Endoscopicmanagementof Portalhypertension-Related Bleeding: Andrew Nett,, Kenneth F. Binmoeller
Endoscopicmanagementof Portalhypertension-Related Bleeding: Andrew Nett,, Kenneth F. Binmoeller
Endoscopicmanagementof Portalhypertension-Related Bleeding: Andrew Nett,, Kenneth F. Binmoeller
P o r ta l Hy p er t en s i o n – rel a te d
Andrew Nett, MD*, Kenneth F. Binmoeller, MD
Varices Portal hypertension GI bleed Therapeutic endoscopy
Portal hypertension–related bleeding can be catastrophic and fatal. Multidisciplinary man-
agement is necessary, potentially involving medical therapies, endoscopic intervention,
and/or percutaneous or surgical portosystemic shunt creation.
A wide variety of endoscopic and endosonographic therapies are available for hemostatic
and prophylactic intervention. The appropriate therapy depends on the vascular lesion
and its location.
Endoscopic ultrasound (EUS) enhances the endoscopic management of gastric and
ectopic varices. EUS-guided intravascular coil deployment may mitigate the risk of
embolic complications associated with tissue adhesive injection.
Portal hypertension results from several disease states affecting the prehepatic, intra-
hepatic, or posthepatic circulation. In the Western world, sinusoidal hypertension from
cirrhosis is the most common cause of portal hypertension.1 In cirrhosis, abnormal si-
nusoidal blood flow occurs due to structural aberrations, including scarring, regener-
ative nodules, and microvascular clotting, cause increased intrahepatic resistance
and resultant portal hypertension.2 Intrahepatic resistance is also elevated by
increased vascular tone related to higher levels of local vasoconstrictors and reduced
nitric oxide levels from endothelial dysfunction. Myofibroblasts form from hepatic
stellate cells in response to inflammation and cytokine release induced by hepatocyte
injury. These myofibroblasts also contract within the space of Disse, adding to
increased intrahepatic resistance.1
When portal pressure in sufficiently elevated to be clinically significant (hepatic vein
portal gradient [HPVG] >10 mm Hg), portosystemic collaterals develop. These collat-
erals arise with recannulation of embryonic vascular channels, reversal of flow within
adult veins, or from neoangiogenesis.3 Collateralization does not effectively relieve
portal hypertension in cirrhotic patients, however. Increased splanchnic nitric oxide
production results in splanchnic vasodilation and increased splanchnic blood flow,
contributing to a persistent portal hypertensive state despite portosystemic collateral
development. Back pressure caused by this portal hypertension thus transmits
through these collaterals to perforating veins and the submucosal and subepithelial
vessels they supply, which is where clinically significant varices may form. Esopha-
geal and gastric varices are most common, but ectopic varices can develop any-
where in the GI tract.
therapy with variceal ligation has been associated with decreased rates of variceal
hemorrhage compared with medical therapy with a nonselective b-blocker.
Per the 2017 American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases guidance state-
ment, small (<5 mm) but high-risk varices (small varices in decompensated patients or
small varices with red wale signs) warrant nonselective b-blockers as preferential ther-
apy over endoscopic intervention.
Secondary prophylaxis
For treatment of active variceal bleeding or for secondary prophylaxis after a variceal
bleed, endoscopic intervention is indicated.
Multiple bands are typically placed until varices appear decompressed or until neces-
sary placement becomes too proximal.
Efficacy of endoscopic variceal ligation
EVL is effective in immediate control of active variceal hemorrhage in approximately
90% of cases. Complications after EVL occur approximately 2% to 20% of the time
and include transient dysphagia, retrosternal pain, esophageal stricture, ulcerations,
perforation, and infection.8 Rebleeding, sometimes massive, can also occur, either
from recurrent variceal rupture or from postligation ulceration.
