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Evaluating Structural Buildup at Rest of Self-Consolidating Concrete Using Workability Tests

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Title No. 115-M24

Evaluating Structural Buildup at Rest of Self-Consolidating

Concrete Using Workability Tests
by Wael A. Megid and Kamal H. Khayat

Structural buildup at rest (SBR) is a rheological property that influenced by viscosity. Murata also related slump to yield
can affect the performance of self-consolidating concrete (SCC). stress based on a simple force balance model. Christensen10
Such a property should be optimized to intended placement condi- corrected the integration errors in Murata’s original model
tion. Adequate determination of SBR on the jobsite is important and converted the units to dimensionless quantities. Chris-
for quality control, thus necessitating the use of simple and robust
tensen’s model was independent of the particular material
testing methods. The ability of employing conventional workability
under investigation and the size of the slump cone. However,
test methods to evaluate SBR of SCC is discussed. Eight SCC
mixtures designed to secure different SBR levels were investigated. Christensen did not experimentally confirm the accuracy of
SBR was determined using concrete rheometer and two field-­ the model. Schowalter and Christensen11 proposed a relation
oriented test methods: portable vane and inclined plane, as well between slump and yield stress and a relation between the
as losses of slump flow, T50, and J-ring flow at rest. Correlations final total height of the concrete sample after lifting the cone
between SBR indexes determined from workability and rheological and yield stress that did not depend on the mold geometry.
test methods were established. Statistical models to predict static The final total height of the concrete sample was determined
yield stress and SBR indexes as a function of workability loss at as the difference between the initial height of the cone and
rest are proposed, which indicate that standard workability test the slump value. A similar relation was validated by Clayton
methods can be used to evaluate SBR of SCC. et al.12 Hu et al.13 gave a semi-empirical correlation between
Keywords: rheology; self-consolidating concrete; static yield stress; struc-
the yield stress τ0 (Pa) measured using the BTRHEOM, the
tural buildup; thixotropy; workability loss. density ρ, and the slump (mm). Roussel14 also proposed a
correlation between τ0 and slump based on comparison
INTRODUCTION between numerical simulations and results measured using
Concrete is the most widely used construction material in concrete rheometer for concrete with slump values ranging
the world and will continue to be in demand given its rela- between 50 and 250 mm (2 and 9.8 in.). Saak et al.15 devel-
tively low material cost, availability, and design flexibility. oped and generalized a dimensionless model relating slump
As the need grows for using flowable concrete in construc- to yield stress as a function of cone geometry. The results of
tion, there is an increasing pressure to control flow prop- that study indicated that the model was in excellent agree-
erties of concrete. Fresh cement-based materials behave as ment with the experimental yield stress data.
yield stress fluids where a minimum shear stress should be In the case of SCC, empirical test methods developed to
applied to the material to initiate flow, which is designated evaluate the filling ability, passing ability, filling capacity, and
as dynamic yield stress.1,2 The resistance to flow during flow static stability of SCC can also be used to evaluate rheological
is referred to as plastic viscosity. Rheological properties can properties. The slump flow and T50 values can be correlated
be evaluated using conventional rheometers.3-5 to the yield stress and plastic viscosity, respectively, of
Measuring the fundamental rheological properties of SCC, although higher standard errors can be expected when
concrete is challenging given the large particle size of the measuring workability values instead of rheological parame-
aggregate and tendency of the suspension to become hetero- ters, especially in the case of the T50 test.16
geneous during testing, yet there is a growing interest to In addition to evaluating dynamic rheological parame-
understand how the results of standard workability tests, ters, it is important to determine the thixotropy or structural
including those used for self-consolidating concrete (SCC), buildup at rest (SBR) of cement-based materials. Thixotropy
can be correlated to rheological properties of the concrete. can be defined as the increase of viscosity in a state of rest
Several attempts have been made to correlate the rheological and decrease of viscosity when the material is submitted to
parameters of concrete to empirical workability test methods. a constant shearing stress.17 Thixotropy is reversible and
In using the “two-point” method developed by Tattersall,6 involves structural breakdown phase when subjected to a
Scullion7 concluded that slump has a negative power law given shear rate and SBR when the shear rate is removed.18,19
dependence to the yield stress of the concrete, which was Thixotropy, or SBR of concrete, can have significant impact
largely independent of the plastic viscosity. Morinaga8 also
found an inverse relationship between slump and yield stress ACI Materials Journal, V. 115, No. 2, March 2018.
MS No. M-2017-131, doi: 10.14359/51701240, was received April 13, 2017, and
using a concentric cylinder concrete rheometer. Murata9 reviewed under Institute publication policies. Copyright © 2018, American Concrete
confirmed the results of Morinaga using normal and light- Institute. All rights reserved, including the making of copies unless permission is
obtained from the copyright proprietors. Pertinent discussion including author’s
weight concrete and further suggested that slump was not closure, if any, will be published ten months from this journal’s date if the discussion
is received within four months of the paper’s print publication.

