Dayananda Sagar College of Engineering: Grade Extract of Ii Semester Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering
Dayananda Sagar College of Engineering: Grade Extract of Ii Semester Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering
Dayananda Sagar College of Engineering: Grade Extract of Ii Semester Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering
Letter Grades:
S Outstanding (>=90); A Excellent (<90 - >=80); B Very Good (<80 - >=70); C Good (<70 - >=60); D Above Average (<60 - >=50); E Poor
(<50 - >=40); F Fail (<40); NP - Not Passed;
X - Failed in SEE but eligible for Make up Examination;
I - Failed to attend SEE due to illness;
WH - Withheld;
Note: The results published on this web site are provisional and are provided for immediate information to the examinees. These results may not be used as official confirmation of
achievement. While all efforts have been made to make the information available on this website as authentic as possible, DAYANANDA SAGAR COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING or any
of their staff will not be responsible for any loss caused by shortcoming, defect or inaccuracy in the information provided on this website. Please contact the Controller of Examinations
for the final official results.
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