3nd Sem
3nd Sem
3nd Sem
Objective : To help the students understand the modes of selecting investment opportunities
and analyze the securities for investment and to construct and evaluate portfolios.
UNIT III : Economic Analysis - Economic forecasting and stock Investment Decisions -
Forecasting techniques. Industry Analysis - Industry classifications. Economy and Industry
analysis. Industry life cycle - Evaluating Industry relevant factors - External industry information
Objective: To provide an overview of the regulatory framework and the structure of Banking
system and to familiarize the students with the various services provided by banks .
UNIT I Banking services-fund based business-Deposit Products – CASA and Team Deposits –
Different types of CommercialLoans, Retail Loans and Wholesale Loans – Trade finance –
Overdraft Facilities – Primary and Collateral Securities – Modes of creating charges on securities
– Hypothecation, Pledge, Mortgage, Lien and Assignment-Non fund based business – Bank
guarantee and Letter of Credit