NRS048 2
NRS048 2
NRS048 2
NRS 048-2:2003
ISBN 0-626-15179-1
Second edition
This Rationalized User Specification is
issued by the Technology Standardization Department (TSD), Eskom,
on behalf of the
User Group given in the foreword
and is not a standard as contemplated in the Standards Act, 1993 (Act No. 29 of 1993).
Foreword ............................................................................................................................... 2
Introduction ........................................................................................................................... 4
Keywords .............................................................................................................................. 5
1 Scope ............................................................................................................................... 7
4 Requirements ................................................................................................................... 9
Bibliography .......................................................................................................................... 31
NRS 048-2:2003 2
This second edition of this part of NRS 048 was compiled by representatives of the South African
Electricity Supply Industry (ESI), in a working group appointed by the Electricity Suppliers Liaison
Committee (ESLC). It is based on a review by this working group of a discussion document
commissioned by the National Electricity Regulator (NER). The working group membership included
customer representation, inter alia formal representation of the Energy Intensive User Group
The working group, while recognizing that no such standards have been prepared elsewhere for
developing networks in developing countries, was guided by recommendations in international (IEC),
European (CENELEC), and North American (IEEE) standards and reports, and reports and data
available locally. This second edition was prepared to take into account, where appropriate,
developments in IEC and other standards since the publication of the first edition of this part of
NRS 048. This second edition was also prepared to take into account the measurement of quality of
supply (QOS) parameters on South African power networks recorded since the publication of the
first edition of this part of NRS 048.
This second edition of this part of NRS 048 specifies QOS parameters more comprehensively than
was the case in the first edition. Compatibility levels, limits, and voltage characteristics are specified,
which can be used by utilities, their customers, and the NER in managing power quality issues. The
NER directive on power quality sets out the basis for managing power quality, and should be
referred to when applying the levels and limits specified in this part of NRS 048.
Where specified, compatibility levels or limits (or both) might be declared by the NER as minimum
standards for licensing requirements.
This part of NRS 048 was prepared by a working group comprising the following members:
The working group was appointed by the ESLC, which, at the time of approval, comprised the
following members:
NRS 048 consists of the following parts, under the general title Electricity supply – Quality of supply:
Part 5: Instrumentation and transducers for voltage quality monitoring and recording.
Recommendations for corrections, additions or deletions should be addressed to the NRS Projects
Manager, Technology Standardization Department (TSD), Eskom, PO Box 1091, Johannesburg,
NRS 048-2:2003 4
This part of NRS 048 covers voltage quality parameters that might affect the normal operation of the
electricity dependent processes of customers. Each of the voltage quality parameters is described
and, where appropriate, compatibility levels, limits, and assessment methods are specified. These
compatibility levels and limits provide measures of acceptable voltage quality at the point of supply
to end customers of electricity utilities. The assessment method defines how measured values are
statistically assessed over a given time. The assessed values are compared with the compatibility
levels or limits.
For all the sites in any given power system at any given point in time, there is a spread of
probabilities that a quality of supply (QOS) parameter has a specific value. Figure 1 illustrates this
concept for a parameter such as harmonics, which typically exhibits a normal distribution. Other
parameters, for example voltage magnitude, which has upper and lower compatibility levels, could
exhibit other probability distributions.
compatibility level
system equipment
disturbance immunity
level level
limit Disturbance level
Figure 1 also illustrates that for all the sites in any given power system at any point in time, there is
also a spread of the probabilities of customers’ equipment immunity levels. This statistical spread of
the levels of each parameter experienced by customers depends on several variables, which include
the variations in load over time, and in geographic and climatic conditions. The principle adopted in
NRS 048 is to set compatibility levels such that they represent the 95 % probability levels for the
upper limit of system disturbance levels. The figure also illustrates that for each parameter,
licensees need to set planning levels, usually below the compatibility level. The choice of the
network planning level at any point of supply will depend on the parameter under consideration, the
confidence the licensee has in the data available for planning, and the type of equipment used by
customers. Customers’ equipment should, with the provision of mitigation equipment if necessary,
have immunity levels above the compatibility levels.
The statistical nature of the variation of QOS parameters is such that licensees cannot guarantee
that the limits will never be exceeded. The aim of specifying limits is to ensure that excessively high
levels of deviation are identified, so that they can be appropriately managed.
5 NRS 048-2:2003
The compatibility levels and limits specified in this part of NRS 048 apply only at the point of supply
to customers. However, a licensee may choose not to meet these levels and limits at other busbars
in its network. Licensees (and unlicensed redistributors) responsible for generation, transmission
and distribution are required to co-ordinate their contractual relationships with one another, based on
the need to comply with the requirements of NRS 048 at the point of supply to the customer. In
general, inter-licensee agreements will have to provide for measurements in accordance with the
principles set out in NRS 048, accepting that the levels for QOS parameters at inter-licensee
interfaces might be different from the levels for end customers specified in NRS 048. NRS 048-4
gives guidance on the factors to be considered in setting QOS parameters in inter-licensee
contracts, and provides planning levels for some parameters.
Since there is a considerable diversity in the structure of the electricity distribution systems in
different areas, arising from differences in load density, population dispersion, local network
topography, etc., many customers will experience considerably smaller variations of the voltage
characteristics than those described in this part of NRS 048.
Not all equipment and systems have been designed to operate optimally with the compatibility levels
specified in this part of NRS 048. Customers and licensees need to take cognisance of the fact that
existing installations might have been designed for, and might be operated at, lower levels. In
particular, where equipment or system standards specify supply requirements outside the
compatibility levels specified in this part of NRS 048, countermeasures might be required at the
customer’s plant, in order to ensure acceptable performance.