ACI Materials Journal/March 2018 257

on formwork pressure characteristics, bond strength in multi- prepared with a Type GU cement. Manufactured calcium
lift casting, surface quality, slipform paving, pumping, and carbonate with a specific gravity of 2.7 was employed in one
segregation resistance.4,18,20-24 The SBR can be determined mixture that contained a ternary binder system.
by investigating the increase of the apparent yield stress at A well-graded river-bed siliceous sand was used. Two
rest using a rheometer and applying a low shear rate.20 It continuously graded, crushed limestone aggregates with
can also be determined by calculating the flocculation rate21 nominal maximum sizes of 10 and 14 mm (0.39 and 0.55 in.)
and breakdown area of the material subjected to various were employed. The particle-size distributions of the coarse
shear rates.25 The SBR of cement-based materials can also aggregates and sand were within the recommendations of
be determined by investigating the static yield stress after a CSA A23.1.30 The sand had a fineness modulus of 2.5. The
certain period of rest, the rate of SBR, or the coupled effect water absorption of the combined coarse aggregates and
of these two indexes.23 sand were 0.38% and 0.6%, respectively, and their bulk
For advancements to be made in understanding and specific gravities were 2.71 and 2.67, respectively.
controlling the workability of fresh concrete, including The mixtures were prepared with different polycarboxylate-­
thixotropy, simple and field-oriented test procedures and based high-range water reducing admixtures (HRWRAs)
standards need to be developed to enable proper assessment with specific gravities of 1.05. A lignosulfonate-based
of fundamental flow properties of concrete. Field-oriented set-retarding admixture with a specific gravity of 1.22 was
testing should be designed for ease of use and should be incorporated in five mixtures. Two types of liquid-based
rapid to perform, portable, and robust. Such an approach was viscosity-modifying admixtures (VMAs) were used in four
used in designing the portable vane (PV)26 and the inclined mixtures; VMA1 and VMA2 were polysaccharide-based
plane (IP)27 test methods that can be employed to assess the admixtures with specific gravities of 1.0 and 1.2, respec-
SBR of highly flowable mortar or concrete, including SCC. tively. An air-entraining agent (AEA) was added to one of
The objective of the investigation was to evaluate the the investigated SCC mixtures.
feasibility of using standard test methods used to evaluate In total, 24 batches of SCC were prepared: three batches
the deformability and passing ability of SCC to assess the for each of the investigated mixtures in order to determine
SBR of the concrete. This includes the slump flow, T50, and the workability and the rheometric SBR values using the
J-ring flow test methods that are field-oriented test methods MK-III rheometer, PV, and IP test methods.
and are widely employed for concrete mixture design and
quality control at production plants and job sites. The study Thixotropy assessment
aims to compare the SBR of SCC evaluated using standard Modified Tattersall MK-III concrete rheometer—The
workability tests carried out on undisturbed samples at rest to protocol adopted for the determination of static yield stress
the SBR characteristics determined using a coaxial concrete at rest (τs-MK-III) using the modified MK-III rheometer31
rheometer as well as the empirical PV and IP test methods. (Fig. 1(a)) consisted of applying a low rotational speed of
0.03 rps (0.03 Hz) using a four-blade vane immersed in an
RESEARCH SIGNIFICANCE undisturbed sample for 1 minute following a given period of
As in the case of dynamic rheological properties, simple rest. The four-blade vane was used for the first time by Dzuy
workability test methods are used to evaluate flow properties and Boger.32 They assumed that the material was sheared
of SCC that are related to these intrinsic rheological proper- along a localized cylindrical surface circumscribed by the
ties. Given the impact of thixotropy on fresh and hardened vane, and thus the shear stress was uniformly distributed over
characteristics of SCC, it is important to evaluate the feasi- this surface. The resulting torque was recorded as function of
bility of using standard SCC workability test methods to time. The τs-MK-III value was determined by dividing the
evaluate the SBR. This information should be of interest to maximum recorded torque corresponding to breaking down
concrete producers and engineers seeking to produce SCC the structure of the concrete and initiating the flow by a factor
with consistent thixotropic properties that have a marked based on the geometry of the yield surface and shear stress
effect on key fresh and early-age properties, mechanical distribution on the surface. Four periods of rest were considered:
properties, and durability of cast elements. 15, 30, 45, and 60 minutes following 8 minutes from the initial
contact between the cement and water. In between these test
EXPERIMENTAL WORK periods, the concrete container was moved down gently, and
Materials and mixture proportions the concrete was manually mixed using a small steel bar for
Eight SCC mixtures designed with various constituent 1 minute to ensure homogeneous material. The rheometer plat-
materials and mixture proportioning were prepared. The form was then gently lifted to the testing level and the concrete
mixtures were selected to cover a wide range of workability was properly covered, awaiting the next testing cycle.
characteristics and achieve relatively low, moderate, and high Portable vane—Four PVs with heights of 100, 150, 200,
degrees of SBR. The mixture proportions and fresh proper- and 250 mm (3.9, 5.9, 7.9, and 9.8 in.) and a fixed diameter
ties of the tested concrete are summarized in Table 1. The of 75 mm (3 in.) were employed. The vanes were inserted
initial slump flow values ranged between 640 and 700 mm at the center of rectangular buckets, as shown in Fig. 1(b).
(25.2 and 27.6 in.). Most of these mixtures were prepared The four buckets were filled with concrete to the upper
with a ternary cement (CSA Type GUbS/SF)28 containing surface of the vane. The buckets were covered with plastic
22% granulated blast-furnace slag, 6% silica fume, and 72% and stiff covers to prevent evaporation during the rest time.
Type GU cement,29 by mass of binder. Other mixtures were A central hole was machined in the cover to keep the vane

