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Aditya Jagtap Final Thesis 28-12

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Agricultural Input
Agricultural inputs are those which are used in raising or cultivation of crops and
The input marketing management applies the various marketing concepts in the
context of agriculture input marketing in India. The objective of study is to enhance the
understanding and analytical capability with respect to products, market environment and
operational issues in marketing of agricultural inputs. The emphasis of the study is not on
the context of the operational strategies of the major marketed agricultural inputs
Agriculture, in spite of its contribution of 14.8 percent to Indian GDP still provides bread
and butter to 70 percent of Indian population but its dependence on monsoon is nothing
but a stark reality. The effect of bad monsoon is not only felt at farmers’ level but also by
the agri-input industry. Adding to this problem, the increase in competition due to
opening of the economy, increasing concerns about environmental and soil pollution and
onslaught by the local companies with their cheap brands have turned the market into a
battle ground where all the Indian companies and MNCs have to strive hard to get their
share of shrinking pie. To cope with the situation the companies must show competence
in reducing the marketing costs along with increase in sales. This can be done only if the
companies have access to right information from the market. Using this information,
decisions at the strategic and tactical level can be taken to increase the profit of the
organization and to use the available marketing resources efficiently.
Inputs are the life blood of an Agriculture sector. Inputs acts as a blood vessels
for the agriculture sector. The agricultural input supply sector comprises of firms that
manufactures and distribute the myriad of inputs that fuel the production for agriculture
sector. Seeds, fertilizers, Machinery &Equipment’s, crop protection, Credit, etc. are a
few of agricultural inputs. Inputs management should focus on agricultural productivity.
The major agricultural inputs affecting the productivity & profitability of agricultural
enterprises are fertilizers, water, seeds, agrochemicals, credit, infrastructure, machinery,
information technology.
The resources that are used in farm production, such as chemicals, equipment,
feed, seed, and energy. Most farm inputs are purchased (a change from the days when
animals powered most operations), making production costs susceptible to nonfarm
economic conditions. Over time, prices of farm inputs have increased relative to
commodity prices, creating what farmers describe as a cost-price squeeze

1.2 Types of Agricultural inputs:-

1. Consumables
(That can be consumed: consumable energy.
That may be depleted or worn out by use: consumable paper products.
A consumable good or service: supplies of food, fuel, spare parts and other
2. Durables
(Goods, such as most producer goods and some consumer goods that require
infrequent replacement)
1. Consumables Inputs :-
i. Seeds.(high yield varieties)
ii. Fertilizers.(manures)
iii. Agrochemicals.(to protect plants from dieses, pests)
iv. Oil and lubricants.
v. Cattle feed.
vi. Veterinary medicines
vii. Packing materials(gunnies, ,ropes,twine)

2. Durables inputs :-
i. Tractors
ii. Agricultural machineries (thrasher, harvester )
iii. Agricultural implements and tools (cultivators, levelers, irrigation, pump sets,
motors, sheds, bullock carts, jeeps etc)
Agriculture is the backbone of Indian Economy, for development of agriculture &
Indian Economy inputs are play an important role. About the populations 70 Percent
people are depend on agriculture as main source of income. So the inputs are most
important in agriculture development.
1. The inputs are playing an important role in developing Indian Economy.
2. It helps in developing agriculture by adopting new technology.
3. Increase the productions by using high yielding varieties (HYV) of seeds & by taking
inter & mixed crops.
4. Increase the productivity of land by using alternative cropping or by taking green
manuring crops.
5. Helps in earlier or period of time by using new techniques i.e. by using machinery,
Tractor, Thresher.
6. It helps in controlling pest & disease which helps in increasing production of crop &
ultimately increase the income of farmer.
7. More production in short period of time by using short period varieties & by using
8. Help in growing healthy crop by controlling pest & disease.
9. It helps in increasing germination of more seeds by the seed treatment.
10. It helps in improving the quality of final product.
11. It helps in providing required nutrient which are necessary for building of human
12. Inputs help in maintaining fertility of soil.
13. It helps in management of weeds which are harmful to the growing crop.
14. It helps in generating extra income to the farmer & help in increasing standard of
living of people.
15. Helps in generating foreign income by Exporting agricultural product to other

1.3.1Importance of Organic Fertilizers:

1. Better for the soil: provides organic matter essential for microorganisms. It is one of
the building blocks for fertile soil rich in humus.
2. Nutrient release: slow and consistent at a natural rate that plants are able to use. No
danger of over concentration of any element, since microbes must break down the
3. Trace minerals: typically present in a broad range, providing more balanced nutrition
to the plant.
4. Won’t burn: safe for all plants with no danger of burning due to salt concentration.
5. Long lasting: doesn’t leach out since the organic matter binds to the soil particles
where the roots have access to it.
6. Fewer applications required: once a healthy soil condition is reached, it is easier to
maintain that level with less work.
7. Controlled growth: does not over-stimulate to exceptional growth which can cause
problems and require more work.
8. Stronger plants and grass: greater resistance to disease and insect attacks.
9. Beneficial to environment. Won’t build up harmful residues or cause pollution due to
run-off from irrigation or rain.
10. Encourages soil life. Microbes convert the organic matter to the form of nutrients that
plants need. Earthworms feeding on organic materials aerate and loosen the soil.
11. Specific formulas: adapt to any application by changing the ingredient blend. Pre-
blended formulas or individual items allow flexibility for plant preferences or needs.
1.3.2Importance of seed:-
1. Starting the production activity in the farm.
2. Increasing the production by using the HYV.

1.3.3Fertilizers –
1. Increase the productivity
2. Increase the quality of the products.
3. Maintaining fertility of soil

1.3.4 Pesticides& Insecticides –

1. Insecticides protect crops by killing insects or preventing their attack
2. Insecticides may attack a particular type of insect or could be brood spectrum
3. Insecticides are used to manage the pest population below the economic threshold.
1.3.5 Importance of Pesticides:-
1. Insecticides are the largest product sector amongst agrochemicals in India
contributing 75% of the total market (Also MNCs Money making area)
2. Insecticides protect crops by killing insects or preventing their attack.
3. Insecticides may attack a particular type of insect or could be broad spectrum
4. Insecticides are used to manage the pest population below the economic threshold
E.g. My Tech is used to control insect, pests in crops such as tomato, onion, etc.

1.3.6Importance of Fungicides:-
1. They are used to prevent the deterioration of crops due to fungi infestation.
2. Fungicides are classified as protectants or eradicates. Protectant fungicides prevent or
inhibit fungal growth and may have to be applied at regular intervals.
3. Fungicides account for 10% of the total agrochemical market.
4. Eradicate fungicides kill the pests on application.
E.g. Anilazine is used to control fungal attack on lawns and turfs, cereals, coffee and
various vegetables and other crops.

