Abruptio Placentae: (Accidental Hemorrhage, Premature Separation of Placenta)
Abruptio Placentae: (Accidental Hemorrhage, Premature Separation of Placenta)
Abruptio Placentae: (Accidental Hemorrhage, Premature Separation of Placenta)
(Accidental Hemorrhage,
Premature Separation of Placenta)
It is one form of antepartum hemorrhage where the bleeding occurs due to
premature separation of normally situated placenta.
Varieties of abruptio placenta:
❏ This the most common type.
❏ Following separation of the placenta, The blood insinuates downwards
between the membranes and the decidua. Ultimately, the blood comes out
of the cervical canal to be visible externally.
❏ Quite common.
❏ Some part of the blood collects inside and a part is expelled out.
❏ Usually, one variety predominates over the other.
Rupture of the basal plate may also occur, thus communicating the hematoma
with the intervillous space. The decidual hematoma may be small and self
limited; the entity is evident only after the expulsion of the placenta
(retroplacental hematoma). It has to be remembered that absence of rhythmic
Pathogenesis cont.
Uterine contractions plays a significant role for the blood to remain
concealed. The features of retroplacental hematoma are: (a.) Depression
found on the maternal surface of the placenta with a clot which may be
found firmly attached to the area. (b.) Areas of infarction with varying
degrees of organization.
When a major spiral artery ruptures, a big hematoma is formed. Thrombin
generated following decidual hemorrhage, triggers the action of matrix
metalloproteinases, inflammatory cytokines and the coagulation cascade.
The absence of rhythmic uterine contractions plays a significant role for
the blood to remain concealed.
Couvelaire uterus (uteroplacental apoplexy)
❏ General factors: (a.) High birth order (b.) Advanced age (c.) Smoking
❏ Hypertension in pregnancy is most important. pre - eclampsia , gestational
hypertension and essential hypertension all are associated (10 - 50%).
❏ Trauma : (a.)The trauma may be external cephalic version, especially under
anesthesia using great force.
❏ Short cord
❏ Supine hypotension syndrome
❏ Placental anomaly
❏ Sick placenta
❏ Folic acid deficiency
❏ Uterine factor
❏ Torsion of the uterus
❏ Cocaine abuse
❏ Thrombophilias
❏ Hyperhomocysteinemia
❏ Prior abruption
Clinical classification:
Grade 0:
❏ Clinical features may be absent.
❏ The diagnosis is made after inspection of placenta following delivery.
Grade 1 (40%)
UTERINE FEEL Normal feel with localized Uterus is tense, tender and
tenderness, contractions rigid.
frequent and local
(a.) Revealed type: There may be occasional diagnostic difficulty with placenta
(b.) Mixed or Concealed type:
The esential points to arrive at the diagnosos of the concealed type are:
Maternal morbidity is high. Maternal mortality varies from 2 - 8%. Some cases
who manage to survive may develop features of ischemic pituitary necrosis.
There is failure of lactation (Sheehan’s syndrome) later on.
Maternal type:
Revealed type: Maternal risk is proportionate to the visible blood loss and
maternal death is rare.
(4.) Oliguria and anuria (5.) Postpartum Hemorrhage (6.) Puerperal sepsis.
Fetal types:
Concealed type: Fetal death is appreciably high ranging from 50 - 100%. The
deaths are due to prematurity and anoxia due to placental separation.