A Mechanical Model For Failures in Shear of Members Without Transverse Reinforcement Based On Development of A Critical Shear Crack
A Mechanical Model For Failures in Shear of Members Without Transverse Reinforcement Based On Development of A Critical Shear Crack
A Mechanical Model For Failures in Shear of Members Without Transverse Reinforcement Based On Development of A Critical Shear Crack
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3 authors:
Aurelio Muttoni
École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne
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Engineering Structures
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Keywords: In this paper, a mechanical model consistent with the main assumptions of the Critical Shear Crack Theory
Concrete structures (CSCT) is proposed for shear design of slender concrete members without shear reinforcement. To that aim, the
Shear strength shear force that can be transferred through the critical shear crack by aggregate interlock, residual tensile
Critical shear crack theory strength and dowelling action as well as due to the inclination of the compression chord are calculated by
Shear-transfer actions
integration of fundamental constitutive laws accounting for the critical shear crack opening and kinematics at
failure. The pertinence of the assumptions is validated through comparisons to detailed test measurements to
assess their validity. The model allows predicting the failure load, the deformation capacity and the location of
the critical shear crack leading to failure. The results are checked against large datasets and the model is finally
used to discuss on the influence of the various parameters on the governing shear-transfer actions. The results are
eventually used to propose improvements on the CSCT failure criterion for shear, relating the shear strength and
its associated deformation capacity.
Corresponding author.
E-mail address: francesco.cavagnis@epfl.ch (F. Cavagnis).
Received 28 February 2017; Received in revised form 20 October 2017; Accepted 4 December 2017
Available online 02 January 2018
0141-0296/ © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
F. Cavagnis et al. Engineering Structures 157 (2018) 300–315
Fig. 2. Crack kinematics, centre of rotation and horizontal opening u of the cracks trib-
utory to the opening of the critical shear crack in a region of length lB (specimen SC69
Es ⎛ 2·Ec
c = d·ρ· ⎜ 1 + −1⎞⎟
Ec ⎝ ρ ·Es ⎠ (2)
with Ec taken as Ec = 10′000fc1/3
in MPa.
Thus, considering that the reinforcement strains can be calculated as
(linear profile of compression stresses):
εs = =
As ·Es ·z As ·Es ·(d−c /3) (3)
and assuming that the horizontal crack opening at the level of the re-
inforcement is proportional to the product of the tributary length lB
Fig. 1. Shear-transfer actions described with strut and tie models (tensile forces in red
times the strain at the level of the longitudinal reinforcement
and compressive forces in blue): (a) cantilever action; (b) residual tensile strength of
(uA = εs·lB ) , it results:
concrete; (c) dowelling action; (d) aggregate interlock; (e) combined shear-transfer ac-
tions; (f) arching action; (g) failure criterion of the Critical Shear Crack Theory (CSCT) MF d−c
(adapted from Muttoni et al. [3]). (For interpretation of the references to colour in this uA = ·
As ·Es d−c /3 (4)
figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)
In simply supported elements subjected to point load, for instance,
MF = VF ·aF and thus Eq. (4) yields:
potential shear-transfer actions during the process of loading and at VF ·aF d−c
failure. As a result, predictions can be made not only on the strength uA = ·
As ·Es d−c /3 (5)
and deformation capacity, but also on the shape and location of the
critical shear crack as well as on the amount of the shear carried by where aF refers the moment-to-shear ratio of the investigated section,
each shear-transfer action. The results are compared to actual tests to corresponding to the distance xF of the section to the support in this
show the consistency of the approach and to discuss on the role and case (the so called shear span, see Fig. 3a).
significance of the various shear-transfer actions. On that basis, im- It has to be noted that Eq. (3) is an approximation as the con-
provements on the CSCT failure criterion will be presented and dis- tribution of the internal forces acting on the critical shear crack (refer to
cussed. Fig. 3d) to the moment MF at a section located at crack tip are neglected
F. Cavagnis et al. Engineering Structures 157 (2018) 300–315
π ⎛ α1/3
βAB = ·⎜1 + A ⎞⎟
4 ⎝ 3 ⎠ (6)
where αA is the shear slenderness ratio defined as αA = with MA
and VA corresponding to the acting bending moment and shear at the
section where the investigated crack intercepts the flexural reinforce-
ment (section xA).
The length lA of the segment A-B of the crack can be calculated
assuming that it propagates up to the neutral axis [10]:
lA =
sinβAB (7)
With respect to the quasi-horizontal part of the crack, it was ob-
served that its origin is related to the (quasi-vertical) tensile stresses
developing at the tip of the crack, due to the cantilever action between
the flexural cracks (Kani’s tooth model, Fig. 1a, [3,11]) and that it
propagates at a load level which can be significantly lower than the
failure load. Although the length lF and the angle βBF of the segment B-F
were observed to have some level of scatter [3], in the following, lF is
assumed in a simplified manner to be equal to d/6 and βBF equal to π/8
in agreement to experimental measurements [10,11].
The kinematics of such crack is presented in Fig. 3b and c. Ac-
cording to [8] and to the measurements of [11], it can be assumed that
the centre of rotation is approximately located at the tip of the crack.
