EATS India Phone Support Scripts
EATS India Phone Support Scripts
EATS India Phone Support Scripts
Hold Refresh
Further Assistance
Call opening
Call closing
Discard food
Wrapping up a call
Escalating a call
Hold Refresh
Further Assistance
(Apologise if required)
I understand your concern and would like to inform that you have
contacted Uber Eats support.
For any transport related concern, please reach out through Uber in
app ‘Help’ section.
Select the trip and write your concern or you can directly write into and we’ll be glad to solve your
You can also call on your helpline number
(Apologize if required)
I understand your concern and would like to inform that you have
contacted Uber Eats support. Unfortunately, we will not be able to
resolve your concern via this channel.
For any transport related concern, you can reach out through your
in app ‘Help’ section. You can also reach out to us via our
website: the appropriate team will look
into it.
Thank you. May I also have your registered mobile No. and your
email id
If verification fails
Verified account: “Is this your order xxx from xxx Restaurant that
you placed at around xx:xx AM/PM?
Are you referring to the order xx you are scheduled to pick up/have
picked up from xx resto?
Verified account: “Is this your order xxx that you received at around
xx:xx AM/PM?
“Can you confirm your registered mobile number or Name”
“Can you help with any of the following details:
- previous order
- location
- amount”
Second Hold:- Thank you for holding the line. It's taking more time
than expected, May I place your call on hold for another 2 minutes?
Thanks for giving your time to Uber Eats. Have a good day.
As a reminder, here are the next steps I'm going to take on my end
Before we end this call, do you have any other questions for me?
While we're on the line, is there anything else I can help you with?
While reviewing your account, I also saw that you'd had some
issues with[TOPIC]; are there any ongoing problems in that area
that you'd like to go over?
I assure you that we're doing everything we can to make this right
for you
I do understand your frustration, and I want to help however
(wait for a pause) "Totally happy to get that one addressed - before
we do so, just want to make sure the issue at hand is 100% solved.
Then we can jump into this one!
I don't know the answer to that one - but the minute we get off the
phone, I'll be finding that answer and following up
Thank you very much for taking the time to speak with me, and I'm
sorry we couldn't resolve this immediately. I am escalating this
issue to[team name]and you will hear back from them[time frame]
I truly do want to help here, but I will have to disconnect the call if
we can’t communicate respectfully. Would it be better if we give
you a call back in a hour or so?
I will need to disconnect the call at this time. If you still need
assistance you can contact support by tapping “help” within the
Uber app. Thank you for your time and have a good day
“XXX may I put your call on hold please for 1-2 minutes?
“XXX I will be placing your call on hold forthis reasonand I will be
back in 1-2 minutes”
“Thank you, I am placing your call on hold now”
“Hi XXX thank you for your patience.The reasonis taking more time
than expected, is it okay if I place your call on hold again?
Thank you for calling Uber Eats. This is “Agent First Name”, For
verification purpose, May I have your registered mobile No. and full
name please?
Thank you for calling Uber Eats. This is “Agent First Name”, For
verification purpose, May I have your registered mobile No., full
name and your Driving license number?
Thank you. May I also have your registered mobile No. and your
email id?
If verification fails
Thank you for sharing the information. How may I help you?
Verified account: “Is this your order xxx from xxx Restaurant that
you placed at around xx:xx AM/PM?
First Hold - For better assistance, May I place your call on hold for
1-2 minutes for this reason
Second Hold: - Thank you for holding the line. It's taking more time
than expected, May I place your call on hold for another 2 minutes?
Authentication - Caller called from registered mobile no. and the issue is order
Authentication - Caller (courier) called from registered mobile no. and the
issue is order related
Authentication - Caller (resto) called from registered mobile no. and the issue
is order
Empathy related
Hold Refresh
Further Assistance
Call opening
Call closing
Discard food
Summarising the call
Wrapping up a call
Call opening - Caller not calling from the registerd phone number
Call opening - Caller calling from the registered phone number
Authentication - Caller called from registered mobile no. and the issue is order
Authentication - Caller (courier) called from registered mobile no. and the
issue is order related
Authentication - Caller (resto) called from registered mobile no. and the issue
is order related
calls for a non-order related issue and the concern has to be escalated to L2
Hold Refresh
Further Assistance
(Apologise if required)
II understand
understand,your concern
however, and would like
as mentioned earlierto inform
the only that
way you
to have
resolve yourUber Eats support.
For any transport if concern
required) is to get in touch via our in-app support
related concern, please reach out through Uber in
IIapp understand
‘Help’ section.
understand, your concern
however, and would like
as mentioned earlierto inform
the only that
way you
to have
resolve the
trip Eats
concern support.
write toyour
is My get Unfortunately,
in touch or
can will not
in-app be ableinto
support to
resolve to
your Uber
concern via thisname is “Agent
channel. First Name”, how can I
help youtransport
today? and we’ll be glad to solve your
concern. to Uber Eats. related Myconcern,
name isyou can First
“Agent reach out through
Name”, how canyourI
You app
Welcome you
can ‘Help’
tohelp section.
call on
Uber your
Eats. YouMy can
name is reach
number out to us via our
“Agent First Name”, how can I
Sure, II will help you you with
Sure, will with your
your query.
query.the appropriate team will look
Welcome you today?
Sure, it.I willtohelp Uber Eats My name is “Agent First Name”, how can I
you. with your query.
If you
verification today?….
for verification
fails purpose, may I have your registered
Sure, I will For
help and verification
you fullwithnameyourpurpose,
query. may I have your registered
Verified number
no., full
account: name
“Is thisand your please?
from xxx no.Restaurant
please? that
May I know
Unfortunately, your thenamedetails please?
you’ve given us don’t match our records
-If placed
the at around xx:xx AM/PM?
and asname
you much isassame
referring tolike
I’d as to
the that
order inxx
help, tools, proceed
our are scheduledwithdoes
policy the query
to pick
not up/have
allow us
to disclose
Verified up from
account: xx resto?