1.3.7 Importance of Herbicides:-

1. Herbicides or weedicides are used to prevent the growth of unwanted plants in a crop
2. Herbicides could be selective, which kill the unwanted plants without any harm to
the crop, or non-selective which kill all the plants.
1.3.8 Importance of Plant Growth Regulator:-
1. Promote plant growth, increase crops yield effectively.
2. Promotes buds formation, keep Flowers & Fruits setting , promote fruits enlargement.
3. Improve fruits taste, color & shape, thus improve fruits quality.
4. It increases the production of crop.
5. Plant growth regulators control the growth and development of trees.
6. Increasing soil Fertility& Productivity.
7. Improve fruits quality & yield.
8. Prolong fruit storage period.
9. Promotes growths of roots.
10. Reducing dropping of flowers & fruits; improve flower & fruit retention.

1.3.9 Importance of Bio Pesticides:-

1. Inherently less harmful and less environmental load,
2. Designed to affect only one specific pest or, in some cases, a few target organisms.
3. Often effective in very small quantities and often decompose
4. Quickly thereby resulting in lower exposures and largely avoiding the
Pollution problems.
5. When used as a component of Integrated Pest Management (IPM) programs,
biopesticides can contribute greatly.

1.3.10 Bio fertilizer-

1. Renewable source of nutrient.
2. Sustain soil health.
3. Supplement chemical fertilizers.
4. Replace 25-30% chemical fertilizers.
5. Increase the grain yield by 10-40%
6. Improve texture, structure and water holding capacity of soil.
7. Eco-friendly, non-pollutants and cost effective method

1.3.11. Durable Inputs-

1. Agricultural machineries, Agricultural implements and tools (e.g. Thrasher,
harvester, cultivators, levelers, irrigation, pump sets, motors, sheds, bullock carts,
jeeps etc.)
2. Timeliness of operation
3. Precision of operation
4. Improvement of work environment
5. Reduction in drudgery of labour.
6. Increase in Productivity - 12-34%’
7. Saving in seeds - 20%
8. Saving in Fertilizers - 15-20%
1.3.12 Credit
1. Adoption of modern Technology, which is capital Intensive, has
commercializedagricultural production in India.

1. Water provides goods (e.g. drinking water Irrigation water) and services
2. (E.g. hydroelectricity generation) that is utilized by agriculture, Industry and
3. Water used for Irrigation Purpose

1.3.14 Human Resources-

1. Human resource development is an important factor in capacity building and
Improving the overall efficiency of functionaries involved in implementation,
2. Indian Agriculture sector are not fully mechanized this reason human resources are
1.4.1Present scenario of Organic Fertilizers:
1. The industry is in recent stage as the market worth $6.72million in 2017.
2. The market is estimated to grow at the CAGR (Compound Annual Growth Rate) of
12.7% during the forecast period 2017-2026& is estimated to reach $ 19.74 million
by 2026.
Regional Analysis:-
1. Europe is the largest market accounting for around 45% of the market share.
2. North America is the 2nd largest market.
3. Brazil is the major market in South America & is also expected to grow at the
fastest CAGR of 1.1% in the region.
Table No. 1.1. State wise Market Share Percentage of Organic Fertilizers(2017-18)
Major states Production ( in%)
Karnataka 20
Tamil Nadu 18
Maharashtra 20
Punjab 10
Kerala 6
Uttar Pradesh 5
Gujarat 5
Others 16
Chart no.1.1
Production %
5% 16% 20%
6% 18%

Karnataka Tamil Nadu Maharashtra

Punjab Kerala Uttar Pradesh
Gujarat Others

Interpretation: Maharashtra and Karnataka are the leading States in the

Production of Organic Fertilizers with 20%
Table No. 1.2. Global (Organic Fertilizers) Market share by region2017-18

Global (PGR) Market Share Percentage%

Europe 37%

America 20%

Asia 32%

Others 11%

Total 100%

Chart no.1.2.

Europe America Asia Others


Interpretation: Global Market Share of Organic Fertilizers is Highest of

The Europe With 37% Followed by America and Asia.

1.4.2Present scenario of Seed

1. Any part of the crop from which a new crop will grow.
2. Seed quality is estimated to account for 20-25% of productivity.
3. World seed market is about 2, 20,000 cr.
4. Indian seed market size is about 9,000 cr.
5. The seed replacement rate in most of the crops is very low, with the exception of
cotton and some other vegetables
Table No. 1.3. Production and consumption of Seeds in India

Year Production of Production of Distribution of

Breeder seeds (in Foundation seeds certified /quality
000 Quintals) (in 0000 Qtls) seeds
(in 0000 Qtls)
2010-11 118.85 17.53 277.34
2011-12 123.38 22.36 294.85
2012-13 110.20 16.17 313.44
2013-14 82.29 17.43 301.39
2014-15 86.21 15.76 303.12
2015-16 90.37 14.95 304.04
2016-17 93.12 16.17 305.06

Source: Ministry Of Agriculture

Table No. 1.4. The World's Top 10 Seed Companies

Company – 2016-17 Seed sales (millions Rs)

Monsanto (US) 3,33,047
DuPont (US) 2,21,405
Syngenta (Switzerland) 1,35,392
Groupe Limagrain (France) 82,255
Land O' Lakes (US) 61,523
KWS AG (Germany) 47,098
Bayer Crop Science (Germany) 35,156
Sakata (Japan) 26,568
DLF-Trifolium (Denmark) 26,233
Takii (Japan) 23,281
Top 10 Total 6,58,911
Table No. 1.5. Top-10 Indian Seed Industry

Name of Company Year of Establishment

Andhra Pradesh State Seeds Development 1976
Corporation Ltd
Kalash Seeds Pvt Ltd 2011
Kaveri Seed Company Ltd 1986
Krishak Bharati Cooperative Ltd (KRIBHCO) 1980
Krishidhan Seeds Pvt Ltd 1996
Maharashtra Hybrid Seeds Company Pvt Ltd 1969
National Seeds Corporation Ltd 1963
Nuziveedu Seeds Ltd 1973.
PHI Seeds Ltd(Dupont) 1976
Rasi Seeds Pvt Ltd 1973

Source: Ministry Of Agriculture

1.4.3Present scenario of Fertilizer:

1. Fertilizers play an important role in increasing soil fertility leading to enhanced food
production they provide essential plant nutrient in the soil which are mineral element
that plant requires as food for growth.
2. India is the 3rd largest producer and consumer of fertilizers in the world. The
fertilizer industry contributes to 40-50% of agricultural productivity, and with India
being a primarily agrarian economy this industry holds prime importance in the
3. Agriculture in India contributes to 16% of GDP and employs about 58% of Indian
population. It also contributes to 10% of India’s export earnings and is a major
contributor to India’s economic development.
4. The industry is a highly capital and energy intensive industry and India has a total
installed capacity of 18MTPA (million tonnes per annum) for N and P fertilizers
nutrients while their consumption is 28 MTPA.
5. The nutrients are processed into formation of the fertilizer products like Urea, DAP,
SSP, MOP, etc.; which is consumed at 57 MTPA against a production capacity of 42
Table No. 1.6. Consumption of Fertilizers in India Lakh Tonnes

Year Consumption Total

2011-12 173.00 79.14 25.76 277.90
2012-13 168.21 66.53 20.62 255.36
2013-14 167.50 56.33 20.99 244.82
2014-15 169.46 60.98 25.32 255.76
2015-16 173.72 69.79 24.02 267.53
2016-17 175.25 74.16 25.87 272.27

