Reduction in Complaints over
FY 18-19 < 10%
(Proportionate score between 15 & 0 if
Reduction in inflow <30% & >=10%)

Data Source: Notes:

Central a. All complaints and retails would be taken at Region Parent level
including E & R outlets (including outlets activated during the
Data Frequency: year).
b. Calculation of Pre Sales CC/1000 and pre sales complaint
Aggregation Logic: reduction will be based on inflow of pre sales complaints.
Cumulative c. Following complaints would be excluded:
Complaints eligible for Transfer to other departments.
Data Capturing:
Region Parent Level Duplicate & repeat complaints.
d. Only ARENA Channel models will be considered for evaluation of
Rounding off: this parameter.
1st Decimal Place
e. Dealer will be awarded points either as per CC/1000 or as per
complaint reduction, wherever the points achieved are higher.
f. Complaints dump of 1st Oct'19 would be considered for early bird
and Complaints dump of 1st Apr'20 would be considered
for full year for evaluation.
g. Commercial Outlet complaints and retails would not be

Dealer Balanced Scorecard 2019-20

Confidential - For private circulation only 34

4. Sales Quality Standards Implementation
Maximum Points: 20


20, if atleast 6 SOPs out of 9 >= 90%

15, if atleast 6 SOPs out of 9 >= 80% & < 90 %
Sales Quality Percentage of
Standards Quality 10, if aggregate SOP Implementation
Standards (SOP) percentage >= 80% in
FY 19-20 for all 9 SOPs
Else, 0

Data Source: Notes:

Central a. Identified SOPs are as follows:
SOP 1. Was the vehicle delivered as per time conveyed to you?
Data Frequency:
Monthly SOP 2. Were other senior managers of the showroom present at
the time of delivery of your vehicle?
Aggregation Logic: SOP 3. Were you clearly explained about the vehicle registration
Quarterly process?
SOP 4. Did anyone contact you post purchase of your car through
Data Capturing:
Call/SMS/Email for capturing your feedback
Region Parent Level
SOP 5. Did the sales representative make an active effort to
Rounding off: understand your needs?
1st Decimal Place SOP 6. Digitally Registered Test Drive: Test Drive should be
digitally registered (Test Drive Period: FY 19-20).
SOP 7. Usage of Digital Stock Upload: Implementation
of daily stock uploading in app atleast 15 days in a month.
SOP 8. Implementation of Enquiry follow-ups from App.
SOP 9. Sharing of Delivery checklist with customers through App.

b. SOP 1 to SOP 5 would be measured through customer feedback

surveys & SOP 6 to SOP 9 through DMS & BI report on usage.

Dealer Balanced Scorecard 2019-20

35 Confidential - For private circulation only

• Digital Test Drive Registration: Test drives should be digitally registered

Test Drive registered through SalezTrac

or TeamTrac
Digital Test Drive Registration =
Total Test Drives

• Usage of Digital Stock Upload: Implementation of daily stock uploading in

Digitally atleast15 days in a month.

Number of Days stock is uploaded

Digitally in a month
Usage of Digitally for stock upload =
15 Days

• If adherence is more than 100%, then it will be treated as 100% for that month
• Calculation of adherence % will be done at outlet level & monthly average of
all outlets at Region Parent level will be considered for evaluation

• Enquiry follow-ups through App (SalezTrac/TeamTrac):

Count of fresh Enquiries followed-up

in SalezTrac/TeamTrac
Enquiry Follow up through App =
Count of fresh Enquires created in FY19-20

• Sharing of Delivery checklist with customers through App:

Count of Delivery Checklist sent through
TeamTrac within 15 days of retail of FY19-20
Sharing of delivery checklist =
Total Net Retail Count in FY 19-20

Dealer Balanced Scorecard 2019-20

Confidential - For private circulation only 36

5. Customer Engagement Index (Quality of Service)
Maximum Points: 40


Category A:
40, if CEI >= 110
25, if CEI >= 105 & < 110
10, if CEI >= 100 & < 105
Else, 0
Customer Engagement
Index (CEI) CEI Performance
Category B:
60, if CEI >= 110
40, if CEI >= 105 & < 110
20, if CEI >= 100 & < 105
Else, 0

