Thinking in Java 4th Edition
Thinking in Java 4th Edition
Thinking in Java 4th Edition
QUANTITATIVE APTITUDE respectively. The recorded weight for the last measure
is 158 kgs. The average of all the 7 measures is
1. Fill dirt or fill soil is usually the sub-soil removed a. 112.86 b. 52.67 c. 90.29 d. 67.71
from an excavation site and is used to level a place or Answer: C
create artificial mounds. If the average density of sub- Explanation:
soil removed from a site is 3gm/cu cm and it weight Let tom,dick and harry be a, b and c.
400 kg. How many hemispherical pits each of volume Now there is totally 7 rounds of weight measure.
240 cubic cm, can this sub-soil fill? First Tom, Dick, and Harry weigh themselves
a. 555 b. 277 c. 556 d. 554 individually and then Tom and Dick, Dick and Harry,
Answer: A Tom and Harry and then Tom, Dick and Harry together
Explanation: respectively.
3 gm per cm cube and there are hemispheric pits of Sum of total 7 rounds written as,
capacity 240 cm cube a+b+c+(a+b)+(b+c)+(c+a)+(a+b+c) = 4(a+b+c)
So each hemisphere can contain 3*240=720 cm cube 4*158=632
soil. Average of 7 weighing is 632/7=90.29 kg
So total of 400 kg i.e. 400*1000=400000 gms will be
held in 400000/720=555.55 so approximately 555. 4. Determine the distance between the x-intercept and
the z-intercept of the plane whose equation is 2x+9y-
2. The New York Public library is one of the world’s 3z=18
greatest repositories of books and journals. It has a a. 6.32 b. 10.82 c. 3 d. 5
beautiful reading room facing Manhattan’s famous Answer: B
Fifth Avenue. In the reading rooms are 10 reading Explanation:
spots. Each reading spot consists of a round table with Putting y=z=0
4 chairs placed around it. There are some readers such x=9
that in each occupied reading spot there are different Putting x=y=0
numbers of readers. If in all there are 10 readers, how z=-6
many reading spots are empty? Distance=(x^2+z^2) ^0.5=10.82 unit
a. None b. 6 c. 5 d. 4
Answer: B 5. In the year 2002, Britain was reported to have had
Explanation: 4.3m closed-circuit televisions (CCTV) cameras – one
1st spot=1 reader for every 14 people in the country. This scrutiny is
2nd spot=2 reader supposed to deter and detect crime. In one criminal
3rd spot=3 reader case, the police interrogates two suspects. The ratio
4th spot=4 reader between the ages of the suspects is 6:5 and the sum of
10 readers can occupy 4 spots only. So answer is 6 their ages is 66 years. After how many years will the
ratio be 8:7?
3. A group of friends Tom, Tim, Dick, Diana, Harry, and a. 11 years b.12 years
Harriet go out to a fair three hundred meters from the c. 6 years d. 7 years
McDonalds which is five Km away. They see a weighing Answer: B
machine and decide to have some fun. However the Explanation:
girls refuse to step on the weighing machine. So Tom, A/6 =B/5=x;
Dick and harry, weigh themselves in a particular order. A=6x;B=5x;
First Tom, Dick, and Harry weigh themselves A+B=66; ==> x=6;
individually and then tom and Dick, Dick and Harry, A=36, B=30;
Tom and Harry and then Tom, Dick and harry together After X years,((A+X)/(B+X))=(8/7)
Solve the above eqn, we get X=12.
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FACE TCS Ninja - Quantitative Aptitude_6
more minutes .Now if the tank was full how much time
6. A game is played between 2 players and one player will it take to get emptied through the leak?
is declared as winner. All the winners from first round, a. 39 hrs b. 78 hrs c. 72 hrs d. 70 hrs
played in the second round. All the winners from Answer: B
second round played in third round and so on. If 8 Explanation:
rounds were played to declare only one player as Work done by the leak in 1 hour = [(1/6)-(2/13)]=1/78
winner, how many players played in first round? hrs.
a. 256 b. 128 c. 255 d. 127 Time taken= 78 hrs
Answer: A
Explanation: 11. Joe counts 48 heads and 134 legs among the
8 rounds means 128-64-32-16-8-4-2-1 chicken and dogs in his farm. How many dogs does he
So 128 matches were played in first round have?
teams= 128*2=256 a. 29 b. 21 c. 18 d. 19
Answer: D
7.1/3rd of a number is 3 more than the 1/6th of the Explanation:
same number, then find the number? Let us take the no. of Chickens as C and no. of dogs as
a. 24 b. 12 c. 18 d. 20 D.
Answer: C Equation 1: C + D = 48
Explanation: Equation 2: 2C + 4D = 134 (2 legs for Chicken and 4 legs
Let X is the number. for Dogs)
(1/3) X-(1/6) X=3, Solving eqns 1 and 2, we get, D = 19 and C = 29.
Solving these we can get the answer. No. of dogs is 19.