Ulcer management
After EVL, the ligature bands may stay in place for a range of 3 days to 7 days. An ulcer
remains that heals within 2 weeks to 3 weeks.9 If thrombus formation is incomplete
when the ligature band sloughs off, postligation ulcer bleeding may occur. Overall
the risk of post-EVL ulcer bleeding is 3.6% to 15%.10 Such bleeding can often be
managed conservatively with PPI therapy and supportive care. Nonendoscopic man-
agement with emergency transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunt (TIPS) or
esophageal balloon tamponade may be pursued in cases of massive hemorrhage. Op-
tions for endoscopic treatment of postligation bleeding include repeat band ligation,
endoscopic variceal obturation with cyanoacrylate injection, self-expandable metal
stent placement, or hemostatic powder spray application.10–12
Interventions Other Than Endoscopic Variceal Ligation
Injection sclerotherapy
Prior to EVL, injection sclerotherapy was the first endoscopic treatment proved supe-
rior to balloon tamponade or vasoconstrictor administration in the management of
esophageal varices. Unfortunately, complications occur in up to 40% of patients
receiving sclerotherapy (esophageal ulceration, stricture, perforation, pulmonary
thrombus, pleural effusion, hemothorax, mediastinitis, pericarditis, pneumothorax,
renal dysfunction, and death).8,13 Mortality related to this therapy occurs in 1% to
Several studies have shown that band ligation is superior to endoscopic injection
sclerotherapy. A 1995 meta-analysis of 7 randomized trials published in 2015 demon-
strated EVL resulted in lower rebleeding, mortality, and complications as well as the
need for fewer treatment sessions.15 Similarly, Dai and colleagues14 reported a
meta-analysis of 14 studies involving 1236 patients treated for active esophageal var-
iceal hemorrhage. EVL resulted in significantly lower rebleeding rates (27.7% vs
33.1%), higher eradication rates, lower complications, and no difference in mortality.
A meta-analysis reviewing variceal band ligation alone versus band ligation plus
sclerotherapy as therapy for secondary prophylaxis found that the addition of therapy
did not improve rebleeding, the number of endoscopic sessions required for variceal
obliteration, procedure-related complications, or mortality. Adding sclerotherapy to
band ligation was associated, however, with higher rates of esophageal structuring.16
Despite its inferiority, injection sclerotherapy is still a potential option applied when
EVL is technically difficult.17 As discussed previously, significant active bleeding may
impair visualization, complicating band ligation. Scar tissue may also prevent
adequate suctioning of varices into a cap to achieve band ligation. Sclerosant injection
is an option in such cases.
Agents with reported use consist of sodium tetradecyl sulfate (Food and Drug
Administration approved), ethanolamine oleate, sodium morrhuate, polidocanol, or
absolute alcohol. Intravariceal injection may be performed just distal to the site of
bleeding or paravariceal injection may be performed immediately adjacent to a varix.
Endoscopic Management of Portal Hypertension 325
The sclerosant precipitates inflammation and thrombosis. After injection near the
bleeding site, injections are performed starting at all varices at the GE junction, with
proximal injections at 2-cm intervals, extending up to 5 cm to 6 cm from the GE
Metal stents
In cases of refractory or uncontrolled variceal bleeding, which occurs approximately
10% of the time despite EVL, balloon tamponade and TIPS are emergent salvage ther-
apies. Balloon tamponade may be performed with placement of a Sengstaken-
Blakemore tube. Although this method is helpful for hemostasis, it is only temporizing
with a high risk of bleeding recurrence after deflation, which occurs in up to 50% of
patients. There is also significant risk of other major complications including aspiration
pneumonia and esophageal perforation (rate of up to 30%).18 Covered self-expanding
metal stent placement provides an endoscopic alternative to salvage therapy.
A specific stent system has been designed for treatment of acute variceal hemor-
rhage in which a 25-mm 13.5-cm fully covered, self-expanding nitinol metal stent
is used (SX-ELLA Danis Stent, Ella-CS, Hradec Králové, Czech Republic). This stent
may be deployed without fluoroscopy or endoscopy although endoscopic guidance
has been used in most reported cases.18–20 The stent has atraumatic edges and is
left in place for up to 14 days prior to removal. The stent thus can serve as bridge ther-
apy for subsequent repeat EVL or TIPS.
A randomized controlled trial (RCT) comparing use of this stent versus balloon tam-
ponade showed stenting resulted in significantly increased therapeutic success (66%
vs 20%), decreased rebleeding at 15 days (77% vs 52%) and decreased adverse
events (8% vs 52%) but no difference in 6-week survival.21 In a 2017 meta-analysis
examining 80 total cases in which esophageal stenting was performed for refractory
variceal bleeding, a therapeutic success rate of 93.9% was reported with a 13.2%
rebleed rate, no stent-related complications, and 21.6% stent migration rate. Mortality
was 34.5% (only 12.6% died from uncontrolled bleeding).20
study, APC did not result in any improvement in variceal recurrence at 7-month follow-
up. Neither group had variceal bleeding.
