Maruti Arena - Balanced - Scorecard - 2019-20 PDF
Maruti Arena - Balanced - Scorecard - 2019-20 PDF
Maruti Arena - Balanced - Scorecard - 2019-20 PDF
We expect that BSC FY 19-20 would further guide Dealerships in maximizing their efforts in achieving the
highest levels of performance across parameters. Dealership team members are key enablers in the
process of converting the action plans through monitoring & review on monthly basis.
Wish you all the very best to achieve higher levels of performance in all your business functions.
With warm regards,
Customer Retention
1. First Paid Service Retention.....................................................................16-17
2. Extended Warranty Penetration ...............................................................18-19
3. Maruti Insurance Retention......................................................................20-22
4. Exchange Business Performance............................................................23-24
5. Customer Retention Through Loyalty Program............................................25
The Balanced Scorecard manual is a guide for implementation of the parameters as per the norms. The
manual covers all four business areas: Sales, Service, Spares and Management Systems under the broad
roles as mentioned above.
This manual should be read completely by the Dealer Owner, key Dealership staff and BSC
Coordinators to understand performance criteria and initiate & plan requisite improvements.
B) Action Planning :
Action planning process is a tool to drive improvement actions. This completes the PDCA cycle in the
evaluation process which reinforces the overall objective of Balanced Scorecard
Please share, discuss and review your performance along with the respective Regional Offices to ensure
that it's aligned to MSIL’s Business Objectives.
All rights reserved. No part of this manual should be reproduced in any form without written permission of
Maruti Suzuki India Limited, New Delhi.
Section Broad Parameters Page No.
Total 350
1. Wholesale Performance
Maximum Points: 110
( (
Net Retail (DDL) of MSGA from the Dealership using
DMS excluding MSGA Sales considered for NORM B
c. MSGA Retails/car =
Total no. of new cars retailed during the period
d. Cases of fleet operators (All Tour variants & Non Tour variants having
commercial Maruti Insurance) , GeM (DGS&D) sales & bulk deal
(>=10 vehicles in 30 days period billed to same customer including
cross deliveries) would be excluded from evaluation based on data
shared by ISL at end of the year
e. All outlets/e-outlets activated during FY19-20 would also be
considered for evaluating cumulative achievement
f. New Dealer with zero base in FY 18-19 can qualify for 20 points in
Norm A2, if Dealer achieves MSGA/Veh>=Rs.11,500 in FY 19-20
g. MSGA/Veh. for FY 18-19 taken as reference base for Norm A2 &
access condition 2, is at Dealer landing price (DDL) excluding MSGA
retailed from True Value Outlets.
Notes for Norm A1, A2 & B:
a. DDL Price = Billing Price from MSIL minus tax
b. Only DMS users (i.e. Dealers generating MSGA invoice using DMS) will
be eligible for points in both the parameters.
c. All MSGA retailed through True Value Outlets & Refurbishment Sales
from Workshop belonging to same Region Parent Dealer will be
considered for Norm B.
d. All new True Value Outlets activated during FY19-20 would be
considered for calculation of MSGA retailed & TV Sales (Norm B).
e. Commercial channel will be excluded from this parameter.
Dealer A B C
Overall MSGA Retails (All Source) (Rs. Lacs) 140 170 110
Norm A1
Norm A2
Norm B
Interior Protection 150 nos. per 1000 (Body Repair Load + Paid Service
Load + Running Repair Load + Washing Load) 10
Masking Tape ( 24 MM*30 MTRS)
Masking Paper ( L 200M* W 45CM)
Masking Paper (L 200M* W90 CM)
Over Protective Sheet ( 4M*150 M)
Air Drying Sealer
99000M24121-110 Interior Protection Covers- ARENA/NEXA
*All alternative part nos. if introduced in FY 19-20 for the above mentioned workshop
consumables will be considered for the calculations.