Source: - Agricultural Statistics at a Glance 2017

1.4.4 Present scenario of pesticides

1. India is the fourth largest producer of Agrochemicals after United States, Japan and
2. India ranks 10th in the world in pesticide consumption as its total consumption
amounts to about 500 million tonnes.
3. India is presently the largest manufacturer of basic pesticides among the South Asian
and African countries, with the exception of Japan.
4. The Indian pesticides market is the 12th largest in the world with a value of US$0.6.
5. India is one of the most dynamic generic pesticide industries in the world, having a
total installed capacity of technical grade pesticides consisting of large and medium
scale and 400 pesticide formulators (of all sectors) spread all over the country for use
in agriculture, public health, household and plant protection
Table No. 1.7. Top 10 Pesticide Companies
Ranking Name of company Sale in Cr. (RS)

1 Bayer 1150

2 Syngenta 900

3 Rallis 680

4 BASF 640

5 UPL 550

6 DuPont 540

6 Mukteshim 540

7 Dhanuka 500

8 PI 450

9 Insecticide India 430

10 Nagarjuna 410

(Source: Ministry of Agriculture)

Table No. 1.8. Pesticide Consumption in India

Year Consumption in Thousand Tones Growth in (%)

2010-11 55.54 -
2011-12 52.58 -4.60
2012-13 45.62 -13.89
2013-14 58.21 27.59
2014-15 56.12 -3.59
2015-16 50.41 - 10.17
2016-17 52.64 - 6.4

Source: - Agricultural Statistics at a Glance 2017

Table No. 1.9. Agrochemical Consumption per Year in Maharashtra

Year Agrochemicals(M.T)

Chemical Growth (%) Biological Growth (%)

2011-12 8926 - 1046 -

2012-13 10563 18.33 2650 153.34

2013-14 10969 3.84 1433 -45.92

2014-15 12634 15.17 3875 170.41

2015-16 11665 -7.66 4676 20.67

Graph no. 1.1.

Growth rate of Agrochemical Consumption in Maharashtra


Growth rate of

100 chemicals in -

Growth rate of
biolocial in% -
2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16


Source: Agriculture and statistics at a glance.


1.5.1: Seed Industry

Table No. 1.10.

Sr.no Company name Establishment Headquarter
1 Mahabeej. 1976 Akola

2 Nirmal Seed 1998 Jalgaon

International Pvt.Ltd
3 Mahyco 1964 Mumbai

1.5.2: Fertilizer Industry

Table No. 1.11.
Sr.no Company name Establishment Headquarter Products
1 Zuari agro Goa DAP fertilizer,NPK,
chemical ltd. Urea etc.
2 Rashtriya chemical Mumbai Suphala 20:20:20
& fertilizer limited 1978 15:15:15,Ujjwala
(RCF) Urea
3 National fertilizer New Delhi Neem coated urea,
limited biofertilizer . etc

4 Gujarat Narmada Baruch Narmada Urea ,etc

valley fertilizer & 1974 (Gujarat)
chemicals limited
1.5.3. Irrigation Industry
Table No. 1.12.
Sr.no Company Establishment Headquarter Products NO of
name year employee
1 Jain 1986 Jalgon,(INDIA) Drip Irrigation More
Irrigation system, sprinkler than
System ltd. irrigation system, 10,000
pvc piping
system etc.
2 Netafim 1965 Hatzerim,Lsrael Irrigation Over
Irrigation Equipments, 4300
India Pvt. System parts
Ltd &other supplies
3 Finolex 1958 Pune,INDIA Electric& 1000to
Cables Ltd communication 5000
cables , CFL &
electric switches

1.5.4: Chemical Companies

Table No. 1.13.
Sr.n Company name Establishment Headquarte Products
o year r
1 Bayer crop 1958 Thane Admire,Lesentra,
science Confiders,etc.

2 Crystal crop 1997 Ahmadabad Apex

Protection Pvt. 50,abacin,azotrix,etc.
3 Syngenta 2000 New Delhi Proclaim, Score,
Kavach, Redomil,etc

4 Indophil chemical 1962 Mumbai Avtar,Merger,M-45 etc.

1.5.5.Biological Supply in Companies:
Table No. 1.14.
Sr.no Company name Establishment Headquarter Turnover in
year Cr.
1 Penshibao wang Pvt.Ltd. Banglore
1987 55

2 Bhagyalaxmi Dairy Farm Manchar

pvt.Ltd(Bio-science 2014 35
3 Plant health biotechnology Pune (chakan)
2009 12

4 Asean Agritech Pvt.Ltd Nashik

2010 15
The input marketing management applies the various marketing concepts in the
context of agriculture input marketing in India. Agriculture marketing in a broader sense
is concerned with the marketing of farm product produced by farmer & of farm inputs &
services required by them in the production of these farm products. Marketing include
product marketing & input marketing. The objective of study is to enhance the
understanding and analytical capability with respect to products, market environment and
operational issues in marketing of agricultural inputs. The emphasis of the study is not on
the context of the operational strategies of the major marketed agricultural inputs.
Inputs are those which are used in raising or cultivation crops. For the cultivation of one
crop it requires number of inputs. The major agricultural inputs (Types) are as fallows
1. Seeds
2. Fertilizers
3. Agro chemicals
4. Farm machinery
5. Credit
6. Energy
7. Water
8. Human resource
9. Technology & Infrastructure
10. Land

For studying marketing management of agricultural inputs the following objectives are to
be set:
1. To study of Agricultural input industry in Junnar tehsil
2. To study the importance of Organic fertilizers.
3. To study present scenario of Organic fertilizers.
4. To study the organizational structure of Bhagyalaxmi dairy Farm Pvt.Ltd
5. To study the channel wise marketing cost.
6. To study the export import procedure.
7. To study the consumer behaviour in the Junnar Tehsil.
8. To study the government policy of agricultural input.
9. To study SWOT analysis of Bhagyalaxmi Dairy Farm Pvt. Ltd.
2.3.1 Primary data:-
Primary data was collected by taking actual survey in or region. For agricultural
inputs marketing data were collected from various agro service center, dealers, or also
farmers in the Junner Tahsil.
2.3.2 Secondary data:-
The secondary data was collected from various sources like,
 Internet Website
1. www.mordorintelligence.com
2. www.agriculturestatistictatglance.com
3. www.ministryofagriculture.com
4. www.wikipedia.org
5. www.mapsofindia.com
6. www.agricultureinformation.com
7. www.google.com

1. Product- Product is anything that can be offered to a market that might satisfy a
wants or needs of customer.
2. Price- Value of product is expressed in terms of money.
3. Place-Place in marketing mix refers to the channel, or the route, through which
goods move from the source to the final user.
4. Promotion-Promotion refers to entire set of activity, which communicate the
product, brand or services to the user. The idea is make a people aware/attack the
introduce to buy the product, in preference over other.
5. Marketing Channel- It is alternative routes of product flow from producer to
6. Price Spread-Difference between price paid by consumer and priceReceived by
1. Super stockiest Margin = selling price –( purchase price+Total cost Incurred)
2. Dealer’s margin = selling price – (purchase price+Total cost Incurred)
3. Price Spread =Price paid by consumer – Price received by producer
4. Producer share in consumer rupee = Net price received by producer x 100
Price paid by consumer
Table No. 3.1.
Name of the Company Bhagyalxmi Dairy Farm pvt. Ltd

Head Office Manchar Tal- Ambegaon Dist- Pune

Managing Director Mr. Pritam Shah

Annual Turnover Rs.35Cr. Approx(2017-18)
Area of Industry 26 Acre
Name of Firm Bhagyalaxmi Dairy Farm( Bio-Science Division)
Year Of Establishment 2014
Location of Product Department Manchar(Pune)
Location Type Industrial
Building Infrastructure Permanent

Our Vision is to Create Well Structured Organization Delivering Innovative Solutions
for Sustainable Development of Farming Community with Strong Emphasis on
Environment and Society.