Consideration was given to the following in setting the compatibility level for each parameter:
a) the compatibility levels are the levels of disturbances that can be expected in the environment,
allowing for a small probability (< 5 %) of their being exceeded;
b) licensees are responsible for managing their networks and for negotiating customers’ contracts
to include measures to control customers’ emission levels, so as to comply with the compatibility
c) for some parameters, disturbance levels could rise; where present disturbance levels are below
the compatibility level at the supply point, a licensee is not required to ensure that these do not
increase, but is required to ensure that these do not increase beyond the appropriate
compatibility level; and
d) the compatibility level is the level of disturbance for which, with a suitable margin, equipment
operating in the relevant environment must have immunity.
Where there are applicable international standards, these have been referenced in compiling this
edition of this part of NRS 048. Where applicable, for specifying assessment methods, the weekly
assessment criterion as used in [European standard] EN 50160 has been adopted (as no
assessment criteria have been specified in the relevant IEC standards). This will allow comparison
of the QOS in South Africa with the QOS in Europe.
Certain QOS parameters are the subject of regulations of the Electricity Act, 1987 (Act No. 41 of
1987). It is expected that the NER would apply for these regulations to be revised to make reference
to this part of NRS 048.
Quality of supply; Power quality; Compatibility levels; Assessment methods; Quality of supply
parameters; Voltage quality; Reliability of supply.
NRS 048-2:2003 6
1 Scope
1.1 Purpose
This part of NRS 048 specifies the voltage characteristics, compatibility levels, limits and
assessment methods for the quality of electricity supplied by South African licensees to end
customers. It is intended to provide
a) the National Electricity Regulator (NER) with a means of evaluating and regulating the quality of
supply (QOS) provided by licensees (see note 1);
b) licensees and their customers with a reference for establishing appropriate QOS contracts;
c) licensees with QOS standards and criteria for planning, designing, operating and managing their
d) customers with standards and criteria for evaluating the QOS delivered by utilities (see note 2),
e) customers and equipment suppliers with standards and criteria to be taken into consideration
when designing their plant and specifying equipment.
NOTE 1 The annual reporting requirements and system performance criteria for licensees will be specified
separately by the NER. It is intended that for the purpose of such reporting, the reporting and assessment
methods in this part of NRS 048 will apply at each monitored site.
NOTE 2 It is intended that licensees meet the appropriate compatibility levels and limits specified in this part
of NRS 048 for each customer.
NOTE The requirements of this part of NRS 048 could be superseded in total or in part by the terms of a
contract between an individual customer and a utility.
a) situations where the licensee provides a temporary supply to keep customers supplied during
maintenance and construction work, which are not associated with normal contingencies for
which the network was designed to operate under, provided that customers have been notified
(see NRS 047-1);
b) temporary actions taken to minimize the extent and duration of a total loss of supply arising from
faults or equipment failure, which are not associated with normal contingencies for which the
network was designed to operate under; and
3) extreme atmospheric phenomena which cannot be prevented because of their cause or their
extent, and to which electrical networks, especially overhead networks, are particularly
vulnerable (see note 2), and
4) industrial action such as a general strike outside the influence of the licensee that prevents
normal operation of the network (see note 3).
NOTE 1 Occurrences attributable to staff or contractors of the licensee are NOT considered as
unavoidable events.
NOTE 2 The impact of lightning activity on electrical networks is NOT considered as an unavoidable
NOTE 3 Industrial action related to the licensee is NOT considered an unavoidable event.
a) all reactive compensation states when the above exclusions are not in affect; and
b) normal contingencies under which the network has been designed to operate.
It is not possible for a licensee to measure the QOS at all supply points. Should it be proven that the
requirements of this part of NRS 048 have not been met, it is intended that a licensee put in place
appropriate measures to meet the requirements. Appropriate measures may include a specific plan
that may take several weeks or months to implement. Appropriate measures may also mean that a
rare exceedance of the requirements is not specifically rectified if this can only be achieved by costly
interventions. Should a customer not be satisfied with the measures proposed or undertaken by the
licensee, a non-conformance report may be instituted against the licensee in terms of the NER
directive on power quality.
Where compatibility levels or limits are exceeded at a customer’s point of supply due to that
customer’s obligations with regard to QOS emission levels not being met, the licensee is not obliged
to ensure that the associated compatibility levels are met as far as that customer is concerned
unless the reason for such obligations not being met are due to network conditions other than those
contracted for. Notwithstanding the QOS emission obligations not being met by a particular
customer, the licensee remains responsible for meeting the compatibility levels and limits to any
other customers connected to the network.
The licensee may be deemed to have supplied the required QOS, even if the standards are not
achieved at the PCC, if countermeasures are installed by the licensee within the customer’s
network, and these have resulted in an acceptable QOS being provided to the customer load.
The compatibility levels and limits specified in this part of NRS 048 should therefore be taken into
consideration in equipment design specifications, also taking into consideration additional levels of
disturbance that may be generated within a customer's plant.
Customers should also take appropriate precautions or protective measures to prevent or at least
limit damage to equipment, in the event that compatibility levels and limits are exceeded.
9 NRS 048-2:2003
2 Normative references
The following documents contain provisions which, through reference in this text, constitute
provisions of this specification. At the time of publication, the editions indicated were valid. All
standards and specifications are subject to revision, and parties to agreements based on this
specification are encouraged to investigate the possibility of applying the most recent editions of the
documents listed below. Information on currently valid national and international standards and
specifications can be obtained from Standards South Africa.