Data Source: Notes:

a. CEI shall be considered for all ARENA channel workshops of the
Dealers at Region Parent level (for both NEXA & ARENA channel
Data Frequency:
customers). Workshops with monthly load >=100/month to be
considered for evaluation( Based on average load for the period
Apr'18 to Feb'19 )
Aggregation Logic:
Quarterly b. Minimum 30 sample per dealer per quarter will be considered
for CEI evaluation.
Data Capturing:
c. For Region Parent Dealer activated till 28th Feb'19, CEI of
Workshop Level
workshops activated till 28th Feb'19 shall be considered. For
parent workshops activated between 1st Mar'19- 31st Mar'19, CEI of
Rounding off:
workshops will be considered after activation of workshops on
1st Decimal Place
cumulative basis.
d. Service Period for CEI performance evaluation:
1stMar’19 ~ 29thFeb’20
e. CEI calculation would be based on weighted score of feedback
samples of workshops at Region Parent level.
f. Category A: Dealers having R-Outlet Showrooms activated on or
before 31stMar'18.
Category B: Dealers not having R-Outlet showrooms activated on
or before 31stMar'18

Dealer Balanced Scorecard 2019-20

37 Confidential - For private circulation only

6. Customer Complaint Index (Service)
Maximum Points: 40


Category A :
40, if CC/10K =< 10
25, if CC/10K >10 and <=15
15, if CC/10K > 15 and <=20
Else, 0
Customer Complaint Complaints per 10,000
Index (Service) vehicles serviced (CC/10K)
Category B :
60, if CC/10K =< 10
40, if CC/10K >10 and <=15
25, if CC/10K > 15 and <=20
Else, 0

Data Source: Notes:

Central a. All workshops activated till 31st Mar'20 to be considered for
Data Frequency:
Monthly b. All complaints received in ARENA & NEXA Workshops (Including
NEXA Vehicles) to be considered.
Aggregation Logic: c. All complaints and service load of ARENA & NEXA would be taken
Cumulative at Region Parent level including E & R workshops (along with
workshops activated during the year). The complete service load
Data Capturing: and complaints data would be mapped at Region Parent level for
Region Parent Level calculation of CC/10K.
d. Type of complaints includes all service related complaints, except
Rounding off: attributed to product quality, captured at MSIL Head Office
Nearest Integer through National Consumer Helpline (NCH), ATM, E-Mails, Social
media and by post.
e. Service & Body shop Load of both ARENA & NEXA Workshops to
be considered for calculating CC/10K.
f. Dealers in Category A: Dealers having R-Outlet showrooms
activated on or before 31st Mar'18.
Dealers in Category B: Dealers do not have any R-Outlet
showrooms activated on or before 31st Mar'18.

Dealer Balanced Scorecard 2019-20

Confidential - For private circulation only 38

7. Customer Experience Enhancement
Maximum Points: 70


Percentage Achievement 35, for target achievement >=100%

Activation of ARENA of ARENA Showroom
showrooms Else, 0

Activation of Independent Percentage Achievement 35, for target achievement >= 100%
True Value Outlets of True Value Outlet Else, 0
Activation Targets

Data Source: Notes:

Central Activations of ARENA Showroom:
a. Targets at Region Parent level based on qualifying condition
Data Frequency:
Monthly would be communicated at the beginning of the year.
b. The Showroom needs to be activated completely as per the
Aggregation Logic: ARENA CI guidelines by 31st Mar’20.
Terminal c. Terminal value will be considered for early bird as well as full
year evaluation
Data Capturing:
d. New ARENA showroom activated /upgraded would be
Region Parent Level
considered in target and achievement.
Rounding off : e. All showrooms activated after 1st Apr'16 without new ARENA CI
Nearest Integer (Target shall be exempted from activation of ARENA showroom
Calculation) Parameter and weightage for such Dealers will shift to
‘Customer Delight Index’
f. Target calculation*:
• If no. of main outlets as per ARENA CI <50% at Region Parent level
Activation Target: Main Outlet: 1, E/R Outlet: 0
• If no. of main outlets as per ARENA CI >=50% at Region Parent level
Activation Target: Main Outlet: 0, E/R Outlet: 50% E/R
outlets (including E/R activated as per new ARENA CI before
1st Apr’19) or 2, whichever is lower
• If Main outlets >=50% & E/R outlets >=50% as per ARENA CI at
Region Parent level.
Activation Target: Main Outlet: 0, E/R Outlet: 0 (Full points will be
* Target calculation will be based on no. of outlets as on 1st Apr'19