We are committed to Present Cutting Edge Products & Technologies based on
Consistent Research & Development, Science and Engineering Platform. Management
Board have strong belief in Empowerment of Individuals &Aggressive Marketing
Strategies to Connect Customers and End Users.
3.2.About Bhagyalaxmi Dairy Farm pvt. ltd:

Bhagyalaxmi Dairy Farm is the largest cow farm in India with more than 2500
cows and 500 calves. The breeds maintaining are one of the best globally and are
producing nutritionally rich milk in large volumes. The selected farm a state of the art
modern and hygienic milk parlour is established where milking is done with automation
eliminating human touch. The company produce 25000 liters of milk daily. What dairy
farm gets additionally is something very productive "cow dung and urine". The company
get 60,000 kg of cow dung daily which is used for production of biogas and organic
fertilizers. Organic waste whether its waste food, vegetable, fruits or waste from animals
kept unused in nature also act as pollutants and add in C emission and contribute in GHG
(Green House gasses). At Bhagyalaxmi Farm is having a modern biogas plant having a
capacity of 600 cubic meters which is used to digest the organic waste using anaerobic
microbes to produce methane which is used to generate electricity. A by-product of this
process is bio slurry which acts as nutrient and is used in or as organic manure.
Company has a range of products such as Agrifeed, Microrich, Goldmine,
Nutricane, Nutriflow and Happy Roots, which are produced after researching on the soil
and climate conditions and keeping in mind about environment. The Company facilities
are enriching the organic fertilizers with soil friendly microbes which make soil more
fertile and help in intake of nutrients in an easier way for plants. The Company ensure
the quality of our products with stringent quality control tests from government labs as
Company as NABL accredited labs. Company believe in empowering farmers with the
best quality of organic manures which can help them to getting better yields along with
environment safety.









Marketing Head (1)

Sales Officer(10)

Field Development
Officer (FDO) (20)

3.4.1. Functions of Management Committee of Marketing Head
a) To increase in sale .
b) To Maintain customer relation.
c) To Arrangement of meeting of dealer and retailer in every Month.
d) To provide credit facilities to dealer . of Sales Officer
a) To Conduct selling personally so as to increase the sales volume.
b) To Collect order from Dealer & Retailer and send to company .
c) To Maintain cordial and effective relationship with the heads of other
departments within the company.
d) To maintain discipline in the sales organization.
e) To manage all Sales Representative & field officer.
f) To Collect payment from Dealer & Retailer& send to company.
g) To Organize the farmers meeting every Month. of Field Assistant

a) To visit at least 10 Farmers every Day.
b) To Distribute Pamphlets to Farmers.
c) To Collect order from retailer.
d) To Solve problems of farmer about Pest & Diseases.
e) To Provide Demonstration material & see the result.
f) To ensure long-term customer relationship.


HRM Process:-



Wages & Salary


Policy For
Recruitment is the discovering the potential applicants for actual or anticipated
organization vacancies. Application is invited and then prospective person are called for
interview. They also use the source of market contacts.
Selection is the process of differentiating between applicants in order to identify
and hires those with greater likelihood of the success.
After the all the test, interview and checking suitable person is selected and then
give the appointment letter.
Wage and Salary administration
Wage and Salary administration refers to the establishment and implementation
of sound policy. The Wage and Salary administration is to establish and maintain an
equitable wage and salary structure. The salary of entire employee is paid according to
their previous CTC.
Policy for Promotion
“Promotion is a movement to a position in which responsibility and prestige are
increased.” Promotion is decided according to their KIR (key result index). KIR is
measured as per their designation, performance and development.
Grievance handling procedure
In Industries, the secondary goal is satisfaction of employees. If any grievance
happens in industries, is solved by the company’s norms.
Employer’s Service
Bhagyalaxmi Dairy Farm Pvt. Ltd. gives many types of benefits to their
a) Leave salary
b) Medical help
c) Annual day celebration
d) Help for education of the worker’s children
e) Birthday wishes through card and bouquet
f) TA-DA
g) Mobile Allowance
h) Safety equipment
i) Insurance to the worker as well as their family


Step-1: Preparation Of Lagoons

In this process cow dunk was collected in Lagoons. Dry it up to their solid
level. It takes 2-3 Months on fully summer days.
Step II: Preparation FYM Bed and Increasing Temperature

After drying in lagoons, FYM kept in Beds covering with Black Plastic
Paper for increasing the temperature of FYM which kills the harm full
bacteria in FYM.

Step III: Use of Aero Tillering on Compost Bed

In every week aero - tillering is done with adding five types of Bacteria
namely KMB, PSB, Trichoderma, Azatobacter, Pseudomonas.

Step IV: Making of Granules with Rock Phosphate

The process is same as preparation of FYM, additionally Rock Phosphate is added

to compost and make it available in granules form with the Help of Machine. Step

V: Drying and Packaging:

In that process granules are dry within 48 Hr. and bag are packed in 40 kg
3.6.Company product range
Table No. 3.2.

Sr.No Products Price (Rs)

1. Goldmine 720/bag

2. Micro rich 750/can

3. Agrifeed 520/bag

4. Nuricane 420/bag




100-150KG for Short Term Crops

150-250KG for Annual Crops
Benefits Of Goldmine
a) It supplies organic phosphorus
b) Improves soil fertility
c) Supplies micro nutrients like Zn, Fe, Cu etc.
d) Useful in alkaline soils
e) Reduces fertilizer cost
f) Softening the soil
g) 18% Phosphorus Available
1. Management System of Marketing Department Strategic Adoption – 4 “P” of
Marketing Mix.
2. Government Policies For Production & Marketing Of Selected Agricultural Input

3.9.1Market Promotion for Agricultural Inputs:-

Promotion refers to using methods of communication with two objectives:

