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Obli Tom Print
Obli Tom Print
No proof has been submitted that a contract had been entered into
between the plaintiff and the defendants, or that the latter had
committed illegal acts or omissions or incurred in any kind of fault or
negligence, from any of which an obligation might have arisen on the
part of the defendants to indemnify the plaintiff. For this reason, the
claim for indemnity, on account of acts performed by the sheriff while
enforcing a judgment, can not under any consideration be sustained.
(Art. 1089, Civil Code.)
The illegality of the judgment of the justice of the peace, that of the writ
of execution thereunder, or of the acts performed by the sheriff for the
enforcement of the judgment, has not been shown. Therefore, for the
reasons hereinbefore set forth, the judgment appealed from is hereby
reversed, and the complaint for damages filed by Vicente Navales
against Eulogia Rias and Maximo Requiroso is dismissed without
special ruling as to costs. So ordered.