The rotation of the crack can thus be calculated as a function of the
reinforcement strain:
uA ε ·l
ψ= = s B
dF dF (8)
where uA and ɛs are respectively the horizontal opening of the crack and
the strain at the level of the longitudinal reinforcement, lB is the length
contributing to the opening of the critical crack according to Eq. (1)
(see Fig. 2) and dF = d−c + lF ·sinβBF defines the distance from the tip of
the crack to the flexural reinforcement (Fig. 3b and c). The associated
relative movements are depicted in Fig. 3a. The shape and kinematics
allow defining the opening and sliding at each point of the critical crack
Fig. 3. (a) Kinematics and displacements of the crack lips according to the adopted crack (opening in Fig. 3b and sliding in Fig. 3c). It can be noted that the top
shape; (b) crack opening w perpendicular to the crack surface and (c) sliding δ; (d) part of the crack is characterized by pure opening (mode I), whereas the
equilibrium of the rigid-body and internal forces.
quasi-vertical part by a combined crack opening and sliding (mixed
mode I-II).
(in accordance to the numerical results of detailed calculations ac-
counting for all potential forces in the critical shear crack [11]). 3.2. Residual tensile strength contribution
3. Contribution of the shear-transfer actions Cracked concrete has a residual capacity to transfer tensile stresses
for low crack openings. The softening behaviour can be modelled using
In the following, the contribution of the various shear-transfer ac- several approaches. In this work, the proposal by Reinhardt [15]
tions to the shear resistance will be investigated by integration of characterized by a simple power law equation will be used:
fundamental constitutive laws. This will be done with reference to a c1
potential critical shear crack characterized by a given shape and kine- σres = fct ·⎜⎛1−⎛ ⎞ ⎞⎟ ⩾ 0
⎜ ⎟
⎝ ⎝ c⎠ ⎠ (9)
matics (crack opening and sliding). The location of the potential critical
shear crack will then be varied in order to find the governing location where c1 = 0.31 and wc = GF / fct ·(1 + c1)/ c1 represents the maximum
leading to the minimum shear strength. crack width for stress transfer. The fracture energy of ordinary normal
weight concrete GF can be calculated according to fib Model Code 2010
3.1. Crack shape and kinematics [16] as GF = 0.073·f c0.18 (N/mm,MPa) and the tensile strength of con-
crete is assumed equal to fct = 0.3·fc2/3 for fc < 50 MPa [16] and
The shape of the critical shear crack for slender members failing in fct = 0.3·(50·fc )1/3 for fc ≥ 50 MPa (approximating [16]). It shall be
shear has been investigated in detail and described by Cavagnis et al. noted that the fib Model Code 2010 does not explicitly account for the
[10]. The critical crack at failure can be approximated by a bi-linear size of the aggregates on the value of the fracture energy. Nevertheless,
shape comprising a quasi-vertical part (segment A-B in Fig. 3a, whose this dependence is acknowledged by the code in its commentary and
inclination is related to the moment-to-shear ratio [10]) and a quasi- also considered in previous versions of the fib Model Code (as that of
horizontal part (segment B-F in Fig. 3a), geometry also assumed by 1990 [17]), implying that the shear transfer capacity of the residual
other researchers [4,6,13,14]. tensile strength depends eventually upon the aggregate size [8].
A trend for the inclination of the quasi-vertical segment A-B with It is important to note that only the top part of the critical shear
respect to the moment-to-shear ratio αA was experimentally crack (segment B-F) is characterized by a response in mode I and it is
F. Cavagnis et al. Engineering Structures 157 (2018) 300–315
Fig. 4. (a) Kinematics of mixed mode tests performed by Jacobsen et al. (fc = 41 MPa, dg = 8 mm) [23]; (b–d) comparisons of aggregate interlock stresses according to the model of
Walraven [18] for kinematics analogue to that of Guidotti [22] and the aggregate interlock stresses calculated according to Eqs. (15) and (16) but neglecting the term σres; (e–g)
comparison of mixed mode test results [23] with shear and normal stresses calculated according to Eqs. (15) and (16).
then governed by residual tensile strength of concrete. The quasi-ver- (9)). In addition, Eq. (14) clearly shows the hyperbolic decay of the
tical part (segment A-B) is characterized by a mixed mode response so contribution VRes with increasing crack opening uA (in agreement to
that the residual concrete tensile strength in that part is considered [8]).