Gastric varices are the second most common cause of GI bleeding in patients with
portal hypertension. Gastric variceal bleeding, although less prevalent, has the pro-
pensity to be more severe, associated with higher transfusion requirement and with
higher morbidity and mortality compared with esophageal variceal bleeding.33,34
Afferent vessels supplying gastric varices typically consist of the left gastric, posterior
gastric, and short gastric veins. Varices arising with left gastric supply develop in the
cardia and those arising from the short and posterior gastric veins form in the fundus.
Endoscopic Management of Portal Hypertension 327
Gastric varices anastomose with the systemic circulation most commonly through
esophageal varices into the superior vena cava. When gastric varices are isolated,
they typically have afferent venous drainage through posterior or short gastric veins
while efferent drainage is through a gastric—splenorenal shunt and the inferior vena
cava via the inferior phrenic veins.
The Sarin classification system categorizes gastric varices based on whether or not
they are contiguous with esophageal varices and their location in the stomach.
Gastroesophageal varices type 1 (GOV1) and GOV2 varices are contiguous with
esophageal varices extending either into the lesser curvature (GOV1) or the fundus
along the greater curvature (GOV2).3,6 These varices, also known as junctional varices,
share the pathophysiology of esophageal varices, arising from the left gastric vein and
originating in the lamina propria.35
Isolated Gastric Varices type 1 (IGV1) and IGV2 varices are fundal-type varices distinct
from esophageal varices formed in the cardia (IGV1) or outside of the cardia and fundus,
usually around the antrum or pylorus (IGV2).3,6 They arise from the short and posterior
gastric veins, originating in the submucosa. Bleeding risk is significantly higher for fundal
varices (IGV1 77% and GOV2 55%) than either GOV1 or ectopic varices (10%).36 Extra-
hepatic portal vein obstruction more commonly results in IGV1 varices whereas cirrhotic-
related portal hypertension more commonly results in GOV2 varices.34
The Sarin classification system aligns with therapeutic distinctions. Specifically,
GOV1 varices may be managed the same as esophageal varices. In this scenario,
obliteration of esophageal varices with EVL frequently results in disappearance of
the gastric varices as well in approximately 60% of patients.36
Endoscopic sclerosant injection is not a good option in management of gastric varices
due to association with high rates of complication including gastric ulceration, perfo-
ration, and rebleeding (37%–53%).36,37 Furthermore, in patients with IGV1 varices, it is
associated with low rates of variceal obliteration (41%) and high rates of rebleeding
may occur (37% to 89%).38,39 In 2002, Sarin and colleagues40 performed an RCT
comparing cyanoacrylate injection versus alcohol-based sclerotherapy in 37 patients
with isolated fundal gastric varices (17 of 37 presented with active bleeding). Cyano-
acrylate was more efficacious than alcohol in immediate hemostasis (89% vs 62%)
and variceal obliteration (100% vs 44%), achieving obliteration significantly quicker
(2 weeks vs 4.7 weeks).
with EVL in acute gastric variceal bleeding. Both treatments obtained initial hemosta-
sis in a high percentage of patients. Rebleeding, however, was significantly more
frequent after EVL (72% vs 32%; P 5 .03) and the rebleeding-free period was larger
after glue injection (P 5 .006).
Subsequent RCTs have buttressed the superiority of cyanoacrylate injection. A
meta-analysis reviewing treatment of acute gastric variceal bleeding compared
cyanoacrylate injection versus other endoscopic intervention. Analysis of 3 RCTs
showed that EVL and cyanoacrylate injection achieve comparable rates of initial
hemostasis, but EVL therapy carries a significantly higher risk of rebleeding.41 Treat-
ments were similar in bleeding control, complications, and bleeding-related mortality
although cyanoacrylate injection was found superior to EVL in prevention of rebleed-
ing. The largest RCT included in this meta-analysis examined only GOV1 varices,
expected to overestimate the efficacy of EVL applied to cardiofundal varices
Glue-coil Embolization
In further efforts to mitigate potentially devastating embolic complications after cyano-
acrylate injection, Binmoeller and colleagues39 first performed ex vivo analysis of the
utility of concomitant local coil and glue injection in the treatment of gastric varices.
Initial deployment of intravascular coils provides a scaffold for glue polymerization
and fixation to prevent inadvertent glue embolization. To test this hypothesis, in
ex vivo study, a coil was deployed into a container of heparinized blood; 1 mL of
cyanoacrylate was then injected with immediate adherence of the glue to the coil’s
synthetic fibers. The coil and its adherent glue were then removed from the container
and no free glue remained (Fig. 1).