1. Informing the existing and potential consumers about a product, and
2. To persuade consumers to buy the product.
It is an important element of marketing mix. In the absence of communication,
consumers may not be aware of the product and its potential to satisfy their needs and
desires. Various tools of communication form part of promotion mix. Companies must
decide which tool(s) should be used for larger sales and in what proportion. The tools
should be combined. These decisions are known as promotion-mix decisions. There are
four components of promotion-mix i.e., advertising, personal selling, sales promotion
and public relations. Thus, promotion mix is a company’s total communication programs
which consist of different blends of its components and which are used to achieve the
company’s marketing objectives.
3.9.2. Tools of Promotion-mix:-
Advertising, personal selling, sales promotion and publicity are the major tools.
The marketing manager must recognize the characteristics of each tool and costs
involved while deciding on the promotion-mix.
Advertising is an impersonal form of communication for which the seller pays in
order to promote a physical product or service. It may be in print form as in newspapers
and magazines, or in audio form as on the radio and other similar methods, or in audio-
visual forms as on the Television, cinema screen, etc.
The merits of advertising is that it reaches a larger number of people, the message can be
repeated, its cost is not high, and with the development of art and computer graphics,
simple statements can be transformed into forceful messages.
The other side of advertising is that it does not provide any feedback, it is not as forceful
as personal selling, it is not flexible, and good advertisements cost a lot.
Personal selling:-
Personal selling is a personal communication with one or more prospective
buyers for the purpose of selling a product or service. These days, personal selling is
considered to be the most effective tool because of various characteristics which are
listed below:
1. It involves personal interaction, hence feedback is received immediately;
2. ii. It is quite flexible; salesman can adjust communication according to the level of
customer’s under-standing.
3. It is more persuasive; buyers can be convinced about the utility of the product;
4. Impressive salesman leaves an impression on the prospective buyer; it may increase
sales in the future.
5. Personal selling suffers from a few drawbacks too. It is the most expensive tool of
promotion. Secondly, it requires too much dependence on sales force.
Sales Promotion
Sales promotion means the use of short-term incentives which are designed to
encourage immediate purchase of a product or service by the buyer. It may includes offer
of discounts, free gifts, free sample, coupons, demonstration, store display, etc. One
tooth brush free with one 100gm. Close-up dental cream is an example of sales
promotion. Generally this tool supplements the efforts made through personal selling and
Most of the sales promotion activities come in the form of some incentive for the
buyer; hence sales generally increase immediately. Big business enterprises use sales
promotion tools while introducing a new product. It adds to the effectiveness of total
promotional efforts of a company.
Sales promotion has certain demerits e.g. it does not leave a lasting effect. Some
customers also feel that sales promotion schemes are launched to clear old stocks.
Publicity takes place when a favorable presentation is made through mass media
about a product or service. People believe more on such news than in advertising. It
covers people who do not entertain personal selling and sales promotion approaches. It is
a non-paid form of communication but sometimes it is not regarded as a promotional tool
within the reach of a company. Very few products or services are covered by
publicity.Packaging is also considered as a powerful sales promotion tool these days. It
immediately attracts the buyer and makes him buy the product.
3.9.3Marketing mix:-
Marketing Mix is the set of contrivable variable that firm can manage or achieve
organizational objective i.e. Product, Price, Place, Promotion.

Marketing strategy includes:

1. Marketing services
2. Sales services
1) Marketing services: It includes forecasting, Research & development, Promotion &
1. Market research analysis- It includes study of fertilizers market to nature of the
product where and by whom it is needed at which time of the year and why
2. Forecasting- This includes marketing information for the purpose of planning and
making sound business design.
3. Advertising, promotion & public relations: It means create awareness about new
products and a build up a positive feedback of the company.
4. Planning budgeting and control administration: This includes budgeting expenses
for sales activities and administrating control over the entire process.
2) Sales activities-
1. Sales management: It includes planning strategy and policy formation and
implementation for the process involves in sales.
2. Sales order administration and dispatch: It involves receiving and processing
orders allocating stock dispatching order and maintaining stock record
3. Distribution and transport: It includes moving the fertilizers from point of
production to the point of sale.
4. Sales: This is process of making actual sale and receiving payment for it.
5. Management information: It involves interpretations sales information to the
6. Customer care: This includes after sales service the dealing with complaints and
maintaining customer loyalty
As the Company have strong competition in the market so it work on 4 Ps of

1. Product:-
a) Addition of value
b) Effective result
c) Pure quality
d) Ecofriendly
e) Use full In Alkaline Soil

2. Price:-

Uniform Price Distribution of Bhagyalaxmi-

1. Mode of Payment- The payment can be done in many ways giving- Cash, Cheques,
Bank Draft, Credit basis sale facility-15 days.
2. Price MRP- which the manufacture recommends that the dealer sell products.
3. MRP Of Goldmine 720/bag

Table No. 3.3. Competitor Product price

Sr.No Products Price

1. Goldmine 720/bag

2. PROM(Godrej) 750/bag

3. PROM( Forecast Agro) 650/Bag


a) Launched and supply of the product where actual demand of product.

b) Available at Junner Tahsil and other districts.
c) Available at (10Dealers) in Junner Tahsil.
4. Promotion:-
a) Field Visit
b) Farmers meeting
c) Field demonstration
d) Attractive Literature
e) Broachers
f) Coupon
g) Dealer meeting
h) Bajar Stall
i) Exhibition Stall
Farmers Meeting ( at Kurvandi)
Product Leaflet
Agri Exhibition:(Narayangaon)
3.11. Government Acts/Rules for Production and Marketing of
Agricultural Pesticides
Table No. 3.4. Government Acts/Rules

Acts/Policies Objective

To regulate the import, manufacture, sale,

transport, distribution and use of insecticides
The Insecticide Act, 1968
with a view to prevent risk to human beings or
animals, and for matters connected therewith
Functioning of CIB, licensing, registration,
The Insecticide Rules, 1971 production, packaging and transport of
To prevent the introduction into and the transport
The Destructive Insects and Pests Act, from one state to another in India of any insects,
1914 fungus or other pest which or may be destructive
to crops
The Plants, Fruits and Seeds Order,
Regarding regulation of import into India
To promote use of bio pesticides: neem based
Promotion of Integrated Pest
pesticides, bacillus based bio pesticides, insect
Management, 1991
pathogen as alternative to chemical pesticides

National Agriculture Policy 2000 Recommends use of biotechnology for evolving

pest-resistant crop plants

National Farmer Policy 2007 Recommended support and promotion of bio

pesticides as par with chemical pesticides

To regulate the import , export, manufacture, sell,

transport, distribution& quality & use of
Pesticides Management Bill, 2008 pesticides to :- control pests, Ensure availability
of quality pesticides, Awareness regarding safe &
judicious use.
Channel 1:


3.12.1. Channel wise Marketing Cost:-

Table No. 3.5. Channel wise Marketing Cost:

c Particulars Rate Rs/40 kg

A) Cost incurred by company

1) Transportation 6.00
2) Storage 1.50
3) Packing Cost 7.15

4) GST 5% 27.25

5) Labour Cost 0.75

a) Subtotal RS 44.15/40kg
Cost incurred by Super

1) Transportation 1.50

2) GST 5% 1.50

3) Storage 0.35

4) Labour Charges 0.25

b) Sub total Rs 3.60

C) Cost Incurred by Dealer
1) Storage 0.75
2) GST 5% 7.25
3) Labour 0.25
Sub total 8.25
Total Marketing Cost Rs 56
Company net price= Selling price- cost incurred by company
=Rs 545- 44.15
=Rs 500.85/40kg
Superstockist Margin = Superstockist selling price – ( company selling price + Cost Incurred)
= 575– (545+ 3.60 )
= Rs. 26.4/ 40kg