“Is information
this your without
order xxx verification.
that you In
received this case,
at it
-If the name isAM/PM?
not the same asdetailsthat inready
tools, with you or if this is a
is best
around to have
xx:xx the verification
I can understand your concern/problem and I am here to help you.
Did youyou member
order or your
<item friend’s account,
name1>, please
<item name have
2>? them call us and
or Name”
we’ll be
you you.
- For I also
look have
any ofthe your
the issueregistered
May I place
for you.
following mobile
details: your No.xx
call andhold
on yourfor
1-2 id
minutes for this reason
previous order
you for being on hold.
there Hold:-
anything elseyou I can
- amount” Thank forhelp you the
holding with? line. It's taking more time
We expected, May I place
your feedback. your be
Please callononthe
hold forfor
call another
a quick2IVR minutes?
survey.Thank you for calling Uber Eats.
Good morning/Good evening. This is “Agent First Name” calling on Have a great day/evening!
a recorded
Thanks line from
for giving Uber
your Eats.
time Am IEats.
to Uber talking to “Called
Have a good person’s
name” ?
You can do whatever you feel like, have it or donate it
I can understand your concern/problem and I am here to help you.
Please stay on call so that we connect you to the
Restaurant/Courier Partner/Eater.
Just to make sure we're on the same page,(summary of your
understanding of the issue so far).
Let me give you a recap of what Doesdiscussed
we've that sound
far to you?
As a reminder, here are the next steps I'm going to take on my end
I want to make sure you have a full understanding of what went
Before here, and
we end what
this call,we're planning
do you on doing
have any other to fix this for
questions for you
While we're on the line, is there anything else I can help you with?
I saw that you'd previously asked about[TOPIC]; do you have any
further questionsyour
While reviewing on that topic Ithat
account, alsoI saw
can help you with?
that you'd had some
issues with[TOPIC];
I completely are there
understand any ongoing
the frustration problems
- I want in that
to make area
sure we
that you'd like
completely to gothis
resolve over?
as soon as possible
I assure you that we're doing everything we can to make this right
I doyou
understand your frustration, and I want to help however
(wait for a pause) "Totally happy to get that one addressed - before
I'm do so, just
so sorry to want
hear to make
that, andsure the issue your
I understand at hand is 100% solved.
Then we can jump into this one!
I understand that you are frustrated about this situation, I will try
my best
I don't to get
know thethis issueto
answer solved right- but
that one awaythe minute we get off the
phone, I'll be finding that answer and following up
I will need to disconnect the call at this time. If you still need
assistance you can contact support by tapping “help” within the
Uber app. Thank you for your time and have a good day
“XXX may I put your call on hold please for 1-2 minutes?
Thank you for calling Uber Eats. This is “Agent First Name”, For
verification purpose, May I have your registered mobile No. and full
name please?
Thank you for calling Uber Eats. This is “Agent First Name”, For
verification purpose, May I have your registered mobile No., full
name and your Driving license number?
Thank you for calling Uber Eats. This is …. . Am I talking to xx?
-If name is same as that in tools, next question
- Thank you. How may I help you?
Thank you. May I also have your registered mobile No. and your
email id?
If verification fails
Thank you for sharing the information. How may I help you?
Verified account: “Is this your order xxx from xxx Restaurant that
you placed at around xx:xx AM/PM?
Are you referring to the order xx you are scheduled to pick up/have
picked up from xx resto?
Verified account: “Is this your order xxx that you received at
around xx:xx AM/PM?
Thank you for calling Uber Eats <restaurant first name>. I
understand you want to <re-iterate the issue>.
Unfortunately, the concern you have raised is resolved by our
escalations team at Uber via email only.
I will raise a service ticket on your behalf and escalate it to the
concerned team.
Please be assured our team will get back to you ASAP
Appreciate your understanding in this regard.
First Hold - For better assistance, May I place your call on hold for
1-2 minutes for this reason
Second Hold: - Thank you for holding the line. It's taking more time
than expected, May I place your call on hold for another 2 minutes?
Uber Eats amathu obata isthuthi. mama "agent name",obage ananyathawaya thahawuru kirima sandaha, apath
Uber Eats amathu obata isthuthi. mama "agent name",obage
ananyathawaya thahawuru kirima sandaha, apath samaga
register wee athi mobile number eka, sampoorna nama saha
obage riyaduru balapathra ankaya danganeemata
Uber Eats amathu obata isthuthi.mama "agent name", mama
katha karanne XXtada? nama mewalam wala thibena namata
samana nam, eelanga prashnaya..........Isthuthi,mata obata
udau kala hakke keseda? nama mewalam wala thibena
namata samana nathi nam............Isthuthi, ewagema mata
oba apith samaga liyapadinchi wee athi phone number eka
dana ganeemata puluwanda?
If verification fails
Authentication - Caller (courier) called from registered mobile
no. and the issue is order related
Hold Refresh
Further Assistance
Welcome to Uber Eats. My name is “Agent First Name”, how can I help you today?
Good morning/Good evening. This is “Agent First Name” calling on a recorded line from Uber Eats. Am I talking t
person’s name” ?
I can understand your concern/problem and I am here to help you.
Sure, I will help you with your query.
Meanwhile, for verification purpose, may I have your registered mobile number and full name please?
Are you referring to the order xx you are scheduled to pick up/have picked up from xx resto?
First Hold - For better assistance, May I place your call on hold for 1-2 minutes for this reason
Second Hold - Thank you for holding the line. It's taking more time than expected, May I place your call on hold for