NER directive on power quality, March 2002. (Available from the National Electricity Regulator.)
NRS 048-3:2002, Electricity supply – Quality of supply – Part 3: Procedures for measurement and
NRS 048-5:1998, Electricity supply – Quality of supply – Part 5: Instrumentation and transducers for
voltage quality monitoring and recording. (See note 2.)
NOTE 1 NRS 048-1 is under review. It is referenced only for the glossary of terms, definitions and abbreviated
terms therein. The implementation of standards and procedures are superseded by the requirements of the NER,
set out in the NER directive on power quality.
NOTE 2 SANS 1816, which is intended to cover the requirements for power quality measuring instruments, and
which might replace NRS 048-5, is in course of preparation.
4 Requirements
4.1 Instrumentation
Instruments that are intended to measure voltage parameters specified in this part of NRS 048 shall
comply with the requirements of either SANS 61000-4-30 (for class A measurements), or, in the
case of class B measurements, NRS 048-5 or the national standard which has replaced it.
NOTE 1 Measurement methods are not considered in this part of NRS 048. Instrument and transducer
accuracies are covered in NRS 048-5, which is expected to be replaced by SANS 1816, and which will in
addition cover the measurement methods for each parameter.
NOTE 2 Class A measurement requirements will be proposed for the purpose of comparing measured
performance with standards in the case of dispute on the accuracy of the measurements.
The less stringent class B measurement requirements will be proposed for surveys and monitoring for general
compliance with standards.
NOTE 3 The adoption of the above measurement methods poses a change to some of the measurement
methods specified in the first edition of NRS 048-2. The changes will be applicable only in respect of class A
measurements. Important changes are:
NRS 048-2:2003 10
b) For class A measurements, continuous 3 s measurements are required (as opposed to the present edition
requirement of one 200 ms sample every 3 s).
Nevertheless, it is intended to embrace the current NRS 048-5 requirements within the class B of instruments,
thus allowing the continued use of the installed base of instruments that comply with NRS 048-5.
NOTE 4 The “flagging” concept avoids counting a single event more than once in different parameters, for
example counting a single dip as both a dip and a frequency variation. Flagging is only triggered by dips,
swells and interruptions. The detection of dips and swells is dependent on the threshold selected by the user,
and this selection will influence which data are “flagged”.
The flagging of data is applicable for class A measurement performance during measurement of
power frequency, voltage magnitude, flicker, voltage UB, voltage harmonics and interharmonics,
mains signalling and measurement of underdeviation and overdeviation parameters.
If any of the data from a level of aggregation is flagged, then the next level of aggregation shall
include the flagged data and shall itself be flagged. Flagged values used in the assessment methods
as specified in this part of NRS 048-2 shall be ignored in the assessment. However, frequency
measurements need to be specifically analyzed. General
Where specifically referenced for particular parameters, the assessment requirements in to shall apply. For other parameters, the particular assessment requirements specified for that
parameter shall apply.
Where applicable, parameters shall be defined as a deviation from a fixed reference voltage.
In the case of LV networks, the reference voltage shall be standard voltage (230 V/400 V) as
defined in the Regulations of the Electricity Act, 1987 (Act No. 41 of 1987).
In the case of MV, HV, and EHV networks, the reference voltage shall be nominal voltage, or
declared voltage (a fixed voltage as agreed to between the customer and the utility, which may be
greater or smaller than nominal voltage). It is recommended that the declared voltage be within 5 %
of nominal voltage.
All phases of the supply voltage shall be monitored. In the case of systems with solidly earthed
transformer neutrals, the phase-to-earth voltages shall be measured. In the case of delta-connected
systems or systems with impedance earthing or which are unearthed, the phase-to-phase voltages
shall be monitored.
The assessment period shall be at least one week (seven consecutive days, starting at 00:00 on the
first day and finishing at 00:00 after the last day has ended), except in the case of interharmonics,
mains signalling and frequency.
For long-term measurements, an assessed weekly value shall be retained on a daily sliding basis.
For example, a two week measurement will result in eight weekly values.
11 NRS 048-2:2003
Determine the highest (and lowest in the case of voltage magnitude) 10-minute r.m.s. value(s) which
is not exceeded for more than 95 % of the week, and retain the value(s) for comparison with the
compatibility level(s).
Determine the highest (and lowest in the case of voltage magnitude) 10-minute r.m.s. value(s) of the
week and retain the value(s) for comparison with the limit(s).
For each set of weekly measurements and for each phase, determine the highest (and lowest in the
case of voltage magnitude) 10-minute r.m.s. value which is not exceeded for more than 95 % of the
week's measurements. The most extreme value(s) is retained for comparison with the compatibility
For each set of weekly measurements and for each phase, determine the highest (and lowest in the
case of voltage magnitude) 10-minute r.m.s. value(s) of the week's measurements. The most
extreme value(s) is retained for comparison with the limit(s).
For long-term statistical measurements, the assessed values shall be based on the data remaining
after excluding flagged and missing data, provided that no more than 10 % of the 10-minute values
have been excluded.
For specific investigation of a customer complaint, the assessed values shall be based on the data
remaining after excluding flagged and missing data, provided that no more than 2 % of the 10-
minute values have been excluded.
For customers supplied at LV, the standard voltage shall be 400 V phase to phase, and 230 V
phase to neutral.
For customers supplied at other voltage levels, the magnitude of the declared voltage shall be as
specified in the supply agreement.