together with the aggregate interlock contribution (see following sub-
section). By integration of the stresses along segment B-F, the shear 3.3. Aggregate interlock contribution
force can be determined as:
lF1 Many approaches based on the opening and sliding between the
VRes = ∫0 σres·b·cosβBF ·dη (10) rough surfaces of the crack have been proposed in the literature to
where η is the integration variable, lF1 is the integration limit, b is the calculate the aggregate interlock stresses [18–20]. A consistent ap-
width of the member, σres refers to the residual stress normal to the proach to this issue was developed by Walraven [18], as a two-phase
crack and βBF to the angle of segment B-F. model, whose application has been generalized by Ulaga [21] and
The resulting shear force carried by the residual tensile strength of Guidotti [22] accounting for different kinematical paths. A detail de-
concrete according to Eq. (10) thus results: scription of them can be found in [9,22]. However, the integration of
Walraven’s equations requires numerical procedures and it cannot be
⎛1−⎛ ψ·η ⎞ ⎞⎟·dη = f ·b·cosβ ·l · solved in a closed-form manner. In order to avoid the use of numerical
VRes = fct ·b·cosβBF ∫0 ⎜ ⎜ ⎟
ct BF F 1
procedures in this work, two analytical equations have been calibrated
⎝ ⎝ wc ⎠ ⎠
1 c by the authors of this paper on the basis of the Walraven’s model for
⎛⎜1− 1 ·⎛ uA ·lF 1 ⎞ ⎞⎟
⎜ ⎟ aggregate interlock, but considering the kinematics of Guidotti which is
⎝ 1 + c1 ⎝ dF ·wc ⎠ ⎠ (11) more representative of the actual case (see Fig. 2). These assumptions
and the associated normal force is: allow calculating the transferred shear stresses (τ) for a given opening
(w) and sliding (δ) as:
NRes = VRes·tanβBF (12)
c3·δ 4/3
The integration of stresses leads to two possible regimes: (i) cases τagg = τagg,0 = fc ·
where the normal stresses develop along the whole length of segment B-
(c2 w )1.8 + c2·δ (15)
F (ψ·lF ⩽ wc ) so that lF1 = lF and (ii) cases where the normal stresses as well as the normal stresses (σ):
develop only close to the tip of the crack (ψ·lF > wc ), with lF1 equal to:
wc w c4·δ 7/3
lF 1 = ·lF = c ·dF σagg = σres−σagg,0 = σres− fc ·
ψ·lF uA (13) (c2 w )3 + c2·δ (16)
It is interesting to note that for the latter case, Eqs. (11) and (13) where σres is defined according to Eq. (9), c2 = 40, c3 = 35 and
give a simple expression: c4 = 400 are constants; δ = δ / ddg and w = w / ddg are the normalized
crack sliding and crack opening and ddg is an average roughness whose
GF ·b·cosβBF ·dF
VRes = value can be calculated as follows:
uA (14)
ddg = min(40 mm,16 + dg ) for fc ⩽ 60 MPa
where the residual strength contribution depends on the fracture energy
of concrete GF and not on the distribution of the tensile stresses (Eq. ddg = min(40 mm,16 + dg ·(60/ fc ) 2) for fc > 60 MPa (17)
F. Cavagnis et al. Engineering Structures 157 (2018) 300–315
where dg refers to the maximum aggregate size. Justification of Eq. (17) shear crack (segment A-B) is characterized by a mixed mode I and II
is provided later in this section. behaviour. On the basis of the aggregate interlock laws and the relative
Fig. 4b–d shows comparisons between the aggregate interlock displacements between the lips of the crack, the aggregate interlock
stresses according to the model of Walraven [18] for a kinematics forces at the critical crack can be determined as:
analogue to that of Guidotti [22] (initial opening w0 followed by a
combined opening and sliding, Fig. 4a) and the normal and shear ( l
VAgg = b· ∫l 2 τagg,0·sinβAB dξ − ∫l 2 σagg,0·cosβAB dξ
1 1
stresses calculated according to Eqs. (15) and (16), but neglecting the l3
+ b· ∫l σres·cosβAB dξ = VAgg,0 + VAgg,res
term σres which is not accounted for in the theoretical model of Wal- 1 (18)
raven. The same comparisons are shown in Fig. 4e–g to aggregate in-
terlock stresses measured by Jacobsen et al. [23] for specimens tested
with the same kinematics, but accounting for the term σres (which is
( l
NAgg = b· ∫l 2 τagg,0·cosβAB dξ + ∫l 2 σagg,0·sinβAB dξ
1 1
actually present in the tests). It can be noted that the peak value of the − b· ∫l σres·sinβAB dξ = NAgg,0 + NAgg,res (19)
calculated shear and normal stresses is in good agreement with the
theoretical and experimental ones, as well as the stiffness and softening where ξ is the integration variable, l1, l2 and l3 are the integration limit,
properties. In addition, the simple superposition of the residual tensile b is the width of the member, τagg,0, σagg,0 and σres are defined in Eqs.
stresses (σres) and aggregate interlock stresses (σagg,0) gives reasonable (15) and (16) and βAB refers to the inclination of segment A-B. Note that
results compared to the test measurements (Fig. 4e–g): it can be ob- the integration of τagg,0 and σagg,0 leads to VAgg,0 and NAgg,0, whereas the
served that the normal stresses vary from tension to compression during integration of σres leads to VAgg,res and NAgg,res.