Pioneering this combined injection technique in humans, Binmoeller and col-
leagues53 first reported EUS-guided glue-coil embolization in a case involving massive
hemorrhage refractory to standard cyanoacrylate injection. Subsequently, Binmoeller
and colleagues reported a series of 30 patients with large gastric varices with active or
Fig. 1. Glue fixated to coil scaffolding after injection into container of heparinized blood.
(From Weilert F, Binmoeller KF. Endoscopic management of gastric variceal bleeding. Gastro-
enterol Clin North Am 2014;43(4):812; with permission.)
330 Nett & Binmoeller
recent (<1 week) bleeding and poor candidacy for TIPS. After endosonographic visu-
alization of the gastric varices, transesophageal, transcrural deployment of a coil into a
gastric variceal lumen was performed using the 19-gauge echoendoscope followed
by injection of 1 mL of 2-octyl cyanoacrylate. Observation with color Doppler effect
was then performed to confirm hemostasis. If necessary, an additional 1 mL of cyano-
acrylate was injected (Fig. 2).
Therapeutic success was 100% with no procedure-related complications. In follow-
up, 24 patients had repeat endoscopy by the time of study publication with complete
obliteration of gastric varices after a single session of therapy achieved in 95.8%, as
confirmed by color Doppler analysis showing no residual vascular flow. One patient
had recurrent bleeding from gastric varices at 21 days post-treatment treated suc-
cessfully with additional coil and cyanoacrylate injection. No surgical or percutaneous
shunts were required for salvage therapy. After treatment, the natural anticipated
behavior of coils is eventual extrusion into the GI lumen.
In 2016, Our centre published an expanded series involving 152 patients with
extended follow-up over a mean of 436 days.54 Among these patients, 5% received
EUS-guided glue-coil injection for active bleeding; 69% received therapy for recent
bleeding and 26% for primary prophylaxis; 143 patients had IGV1 varices; and the
other 9 had GOV2 varices. Therapeutic success was 99% using either a transgastric
or transcrural approach. In the 1 technical failure, treatment of a gastric varix with
adherent clot was performed after the patient presented with hematemesis. Persistent
bleeding was present despite treatment with a 15 mm diameter coil and injection of
6 mL of 2-octyl cyanoacrylate requiring referral for emergent TIPS.
Follow-up EUS was performed in 100 of 152 patients with a rate of complete gastric
variceal obliteration of 93% (79% single session, 10% 2 sessions, 2% 3 sessions, and
2% 4 sessions). Only 3% of patients had gastric variceal bleeding during the follow-up
period after initial obliteration was achieved. On average, bleeding occurred at
146 weeks after initial glue-coil therapy. Minor delayed bleeding related to coil
Fig. 2. (A) IGV1 varices. (B) Endosonography of same IGV1 varices. (C) EUS-guided glue coil
embolization. (D) One month post-treatment. (E) Persistent obliteration of flow through
variceal complex at 1 month. (F) Nine-month follow-up showing variceal eradication.
(From Bhat YM, Weilert F, Fredrick RT, et al. EUS-guided treatment of gastric fundal varices
with combined injection of coils and cyanoacrylate glue: a large U.S. experience over 6 years
(with video). Gastrointest Endosc 2016;83(6):1166; with permission.)
Endoscopic Management of Portal Hypertension 331
reduction of bleeding and mortality. In the series of 152 patients treated with EUS-
guided glue coil embolization, 40 received therapy for primary prophylaxis, with com-
plete obliteration rate of 96% with no procedure-related complications. Based on
these outcomes, the authors propose routine prophylactic therapy for IGV1 and
GOV2 varices larger than 2 cm in size.54
Limited effective endoscopic options exist for the management of portal hypertensive
gastropathy (PHG) bleeding. In PHG, ectatic mucosal capillaries and venules develop,
which may result in diffuse and recurrent bleeding presenting acutely or as chronic
occult blood loss. APC has been evaluated for treatment of PHG with suggestion
that, in combination with nonselective b-blocker therapy, it can reduce rates of blood
transfusion and ICU admission and improve hemoglobin levels.58 Spray application of
a hemostatic agent is also an option for treatment of active PHG bleeding. Although
this therapy achieves no long-term control of PHG, it may be used as an effective
method of acute hemostasis until nonselective b-blocker therapy, TIPS, or correction
of coagulopathy is pursued.59
Fig. 3. (A) Endoscopic view of rectal varix Black arrow shows nipple sign at gastric varix. (B)
EUS visualization. (C) Status post–glue-coil embolization with no residual flow. (From Wei-
lert F, Shah JN, Marson FP, et al. EUS-guided coil and glue for bleeding rectal varix. Gastro-
intest Endosc 2012;76(4):915–6; with permission.)
