Design of Upflow Anaerobic Sludge Blanket Uasb Reactor For Jam Industry Wastes IJERTV2IS90665 PDF
Design of Upflow Anaerobic Sludge Blanket Uasb Reactor For Jam Industry Wastes IJERTV2IS90665 PDF
Design of Upflow Anaerobic Sludge Blanket Uasb Reactor For Jam Industry Wastes IJERTV2IS90665 PDF
ISSN: 2278-0181
Vol. 2 Issue 9, September - 2013
Design of Upflow Anaerobic Sludge Blanket (UASB) reactor for Jam Industry
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M.M.C.Rajivgandhi and M.Singaravelu
Research scholar, 2Professor, Department of Bioenergy,
Agricultural Engineering College and Research Institute,
Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore- 641 003.
wastes. The reactor has the total height of 5.4 m and establishment of proper design of biomethanation plants
diameter of 1.6 m. Effective volume and total volume of for the fruit industries.
the reactor are 8.84 m3 and 10.8 m3 respectively. The
optimum organic loading rate (OLR) observed to be 2.67 2. Materials and methods
kg of COD. m-3 day-1, when the reactor was operated at
three days HRT. The COD removal efficiency is 70 % The UASB was designed to treat the fruit waste water
and the specific gas production is 0.577 m3 kg-1 of COD anaerobically for biogas generation. The temperature
removed per day. range (which affects solid retention time), and the flow
fluctuations (which affect the upflow velocity) are also
Keywords: Biomethanation, Fruit wastes, UASB considered. The design features of the UASB reactor
reactor, UASB design design are presented below in Table 1.
Table 1.Important design features of UASB reactor
1. Introduction
Upflow Anaerobic Sludge Blanket (UASB) reactor in S. Parameters Assumptions Ref.
the late 1970s in the Netherlands by Lettinga. UASB No
process is used most commonly, with over 1500 1. Solid retention time 40 days [6]
installations treating wide range of industrial waste 2. Temperature of reactor 20º - 32º C [4]
waters. 3. BOD removal yield 0.1 g VSS /g [2]
Papaya and pineapple are the fruits which are widely coefficient BODremoved
being processed for manufacturing the finished products 4. Degradable residues of 90% [6]
such as jam, jelly, etc. Utilization of these commodities VSS coming in the
results in 30 to 35 % of waste generation (Rajivgandhi et inflow
al., 2013). These wastes are either uneconomically 5. COD removal efficiency 80 % [6]
utilized or disposed of as such, thereby causing 6. Reactor height 4 – 5.9 m [2]
serious pollution problems.In recent years, attention is 7. Average concentration 75 % [2]
being given to treating the fruit wastes and waste water of sludge in blanket
chemically or biologically to obtain useful by-products 8. Effective depth of 2.2 m [2]
before the final disposal. Of the many alternatives, sludge blanket
biomethanation of fruit wastes is the best suited 9. Theoretical CH4, m3 / kg 0.35 m3 [2]
treatment, as the process not only adds energy in the COD removed
form of methane, but also results in a highly
The physico – chemical characteristics of the sludge bed play a key role in deciding the biomethanation capacity of
the reactor. The amount of daily deposition of sludge depends on the characteristics of raw waste water. The design of
the reactor is accomplished as described below,
i) New VSS produced as a result of BOD removal, the yield coefficient assumed as 0.1 g VSS/g BOD removed.
The solid retention time of a system also depends on the characteristics of the wastewater
The liquid upflow velocity in the reactor is directly related to reactor height. In a conventional UASB system,
the average daily value of liquid upflow velocity for domestic wastewater should not exceed 0.7 m/h (Lettinga and
hulshoff Pol, 1991).
A cylindrical reactor was considered and the area of the reactor can determined as follows:
2 Flow rate, (m /h)
Cross sectional area of reactor, (m )
Upflow velocity, (m/h)
The designed reactor has the total height of 5.4 m and retention time’s viz. 1 day, 3 days and 5 days. The
diameter of 1.6 m. Effective volume and total volume optimum organic loading rate (OLR) observed to be
of the reactor are 8.84 m3 and 10.8 m3, respectively. 2.67 kg of COD. m-3 day-1, when the reactor was
Schematic diagram of UASB reactor shown in Fig.1. operated at three days HRT. The COD removal
efficiency is 70 % and the specific gas production is
The influent with COD load of 5000, 8000 and 0.577 m3 kg-1 of COD removed per day.
11000 mg L-1 were tested for each of the hydraulic
5. References
2010 kg of sludge in a year, which gives an income [7] Rajivgandhi, M.M.C., Singaravelu, M. and
of Rs. 24,120/ year. From the estimation it is seen Kamaraj, S. 2013. Study on Bio-methanation of
that the reactor has the payback period of 3 to 4 Papaya Fruit Processing Industrial Wastes. Madras
years. Agric. J., 100 (Special Issue): 212-215, May 2013.
4. Conclusions