the combined opening w and sliding δ, but remain in tension for low In a general manner, the resulting shear force that can be trans-
values of δ. ferred by aggregate interlock can be written as7:
It is important to mention that Eqs. (15) and (16) have been cali-
VAgg l2 sinβAB ·c3·δA 4/3 cosβAB ·c4·δA 7/3
brated to be applied to calculate the aggregate interlock stresses for
fc ·b
= ∫l 1.8 + c 2·δA
3 + c 2·δA
mixed mode crack openings, with initial openings w0 and secant mixed
mode angle γ (variable along the quasi-vertical segment of the crack,
( ξ
c2·ψ· d
dg ) ( c2·ψ· d
dg )
according to the kinematics of Fig. 3b and c) which are typical for l3 ψ·ξ ⎞ 1 ⎞
+ ∫l cosβAB ·⎜⎛1−⎛ ⎜⎟ dξ ⎟
critical shear cracks of slender members (γ > 45°, [10]). With respect 1
⎝ ⎝ wc ⎠ ⎠
to the average roughness (ddg), this term accounts for two issues:
c3·δA 4/3 l 20.8 + c2 δA −l10.8 + c2 δA
= sinβAB · ·
1.8 + c 2 δA (l2·l1)0.8 + c2 δA
– The first is that concrete cracks, present an undulated (rough) sur-
face (Fig. 5b and d), contrary to Walraven’s approach which as-
(c2 δA + 0.8)· ( uA c 2
dF ddg )
sumes cracks as perfect planar surfaces with protruding aggregates c4·δA 7/3 l 22 + c2 δA −l12 + c2 δA
−cosβAB · ·
(Fig. 5a and c). This roughness, ensuring the transfer of shear forces 3 + c 2 δA (l2·l1)2 + c2 δA
by interlocking, is referred to as meso-roughness [8]. The value of
(c2 δA + 2)· ( uA c 2
dF ddg )
the meso-roughness depends on the surface properties after crack 1 1 c c
1 ⎛ uA ·l3 ⎞ ⎞ 1 ⎛ uA ·l1 ⎞ ⎞ ⎤
development, but can be assumed as 16 mm [3] for normal cases + cosβAB ·⎡ ⎛ ⎛
⎢l3·⎜1− 1 + c1 · dF ·wc ⎟−l1·⎜1− 1 + c1 · dF ·wc ⎟ ⎥·
⎜ ⎟ ⎜ ⎟
and (iii) cases where no residual tensile stresses develop through the
quasi-vertical branch of the crack since the opening of the crack along
the whole segment A-B exceeds wc (corresponding to large crack
openings), hence l3 is equal to l1 and VAgg,res and NAgg,res are equal to
F. Cavagnis et al. Engineering Structures 157 (2018) 300–315
kb = 0.063·εs−1/4 ⩽ 1 (25)
Fig. 7. Crack pattern and principal compressive strains at failure load for (a) a slender beam (specimen SC70) and (b) a squat beam (specimen SC67) (adapted from Cavagnis et al. [11]);
(c) hyphothesis of a stress field used to determine the contribution to the shear strength of the compression zone; (d) calculated contribution of the compression zone with respect to the
calculated shear capacity as a function of the distance between the tip of the crack and the axis where the load is applied (tests included in the database by Reineck et al. [31], assuming
xA = 0.5a).
F. Cavagnis et al. Engineering Structures 157 (2018) 300–315
VDowel = kb·fct ·n·(b/ n−db)·2·db (27) relatively low for slender beams compared to other shear-transfer ac-
tions, a simplified expression can be used despite the non-negligible
For comparison with test data, when no information is available on
the bar spacing or for multiple layers, a value of 3db will be assumed as
bar spacing. With this assumption, the last part of Eq. (27) becomes VCompr kc ·hF
= <1
4n·db2 which can be expressed as a function of the reinforcement ratio Vc rF (31)
(16ρ ·b·d/ π ) so that the shear strength due to the dowel contribution can
where Vc is the total shear capacity
be approximated by:
(Vc = VRes + VAgg + VDowel + VCompr) and kc is a constant obtained by
VDowel ≈ 5·kb·fct ·ρ ·b·d (28) fitting of the calculated contribution of the compression zone and that
can be assumed equal to 0.5. It is important to mention that when a
direct strut can develop, this approach is no longer valid since the
3.5. Contribution of the compression zone theoretical strut carries almost the total shear force (refer to Fig. 7b).
This is for instance the case of members with low shear-to-span ratios
Shear can also be transferred by means of the inclination of the (a/d < 2.5), with high pre-stressing forces (associated to low effective
compression chord [8]. For slender beams, this action is significant slenderness [28]), or with no or limited bond strength [3].
mostly before the propagation of the segment B-F of the critical crack The shear carried by the inclination of the compression chord yields
within the compression zone and then it decreases progressively as the thus from Eq. (31):
inclination of the compression chord is rather flat (Figs. 1e and 7a)
kc ·hF / rF
[11]. For short-span beams (associated to low slenderness), with cracks VCompr = ·(VRes + VAgg + VDowel )
1−kc ·hF / rF (32)
developing without disturbing the theoretical direct strut (typically
cracks whose tip is located close to the acting load), the arching action It can be noted that according to this approach, the contribution of
can develop almost undisturbed and the shear strength is mostly con- the compression zone is determined by the geometry and the location of
trolled by this action (refer to Figs. 1f and 7b). the critical shear crack and it is governed by the same mechanical
A realistic assumption for the inclination of the compression zone is parameters as the other shear-transfer actions.
derived based on the detailed observations of the principal strain di-
rections shown in Fig. 7a and b and in [11] (assuming that the in- 4. Evaluation of the shear capacity
clination of principal strains and stresses is parallel). According to these
measurements, it can be assumed that the resultant of the forces of the The total shear strength Vc can be calculated by summing the con-
compression zone at the section corresponding to point F acts at a tribution of the various shear-transfer actions:
distance cn = 1/3 hF from the top compressive fibre, where hF is the VRes + VAgg + VDowel
thickness of the compression zone above the tip of the crack (hF = d - Vc = VRes + VAgg + VDowel + VCompr =
1−kc ·hF / rF (33)
dF). In addition, at the edge of the loading plate, a stress block of
thickness 2 cm with compressive stresses equal to the full compressive The three components VRes, VAgg and VDowel contained in Eq. (33) are
strength fc can be assumed (refer to Fig. 7c). This can be presumed to be strain-dependent, which means that they can be expressed as a function
a lower-bound of the actual contribution, as the tensile stresses per- of the crack opening uA (see Eqs. (11), (20) and (22)). The crack
pendicular to the strut are neglected. The horizontal and vertical opening uA can be calculated using Eq. (4) which means that an itera-
component acting in the compression zone can thus be calculated tion is required (as the crack opening depends on the shear force V).
