Class Xi PDF
Class Xi PDF
Class Xi PDF
प्रश्न–1 परियोजना – कायय –
ककसी एक लेखक अथवा कवव का जीवन – परिचय देते हुए उनकी िचना संबंधी परियोजना तैयाि कीवजए।
¼लगभग 500 शब्दों में ½
प्रश्न – 2 ‘ आवािा मसीहा ‘ तथा ‘ भाितवर्य की उन्नवत कै से हो सकती है? ‘ पाठों का साि अपने शब्दों में वलवखए ।
प्रश्न – 3 ‘ हस्तक्षेप ‘ कववता का प्रवतपाद्य वलवखए।
1) Find the image of the point (-8,12) with respect to the line mirror 4x + 7y =-13.
2) Find the equation of the line through the point(3,2) which makes an angle of 45 0 with the line
3) A line is such that its segment between the lines 5x-y+4=0 and 3x+4y-4=0 is bisected at the
point(1,5). Obtain its equation.
4) Two lines passing through the point(2,3) intersects each other at an angle 600.if slope of one
line is 2,find the equation of the other line.
5) Find the equations of the lines which are parallel to the line3x=4y+5.and are a distanceof 1
unit from it.
6) Find the equation of the line equidistant from the lines x=-2 and x=10.
7) Find the equation of a linewhich passes through the point (22,-6) and the intercept on the x-
axis exceeds the intercept on the y-axis by 5.
8) If lines ax+2y+1=0, bx+3y+1=0 and cx+4y+1=0 are concurrent,show that a,b,c are in A.P.
9) Find the equation of the circle passing through (0,0) and making intercepts a and b on the
coordinate axes.
10) Find the eccentricity, vertices, foci, directrices, transverse axis, conjugate axis and latus
𝑦2 𝑥2
of the hyperbola 25 - 16 =1.
11) Find the equation of circumcircle of a triangle whose vertices are (1,0) , (-1,0) and (0,1).
12) If one end of diameter of a circle x2 + y2 -4x-6y+11=0 is (8,4), show that coordinates of other
end are (-4,2).
13) Find the equation of the circle concentric with the circle x2 +y2 +6x-4y+4=0 and double its area.
14) Find the centre and radius of the circle x2 + y2 -2ax cos𝜃 -2ay sin𝜃 =0.
Q.1 Prepare the chapters Thermal properties of matter & Thermodynamics for Unit Test
commencing from 15th Jan 2019.
Q.2 Do at least 5 numerical on each topic of these chapters.
Q.3 Do NCERT questions of both the chapters.
Q.4 Prepare a project (Working Model) from any topic out of the syllabus of class XII Physics.
1. Why human teeth referred to as heterodont and diphyodont ?
2. Where is carbonic anhydrase found in the human body ? Give its function.
3. Name one animal in which heart pumps only deoxygenated blood. How many chambers
does this heart have ?
4. Name the two heart sounds. How are they produced?.
5. Define (1) Tidal volume (ii) Inspiratory reserve volume.
6. Amylase is secreted by two different glands, name them. What is the action of amylase on
7. Name any three enzymes secreted by pancreas. Specify the substrate and the end products
of each.
8. Explain how CO2is transported in human body.
9. Name the components of the formed elements in the blood and mention one major function
of each of them .
10. Prepare a presentation on any one chapter from term 2.
Computer Science
Q1) Write a program to find largest among three numbers?
Q2) Write a program to swap two numbers with and without using third variable?
Q8) Write a program to implement Fibonacii series (i.e sum of previous two numbers is
eg 0 1 1 2 3 5 8 13
Q9) Write a menu driven program for performing addition, substraction, multiplication and division.
i) 1 ii) 1
2 2 1 2
3 3 3 1 2 3
4 4 4 4 1 2 3 4
5 5 5 5 5 1 2 3 4 5
iii) * iv) * * * *
* * * * *
* * * * *
* * * * *
Q13) Write a C++ program that reads a string and convert uppercase letters to lowercase and vice-versa.
Q14) Write a function to find sum of odd numbers till N where N is user input.
Q15) Write an interactive menu driven program in C++ to convert a temperature reading in Celcius to
temperature in Fahrenheit or to convert temperature reading in Fahrenheit to temperature in Celcius
depending on the choice of user.
Eg 153 = 13 + 53 + 33
Q19) Write a function which take the height of a person in inches and return the height in feet and inches in
two separate variables.
Q20) Write a program to find highest, second highest and lowest element in an array.
Q24) Write a program to find sum of rows and columns in two dimensional matrix
Q25) Write a program to find number of vowels, consonants, digits and other characters in a given string.
Q26) Write a user defined function to display product of row elements of a two dimensional array A[4][6]
containing integers.
Q27) Develop a structure to store and display information about students.
Q28) Define a structure Account consisting of three data members called Accno, AccType and Balance.