258 ACI Materials Journal/March 2018

Table 1—Mixture proportioning and fresh properties of investigated SCC mixtures
Ternary cement, kg/m 3
475 415 — — — 475 475 475
Type GU cement, kg/m 3
— — 425 475 475 — — —
Limestone filler, kg/m 3
— 183 — — — — — —
Total powder p, kg/m3 475 598 425 475 475 475 475 475
w/b* 0.42 0.53 0.42 0.39 0.37 0.39 0.37 0.34
w/p †
— 0.37 — — — — — —
Sand (0 to 5 mm), kg/m 3
783 766 816 803 844 803 803 803
5 to 10 mm 810 157 — 830 173 830 830 830
Coarse aggregate, kg/m3
5 to 14 mm — 628 835 — 692 — — —
S/A , by volume

0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5
PCP1 3.25 — — 3.35 8.0 4.0 4.96 6.7
HRWRA, L/m 3
PCP2 — 5.0 — — — — — —
PCP3 — — 5.82 — — — — —
VMA1 2.00 — — — 3.56 — — 2.76
VMA, L/m3
VMA2 — — 0.9 — — — — —
Set retarder, L/m 3
0.90 — — 0.90 — 0.90 0.90 0.48
AEA, L/m3 — — 0.14 — — — — —
Slump flow, mm 700 640 640 660 700 660 660 640
Unit weight, kg/m 3
2300 2350 2330 2360 2400 2350 2330 2340
Air content, % 3.9 1.6 4.5 3.0 1.4 1.9 3.8 4.1
Temperature, °C 21 20 16 16 16 14 21 20
w/b is water-binder ratio.

w/p is water-powder ratio.

S/A is sand/total aggregate ratio.
Notes: 1 kg/m3 = 1.686 lb/yd3; 1 L/m3 = 25.6 oz/yd3; 1 mm = 0.0394 in.; °F = 32 + (9.5 × °C).

