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The Author and Developer: Complex Trauma

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The Author and Developer

Lisa Schwarz, M.Ed. is a licensed psychologist, consultant, and international educator working
in private practice in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.

She is the developer of The Comprehensive Resource Model (CRM), a trauma therapy model
that employs brain-based physiological safety as the foundation for healing and is the author
of The Comprehensive Resource Model: Effective therapeutic techniques for the healing of
complex trauma.
Lisa has, for the past 28 years, been dedicated to creating innovative methods for working with
severe dissociative disorders (Complex PTSD, DID, DDNOS), attachment disorders, and
gestational trauma. She has also developed cutting edge conceptualizations for working with
sports performance (The Sports Dissociation Model, 2008) and Military PTSD. Her work
bridges neuroscience and spirituality in trauma healing through a combination of traditional
psychotherapy, somatic therapy, and indigenous healing methods. Her work combines
neuroscience with spirituality in healing those with any and all diagnoses. She is a certified
practitioner of Colin Ross’s Trauma Model and Robert Schrei’s Source Point therapy. She is
trained in Usui Reiki, transpersonal psychology and has studied the breathwork and somatic
concepts of Richard Brown, MD, Jeremy Youst, and Barbara Barnett.

Classes and Consulting

Lisa currently teaches six different classes which utilize CRM for different purposes and
populations and offers individual, group, and corporate healing intensives. She provides group
and individual consultation for general psychotherapeutic work but specializes in consultation
for those clinicians who work with Complex PTSD, Attachment Disorders, Dissociative Identity
Disorder (DID) and Sports Performance Enhancement and Military PTSD.

Contact : Lisa Schwarz at jccharlieinc@yahoo.com.

The Comprehensive Resource Model (CRM)
The Comprehensive Resource Model (CRM) is a neuro-biologically based trauma treatment
model which facilitates targeting of traumatic experiences by bridging the most primitive aspects
of the person and their brain, to their purest, healthiest part of the self.


Even with the support of others (family, clinicians, etc.) the conditions for “frozen” response
patterns originating in the midbrain which result in associated beliefs about the self, a “bottom
up” process occur. The trauma that ensues often results in the cognitive beliefs of:

1.I am going to die.

2. I do not exist.

3. I am a failure as a human being.

4. I am unloved/unlovable.

One or more of these can be present in a person; driving clinical symptoms (i.e, depression,
hopelessness, panic attacks, OCD, phobias, performance blocks); dysfunctional relationships, in
which “people pleasing”, co-dependence, and muddy communication are prevalent; and
repetitive behaviors such as addictions. It is very important to find and heal the source of these
traumas, or obstacles to healthy living. This can be a tall order as most people experience
significant survival terror/anxiety in the present when faced with the task of remembering and
feeling this trauma from the past. These beliefs and memories threaten one's safety, and the
nervous system freezes into capsules that hold the memories and experiences that produced these
beliefs. The body memories, emotions, and negative beliefs that many people avoid feeling at all
costs, year after year, continue to have a profound impact on their well-being, including blocking
the willingness and ability to love the self and others.

Therefore, conceptually, the following “Truths of our Life” are also targeted in treatment:

1. What happened (from conception to the present including all things medical)

2. What didn’t happen that should have happened (particularly in terms of secure parenting,
the profound grief around not having the parents you wished you had, and the course of
experiences during pituitary disease, diagnosis and treatment)
3. How your life was shaped and limited as a result (including the rage, hopelessness, and
sadness regarding one’s belief that their dreams and heart’s desire are unattainable)

One can understand how important it is to process these “truths of our life” for individuals
impacted by pituitary tumors and disease. Doing this allows the individual to move through and
heal the many losses they have experienced which were born as a result of their illness.

Complex Problems Require Sophisticated Resources

The multiple layers of trauma experienced by individuals suffering with pituitary diseases are
complicated - and the clinical process necessary to heal this kind of unique experience is a
sophisticated one, developing a scaffolding of resources that allow for complicated work to be
done safely. The Comprehensive Resource Model is a nested modality with each resource used
in a fashion that prepares the way for the next level of resource to be developed and utilized. The
final goal is processing the traumatic material from a place of comprehensive neurobiological
resourcing in various brain structures simultaneously. Consequently the willingness to engage in
positive self-care practices is not only made possible, but is welcomed.

CRM combines a variety of fundamental somatic, relational, and spiritual methodologies to heal
the trauma that prevents us from stepping into and embodying the universal resources of love,
compassion, and the God energy that are internal as well as external. Seven primary resources
and 4 secondary resources comprise the CRM model.

