Evaluating Structural Buildup at Rest of Self-Consolidating Concrete Using Workability Tests
Evaluating Structural Buildup at Rest of Self-Consolidating Concrete Using Workability Tests
Evaluating Structural Buildup at Rest of Self-Consolidating Concrete Using Workability Tests
Structural buildup at rest (SBR) is a rheological property that influenced by viscosity. Murata also related slump to yield
can affect the performance of self-consolidating concrete (SCC). stress based on a simple force balance model. Christensen10
Such a property should be optimized to intended placement condi- corrected the integration errors in Murata’s original model
tion. Adequate determination of SBR on the jobsite is important and converted the units to dimensionless quantities. Chris-
for quality control, thus necessitating the use of simple and robust
tensen’s model was independent of the particular material
testing methods. The ability of employing conventional workability
under investigation and the size of the slump cone. However,
test methods to evaluate SBR of SCC is discussed. Eight SCC
mixtures designed to secure different SBR levels were investigated. Christensen did not experimentally confirm the accuracy of
SBR was determined using concrete rheometer and two field- the model. Schowalter and Christensen11 proposed a relation
oriented test methods: portable vane and inclined plane, as well between slump and yield stress and a relation between the
as losses of slump flow, T50, and J-ring flow at rest. Correlations final total height of the concrete sample after lifting the cone
between SBR indexes determined from workability and rheological and yield stress that did not depend on the mold geometry.
test methods were established. Statistical models to predict static The final total height of the concrete sample was determined
yield stress and SBR indexes as a function of workability loss at as the difference between the initial height of the cone and
rest are proposed, which indicate that standard workability test the slump value. A similar relation was validated by Clayton
methods can be used to evaluate SBR of SCC. et al.12 Hu et al.13 gave a semi-empirical correlation between
Keywords: rheology; self-consolidating concrete; static yield stress; struc-
the yield stress τ0 (Pa) measured using the BTRHEOM, the
tural buildup; thixotropy; workability loss. density ρ, and the slump (mm). Roussel14 also proposed a
correlation between τ0 and slump based on comparison
INTRODUCTION between numerical simulations and results measured using
Concrete is the most widely used construction material in concrete rheometer for concrete with slump values ranging
the world and will continue to be in demand given its rela- between 50 and 250 mm (2 and 9.8 in.). Saak et al.15 devel-
tively low material cost, availability, and design flexibility. oped and generalized a dimensionless model relating slump
As the need grows for using flowable concrete in construc- to yield stress as a function of cone geometry. The results of
tion, there is an increasing pressure to control flow prop- that study indicated that the model was in excellent agree-
erties of concrete. Fresh cement-based materials behave as ment with the experimental yield stress data.
yield stress fluids where a minimum shear stress should be In the case of SCC, empirical test methods developed to
applied to the material to initiate flow, which is designated evaluate the filling ability, passing ability, filling capacity, and
as dynamic yield stress.1,2 The resistance to flow during flow static stability of SCC can also be used to evaluate rheological
is referred to as plastic viscosity. Rheological properties can properties. The slump flow and T50 values can be correlated
be evaluated using conventional rheometers.3-5 to the yield stress and plastic viscosity, respectively, of
Measuring the fundamental rheological properties of SCC, although higher standard errors can be expected when
concrete is challenging given the large particle size of the measuring workability values instead of rheological parame-
aggregate and tendency of the suspension to become hetero- ters, especially in the case of the T50 test.16
geneous during testing, yet there is a growing interest to In addition to evaluating dynamic rheological parame-
understand how the results of standard workability tests, ters, it is important to determine the thixotropy or structural
including those used for self-consolidating concrete (SCC), buildup at rest (SBR) of cement-based materials. Thixotropy
can be correlated to rheological properties of the concrete. can be defined as the increase of viscosity in a state of rest
Several attempts have been made to correlate the rheological and decrease of viscosity when the material is submitted to
parameters of concrete to empirical workability test methods. a constant shearing stress.17 Thixotropy is reversible and
In using the “two-point” method developed by Tattersall,6 involves structural breakdown phase when subjected to a
Scullion7 concluded that slump has a negative power law given shear rate and SBR when the shear rate is removed.18,19
dependence to the yield stress of the concrete, which was Thixotropy, or SBR of concrete, can have significant impact
largely independent of the plastic viscosity. Morinaga8 also
found an inverse relationship between slump and yield stress ACI Materials Journal, V. 115, No. 2, March 2018.
MS No. M-2017-131, doi: 10.14359/51701240, was received April 13, 2017, and
using a concentric cylinder concrete rheometer. Murata9 reviewed under Institute publication policies. Copyright © 2018, American Concrete
confirmed the results of Morinaga using normal and light- Institute. All rights reserved, including the making of copies unless permission is
obtained from the copyright proprietors. Pertinent discussion including author’s
weight concrete and further suggested that slump was not closure, if any, will be published ten months from this journal’s date if the discussion
is received within four months of the paper’s print publication.
Fig. 1—Thixotropy evaluation using: (a) modified MK-III rheometer; (b) portable vane test; and (c) inclined plane test setups.
vertical during the rest time. After 15 minutes of rest, a torque 1
meter was connected with the vane placed in the first bucket G = 2πr 2 h + r (1)
at the end of its free hand. A torque meter was rotated slowly
until the mixture started to flow. This procedure was repeated
for the other three vanes after 30, 45, and 60 minutes of rest. where h is penetration depth of the vane inside the concrete
Static yield stress at rest (τs-PV, in Pa) that was evaluated using sample, in m; and r is maximum radius of the vane, in m.
the PV, was calculated by dividing the maximum measured Inclined plane—Four inclined plane (IP) test apparatuses
torque, in N.m, by a factor G, which is expressed in Eq. (1)18,24 were used. As shown in Fig. 1(c), the IP consists of two PVC
surfaces with the upper surface lifted allowing the surface to
pivot, eventually resulting in flow of a mortar or concrete
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