iteratively by moment equilibrium of the rigid body with respect to Calculating the shear strength requires thus assuming a location of the
point of contraflexure (point P in Fig. 3d). The iterative procedure in- critical crack and then iteratively increasing the crack opening and
volves assuming an initial distance cm between the top compressive checking that the acting shear force V is equal to the shear capacity Vc.
fibre and the centre of the theoretical strut at the edge of the loading The solution V = Vc is the intersection between the load-deformation
plate, which allows defining the inclination αc of the compression zone: relationship of Eq. (4) and the failure criterion of Eq. (33) as shown in
cn−cm Fig. 8a. The governing location of the critical shear crack can therefore
tanα c = be calculated as the one leading to the minimum strength of all po-
rF ,edge (29)
tential locations.
where rF,edge is the distance between the tip of the crack and the edge of The iterative procedure for calculation of the strength can be sum-
the loading plate (Fig. 7c). marized in the following steps:
Varying the value of cm, the iterative procedure ends when σ reaches
the compressive strength of concrete fc and the vertical component (1) Choose a location of the critical shear crack xA.
results: (2) Calculate the angle βAB as a function of αA = MA/(VA·d) according
cn−cm c −c to Eq. (6) (refer to Fig. 3a).
VCompr = NCompr · = fc ·b·2·cm· n m (3) Assume an initial crack opening uAi (as a first step uA0 = 0.001 mm
rF ,edge rF ,edge (30)
can be assumed).
Since the location of the critical shear crack is unknown, the itera- (4) Calculate, as a function of the shape of the crack and its kinematics,
tive procedure that allows calculating the contribution of the com- the residual tensile strength force (VRes, Eq. (11) in Section 3.2), the
pression zone shall be performed for any potential shear crack in the aggregate interlock force (VAgg, Eq. (20) in Section 3.3), the dow-
span of the member. It can be noted that an increase of the moment-to- elling action (VDowel, Eq. (22) in Section 3.4), the contribution of the
shear ratio of the critical shear crack leads to an increase of the normal compression zone (VCompr, Eq. (32) in Section 3.5) and the shear
force in the compression zone and thus to an increase also of the con- capacity as the sum of these contributions (Vc, Eq. (33)).
tribution of the compression chord [7]. In Fig. 7d, the contribution of (5) Calculate the crack opening uA as a function of the acting bending
the compression zone is calculated for 629 slender beams included in moment at the section corresponding to the tip of the crack (MF),
the database by Reineck et al. [31], assuming xA = 0.5a for all tests. It (refer to Eq. (4) in Section 2), where MF is proportional to the shear
can be observed that the percentage of the total shear carried by the force (V).
compression zone depends significantly on the ratio rF/hF, where rF is (6) Iterate the crack opening uAi at step 3 and repeat from step 3 to 6,
the distance between the tip of the crack and the axis where the load is until uA is equal to uAi.
applied. As the contribution of the compression zone shown in Fig. 7d is
F. Cavagnis et al. Engineering Structures 157 (2018) 300–315
One of the main advantages of this approach is that it can be applied calculated according to Eq. (6) and correspond well with the observed
to general or more complex cases and to different loading conditions. cracks (Fig. 9a). From Fig. 9b–d it can be noted that the strains at the
This can be done by accounting for the influence of the main governing level of the longitudinal reinforcement and the contribution of the
mechanical parameters (moment-to-shear ratio aF, crack opening, re- different shear-transfer actions vary as a function of the location of the
inforcement ratio, aggregate size, compressive strength) and evaluating critical shear crack. It can be observed that the contribution of ag-
the contribution of the different load-carrying actions at the peak load. gregate interlock is dominant in this case for all investigated positions
Fig. 8a shows an instance of the contribution of the different shear- of the critical shear crack. Moreover, when the crack is located close to
transfer actions to the shear strength as a function of the strains at the support (in a general case, the point of contraflexure with zero bending
level of the longitudinal reinforcement. The example refers to a simply moment), the contribution of the compression zone is very limited and
supported beam without transverse reinforcement subjected to point the tensile strength of concrete plays a role, whereas when the critical
loading. The failure criterion in Fig. 8a is expressed as a function of the crack develops closer to the load introduction plate (section of max-
parameter εs·d/ ddg , where the product εs·d is assumed to be proportional imum bending moment), the contribution of the compression zone in-
to the crack opening. Such normalization is consistent to that used by creases and the shear carried by the tensile strength of concrete de-
the CSCT [3] (Fig. 1g) and allows for a direct comparison. It can be creases. In a general manner, the governing theoretical position of the
observed that in this example the aggregate interlock is the governing critical crack is defined as the location where the sum of the con-
shear-transfer action and that the contribution of the concrete in ten- tributions of the different shear-transfer actions reaches its minimum
sion is significant for low openings of the critical shear crack. On the value. In Fig. 9b–d, it can be observed that the shear capacity (sum of
contrary, the contribution of the compression zone and the longitudinal all shear-transfer actions) does not significantly vary between the in-
bars (dowelling action) to the shear strength are very limited in this vestigated sections xA and that the location of the critical crack has thus
case. Moreover, it can be noted that the strength of each shear-transfer a limited influence on the shear strength of the member. This explains
action decreases for increasing opening of the critical crack and that why for this type of members, the experimentally observed position of
their decay follows a similar trend (in agreement to [8]). The reason for the failure crack can present a large scatter and different shear-transfer
this strength decay with increasing crack opening uA is illustrated in actions may eventually be governing [8,11].