Unless otherwise specified in the supply agreement, the declared voltage shall be the nominal
Unless otherwise agreed in a supply contract, the compatibility levels for the magnitude of supply
voltage shall be as specified in table 1. In the case of nominal system voltages above 500 V, in the
absence of any agreement to the contrary, the supply voltage shall not deviate from the declared or
agreed voltage by more than 5 % for any period longer than 10 consecutive minutes.
1 2
Voltage level Compatibility level
V %
< 500 ± 10
≥ 500 ±5
NRS 048-2:2003 12 Limits
For supplies direct to customers at voltages less than 500 V, the maximum voltage deviation shall
not be greater than specified in table 2. For supplies direct to customers at or above 500 V, the
maximum voltage deviation shall not be greater than specified in table 2, and in all cases the voltage
shall not be greater than the relevant maximum voltage specified in table 3.
NOTE In the case of a single-phase MV fuse failure, the voltage supplied on LV networks may be
significantly outside the limits until the problem has been rectified. Customers should protect plant against
such extreme events. In terms of this part of NRS 048, such events are considered as interruptions and will,
as specified in SANS 61000-4-30 be flagged as potentially erroneous voltage magnitude events.
1 2
Voltage level Limit
V %
< 500 ± 15
≥ 500 ± 10
1 2
Nominal voltage Maximum voltage
kV kV
400 420
275 300
220 245
132 145
88 100
66 72,5
44 and below Nominal voltage + 10 %
The requirements of shall apply. In addition, retain number of times that more than two
consecutive 10-minute values have been outside the higher or lower compatibility level (see note 2
The requirements of shall apply. In addition, retain number of times that more than two
consecutive 10-minute values have been outside the higher or lower compatibility level (see note 2
13 NRS 048-2:2003
The criteria for compliance with compatibility levels, or contracted values, shall be as follows:
a) the highest and lowest of the assessed 95 % weekly values over the full measurement period
shall not be outside the compatibility levels given in table 1, or as otherwise contracted (see
note 1); and
b) not more than two consecutive 10-minute values shall exceed the higher applicable compatibility
level given in table 1, and not more than two consecutive 10-minute values shall be less than the
lower applicable compatibility level given in table 1, or as otherwise contracted. (See note 2.)
NOTE 1 The weekly assessment criterion addresses statistical fluctuations in voltage magnitude.
NOTE 2 Consecutive requirements are introduced to ensure that exceedances of equipment design
standards are avoided for long periods in the week.
The criteria for compliance with the limits given in tables 2 and 3 shall be as follows:
a) the maximum deviation of the 10-minute values from declared voltage over the full measurement
period shall not exceed the limits given in table 2; and
b) the highest of the assessed weekly maximum values of the 10-minute values over the full
measurement period shall not exceed the limits given in table 3.
NOTE Limits are specifically introduced to ensure that extreme exceedances of equipment design standards
are avoided.
Where the voltage supplied reduces to a value of less than 0,85 pu of the standard or declared
voltage for more than 3 s on one or more phases, the event shall be logged as an under-voltage
NOTE 1 Such under-voltage events might occur when there is an interruption to one or more, but not all
phases at the point of supply, resulting in under-voltage on the phases that remain connected. In such cases
the interruption and the under-voltage event would be separately logged.
NOTE 2 In cases where, for example, there is an interruption as defined in 4.3, but an induced voltage or
residual voltage remains on the line, a measuring instrument might measure an under-voltage event.
4.2.3 Frequency
The compatibility levels for the frequency of the supply voltage shall be as specified in table 4.
NRS 048-2:2003 14
1 2
Network type Compatibility level
Grid ± 2 % (± 1 Hz)
Island ± 2,5 % (± 1,25 Hz) Limits
The limits for the frequency of the supply voltage shall be as specified in table 5.
1 2
Network type Limit
Grid ± 2,5% (± 1,25 Hz)
Island ± 5% (± 2,5 Hz)
For grid networks, the frequency deviation for 99,5 % of one year shall be retained.
For island networks, the frequency deviation for 95 % of one year shall be retained.
The assessed levels, to be compared with the compatibility levels and limits given in tables 4 and 5
respectively, shall be the individual measured values of frequency. General
UB can be described in terms of the contribution of zero sequence voltages and the contribution of
negative sequence voltages. In this part of NRS 048 only the contribution of the negative sequence
voltages are given because this is the relevant component when considering the impact on
equipment connected to the system. (see the definition of voltage UB in NRS 048-1 for further
NOTE The relaxation of the compatibility level to 3% might apply in the case of unusual network or load
configurations, that mitigate against limiting UB to 2 %. It is anticipated that utilities would inform affected
customers when being connected, that the higher UB level might be experienced. Limits
NOTE 2 In the case of a single-phase MV fuse failure, the voltage UB on three-phase LV networks may be
significantly outside the limits until the problem has been rectified. Customers should protect plant against
such extreme events. Such events are considered as forced interruptions (see and will, be flagged as
potentially erroneous UB measurements.
The highest of the assessed 95 % weekly values over the full measurement period shall be
compared with the compatibility levels in
The highest of the assessed weekly maximum values over the full measurement period shall be
compared with the proposed limits in General
The compatibility levels for voltage harmonics and interharmonics relate to quasi-stationary or
steady state harmonic values and are specified for both long-term effects and very short-term
The long-term effects relate mainly to thermal effects on cables, transformers, motors, capacitors,
Very short effects relate mainly to disturbing effects on electronic devices that may be susceptible to
harmonic distortion. The effects of transients are excluded (see annex D).
NRS 048-2:2003 16
The compatibility levels for harmonics on LV and MV networks are given in table 6.
The THD of the supply voltage, including all harmonics up to the order 40, shall not exceed 8 %.
