Mintzberg's Management Roles: Identifying The Roles Managers Play
Mintzberg's Management Roles: Identifying The Roles Managers Play
Mintzberg's Management Roles: Identifying The Roles Managers Play
The Roles
Mintzberg published his Ten Management Roles in his book, "Mintzberg on Management: Inside
our Strange World of Organizations," in 1990.
The ten roles are:
1. Figurehead.
2. Leader.
3. Liaison.
4. Monitor.
5. Disseminator.
6. Spokesperson.
7. Entrepreneur.
8. Disturbance Handler.
9. Resource Allocator.
10. Negotiator.
From MINTZBERG ON MANAGEMENT by Henry Mintzberg. Copyright © 1989 by Henry
Mintzberg. Reprinted by permission of Free Press, a division of Simon & Schuster, Inc.
The 10 roles are then divided up into three categories, as follows:
Category Roles
Interpersonal Leader
Informational Disseminator
Decisional Entrepreneur
Disturbance Handler
Resource Allocator
Let's look at each of the ten managerial roles in greater detail.
Interpersonal Category
The managerial roles in this category involve providing information and ideas.
1. Figurehead – As a manager, you have social, ceremonial and legal responsibilities.
You're expected to be a source of inspiration. People look up to you as a person with
authority, and as a figurehead.
2. Leader – This is where you provide leadership for your team, your department or
perhaps your entire organization; and it's where you manage the performance and
responsibilities of everyone in the group.
3. Liaison – Managers must communicate with internal and external contacts. You need to
be able to network effectively on behalf of your organization.
Informational Category
The managerial roles in this category involve processing information.
4. Monitor – In this role, you regularly seek out information related to your organization
and industry, looking for relevant changes in the environment. You also monitor your
team, in terms of both their productivity, and their well-being.
5. Disseminator – This is where you communicate potentially useful information to your
colleagues and your team.
6. Spokesperson – Managers represent and speak for their organization. In this role, you're
responsible for transmitting information about your organization and its goals to the
people outside it.
Decisional Category
The managerial roles in this category involve using information.
7. Entrepreneur – As a manager, you create and control change within the organization.
This means solving problems, generating new ideas, and implementing them.
8. Disturbance Handler – When an organization or team hits an unexpected roadblock, it's
the manager who must take charge. You also need to help mediate disputes within it.
9. Resource Allocator – You'll also need to determine where organizational resources are
best applied. This involves allocating funding, as well as assigning staff and other
organizational resources.
10. Negotiator – You may be needed to take part in, and direct, important negotiations
within your team, department, or organization.