A) Identify The Different Forms of Poetry. B) Recognize The Elements of Poetry. Create A Poem Using The Elements of Poetry
A) Identify The Different Forms of Poetry. B) Recognize The Elements of Poetry. Create A Poem Using The Elements of Poetry
A) Identify The Different Forms of Poetry. B) Recognize The Elements of Poetry. Create A Poem Using The Elements of Poetry
I. Objectives
Topic : Poetry
Reference : https://www.familyfriendpoems.com/poems/other/
III. Procedure:
A. Preliminary Activities
A. Prayer
Let us all stand and Pray In the name of the Father and the Son and
B. Greetings
C. Attendance
D. Review
The teacher will ask about the past The past lesson was all about short stories
class yesterday.
A short story is a piece of prose fiction that
What is Short Stories?
typically can be read in one sitting and
focuses on a self-contained incident or
series of linked incidents.
B. Developmental Activities
A. Motivation
B. Presentation
example of Poetry.
What is Poetry?
stanza structure.
C. Application
D. Generalization
IV. Evaluation
V. Assignment
Create a Sonnet and Haiku. Put it in a 1 whole bond paper it should be encoded.