NOTE 1 It is intended that customers supplied at HV and EHV will have specifically agreed harmonic limits
written into contracts, these will generally be equal to or higher than the planning levels in NRS 048-4. These
recommended planning levels are provided in annex A.
NOTE 2 Limits for levels of harmonic voltages are not specified. Limits for each harmonic of order h 1,5 to
2,5 multiplied by the magnitudes given in table 6 are under consideration, to be applied to 10 min values.
1 2 3 4 5 6
Odd harmonics
Even harmonics
Multiples of 3
Not multiples of 3
(See note)
Order magnitude Order magnitude Order magnitude
h % h % h %
5 6 3 5 2 2
7 5 9 1,5 4 1
11 3,5 15 0,5 6 0,5
13 3 21 0,3 8 0,5
17 ≤ h ≤ 49 {2,27 x (17/h)} – 0,27 21 ≤ h ≤ 45 0,2 10 ≤ h ≤ 50 {0,25 x (10/h)} + 0,25
NOTE The levels given for odd harmonics that are multiples of 3 apply to zero sequence harmonics. Also on
a three-phase network without a neutral conductor or without load connected between phase and earth, the
actual values of the third and ninth harmonics might be much lower than the compatibility levels depending on
the UB of the system.
Each harmonic and the THD shall comply with the requirements of
Each harmonic and the THD shall comply with the requirements of
Each harmonic and the THD shall comply with the requirements of
Each harmonic and the THD shall comply with the requirements of
Each harmonic and the THD shall comply with the requirements of
17 NRS 048-2:2003
The highest of the assessed 95 % weekly values over the full measurement period shall be
compared with the compatibility levels in
The compatibility levels for individual harmonic components of the voltage are based on the levels
given in table 6 multiplied by a factor k given by (1).
Each harmonic and the THD shall comply with the requirements of
For each harmonic and for the THD, measured on all phases of the supply voltage, over 99 % of
one day, the 150 cycle (nominally 3 s) mean of harmonic voltages shall be retained.
Each harmonic and the THD shall comply with the requirements of
The highest (of all phases) of the assessed 99 % daily values over the full measurement period shall
be compared with the compatibility levels in
The compatibility levels for signalling voltages used on power systems shall be those given in (as for short-term effects of harmonics).
NRS 048-2:2003 18 Limits
Signalling voltages above the compatibility levels may be exceeded for short-term bursts of
signalling but shall not exceed the levels given in figure 2.
NOTE Power line carrier signalling with frequencies in the range from 95 kHz to 148,5 kHz may be used in
customers' installations. Though the use of the public system for the transmission of signals between
customers is not allowed, voltages of these frequencies up to 1,4 V r.m.s. in the public LV distribution system
have to be taken into account. Because of the possibility of mutual influences of neighbouring signalling
installations the customer may need to apply protection or appropriate immunity for his signalling installation
against this influence.
Frequency in kHz
Figure 2 — Voltage levels of signal frequencies in percent of Un used
in public LV distribution systems
The assessment period shall be at least 24 h. Over 99 % of a 24-hour period the 150 cycle
(nominally 3 s) mean of signal voltages shall be retained.
Determine the highest 3 s r.m.s. value which is not exceeded for more than 95 % of the 24-hour
period, and retain the value for comparison with the compatibility levels.
Determine the highest 3 s r.m.s. value(s) of the 24-hour period and retain the value(s) for
comparison with the limit(s).
For each phase, determine the highest 3-second r.m.s. value which is not exceeded for more than
95 % of the 24-hour period. The most extreme value(s) is retained for comparison with the
compatibility level(s).
For each phase, determine the highest 3-second r.m.s. value(s) of the 24-hour period. The most
extreme value(s) is retained for comparison with the limit(s).
19 NRS 048-2:2003
The highest of the assessed 99 % daily values over the full measurement period shall be compared
with the compatibility levels in
The highest of the assessed daily maximum values over the full measurement period shall be
compared with the limits in
For LV and MV networks, the compatibility level for long-term flicker severity (Plt) shall be 1,0.
Short-term flicker severity (Pst) shall be measured over a 10-minute period, as specified in
IEC 61000-4-15, and long-term flicker severity (Plt) shall be calculated over a 2-hour period, as
shown in (2):
∑P 3
st ,k
k =1
Plt =
Pst,k is the general term for a consecutive 10-minute short-term flicker severity value.
The highest 95 % values of the Plt phase values for each weekly period shall be retained.
NOTE Where investigation of complaints that are restricted to specific times of the day (typically evening) are
undertaken, it might be necessary to restrict the values used in the assessment to values measured during
those specific times.
The highest of the assessed 95 % weekly Plt values over the full measurement period shall be
compared with the compatibility level in
NRS 048-2:2003 20
NOTE Indicative emission limits for rapid voltage changes for individual customers at the PCC are given in
NRS 048-4. General
The environment has a significant impact on the frequency of faults that give rise to voltage dips,
particularly in the case of overhead lines. The network topology in the vicinity of any customer’s plant
has a significant effect on the number of voltage dips, as well as on the magnitude and duration of
these dips. It is therefore impossible to set national compatibility levels that are acceptable to both
licensees and customers. It is anticipated that voltage dip performance will be contracted for, or
managed in terms of the NER directive on power quality.
The role of this part of NRS 048 is to provide a uniform approach for the characterization of voltage
dip performance (see table 7), and to provide characteristic historical dip performance in accordance
with this approach. While this characterization method addresses the most common affects of dips
on customer plants, it does not address complex dip parameters such as phase jump at the onset of
a dip, phase shift during a dip, pre-dip and post-dip voltages, and distortion superimposed on the
voltage during a dip. Where the latter cause problems with customer plant, a licensee is still required
to address the problem in terms of the incident reporting procedure outlined in the NER directive on
power quality.