Q29) Declare two structures , one is called employee: Code, Name, Address , mobile number, salary and
second is called Allowances: da= 65% of salary, hra= 15% of salary
Net= salary + da + hra. Write a program to calculate net salary of employee.
Q30) Declare a structure to represent a complex number ( a number having real part and an imaginary
part). Write a program to add, subtract, multiply and divide two complex number.
Information Practices
Q1) Read the following case study and answer the questions that follows :
The Pizza Café has computerized its billing. The following is the data entry screen used at their outlet.
The outlet offers two different types of pizzas , regular and pan pizzas. The price of regular pizza is
Rs. 120 and that of pan pizza is Rs. 160. The user can choose to have three different types of extra
toppings he wants. Extra toppings costs as :
Topping Cost
Cheese 40
Capsicum 20
Pepperonion 25
(a) Write the code for Calculate Rate button to calculate the rate of the pizza and display it in txtRate
depending on the type of pizza selected by the customer.
(b) Write the code for cmdAmount to calculate the total amount and display it in txtAmount. The total
amount is calculated by first finding the cost of extra toppings selected by the customer. Remember
that each extra topping adds the value with previous topping. Then add it to the rate and multiply the
resultant amount by the quantity ordered.
(c) Write the code for Clear button to clear all the text boxes and make default to Regular Pizza Type
and Cheeze as Topping.
(d) Write the code for cmdExit to exit the application.
Q2) Reena has developed an application in Netbeans for the Life Line Laboratory at South Extension as
shown below:
The charges for tests available are given in the following table:
Thyroid 350
HB 20
i. Write the code to make the textfield for Total Amount uneditable.
ii. Write code to do the following:
(a) Calculate and display total amount in the corresponding text field when Calculate button is clicked.
(b) Clear all text fields.
(c) Close the application when Exit button is clicked.
Q3) (a) Write a code that takes cost of a pencil from jTextField1 and number of pencils from jTextField2
and calculates total amount as cost*number to be displayed in jTextField3 and also find 20% tax
amount to be displayed in jTextField4
(b) Write commands to make text fields AmountTF, DiscountTF un-editable.
(c) What will be displayed in jTextArea1 after executing the following statement?
Q4) Read the following case study and answer the questions that follows:
Manager of Bachat Bank has developed a java form for finding EMI to be paid by customers
against repayment of loan. Loan interest rates are (Yearly ):
Single entry system: Q7, 8, 11,13,14,16,35,36,37
Rectification of errors: 3,15,17,21,22,27,30,31
Learn classification of errors pg no 17.1
Business Studies
1) Learn the following chapters:
Chapter 7 : Sources of Business Finance
Chapter 8 : Small Business
Chapter 9 : Internal Trade
Chapter 10 : International Trade
2) Select the topic for the project n complete the project file.
1. Do miscellaneous questions of Index number, standard deviation and correlation in practice
2. Learn and revise the concept of supply, correlation, index number and standard deviation.
Political Science
Do the following questions in your fair notebook.
Q1. Comment on the statement “Neither authenticity nor language nor religion are regarded as
basic elements to constitute a nation.”
Q2. Examine the factors that lead to the arising of nationalist feelings.
Q3. What are the virtues and limitations of nationalisms?
Q4. How is a nation different from other collective groups?
Q5. What is the significance of the principle of national self determination?
Q6. What is peace? Discuss the major forms of violence.
Q7. Can violence also promote peace? Comment.
Q8. How violence can be eliminated?
Q9. Explain the various approaches to the search of peace.
Q10. What are the contemporary challenges to the world peace?
Discuss various Acts and Reforms that brought about changes in Industries in Europe.
Write a note on the Protest Movements in Industrial Europe.
Draw the maps of China and Japan and highlight major places in both the countries
Make the diagram of a Manorial Estate and write its characteristics.
Give an account of Copernican Revolution .How did this help in reading the Universe.?
1. Prepare a project file on the topic disaster according to your class serial number.
2. Do all the the extra question of the following chapter with map work:
Chapter 4: Land use and agriculture
Chapter 5: Minerals and Energy Resources
Fine Arts
Q. 1 Describe briefly the development of Rajasthani School of Miniature Painting and specialties
of its sub-schools.
Q.2 Describe the sub-school of Pahari School of Miniature Painting.
Q.3 Write about various phases of origin and development of the style of the Mughal Art of
miniature painting.
Q.4 Explain the three different phases of development of the Deccan School of Miniature Painting.
Q.5 Mention the role of Abanindranath Tagore in development of the Bengal School of Painting.
Q.6 Describe the specific humanistic sensitivities that the painter has delineated in painting
named Rasa-Lila.
Q. 7 Clarify the specialties of miniature painting of Jodhpur sub-school of Rajasthani painting.
Physical Education
Q1. What do you understand by lever? Explain the types of lever and their application in sports.
Q2. Describe the center of gravity and its application in sports.
Q3. Mention the main function of respiratory system.
Q.4 Write down the main functions of muscles.
Q5. Write about oxygen and second wind.