Fig. 1—Thixotropy evaluation using: (a) modified MK-III rheometer; (b) portable vane test; and (c) inclined plane test setups.
vertical during the rest time. After 15 minutes of rest, a torque  1 
meter was connected with the vane placed in the first bucket G = 2πr 2  h + r  (1)
 3 
at the end of its free hand. A torque meter was rotated slowly
until the mixture started to flow. This procedure was repeated
for the other three vanes after 30, 45, and 60 minutes of rest. where h is penetration depth of the vane inside the concrete
Static yield stress at rest (τs-PV, in Pa) that was evaluated using sample, in m; and r is maximum radius of the vane, in m.
the PV, was calculated by dividing the maximum measured Inclined plane—Four inclined plane (IP) test apparatuses
torque, in N.m, by a factor G, which is expressed in Eq. (1)18,24 were used. As shown in Fig. 1(c), the IP consists of two PVC
surfaces with the upper surface lifted allowing the surface to
pivot, eventually resulting in flow of a mortar or concrete

ACI Materials Journal/March 2018 259

sample that was placed onto the upper surface. It was test was conducted after the slump flow test. Sampling the
confirmed that the flow was initiated when the static yield concrete from the mixer to conduct the slump flow test may
stress of the material was exceeded.33,34 A sheet of fine sand result in generating a little disturbing energy that in turn can
paper having grit number of 600 was fixed on the top of the lead to some structural breakdown and an increase in J-ring
four pivoting surfaces of IP test apparatuses using adhesive values. The variations between slump flow and J-ring flow
glue. Four transparent polymethyl methacrylate cylinders values were found to be accepted because these variations
opened at both ends, measuring 60 mm (2.4 in.) in diameter were limited to 32 mm (1.3 in.), which are within tolerance
and 120 mm (4.7 in.) in height, were placed onto the upper values stipulated by EFNARC.37 Bosiljkov38 reported that
plate and filled with concrete. The open-ended cylinders the J-ring actually did not hinder the flow of SCC in some
were then gently lifted, allowing the concrete to spread. mixtures, and that the J-ring flow values may exceed slump
The height of the concrete sample was then measured and flow values.
the concrete samples were kept at rest and covered. After The relationships between static yield stress determined
15 minutes of rest, the upper surface of the first IP was gently using the concrete rheometer, PV, and IP test methods are
lifted until the concrete started to shear and slide; the incli- plotted in Fig. 2. The results of the highly thixotropic
nation angle corresponding to the initiation of the sliding mixtures, SCC7 and SCC8, were not included because better
was noted. This protocol was repeated for the other three IPs correlations were obtained for mixtures with static yield
after 30, 45, and 60 minutes of rest. The static yield stress at stress values lower than 700 Pa (0.1 psi), determined using
rest evaluated using the IP (τs-IP, in Pa) was determined and the concrete rheometer and IP test, or 1400 Pa (0.2 psi),
is expressed in Eq. (2)33 determined using the PV test. Higher static yield stress
values were obtained using the PV test compare to values
τs-IP = ρghsinθ (2) determined using the modified MK-III rheometer. However,
readings of the MK-III rheometer and PV test method
where ρ is density of the mixture (g/cm3); g is gravitational recorded after 15 minutes of rest were nearly the same,
acceleration (9.81 m/s2); h is height of the tested sample at the which is consistent with other studies.39 Great discrepancy
conclusion of slump flow test (mm); and θ is inclination angle between static yield stress values determined using different
corresponding to initiation of sliding of the material (deg). test methods can be due to the fact that the shear history of
the MK-III rheometer was not exactly the same as that of the
Workability assessment after rest PV test method. For the PV test method, the measurements
The initial slump flow, T50 (ASTM C1611),35 and J-ring were determined on four undisturbed samples, while in the
flow (ASTM C1621)36 values were measured 8 minutes case of the MK-III rheometer, the measurements were
after the initial contact of cement and water. The concrete carried out on the same sample that was sheared after succes-
was kept inside the mixer without agitating with the mixer sive resting periods over 60 minutes. The concrete samples
properly covered to minimize evaporation. After 17 minutes tested using the rheometer were manually re-homogenized
of rest (25 minutes of age), the concrete was sampled to for 1 minute after each measurement cycle and left to rest for
determine the second set of slump flow, T50, and J-ring flow 15 minutes until the following measurement set.
values. This was repeated after 34 and 52 minutes of rest The values of static yield stress determined using the IP
to determine the third and fourth sets of workability values, test method were the lowest compared to values obtained
respectively. from the MK-III rheometer and PV test methods. This obser-
vation refers to the fact that the volume of concrete sample
TEST RESULTS AND DISCUSSION used in the IP test method was smaller than those used in
Structural buildup and workability loss at rest MK-III rheometer and PV test method. Moreover, in the
The static yield stress values determined at 15 to 60 minutes MK-III rheometer and PV test method, the links between
of rest using the modified MK-III rheometer and PV and IP concrete particles were broken by rotating a fan inside the
test methods are summarized in Table 2. The table also concrete sample. As contrasted with the IP test method, these
reports SCC workability values determined after rest time links were broken as concrete sample slips on the inclined
periods ranging from 15 to 60 minutes. The values of static surface, once the gravity force overcomes the friction gener-
yield stress are shown to increase with the rest time, which ated by the sandpaper base. In other words, the sources
reflects SBR. The values of slump flow and J-ring flow are of shearing forces and the ways they apply were different
shown to decrease with the increase in rest time, which in both cases. Therefore, it was found that the volume of
corresponds to loss in fluidity and self-consolidating ability. concrete sample and shear history had significant impacts on
The T50 values increasing with rest time reflects an increase static yield stress.
in viscosity of the concrete at rest. The T50 values of the The SBR index (Athix) was calculated as the yield stress
highly thixotropic SCC8 mixture after 45 and 60 minutes of value after 15 minutes of rest (τs(15)) multiplied by the rate
rest were not determined because the slump flow values did of SBR (RSBU). The RSBU reflects the rate of increase in static
not reach 500 mm (19.7 in.). This observation confirmed that yield stress over 60 minutes of rest, and is expressed in Pa/
viscosity of highly thixotropic SCC increases rapidly at rest. min. The thixotropy indexes (Athix-MK-III, Athix-PV, and Athix-IP),
It was noted that the J-ring flow values of the SCC1, determined using the MK-III rheometer, PV, and IP test
SCC4, and SCC6 mixtures were slightly higher than slump methods, respectively, for the investigated mixtures, are
flow values. This observation may due to the J-ring flow