The seven primary resources are the following:

1. Three levels of attunement

2. Seven different breathing exercises

3. CRM version of “safe place”

4. Various types of Somatic grids

5. Internal Attunement/attachment behaviors

6. Target issue

7. Core Self/Authentic Self

The four secondary resources are:

1. Sound/Tones

2. Languaging

3. Generational material

4. Sacred Geometry

The Comprehensive Resource Model is Body-Based

All of the CRM resources are body-based. This is a strong statement when it is recognized that
individuals suffering from complex medical traumas have difficulty with being grounded and
embodied, and therefore struggle with benefitting from psychotherapy and self-care practices.
When a person is in a chronic state of dissociation or “freeze”, interventions which are cognitive,
somatic, or spiritual do not have the chance to integrate into the functioning whole of the nervous
system. The nature of the CRM work provides all of the skills and options needed to navigate the
obstacles to somatic embodiment in the present moment and then uses that very same “present
moment” embodiment to process and heal the wounds that created the fear of embodiment in the
first place. There are two primary purposes for the use of Resourcing:

1) To access these hidden Resources and their anchoring eye positions as a place from which to
process traumatic experiences and the “truth of your life” (in sessions);

2) To activate the inactive neurobiology of the Resources themselves for day to day use into

The Power of Breath

The simplest (but not always easiest) resource to work with is breath. Breath is Life. Breathing
with intention initiates a shift of awareness within the body’s physical, energetic, and perceptual
systems providing an increased accessibility to mind-body conscious and sub-conscious
processes. If one is consciously breathing they are experiencing the present moment and
dissociation or disconnection is prevented. Where breath goes, awareness goes, where awareness
goes, energy moves - shaking up the homeostasis of the frozen neurological wiring of emotional
dysregulation. This allows for a new orientation to, and memory reconsolidation of, profound
Mindful breathing prevents dissociation, and allows for full somatic presence and movement of
frozen material. Full somatic presence enables energy to move, remembering to occur, which
leads to healing.
Tools for Support Between Sessions

While the processing of profound traumatic experiences is best supported and accomplished with
a trained clinician, the CRM model also provides exercises and tools for clients to use at home
for self-care practices in preparation for the healing.

The following is an example of CRM practices that can be used during the session with a
therapist or at home for self-care.

 When feeling distressed, activated, or “symptomatic”, notice the experience in your body (where,
sensations experienced, movement, etc.).
 Now scan through your body and notice where you feel the most grounded, solid, centered, and
 Find the eye position that anchors this sense groundedness in your body. Keep your eyes on that
eye position throughout the exercise. This is achieved by allowing your eyes to roam until you
find the specific position where the sense of connection is enhanced or anchored.
 Begin breathing in through your feet from deep in the earth, through all of the layers of the earth
into your heart while simultaneously breathing in through the crown of your head from the
sky/heavens into your heart.
 Hold that breath in your heart, filling every nook and cranny of your heart with breath.
 Exhale out the front and back of your heart at the same time, intentionally sending the exhale
breath to the part of your body that holds this experience.
 Continue this “heart breathing” to the wounded, distressed area as long as possible.
 It is also very helpful to alternate heart breaths so that the exhale is sent to the wounded area for
a few breaths then to the grounded area for a few breaths, allowing this pattern to continue for
several minutes.
 Allow yourself to return to the original distressing issue and notice your experience of it now.
 Notice what happens in the body, in the eyes of the wounded ?(was self) and allow for a “New
Truth” to come to the surface (New Truth can be a word, a sentence, a sound, or a body
 Say or sound the New Truth six times out loud, finding the corresponding body sensation to that
New Truth, and find the eye position that enhances it.
 Notice what geometric shape and color is associated with this and imagine every cell in your
body enclosed in this colored shape.
 Make the sound or tone that goes with the New Truth, breathe in the colored mist that goes with
this New Truth, and heart breathe again multiple times to both the adult and wounded self.

In the case of the above practice, the New Truth allows for somatic and cognitive embodiment of
the shift that occurs through internal nurturing of the wounded self. Over the course of actual
therapy, there are New Truths that come from each session and which benefit the client greatly
when practiced day to day by returning to the New Truth eye position and simply allowing the
shift to deepen in the brain and body through breath, shapes, and color.
Teaching Self-Sufficiency

CRM does not give clients fish, it provides the tackle box from which to become self-sufficient.
The fact that CRM skills can be practiced anywhere, anytime, outside of session is empowering
and enhances the depth and speed of true healing.

In CRM, conceptualization and use of resources is a flexible and “forgiving” model and all of the
components of the model should be taught to the client for use at home between sessions and
when the client is no longer in therapy. The individual resources as well as the model as a whole
stands on its own or can be used during any and all types of psychotherapeutic models including
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Psychodynamic psychotherapy, EMDR, AEDP, Somatic
Experiencing, Sensorimotor Psychotherapy, Clinical Hypnotherapy, Internal Family Systems,
Brainspotting, and many others. The model can also be used adjunctively with other alternative
healing modalities such as therapeutic massage, Reiki/energy therapy, acupuncture, physical
therapy,and yoga. This is the beauty of the model: it includes effective tools similar to many
modalities, and each resource within CRM can be used with any other type of healing work. It is
a streamlined model in which deep healing occurs quickly and gently, with enduring results.
Work is done from the time of conception through the present and may include methods for
working with generational trauma out of the realm of the client’s conscious knowledge. This is a
heart-centered approach in which clients are guided to re-member who they really are and to
learn to embody this true spiritual essence in their day-to-day lives.




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