Ectopic varices are a rare cause of bleeding in patients with portal hypertension, ac-
counting for only 2% to 5% of variceal bleeding cases.64 They may be more common
in patients with prehepatic etiologies of portal hypertension rather than cirrhosis,
occurring in 27% to 40% of patients with splanchnic vein thromboses.65 Bleeding
from ectopic varices also seems rarer but more severe than esophageal variceal
bleeding, with mortality rates of up to 40%.64,66 In a retrospective case series of
169 patients, peristomal, duodenal, and jejunoileal varices were the most common
sites of ectopic variceal bleeding.67 Biliary tract, colonic, periumbilical, and peritoneal
varices may occur as well.68
No standardized treatment exists for ectopic varices, but endoscopic treatment
options include those treatments used for varices in the stomach and esoph-
agus—band ligation, EUS-guided coil embolization, and/or cyanoacrylate injection.2
Band ligation should be pursued with caution if the diameter of the varix is too large
to fully entrap within a ligature. Hemostatic clip placement has been reported as well
for ectopic variceal therapy though failure of obliteration and rebleeding may be
anticipated.64 APC in conjunction with band ligation may be considered for preven-
tion of variceal occurrence, as has been reported in the treatment of ileocolonic
anastomotic varices.68 Endoscopic therapy may be complicated by postligation ulcer
bleeding, pyelephlebitis, and portal biliopathy. Given the overall dearth of data sup-
porting endoscopic obliteration and long-term control, the role of percutaneous
embolization and shunting and surgical interventions should always be considered
for ectopic variceal management.
55. Levy MJ, Wong Kee Song LM, Kendrick ML, et al. EUS-guided coil embolization
for refractory ectopic variceal bleeding (with videos). Gastrointest Endosc 2008;
56. Romero-Castro R, Pellicer-Bautista F, Giovannini M, et al. Endoscopic ultrasound
(EUS)-guided coil embolization therapy in gastric varices. Endoscopy 2010;
42(Suppl 2):E35–6.
57. Mishra SR, Sharma BC, Kumar A, et al. Primary prophylaxis of gastric variceal
bleeding comparing cyanoacrylate injection and beta-blockers: a randomized
controlled trial. J Hepatol 2011;54(6):1161–7.
58. Hanafy AS, El Hawary AT. Efficacy of argon plasma coagulation in the manage-
ment of portal hypertensive gastropathy. Endosc Int Open 2016;4(10):E1057–62.
59. Smith LA, Morris AJ, Stanley AJ. The use of hemospray in portal hypertensive
bleeding; a case series. J Hepatol 2014;60(2):457–60.
60. Sharma M, Rai P, Bansal R. EUS-assisted evaluation of rectal varices before
banding. Gastroenterol Res Pract 2013;2013:619187.
61. Al Khalloufi K, Laiyemo AO. Management of rectal varices in portal hypertension.
World J Hepatol 2015;7(30):2992–8.
62. Sato T, Yamazaki K, Akaike J, et al. Retrospective analysis of endoscopic injec-
tion sclerotherapy for rectal varices compared with band ligation. Clin Exp Gas-
troenterol 2010;3:159–63.
63. Weilert F, Shah JN, Marson FP, et al. EUS-guided coil and glue for bleeding rectal
varix. Gastrointest Endosc 2012;76(4):915–6.
64. Park SW, Cho E, Jun CH, et al. Upper gastrointestinal ectopic variceal bleeding
treated with various endoscopic modalities: case reports and literature review.
Medicine (Baltimore) 2017;96(1):e5860.
65. Henry Z, Uppal D, Saad W, et al. Gastric and ectopic varices. Clin Liver Dis 2014;
66. Orr DW, Harrison PM, Devlin J, et al. Chronic mesenteric venous thrombosis:
evaluation and determinants of survival during long-term follow-up. Clin Gastro-
enterol Hepatol 2007;5(1):80–6.
67. Norton ID, Andrews JC, Kamath PS. Management of ectopic varices. Hepatology
68. Helmy A, Al Kahtani K, Al Fadda M. Updates in the pathogenesis, diagnosis and
management of ectopic varices. Hepatol Int 2008;2(3):322–34.