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Sata Globe BPM PVT LTD: Offer Latter

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Date: 10th March 2014

Dear Mr. Sachin A Shah

Further to our letter of offer/interview dated 10th March 2014.We are pleased to inform you that you
are hereby appointed as CSR in the Organization to be based at AHMEDABAD as per terms and
Conditions discussed and agreed upon as under.

The appointment is effective from 10th March 2014 the date of your joining our Organization.

Your salary and other allowances are Rs. 16000 a Month.

Your job functions and responsibilities as CSR will be as defined broadly in the enclosed Annexure.


Your job functions and responsibilities as CSR are under preparation and shall be issued in due course.

You will be placed on probation for a Period can be of six Months and the said period can be extended
by another three months and on the expiry of the period of probation or extended period of probation,
if you are not confirmed in writing, your service shall be deemed to be automatically terminated.
However, unless you are confirmed in writing, you shall not be deemed to be permanent.

During probation, If any employee is terminated due to negligence of duties, disciplinary issues or not
following company policies, termination will be without salary being paid. The notice period for
resignation will be one month from date of joining. After confirmation, the notice period required from
either side is one month.

After successful completion of your probation, you will be confirmed in writing as a permanent
employee of the company. You will be entitled to statutory and service benefits and be governed by
discipline and other rules existing or may come into existence from time to time, as and when applicable
as per rules of the company and such other benefits as applicable to employees in force from time to
time to the location / place wherever you are working. The company depending upon need shall taken
suitable cover of GPA to take care of liability under Workmen Compensation Act provided you are not
covered under ESI Scheme.

Your future increments of promotion or any other salary increase shall be based on merit considering
your periodic and consistent overall performance, business conditions and other parameters fixed from
time to time at the discretion of the management and shall not be considered merely as a matter of

During the period of service with the company, you shall not indulge and/ or take part in any activity of
formation of council and / or association or become a member being part of management staff which is
found to be detrimental in the interest of the company in any way. Such an action shall be deemed as
infringement to service condition of the company and amount to causing damage to its interest and
shall call for disciplinary action being taken against you, as it may deem fit and appropriate.

During the tenure of your service, you will wholly devote yourself to the work assigned to you and will
not undertake any other employment either on full part time basis without prior permission of the
company in writing. Any contravention of this condition will entail termination of your service from the

1 (i) Your service are liable to be transferred loaned or assigned with / without transfer.
Wholly or partially, from one department to another or to office/ branch and vice-versa or
office / branch to another office / branch of an associate company, existing or to come into
existence in future or any of the company’s branch office or location anywhere in india or
abroad or any other concern where this company has any interest. In such case, you will
abide by responsibilities expressly vested or implied or communicated and shall follow rules
and regulation of the department / office, establishment, jointly or separately, without any
compensation or extra remuneration or provision of accommodation. You, thereupon, may
be governed by service condition and other terms of the said concern may be applicable.

(ii) The aforesaid clause (i) will not give you any right to claim employment in any
association or / sister concern or ask for a common seniority with the employee of Sister /
associate concern

2 In the event you are absent from duty without information or permission of leave or you
overstay your sanctioned leave, the management will treat you as having voluntarily
abandoned the service of the company.

3 Your services are liable to be terminated at any time :

(i) during probation or after confirmation, in case you are found to be medically unfit ny the
company’s authorized medical practitioner, on examination;

(ii) as and when the company comes to know of any conviction by the court of law during
the tenure of your service with us or conviction by the and / or any bad record in the past
under the previous employer, or because of your giving false information at the time of your
appointment or concealed any material information or given any false details in the
application from or otherwise as regard age, education qualification, experience, salary etc.

(iii) if you are found to be not possessing desired qualification which do not confirm to
custom authority and / govt. regulation as may be required from time to time and necessary
for condition of business or its exigencies or on account of redundancy.

4 you will keep the company informed of any change in your residential address that may
happen during the course of employment of your service with the company.
4 All documents, plans, drawing, prints, trade secrets, technical information, reposts,
statements, correspondence etc., written or unwritten and also information and
instructions that pass through you or come to your knowledge shall be treated as
confidential. You shall not utilized them for your own use or disclose to other persons during
or after your employment.

5 During the course of employment with the company, you will acquire, gain, generate, gather
and develop knowledge of and be given access to business information about products
activities, know – how, methods or refinements and business plans and business secrets and
other information concerning the products / business of the company, hereinafter called the
“SECTRETS”. You will be liable for prosecution for damage for divulgence, sharing or parting
any such information during course of employment and on cessation for at least 2 years

6 You shall carry out the job of ______________ and such other jobs connected with or
incidental to which is necessary for business of the company. You shall do any other work
assigned to you , which you are capable of doing or work at any other post which has been
temporarily assigned to you.

7 You shall faithfully and to the best of your ability perform your duties that may be entrusted
to you from time to time by the management. You will be bound by rules, regulations and
orders promulgated by the management in relation to conduct, discipline and policy

You will not speak membership of any local or public bodies without first obtaining specific
permission of the management. In the event of your becoming member without following
due process as mentioned, It shall amount to contravention of provision of employment
condition and the management reserves the right to take appropriate action including
dispensing with your service, as it may deem fit.

You will not give out to any one, by word of mouth or otherwise, particulars of our business
or administrative or organizational matters of a confidential nature which may be your
privilege to know by virtue of your being our employee.

8 While you are in employment of the company, you may be given or handed over company’s
property and / or equipment for official use and you shall take care of them including their
upkeep. On cessation of employment with company, you shall return all documents, books,
papers relating to the affairs of the company, purchased with the company’s money, which
may have come to you, and also any property of the company in your possession.

9 Any Balance of advance or loan taken by you from company, shall fully recovered from your
salary and any other legal dues including gratuity, at the time of you are leaving the service
of the company.

10 While working as an employee if you enter into any business transaction with any party on
behalf of the company within your permissible limits, it shall be your responsibilities to
ensure recovery of outstanding. If any outstanding remains at the time of leaving the service
of the company, it shall be your responsibilities to recover for remittance to the company
before you proceed to settle your legal dues in full and final settlement of your account.

11 You are requested to return the enclosed copy duly signed as a token of your acceptance of
the terms and condition of your employment.

12 Hope that will be the beginning of a legal and successful career with us.

13 Liabilities :

 You are not allow to use cell phones on floor.

 You are not allow to open other internet service on the floor.
 Any lead misplaced or sent out the agent would be terminated and would have to pay
expense to the company loss and will lose his salary.
 Not to misbehave on floor
 If Holiday taken from prior or after holiday will counted as holiday for all the day even
on given day
 Leaving company without notice would not get salary and taking leave without 12-24
hours of information would be counted UL.
 Intimation - Any person wants to leave the company have to give intimation for 30 days
of prior leaving the company, else salary would not be provided.

Salary will be paid on every 10th and incentive on 20th of every month

Appraisal Cycle :
6 Months appraisal cycle, i.e 1 appraisal per Year

Training :
Within the first 3 days of joining the organization no leaves can be availed expecting you are scheduled

Attendance incentives :
Full Month’s attendance will make you eligible for Rs. 500 as the attendance bonus even half day will
loose attendance bonus.

Performance incentives :
If would be 5 approved sales in order to qualify for incentives and per sale Rs. 100

Managing Director / Director (Signature of an Employee)


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