Dealer Margin = Dealer selling Price –( superstockist selling price+ cost incurred)
= 720- ( 575+ 8.25)
= Rs. 136.75 / 40kg

Total marketing cost = cost incurred by company + cost incurred by Super

Stockist+Cost Incurred by Dealer
=Rs56/40 kg
Price Spread = Price Paid by Farmer – Company net Price
= 720-500.85
= RS 219.15 / 40kg
Producer Share in consumer Rupee = company net price /Price paid by farmer × 100
= 500.85/ 720 × 100
= 69.56 %

Table No. 3.6. Price Paid table

Sr.no. Particulars Channel wise cost /40 kg Percentage(%)

Company net
1 500.85 69.56
Total marketing
2 163.15 22.66
Total marketing
3 56 7.78
Price paid by
4 720 100


3.13.1)Import Procedure -
Contract with foreign company

Register to Central Insecticides Board India

Label Claim

Custom charges

Warehouse Certificate

Transport Certificate

Permission of state government

Order Import certificate

1) Contract with Foreign Company –

-Contract with company for raw material/molecule/formultion.
- Follow procedure of business, ethics of business.
2) Register to CIB –
-Registration with Central Insecticides Board Faridabad (U.P)
- CIB gives certificate for products registration.
3) Label Claim-
-The all details mention products plus proper packing also involve in label claim
4) Warehouse certificate –
-Warehouse is a storage unit generally stores the material large scale.
5) Permission of state govt to sale the particular products.
6) Order of material and then import document related to quantity, price, generaly legal
Table no-3.7 Export Procedures-
Loading in conveyance can start after
Entry Outward ‘Entry Outward’ is given by customs
Person in charge of conveyance is required
Export report
to submit ‘Export Report’.
Exporter has to be obtain IEC number from
DGFT(Directorate General of Foreign
Registration with DGFT and
Trade) is advance. He should be registered
EPC(Export Performance Certificate)
with Export Promotion Council if he
intends to claim export benefits.
Export can be by manufacturer himself or
third party (i.e. by exporter on behalf of
Third party exports another). Merchant exporter means a
person engaged in trading activity and
exporting or intending to export goods
Advance authorization, DEPB (Duty
Registration of Documents Under Entitlement Pass Book) etc. should be
Export Promotion Scheme registered if exports are under Export
Promotion Scheme.
The shipping bill is noted, goods are
Noting, assessment, assessed and
Examination Examined. Export duty is paid, if
If export is under export incentives,
Documents are checked and certified. Then
Certification of documents
proof of
for export incentives
export is obtained on ARE-1(Application
For Removal
of Excisable goods for Export)
Conveyance can leave only after ‘Let
Let export order Export’ order is
A) Commercial Document –
Commercial set of documents are mainly used for Commerce. In other words
these are documents normally exchanged between buyer and seller.
B) Regulatory Documents –
Regulatory Document are required in dealing with various regulatory authorities
such as customs, RBI, Excise, Licencing authorities Inspection and other Export
Promotion bodies for availing incentives etc.
A) Commercial Document –
1. Commercial invoice
2) Packaging list
B) Regulatory Document-
1). Bill of entry
2) Shipping bill
3) Bill of lading
4) Bank realization certificate.

Table No. 3.8.

Year Sale in pune Growth Rate Sale in Junnar Growth Rate
(crore) tahsil( crore)

2015-16 10.12 - 2.25 -

2016-17 10.90 192.84 2.90 177.58

2017-18 12.12 210.22 3.10 193.54

Graph No.3.1. Domestic sale of Company in Pune& Junnar Tahsil




6 Junner

2015-16 2016-17 2017-18

Interpretation: In Pune Region Sale of Companies Products is Higher Than the

Junnar Tehsil
Table No.3.9.Domestic sale of Goldmine In Pune and Junnar Region

Year Sale in Growth Rate Sale in Growth Rate

Pune(Crore) Junnar(Lakh)

2015-16 2.09 - 11 -

2016-17 2.86 173.07 14 178.57

2017-18 3.10 192.25 20 193.24

Graph No. 3.2. Domestic sale of Goldmine




2015-16 2016-17 2017-18

Interpretation: Sale of Goldmine is Higher Than Pune Region.


Table no 3.10. - Demand & supply Of Goldmine in Junnar Tehsil

Year Demand ( Growth Supply ( in Growth Rate

in tonnes) Rate tonnes)

2015-16 40 - 45 -

2016-17 65 161.55 70 164.28

2017-18 90 172.22 95 173.68

Graph No.3.3. Demand &supply of Goldmine in Junnar Tehsil





200 Growth Rate Of Supply

Growth Rate Of Demand



2015-16 2016-17 2017-18
3.16.1.Farmer Survey
Table No. 3.11.Report on Analysis of Farmer Survey
Primary Data (Field
Data Source
Area of Research Junnar Tehsil

Research Instrument Questionnaire

Sample plan Personal Interview

Sample Unit Farmer

Sample size 50 Farmers Awareness Of Company

Table No. 3.12.
Awareness Frequency Percentage(%)

Yes 42 84%

No 8 16%

Total 50 100

Chart No.3.1.



Interpretation: Majorly 84% People are Aware & 16% are Un aware
2)Awareness about Goldmine product

Table No. 3.14.

Sr.No Awareness Frequency Percentage%

1. Yes 39 92.86%

2. No 3 7.14%

Total 42 100%

Chart No.3.2.



Interpretation: The awareness of Goldmine product of Among the farmer is about

92.86% .
3)Source of Information

Table No. 3.15.

Sources Frequency percentage%

Dealer 13 33.33%
Field Officer 18 46.15%
News Paper -
Social circle 8 20.52%
Total 39 100

Chart No.3.3.

Source Of Information


Dealer Field Officer Social Circle

Interpretation: The major source of Information about Goldmine product is from

F A i.e. 46.15%, and second source is Dealer. 33.33%
4) User of Goldmine product
Sr.No Users Frequency Percentage

1. Yes 35 89.74%

2. No 4 10.26%

Total 39 100%

Chart No.3.4.


10.26% 89.74%

Yes No

Interpretation: The user of Goldmine product among the farmers is about 89.74%
5) Satisfaction Level Farmer
Table NO 3.17.
Sr.No Particulars Frequency Percentage
1. Highly Satisfy 20 57.14%

2. Satisfy 11 31.43%

3. Dis-satisfy 4 11.43%

4. Total 35 100%

Chart No.3.5.