Fig. 8b and c, where the residual tensile stresses (σres) and the aggregate The governing location of the critical crack is also investigated in
interlock stresses (σagg and τagg) are shown for three different values of Fig. 10 for different values of slenderness ratio (a/d), reinforcement
the opening of the shear crack (εs·d/ ddg = 0.01, 0.03 and 0.05). It can be ratio (ρ) and effective depth (d). In Fig. 10a, the contribution of the
noted that the normal stress σagg is in tension in a part of segment A-B different shear-transfer actions to the shear capacity is shown for each
for low openings of the critical shear crack (εs·d/ ddg = 0.01), whereas for position xA of the critical shear crack. It can be observed that for cracks
larger openings it is always in compression (consistently to experi- developing within a region between 0.4a and 0.6a, the total shear ca-
mental observations of other researchers [23,29]). With respect to the pacity is almost constant but the amount of shear carried by each shear-
shear stress τagg, it reaches a maximum value of 5 MPa in the upper part transfer actions shows some level of variation. In Fig. 10b and c it can
of the segment A-B and it decreases for increasing openings of the cri- be observed that an increase of the slenderness ratio leads to a variation
tical shear crack. of the governing position of the critical crack, with the governing crack
closer to mid-span for less slender members. In Fig. 10d it can be noted
that the distance rF between the tip of the critical shear crack and the
5. Discussion on the significance of shear-transfer actions and axis where the load is applied varies between d and 2d. A similar trend,
their dependence on the critical shear crack development for concerning the location of the governing critical shear crack has been
members subjected to point load experimentally observed in the tests performed by Leonhardt and
Walther [30]. The influence of the reinforcement ratio is also illustrated
In Fig. 9 the location of the critical crack and the associated capa- in Fig. 10e. An increase in the reinforcement ratio leads to an increase
cities of the shear-transfer actions are investigated with reference to an of the height of the compression zone, which therefore plays a more
actual test (specimen SC61, presented in detail in [10]). The specimen significant contribution in carrying the shear. Consequently, for in-
corresponds to a simply supported beam tested under concentrated load creasing values of the reinforcement ratio, the governing location of the
(a/d = 4.41, d = 556 mm, ρ = 0.89%, fc = 35.3 MPa, dg = 16 mm). critical crack shifts towards mid-span. It can be shown that almost all
Three different potential positions of the critical shear crack (xA = d, other parameters have low influence on the governing position of the
xA = 0.5a and xA = a − d) are investigated. Their inclinations βAB are
F. Cavagnis et al. Engineering Structures 157 (2018) 300–315
critical shear crack (Fig. 10f). completed with the tests by Cavagnis et al. [11]) is plotted against the
An interesting fact to be noted is that the curves representing the normalized crack width parameters. The plot is normalized to account
shear capacity are very flat around the minimum (at a distance rA be- for the effective depth, the width, the compressive strength and the
tween 1.5d and 2.25d from the load introduction plate and at a value of aggregate size of the member [8]. The black points in Fig. 11 represent
xA between 0.4a and 0.6a). For these cases, adopting a fixed control the intersection between the failure criteria calculated according to Eq.
section within this region is even sufficient for calculating the shear (33) at the control section xA = 0.5a and the load-deformation re-
strength (although the relative significance of the shear-transfer actions lationship (refer to Eq. (5)). In addition, the direction of the failure
may not be accurately assessed). To that aim, for instance, a value envelopes in the vicinity of the intersection is plotted (grey lines in
xA = 0.5a in agreement with the considerations of Reineck et al. [31] is Fig. 11). It is interesting to note that failures occur actually in a narrow
reasonable. band despite the large range of cases considered (effective depth d
In Fig. 11, the calculated shear capacity of 635 rectangular concrete ranging 50–2000 mm, flexural reinforcement ratio ρ ranging 0.4–7%,
beams without shear reinforcement (data from Reineck et al. [31] concrete strength fc ranging 10–110 MPa, aggregate size dg ranging
Fig. 10. Normalized shear strength as a function of the location of the critical crack (points in black refer to the location with the minimum shear strength): (a) contribution of the
different shear-transfer actions at different critical crack locations xA; (b–d) influence on the location of the critical shear crack of the slenderness ratio a/d, (e) of the longitudinal
reinforcement ratio ρ and (f) of the effective depth d.
F. Cavagnis et al. Engineering Structures 157 (2018) 300–315
where vc is the shear capacity per unit length, k is a constant that can be
obtained by fitting of the calculated shear strengths (k = 0.019 in
Fig. 11) and vc0 refers to the maximum shear strength per unit length
(not investigated in this study).
Fig. 12. Comparison of the refined proposed approach (black lines). the simplified approach (light blue lines) and the CSCT [3] (red lines) to test series investigating: (a) the slenderness
ratio a/d [11], (b) the reinforcement ratio ρ [32], (c) the effective depth d [33], (d) the compressive strength fc [34], (e) the aggregate size dg [35] and (f) the reinforcement elastic
modulus Es (steel and non-metallic reinforcements) [36]. (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)
F. Cavagnis et al. Engineering Structures 157 (2018) 300–315
strength results equal to 1.01 with a CoV of 14.5%, refer to Table 1). (opening and sliding) and the crack roughness properties.