260 ACI Materials Journal/March 2018

Table 2—Static yield stress and workability parameters at rest
Mixture Rest time, min τs-MK-III, Pa τs-PV, Pa τs-IP, Pa S.flow, mm J-ring flow, mm T50, s
15 270 163 159 689 708 1.53
30 312 281 181 682 699 1.95
45 354 399 204 674 690 2.38
60 396 517 226 667 680 2.80
15 333 268 211 631 612 2.00
30 368 412 236 619 595 2.48
45 403 556 262 608 579 2.96
60 438 701 288 597 562 3.44
15 352 338 239 604 569 2.61
30 387 475 277 578 550 3.57
45 421 611 314 552 530 4.53
60 456 748 351 527 511 5.50
15 376 383 250 625 621 2.93
30 410 557 327 598 601 4.07
45 445 730 405 571 581 5.21
60 480 904 482 544 561 6.34
15 440 465 287 679 662 3.34
30 486 709 408 652 642 4.63
45 531 954 530 625 621 5.93
60 577 1199 652 598 600 7.22
15 517 501 325 632 637 4.87
30 567 797 445 599 613 6.29
45 616 1092 565 566 589 7.72
60 666 1388 685 533 565 9.14
15 1101 1080 519 629 614 7.58
30 1151 1651 621 594 584 10.73
45 1201 2223 723 559 554 13.88
60 1250 2795 825 524 525 17.03
15 2023 1297 577 576 525 17.76
30 2283 2439 698 525 478 26.81
45 2542 3582 819 475 432 —
60 2802 4724 940 424 385 —

Notes: 1 mm = 0.0394 in.; 1 Pa = 0.000145 psi.

presented in Table 3. The relationships between the various

thixotropy indexes are plotted in Fig. 3.
The passing ability index at rest (PAI) was determined
by multiplying the initial J-ring flow value (J-ring(0)) with
the rate of decay in J-ring flow with rest time (DRJ-ring). The
increase in the passing ability thixotropic index indicates that
the concrete rapidly lost its ability to pass readily between
the reinforcing bars without blocking under its own weight.
The T50 index at rest (T50I) was determined by multiplying
the initial T50 value (T50(0)) with the rate of increase in T50
with rest time (RRT50). The increase in the T50 thixotropic
index indicates that the viscosity of concrete increased
rapidly, which can hinder the self-consolidation character-
istics of the material. The various thixotropic indexes that Fig. 2—Correlation between static yield stress evaluated
were determined using workability loss measurements are using modified MK-III rheometer and field-oriented test
reported in Table 3. methods. (Note: 1 Pa = 0.000145 psi.)