NOTE The definition of the dip categories (Y,X,S,T,Z) is based on a combination of network protection
characteristics and customer load compatibility. Table 8 summarizes the basis for these definitions.
1 2 3 4 5
Range of dip Range of residual Duration
depth voltage t
∆U Ur
(expressed as (expressed as 20 < t ≤ 150 150 < t ≤ 600 0,6 < t ≤ 3
a % of Ud) a % of Ud) ms ms s
10 < ∆U ≤ 15 90 > Ur ≥ 85
15 < ∆U ≤ 20 85 > Ur ≥ 80
20 < ∆U ≤ 30 80 > Ur ≥ 70
30 < ∆U ≤ 40 70 > Ur ≥ 60 X1a S
40 < ∆U ≤ 60 60 > Ur ≥ 40 X2 Z2
a) licensees should manage protection performance times (for example, the number of X-type dips
allowed is more than the number of S-type dips);
b) licensees should place particular emphasis on managing the number of faults that occur close to
a particular customer (for example the sum of the number of T-type dips is less than the number
of X-type and S-type dips); and
21 NRS 048-2:2003
c) customers should specify the dip sensitivity of their process equipment, to enable appropriate
mitigation measures to be considered, so as to limit the number of licensee fault events that
actually affect the plant.
a) a greater emphasis on customer plant dip immunity for small short duration dips (the most
common on licensee EHV and HV networks);
b) two specific types of dip category that licensees will have to specifically limit the number of dips in
(T close-up faults, and Z2 long duration events); and
c) four dip categories that define the area in which combined management of dip performance and
dip immunity is necessary (X1, X2, S, and Z1). The changes to the Y and X areas are important
for future regulatory purposes where these events may be imported by a local distributor, and
may occur in another distributor many kilometres away. From a licensee point of view, the cost of
reducing these is in the majority of cases not warranted. Note that the Y area has been increased
for shorter duration dips, but reduced for longer dips.
1 2 3
Values of duration and depth Basis for definition
Duration > 20 ms to 3 s Dip definition (20 ms to 3 s)
Depth 30 %, 20 %, 15 % Minimum plant compatibility requirement (this covers a
significant number of short duration dips)
Duration > 20 ms to 150 ms Typical Zone 1 clearance (no pilot wire)
Depth 30 % to 40 % Desired plant immunity – as this spans many dips
caused by remote faults on the licensee network
Duration > 20 ms to 150 ms Typical zone 1 clearance (no pilot wire)
Depth 40 % to 60 % Dips potentially causing drives to trip, caused by remote
faults on the licensee network
Duration > 150 ms to 600 ms Typical Zone 2 and accelerated clearance
Also some distribution faults
Depth 20 % to 60 % Plant compatibility (drives trip > 20 %)
caused by remote faults on the licensee network
Duration > 20 ms to 600 ms Zone 1 and zone 2 clearance times
Depth 60 % to 100 % Plant compatibility (contactors trip > 60 %)
Caused by close-up faults on the licensee network
Duration > 600 ms to 3 s Back-up and thermal protection clearance or long
recovery times (transient voltage stability) or both
Depth 15 % to 30 % Remote faults
Post-dip motor recovery without stalling
Duration > 600 ms to 3 s Back-up and thermal protection clearance
Depth 30 % to 100 % Closer faults
Potential motor stalling
NRS 048-2:2003 22
The characteristic values for voltage dips are given in the form of the number of dip events in each
dip category (X1, X2, Z1, etc,) which have historically not been exceeded at 95 % and 50 % of the
monitored sites in South Africa (see tables 9 and 10). Statistics are provided for each network
voltage. This network voltage is defined as the nominal voltage of the licensee network that supplies
a particular measurement site. When comparing the performance of a particular site with these
figures, it should be noted that the network voltage is not necessarily the voltage at which the
customer takes supply. For example, in the case where a single customer is supplied at 22 kV from
a 132 kV/22 kV transformer, the applicable network voltage shall be 132 kV.
NOTE 1 A network voltage is not necessarily the voltage at which the customer takes supply. It may be the
voltage of the network that feeds the PCC. Therefore, the set of Z, T, S, X and Y values applicable to a
customer should be evaluated in each case, taking account of the network configuration supplying that
NOTE 2 For a network voltage range of 6,6 kV to 44 kV, the values are based on limited monitoring sites,
within very divergent networks, earthing arrangements, monitoring practices and environmental
characteristics. Hence they should only be regarded as indicative values. In future, additional data could be
expected to be available, that could provide some measure of statistical validity.
NOTE 3 The numbers of voltage dips in tables 9 and 10 are derived from data collected up to mid-2002.
Consideration is being given to making updated national dip data available on a regular basis (for example on
a website). Such data would supersede the data in tables 9 and 10.