Moreover, as shown in Section 5, the accuracy of the hyperbolic (2) The cantilever action (as described in the Kani’s tooth model) is
failure criterion of the CSCT can be enhanced assuming a power law governing for load levels which are generally lower than the actual
failure criterion (refer to Fig. 11). The shear capacity can thus be cal- failure load. This shear-carrying action is disabled by the develop-
culated in a simple manner by combining the load-deformation re- ment of a horizontal branch of the critical shear crack generated by
lationship of Eq. (3) and the simplified power law failure criterion of the tensile stresses near the crack tip. The load can further be in-
Eq. (34), assuming the control section at xA = 0.5a. For this simplified creased above the capacity of the cantilever action as other shear-
approach, a good agreement is also found between the measured shear carrying actions develop.
strength in the tests and the calculated one, with an average ratio of (3) For slender members, the failure load is eventually governed by
1.03 and with a value of CoV of 14.2% (Table 1). beam shear-transfer actions (aggregate interlock, residual tensile
strength, dowelling action and inclination of the compression
7. Conclusions chord):
– For low crack widths in slender members, both aggregate inter-
This paper presents an overview of the shear-transfer actions and lock and tensile strength of concrete play an important role. For
their contribution to the shear strength of slender reinforced concrete large crack widths, aggregate interlock becomes more dominant.
members without transverse reinforcement. The contribution of the – The dowelling action of the longitudinal reinforcement exhibits a
various shear-transfer actions is quantified on the basis of fundamental more limited contribution than the other beam shear-carrying
constitutive laws and accounting for a realistic crack shape and kine- actions. Yet, its contribution is not necessarily negligible.
matics (based on detailed measurements on tests). The main conclu- – The contribution of the inclined compression chord for slender
sions are listed below: members depends significantly on the location of the tip of the
critical shear crack. For critical shear cracks located at a certain
(1) Shear can be carried by a number of potential shear transfer ac- distance from the load introduction, its contribution is rather low.
tions. In a general manner, there is not a governing shear transfer
action, and the amount of shear force carried by each action de- For squat members, arching action is governing.
pends on the location of the critical shear crack, its kinematics
Table 1
Comparison of calculated and experimental shear strengths: average value Vexp/Vcalc and coefficient of variation (CoV).
CSCT [3], xcr = a-d/2 1.02 0.156
Proposed approach Eq. (5) + Eq. (33), assuming xA =0.5a 1.01 0.136
Improvement of the CSCT2008 [3] assuming ddg according to Eq. (17) 1.01 0.145
Simplified power law failure criterion Eq. (3) + Eq. (34), assuming xA = 0.5a 1.03 0.142
F. Cavagnis et al. Engineering Structures 157 (2018) 300–315
(4) Despite the fact that the relative amount of each shear-transfer agreement to the previous conclusions and allow describing shear
action may differ depending on the location and shape of the cri- failures in a general manner. The shape of its failure criterion can be
tical shear crack, the total shear capacity (sum of the various con- derived by analytical and numerical considerations, allowing re-
tributions) is relatively constant independently of the location of lating the shear strength to the deformation capacity at failure, and
the critical shear crack. This explains why the location of the failure it can be enhanced for low values of crack opening with a power
crack may vary significantly even for similar specimens. law equation.
(5) The force transferred by the different shear-transfer actions decay
for increasing openings of the critical shear crack and they are Acknowledgement
governed by the same mechanical parameters. Accounting for this
fact and for the relatively constant sum of the various shear-transfer The authors would like to gratefully acknowledge the support and
actions, shear failures can be described by a single failure criterion. funding of the Swiss Federal Road Authority, through the project AGB-
(6) The main assumptions of the Critical Shear Crack Theory are in 2011-0.15.
Appendix A: Notation
a shear span (defined for specimens subjected to concentrated loads as the distance between the centre of the load and the centre
of the support)
aA M/V at section A
aF M/V at section F
b width of the beam
bef effective width of concrete in tension
c depth of the compression zone
c1, c2, c3, c4 constants of the model
cb concrete cover
cm distance from the top compression fibre to the centre of the inclined compression strut at the edge of the loading plate
cn distance from the top compression fibre to the axis where inclined force of the compression zone acts
d effective flexural depth
db diameter of reinforcing bar
ddg dg+16 [mm]
dF vertical position of the tip of the crack
dg maximum aggregate size
fc concrete compressive strength measured in cylinder
fct concrete tensile strength
fct,ef effective tensile strength of concrete
h beam height
hF distance from the top compression fibre to the tip of the shear crack