ACI Materials Journal/March 2018 261

Table 3—Structural buildup and workability loss at rest indexes
Athix-MK-III, Pa.Pa/min 756 776 810 869 1338 1711 3644 35018
Athix-PV, Pa.Pa/min 1283 2578 3079 4431 7584 9875 41159 98780
Athix-IP, Pa.Pa/min 237 361 595 1290 2328 2600 3529 4656
PAI, mm.mm/min 435 690 765 850 950 1070 1285 1785
T50I, s.s/min 0.03 0.05 0.11 0.14 0.18 0.33 0.93 5.25

Notes: 1 mm = 0.0394 in.; 1 MPa = 145 psi.

Fig. 3—Correlation between index of structural buildup

at rest evaluated using modified MK-III rheometer and
field-oriented test methods. (Note: 1 Pa = 0.000145 psi.)

Fig. 5—Contour diagram for variations in static yield stress

determined using inclined plane test method with slump flow
and T50 values determined after different periods of rest.
(Note: 1 Pa = 0.000145 psi; 1 mm = 0.0394 in.)
expressed in Eq. (3) and (4). Because slump flow of SCC8
determined after rest times of 45 and 60 minutes did not
reach 500 mm (19.7 in.) and thus T50 cannot be determined,
these two models were developed based on the results of
SCC1 to SCC7.
Fig. 4—Correlation between static yield stress evaluated
using field-oriented test methods and T50 at rest. (Note:  T50(t ) 
1 Pa = 0.000145 psi.) τ s -IP( t ) = 5700   (3)
 S.flow (t ) 

Prediction models of static yield stress at rest
Figure 4 compares static yield stress at rest values evalu-  375 
 
ated using the PV or IP test methods (τs-PV or τs-IP) to changes τ s -PV( t ) = 335 ⋅ T 50(t )  S.flow ( t ) 
of the T50 at rest values. The established linear correlations
have high coefficient of determination (R2) and were derived
where τs-IP is static yield stress measured using the IP test
for mixtures with T50 values determined after rest time and
method, Pa; τs-PV is static yield stress measured using the PV
limited to 10 seconds and static yield stress values lower or
test method, Pa; t is rest time, min (15 ≤ t ≤ 60); S.flow is
equal to 1400 and 700 Pa (0.2 and 0.1 psi) when determined
slump flow determined after rest time, mm; and T50 is T50
using the PV and IP test methods, respectively. The static
determined after rest time, s.
yield stress at rest evaluated using the IP and PV test methods
The static yield stress determined using the IP or PV test
(τs-IP and τs-PV) is shown to increase with the increase in T50
methods is shown to decrease with the increase in slump
values at rest, where the latter factor reflecting an increase
flow values at rest or the reduction in T50 values at rest,
in viscosity at rest.
as indicated in the contour diagram plots in Fig. 5 and 6,
Statistical models relating the variations with time of the
respectively. As can be seen from these figures, for a T50
τs-IP and τs-PV with slump flow and T50 values determined
value of 8 seconds measured after a certain period of rest, the
after rest time are plotted in Fig. 5 and 6, respectively, as

262 ACI Materials Journal/March 2018

Fig. 7—Correlation between thixotropy index evaluated
using inclined plane test method and passing ability index.
(Note: 1 Pa = 0.000145 psi; 1 mm = 0.0394 in.)