Table 9 — Characteristic values for the number of voltage dips per year for each
category of dip window (95 % of sites)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Number of voltage dips per year
Network voltage range
(nominal voltages) Dip window category
X1 X2 T S Z1 Z2
6,6 kV to ≤ 44 kV rural 85 210 115 400 450 450
6,6 kV to ≤ 44 kV 20 30 110 30 20 45
> 44 kV to ≤ 132 kV 35 35 25 40 40 10
220 kV to ≤ 765 kV 30 30 20 20 10 5
Table 10 — Characteristic values for the number of voltage dips per year for each
category of dip window (50 % of sites)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Number of voltage dips per year
Network voltage range
(nominal voltages) Dip window category
X1 X2 T S Z1 Z2
6,6 kV to ≤ 44 kV rural 13 12 10 13 11 10
6,6 kV to ≤ 44 kV 7 7 7 6 3 4
> 44 kV to ≤ 132 kV 13 10 5 7 4 2
220 kV to ≤ 765 kV 8 9 3 2 1 1
23 NRS 048-2:2003
All phases of the supply voltage shall be monitored. In the case of systems with solidly earthed
transformer neutrals, the phase-to-neutral voltages shall be measured. In the case of delta-
connected systems or systems with impedance earthing or which are unearthed, the phase-to-
phase voltages shall be monitored. Metering class 0,1; 0,2; 0,5 and 1,0 voltage transformers can be
used for the measurement.
The number of dip events for each monitored site shall be classified according to the dip window
categories in table 8.
When considering the performance of a utility, the assessed number for the monitored sites in each
network voltage range shall be the number for which 95 % of the records are below the assessed
NOTE 1 Dips of the same magnitude and duration can have different effects on a customer or groups of
customers, depending on the particular conditions of the network and load at the time of the dip.
NOTE 3 Some international licensees adopt only phase-to-phase dip measurements. This has the effect of
reducing the perceived severity of a single phase-to-earth fault (the majority of faults), and should be taken
into consideration if international performance comparisons are undertaken.
No compliance criteria are defined for voltage dips. In the absence of specific contractual clauses,
voltage dip performance shall be managed in terms of the NER directive on power quality.
For information about voltage swells and transient overvoltages on LV networks, see annex D. General
The categorization and classification of interruptions and customer load reduction events in this part
of NRS 048 are intended to be applied in evaluating the effects of such events on a specific
customer’s point of supply. The definition of interruption indices for the purposes of statistical system
performance reporting will be defined separately by the NER.
There are several types of event that could be perceived as interruptions by customers. Such events
shall be recorded in the following four main categories:
An unplanned event that results in the disconnection of one or more phases of the network that
supplies the customer for a period of more than 3 s, shall be categorized as a forced interruption
(see note 1 below). Such cases usually result in under-voltage events on the phase(s) that remain
connected at the point of supply. These under-voltage events shall be assessed separately (see
Forced disconnection events typically occur when the only remaining circuit (see note 2 below) to a
specific point of supply is disconnected in the event of either
c) a fault that does not result in reconnection of the circuit on all phases to the customer within 3 s,
d) a trip on one or more phases due to events such as an operator error or protection operation (for
example, overload protection), or
NOTE 1 Such a disconnection is not limited to the circuits directly supplying the customer.
NOTE 2 The term "only remaining circuit" is used to cover cases where customers are served by more than
one supply circuit, and all but one of the circuits have been disconnected before the forced interruption event.
NOTE 3 An interruption is not defined in terms of voltage measurements, but rather in terms of the
disconnection of the supply point. Voltage measuring instruments may in some cases provide erroneous
indications of whether an interruption occurred or not. Instruments specified in accordance with
SANS 61000-4-30 may, however, be used to assist in interruption assessment. In such cases a voltage
interruption threshold of 10 % of declared voltage, and a duration threshold of 3 s are recommended. These
measurements should be interpreted in terms of
Customer load reduction events are characterized by the curtailment, partial curtailment, or
reduction of customer load. Where both the following provisions are met, such events shall be
categorized as voluntary customer load reduction events:
a) Actions to reduce load are required by the licensee specifically to protect the security of the
supply system to its general customer base.
b) The customer has voluntarily agreed to such reduction before the event, and has been able to
define the load to be interrupted or the load magnitude to be reduced (or both). (This agreement
may be in terms of a contract, and may be executed by automatic relays designed to trip the load
as agreed by the customer in such a contract). This includes voluntary under-frequency load
Voluntary under-frequency load shedding of several customers shall be classified as a single event
and classified as a voluntary load reduction event. Voluntary customer load reduction events shall
neither be categorized as forced nor planned interruptions, but shall be assessed separately.
Planned interruptions, as specified in NRS 047-1, shall be classified as quality of service interruption
NOTE 4.5.5 of NRS 047-1 sets out requirements for customers to be given prior notice, for an interruption to
be considered as a planned interruption.
25 NRS 048-2:2003
Where a customer load reduction event is not classified as a voluntary load reduction event (see, it shall be classified as an involuntary load reduction event. Such events include liaison with
a customer, by the licensee, just prior to requiring that the customer reduces load.
Mandatory under-frequency load shedding of several customers shall be classified as a single and
an involuntary load reduction event. Mandatory customer load reduction events shall neither be
categorized as forced nor planned interruptions, but shall be assessed separately.
Momentary interruptions (EHV/HV): Forced interruptions of EHV and HV circuits that are longer
than 3 s but that are less than or equal to 1 min shall be classified as momentary interruptions.
Sustained interruptions (EHV/HV): Forced interruptions of EHV and HV circuits longer than 1 min
shall be classified as sustained interruptions.
NOTE 1 In general a one-minute limit differentiates all automatic reclose events from events involving
operator intervention. A one-minute classification is commonly used internationally by transmission utilities.
NOTE 2 In some cases, transmission licensees may use a sub-classification of momentary interruptions with
an upper limit of 10 s, to cover three-phase auto-reclose events not related to generation supply points (the
latter may have dead times of 20 s to 30 s and restoration times of up to 45 s).
Momentary interruptions (MV/LV): Forced interruptions of MV and LV circuits longer than 3 s and
less than or equal to 5 minutes shall be classified as momentary interruptions.
