Blessed Imelda Lambertini
Blessed Imelda Lambertini
Blessed Imelda Lambertini
“Tell me, can anyone receive Jesus into his heart and not die?”
At the early age of nine she entered the Dominican convent near Bologna. The one great desire of her
life in those days was to receive within her breast her sacramental God. Custom had established the
age of twelve as the proper time for little ones to receive First Holy Communion, and the convent
chaplain would not listen to a suggested deviation from this rule. Frequently did the child beseech her
confessor for permission to approach the divine banquet table, only to be repulsed.
On May the 12th, 1333, the vigil of the Ascension, the community partook of the Eucharist in a body,
leaving Imelda alone in her choir stall. Her frail body shook with emotion, tears flowed down her babe-
like face, and with a voice that trembled with grief she asked to be fed upon the Body of her Lord. No
attention was paid to her. The Mass came to a close. The religious left the choir. But Imelda remained
behind uncomforted.
Suddenly a sweet fragrance, as of roses, filled the air and was seemingly wafted throughout the
monastery. The nuns, tracing its source, returned to the chapel, and there, to their astonishment,
beheld a Sacred Host suspended in the air above the head of the weeping maiden. The priest who had
just celebrated Mass came, paten in hand,
and, with holy impatience, awaited
developments. The Host slowly descended,
rested on the paten, and from the hands of
the chaplain Imelda received her Eucharistic