k coefficient power-law failure criterion
kb reduction factor tensile strength of concrete
kc coefficient compression zone
l span length
l1 l2 l3 lF1 integration limits
lef effective length
lA length of segment A-B of the critical shear crack
lB length of the region of the beam contributing to the opening of the critical crack
lF length of segment B-F of the critical shear crack
n number of longitudinal bars
rA horizontal distance from the axis of the load introduction to the onset of the critical shear crack
rF horizontal distance from the axis of the load introduction to the tip of the critical shear crack
rF,edge horizontal distance from the edge of the loading plate to the tip of the critical shear crack
u opening of the crack measured along the horizontal direction
uA horizontal opening of the critical shear crack at point A
v opening of the crack measured along the vertical direction
vA vertical opening of the critical shear crack at point A
vc shear capacity per unit length
vc0 maximum shear strength per unit length
w crack width perpendicular to the crack surface
w normalized crack opening w/ddg
wA opening perpendicular to the crack surface at point A
wB opening perpendicular to the crack surface at point B along segment A-B
wc maximum crack width allowing tensile stresses to develop in cracked concrete
xA horizontal distance from the support to point A
xF horizontal distance from the support to point F
z inner level arm
As area of longitudinal bars
Ec modulus of elasticity of concrete
Es modulus of elasticity of steel
F. Cavagnis et al. Engineering Structures 157 (2018) 300–315
GF fracture energy
M bending moment
MF bending moment at the section corresponding to the tip of the critical shear crack
NAgg horizontal component of the aggregate interlock action
NCompr horizontal component of the inclined compression chord
NRes horizontal component of the residual tensile strength of concrete
V acting shear force
Vc shear capacity
Vmax shear force at failure (maximum value)
VAgg shear force carried by aggregate interlock action
VCompr shear force carried by inclined compression chord
VDowel shear force carried by dowelling action
VRes shear force carried by residual tensile strength of concrete
αc inclination of the compression chord
αA MA/(VA·d) in section A
βAB angle of quasi-vertical segment of the critical shear crack (segment AB)
βBF angle of quasi-horizontal segment of the critical shear crack (segment BF)
γ secant mixed mode angle
γT tangent mixed mode angle
δ crack sliding
δA crack sliding at point A
δ normalized crack sliding δ/ddg
ɛs steel strain
η integration variable for the residual tensile stresses
ξ integration variable for the aggregate interlock stresses
ρ reinforcement ratio of tension reinforcement
σagg aggregate interlock normal stress
σres residual tensile stress
τagg aggregate interlock shear stress
ψ rotation of the critical shear crack
Appendix B
Test series considered in this study and comparison with the proposed expressions: Eq. (5) + Eq. (33).
Researchers No. of specimens fc [MPa] b [mm] d [mm] a/d [−] ρ [%] Vexp/Vcalc (COV)
Adebar et al. [37] 5 49.3–58.9 290–360 178–278 2.92–4.56 0.99–3.04 0.84 (0.068)
Ahmad et al. [38] 17 63.4–68.7 127 184–208 2.70–4.00 1.77–6.64 1.03 (0.210)
Ahmad et al. [39] 3 43.6–80.8 102 178 3.70 1.40 0.95 (0.070)
Angelakos et al. [34] 7 21–80 300 895–925 2.88–2.97 0.50–2.09 0.96 (0.146)
Aster et al. [40] 5 24.6–30.4 1000 250–750 3.65–3.68 0.42–0.91 1.01 (0.072)
Lubell et al. [41] 11 37.1–64.6 250–3005 306–916 2.87–3.27 0.76–0.93 1.12 (0.089)
Bernander [42] 6 27.6–29.1 100 168 4.17 0.97–1.17 1.07 (0.062)
Bhal [33] 8 23.2–29.6 240 300–1200 2.94 0.63–1.26 1.03 (0.114)
Bresler et al. [43] 3 22.6–37.6 305–310 461–466 3.80–6.77 1.81–2.73 1.24 (0.046)
Cladera et al. [44] 6 49.9–87 200 360 2.90 2.23 1.00 (0.135)
Cao [45] 2 27.5–30.1 300 1845–1925 2.77–2.89 0.36–1.52 1.23 (0.042)
Cederwall et al. [46] 1 29.3 135 234 3.42 1.07 1.24 (−)
Chana [47] 23 20.8–38.9 60–203 106–356 3.00 1.74–1.78 1.02 (0.073)
Chang et al. [48] 15 17.7–38.6 102 137 2.60–4.09 1.86–2.89 0.91 (0.115)
Collins et al. [25] 7 36–98 300 925 2.88 1.01 1.07 (0.156)
Diaz de Cossio et al. [49] 5 19.5–31.5 152 254 3.30–5.30 0.98–3.33 0.99 (0.061)
Thorenfeldt et al. [50] 14 54–97.7 150–300 207–442 3.00–4.00 1.82–3.24 1.15 (0.119)
Elzanaty et al. [51] 11 20.7–79.3 177.8 267–273 4.00–6.00 0.93–3.21 0.88 (0.060)
Feldman et al. [52] 8 21.5–36.7 152 252 2.87–6.04 3.35 1.11 (0.141)
Ferguson [53] 1 29.3 101 189 3.23 2.08 0.82 (−)
Ghannoum [54] 22 34.2–58.6 400 65–889 2.50 1.15–2.00 0.98 (0.110)
Grimm [55] 11 90.1–110.9 300 146–746 3.53–3.90 0.83–4.22 1.00 (0.130)
Hallgreen [56] 23 31.1–92.4 150–337 191–211 2.61–3.66 0.57–4.11 1.21 (0.084)
Hamadi [57] 4 21.0–30.4 100 370–372 3.37–5.90 1.08–1.79 1.17 (0.082)
Hanson [58] 4 20.9–31.0 152 267 4.95 1.25–3.50 0.97 (0.073)
Hedman et al. [59] 4 19.9–29.5 152 267 4.95 1.25–2.22 1.03 (0.051)
Islam et al. [60] 5 26.6–83.3 150 203–207 3.86–3.94 2.03–3.22 1.02 (0.105)
Johnson et al. [61] 1 55.9 305 539 3.10 2.49 0.82 (−)
F. Cavagnis et al. Engineering Structures 157 (2018) 300–315
Supplementary data associated with this article can be found, in the online version, at http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.engstruct.2017.12.004.
F. Cavagnis et al. Engineering Structures 157 (2018) 300–315
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