Sustained interruptions (MV/LV): Forced interruptions of MV and LV circuits longer than 5 min
shall be classified as sustained interruptions.
Under normal operating conditions the annual occurrence of momentary interruptions of the supply
voltage ranges from a few tens, up to several hundreds in the case of overhead networks. Characteristic values for EHV and HV sustained interruptions (> 1 min)
NOTE It is expected that the NER will put in effect measures requiring licensees to manage interruptions.
(See 4.3.5.)
NRS 048-2:2003 26
Interruption performance to a customer shall be assessed by recording the date, start time, and
duration of each individual forced interruption event.
It is not practicable for licensees to continuously monitor all individual customer interruptions on LV
and MV networks. However, a licensee shall keep records of circuit interruption events for analysis
in the event that an assessment of interruptions at a specific customer’s point of supply is required.
The start time of the interruption shall be the time that one or more of the supply phases are
disconnected. Where information to establish this time is not available, the start time of an
interruption shall be deemed to be the time when the first customer notifies the licensee of the
The duration of an interruption shall be measured from the start time of the interruption until the
ability to supply the load has been restored by the licensee, as specified in NRS 048-3.
Requirements for the restoration of supply after a forced interruption are given in NRS 047-1.
Under emergency conditions, a licensee may restore supply to the customer, but might not be in a
position to comply with the levels of quality defined in this part of NRS 048 for the duration of this
emergency condition. For this reason, the "ability to supply" shall be assessed as a condition where
the individual 10-minute r.m.s. voltage magnitude values do not exceed the limits defined in
Under such conditions, other voltage magnitude compliance criteria in shall not apply.
b) in the case of SWER customers (tapped off the MV system by a line-to-line transformer
connection), a single-phase fuse operation on one of the phases to which the SWER system is
connected shall be assessed as a forced interruption on the LV side;
c) where the supply point to a customer is interrupted but the customer load is supplied from
another supply point by circuits not belonging to the licensee (whether by those of another
licensee, or by internal generation), the event shall be classified as a forced interruption;
d) where a customer has specifically contracted for diversity (i.e. the ability to swing all or part of the
load to another supply point in the event of an interruption), the disconnection of one or more
phases of the supply to the supply point shall be classified as a forced interruption, and the
manner in which such a forced interruption is handled shall be in terms of the contract between
the customer and the licensee;
e) where an interruption occurs when a customer has been warned that there is a risk of tripping the
supply, such an event shall be assessed as a forced interruption;
f) where a voluntary customer load reduction event (see precedes a forced interruption,
both events shall be logged and reported independently;
27 NRS 048-2:2003
g) where a forced interruption to a customer is caused by a fault in that customer’s plant, such an
event shall not be regarded as a forced interruption if generally accepted protection practices
have been implemented and these operated successfully; where the severity of the interruption is
impacted by protection operation outside of normally expected practices, and such operations
were not able to contain the extent of the interruption, such an interruption shall be assessed as
a forced interruption; and
h) where a fault in a customer’s plant causes interruption of supply to other customers, the licensee
shall record the interruption as a forced interruption.
No compliance criteria are defined for forced interruptions or involuntary customer load reduction
events. In the absence of specific contractual clauses, such interruptions and events shall be
managed in terms of the NER directive on power quality.
NOTE It is expected that the NER will define regulatory interruption reporting mechanisms, standards, and
incentives. Such standards and incentives may be linked to rate adjustments in future.
NRS 048-2:2003 28
Annex A
1 2 3 4 5 6
Odd harmonics non-multiple of 3 Odd harmonics multiple of 3 Even harmonics
Order Harmonic voltage Order Harmonic voltage Order Harmonic voltage
HV and EHV HV and EHV HV and EHV
h % h % h %
5 2 3 2 2 1,5
7 2 9 1 4 1
11 1,5 15 0,3 6 0,5
13 1,5 21 0,2 8 0,4
17 1 > 21 0,2 10 0,4
19 1 12 0,2
23 0,7 > 12 0,2
25 0,7
> 25 0,5 + 0,5 x 25/h
THD in HV networks
29 NRS 048-2:2003
Annex B
For interharmonic voltages on LV networks, some characteristic values, derived from the
interharmonic voltages associated with flicker, have been published in IEC 61000-2-2. (See
table B.1.)
1 2 3
Order Interharmonic frequency Interharmonic voltage
as a percentage of Un
m fm Hz Um %
0,2< m ≤ 0,6 10 < fm ≤ 30 0,51
Annex C
r.m.s. voltage
NOTE 1 ∆Uc is the steady state r.m.s. voltage change, and ∆Udyn is the dynamic r.m.s. voltage change.
NOTE 2 A decrease in voltage is illustrated. The voltage could, however, also increase as a result of a rapid
voltage change.
Annex D
NOTE 1 Phase-to-phase voltages swells usually do not exceed 1,15 of the declared voltage.
NOTE 2 On LV systems, the loss of neutral may result in significant overvoltages at the point of supply,
particularly during a fault. Such events might also cause several QOS parameters to be outside the limits
specified in this part of NRS 048, and will require special or emergency action on the part of the licensee and
NOTE SANS 10142-1 contains guidelines regarding the provision of surge arrestors by the customer at his
point of supply.
IEC/TR3 61000-3-6:1996, Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) – Part 3: Limits – Section 6:
Assessment of emission limits for distorting loads in MV and HV power systems – Basic EMC
IEEE 1366/D10:2003, Draft full-use guide for electric power distribution reliability indices.
NRS 048-4:1999, Electricity supply – Quality of supply – Part 4: Application guidelines for utilities.