11.43% Satisfaction

31.43% 57.14%

Highly Satisfy Satisfy Dis-satisfy

Interpretation: The 57.14% are Highly Satisfied, 31.43% are satisfied & 11.43%
are Unsatisfied
2.16.2. Dealer Survey
Table No. 3.18. Report on Analysis of Dealer Survey

Data source Primary Data (Field survey)

Area of Research Junnar tehsil

Research instrument Questionnaire

Sample plan Personal interview

Sample unit Dealer

Sample size 7 Dealer

Table No. 3.19.
1) Last Year Sale Of Bhagyalaxmi Dealers (2017-18)

Sr.no Dealers Sale (tonnes) Share(%)

1 Matoshri KSK (Yedgaon) 80MT 35

2 Sanas Hytech Agro(Manchar) 63MT 24

3 Ganesh Fertilizers( Karkhana Phata) 15MT 35

4 Baliraja KSK ( Manjarwadi) 28MT 12

5 Shinde Agro Sales (yedgaon) 15MT 10

6 More Brothers ( Manchar) 200MT 35

7 Virbhadra KSK ( Ozer) 50MT 18

Total 451MT

Chart No.-3.6.

Matoshri KSK (Yedgaon) Sanas Hytech Agro(Manchar)
Ganesh Fertilizers( Karkhana Phata) Baliraja KSK ( Manjarwadi)
Shinde Agro Sales (yedgaon) More Brothers ( Manchar)
Virbhadra KSK ( Ozer)

10% 21%

7% 21%

Interpretation:- There are 3 Dealers With 21% Share

2) Satisfaction Level Of Dealers On The Basis Of Delivery System
Table No. 3.20.
Sr.No Particulars Frequency Percentage %

1 Satisfied 6 86%

2 Un-satisfied 1 14%

Total 7 100

Chart no.3.7.

Delivery System



Interpretation:- 86% Dealer Are Satisfied With Delivery System

3) Satisfaction Level Of Dealers On Margin Provided By Company
Table No. 3.21.
Sr.No Particulars Frequency Percentage %

1 Satisfied 5 71%

2 Un-satisfied 2 29%

Total 7 100

Chart no.3.8.

Satisfaction Level (%)

71% Un-satisfied

Interpretation:There are 71% dealers are Satisfied

4) Satisfaction with company Representative service
Table No. 3.22.
Sr.No Particulars Frequency Percentage

1 Satisfied 4 58%

2 Un-satisfied 3 42%

Total 7 100

Chart no.3.9.

Satisfaction Level

58% Satisfied

Interpretation: 58% Dealer satisfied with Representative Service.

A) Strengths:-
1. The Companies Product has good result:- the products are of good quality and
have good result.
2. Company have good image in the mind of dealer & farmer:- Company is well
established in market and well known to the most of the peoples in most of the area.
3. Company person have good relation with the dealers:- Every marketing staff make
good relation with dealers and as well farmers also.
4. The strong research & development department:- Company has strong Research
department for researching and developing new product in market
B. Weakness:-
1. Poor communication up to farmer in some areas:- There is poor interaction with
farmers in some areas.
2. Farmers are depending on the dealers & many time dealers sale low grand
product:- In some areas farmers are not literate so they are depend on dealers and some
time dealers sold low quality brand products.
3. High cost of product:- Products have good quality so price of the products are
slightly high than local brands
C. Opportunity:-
1. Ensuring dealers network through scheme:- Company has opportunity to increase
the dealers network via various schemes.
2. Getting closer to the farmer through farmer level activity:- Providing technical
support to farmers getting closer to the farmer and increase farmers production.
3. Company can expand product range in the plant protection:- Company has
opportunity to entered in the plant protection.
D. Threats:-
1. Credit oriented market:- Whole market is depend on credit.
2. Regular entry of new local brand:- New and local brands are entered in market
3. Increasing the competition from other local brand.
4. Large no. competitor:- There is more competitors and dumping market is seen

Project Title :ToStudy the Marketing Management of Agricultural Inputs.

Organization : Bhagyalaxmi Dairy Farm pvt.Ltd.
Company Guide : Mr.Anil Mane.
Faculty Guide : Prof, S.S.Pawar.
Student Name :Aditya Tukaram Jagtap

The project is undertaken to identify the marketing system, Strategy adopted by

Bhagyalaxmi Dairy Farm Pvt. Ltd Manchar,its competitor in Pune region of
Maharashtra State. The Tehsil allotted to me are Junnar. The study has done in two parts
i.e. dealers & farmers. Apart from these the market potential for Pesticides and tonics has
been evaluated along with a tab on the competitors and their strategies.
The dealers were evaluated on some parameters viz. Annual Turnover, Relative
coverage of different competitor in market, major constraints in selling in pesticide and
tonics, Most important Promotional activities, Satisfaction level of Dealer Of
Bhagyalaxmi Dairy Farm Pvt. Ltd sale as compare to total sale, margin on product.
Further these dealers are very strong in their loyal customer base because of their
personal rapport with farmers and the credit leverages offered by them to their
On financial aspects all the markets are highly credit-oriented. The
socioeconomic profile of the farmers is poor and because marginal land holdings, their
repaying capacity and risk bearing ability is less. This is the reason that most of farmers
take the inputs on credit and clear the accounts after the cropping season and thus the
money that circulates between the company and end-users remains blocked as long as the
length of cropping season.
The project mainly aims to understand the most useful suggestion from Dealer
and farmer which actually make the Dealer and farmer to purchase the organic Fertilizer
companies product.
Farmers have not too much knowledge about the Pesticides and tonics and these
people mostly refer the suggestion of the dealer, progressive farmer, and Bhagyalaxmi
Dairy Farm pvt.Ltd.person, campaigning or demonstration. So it is great chance to
motivate the sale through good report and better quality product. Dealers are very
interested for promoting the product because trust of people, quality of product, scheme
of company etc.
Many competitors are working at dealers’ levels mainly and very less work is
going on at farmers’ level that is the gap left by the competitors. The perception of
dealers and farmers about these local brands on the basis of assurance, responsiveness,
empathy and reliability is average and some dealer promotion scheme and farmer level
extension activities as suggested in the action plan can help the company to consolidate
its business.
The results indicate that Field demonstrations as best way of popularizing the
products as we can show the results and influence many farmers to use our product after
convincing them. In case of farmers, quality & price of the product are the main reasons
of influencing buying behavior of farmers. The study has done about perception of
farmers towards product of Bhagyalaxmi Dairy Farm pvt.ltd.
It is concluded that, GOLDMINE has great potential in Pune district because of
there is large size of irrigated land. For increasing quality as well quantity the product
helps farmer. Though the Bhagyalaxmi Dairy Farm pvt. Ltd. brand is enjoying good
image in market.The sale of Organic Fertilizers every year increases continuously, so the
company has great opportunity to increase the sale by creating good brand image in the
minds of the farmer.
From the above survey we can finally reach to the conclusion that:
1. The sale of Goldmine is highest in the Junnar area.
2. In Pomegranate Tomato, &Onion track the largest selling product.
3. Bhagyalaxmi Dairy Farm pvt.ltd having great scope to improve their Sales
Promotional activities which will generate huge sales.
4.Farmers are satisfied with Bhagyalaxmi Dairy Farm pvt.ltd. for FruitVegetables,
Fruits, Etc.
Marketing is an unique field where employee get actual field knowledge, farmer
problem, different strategy of companies , dealer strategy, cropping pattern, natural
calamities, pest & disease identification;
1. About Farmer (for field level)
2. About Dealer
3. About Company/ Market
Experience gained:-
1. Experience about farmer (for field level):-
1. I got practical experience about different crops grown in the region while visiting the
farmer’s field.
2. I understand the problem face by farmers to used different companies product.
3. I understand farmer tendency regarding purches of product.
2. About Dealer
1. I learn, if I want to make a good business then my first preference is not only sale but
also field visit.
2. I learn, how to convenience farmer to purchase his product.
3. How to communicate with problematic farmer.
4. I learn, what to purchase, how to purchase the product and from whom to purchase.
3. About Company/ Market
1. To Know the company product range.
2. To Know the product prices & their use & feature.
3. To know how to develop new product in market.
4. To Know about various schemes for Dealers.
5. To Learn about what types of strategies are applied for developing the brand of
product in market.
6. To Identify the competitors in market.
Farmer survey of marketing management of Goldmine product of Bhagyalaxmi Dairy
Farm Pvt. Ltd in Junner region.
Questionnaires for farmer
A) General Information:
Q.1) Name of Farmer: Date:
Q.2) Address:
Q.3) Contact:
Q.4) Education: a) Less than HSC b) Undergraduate
c) Graduate d) Post Graduate
Q.5) Family Details:
Q.6) Farm Size: a)marginal. b)small. c)medium. d)large
Q.7) Sources of Irrigation:

Dam Cannel Well

Q.8) Cropping Pattern:

Season's 1 2 3 4





Q.9) Livestock:

B) Manure
Q.10) Fertilizer uses in Percentage:

Fertilizer Chemical Organic Bio fertilizers Green Manure


Q.11) Have you done soil testing? Yes No

Q.12) If yes, then frequency of testing?

Monthly Biannually Annually As needed

Q.13) Are you using FYM? Yes No

Q.14) Are you using any culture for decomposing of FYM? Yes No

Q.15) Are you using any beneficial microbes for enrichment of FYM?

Yes No

Q.16) If yes, then which?

Q.17) Total amount spent on FYM /acre/annum

Q.19) Are you purchasing any organic manure from market? Yes No

Q.20) If yes then

Product Company Own Source Quantity Price/Cost

Total Cost

Q.21) Constraints in using organic manure?

Costly Not Properly Decompose Application


Q.22) Do you know about Bhagyalaxmi Dairy Farm Pvt. Ltd.? Yes No
Q.23) Do you know Bhagyalaxmi Dairy Farm is producing Organic Manure?

Yes No

Q.24) If yes, then from where you got to know?

A)Dealer B)Sales Representative E)Field Day

C)Social Circles D) Others

Q.25)Did you know about Goldmine? A)Yes. B)No

Q.26) Whether you have used our product? A )Yes B)No

Q.27) For which crop?

A). B). C). D)

Q.28) If no then why?

A)Unavailability B)Lack of information C)Price D)Other

Q.29) How much Quantity you purchase at once frequency?

A) 10bags. B) 20 bags. C) 25bags D)More

Q.30) Rate the effectiveness of Bhagyalaxmi Product(Goldmine)

A)Highly satisfactory B)Satisfactory C)Need improvement

Q.31) Any suggestions?

Dealer survey of marketing management of Bhagyalaxmi Dairy Farm Pvt. Ltd in Junnar

Questionnaire for Dealer

1) Name of the counter & address:-
Counter Name-………………………………………………………………………….
2) Owner of counter:-
Name -……………………………….…………………………………………………
Contact No-……………………………………………………………………………..
3) Which company dealership you have ?
Company’s Name-………………………………………………………………………
4) Which organic fertilizers you keep for selling?
5) Total area covered by the counter..?
6) Which are major crops grown in this track?

7) Farmers opinion during purchase of Bhagya laxmi products.

8) Which company have largest sale among your dealership?
9) Share of Bhagya laxmi with compare to others?
10) Total sale for last year?
11) Are you satisfy with delivery syastem ? A)Yes. B) No
12) If no , then why?
13) Are you satisfy with credit facility provided by company?
A) Yes. B) No
14) If no , then why?
15) Are you satisfy with margin provided by company?
16) If no , then why?

17) Are you satisfy with service provided by sale officer?

18) If no , then why?
19) Owners opinion about organic fertilizer market?


Module No : MKT-479
Title : Marketing Management of Agricultural Input Industry.
Credit : 20=0+20
Total Credit : 20=0+2
Major discipline : Agriculture Marketing 15=0+15
Minor discipline : 1) Agri. Economics 02=0+2
2) A.B.M. 03=0+3

Practical Discipline
1 Importance Of Input In Agricultural Development. Agricultural Marketing
2 Present Scenario Of Agricultural Inputs. Agricultural Marketing
3 Survey Of Agricultural Input Industries In Selected Agricultural Marketing
Region & Selection Of Any One Input For Study.
4 Profile Of Input industry & organizational Structure Agricultural Marketing
& H.R.M. Of Marketing Department.
5 Management Practices Followed In Procurement Agricultural Marketing
Of Raw Material For Selected Agricultural Input
Processing Industry.
6 Management Practices Followed In Production Of Agricultural Marketing
Raw Material For Selected Agricultural Input In
7 Strategic Management For Marketing Agricultural Marketing
Management System Of Marketing Department
Strategic Adoption – 4 “P” of Marketing Mix.
Government Policies For Production & Marketing
Of Selected Agricultural Input.
8 Efficient Marketing Management Practices For Agricultural Marketing
Selected Agricultural Input.
1)Domestic Sale, Retail Marketing
A)Identification Of Different Marketing Channel.
B) Channel wise Marketing Cost.
2) Export / Import Sale.
A) Export / Import Procedure.
B) Export / Import Documentation, E-Marketing.
9 Trend Analysis Of -1)Demand2)Supply & 3)Price Agricultural Economics
10 Customer Behaviors ABM
11 SWOT Analysis Of Selected Agricultural Input ABM
12 Experience Gained Competition Study. Market Agricultural Marketing
Share, Market Width & Market Perishability.


1) Marketing Management by Philip Kotler
2) Agriculture Marketing management by Aacharya and Aagrawal


Jagtap Aditya Tukaram.

Contact No: +91 8600232235
E-mail: adijagtap28@gmail.com

To achieve a position in an esteemed organization where I can utilize
my knowledge and hard work for the fulfilment of organization goal.
Looking forward to an environment that values personal integrity,
merit and provides opportunity for professional and personal growth.

Exam Board Year of passing Percentage

SSC Maharashtra State Board 2013 72

HSC (Sci) 2015 66
State Board

FY.BBA (Agri) MPKV Rahuri 2016 67

SY.BBA (Agri) MPKV Rahuri 2017 75

TY.BBA (Agri) MPKV Rahuri 2018 Appeared

• M.S.C.I.T


1. NSS


• Fast decision Making, Good team leadership, positive attitude.
• Good Presentation Skill.
• Committed to excellence.
• Committed to deadlines and schedules.

Sr. Parameter Basic Information
1 Date of Birth 28/12/1997
2 Gender Male
4 Marital status Unmarried
6 Languages English, Hindi, Marathi
7 Nationality Indian

5 Month working experience in Bhagyalaxmi Dairy Farm pvt.ltd Manchar

Place: Pune
Date : 14 / 09 / 2018
Aditya T. Jagtap.

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