Usage of Total PMS* of
MSGP Usage Criteria Total Required Actual Points BSC
Min Qty per MSGP 7 parts
Consumables Min. Qty per 1000 Load Load Consumption Consumption Achieved > 95% Points
1000 Load Points
Example: For Dealer ABC (Data Registered in DMS before 1st Apr'18)
Customer Retention
Section Broad Parameters Page No.
Total 220
1. First Paid Service Retention
Maximum Points: 50
% VIN Retention = x 100 = 75%
PMS20 Retention Retail Period PMS20 Period
st st
FY 18-19 (Base calculation) 1st Jan'16 to 31 Dec'16 Up to 31 Mar'19
FY 19-20 1st Jan'17 to 31st Dec'17 Up to 31 Mar'20
( (
Region Parent Level ( All Accepted cases of Exchange in FY 19-20)
(ARENA Channel)
Exchange Growth % = X 100 - 100
Rounding off: ( All Accepted cases of Exchange in FY 18-19)
(ARENA Channel)
1st Decimal Place
TV Sales Growth % =
( (Net TV Sales in FY 19-20)
(ARENA Channel)
Exchange Penetration % = X 100
Net New Car retail (ARENA Channel
Net TV Sales
TV Sales Ratio = X 100
Net POC Sales
Section Broad Parameters Page No.
Total 110
1. Sales Manpower Certification
Maximum Points: 40
Data Frequency: 1 Manpower Target for Evaluator (including TL Buying) and POC
Quarterly DSE (including TL Sales) needs to be achieved individually.
Notes :
Aggregation Logic: a. For early bird qualification, the Dealer needs to meet manpower
Quarterly adequacy target in both Quarter1 & Quarter2.
Data Capturing: b. POC Manpower = Evaluators (existing & visiting) + POC DSEs +
Region Parent level Team Leader (Buying & Sales).
c. Manpower target will be communicated at the beginning of year.
Rounding off: d. Only those evaluators that are mapped to ARENA Showrooms
NA would be considered for adequacy.
e. Dealers activating their 1st True Value Outlet after 30thSep'19 at
Region Parent Level would not qualify for any points in this
f. Manpower of all outlets activated during FY19-20 would be
considered for adequacy & certification.
g. For Region Parent True Value Outlet Activated after 31st Mar'19
points would only be considered for quarters during which the
Region Parent Dealer True Value Outlet was active.
Data Capturing:
Region Parent level b. The requirement of certified manpower would be rounded off to
upper value (i.e. the requirement of certified manpower as per
target 2.1 would be rounded upwards to 3)
Rounding off :
Higher Nearest Integer c. Manpower of all outlets activated during FY19-20 would be
considered for adequacy & certification.
Level XYZ-North1
Achievement Scenario 1
Achievement Achievement
Workshop Marks Remarks
by H1 by H2
A 5 7
B 5 8 Access condition met
50 Target achieved in H1
C 0 0
XYZ-North1 10 15
Achievement Scenario 2
Achievement Achievement
Workshop Marks Remarks
by H1 by H2
A 3 7
B 5 8 Access condition met
40 Target achieved in H2
C - 0
XYZ-North1 8 15
Achievement Scenario 3
Achievement Achievement
Workshop Marks Remarks
by H1 by H2
A 4 7
B - -
0 Access condition not met
C 2 1
XYZ-North1 6 8
Requirement of SSQS Certified Manpower will be round off to nearest integer.
Section Broad Parameters Page No.
Total 330
1. Customer Delight Index (Quality of Sales)
Maximum Points: 60
Aggregation Logic: c. Only ARENA Channel will be considered for evaluation of this
Quarterly parameter.
d. Dealers in Category 1: Dealers with ARENA Showroom activation
Data Capturing:
Region Parent Level targets.
Dealers in Category 2: All dealers with exemption from ARENA
Rounding off: Showroom activation target.
1stDecimal Place
• If adherence is more than 100%, then it will be treated as 100% for that month
• Calculation of adherence % will be done at outlet level & monthly average of
all outlets at Region Parent level will be considered for evaluation
Activation of Independent Percentage Achievement 35, for target achievement >= 100%
True Value Outlets of True Value Outlet Else, 0
Activation Targets