Dealer Balanced Scorecard 2019-20

39 Confidential - For private circulation only

Activations of Independent True Value Outlet:
a. Target Calculation: 50% of Region Parent city coverage of
ARENA Main outlets (Active as on 1st Apr'19)
b. Targets at Region Parent level will be communicated at the
beginning of the year.
c. All Independent True Value outlets activated till 31stMar'20
(Activated in FY 19-20 or before) will be considered in target
d. Terminal Value will be considered for early bird as well as full
year evaluation.

Dealer Balanced Scorecard 2019-20

Confidential - For private circulation only 40

8. Activation of Rural Workshops
Maximum Points: 40


40, if availability is > =90%

25, if availability is > =70% & < 90%
15, if availability is > =50% & <70%
Percentage availability of Else,0
Activation of Rural
Rural workshops w.r.t.
Rural Showrooms Region Parent having no Rural
Showroom activated before 31st
Mar'18, refer Notes Point 'c'

Data Source: Notes:

a. All Rural showrooms activated on or before 31st Mar'18 will be
Data Frequency: considered for target number of Rural Showrooms.
Monthly b. R Workshop opened other than along with Sales Outlet will also be
considered in achievement.
Aggregation Logic:
Terminal c. Parameter weightage for dealers exempted from Activation of
Rural Workshops will transferred to:
Data Capturing: • 20 points to 'Customer Complaints Index' Parameter
Region Parent Level
• 20 points to 'Customer Engagement Index' Parameter
Rounding off: d. Terminal value will be considered for early bird as well as for full
Nearest Integer year evaluation.
(Target Calculation)

Dealer Balanced Scorecard 2019-20

41 Confidential - For private circulation only

Month: Current Band: Current Score: Target Score:


Region City For Code Dealer Code Dealership Name Date of Review

Max Achieved Achievable Target Person

S. No Parameter GAP Action Plan/Remarks
Score Score Score Date Responsible

(Signature) (Signature) (Signature) (Signature)

Dealership Representative 1 Dealership Representative 2 MSIL Representative 1 MSIL Representative 2
Name: Name: Name: Name:
Designation: Designation: Designation: Designation:

Observations made on action plan during subsequent visit.

Month: Current Band: Current Score: Target Score:


Region City For Code Dealer Code Dealership Name Date of Review

Max Achieved Achievable Target Person

S. No Parameter GAP Action Plan/Remarks
Score Score Score Date Responsible

(Signature) (Signature) (Signature) (Signature)

Dealership Representative 1 Dealership Representative 2 MSIL Representative 1 MSIL Representative 2
Name: Name: Name: Name:
Designation: Designation: Designation: Designation:

Observations made on action plan during subsequent visit.

Month: Current Band: Current Score: Target Score:


Region City For Code Dealer Code Dealership Name Date of Review

Max Achieved Achievable Target Person

S. No Parameter GAP Action Plan/Remarks
Score Score Score Date Responsible

(Signature) (Signature) (Signature) (Signature)

Dealership Representative 1 Dealership Representative 2 MSIL Representative 1 MSIL Representative 2
Name: Name: Name: Name:
Designation: Designation: Designation: Designation:

Observations made on action plan during subsequent visit.

Month: Current Band: Current Score: Target Score:


Region City For Code Dealer Code Dealership Name Date of Review

Max Achieved Achievable Target Person

S. No Parameter GAP Action Plan/Remarks
Score Score Score Date Responsible

(Signature) (Signature) (Signature) (Signature)

Dealership Representative 1 Dealership Representative 2 MSIL Representative 1 MSIL Representative 2
Name: Name: Name: Name:
Designation: Designation: Designation: Designation:

Observations made on action plan during subsequent visit.

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