8. It is the class with the seating arrangement in 4 rows 12. A family consists of father, mother, two sons and
and 8 columns. When the teacher says ’start’ the girl the youngest daughter. The age of first son and
who is sitting in first row and first column will say 1, daughter are in the ratio 3:1. The mother is 3.5 times
then the next girl sitting behind her will say 4, the next as old as the second son. The age of the second son is
girl sitting behind that girl will say 7, in a particular 2/3 of the age of the first son. The age of the youngest
order each girl is telling a number, the following girls daughter is 5 years. What is the age of the mother?
told 10, 13 next turn is yours what will you say? a. 40 b. 35 c. 15 d. 25
a. 14 b. 16 c. 20 d. 17 Answer: B
Answer: B Explanation:
Explanation: Let us take the ages of Father, Mother, First son,
The series is like.. 1,4,7,10,13.... and so on. Second son and daughter as F, M, S1, S2 and D
So the difference between the two consecutive no's in respectively.
the series is 3. When 13 is already completed, the next Given,
no in the series should be 13+3=16. S1: D = 3: 1
M = 3.5 (S2)
9. If Valentine’s day of 2005 was celebrated on a S2 = 2/3 (S1)
Monday. What day is Feb 14th, 2010? D=5
a. Monday b. Sunday Now, S1: D = 3: 1 => S1 = 3D => S1 = 3(5) => 15
c. Tuesday d. Wednesday So, S1 = 15
Answer: B S2 = 2/3 (S1) => S2 = 2/3(15) => 10
Explanation: S2 = 10
In leap year 2 odd days M = 3.5 (10) => 35
Ordinary year 1 odd days. Mother's age is 35
From 2005 to 2010, there is one leap year and 4
ordinary year. So totally 6 odd days. 13. A bag contains 20 yellow balls, 23 green balls, 27
So answer is Sunday. white balls. How many minimum balls one should pick
out so that to make sure he gets at least 2 balls of all
10. If a pipe can fill the tank in 6 hrs but unfortunately colour?
there was a leak in the tank due to which it took 30 a. 48 b. 52 c. 60 d. 68
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FACE TCS Ninja - Quantitative Aptitude_6
Answer: B a. 90 km b. 120 km c.20 km d. 40 km
Explanation: Answer: B
The highest number from one colour ball is 27 (white Explanation:
balls), the second highest is 23 (green) Let the distance from Delhi to Gurgaon be ‘d’ km. The
So, as a worst case scenario, one should take all 27 and first 30 km he travels at his usual speed. However, the
23 to move to get 2 yellow balls. remaining‘d-30’ km he travels at a reduced speed.
So, 27 + 23 + 2 = 52 To travel ‘d’ km he usually takes T hr. Therefore, to
One should at least take 52 balls to get minimum 2 travel ‘d - 30’ km he should ideally take (d−30)xT/d hr.
balls from all colours. However, this is only if he travels at his usual speed. It
is given that he travelled only at 4/5th of his usual
14. A pipe can fill a tank in 3 hrs .Due to a leakage in speed. Because of this he would have taken 5/4th of
the tank it takes 3.5 hrs to fill the same tank. Then how the time to travel the remaining distance, i.e., he takes
many hours will the leakage can empty the tank. 1/4th of the time extra. This is given to be 45 minutes
a. 3.5 hrs b. 30 hrs (or 3/4th hr)
c. 0.5 hrs d. 21 hrs 1/4x(d−30)xT/d = 3/4 ........(1)
Answer: D On the other hand, had the same thing happened after
Explanation: he travelled 48 km, he would have reached only 36
The electric pump can fill the tank in 3 hrs. Because of minutes or 34 hrs late. Hence,
the leak it took 3.5 hrs. 1/4x(d−48)xT/d = 3/5 ........(2)
Now, if there is no leak and the electric pump works Dividing (1) by (2) and solving for d, we get d = 120 km.
for 3.5 hrs instead of 3 hrs, 0.5/3 = 1/6 of the tank
must have been overflown. But we are unable to see
the overflow because this 1/6 is emptied by the leak of
course working for 3.5 hrs.
Hence the leak can empty 1/6 of the tank in 3.5 hours.
So it can empty a full tank in 21 hrs.
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FACE TCS Ninja - Quantitative Aptitude_6
a. π : 36√3 b. π : 18√3 Let john have 3z chocolates of type C and 5z of type A
c. π : 27√3 d.π : 42√3 So in total A=3x+5z; B=7x+5y; C=4y+3z
Answer: C Since C>B we get solving y<3z-7x —>(1)
Explanation: Since B>A we get solving 5y>5z-4x —> (2)
What gets inferred from above 2 statements is z>=3.
So when x=1, z=3, we get only y=1 as choice, for which
second condition doesn’t satisfy.
So, when x=1,z=4, we get y<5 from first condition and
when y > 3.2 from second condition. So which gives
choice the only y=4.
Hence x=1,y=4 and z=4 works and is the best possible
For these values, we get A=23,B=27,C=28.
Minimum possible number of chocolates overall is 78.
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