Fig. 6—Contour diagram for variations in static yield stress

determined using portable vane test method with slump flow
and T50 values determined after different periods of rest.
(Note: 1 Pa = 0.000145 psi; 1 mm = 0.0394 in.)
values of τs-IP determined after the same period of rest can be
570 and 500 Pa (0.08 and 0.07 psi) for SCC with slump flow
value at rest of 540 and 680 mm (21.3 in. and 26.8 in.),
respectively, where a little difference in τs-IP of 70 Pa (0.01 psi)
was observed. At a slump flow value of 600 mm (23.6 in.)
measured after a certain period of rest, the values of τs-IP Fig. 8—Correlation between thixotropy index evaluated
determined after the same period of rest can be 240 and 785 Pa using inclined plane test method and T50 index. (Note:
(0.04 and 0.11 psi) at T50 values of 2 and 16 seconds, respec- 1 Pa = 0.000145 psi; 1 mm = 0.0394 in.)
tively, where a great difference in τs-IP of 545 Pa (0.08 psi)
was observed. The difference in τs-IP of 70 Pa (0.01 psi) at a Prediction models of thixotropy index
given T50 value at rest was lower than the difference in τs-IP As illustrated in Fig. 7 and 8, relationships with high
of 545 Pa (0.08 psi) at a certain slump flow value at rest. This R2 values were established between the thixotropic index
refers to a fact that the T50 test had a higher impact on static based on the IP test method and passing ability index and
yield stress—evaluated using the IP and PV test methods— T50 index, respectively, where the results of all investigated
than slump flow test. In other words, the static yield stress mixtures (SCC1 to SCC8) were involved. The index of SBR
was more sensitive to T50 values than slump flow values. evaluated using the IP (Athix-IP) is shown to increase linearly
This demonstrates that the initial slump flow test was insuf- with the increase in the passing ability index (PAI) (Fig. 7),
ficient to make a full characterization of the flow properties which was not the case with the T50 index (T50I) (Fig. 8).
of SCC with respect to rest time. For example, the SCC1 and The Athix-IP increased rapidly with the increase in the T50I up
SCC5 mixtures reflected different flow characteristics with to 1 s.s/min and then a normal increasing rate was observed.
respect to rest time and fluidity retention in terms of filling, It can be stipulated that the T50I did not change considerably
passing, and self-consolidation abilities, as well as the rate for low thixotropic mixtures where the plastic viscosity was
of SBR, as shown in Table 2. This is despite the fact that both less affected than that of the yield stress, which can be better
SCC mixtures had the same initial slump flow of 700 mm reflected in the passing ability and IP tests.
(27.6 in.). The same phenomenon can be observed in the Statistical contour diagrams plotted in Fig. 9 and 10 can be
distinct workability values determined after rest for the used to predict the index of SBR determined using IP and PV
SCC2, SCC3, and SCC8 mixtures, as shown in Table 2, test methods, respectively, in terms of workability indexes at
despite the same initial slump flow value of 640 mm rest that are expressed in Eq. (5) and (6), respectively. These
(25.2 in.). The same pattern can be noted for SCC4, SCC6, two models were developed based on the results of all inves-
and SCC7 mixtures where each mixture had its unique flow tigated mixtures (SCC1 to SCC8). These models are valid
behavior despite having the same initial slump flow value of for maximum passing ability and T50 thixotropic indexes of
660 mm (26 in.). 1785 mm.mm/min (2.8 in.in./min) and 5.25 s.s/min, respec-
tively. The contour diagram shown in Fig. 9 establishes the
variations of Athix-IP as a function of T50I and PAI. For a T50I
value of 3 s.s/min, the Athix-IP can be 3315 and 4450 Pa.Pa/min

