Sustainable Improvement in Aquatic Food Production Systems
Sustainable Improvement in Aquatic Food Production Systems
Sustainable Improvement in Aquatic Food Production Systems
he Global Conference on Aquaculture 2010 was organized through the efforts of the Food and
Agriculture Organization of the United Nations [FAO], the Network of Aquaculture Centers in
Asia-Pacific [NACA], and the Royal Thai Department of Fisheries on September 2010. Its
objectives were to: (1) review the present status and trends in aquaculture development; (2) evaluate
the progress made in the implementation of the 2000 Bangkok Declaration and Strategy; (3) address
emerging issues relevant to aquaculture development; (4) assess opportunities and Challenges for
future aquaculture development; and (5) build consensus on advancing aquaculture as a global,
sustainable and competitive food production sector. Aquaculture has the ability to respond to the
demand for food, improve efficiency of resource and overcome disease shocks making food
available and affordable thus providing food and nutrition security. However, the impacts of climate
change pose threats to sustainable aquaculture development. The succeeding sections are
discussions centered on selected topics from the aquaculture conference.
coastal areas from severe storms and tidal waves with mangrove forests. Mangrove wetlands
mitigate adverse impacts of storms and tidal waves in coastal areas, reduce coastal erosion, function
as breeding, nursery and feeding grounds for crustaceans, fish and mollusks, and enhance the fishery
potential of neighboring coastal waters. Finally, the primary challenge to the fisheries and
aquaculture sector is to ensure food supply, enhance nutritional availability, improve livelihoods and
economic output, and ensure ecosystem safety by adapting to the changing climate. To accomplish
this, it has been recommended that governments establish weather watch groups and decision
support systems on a regional scale. Policies associated with climate change should be developed
by taking into consideration all relevant social, economic, and environmental policies and actions,
including education, training, and public awareness related to climate change. It is also essential to
raise awareness on the impacts, vulnerability, adaptations and mitigation linked to climate change
among decision-makers, managers, aquaculturists and other stakeholders in the aquaculture sector
with the aim to develop adaptive livelihoods, improve governance and build institutions that can
help people and integrate aquaculture into the policies associated with climate change and rural
development (Swaminathan, 2012).
On the overall, evidence of climate change is apparent and its impact on fish farming is massive.
There are several techniques available which mitigates the effects of climate change and facilitate
adaptation of societies that when implemented, would ensure the sustainability of aquaculture. It is
important to stress that these strategies have to be integrated into policies that are holistic,
participatory, and encompasses environmental safety, socio-political aspects, and economics.
Are by-catch feeding sustainable aquaculture practice?
A by-catch is defined in fisheries as captured fish that is not generally preferred for human
consumption and are utilized for fishmeal and fish oil. Feeding farmed fish with fishmeal pose a lot
of controversies in sustainability of food supply and food security. The benefits of utilizing by-catch
in aquaculture does not outweigh the need for a healthy marine ecology.
Wijikström (2012) argues that although it would seem illogical that producing a kilogram of
farmed fish meat would require more than a kilogram of fishmeal, aquaculture remains to be an
important sector in providing fish products. His argument on utilizing by-catch as fishmeal is about
maximization of the quantity of fish that consumers will actually buy. He maintains that there are
three groups of capture fisheries, namely, (1) forage species that are not eaten as food or “industrial-
grade forage fish”, (2) species marketed as food or “food-grade forge fish”, and (3) fish with a regular
market as food but is also processed into fishmeal and oil or “prime food fish”. He further explains
that there is no point in having food fish available if it is not bought by consumers, like the first
category, and is better put into use as raw material for fishmeal or fish oil. Data of capture fisheries
average landings (in metric tons) for the three categories obtained from 2001-2006 depicts that 100
percent of industrial grade forage fish is utilized for fishmeal and fish oil, while 89.8 percent and 1.90
percent of the landings were utilized as feed and oil for food-grade forage fish and prime food fish,
While the aquaculture industry continues to grow (Cai & Leung, 2017) and the need for fishmeal
increases. As farming fish activities intensify, it may suddenly collapse due to the high possibility that
the volume of fishmeal and fish oil supply is decreasing as there are no new fisheries sources to
exploit (Tacon, et al., 2012). Moreover, the need for fish feed raw material would encourage
overfishing that further endangers the marine resources by reducing the aquatic biodiversity. As a
result, the entire fisheries sector may collapse.
Amaranto, Jerome Earl A. Principles of Food Systems: Sustainable Improvement in Aquatic Food Production Systems Page 2 of 6
MS Sustainable Food Systems April 29, 2019
Bicol University Graduate School
Amaranto, Jerome Earl A. Principles of Food Systems: Sustainable Improvement in Aquatic Food Production Systems Page 3 of 6
MS Sustainable Food Systems April 29, 2019
Bicol University Graduate School
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MS Sustainable Food Systems April 29, 2019
Bicol University Graduate School
species that causes macroalgal blooms, the red or brown microalgal blooms, and blooms of short-
lived filamentous algae.
Conclusion and Implications
On the whole, the intensification in production from the aquaculture sector greatly impacts the
environment, which is often experienced when environmental stress is already prevalent. For
aquaculture to be sustainable, the aquatic ecosystem has to be managed and balanced by means of
introducing a diverse group of organisms capable of providing the necessary biological and
environmental function to maintain a stable ecology. By developing an integrated system, one that
is able to combine feeding and extracting activities at several trophic levels, is one solution that can
significantly reduce the environmental costs of aquaculture operations.
(Chopin, et al., 2001)
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MS Sustainable Food Systems April 29, 2019
Bicol University Graduate School
Cai, J., & Leung, P. (2017). Short Term Projection of Global Fish Demand and Supply Gaps. Rome:
Parker, R. (2012). Aquaculture Science, 3rd edition. NY: Delmar, Cengage Learning.
Wijkström, U. (2012). Is Feeding Fish with Fish a Viable Practice? Farming the Waters for People
and Food (pp. 33-55). Rome: FAO/NACA.
Tacon, A. J., Hasan, M. R., Allan, G., El-Sayed, A. F., Jackson, A., Kaushik, S. J., . . . Viana, M. T. (2012).
Aquaculture Feeds: Addressing the Long-Term Sustainability of the Sector. Farming the
Waters for People and Food (pp. 193-231). Rome: FAO/NACA.
Chopin, T., Buschmann, A. H., Halling, C., Troell, M., Kautsky, N., Neori, A., . . . Neefus, C. (2001).
Integrating Seaweeds into Marine Aquaculture Systems: A Key Toward Sustainability.
Journal of Phycology, vol. 37, 975-986.
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MS Sustainable Food Systems April 29, 2019