ACI Materials Journal/March 2018 263

Fig. 9—Contour diagram for variations in thixotropy index Fig. 10—Contour diagram for variations in thixotropy index
determined using inclined plane test method with passing determined using portable vane test method with passing
ability and T50 indexes. (Note: 1 Pa = 0.000145 psi; 1 mm ability and T50 indexes. (Note: 1 Pa = 0.000145 psi; 1 mm =
= 0.0394 in.) 0.0394 in.)
(7 × 10–5 and 9.4×10–5 psi.psi/min) for SCCs with PAI values changes in slump flow, T50, and J-ring flow determined
of 600 and 1600 mm.mm/min (0.9 and 2.5 in.in./min), respec- at rest.
tively. At PAI value of 1000 mm.mm/min (1.6 in.in./min), 3. The T50 values had a significant influence compared to
Athix-IP can be 2780 and 4505 Pa.Pa/min (5.9 ×10–5 and 9.5 × slump flow and J-ring flow values on the correlation between
10–5 psi.psi/min) for SCCs with T50I values of 1 and 5 s.s/min, static yield stress or SBR and the change in workability at
respectively. The difference in Athix-IP of 1135 Pa.Pa/min rest. The slight increase in T50 values, determined after a
(2.4 × 10–5 psi.psi/min) for a given T50I value is lower certain period of rest, from 8 to 10 seconds can result in a
than the difference in Athix-IP of 1725 Pa.Pa/min (3.6 × great increase in static yield stress determined using the PV
10–5 psi.psi/min) for a given PAI value. This reflects the fact test method from 1020 to 1880 Pa (0.15 to 0.27 psi), although
that the SBR determined using the IP and PV test methods such an increase in static yield stress can be expected when
can be more sensitive to T50 index than passing ability index. the slump flow dramatically decreases at rest from 700 to
500 mm (27. 6 to 19.7 in.).
Athix-IP = 350(PAI · T50I)0.3 (5) 4. The static yield stress and rate of SBR determined using
the IP test method were lower compared to those measured
Athix-PV = 14,773 · T501.05 + 0.003 ·PAI2.11 (6) with the MK-III rheometer and PV test method. The latter
test provided the highest static yield stress values. This can
where Athix-IP is the thixotropy index determined using the be due to changes in the undisturbed shear history at rest of
IP test method, Pa.Pa/min; Athix-PV is the thixotropy index various tests that can significantly impact static yield stress
determined using the PV test method, Pa.Pa/min; PAI is the and rate of SBR.
passing ability index, mm.mm/min; and T50I = T50 index, 5. SCC with static yield stress values greater than 700 Pa
s.s/min. (0.1 psi), determined using the MK-III rheometer and the IP
test method, or 1400 Pa (0.2 psi), determined using the PV
CONCLUSIONS test method, and having T50 value exceeding 10 seconds,
Based on the test results presented in this study that aimed determined after 60 minutes of rest, can be considered highly
at evaluating the feasibility of using standard workability thixotopic mixtures.
test methods for SCC to evaluate the SBR, the following
conclusions are warranted: AUTHOR BIOS
1. Changes in the SBR of SCC can be evaluated using ACI member Wael A. Megid is a Lecturer at the University of Menoufia,
Shebeenelkom, Menoufia, Egypt, where he received his BS and MS in civil
the filling ability (slump flow and T50), and passing ability engineering, and Senior Inspector and Researcher at TISEC Inc., Morin
(J-ring flow) test methods. Such workability loss indexes at Heights, QC, Canada. He received his PhD from the Université de Sher-
rest can be used to describe changes in flow characteristics brooke, Sherbrooke, QC, Canada. His research interests include rheology,
performance, and quality control of self-consolidating concrete.
of SCC after a given period of rest, which can reflect the
thixotropic behavior of the concrete. Kamal H. Khayat, FACI, is a Professor of civil engineering at Missouri
2. The static yield stress and SBR values determined using University of Science and Technology, Rolla, MO. He is Secretary of
ACI Committee 237, Self-Consolidating Concrete, and a member of
the IP and PV test methods were shown to correlate well to ACI Committees 234, Silica Fume in Concrete; 236, Material Science

264 ACI Materials Journal/March 2018

of Concrete; 238, Workability of Fresh Concrete; 347, Formwork for 18. Khayat, K.; Omran, A.; and Megid, W., “Evaluation of Thixotropy
Concrete; and 552, Cementitious Grouting. He is a recipient of 2015 Arthur R. of Self-Consolidating Concrete and Influence on Concrete Performance,”
Anderson Medal and 2017 ACI Foundation Jean-Claude Roumain Innova- ANAIS Do 54º Congresso Brasileiro Do Concreto CBC2012–54CBC,
tion in Concrete Award. His research interests include self-consolidating Maceió, Alagoas, Brazil, Oct. 2012, 14 pp.
concrete, high-performance concrete, rheology, and repair. 19. ACI Committee 238, “Concrete Thixotropy (ACI 238.2T-14),”
American Concrete Institute, Farmington Hills, MI, 2014, 6 pp.
20. Billberg, P., “Development of SCC Static Yield Stress at Rest and
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Its Effect on the Lateral Form Pressure,” SCC 2005: Proceedings of 2nd
The authors wish to thank the financial support of the National Science North American Conference on the Design and Use of Self-Consolidating
and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC) and the 17 indus- Concrete and 4th International RILEM Symposium on Self-Compacting
trial partners participating in the NSERC Chair on High Performance Flow- Concrete, Chicago, 2005, pp. 583-589.
able Concrete with Adapted Rheology at the Université de Sherebrooke 21. Ovarlez, G., and Roussel, N., “A Physical Model for the Prediction of
(2008-2013). Lateral Stress Exerted by Self-Compacting Concrete on Formwork,” Mate-
rials and Structures, V. 37, No. 2, 2006, pp. 239-248.
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ACI Materials Journal/March 2018 265

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